The sports world is beginning to deal with this thing of men competing against women. Some of the reactions may surprise you.
Of course, that harpy Megan Rapinoe has an opinion when she has no skin in the game.
And New York has been paying for something that they initially said didn’t exist.
Here is some news:
- The Supreme Court has ordered, 6-3, that states cannot deny funding to religious schools because they are religious. Now, states have to pay parents who choose to send their kids to a religious school.
- Joe Biden has asked Congress that will pass a law that pauses the gas tax for three months.
- A 6.1 magnitude earthquake hit Afghanistan. So far, 1000 are dead and 1500 are injured but the numbers are expected to go up.
- No one wants a picture with Kamala Harris. The DNC cancelled a a fund raiser hosted by Kamala Harris because they couldn’t get anybody to attend.
- The police in Uvalde are in big trouble.
- Police were at the school 3 minutes after the shooting started outside the school.
- Police could have engaged before the shooter went within the school.
- Police had all the equipment they needed including shields and weapons.
- The door to the classroom was unlocked.
- Democrats are getting desperate to find someone to run for president in 2024. They are now floating the idea of pushing California governor, Gavin Newsome.
Here is the worst kept secret in the world courtesy of Joe Biden:
Bet the second pandemic comes in October. This crap is never going to end. It’s too good and opportunity for the Left to keep power.
They Don’t Even Have to Fake It Anymore
The trans-thing has become a big deal over the last week. Let’s take a look at some of the stories.
FINA, the world’s top international swimming association, has banned all men from swimming in female events. That means someone like Lia Thomas will no longer be able to swim in the women’s events.
FINA President Husain Al-Musallam said in a statement:
“We have to protect the rights of our athletes to compete, but we also have to protect competitive fairness at our events, especially the women’s category at FINA competitions.”
He added:
“FINA will always welcome every athlete. The creation of an open category will mean that everybody has the opportunity to compete at an elite level. This has not been done before, so FINA will need to lead the way. I want all athletes to feel included in being able to develop ideas during this process.”
So, I guess they are going to create a trans-category, which will be stupid. I know a lot of people think a trans division is the way to go, but I think that’s crap. No one is going to watch it. That’s because the trans-division will be faster than the women but slower than the men. There is no such thing as watching an elite trans-division. It’s like the NFL versus the USFL. The USFL is bad football. I don’t want to watch it. That will be the trans division.
Now, does this sound like a good thing that FINA is doing. Well, hold on.
According to the Daily Wire:
The only biological males who could compete in women’s swimming under the new policy would include swimmers who have had “male puberty suppressed beginning at Tanner Stage 2 or before age 12, whichever is later, and they have since continuously maintained their testosterone levels in serum (or plasma) below 2.5 nmol/L.”
Conservatives are screaming that this is a great move but the fact is this is going to end up encouraging parents to transition their kids so they can compete as that sex. Listen, the only way that this crap is going to go away is for everyone to reject that biological men can compete in women’s sports. Even a little opening like this is going to be problematic.
Track Might Have This Right
World Athletics, the body that deals with track and field and cross country, said they are reviewing what FINA did but they are taking a far more strict stance than FINA and it is not politically correct.
Sebastian Coe, president of World Athletics and a four time Olympic medal winner, said:
“We see an international federation asserting its primacy in setting rules, regulations and policies that are in the best interest of its sport. This is as it should be.
“We have always believed, and repeated constantly, that biology trumps gender and we will continue to review our regulations in line with this. We continue to study, research and contribute to the growing body of evidence that testosterone is a key determinant in performance, and have scheduled a discussion on our regulations with our council at the end of the year.”
He does two things here. He admits biology is more important than gender and he admits that testosterone is a thing. I don’t think he buys the whole trans thing.
“We’ve always tried to find a navigable way through. We haven’t wanted to stigmatize.
“But when push comes to shove, if it’s a judgement between inclusion and fairness, we will always fall down on the side of fairness — that for me is non-negotiable.
“The integrity of women’s sport is really, really important here, and we can’t have a generation of young girls thinking there is not a future for them in the sport. So we have a responsibility…maintaining the primacy and the integrity of female competition is absolutely vital, and that’s why we were at the forefront of tabling those regulations that allow as close as you can get to a level playing field. Those regulations are always under review… if there are events, distances or disciplines that we think are being unfairly impacted we will of course look at those again in the light of the science.”
This is what we need. Someone who is powerful and knows it and doesn’t give a damn about the wokesters. He sounds like he isn’t buying any of this and needs to see some hard scientific evidence to make any changes. Good for him.
Soccer Isn’t a Sport Anyway
According to the Daily Wire:
FIFA, the world’s largest soccer association and the organization behind the World Cup, is considering a plan that would drop the measurement of testosterone among biological men who identify as women to participate in women’s soccer.
The association’s current eligibility standard for biological men who identify as female requires less than five nanomoles per liter after at least 12 months, The Daily Mail reported.
“The new regulations are still at the consultation stage and it is understood that some members of FIFA’s senior management are unconvinced that they should be published in their current form,” the outlet noted on Sunday.
So, now, men don’t even have to fake being women to compete i women’s soccer. By the way, a man did compete for the Canadian women’s team in the Olympics in the last summer games.
But not everyone is happy about this, as you can imagine.
Women’s rights activist, Julie Scott, was pissed off. She tweeted:
“If this goes through, it’ll kill women’s football. How can they claim this would ‘balance fairness & inclusion’? It’s the opposite of that.”
She’s right.
Remember that war on women that Joe Biden ran on in 2020? This is the real war on women and the woke are the enemies of women.
Big Talk From Her
One of the worst people in sports, Megan Rapinoe, formerly of the U.S. women’s Olympic soccer team, had to put in her two cents about this trans crap. That’s because she puts her two cents into everything. She’s also no longer on the team because she’s old and wasn’t good enough.
She said:
“I would also encourage everyone out there who is afraid someone’s going to have an unfair advantage over their kid to really take a step back and think what are we actually talking about here. We’re talking about people’s lives. I’m sorry, your kid’s high school volleyball team just isn’t that important.
“And I think people also need to understand that sports is not the most important thing in life, right? Life is the most important thing in life.
“We’re talking about kids. We’re talking about people’s lives. We’re talking about the entire state government coming down on one child in some states, three children in some states.”
What about the lives of the girls who are having the opportunities taken away? What about the girl who is not going to earn $5 million a year because she was beaten out by a man? What would she have given up? Let’s face it, she’s worth about $5 million and is retired. She never had to face any of this stuff.
Finally, why is it the girls and women have to suck it up and deal with it? Why can’t the trans people who have an unfair advantage deal with it?
Megan Rapinoe has been, is and always will be an f-ing idiot.
I Thought This Wasn’t Happening?
In New York City, there is a Republican Councilwoman, Vickie Paladino, who said that it was sick that drag queens were reading to children in libraries and schools. She said is was “child grooming and sexualization”. Of course, she’s right. It is absolutely nonsensical that people think it is OK for drag queens to be working directly with kids.
But she caught crap for what she said from NYC mayor Eric Adams. He said is a statement:
“At a time when our LGBTQ+ communities are under increased attack across this country, we must use our education system to educate. The goal is not only for our children to be academically smart, but also emotionally intelligent. Drag storytellers, and the libraries and schools that support them, are advancing a love of diversity, personal expression, and literacy that is core to what our city embraces.”
Some things with this statement:
- Remember when we were told this wasn’t happening?
- Remember when we were told it is happening but it is really rare?
- Remember when we were told it is happening and more often than we thought but it was good?
- Now we are being told that our kids won’t learn to read unless they are read to by a pervert.
Vickie Paladino didn’t take that well. She posted this on Twitter with pictures of the perverts reading to kids:

She then stated:
“NYC is spending taxpayer dollars to bring adult drag queens into elementary schools across the city to perform for small children. This is unacceptable and grotesque, and follows a deeply disturbing national pattern.”
She is receiving a ton of backlash which isn’t a shock for a Republican with morals in the Sodom that is New York City.
Co-chairs Crystal Hudson and Tiffany Cabán of the New York City Council said in a statement:
“We urge the Council to take immediate action by censuring this member and removing her from her committee assignments. This is not an issue of ideological differences, but a question of our collective belief in all New Yorkers’ right to an existence free from discrimination.”
Brooklyn Councilmember Chi Ossé, who identifies as queer, tweeted:
“@DQSHTweets teaches youth about gender diversity and how we accept all of our neighbors with love, dignity, and respect — lessons that @vickiefornyc can use. There is no room for hate in NYC, especially in the Council. CM Paladino must be held accountable for her comments.”
Council Member Linda Lee tweeted:
“I don’t make it a habit to comment on the conduct of my colleagues, but rhetoric accusing LGBTQ+ people of pedophilia — ‘grooming’ — is unacceptable and should never be uttered by anyone. The LGBTQ+ community has been oppressed throughout history due to these comparisons and stigmatizations.”
Council Speaker Adrienne Adams stated:
“I stand with all of my Council colleagues, LGBTQ+ communities, and New Yorkers in unequivocally denouncing Council Member Paladino’s repugnant views and statements against specific members of the Council and the trans community. A New Yorker’s choice of dress, gender expression or identity must be not only protected legally, but also against vile, hateful attacks.”
Notice there’s no debating in any of these responses? They are just right and anything else means that person is a racist, sexist, bigot and must be thrown out of office. Well, here’s a news flash for these pervert politicians, this isn’t popular. Most normal people don’t want their kids being raised like this.
You know what New Yorkers will also not like? The fact that their taxpayer money is going into this perversion.
According to the New York Post:
Since 2018, the group — previously known as Drag Queen Story Hour NYC, before changing its name early this year — has received a total of $207,000 in taxpayer cash.
The tally includes $50,000 from New York State through its Council on the Arts, along with $157,000 from the city’s Departments of Education, Cultural Affairs, Youth and Community Development, and even the Department of Transportation, city data shows.
So, someone in the New York has been lying to the people. They said this wasn’t happening. Not only was it happening, New York taxpayers were paying for it.
The Department of Transportation? Really?
Anyway, keep running on this Democrats. It’ll all work out for you come election day.