Episode 398 – What A Disaster!

It was once said that Barrack Obama said that Joe Biden could screw a glass of water. Now I don’t know about that but he sure did screw up Afghanistan.


I Have No Problem Saying This

I was in the army. I never fought in a war and wasn’t in for too long because of past indiscretions but I met a bunch of guys who just came back from overseas, in battle, and they talked to me. This is a big deal because these guys usually are ready to keep fighting. These guys were heroes and they were proud to be Americans and to serve. They hold a special place in my heart.

So why do I bring this up? Because Joe Biden has basically given up Afghanistan after 20 years of fighting and there are a lot of soldiers who served there and they are struggling with the prospects of the country going right back to where it was 20 years ago.

Here’s the story: we did not lose that war from a military standpoint.

  • We killed Osama Bin Laden.
  • We bent back the Taliban.
  • We destroyed Al Qaeda.

Those were the primary missions. Mission accomplished.

The secondary objective was to bring democracy to Afghanistan. This is a political fight that is supported by the military but not enabled by the military. The military won the war. The politician lost their war…again.


Why Bring This Up?

Joe Biden has f-ed this up big time and its going to be a huge embarrassment for the United States.

  • After pulling out 3500 troops last month, Joe has ordered 3000 troops back into Afghanistan because the Taliban has taken over 2/3 of the country.
  • The pull out was so fast that the military left all their weapons and vehicles there. They are now in control of the Taliban and there are tons of pictures.
  • Yesterday, the Taliban took over three large cities, faster than anyone ever thought they could.
  • The Taliban are said to take control of Kabul any minute. Some say it might be this weekend.
  • Women are being beaten, raped and killed.
  • Burkas are being Force on women.
  • Captured soldiers are being executed.
  • Beheadings have commenced.
  • Al Qaeda is returning to Afghanistan. Over the last several years, there were only 300 Al Qaeda.
  • The Taliban is taking over so fast, the Biden administration is sending in 3000 troops to try to get Americans out of the embassy in Kabul.
  • The State Department is trying to get emergency visas deployed to Afghans who helped during the occupation.

No wonder Obama and Trump did not remove those 3500 troops. By the way, no troop has died of battle there since February, 2020. I did not know this and that would explain why the past two Presidents decided to stay even though they promised to get out.


The Biden Administration Response

The Biden administration is saying everything is fine. The Afghan military has the weapons and troops to stave off Taliban. But, apparently, the Taliban is also driving around in our Humvees and carrying around our M-16s. A lot of people are saying this is the case because the Taliban took them off surrendering soldiers and the military was in such a hurry to get out to meet Joe Biden’s goal to get out by September 11th.

Another issue that the Biden administration is just flat out lying about is that the Afghan army has more soldiers and is highly trained to be able to stand up against the Taliban. This is obviously not the case considering the Taliban can control Kabul by tomorrow.

The Biden administration responded in the manner all courageous Presidents act in the face of adversity. They begged. According to the New York Times:

“American negotiators are trying to extract assurances from the Taliban that they will not attack the U.S. Embassy in Kabul if the extremist group takes over the country’s government and ever wants to receive foreign aid. The effort, led by Zalmay Khalilzad, the chief American envoy in talks with the Taliban, seeks to stave off a full evacuation of the embassy as they rapidly seize cities across Afghanistan.”

This is an incredible statement. The Biden administration is begging them not to burn down our embassy because it will be a bad photo op. And what is this crap about foreign aid? Is the administration seriously considering giving American money to a tyrannical regime that house the terrorist organization that caused the 9-11 terrorist attacks? Is that what we’ve been reduced to?

Jen Psaki said this earlier this week when asked about the apparent take over by the Taliban. Her answer shows us what the Biden administration and how lost they are about these animals:

Join the international community? The Taliban? These are guys who rape, torture and oppress women. This is a group the beheads dissidents on video. This is a group that house terrorists that committed the 9-11 terrorists. This is the group that looks like they haven’t showered in the last decade. These guys lived in caves for the last twenty years and a hot Saturday night involved lube and a goat. They are savages. I’m betting joining the international community is not real high on their lists.

Again, this shows how out-of-touch the Biden administration is. But Old Joe Biden is hard at work handling this situation. He decided to leave for Camp David for a five day vacation. I’m sure he’ll be available if they need something but, my God, really? You screw Afghanistan and, right when they are about to be toppled, you take a vacation until Tuesday?

Yeah, that’s because Old Joe is not in control. He’s not running this government. This isn’t a conspiracy. This isn’t even bad politics. This is a fact. He has no idea what’s going on and I’m having a hard time believing, even if he didn’t know what was going on, that he would leave the White House right now.

There are ramifications for this.


The Ramifications

So many things here are wrong here and are going to have repercussions for years.

  • We wasted 20 years. I would debate this because we did have accomplishments.
  • This is going to be a really bad photo op:
    • Looks like we are running away like we did in Saigon during the Vietnam war.
    • The enemy has grown faster than ISIS did when Obama left Iraq.
    • We are going to have tons of video of our embassy being looted and burned to the ground.
    • We are going to have tons of video of Taliban bastards performing atrocities to the citizens who trusted us for 20 years.
  •  Why should our allies ever trust us again?
    • We abandoned the Ukraine to the Russians.
    • We abandoned the Kurds in Syria.
    • We abandoned the Hong Kongers to China.
    • We abandoned the Iraqis to ISIS.
  • We look weak.
  • Other countries will fill the void we have left. China is already negotiating with the Taliban.

We are in trouble. Our weakness and failure to stick to hard situations is going to be our undermining. I can tell you we didn’t do this is the past with World Wars I and II or the Cold War. We are now.

We are also too busy listening to politicians and not to the people who really mean something. There has been a report that several of Biden’s staff told him this was a mistake. It even looks like Biden’s Pentagon press secretary is having troubles answering very obvious questions like, “are you sure this is a good idea?” I’m exaggerating, of course, but he was asked if there was a chance we would have to go in again? Did his people say not to pull out? Why is there so much equipment, used by the Taliban now, left behind? What about those that helped the U.S. and are going to be condemned by the Taliban meaning certain death?

Few answers given.

This is definitely going to be a huge black eye for the Biden administration. Heck, they completely underestimated the strength and motivations of both the Taliban and the Afghan military. He looks completely incompetent. And even the mainstream media, always in Biden’s pocket, are trying to figure out what he’s doing right now.
