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Episode 634 – Here We Go!

Oh God, here we go.


Way Too Early

Well, Donald Trump did it again. He managed another ill-timed announcement that is going to change the whole world. The most important announcement in American history.

Those are his words, not mine.

Oh, God. After the mess he caused during the elections, ripping everyone, donating no money and nominating weak candidates, I was hoping he’d hold off on this announcement. Better yet, I was hoping he wouldn’t run at all. This is going to cost Hershel Walker the Senate because you know Democrats are going to get out the vote in December. But Republicans have already lost the Senate so it probably doesn’t matter much.

The thing is, Trump can be so abrasive. But then, he says things like this:

He can speak. He does have energy and I know he loves the country and the people. He’s a nationalist and a capitalist. He believes in free trade and ending regulations. He had us energy independent and he closed the border. He kept us out of war and created Middle East peace. I know he’s be a good President again.

Of course, that drives the media nuts. Political announced Trump’s candidacy as to might expect. They tweeted:

Don’t kid yourself, the media is thrilled he’s back. CNN might get more than 18 viewers now.

I, on the other hand, am not thrilled he’s running. Here’s why:

  • He’s going to be 78 in 2024.
  • He has a strong base but no one else really likes him. Of course, the media is what caused that problem. They will do the same thing to DeSantis if he runs.
  • He has a huge ego. Matter of fact, I am not sure he’s running for the country or to avenge his loss in 2020.
  • He also is stuck in 2020.
  • Things are going to get bloody during the primaries.

This is not to say I wouldn’t vote for him if he won the primaries. I would but I think DeSantis would be a much better candidate.


Officially a Mess

The economy is now officially a mess. Congrats to all the voters out thee that decided to keep these idiots in charge. The thoughts were the tech sector was going to get hit first and it looks like it is happening.

Over the last few weeks:

  • Microsoft stopped hiring. They expected to hire 4000 but ended up hiring only 200.
  • Coinbase is on a hiring freeze.
  • Lyft is on a hiring freeze.
  • Tesla cut 10% or 99,000 jobs and implemented a hiring freeze.
  • Facebook cut 10% of it’s force or 13,000 jobs.
  • Twitter cut over 5000 jobs on reports they are losing $4 million a day.
  • Amazon is laying off 10,000 jobs.
  • Fedex is also laying off or furloughing an undetermined number of employees.

So the affects of a recession begins.

Good job, Joe Biden. These companies see suck a bleak future they’ve decided to stop growing and are letting people go.



Who the F- Is This Guy?

Here’s the thing, Joe Biden is for making our economy weak. He wants to bring us to the same level as every other shithole country in the world. If Somalia is poor, we need to make the United States poor. That’s equity.

Need more proof?

Biden said he would give $20 billion to Indonesia so they can end climate change. I don’t know, maybe I’m off here but this son-of-a-bitch is raising our taxes and creating inflation to give $300 billion to Ukraine, to protect their border, and now another $20 billion to Indonesia because of the sun monster.

Here’s something wild, what about this country? We have so many problems and they are all being ignored by this administration. This administration doesn’t care about us. They want us miserable. They hate this country.

We also need to wonder what is going to happen to Ukraine. Are U.S. troops going to Ukraine. Maybe. A “Russian” missile hit a Polish territory. Poland is a NATO territory. That could execute Article V (5) of the NATO resolution which says NATO will attack any country that attacks a NATO country. As of now, Poland is calling for the Article IV (4) provision which means NATO needs to meet up and talk about it. This is good because I think we need to find out what happened.


What the Hell is He Doing There

The World Economic Forum chairman, Klaus Schwab, was at the G20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia. The only people that are suppose to be there are leaders of sovereign countries. Klaus Schwab is the chairman and founder of the World Economic Forum. An organization that wants to be the central global ruling class that will control the economy and behavior of sovereign countries.

Listen to what he says:

He sounds like a Bond villain.

This is what the Great Reset wants to do:

  • It will be controlled by the WEF. A bureaucracy of unelected elites.
  • All countries must participate.
  • Rich countries will give an portion of their GDP to the WEF who will then distribute it to poorer countries.
  • The will control corporations. They have already instituted that Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) standards.
  • One of the issues they have is to control the population:
    • They will monitor and track people. This is already happening.
    • They will control their movement and travel. This is already happening.
    • They will control what you read and the news you consume. This is already happening.
    • They will control what you eat. This is already happening.
    • They will control what you own. They want us to lease things, and own nothing. They even have a saying, “you will own nothing and like it.” This is already happening.

Why do this? To create a global utopia. This is insane stuff but the people we voted into office believe this stuff.

Budi Gunadi Sadikin, the President of Indonesia, is doing his part. He is implementing digital passports because he feels it’s important to monitor people’s movement for, you guessed it, the sake of COVID.

Here he is at the G20 Summit:







Episode 633 – Really? That’s Racist Too?

Joe Biden is at the G20 in Bali, Indonesia and Xi Jinping made him pee his pants.

This China virus thing is never going to end.

And everything is racist.


So, How Did It Go?

Joe Biden was in Bali, Indonesia yesterday and had a three hour meeting with Xi Jinping. After that, he had a press conference. You can imagine that after an 18-hour flight and a three hour meeting, that speech was going to be a little iffy. And it was.

The introduction of the speech was Joe being unifying as usual. Calling Americans names and touting how he’s the big boy on the block because he didn’t lose the House and the Senate. Here he is:

That’s what he should be doing in a foreign country, saying that half of all Americans are bad people. That’s never come back to bite him in the ass before.

I also want to point out that if Republicans were voted in, Democracy would be dead. Vote for us or there is no Democracy. I would have loved to hear what he said if they had lost.

Here he is saying something without really saying anything:

OK, what does that mean? Where do you stand? What did you tell him and what did he tell you? There is nothing released in the official transcript. He doesn’t say anything in his speech.

Well, Xi said something to Biden and it wasn’t comforting.

Now, here he is taking questions from the press. Of course, the press has been pre-selected by “they” whoever that is.

Who’s running this show? Joe’s the President of the United States. He wants to spend another two hours answering questions, then he does it. More weakness. More signs that he’s not running things. He’s not in charge. What he says doesn’t matter.

Here he is just being Old Joe:

China’s quaking in their boots. This old fart can’t even read a notecard that is in front of him.

This was the big question. Is China going to invade Taiwan and what are we going to do about it:

So, according to Joe Biden, we are not in a cold war and Taiwan is not planning to invade. You know what the problem old Joe is having? China seems to say something different.

Xi told Biden, according to the Chinese transcript:

Xi “stressed that the Taiwan question is at the very core of China’s core interests, the bedrock of the political foundation of China-US relations, and the first red line that must not be crossed in China-US relations.” 

So, who do you believe?

They never talked about:

  • Fentanyl.
  • Unfair trade practices.
  • Stealing of technical data.
  • Where the China virus came from.
  • China’s One Road Belt policy.
  • Of China’s attempt to use China’s currency as the reserve currency.

But they did talk about climate change. By the way, China is the highest producer of carbon emissions.



But I Thought It Was Over

Just when you thought this whole COVID thing was over, the Biden administration has decided to keep it going.

According to the Daily Caller:

The United States Department of Health and Human Services did not inform states or healthcare providers of any intent to lift the COVID public health emergency by its Friday deadline, extending the emergency into at least January.

In October, HHS extended the COVID public health emergency to January 11. HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra has promised to give 60 days notice before lifting the declaration to allow preparation for a return to normal operations.

A declaration of a public health emergency affects American’s access to health insurance. Up to 15 million people will be unenrolled from Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Programs if the declaration is lifted. A public health emergency also makes it easier to access vaccines against COVID-19.

They are expecting that this “emergency” is going to last until, at least, April. Mind you, in September, Biden said the pandemic was over. His staff quickly walked it back.

They never want this pandemic to end. They want to redistribute money and get the people dependent in the government. Klaus Schwab wrote about it in his book COVID 19 and the Great Reset, which Joe Biden is a big supporter of. They need this to continue on before they declare that the “climate crisis” is the great emergency and the government can lock us down again.

But there is one thing that is standing in the way: an Armed American people and the Constitution. That’s why Democrats are so hot on disarming the country. Think this is a conspiracy theory? Read Klaus Schwab’s book. It says it.



Everything is Racist!

Though CNN has changed their entire prime time cast because their ratings are so bad, they still maintain the same old narrative. That is, everything is racist.

Niquel Taylor Ellis and Justin Gamble wrote and article for CNN called “Stacked Against You”: Critics Say the Lottery System is Preying on Poor Communities. That’s right, the lottery is racist.

Let’s go through it:

As lottery players across the nation accept that they didn’t win the historic $2.04 billion Powerball jackpot this week, experts are pointing to the flaws of a lottery system they say unfairly targets poor Black and brown communities.

News flash to CNN, white people play lotto too.

Lottery officials say the lone winning ticket holder of the largest lottery prize ever was sold in Altadena, California. The winner matched all six numbers – the odds of which were 1 in 292.2 million.

But despite the extremely low chances of anyone winning, state lotteries continue to market and sell tickets to low income communities at higher rates leading those Americans to believe it’s a quick way to build wealth, researchers say. These communities are disproportionately made up of Black and brown people. Critics say the consequence is that marginalized people will be driven into deeper debt by a system that is transferring wealth out of their communities.

He said that black and brown communities were more effected already. Remember, repeat enough times and people will believe. And marketed toward black and brown communities? Really? Don’t the people, no matter their race, have any responsibility for buying to many tickets? Are black and brown people too stupid to know they shouldn’t waste a pay check on Lotto tickets?

Lotteries are regressive, meaning lower-income groups spend more of their budgets on lottery games than higher-income groups.

Far more money is wagered every year on instant scratch-off games, which studies show attract more low-income gamblers, than huge jackpot drawings such as Powerball.

They’re gamblers now?

Les Bernal, national director for Stop Predatory Gambling, called it a form of “systemic racism” and “consumer financial fraud.”

Bernal said poor people are being scammed into believing they will someday gain wealth from a winning lottery ticket.

Of course it’s systemic racism. Everything is systemic racism.

By the way, not sure of your odds? Look on the back of the ticket. They are there.

“They’re hoping to pay their rent at the end of the month or pay an outstanding medical bill or put their kids through college or they just lost their job and they’re just trying to find a way to make ends meet,” Bernal said. “And here you have what is a government program encouraging citizens to lose their money on rigged games.”

“Rigged games”? Doesn’t somebody always win?

I also want to point out the author does not say anything about these people taking personal responsibility for their own actions. If they can’t afford to spend the $2 on a ticket, then don’t. Also, why are they poor? Shouldn’t these people try to improve themselves?

In reality, lottery players are continuously paying into a lottery system that, in most cases, gives them nothing in return, Bernal said. A portion of lottery revenue goes to participating states that legislators can decide how to allocate.

“Commercialized gambling like state lotteries, like the Powerball drawing, they represent a financial exchange that is mathematically stacked against you,” Bernal said.

study by the Howard Center for Investigative Journalism found that stores selling lottery tickets are disproportionately located in poor communities of every state. In most cases, the money these residents spend on lottery tickets does not come back to their communities but rather to colleges and wealthier school districts, the study found.

Bullshit. You can buy lottery tickets anywhere. Even rich neighborhoods.

Lottery ticket sales have jumped to $82 billion from $47 billion since 2005, according to the report, which notes that lotteries generate more revenue than corporate income taxes in 10 states.

The Howard Center pointed to a 1999 report to the National Gambling Impact Study Commission that found that Black and low-income people as well as high school dropouts were the most frequent lottery players.

“Poor people are collateral damage to a cause of raising money for what the legislators feel is good purposes … public safety, local schools,” former Massachusetts inspector general Gregory W. Sullivan said, according to the Howard Center article. “State governments become dependent on the revenue and any moral considerations get pushed out of view and out of mind.”

Again, the people who waste their money on the lottery have no responsibility. They are victims.

Jonathan Cohen, author of “For a Dollar and a Dream: State Lotteries in Modern America,” said the lottery represents a “mechanism of the American dream” for many people. Cohen said when the economy and unemployment rates are suffering, many lottery players see the game as a chance to get ahead.

No, the American Dream has nothing to do with winning the lottery. The American Dream involves equal opportunity and hard work combined with making the right decisions means one can succeed.

“And for folks who, especially Black and brown Americans, maybe face discrimination in the traditional economy, well, the lottery doesn’t discriminate, anyone has just as terrible odds of winning,” Cohen said.

David Just, a professor in the Department of Economics at Cornell University, had a similar take.

Just said during tough economic times, people are more likely to make risky spending decisions. For example, Just noted that during the Covid-19 pandemic there was an uptick in lottery playing. Just called it a “setback mentality that puts them in a risk-taking mode.” He said low-income people should instead be saving money and building wealth.

Again, good decisions will lead to the American Dream. It is not going to be found on an orange ticket. Risky spending decisions does not make for a good decision.

“It’s an investment,” Just said. “It may not be a good investment but… to people with limited resources, this may be the only way they have to sort of dream big and think that something, something great is gonna happen, that’s just gonna change everything.”

Spending money on a lottery ticket is not an investment. It’s gambling.

This is an example of the bigotry of low expectations.








Episode 632 – No Limits!

California is going full demonic.

Disney is reaping the whirlwind of wokeness.

And even Mexico seems to think it is better off than some cities in the United States.



We talk about the Great Reset a lot. Of course a lot of people call it a conspiracy theory but the fact that the guy who came up with the concept from the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, has written two books about it and they have it written on their website kind of negates any doubt that it is being attempted.

The Left and globalists say say that the only way to control people is to know what they are doing. They also are very fond of the idea of removing paper or gold based currencies and using a digital currency. The reason is they can track it. Don’t think that’s a big deal? Think about this: Mastercard, Visa and American Express have all categorized gun purchases when using their credit cards so they know who is buying guns. This is per the ESG standards World Economic Forum is promoting. These credit card companies are floating the idea of not allowing people to pay for guns with their credit cards. We’ve already seen that Donald Trump and Kanye West have been kicked out of banks and prevented from selling their wares.

This is a scary thing and we really need to stop ignoring it.

Now let’s get to the stupid.

Here is Nancy Pelosi being asked if Joe Biden should run for President again:

This is what’s really scary about these people, they really think they’re doing a good job. The fact that there was red wave makes them feel like them doing a good job is confirmed instead of the Republicans running crappy candidates and Donald Trump talking way too much crap. People weren’t thrilled about Democrats, they were just not thrilled about Republicans also.

She’s also giddy because she thinks the may remain Speaker of the House because Democrats have caught up in the House races. California, Oregon, Arizona and Nevada haven’t finished counting ballots a week after the election. Republicans still need six votes to get to the majority in the House.

Here’s Kamala Harris making a statement that’s actually correct. Listen:

Here’s the thing, she’s correct. 18-24-year-olds are stupid. How do I know that? 68% of them voted Democrat. I love it how Democrats can insult their own voters all the time.


They Don’t Care About Life

According to the Daily Wire:

Limitless abortion measures were overwhelmingly approved Tuesday in California and Vermont, paving the way to enshrine so-called reproductive rights for women into both state constitutions next year.

In the aftermath of the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade earlier this year, the decision to codify abortion went back to the states.

I said when Roe was overturned that this was not going to ban abortion throughout the country. In fact, if Roe was overturned, many states would expand abortion.

The article continues:

So far, approximately 3.5 million California voters have favored Proposition 1, which changes the California Constitution to say that the state cannot deny or interfere with a person’s so-called reproductive freedom and that people have the fundamental right to choose to have an abortion and use contraceptives.

Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom, who signed 15 abortion-related bills this year with a $200 million state budget included, contributed $3.4 million from his re-election campaign on the measure.

Democratic Senate President Pro Tem Toni Atkins, who authored the bill, told The Los Angeles Times that California voters sent a “loud, clear message to those who think they can control our bodies.”

“In California, we will not go backwards,” Atkins said.

So killing children is going backwards according to Leftist California politicians.

But that’s what’s the most disturbing about the law.

The article continues:

Current state law allows women to abort their child before the fetus can survive outside the womb or if the mother’s health is in danger, and further defines the term “perinatal” as “the period from the establishment of pregnancy to one month following delivery.”

California’s Health and Safety Code says babies born alive after a failed abortion should receive the same care as another infant of a similar age, and the code also maintains protections against fetal homicide.

“Perinatal” is the important term here. The definition of “perinatal” according to the state of Illinois:

Per the AAPD, the perinatal period begins at the 20th -28th week of gestation at the 20th to 28th week of gestation and ends 1 to 4 weeks after delivery. It is characterized by complex physiological changes that may adversely affect oral health.

Some define it as up to a year after birth. Basically, California is legalizing infanticide.

This is a dangerous law to set. Someone who kills their child after birth could, technically, use this law to get off. I don’t know if Congress of the Supreme Court could do much about it at this point. You know someone is going to do something like killing their two week old and this will come up in court.

But, overall, the politicians in California are evil. This is an evil law.



Go Woke, Go Broke

Go woke, go broke.

According to the Daily Caller:

CEO Bob Chapek of Disney told executives that layoffs at the entertainment giant were likely, just days after a weak earnings report that missed expectations by over $1 billion, the Wall Street Journal reported Friday, citing an internal memo.

The email also announced a hiring freeze among other cost-saving measures including a request to limit travel without prior approval from executives, according to the WSJ. The company missed expectations for its fourth quarter earnings on Nov. 8 after losing nearly $1.5 billion on its Disney+ streaming service, nearly 40% worse than what analysts anticipated. 

“I’m fully aware this will be a difficult process for many of you and your teams,” Chapek said, according to the WSJ. “We are going to have to make tough and uncomfortable decisions.”

The article points out:

  • Disney’s streaming platforms (Hulu, ESPN, Disney+) have lost $8 billion.
    • They do have 285 million subscribers.
    • They expected to turn a profit by 2024 but that is not looking good.
  • The stock price is down almost 40% year-to date.
  • The parks also have seen marked attendance decline. Some because of COVID but also the high prices and inflation.

All I have to say is good. Listen, money talks and BS walks. Disney has been catering to the woke for a long time and now they admit they are woke and are going to promote it more. People just don’t like this crap. They will just walk away. That’s what is happening to Disney. It won’t be long before the CEO has to resign. But that’s not going to help. They need a cultural change. I think they are going to need to lose a lot more money before this happens.



That’s Irony

The United States is not the only country that is facing a drug crisis. Mexico is also have big problems with pot, meth, heroin and fentanyl. They are also actively trying to get their people to stop using drugs and relay to them how drug use is a road to despair and death.

They decided to release an ad campaign using a city famous for its homeless and drug addicts: Philadelphia.

According to the Daily Caller:

Philadelphia is the new face for the War on Drugs as footage from the beleaguered Kensington neighborhood has found its way into a Mexican anti-drug ad.

The ads were presented Tuesday by Jesús Ramírez, the spokesman for President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, according to the AP, though questions as to where the government obtained the footage or why they used them went unanswered. In a tweet posted Tuesday, Ramirez claimed that the videos were part of Campaign Against Addictions, which sought to inform young people of the damage that can be rendered by drug use.

I do want to point out all of the fentanyl and heroin is coming from Mexico but we have become the example of what happens when drugs get out of control and other countries know it.

I’m telling you, we need to declare Mexico and China a clear and present danger to the United States and we need to take a military response. We also need to stop legalizing all this crap. We are a very sick society right now and it may take generations to fix it.





Episode 631 – Yes, I’m Talking About Underwear

Ballot counting continues and the New York Times has five ways we can deal with the stress.

That great jobs market looks like it finally might begin to be imploding.

And let’s talk sports.


Just Some News

Just a little FYI about the elections from Tuesday:

  • Joe Biden took a B-12 shot and decided to do a speech. He was giddy.
    • As I said, he was going to see this as a resounding victory.
    • He called for unity while still saying ultra, super-duper, mega MAGAs are still evil and soul-less.
    • When asked what he’s going to change with his policies, he said nothing.
    • Then he answered questions from pre-selected reporters.
  • The red trickle may turn out to be a red high tide if the planets align.
    • With 44 seats still in doubt, Republicans are only 10 seats from the majority. Though they will lose most of those seats, they will make it.
    • Rafael Warnock and Hershel Walker are only half a point from each other and neither reached 50%. There will be a runoff on December 6th.
    • There’s still a chance we may take both houses.
  • In a huge bit of news about this election. It looks like Republicans will win the popular vote. That’s the first time I have heard that in my memory.

The New York Times released some advice for all the snow flakes who may become very stressed out if there was a red wave on Tuesday. Needless to say, they got mocked online. I don’t want to mock the Times. They just know their readers.

The advice was sent as a tweet and gave five exercises snow flakes can do before the tears start streaming.

  • Try five-finger breathing. Trace the outside of your hand with your pointer finger. When you trace up, breathe in, and when you trace down, breathe out.
  • Cool down. Plunge your face into a bowl with ice water for 15 to 30 seconds.
  • Move. Even a walk around the block can offer some relief for an uneasy mind.
  • Breathe like a baby. Focus on expanding your belly as you breathe, which can send more oxygen to the brain.
  • Limit your scrolling. Consider plotting out specific times when you will look for election updates.

My God, help us. Things didn’t go well for me yesterday but I never even considered that I would get so stressed out that I would need to soak my head in ice water.

If someone gets that stressed out over losing an election, they probably shouldn’t be voting. But this is the fear the Democrats have been peddling.



This Is Going to Happen Everywhere

Joe Biden keeps talking about how great the unemployment rate is but it is only a matter of time before it comes down to earth. The tech sector is the first to start laying people off.

According to Daily Wire:

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg dismissed 13% of his company’s workforce on Wednesday as revenues lag and costs increase.

The social media firm’s performance has worsened significantly over the past year as executives began pouring resources into developing the metaverse, an immersive virtual reality that Zuckerberg believes will serve as the next phase of digital communication. Beyond excessive funds devoted toward the project, analysts had criticized Zuckerberg for more than tripling payrolls from 25,000 people to 85,000 people over the past four years.

This is a problem throughout tech. Alphabet, which own Google, has also said they are losing money and may need to layoff soon. Twitter just laid off half their workforce because of the money they’re losing. Here’s something I just thought of: why don’t these guys stop buying foosball tables and cappuccino machines and make these people put in some real work.

Amazon has also shown a decrease in income. I separate them because they have never been known to coddle employees. But people are buying a lot less. Why? Let’s see, could it be, maybe inflation, recession, high gas prices leaving less money, high energy problems and supply chain problems?

The article continues:

In a letter to employees, Zuckerberg announced that he would lay off more than 11,000 staff members and extend the company’s hiring freeze. “In this new environment, we need to become more capital efficient,” he remarked. “We’ve cut costs across our business, including scaling back budgets, reducing perks, and shrinking our real estate footprint. We’re restructuring teams to increase our efficiency. But these measures alone won’t bring our expenses in line with our revenue growth, so I’ve also made the hard decision to let people go.”

Employees will receive 16 weeks of base pay, as well as two additional weeks for each year of service without limit and healthcare coverage for the next six months.

OK, let’s be straight. The tech industry has always rather loose with expenses. Their ideas are expensive and risky. This whole Meta thing Facebook is pushing is running into major problems. But, in a good economy, some these issues are not as pronounced. We don’t have a good economy and the companies, like Facebook and Alphabet, depend on people to spend money on their products and services, which tend to be expensive.

Unlike what Biden has been saying, inflation is real and we are in a recession. I have always said low unemployment is not an indicator of a recession. High unemployment is a result of a recession.

Thank you Thomas Sowell in his book Basic Economics who discusses this.



Interesting Sports Stories

So big news in sports.

  • Brittany Griner, the WNBA star who I think might be a man, has been transferred to a “Russian penal colony”.
    • Another name for “Russian penal colony” is forced labor camp or gulag.
    • Her lawyers have no idea where she is. This was a complete surprise.
    • Joe Biden was asked about it and he hopes to come up with a prisoner exchange now that the election is finished.
    • Of course, one of the prisoners Russia wants is a known arms dealer and terrorist. Not sure I have this right but I’m pretty sure a WNBA star, who hates America, is not worth a Russian arms dealer and terrorist.
    • She’s in a country she loves and she doesn’t have to stand for the Nation Anthem. Even LeBron James says she probably doesn’t want to come back. So, she should enjoy.

British tennis has finally handled a huge controversy by doing the right thing.

According to the New York Post:

Wimbledon’s controversial all-white rules are set to be changed after multiple stars flaunted the directives at this year’s Grand Slam.

Players are required to wear clothing that is almost entirely white from the time they enter the arena to the time they leave, but Aussie Nick Kyrgios defied the rules on his way to the final.

My God, who came up with that rule. The horror!

The article continues:

Now, the strict dress code is set to be reconsidered and altered to be more considerate for female players.

Under the current guidelines, the room for movement is minimal with it stating:

“Undergarments that either are or can be visible during play (including due to perspiration) must also be completely white except for a single trim of color no wider than one centimeter.”

I have a couple of questions here. Who exactly is the one who measures the strip of color to verify it is one centimeter wide? Has anyone been kicked out of a tournament for wearing colored underwear?

Being the journalist that I claim to be, I had to do some hard, in depth research. The answer is, sort of.

In 2007, a woman named Tatiana Golovin, from France, wore red underwear. She was told to change. She said, “No” and the judges let her play on. But why would they let her wear red underwear?

Let’s read the article:

Female tennis stars spoke out this year over the need for change to the dress code with many skipping menstruating over fears of leaking and staining their white clothing.

Oh. Well, shit. Makes sense. So we will call this another victory for feminism and a slap at the patriarchy.

Bet you thought when I said we were going to talk sports I was going to talk about real sports that people actually watch. Yeah, this isn’t that sophisticated a show.



Not So Bright

I do love true crime. Sometimes there’s a story you just have to analyze.

Like this one. According to Fox 10 in Arizona:

Two suspects have been arrested in connection with the death of an 80-year-old Air Force veteran whose decomposing body was found dismembered in his Phoenix home, according to authorities.

Phoenix police said Thomas Wallace, 58, was being held on $1 million cash bond on suspicion of second-degree murder, concealing a dead body, theft of means of transportation and trafficking in stolen property while Ramona Gonzalez remains jailed on suspicion of fraud and theft.

Sounds like a terrible story. There’s got to be a twist, right? Well there is.

  • They found the victim a month later. You can imagine the wonderful bouquets that were wafting from that apartment.
  • They found him dead with blood everywhere.
  • A woman named Ramona Gonzalez moved in with the victim. She was a drug user.
  • She ended up moving out and moving in with a guy named Thomas Wallace.
  • Both were caught on video at the room of the victim and they were arrested.

So what is the twist?

The murder weapon was a chainsaw. The two stole tools from the man and pawned them. Including the chainsaw. The chainsaw that wasn’t cleaned. The cops collected the items and they smelled like, you know, rotting body.

I don’t know what’s weirder. These guys sell a chainsaw used in a murder and didn’t bother to clean it or the pawn shop owner who bought a chainsaw filled with blood and flesh but never bother to call the police.

Drugs are a hell of a thing.



This Is Bad But Drag Story Time?

I don’t know what the big deal is about this but here we go.

According to the New York Post:

This kid’s birthday was anything but a bust

Parents of a 5-year-old are at the eye of a social media shade storm after taking their tot to Hooters on his big day. 

And while the giddy little boy — in a viral TikTok video with over 6.9 million views — is seen smiling ear to ear while flanked by a band of vivacious waitresses singing “happy birthday,” digital detractors in the post’s comments section angrily fired off jeers at his mother and father for “forcing sexualized stuff” on him. 

I asked Josie what she thought and, surprisingly, she thinks Hooters is actually a family-friendly sports bar. The waitresses don’t wear anything different than they do at other sports bars like Buffalo Wild Wings or The Draft. The difference is Hooters markets their waitresses and their tiny outfits, which aren’t that tiny.

I wouldn’t be upset that she took her five-year-old to Hooters because the waitresses are wearing shorts and tank tops. I would be upset because the food at Hooters sucks.

By the way, these same people that are ripping this parent for taking her kid to a sports bar are probably the same people who have no issues with their kids being read to by a guy in drag.



Dogs Are Not People

This is a funny story but it really isn’t. These types of attitudes are happening here too. Let’s go through the story.

From the New York Post:

She thinks employers need to throw pet parents a bone.

Mary Rose Madigan, 28, from Sydney, Australia, claims pet owners don’t get enough respect in the workplace, writing in a personal essay that she’s “jealous” of working mothers because of their flexible working schedules.

“Do you need to pick your kids up from day care? Same, my son goes to doggie day care,” Madigan wrote in a first-person essay for News.com.au. “It is also very unaffordable, $42 a day, and it costs extra if I’m late! So, I must go.”

According to Madigan, flexible working hours should be introduced for people with fur babies, and they should be awarded “the same flexibility and understanding as mothers of human children.”

This story bothers me.

Pets are not as important as dogs. Not even close.






Episode 630 – So Much for a Red Wave

I blew eight hours watching the elections last night. All the excitement I felt during the day popped by 9:00 PM. A very disappointing night. But there is a silver lining.


What Happened?!

Here’s what happened as of now:

  • The Senate is still up for grabs at 49-48, Republicans.
    • Arizona, Georgia and Nevada.
    • Nevada looks to go red but it’s close.
    • Arizona looks to go blue.
    • Georgia is going to go to a runoff but it looks like it will go blue.
    • That would lead the Senate to remain 50-50.
    • Hugely disappointing.
  • Currently, Republicans look like they are going to win the house, but votes aren’t all in yet from the west coast.
    • They currently have a 204-176 lead. They need 218 for a majority.
    • It is predicted that Republicans will get 224.
    • This way below what is predicted.
  • In the governor’s races:
    • Stacey Abrams (Georgia) and Beto O’Rourke (Texas) may finally have their political careers end. They both got killed.
    • Ron DeSantis won by almost 20 points.
    • Kathy Hochul (New York) and Gretchen Whitmer (Michigan) won their elections.
    • Oregon and Arizona are still being counted.
  • Florida and New York really shifted.
    • Miami Dade voted red for the first time.
    • Only five districts were blue in Florida.
    • New York lost five seats in the House.
    • This is positive.

Here’s a breakdown of how people voted. This is from the Wall Street Journal and we can get some ideas what to do in 2024.

This is a good sign for Republicans. Suburban women actually voted Republican.

This is not good for Republicans. They need to work on their messaging to attract younger folks. Those over 50 of age usually vote more but we need to get the young folks more excited to vote. We also have to make education an important topic to end all this indoctrination.

This is big. Republicans are making gains with blacks and Hispanics. We need to continue to talk to minorities, countering the BS Democrats keep saying about every Republican is a racist.

Again, not surprising. It shows that the Democratic party is part of the elitist class. What is good for Republicans is most people are only high school and some college. So we still have a majority.

This is exactly why we have the electoral college. This is always the case that urban voters vote blue. If you look at a breakdown of California, most of the state is red. Los Angeles and San Francisco make up most of the voters because of their size.

I’m surprised that abortion and climate change were more important than I thought. Immigration and crime really weren’t much of a consideration.

There were problems yesterday, especially in Maricopa County in Arizona. 20% of the voting machines didn’t work. I don’t think that was done on purpose because Maricopa County is rather liberal, but it does show that we should just go to paper ballots.

I won’t lie, I don’t have much faith in the elections. I think there is corruption.

The only reason I added this is because it shows cannot get crazy with abortion. We need to chip away at it.

All this stuff we need look at and learn from it before 2024.



But WTF Happened?!

Bunch of things happened that caused this red trickle:

  • Republican leadership.
    • Horrid messaging.
    • No platform.
    • No solutions.
    • They did not make this election about Biden. They were way too timid.
    • They should all be removed.
    • Kevin McCarthy should not be Speaker of the House.
  • We need stronger candidates.
    • Herschel Walker.
    • Mehmet Oz.
    • Doug Mastriano.
  • Republicans seem to shiver under the shadow of Trump.
  • Donald Trump needs to go golfing every day and get out of politics. This won’t happen because Trump is going to announce he’s running next week.
    • He’s about ego now, not the betterment of the country.
      • He insulted DeSantis right before the election. Why would he do that?
      • His ego talk cost us the Senate in 2020 because he was pissed at Brian Kemp of Georgia. This cost us two Senate seats.
    • He’s still butt hurt about the 2020 election.
    • He talks way to much garbage about fellow Republicans.
      • His base then doesn’t vote for them and Dems end up winning.
      • His candidates are bad.
    • He doesn’t have that kind of pull anymore. Candidates that he supported did not win.
    • He’s too polarizing. A lot of Republicans don’t like him and won’t vote for him.
    • Finally, he’s going to be 78 years old. We need new blood.

I think the Republicans need to separate themselves from Trump. I don’t think he is that popular anymore except with his base. Republicans can learn from his policies, but he should not be in the spotlight.


It’s Not All Bad

This is going to sound weird but I thought about this while I was on my walk this morning. Yesterday’s results might not be a bad thing. In fact, it might be a good thing for 2024.

Let’s look at why:

  • Dems are going to see this as a positive for them and their policies. They are going to continue to be crazy. The question is going to be can Republicans not be crazy and be vocal about the craziness of the Dems, they will have something to run on in 2024.
  • If the Republicans take the House, and it looks like they will, they will have some things they can do:
    • They can introduce small bills to extenuate Democrat craziness.
      • No trans-ing of the kids.
      • Removing drilling regulations.
      • Make Democrats say “no” in the Senate or have veto that stuff.
    • They can do investigations.
      • The Hunter Biden laptop.
      • The Afghanistan pull out that caused the deaths of 13 Americans.
      • Joe Biden’s finances.
      • How about his quid pro quo offer with Saudi Arabia?
  • Joe Biden is a lame duck President. He will not get any of his crap passed through the House. The House needs to stand firm on that, especially when it comes to spending money.
  • They can attempt to take back the legislative responsibility that King Biden has taken through his Executive Orders.

Here’s What they should not do:

  • Impeachment, unless there is a law broken and it can be easily prove. It’s a waste of time and no one likes it.
  • Too much investigation. Go out there and pass bills.




Episode 629 – ELECTION DAY!!

It’s election day! I voted early and decided to throw out a podcast and a blog entry! That’s because there’s a lot to talk about.


Election Day

Today is election day!

What better way to celebrate the day by having a blood moon. Gee, that’s not an ominous sign.

The blood moon was last night, from 1 AM to about 4 AM. It is when the Earth gets between the sun and the moon and gives the moon a blood red color. Unfortunately, it is raining in San Diego so I never got a chance to see it. I am an astronomy buff. That’s too bad because there won’t be another one until 2025.

Stacey Abrams continues to alienate voters.

it’s been found that a lot of black Georgia voters are voting Republican, especially men. She had a great reason as to why black men aren’t voting for Stacey Abrams:

Couple of things:

  • In other words black men are so stupid they get fooled by misinformation.
    • Way not to alienate people.
    • Maybe they’re not stupid, maybe they are just not believing Democratic lies anymore.
    • Charlamange the god basically told that to Biden. He asked what have Democrats ever done for the black community. That’s when Biden’s infamous line, “If you vote for Trump, you ain’t black” moment came from.
    • By the way, Republican values (the family, education, religion and law) are far more in tune to the black community than Democratic values.
    • Republicans have just been very bad at messaging.
  • Speaking of stupid, what the hell does, “…why they want what they deserve” mean?

In other election news, John Fetterman’s campaign is already starting their election denial BS.

According to Fox News:

Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman’s (D) campaign filed a lawsuit against Pennsylvania election officials on Monday demanding undated or misdated absentee ballots be counted in the midterms.

The decision to sue the Pennsylvania county board of elections comes nearly a week after the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ordered the board to refrain from counting any absentee and mail-in ballots received for the Nov. 8 general election that are in undated or incorrectly dated envelopes.

This is why people need to vote in person and not through mail. If you’re too stupid to fill in a ballot correctly or don’t want to make an effort to get to the polling place, you shouldn’t be voting.

This has already been ruled on, it is in the state constitution, it’s going to go nowhere.

But this isn’t the only example of tampering with the system.

According to the Daily Wire:

Indiana election officials removed a Democrat poll worker last week for allegedly pre-selecting Democratic candidates and pressuring citizens to vote for specific candidates.

Beth Sheller, an election administrator for Hamilton County, told Fox News Digital that an inspector report allegedly identified two separate incidents at a polling location in Carmel, Indiana. The incidents may constitute electioneering and election interference by a poll worker named James Zheng.

Zheng has been accused of telling black voters “… not to vote for the racist candidates outside,” according to Chalkboard Review, where officials first identified the accused poll worker.

According to the report, the first incident happened on Thursday evening after the poll worker told a pair of black voters not to vote for pro-parent school board candidates, alleging they were “racist” after encountering a group of education activists outside the polling station.

This is something we need to deal with but not make too big a deal out of. This happens every election but it is not changing elections. There is another video going through the Internet of the same thing happening at another polling place. These people were caught and they were dismissed, story over. I don’t think we should be making a big deal over little things like this.

Am I worried about election tampering, sure. No, I don’t. I don’t think they can pull it off again. If there is another burst pipe or power failure in the middle of the night and suddenly all the results change the next morning, there is going to be an uproar and we will officially be in an autocracy.

Karin Jean Pierre made a statement yesterday that worries me.

That’s when you’re going to start seeing revolution. I think Democrats know that. But, we won’t know until later today.

In essence, this is what needs to be done to secure elections:

  • Elections must be done on the day of the election, except for people out of country or military.
  • Elections must be done on paper ballots.
  • Voting must be done in person, at a polling place.
  • A verification process (state identification) must be implemented.
  • Ballots must be counted the night of election day/night. We need to know who wins that night.
  • There should be exceptions. For examples, some states have runoffs in their constitutions.
  • These procedures must be put into the Constitution as an amendment.

Outside of the Constitutional amendment, everything I have mentioned above has been done for a couple of centuries with few problems (yeah, the 2000 election and the election right after the Civil War, but those are exceptions).



Gee, Wonder Why No One Is Talking About This

The violence against politicians has popped its head again. Unfortunately for Democrats, it’s against the Republican gubernatorial candidate for Arizona.

According to Fox 10 News:

Phoenix Police, the FBI and bomb squad units were called after a “suspicious envelope” containing white powder was allegedly sent to the campaign headquarters of Kari Lake, the Republican candidate for Arizona governor.

Police say first responders were called at around 2 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 6 to an office building near 40th Street and Camelback because of “suspicious items,” but did not confirm that it happened at Lake’s headquarters.

Apparently there was also a threatening messages. Since the FBI is involved, we can be pretty sure we will not get any information because this goes against the Democrats narrative of all that right-wind violence.

Yesterday, at a parade celebrating the Houston Astros World Series win, someone threw a full beer at Ted Cruz.

This comes after a Lee Zeldin supporter was joked by a guy who is a Kathy Houkel.

This is after, another House candidate had a bullet shot through her window.

That was after a Marco Rubio was beaten up by four Leftists in Florida.

I’m not including the attempted stabbing of Lee Zeldin and the assassination attempt of Brett Kavanaugh and his family and all of this has happened this year. Democrats only have January 6th and Paul Pelosi.

And the Paul Pelosi thing is falling apart.

Oops. This makes this entire story really weird. Combine that with the police department not releasing the police report, the Pelosi household not releasing the security footage and the District Attorney not releasing the police body cam footage makes all this look really suspicious.

And they wonder why people are coming up with conspiracy theories.





The drama at Twitter continues.

So there is a new trend on Twitter. It is Leftists that change their user name to Elon Musk and then spouting Leftist crap. Some of them even changed the picture to match his. The Twitter handle will stay the same, that has to be unique. That’s the one that has the “@” in front of it. For example, My Name is Dumbasses Talking Politics Blog but my handle is at @RunninFewl. Because these people have blue checkmarks, it looks like it might be Elon Musk (unless you read the handle, which I did and knew it was fake).

The first person I saw doing this was Valerie Bertinelli. She was married to Eddie Van Halen and did a show called One Day at a Time, which I watched because I thought she was hot. She was called out immediately and she changed her name immediately.

Another one that did it was Kathy Griffin. I never saw it because Kathy Griffin has blocked me (I am proud). She got suspended. She decided to log on to her dead mother’s account and tweet. This is a violation of Twitter’s terms of service. It’s a security thing.

Musk was pissed about it. He said that if there is anyone who impersonates another person, they will be suspended permanently. This brought screams from Leftists. They said they thought that there was suppose to be humor allowed on Twitter. What these people did is one step short of identity theft. They took Musk’s name, posted his picture and spewed Leftist crap. None of it was funny. I don’t want someone impersonating me. And that shit follows you.

Anyway, Mush said Kathy Griffin can get her account back. If she pays $8 a month.

Good for him. He should do this.

There is something he said I did not like.

This scares me about Musk owning Twitter. I’m afraid his talk is just talk. I’m also very well aware he may have made a badly worded tweet here. He has also pointed out how corrupt Twitter is and that’s before he knows what the algorithm.  But I don’t know what his goal is with Twitter.

Does he want Twitter to be the most accurate platform in the world? Who determines what’s accurate? What do you do if you deem a story as inaccurate?

I won’t lie. this sounds like a lot like what happened to the Hunter Biden laptop story.

Or is Elon Musk for free speech? There will be some BS that’s spread. I’ve done it. I have never deleted a tweet. When I was wrong or tricked, I just admitted it and apologized. I never apologized for my beliefs. Just that I pushed something that was wrong.

Here’s the thing: You can’t have free speech and accuracy. The two don’t go together. Elon Musk needs to trust that people will do some research or read article critically. I’m hoping he sees the difference.







Episode 628 – From Their Own Mouths

Let’s hear from the Democrats directly including the “big guy”. Then, let’s go out and vote!


From Their Own Mouths

The RNC Research account on Twitter released an awesome thread. In this thread, they brought out all the crazy ideas that Democrats are running on for tomorrow’s election. I thought it would be fun to go over these little clips because, when Democrats get smoked tomorrow, we will know why. So let’s get to it.

Minnesota Rep, Angie Craig really sending a bad message:

Think this was a gaff? I don’t think so. I just think she told the truth by accident. Let’s face it, she supported vax mandates with a vaccine that is dubiously effective and was never tested making Moderna and Pfizer billions of dollars given to them by the government using tax dollars.

By the way Sweden has banned the use of the vaccines for anyone under 30-years-old.

Here’s Oregon gubernatorial candidate Tina Kotek with her solution to the drug crisis in Portland:

How about figuring out a plan to get these people off of drugs! This crap has been tried before and it has never worked.

Here is Senator Mark Kelly saying that he has been a border protector ever since he was elected. Blake Masters roasts him.

This is correct. You can say the same thing about Joe Biden, whose been in office for 50 years and has done nothing.

Democrats have to realize that most people, including those who are immigrants, want to lower illegal and legal immigration.

Here’s is brain damaged John Fetterman complaining about the Supreme Court:

That’s what you want from a Senator. Someone who doesn’t support institutions created by the Constitution. More on Fetterman later.

Here is Gov. Gretchen Whitmer just lying about her COVID policy:

She kept kids out of school for almost two years and still supports the teacher’s position that schools should remain closed.

Here is Raphael Warnock lying about what should be a scandal that no one is reporting:

The story is evicting his church-goers from low income apartments (one who owed only $28) while Warnock got a $7400 a month housing stipend from the same church. He’s lying, he knows it and so do most people in Atlanta. Herschel Walker is going to win this race. Let’s not forget that Warnock also was accused of beating his ex-wife.

Here is Gov. Kathy Hochul on firing all those people for not getting vaxxed.

Not a popular stance but she’s to stupid to know that!

I also want to point out the reason a lot of old people died was because her predecessor stuck COVID patients into the old folks homes in the first place, killing 15,000, and then lied about it.

Here’s john Fetterman just lying about fracking in the most non-sensical way only he can do:

Fetterman is against coal mining, fracking, drilling and nuclear. He’s said it all his life. That’s what Fetterman’s problem is: the Internet doesn’t forget.

Here is Brittany Pettersen, running for a Colorado House seat:

Colorado has a growing drug and homeless problem, all since it legalized weed ten years ago. They think the best way to handle those problems is to legalize mushrooms, acid, heroin and meth.

Here is Stacey Abrams on why the police of Georgia won’t support her:

Calling the police “good old boys” will probably get their support. She’s going to lose big and then deny she lost at all like the did in 2018.

Here is Mandela Barnes on how he would handle illegal aliens:

We shouldn’t be surprised. Democrats don’t believe crime is criminal. We should reward people who break our laws and enter illegally.

Here is Sen. Michael Bennett of Colorado saying the talking about the “Inflation Reduction Act”:

He’s just lying. Even the moderators knows it by the way he asked the question. Of course he never answers how spending $1.4 trillion is going to reduce inflation.

Here is Kathy Hochul being tone deaf about crime in her own state:

She’s going to get beaten so badly tomorrow.

Here is Maine Gov. Janet Mills on her firing unvaxxed nurses:

They had no problem celebrating the healthcare professionals when they were working. By the way, there was never any studies that said the vaccine worked.

Here is Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal giving his thought on the closing of the XL Pipeline:

The shutting down of the XL Pipeline cost 11,000 people to lose their jobs and another 60,000 who worked indirectly on the pipeline to have their jobs affected. By the way, this blasé statement comes from a guy who said he fought during the Vietnam war to get elected when, in fact, he was a cook or something. How this guy keeps getting elected, I don’t know.

Here is Beto O’Rourke talking about defunding the police:

That’s a lie. He’s been screaming about defunding the police since George Floyd and the Internet is full of sound bites of him stating that. He also wants to take Texan’s guns away from them. This guy is going to get killed.

Here is Rep. Elaine Luria of Virginia commenting on her Republican challenger, Jen Kiggans:

Such a dumb argument especially in a state that is going red. That race is a tie in the polls so she’s probably going to get kicked out.


From the Donkey’s Mouth

And then there’s Joe Biden. Take a look at these huge gaffs.



‘Nuff said!





Episode 627 – Screams and Gnashing of Teeth

The election is coming up and the Dems messaging is rather odd.

Elon Musk starts tearing apart Twitter.

And NPR releases an audio I think will have the opposite effect than they wanted.


A Great Pitch Before the Election

The elections are under way and the Democrats are on full panic mode. The media is doing their best to try to convince Americans to vote Democratic. The big problem is their “best” just ain’t that good.

Here is Sunny Holsten comparing white women to cockroaches because they are voting Republican.

Yeah, that’s going to convince women to vote Democratic. Why do Leftists do this? Why don’t they defend their policies? Because all their policies suck and all they can do is insult and pressure those who are voting red.

Here is a “historian”, Michael Beschloss, on MSNBC saying that democracy is going to end and our kids are going to be arrested and killed:

Let me get this straight, Democrats are for:

  • Abortion.
  • Kept kids out of school for two years.
  • Are for cutting off body parts and giving them hormones because of this trans thing.
  • Indoctrinating them into CRT and radical gender theory.
  • Hell, Biden abandoned children in Afghanistan. Ten year old girls are being married to old men.

Here’s James Clyburn makes another huge proclamation.

Fear. That’s all the have. It sounds like this is going to be a huge win for Republicans.

But leave it to Joy Reid to say the dumbest thing out there:

So these are the reasons we should vote Democratic:

  • The economy is in fine shape.
  • We are cockroaches if we vote Republican.
  • We will become Nazi Germany.
  • And our kids will die.

Great messaging. Wonder why they are going to lose on Tuesday.



Moving Forward

The layoffs have started at Twitter. Elon Musk plans to can 3700 employees out of the 7500 employed.

He sent an E-mail last night. It said:

“In an effort to place Twitter on a healthy path, we will go through the difficult process of reducing our global workforce on Friday. We recognize that this will impact a number of individuals who have made valuable contributions to Twitter, but this action is unfortunately necessary to ensure the company’s success moving forward.

“Given the nature of our distributed workforce and our desire to inform impacted individuals as quickly as possible, communications for this process will take place via email.

“To help ensure the safety of each employee as well as Twitter systems and customer data, our offices will be temporarily closed and all badge access will be suspended. If you are in an office or on your way to an office, please return home. We acknowledge this is an incredibly challenging experience to go through, whether or not you are impacted. Thank you for continuing to adhere to Twitter policies that prohibit you from discussing confidential company information on social media, with the press or elsewhere. We are grateful for your contributions to Twitter and for your patience as we move through this process.”

Kind of cold but I understand why he’s doing this. In one of my other jobs, we used to do layoffs like this. It sucks, it seems unfair and mean, but they do need to worry about their data and they need to worry about violence. This does happen.

A class action lawsuit has been filed on behalf of the employees. They say that, under federal law, the employees needed to get 60 days notice before being terminated.

The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act requires large companies to notify workers two months in advance of planned job cuts.

According to Shannon Liss-Riordan, the attorney that filed the lawsuit:

“We filed this lawsuit tonight in an attempt to make sure that employees are aware that they should not sign away their rights and that they have an avenue for pursuing their rights.

“We will now see if he is going to continue to thumb his nose at the laws of this country that protect employees. It appears that he’s repeating the same playbook of what he did at Tesla.”

By the way, Musk won that lawsuit. Probably because the company only laid of 10% of its employees. That’s well below the standard which is 33%.

He’s probably going to win this one too. According to WARN’s employer guide, one of the reasons he can do such a mass layoff is for a faltering company. It states:

Faltering company: When, before a plant closing, a company is
actively seeking capital or business and reasonably in good faith
believes that advance notice would preclude its ability to obtain such
capital or business, and this new capital or business would allow the
employer to avoid or postpone a shutdown for a reasonable period…

No one can really argue that Twitter is a struggling company. It has not made money in ages. Musk’s legal team could argue that thy gave notice of a week and they couldn’t wait sixty days to get the company on track. He said as much in his E-mail.

I also am not sure this is valid when the company has been taken over. Musk is the new owner. I am not sure he couldn’t fire everyone especially seeing how volatile the employees are. Chance are this is just a lawyer that wants to make some money through a settlement.



Just Disgusting

National Public Radio (NPR) released an absolutely disgusting audio recording. It is a recording of a woman getting an abortion. The audio is actually about 11 minutes long. It involves the woman being encouraged to get through it by a staff member, the groaning of pain by the patient, the switching on of the suction machine and the completion of the procedure.

It is pretty disgusting and I would suggest avoiding the audio if you have a weak stomach but I think it is important to hear.

Believe it of not, this is suppose to be a celebration of abortion. Mind you, we are paying for this with our taxes since NPR is a non-profit supported by government funds.

Some things:

  • At 11 weeks, the baby is already formed and the sex can be determined.
  • The contrast NPR uses that an abortion is just like a birth. Except you are sticking a vacuum in a woman and sucking the baby out in probably the most brutal ways ever imagined.
  • How twisted is it that they celebrate the abortion at the end like parents would celebrate the birth of their child.

This is supposed to support abortion but I think it had the opposite effect. I think it bring up how evil this whole thing is. It’s like an evil ritual that is the opposite and mocks childbirth. I bet that NPR may have figured that out by now especially since this is going viral and for the wrong reason. It actually shows how terrible the process of abortion is.



That’s Kind of Sick

Speaking of mocking childbirth.

According to the New York Post:

A 22-year-old woman has opted to get her fallopian tubes extracted from her body and she turned them into a piece of jewelry to tether around her neck.

Savannah Blouin is adamant on not wanting kids and so she underwent an salpingectomy this past July to surgically remove her tubes.

Blouin created a necklace out of her tubes, saying the creation makes her feel “empowered.”

“I had my fallopian tubes [removed] because I’ve always known that I never want to have children,” she told Needtoknow.online recently.

The vegan restaurant waitress felt inspired to make a necklace following the decision to overturn the court case Roe V. Wade. The legal matter protected women’s legal right to have an abortion.

The Connecticut native posted a video on her TikTok, that has since gone viral where she showed how she preserved the “organic matter” in resin to create her neckpiece.

Some things:

  • Of course she posted this on TikTok.
  • Of course her hair is blue.
  • Of course she’s a vegan.
  • Of course she has a nose ring and other odd piercings.
  • Of course she has tattoos.
  • Of course she still wears a mask.

You know there is something that liberals don’t seem to think about when pushing to end child birth is that they are making themselves extinct. Conservatives and religious people actually have lots of kids. So, maybe that’s the silver lining.





Episode 626 – No Chance!

There are things happening around the world we should know about but we are always stuck within our little bubble.

Joe Biden is on the campaign trail six days before the election. Turns out he should have stayed home.

And a viral article asks for amnesty from all us conspiracy theorists concerning the China virus when it turns out everything we said is true. Let’s go over it.



Here is some news:

According to the Wall Street Journal:

Saudi Arabia has shared intelligence with the U.S. warning of an imminent attack from Iran on targets in the kingdom, putting the American military and others in the Middle East on an elevated alert level, said Saudi and U.S. officials

In response to the warning, Saudi Arabia, the U.S. and several other neighboring states have raised the level of alert for their military forces, the officials said. They didn’t provide more details on the Saudi intelligence.

  • Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva defeated Jair Bolsonaro to become President of Brazil.
    • Lula is a Hugo Chavez socialist.
    • Lula also served time in prison for money laundering and corruption.
    • Bolsonaro is contesting the election because it was really close.
    • There are currently riots in Brazil started from both sides.
    • Brazil is a mess.
  • Benjamin Netanyahu is going to be Prime Minister of Israel again. This time it will be different.
    • He also gained 65 seats in the Knesset, or parliament.
    • There, finally, might not be election in Israel for a while.
  • Elon Musk announced that his monthly fee will be $8 a month.
    • It’s pissed off AOC. She said: “Lmao at a billionaire earnestly trying to sell people on the idea that “free speech” is actually a $8/mo subscription plan.”
    • Well, if it pissed off AOC, I will be buying in. Be prepared for a blue checkmark next to my name!



This Is Not Going Well

With on week left until the election and the candidates, President and former President are on the road to try to gain back some momentum. Here’s the problem they are having, they have to speak. For most of them, this is easier said than done.

Here is John Fetterman on CNN discussing (sort of) inflation with Don Lemon. How Lemon can keep a straight face, I don’t know.

His brain damage is really showing and I do not believe he is helping himself by doing these interviews and appearances. I know he feels the need to do it because Mehmet Oz has caught up with him. Why Oz isn’t beating this guy like a red-headed step child.

But it isn’t just Fetterman who should keep himself in the basement. Joe Biden is also hitting the campaign trail. He cruising all over the country making speeches which is giving me a lot of sound bites because he can’t say words anymore. He did a speech for Debbie Wasserman Schultz in Florida. People were not excited to hear him as can be heard when he was introduced by Wasserman-Schultz:

Having to get the crowd to cheer for the President of the United States is not a good thing. I can’t think of a worse start. That is until Joe Biden started talking.  He had so many gaffs that Town Hall made a little compilation, so I used that. That’s why you’re going to hear music in the background. It was a good video.

Didn’t take Biden long to show his senility:

This was the start of his speech and he already screwed up. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has never been in the Senate. She’s running for a House seat.

Here he is screwing up the acronym for FEMA:

FEMA stands for Federal Emergence Management Agency. He used just about every word beginning with an “A” except the right one. He should know this since he used it for the hurricane in Florida. What is the name of the hurricane, Joe?

It was Hurricane Ian. Not Ivan, not Ion but Ian.

Biden always needs to bring his dead son in on everything even inflation.

He son served in Iraq but dies of brain cancer in Maryland. He brings up his dead son in almost every speech trying to gin up sympathy. It’s cynical. Notice he never brings up Hunter.

He continues with inflation.

Not partisan enough…Jeez. And, no, we do not have the lowest inflation in the world.

Still more on inflation:

So he’s admitting that there is inflation and we are all affected and…that’s it. At least he didn’t blame anyone for it.

Then he goes off on drug companies but can’t remember what they sell:

He just said, “aspirin” yet he can’t remember what he just said.

How about insulin, Joe?

The guy who invented insulin died in 1935, one year before Biden was born. The guy lies so much and no one fact checks him.

He continues with health care and pulls a Hilary Clinton, switching to a southern accent.

I wonder if he realizes that “boy” is considered a racist term? Probably, but he’s just racist so he doesn’t care.

Finally, to Debbie Wasserman Schultze relief, old decides to close his speech:

You knew that was coming. Damn Republicans need a blessing from God to get smarter. They’re so dumb. Just a reminder that Democrats hold the House, Senate and Presidency.

At least he didn’t blame Trump for the mess he made.

Tonight, Biden has decided to make a speech from the Oval Office. That should be fun.


How About No?

Emily Oster is an economist at Brown University. She wrote an article that has gone extremely viral. It’s called Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty: We need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID.

Let’s go through it.

In April 2020, with nothing else to do, my family took an enormous number of hikes. We all wore cloth masks that I had made myself. We had a family hand signal, which the person in the front would use if someone was approaching on the trail and we needed to put on our masks.  Once, when another child got too close to my then-4-year-old son on a bridge, he yelled at her “SOCIAL DISTANCING!”

OK, this family already sounds really annoying!

These precautions were totally misguided. In April 2020, no one got the coronavirus from passing someone else hiking. Outdoor transmission was vanishingly rare. Our cloth masks made out of old bandanas wouldn’t have done anything, anyway. But the thing is: We didn’t know.

No, we actually did know. I am not a doctor and I knew masks didn’t work, being outside was the best way not to catch the virus because of the open air and the sun and

I have been reflecting on this lack of knowledge thanks to a class I’m co-teaching at Brown University on COVID. We’ve spent several lectures reliving the first year of the pandemic, discussing the many important choices we had to make under conditions of tremendous uncertainty.

Some of these choices turned out better than others. To take an example close to my own work, there is an emerging (if not universal) consensus that schools in the U.S. were closed for too long: The health risks of in-school spread were relatively low, whereas the costs to students’ well-being and educational progress were high. The latest figures on learning loss are alarming.  But in spring and summer 2020, we had only glimmers of information. Reasonable people—people who cared about children and teachers—advocated on both sides of the reopening debate.

All the things she’s talking about were talked about three months after the pandemic started. But everyone who said it was banned from social media or ridiculed.

Another example: When the vaccines came out, we lacked definitive data on the relative efficacies of the Johnson & Johnson shot versus the mRNA options from Pfizer and Moderna. The mRNA vaccines have won out. But at the time, many people in public health were either neutral or expressed a J&J preference. This misstep wasn’t nefarious. It was the result of uncertainty.

“Wasn’t nefarious”? The president of international sales said the vaccines were never tested. They lied about the efficacy of vaccines. They lied about the side effects of the vaccines. They lied about the dangers of COVID. They lied about everything.

Obviously some people intended to mislead and made wildly irresponsible claims. Remember when the public-health community had to spend a lot of time and resources urging Americans not to inject themselves with bleach? That was bad. Misinformation was, and remains, a huge problem. But most errors were made by people who were working in earnest for the good of society.

Nobody said we should inject ourselves with bleach. This is just one of the many lies spread because of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Given the amount of uncertainty, almost every position was taken on every topic. And on every topic, someone was eventually proved right, and someone else was proved wrong. In some instances, the right people were right for the wrong reasons. In other instances, they had a prescient understanding of the available information.

The people who got it right, for whatever reason, may want to gloat. Those who got it wrong, for whatever reason, may feel defensive and retrench into a position that doesn’t accord with the facts. All of this gloating and defensiveness continues to gobble up a lot of social energy and to drive the culture wars, especially on the internet. These discussions are heated, unpleasant and, ultimately, unproductive. In the face of so much uncertainty, getting something right had a hefty element of luck. And, similarly, getting something wrong wasn’t a moral failing. Treating pandemic choices as a scorecard on which some people racked up more points than others is preventing us from moving forward.

So much here:

  • Getting anything right was not lucky. It was common sense from what we know about viruses.
  • There wasn’t heated and unpleasant conversations here. People’s lives were ruined because they didn’t tow the party line.
  • I was yelled at several times because I wouldn’t wear my mask all the time.
  • I was yelled at in the street because I wasn’t wearing a mask while I was running, alone.

We have to put these fights aside and declare a pandemic amnesty. We can leave out the willful purveyors of actual misinformation while forgiving the hard calls that people had no choice but to make with imperfect knowledge. Los Angeles County closed its beaches in summer 2020. Ex post facto, this makes no more sense than my family’s masked hiking trips. But we need to learn from our mistakes and then let them go. We need to forgive the attacks, too. Because I thought schools should reopen and argued that kids as a group were not at high risk, I was called a “teacher killer” and a “génocidaire.” It wasn’t pleasant, but feelings were high. And I certainly don’t need to dissect and rehash that time for the rest of my days.

I call BS here. She sounds like the person that would have kept schools closed.

Moving on is crucial now, because the pandemic created many problems that we still need to solve.

Student test scores have shown historic declines, more so in math than in reading, and more so for students who were disadvantaged at the start. We need to collect data, experiment, and invest. Is high-dosage tutoring more or less cost-effective than extended school years? Why have some states recovered faster than others? We should focus on questions like these, because answering them is how we will help our children recover.

Many people have neglected their health care over the past several years. Notably, routine vaccination rates for children (for measles, pertussis, etc.) are way down. Rather than debating the role that messaging about COVID vaccines had in this decline, we need to put all our energy into bringing these rates back up. Pediatricians and public-health officials will need to work together on community outreach, and politicians will need to consider school mandates.

The standard saying is that those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. But dwelling on the mistakes of history can lead to a repetitive doom loop as well. Let’s acknowledge that we made complicated choices in the face of deep uncertainty, and then try to work together to build back and move forward.

So, we should grant amnesty to all those people who lied to us over the past two years. To the same people who are still pushing that we are in a pandemic.

Let’s see:

  • Old people were left to die alone in old folks homes.
  • We hold any funerals.
  • People were fired for not getting vaxxed.
  • Children were kept out of school for two years, erasing two decades of math and reading progress.
  • Children ended up with myocarditis because of the vaccine.
  • 2-year-olds were forced to wear masks.
  • People lost their businesses.
  • Churches were closed.
  • We were being censored on social media.
  • People were arrested for not wearing masks.
  • People couldn’t see their families because restrictions.
  • In China and New Zealand, there were actual concentration camps to imprison COVID positive people.

Let’s remember this small piece of propaganda that was being pushed by people like Jimmie Kimmel:

They wanted us to die. Now they want amnesty?

I also want to point one more thing out. In that article, notice something is missing? They want forgiveness but I still have yet to hear an apology. That seems to be missing from this article.

So, amnesty to the people that have been peddling misinformation about COVID?

F-you! They’ll get some forgiveness when I see people in jail over this.






Episode 625 – It Can Get Worse!

The Supreme Court is at it again and prepare for more crying from the Left.

Elon Musk is making a splash at Twitter.

And just when you thought the fuel shortage, the supply chain issues and inflation couldn’t get worse – surprise!


Busy Bees 

The Supreme Court is at it again. Be prepared for more howls of agony and despair.

  • In a ruling yesterday, the Supreme Court put a stay on Trump needing to give his tax records until there is further review.
    • There will be more debate on November 10.
    • The Justice Department and Congress want to see his tax records but their reasoning is rather blurry.
    • I think that’s why the Supreme Court said, “Whoa!”
    • This is a harassment by the Justice Department and Congress.
    • I don’t know what’s going to happen when Congress is taken over by Republicans.
  • The Supreme Court is also listening to arguments over affirmative action.
    • Listening to the questions, it sounds like it is going to be banned.
    • Seth Waxman, who is defending affirmative action, keeps arguing with the Justices, which is pissing them off.
    • Some of the questions:
      • Samuel Alito asked: “I still haven’t heard any explanation for the disparity between the personal scores that are given to Asians.”
      • Waxman admitted race was decisive “for some highly qualified applicants,” just like “being… an oboe player in a year in which the Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra needs an oboe player.”
      • Which Roberts remarked: “We did not fight a civil war about oboe players. We did fight a civil war to eliminate racial discrimination.”
      • Clarence Thomas asked what the definition of diversity is. He didn’t get an answer.


Gnashing of Teeth

The drama with Elon Musk taking over Twitter, the drama continues.

  • Musk fired Twitter Chief Executive Parag Agrawal, Chief Financial Officer Ned Segal and legal affairs and policy chief Vijaya Gadde.
  • Elon will be interim CEO or Chief Twit.
  • He still plans to fire 75% of the staff. He has ordered lists from managers and directors.
  • He is creating groups made to defeat spam bots and content advisors.
  • Nothing has been done with the algorithm.
  • Though he has not yet allowed Trump back on, he has said he never wants to suspend anyone permanently.
  • He will continue to follow all federal and international laws and regulations.
  • Musk has indicated he sees Twitter as a foundation for creating a “super app” that offers everything from money transfers to shopping and ride-hailing.
  • He plans to take the company public in a few years.
  • He has plans to charge $20 a month to verify user accounts. This is a great idea.

The employees threw a fit at the thought that most of them were getting fired. In their genius, they decided to write Musk and the soon-to-be-canned board/ This thing is hysterical so I have to read it:

Staff, Elon Musk, and Board of Directors:

We, the undersigned Twitter workers, believe the public conversation is in jeopardy.

Elon Musk’s plan to lay off 75% of Twitter workers will hurt Twitter’s ability to serve the public conversation. A threat of this magnitude is reckless, undermines our users’ and customers’ trust in our platform, and is a transparent act of worker intimidation.

Twitter has significant effects on societies and communities across the globe. As we speak, Twitter is helping to uplift independent journalism in Ukraine and Iran, as well as powering social movements around the world.

A threat to workers at Twitter is a threat to Twitter’s future. These threats have an impact on us as workers and demonstrate a fundamental disconnect with the realities of operating Twitter. They threaten our livelihoods, access to essential healthcare, and the ability for visa holders to stay in the country they work in. We cannot do our work in an environment of constant harassment and threats. Without our work, there is no Twitter.

We, the workers at Twitter, will not be intimidated. We recommit to supporting the communities, organizations, and businesses who rely on Twitter. We will not stop serving the public conversation.

We call on Twitter management and Elon Musk to cease these negligent layoff threats. As workers, we deserve concrete commitments so we can continue to preserve the integrity of our platform.

We demand of current and future leadership:

Respect: We demand leadership to respect the platform and the workers who maintain it by committing to preserving the current headcount.

Safety: We demand that leadership does not discriminate against workers on the basis of their race, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or political beliefs. We also demand safety for workers on visas, who will be forced to leave the country they work in if they are laid off.

Protection: We demand Elon Musk explicitly commit to preserve our benefits, those both listed in the merger agreement and not (e.g. remote work). We demand leadership to establish and ensure fair severance policies for all workers before and after any change in ownership.

Dignity: We demand transparent, prompt and thoughtful communication around our working conditions. We demand to be treated with dignity, and to not be treated as mere pawns in a game played by billionaires.


Twitter workers

I hope they signed it with their names. That way he will know who to fire.

The media and the Left (but I repeat myself) have been flipping out.

  • Yahoo News reported that the use of the n-word has gone up 400%. Another source said the use of the n-word has gone up 500%
    • There are no actual stats.
    • There are no examples.
    • Sounds like BS.
    • Most people, when they accuse someone, post it.
    • I also want to point out Elon has been there for two days. He hasn’t made any changes yet because he hasn’t had a chance.
    • Musk himself pointed this out.
  • Another said that anti-Semitism was on the rise. Yeah, whatever.
  • The media got duped.
    • Two men walked away from the Twitter building carrying boxes.
    • The media thought they were fired employees and they interviewed them.
    • These guys came up with stories about what they did with Twitter.
    • Turns out they were trolls.

This whole thing is going to be so fun.

Democrats are trying to do what they are trying to do with Trump. Harass him into submission.

Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn. sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Monday saying that the acquisition must be investigated because Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal had purchased his stake in Twitter. Mind you, no one said a word when he actually bought it which was way before Musk purchased Twitter.

He wrote:

“I write to draw your attention to potential national security concerns arising from the recently completed takeover of Twitter, Inc. by Elon Musk and a number of private investors.

“​​Setting aside the vast stores of data that Twitter has collected on American citizens, any potential that Twitter’s foreign ownership will result in increased censorship, misinformation, or political violence is a grave national security concern.

“Saudi Arabia is one of the most repressive countries in the world, with little to no tolerance for free expression. Importantly, the Saudi government has demonstrated a willingness to enforce their restrictive approach to dissent outside the Kingdom’s borders—illustrated most tragically by the murder of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi.”

Here’s what is scaring the crap out of Democrats and the Left.

  • Musk is a free speech guy and uses Twitter. He does not appreciate all the censorship that has been happening on Twitter and that he bought it to create a free speech platform.
    • Twitter will still moderate.
    • But news stories that were suppressed before will be allowed now.
  • The government was able to control some information before.
    • Both Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey admit working with the government.
    • Facebook and Instagram have special E-mail boxes for government input.
    • The above came out and now the government is using non-profits to proxy their input.
    • Musk doesn’t want this.
  • A bigger fear might be that Musk is going to be successful.
    • The company has not made money since its inception.
    • If he starts making money, other companies may lose subscribers.
    • Those companies then may follow Twitters path.
  • Finally, if Twitter is successful and other companies start to follow, this will kill the mainstream media.




There were two tragedies this weekend.

  • In Seoul, South Korea, 146 were killed and 150 were injured during a Halloween street party. The crowds gathered on a narrow street and started pushing up on each other. Most of the victims were small women.
  • In Morbi, India, a bridge collapsed killing, at least, 120 people. The bridge is a foot bridge that was built by the British in the 1th century. Recovery efforts are still ongoing.
  • At the Los Angeles International Airport, four became ill, one gravely, due to a carbon dioxide leak. This has just happened and there will be more later.

https://www.dailywire.com/news/breaking-146-people-dead-150-injured-after-being-crushed-in-large-halloween-party-reportIn Seoul


It Could Get Worse?

Just when you thought that things couldn’t get any worse. I actually had to look this story up to make sure it was true.

Fuel supply company Mansfield Energy warned on Tuesday that the northeastern and southeastern United States are poised for diesel shortages. The supply could run out as soon as a month in that area. This is probably a big victory for the Biden administration because diesel is the dirtiest, and was the cheapest, form of fuel. The problem is trucks and other large transport vehicles depend on diesel.

But that’s not the only problem. The rail union is still planning to strike. They want more from that sweet deal the government offered them last month.

What does this mean? More supply change issues and more inflation.



