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Episode 766 – Just…Wow!

Donald Trump has been indicted again.

A report states that white men are killing themselves at a record number last year. I wonder why.

And, according to a priest, pedophilia is just not that big of a deal and those right wing extremists should just mellow out.

Dumbass of the Day

Just Wow!

The 41-count indictment charges 19 individuals, including Trump, Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Mark Meadows, Ken Chesebro, Jeffrey Clark, Jenna Ellis, Ray Stallings Smith III, Robert Cheeley, Mike Roman, David Shafer, Shawn Micah Tresher Still, Stephen Lee, Harrison Floyd, Trevian Kutti, Sidney Powell, Cathleen Latham, Scott Hall, and Misty Hampton.

The charges include violating the Georgia RICO Act — the Racketeer Influenced And Corrupt Organizations Act; Solicitation of Violation of Oath by a Public Officer; Conspiracy to Commit Impersonating a Public Officer; Conspiracy to Commit Forgery in the First Degree; Conspiracy to Commit False Statements and Writings; Conspiracy to Commit Filing False Documents; Conspiracy to Commit Forgery in the First Degree;  Filing False Documents; and Solicitation of Violation of Oath by a Public Officer.

Georgia Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis gave Trump and the 18 other dependents until Aug. 25 to surrender. Willis, Monday night during a press conference, said she would like a trial to take place within six months. 

Trump has been charged with 115 counts within the last three months.

Trump responded:

“Nineteen people were indicted, and the whole world is laughing at the United States as they see how corrupt and horrible a place it has turned out to be under the leadership of Crooked Joe Biden.”

“This politically-inspired indictment, which could have been brought close to three years ago, was tailored for placement right smack in the middle of my political campaign, where I am leading all Republicans—by a lot—and beating Joe Biden soundly in almost all polls.”

He also said:

“The racist and corrupt district attorney of Fulton County, which has turned out to be a murder capital of the world with among the highest violent crime levels anywhere in our country, just opened a fundraising site in order to benefit off the things she most campaigned on, ‘I will get Donald Trump.'”


I Wonder Why Men?

According to the Daily Wire:

Suicides climbed to a record 49,500 last year, putting the suicide rate higher than it has been since the beginning of World War II, according to government data released Thursday.

Suicide deaths rose 3% in 2022, jumping by more than 1,000 deaths, the new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show.

Men took their own lives nearly four times as much as women.

A total of 39,255 men committed suicide last year, compared to 10,194 women. Both numbers are higher than in 2021, when suicides spiked 4% and a total of 38,358 men and 9,825 women took their own lives.

White men have the highest suicide rate among male racial groups with about 50 suicides per 100,000 men, the CDC said.

Male suicidality has been a known crisis for years. Risk factors for men can be loneliness, social alienation, or a weakened sense of meaning or purpose in life, which can result from difficult events like losing a job or the dissolution of a man’s nuclear family, such as through divorce, according to academics.


I Told You So

Here is a weird opinion article. This is from Canadian news source, The Globe and Mail. It is an opinion piece by an Angelicin Priest named Michael Coren.

Here’s the article:

I’ve just experienced another attack on social media. The harassment on X, as Twitter now calls itself, usually lasts around 36 hours, and while most of the nasties are trolls and bots, I can’t pretend that the hundreds of comments don’t have an effect. I’m a priest, progressive, outspoken. No point in complaining. But a disturbing new aspect of these bombardments are the repeated and constant false accusations of pedophilia – not a libellous dribble, but a flood.

Basically this guy is yelling about Left wing, secular nonsense and people are saying he’s not a real priest. That’s it. No threats against him or his family or anything like that. They’re just calling him a sham which he is.

It’s not really about me of course, and I’m in good company. Last month in Belleville, Ont., when Justin Trudeau was swarmed by a right-wing mob, one of the hysterical shouts clearly heard was that he was a child molester. It’s grotesque nonsense about the Prime Minister that swamps social media. In fact, there aren’t many politicians and activists on the left who haven’t been accused of this awful crime.

Well, Justin Trudeau does want the government to take custody of children from their parents so he can drug them and cut off their body parts, so there is that.

And with a horribly convenient timing, a new movie, Sound of Freedom, is currently the talk of the far right. Jim Caviezel (who played Jesus in Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ) stars as Tim Ballard, a former government agent who rescues children from sex traffickers. As the critic Sam Adams wrote perceptively for the online magazine Slate, it “arrived in theatres surrounded by a cloud of innuendo put forth by its star and its noisiest right-wing supporters – conspiratorial insinuations about who doesn’t want this story to be told and what real-world traffickers are really up to.”

This movie was based on a true story. All the characters are real and a lot of this happened. There is a lot of sex trafficking in the world. Most slavery is for sex trafficking.

And what is inconvenient about the release of the movie? That’s a strange statement.

Rescuing children is one thing, and entirely admirable, but this phenomenon goes much further than that. Mr. Caviezel himself has spoken of “the whole adrenochrome empire,” describing the substance as “an elite drug that they’ve used for many years” that is “10 times more potent than heroin” and “has some mystical qualities as far as making you look younger.”

Adrenochrome, zealots claim, can only be obtained from adrenal glands in a living human body, thus the need to abduct children. It’s obscene and dangerous quackery, but that doesn’t help convince the cult of the credulous. This rubbish has its origins in a QAnon belief that powerful, international figures intent on resetting the world, controlling people and destroying religious freedom are also kidnapping little boys and girls.

Caviezel was using a metaphor. He wasn’t being literal.

As far as his last statement, that is not QAnon or conspiracy theory. Left has wrote books about it. The World Economic Forum has a website that preaches this. Jeffry Epstein was caught doing this for people like Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton.

That was the lunacy behind Pizzagate in 2016, when thousands believed that a pedophilia ring led by those at the highest levels of the Democratic Party was operating out of a Washington pizza restaurant. More than a million messages were sent on Twitter supporting the fantasy, eventually leading to employees being harassed, followed by a shooting and then an arson.

There’s always been a strong dose of homophobia involved, through the venomous old canard of gay men being groomers, in spite of all the facts and evidence. Facts and evidence, however, are the last things relevant in all this. The trans issue magnified the paranoia, and it’s been pushed into the mainstream by a new generation of right-wing politicians.

What does LGBTQ crap have to do with pedophilia? Could it be that it is that cult that is pushing sexuality on our kids? How about, “yeah”.

When Florida’s Parental Rights in Education bill was being debated, for example, Governor Ron DeSantis’s press secretary Christina Pushaw wrote that anyone who opposed the legislation was “probably a groomer.” In 2020 on NBC, Donald Trump spoke of his supporters as being “very strongly against pedophilia and I agree with that. And I agree with it very strongly.”

Yeah, because the bill said you couldn’t sexualize kids in school. If you want to sexualize kids in school, that makes you a groomer.

These statements have enormous influence on the gullible. Bizarre ideas about superwealthy and secretive cabals imposing godless liberalism, fears of children being sexualized or stolen, a terror of change – all this has been empowered by the increasingly media-savvy secular and fundamentalist Christian right.

I would love to debate this guy. Everything he mentioned there is happening. I can give you examples.

The disorder may be unique in details but not in theme. In medieval Europe, antisemitic blood libels accused Jews of kidnapping and killing children so as to use their blood, usually for the Passover ceremony. Pope Innocent IV condemned the libels as early as 1247, but they continued, even as late as the last century. They led, inevitably, to pogroms and murder.

Yeah, all that did happen. But the church admitted it was wrong.

Notice, he’s saying the church is the same today as they were in 1247. That’s not a stretch at all.

Scratch the surface of modern conspiracy theory and antisemitism often appears, but today the accused are usually singled out not by race but ideology, and that includes politicians and public figures considered to be left-of-centre, or even people who support vaccinations, abortion rights, LGBTQ equality, or climate justice policies. This might sound fanciful, but the evidence is sadly abundant.

I don’t see a correlation between antisemitism, abortion and pedophilia as related. I’m pretty sure I can be OK with Jews but think this guy is a pedophile and be against abortion. The three subjects seem to be independent of each other.

It’s particularly tragic as children increasingly suffer under a culture of poverty, food insecurity and forced migration. Ironically, those roaring about pedophile rings tend to ignore all of this and are often downright opposed to legislation that may help children. As well, child abuse and human trafficking are genuine issues and have to be taken extremely seriously; baseless and hateful hyperbole only worsens the situation.

He’s got all the Leftist terms going.

Forced migration means illegal immigration and we are against that mainly because a lot of the child sex trafficking occurs with it. If you follow the laws and prevent illegal immigration, you will hamper child sex trafficking.

Well, pedophilia can be prevented.

There’s no indication that this horror show is diminishing, and it has to be condemned by conservative leaders who consider themselves to be moderate and responsible. They may not be to blame, but their relative failure to speak out simply won’t do. If something doesn’t change soon, I genuinely fear that violence will occur, and judging by the temperature, volume and numbers of the far right, that violence could be of the worst possible kind.



Episode 765 – It’s a Damn Shame!

Joe Biden is doing anything he can to bury this Hunter Biden thing. Unfortunately for him, everyone sees it.

With all the turmoil in this country, we sure are ignoring some of the bigger threats outside our borders.

And, I hate to say it, but I told you so.

Dumbasses of the Day

More BS

The Bullshit continues on with Biden’s DOJ and this Hunter Biden disaster. They seem to be doing anything they can to bury this laptop thing.

According to the Daily Wire:

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland announced on Friday that the Department of Justice has granted the U.S. attorney investigating President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, “special counsel” status.

ABC News reported that Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss, who was appointed by former President Donald Trump, asked Garland earlier this week to be appointed special counsel and Garland agreed it was the correct course of action.

“On Tuesday of this week, Mr. Weiss advised me that in his judgment, his investigation has reached a stage at which he should continue his work as a Special Counsel, and he asked to be so appointed,” Garland said in a statement. ”Upon considering his request, as well as the extraordinary circumstances relating to this matter, I have concluded it is in the public interest to appoint him as Special Counsel. This appointment confirms my commitment to provide Mr. Weiss all the resources he requests.”

Garland said that the appointment “reaffirms” to the public that Weiss “has the authority he needs to conduct a thorough investigation and to continue to take the steps he deems appropriate independently, based only on the facts and the law.”

OK, this whole thing is crap. They are using the same attorney that offered that bullshit plea agreement that a judge said was bullshit and forced the tax evasion and gun charges to trial. Biden and Garland are trying to spend the next two years “investigating” this. By then, this will be forgotten.

There are a couple of problems with this. First, they have already been investigating this since 2015 and nothing has been done. These same lawyers have been investigating this. Nothing. Why is this going to be any different.

Next, the whistleblowers have already said they have everything. There is nothing more to investigate. The problem wasn’t that they didn’t have the authority to find anything. It was the Biden administration prevented them from doing anything about it. Assigning the same guy looks like nothing has changed. Even the Left wing media says this looks like the whistleblowers were right and this is just a stalling tactic.

Jake Tapper of CNN pointed this out:

But there is a bigger problem. The appointment of David Weiss might not be eligible to be special council. According to the Daily Caller:

U.S. Attorney David Weiss’ appointment Friday as special counsel in the Hunter Biden investigation appears to violate a Department of Justice (DOJ) regulation requiring a special counsel to “be selected from outside the United States Government.”

Oops. And it is there. Under Section 600.3 Part a:

Does that sound like David Weiss? Nope. What this means is the investigations must continue. This might force Weiss to do his job and throw this bastard in prison.


Pure Cowardice

Joe Biden has been putting in some work to free 5 civilians who are held under house arrest in Iran. How is he going about getting these people freed? Well, Michael McCaul, the Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee had the answer:

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) said over the weekend that the $6 billion of Iranian assets that the Biden Administration is reportedly set to unfreeze in exchange for five detained Americans will go toward helping Iran finance their “terror operations” and “nuclear bomb aspirations.”

By the way, this is something that we knew was happening. The Biden administration has been releasing money to Iran for a while. Mind you, Iran is a designated terrorist organization. The are running the war in Syria, are funding Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), Hezbollah and ISIS-Sinai. All of those organizations are fighting Israel. and the are funding the proxy war between Yemen and Saudi Arabia.

Locally, the country is a pure theocratic tyranny, suppressing all protests against the regime through violence. Their women’s rights record is horrid, forcing women to submit under Sharia Law and executing those that do not wear their hijab.

One thing that has been killing the country is their economy. Nobody is allowed to trade with Iran due to sanctions. The only countries dealing with them are Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela. What could be easier to make life easier for these animals than to get a huge influx of money.

And they are not going to use that money to improve the lives of their people. They are going to use it for their nuclear weapons program. They plan to use that to nuke Israel. They ain’t hiding the ball on that. They said that’s what they plan to do. These people are nuts.

But the Biden administrations doesn’t care. They want Iran under this program because they need this jewel of St. Barrack Obama’s regime to be live and they think they can get Iran to join the globalist world community.

None of this is going to work, course. In fact, it’s going to have the opposite effect. Most of these countries are not into globalist thing anymore than most of the people in the United States. China, Russia and Iran are ideological imperialists. They want to world to bend to their ideologies. Thought the WEF loves China, China does not love the WEF. They want world domination. Iran doesn’t want to live in peace and love. They want the entire world under Sharia Law.

By the way, global organizations like the World Economic Forum and the European Union are also ideological imperialists. They want world domination and total control. They just do it so it doesn’t sound so bad, but they are nothing more than fascists.

This is all going to backfire too. Extra money can be used to pushing their ideology and development of weapons. They will be more motivated to take hostages. And worse, the nuclear deal is not going to keep Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. In fact, that boat might have left port already.

According to the Daily Wire:

The Islamic Republic of Iran is reportedly nearing the threshold to test nuclear weapons as their ability to enrich weapons-grade uranium has dramatically accelerated under the Biden administration.

The Jerusalem Post reported that Iran, which is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, has sought technology that is illegal for them to have in order to further develop their nuclear weapons program, according to new intelligence reports out of Germany, Sweden, and the Netherlands.

The reports said that Iran was moving fast in its advances, which “brings the option of a possible Iranian first nuclear test closer.”

Here’s a news flash that we talked about last year. Iran probably already has a weapon and has had one for close to a year. They have always been developing a weapon.

Here, we see the problem with globalism.


There Can Be No Empathy

According to the New York Post:

Police in the United Kingdom arrested a teenage girl, whose mother said she has Autism, after the child made remarks that one of the officers resembled a lesbian on Monday, according to a video of the incident. 

“She’s getting arrested,” a West Yorkshire police officer told the child’s mother. 

“She’s autistic,” the mother replied.

“I don’t care,” an officer said. 

Autism, or Autism Spectrum Disorder, can cause misunderstanding from neurotypical individuals since individuals with ASD may have different ways of learning, moving, or paying attention.

When the autistic girl proceeded to hit herself in the head, the mother pleaded with police to maintain their distance. 

“She’s in her cupboard, she can’t go anywhere,” the mom said, explaining that her child was being triggered into a mental health crisis by direct contact.

She explained that the child’s “nanna” is a lesbian and married to a woman. 

“Go away,” the mom said.

“She’s not homophobic. Go away from my teenage daughter.”

“There’s something wrong with you,” the mom told an officer.

The girl was taken to the police station, interviewed and then released.

Police received a report that the girl was drunk. When they questioned her, she made to “homophobic” and the police said it was captured on camera. So?

This got a lot of protest and the police responded. West Yorkshire Police Assistant Chief Constable Oz Khan said:

“West Yorkshire Police takes its responsibilities around the welfare of young people taken into custody and around neurodiversity very seriously.

“We also maintain that our officers and staff should not have to face abuse while working to keep our communities safe. We are fully reviewing the circumstances of this incident and ask that people avoid reaching any conclusions about it solely on the basis of the social media video.”

Here’s the reality, nothing excuses anything that goes against the LGBTQ+ cult. Even from someone who is as innocent as someone with autism.

I also want to point out that the cop looked like a lesbian.


Just a Great Song

There is this song that has gone viral by a guy named Oliver Anthony from West Virginia called Rich Men North of Richmond. The song is about the hard times Americans are having with woke ideology and an over reaching government. It has become known as the working man’s anthem.

Of course, it is getting a lot of backlash as a far right song, which it isn’t. Yes, it alludes to crime, Antifa, BLM and Jeffry Epstein but it is only about hard working regular people who are struggling to survive amidst the turmoil of the country. Oliver himself, who is struggling, is not far right or a Conservative. He’s a middle-of-the-road guy politically.

Let’s listen to it.



Episode 764 – The Lies Continue

Rep. Cori Bush celebrates the anniversary of the death of a thug by completely lying about him being a thug.

Mitch McConnell proves he doesn’t understand the environment.

And Republicans need to keep their eye on the ball or they’re going to lose another election.

Dumbass of the Day

Dana Loesch has the best response to all this:

He would be alive today if he had not chosen to steal from a convenience store, resulting in the owner calling police, resulting in police stopping him, at which point Brown CHOSE to attack a cop and try to take his gun — which Eric Holder’s own DOJ concluded with its forensics report. Stop YOUR shameful and racist rewrite of facts.

The Only Way It Stops

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is showing that he is completely out-of-touch with the environment.

According to the New York Post:

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has gently nudged his Republican counterparts in the House of Representatives to pump the brakes on chatter of impeaching President Biden.

“I said two years ago, when we had not one but two impeachments, that once we go down this path it incentivizes the other side to do the same thing,” McConnell told the New York Times in an interview published Tuesday.

“Impeachment ought to be rare,” he added. “This is not good for the country.”

A growing number of House Republicans have called for Biden’s impeachment, with most of them citing the border crisis and his involvement in influence-peddling by his son Hunter.

Some things:

  • He’s kind of right here. If an impeachment is brought, it won’t lead to anything.
  • He’s wrong in thinking that we shouldn’t do it.
  • Democrats are never going to stop impeaching anybody, even if there is no evidence. So not doing anything has not worked.
  • Impeachment would be beneficial here. There’s plenty of evidence that Biden committed crimes.
  • All this would be public.
  • It has been revealed that the Biden family has received $20 million in influence peddling from foreign countries including:
    • China
    • Ukraine
    • Russia
    • Romania
    • Khazigstan
    • Mexico

So Mitch McConnell is wrong here.


Republicans Need to Focus

According to the AP:

Ohio voters resoundingly rejected a Republican-backed measure that would have made it more difficult to change the state’s constitution, setting up a fall campaign that will become the nation’s latest referendum on abortion rights since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned nationwide protections last year.

The defeat of Issue 1 on Tuesday keeps in place a simple majority threshold for passing future constitutional amendments, rather than the 60% supermajority that was proposed. Its supporters said the higher bar would protect the state’s foundational document from outside interest groups.

Voter opposition to the proposal was widespread, even spreading into traditionally Republican territory. In fact, in early returns, support for the measure fell far short of former President Donald Trump’s performance during the 2020 election in nearly every county.

It isn’t until the 10th paragraph that the truth comes to pass. But, even then, the writer puts his twist on it:

While abortion was not directly on the special election ballot, the result marks the latest setback for Republicans in a conservative-leaning state who favor imposing tough restrictions on the procedure. Ohio Republicans placed the question on the summer ballot in hopes of undercutting the citizen initiative that voters will decide in November that seeks to enshrine abortion rights in the state.

Some things here:

  • This is still a good law and Democrats will suffer because of this eventually.
  • The constitution should not be this easy to change.
  • The problem lies in the fact that abortion was the topic here.
  • Before radical change, there has to be a distaste for abortion. That distaste needs to be created through the culture, not law.
  • Republicans have a tendency to change the focus of elections and let the media do it. This isn’t going to help in 2024.
  • Republicans need to work on their messaging.


Disney Keeps on Grooming

According to the New York Post:

he Walt Disney Co. and TikTok influencer Seann Altman – a biological male who identifies as gender-fluid – have joined forces to market girls’ attire on social media in the latest move showing Disney’s solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community.

The promotional TikTok video posted for Disney Style, a division of the Walt Disney Co. that promotes its clothing and accessories and offers style inspiration to fans, features Altman dressed in a Minnie Mouse-style getup, complete with a red dress with a Mickey Mouse pattern, a white collar, black tights, a white petticoat and yellow heels. 

“Minnie is ME,” Altman, who uses he/him pronouns, wrote on the post. “I fit right in with Mickey and his friends! @disneystyle.”

To top off the look, Altman added in a belt, white lacy gloves, and a watch before putting on red lipstick and styling his hair in dual buns on either side of his head to channel the iconic “Minnie Mouse ears” look.

“I look just like Minnie Mouse!” Altman enthused. “But something’s missing…” He added a big red bow to his hair to further channel the Disney icon.

Some things:

  • Mind you, Disney is now redoing their payment tiers because the have lost about $12 billion since 2019 in streaming subscriptions.
  • Their last 5 movies have flopped because of all the wokeness.
  • The new Snow White which is going to be woke and not be the Snow White story.
  • Their theme parks are way down in attendence.

Keep going down this path. It’ll work out.

At least their ESG score will be high.


Everything is Racist

According to the Post Millennial:

A new report from the LA Times said black employees are taking remote work options over physical job locations, even at a pay cut, to avoid “racism they faced on the job.”

LeRon Barton, who worked as a network engineer in a San Francisco hospital, took a $5000 pay cut in order to not return to an in-person work environment. The LA Times cited a “reprieve from racism” for his and others’ decision to not go back into the office.  

“Working remotely during the pandemic showed him a whole different lifestyle: no commute, more time with his family and a break from the onslaught of microaggressions and other racist behavior he’d had to endure,” the outlet wrote.

Later in the article:

“Professionals that have the opportunity to be in these remote environments and not experience microaggressions at work or not do as much code-switching or all of those things have now said, ‘Oh, that was great for my mental health’ or, ‘It helped me be a little more authentic at work,'” said Andrew McCaskill, a career expert with LinkedIn. “And a lot of employees and workers just don’t want to give that up.”


Can We Finally Call It an Industry

According to the Post Millennial:

A cross-national analysis recently published in The Lancet Psychiatry has found that if current trends persist, over half the world’s population will develop a mental illness by the age of 75.

Researchers analyzed data from over 150,000 respondents who participated in 32 WHO Composite International Diagnostic Interview surveys across 29 countries from all corners of the globe between 2001 and 2022. 

They found that the overall lifetime prevalence of any mental disorder was 28.6 percent for males and 29.8 percent for females, with the latter 9 percent more likely, 54.5 versus 45.4 percent, to be at morbid risk by age 75. The median age of onset for men and women was 19 and 20, respectively. 

While the condition most likely to be experienced by both sexes was major depressive disorder, alcohol use disorder was most prevalent in men, and specific phobias were seen most in women.

Other illnesses discussed in the study include panic disorder, generalized anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder, alcohol dependence, substance abuse, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and explosive anger. Women were found to be more likely to suffer from all of the above, save for the last four.



Episode 763 – It’s All Lies!

The illegal immigration crisis is finally becoming a crisis because the wrong people are being affected.

The Biden administration can’t mind it’s own business.

And the media is bullshitting us on climate change.

Dumbasses of the Day

Here is a nutjob talking about fatphobia and crap like that. Believe it or not, I cut this video by over half. He really went off.

Couple of things here:

  • This guy goes from one extreme to another.
  • Should you listen to this guy considering he admits he has a mental problem and probably has more than that?
  • For some reason, white supremacy is dumped into this.
  • Maybe if this guy listened to alternative ideas, he would be better informed. Listen to the thin person. Listen to the white person. Listen to the straight person. He would rather sit in his echo chamber than listen to alterative ideas.
  • He’s wrong. Stigma is not worse than the health deficits of being obese.
  • How do we know this? Science and precedence.
  • Nothing of what he says changes the fact that being fat is unhealthy.

Here is a broad that has relationship advice for men.

I hate to tell you, this is not a new concept. My ex-wife used to point to the TV show Friends and said I should act more like the men on that show. She used to do that with movies too.

Having It Rough, Huh?

The illegal immigration crisis continues to march forward but now it is becoming a real pain in the ass for those blue cities and states that never thought they were going to have to deal with this because they are no where near the border. Because of Texas and Florida, illegal aliens are getting sent to these states and making them very uncomfortable.

Massachusetts is one of those states. According to Fox News:

Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey on Tuesday declared a state of emergency in the liberal state over a surge of migrants that she says has left social services overwhelmed, and she called for more funding and help from the federal government.

Healey, a Democrat, announced that a state of emergency exists “due to rapid and unabating increases in the number of families with children and pregnant people — many of them newly arriving migrants and refugees — living within the state but without the means to secure safe shelter in our communities.”

The state said there are nearly 5,600 families or more than 20,000 people in the state shelter system. Healey said there are numerous contributing factors, including “federal policies on immigration and work authorization” as well as a lack of affordable housing and the end of COVID-era programs.

I like how they still have to mix in wokeness with their panicked statement. I’m talking about the “pregnant

Let me get this straight, Massachusetts is bitching about 20,000 illegals? That’s what El Paso gets in less than a week and El Paso is not a sanctuary city.

New York is also is having big issues. They are getting a lot more illegals. according to ABC News:

New York City Mayor Eric Adams says his administration is straining to keep up with the demand of supporting thousands of asylum seekers in the city as he calls on the federal government for more assistance.

“We’re at capacity. We have been providing those food, shelter, clothing, food, educating children, making sure they get the level of dignity they deserve. But we cannot kid ourselves,” Adams told ABC News.

According to the mayor’s office, 57,200 asylum seekers are currently in the city’s care and nearly 100,000 migrants have arrived since last spring. A portion of the migrants have come from Texas as part of Gov. Greg Abbott’s plan to bus migrants to so-called sanctuary cities.

That started a little war between NYC mayor Eric Adams and Texas Governor Greg Abbott:

“Before we started busing illegal immigrants up to New York, it was just Texas and Arizona that bore the brunt of all the chaos and all of the problems that come with it. Now the rest of American is understanding exactly what is going on,” Abbott said last August.

Adams criticized Abbott’s remarks to “Nightline.”

“[It’s] dehumanizing to treat fellow human beings in this magnitude as political stunts, it’s a wrong thing to do. And I say that with a clear understanding, no city should be going through this,” Adams said.

New York City has no place to put all these people:

  • The hotels the city has confiscated are full.
  • They are setting up tent cities.
  • The city is confiscating parks to create homeless encampments.
  • NYC is trying to send illegals to the more right-wing suburbs. They are sending them back because they don’t buy all this sanctuary shit.

This is just another example of f- around and find out.


Mind Your Own Business

The Biden administration is trying to stick their nose in everyone else’s business.

According to the Daily Wire:

The Biden administration’s Department of Justice is moving to insert itself in the Virginia fight over Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin’s proposed transgender policies, writing to local school board members to offer the federal government’s “services in conflict resolution” ahead of the vote over whether or not to adopt the proposal.

In emails to local school board members obtained by The Daily Wire, the Department of Justice’s Community Relations Service (CRS) said it was “aware of ongoing community tensions in Roanoke following the release of the new model policies for transgender students.” A government “conciliation specialist” told the board members the agency specialized in “preventing and responding to community tensions and hate crimes” and wanted to “offer support and services as you work to manage conflict within the community” related to the transgender policies.

The emails came just days after two activists were arrested at the Roanoke, Virginia school board meeting where the proposals were being presented. There were no documented “hate crimes” in Roanoke — the two individuals arrested were reportedly detained for repeatedly yelling “protect trans lives” to disrupt the meeting. Youngkin’s suggested policies for school boards, finalized July 18, say that schools should not help a child transition to a different gender without his or her parent’s consent.

So, basically, the Biden administration was told to f- off and get out of Virginia and now a couple of radicals activists write some E-mails and they think Gov. Youngkin can’t handle it.

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that the Biden administration should let Youngkin handle Virginia, and he seems to be doing a good job, and worry about their own mess.

By the way, how is Biden dealing with the problems in America? By going to the Grand Canyon.


Mystery Solved

There may be an answer to who had coke at the White House from the Pulitzer Prize winning publication, Soldier of Fortune.

According to the Post Millennial:

Last month, a bag containing cocaine was found in the West Wing, and sources indicate that it belonged to an individual associated within the “Biden family orbit.”

It is alleged that President Biden is aware of the identity of the individual in question, as per claims made by Susan Katz Keating, the publisher of Soldier of Fortune.

Keating, relying on insights from three confidential security sources, released her report on Sunday. She even attempted to contact a phone number connected to President Biden to uncover the alleged offender’s identity. However, there has been no independent verification of the Soldier of Fortune report as off yet.

According to Keating’s account, despite the Secret Service announcing on July 13 that the investigation had been closed due to a lack of tangible evidence, authorities were able to follow leads that led to a name. They were confident enough in their findings to brief the president.

One of Keating’s sources indicated, “If you want the name, ask Joe Biden. He knows who it is.” Another clarified that the person in question was associated with the Biden family circle but was not Hunter Biden, the president’s son, who has openly discussed his struggles with drug addiction.

It wasn’t Mrs. Peacock, in the study, with a lead pipe. It was one of two people: Hunter or his sister. Both have had issues with coke. My money is Hunter because he was on television all week that week and he was stoned as crap.

One thing that should annoy everyone is that the Secret Service was lying again to protect Joe Biden and the media didn’t give a damn and ignored the story.


There People are Full of Sh**!

We have some panic going around because it’s summer. When it’s summer, it’s hot. When it’ hot it’s the climate crisis.

According to The Hill:

After a month of scorching heat across the globe, scientists have officially labeled July as the hottest month on record in world history.

Copernicus Climate Change Service, a division of the European Union’s space program, announced Tuesday that July’s global average temperature was about 62.51 degrees Fahrenheit. This broke the old mark of about 61.93 degrees in July 2019.

“Record-breaking temperatures are part of the trend of drastic increases in global temperatures. Anthropogenic emissions are ultimately the main driver of these rising temperatures,” said Carlo Buontempo, director of Copernicus Climate Change Service, in a statement.

“July’s record is unlikely to remain isolated this year, [Copernicus Climate Change Service’s] seasonal forecasts indicate that over land areas temperatures are likely to be well above average,” he added.

Anthropogenic means caused by humans. Those damn humans. Lock them up in their homes. Let them die.

By the way, when they say this is historic, they are talking about 100 years of gathering temperature data. We’re not talking they have been studying this for 10,000 years.

Then there’s ABC News:

A couple of things to pull out of this:

  • We are talking two weeks to a month of hot weather. The world is going to end because it was hot this weekend.
  • The “scientists” only have a hundred years of data, but they are sure it is hotter than it has been way back. We don’t know how far back and we don’t know how they came up with this but we know.
  • Yeah, the was El Nino that kind of why it’s hot but that’s it. Nothing else happened to make it hot except humans.

Did you hear me. Nothing else happened naturally over the last two years that makes it hot now. Right? Nothing else happened on Earth to make it hot.

According to NASA in August of 2022:

When the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano erupted on Jan. 15, it sent a tsunami racing around the world and set off a sonic boom that circled the globe twice. The underwater eruption in the South Pacific Ocean also blasted an enormous plume of water vapor into Earth’s stratosphere – enough to fill more than 58,000 Olympic-size swimming pools. The sheer amount of water vapor could be enough to temporarily affect Earth’s global average temperature.

“We’ve never seen anything like it,” said Luis Millán, an atmospheric scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. He led a new study examining the amount of water vapor that the Tonga volcano injected into the stratosphere, the layer of the atmosphere between about 8 and 33 miles (12 and 53 kilometers) above Earth’s surface.

Here’s what’s in the article:

  • In the 18 years that NASA has been taking measurements, only two other eruptions – the 2008 Kasatochi event in Alaska and the 2015 Calbuco eruption in Chile – sent appreciable amounts of water vapor to such high altitudes. This is rare, but it does happen.
  • The excess water vapor injected by the Tonga volcano, on the other hand, could remain in the stratosphere for several years.
  • onga volcano didn’t inject large amounts of aerosols into the stratosphere, and the huge amounts of water vapor from the eruption may have a small, temporary warming effect, since water vapor traps heat. The effect would dissipate when the extra water vapor cycles out of the stratosphere and would not be enough to noticeably exacerbate climate change effects.
  • The water vapor in the atmosphere went up 13% after the eruption.
  • The huge amount of water vapor hurled into the atmosphere, as detected by NASA’s Microwave Limb Sounder, could end up temporarily warming Earth’s surface for years.

No one is mentioning this. Just like scientists said it was going to cool in 2008 through about 2015 and it did.

This whole climate change thing is an exaggeration.



Episode 762 – Trump Done Broke Him!

Donald Trump breaks Eminem.

The Left really wants you not to own a gun. I wonder why.

And everything is racist.

Dumbasses of the Day

Is This a Shock

I think this news is probably the least surprising we have heard in a long time. It concerns Saint Barrack Obama being gay.

According to the Daily Caller:

Former President Barack Obama once wrote that he fantasized about having sexual relations with other men, biographer David Garrow said in an interview published on Wednesday.

The former president expressed his fantasies in a letter to a girlfriend at the time, Garrow told Tablet magazine in the interview. That letter has been redacted and is currently in the possession of Emory University, according to Garrow.

The ex-girlfriend provided a copy of the letter, but had redacted one paragraph, Garrow told Tablet, who said she revealed the paragraph was about “homosexuality.”

A couple of things here. The first is that this letter was redacted where this claim was made. So we have to take this with a grain of salt. That being said, is this really all that surprising.

This has been considered a conspiracy theory for as long as the whole he-was-born-in-Kenya thing. The only difference is this one has some traction. There are pictures of Barrack Obama having a cozy relationship with a gay man. I don’t think he’s gay but I wouldn’t be surprised if he had a couple of relationships in the past.


We Fought a Revolution for Less

Democrats and Leftists are desperate to make this into a tyrannical state. They find the Constitution a pain in the ass. They’re not going to be able to do that until they get rid of guns. But that miserable Constitution gets in the way.

According to Fox News:

More than two dozen House Democrats put forward legislation Friday that would slap “assault weapons” and high-capacity magazines with a 1,000% excise tax, a change that would raise the price of a $500 weapon to $5,000 in a bid to reduce access to guns across the country.

Just an FYI, this is not going to lower gun possession. Turns outgun runners don’t care about paying taxes and criminals don’t care about breaking the law.

Rep. Don Beyer, D-Va., and 24 other House Democrats introduced the legislation Friday. It’s the second time Democrats have put forward the idea. 

Beyer and 37 Democrats proposed the same idea last year when Democrats controlled the House, but it never moved.

The text of Beyer’s new bill was not out as of the weekend, and it was unclear if any changes were made from his 2022 version. His bill from last year imposed the tax on any magazine or related device that can accept more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

The same 1,000% tax would be imposed on any “semiautomatic assault weapon,” which last year’s bill defined as a semiautomatic rifle or pistol with a fixed magazine of 10 rounds or more or that have other various features.

This is going to have the opposite effect. People are just going to get their guns illegally. There will be a black market that grows because of this if it ever comes to life.

By the way, it won’t life. Most states in this country like gun ownership. That includes a lot of blue states like New Hampshire and Vermont. That’s why there has never been an amendment to the Constitution to repeal the Second Amendment.


The Acceptable Culture

One thing we have lost in this country is the need for immigrants from other countries to assimilate to this country. One used to have to do this. My parents and grandparents were immigrants and didn’t speak a word of English. They needed to learn English.

What’s worse, we are embracing these twisted ideologies of foreign countries to become normalized in this country. Why? For equity.

According to the Daily Wire:

A 23-year-old woman avoided jail time Wednesday after stabbing her blind date last year in a Las Vegas-area hotel room to get “revenge” for the U.S. drone strike that killed Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani. 

While on a blind date with Daniel Trevino, a man she connected with on the dating app Plenty of Fish, Nika Nikoubin blindfolded Trevino and stabbed him in the neck with a kitchen knife while the two were having sex in a hotel room, according to police, 8 News Now reported. Nikoubin, who came to the U.S. from Iran when she was 12, was indicted last year by a Las Vegas grand jury on charges of attempted murder and two counts of battery, and she later agreed to plead guilty to two counts of false imprisonment with the use of a deadly weapon. Instead of a jail sentence, Judge Carli Kierny ordered Nikoubin to serve three years of probation. 

First off, this is a terrorist attack and that’s how it should be treated. She should be in prison for the rest of her life in a Supermax some place or facing execution.

I also want to point out this is attempted murder with special circumstances. She planned a first degree murder. That’s at least a 25 year sentence.

Doesn’t matter. She’s pardoned for it because she’s from a backwards country in the Middle East and we have to respect that bloody and pagan culture. In Minnesota, two Middle Eastern men were almost released from punishment because of an honor killing of a girl. The media said that we, in this culture, have to understand and accept the foibles of another culture.

Um, no. This is our culture. If you don’t like it, get out.


That’s a Stretch for Racism

Robert F Kennedy Jr scares the shit out of the Left. He’s a Democrat, he has some good ideas. He’s strong. I don’t like his policies but Leftists hate him.

Here’s an example why:

When the Left has someone who’s a threat, what’s the first thing they do? That’s right. Call him a racist.

According to the Huffington Post:

A tweet from the account of Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Friday used language that many observers say evokes the known Nazi hate symbol “1488.”

By the way, this is a made up Nazi hate number. No one thought of this until Trump said his mother was 88 years old of some shit. It’s like the OK hand gesture is a white supremacist gesture, which it’s not.

A post on the candidate’s official Twitter account used the numbers 14 and 88 in close proximity.

So, he didn’t even type in “1488” together. Hy typed those separate number is the same paragraph of his tweet.

Kennedy has not responded to HuffPost’s request for comment or explained the post elsewhere as of Friday afternoon. It’s not clear whether he personally approved the tweet.

He didn’t respond because it’s stupid.

His post on Twitter (which recently rebranded as X) was trying to shame President Joe Biden into providing Secret Service protection for him. It said presidential candidates have been provided Secret Service protection “since the assassination of my father in 1968.”

He added: “But not me. Typical turnaround time for pro forma protection requests from presidential candidates is 14-days. After 88-days of no response and after several follow-ups by our campaign, the Biden Administration just denied our request.”

Does that sound like a racist dog whistle? He was suppose to have security 14 days after declaring. It’s now 88 days later and he still doesn’t have security. I don’t know how you square this.

By the way, he’s wrong. He has to win the primary before he gets security.

What a stretch. Why is 1488 considered a racist symbol?

“1488” is a known white supremacist symbol, according to the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center. The “14” in the symbol is shorthand for the “14 Words” slogan that is popular with racists around the world, while the “88” stands for “Heil Hitler,” since “H” is the eighth letter of the alphabet.

Have you ever seen any pictures of Nazis with an “88” pin on their uniforms? Have you ever seen a Nazi with a “14” symbol on their uniform? Hell, have you ever see a Nazi with an “HH” symbol on their uniform? No? That’s because this is made up shit and the Nazis never thought twice about “88” or “14”. Probably because they are not journalism majors from Harvard.

I’m not kidding you about this. People are sitting around, thinking of what they can call racist. I can come up with any mathematical formula and make it racist.


This is More of a Stretch

According to the Daily Mail:

Bizarre new research claims that people with a sensitive nose for disgusting smells are more likely to be xenophobic.

In a study across nine countries, scientists have linked a repulsion to sweat, bad breath and smelly feet with heightened disliking for refugees. 

Steering clear of stenches is a natural mechanism that helps us avoid illnesses, experts at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm explain.

But when working into overdrive, this may trigger hostility towards refugees who they suggest can be perceived as having ‘dissimilar’ hygiene and food habits.

‘Individuals more easily disgusted by body odours are also more prone to having negative attitudes towards refugees,’ the scientists wrote.  

The article continues:

Nearly 7,000 participants took part in the study which examined opinions across the UK, New Zealand, Canada, Nigeria, Kenya, Hong Kong, Chile, Italy and Sweden.

When assessing body odour sensitivity, participants were asked to rank scents on a one-to-five scale of perceived disgustingness.

Human smells like sweat, urine, feet, gas, breath, upper body sweat and faeces were included in the survey.



Episode 761- Good Riddance!

The sports world continues to go woke and the price is being paid.

Illinois wants to take all your choices away. Yeah, that’s what the Left calls democracy.

And Joe Biden continues to try to take us back to the 18th century. Us, not him. Don’t worry, he’ll be fine.

Dumbasses of the Day


The U.S. Women’s soccer team was eliminated from the Women’s World Cup. Couldn’t happened to a better group of gals. This is a team:

  • That knelt for the National Anthem.
  • When forced to stand, the refused to sing or put their hands over their hearts.
  • One gal threw the American flag on the floor so she could dance when they won last time.
  • They call America racist and sexist.
  • They bitch about not getting the same pay as men even though they have a quarter of the audience.

Megan Rapinoe who is a perpetual victim because she’s a woman and gay and worth $10 million was crying like a bitch when she missed her penalty kick. She told a reporter what her greatest memory was in all the World Cups she played in:

That’s right! She be getting paid. Not representing your country on the world stage but it be about the green backs!

The reason I’m opening with this story is because nobody was watching and even knows they were playing!


Simply Evil

According to Fox News:

A federal judge Thursday temporarily blocked a new Illinois law that targeted crisis pregnancy centers, saying it violated free speech. 

U.S. District Judge Iain Johnston, who was appointed by former President Trump, called the law “painfully and blatantly a violation of the First Amendment.”

The ruling came after four hours of testimony from pro-life advocates who said the law had infringed on their free speech and ability to hand out literature that gives alternatives to abortion.

“It’s going to stop us from offering mothers a choice,” Kevin Rilott, director of the Rockford Family Initiative and a plaintiff in the lawsuit, said. 

So, this law basically is written so that women do not think there is a choice between having an abortion and not having an abortion. You might be saying that this has to be more complicated than that. You can go to Planned Parenthood where they will tell you to get an abortion (for $500-$700) or you can go to a pregnancy crisis center which will tell to keep your baby and what one can do about it (for free).

Let’s read on and find out if it is more complicated:

On July 27, Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed the Deceptive Practices of Limited Services Pregnancy Centers Act that allows the state attorney general to crack down on crisis pregnancy centers deemed to be using “deceptive tactics” to influence pregnant women who come to them to not get abortions. 

“Women need access to comprehensive, fact-based health care when making critical decisions about their own health — not manipulation or misinformation from politically motivated, nonmedical actors,” Pritzker said in a statement when he signed the law. “By empowering the attorney general’s office to battle deceptive practices, we’re ensuring Illinoisans can make their own decisions about their bodies using accurate and safe information.”

The law would allow the state attorney general to investigate complaints about crisis pregnancy centers and strengthens the attorney general’s authority to prosecute incidences of consumer fraud in such cases. Violators of the law could face up to a $50,000 fine. 

Nope, not that complicated. They want women to think abortion is the only way out and the benefits of having a baby is “disinformation”.

Some things:

  • Crisis centers are places to go. They are alternative choices to abortion clinics. It’s not like they are replacing abortion clinics.
  • The disinformation the state is claiming is:
    • You are killing your baby.
    • Killing your baby is murder.
    • You will regret this.
    • God wants you to have a family.
    • Families are good.
    • You can make it through this difficult time.
    • Worse, they show you an ultrasound of the baby!
  • The “correct” information the abortion clinic is giving:
    • Your baby is a clump of cells and not human.
    • Your life will be so much better.
    • Families are bad.
    • It’s a good and healthy thing to stick a spike up your uterus and scramble a child’s brain then throw it in the garbage.

Here’s the thing, if you want an abortion, get an abortion and don’t go to the pregnancy crisis center. The problem the Left is having is some women are having second thoughts about it! They want to have alternatives. The Left wants to take those alternatives away. They want you to kill your baby.

That’s evil.

All Part of the Plan

Gas has gone up $0.25 in the last week. We were all warned about this and are expecting gas to go over five dollars a gallon again. The Biden administration knew this and decided to release some leases to drill for oil since no other country is helping us and our reserves are dangerously low. This was a good move. Late but a good move.

Well, Joe Biden is showing the true coward he is.

According to Fox News:

The Biden administration proposed a plan to lock up nearly 1.6 million acres of public lands from oil and gas development across western Colorado in response to multiple legal challenges filed by environmental groups.

In a draft supplemental environmental impact statement announced Thursday, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) issued so-called resource management plans for its Grand Junction Field Office and Colorado River Valley field offices which oversee mineral leasing in the area. The proposal would restrict the two offices to leasing just 239,000 acres and 143,000 acres, respectively, for fossil fuel production, a total reduction of about 80%.

“Public participation is key to the development of Resource Management Plans,” BLM Upper Colorado River District Manager Greg Larson said in a statement. “This new analysis will ensure the BLM’s management of these areas will best serve our multiple use mission for the future.”

The Left just refuses to do the right thing. They want this country dependent (globalism) and bankrupt.


Because He’s Compromised

I don’t know when someone is going to do something about the compromised Joe Biden when it comes to China, Ukraine, Russia, and Mexico. He is just giving away the farm to these countries.

According to Fox News:

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm was heavily criticized Friday after a Fox News Digital report showed she spoke twice with a top Chinese government official before the White House announced plans to tap emergency oil stocks.

According to internal Department of Energy (DOE) calendars obtained by Americans for Public Trust, Granholm consulted China National Energy Administration Chairman Zhang Jianhua, a senior member of the Chinese Communist Party, Nov. 19, 2021, and two days later on Nov. 21, 2021. 

On Nov. 23, 2021, the White House announced a release of 50 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR).

“Before telling the American people of their plans to undermine our energy security by draining the SPR at record rates for political purposes before the midterm elections, Secretary Granholm reportedly first secretly consulted with the Chinese Communist Party,” House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers said in a statement.

I want to point out that not only did she “consult” the Chinese before releasing the oil from the reserve. She also made sure China bought a boat load of oil from the reserve. China now has the largest oil reserve in the world and that’s because we have been giving China our oil from our oil reserves.

I wonder why we are doing that? Could it be Joe Biden is compromised?

“Since then, DOE — under her leadership — has sold millions of barrels of oil from our SPR to China — the world’s biggest polluter,” she added. “It would appear Secretary Granholm meant it when she said America should ‘learn’ from what China is doing.”

This administration is corrupted and compromised and we are going to pay the bill.


But We Have to Suffer

Meanwhile, all this crap is happening and this administration, we still miss their real goal. That is to make this country into a third world banana republic.

According to Fox News:

We have seen a big consumer backlash in 2023 over Biden administration bureaucrats targeting gas stoves, but that could pale in comparison to the coming anger over costly air conditioning regulations. 

In fact, that has already begun, making this unusually hot summer even more unpleasant for homeowners needing air conditioner repairs. And things could get downright ugly starting next summer. 

Remember they told us they weren’t going after gas stoves and cars? Then they did.

The Environmental Protect Agency (EPA) just announced a 40% production cut in 2024 for hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), the widely used class of refrigerants being targeted for their claimed contribution to climate change. As it is, the modest 10% cut in force today has already caused many HFCs to triple in price, including HFC-410a which is used in most home air conditioners. 

As a result, replacing refrigerant lost from a leak has cost millions of homeowners at least $150-$200 more than it used to. But next summer, stricter production quotas will be in effect, likely sending refrigerant costs through the roof — and repair costs with them. 

EPA regulators are targeting new systems too. A pending rule would outlaw all but the most climate-friendly, new central air-conditioners by 2025.  Doing so is strongly supported by the air conditioning equipment makers who see an opportunity to skew the market towards their pricier models.  


This is Censorship Too

According to the Daily Wire:

NASCAR faced backlash online over the weekend after it suspended a driver for “his actions on social media.”

Noah Gragson was suspended by NASCAR and Legacy Motor Club after he reportedly liked a meme on Instagram that mocked George Floyd’s death.

Here is the meme:

Tacky but what’s the big deal?

Mind you, he did not create the meme, post the meme or even repost the meme. He liked it. That’s it.

The article continues:

Both NASCAR and Legacy Motor Club released statements confirming the decision.

“NASCAR fully supports Legacy Motor Club’s decision to suspend Noah Gragson,” NASCAR said in a statement. “Following his actions on social media, NASCAR has determined that Gragson has violated the Member Conduct section of the 2023 NASCAR Rule Book and has placed him under indefinite suspension.”

Legacy Motor Club said in a statement: “We have made the decision to suspend Noah Gragson effective immediately regarding his actions that do not represent the values of our team.”

OF course, then this guy does the dumbest thing possible. He apologizes:

Gragson apologized for liking the meme, writing: “I am disappointed in myself for my lack of attention and actions on social media.”

“I understand the severity of this situation,” he continued. “I love and appreciate everyone. I try to treat everyone equally no matter who they are. I messed up plain and simple.”



Episode 760 – Just, Eww!

It’s sad when a world renowned scientists decides to crap on his own profession.

Don’t get cancer in blue cities unless you think men can be women.

And it turns out Lizzo doesn’t just look disgusting but acts disgusting too.

Dumbasses of the Day

We have a bunch of dumbasses today. Let’s get to it.

Here is Al Sharpton making the most ignorant statement one can and then using that as proof everyone else is ignorant.

Yeah. James Madison and Thomas Jefferson did overthrow a government during the Revolution. They overthrew the British government. Jeez.

Here’s a porn actress Mia Khalifa giving out some rather bizarre marriage advice.

This is a gal who’s boob job blew up last year. I would seriously have some reservations taking relationship advice from someone who has become famous for having sex in front of a camera. Her life decisions have been a tad questionable.

Here is someone that is suppose to be real smart, the astrophysicist, Neil deGrasse Tyson. He has always been woke. Here he is using physics and logic to prove transgenderism.

There are so many things wrong with this monolog, it’s not even funny. It amazes me that a “scientists” actually came up with it.

  • First off, “DNA is insufficient”? Says who? I don’t say that. I’ll go a step further, DNA is not the only thing that determines gender.
  • Who exaggerates their gender when they wake up in the morning? I don’t. My wife doesn’t. My kids don’t. Only trans-cultists do. They have to exaggerate what they want to be because they are NOT what they want to be.
  • Who “assigns” gender? This is the weird one to me. Aren’t you BORN with a gender, it’s not assigned?
  • And if we can assign gender to a person, can we assign gender to pets, like a fish or a bird or a dog?
  • The “pursuit of happiness” is a subjective posit. It is something that cannot ever be achieved. It is the striving of it that makes us happy and fulfilled. I think I read that someplace too. Science is objective. It’s fact. Gravity exists. The moon exists. Pluto is planet (though that one is up for debate because of this guy). Facts do not care about you feelings and scientific fact does not care how you feel.
  • Finally, the “why do you care” argument is not an argument. I care because:
    • Gender and sex are realities and absolute. Gender is a term that had its definition changed in the 1950s. It is a synonym for sex. It is not on a spectrum.
    • If gender is on a spectrum, name a third gender. They never do this, by the way. Even trans people stay within the male/female binary.
    • They are teaching this crap to kids. They are basing medical on people believing this shit. People are fired for not using the right pronouns. That’s why I care.

Everything he just said goes against all the scientific principles that led him to deciding Pluto wasn’t a planet. Well, like he was wrong about Pluto, he’s wrong about this too.

Just Disgusting

This is a story that should scare the crap out of regular people in blue cities and states. This is something we should not be surprised about because it was something the Left was pushing three years during COVID.

According to the Post Millennial:

A woman who is a current breast cancer patient was banned from her hospital over alleged “hurtful remarks” it claims she said about the “LGBTQ community.”

The patient, Marlene Barbera, was set to receive a mastectomy later this month.

Barbera explained that the drama first began after she made a comment about being opposed to a trans pride flag that she spotted hanging in the waiting room of Richmond Family Medicine Clinic in Portland, Oregon. Since then, she has asked online if anyone is able to refer her to an attorney. 

“I wrote my Doctor a MyChart message all about how offensive, I, as a gender critical woman, found political messaging in a healthcare setting,” Barbera told Reduxx. As the outlet noted, “gender critical” simply means a person who believes that gender is a biological reality, and cannot be changed by the snap of a finger. 

In a message she had sent to her physician, Barbera explained that it is “daunting” for her to receive medical treatment when there is a banner in plain sight that proclaims “that what I am, an adult human female, is a mere opt-in category for any gender non-conforming male and not a reality.”

“May I please have a telephone appointment to discuss how I may access your medical care without walking under a banner that seeks to negate all I am?” Barbera asked. 

She later learned that other staff had viewed her comments on the flag. According to Barbera, the doctor she had communicated this message with had been her primary physician for 12 years and had served other members of her family as well. 

After some back and forth with the staff concerning dropped calls and so forth, she was finally contacted by the clinic. The article continues:

“I asked, guessing ‘did I hurt the trans person’s feelings?’ And the receptionist took offense to the question, asking ‘what did you say‘ slowly and with great emphasis.” Barbera then hung up the call, feeling that it was going nowhere.

Several weeks after that, Barbera got a message from Oregon Health Science University (OHSU) Practice Manager Stein Berger. Berger said that Barbera was banned from the clinic “Effective immediately,” over what he says were “ongoing disrespectful and hurtful remarks about our LGBTQ community and staff.”

He noted that she was banned from “Immediate Care clinics” as well. 

Since then, Barbera has continued her search for a lawyer, and has said that her “anxiety [is] through the roof.”

I don’t think this gal handled this very well. She should just worry about getting her cancer cured and not about politics. How about just wait until after you are cured and then go after these people. But I understand and commend her for doing it. I understand.

I hope she gets better and wins any lawsuit she files.


Probably Had Something to Do With It

Bud Light continues to try to analyze why they’re brand is down 40% since they decided to hire Dylan Mulvaney, a trans cultist, as a spokesman. Well, Harry Schuhmacher of Beer Business Daily has an idea as to why Bud Light is going the way of the dodo.

According to Fox News:

Anheuser-Busch could have avoided recent layoffs and the ongoing decay of Bud Light sales that came following its now-infamous promotion with Dylan Mulvaney if New York City-based decision makers were more in touch with Middle America, according to a beer industry expert. 

“In my 30 years of doing this, I’ve never seen anything like it. I’ve never seen such a shift in market share this quickly, and I’ve never seen it so prolonged. And I think it’s kind of a wake-up call for marketers in all CPG [consumer packaged goods] that wading into the culture wars can have pretty serious consequences,” Beer Business Daily publisher Harry Schuhmacher told Fox News Digital. 

“It’s probably best just to stay clear, unless you’re a brand that trades on that kind of controversy,” Schuhmacher continued. “Bud Light clearly does not. When you’re drinking beer, politics, religion, those sorts of things should be out the door. And they broke the first cardinal rule of beer brand marketing.”

He continued:

“A-B made a conscious decision back in 2015 to move their sales and marketing functions to New York from Saint Louis, where they had been headquartered for, you know, 100 years. At the time, distributors warned them that might give them a hole in their thinking. It might give them gaps in connecting with Middle America. And sure enough, that clearly happened,” Schuhmacher said. 

Bud Light was suppose to lay off about a hundred people, all from New York office buildings. They changed their minds and those people in New York are safe for now. Maybe it would have been a good idea to can those folks that led their brand to the toilet.

By the way, Bud Light has still not apologized.


Just Ew!

The pop star Lizzo has always been a kind of cultural icon and she has chosen several aspects about herself to make people embrace her and her shitty music.

  • She’s fat so she’s a regular person. She even celebrates her fatness.
  • She’s black.
  • She’s and LGBTQI+ poop emoji cultist.
  • She’s a strong woman.
  • She’s a good, wholesome, poor girl.

I don’t know where the wholesome part came from. She wears thong everywhere. She shouldn’t, she’s really fat and gross, but whatever.

According to Page Six:

Three of Lizzo’s former dancers are suing the “Good as Hell” performer, as well as Big Grrrl Big Touring and Shirlene Quigley, for allegedly subjecting them to endure weight-shaming, sexually denigrating behavior and pressuring them to participate in disturbing sex shows.

Plaintiffs Arianna Davis and Crystal Williams claim in the lawsuit filed Tuesday and obtained by Page Six that they were eventually fired while the third plaintiff, Noelle Rodriguez, resigned over Lizzo’s “stunning” behavior.

While on a concert trip with the Grammy Award-winning artist to Amsterdam in February 2023, the plaintiffs claim Lizzo invited them for a night out on the town — which ended in the city’s red light district.

The area is known for its sex theaters, sex shops and clubs and bars where nudity is on full display.

What did she make them do?

  • She made them touch the nude performers.
  • Catch dildos that were shot from the vaginas of the performers.
  • Eating bananas from the performers vaginas.
  • One of the dancers was forced to pee herself on stage.
  • Lizzo threatened to hit one of the dancers.
  • She fat shamed the dancers and said other demeaning things.

Two of the gals quit, one was later fired.

All this could be BS but multiple people are suing, so some of it is probably true.

So much for her squeaky clean, home grrrl image.


I Wonder Why?

According to Western Standard News:

Alberta resident Duchess Lois requested her medical assistance in dying (MAID) file and was declined to prevent discrimination. 

“A human rights concern?” said Lois in a Wednesday tweet. 

Basically, Canada legalized euthanasia and will allow just about anyone to kill themselves. It’s called Medically Assistance in Dying or MAID. This guy was denied. Let’s continue reading the article and find out why he was denied.

Lois applied for MAID in January because she is a post-operational transgender woman who regretted her decisions. 

“I qualify for it as someone who is sterilized and who has undergone vaginoplasty,” she said.

“Two things that cannot be reversed or relieved.”

The doctor started off the application by confirming she was eligible for healthcare funded by a government in Canada, was at least 18 years old, capable of making decisions about her health, made a voluntary request for MAID which was not subject to external pressure, and gave informed consent after being told about other means available to relieve suffering. 

He confirmed she had a serious, incurable illness, disease, or disability. He said the illness was pain and anxiety related to receiving a vaginoplasty. 

The doctor agreed Lois’ condition caused her to endure physical or psychological suffering which was intolerable to her and could not be relieved under conditions she considered acceptable. She had been struggling with inadequate pain control and concerns about it. 

While going through her application, the doctor said he consulted with another healthcare worker to inform his assessment. He gave her a specialist referral. 

She did not receive palliative care or disability support services. To the best of his knowledge and beliefs, these supports were available. 

The doctor concluded by saying Lois does not meet MAID’s criteria. She is looking into funding to visit a gender clinic in Montreal for a surgical follow-up. 

“Can be reassessed in future if change in clinical status,” he said. 

Canada is very pro-abortion, pro-euthanasia and pro-child sterilization. Why not kill this guy? Because he is trans and he is not allowed to be miserable after having his dick and balls mutilated. It’s a good thing because the government says so.

This is the problem the Left has with all their twisted ideology. The reality doesn’t match up with their ideology. Most would modify their ideology, but not the Left. They must follow the ideology even if someone who promoted it is suffering because of it. Yo see this with everything. You see it with justice reform, drug legalization, homelessness rights, illegal immigration, transgenderism and with the economy.

The Left embraces failure, suffering and death if it leads them to this utopia they say is out there.


They Will Do Anything to Make You Eat Bugs

According to the Daily Wire:

A little-known illness caused by a tick bite gives victims a serious allergy to red meat and affected an estimated 110,000 people between 2010 and 2022, according to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released Thursday. 

The illness, called alpha-gal syndrome (AGS), comes from the bite of a Lone Star tick, which can be found mostly in the South as well as many Eastern and Midwest states. AGS causes serious allergic reactions to red meat such as pork, beef, rabbit, lamb, venison, and even mammal products like milk. 

OK, I’m being a conspiracy theorist, but this is a serious disease. The article continues:

The Daily Wire reported last year on how people with AGS deal with the symptoms. One woman described the struggles of eating out at a restaurant, noting that even a veggie burger prepared on the same grill with meat patties is problematic. Another person said that even breathing in fumes from red meat causes a reaction.

Symptoms of AGS include “hives or itchy rash; nausea or vomiting; heartburn or indigestion; diarrhea; cough; shortness of breath or difficulty breathing; drop in blood pressure; swelling of the lips, throat, tongue, or eye lids; dizziness or faintness; or severe stomach pain,” according to the CDC. There is currently no known cure for the illness, and the CDC says that “preventing tick bites” is the most important action one can take to “reduce your chances of developing AGS.” 

OK, I’m making fu of it but it’s nothing to joke too much about.



Episode 759 – They Just Can’t Let Go

The Left is struggling to find a way to lock us down again.

I can’t think of a better way to deal with Climate change on Earth than to move to Venus.

And the CDC will go to any length to get us to eat bugs. I pull out my conspiracy theory hat for this one.

Dumbass of he Day

CNN really screwed up here. They got an old George Bush person who’s name I don’t know and he went off on Joe Biden and his not acknowledging his 7th grandchild by Hunter, We talked about this yesterday:

The excuses these people come up with for this old fart is amazing.

And I am not questioning the heart and integrity of Joe Biden. He has no heart and less integrity. He has shown this his entire career.

Here We Go

The sun monster cultists are ready to make our lives miserable in order to appease the nature gods. And win another election.

According to an article by MSN:

At the beginning of COVID-19, lockdowns were a necessary tool for fighting off and controlling the deadly virus. People stayed inside — we went to the store less, didn’t go out to eat, and entertained ourselves at home all to avoid exposure to other people.

And for a minute, the Earth started to reflect those actions. Emissions started decreasing and it seemed that something positive was emerging out of a negative situation. This experience raises the question: Would climate lockdowns help us tackle the climate crisis?

When the pandemic first started, one of the main goals was to flatten the curve — lockdowns were an essential part of accomplishing that initiative. With a climate lockdown, the objective would be similar: Staying inside in order to prevent emissions from increasing at an intense rate.

First off, we didn’t do this voluntarily. Don’t forget, people were being thrown in jail and businesses were forced to close. All for nothing since the lockdowns didn’t do anything to slow the spread of COVID.

By the way, the lockdowns didn’t prevent the spread of COVID. In fact, their is evidence it hastened the spread since being inside all day made spreading it easier.

Well, they have a solution for the sun monster:

Despite scientists yelling far and wide, we still aren’t doing our absolute best to decrease emissions and lower our impact on the planet. At some point, extreme measures — such as climate lockdowns — might really be necessary if no progress is made.

Mind you, when they mean to lock people down, they mean you and me. Not the elites like the idiot writing this article. The elites didn’t lockdown when they thought there was a deadly virus. They are definitely not going to lockdown because of the weather. Heck, they don’t even stop flying commercial because of the “climate crisis”.

And as we have seen with the pandemic, getting people to work together towards a collective goal isn’t always easy. Convincing everyone to wear masks and stay home wasn’t as simple as sharing scientific data that proves the validity of these actions.

They implemented martial law. That’s what they want to do with this. People will not go for this again, especially for something that is such BS like climate change is.

If a climate lockdown becomes necessary, there’s a chance that we could run into a similar problem. So even if this strategy was utilized, there’s no telling whether or not it would actually be adhered to. Even though participation isn’t guaranteed, we know that at least some adherence would make a difference — not everyone stayed home, but emissions still decreased a bit.

This is not going to happen. There is a reason gun sales went way up during the pandemic. Not only because of crime but also because of government overreach.

Our climate emergency is sometimes hard to understand. Sometimes, when something isn’t directly visible, it can be hard to believe or conceptualize. This can lead people to think that immediate action isn’t necessary, when it most definitely is, according to the UN.

It hard to understand because common sense says that weather cannot be changed. Also, they have been talking about how the world was going to end since the 1960s. They have changed the term from global cooling to global warming to climate change to the climate crisis. Jeez guys, pick a lane.

They said the Great Barrier Reef was going to disappear. Now it is growing. The said all the glaciers are melting. Now, they’re getting bigger. Lets of rain is because of climate crisis. Not much ran is because of climate crisis. Forest fires mean climate crisis. Hurricanes means climate crisis. Racism is because of the climate crisis.

Here’s a secret for the climate cultists: Not everything can be because of the weather.

While some people didn’t mind lockdowns during the pandemic, there were still a lot of people that did mind. Staying at home and not being able to go somewhere isn’t all that fun. So if the idea of another lockdown — albeit a slightly different kind — isn’t appealing, then we better start tackling climate change sooner rather than later.

Or, we can have a conversation. This false binary is BS.


Speaking of Climate Change

According to the New York Post:

The co-founder of OceanGate Expeditions doesn’t appear to be deterred by the Titan submersible tragedy, and is pushing the limits of extreme travel with ambitions to send 1,000 humans to live in a floating colony on Venus by 2050.

Guillermo Söhnlein — who co-founded OceanGate alongside Stockton Rush in 2009 but later stepped away in 2013 — is also the founder and chairman of Humans2Venus, which he describes on LinkedIn as “a private venture focused on establishing a permanent human presence in the Venusian atmosphere.”

“Forget OceanGate. Forget Titan. Forget Stockton. Humanity could be on the verge of a big breakthrough and not take advantage of it because we, as a species, are gonna get shut down and pushed back into the status quo,” Söhnlein told Insider.

The outlet reported that the 57-year-old Argentine-born businessman pointed to findings by NASA that say there’s a sliver of the Venusian atmosphere about 30 miles from the surface where humans could theoretically survive.

Söhnlein’s envisions creating a floating colony that could withstand the sulfuric acids in Venus’ clouds — just one element of the planet’s atmosphere that makes it uninhabitable to humans.

Some things that may be a problem. The pressure on Venus is that of being in the ocean at a depth of 3000 feet. We know how that works out, especially for a company like OceanGate. The average temperature on Venus is 864 degrees. I would think the climate change activists would really have a problem with that.


Not Again

The election is a year and a half away and there has to be a reason to control how we vote. I just gave you the first way they can do it. But CNN also has a way to do it. They are not real bright or creative. Here’s what they said:

It’s time to stock up on tissues, bingeable TV options and Covid-19 tests. Yes, many signs are pointing to a Covid-19 summer surge – although one that’s far less intense than what emerged the past few summers.

Experts say they do not expect that cases will be severe or that the uptick will be prolonged, and there are early signs from wastewater data that this wavelet may already be leveling out.

But data posted this week by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that many Covid-19 indicators, including hospital admissions, emergency department visits and test positivity, are once again on the rise.

Why is this happening?

Instead, this increase seems to be driven by human behavior. More people are traveling this summer, sending them outside their normal social circles, which helps viruses find new hosts when vacationers return home with unintended souvenirs.

Then there’s the record-breaking heat, which is probably sending more people to congregate indoors for prolonged periods in search of air conditioning.

Finally, immunity has waned. US vaccination numbers suggest that it has been a while since most Americans have had a Covid-19 booster, and with cases apparently so low, antibody protection from previous infections has probably waned, too.

Guess what we should do:

  • Get vaccinated.
  • Wear a mask.
  • Get tested.
  • Limit travel.
  • Limit being in large crowds.

In other words, do all the things that didn’t work before. No thanks.



Episode 758 – It’s Not Looking All That Rosy

The new economic numbers are out and they look pretty good, but only time will tell.

Joe Biden finally makes an admission and needs to take a ten day vacation to recover from it.

And we now have statistics that prove California and New York suck.

Dumbass of the Day

It Might Not All Be Good News

There was some news on the economy. Most of it was good news. But not all. Right now, let’s us take a look at the good news first and actually celebrate it. I do not like Joe Biden and want him out of office. A good economy would affect that. But a good economy would also make life for all of us better. I think it would be worthwhile to celebrate while we can.

The good news:

  • The unemployment rate is at 3.6%. That’s good. That’s about where it was when Trump was in office. Mind you, this is not all it seems.
    • There are more people with teo jobs than ever before.
    • This does not take into account people who have left the workforce. That number is substancial.
  • The inflation rate has dropped to 3.2%. This is good.
    • It is still well over the 2% that is considered te high end of normal.
    • Way above the 1.4% under Donald Trump.
    • And still higher than was expected.
  • Wages are higher.
    • This is a misnomar. Wags are not higher. It’s just that inflation is down.
    • I only bring this up because the president keeps saying it.
  • Gross Domestic Product is at 2.4%.
    • This is good. It means that we are not in a recession.
    • People have confidence to spend their money.
    • The supply chain crisis is easing.
    • It also means there is a ton of money in the economy and people are spending it. This makes the inflation numbers very shakey.

With all that being said. The economic news is brighter than we all thought it could be. It also means that the landing for recovery could be softer than a lot of people thought. All that is good and should be touted by the administration.

But the administration might be throwing out a rosier picture than it should. There is some bad news that is making economists nervous. They shoul be nervous.

  • Inflation – Still way higher than it should be.
    • Interest rates – Keep going up. Apparently, the Fed isn’t convinced inflation is stable.
      • Be prepared for another housing crisis.
      • Big ticket items like cars will not be affordable.
      • Businesses will no longer be able to infuse money through loans. This will lead to job loss.
    • Energy is still higher and going up. Gasoline just went up to the highest level in a couple of years. This is not included in the inflation numbers.
    • Regulations are not going to fix any problems and will create more. The Biden administration continues to put restraints on business. This will lower supply and possibly rebound inflation.
    • Year-over-year inflation is a real problem. This 3.2% is from last year, which was up 9% from the year before and up from 5% from the year before.
  • GDP is good but all it means is that people are beginning to spend the extra money the government infused into the system during COVID. What’s going to happen when that money runs out? Economists are saying stagnation.
  • Unemployment
  • The national debt is a huge problem that is not going away.
    • Contrary to what Joe Biden likes to say, the national debt has not gone down $1.7 trillion. This is a flat out lie.
    • The debt is becoming so high, we are now just paying interest. We are not paying to the principle.
    • Be prepared for fights on raising the debt ceiling every few months.
    • Be prepared for austerity. Benefits are going to be cut. There’s no stopping this.

The economic outlook is tenuous at best. We will have to see what everything looks like by the end of the year. I also want to point out I am not sure where these numbers are coming from. Here comes the conspiracy hat. Does it really feel like things are getting better economically? Not to me. I think there is a little fudging of the numbers. Kind of like when Joe Biden says he has cut the deficit by $1.7 trillion. I mean, we can actually see the debt has gone up.


It’s About Time

Joe Biden has bowed to the pressure of the media including from the Left wing media lke the New York Times.

According to the Daily Wire:

President Joe Biden finally addressed and acknowledged his seventh grandchild in a Friday night news dump exclusive with PEOPLE Magazine after four years of refusing to do so.

Before you get excited and think that Old Joe (who is on a 10 day beach vacation in Delaware, by the way) did an interview, he didn’t. His administration just released a statement. It said:

“Our son Hunter and Navy’s mother, Lunden, are working together to foster a relationship that is in the best interests of their daughter, preserving her privacy as much as possible going forward.

“You have to remember there were some fairly contentious legal proceedings between Navy’s parents happening until just a few weeks ago. As grandparents, the Bidens are following Hunter’s lead. They are — and have been — giving Hunter and Lunden the space and time to figure things out.

Bullshit. They will not have anything to do with this kid. Their son fought, in court, to get away with no child support and make sure that kid doesn’t have the Biden last name (hunter won that fight).

Don’t expect to see that kid at the next Thanksgiving.

“This is not a political issue, it’s a family matter. Jill and I only want what is best for all of our grandchildren, including Navy.”

This is purely a political issue that had to be addressed. Maureen Dod of the New York Times, Biden’s propaganda outlet, said he needed to acknowledge this kid. It looks inhumane to ignore this child. He finally did and this is the mot he’s going to do.


Shock of the Week

Here is the least surprising story of the week.

According to Fox News:

New York and California experienced the largest loss of tax income from migration of any states in the country as residents fled the deep-blue havens in droves, according to a new study that also found that Texas and Florida got the biggest IRS tax benefits from people moving in.

MyEListing.com, an online real estate portal, conducted a study of IRS migration data and found that California lost more than $340 million in 2021 IRS tax revenue due to residents moving.

“Despite its numerous attractions, from the booming tech industry and world-class universities to beautiful landscapes and cultural richness, California’s high personal income tax rates seem discouraging for many high-wealth individuals,” MyEListing wrote in its analysis. “This, coupled with the state’s high cost of living, will likely fuel a wealth migration out of California.”

You know, California and New York have always had a high cost of living and high taxes. I wonder what else should be considered here.

The article continues:

From January 2020 to July 2022, the state lost well over half a million people, with the number of residents leaving surpassing those moving in by almost 700,000. The U-Haul Growth Index, which measured more than two million one-way trips last year, found that California ranked last on the index as demand for trucks out of the Golden State spiked.

I do want to point out this is from Fox News and they seem to skip all the problems that are wrong with California and New York! They mention the homeless crisis but fail to mention the crime, mental health issues, open drug markets and the impossibility to start or maintain a business. They failed to mention the regulations that are choking the energy industry and keeping gas and electric prices high. They fail to mention that the environmntal love the Californians are embracing is responsible for forest fires to the point insurance companies refuse to insure houses or businesses.

They niow want to ban gas cars, gas stoves, air conditioners and water heaters. They want to take parental rights away from parents so the states can drug and mutilate the children. They want to force people to use language they don’t like and kill all religious institutions.

Yeah, people are leaving California, New York and Illinois for more than high taxes and cost of living. They’re leaving because these states are shitholes and getting worse.



Episode 757 – Watch What You Say!

Democrats makes asses out of themselves at a hearing with a couple of IRS whistleblowers.

Chicago is going to get a lot worse in August.

And In N Out has taken a massive leap when it comes to customer service.


Here is some news:

  • A liberal college town in Idaho is paying $300,000 to three Christian churchgoers who sued the city after being arrested for not wearing masks at an outside service during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.
    • The city of Moscow announced this week that it would settle with Gabriel Rench, as well as Sean and Rachel Bohnet, who brought a case against city leaders in March 2021 that alleged their rights under the First and Fourth Amendments were violated when they were arrested at an outdoor “psalm sing” conducted by leaders from their church.
  • On Tuesday, the Illinois Supreme Court ruled in favor of eliminating the state’s cash bail system. The ruling takes effect Sept. 18, making Illinois the first state to fully abolish cash bail.
  • Fans lashed out at Country Music Television, after it pulled singer Jason Aldean’s “Try That in a Small Town” music video this week following accusations it was racist.
  • A 49-year-old trans-identifying male won the bronze in the 400-meter women’s race at the 2023 World Para Athletics Championships in Paris. 
    • Valentina Petrillo, an Italian trans-identifying male, has won several international women’s track and field titles since attempting to transition and starting estrogen in 2019.
    • At 49 years old, Petrillo is 18 years older than anyone else in the race and continues to dominate his competition. 
    • Petrillo has competed in para-athletics competition categories due to heavy vision impairment.
    • Peter Eriksson, a former head coach for the Canadian Olympic team, told Reduxx in a report, “It’s shocking to see that women’s opportunities to a medal were taken by a cheating 49-year-old male.”


Dumbasses of the Week

Two IRS whistleblowers were on Capitol Hill yesterday being being examined by the House on the special treatment of Hunter Biden. It did not go well for the Democrats.

First, one of the whistleblowers was a gay Democrat. In other words, he didn’t have a lot of right wing bias.

Next it showed how the IRS was really handling Hunter Biden’s crimes with kid gloves.

The Democratic response to this whole thing was to say nothing was happening, the DOJ and IRS are good and not ask any questions. When they did ask questions, it was a disaster. That leaves us with some of the dumbest comments from Dems that show these are not serious people and have no business in politics.

Here is Rep. Kweisi Mfume showing us he has never read the Constitution and doesn’t know how government works.

This guy should be kicked out of office. He doesn’t know what his job is or he’s a communist where the bureaucracies actually run the government. The Constitution defines who is to keeps the checks and balances in the country and it’s not the IRS, DOJ and FBI.

Here is AOC, wonder she hasn’t won yet, saying we should ignore all the corruption and deal the sun monster and equity and all the other crap no one cares about.

I know if the roles were reversed, she’d be all in for investigating. The sun monster can wait if Trump were being investigated, but we can skip the real corruption.

Sometimes, the stupid things Democrats say end up hurting the Democrats. Here is Rep. Dan Goldman proving the point of Republicans and admitting that Joe Biden lied about talking to Hunter about his business ventures.

The CEFC, by the way, is a Chinese energy company with ties to the Chinese communist government. Joe has said that he never discussed any business with his son. This moron just proved he did.


Good Customer Service

According to Fox Business:

Fast food giant In-N-Out is banning employees in five states from wearing masks, unless they have a medical note, according a memo leaked Friday.

Employees in Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Texas and Colorado will be affected the policy, which is slated to start on Aug. 14, per the memo. The only states that are exceptions to the new policy are California and Oregon. 

The policy is intended to bolster “customer service” by showing employees’ “smiles and other facial features while considering the health and well-being of all individuals,” as well as “help to promote clear and effective communication” in stores.

This is a good thing. This


Just Disgusting

This was actually out last week but I forgot to talk about it. I don’t know what it is going to take to piss women off enough to say something and get involved in this trans fight. Women are losing sports events to men, women are losing beauty pageants to men, makeup is being marketed to men, but they seems to be sitting on the sideline.

Well, here’s another example. According to MSN:

A charity which advises medics to refer to a vagina as a “bonus hole” to avoid upsetting transgender men has been accused of dehumanising women.

Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust offers a guide on its website detailing the appropriate language healthcare professionals should use when dealing with trans men.

“Bonus hole” and “front hole” are deemed acceptable alternatives to vagina, a word which could “cause someone to feel hurt or distressed”, it states.

The advice features on a section of Jo’s website under the header “Language to use when supporting trans men and/or non-binary people”.

The glossary was created in partnership with the LGBT Foundation.

I mean, really? I don’t even know what to say here. This is just a disgusting slight to women. You’ll hear the word “dehumanizing” in a second, but this goes beyond that. They do this because men with dicks and mental disorders will get upset. Just disgusting.

The article continues:

Bev Jackson, a women’s rights activist and co-founder of LGB Alliance, said: “Disgusting language like this which intentionally dehumanises women must be rejected by all reasonable people.

“The fact is, women have vaginas. It’s appalling that anyone would think that reality is offensive. If you think it’s offensive, then that’s your problem.

“There is no reason for the rest of society to adapt our language so as not to offend people who are offended by reality.

“Some people wish to ignore the very clear biological differences between men and women.”

Women, I am with you. I will fight with you. You do not have a bonus hole. You have a vagina. I love that you have a vagina. I love vagina. I will fight for your vagina. But you gals have to jump in and get involved in this.


Where Do They Come Up With This Crap?

You have to give it to China, they come up with the weirdest shit for TikTok to kill our youth. Here’s another one.

According to Fox News:

One of the most recent viral trends to hit TikTok is a new insect extermination hack.

Users have been attempting the “gas in a glass” method of getting rid of wasps that may be terrorizing their homes.

Those who have tried the hack filled a glass, jar or bucket about a third of the way with gasoline. 

Then they took their container of choice filled with gasoline and put it up against the nest, sealing it.  

The wasps, due to the toxicity of the gasoline, were instantly knocked out — and fell down into the liquid. 

Needless to say, this is probably not a good idea and probably illegal. Orkin’s technical services manager and entomologist Ben Hottel confirms that:

“So using gasoline, which would not be registered to kill insects with, would actually be illegal. A pest control company couldn’t just use gasoline like that — we would get in trouble. Obviously, you wouldn’t want to just dump it onto your lawn or down the drain.”

Another little thing not mentioned directly is the fact that gasoline is flammable!

I also want to point out wasps use their stinger as a defense mechanism. Unlike honey bees, they sting you over and over. Wasps are known to kill people. Makes you kind of wonder, doesn’t it? Why does this challenge go after the most dangerous type of bee out there? Maybe because the challenge is meant to kill you. We know China wants us to die. That’s where all the fentanyl is coming from.

Get your kids off TikTok. It might save their lives.

