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Episode 550 – Dude, Bees Fly

California is trying to become more of a crap state than it already is.

If we can’t tell the difference between men and women, is it a shock we can’t tell the difference between bees and fish?

And I think the NFL is going down a road they are going to regret.



More stupid comments from our better. This is going to be an everyday thing, I guess.

Here’s AOC, discussing why it is appropriate to use the term Latinx as opposed to Latino. What a genius:

Guess what? Most Latinos don’t know what Latinx means. Those that do know think it’s stupid.

Here’s the thing, language is extremely structured. It is not fluid. But this crap philosophy is being embraced and that’s why our kids can’t speak or write.

France figured this out. French is a gendered language and France has banned this crap because they want to protect their language from this type of crap.

In the next clip, Joe Biden has implemented the Defense Production Act to produce more solar equipment. This is something that is only implemented if there is an emergency. One might wonder what emergency is happening that this is needed? Well, someone asked Karin Jean-Pierre and her answer was amazing:

Her answer was amazing because she didn’t give an answer and it took her almost two minutes to give her non-answer.

God, she’s bad at this. Like the rest of the Biden administration, she’s completely incompetent. But she is black and a lesbian.

Finally, here’s Kamala being Kamala.

Once again, she got lost in her speech. You know how I know that?

  • The video. She looked lost.
  • The pauses in her statement.
  • And that laugh.


Frigging California

According to The Washington Free Beacon:

Following a 2020 law to study the subject, a panel of left-wing academics and policymakers on Wednesday released their findings on how California can remedy the harm against the state’s black residents caused by slavery and discrimination. All black Californians are eligible for the benefits of the program if they can prove they are “descendants of African Americans enslaved in the U.S. or of free Black people living in the country before the end of the 19th century.” A new state agency, called the California African American Freedmen Affairs Agency, would provide genealogical tests for residents.

This is from a 492 page report from a reparations commission created by the governor last year. The Washington Free Beacon has eight different laws that could be created from this real bloated report. Let’s take a look at them.

Child Support Forgiveness

  • Eliminate overdue child support owed to the government by black parents who no longer have custody of their children. Black Californians would also no longer need to “reimburse the state for current or past government assistance” related to child support.
  • The panel also recommends the elimination of all interest payments on past child support owed by black Californians.
  • In other words, take away the responsibility of black men for having kids out of wedlock.
  • Under current California law, families that receive government assistance such as food stamps must deduct the cost of those programs from court-ordered child support payments.
  • The logic of the current law is that the state should not pay for financial support that a parent otherwise provides.

Is this going to work? No. It’s just going to incentivize black men to have unrestrained sex and have no responsibility for any kid that is born. It is also another reason to keep abortion legal in this state.


Establish a ‘Truth and Reconciliation Commission,’ destroy ‘anti-black memorials and monuments’

We have torn down enough statues. Let’s make tearing down statues legal. Yay!

  • A little irony here. There was commission in history of the world that had the same name. It was South Africa during apartheid.
  • The task force also recommends the state “create forms of acknowledgement and apology for acts of political disenfranchisement” and destroy all “anti-Black memorials and monuments,” presumably identified by the task force.
  • Pervasive “police violence against and extrajudicial killings of African Americans occur in California as they do in the rest of the country,” the panel concludes. As part of an effort to help heal the state’s black community, the panel recommends the state fund art that acknowledges the “trauma of state-sanctioned white supremacist terror.”

Congrats, California! You might actually outlaw culture and history.


Free College Education

  • The task force recommends the state eliminate tuition for all California colleges, as well as offer funding to create black-owned K-12 schools and colleges.
  • Black Californians should also receive scholarships to “cover four years of undergraduate education” at presumably any university in the country, the task force finds.
  • The task force also recommends that the state “identify and eliminate racial bias and discriminatory practices” in standardized tests, including the SAT, LSAT, and the state Bar exam, with no elaboration on how this would be done.
  • To further “antiracist” education in the state, all California schools must adopt a curriculum that “advances the ideology of Black liberation.”


Trees in Black Neighborhoods for Tree Equity

Do I really need to say anything about this?


Less McDonalds, more Whole Foods

The task force wants to “reduce the density” of fast-food restaurants, and promote the opening of “healthy retailers,” such as Whole Foods and farmer’s markets, in majority-black neighborhoods.

Couple of problems with this one:

  • There are Whole Foods in black neighborhoods.
  • There are grocery store with healthy foods.
  • Obesity is not a systemic problem. It is a cultural problem. Blacks admit this.
  • By the way, are there no other grocery stores in black neighborhoods? Only McDonald’s?
  • I don’t have a whole foods near me but I have a bunch of family markets and a big chain grocery store. There are also McDonald’s and Burger King and Jack-In-The-Box. I’m not 300 pounds. What’s the story with that?
  • I think California needs to worry about why businesses are leaving some of these neighborhoods.
  • Forget Whole Foods. Worry about CVS and Rite-Aid that supply prescriptions. Those companies are leaving and no incentive is going to bring them back.


Decrease the Police

Yeah, that’s a good idea.


Free Healthcare

Nothing is free.


Cash payments to close ‘racial wealth gap’

In other words, redistribution of wealth. A purely Marxist concept.


Final Thoughts

This could have been written by AOC but would have been no where near 500 pages. All this is is a Leftist wish list. By the way, California has been trying to do all this for years now, they just can’t keep enough people in the state to pay the taxes for it. Well, if they try to implement any of this stuff, they are going to lose more people. People aren’t going to want to get rid of their hard earned money to people who do not produce in this state while the state encourages not to improve themselves.

But, what’s worse, this is racist. Forget about the fact that none of this is constitutional. It is anti-white racism, anti-Hispanic racism and anti-black racism through the bigotry of low expectations.



Speaking of Stupid

Speaking of the idiocy of California.

Fox News reported:

In the case, Almond Alliance of California v. Fish and Game Commission, the California State Appellate Court of the Third District said the “issue presented here is whether the bumblebee, a terrestrial invertebrate, falls within the definition of a fish,” according to legal documents.

According to the judges, the bumblebee is classified as a fish as a liberal interpretation of the word “fish”, as well as the state’s own legislative history, including non-aquatic life. 

I understand that bees are dying at a very high rate. I like bees. I don’t kill them because I know the function they provide a function and they are having issues keeping the population up. But define them as a fish?

The article continues:

The judges explained that “although the term fish is colloquially and commonly understood to refer to aquatic species,” the law, as it is written, makes the legal “definition of fish… not so limited,” the court documents show.

In 2015, Fish and Game argued that the definition of fish was too limiting because mollusks (mussels, clams, snails) are not fish. so the courts expanded the definition to include:

This section was changed only once, in 2015, when the state Legislature modified the definition to read “‘[f]ish’ means a wild fish, mollusk, crustacean, invertebrate, amphibian, or part, spawn, or ovum of any of those animals.” 

Bees are invertebrates therefore they are fish.

Mind you, this is a state that thinks men can be women and vice versa. Is it me that things Leftists are going backward when it comes to science?



Speaking of Being Confused

The NFL’s Carolina Panthers have decided to add a man who thinks he’s a woman to the cheerleading team. This guy’s name is Justine Lindsay and he’s 29-years-old.

in an interview with Buzzfeed, he said:

“This is big. I think more people need to see this. It’s not because I want recognition. It’s just to shed light on what’s going on in the world.”

Yeah, no, he’s looking for attention. He sees a future in Hollywood or something because people are going to see the freak in the dress dancing around during a football game.

I have a picture of this guy on the website and, you know what, he looks like a guy. He has short hair, no boobs, looks like he still has his twig and berries.

This opens up some question:

  • Going woke is what is killing the NBA and it damaged the MLB. Is this something that the NFL really wants to experiment with?
  • Does this mean Fox, NBC, CBS and ESPN are going to spend an hour of their coverage with shots of the sideline filming his guy bouncing around?
  • Are the fans going to buy this? Football is considered a masculine sport.
  • Football players are also rather opinionated. What do you think their reaction will be?
  • What about the locker rooms? You think some of the other cheerleaders may not want to share a restroom with a man?

Well, good luck to them. I think football, my favorite sport after hockey, is going down the road of the NBA. By the way, hockey would never do any of this crap.






Episode 549 – It’s Definitely Grooming!

Pedophilia hits Dallas. Please don’t tell me this crap isn’t grooming.

Joe Biden has a scare while on another vacation.

And a Virginia congressman has a great idea how to implement gun control.



Here’s today’s Kamalaism.

Last week, Elon Musk said the economy is falling apart. He is laying off 10% of his workforce in anticipation of a recession. Joe Biden was asked about this and he through out a zinger that didn’t seem to really land. Listen:

Some things:

  • This was obviously a planted question. He reached into his pocket and pulled out notes that helped support his argument.
  • The moon-thing was supposed to be a zinger fell flat for a couple of reasons.
    • Elon Mush is building rockets that are going to the moon. It shows how productive Musk is versus this foolish old politician. Who is actually more valuable to the United States.
    • The government (NASA) is paying Elon Musk to build the rockets to get to the moon.


Maybe He Should Stay at the White House One Weekend

While on another weekend trip to Delaware, Joe Biden had to be escorted to a secure location because a small, private plane had enter secure airspace.

The Secret Service put out a statement:

“Shortly before 1 p.m. today a privately owned aircraft entered the restricted airspace over Rehoboth Delaware after mistakenly entering a secured area,” the U.S. Secret Service said in a statement. “The aircraft was immediately escorted out of the restricted airspace.

“Preliminary investigation reveals the pilot was not on the proper radio channel, was not following the NOTAMS (Notice to Airmen) that had been filed and was not following published flight guidance. The United States Secret Service will be interviewing the pilot.”

He was taken to a fire station for an hour or so then sent back home. The pilot was escorted by, what is assumed, a couple of fighter pilots that were seen in the skies. The Secret Service does not think the president was ever in danger and that the pilot just made a mistake.

Somebody is in big trouble.

But that brings us to another point that not a lot of people seem to care about. The guy is president of the United States and there are a ton of serious issues going on and his ass is never at the White House.

According to the Daily Mail, a United Kingdom publication:

So far since taking office, Biden has spent 188 full or partial days away from the White House vacationing in either of his two Delaware properties, at Camp David or on the Massachusetts island of Nantucket.

This is broken down by 130 days in either Rehoboth or Wilmington, Delaware, 52 days at the presidential retreat at Camp David in Frederick, Maryland and six days on the luxury island of Nantucket.

He’s been in office for 500 days exactly. That means he is spending 38% of his time not at his job. That’s leaving out the mid day naps and the fact he’s probably in bed by 6 PM.

The Daily Mail continues:

At the rate of vacation days he is currently at, the president is on track to spend around 550 days away from the White House in the four years of his first term – and would amount to just 1,106 for two terms.

Just an FYI, Trump got a lot of crap for taking short vacation. He took 381 in his four year term and he didn’t have any issues like soaring gas prices, inflation and a war.

You still think this guy gives a crap about us?



Not Just in Liberal States

In Dallas, Texas, a gay bar decided it was time to Indoctrinate kids to.

The bar called Mr. Misster decided to hold an event that allowed kids and parents to attend a drag show that is Usually reserved For adults. They also invited the kids on stage to perform ei ther with 9 dras queen or solo.

The event was called “Drag the Kids to Pride” and is their “Family friendly” version of brunch.

There is a ton of video of the queens dancing sexy in very scanty outfits. Kids are seen handing the dancers dollar bills. There is a sign on the back wall that says ” it isn’t going to lick itself”. That sound appropriate. What’s really sick about this whole thing is the parents are the ones sitting there and cheering while most of the kids look completely confused. What the f- is wrong with these parents? Everyone of them should be reported to social services and have their children taken away from them. Then the parents should be charged with sexual abuse and chemically castrated when convicted.

Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who thinks this is complete perversion.

A group called Protect Texas Kids protested outside the bar. In a statement, the said:

“The mission was to raise awareness that an event like this, a drag show for children, was happening right in Dallas. We also hoped that if we raised awareness, the event might be canceled or modified so that children couldn’t be present.”

Protesters made sure to make the perverts dancing in front of the children as uncomfortable as possible. Watch:

The Dallas Police Department was called and they removed children from the bar but not because they didn’t belong there but because of “crowd control”. By the way, this is against Texas law. This bar has been designated as a 21 or over bar.

About the protest, Protect Texas Kids released a statement:

“The mission was to raise awareness that an event like this, a drag show for children, was happening right in Dallas. We also hoped that if we raised awareness, the event might be canceled or modified so that children couldn’t be present.”

This is good. We are now beginning to push back. We are beginning to call out the grooming by these people and, don’t kid yourself, this is grooming. They are sexualizing kids.

The bar released a statement:

“We are more than happy to open our doors to celebrate Pride in a family friendly, safe environment, separate from our normal operations of 2 p.m. – 2 a.m. on Saturdays because we believe that everyone should have a space to be able to celebrate who they are, Mr. Misster is a place where everyone is welcome to feel accepted, safe and included. We had a group of protestors outside yelling homophobic threats, transphobic remarks and vile accusations at these children and parents.”

Fleccas Talks got a guy to get into the bar and interview some of the patron including the drag performers.

They can try to make themselves victims as much as they want. These people are groomers and pedophiles. Period.



Maybe She Should Have Just Watched the Match

According to Fox News:

The French Open men’s semifinal match between Casper Ruud and Milan Cilic was delayed Friday after an environmental protester tied her neck to the net. 

The match was delayed 13 minutes during the third set when a woman wearing a white T-shirt with the words “We have 1028 days left” ran onto the court at Phillippe Chatrier and appeared to attach herself to the net using metal wires and glue. 

  • She entered the stadium legally.
  • It took a while to get her off the court because security needed to figure out what she had used to get on the court and how she stuck herself to the net.
  • Eventually, they disconnected her and four guys carried her off the court.
  • I don’t even know who won.

I guess this nut job solved the “climate crisis”: The thing is is she thinks we are all going to die in 2 1/2 years, it’s too late to do anything. She might as well just have gotten a beer and enjoyed the match, as much as one could enjoy watching tennis.



Yeah, That’s an Idea

Rep. Donald Beyer of Virginia, who sits on the House Ways and Means Committee, has an idea of how to curb gun crime. How about raise tax on all “assault” rifles.

He told Business Insider:

“What it’s intended to do is provide another creative pathway to actually make some sensible gun control happen. We think that a 1,000% fee on assault weapons is just the kind of restrictive measure that creates enough fiscal impact to qualify for reconciliation.”

Some things about this bill:

  • The bill has not been finished.
  • It is unclear when the tax would come into play.
  • It isn’t known where the money would go.
  • Law enforcement and the military would be exempt so only the government would have guns.
  • Because it’s a tax bill, he believes it could clear the Senate through reconciliation. He’s kind of assuming Machin and Sinema will vote for this bill.

So only the rich will be able to afford a rifle. The goal of this bill is too stop all sales and make it unprofitable for gun manufacturers to produce weapons. It is also a step towards confiscation. If someone has to pay a “fee” for each of their “assault” weapons, that would give the government a reason to take the weapon if the fee is not paid.

Worry not. This bill has no chance. I think it might not even get a vote because I doubt it would even pass the House. It’s just way too extreme and obvious what the Left is trying to do.

By the way, it’s also unconstitutional.















Episode 548 – When Life Imitates Art

Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire asks an important question in his new documentary that has everyone flipping out.

The NBA’s Dallas Mavericks have ended gun violence except they haven’t.

And we have another example of life imitating art.



See if you can figure out what Old Joe is saying:

He was talking about the baby formula shortage and what the government is doing about it. He also said that we were getting another 3 1/2 bottles of formula from Europe. Not 3 1/2 tons of formula but 3 1/2 bottles.

Yeah, that’s your President.

Then there’s Kamala who thinks droughts are funny.

If she thinks the climate crisis is funny, why should I take it serious.



  • There was another mass shooting at an Oklahoma Hospital.
    • There are very few details.
    • It occurred at Natalie Medical Building at St. Francis Hospital.
    • 2 doctors and 2 others were killed in the orthopedic office.
    • The shooter was also found dead with a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
    • This was a targeted attack.
    • No motive is known yet.
  • Johnny Depp kicked the crap out of Amber Herd in his defamation trial.
    • I haven’t been covering this much because I just don’t care.
    • Johnny Dep won $10 million for damages and $5 million for punitive damages.
    • Amber herd only won $2 million from Depp’s manager but didn’t win anything from Depp.
    • Amber Herd is going to appeal the decision which, good luck. She looked terrible. But she must because she will go broke if she has to pay this out until she marries another sucker.
  • So what is the best way to cool down inflation? How about spending more money.
    • Biden has decided to pay out $5.8 billion to clear about $10,000 of student debt per student.
    • There are about 560,000 borrowers.
    • This is not a popular move.



What is a Woman

Matt Walsh and the Daily Wire released a documentary called What is a Woman. I was looking forward to this movie for a while  because Matt Walsh is hysterical. The movie is a pushback and a troll of the trans community. That’s why it was released on June 1, the beginning of Pride Month.

The movie is about Walsh going across the country, and to Africa, to have what seems the simplest question to be answered: What is a woman. The interviews were amazing.

Here is Walsh interviewing Dr. Michelle Forcier who is a pediatrician and professor. See if you can make any sense of this. Along with giving hormones to kids, she has worked at a Planned Parenthood where she planned contraception and performed abortions. Listen to illogical her argument is:

This is how the Left works. There is no reality. No truth.

Here is Walsh interviewing Dr. Patrick Grzanka of the University of Tennessee. He is a professor of Women, Gender and Sexuality studies. He’s simply being asked about the truth. His response is amazing.

That is only a snippet from the interview. It was one of the funniest videos. Notice, when he confronted with reason, he starts re-asking the question to Walsh which is a trick of debaters. When Walsh answers him, he becomes defensive. By the end of the interview, the professor closes himself completely off by folding his arms and crossing his legs. Still want to send your kids to college.

Walsh, at the end, decides to go to Africa and interview a nomadic tribe. This was awesome because the head of the tribe thought Walsh might be insane. Walsh had to tell the interpreter that he didn’t actually believe in all this crap, which calmed the chief down and he was able to continue the interview.

It’s a great movie and available for subscribers at the Daily Wire. I am subscriber because of all the great stuff. Drop woke Netflix and Disney and get a subscription. With all the stuff there, it’ll be worth it.


The Transition

Someone at the social media department for the Dallas Maverick’s basketball team is going to get fired. My personal opinion, Mark Cuban, the owner of the team, should consider firing them all.

The team released a tweet acknowledging the Uvalde massacre and it went viral for all the wrong reasons:

So, the Mav’s solution to gun violence is not to tweet for 21 seconds? That’s it, gun violence solved. This will go away since the Mavs got their asses kicked in the playoffs.



Why Not?

According to the New York Post:

Sarah Rodo, 23, even refers to the Boeing 737 as her boyfriend.

She flies on the aircraft as often as possible and has 50 replica models of the plane at home.

Sarah calls the Boeing Dicki and hopes to wed one day, even though it is illegal in Germany.

The Dortmund resident identifies as an Objectum Sexual, meaning that she is sexually attracted to inanimate objects.

She said past romances with men didn’t get her flying high.

She has also been in love with a train.

There are pictures of her holding the plane lovingly and even in bed with the plane while wearing lingerie.

I thought about talking about the perversions our and other societies are beginning to embrace but, you know what, I don’t care. She wants to boof a tree. go for it. We can live with the thought that she will not be breeding.

By the way, an objectum sexual is an actual sexual preference in the LGBTQI+ community.



He Did a Joke About This

Ricky Gervais has a comedy routine on Netflix and, as usual for him, he got into trouble for making fun of trans activists. Here is the clip:

This is when art becomes real life.

According to the Times of London:

“The BBC changed the testimony of a rape victim after a debate over the pronouns of her transgender attacker. The woman referred to her alleged rapist as ‘him’ but insiders said that her words were changed to avoid ‘misgendering’ the abuser in an article on the corporation’s website.”

According to Mediate:

“The woman reportedly told the BBC: ‘I was too young to argue and had been brainwashed by queer theory so he was a ‘woman’ even if every fiber of my being was screaming throughout, so I agreed to go home with him. He used physical force when I changed my mind upon seeing his penis and raped me.’

The BBC rewrote her statement and replaced he/his pronouns with they/them. This is what was written:

 “[They] threatened to out me as a terf  (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist) and risk my job if I refused to sleep with [them]. I was too young to argue and had been brainwashed by queer theory so [they were] a ‘woman’ even if every fiber of my being was screaming throughout so I agreed to go home with [them]. [They] used physical force when I changed my mind upon seeing [their] penis and raped me.”

See what’s happening here? This guy who committed rape is still the victim because his rape victim used his real pronouns. The BBC was more concerned about misgendering this animal than feel bad for this rape victim.

Reality strikes again. A man cannot be a woman simply because he wears a dress as this rapist did. We are a very sick society if we ignore the hard realities, in this case that a woman was raped by a predatory man, because we don’t want to offend him or a group of people who want us all to ignore reality.



Episode 547 – Happy Whatever Month!

Guns have been a hot topic this week but the Dems are sticking to their guns guaranteeing nothing will get done.

Canada goes full tyrannical,

And Mexico has solved all of their social, economic and political ills.



Let’s get into some Kamalaisms.

First off is to show that word salads aren’t limited to Kamala. Here’s the press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, can spin a yarn like a champ when she’s asked a tough question.

Some things:

  • I have already talked about how unemployment is not a great indicator of the economy.
  • I also pointed out, in the past, that we are still 2 million below what we were before the pandemic and about a million people have left the workforce all together.
  • Joe Biden, in his 50 years in politics has never created a job. He hasn’t created any jobs here too.
  • The American Rescue Plan created inflation.
  • She said ‘unprecedented” and “historic” 5 times.
  • Gas price are at an “uptick”? They are record highs.
  • She spent 1:30 talking and not answering the question. Doocy pushes further and she finally has to admit the economy is fine.

Here is Whoopi Goldberg going on a rant about guns…again:

Some things:

  • The AR-15 is a gun. The right to ban guns is prohibited in the Constitution.
  • There is nothing even remotely referencing abortion in the Constitution, which is why Roe is going to be overturned.
  • Joy’s interruption about not voting for Republicans was a flub. It makes them look biased which they say they’re not.
  • What Whoopi doesn’t get is the reason we are allowed to have guns is for people like Whoopi who is threatening to bust into our homes take them away.

God, these people are dumb.


They Are Being Very Clear Right Now

The American Leftist politicians are really letting it out with this gun control thing. The media and politicians are all on the same page. Let’s start with the genius of the administration, Kamala Harris, who had something to say on the way to Uvalde, Texas:

Some things:

  • Here’s with the gun violence thing. No talk about the shooter.
  • Thank God they’re not looking for a vaccine because they would never find one.
  • She doesn’t know what an assault weapon because there is no definition of an assault weapon.
  • Her definition doesn’t help either because a car can be said to do the same thing.
  • There is the new term de jour “weapon of war”. Here’s a news flash for this dumbass, AR-15s are not used by any military throughout the world. Period. It is the only weapon of war that has never been used in a war.
  • This is a civilized society? It hasn’t been since 2008.

Here’s the reality. AR-15s serve two purposes: hunting and self defense. They are light, have little recoil and have stopping power. They are mainly used for protection.

Considering Kamala Harris spent all 2020 trying to get rioters out of prison and defunding the police while be surrounded by fifty heavily armed guards, why do you think she wants to get rid of guns.

Here’s Joe Biden showing that he knows nothing about guns or the Second Amendment:

Some things:

  • He is saying all this with a Secret Service agent, who is armed to the teeth, is standing next to him.
  • That Secret Service agent looked a little surprised at what he’s hearing from Biden.
  • A 22 mm gun might penetrate a person if it doesn’t hit any bone and the shooter is close enough to get the full force.
  • A 9 mm gun is not a large caliber weapon and won’t rip your lung out of your body.
  • There’s a reason Dirty Harry used a 44 caliber gun. What he hit went down.
  • He also talks about the Second Amendment not being absolute. As far as I’m concerned, the first two amendments are probably as absolute as they can be.
    • Of course, he brought up the canon thing again which is absolutely not true.
    • He also admitted he could not just do an executive order on guns (which he can’t). He says Congress has to do something. They can’t either.

Now, you might be asking if maybe hardening the schools might be something. Maybe adding some security? Let’s face it, we gave $40 billion to Ukraine so I think we probably have the money.

Well, Karine Jean-Pierre clarified Biden position on that:

Greg Gutfeld said it best. This tragedy has become politicized. How can we tell? Because this problem only attacks one thing: guns. There’s no serious talk of:

  • Hardening schools.
  • Adding armed security to schools.
  • The fact that the bureaucracy has failed including the police. The government is saying we should give the government more power when they failed to deal with this before it happened. It’s illogical.
  • Addressing the mental health crisis that seems to be everywhere.
  • Discussing our social ills like the breakup of the family and loss of religion.

Instead, the Left is looking at the only thing that, quite honestly, can’t be blamed for any evil, the gun, and wants to take away the rights of all citizens who follow the law. Do you think criminals are getting their guns at a gun store?


This Is What They Want

Meanwhile, in Canada, Justin Trudeau announced that there is going to be a freeze on all sales of handguns because of the Uvalde tragedy on Monday.

You might be asking what Uvalde, which is 2000 miles away, has to do with Canada. Nothing.

Justin Trudeau is a little tyrant.

  • The COVID lockdowns are still happening.
  • The mask mandates are still happening.
  • The locking down bank accounts during the freedom convoy.
  • He even threatened to take pets away from people who didn’t agree with the government.
  • This is a guy who praised China’s authoritarianism because he could get things done.

What are the lessons learned here? Canada doesn’t have a constitution. There’s no first or second amendments. He can do what he wants and no one has a say.

Remember that and appreciate that little piece of paper the Founding Father created.



Mexico has some issues.

  • They are a country that is controlled by drug cartels.
  • They have several cities that rank the most dangerous in the world, including Acapulco.
  • I can’t buy a piece of gum with the peso.
  • The government is corrupt.
  • They have no healthcare.
  • And their phone service sucks because only one person, Carlos Slim, controls it.

According to Yahoo News:

Mexico banned sales of electronic cigarettes and other vaping devices on Tuesday because of concerns about their health effects, the government announced.

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said it was a “lie” to claim that e-cigarettes are a safe alternative to inhaling tobacco smoke.

“The vapors are also harmful for health,” added Lopez Obrador, who signed a decree introducing the ban on World No Tobacco Day.

He showed a pink vaping device to illustrate how the products are intended to appeal to young people.

“Look at the color, the design,” Lopez Obrador said.

Mexico City authorities meanwhile announced that smoking of any kind would be prohibited in the capital’s main square, the Zocalo, and surrounding areas in the busy historic district.

Seeing how Mexico has been run, all this does is create another black market for the cartels but it’s good to see the government is going all in on the scourge that tortures their society.




Episode 546 – Here’s What They Had to Say

Last week, we talked about the Fourth Industrial Revolution also known as the Great Reset. We talked about it because the purveyors of the Great Reset are meeting in Davos, Switzerland last week. Knowing their end goals seemed important before playing what they said.

With that, let’s talk about the World Economic Forum’s Conference.



Klaus Schwab

This is a creepy statement and not just because he says it in a creepy German accent. This is Klaus Schwab, the founder and head of the World Economic Forum and the designer of the Great Reset. Here is his opening statement for the conference:

Some things:

  • The future is built by the people in that room. Why? Who elected them?
  • Who said the future needed to be rebuilt? I think the United States (who Schwab sees as the biggest blockade to the Great Reset because of that pesky Constitution) is fine. We just need to cure our social ills and bring back things we have lost.
  • This is the stakeholder versus shareholder capitalism.
    • There is no such thing as stakeholder capitalism. That is just fascism.
    • Profits become secondary.
    • This has been tried everywhere.

Here’s what’s scary, Schwab already has a blueprint on what makes a solid economy. A blueprint where the government subsidizes businesses if the business follows the WEF’s regulations and requirements:

Some things:

  • China created the virus.
  • China lied about their statistics.
  • China uses slave labor.
  • China has unfair trade practices.
  • China has concentration camps.
  • China is in a recession because of their fascistic economy.
  • This guy thinks China’s economy and social system is what should run the world.
  • That should be scary.


Helen Clarke

Then there’s Helen Clarke, the former prime minister of New Zealand:

Some things:

  • Schwab admits this too. COVID is a chance to implement this form of global fascism.
  • New Zealand is notorious for their lockdown policies during the China virus, arresting people and putting people into internment camps.
  • They are also implementing stringent gun control laws and a gun buy back.


J. Michael Evans

J. Michael Evens is the CEO of the Alibaba Group. This company is a huge E-commerce source. He brings up something else that is already implemented in China and Klaus Schwab spent a lot of time about in his book. That is tracking the public:

Some things:

  • Nothing to see here, right?
  • By the way, you’re being tracked now. Your cell phone is always tracking you.
  • Klaus Schwab is his book said this was going to be the hardest thing to implement because people don’t want it.
  • He specifically says this is going to hard in the United States.


Speaking of Tracking the Plebes

Pfizer CEO, Albert Bourla, says they are trying to invent a more inventive way to track people, especially when it comes to vaccine requirements.

Some things:

  • Do you see any self-interest here?
  • Basically, you’re too stupid to make a decision on your own do the government needs to make it for you and the government needs to verify you’re being a good global citizen.
  • by the way, this guy was bitching that Pfizer has billions of dollars in vaccines no one is taking.
  • Don’t kid yourself that these companies don’t care about money.


Inman Grant

Here is Australia’s eSafety Commisioner, Inman Grant. I get the impression she let out a little more than she intended:

Some things:

  • First off, does she sound Australian? Sounds like an American to me.
  • In Australia and New Zealand, who is causing a lot of the conflict? Could the government be doing through the heavy-handed regulation?
  • This is what this is all about. How is the global community going to take away human rights so they can control people and make them do what they want.
  • I think she let the “control speech” thing slip.


John Kerry

Not only were the worst people in the global community was there (Xi Jinping and George Soros were there) but American sent its elitists too. That includes Bill Gates and John Kerry. Here’s John Kerry talking about, what else, climate change:

Some things:

  • Just an FYI, John Kerry, and all the other elitists, flew to Davos on a private jet.
  • He is pushing a global economy, a utopia.
  • We rubes created this mess. Those elites will fix it.


How Powerful are These Guys?



















Episode 545 – The Fourth Industrial Revolution

They are having a meeting in Davos, Switzerland. The people in the meeting do not have well-known names or are open political figures. But these people are influencing politicians that are changing our way of life.

We should listen to what they are saying which can be hard because the media is not covering it at all. Let’s do that.


The Conspiracy Theory That Isn’t

We have talked about the Great Reset. A lot of people who are on the Left say that it is a conspiracy theory that should be ignored. Well, there’s a problem with that. Klaus Schwab, the founder and leader of the World Economic Forum and a globalist, has written three books about it. One is called COVID-19 and the Great Reset. It’s on the WEF’s website. The economic departments of colleges are teaching it.

So let’s just get off the conspiracy theory garbage. It’s not one and we are actually seeing the effects in our day-to-day lives.

  • Inflation is not an accident.
  • Our national debt is not an accident.
  • High gas prices are not accidents.
  • Food shortages are not accidents.

Then we have other things that are going on in society that would never be something we would’ve seen 30 years ago.

  • Riots and protests.
  • Justice reform.
  • Woke corporations.
  • Attacks on the courts.
  • Energy shortages.
  • The indoctrination of children in schools.
  • Racism claims.
  • Attacks on religion.
  • Attacks on the nuclear family.

None of this stuff would have happened 30 years ago. Heck, we didn’t even think of race in the 70’s and 80’s. All this stuff is necessary or part of the Great Reset.

So, let’s define it based on Klaus Schwab’s definition. It is the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

  1. The use of steam and water to mechanize production.
  2. The use of electricity to power mass production.
  3. The use of electronic technology to automate mass production.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution will allow for a global integration, through advanced technology, of business, supply chains and governments. That’s a simple definition.

Essentially, all aspects of life will become global in nature. Corporations and governments will work together following a centralized global board that will define regulations everyone must follow. The goal is to control the global warming, promote equity (not equality), redistribute wealth from rich countries to poorer countries and centralize the means of production.

As you can imagine, there are some real issues with this. Glenn Beck calls this 21st century fascism. To me, it looks like global communism with all the pains. But there are real issues:

  • The dissolution of national sovereignty.
  • The destruction of capitalism, replacing shareholder with stakeholders.
  • Reorganizing wealth to raise poor nations but also weaken strong nations.
  • Replace the use of fossil fuels with…well, we don’t know. This is being done right now:
    • Gas prices. Get an electric car.
    • Energy prices and production. We are expecting brown and black outs in California this summer.
    • This is going to be the norm because we are limiting ourselves on how we produce energy.
  • Drastically reduce food production.
  • Change what we eat.
  • End property ownership. End ownership altogether. You will own nothing.
  • Tracking people and scoring them based on their social interactions.
    • Where you go.
    • What you eat and drink.
    • What you buy.
    • All this is happening already but this will be on a global scale.
  • Censorship.

All of this is described in his book (through a rosy lens) and a lot of it is already happening.

Why do companies go woke even though they can face backlash? A lot of corporations use a score called an ESG score. This stands for Environmental, Social and Governance score. You may even have seen this in your investment portfolio. This score is a WEF invention that rates a company based on the regulations of this global board. That’s why companies are going woke. They think we are going to go global and follow this WEF and, with the politics right now, we could be. Joe Biden and Barrack Obama are huge Great Reset fans. They say it.

Here is what is the most disturbing about this. This is a centralized board of elites who are not elected and do not take into account the culture of nations. They use China as an example of how this newly created system should work. Xi Jinping is speaking at this conference. George Soros, who is a communist and a fascist and is responsible for a lot of the mess within this country, spoke at this conference.

That should disturb everyone.





Episode 544 – He Blew It Again

A horrid mass shooting occurs in Texas and the Democrats can’t let a good crisis go to waste.


The Shooting

Here’s what we know about the shooting in Uvalde, Texas.

  • The shooter was an 18-year-old Uvalde resident named Salvador Ramos.
  • It started with a problem at his home. He shot his grandmother. She’s in critical condition.
  • He then drove and got into a car accident and got out of his car.
  • He jumped a four foot fence and entered Robb Elementary School which has second through fourth grade students.
  • He had a long gun and a handgun.
  • He killed 19 students and 2 teachers.
  • He also wounded two police officers including a border patrol agent who ended up killing him.

That’s all we know. Here’s what we don’t know though there are a lot of rumors:

  • What started this? Why did he do it?
  • Does this guy have any mental issues?
  • Does this guy have any criminal issues.
  • What kind of rifle did he use?
  • Where did he get the handgun? He is too young to have one.
  • Why did he select this school?
  • Were there any warnings on social media?
  • Did anyone know this kid? What did they say about him?

None of these questions have been answered. In fact, kids are still missing. Maybe, just maybe, it’s not time to go political and start pointing fingers.



Joe Biden Had His Shot…Blew It!

Joe Biden has a chance to unify the country. A chance to save Presidency. So he gave a 7 1/2 minute speech. Of course, no questions taken. Let’s go through this.

Here’s his start:

Not bad. He sounds tired, I mean, it is 8 PM and he should have been in bed three hours earlier. But his statement is emotional and empathetic. He sounds like he’s in pain. He appreciates the innocence of children and the pain the parents will go through.

Good start. Let’s see how it goes.

And, he loses it.

Some things:

  • The gun lobby walked into a school and shot 21 people?
  • Numbers trip him up. He said 340 instead of 3000 days but I’ll give him a break there. He’s senile.
  • He said there have been 900 gun incidents on school grounds. Shouldn’t we investigate why that’s happening? Guns on campus are illegal. But that’s the problem with these people. They don’t go after the criminal, they go after the gun.
  • By the way, as the gun lobby and NRA been pushing legalizing guns on school campuses?

Here’s the thing, we can have an impact on this carnage. But I think reasonable solutions are way different than the Leftist solution, which will solve nothing.

Here’s the next clip:

Some things:

  • He’s been in politics since he was 29 years old and thinks, he says, have gotten worse. What does that tell you.
  • What are common sense gun laws? They never seem to answer that. When they make a law, the laws are insane and usually get kicked by the Supreme Court.
  • Mass shootings dropping like a rock because of the “assault weapons” ban he passed in 1993 had nothing to do with “assault weapons”. It had to do with criminals being put in prison…for a really long time. This is why prison reform people flipped on Biden. He’s lying.
  • By the way, what is the definition of mass shootings? Yeah, there hasn’t been one. He says they’ve tripled? Depends on who was coming up with the definition.
  • There is no definition of an “assault weapon”. All weapons, including knives and bats, could be considered assault weapons.
  • This is the stupid argument he always makes. It’s none of your business why I buy an “assault weapon”. It’s my Constitutional right. I can buy a canon if I want and you have no say.
  • By the way, I want to buy the “assault weapon” because I don’t trust you or my government.

Next clip. It just gets worse:

Some things:

  • The gun manufacturers and the gun lobbyists, whoever they are, had nothing to do with what Salvador Ramos did. Neither did the guns. He did it and I bet he shouldn’t have had those guns.
  • He doesn’t define “common sense” gun laws again. It’s just a cliché.
  • This is a lie. Norway has the most mass shootings. But that’s based on our definition. Their definition is different.
  • The backbone that Senile Joe is talking about is the backbone of the government to come to my house and try to take my guns away. Good luck with that.


But It Wasn’t Just Senile Joe

Not an hour after the shooting was reported, the New York Times released an article about gun control and how the evil Republicans were responsible for all the deaths of those children. All those questions about the shooter and the scenario have yet to be answered as of this writing.

Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-Ariz.) tweeted at Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.):

“F— your prayers.  They haven’t worked for the last 20 mass shootings how about passing laws that will stop these killings.”

He also tweeted to Ted Cruz:

“Just to be clear f— you @tedcruz you f—ing baby killer.”

This is a House representative? Ted Cruz and Darrell Issa walked into this school and killed those kids? By the way, what laws has this guy proposed that would have prevented this? Answer: none.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) also didn’t wait for the bodies to get cold before she went out to blame Republicans: She tweeted:

“There is no such thing as being ‘pro-life’ while supporting laws that let children be shot in their schools, elders in grocery stores, worshippers in their houses of faith, survivors by abusers, or anyone in a crowded place.”

AOC got blown out of the water with this tweet. Candace Owens and many others asked what laws would have prevented this shooting. Crickets.

This also is coming from a person who wants to end police enforcement and take everyone’s guns away so people can’t protect themselves. Also, she’s been a representative for four years now. What has she proposed in that time that would have prevented this?

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said in a statement:

“As a nation, we simply cannot allow this to continue. Every single day, children and young people are losing their lives to people who do not value the sanctity of life and take advantage of the unabated presence of firearms in our communities. Now more than ever, we must push our legislators to pass sweeping and effective gun control measures. Our children’s lives depend on it.” 

I don’t even know if I have to say anything about this. Her city is one of the most violent in the world and has some of the strongest gun control laws in the country. The past two weekends, her city had a couple of mass shootings. Of course, the media doesn’t talk about that because it doesn’t fit the narrative of the Democrats. We’ll talk about that later.

Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn. said on the Senate floor, pushing gun control:

“Why do you spend all this time running for the United States Senate… if your answer, is as the slaughter increases, as our kids run for their lives, we do nothing?”

He wants stronger gun control laws. Question: what do you want to change that would have prevented this? He doesn’t answer that. He just screams that we need to do something with the gun laws. Well, what?

Barrack Obama tweeted pretty much the same thing:

Oh, any kind of action. Like what?

How about gun confiscation. That’s what they want. They’ll never say it because the country won’t go for it. It’s political suicide. But that’s what they want. Mind you, evil is evil and evil does not follow laws. Even gun confiscation advocates admit that gun confiscation will not end mass shootings. Even Chris Murphy said that when he was talking about gun control in front of the Senate.

The Democrats are just using this for a narrative and they will mold any shooting to match any of their narratives:

  • If the shooter is white, it will be white supremacy, even if it’s not.
  • If the shooter is not white, it will be calls for gun control.
  • If the shooter is not white and the shooting was due to race based hate like the Waukesha mass killer or the Brooklyn subway shooter, it will be ignored.
  • No matter what, all Republicans are evil.

This is scary stuff. This is how concentration camps are created. This is how people are rounded up by the government and sent to re-education camps.

This is also the reason citizens need to be armed.





Episode 543 – Is Monkey Pox Two Words?

The church has nothing on the public school system when it comes to child abuse.

Let’s talk about monkey pox and everyone should just calm down.

And Bill Maher drops the truth in the best possible way.



Here’s our Vice President again. I think this is going to end up being a daily thing now till the elections.

See, we have a community where there are children. And those children within our community are the children of our community. If the children do not belong to your community, then they belong to another community and that makes the children of that community. Some children create sub-communities where they choose not to belong to our community but that always ends up to be a bad thing like the Children of the Corn and Lord of the Flies shows us. When the children aren’t part of our community and make their own community, kids die. So we should make children part of our community so they become children of our community.


Here Whoopie Goldberg bitching about the archbishop in San Francisco banning Nancy Pelosi from being able to take communion.

Following Canonical and bringing judgement is exactly the archbishop’s job. He is the head priest in San Francisco. He’s doing exactly what he’s suppose to do. Here’s something wild and crazy: any priest can deny one communion for breaking Canon law. Heck, the archbishop even cited the laws Nancy Pelosi was breaking.

And what does she know about the Catholic Church and their Canon? She was born a Baptist, did go to a Catholic high school but then converted to Judaism. I’m pretty sure she has no idea what an archbishop does.

I also want to point out that the Catholic church could do so much worse to her. They could actually excommunicate her. This is a very serious sin.


No One Will Talk About This

One of the things Josie and I are trying to convince her daughter to do is send her kids to a private Catholic school. We do this because we think it is an important thing to do to teach the kids about having a moral base, learn discipline and actually learn something other than LGBTQ things. You know, like math and English and fun stuff like that.

She had some reservations about this. She is Catholic and she would send the kids to Catholic school. She is worried about the Catholic church’s sex abuse scandal of the early 2000’s. I told her she was nuts. The public school system has a far bigger problem with child abuse than the Catholic church does. Turns out Fox News has determined that the public school system has about a 100 times a bigger problem than the Catholic church had.

According to Fox News:

At least 135 teachers and teachers’ aides have been arrested so far this year on child sex-related crimes in the U.S., ranging from child pornography to raping students.

An analysis conducted by Fox News Digital looked at local news stories week by week featuring arrests of teachers and teachers’ aides on child sex-related crimes in school districts across the country. Arrests that weren’t publicized were not counted in the analysis, meaning the true number may well be higher. 

Mind you, that 135 this year! That’s like half a school year. And you can pop that to 136 because a woman was arrested this week for sharing child porn on Snap Chat. That is 136 that were caught. You could probably double or triple that number for those that have not gotten caught yet,

Between January 1 and May 13, 105 men and 30 women have been arrested for child sex abuse from 41 states.

Some of the stats:

  • Of the 135 arrests, at least 102, or 76%, involved alleged crimes against students.
  • The 135 educators included 117 teachers, 11 teachers’ aides and seven substitute teachers.
  • Anthony James Phillips, a 61-year-old former teacher at Cupertino Middle School in Sunnyvale, with aggravated sexual assault of a child, forcible penetration with a foreign object, and forcible penetration with a foreign object upon a child.
  • Anessa Paige Gower, a 35-year-old former biology teacher at Making Waves Academy in Richmond, California, was charged with 29 counts of child molestation on April 8.
  • William Landon Smith, a 31-year-old former science teacher at Cape Fear High School in Fayetteville, North Carolina, was charged with 27 counts of first-degree sexual exploitation of a minor, 28 counts of indecent liberties with a student, and one count of secretly using or installing a photographic imaging device to arouse or gratify sexual desire on March 18.
  • John M. Doty, a 35-year-old former biology teacher at Career Academy South Bend in Indiana, was charged with two counts of rape, one count of attempted rape and six counts of child seduction on Feb. 9.
  • Danielle Fischer, a 29-year-old former substitute teacher in the Roxana and Alton school districts, was charged with criminal sexual assault and aggravated criminal sexual abuse on Feb. 4. A Madison County grand jury later added child pornography to the charges. \

Again, this is just what has been reported. There are cases out there that didn’t make the news that were not counted and who knows how many have never been reported. I guess there is an answer as to why parents don’t want teachers grooming kids about sex. Some of them are actually grooming kids for sex.




The new pandemic is out. Well, it will never be a pandemic but it could become epidemic. Well, it won’t become an epidemic. In fact, it probably won’t even affect a lot of people. But the media is pushing it and I think they’re getting a little bit of crap for it.

This is what we know about Monkey pox:

  • It was discovered in Africa in 1958 when a bunch of laboratory monkeys caught it. It actually came from rats.
  • It is found in Central and Western Africa.
  • It is a less serious version of small pox.
  • It is not found in the United States. The cases have been because of travel.
  • The number of confirmed or suspected cases of monkeypox topped more than 100 over the weekend as the disease has now spread throughout Europe, North America, and Australia.
  • The WHO stated: “Reported cases thus far have no established travel links to an endemic area. Based on currently available information, cases have mainly but not exclusively been identified amongst men who have sex with men (MSM) seeking care in primary care and sexual health clinics.”
    • The cases stemmed from a bathhouse and gay fetish festival in Spain.
    • This version seems to only be passed through sexual contact.
  • Monkeypox has now been detected in Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
  • Symptoms include:
    • Flu-like symptoms including fever, headache, sore body.
    • Swollen lymph nodes.
    • Back pain.
    • Profound weakness.
    • Then a rash like chicken pox appears.
  • Death rate is between 3-11% but only has been studied in Africa where there is limited healthcare. Some small pox vaccines do well with monkeypox.

Scientists have said this is not the type of disease that will turn into a pandemic or even an epidemic because transmission is difficult. Essentially, don’t have promiscuous sex and you’ll be fine. But Joe Biden has said we should be worried about it so we’ll see if we are going to shut down the country again. Dems need something to win the next election.



This Guy Gets It

Bill Maher seems like a radical guy and he is very progressive. But he’s also one of the most reasonable, logical guys out there and he’s very funny. He can talk to anybody, about any subject, and I bet everyone walks away with no bloodshed. He has had Thomas Sowell, Ben Shapiro and Adam Carola on on his show and those are pretty Conservative guys.

So, here he is, using reason one the craziness of the Left’s need to normalize and push the trans-agenda. This monolog was 10 minutes long so I broke it up into smaller segments and got rid of the sight gags.

Here’s the first section:

Some things:

  • This is a comedy monolog but he does mean this needs to be discussed. He says that several times in the monolog.
  • The stats he’s citing actually do exist and doubling based on the generation. This has been studied and published.
  • His last line about all us being gay is a joke, but is it? Isn’t this what the LGBTQ+ community has been fighting for all these years?

Next clip:

Some things:

  • Again, he’s saying we should discuss this.
  • The rest of the clip is funny.
  • But that last statement, there discomfort in the laughter. Maybe because it’s true?

Next clip:

Next clip:

  • Again, this is receiving a tepid response from the audience because it’s true.
  • This a problem with intersectionality. Your value to society is based on your victimhood level. If you are a trans, lesbian, Native American woman, you are the highest level of society.
  • But if you are a straight women, you’re not as important.
  • This is the problem with the abortion debate. Those that are pro-abortion think that men can get pregnant and can’t define what a woman is.

Next clip:

Some things:

  • He says it again. We need to discuss this. He’s not making a joke here because our children are involved.
  • He also exposes the flaw in intersectionality.
  • Notice, people aren’t laughing? Because what he’s saying is all true.
  • This is something I love about Bill Maher: He believes in free speech. He is an intellectual. He wants to hear different opinions because he thinks he can convince others.
  • I would love to talk to this guy. I don’t agree on 99% of what he says. But I know we can have a good conversation and he may change my mind on things.

Next clip:

Some things:

  • The book he’s talking about is Irreversible Damage by Abigail Shrier.
  • The ACLU is lost.
  • Know why gay men aren’t at the gay pride march? Not high enough on the victimhood scale.
  • Intersectionality strikes again.

Next clip:

Some things:

  • This is just funny.
  • But it’s true.

Next clip:

Some things:

  • There is nothing to add here. It is all true. It is all funny. It is all sad.
  • Even trans people like this professor and Caitlyn Jenner are saying this is a little nutty.
  • This is a regional issue. You’re not going to see a lot of this crap in red states.

Next clip:

Some things:

  • This is more than just trendy. It is a group psychosis. This is something that people like Abigail Shrier points out.
  • It is being propagated by social media that got more of a platform over the last two years.
  • Parents are the real problem here. Leftists parents celebrate this.

Next clip:

Some things:

  • All this is absolutely true though he puts a humorous twist on it.
  • Children should not be affirmed in this crap. Their brains can’t make life-changing decisions like this.
  • Youths can’t vote until 18, smoke or drink until 21. There’s a reason for these laws.
  • But we are going to let them change their sex?


I love to do op-eds. I do them all the time. This is the type of op-ed I like to do. Not only does Maher drop truth bombs like the Air Force, he’s entertaining. That makes the truth that much more impactful.

I see why his show is so popular.




Episode 542 – She Can Still Eat Cake

Nancy Pelosi may be skipping church in the future. Is Biden next?

A Democrat in Oklahoma has a great solution for dealing with the outlawing of abortion.

And the Elon Musk saga takes a very expected turn.



I have to ask a question. Have politicians always been this stupid or have they just gotten that way over the last few years? Quite honestly, I don’t remember so many stupid people holding so much power.

Here is Kamala Harris talking at a climate conference and she’s talking about how school buses are going electric.

She really thinks about this subject every day? Really? Maybe she should spend more time thinking about the border crisis (which she was in charge of) or the baby formula crisis, or the inflation crisis, or rising gas prices, or the crashing stock market.

Here is another genius, AOC.

Um, I’m pretty sure abortion is not something religious Jews do. Or Christians. Or Muslims. But she was able to string together big words like “theocratic”.

The first time she weighs in on abortion, she makes a complete ass out of herself.


It’s About Time

According to Fox News:

San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone announced Friday that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is barred from receiving Holy Communion due to her pro-abortion stance — marking an escalation in a decades-long tension between the Roman Catholic Church and liberal Democratic politicians on abortion.

In a letter he wrote to Pelosi, he said:

This fundamental moral truth has consequences for Catholics in how they live their lives, especially those entrusted with promoting and protecting the public good of society.  Pope St. John Paul II was also quite consistent in upholding this constant teaching of the Church, and frequently reminded us that “those who are directly involved in lawmaking bodies have a ‘grave and clear obligation to oppose’ any law that attacks human life.  For them, as for every Catholic, it is impossible to promote such laws or to vote for them” (cf. Doctrinal Note on some questions regarding the participation of Catholics in political life [November 24, 2002], n. 4, §1).  A Catholic legislator who supports procured abortion, after knowing the teaching of the Church, commits a manifestly grave sin which is a cause of most serious scandal to others.  Therefore, universal Church law provides that such persons “are not to be admitted to Holy Communion” (Code of Canon Law, can. 915).

Later, he writes:

As you have not publically repudiated your position on abortion, and continue to refer to your Catholic faith in justifying your position and to receive Holy Communion, that time has now come.  Therefore, in light of my responsibility as the Archbishop of San Francisco to be “concerned for all the Christian faithful entrusted to [my] care” (Code of Canon Law, can. 383, §1), by means of this communication I am hereby notifying you that you are not to present yourself for Holy Communion and, should you do so, you are not to be admitted to Holy Communion, until such time as you publically repudiate your advocacy for the legitimacy of abortion and confess and receive absolution of this grave sin in the sacrament of Penance.

He concludes:

I also ask all of the faithful of the Archdiocese of San Francisco to pray for all of our legislators, especially Catholic legislators who promote procured abortion, that with the help and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, they may undergo a conversion of heart in this most grave matter and human life may be protected and fostered in every stage and condition of life.

Finally, someone in the Catholic Church has the balls to pull the trigger on these pro-baby killing “Catholics”. Pope Francis, who is a liberal Pope but has denounced abortion should put more of emphasis on how evil abortion is (Pope Benedict would have). Abortion is becoming way too widespread throughout the world. Heck, it’s now legal in highly Catholic South American countries.



Here’s a Good Idea

A Democrat in Oklahoma, which is one of the states that wants to completely ban abortion has come up with an idea that will prevent unwanted pregnancy.

According to the Daily Wire:

At a meeting of the Oklahoma state legislature Friday, Democratic Rep. Mickey Dollens suggested that members of the legislature who supported the abortion law, House Bill 4327, should consider another bill he planned to introduce, which would mandate that young men in the state receive a vasectomy once they reach puberty that could only be reversed when they are “deemed financially and emotionally responsible.”

He tweeted:

 “One of my fellow legislators plans to introduce a bill, HB 4327, that would define life as the moment of fertilization, making it a homicide to abort even a small cluster of cells. What if we take it further and mandate that every male has to have a vasectomy until they are deemed financially and emotionally responsible? Or call the use of condoms premeditated murder? Using a personal interpretation of religion to legislate human bodies is wrong and leads us down a dangerous path.”

This is what the Left does. They conflate the issues. They do not see a line between responsibility and consequence. Now, I know this guy is kidding and he thinks he’s proving some bazar point. But he’s not. He just sounds like an idiot.



That Didn’t Take Long

The Elon Musk saga continues.

  • Twitter exploded because Elon Musk decided to buy them and push for free speech.
  • Then he announced to the world that between 20-30% of the accounts on Twitter are bots, putting the whole sale in doubt.
  • If the deal goes south, this will destroy Twitter. They are already suffering heavy losses in the stock market.
  • The Twitter board says they will hold Musk to buying Twitter though, if they have been lying, I don’t know how they can.
  • Twitter has fired two of their main managers.
  • Elon Mush has said he is going to take the role of CEO of the company.
  • He also said he is going to fire thousands of employees (which he should).
  • Florida and Texas are courting him to move out of California to their states. Half his company is already in Texas.
  • This week he has said he will be voting Republican because Democrats are “hateful”.
  • Twenty-four hours after saying he would vote Republican, a sexual harassment claim came out against him (what a shock).
    • This happened six years ago when a woman was offer a horse for an erotic massage on one of Musk’s planes.
    • The woman, who got $250K and had to sign a non-disclosure agreement, did not report the harassment. It was her friend.
    • The woman said she could describe the tattoos and scars on Musk’s penis.
  • Musk took it exactly as could be expected.
    • He said the day before that this would happen.
    • He said it was not true.
    • The accuser was a wannabe actress and the money he paid was just cheaper than going to court.
    • He challenged the woman to describe his penis publicly.
    • And, he made a joke. He said this scandal should be called Elongate.

You what the Left is not understanding? They’re BS isn’t working anymore. We all know what they’re going to do before they do it. They’ll just scream sexist, racist, bigot and a variety of phobes. None of this crap is working anymore.


Go Woke, Go Broke

Netflix is really going all in on the anti-woke thing and it’s all because people are sick of their crap. They have lost 200K subscribers in the first quarter this year, the first time thy have lost subscribers in ten years.

According to the New York Post:

Netflix is canceling several animated projects, including Ibram X. Kendi’s film “Antiracist Baby,” as the streaming service has been forced to cut costs and lay off workers due to dwindling subscriber numbers.

Ava DuVernay’s animated project “Wings of Fire” has also been given the ax, according to Variety, which cited sources as saying that the decision was creative rather than financial.

Netflix recently announced that it was laying off 150 workers, or some 2% of its workforce, after reporting weak earnings in the first quarter of this year.

I have Antiracist Baby and I am going to make a video and read it to you. It is hard to believe that Netflix actually did several videos on this crappy “children’s book”.

All I can tell you is, and everyone is learning this now, if you go woke, you go broke.



Leave Scooby Alone

Scooby Doo is going woke.

There is going to be a new Scooby Doo but it is going to be missing something. Mainly, Scooby Doo. It will still have Velma, Fred, Shaggy and Daphne. It will be produced by actress and comedian Mindy Kaling who starred in the television show called the Mindy Project. The show will be an adult animated show on HBO Max.

So, not only is there not going to be a dog but it is also going to have a South Asian character play Velma. I don’t think that’s really a big deal but, apparently, Kaling thinks it’s going to be a big deal. She said that people may “freak out” when they see Velma is a South Asia but “she doesn’t care” what people think.

This is the problem with Hollywood. They don’t care about what people think. This is half the problem with movies and television shows right now. That’s why no one watches. This shouldn’t even be an issue of Velma being a South Asian. What should be the issue with the show is that they are taking Scooby Doo out of the Scooby Doo show and leaving the four boring adults instead.




Episode 541 – Bad Arguments

Abortion is no longer the topic and a Congressional hearing shows why Democrats have decided to jump into the racist ring again.

And the tantrum the women’s national soccer team has been throwing for the last five years has finally hit pay dirt.


This is Such a Bad Platform

We’re back to abortion. Congress had hearings on abortion and things didn’t go well for the pro-abortionists, including a doctor. But first, let’s go over what Leftist pro-abortionists actually think. You did hear this before if you went on Rumble and viewed the video. But now let’s see be reminded what these people think.

I’m not going to comment on this video because it is from last week and was filmed in Venice, California. All these probably are probably on meth. By the way, none of these people will ever be qualified to have a child.

So here is a Dr. Yashica Robinson if she has ever had to discard baby body parts by Congressman Chip Roy. Here’s her non-answer:

Some things:

  • This is what Leftist do. They filibuster. They do this to take away the 5 minutes the Congressman has. Just answer the question. Your answer is 20 weeks. Next question.
  • Roy states the type of abortion she has to perform at 20 weeks. This is a brutal abortion. She can’t argue with him because it’s what she did.
  • No, he’s asking you if you had to deal with baby parts. That’s not inflammatory. That’s with a D&E.
  • She’s lying. Of course she had to deal with baby body parts. That’s part of a D&E.
  • One of the things these people have to do is put the baby parts in a Pyrex and put the baby back together again to verify they got everything out of the mother. She’s lying.
  • Why won’t she get called out for lying? She doesn’t put the baby in Pyrex and put the baby back together again. It’s another specialist that does it. She’s lying.

She gal got blown out of the water. Why? She refused to answer questions about the brutality of abortion. Things were only going to worse here.

Here is a broad named Aimee Arrambide. She is the executive director of the abortion rights nonprofit Avow Texas. Here’s she asked when a woman can decide to abort a baby by Mike Johnson of Louisiana.

She can’t answer the question. She can’t answer the question and “full stop” at the end of her sentence doesn’t change anything.

But it gets worse for her. Listen to this from Congressman Dan Bishop:

OK. Supposedly, this broad does work in the medical field. She’s not a doctor but she thinks men can get pregnant. Do you see how insane these people are?

Here’s a statement by Steve Cohen that, honestly, should get him impeached:

No, that’s not how it works. This guy is a lawyer, he should probably know how the Constitution works. Cohen is making the argument Alito has made in his draft opinion. Abortion is not in the Constitution so that kicks the decision to the states to make laws.

The anti-abortionists had little trouble dealing with this. Why? They use use reason and morality for their arguments.

Here is Catherine Glenn Foster, a lawyer and anti-abortion activist. She had an abortion in the past and has regretted it since. She was asked by Jamie Raskin about rape and incest victims. Foster pulled a Steven Crowder on him and he became completely flustered.

Some things:

  • She looks really bored at his argument.
  • He asked her a question, she answered and he wants to reclaim his time and continue his rant.
  • None of this is about rape and incest victims. It’s about abortion until a kid in 15-years-old.

The best statement from this hearings came from Burgess Owens, representative from Georgia and former awesome football player.


Some things:

  • Margaret Sanger was a racist and eugenicist
  • She founded Planned Parenthood and placed clinics in black communities because she saw blacks as inferior.
  • Planned Parenthood, just two years ago, removed all references to Margaret Sanger.
  • Abortion is racist because it’s meant to kill black babies, even to this day.
  • If you are conceived by a black mother, there is a 57% you are going to be aborted.
  • The black population in the United States has been stagnant since Roe because black babies are being aborted.
  • I don’t want black babies aborted. I want them to live. Is that racist?



Witness at House Abortion Hearing Leaves Jamie Raskin ‘Reclaiming’ His Time After Devastating Rebuttal – Opinion



They Got What They Wanted

According to the Daily Wire:

In what is being called an “equal pay” agreement between the U.S. Soccer Federation and the U.S. men’s and women’s national teams, the men’s team will soon begin subsidizing the women’s team’s bonuses with their own international prize money.

The landmark agreement was reached after years litigation between U.S. Soccer and members of the U.S. Women’s National Team (USWNT), who claimed they were unfairly paid differently than the U.S. Men’s National Team (USMNT). The women made this claim even though each team had their own separate collective bargaining agreement about their pay structure.

So, how are they going to do this? The U.S. Men’s soccer team makes a little over 5 times what women’s team generates, even when the women win. Well, according to the New York Times:

“U.S. Soccer will distribute millions of extra dollars to its best players through a complicated calculus of increased match bonuses, pooled prize money and new revenue-sharing agreements that will give each team a slice of the tens of millions of dollars in commercial revenues that U.S. Soccer receives each year from sponsors, broadcasters and other partners.”

Basically, what they are going to do is combine the dollars from the men’s and women’s teams and distribute that equally. Does that seem equal? No, but it’s equitable. Remember, you can have equality or equity but you can’t have both.

By the way, women’s soccer sucks. It’s slow and it’s really boring. That’s why people don’t watch it. I like to watch quality sports. I don’t watch USFL football either. Why? Because the quality sucks. Let’s not forget, the women’s national soccer team lost to a boy’s under-15 team a few years ago, 5-2. Do you think this is quality soccer?

I just hope they do it with the NBA and WNBA. I would love to see LeBron James have to take a yearly salary cut of $20 million a year so the women can get equal pay.




