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Happy Insurrection Day!

CNN and MSNBC will have specials on it today.

The New York Times has 8 opinion articles on it.

The Washington Post has 13 opinion articles on it.

President Biden is having a “celebration” of it.

The House of Representatives is having hearings on it.

Merrick Garland is still looking to throw President Trump in prison because of it.

What am I talking about? Happy Insurrection Day! That’s right, it is the one year anniversary of the riot at the capitol. Will all the great things happening in 2012, it’s hard to believe that it has already been a year.

So let’s go over this. I watched it live on television. I saw Trump’s speech prior to the riot. I’ve been following it and the reports for the last year. The reports that no really talks about.

January 6th was a terrible day. I thought that while watching it on television. I thought that the media was going to run wild with the thought that Conservatives were acting badly. Yeah, those Conservatives were wearing face paint and Viking horns. Yeah, those Conservatives were taking selfies in the offices of our elected leaders. Yeah, the stole Nancy Pelosi’s lectern and walked out of the building with it.

Why am I bringing this up? These weren’t serious people. They were a bunch of white trash hicks that hardly represent the Conservative movement. This was a riot, not an insurrection. We know this because the big players in this were convicted of trespassing, mayhem and destruction of property. Not convicted of of insurrection or treason. In fact, none were convicted of a violent crime against a person.

But there was violence. There was $1.5 million in damage to the Capitol Building. One rioter was dead. Five police officers were dead. There were injuries. Bombs were planted at the Democratic and Republican headquarters. Here’s the thing, there were a lot of questions about what happened and how it happened.

Now we know the only person who was killed was a rioter, Ashlii Babbitt, who was shot by a Capitol police officer who once lost his gun while taking a leak in a restroom. We know now that no Capitol police officer died due to violence from the rioters. All five died of natural causes or suicide. But the media lied about it. They said one officer died because he got hit in the head with a fire extinguisher. We now know that wasn’t true. He died of a stroke. A natural stroke, not because he got hit in the head. Mind you, this does not diminish the violence that did happen. There were 140 police officer injured.

But the narrative was set. This was a deadly insurrection. But there is a problem with that narrative: The only person who was killed was a Trump supporter.

Let me repeat:

The only person who was killed was a Trump supporter.

In the last year, we have had a couple of reports released. The Capitol police and one by homeland Security (supported by the Senate). Both those have been ignored by the media. Both have said that the issue involved the lack of police presence which is the responsibility of the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. It was also found that the mayor of Washington DC, Muriel Bowser, was offered extra support for that day in the form of National Guard, but she refused.


Here’s the thing and I have no more to say about this, Democrats are in huge trouble this year. They are going to lose the House and the Senate. They are probably going to lose the presidency in 2024 because of their crappy policies. They need something to strike the emotional funny bone of the people and that is Trump, who didn’t help this riot.


The Celebrations

So I waited to do this episode until I got to hear what Harris and Biden had to say. Of course, most of it used exaggeration or lies.

Here’s Kamala really pushing “the world is going to end” mantra:

The Pearl Harbor attack killed 2400 men. The 9/11 terrorist attack killed 3000 people. January 6th, one was killed. This attack doesn’t even rank in the top 20 of worst things that happened in the United States. Heck the Capitol Building was bombed once. The White House was actually burned down once.

This is just a disgusting comparison. People actually lost loved ones in those tragedies. What a way to minimize those deaths.

But she continues:

Some things:

  • Democracy was never under attack.
  • The election was not going to be overturned.
  • She makes politicians heroes here. Politicians aren’t heroes. They did their job just three hours later.

Then there’s Joe Biden. He did the same thing but, of course, he had to go after Trump:

Some things:

  • Didn’t the Obama administration spy on the Trump campaign?
  • Didn’t Hilary Clinton fund the Steele Dossier which led to four years of accusing Trump of being a Russian stooge?
  • He spent one minute and fourteen seconds trying to convince the country that we won legitimately. If the elections were completely fair and legitimate, why does he continue to defend himself and the election?
  • And this is the purpose of January 6th day. To bring Trump into the picture. Here’s the thing: Trump hasn’t been in office for a year. The only way Biden can look good during his presidency is to say how bad Trump is.

This next clip just shows how out of touch Democrats are:

Some things:

  • Stacey Abrams and Hilary Clinton bashed the system as racist and sexist when they lost.
  • The BLM and Antifa riots violated the law and were supported by Democrats including Kamala Harris bailing out rioters.
  • Joe Biden and his administration lie on a daily basis.
  • Before he can say words like this, Old Joe should look in the mirror.

This statement should be chilling:

What is he talking about? Is he talking about going after people who weren’t even there? This was not a planned event. The reports have said that. It was not really organized well. No one had any weapons. Could he be talking about going after people hold the same values as the rioters? That’s the big question.

The justice department has shown their hand. They went after the January 6th rioters but show no interest in BLM or Antifa, which continue to riot to this day. They go after parents who complain at school board meetings but don’t go after the gangs in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco or Chicago who commit shootings and flash robberies.

I think it is his statement we should be wary of.


What’s Behind All This

Ben Shapiro of the Daily Wire summed up why the Democrats are “celebrating” this day. He released a rather long tweet that could easily have been an op ed, but there is more truth in this tweet than one normally sees. Let’s go through it.

Today is the first anniversary of January 6, a riot predicated on a falsehood pushed by President Trump — a riot which did not prevent the certification of the 2020 election by Vice President Mike Pence and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

I wouldn’t go so far as to say that the election was clean and that all Trump said were falsehoods. What Trump said couldn’t be proven to the point of overturning the election and he was incendiary during the months after the loss. He should have just shut his mouth and took it like a man. The reason? Because Republicans are suppose to be above the whining at losing unlike Democrats like Hilary Clinton and Stacey Abrams.

It was not a “coup” or an “insurrection,” nor was it charged criminally as such. It was not a turning point for the republic or a referendum on American political violence.

It is now being exploited by the political class to dramatically revise republican institutions including federalism and the filibuster. The outsized focus on January 6 by the media and Democrats is a pure act of political opportunism, and should be seen as such.

This is all true.

  • Chuck Schumer, on Sunday, that he is going to push for revising (getting rid of) the filibuster to avoid having another January 6th.
  • Biden and Harris said we need voter reform including mail in ballots, ballot harvesting, no voter IDs and automatic voter registration. I question this. Basically, they want to federalize voting, taking it away from the states. This is unconstitutional.
  • Question: Why revise voting procedures if this was the most fair elections of all time?

The game is to suggest that January 6 was a grave threat to democracy, and that the threat has now metastasized into a full-blown political program pressed by the mainstream Republican Party — and that this requires concerted Democratic destruction of institutions.

Biden is not hiding the ball. Schumer is not hiding the ball. Pelosi is not hiding the ball. If the question of January 6 had remained whether riots are bad, whether the criminals should go to jail, or whether we ought to follow legally-certified election results, we’d agree.

But the question has now morphed — and it morphed within hours of the January 6 events. The question morphed into whether the entire Republican Party and all of its voters could be saddled with the mantle of “insurrectionary violence.”

This is what is really scary. Merrick Garland made it clear that the people who made January 6th happen did not have to be there to be guilty. Basically, if one voted for Trump, than he is guilty of insurrection on January 6th. This is what the fascists did in Italy, the socialists (Hitler) did in Germany and the communists did, and are doing, in the Soviet Union and China.

Dirty little secret: not one person arrested of the 500 or more have been charges with sedition, insurrection or treason.

And the follow-on question became just how much should evil Trump voters be censored (Parler and AWS) or whether we should dispense with the filibuster to “save democracy” or whether we ought to federalize voting procedures like ballot harvesting and banning voter ID.

The crocodile tears from the Left about the woes of police officers on January 6 ought to be taken with precisely the seriousness they deserve, given their 2014-2021 quest to label police systemically racist and ignore massive violence against the cops throughout the BLM riots.

And the crocodile tears from the Left about refusal to accept election results ought to be taken with precisely the seriousness they deserve from the party of Stacey Abrams and “Russian election interference” and “Facebook is to blame.”

One need not downplay the evils of January 6 or the lies of President Trump post-election in order to recognize the game being played. Politics is always politics. Always.

One thing that Shapiro doesn’t talk much about is this is a deflection from the failures of leadership of this administration. Biden’s domestic, foreign and economic policies have all failed. This is an opportunity to blame Republicans for all Biden’s failures and continue with these failed policies.


Let’s Talk About Trump

Donald Trump was a catalyst. He brought back Conservatism. He brought back capitalist and democratic policies and showed they work. He brought back patriotism and condemned socialist, tyrannical and Leftist philosophy. He fought against the tyranny we see in Iran, Russia, China and North Korea. He embraced our freedoms. He embrace free speech, freedom of religion, right to bare arms. He loved law and order. He hated bureaucracy and taxes. He hated regulation on business. He hated political correctness and wokeness. He said what he thought and, it turns out, what most of us think.

I will go so far as to say, the Left made Trump President. He is the Conservative’s culture warrior.

That being said, I don’t want him to run again. In fact, I don’t even want him in politics anymore unless someone asks him.

Here are my reasons why:

  • He will be 78 years old in 2024.
  • He has great policies but a lousy and divisive personality.
  • People either love him or hate him. There is no middle ground. With someone else, there is a middle ground and an opportunity for a big win.
  • If he runs again, this January 6th thing is going to haunt him. If someone else runs, January 6th becomes a mute point. It should be a moot point now since Trump has been out of office for a year.

Republicans, especially those not in the federal government, have learned the art of cultural warrior. That is one of the reasons that someone like Ron DeSantis is so popular. It is the reason that Glenn Youngkin won his election in Virginia. Both of those guys do not need Trump to win. They just have to fight like him.





Episode 470 – THEY DON’T CARE!

Chicago teachers decide they don’t want to work. I have a solution for that.

IS Joe Biden really this disconnect…or just dense.

And a poll is released that tells us why our kids are so jacked up. Unfortunately, I don’t see this getting better.


Here We Go Again

We do have new news this week but I have so much from last week. I do need to talk about this because it’s going to happen throughout the country soon. I would be remiss if I just skipped this.

The Chicago teachers union voted last night to start teaching remotely, through Zoom.

According to NBC Chicago:

The rank-and-file members of the Chicago Teachers Union have voted to temporarily transition to remote learning, a move that prompted Chicago Public Schools officials to cancel classes for Wednesday.

While CTU instructed its members to work remotely Wednesday, CPS has said that it will not accept the switch back to remote learning, and instead canceled all classes, sporting events and extracurricular activities scheduled for Wednesday.

Food service will still be available at schools between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m., and COVID testing and vaccination events will continue as scheduled, according to a CPS press release.

The union stated:

“Tonight, as educators, parents, neighbors and community members we had to make the tough decision to support a resolution to return to remote learning in our city’s public schools. This decision was made with a heavy heart and a singular focus on student and community safety.”

This is after we have the statistics to state that teachers are not in danger of getting COVID from students. As a matter of fact, there has yet to be one teacher that died because a student gave her the China virus.

Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot said the stoppage was illegal. She said:

“The worst thing we can do is to shut the entire system down. What we need to be focused on is working together. What I’d love to see CTU do is not force an illegal work stoppage. What I’d love to see them do is work hand-in-glove with us to get kids and their families vaccinated.”

Few things here:

  • The stoppage is illegal. Any union that negotiates with a government, with tax payer money, is not allowed to strike.
  • Lori Lightfoot’s message is jacked because she has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the country and she just poured gasoline on the fire.
  • She deserves this. She is locking down the city again. What does her messaging say when she locks down the city but the teachers need to teach? She looks like she hates the teachers.

I have some pretty harsh opinions about this whole thing.

First off, stop telling me teachers are f-ing heroes. They’re not. They have a job. A great job. A job that pays them really well to work 6-7 hours a day, 7 1/2 months a year. It does not take much to be a teacher. It’s time to stop treating them like these people fought a war in Iraq. Stop giving them awards.

And it’s not like the teachers are doing a good job. Over 30% of the population can’t read much less do math. I bet none can pass a civics exam. I was listening to a couple of teachers interviewed and I couldn’t even understand what they were saying. If these teachers can’t speak well enough someone like me can understand them, how are they teaching the kids?

Finally, this has nothing to do with the kids. These teachers aren’t thinking about the kids. They don’t care about the kids. The teachers don’t want to get out of their bunny slippers in the morning and go to work. But they do want their pay to continue.

What would I do? I would follow Ronald Reagan’s lead.

Fire them all. Take a month off of school, replace all these teachers with non-union members. Hire them based on qualifications, experience and performance. Kill the union. It’s been done before with the air traffic controllers and it worked. No planes fell from the sky. Lori can give me a call and I’ll teach.

And the kids will learn something.



Is This Guy Really This Dense?

For Christmas, I went to Costco and bought three bottles of cheap wind and one ribeye roast. I spent almost $200. We also bought firewood because we have a firepit and it’s cold. We used to spend $4.99 a bundle. At Walmart, the wood cost $6.49. That’s a 30% increase.

By the way, that $0.02 decrease in gas is gone. One gas station rose prices $0.20 and the gas station we go to went up $0.05.

Joe Biden, ever out of touch, tweeted:

“We’re ending 2021 with what one analyst described as the strongest first-year economic track record of any president in the last 50 years. Let’s keep the progress going.”

What progress, now?

  • We have the highest inflation since the 80s.
  • We have a supply chain crisis.
  • We have 10 million open jobs that no one wants to fill.
  • We have a housing shortage.
  • We have a gas and oil shortage.
  • The stock market is tanking.
  • Crime is at record levels throughout the country.
  • Drug addiction s at record highs.
  • Homelessness is at record highs.
  • Suicide is at record highs.
  • The country is broken into two factions. The unity he promised is non-existent.
  • We have a border crisis with 1.8 million illegal alien encounters in 2021.
  • COVID is spiking again with more deaths in 2021 than 2020 (under Biden).
  • We had a failed retreat from Afghanistan that led to the deaths of 13 marines.
  • Iran likely has a nuclear weapon.
  • Russia is threatening Ukraine.
  • China is threatening Taiwan.

That is all in 2021. Does that sound like we had a good year?

This guy is completely out of touch.

Needless to say, the reactions on Twitter were hysterical:

  • Jon Concha: “Ron Klain appears to have been provided access to the POTUS account…”
  • Greg Price: “Which one was the analyst,” posted alongside images of various celebrities, social media influencers, and singing nurses who have recently partnered with the Biden administration.
  • Michael Berry: “Joe Biden has jokes.”
  • Tim Murtaugh: “‘one analyst’ … Ron Klain doesn’t count.”
  • Eddie Zipperer: “No political spin in the world is going to trick people into thinking they have more money in their wallets than they actually have.”
  • Rep. Tom Tiffany: “I didn’t realize April Fools’ Day was in December this year.”
  • James DePorre: “I did not realize that Kamala Harris was an analyst.”
  • Scott Presler: “You walked away from COVID. You never had a plan.”



No Wonder Our Kids Are So F-ed

Want to know why our kids are so f-ed up? Let’s just look at to who’s raising them.

According to the New York Post:

Nearly one in 10 mothers does not know who fathered their child, according to a surprise new poll in the United Kingdom.

Some things about this:

  • The poll was run by Topp Morning Casino and it polled 1000 women.
  • The result could mean that there are 2.1 million couples where the father isn’t the father.
  • Australia has found that it could be up to 30% of births where the biological father is not known.
  • This has been a trend since the 1970s.
  • Both surveys admit that the percentage is probably a lot lower. There is a high margin of error.
  • Though a study like this has not been done in the United States, sociologists believe that the number might be at 4%.

Why do we even need to do studies like this?

We are living in a world where personal responsibility is considered bad and the government is expected to take care of everyone. People have sex, don’t take any responsible actions and get pregnant. I guess it could be worse. They could be aborting the babies.

There are now commitments to people. The nuclear family has been demonized. Men have been demonized. children are see as an inconvenience and barely in the conversation. Marriage is not a thing anymore. Fathers aren’t in the home.

We are living in a world where people are lying to each other and don’t think twice about it.

Here’s the thing, it’s not going to get better. Children are being raised this way. Worse yet, they’re being taught that this is OK. Children born today are going to do the same thing when they grow up (if they can get off their phones long enough to have sex). They are learning that their satisfaction is more important than taking responsibility for their actions. This is very different from how I was raised.

This also is bringing our culture into into a very dark future.



Should We Do This?

France has decided to block certain porn websites from their country because of the lax verification of age these sites are guilty of, allowing children to view their sites.

The Daily Beast reports:

“French authorities have vowed to block five major porn sites this week unless measures are taken immediately to ensure users are over the age of 18,” the report outlined. “France’s Higher Audiovisual Council gave Pornhub, xHamster, XVideos, XNXX, and Tukif a Tuesday deadline for the new restrictions, after which it said it would seek a court order blocking access to the sites, The Times reports.”

These porn sites merely ask users to “mark a box” to confirm that they are adults. “The council said the porn sites are effectively violating the law if they do not create more rigorous checks, such as verification of identity documents proving a user’s age,” the report said.

The council underscored, “Children faced by such content can suffer lasting shock at the very least.”

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) CEO, Dawn Hawkins, released a statement:

“France is seeking to hold online pornography sites accountable in order to protect minors from accessing hardcore pornographic content that is harmful to them. Despite empty assurances, online pornography sites have failed to keep children away from their content because they have no meaningful age verification systems, and in fact many of these sites employ marketing tactics that bring children to their sites. It is past time for pornography sites to be held to account.”

“A growing body of research supports her statements. Early exposure to pornography affects children’s developing brains and normalizes the sexual violence, exploitation and abuse it so frequently depicts. Today’s hyper-online world exposes youth to such content at younger and younger ages through platforms that may seem safe on the surface—including social media. It’s virtually impossible to avoid; one study found that 93 percent of boys and 62 percent of girls are exposed to pornography in adolescence.”

“Modern online pornography is filled with extreme sexual violence, child sexual abuse, racism, and other disturbing and abusive content. Online pornography platforms are designed to hook even casual viewers to seek even more violent and extreme content. We hear from families regularly that their children as young as 6 years old are accessing hardcore pornography despite their best efforts to protect them. The responsibility cannot lie with parents alone.”

This is all absolutely true.

Our kids have a harder time getting an R-rated movie with cuss words than watching a threesome is weird to me. We know this is bad for people. We know it stunts sexual maturity. We know it shows children things that are unnatural and unrealistic.

Billie Elish, the pop singer, admitted that she had a born addiction while she was a teenager. She said that she did things sexually she thought she was suppose to like because of what she saw on these free porn sites. This stuff does affect kids. There’s no question. And, in the United States, we don’t seem to care. We’re not doing anything about it.

Now, don’t talk to me about free speech. This has nothing to do with free speech. Rated-R films are restricted to kids. What I’m saying is we need to restrict porn in the same way. That’s all. I like porn. I don’t watch it every day or every week or, even every month but there are times Josie and I will Pornflix and chill on a Saturday night when the kids are gone.

I don’t know if Pornflix is a thing but Netflix doesn’t have porn, so there you go.





Episode 469 – Well, Duh!

We lost a couple of legends last week.

Joe Biden says what we all knew for over a year then runs off to the beach

And AOC is still an idiot.



Two huge figures passed away last week.

Betty White, known for her work on The Golden Girls, died at the age of 99. She was just 17 days from her hundredth birthday. She was a great actress and comedian and had a firecracker personality. Here is a quick routine from her appearance on SNL when SNL was funny. It’s a longer clip but she was special and this is really funny.

We also lost football coaching great, John Madden. He was the coach that led the Oakland Raiders to the Super Bowl. He then went on Monday Night Football for twenty years or so. Kids know him today because of the video football game that bares his name.

He was energetic and knowledgeable about football and people could not wait to hear his commentary. He main word that everyone loved to hear was, “Boom!”.

Rest in peace to both.


We Thought That for Over a Year

Joe Biden has finally figured out how to handle the China virus. And I’m pretty sure he’s right about this. After saying for the last two years that he would crush the virus, he’s finally thrown up his arms and accepted that there is no federal solution and it will be up to the states to deal with it.

Here he is at a press conference last week:

Of course, Biden didn’t take any questions from the compliant media. One of the people in the conference told Biden’s handlers to clear the room before they continued. The compliant media just walked out of the room without a question being shouted.

The big question is going to be when is Biden, who says only the states can deal with the virus, going to end his mask and vaccine mandates? So far, there doesn’t look like there are any plans to do that. In fact, he is now taking this all the way to the Supreme Court who said they would rule on the vaccine mandates within the month.

This is a huge turn around by the Biden administration. He basically won the presidency by saying he was going to stop the virus. Not only did he not stop it, it has killed more people under his watch than it did under Trump. That’s one of the reasons CNN and MSNBC have dropped their COVID death tickers. Now they have a ticker on the percentage of people being vaxxed.

What’s worse for the Biden administration, the new China virus variant, omicron, is flying around the country. The New York Times reported:

“Wednesday’s seven-day average of new daily cases, 301,000, was also a record, compared with 267,000 the day before. In the past week, more than two million cases have been reported nationally, and 15 states and territories reported more cases than in any other seven-day period.”

OK, now let’s not panic. There is some good news:

  • The virus is far more contagious but not even close to as deadly. It is 80 times less dangerous than delta.
  • Hospitalizations have gone up a bit last week but they are far from being overwhelmed.
  • The death rates have not spiked. They are staying flat.
  • The CDC says we are looking at an additional 44,000 deaths this month but I don’t believe them.
  • South Africa has reported that they are passed the spike and are now leveling off. That’s great. We are not far behind them.
  • As of now, there have only been 19 deaths due to omicron within the United States. Though tragic, that’s not a lot. All those have been reported to have comorbidities.

That is not stopping the panic:

  • New York is arresting anyone who goes into a restaurant without a vax card.
  • Atlanta is going back to remote learning because COVID is so much more dangerous than depression, drugs and socialization for children.
  • Mask mandates are back in most blue states.
  • Testing is now required for students and workers. That’ll be great considering there is a shortage of tests.
  • Israel is now mandating a fourth shot. There is evidence that the shots will lessen the effects of omicron but will not stop someone from getting it.
  • The Netherlands is using attack dogs to quell COVID lockdown policy protestors. That’s awesome.
  • By the way, Florida still remains in the middle of the pack even though they are the oldest state and do not have mask of vax mandates.

I’m sure there will be more mandates in blue cities and states now that the holidays are over. I’m done with the mask and booster thing. Businesses in California are pretty much done with it too. Yes, I carry a mask but I have yet to be told to wear it inside a business. Josie doesn’t wear it either.


Is This a Scandal?

Biden’s war against Florida continues. The surgeon general of the state said that Joe Biden is withholding monoclonal antibody treatments from them (and other states).

Florida Surgeon General Joseph A. Ladopo sent a searing letter to the Biden administration’s Secretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra:

“The federal government is actively preventing the effective distribution of monoclonal antibody treatments in the U.S. The sudden suspension of multiple monoclonal antibody therapy treatments from distribution to Florida removes a health care provider’s ability to decide the best treatment options for their patients in this state. This shortsightedness is especially evident given that the federal government effectively prohibited states from purchasing these monoclonal antibodies and serving their populations directly.”

Hmm. So let’s review:

  • The government is withholding a known, successful treatment for COVID in monoclonal antibodies.
  • They have demonized ivermectin, another treatment that has proven successful, by calling it a “horse dewormer”. Mind you, ivermectin has been used in Africa for decades and saved millions of lives from malaria and other diseases.
  • They are not talking about the new pill Pfizer has created for treating COVID which will be approved by the FDA this week.
  • We still do not know the B and T-cell (memory cells) immunity from the vaccine.
  • They are still pushing vaccine mandates for a vaccine that doesn’t stop the disease. Let’s stop calling it a vaccine. It is a preventative treatment.
  • They refuse to look at the science and statistics for omicron. Omicron has been shown to be worse than a cold but not as bad as the flu.
  • We are locking down again based on a disease that has caused about 100 deaths throughout the world.

Do you guys see what’s happening? The government doesn’t want this to end. They don’t want to shutdown the virus. This is all about control. Don’t believe me? Let’s take a look at how the pro-shutdown folks are acting. The elites.

Enter Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.



How Does Anyone Vote for This Moron?

Last I checked, New York is a mess.

  • They are having a huge COVID spike.
  • The mandated up the butt when it comes to masks and vax status.
  • They have a huge crime problem.
  • It’s cold a hell.

Where does Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez represent? New York.

Now she has a month off. It must be nice to get a month off while making $170K a year and never having held a full time job before. Oh yeah, and she’s stupid.

She’s also huge into China virus mandates, limiting our freedoms and taking all our money. So where does she stay on her break? Did she go back to New York to support her district during some of the toughest times she has ever seen? Does she go to Puerto Rico to support abuela, who lost her home from a storm caused by climate change? Does she go to Texas to stand in unity with the 200,000 illegal aliens that crossed the border and are currently incarcerated during their processing?

Nope. She goes to Miami, Florida to drink margaritas with her boyfriend (who I’m pretty sure is gay and has crappy taste in sandals), maskless.

You know, Florida, the freest state in the country. Florida, that doesn’t have mask and vax mandates. You know, Florida, that doesn’t have any state taxes. You know, Florida, that celebrates free speech and gun rights. You know, Florida, that supports the police and has low crime.

Yeah, that Florida.

Anyway, a reporter saw her, took a picture and posted it on social media where it got an insane response, basically calling AOC a hypocrite for riding Gov. Ron DeSantis and saying how awful Florida is because it won’t do what Leftists want them to do. Seems like a pretty obvious point, right?

Well, AOC had another take about it. She said Republicans weren’t attacking her because of her obvious hypocrisy but because she’s so obviously hot. She tweeted:

“If Republicans are mad they can’t date me they can just say that instead of projecting their sexual frustrations onto my boyfriend’s feet. Ya creepy weirdos.”

She continued:

“It’s starting to get old ignoring the very obvious, strange, and deranged sexual frustrations that underpin the Republican fixation on me, women,& LGBT+ people in general. These people clearly need therapy, won’t do it, and use politics as their outlet instead. It’s really weird.”

I can’t decide whether she’s a narcissist or a sociopath. What would ever possess a person to say something like this? How could she think for a second this isn’t going to be used against her in the future.

But she wasn’t finished. Even though she is vacationing in a state she hates instead of helping her people who are trapped and suffering in her own district, she decided to take a shot at Gov. Ron DeSantis. And it made her look more sociopathic. She tweeted:

“Hasn’t Gov. DeSantis been inexplicably missing for like 2 weeks. If he’s around, I would be happy to say hello. His social media team seems to have been posting old photos for weeks.

“In the meantime, perhaps I could help with local organizing. Folks are quite receptive here.”

If Ron DeSantis was on vacation, it still doesn’t explain why AOC was being a hypocrite by spending time in a state she hates instead of helping her own district.

But DeSatis wasn’t on vacation. He was working and his press corp released a statement with his schedule. He was actually quite busy. He also had something more important to deal with over the holidays.

According to Fox News:

DeSantis’ announced in October that his wife had been diagnosed with breast cancer, telling Fox News at the time that as “the mother of three young children, Casey is the centerpiece of our family and has made an impact on the lives of countless Floridians through her initiatives as first lady.”

That’s right. Ron DeSantis has been with his wife, while working, during her cancer treatment. What a mean, apathetic bitch AOC is.

I was on Twitter when I saw this and I responded with three links to Casey DeSatis’ condition. All the Leftists pointed out my links were from right wing sources and they were lying. Maybe these people should turn of CNN and MSNBC once in a while a get the real news once in a while.

These people are all so out of touch.

DeSantis did respond to this and made everyone laughed their asses off:

By the way, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has not been doing her job. According to the Daily Wire:

In fact, even AOC has been saying the coronavirus is still a problem. Just a little over two weeks ago, AOC informed Congress she could not cast votes or attend official proceedings in person because of the “ongoing public health emergency” and had to have a proxy do her job for her.

She has no problem traveling across the country in a plane and going to a bar without a mask









Episode 468 – Merry Christmas?

The Los Angeles DA continues not to do his job.

J.K. Rowling of Harry Potter fame gets cancelled again.

And do our kids really need to be pulled further from reality?


They Don’t Care

Remember in my podcast yesterday, I talked about how miserable Los Angeles was and how Josie was completely surprised about it? I told her it was because nothing was illegal.

Well, Los Angeles District Attorney, George Gascon, has decided to create a program for juvenile criminals so that they don’t automatically get locked up.

The program is called “Restorative Enhanced Diversion for Youth Pathway” and is meant to send the fledgling criminals to rehabilitation instead of Juvenile Hall. I actually thought that Juvenile Hall was a form of rehabilitation.

The felonies that would qualify:

  • Burglary
  • Assault without firearms or extensive injuries
  • Vehicle theft
  • Robbery
  • Grand theft person
  • Sexual battery
  • Arson

I don’t know about you but those seem like some pretty serious felonies. Sexual battery? Arson? It sounds to me that these people may need to be punished along with being rehabilitated. In all these crimes, there are victims. What about their rights to live without having to worry about being assaulted.

Deputy DA Jonathan Hatami is not thrilled about it at all. He says that this is a slap on the wrist for some very serious felonies. He said:

“Diversion means that we’re not charging anybody, So, if we’re not charging anybody, they don’t go through the court system. So you can’t give them any sort of programs that are monitored through the court.”

This has been tried in New York and Chicago and, guess what, it doesn’t work. So, good for Los Angeles. Time to move if you can because things are just getting worse.



We Have Too Much Time on Our Hands

This is a story that really shows the state of this country and how good we actually have it here that this is a story.

According to the New York Post:

The sport inspired by “Harry Potter” is going full muggle.

US Quidditch and Major League Quidditch said in a joint news release that they will change their name, citing author J.K. Rowling’s outspoken views on transgender issues.

JK Rowlings basically said that men are men and women are women and men who say they are women should not be able to compete in sports against women. That’s transphobic, apparently.

I thought that was common sense.

The league’s statement:

US Quidditch and Major League Quidditch said in a joint news release that they will change their name, citing author J.K. Rowling’s outspoken views on transgender issues.

Our sport has developed a reputation as one of the most progressive sports in the world on gender equality and inclusivity, in part thanks to its gender maximum rule, which stipulates that a team may not have more than four players of the same gender on the field at a time,” the leagues’ statement said. “Both organizations feel it is imperative to live up to this reputation in all aspects of their operations and believe this move is a step in that direction.

If you have never seen Harry Potter and don’t know how to play Quidditch, you’re not alone. It is a fictional game where kids fly around on brooms trying to hit a ball into a goal while two others chase a thingy. If the thingy is caught, game over. If not, the team with the most goals wins.

So, I had to watch what a typical game in this league looks like. Basically, it’s water polo on grass while the players run around with a ball while holding sticks in between their legs.

This has become a story in this country. My God.




If you thought that the last story is an example of people not being in touch with reality, wait until you hear this story.

According to the New York Post:

Meta revealed the incident on Dec. 1, saying it occurred on Nov. 26. The woman had reported the assault on the Horizon Worlds beta testing Facebook group.

“Sexual harassment is no joke on the regular internet, but being in VR adds another layer that makes the event more intense,” she wrote, according to the Verge. “Not only was I groped last night, but there were other people there who supported this behavior, which made me feel isolated in the Plaza,” the virtual environment’s central gathering space.

I have an Oculus and I love it. It is great with families, playing the saber games. We cast the VR to the television and we can all watch as we play and hear what’s going on. We played some of the horror games and my house mates watched as we took turns playing. They said it was like watching a movie. It’s a lot of fun.

It also gives a lot of exercise. You’re sweating after some of these games. But I do have some issues with what Facebook is doing with this. I understand why they are doing it. It’s a great idea. I just don’t think it’s good for a society that is already disconnected from each other. We’ll get more into that in a few minutes.

Further down the article:

In its statement about the incident, Meta pointed to its “Safe Zone” feature, which allows users to place a block against interaction with other users. However, the company admitted that it needs to work on making the feature “trivially easy and findable,” said Vivek Sharma, the vice president of Horizon, in a statement to the Verge.

Meta spokesperson Kristina Milian also told MIT Technology Review that users are required to complete training that covers safeguarding tools before joining Horizon Worlds, while reminders are also prompted during users’ experiences.

We have to have safe spaces in a video game. That’s what Oculus is, it’s a video game.

Sexual harassment in virtual reality is sexual harassment in real life, full stop, experts have said.

“At the end of the day, the nature of virtual-reality spaces is such that it is designed to trick the user into thinking they are physically in a certain space, that their every bodily action is occurring in a 3-D environment,” Katherine Cross, a Ph.D. student researcher of online harassment at the University of Washington, told Technology Review.

“It’s part of the reason why emotional reactions can be stronger in that space, and why VR triggers the same internal nervous-system and psychological responses,” she added.

No, sexual harassment in VR is not the same as sexual harassment in life. This is the problem. If sexual harassment in VR is real then I am a mass murderer because of the games I’ve played Call of Duty. I am a batterer because I played Mortal Combat. I am a Jedi because I play Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. I can promise you, I am not any of those things.

This is also a real insult to women who are actually sexually harassed. And where does it end? Will we have virtual rape? How about virtual murder? Are we going to have to create laws, now, to counter virtual crimes? Are we going to see civil lawsuits? See where I’m going with this?

We, as a society, are already having problems with reality. We think men can be women. We think the 1619 Project is real history. We have become lazy and fat. Now, with virtual reality, we don’t even need to get off the couch to meet with people, to socialize.

Finally, do our kids really need something like this? The Internet has been the greatest blessing and the worst curse. For me, it is all human knowledge at my finger tips. Whenever I have a question, I look it up. But for our kids, who have always had this technology, it has become life itself. Look at a 15 year old with a phone. He is constantly on it. Their entire lives become content on social media. They cannot actually socialize with people directly. They text.

Any you can tell it is affecting our kids. Drug addiction and overdoses is up. Depression is up. Our population is shrinking. I believe, in 10 to 20 years, one will need to be 21 to own a smart phone because we will have found the damage that they are doing to these generations.




This is Christmas week and, as you can imagine, the Grinch’s on the Left are going all out to convince everyone that we should be miserable during one of the best, and most revered holiday for Christians, Christmas. There is an opinion article from the Washington Post called I Hate Christmas and You Should Be OK with That by Brian Broome.

I read this thing because I pay for the service and I love to hear what these idiots have to say. This article left me with one question which I’ll get to after I read you the article.

I can feel it now the way a buzzard can smell carrion from miles away. The dreaded season is here, even if the commercials started long ago. The ads feature beautiful people wearing violently colorful sweaters and pouring fine liquor into glistening glassware. The stores where I buy my meager Hungry-Man frozen dinners now explode with silver and red in a gaudy celebration of unchecked, poinsettia-riddled capitalism.

I hate Christmas.

Right off the bat, Christmas is capitalism. Capitalism is bad so Christmas, too, is bad.

Listen, I think Christmas has become too commercial and I hate shopping too but I also know the meaning of Christmas and do not mix the two.

We don’t speak up, us holiday haters. We tend to keep our feelings to ourselves. We endure the commercial breaks that remind us that “Every kiss begins with Kay” and watch as still more beautiful people are surprised by enormous red bows on top of expensive cars. We watch the advertisements for Hallmark movies in which some successful yet unhappy woman moves to a small town and discovers the “true meaning of Christmas” by meeting some working-class dude for whom she will upend her entire life just because he gives her a snow globe.

But, this year, I’d like to be heard. Not everyone is down for all this glee.

Who the hell is this guy kidding?

We hear about how bad Christmas is every year. Television shows I used to watch are cancelled because they offend someone. Articles like this are all over the Internet. We can’t say Merry Christmas. It has to be Happy Holidays.

And it’s not just Christmas that’s attacked. President’s Day, Easter, Independence Day, Columbus Day and Thanksgiving are all being pounded on right now.

I wish these guys would stop talking about it.

I come from a Christian family, and I recognize the significance of the holiday. I know the backstory; as a child, in a church play, I turned in quite a nuanced performance as a camel. But I hated Christmas even then because my family didn’t have money. We got practical presents in the good years: A scarf, new mittens, socks and, of course, the dreaded underpants. Our holiday tree glowing bright in the middle of the living room was a beacon to disappointment.

I didn’t like Christmas in part because the steel mill where my father worked had closed. That news did nothing to stop the commercials with shiny, happy, children opening reams of colorful paper to reveal the things that they’d always wanted. The ads seemed to suggest that the more stuff you got, the better person you were. I learned through those commercials that good people got presents and that my family was trash. I took it into me every year like communion.

Sometimes, I wonder what essential part of me is missing. I know that Christmas is supposed to be about family. But as I grew to adulthood and became my own person, I found that family can be challenging when thrust upon you all at once.

The part he is missing is that he really doesn’t “recognize the significance of the holiday.” It’s not about presents.

Each year around this time, I find it more difficult to balance the awful things we see happening the rest of the year with the joy I’m supposed to drum up near the end of it. With age, it’s harder for me to reconcile the good will we’re supposed to feel toward each other at the holidays with the horrible way we treat each the rest of the year. It just feels fake.

You may have a loved one who seems out of sorts this time of year. I ask only that you try to understand that this forced cheer can exacerbate feelings of despair. For some, the sound of Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas is You” portends a dark time where we feel the need to force something that just isn’t within us. That’s partly why, each year, I give to and support an organization that provides children from struggling families with toys. I give them as much of my money and time as I can afford. I don’t want any child to feel like I did when something shiny wasn’t beneath the tree.

Here’s the thing: We should have the joy one has during Christmas all year round. That’s what stories like A Christmas Carol are all about. This is the message we receive in church. The same feelings we have now we should have all year round.

This guy doesn’t allow himself to have those feeling in the first place because he was bitter he didn’t get all the great presents when he was a kid.

But there is a little hope for him. At least he’s charitable.

There have even been years when I have skipped Christmas completely, taken advantage of the fact that the whole country is shut down and silent, and spent the day watching horror movies alone and eating Chinese take-away. Someone you know, and love, may prefer this option.

For those who hate the holidays, I stand with you. I understand and know what you’re going through. If you are like me, you are strapping in again, steeling yourself for the onslaught the way others might for a hurricane. I just try to ride it out.

And for those of you who don’t love it but choose to participate anyway, you have my sympathies. Just put on your colorful sweater, grab some liquor in fine glassware and slap on a smile. The world will be back to normal before you know it.

What a sad, cynical, little man. Can you imagine how miserable this man is? This is not someone I would want anything to do with. I know, (well, knew) people like this. I wanted nothing to do with them. They were downers.

I told you there was a question I had after I read this article and it goes to the Washington Post: Why? What made he editor say, “This is an awesome article! Let’s run with it!”? If I listed all the reasons I liked Christmas, would they publish it?



Episode 467 – Build Back, Bye!

Time to panic again. We are all going to die.

I would like to say, Rest in Peace, Build Back Better.

And, can we have it too good? The answer is yes if the last story is actually a story.


Panic For Nothing

The world is going insane again. Why?


Yes, a new variant of the China virus is out and the world is on fire!

  • California has implemented a news mask mandate for 30 days (which means forever.
  • New York is threatening to shut down the entire state.
  • They are arresting people in New York City for not showing police their vax cards.
  • Kids can’t go into a movie theater without being vaxxed.
  • Schools are thinking of going back to online learning.
  • They are now testing vaccines on infants.
  • Germany and Holland have completely locked down and are segragating vaxxed from non-vaxxed.
  • Israel has issued a travel ban.
  • Australia has concentration camps that people are trying to escape from. Sorry, I meant happy, fun camps. With fencing and bars.

Joe Biden has summed it up:

We’re all going to die!

The Biden administration is even contemplating setting a vaccine mandate, along with their mask mandate, on all domestic flights. Merry Christmas!

The NIH with Dr. Fauci said, exactly the same thing:

OK, not so fast.

You know who isn’t panicking? South Africa, the genesis of the new strain. They report that omicron spreads than delta but is far less dangerous. Even the symptoms aren’t bad. Just that of the common cold. In fact, South Africa reported that they did not have one death from omicron.

I’ll go a step further, there have only been 7 confirmed deaths according to Forbes. Forbes said we should panic and this proves omicron is not just a mere cold but he never mentioned co-morbidities, health issues or statistics. And to say colds aren’t dangerous is a bit of a stretch. Colds are viruses and are just as dangerous to people with compromised immune systems, but he doesn’t want you to think about that.

There have been no deaths in the United States yet. California, which is thinking of shutting down again, has 43 cases as of this writing. I’m sure there will be more and some will die but all indications say that this virus is nowhere near as deadly as delta and because it spreads so easily, will overwhelm all the previous variant. That’s a good thing and how viruses are designed to be.

We probably need to stop panicking and just living life again.


They’ve Got It

There are some industries now pushing back. The CEOs of both Delta and Southwest were testifying in front of the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. They had some news that might set Tony Fauci off.

John Laughter, Delta Air Lines’ Executive Vice President & Chief of Operations said:

“We continue to electrostatically spray our aircraft interiors with high-grade disinfectant and use HEPA air filters to remove 99.99% of airborne particles onboard.”

He was pressed about this and he continued:

“Part of the discussion on the HEPA filters on board the aircraft was to understand what that air turnover rate was, and how the air quality onboard the aircraft would compare to other facilities. I think we all generally agree now that the cycle of the way air turns over in a pressurized air cabin, and the filtration system is superior to many indoor spaces that you can be.”

United Airlines CEO Gary Kelly said:

“Yeah, I think the case is very strong that masks don’t add much if anything in the air cabin environment. It is very safe, and very high quality compared to any other indoor setting.”

American Airlines CEO Doug Parker agreed:

“I concur. The aircraft is the safest place you can be. It’s true of all of our aircraft, they all have these HEPA filters and the same airflow.”

These are men that are in charge of the health and safety of their passengers. They have the most to lose if there is ever a super spreader event in one of their flights. They also know the science and innovation behind their planes. They invested into that technology. They say we don’t need masks on planes. Should we listen to them?

Tony Fauci says, “no”:

So there you go. Should you listen to the men who are in charge of the technology and are fiscally responsible for the safety of passengers or shall we listen to the doctor who hasn’t practiced since the 1970s, has been wrong about everything for his entire career and seems to spend more time on CNN and MSNBC than reading data and statistics and has been lying since the beginning of the pandemic?

Just and FYI before you answer this rhetorical question. There has not been one instance where air travel has started a super spreader event. Not one.


Fun Note

This is funny and actually a good idea as a form of protest.

According to the New York Post:

A Florida man was reportedly banned from flying United Airlines after wearing a red thong as a face covering while boarding a flight in protest of the federal mask mandate.

Adam Jenne, of Cape Coral, told NBC 2 that his Wednesday morning antics at Fort Lauderdale Airport got him booted off a plane bound for Washington, DC.

“It’s all nonsense. COVID doesn’t know that we’re at cruising altitude. It’s stupid. The whole thing is theater.”

Apparently, this guys has pulled the same stunt on several other flights but was never kicked off.

United Airlines released a statement:

“The customer clearly wasn’t in compliance with the federal mask mandate and we appreciate that our team addressed the issue on the ground prior to takeoff, avoiding any potential disruptions [in] the air.”

My question: How was he out of compliance? Was the thong covering his nose and mouth? If so, why is that different than any other piece of cloth?




Joe Manchin put the final nail into the coffin of Joe Biden’s Build Back Better bill:

Now, is this a surprise? Of course not. This has been his stance all year. He has a very realistic view of the economy and the text of the bill. He’s also from a very red state and, if he voted for this bill, he would lose his next election. Joe Biden is dying in the polls and does not have any power over Manchin. There’s just no reason to vote for this bill.

But it’s not just Joe Manchin like the media is portraying. Kyrsten Sinema, who has been rather quiet about this bill, has said that she wasn’t interested in this bill and there are several purple state Senators that are thrilled at the thought at not having to vote for this thing.

You can imagine the response from the Leftists.

Jen Psaki released a statement:

Senator Manchin’s comments this morning on FOX are at odds with his discussions this week with the President, with White House staff, and with his own public utterances. Weeks ago, Senator Manchin committed to the President, at his home in Wilmington, to support the Build Back Better framework that the President then subsequently announced. Senator Manchin pledged repeatedly to negotiate on finalizing that framework “in good faith.”

On Tuesday of this week, Senator Manchin came to the White House and submitted—to the President, in person, directly—a written outline for a Build Back Better bill that was the same size and scope as the President’s framework, and covered many of the same priorities. While that framework was missing key priorities, we believed it could lead to a compromise acceptable to all. Senator Manchin promised to continue conversations in the days ahead, and to work with us to reach that common ground. If his comments on FOX and written statement indicate an end to that effort, they represent a sudden and inexplicable reversal in his position, and a breach of his commitments to the President and the Senator’s colleagues in the House and Senate.

Couple of problems here. First, Joe Manchin never said in public that he was for Build Back Better. So someone is lying here. I wonder who.

Second, is this the way one says when he’s trying to get him on board? Calling him dishonest? Has that ever worked? And, as stated by Ben Shapiro, this could indicate that the Biden administration is giving up and knows nothing will pass.

Believe it or not, this was the most reserved response. Ilhan Omar got a little testy:

Some things:

  • Saying that Manchin is not trustworthy and bad for his state is just not a thing to convince him of anything. They have been doing this for months since Manchin has been against this.
  • This also shows the “We are right and you are wrong” mentality of the Left. They want compliance, not debate.
  • Machin explained why he is against this bill. These people only tell you what the government will give you and then lie about the cost.
  • I don’t understand the whole thing about politicians cussing. It doesn’t sound intelligent and it is not a debating point.
  • Notice she never brought up why he wrong just all the presents BBB will give?
  • Machin put out an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal explaining exactly why he was against this plan.

Of course, AOC had some comments:

She, again, never addresses Machin’s well-documented arguments. I think it’s because she doesn’t understand them because her little brain can’t process things. She just blames Manchin for being a liar which is weird because he’s always been against this thing.

But her last statement is what ticks my curiosity. Does she really think we believe the Democrats haven’t been vicious against people who disagree with them? And what does it mean that Democrats are going to take off the “kid gloves”? Normally, I don’t think much about words like this but these people are radical. What can we expect? BLM and Antifa putting themselves into the fray and we always know how that ends up.

But nothing would be more complete unless we heard from the author of the Build Back Better bill than Bernie Sanders. He’s pretty pissed too:

Some things:

  • Just an FYI to Bernie, he would never win in West Virginia so Joe Manchin couldn’t care less what Bernie Sanders thinks. I know that most of the citizens don’t care what Bernie has to say.
  • Again, insulting Manchin as being a coward and a liar is an interesting take.
    • It’s not going to convince Machin to joining “the cause”.
    • Isn’t Manchin the brave one? He doesn’t believe in the BBB and he is bucking his own party. His committee assignments are determined by the Democrats.
  • All that crap Bernie lists has already been explained by Joe Manchin in his Wall Street Journal article.
  • The ironic part of Bernie saying that climate change is what Manchin is going to have to explain is that Bernie wants to get rid of all the jobs that West Virginia has because of climate change.
    • West Virginia is a coal producing state. Bernie wants to eliminate all those jobs.
    • If Manchin votes for this bill, he’s going to have to explain why his constituents why they lost their jobs. I doubt climate change is going to cut it.
    • They know, in West Virginia, that their jobs are on the line because 11,000 were lost when Bernie cancelled the XL pipeline.
  •  Bernie does this all the time and I don’t understand why he remains popular. He’s all over the place. He’s always bitching about something, mostly, taking other people’s money.
    • The drug companies.
    • The rich.
    • Special interests groups.
    • Big corporations.
  • You know what? I hope they do vote on it. That way, this stupid bill will go away.













Episode 464 – Here We Go Again

Afghanistan continues to be a mess.

Bad news from the CBO concerning the Build Back Better bill, but it might not make much of a difference.

California continues to prove it is a crappy state.

And New York City wants everyone to vote whether they can or not.



Afghanistan Update

This Afghanistan thing, which no one is talking about anymore, just keeps getting worse.

Marine Gen. Frank McKenzie was interviewed and said that the ability for the United States to monitor terrorists in Afghanistan.

He said:

“We’re probably at about 1 or 2% of the capabilities we once had to look into Afghanistan.”

The AP reported:

Speaking at the Pentagon, McKenzie said it’s clear that al-Qaeda is attempting to rebuild its presence inside Afghanistan, which was the base from which it planned the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks against the United States. He said some militants are coming into the country through its porous borders, but it is hard for the U.S. to track numbers. …

McKenzie and other senior U.S. military and national security officials had said before the U.S. withdrawal that it would complicate efforts to keep a lid on the al-Qaeda threat, in part because of the loss of on-the-ground intelligence information and the absence of a U.S.-friendly government in Kabul. The U.S. says it will rely on airstrikes from drones and other aircraft based beyond Afghanistan’s borders to respond to any extremist threats against the U.S. homeland.

Combine this with our open borders and we will be looking at a terrorist attack within the year. Al Qaeda is getting stronger. ISIS-K is getting stronger because all of the Afghani security forces are joining ISIS-K.

The only good news is the Taliban, Al Qaeda and ISIS-K are all fighting each other and there is a severe economic problems but don’t underestimate their motivations.

Believe it or not, though, a terrorist attack might be what the country needs in order to come together again.



Here We Go Again

Here we go again in California.

According to the New York Times:

California will once again require residents to wear masks in indoor public settings everywhere in the state, amid uncertainty surrounding the rapid spread of the Omicron coronavirus variant and rising case rates as the holidays approach.

The mandate will go into effect on Wednesday and will remain until at least Jan. 15, state officials said on Monday. The state will also require unvaccinated people attending so-called mega-events to show proof of a negative coronavirus test result from within a day, if it’s an antigen test, and within two days for a P.C.R. test, and formally recommended that travelers returning to California get tested within a few days of their arrival.

There is no reason for this and Gov. Gavin Newsom is getting crap for this. That’s because there is no evidence that Omicron is a threat at all. As of today, there have been only 43 cases in the United States with no deaths. In fact, throughout the world, there is only one death that they think might have been Omicron in United Kingdom.

Businesses throughout the state are complaining about this because many of them are recovering from last year and now have to set up limits on the number of customers in their businesses. San Francisco is complaining because they just ended their self-imposed mask mandate.

Masks also just don’t flat out don’t work. All Gavin has to just look at the counties of his own state to find that. Orange County (12 per 100,000) did not have a mask mandate while Los Angeles County did (15.9 per 100,000) and Sacramento County (16.8 per 100,000). Infections and deaths were higher than Orange County.

But let’s call this what it is. Control. Tyranny. This isn’t about the pandemic. With the discovery of the vaccines, the new treatments including a pill that will treat a person infected with COVID, the pandemic is over. Even if 100% of the people do not get the shots. The Left doesn’t want the pandemic to end and will continue to push these mandates to make sure the citizens continue to fall in line.



This Was the Plan All Along

New York City Democrats are trying to make sure that they will continue to win elections for the rest of time.

According to the New York Times:

New York City became the largest city in the country to allow noncitizens to vote in local elections after the City Council on Thursday overwhelmingly approved legislation granting the right to more than 800,000 legal residents.

The move places New York City at the forefront of the debate over voting rights, serving as a stark contrast to some states that have moved to add voting restrictions, including explicitly barring noncitizens from voting.

Surprisingly, Bill de Blasio doesn’t seem to be all for it. He said he thought the city council can’t legally do this and it would face legal challenges.

The city council did it because there are a lot of communities in the city that are majority immigrant and they believe politicians will be forced to campaign in those neighborhoods.

This is where I apply the Give A Mouse A Cookie principles. This is going to lead to illegal aliens to vote in local elections. Mind you, the Constitution does not allow for non-citizens to vote in federal elections. That’s one of the reason Democrats want illegal aliens to be given a pathway to citizenship.



Congressional Budget Office (CBO) showing that President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better Act could be significantly more expensive than he has led the American public to believe.

In a letter, the CBO stated:

The Congressional Budget Office and the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation project that a version of the bill modified as you have specified would increase the deficit by $3.0 trillion over the 2022–2031 period (see Table 2). That amount includes three components: effects usually counted in CBO’s cost estimates (which are labeled conventional effects in the table), the effects of increased resources for tax enforcement, and effects on interest on the public debt. Under long-standing guidelines agreed to by the legislative and executive branches, estimates to be used for budget enforcement purposes include the first component but not the second and third.

What the CBO did was analyzed the cost of the Build Back Better bill over the course of all projects being extended for the whole ten years of the bill and not just based on “false sunset” for the programs that have made the bill cheaper than the $4 trillion it was originally.

What is a false sunset? Imagine the childcare program the want to run. If it cost $50 billion a year, over 10 years, it would cost $500 billion. What Democrats did was say the childcare bill will end, or sunset, in two years making the cost only $100 billion. Problem is once a program is implemented and people depend on it, it is hard to sunset that program without pissing off voters.

This is something Republicans, and Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, were pointing out and why they won’t vote for the bill. It also shows how dishonest Joe Biden is.

Jen Psaki decided to hold the line, calling the CBO report fake. Enter Peter Doocy:

Notice, she doesn’t answer the question. The score is not fake. What’s fake are the sunsets in the bill.

Here’s the good news: None of this matters. Next month, we are entering the 2022 campaign season. Nobody is going to vote for this boondoggle and then explain it to the voters during debates. Democrats are enough trouble.

It also appears that Democrats just don’t have the votes in the Senate. Joe Machin and Kyrsten Sinema are not going to vote for this and Joe Biden doesn’t have the poll numbers to convince them otherwise.




The New Narrative

Crime is going insane:

  • Thieves made out with $100K in watches in a smash and grab operation at a high end store.
  • A woman was killed in the normally safe city of Beverly Hills, California during a home invasion.
  • Fox News Christmas tree was set on fire causing $500K in damage in New York.
  • Philadelphia and seven other cities have exceeded their records for murder.
  • Chicago is at 777 murders so far this year.
  • Smash and grab robberies are hitting New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

What is the new narrative? Blue cities are saying that crime isn’t happening.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said:

“A lot of these allegations of organized retail theft are not actually panning out. I believe it’s a Walgreens in California [that] cited it, but the data didn’t back it up.”

The numbers don’t add up? How about these number: Walgreens closed seven stores in the San Francisco because of crime.

Chicago mayor, Lori Lightfoot said:

“We also got to push retailers. I’m disappointed that they are not doing more to take safety and make it a priority. For example, we still have retailers that won’t institute plans like having security officers in their stores, making sure that they’ve got cameras that are actually operational, locking up their merchandise at night. Chaining high-end bags, these purses seem to be something that is attracting a lot of attention on these organized retail theft units.”

Last I checked, a store is there to sell things or provide services, not provide law enforcement.

Bill de Blasio, the crappy mayor of New York, said:

“Eight years I’ve been mayor, index crimes, major crimes in New York City down 11% over eight years. And we did it bringing police and community closer together. The bottom line is that there is today in New York City, a much safer city than we were eight years ago.” 

The murder rate is up 47% from last year.

Left leaning DA of Philly, Larry Krasner said:

“We don’t have a crisis of lawlessness, we don’t have a crisis of crime, we don’t have a crisis of violence, It’s important that we don’t let this become mushy and bleed into the notion that there is some kind of big spike in crime. There isn’t. There is not a big spike in crime. … There is not a big spike in violent crime. Neither one of these things is true.”

Philly broke their all time record for murders and there’s still a month left in the year.

So what’s the new narrative? There is no crime problem. We don’t know what we’re talking about. This is how out-of-touch Democratic leaders have become. The defund and demonize the police. No cash bail or light bail. Light sentences or no charges for violent felons.

The guy who burned down the Fox News Christmas tree was released the next day. He caused $500K in damage and lit a fire on a crowded street in New York City. He was released the next day.

One of two things is going to happen. Either these Democratic cities are going to become the wild west or there’s just going to be a political backlash.


Suspect Arrested in Shooting Death of LA Philanthropist Jacqueline Avant at Beverly Hills Home



Episode 465 – Republicans Puss Out Again

Republicans puss out on the debt ceiling.

Prices are sky high and it’s all part of the plan.

And Germany is now going insane.


There Goes the Debt

Congress approved a $2.5 trillion debt ceiling increase, ending months of debate between Democratic and Republican leadership.

The New York Times reported:

Democrats were united in support of the measure, which passed the Senate 50 to 49 along party lines on Tuesday afternoon and then cleared the House in a 221-to-209 vote shortly after midnight on Wednesday. Republicans opposed the legislation en masse, with only one, Representative Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, voting in favor. The bill now heads to President Biden, who was expected to quickly sign it.

The swift action came a week after party leaders announced a deal to establish a one-time fast-track process to increase the debt ceiling with a simple majority vote, instead of the 60 votes needed to move most legislation through the Senate.

I’m against raising the national debt limit because is non-sensical. Basically, we are paying off our credit card by getting the maximum balanced on that credit card to make our credit card payment.

Let’s take a look at the national debt.

It is currently at $28.9 trillion. If you divide that by the 100.5 million households that pay taxes (100,424,240) that comes to each family needing to make up $287,859 per family. Don’t forget, the government produces nothing, makes no money. They only spend. When the government says “they have to pay our bills” they pay nothing. They take it from us and we pay for it.

This is why I don’t want to government raising the debt ceiling. I want them to stop spending. Like us in real life, the government needs to be fiscally responsible. Unfortunately, there are going to be consequences. But, guess what? Those consequences are going to happen no matter what.

That $287K is going to have to be paid. Either we do it now or our grandkids will do. We are going to default eventually. We are going to have to cut our spending. It is looking like we’re going to end up in austerity which means China is going to be making decisions on our economy.

I’d rather do it now so I suffer and not me grandchildren.



Going Up and Up and Up

On Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed that consumer price inflation in the United States has reached a rate of 6.8% — the largest year-over-year increase since June 1982, as well as the sixth straight month in which inflation remained above 5%.

If you think that’s bad, businesses are getting killed. It has been found that wholesale prices, those are the prices businesses pay to provide us goods, are up a whopping 9.6%. What does that tell you is that businesses are losing money.

Ben Ziesloft of the Daily Wire had a list of products that are going up.

  • Gas — 58.1%
  • Used vehicles — 31.4%
  • Hotels — 25.5%
  • Meat, poultry, and fish — 13.1%
  • Furniture and bedding — 11.8%
  • New vehicles — 11.1%
  • Domestic services — 10.2%
  • Jewelry — 6.7%
  • Electricity — 6.5%
  • Food — 6.1%
  • Apparel — 5%
  • Milk — 4.6%
  • Fruits and vegetables — 4%

The AP reported:

45% of American households report that recent price increases are causing their family some degree of financial hardship. Ten percent describe it as severe hardship affecting their standard of living, while another 35% say the hardship is moderate…

Lower-income households are most likely to have experienced financial hardship due to price increases. Seventy-one percent of those living in households making less than $40,000 a year say that recent price hikes have caused their family financial hardship. That compares with 47% of those in middle-income households and 29% in upper-income households.

That’s who inflation hurts. The poor. They need their money to go further.

The Biden administration has no answers for this. At first they said the economy was getting better. Then prices kept going up. Then they said it was transitory. The prices kept going up to the point we know a lot of this is permanent. Then they said it was fine because wages were going up. But rising wages turned out to be 3% behind inflation.

Well, Jenn Psaki is coming up with the new excuse:

That’s right, it’s the evil Big Meat industry is greedy. They are saying the same thing about the car industry. Here’s the problem with this argument:

  • Prices are not determined by greed. They are determined by supply and demand.
  • If prices were determined by greed, another company producing the same product would corner the market by lowering prices.
  • She says the same thing about the car industry. Why are used cars up in price too?
  • Also, is every industry greedy? Everything is up.

This is not a conspiracy theory. I’m going to prove.

Inflation is done on purpose. It is part of AOC’s Green New Deal. It is the way that the Biden administration is going to change the way our economy works which is what was promised in 2020.

Let’s look at this and compare it with the news or my past podcasts:

  • Cost of gas, cars, used cars, hotels – Barrack Obama told us to change our habits when it comes to travel. AOC said we need to stop using fossil fuels.
  • The price of meat and milk are up because cows fart, according to the Green New Deal.

This is part of the deal. That’s why people like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are saying that inflation is not much of an issue. That’s why the media is saying that it’s not much of an issue. The media tells us we should lower our expectations and change the way we live life. That’s why they keep pushing climate change. Because our suffering is to save the planet.

Good news! People aren’t going to tolerate this. The Leftists are going to find this out at the ballot box next year, especially when they tells us we should not travel to see our families on Christmas because of the China virus.



Just Silly

Germany is going insane.

According to CNN Business:

A man who slipped down the stairs and broke his back while walking from his bed to home office can file a claim on his employer’s insurance after a court in Germany ruled that he was commuting at the time…

The man, an area sales manager working for a company identified only as “R-GmbH” was on his way to work “from his bedroom to his home office one floor below,” when he slipped and fractured a vertebra, according to a statement issued by the court on Wednesday.

His employer’s insurance initially refused to cover the claim.

But because he was walking down the stairs, for the first time that day straight to his home office, the court considered his journey to be “insured as an activity in the interest of his employer, as a commute to work.”

Now walking from one room to another is considered commuting and is covered by the business that you work for.

This is happening



Episode 463 – Sanctuary of Evil

A tragedy strikes the Midwest and the media won’t let it go to waste.

California has become a sanctuary of evil.

Gavin Newsom of California needs to learn a book.

And the assault on art and history continues.




At least 30 tornadoes were reported throughout Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee. The largest tornado that struck the region tore through more than 200 miles in Kentucky.

The death toll, as of right now, is 80 but is expected to go much higher.

An Amazon facility and an old folks home were among the facilities destroyed.

On Saturday, multiple disaster-aid and humanitarian groups deployed to multiple states to help tornado victims, including the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army, World Vision and Samaritan’s Purse. California also sent search and rescue specialists to help Kentucky.


That Didn’t Take Long

Joe Biden was asked about the tornado storm and he had to bring up his narrative.

Dude, they haven’t even found everyone and you have to bring up climate change?

Here’s a news flash for old Joe: tornadoes happen every year at the same time. They’ve been happening for centuries. Most years, it’s not a big deal. Some years, we get a big storm. what would be strange is that we didn’t have any tornadoes. Then we should be worried about climate change.

But it wasn’t just old Joe.

Here’s the farting, commie f-er, Eric Swallwell:

Jamele Hill tweeted:

Mark Ruffalo tweeted:

Never let a good tragedy go to waste. Especially when there are dead people. Dead people really bring the message home, right?

I don’t think these people understand that their message is so cynical, so exploitative that it’s a turn off. They actually look like political fools that only care about their message.



An Act of Evil

California has a great idea. In order to become the most evil and f-up state in the country, they’ve decided to push against the anti-abortion cases in front of the Supreme Court.

If Roe vs. Wade is overturned, they have decided to become an abortion sanctuary state. But it gets worse.

The Ken-doll governor of California, Gavin Newsom, said:

“We’ll be a sanctuary. We are looking at ways to support that inevitability and looking at ways to expand our protections.”

By the way, overturning Roe vs. Wade doesn’t end abortion in California. In fact, it gives the state the ability to expand abortion. But California wants more.

The state’s council stated:

“If our state’s abortion provider network is to provide timely care to California patients and absorb any significant portion of the increase in out-of-state patients projected should Roe be overturned, California must take steps now to ensure the growth of a network of clinicians trained in abortion and sexual and reproductive health care.”

Here is their plan:

  • Funds to support the work of abortion fund organizations, abortion providers, and other community-based
    organizations that secure practical support needs for patients. These funds, drawn down over a medium term number of years, are needed for direct logistical and practical support for patients such as gas, lodging,
    transportation, child care, doula support, food, lost wages, etc. Funding is needed as soon as possible with
    allowances to apply for funds to reimburse for expenses in 2021.
  • Invest in the development of an abortion access landing page for centralized information for people seeking
    abortion care in California. Patients need a central location to access information about potential providers,
    insurance information, practical and procedural support options, the types of abortion available to them,
    language access and assistance information, and much more. This centralized system has long been needed for Californians but is now made even more urgent due to patients trying to find information and services in our state following restrictions being imposed where they live.
  • Funding for practical support infrastructure, capacity building, coordination, and safety measures for
    providers, clinics, patients, and funds. People seeking abortion services in California should be able to have
    one point of entry to connect to the nearest abortion provider, obtain coverage or financial support for their
    appointment, and get practical assistance and resources for logistical and economic needs. As such, there is
    a significant need for flexible funding streams for abortion patient navigators and case management support,
    specifically to staff abortion fund organizations and providers who offer practical support.
  • Improve access to and capacity of Medi-Cal Transportation Services. Studies show that large swaths of
    the state lack access to local providers – in 2017, some 40 percent of California counties had no clinics that
    provided abortions. Transportation Services, which are offered to every Medi-Cal beneficiary, must be better
    utilized. To facilitate this, DHCS should make this benefit easier to utilize in order to improve access to abortion
    services. Actions should include, but are not limited to, easing prior authorization requirements that delay care
    for time-sensitive services like abortion and working with providers and plans to encourage wider use of this
    existing benefit by abortion patients.
  • Improve the education pipeline by creating a California Reproductive Scholarship Corps, open to those
    training as physicians, nurse practitioners, certified nurse-midwives, physician assistants, and in other health
    care professions with diverse and/or rural backgrounds dedicated to providing abortion care in underserved
    areas in California.

So, in essence, the state of California wants to take the tax money that I am forced to give them and build up and abortion infrastructure, pay for women who don’t live in the state to come here, be housed here, pay for their lost wages, pay for their abortions and pay to have doctors violate their Hippocratic oath to learn how to perform abortions.

And I have no say about it.

By the way, the state has no solutions for:

  • The homeless problem.
  • The drug problem.
  • The mental health crisis.
  • The crime problem.
  • And we are already a sanctuary state for illegal aliens (which we can’t say anymore because that has been banned from California).

Time to leave this state.



Um, That’s Illegal

I am not sure what Gavin Newsom did before he became a politician but you know it wasn’t a lawyer.

Newsom, emboldened that he won the recall election and wanting to build upon that abortion sanctuary thing I talked about a few minutes ago, has decided to design a gun law that mimics the Texas abortion law.

He released a statement:

“I am outraged by yesterday’s U.S. Supreme Court decision allowing Texas’s ban on most abortion services to remain in place. But if states can now shield their laws from review by the federal courts that compare assault weapons to Swiss Army knives, then California will use that authority to protect people’s lives, where Texas used it to put women in harm’s way.”

So, let me get this straight: We have crime in California to the point the LAPD’s head of the officer’s union is telling people not to come to Loa Angeles because LAPD cannot guarantee their safety and homeless and drug addicts are passed out on the side walks and he wants to take away our ability to protect ourselves?

This isn’t going anywhere no matter how Gavin Newsom spins it. And it shows how stupid Newsom is. He thinks that abortion in a Constitutional right. Therefore, if Texas can curtail abortion, California should be able to curtail guns. Here’s the problem, the 2nd Amendment is very clear. The government shall not take away the right to bear arms. All arms. People were allowed to own canons. Abortion is not mentioned at all in the Constitution. In fact, the Supreme Court is weighing in on whether the Supreme Court should have weighed in on abortion in the first place. If not, they overturn Roe and Casey and the states make the decision.

At that point, if those precedents are overturned, the Supreme is ruling that abortion isn’t in the Constitution. The guy needs to learn to read.



War on Art

The war on art and history continues. I wanted to talk about this last week but I never got to it.


Destroying History

The statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee that formerly stood in the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, will be donated to an African American heritage organization, where it will be melted down and turned into another public art piece.

According to the Daily Wire:

The City Council of Charlottesville voted unanimously, 4-0, to donate the bronze equestrian statue of Lee, which was removed by the city in July, to the Jefferson School African American Heritage Center, whose initiative, “Swords Into Plowshares,” received the support of people and organizations including the Descendants of Enslaved Communities at the University of Virginia, as well as descendants of slaves who worked at Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson, Fox News reported. The organization will also inform the public of the project’s development via a “community engagement process.” The organization raised some $590,000 to finance the project.

According to Jefferson School’s executive director Andrea Douglas

“Our hope with ‘Swords into Plowshares’ is to create something that transforms what was once toxic in our public space into something beautiful that can be more reflective of our entire community’s social values. We’re giving people opportunities to engage with our own narratives and our own histories. This project offers a road map for other communities to do the same.”

Remember how the Leftists said that they didn’t want to destroy art, they just wanted it moved out of public view. Yeah, no. They want to destroy the art and our history. This statue is 100 years old and want it destroyed. I don’t care what people think of Robert Lee but he was a honorable man and was part of our history. He was forgiven by Abraham Lincoln.

By the way, when are they going to tear down Lincoln’s statues?  I also can’t wait to see what these people build out of this statue. Maybe a George Floyd statue?


Going Woke

The 900 year old Notre Dame Cathedral cannot escape wokeness.

According to the Daily Wire:

The plans, overseen by Father Gilles Drouin, include removing confessionals and altars from the 13th-century edifice and replacing classic artwork and sculpture with modern “street art.” The culture ministry has confirmed that “street art pioneer Ernest Pignon-Ernest, as well as other modern artists such as Anselm Kiefer and Louise Bourgeois, are among the names being considered for display when new art installations replace some of the little-used 19th-century confessionals,” reports AFP.

The plans to renovate the interior of the Gothic masterpiece, which suffered a devastating fire in April 2019 that destroyed the spire and most of the roof, also reportedly include dedicating one of the side chapels to the theme of environmentalism. The new design also calls for adding new light displays and sound effects to create “emotional spaces.” Drouin argues that these spaces will make the church more “welcoming,” for people who are “not always from a Christian culture.”

Some things:

  • Understand something, this is France.
    • The center for humanism, existentialism and absurdism.
    • This is the country of the French Revolution which was a murderous riot.
    • This is a country that has been, not only secular, but anti-religion forever.
  • There is an actual Catholic priest overlooking this disaster? This place held a piece of the crown of thorns and they’re going to turn it into a woke museum?
  • They’re going to get rid of confessionals and some Gothic art for street art and crappy modern art? They’re going to replace works of art with graffiti?

The woke need to destroy history and religion.


They’re Missing the Point

The estate of George Orwell has approved a feminist retelling of Nineteen Eighty-Four, which reimagines the story from the perspective of Winston Smith’s lover Julia.

Incredible. George Orwell must be turning in his grave at the thought that his own family doesn’t understand the concept of his masterpiece.

Just to review, Winston Smith is a man whose job is to rewrite history and news per the government’s edict! 

If any of these people reads the book, Smith is the main character because he is weak and susceptible to the edicts of the government whereas Julia is already strong and fights the mind control of the government. You see the struggle Winston goes through trying to break away from the government and be with his lover Julia, which is against the law. It’s how she pulls Winston to discovering the world outside the government world.

They are both, eventually, arrested and sent to a re-education camp where Winston is brainwashed and Julia is not. Julia is already a strong character whereas Winston is not.

The book has to do with a dystopian society and how the government controls the people. It has nothing to do with gender. One of the ways the government controls is through re-writing news and history and eliminating books that counter the government’s narrative. Exactly what these people want to do by re-writing Orwell’s book.

Thank God that I bought a hard copy of the book because I suspect it will not be available soon. I will take the racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobic, trans-phobic version and let the woke read the newer, crappy version.



Episode 462 – They Caught Your Attacker, Juicy!

Juicy Smollett might be going to prison.

More bad news for Joe Biden.

And the China virus is never going away.



Here some news that needs to be told but I really don’t care enough about to spend a lot of time on.

  • Jussie Smollett has been convicted on 5 of six felony charges.
    • I didn’t cover this because I just thought this was all stupid from the beginning. But the media went nuts over it and it shows how corrupt law enforcement is in Chicago.
    • The charges:
      • Count 1 accused him of telling responding Chicago Police Officer Muhammed Baig at around 2:45 a.m., some 45 minutes after the purported attack, that he was the victim of a hate crime. He said two attackers put a rope around his neck. Count 2 referred to Smollett telling the same officer he was a victim of a battery, describing attackers beating and pouring bleach on him.
      • Counts 3 and 4 stemmed from Smollett making the same claims but to a different officer, Kimberly Murray, later that morning, just before 6 a.m. 
      • Count 5 accused Smollett of again telling Murray at around 7:15 p.m. that he was the victim of a battery. Count 6 referred to Smollett reporting on Feb. 14, 2019, to detective Robert Graves that he’d been a victim of an aggravated battery.
    • Each count holds up to three years in prison each.
    • This story is only important because it shows how race hoaxes are everywhere and that race crime is really not much of a thing in this country about 3%).
    • Smollett should do time but probably won’t. He’ll probably get probation.
  • A Starbucks coffee shop in Buffalo, New York, became the first in the nation to unionize — placing pressure on a national chain already beleaguered by labor shortages.
    • This is a delicious story because Starbuck is so Left leaning and now they are getting it from all their Leftist employees.
    • Otherwise, a real business owner would fire anyone who even threatened to unionize.
    • But that’s what the people of Buffalo needs. Coffee that is going to cost $8 a cup so the nineteen year old can earn $24 an hour.
  • Twelve major cities have set new records for homicide and they still have a month left to count. Those cities are:
    • Philadelphia, Penn has a new record of 521.
    • Philly can not compete with Los Angeles (352), New York (443) and Chicago (777).
    • All twelve cities are run by Leftist mayors are St. Paul, MN; Austin, TX; Portland, OR; Baton Rouge, LA; Columbus, OH, Louisville KY; Rochester, NY; Toledo, OH; Indianapolis, IN; Albuquerque, NM and Tucson, AZ.




Going Up and Up and Up!

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) gave the Biden administration more bad news:

“The all items index rose 6.8 percent for the 12 months ending October, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending June 1982.”

The Wall Street Journal reported:

The so-called core price index, which excludes the often-volatile categories of food and energy, climbed 4.9% in November from a year earlier. That was a sharper increase than October’s 4.6% rise, and the highest rate since 1991.

The November prices trend came before the emergence of the Omicron variant of Covid-19, which poses a new threat from a pandemic that is well into its second year.

Be prepared to have a very expensive Christmas if we are going to be allowed to travel, this year, because of the Omicron variant of the China virus (more on that later).

But be prepared for this to continue going up. Soon we’ll need a credit score to by hamburger. Jerome H. Powell, the Fed chair, said during congressional testimony:

“Generally, the higher prices we’re seeing are related to the supply-and-demand imbalances that can be traced directly back to the pandemic and the reopening of the economy, but it’s also the case that price increases have spread much more broadly in the recent few months. I think the risk of higher inflation has increased.”

So, there you go. Merry Christmas!



More China Virus News

This Omicron variant of the China virus, which, by the way, hasn’t killed anyone yet, is causing everyone to go into a tizzy. Well, they keep telling us to go into a tizzy. The politicians continue not to wear masks and going to dance clubs. Here are some of the stories.



Olaf Scholz, the new Chancellor of Germany, is a far Leftist. He’s concerned about the environment and social justice. He was supported by the Green party (environmentalist) and the Liberal Free Democrats (FDP). Neither of these groups ever had a position in the government before. Now, they’re in charge.

So what’s the first thing Scholz is going to do? Implement harsher COVID restrictions.

Angela Merkel said she would work with the new Prime Minister:

“We have understood that the situation is very serious and that we want to take further measures in addition to those already taken. The fourth wave must be broken and this has not yet been achieved.”

By the way, did I mention omicron hasn’t killed anyone yet? By the way, Omicron is not the fourth variant. It’s the 13th variant. We only know of alpha, delta and omicron. The other nine were never mentioned.

According to the Daily Wire:

Germany’s health minister warned the nation’s citizens that they will either be “vaccinated, recovered or dead” by the end of the winter.

Yeah, not an overreaction by the German government. I think, in a couple of weeks, Auschwitz and Dackau will be opening back up.


Portland, OR

At an elementary school in Portland, Oregon, kindergartners were videotaped eating lunch outside and sitting on buckets socially distanced in 40-degree weather. Of course, the teachers were in the warm classroom eating their lunch.

Do you get it now that the schools don’t give a rat’s ass about your kids yet?

One distraught parent contacted the media and stated:

As a parent of a student at Capitol Hill Elementary, this policy is abhorrent. I am beyond furious, especially knowing children are low-risk. Governor Brown maskless in DC this weekend was the last straw. We’ve been patient with all of the policies here in Portland in hopes of not being ostracized within the community, but this is the last straw. I will be picking my child up to have lunch at home.

What she’s talking about is Gov. Kate Brown, who has implemented a mask mandate that appears to be permanent, was attending the LGBTQ Victory Fund’s 30th Anniversary Gala in Washington D.C. to be inducted into its Hall of Fame on Saturday and was photographed at an indoor gala without a mask. Washington D.C. does not have an indoor mask mandate.

These people care about your children and you? These people are worried about the virus? Yeah, no.


When Is He Going Away

I am not getting the booster. According to Tony Fauci, I will have a month before my vaccinations are worthless, which is not something I was told when I got the jab. Well, we were pretty much lied to the entire time. We were lied to about the side effects. We were lied to about using fetal stem cells in the development. We were lied to that we would not catch it if vaccinated. We were lied to about never wearing masks again. The government has done nothing but lie to us.

Dr. Fauci is at it again:

Let’s see:

  • Social distancing hasn’t worked.
  • Masking hasn’t worked.
  • The shutdowns haven’t worked.
  • The vaccines haven’t worked.

Can’t he say he doesn’t know? Can’t he say that this virus is endemic and we are going to have to live with it? Of course he can’t. He likes getting paid (he’s the highest paid government employee), he likes being on television all the time and he likes to power he has. So does the government. Dr. Fauci is the government’s white knight for the government taking control of the people.

But that might have changed already.

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla also said a fourth dose may be needed, and maybe faster than Fauci’s timeline.  Right now, Fauci says a third shot is now most definitely needed for better protection.

I’m am not going to read the science based stuff but Pfizer says that we need a third wave of shots. The first two doses and two boosters.

By the way, we talked about Fauci’s motivations are but what about Bourla’s? He’s basically admitting his vaccine doesn’t work. But he’s using the fear of the people, the government and the media to make billions of dollars to have his vaccines given. No one is asking Bourla or Fauci is why we should trust the vaccines if they appear not to work.

Again, I’m not against the vaccines but I am against getting lied to.





Episode 461 – Another Chance to Screw Up

Just what Joe Biden needs. Another foreign policy crisis.

Our country bows its head to China.

And how long are we going to hear about these scandals before we decide to tear down these institutions.



There’s a lot of news that I can’t skip but won’t spend any time on. I think you might have some of your own opinions about it, anyway, without any need for commentary.

  • Maribel Duarte, whose son is a student at the Barack Obama Global Prep Academy in South Los Angeles, told NBC 4 Los Angeles that her son brought home a vaccine card from school after he agreed to get inoculated in exchange for pizza.
    • Schools are allowed to recommend abortions and hormone therapy for kids who think they are the opposite sex. Is this really a shock?
    • Your kids are not your own according to the government. The schools are part of the government.
    • You have two choices: home school your kid or get them into a religious school that doesn’t buy this crap.
    • Also, teach your kids to ask questions.
  • Saule Omarova, Democrat President Joe Biden’s nominee for comptroller of the currency, has withdrawn her name from consideration for the position after facing increasing opposition to nomination over allegations that she was a Marxist.
  • According to NBA insider Shams Charania: “Sources: Beginning Jan. 15, any NBA player who is not fully vaccinated will be unable to enter Canada to play games in Toronto,” Charania said on Twitter. “Canadian government will require all individuals entering Canada to be fully vaccinated.”
  • Over the weekend, a swimmer from the University of Pennsylvania who swam competitively for the men’s team for three years before switching to the women’s team, destroyed the biological women in the competition. His name was Will Thomas who changed his name to Lia Thomas.
    • He won the 1650 meter race by 38 seconds.
    • He won the 500 meters by 12 seconds.
    • He won the 200 meters by 7 seconds.
    • He was a fair to middling swimmer against the men.
    •  He grew his hair out, still has all his body hair, still height, still has his muscle mass and still has his balls.
    • There was a huge uproar on social media about this guy.
    • The NCAA rules state: A trans female (MTF) student-athlete being treated with testosterone suppression medication for Gender Identity Disorder or gender dysphoria and/or Transsexualism, for the purposes of NCAA competition may continue to compete on a men’s team but may not compete on a women’s team without changing it to a mixed team status until completing one calendar year of testosterone suppression treatment.
    • Yeah, the testosterone suppression didn’t take.

Finally, the New York Post reports:

A Chinese lunar rover has been sent on a mission to investigate a mysterious cube-shaped object spotted on the dark side of the moon.

The strange white object appears oddly geometric against the stark black horizon in images and prompted scientists from China’s Change 4 mission to send its Yutu 2 rover on a two- to three-month journey to check it out, according to Our Space.

China’s National Space Administration (CNSA) describes the object as a “mysterious hut.”


I don’t believe China at all when it comes to discovery. They seem to be more like North Korea with their boasts.



Russia vs. Ukraine 2.0?

Joe Biden is going to be challenged on the foreign policy front again. This time, from Russia.


The Situation

Russia is reportedly preparing to launch a massive invasion into Ukraine in the immediate future with up to 175,000 troops, armor, and artillery mass at the border of Ukraine.

The Washington Post reported:

“The Kremlin has been moving troops toward the border with Ukraine while demanding Washington guarantee that Ukraine will not join NATO and that the alliance will refrain from certain military activities in and around Ukrainian territory. While Ukrainian assessments have said Russia has approximately 94,000 troops near the border, the U.S. map puts the number at 70,000 — but it predicts a buildup to as many as 175,000 and describes extensive movement of battalion tactical groups to and from the border ‘to obfuscate intentions and to create uncertainty.’”

Russia has never wanted Ukraine in NATO because Ukraine has been a satellite country for Russia throughout the 20th century. Russia doesn’t want to lose that especially with the resources that Russia could steal when they need it. If they are in NATO, NATO is committed to help the Ukraine whenever in trouble as they were when Russia invaded Crimea.

The reality is no one wants Ukraine in NATO because Ukraine has very little to offer the rest of the world. The United States didn’t think much of Russia invading Crimea. Barrack Obama sent them blankets. No weapons. Most Americans don’t want a fighting war with Russia through Ukraine. Putin knows this. He also knows Biden is weak and will give Russia anything they want.

A U.S. official told the Washington Post:

“The Russian plans call for a military offensive against Ukraine as soon as early 2022 with a scale of forces twice what we saw this past spring during Russia’s snap exercise near Ukraine’s borders. The plans involve extensive movement of 100 battalion tactical groups with an estimated 175,000 personnel, along with armor, artillery and equipment.”  

Remember when we talked about Joe Biden’s failure in Afghanistan being a beacon to embolden our enemies? Here it comes.


The Meeting

Joe Biden met with Vlad Putin over a two hour virtual meeting. The White House released a 145 word statement:

President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. held a secure video call today with President Vladimir Putin of Russia to discuss a range of issues on the U.S.-Russia agenda. President Biden voiced the deep concerns of the United States and our European Allies about Russia’s escalation of forces surrounding Ukraine and made clear that the U.S. and our Allies would respond with strong economic and other measures in the event of military escalation. President Biden reiterated his support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and called for de-escalation and a return to diplomacy. The two presidents tasked their teams to follow up, and the U.S. will do so in close coordination with allies and partners. The presidents also discussed the U.S.-Russia dialogue on Strategic Stability, a separate dialogue on ransomware, as well as joint work on regional issues such as Iran.

In other words, the meeting accomplished nothing.

On Monday, Biden spoke to President Emmanuel Macron of France, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, Prime Minister Mario Draghi of Italy, and Prime Minister Boris Johnson of the United Kingdom on the subject of Russia.

Guess what? They’re not going to be too interested in doing anything either. Russia is pumping millions of gallons of oil to Europe via the Nord Stream pipeline, which Biden approved.

Good news! The Biden administration is making plans to get Americans out of Ukraine. I’m sure Joe Biden has learned how to surrender better since Afghanistan.

I pray for Taiwan. They don’t have a chance.



Strong Move

We finally got an answer about how the United States is going to deal with the Winter Olympics in China. It is the strong move from the Biden administration.

Listen to Jen Psaki let out the plan:

Wow, what a stand. They’re not going to send Kamala Harris to China during the Olympics.

The day, Australia said they would do the same thing.

Let me review the evils of China:

  • The use slave labor (which American companies like Nike and Apple exploit).
  • They have concentration camps that hold Uyghur Muslims. Openly committing genocide and ethnic cleansing.
  • The have taken over Hong Kong, violating a treaty.
  • They are threatening Taiwan with a military invasion.
  • They steal our technology.
  • They use unfair trade practices, not holding to any of their agreements.
  • They manipulate their money.
  • Xi is president for life (a dictator) and has said that Chinese communism should be spread throughout the world.

But, let’s be honest, who’s really running?

  • Nike.
  • Apple.
  • Alphabet (Google).
  • Disney.
  • Facebook.
  • NBC.
  • And hundreds more.

Those companies would take it in the butt. Can’t let that happen.

It amazes me that the Left whines about slavery, that was banned in this country 160 years ago by a Civil War, makes this country bad but they completely excuse modern day slavery in China. They bitch about everyone to the right of AOC being a Nazi meanwhile they’ll ignore concentration camps, ethnic cleansing and genocide in China.



Time To Dismantle Our Justice Department?

This is a very important story that is just getting ignored. It comes from Buzzfeed, which is not a conservative site.

It says:

Over the past 14 years, the Central Intelligence Agency has secretly amassed credible evidence that at least 10 of its employees and contractors committed sexual crimes involving children.

Though most of these cases were referred to US attorneys for prosecution, only one of the individuals was ever charged with a crime. Prosecutors sent the rest of the cases back to the CIA to handle internally, meaning few faced any consequences beyond the possible loss of their jobs and security clearances. That marks a striking deviation from how sex crimes involving children have been handled at other federal agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security and the Drug Enforcement Administration. CIA insiders say the agency resists prosecution of its staff for fear the cases will reveal state secrets.

The revelations are contained in hundreds of internal agency reports obtained by BuzzFeed News through Freedom of Information Act lawsuits.

Some of the crimes include:

  • An employee had sexual contact with a 2-year-old and a 6-year-old. He was fired.
  • An employee purchased three sexually explicit videos of young girls, filmed by their mothers. He resigned.
  • An employee estimated that he had viewed up to 1,400 sexually abusive images of children while on agency assignments. The records do not say what action, if any, the CIA took against him.
  • A contractor who arranged for sex with an undercover FBI agent posing as a child had his contract revoked.

Though the CIA said that most employees were prosecuted, the paperwork obtained by Buzzfeed said that only one was prosecuted. Jeez, I wonder what he did.

The CIA said that most of the cases were handled internally. Prosecution was not an option because some of the people were involved with classified and sensitive operations that had national security concerns.

I think this story is big because it should really be the last straw when it comes to the federal law enforcement agencies. The FBI and CIA spent two years propagating Russian disinformation for two years, undermining a president. The FBI admitted spying on a U.S. president. People are being arrested and put in solitary confinement based on their political views, without trial. Reporters are being arrested. Parents are being monitored for complaining in front of school boards. All of this is happening in coordination with one political party.

This is not conspiracy theory. It’s all documented. That’s what we know. What don’t we know? This has been happening since Obama. Remember the IRS scandal? The Postal Service scandal? The monitoring and arrest of Fox News reporters under Obama?

The question is when do we start dismantling some of these bureaucracies. I’m not talking the people on the ground because most are good people and do their jobs. I’m talking about the people at the top. These are unelected officials, most lean one way politically and are usually in for life. They are unknown to the public and unaccountable.



