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Episode 574 – A Broken Clock is Right Twice a Day

Even crazy people can be right sometimes.

Gavin Newsom decides to push crazy laws to make himself relevant.

And Joe Biden gets smacked down by the courts.


Wise Words from a Nut

I do not like Noam Chomsky. He stands for everything I hate. He is an anti-capitalist, anti imperialist (though I don’t think he knows what that means), a libertarian socialist (what does that mean?) and supports anarcho-syndicalism (supports anarchy but anarchy should have unions, What?).

But he does believe in free speech. He does believe in free press, debate and truth (though his truth is a little suspect). I have read a couple of his books and they are very full of crap and boring. He said this about America when he was talking to Russell Brand last week:

Some things:

  • This guy believes that the Soviet Union has a better political and economic system than we do.
  • This guy hates the Constitution.
  • He hates the United States.
  • The United States is still not as bad as the Soviet Union.
  • I will agree with him on one thing, we are getting there.
  • We are not hearing everything.
    • Ukraine are not the angels the media, including Fox News, makes them out to be.
    • Cuba, Hong Kong, Venezuela: we hear nothing about anymore.
    • No one is talking about the evils of China.
    • The Biden administration wants to change the definition of what a recession is.

This is how we go from a free country to a totalitarian country. It’s rarely fast. It’s slow. Little things are taken away. They’re chipped away. We see that with speech. With gun rights. With religion.  We are encouraged to depend on the government. If we don’t comply, we could lose our jobs, our money, our families, even our freedom. We can go to jail.

We are not there yet. Well, not quite there yet. Canada is.


Speaking of a Tyrant

According to Fox News:

California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom on Friday signed a gun control bill into law that will allow private citizens to sue anyone who manufactures, sells, transports or distributes illegal “assault weapons and ghost guns.”

The measure was crafted in response to last year’s Texas abortion ban that prohibits the procedure once a heartbeat was detected and allows private citizens to sue physicians, drivers or anyone else who aids a woman in receiving an abortion for $10,000.

The California gun law would grant $10,000 in damages per weapon to private citizens who sue. Citizens could also be awarded the same amount if they file a lawsuit against someone who illegally sells firearms to people under 21 years of age.

Gavin Newsom is going to get a little crazy now. He is going to try to pass things that are going to be extreme. That’s because he is eyeing higher office like President or Vice President. He seems to forget we have tried to kick him out of office a year ago because he is doing such a terrible job. In fact, he got emboldened by surviving the recall election. He’s got to make a name for himself. That’s why he’s attacking Abbott. That’s why he’s attacking DeSantis. Those are the best governors in the country and he needs to be in the same conversation as these governors to have a chance at higher office.

Of course, he’s not going to show he’s a great governor through his policies. California is a mess.

Anyway, this is unconstitutional and not even logical. It is going to be overruled. No other industry can get sued for their product working correctly. That’s like me suing Ford for a drunk driver driving a Ford hitting me.



And They Wonder Why They are Going to Lose in November

According to Fox News:

A federal judge has blocked a directive from President Joe Biden’s administration that allowed transgender workers and students to use school restrooms matching their gender identities. 

It also allowed transgender athletes to join sports teams corresponding with their chosen genders.

The directive was blocked by Judge Charles Atchley Jr. of the Eastern District of Tennessee, a Trump appointee, after a coalition of 20 Republican attorneys general sued last year, Reuters reported.

The plaintiffs argued the federal directive clashed with state laws and prevented states from enforcing their own laws that banned transgender school bathroom use.

That is all true. If a state wants to make it that restrooms are available only to the actual sex of the individual than they should do it. I’m sorry but that stuff should be uncontroversial. But, the Biden administration continues to push this crap and I think it could have some serious unintended consequences. There could be a real pushback from some of the Conservative states.

An example may be gay marriage. The ruling in 2015, Obergefell versus Hodges, used the same arguments as Roe versus Wade. It said that gay people had a right to privacy based on the 14th Amendment. The Supreme Court said there was no such right in the 14th Amendment (and there isn’t). That makes Obergefell a bad precedent and a lot of Constitutional scholars have stated this already.

Now, I don’t think anyone is going to overturn gay marriage. The Supreme Court doesn’t have the stomach for it and, honestly, gay marriage just isn’t that much of a controversy unlike abortion. Most Conservatives have a live-and-let-live attitude about it. But Conservatives are finally using the court system, just like the Left did to push their agendas, and this could come to a fight that the Biden administration is spurring on.

Speaking of not knowing that having a penis makes you a man, Lia Thomas has been nominated as the NCAA’s Woman Athlete of the Year. He’s the man that ranked 400th in the NCAA as a man in swimming then decided to be a women and was one of the top ranked females.

Good news, women are beginning to speak up about this.

Another woman who was nominated, Riley Gaines from the University of Kentucky, said:

“Being the real girl in that photo and also University of Kentucky’s nominee for NCAA WOTY, this is yet another slap in the face to women. First a female national title and now nominated for the pinnacle award in collegiate athletics. The @NCAA has made this award worthless.

“This award combines athletic performance with academics, service, and character. What character has Thomas shown other than sheer selfishness and entitlement? The disrespect and disregard for the other female athletes in Thomas’ interviews is eye opening.”

She lost to Thomas in the 200-meter final.

I hope Thomas wins the award. The pushback will be amazing.



This Isn’t Science

From the College Fix:

As soon as ancient human remains are excavated, archaeologists begin the work of determining a number of traits about the individual, including age, race and gender.

But a new school of thought within archaeology is pushing scientists to think twice about assigning gender to ancient human remains.

It is possible to determine whether a skeleton is from a biological male or female using objective observations based on the size and shape of the bones. Criminal forensic detectives, for example, do it frequently in their line of work.

But gender activists argue scientists cannot know how an ancient individual identified themselves.

Yeah, I’m not kidding. It gets better. Continuing with the article:

“You might know the argument that the archaeologists who find your bones one day will assign you the same gender as you had at birth, so regardless of whether you transition, you can’t escape your assigned sex,” tweeted Canadian Master’s degree candidate Emma Palladino last week.

Palladino, who is seeking an advanced degree in archaeology, called assigning gender to an ancient human “bullshit.”

“Labelling remains ‘male’ or ‘female’ is rarely the end goal of any excavation, anyway,” wrote Palladino. “The ‘bioarchaeology of the individual’ is what we aim for, factoring in absolutely everything we discover about a person into a nuanced and open-ended biography of their life.”

I gotta say, this well thought out analysis tells me she probably shouldn’t get that doctorate.

The article continues:

She is not alone. Gender activists have formed a group called the Trans Doe Task Force to “explore ways in which current standards in forensic human identification do a disservice to people who do not clearly fit the gender binary.”

“We propose a gender-expansive approach to human identification by combing missing and unidentified databases looking for contextual clues such as decedents wearing clothing culturally coded to a gender other than their assigned sex,” the group’s mission statement reads.

“We maintain our own database of missing and unidentified people who we have determined may be Transgender or gender-variant, as most current database systems do not permit comparison of missing to unidentified across different binary sex categories,” the group writes.

Let me let you in on something: anyone who needs an archeologist to identify him or her probably “identified” as the sex they were. You know why? Because identity wasn’t a thing. Their main goal in life was to eat, not get eaten and reproduce. You know, survive.

This February, University of Kansas Associate Professor Jennifer Raff published “Origin: A Genetic History of the Americas,” in which she argued that there are “no neat divisions between physically or genetically ‘male’ or ‘female’ individuals.”

Raff (pictured) suggested scientists cannot know the gender of a 9,000 year-old biologically female Peruvian hunter because they don’t know whether the hunter identified as male or female – a “duality” concept she says was “imposed by Christian colonizers.”

Raff did not respond to a request from The College Fix to comment.

Some archaeologists push back at the effort to de-gender human remains.

Here’s the problem Leftists have. There are neat divisions. It’s male and female. That’s it. And it has been that way with mammalian life for millions of years.

That is the problem the Left has: science. They are never able to tear apart the big question: we can tell a man from a woman just with bones and DNA. When science gets in the way of the Left, they try to eliminate it. They did this with the “trans” thing. There is no such thing as a trans man or trans woman. A man can never become a woman and vice versa. I refuse to acknowledge the term “trans” because it’s not real.

We need to fight against this ignoring of science.







Episode 573 – He Ate It All Up!

Joe Biden has the China virus. So much for getting rid of the virus.

Monkey pox is here just in time for the elections.

And Pete Buttigieg doesn’t know much about electric cars.



So, we have a few Kamalaisms today. I think it’s important to go over these because she’s going to be President after the election and talking to all the world leaders to improve our standing in the world. Which is to say we are screwed.

Here she is talking about abortion of course. She decides to talk about the crisis of pregnancy that is plaguing the country:

I do want to point out that our country is on a trajectory to actually lose population. Our population is shrinking. That’s an indication of a society on the decline but she’s too stupid to understand that.

I don’t even know where this next video came nor do I know what the hell she is trying to say.

There’s no context here. I have no idea what he was talking about but, worse, I have no idea what she was saying. If you have any idea, please translate.

So, Joe Biden has the China virus. So much for defeating the virus and the twenty shots he’s taken. He’s now being quarantined. The White House COVID coordinator said he’s doing well. Listen:

Wittle Joey ate all his breafast. Good for him.

By the way, some conspiracy theorists believe Joe is faking it so he doesn’t have to appear in front of the press. I’ve become a conspiracy theorist because, most of the time, it’s true. The timing is a little odd, too, because the press was bitching about the President not taking any questions just the day before. This will give the White House another seven to ten days not to roll old Joe out to screw up press conferences.

But that wasn’t the dumbest thing said. A woke doctor named Kimberly Sue decided to tweet:

“POTUS working while having COVID infection epitomizes white supremacy urgency in the workplace. Sets a bad example for everyone that he cannot rest. COVID infection is serious, symptoms debilitating for many, and ppl should take time off without working through it.”

Got that? Working is white supremacy because, you know, blacks don’t work. Do these people actually hear themselves when the say or tweet something? By the way, this is the President of the United States. Is he suppose to take off twelve days so he can get over a cold? Is China, Iran and Russia going to stop being a-holes because Biden has the siffles? Is inflation going to go away because Biden has a cough? Are gas prices going to go down to $2.30 for the next seven days because Biden has a headache?

Whatever. Everything is racist.



Of Course It Is

According to the Wall Street Journal:

The World Health Organization has declared that monkeypox is a public-health emergency of international concern, despite divisions among members of the committee of experts who advise the agency, as global case numbers surpass 16,000.

This is the first time the WHO has declared a global health emergency since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in January 2020. In an unusual move, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, went against the majority view of the emergency committee in making the declaration.

Yeah, and it won’t be the last time. The globalists at the UN and WHO are really worried that the United States will put an American-first Congress in place in November. I also want to point out that Tedros went against the majority. A bunch of real doctors said this wasn’t a big deal but he wants to make it a big deal.

Now, 16,000 cases world wide might sound like a lot but there are 7 billion people in the world. That means that only .00023% of the population has this thing and it’s not killing anyone. Does that sund like an emergency.

The article continues:

Monkeypox—rarely detected outside Africa before now—has in recent weeks spread to thousands of people across dozens of countries, mainly among men who have sex with men. No deaths have been reported among the cases outside of Africa, but three people have died in Nigeria and two in the Central African Republic since the start of the year. Epidemiologists say the virus, which requires close contact to spread, is likely exploiting close-knit social and sexual networks among men who have sex with men.

Yeah, there’s that.

So, if you don’t want to catch monkey pox, don’t have butt-sex with strange men. Got it! In the United States, it’s being seen as a sexually transmitted disease and even officials in the Biden administration said this is not an emergency.




It started with global cooling causing food shortages. Then global warming about ten years later because things were getting warmer. Then, it started cooling again and it change to climate change. People never thought much of it and it became a climate emergency. Finally, it is way beyond an emergency and now it is a climate crisis.

Joe Biden has announced that he is going to declare a public emergency over the climate crisis or whatever they are calling it this week. Not sure what he can do through executive order. Here’s Karin Jean-Pierre announcing this possible executive action in a press conference:

Some things:

  • First things first, it’s not extreme heat. It’s weather. It’s summer. It’s like this every year. Some summers are hotter than others. There is nothing weird about a really hot summer in Europe or the United States.
  • In fact, go to Texas or Arizona. It is 120 degrees. It is always 120 degrees. It’s expected there. Because it is not 130 degrees, doesn’t that prove that climate change isn’t a thing?
  • It’s mid-70s in California.

All this because Joe Machin, concerned about inflation and the national debt, refuses to support Biden’s spending and tax package that is meant to tackle climate change. Machin has thrown a wrench into many of Biden’s policies including Build Back Better, tax increases and removing illegal immigration restrictions. Don’t forget, Machin is from South Carolina, a very Conservative state and Biden is very unpopular. If Manchin wants to stay in office, going with Joe Biden would be a bad idea.

He was interviewed and he gave a synopsis of a conversation he had with Chuck Schumer:

“I said, ‘Chuck until we see the July inflation figures, until we see the July, basically Federal Reserve rates, interest rates, then let’s wait till that comes out so we know that we’re going down a path that won’t be inflammatory, to add more to inflation. He says, ‘Are you telling me you won’t do the other right now?’ I said, ‘Chuck, it’s wrong, it’s not prudent to do the other right now.’”

Joe Biden became angry when he found out Machin wouldn’t support him. He said:

“Let me be clear: if the Senate will not move to tackle the climate crisis and strengthen our domestic clean energy industry, I will take strong executive action to meet this moment. My actions will create jobs, improve our energy security, bolster domestic manufacturing and supply chains, protect us from oil and gas price hikes in the future, and address climate change. I will not back down: the opportunity to create jobs and build a clean energy future is too important to relent.”

Bernie Sanders also had some choice words for Manchin:

He is such an off-putting old man. How this guy keeps getting elected amazes me.

Of course Bernie is mad. All these policies are his policies. He appears to be running the country. This is one of the reasons everything seems to be done through executive orders. Bernie thinks that’s how this country should be run.

What these idiots don’t get. Joe Manchin is probably saving the Democrats. If any of these policies are implemented, we can expect higher inflation, higher deficits, higher energy and gas prices, less innovation and less production. This does not spell votes at the ballot box.


Speaking of Out of Touch

I have told you there is one goal by the Left and that’s to get you to buy an electric car or don’t drive. After all, this does not affect any of them. They can afford gas or an electric car. That’s why gas prices are so high.

Here’s Pete Buttigieg saying that the high gas prices are great because everyone is now being forced to buy electric cars:

There are a few problems with this statement:

  • The average price of an electric car is $65K. The cheapest electric car is still in the mid-$30K range.
  • We are in the middle of a supply chain crisis which includes parts to make electric cars hard to come by.
    • Computer chips are so short, car companies are skimping on safety features.
    • Teslas are a year behind in orders.
  • Electric cars are not good for the environment.
  • Electric cars are not convenient.

I left one thing out about electric cars and it is probably the most important detail. I left it out because Rep. Thomas Massie hits the nail on the head so well when questioning Pete Butt-gig.


This is the thing Dems never bring up. They seem to conveniently forget that. The other thing they are forgetting is states like California and Michigan are facing black and brown outs because because they don’t have enough electricity. Why? Mostly because they use a lot of wind and solar and those energy sources are only 40% efficient. Some states are thinking of creating laws banning the charging of electric cars during certain times of the day.

But it’s not just Pete Butt-gig that is bitching about the sun monster, it is also Prince Harry. Here he is, speaking at the United Nations. Apparently, only he and the janitor were there. You know why? No one gives a damn what Prince Harry has to say. Hell, people in England don’t give a damn what he has to say. Listen:

Some things:

  • Didn’t we beat the crap out of England during the war so we wouldn’t have to listen to this dumbass?
  • What does he know about democracy? He’s a prince. England was a monarchy, now it’s a parliament. England was never a democracy.
  • What, exactly, makes this guy and expert on climate?
  • Final point, why is he ripping on the United States, the country that allowed him in? What about China? You know, the country that is the largest producer of carbon emissions and actually has concentration camps. No word about them?





Episode 572 – Three Cheers for AOC!

AOC is undermining the January 6th Commission.

The Uvalde report is released along with a leaked video and it ain’t good.

And protestors get a surprise while protesting an officer involved shooting of a black man in Minnesota and they did not know how to respond.


Bad Trip

Joe Biden just got back from the Middle East and it didn’t go well. It started well enough but ended in disaster.

  • Israel started good.
  • He moderated. He supported a two state solution.
  • He did not want to move the embassy out of the Jerusalem.
  • He made gaffs and got a lot of crap.
  • He was caught shaking hand with someone who wasn’t there. He didn’t know what to do When he got off Air Force One.
  • When he got to Saudi Arabia, his fist- bumped the prince, tried to negotiate For more oil and was turned down.
  • He lied about asking about Jamaal Kashoggi.

While he was gone, the White House was visited by Gavin Newsom. Interesting, huh? Add that his approval ratings have cratered, he can’t put a sentence together and he’s yelling at people for asking questions tells me Biden is on his way out. Oh, I forgot. The economy is dying, Ukraine is losing a war we are supporting them in, crime is high, and interest rates are about to go up.

You know what I think is going to happen? Joe Biden is done. His cabinet is looking at implementing the 25th Amendment. Gavin Newson was at the White House being interviewed to become Vice President when Kamala become President.

I’m calling it.


AOC’s Idiocy Undermines Her Own Party

AOC continues to be a cancer for her own party. She is so stupid she doesn’t realize she’s pushing the Rights narratives which is another way of saying “the truth”.

Here’s the story. She was walking into Congress to vote on something when she was harassed by a professional comedian and troll. Here is the video:

Deck him? Really? If you watch the video, she walked over to him and gave him the peace sigh. She wasn’t threatened and had no intention to engage him. Also, in the video, her fiancé is with her. He just walks past the heckler and doesn’t say a word. What a manly man but that’s just how AOC likes them.

OK, it’s tacky and I wouldn’t say those things, but I’m going to take a stance that is a little different from what a lot of Conservative pundits are taking. I wouldn’t say it because I wouldn’t have the balls to say it. Not because they are bad things to say or they are sexist or racist. Let’s face it, he’s Conservative so they are going to call him that anyway.

AOC is a terrible person and she thinks exactly the same thing. She thinks she’s hot, she thinks she has a great body and she shows it off. Screw her. He’s basically telling her what she thinks so I don’t think those thing he’s saying are terrible. He’s making fun of her and just pointing it out. Good for him. Make her uncomfortable.

Of course, AOC cannot skip the opportunity to gain attention and make herself into a victim. All she had to do was ignore this guy and none of this would have mattered. So she retweeted the video and made several comments.

Like I said, all she had to do was ignore it. But she loves the attention. She actually called the Capital Police on the guy. Of course, what were they going to do about it? Arrest him for liking her butt?

She called this a threat. She said she felt in danger. I do want to point out that this is a woman who was good with protests in front of Brett Kavanaugh’s house. This is a woman who voted against extra protection for the Supreme Court justices even though one justice had an assassination attempt. She gets told she has a nice ass and he wants that guy arrested.

Then it got worse.

Later that evening, she rips the Capitol Police and said how dangerous it is at the Capitol Building. Listen:

She just blew it and it’s going to really piss off Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Democrats, especially the ones on the January 6th Commission. She basically admits that there was a security lapse with the Capitol Police. Who’s fault is that? Nancy Pelosi.

She is also confirming what Conservatives have been saying for a year and a half. That this wasn’t an insurrection, this was a rcot by a couple of hundred people that lasted two hours and was spurred on by the Capitol Police.

So thank you AOC. Thank you troll. Thank you Twitter. Thank you Instagram. All of you together have disproved the ” insurrection” of January 6th.



BLM Has a New Hero

Black Lives Matter found a new martyr. In a suburb of Minneapolis, an unarmed black man was shot and killed causing protests in front of where he was killed. According to the family, he had a mental break. You might be saying to yourself that this might not be the entire story and you would be right.

Here’s the story:

  • The man’s name was Andrew ‘Tekle’ Sundberg, age 20.
  • He was not a sweet, innocent. His social media shoes him sporting guns and drugs, gangster style.
  • On Wednesday night, he started shooting into another apartment where a woman and her children were eating dinner. The woman called the police.
  • The police came and Sundberg started shooting at the police.
  • SWAT and MPD Crisis Team negotiators responded.
  • The negotiated with him including letting his father try to talk him down.
  • There was a six hour standoff.
  • Finally, a sniper got him and sight and shot him.

Sundberg was adopted from Ethiopia. His mother came up with the same old narrative. He said:

“Everyone knows had it been a white person in that building they would have talked him out, they would have waited.”

Needless to say, BLM came to protest which was attended by Sundberg’s parents. But they had a little problem when they started whining about his death. The woman in the next apartment, that was shot at, came out and expressed her opinion that Sundberg was not a good guy and what about the trauma she and her kids went through?

Her name is Arabella Foss-Yarbrough and she got caught in the protests as she was leaving her house because of the shooting. Listen:

Some things:

  • The leader of the protest was sympathetic.
  • Sundberg’s father was also there and apologized. By the way, he’s white.
  • But listen to all of the protestors.
    • She wasn’t dead.
    • She wasn’t shot.
    • One even walked up and got in her face.

There is going to be more to this story. None of it is out yet. Apparently, this kid had problems for a while and was known to cause trouble in the apartment complex though, outside of loud music and showing off his guns on social media, we can’t be sure what he did. We will find out in the coming days, I’m sure.



What a Disaster

Texas lawmakers released a 77-page report about the efforts, or lack thereof, by police in Uvalde, Texas during last months mass shooting at Robb Elementary school that led to the deaths of 19 kids and two teachers. The found that officers “failed to prioritize saving the lives of innocent victims over their own safety.”

One of the biggest problems is that there was no leadership or an incident commander. There were 376 officers at the school and they ended standing around for an hour and a half while the shooter was executing kids. None of them took charge.

Following the release of the report, Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin said that Lt. Mariano Pargas, who was acting police chief that day, was placed on administrative leave. The city is using an independent investigator to weigh whether Mr. Pargas should have taken command the day of the shooting, or made any effort to do so, the mayor said.

The committee found that law enforcement “did not remain focused on the task of ‘stopping the killing’ as instructed by active shooter training.” Though Mr. Arredondo was consumed with finding a key to the door of the classroom the shooter entered, no one ever checked if it was locked.

It likely wasn’t, the report found. No one called the school principal, who had a master key to all classrooms.

The House committee concluded that any number of other officers, including nearly 100 state police troopers and 149 Border Patrol agents, could and perhaps should have taken control of the scene. Instead, inexperienced school police were left to figure it out.

In addition to law enforcement failures, the committee found that school officials had violated security procedures by not locking three exterior doors.

Principal Mandy Gutierrez told the committee she struggled to send a lockdown alert because of a bad Wi-Fi signal and didn’t attempt to put a call over the school intercom. She told the custodian to check that doors were locked and locked down her own office, according to the report.

The shooter fired about 142 rounds in the attack, likely firing about 100 shots before any officers arrived about three minutes after the attack began, the report found. One teacher, Eva Mireles, was alive and calling her husband throughout the siege.

This whole thing is nothing more than cowardice. Everyone there should be disciplined and probably fired. A few should face prison time as far as I’m concerned. This was their job and 21 people died because of their incompetence.









Episode 571 – Let It Rip!

A very dark, murky story remains rather dark and murky but we need to talk about it.

Mass resignations are happening in Virginia because the governor wants people to work.

And if you have to fart, I suggest you let it rip.



She’s back!

She is so bad at this. People are now talking about implementing the 25th Amendment because old Joe is so gone. Can you imagine her having to negotiate with the Iranians? She just gets a couple or words in her head and then starts repeating them. This happens every time.


A Terrible Story

This is an awful story in every way. One of the reasons I didn’t bring it up is because there was so much mystery surrounding it. There still is and I’m sure I’m going to have to talk about this again later as more news comes out. But what makes this story so terrible, besides what happens, is how the President, the media and activists used an apparent tragedy involving a child as a political talking point.

What’s worse, it turns out it is Biden’s own policies that may have created this tragedy.

Here’s the story:

  • The Supreme Court overruled Roe versus Wade.
  • A doctor said to the Indianapolis Star that there is a story of a 10-year-old girl who was raped in Ohio but had to go to Indiana to get an abortion. She used this as a reason why overturning Roe versus Wade is such a bad thing.
  • President Biden, in a speech, used the story as an example of why Roe versus Wade should not have been overturned.

There were some real problems with the story. Enter Fox News. They went after it to find out what happened. One of the first things they found out is that no one in Ohio or Indiana knew anything about it.

  • It is required by law that violence against a child be reported to law enforcement (including by the doctor who gave out the story).
  • The doctor knew too much about the child’s condition. She said the child was three days past the cutoff for an abortion in Ohio. How would she know that?
  • By the way, abortion laws are not that strict in Ohio. They have a heartbeat bill not a ban after a set amount of time.
  • Law enforcement in both states said nothing has been reported.
  • The doctor is apparently very popular on cable news, appearing on CNN and MSNBC.
  • The doctor is also a rabid proabortion activist.

I was going to talk about this on Tuesday, but I knew there had to be more to this story. Well, there is but things are still really fuzzy.

  • An illegal immigrant in Ohio has allegedly confessed to the rape of a young girl in a case that bears similarities to a widely reported claim about a pregnant child who traveled to Indiana for an abortion.
  • Gershon Fuentes, 27, of Columbus, was arrested on Tuesday and charged with first-degree rape.
  • He confessed to raping the child at least twice.
  • The outlet noted that police were informed of the girl’s pregnancy after her mother reported it to Franklin County Children Services on June 22.
  • It is still unclear whether Ohio law forced the girl to cross state lines to obtain an abortion, since the pregnancy likely would have caused a health risk to the girl and thus would be covered under Buckeye State law.
  • Fox News’ Aishah Hasnie, citing a “source,” questioned whether the girl was “simply referred to an expert in a different state.”
  • The doctor is now under investigation for a HIPAA violation.

Not a good look for the Biden administration to run with this story without knowing all the details. More so that we have 250,000 illegals crossing the border on a monthly basis. They just gave Peter Doocy a ton of questions for Karin Jean Pierre. I can’t wait to hear them.



Good Riddance

People just don’t want to go to work anymore.

According to the Daily Wire:

Over 300 Virginia bureaucrats have quit since Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin announced in May that state employees must show up to their jobs following more than two years of remote work since the onset of the COVID pandemic. 

Employees from five different state agencies resigned after Youngkin’s new work policy, some specifically citing “telework options” as their reason for leaving, ABC 8 News reported

Good. When costs end up to high and they go through all the money in their savings accounts that they got from the government, let’s see how all those people get through life.

  • The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) lost 183.
  • Virginia Department of Health lost 78 employees.
  • Virginia Employment Commission had 38 workers quit.
  • The Department of Housing and Community Development and the Department of Emergency Management lost 13 workers.

Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA) lobbyist Dylan Bishop said:

“We had anticipated that the shift in policy would result in an exodus of workers, which is really concerning because of the state’s recruitment and retention issues.”

This is why there should not be any public sector unions. What this guy should have said to his constituents is, “Get back to work because the boss wants you there.”

Listen, we have high inflation, high energy prices, housing is costing more and, very soon, interest rates are going to soar to control inflation which is going to raise unemployment and the ability to get a job. I think the worst thing someone can do is quit simply because they are told they have to go to work.



Could This Be True?

According to the New York Post:

A Brazilian influencer had to be wheeled through a Portuguese airport after she experienced “horrible pain” from holding in her farts.

Viih Tube, whose real name is Vitória De Felice Moraes, 21, was at the Rock in Rio Lisboa 2022 music festival in Portugal with her boyfriend Eliezer, when she began experiencing pain.

Moraes was too embarrassed to pass gas in front of her significant other, according to The Sun.

Moraes posted a video to her Instagram stories of her being pushed in a wheelchair and tagged Brazilian singer Pocah, who had been hospitalized with trapped gas earlier this year.

Apparently this is a common problem for Brazilian women. Apparently, a gal named Viviane de Queiroz Pereira had to be hospitalized because she held her farts in because her relationship with her boyfriend was not yet on “farting terms”.

I didn’t know this was even a thing but apparently it is.



Parent of the Year

Here is an example of what good parenting is.

According to the New York Post:

A mom went viral for making her 18-year-old daughter sign a lease to stay at home and then experienced a wave of negative comments.

The Oklahoma mother of six posted a video of her daughter signing the document to TikTok. She called it a “teaching moment” as the song “It’s a Hard Knock Life” from the musical “Annie” played in the background.

The video has since received more than 1.6 million views, almost 130,000 likes and over 4,000 comments.

But despite framing this decision as a way to set up her daughter for success, not everyone is on board with making her child pay for room and board.

Multiple commenters talked about their own life, and how they aren’t on speaking terms with their parents after they made the same decision.

She got a lot of crap from the TikTok community which usually means that you’re doing something right. The detractors are complaining that mom would be helping her more by teaching her how to save money.

She is charging her daughter $100 a month and points out, because she signed a lease, she now is creating a renter history. She believes she is teaching her daughter how to be independent.

This is being a good parent.



Episode 570 – It’s Called a Woman

Josh Hawley is a stud and makes a college professor look crazy.

The World Health Organization decides to follow the science, whatever that means.

And LeBron James is an A-hole.



Kamala had a Kamalaism. Jill Biden had a Kamalaism. Why not Joe Biden?


Up, Up and Away

The new Consumer Price Index for June is out and it’s bad. Worse than I’ve ever seen it and it doesn’t look like it’s going to get better any time soon.

  • Inflation spiked to 9.1%.
  • Forecasters saw this going to 8.8%.
  • Prices jumped 1.3% in the one-month period from May.
  • Core prices, which exclude more volatile measurements of food and energy, climbed 5.9% from the previous year.
  • Energy prices rose 7.5% in June from the previous month, and are up 41.6% from last year.
  • The food index, meanwhile, climbed 1% in June.
  • Rent costs also surged in June, jumping 0.8% over the month.

That might not even be the worst news for the economy this week. Businesses are suppose to release their profit reports and they are not expected to be great. Looking at what some of the tech companies are doing, we could be in for some rocky days.

Biden keeps touting the jobs report which has been pretty decent over the last year. But that could change sooner than we think. Tesla is laying off workers. Google is in a hiring freeze and Amazon’s profits are way down so expect them to freeze hiring.

Here’s what we can expect:

  • Interest rates are going to have to go up again and go up a lot.
  • With interest up, homes and cars are going to become very expensive.
  • Investment within business is going to go down which means:
    • The stock market will go through a correction again.
    • There will be layoffs.

And this administration is doing absolutely nothing about it.



Just Crazy

The Senate held a hearing yesterday about abortion rights. These people, I mean, my God, they are so insane. Here is some abortion activist in her opening statement that had the audacity to call abortion and act of love. This is Dr. Colleen McNicholas:

Well, I guess you could call it love. Self-love. Selfishness. Egotism. Self-absorption. Self-interested. Self-serving. What else could you call it. One is killing a baby to avoid the consequence of irresponsibility. You can’t sit there and say it is a procedure of love for the baby. But that’s a problem these people have. They use words that cannot be applied to any of their arguments and just believe it’s so.

But in a more moronic argument comes from University of California at Berkeley Law professor Khiara Bridges. She started bringing up the fact that women weren’t the only ones who can get pregnant. Senator Josh Hawley looked like he was in rare form and very interested in making Bridges look like an idiot. He succeeded.

You know what I learned in this whole exchange? I learned it wasn’t a bad idea I didn’t go to UC Berkley.

This is what Leftists do when they are backed into a corner. She can’t say that a man can get pregnant because then it begs the question of why. If a trans-man gets pregnant, doesn’t that just prove she is a woman even if she identifies as a man? Of course and they used to get caught in that trap. Now, they just erase man and woman all together and call the questioner a bigot. They also re-ask the question to the questioner. She did this with Hawley and he just answered her and requested she answer the question and requested her to answer which, of course, she didn’t.



Speaking of the Above

This great. All our scientific and medical organization are giving the Left what it wants: Science has proven…

According to Fox News:

The World Health Organization will update its gender guidance to reflect its belief that gender goes “beyond non-binary,” the organization has announced.

The WHO has an existing “gender mainstreaming manual” which argues that there are many genders existing on a spectrum from male to female. The organization now says that does not go far enough, however.

The updated guidance will focus on “highlighting and expanding on the concept of intersectionality, which looks at how gender power dynamics interact with other hierarchies of privilege or disadvantage, resulting in inequality and differential health outcomes for different people,” the WHO website reads at the time of reporting.

The update will also emphasize “going beyond non-binary approaches to gender and health to recognize gender and sexual diversity, or the concepts that gender identity exists on a continuum and that sex is not limited to male or female.”

So if I have prostate cancer but I identify as a woman, what is the WHO’s recommendation? Yeah, it’s BS. I’ll even go so far as to say this is a Chinese plan. Don’t forget, the UN and the WHO are in the pockets of China. The WHO lied about the China virus coming from China and promoted all the lies China was spitting out about the China virus. I can see China pushing this crap (by the way, China is trying to create a more masculine military) and then, while we’re arguing about pronouns, they just take over the United States.

Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Ala. thinks like I do. He released a statement about this:

“The Charter of the United Nations states the U.N.’s mission to ‘reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small. However, Michelle Bachelet, the U.N. high commissioner for human rights, has proven herself to be nothing more than a puppet for the Chinese Communist Party – aiding the CCP in playing down the very real and horrifying genocide being carried out against Uyghurs.”

Yep, he pretty much hit it on the head.

The Church of England is getting into the game too.

According to the Telegraph:

The Church of England has said that there is “no official definition” of a woman.

In a written reply to a question submitted to General Synod, a senior Bishop said that although the meaning of the word woman was previously “thought to be self-evident”, “additional care” was now needed.

Aren’t you glad we rebelled against those people?



Just Go!

LeBron James continues to try to be an ambassador for the NBA.

He was talking about the guilty plea by Brittany Griner in Russia because she decided to travel with hashish oil through an airport. She pled guilty and is awaiting sentencing.

Now I already said this broad wanted to kneel during the National Anthem and wanted the National Anthem not played at all before WNBA games. She was also carrying a substance that is illegal in Russia so screw her. Let her rot in a Russian prison.

James said this on the show:

“Now, how can she feel like America has her back? I would be feeling like, ‘Do I even want to go back to America?’”

He’s half right. She never had America’s back and why should this country give a damn about her because she’s tall and can bounce a ball for a league that no one watches. We shouldn’t have her back.

I’ll go a step further. LeBron should go live in Russia when he retires. He’s made a lot of money in this country and all he does is trash. LeBron made his money here. get the f-out.

LeBron James tried to smooth out this mess, tweeting:

“My comments on ‘The Shop’ regarding Brittney Griner wasn’t knocking our beautiful country. I was simply saying how she’s probably feeling emotionally along with so many other emotions, thoughts, etc inside that cage she’s been in for over 100+ days! Long story short #BringHerHome.” 





Episode 569 – Learn From This

Xavier Becerra warns us of what we know is going to be an emergency before the elections.

Michael Moore has a plan for saving “democracy”.

And a stark warning comes from one who knows all about it.



It’s not just Kamala that says stupid things.

Here’s Dr. Jill Biden talking at LatinX IncluXion and she makes a comparison that might be problematic. Listen:

Just an FYI, the Hispanic community doesn’t like being called Latinx because that’s not a word and they probably don’t like being compared to breakfast tacos. By the way, there are no breakfast tacos, there are breakfast burritos and they are all made the same way so there is not a lot of diversity when it comes to breakfast burritos.

And it’s bodega, not what she said.

This is why Biden is in the 30s in polling with Hispanics. This administration has completely overlooked them, made some huge assumptions about them and their policies are hurting them.

The National Association of Hispanic Journalists released a statement about this because everything is racist:

“Using breakfast tacos to try to demonstrate the uniqueness of Latinos in San Antonio demonstrates a lack of cultural knowledge and sensitivity to the diversity of Latinos in the region.

“NAHJ encourages Dr. Biden and her speech writing team to take the time in the future to better understand the complexities of our people and communities. We are not tacos.

“Our heritage as Latinos is shaped by a variety of diasporas, cultures and food traditions, and should not be reduced to a stereotype.”

So, there you have it.



Does the Timing Seem Kind of Coincidental?

It’s coming. Trust me, September of early October at the latest. The Biden administration is going to try to shut down the country again before the election.

Here is Xavier Becerra, the Health and Human Services Secretary, who has no experience in health or human services, saying that COVID is going to come back. Listen:

We already talked yesterday that monkey pox isn’t going to be a thing unless you’re a gay or bisexual man who goes to bath houses. But you wait, they’re going to do something so that they have to change the election laws again, making it easier for them to cheat. Yes, I said it! They cheated in the last election!

So just remember this. I’ll feel like an ass if I’m wrong but I bet I’m not.



Good Luck with That

So Michael Moore, who did some movies 20 years ago has decided he’s going to write the 28th Amendment which would over turn the 2nd Amendment. I know this is all bullshit and no such thing is going to happen. If we lose the 2nd Amendment, it will just be taken away. I also want to point out that Michael Moore hates the Constitution so I thought this would be entertaining.

The first thing to take note of is the amendment has eight sections. In other words, he made it long and complicated. That is one of the things the Founding Fathers didn’t want to do. That’s why the Bill of Rights can be read in fifteen minutes.

So let’s take a look at this piece of fairy tale.

Section 1

The inalienable right of a free people to be kept safe from gun violence and the fear thereof must not be infringed and shall be protected by the Congress and the States. This Amendment thus repeals and replaces the Second Amendment.

Fear. That’s the key word here. Understand something, to be free means one cannot fear to free. Freedom must be fought for and that takes bravery.

What Moore also misses here is if we were allowed to carry guns, we would not have to fear criminals. Criminals would think twice robbing anyone if they thought the law abiding citizen could protect himself.

I also want to point out the Second Amendment is made to protect us from the government. Moore just wants to give the government all the control and protect us instead of us relying on ourselves. We already see how this worked out.

Section 2

Congress shall create a mandatory system of firearm registration and licensing for the following limited purposes: (a) licensed hunters of game; (b) licensed ranges for the sport of target shooting; and (c) for the few who can demonstrate a special need for personal protection. 

All who seek a firearm will undergo a strict vetting process with a thorough background check, including the written and confidential approval of family members, spouses and ex-spouses and/or partners and ex-partners, co-workers and neighbors. A mental health check will also be required. There will be a waiting period of one month to complete the full background check. 

Yeah, no problems here. I would love to get a personality check from my ex-wife. The mental health check is another thing. Psychiatrists are witch doctors as far as I’m concerned.

Firearms registration is unconstitutional because of the 2nd Amendment (thank God). It’s none of the government’s business what I own.

By the way, none of this matters. You’ll find out why later.

Section 3

Those who meet all the requirements for the restricted gun owners groups and successfully pass the background check must take a firearms safety class and pass a written test on an annual basis. 

Just making it hard to have guns. I’m surprised he didn’t put in that one must have gun owner’s insurance.

Section 4

The minimum age for the restricted groups who can own a firearm is 25 years old. Renewal and review of the firearms license will occur on an annual basis. 

Who does the review? The government? And what matrix do they use?

Section 5

Congress will stipulate and continually update the limited list of approved firearms for civilian use, including weapons in the future that are not yet invented. The following firearms are heretofore banned:  

 • All automatic and semi-automatic weapons and all devices which can enable a single-shot gun to fire automatically or semi-automatically;    

• Any weapon that can hold more than six bullets or rounds at a time or any magazine that holds more than six bullets;    

• All guns made of plastic or any homemade equipment and machinery or a 3D printer that can make a gun or weapon that can take a human life.

Weapons that have not been invented?

He wants to ban all guns. With his description, revolvers can be considered semi-auto.

Section 6

Congress shall regulate all ammunition, capacity of ammunition, the storage of guns, gun locks, gun sights, body armor and the sale and distribution of such items. No weapons of any kind whose sole intention is the premeditated elimination of human life are considered legal. Congress may create future restrictions as this amendment specifically does not grant any American the “right” to own any weapon.

Regulate body armor? Why?

Congress can create future restrictions as long as they don’t grant a “right” to own a firearm? I’m pretty sure this is contrary to what the Founding Fathers believed when they wrote the Constitution.

Section 7

Police who are trained and vetted to use firearms shall be subject to comprehensive and continuous monitoring and shall be dismissed if found to exhibit any racist or violent behavior.

Of course, that needed to be added.

Section 8

Persons already owning any of the above banned firearms, and who do not fall into the legal groups of restricted firearms owners, will have one month from the ratification of this Amendment to turn in their firearms for destruction by local law enforcement. These local authorities may organize a gun buy-back program to assist in this effort.

And if I don’t turn in my legally owned weapon? You going to throw a law-abiding citizen in prison?

As much as Michael Moore likes calling Conservatives Nazis, this is Nazi crap. How do we know? Because this is what the Nazis did.

Can’t Michael Moore just move to Russia or China where they do all his tyrannical shit and leave us alone?



Sound Advice

We talk about this a lot, but it is still uncommon to have someone who has been through the process and explains he/she has gone through gender transition only to regret it. It is becoming more common though it is being suppressed by the media, the psychology profession and educators.

Enter this story.

According to the Daily Wire:

Seventeen-year-old Chloe Cole, who de-transitioned after chemical and surgical treatments in a fruitless effort to become male, said Florida officials. The radical gender theory sweeping the nation can have dangerous and even deadly consequences on kids.

Chloe, who at age 13 took puberty blockers and two years later had a double mastectomy, which “irreversibly and painfully” damaged her body, said she now is unlikely to ever be a mother and faces a heightened risk of cancer. Her testimony came during a public hearing on whether Florida should reimburse people for what advocates call “gender-affirming care.”

Listen for yourself:

Absolutely heartbreaking. She’s a beautiful girl too, but her life is ruined because of decisions she made at 13. Decisions that psychiatrists and schools are promoting and hiding from parents. That’s affirmation care. If she says she is a boy, they feel the need to transition her.

States are pushing this. California bill SB-107 sponsored by that pervert, Scott Weiner, says the state can take a child away if parents refuse to transition a kid. Do you think they’re not coming for your kids?




AOC and Ted Lieu are really pissed off at the overturning of Roe versus Wade. So they have asked Chuck Schumer, the majority leader of the Senate to use the “liar, liar, pants on fire” condemnation in the Senate.

In a letter, they wrote to Schumer:

“We request that the Senate make its position clear on whether Justices Kavanaugh and Gorsuch lied under oath during their confirmation hearings. We must call out their actions for what they were before the moment passes so that we can prevent such a mendacious denigration of our fundamental rights and the rule of law from ever happening again.” 

Here’s the thing, the Justices never lied.

The Daily Wire explains it best:

Both Gorsuch and Kavanaugh stated during their confirmation hearings that they considered Roe — along with its successor, Planned Parenthood v. Casey — to be settled precedent in the eyes of the court. Many took those statements to mean that they would never vote to overturn the two landmark abortion cases — which they did in late June. But stating that those cases were “precedent” did not mean that either justice was lying — nor did it necessarily constitute a promise to never overturn said precedent.

The fact that both Roe and Casey were “precedent” did not mean that they were necessarily constitutional or that they were not simply bad law, however. Plessy v. Ferguson — which allowed for segregation under the banner of “separate but equal” — was also precedent once, until Brown v. Board of Education reversed that. Korematsu v. United States — which allowed for the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II — was also considered precedent until it wasn’t.

What the Justices did, and that includes Amy Coney Barret, that Roe was precedent. That’s it. They never said it was a super precedent like Brown versus the Board of Education. When they were asked how they would rule if the case turned up in front of them, they applied the Ginsberg Rule: They didn’t answer. They never lied.

And if they didn’t lie but threw a curve at the Senators, whose fault is that? They’re confirmed for life. Game over.

As usual, Chuck Schumer is a lot of bark and no bite. He won’t do anything because this is stupid and just looks like sour grapes.





Episode 568 – How Low Can He Go?

The White House continues to support violence against the Supreme Court members.

Biden approvals craters and the media is trying to figure out how to avoid the red wave that’s coming in November.

And justice appears to be non-existent in New York City.



Poor Kamala can’t seem to get through one interview without making an ass out of herself.

Here, she is being asked if the Biden administration missed the boat with trying to codify Roe versus Wade even though they knew that it was going to be overturned a month before the ruling was released thanks to the leak which has yet to be discovered (I wonder why). She gives the type of answer we have grown accustomed to:

Wow, I have nothing to say. I just hopes she keeps doing these interviews because I am highly entertained.


It’s On Them

So, last week, Justice Kavanaugh was having dinner with his wift at Morton’s Steakhouse (a very good but over-rated restaurant). While there, protestors gathered out front and started getting loud. Kavanaugh decided to leave the restaurant thought the back to escape the crowd.

Many online thought it was a rather cowardly act but let’s not forget he was with his family and someone did try to assassinate him only a couple of months ago. Karin Jean Pierre was asked about this and her response was as tone-deaf as usual:

This is big talk from her because no one on the right does this crap. No one is forcing her to leave a restaurant because they’ve assembled in fron. No one has tries to assassinate her or her family.

But it wasn’t just her.

Pete Buttigieg’s husband, Chasten, released a tweet

“Sounds like he just wanted some privacy to make his own dining decisions.”

Again approving of the protests that are affecting every moment of his live and approving os the potential violence against Kavanaugh and his family. Again, nobody is protesting him and no one attempted to assissinate him. Of course, he was ravaged online.

But Pete was asked about this. Again, these people just don’t give a damn even though all this protesting is illegal! Listen:

He just contradicted himself. He said they should be free from harassment and intimidation but the people have a right to protest. If they are “protesting” at his house or while he’s eating at a restaurant isn’t this harassment and intimidation? Of course, Pete’s opinion would be different if he was protested while he was at a restaurant or at home. I’m sure he would have a different opinion if someone had attempted to assassinate him or his family.

Anything that happens is now on the Democrats hands. If one hair on any of these justices heads is harmed, it will be on them. But I’m sure they don’t care. I have said it before and I’ll say it again that I think they want someone to assassinate a justice or two so Joe Biden can pick a couple of Leftist justices and change the balance of the court. That’s a cynical opinion but someone is going to have to show me evidence that changes my mind.



Here We Go Again

Joe Biden’s approval ratings have plummeted in a couple of polls this weekend.

The Civiqs Poll’s daily tracking survey of registered voters found that his approval is at 30% while his disapproval is at 57%. All age groups and special interest groups had him under 40%. The worst group was ages 18-34 which had it at 21%.

In a separate poll, Interactive Polls, has him down to 29%. Biden’s approval rating is historically low. According to Gallup, five presidents have sunk into the 20s. Those presidents include Harry Truman (22 percent), Richard Nixon (24 percent), Jimmy Carter (28 percent), George H.W. Bush (29 percent), George W. Bush (25 percent).

The New York Times ran a poll that says more than two-thirds (69%) of independents disapprove of Biden’s job performance — with nearly half (48%) disapproving “strongly.” Only 26% want Biden to run again in 2024. It found 77% thought the country was in trouble with 13% thinking the country is on the right track.

Here’s the thing, Biden doesn’t have a floor. His approval rating could be in the teens. His base (which is the Left) is tired of him and you see it in the newspapers. Moderate Democrats, Independents and minorities are struggling the worst and see nothing is getting better. He has a 36% approvals from Hispanics and a 56% with blacks (down from 88%). With Democrats, he’s down to 58% from 92% when he was elected. So expect this to be in the teens when the news comes out that we are in a recession, which is coming.

Biden is not helping himself here. This weekend, he released a tweet (well, his intern did) that got a lot of flack:

He got skewered over this tweet.

This is coming from a guy who said the buck will stop with him when he became President but all he’s been doing is blaming everybody. He’s blamed Russia. He’s blamed Trump. He’s blamed Republicans. He’s blamed big business. He’s blamed small business. He’s blamed the people.

This obviously is not sitting well with the public looking at his polls. People know Democrats run the Presidency, Senate and House but nothing is getting done.

And, of course, he’s being mocked because he went to Delaware again this weekend.

Abortion is not working. In a few polls, abortion is shown to be tenth on the list of important issues at 5% of people are concerned about it.

So with all this happening and an election approaching and nothing to run on, what are they going to do? How about start another pandemic?

The media is really pushing monkey pox but this one doesn’t seem to be going really well. Apparently it’s only spread by sex between gay and bisexual men. That’s means most of the country is not going to have too much of an issue with this.

Omicron now has a fifth variant that the media is pushing will be much worse than any variant. China is even shutting down again (remember, they said they only had 5000 deaths). Well, they’re pushing it and no one seems to care.

Everything Democrats keep pushing is going nowhere. If Biden wants to save the party in November, and he’s running out of time, he’s going to have to change his policies.



This is Justice?

In an absolutely horrid story last week. A bodega owner in New York City defended himself from a career criminal and is now facing second degree murder charges. Here’s the story:

  • A 61-year-old bodega employee, Jose Alba, who is an immigrant from the Dominican Republic and a naturalized citizen with three children was working late one night.
  • A woman came into the store to by chips but her EBT card (yep, she is on food stamps) didn’t have the funds to buy the chips.
  • The two got into an argument and the woman left to get her boyfriend who turns out to be an unemployed ex-con.
  • The man was Austin Simon, 35, who had served prison time for assaulting an officer.
  • Simon goes behind the counter and starts assaulting Alba with Simon’s girlfriend cheering him on.
  • Alba grabs a knife and stabs Simon three times, killing him.
  • All this was caught on camera. The video was made public.
  • Alba was arrested, put in Riker’s Island and given a $250,000 bail.
  • The Left-wing DA, Alvin Bragg, wants to charge him with 2nd degree murder.
  • A judge did lower the bail to $50,000 and Alba was able to make bail but he did have to spend time in Riker’s Island.

With crime being what it is and criminals being released without bail, this seems incredible to me especially since it is so obviously self-defense from a human being that probably should have never been on the streets because of DAs like Bragg.

This is not being taken well:

  • The bipartisan group of City Council members said the DA’s controversial, progressive approach to law enforcement was “rewarding the guilty and punishing the innocent.”
  • Mayor Eric Adams also condemned the arrest, stating: “My heart goes out for this hard-working, honest New Yorker that was doing his job in his place of business, where a person came in and went behind the counter and attacked him.”
  • United Bodegas of America officials announced Saturday they would meet with the prosecutor on Tuesday to discuss Jose Alba’s case.
  • United Bodegas of America posted his bail since Alba couldn’t afford it.

The DA is still investigating the incident but the pushback is so hard, I doubt he will be prosecuted.







Episode 567 – It Works Both Ways

New York continues to fight the Supreme Court over guns and implement a new law that’s going to get struck down again.

Who would have thought drag queens who likes to dance in front of kids would of been a pervert.

And Let’s look at a couple of stories proving we are winning the culture wars.


This Broad Isn’t Even Elected

According to the Daily Caller:

Following the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling late last month that New York’s 110-year-old concealed carry law was unconstitutional, the Empire State’s Democrat-controlled legislature and left-wing accidental governor, Kathy Hochul, wasted no time reaffirming that they will go to any lengths to prevent its citizens from lawfully carrying firearms outside the home for personal protection.

The new law, signed over the weekend by Hochul, almost certainly will ultimately be thrown out by the federal courts. However, the state’s lawmakers know that such a process likely will take many months if not years to be finally decided, and that for at least that period of time, they will be free to continue denying citizens the right to protect themselves in public.

I do want to remind you of something. This governor was never elected. She was appointed after that pervert Andrew Cuomo resigned.

The article continues:

In signing the new and highly restrictive legislation over the Independence Day weekend, Hochul and leaders in the legislature openly threw down a gauntlet to the Supreme Court, declaring that its Bruen decision was an “assault on our democracy” that would not deter New York in its continuing mission to enact “sensible gun regulations.”

By any objective measure, however, the provisions in state Senate Bill S.51001 are anything but “sensible.” In some respects, the new law is even more restrictive than its predecessor.

Taking away my rights without any vote but out of pure government edict is not democracy. That’s the problem with these people, they see tyranny as democracy. Why doesn’t she have the people vote on the bill? Because it won’t pass. People like having rights. Government likes to take them away.

Here are some details:

  • The law takes effect on September 1.
  • New Yorker would be eligible to obtain a carry permit without first convincing the state police that he or she possesses “the essential character, temperament and judgment necessary to be entrusted with a weapon and to use it only in a manner that does not endanger oneself or others.”
    • What does that mean? Who knows.
    • Does that mean Conservatives can’t have guns because they don’t have the “right character”?
    • This was why the last law was knocked down by the government.
  • Character references.
  • Family background information (not sure what that means).
  • Access to three years of social media posts.
    • Isn’t this the group that bitches about a right to privacy for abortion, gay marriage and contraception?
    • But I don’t get any privacy to protect myself?
  • These and many other criteria are buttressed by a catchall requirement that allows the permitting authority to demand, “such other information required by the licensing officer that is reasonably necessary and related to the licensing application.” 
    • Again, very vague.
  • There are no appeals processes. So, if they say “no”, too bad.

But that’s not all the law does. It restricts where you can carry a permitted. You can’t carry a gun:

  • In Times Square.
  • On restricted sidewalks. Which probably means all of them.
  • In any public park.
  • In a school.
  • In a subway station.
  • Into any private property unless the owner thereof has publicly posted a notice that such carry is expressly permitted.
  • If a permit holder has a gun in their vehicle that happens not to be in their “immediate possession or control,” it has to have the ammunition removed and then secured in a “safe storage depository” (not the glove box) that cannot be seen from outside the vehicle.

So basically the only ones who will be carrying a gun in New York on criminals.

This is going to be shut down by lower courts but this is the type of harassment you can expect in Leftist cities.



Gee, Who Would Have Thunk It?

According to the Daily Wire:

A drag queen performer and “LGBTQ+” youth adviser has been charged with 25 counts of child pornography, allegedly in possession of dozens of photos and videos of nude underaged boys, sometimes performing oral sex.

Brice Williams, who uses the drag name Anastasia Diamond, allegedly downloaded 49 photos and 25 videos of child pornography between May and December 2020, according to the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office.

Court documents say the sexually-explicit images “showed genitalia and boys performing oral sex” and were connected to Williams’ email address and phone number, FOX 43 reported.

Wow, who’d of thunk it? You man who dresses provocatively as a woman and does sexy dances in front of kids and has won an award for it has sexually explicit pictures of children?

This guy was celebrated by the media. PennLive/The Patriot-News, a news source serving Harrisburg, wrote a piece about this pervert:

“Williams, who uses both masculine and feminine pronouns, is HIV medical case manager at Keystone Health Center in Chambersburg, but this month will join GLO Harrisburg, a center that offers a ‘safe space’ for LGBTQ+ youth of color. There, he’ll continue HIV/AIDS prevention and awareness work, while working with LGBTQ+ youth,” the outlet reported, adding that Williams was “living life with pride, and encouraging others to do the same, happens 365 days a year.”

The newspaper forgot to mention he is a mentally deranged pervert.

Libs of TikTok actually had a video of this pervert dancing in front of kids last month. Here it is:

Yeah, I don’t want to hear any one talk about calling these people groomer is trans-phobia. These perverts are grooming children to have sex with children. If they weren’t interested in having sex with children, they wouldn’t perform in front of children. You know how I know this. There are drag queens think it is weird for people like drag performances. Here is one, again, from Libs of TikTok.

Bet there’s no child porn on this guy’s computer.



This Should Not Be a Story

Companies don’t understand a saying that Conservatives are beginning to embrace: “Go woke, go broke.”

Halifax Bank in Great Briton posted a tweet of a picture of one of their employees named Gemma with her pronouns listed. Surprisingly, Gemma goes by she/her/hers because, you know, her name is Gemma.

See, Halifax Bank has a policy of banning bigotry of any type and give their employees the option to put their pronouns on their badges. They posted on their website:

“We stand against discrimination and inappropriate behaviour in all forms, whether racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic or ableist, regardless of whether this happens in our branches, offices, over the phone or online on our social media channels. Such action may include account closure or contacting the police if necessary.”

Wow, I thought it was just a bank. I don’t remember going into any bigoted rants at my bank.

Anyway, this started a bit of an argument on Twitter.

Remember the day when the customer was always right? That was before the Great Reset and ESG scores. Fortunately for us, people don’t like this crap, even in England. The responses were delicious.

A few hundred accounts (some say more than a thousand) were closed after this virtue signal. One account worth $400,000 and another worth $550,000.

People are getting tired of this crap.



This Also Should Not Be a Story

According to the New York Post:

A woke Universal Music Group worker claims he was fired for “speaking up” about abortion rights — after he admitted he refused to work because he was in “mourning” over the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Michael Lopez, a production coordinator at Universal Music Enterprises, blasted the company as “anti-gay” for terminating a “queer brown person” during Pride Month for “speaking up in defense of abortion rights,” according to a lengthy note on LinkedIn that went viral last week.

So this guy is listing all his intersectional qualifications but I fail to see the relationship with any of his accomplishments and abortion. He’s a gay man so he’s never and his partner are never going to get pregnant. They might get monkey pox but they won’t get pregnant. And he’s Hispanic which doesn’t have anything to do with abortion.

Anyway, Lopez said:

“Last Friday, like countless other folks, I was devastated by the news of the supreme court’s [sic] attack on abortion rights. Paired with the flood of anti-queer and anti-trans legislation, it’s been hard to process how company’s [sic] expect us to be productive while our rights are being stripped away.”

What? What rights were stripped from him? He lives in New York where abortion on demand is still, and always will be, legal.

He was told that a bunch of reports were due and he decided not to do them because he was “mourning” the overturning of Roe. They fired him. Period. You had an unexcused no-show at work, didn’t do the work that was required of him and they got rid of him.

The company was contacted and they said they couldn’t talk about it. But you know there was more to this kid than just he didn’t do his work and didn’t show up to work. I can imagine this guy being a high maintenance pain in the ass. The company was probably just looking for a reason to can his ass.

Well, “go woke, go broke” works both ways. This a-hole is going to have to find another job and explain why he got fired from this one. Pretty sure people might think twice before hiring him.





Episode 566 – One Small Step for Tyranny!

Karin Jean Pierre’s incompetence is making these press conferences a source of stress and consternation. Joe Biden’s incompetence and corruption aren’t helping things.

The Biden administration works hard to turn a purple state into a red state.

And China is looking to increase their land.



Here is Kamala, talking in Highland Park, Illinois after the mass shooting on Independence Day. Once again, another sound clip that we are going to find on a T-shirt some day. Listen:

In case you didn’t hear what she said, here it is:

“We got to take this stuff seriously, as seriously as you are because you have been forced to have take this seriously.

“The whole nation should understand and have a level of empathy to understand that this could happen anywhere [to] any people in any community. And we should stand together and speak out about why it’s got to stop.”

Yeah, she’s great at this.

By the way, a little more about this shooter. A little more came out on the shooter from Highland Park.

  • He has confessed and stated that he was planning a second attack. Probably explains why he had the second rifle in his car.
  • He had two other confrontations by police:
    • He attempted suicide in 2017.
    • He threatened to kill his whole family in 2019. Police were called and the removed a bunch of knives, a dagger and a sword.
  • Neighbors stated that there was a lot of conflict in the home and that police were there all the time. Mostly because his parents used to fight all the time.
  • This goes along with

So, the kid had mental problems and was in a troubled home. Do you think guns really are the problem? Why have mass shootings gone up so much over the last ten years (though I think we need to come up with a better definition of what a mass shooter is)?



More Kamalaisms

Karin Jean Pierre gave us a bunch of sound bites that show the incompetence and corruption of this administration. Now, normally she gets her butt kicked by Peter Doocy of Fox News and this is expected. But she was getting it from all sides including a bunch of people who are supposed to be friendly to the administration.

Here is Karin Jean Pierre being asked about the difference between the “insurrection” on January 6th and the protests in front of the Supreme Court justices homes, the riots and the harsh words by Democratic politicians. She had a rough time answering.

That answer was two minutes of an answer and she didn’t answer the rather straight forward question. All she said is Trump is bad, abortion is good and everyone should vote for Democrats.

We are at the lowest levels of oil in our oil reserves since the mid-80’s. A report by Reuters claimed that the Biden administration has been sending our oil from those reserves to Europe and Asia (even China). She was asked why this was happening when it was supposed to ease our suffering at the pump. Here’s her response and it’s typical.

Question for you, does she open a newspaper? This was reported over the weekend. How does she not know about this? I won’t even talk about the fact that the Biden administration just hates the American people and all this is done on purpose.

By the way, the European Union is stating that natural gas and nuclear energy are now sources of clean energy and they are going to start producing it. Greta is going to be pissed.

Now, let’s get to Peter Doocy. I bet KJP sucks down a lot of weed after he gets through with her. Here, he’s asking about how Biden can blame gas stations themselves for high gas prices (a really dumb statement).

I call BS. Only 5% of the gas stations in the United States are owned by oil companies. Most are owned by individuals that make very little profit on gas sales. That’s why those businesses are combined with convenience stores. They make all their profits on selling coffee, candy, beer and potato chips. Biden is so busy trying to find someone to blame for his mess that he is now blaming mom and pop stores for gouging the public. It’s really pathetic.

Now, for the real fireworks.

Remember this voicemail from Old Joe to Hunter back in 2018, telling Hunter he was in the clear from money he made from a Chinese oil company because the New York Times released an article clearing Hunter? I’ll remind you of it.

Does that sound like Joe Biden’s voice? Does it sound like Joe knows something about Hunter’s business dealings?

Well, here’s Peter Doocy asking KJP about that voicemail. Her answer is less than satisfactory.

Why does he need to be referred to Hunter’s representative? It was Joe Biden’s voice on the voicemail. Shouldn’t he have to answer that question?

Well, KJP’s response did not sit well with other reporters. Here is another reporter re-asking the question.

There will never be a comment. Biden will not take any other questions on the subject. He will be pulled from every press conference and will not sit down with any reporter for the rest of his term. Biden was caught lying. Biden seems to be involved in corruption. This is serious stuff and could be the subject for an impeachment.

I have another question. Why isn’t Karin Jean Pierre prepared to answer these questions? She had to know they were coming. It’s fine that she doesn’t want to answer but at least come up with something more satisfactory than that garbage.



This is What the DOJ is Going After?

According to the Daily Wire:

The Biden administration sued Arizona on Tuesday over a state law requiring voters to show proof of citizenship before casting a ballot in a presidential election.

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey signed into law in March a bill mandating that voters show documentary proof of citizenship in order to vote by mail or vote in a federal election. The Department of Justice challenged the law in court, arguing that the mandate is redundant and unconstitutional.

Basically, the state passed a law that requires one to provide ID or some proof of citizenship.

Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke said in a statement:

“House Bill 2492’s onerous documentary proof of citizenship requirement for certain federal elections constitutes a textbook violation of the National Voter Registration Act. Arizona has passed a law that turns the clock back on progress by imposing unlawful and unnecessary requirements that would block eligible voters from the registration rolls for certain federal elections.”

The article continues:

The DOJ’s Civil Rights Division is leading the lawsuit. The lawsuit argues that the Arizona law violates the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), which requires that voters before participating in a federal election fill out a federal form. While the form does not require documented proof of citizenship, it does ask under penalty of perjury whether or not one is a citizen.

So, in other words, the state has decided to do what the federal government should be doing but isn’t. Well, good for them.

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich responded to the lawsuit in a post on Twitter:

“It’s another round of Brnovich v. Biden as his DOJ continues its attempts to undermine our election integrity laws. I will see you in court. Again.”

I want to point out that Arizona is a border state that used to be purple. Sounds like the Biden administration is working really hard to make Arizona a red. He wants to ban guns and Arizona loves their guns. Biden has open the borders and Arizona is struggling with the mass turnout of illegal aliens. Biden is in the 20s for an approval rate in Arizona.

And, finally, doesn’t the DOJ have something better to do? Protests in front of the homes of the Supreme Court Justices. Federal buildings being vandalized.



We Are Falling Behind

China wants to declare the moon as part of China.

According to NASA’s administrator Bill Nelson:

“There is a new race to space – this time with China. But Beijing’s plans go further: China is planning its own moon base – together with Russia!” the mag wrote.

“We must be very concerned that China is landing on the moon and saying: ‘It’s ours now and you stay out. China’s space program is a military space program.”

China heard about this and they aren’t thrilled with it.

Zhao Lijian, China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman, said:

“This is not the first time for the chief of NASA to lie through his teeth and smear China. In recent years the US openly defined space as a war-fighting domain. The U.S. side has constantly constructed a smear campaign against China’s normal and reasonable outer space endeavours, and China firmly opposes such irresponsible remarks.”

Is this an important story? Yes and no.

I don’t think sustaining a base on the moon is sustainable, fiscally responsible or valuable. We’ve been to the moon and there is nothing on the moon worth colonizing. Proof of that is we stopped going. I also think China’s threat on the moon would be non-existent. All the technology China was stolen from us and they have proven they have troubles making it work. I question whether China will ever be able to land on the moon. As of now, all they have done is orbit it and crash a satellite on the far side of the moon. We’re not even sure they did that because they lie so much.

The bad part of this is how the United States has become so short sighted that we are letting our enemies pass. I thought it was a bad idea to cancel the moon program and replace it with that failure of a space shuttle program. This gave China 30 years to catch up.

I also worry about China building military bases that might be able to shoot down American satellites and other space craft. Again, this is not a cheap or easy endeavor but it is something to think about.

Good news, though, is that the private industries like SpaceX, Amazon and Virgin Atlantic are bounding ahead of NASA and taking control of the space program. That’s something China is going to have a problem with. I’m pretty sure SpaceX will end up the moon way before China.








Episode 565 – Happy Independence Day!

July 4th is one of the best holidays in America! You know how I know that? The Left hates it.

Let’s talk about it!


Sad Day

Another mass shooting occurred in Highland Park, Illinois. Here are the details:

  • The suspect was a 21-year-old man.
  • The suspect was from the area and had been planning this for several weeks.
  • He dressed as a woman to blend in and disguise himself. He has several facial tattoos that needed to be covered.
  • He had two rifles were purchased by him in Illinois, legally. That’s going to be a huge issue.
  • He climbed onto a roof of a store via a ladder that was in the back of the store.
  • Once on the roof, he started shooting killing six and injuring thirty.
  • He then crawled down the roof and started running like the rest of the people, blending in. He was able to escape that way.
  • He was taking off in his car when he was spotted by the police. He gave up without incident which is not a shock.
  • There has been no motivation found.
  • The shooting seems to be completely random. No motivation of race, religion or politics.

Of course, this can’t go without making it political. This is going to be another example of just-make-it-political-and-don’t-wait-for-the-information kind of thing. Here is Illinois governor, J.B. Pritzker, making this about politics and the Democratic agenda before the bodies were even picked off the ground:

There’s a big problem and another reason why gun control is not the solution.

  • This guy was obviously insane. There is nothing that makes sense about why he did this.
  • Police and educators have known about this guy’s mental problems since he was in middle school.
  • His social media accounts are filled with violence and signs of mental problems.
  • His uncle said he was a lonely kid who had issues.

No one did anything about it including the government bureaucracies. He had no problem buying the guns, background checks didn’t work…again. The school system and police knew this kid had issues and they did nothing. I should give my guns up and trust the government to protect me and my family




Real Patriotism

According to the Daily Wire:

NPR’s Steve Inskeep scrapped his traditional 4th of July reading of the Declaration of Independence on Monday after more than three decades, and instead opted to devote the segment to a discussion on equality.

After a bit of a false start in 2021 — when the hosts read the Declaration but drew attention to what they believed were flaws and hypocrisies — Inskeep and his co-host Leila Fadel ended the 33-year tradition in 2022. They replaced it with an 11-minute segment examining what equality truly meant, both when the Declaration of Independence was written and in the years since then.

According to Harvard historian Jill Lepore:

“It’s fashionable, and rightfully so, to indict the limits of [Jefferson’s] vision. But in the 18th century, even the idea that all white men are created equal was a radical notion at the time. Those men lived in a highly ranked culture, and a declaration of equality is throwing that away, or challenging that in a revolutionary manner.”

This is the problem with these people. They look at the history and then compare the document with the flaws in the country at the time and invalidate the document because of those problem. Yes, we had slavery, women did not have the rights they deserved, property owners had more rights than regular citizens. The Founding Fathers knew this. They wrote it in the Constitution. They discuss this in the Federalist papers. They acknowledge that there was injustice in the country and only time would fix those injustices. That’s why there is an amendment process in the Constitution, to fix the flaws.

What’s worse with these people, though, is it’s not enough just to point out to the inconsistencies in the document with the time, they have to make crap up about the founding documents. What is she talking about “all white men are created equal”?

Let’s read the most important text of the Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Mind you, “all men are created equal” should not be read literally, which the Left does all the time. By “men” the mean “human beings”. That includes black people, women, the Irish and German. Everyone. We know this because there are tons of documents that state this like the Federalist Papers. These people are so busy trying to invalidate these documents, they fail to see the beauty of the words and ideas and how far we have come as a country.

Why do they do this? Because they hate the freedoms the Constitution and the promises of the Declaration of Independence. They want to transform this country into some weird European globalist thing. Unfortunately for them, the Constitution is getting in the way.



Just Get Out

Here’s a little compilation of a-holes who hate our country. They think that we shouldn’t be celebrating July 4th. It’s long but worth the listen:

Wow, these people are miserable. The only thing they all agree with is that the flag is bad and the want to leave America. Here’s what I have to say to all these miserable, angry, stupid people: Leave the country already. You’re are free to go. Go to Ukraine. These people support Ukraine. There’s definitely no racism there (except for half the country).

But it wasn’t just the little people who think this. Our elite thinks this is a miserable country:

  • Katie Perry tweeted: “‘Baby you’re a firework’ is a 10 but women in the US have fewer rights than an actual sparkler smh.”
  • Bette Midler tweeted:  “4th of July has been canceled following a shortage of Independence. Sincerely, Women.”
  • She also said: “WOMEN OF THE WORLD! We are being stripped of our rights over our bodies, our lives and even of our name! They don’t call us “women” anymore; they call us “birthing people” or “menstruators”, and even “people with vaginas”! Don’t let them erase you! Every human on earth owes you!” 
    • That’s going to be a problem for the trans community.
  • Jessica Chastain flashed her middle fingers online in a photo she captioned, “Happy ‘Independence’ Day from me and my reproductive rights.” And she posted a picture of her flipping off the camera.
  • Michael Moore tweeted his thoughts:
    • “A mass shooting to celebrate the 4th. A wealthy class that doubled its wealth while the country suffered. A Supreme Court that stripped 51% of our citizens of their reproductive rights while removing gun laws & killing the EPA.”
    • Then added: “I cannot in good conscience continue to receive the privileges of ‘full citizenship’ in this land when all of its women and girls have now been, by Court decree, declared official second-class citizens with no rights to their own bodies and conscripted to a life of Forced Birth should they fall pregnant and not want to be.”
    • He concluded: “Until women’s rights have been fully reinstated, and their equal rights are enshrined in our Constitution (now that the required 38 states have passed the Equal Rights Amendment), I will not shut up about this. If you invite me to dinner that’s all I’m gonna talk about. Have me over to your party and it’s going to be, ‘Dobbs, Dobbs, and more Dobbs!’ And I won’t stop until Roe is reinstated and 51% of Congress is female.”
  • Chris Hayes of MSNBC kept up the love for the United States:“We won’t acknowledge that we are a violent people to begin with. This country was birthed in violence with the genocide of the native people at the barrel of a gun. This country was built on the back of slaves with a gun to their back. Who will say on this network or any other network in the next few days, ‘It’s time to repeal the Second Amendment?'”

Even Joe Biden, our unifying President, couldn’t help but bitch about how bad this country is. In his July 4th speech in front of the military during an annual barbeque.

Even in a speech where he is celebrating the country, he can’t help himself to put this country down. And it all turned out to be nothing more than a campaign speech. What a cynical human being this is. It’s all about him. He doesn’t give a damn about the country.








