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Episode 501 – Day 12

The Russian/Ukrainian war enters its 12th day. Let’s take a quick look at what’s happening.

Gas prices are killing people and they are just going to get worse.

And Sulu may “boldly go where no man has gone before” but he sure doesn’t see to know what’s going around here.


Ukraine/Russia War

Here is what is happening in the Russia/Ukraine war:

  • The war has been going on for 12 days.
  • The United Nations is estimating Monday that 1,735,068 people overall have fled Ukraine since Feb. 24
  • The Biden administration is willing to ban Russian oil imports into the U.S. without its allies in Europe doing the same, two sources familiar with the matter told Reuters on Monday.
  • An estimated 5,138 people in 72 Russian cities were arrested Sunday.
  • The United Nations’ Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights announced Monday that 406 civilians have been killed and 801 have been injured in Ukraine since fighting began on Feb. 24.
  • CNN, BBC have stopped broadcasting in Russia following Putin signing a law that bans misinformation and disinformation.
  • Mastercard and Visa have discontinued service in Russia.
    • How targeting the Russian people is going to solve something, I don’t know.
    • Russia appears to be going to China try to implement China’s credit card system called Union Pay as soon as possible.
  • Putin is being accused of war crimes for using vacuum bombs.
  • Ukraine is asking for planes, armed drones and the Russian version of the Patriot anti-air missile system.
  • The Ukrainian air force is still intact.
  • The United States is negotiating with Poland to send them F-16 fighter jets and Poland will send Ukraine the older MIG fighter jets to Ukraine.
  • U.K. intelligence says that a Russian victory is far from assured.



Gas Prices

The gas and oil prices are astronomical and only going to get worse.

  • Oil is $130 a barrel and they expect it to get to to get to $140 a barrel by tomorrow.
  • Forecasters expect oil to reach $200 a barrel.
  • Average gas prices are now $4.17 a gallon up from $3.44 a gallon last month.
  • Mind you, when Trump left office, the average was $2.79. That’s important to know because Jen Psaki and the Biden administration are blaming the war for high prices. They were high before.
  • By the way, in California, we are paying $5.19 a gallon.

What is the Biden administration doing? Not much.

  • The Biden administration is asking Saudi Arabia to increase oil production.
    • They told Biden to kick rocks.
    • The Saudi’s hate Biden because of the Koskogi killing.
  • The Biden administration sent an envoy to Venezuela.
    • They want to lift sanctions from Venezuela’s socialist government to start importing their oil.
    • Republicans are furious about it (read some of the tweets).
  • Iran might be an option for the Biden administration. More on that later.

The one thing Biden will not do is start drilling in the United States. They have made that very clear. Jen Psaki basically disciplined people during a press conference last week telling us that we needed to get off our dependence of oil. Even Elon Musk said we need to start drilling for oil.

And he’s doubling-down. The Biden administration is now trying to stop all exports of Russian oil. I don’t disagree with this but there needs to be something that fills the void. People need to live. This doesn’t just affect oil and gas. It affects food prices, home heating, electricity. Energy affects everything.

The one reality that the Biden administration refuses to face is we are living in a fossil fuel world. But he doesn’t care about the suffering he bestows on us. He will never suffer.



Our Betters

Of course, you will always have the elites talking about how things aren’t really that bad and we have to just deal with it. George Takei of Star Trek fame tweeted this:

Just to make it clear, George Takei is worth $14 million.

You can imagine the pushback against this completely out of touch  statement from a guy who’s beliefs really make me question his authority on talking about patriotism.

Podcaster, Britt Griffin, said:

“Hey rich guy, you can endure this, but us working class people, this is crushing us. But what do you [care] looking down your nose at the people who make your world run…”

Non-profit, Code of Vets, tweeted:

“Many American and veteran[s] live paycheck to check barely surviving now. This post is out of touch with the average American.”

But liberals also attacked him.

Johnny Akzam tweeted:

Peter Coffin responded:

He still managed to insult the United States but he right about the tweet.



What’s the Definition of Insanity?

The Biden administration still is trying to get into that crap Iran nuclear deal. They want to get back into it so bad, they are throwing the kitchen sink into the deal. Basically, Iran is going to get everything they want and we aren’t going to get crap.

  • The negotiators for Biden administration have left their posts because the is no negotiating happening. Iran just lists demands and that’s it.
  • The Russian Envoy has said he can’t believe how much Iran is getting in this deal for nothing.

So far, this is what’s happening:

  • Iran will get compensation from the United States.
  • Iran will be allowed to have free trade. That includes selling oil to the United States.
  • Iran will have to limit nuclear production for 10 years but that doesn’t have to be confirmed by any independent observers. We just have to trust them. That’s it.
  • Iran has asked that their Revolutionary Guard be taken off of the international terrorist list. That makes sense. Take terrorists off the terrorist list.
  • Russia, who is directly involved in the negotiations, threw a wrench into the mix.
    • They want complete free trade with Iran.
    • This is a sticking point. Negotiations have been broken off.

Republicans are furious that we are negotiating with Russia and Iran. A letter was sent to the President highlighting that Iran is using their nuclear program to get more from the United States and it is working. Iran has already created weapons grade plutonium and that knowledge is not going to go away because they join this agreement.

The Senate has threatened block any deal with Iran. That is important. If the deal is not supported by Congress, the next President can just leave the deal and reinstate sanctions. This is what happened when Obama got into the deal. President Trump was able to pull out of the deal.


















Episode 500 – Friday Dumb

Tucker Carlson is my favorite opinion anchor. He’s down to Earth, says what he thinks and has that stupid look on his face. When he replaced Bill O’Reilly, I wasn’t thrilled. Bill O’Reilly has an edge to him. As Tucker came into prominence, Tucker developed that same edge and I became a daily watcher.

Fridays are a big day for Tucker. He usually talks about what he wants to. He did that Friday. That subject was Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.



I Don’t Usually Do This

We all know that AOC is a dumbass. We all know that she is in a position that she can’t handle. We all know that she is an example of what is wrong with our government and what is wrong with this generation. And this monologue was funny and true.

It came about because the writers of the New York Magazine wrote a book about AOC and it couldn’t get more syrupy. It was so bad, Tucker got a British producer to read some of the entries from the book.

I won’t lie, I kind of want to.

Here’s the introduction. Tucker was going to run with the Canadian convoy protest and the Ukrainian crisis but he decided to go a different direction.

Some things:

  • How is a book about AOC going to other than a saliva inducing, vomit of words.
  • I do think it’s an important topic. Our country is a mess, our ideology is being overrun and we are becoming weaker.
  • He’s right about it being Friday and we should take it easy though.

Here is Tucker talking about the books exaggeration:

Some things:

  • Tucker did this on purpose. He superimposed AOC as being God to Stacy Abrams pornographic novels (that’s true, by the way). My guess he did that on purpose.
  • AOC is a God for the Left and vice are her Ten Commandments.
  • The degradations of womanhood? Really? The only degradation to womanhood seems to be coming from the trans community which she supports.
  • And I love that she says she’s finally speaking out loud. And she ain’t the first.


Some things:

  • The trans thing is important because it just shows the non-sensical nature of the Left. They don’t believe women exist.
  • Tucker hits another point. Feminists are turning in their graves because of her. She the opposite of the feminist cause.
    • Her fashion.
    • Her makeup.
    • Feminists in the 60’s used to burn their clothes.
  • People don’t listen to her because she’s not a serious person. She has been in Congress for four years now and she’s done nothing and has continually said stupid things.

Here is one of Tucker’s greatest point:

Some things:

  • Tucker’s analogies are awesome because they are so on point.
  • This is the problem and illogic of Leftist ideology. Just because one is a person of color doesn’t mean one isn’t elite. I wish he would have expanded on this.


Some things:

  • This is the remaking of image. They do it all day with Biden and Harris. Just read the New York Times or Washington Post.
  • And I guarantee you, the history books, if the Left gets what the want, will reflect the same thing.

This is the second great point Tucker brings up.

Some things:

  • For some reason, this seems to be taboo to talk about.
  • AOC knows she’s good looking, though I wouldn’t touch her with a ten foot pole, and she exploits that.

Then Tucker hits it:

Some things:

  • Adam Corolla actually got pushback on Sean Hannity’s show for saying this.
  • I have always said this.
  • The squad would not exist if she was 5″1′ and three bills. You think Rashida Tlaib would have been able to do it? You think people would watch her on Instagram?
  • She is a marketing ploy for the Left. She there to convert people to Leftism.

This is funny:

Some things:

  • Is there any reason people don’t trust the media.
    • Busy of what? She’s done nothing in Congress.
  • She also shows the problem with this generation. They think everyone wants to see every selfie and project one has. This is narcissism but it is exactly the way a lot of our kids are today.
  • He didn’t go into it, but this is a social problem that AOC is promoting. I’m pretty sure no one gives a crap if I’m putting together an IKEA table.
  • In fact, it wouldn’t even occur to me to put a video of it on Tik Tok.

Again, this is just dumb that Tucker is pointing out:

Some things:

  • This was such a dumb description I have nothing much to say.
  • But I do have a question: If you put together this table on Tik Tok, would you be complicated and multi-faceted?
  • Probably not because you’re not an elite.

Here’s Tucker’s closing:

Some things:

  • It is kind of creepy. Stalker creepy.
  • It also shows how pathetic our society because of social media.
  • Instead of people going out and making their own live, they live through the lives of others on a computer screen.
  • What’s most pathetic, they think their lives will have more meaning based on the number of “Likes” the get. It’s actually of sad.
  • And AOC ain’t helping it. That’s because she doesn’t care.


Did AOC Respond

This is what’s great about Tucker Carlson: He knows how to get a reaction. His monologs are vicious, cutting, funny and true. It is too much to expect that the attention whore AOC was going to ignore this “attack”. And she didn’t.

Her first tweet was rather straight forward:

Some things:

  • That would have been a perfect tweet and just move on.
  • It’s funny and straight forward.

But, no:

Some things:

  • No, she didn’t call people obsessive compulsives. She said everyone wanted to date her.
  • She needs to learn punctuation. I guess they didn’t teach her that at Boston U.
  • This was not sexual harassment but anything to make herself a victim. Problem is it doesn’t work anymore.
  • Treat any woman like this? Like what?
  • And, of course, she attacks his family.
  • AOC is a narcissist.
    • AOC was not the target of this.
    • The media and their fawning over her was the target.
    • Tucker used examples of her idiocy and the media’s reaction to her idiocy to prove his point.

She continued:

Some things:

  • So, now she’s in danger because Tucker called her a fool and a child. Hyperbole.
  • There is a ton of political commentary here:
    • The mainstreaming of Leftist insanity.
    • How foolish out “betters” are.
    • How the mainstream media are really the ones that want to date her.
    • How we are wasting tax paying dollars to pay her salary ($174,000 a year).



Proving His Point

Right after Tucker Carlson spends 10 minutes on his show saying how much of a fool AOC is, she goes right out and does something foolish on social media again.

Here she is, stressed out. She decides to destress would be to dunk her face in ice water. On Instagram live, of course.

Some things:

  • There’s not even any ice in the bowl.
  • She basically puts her nose in the water.
  • Does she really need encouragement and direction from her boyfriend?
  • Is she that fragile a woman to depend on a man?
  • If she is that fragile that she needs to put her nose in cold water to destress, should she really be in the country’s leadership?
  • It would have done her good to join the military. They would have toughened her up and I hear they’re making specially fitted uniforms for women now.




Episode 499 – Time to End These



The Speech

Let’s quickly go over the State of the Union speech. It was dumb and filled with lies and I’m sure you’ve heard tons about it. I won’t play any clips and do a lot of analysis.

  • The first 12 minutes dealt with Ukraine. Makes sense because he had nothing good to say about the country.
    • He said that the United States led the way to unifying Europe. That’s a lie.
    • He over-hyped the involvement of the United States sanctions and support for Ukraine.
    • He never took responsibility for doing anything before the invasion.
  • The he went on to the economy, starting the way all politicians do, with a story about his father and his youth. I hate when politicians do that.
  • He talked about how the American Rescue plan created 6.5 million jobs. It didn’t.
    • There’s no evidence the American Rescue Plan created any jobs.
    • the 6.5 million number is still close to 4 million jobs short of pre-pandemic job numbers.
    • The American Rescue plan is part of the reason we have inflation and a $30 trillion deficit.
    • Do you realize Joe Biden has spent almost $6 trillion in 2021?
    • Even the New York Times says this.
  • He demonized the Trump tax cuts as “bad for America” saying it only helped the top 1%. That’s just a lie.
    •  Actually it was the opposite. By getting rid of the SALT deductions, it raised taxes on the top earners.
    • It was a middle class tax cut.
  • He talked about the infrastructure bill that was passed.
    • He seems to think that the infrastructure bill is going to make us more competitive.
    • He said it will help climate change and environmental justice.
    • The he listed a bunch of stuff like high speed Internet, which isn’t infrastructure.
    • Not sure how any of this is going to make us competitive.
  • He talked about the Innovation Act that will give subsidies to companies to build factories in the United States.
    • I hate this because subsidies just take taxes from one group and gives them to another.
    • And none of us see the benefits for this. I don’t get a piece of the pie. I still have to pay for the product.
    • Of course, the reason we do not have factories in the United States are because of all the regulations administrations like Biden’s put on them such as a $15 minimum wage.
  • He talked about inflation but only for a few minutes. He said we needed to get inflation under control. What were his ideas:
    • Increase the minimum wage.
    • Free education including
    • Cut the cost of prescription drugs. Trump did this already.
    • Give tax credits for weatherizing houses.
    • Cut the costs of electric cars.
    • Cut the costs of child care.
    • Bring back the child tax credit.
    • Invest in community colleges.
    • Support unionization.
    • Raise taxes.
    • He said companies should lower costs yet everything he suggested just raises costs.
    • He also demonized businesses saying they are raising prices for profits. Does he understand how inflation works?
    • Everything he said puts costs on businesses and discourages businesses from growing of even starting.
  • Fix the tax system so the wealthy and corporations pay their fair share.
    • BS.
    • The top 10% pay all the net taxes.
    • Him saying the rich and corporations don’t pay taxes in a lie. Elon Musk paid $5 billion last year.
  • The China virus. He said we can now go mask-free because of what the administration has done.
    • We need to get vaccinated.
    • Get antivirals on the market.
    • Get government to provide tests.
    • Prepare for new variants. Be prepared for another emergency.
    • End the shutdown of schools and businesses.
    • We will send a ton of vaccines around the world. He gets caught here in a huge flub I don’t think many caught. (Listen below).
      • This was not a Biden flub but a speech writer flub.
      • Walls don’t work, remember?
      • He doesn’t want to talk about the border.
    • He never talked about natural immunity or the fact that Trump
  • Then he talks about how we need to unify now that the pandemic is over,
    • This is coming from a guy who demonized everyone who wouldn’t get the vaccine.
    • This is coming from a guy who demonized states that didn’t follow his policies.
  • Then, he says that we must unify now that the pandemic is over (media).
    • We must first unify around the police. We are to fund the police, not defund the police.
    • Biden himself supported defunding the police.
    • His VP bailed out BLM rioters.
    • The Speaker of the House wore a Kenti cloth and kneeled because of the death of the drug addicted thug, George Floyd.
    • He must really think we’re dumb to buy that crap.
  • Then, he brings up things that are not unifying.
    • Gun control.
      • Ghost guns.
      • Gun registry.
      • being able to sue gun manufacturers and stores.
    • Goes off on the assault on voting right.
    • He talked about the border needing to be secured without acknowledging 2 million illegals were caught this year.
      • He also wanted amnesty.
      • Legalization for Dreamers.
    • Must protect abortion.
    • Must protect the ability of kids to change their sex with drugs and surgery.
    • Put limits on social media (censorship).

It was not much of a speech and never really talked about the state of the Union. It was a speech about what he wanted to do and involves spending more money (which will raise inflation) and raising taxes. He could have gone out there and said that and saved an hour.

What he also did was chickenshit. He changed his position about defunding the police because it’s a losing position. He was always for defunding the police. Suddenly he’s not anymore? Unfortunately for Biden and the Democrats, no one buys it. 70% of viewers did not buy any of it in polls. New polls show Biden’s popularity didn’t move and, in some cases, went down.

Greg Gutfeld of Fox News went off on the speech and Joe Biden’s speech and he was pissed about it. He mentions some things I talk about later but his fury is important enough to listen to the whole thing, even without context.

He is absolutely correct. You know how we know it’s correct? By what he didn’t talk about:

  • The Afghanistan retreat.
  • The China/Taiwan conflict which is escalating.
  • Blocking Russian oil imports.
  • The Iran negotiations that directly involve Russia.
  • Inflation.
  • Crime.

It was a crappy and staged speech.



The Gaffs

What would be a Joe Biden speech be without gaffs. Here is a compilation of gaffs during the speech. I cut it down to under 2 minutes. The original is seven minutes so you get the idea.

Thanks Grabien for that.


The Controversy






Episode 498 – The Bologna is Going to Fly Tonight

The State of the Union is happening tonight and, coincidently, a miracle has happened.

And let’s take a look at Biden’s pick.


This Isn’t Going Away









State of the Union Tonight!

The State of the Union is tonight and I am actually looking forward to this one. Things are so bad here that I can’t imagine the lies that are going to come out of Old Joe’s mouth. Here’s what I think is going to come out of this speech:

  • The economy:
    • He will talk about six million new jobs that he created.
    • He will talk about the increase in pay.
    • He will talk about inflation.
  • He will talk about the war in Ukraine and how he unified Europe.
  • His Supreme Court pick and social justice.
  • Of course, climate change.
  • He will declare victory against COVID.
  • And all the problems we are facing will be Trump’s fault.
  • He will also try to blame the Russia/Ukraine war.

Things he will not talk about:

  • The border crisis.
  • Afghanistan.
  • The China/Taiwan spat.
  • The deficit, which he increase by $7 trillion.
  • He won’t talk about our debt to GDP being at 119%.
  • He will not bring up Build Back Better.

I do not expect this to be a long speech. Normally they can go from 90 minutes to 2 hours. I wouldn’t be shocked if this only went about 45 minutes. When it starts, it will be way past Old Joe’s bed time.



But that’s when the fun just begins. There are going to be about a billion responses to the speech.

Gov. Kim Reynolds from Iowa will give the response for the Republicans.

But that’s not it. The Left has decided to respond to the State of the Union.

  • Rashida Tlaib will represent the far Leftists of the party.
    • You can guarantee a lot of social and racial justice.
    • She will praise Joe Biden.
    • She will go after Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema for not voting for Build Back Better.
  • Congress Colin Allerd from Texas will represent the Black Caucus.
    • He will talk about racial justice.
    • Equity.
    • Justice reform.
    • And, probably, defunding the police.
    • You know this is going to be a thing since lynching was banned today…again.

Normally, this doesn’t happen. The President makes his State of the Union address, there is a response from the opposition party, night over.

I think this is done for a few reasons:

  • Joe Biden can’t say much about social justice, racism and defunding the police. He’s suppose to be unifying the country.
  • Joe Biden can’t pat himself on the back much. Things are just not great right now.
  • Joe Biden can’t say much of anything for a long time. This is not going to be a two hour speech.
  • The Democratic party is fractured.



Speaking of Which

The science has decided that the China virus has been defeated. The White House, which is the science, has sent out the memo and all of the Democratic states and cities have decided to end the mandates right when Biden is about to declare victory against COVID. Forget that red states have been open for over a year and never really had any issues with the China virus, it all the Democrats.

  • According to the Wall Street Journal: The CDC noted, if the local level is low-risk, people should “[w]ear a mask based on your personal preference, informed by your personal level of risk”; if it is medium risk, immunocompromised or people at high risk for serious illness should speak with their health care provider about additional measures, like mask-wearing “or respirators indoors in public.” The agency added, for medium-risk areas, “If you live with or have social contact with someone at high risk for severe illness, consider testing yourself for infection before you get together and wearing a mask when indoors with them.”
    • So they think people should make their own decisions.
    • What took so long?
  • Masks aren’t required when on the floor of Congress though a negative test is required. That’s one of the reasons that Republicans aren’t showing up to the speech.
  • Washington D.C. has dropped the mandates.
  • New York has dropped the mandates with New York City dropping the mandates this week.
  • California has ended all mandates. Schools will not need masks by March 11.
    • I guess March 11 is the exact day the virus goes extinct.
    • Schools are pushing back.

Some things:

  • We knew this was going to happen.
  • Biden needs to pivot in some policy tonight and COVID seems like it is the only one he can.
  • The science has not change.
    • Infections and hospitalizations have not changed much. I look at them daily.
    • The only thing that has changed is most people are either vaccinated, caught the virus or both.
    • I’m probably going to have this podcast pulled for this.
  • This whole China virus thing has been political. It was never about the science. The sudden end of the pandemic before the State of the Union is proof of that.
  • Yes, I’m being cynical.



Supreme Court Pick

So Joe Biden nominated a a Supreme Court nominee. And, of course, Democrats are racist and sexist so he nominated a black woman. Let’s listen to Old Joe introduce his pick:

I can’t pronounce her name either. But, then again, I didn’t nominate her. He should have probably should have practiced a little bit before her introduction press conference.

Her name is Ketanji Brown Jackson.

Some things about her history:

  • To get to her court positions, she had to be approved by Congress. Though a Leftist, she flew through Congress.
  • She has a very outgoing and friendly personality.
  • The American Bar Association, a Leftist organization, said she was “unanimously qualified”.
  • She does not have a lot of legal writings so her positions are not really in the open. But we know.
  • Working as a public defender from 2005 to 2007, Jackson was assigned to represent Khi Ali Gul, an Afghan detained in Guantanamo Bay in 2003 and released by President Obama in 2014 when she was no longer involved in the case.
  • As Politico noted, “several of Jackson’s rulings were overturned by a higher court, including those on Trump’s attempt to fast-track deportations and executive orders constraining government unions’ power.”
  • One overturned case involved an ordered expansion of the Department of Homeland Security’s definition regarding which non-citizens could be deported, while another involved orders relating to the collective bargaining power of federal employees.
  • “In 2019, Congress was battling with Trump White House Counsel Donald McGahn about whether he should testify to the House Judiciary Committee,” The Washington Post explained. “The case came before Jackson, who soundly rejected McGahn’s arguments that he had immunity from testifying.”
  • She has been light on crime and sentencing.

This is not a big deal even though she is a rabid Leftist. She’s just replacing another Leftist and the court still holds a 6-3 Conservative majority.

But she will be on the court for 30 years and she will easily get through the nomination process.
















Episode 497 – The Stand

This didn’t age well. This is Joe Biden in 2020 talking about Russia and Trump:

Good job, Joe!


What’s Happening in the War

  • Russia is forming a perimeter around Kyiv. It is looking like a siege around the city.
  • Ukrainians, aged 16-60, are required to stay in the city, get weapons from their local police departments and fight (2nd Amendment is looking pretty good right now).
  • Russia is looking ill-prepared for this war:
    • Tanks are running out of gas and are stuck on the roads.
    • Many Russian soldiers do not know why they are their or what is going on.
  • Russia is trying to take away Ukraine’s energy sources.
    • Russia has taken over Chernobyl and another nuclear facility.
    • It has been reported that Russia accidently hot a radioactive waste disposal site with a missile.
    • Russia has been targeting oil and electric facilities.
  • It has been reported that the Russian force has been underfunded.
    • In the middle of the fight for Kyiv, Russia stopped their assault for a day to “regroup”.
    • Multiple tanks have been seen on the side of the road, out of gas.
  • Ukraine has set up a curfew because it fears Russian saboteurs are in the city and will blow up buildings.
  • Russia is bombing Ukrainian hospitals.
  • The Ukrainian government claimed that Russia has “suffered” about 3,000 troop casualties and lost 516 kinds of various military vehicles, 80 tanks, 10 airplanes, and seven helicopters so far on Friday, possibly indicating that the Ukrainian people have had some success against the Russian invaders.
    • Russia has sent mobile crematoriums to handle the dead.
    • Multiple Russian planes have been shot down. This includes several transport planes. Though the number cannot be confirmed, there is video so we know some are.
  •  Russia is deploying the TOS-1A missile system.
    • The fact sheet on this weapon states: “The TOS-1A heavy flamethrower system is designed for providing fire support to infantry and tanks, defeating enemy manpower from open and closed firing positions in a variety of offensive and defensive combat, as well as disabling light armored vehicles and transport. Combined target destruction is achieved through effects of high temperature and overpressure.”
    • The system is armed with “unguided artillery rockets with thermobaric warheads.”
    • The world community states that if this weapon is used against civilian targets, this could be considered war crimes.
  • Currently, there are between 60 and 90 thousand Russian troops in Ukraine.
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin raised his nuclear deterrent forces to an elevated alert status Sunday, citing “aggressive statements” from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and increased sanctions against his regime.
    • Putin said: “Western countries aren’t only taking unfriendly actions against our country in the economic sphere, but top officials from leading NATO members made aggressive statements regarding our country.”
    • Fox News reported: Putin ordered the Russian defense minister and the chief of the military’s General Staff to put the nuclear deterrent forces in a “special regime of combat duty.” The move signals tensions could boil over into a nuclear war. 
    • Not good.
  • Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko have announced talks will take place between Russia and Ukraine.
  • Death squads have been sent into Ukraine to kill government officials by Putin.

We are in the middle of what is called the fog of war. We really don’t know what is going on over there. We are just listening to reports, which could be propaganda, from both sides. We are also looking at reactions. An example of this can be seen in a viral video of a tank running over a car, trapping an old lady. It was reported that the tank was Russian but other reports stated it was actually Ukrainian. To this moment, we don’t really know where the tank came from.



There is some legendary stuff going on from the Ukrainians.

  • Evidence of the Ukrainian people’s fighting spirit can further be seen in the 13 Ukrainian service members who told Russian battleships to “go f*** yourself,” rather than surrender to their enemies. All 13 service members were killed.
  • A Ukrainian soldier is being credited with giving his life by blowing up a bridge to stop advancing Russian forces that were cutting through Ukraine after Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a full-scale invasion this week. His name was Vitaly Skakun Volodymyrovych.
  • A video from over the weekend inside Ukraine shows a man kneeling in front of a Russian tank to stop it from advancing for a brief moment as Russian forces continue their quest to take over the country. The New York Times confirmed the video.
  • Another video that went viral late this week showed a woman confronting a Russian soldier, berating him for invading Ukraine, and telling him to put sunflower seeds in his pockets so that when he is killed in Ukraine, flowers will grow where he ultimately dies.
  • Ukraine instructed its citizens to take up arms, including manufacturing Molotov cocktails, to fight back against the Russian military on Friday as it advanced close to the nation’s capital city of Kiev.
  • The mayor of Kyiv, Vitali Klitschko, was photographed on top of a building behind an M-60. By the way, that is the same Klitschko that was boxing heavyweight champion (WBO and WBC).
  • President of Ukraine,  Volodymyr Zelenskyy, was asked to be evacuated from Ukraine by the United States and the Great Britain. He said, “The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride.” He’s in the streets in fatigues.

This is stuff that creates nations.





World’s Response

Let’s be honest: the Biden administration did pretty much nothing during this whole thing.

  • Protests are happening throughout the world, including in Russia. Protesters is Russia are being arrested.
  • Banning of Russians is occurring everywhere
    • Tennis has banned any events in Russia.
    • Eurovision banned Russia from their singing competition.
  • A set of Russian banks have been frozen from the SWIFT banking system. This is like Venmo and Gmail and is what allows Russia to collect money.
  • The United States, Germany, Poland, the United Kingdom, Finland, the European Union and NATO are sending arms to Ukraine.
    • Better late than never, I guess.
    • There is still some talk about how to get arms to the Ukrainians but the Poles have said they will get the arms to them.
    • For Germany, this is a big deal. It is against the law for them to give arms to another nation but they did it anyway.
  • Russia’s invasion seems to have the opposite affect on the world.
    • Finland and Sweden, two very neutral countries, have asked to join NATO.
    • Countries in the region have decided it might be time to develop nuclear weapons in order to ensure mutual ensured destruction.
    • Russia has threatened these countries with, what many think, with nuclear weapons.
    • I’d love to see Russia against Finland, one of the best militaries in the world.
    • For the first time, the European Union is sending Ukraine weapons including 10 fighter jets.
  • The United Nations held a vote, condemning the invasion.
    • President Zelenskyy requested Russia be excluded from the vote. They weren’t.
    • Russia vetoed the vote.
    • China abstained.
    • The U.N. is worthless.

Some of the media is praising Biden with unifying Europe. Politico released an syrupy article stating that it was Joe Biden that got Europe to respond. He didn’t and anyone who is paying attention knows it.

Here’s the problem, Europe did it on their own. Biden had nothing to do it and was “surprised”, according to the Washington Post, that Europe has changed their policy. In fact, according to the Washington Post, the Biden administration rushed to add more sanctions and look like they are doing something.

I love it when to Leftists newspapers contradict each other.



Biden’s Response

The Biden administration is ball-less, as usual.

It seems that the sanctions he implemented are hard core but they go short of being brutal. Some were already implemented. They do not attack Russia ability to collect money (the SWIFT program) though it is implemented now in a measured way. And it does not stop Russia from exporting oil and natural gas.

But the biggest problem is the Biden administration seems disconnected from the real issue at hand. Here is Jen Psaki on This Week with George Stephanopoulos on ABC:

John Kerry, on of the worst Secretaries of State in American history had the same thoughts, Here he is on Al Jazeera:

Some things:

  • These guys are so lost. They have no idea about reality.
  • All this green B.S. is what got Europe into trouble and emboldened Russia in the first place.
  • Last year, we were energy independent. We didn’t need Russia.
    • Now, we need Russian oil.
    • We are still buying Russian oil.
    • And we are begging Saudi Arabia to produce more. They won’t.
  • All Biden has to do is turn the XL Pipeline and re-establish the oil drilling leases and we will not need to care about Ukraine.
  • This weekend, Biden cancelled more oil drilling leases on federal lands.

I’m going to ask this again. Is the Biden administration’s f-ing up of America look like an accident?

By the way, This “crisis” was so important that Old Joe went to his beachside mansion in Delaware this weekend. Remember that when his poll numbers drop so much he decides to send U.S. troops to Ukraine.



The Media and Celebrities

It was really hard to figure our what was the dumbest reaction from the media and Hollywood last week.

Sean Penn, who never saw a communist he didn’t like, said that the United States had to do something about Ukraine. Presumably send troops. He is over there filming a documentary that I’ll never see. Well, since he’s there, he should grab a rifle and start defending Ukraine. I’m sure he’s on a plane and running away like a little bitch.

Joy Reid is an idiot. She actually equated racism to the invasion of Ukraine. She said:

“I have come to expect very little from the Republican party, to be blunt. I understand that they prefer autocracy. They want a White nationalist autocracy in the United States. They believe that white Christians are beleaguered and need to rule the United States without elections. Got it. But this is really, at this point, open.”

The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur agreed with Reid saying:

“Right-wing doesn’t love Putin just because he is an authoritarian, tyrannical leader, they love him because he’s a WHITE authoritarian leader. Race has become more important than even nationality. They’ve turned on democracy and now even America, in favor of a white warlord.”

Cenk is white.

Some things:

  • I find it amazing that the Left is so racist, they group all white people as the same. There are different groups of whites.
  • Putin is white. Zelenskyy is white. Russians are white. Ukrainians are white. What’s the thing with racism here?
  • Putin isn’t attacking Ethiopia.

But Christians and Trump are bad.

Daily Beast writer, Wajahat Ali, tweeted:

He’s an Arab. Arabs hate Christians. And Jews. And Buddhists. And everybody. I just wanted to point that out. I want to get to the next tweet before I get to the point.

Here is the Daily Beast’s David Rothkopf. He tweeted:

Some things:

  • The realignment these guys keep talking about is happening now. Not when Trump was President.
  • It is these guys that are trying to change our way of life. Not the Republicans.
  • Republicans aren’t in power. When Republicans were, there was no war.
    • Putin took over Crimea under Obama.
    • He’s attacking Ukraine under Biden.
    • He didn’t attack anything under Trump and a Republican Congress. Hmm….

Leave it to Joy Behar of The View, who is the heart of Leftist philosophy. Listen:

Do you think she listens to herself after the show and says, “I shouldn’t have said that”? What an elitist.

The government is being stupid. When Putin put their nuclear weapons on alert, ready.gov, a partner with FEMA released instructions on how to deal with a nuclear attack:

Got that? The China virus is just as bad as nuclear war.

Anna Lynne McCord, who is a has-been actress, decided to get involved with the Ukrainian war. She wrote a poem and read it on Twitter.

That’ll do it. War is over. Well, unless Vlad gets pissed off that the poem disrespects his mother.




Episode 495 – Coming to a Capital Near You!

The Freedom Convoy in Canada is over but the tyranny marches on.

And the truckers in the United States have decided on their own convoy and the Biden administration overreacts.


The Freedom Convoy


Here is the news from Canada:

  • Over 200 protestors have been arrested. That includes:
    • Protest organizers.
    • Protestors
    • And press.
  • 200 bank and cryptocurrency accounts, totaling $3.2 million U.S. dollars have been frozen.
  • 75 trucks have been cleared, opening the streets.
  • There is a push to sell the trucks and the government to take the money to pay for clearing the protests.
  • They are confiscating pets and children. Incredible.
  • Most protestors left peacefully. There were some scuffles and reports of some protestors being armed, even with grenades. None of this has been confirmed.
  • Police in riot gear and those om horseback have been pushing away protestors. One video had horses trampling on protestors.
  • There is no video of protestors attack police.

Trudeau is getting far less popular:

  • Canadian Civil Liberties organization condemned the implementing of the war powers act saying it was unnecessary because Canadian law would handle it. They are suing.
  • European leaders are condemning the actions of Trudeau as being a communists dictator.
  • Of course, the United States has said nothing.
  • The hashtag #BlackFaceHitler has been trending of Twitter.
  • The conservative officials and some liberal officials are calling for Trudeau to resign.

This is not going to work out well for Justin Trudeau. I don’t see how he survives this without resigning or tightening the screws.


They Wanted This

According to the Daily Wire:

A majority of likely Democratic voters support Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s use of emergency powers to crack down on Freedom Convoy protesters last week.

A new poll from Trafalgar Group and Convention of States Action and provided exclusively to The Daily Wire shows that 55% of likely general election voters disapprove of Trudeau’s handling of the protesters. Thirty-five percent approve of Trudeau’s heavy-handed tactics and 10% said they were unaware of what was happening north of the U.S. border.


Democrats overwhelmingly favored Trudeau’s response with 65% approval to 17% disapproval. Republican responses were weighted even more heavily against Trudeau, however, with 87% of likely GOP voters disapproving to just 8% approving. Respondents who said they did not belong to either one of the two main parties cut against Trudeau’s crackdown with 74% disapproving versus 21% approving.

Of course they do. Because they know they will never be condemned. Until they are.



Just Dumb

Here is liberal Canadian politician  Ya’ara Saks doing what all Leftist politicians to do when talking about people going against them.

Some things:

  • This stuff is tired and old, but effective.
  • Problem is not many people believe it anymore.
  • There were only a few weapons seized. This was a non-violent protest. No one was hurt or killed.
  • There are no Confederate flags in Canada. Because there was no Confederacy in Canada. The is a U.S. thing.
  • There was one Nazi flag, but those were turned away by the truckers.
  • If there were a lot of those flags, don’t you think we would have seen them every minute or two on the news?
  • This was a very diverse protest. Black, white, Iranians, Indians are all there.
  • And even if there were Nazi flags all over, she wouldn’t care. She’s not hurt.
  • By the way, she’s an idiot too:
    • It’s “Heil Hitler”, not “Hail Hitler”. There is a difference. Heil means “unhurt”, “undamaged”, “Unimpaired”.
    • “Honk, honk” is not an acronym. I think the word she is searching for is a metaphor or simile. U.S.A. is an acronym.DTP



The United States

The United States is starting a freedom convoy of their own it could not be at a worst time for Biden.

  • Biden has his State of the Union speech on March 1.
  • The convoy should be there by then.
  • Now, Biden isn’t being the little bitch that Trudeau was. He’s not running into a bomb shelter or anything.
  • But he is putting up a fence around the capitol again.

The Capitol Police released a statement on Friday:

“The United States Capitol Police and the United States Secret Service have been closely working together to plan for the upcoming State of the Union.

“Law enforcement agencies across the National Capital Region are aware of plans for a series of truck convoys arriving in Washington, D.C., around the time of the State of the Union. As with any demonstration, the USCP will facilitate lawful First Amendment activity.”

So, they’re building a fence and presumably closing Washington DC again.



Sooner Than I Thought

Remember I talked about the 26-year-old child molester that molested a 10-year-old when he was 17? He said he was transgender, was convicted and was convicted as a juvenile and was going to be incarcerated in a female juvenile facility? Remember I told you we’d be talking about this again?

His name is James Tubbs. He goes by Hannah Tubbs. Mind you, he didn’t identify as a woman until he was arrested.

He only got two years. But that’s not what’s so bad. He knew he was going to get a light sentence and laughed about it. He was talking to his father while he was in jail.

Here’s the conversation:

“I’m gonna plead out to it, plead guilty,” Tubbs says in one recording. “They’re gonna stick me on probation, and it’s gonna be dropped, it’s gonna be done, I won’t have to register, won’t have to do nothing.”

“You won’t have to register?” her father asks on the other line later in the conversation.

“I won’t have to do none of that,” Tubbs replies.

“So what are they going to do to you then?”

“Nothing,” Tubbs answers, then laughs.

Well, Los Angeles District Attorney, George Gascon, is facing a recall drive…again.

  • At first, Gascon said he did not know about the case and he said it was a mistake.
  • Jon Hatami, a Los Angeles deputy district attorney and veteran prosecutor of child abuse crimes, disputed his boss’s timeline of events on “America Reports” Tuesday afternoon.
  • Hatami said: “I’ve seen emails, emails that show that George Gascon and his chain of command knew about those jail calls well before Bill Melugin published them. We have a DA who completely lacks any transparency, who’s sending a spokesperson on the news to say things that just aren’t true.”
  • Over the weekend, Gascón announced a retreat from two of his major changes by ending blanket prohibitions against trying juveniles as adults or seeking life without parole.
  • Too late.
  • A recall effort against Gascon happened last year but went down in defeat. A new recall effort is gaining steam and might come to life by July this year.
  • This time, it is supported by Hollywood and other Democrats.
  • Mind you, he was already unpopular with the Association of Deputy District Attorneys for Los Angeles who voted with a 97.9% against Gascon.


Freedom of the Press

I want to point something out.

From the New York Post:

The transgender woman convicted of sexually assaulting a 10-year-old girl reportedly boasted about her two-year sentence as Los Angeles’ progressive district attorney admitted the punishment may have been too lenient calls.

Some things:

  • We need to stop this crap with “preferred pronouns”. I won’t use them.
  • Criminals have no rights anyway. Who gives a damn what he prefers.
  • Why does the New York Post, a Conservative paper, use preferred pronouns? They have to.
  • There is no freedom of press. If the right pronouns are used, social media will block the articles.











Episode 494 – Get Ready…Get Set…

The incompetence of this administration is boundless. First, the China virus, then the economy, then Afghanistan and now Ukraine.

It looks like there is going to be a war in Ukraine. Let’s take a look at what’s happening, if this is a good idea for Russian and what should we do about it.


It’s Going to Happen

Russia is going in to Ukraine and it could be at any moment.

  • Russia has increased soldiers on the Ukrainian border. Between 170,000 and 200,000 soldiers are in attack position.
  • Russia has not removed any soldiers from Belarus.
  • There have been attacks by Russian-sympathetic soldiers at Ukraine from Crimea.
  • The Russians have built MASH units and blood. This is not a sign that all this is a training exercise.
  • The United States has issues warning to all businesses of all sizes to be prepared for cyber attacks.
  • On Monday:
    • Biden agreed to meet with Putin in a summit. Putin said that wasn’t going to happen now.
    • Putin announced that the separate states are Ukraine are not independent states.
    • Putin stated that Ukraine should have never separated from the Soviet Union.
    • Putin puts Russian “peacekeepers” in eastern Ukraine in the separate states.
    •  In response, the United States implemented some sanctions.

David Martin of CBS News reported on Face the Nation:

Yep, looks like it’s going to happen and, if it does, it will be within a couple of days:

  • 60% of Russian troops are on the Ukrainian border.
  • Blood does not last forever. Why bring it if they’re not going to attack?
  • The Olympics are over.
  • Finally, this is what Russia does.

I want to point out that Trump is the only President in this century where Russia did not invade someone.

  • Russia invaded Georgia under Bush.
  • Russia invaded Crimea under Obama.
  • Russia is going to invade Ukraine under Biden.



What Are We Doing?

Basically nothing. We should have done something by now to discourage Putin from attacking.

  • We could have put sanctions on Russia.
  • We could have armed and trained the Ukrainians better.
  • We could have been an oil producer and been the main exporter of oil to Europe.
  • We did none of it.

But we did the opposite. We emboldened Russia.

  • We gave them the Nord Stream Pipeline for nothing. It brings in a billion dollars a day into Russia.
  • Afghanistan was a disaster.
  • We pulled out diplomats and military from Ukraine.
  • We told our people to get out and we would do nothing for Americans who were stuck there after an invasion.
  • This hands-off attitude is why Putin feels like, “why not invade Ukraine?”

Fox News’ Jacqui Heinrich questioned White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on potential sanctions against Russia, and why the United States would wait until after an invasion to implement them instead of right now.

Some things:

  • A deterrent? What is deterring Russia?
  • I don’t think this is a crazy question.
  • I don’t think this is an accusation.
  • Seeing Psaki get so defensive shows that she really doesn’t have an answer why something hasn’t been done right now.
  • A ton of politicians and military veterans have said that there needs to be some deterrence. They have been saying this since the build up started.

The Biden administration did send Secretary of State, Antoney Blinkin to the United Nations to speak. He said:

I don’t know why he’s there:

  • The United Nations is pro-Russia and anti-Democracy. We should have torn that building down and built a Starbucks on that valuable New York City land a long time ago.
  • Russia has veto power so nothing is going to come about with this and it hasn’t when the U.S. bitched before.
  • And even if something does happen, what is the U.N. going to do. Send a strongly worded letter?
  • Worthless.

Kamala Harris also went to Munich to mean with NATO allies and President Zelinsky of Ukraine.

She said:

Some things:

  • Worthless.
  • Ben Franklin said, “Action speak louder than words.” Her words mean nothing.
  • At least she got to go to Europe.

Then she threw together a word salad on Monday that made no real sense.

Here another one:

Q    But if Putin has made up his mind, do you feel that this threat that has been looming is really going to deter him?

THE VICE PRESIDENT:  Absolut- — we strongly believe — and remember also that the sanctions are a product not only of our perspective as the United States but a shared perspective among our Allies.  And the Allied relationship is such that we have agreed that the deterrence effect of these sanctions is still a meaningful one, especially because — remember, also — we still sincerely hope that there is a diplomatic path out of this moment. 

And within the context then of the fact that that window is still opening, altho- — open, although it is absolutely narrowing — but within the context of a diplomatic path still being open, the deterrence effect, we believe, has merit.

Completely incompetent and embarrassing.



What Do They Say?

There are a lot of folks that are saying that it’s too late. The United States and NATO have already sealed Ukraine’s fate.

Speaking at the Munich Security Conference on Saturday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said:

You’re telling me that it’s 100% that the war will start in a couple of days. Then what [are you] waiting for? … We don’t need your sanctions after the bombardment will happen, and after our country will be fired at or after we will have no borders or after we will have no economy or parts of our country will be occupied. Why would we need those sanctions then?

Some things:

  • Zelensky still is not convinced there is going to be an invasion. Kind of makes you wonder who’s right. More on that later.
  • And, yes, what is the point of sanctions after an invasion.
  • Ukraine feels alone right now.

Boris Johnson has said that if Russia invades, this will be the worst war since World War II:

“I’m afraid that that is what the evidence points to, there’s no burnishing it. The fact is that all the signs are that the plan has already in some senses begun.

“I’m afraid to say that the plan we are seeing is for something that could be really the biggest war in Europe since 1945 just in terms of sheer scale.”

Some things:

  • This could be the largest incursion since World War II. But we probably shouldn’t panic about that.
  • I can understand why Europe is worries about a Russian invasion. They’ve been through this before.
  • But I wonder, if things are really that bad, why isn’t Europe doing anything about it?
    • Germany doesn’t look like they are going to cooperate despite their words.
    • NATO wants nothing to do with this.
    • Other European countries, such as France, have been silent.
    • Poland doesn’t even want to take in Ukrainian refugees.
    • Let’s not forget that Ukraine still remains one of the most corrupt countries in the world.

Ted Cruz had a great synopsis of the possible conflict. Why the Biden administration doesn’t get it, I don’t know:

“Putin has long wanted to invade Ukraine. Putin has been very candid, he has described the dissolution of the Soviet Union as in his view, the most disastrous geopolitical event of the 20th century. And his ambitions have long been to reassemble the Soviet Union. He yearns for what he sees as the days of Soviet greatness. If you’re going to reassemble the Soviet Union, the first and most important part is Ukraine, the breadbasket of the former Soviet Union, Putin has invaded Ukraine before.

“He did so in 2014, he invaded Crimea. But he stopped short, he didn’t invade the entirety of the country, and the reason he didn’t is because he needs Ukrainian energy infrastructure. Russia’s major export is natural gas and oil, and that natural gas goes right through the middle of Ukraine on pipelines. If he invaded Ukraine, he risks damaging or destroying that energy infrastructure, which would mean that he could not get his natural gas to market in Europe. Accordingly, the next year in 2015, Putin began building a pipeline called Nord Stream 2, an undersea pipeline that goes directly from Russia to Germany, designed to circumvent Ukraine so he could march into Ukraine and not risk getting his gas to market.”

Some things:

  • This is nothing new. We knew about Putin for 20 years when he took the Presidency back from Medvenev.
  • Russia couldn’t perform a full attack of Ukraine because the economy could not handle the financial aspect of the conflict.
  • They also got their asses kicked by Afghanistan in a ten year war.
  • But things have changed;
    • The Nord Stream 2 pipeline has shored up there finances a bit.
    • Through cyber attacks, Russia can incapcitate other countries.
    • God knows what they’re making from crypto currency.



Will They Attack

There are several trains of thoughts about whether Russia will attack.

  • Yes, they will:
    • Tactically, they can take Ukraine relatively easily.
      • They outman Ukraine 5:1.
      • Their military technology is far superior.
      • The Nord Stream 2 pipeline was built to not interfere with fuel export. Unlike the previous pipeline, it does not go through Ukraine.
    • Ukraine creates a buffer zone between Russia and Europe. This is a Soviet style strategy.
    • Ukraine was the bread basket for the Soviet Union. Russia may want that back.
  • No, they won’t:
    • Strategically, holding Ukraine could be long, difficult, expensive and bloody.
    • Though an initial invasion could go easily, holding Ukraine could prove difficult.
      • All Ukrainian citizens are training in gorilla warfare.
      • There is an absolute hate for the Russians by the Ukrainians. This has all the reminders of Afghanistan. Ukrainian motivation.
      • No matter what, this is going to bloody.
    • Sanctions could hurt Russia in the long run.
    • Though unlikely, it’s possible Germany will go along with cancelling the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. I think it’s doubtful but it is possible.
    • Russia doesn’t have the economy for a long, drawn out conflict.
  • There is also the chance that they are just trying to intimidate Ukraine with their presence or a smaller incursion to get Ukraine to change their government in something more Russia friendly.

As far as World War III breaking out, I doubt it. Granted, world wars have started from less and it could lead to a greater conflict in the future.

  • Ukraine is insignificant on the world stage. It is corrupt and really provides nothing to the world.
  • Russia has always wanted it, might get it, but will suffer.
  • I believe Russia is overextending itself and weakening itself with an invasion.

I would rather look at why this is a number one news story in the world. Why Xi of China has given his blessing and why the United States is so worried about it.

Could it be:

  • Russia is an ideological for to China and they want Russia weakend?
  • Could it be that the Biden Administration is trying to deflect from all the problems at home?

Gee, I wonder. At least Biden found it important enough to cancel his vacation (again) to Delaware. He cancelled it at the last minute due to sme questions from the press. If Joe Biden doesn’t think it’s important enough to cancel vacation plans, why should we consider it important?








Episode 492 – No, Don’t Do That

A red tsunami is brewing this November after San Francisco ousts some Leftists this week.

Another news story will disappear when the media finds out it goes against their narrative.

And Eric Adams, the mayor of New York City, just proves he’s the typical Democrat.


A View of Things to Come

Democrats are not getting it and there are more signs that the November elections are going to be a red title wave. It also shows that we are winning the culture war to the point that even radical Democrats like Ilhan Omar are saying to pull in the reigns a little bit.

In San Francisco, the bastion of Conservativism (I’m being sarcastic), there was a recall election to get rid of some school board members. Parents were pissed off at the board up there because:

  • Children haven’t been to school for a year and a half.
  • The school districts budget still ballooned to $124 million.
  • While out of school, the board worried about pushing Left wing ideology including Critical Race Theory, Critical Gender Theory, painting over an 80 year old mural about the life of George Washington and the renaming of 44 schools including ones named after George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

Democrats, of course, said this was a right wing attempt to get rid of Democrats…in San Francisco.

Well, the voters didn’t think so. A 100,000 voters voted and ousted:

  • President Gabriela López
  • Vice President Faauuga Moliga
  • Commissioner Alison Collins

They all were pulled with a vote of about 70%.

Mayor London Breed, who is in trouble herself, gets to pick three new board members. By the way, her radical district attorney, Chesa Boudin is facing a recall election too and he looks like he’s going to get ousted.

We can take three things from this.

  • Democrats are going to get shellacked in November.
  • Parents are getting tired of the social justice crap. It’s getting in the way of their children’s education. We are seeing this throughout the country.
  • Democratic policies suck. They don’t seem to be focused on what’s important. We can see this with the federal government. We are suffering high inflation, a stagnant economy, foreign policy problems, an open southern border and Joe Biden is tweeting about climate change. People don’t care about that.
  • Republicans are beginning to win the culture war. That’s good because we have been sitting on the sideline for decades.



The Story Is Already Gone

Do you know who Quintez Brown is? If you watch mainstream media news, I guarantee you don’t. He was arrested for attempting to assassinate a Kentucky mayoral candidate, Craig Greenberg. At first, the story was big because Greenberg is Jewish and the typical narrative was being pushed.

The Las Vegas Sun, before anything was known about Brown, stated:

While it’s been reported that the activist was involved in the Black Lives Matter and gun-safety movements and there has been no indication yet that he had ties to any right-wing organizations, the shooting comes amid a rise in threats against politicians fueled by increasingly violent rhetoric coming from extremist Republicans.

The New York Times documented this trend in a story last week based on a review of more than 75 indictments related to threats against lawmakers since 2016.

“In recent years, and particularly since the beginning of (Donald) Trump’s presidency, a growing number of Americans have taken ideological grievance and political outrage to a new level, lodging concrete threats of violence against members of Congress,” the newspaper wrote, adding that the threats “surged during Trump’s time in office and in its aftermath, as the former president’s own violent language fueled a mainstreaming of menacing political speech, and lawmakers used charged words and imagery to describe the stakes of the political moment.”

That’s right! It’s those evil Republicans and radical right-wing white supremacists and, of course, Donald Trump.

There’s just one problem. We learned something about the young Quintez Brown and the media has gone silent:

  • A self-proclaimed racial justice activist working for “the total liberation and unification of Africa under scientific socialism”.
  • An anti-gun activist.
  • Was very well known in political circles.
    • Was invited to the White House by Barrack Obama.
    • Was interviewed by MSNBCs Joy Reid during the March for Our Lives anti-gun protest in Florida.
  • Was an editor for the University of Louisville newspaper called The Cardinal.
  • One of his articles called, The Revolutionary Love Letter was about how the system is dehumanizing people.
  • He was a BLM activist.
  • According to the Daily Beast, last week Brown met with a representative from “Lion of Judah,” a black nationalist militia group and appeared to encourage his followers on Instagram to join the group which believes that black people are the “chosen people” of God, not the Jews. The group has ties with the anti-semitic Black Hebrew Israelites.

Does this sound like a right wing, Trump supporter? Of course not. That’s why this story is not considered a story anymore. Just like the Christmas Parade Massacre in Waukesha, Wisconsin by another black supremacist and BLM supporter is no longer a story.

By the way, Brown $100,000 bail was posted by Black Lives Matter. I hope Greenberg carries a gun.

Here’s the thing that drives me crazy about the media. They keep screaming that white supremacy is the biggest problem in this country. That’s just not true. There are three reasons for this:

  • White people just don’t think like that.
  • There aren’t that many white supremacists in the country. Have you ever met one? I haven’t.
  • White supremacy has not systemic support.

Black Lives Matter, on the other hand, has loads of followers and huge systemic support and they are a socialist, black supremacist group.

  • They received $90 million in donations, most from corporate interests.
  • Social media never bans them, no matter their rhetoric.
  • They’re celebrated by the media.
  • The violence they encourage is dismissed or excused by the media. Some celebrate it.

The kicker is, people, including BLM supporters, are beginning to see this and have second thoughts.



He Lied To You

Mayor of New York City, Eric Adams, is showing that he is no different than any other Democrat mayor even though he promised to bring the city together and solve the crime problem is he was elected.

A little background on this. Adams went to Albany to try to get the state to get rid of bail reform. Basically he wanted to capture bad guys and keep them in jail. Of course, New York is a Leftist state that loves letting criminals out of jail so his trip didn’t work out very well.

Of course, the New York media tore into him for failing to get any policies changed. In frustration, Adams decided to go off on the media in the typical Democrat way:

No, no, no. A very bad look.

Listen, I like what he tried to do. I know he’s frustrated because his Leftist state won’t cooperate with him. And I know the media can be brutal. But this is not the way to do it. He cannot make himself a victim because someone in the media put up a headline he doesn’t like. And blaming racism is not going to bring anyone together and it’s not going to give him any sympathy. The media is treating him like a politician, not a black man.

I was glad this guy became mayor. He’s a moderate Democrat and a former cop. And he’s not Bill DeBlasio. He has good ideas. The right seem to like him. But I am only cautiously optimistic. He’s still a Democrat. And this little temper tantrum just shows that. I hope he does well, for New York City’s sake. It’s a great city. But if he’s going to blame race every time he doesn’t get his way, he’s not going to do crap for that city.



Does This Sound Familiar?

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) released an article called Why the word ‘freedom’ is such a useful rallying cry for protesters by Jason Vermes.

As demonstrations against COVID-19 restrictions continue across Canada, the word freedom is on the lips and placards of many protesters.

Often associated with protests and rallies in the United States, the term has taken hold among protesters who are part of the Freedom Convoy, which rolled into Ottawa in late January and has become entrenched in the city’s downtown.

For many, freedom is a malleable term — one that’s open to interpretation.

Further down in the article:

That flexibility, in part, has fuelled its growth among certain groups, said Barbara Perry, director of the Centre on Hate, Bias and Extremism at the Oshawa-based Ontario Tech University.

“It is a term that has resonated…. You can define it and understand it and sort of manipulate it in a way that makes sense to you and is useful to you, depending on your perspective,” she told Cross Country Checkup.

It’s also a term that has thrived among far-right groups, said Perry, one of a number of experts who say the presence of far-right groups in Canada is growing.


As seen among some protesters currently opposing vaccine mandates and other public health measures, freedom signals a desire for freedom from government intervention or overreach, Perry noted.

“I think it resonates very much with what we’ve been seeing — and maybe takes some inspiration from what we’ve been seeing — in the U.S. over the last year and a half or so, leading up to the last election and events of Jan. 6,” she said, referring to the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

Further down in the article:

To see the word freedom bandied about as part of these protests points to a broader circulation of what Elisabeth Anker calls “violent” forms of freedom. 

“Freedom is a slippery concept,” said Anker, an associate professor of political science at George Washington University and author of Ugly Freedoms, which examines the history of how freedom, as a concept, has been used in American society.

“On the far right, [individual freedom] is often translated into somebody who refuses to be bound by norms of equality, treating all people equally or norms to remedy inequality, whether that’s trying to remedy racial discrimination or gender discrimination.”

In the final section:

Anker says the concept of freedom as displayed in the anti-mandate protests is something more often attributed to the United States. “Freedom is often used almost as a national entitlement, as a claim for what people have,” she said. 

While some in the U.S. may see mask mandates as a violation of individual rights, for example, citizens in many other countries wouldn’t consider such rules to be an intrusion.

In those places — and in Canada — it’s likely there’s a general consensus that wearing masks is for the benefit of society’s most vulnerable. 

But even in Canada, some protesters have balked at the idea, claiming the need for freedom.

“It’s been taking a lot of people by surprise to see people in Canada, who often seem so much more accepting of social interdependence, to start pushing back against it with the language of individual freedom,” said Anker.






How About This One

Here is an opinion piece called When “Freedom” Means the Right to Destroy by Paul Krugman. I can’t believe this guy won a Nobel prize.

On Sunday the Canadian police finally cleared away anti-vaccine demonstrators who had been blocking the Ambassador Bridge between Detroit and Windsor, a key commercial route that normally carries more than $300 million a day in international trade. Other bridges are still closed, and part of Ottawa, the Canadian capital, is still occupied.

The diffidence of Canadian authorities in the face of these disruptions has been startling to American eyes. Also startling, although not actually surprising, has been the embrace of economic vandalism and intimidation by much of the U.S. right — especially by people who ranted against demonstrations in favor of racial justice. What we’re getting here is an object lesson in what some people really mean when they talk about “law and order.”

Some things:

  • 90% of the truckers are vaccinated. They are hardly against vaccines.
  • I also want to point out that he never says anything about why they are protesting.
  • So, civil disobedience is economic vandalism? That’s because there wasn’t any…you know…actual vandalism.
  • What about the burning down of a federal courthouse during the BLM protests. Wasn’t this actually vandalism?
  • He’s pushing Trudeau’s narrative that this is because the United States Nazis are encouraging this mess the Canadian government created.
  • Again, he doesn’t say what the protests are about.


Let’s talk about what has been happening in Canada and why I call it vandalism.

The “Freedom Convoy” has been marketed as a backlash by truckers angry about Covid-19 vaccination mandates. In reality, there don’t seem to have been many truckers among the protesters at the bridge (about 90 percent of Canadian truckers are vaccinated). Last week a Bloomberg reporter saw only three semis among the vehicles blocking the Ambassador Bridge, which were mainly pickup trucks and private cars; photos taken Saturday also show very few commercial trucks.

The Teamsters union, which represents many truckers on both sides of the border, has denounced the blockade.

Some things:

  • The vaccine mandates are half the story.
    • The truckers were considered essentials workers for two years. They did not qualify for any government assistance and had to keep working.
    • At the stroke of a pen in November, Trudeau said they weren’t essential anymore and the truckers had to be vaccinated. And carry vaccine cards.
    • That’s when the protest started.
    • By the way, they did that in this country with our healthcare workers and we were to much of cowards to fight that.
    • Krugman decided to skip that fact.
  • The Teamsters are not pro-trucker. It’s a Leftist political group and has been for decades. They do not represent the truckers.

Here’s more:

So this isn’t a grass-roots trucker uprising. It’s more like a slow-motion Jan. 6, a disruption caused by a relatively small number of activists, many of them right-wing extremists. At their peak, the demonstrations in Ottawa reportedly involved only around 8,000 people, while numbers at other locations have been much smaller.

  • Right-wing extremists? Prove it. He doesn’t.
  • And he returns to the same tired January 6th thing. If someone does something the Left doesn’t like it’s January 6th.
  • You know what wasn’t January 6th? The BLM riots.
  • The numbers aren’t right. We have pictures. There are tens of thousands of people supporting this.

Despite their lack of numbers, however, the protesters have been inflicting a remarkable amount of economic damage. The U.S. and Canadian economies are very closely integrated. In particular, North American manufacturing, especially but not only in the auto industry, relies on a constant flow of parts between factories on both sides of the border. As a result, the disruption of that flow has hobbled industry, forcing production cuts and even factory shutdowns.

Probably the first true thing he’s said.

The closure of the Ambassador Bridge also imposed large indirect costs, as trucks were diverted to roundabout routes and forced to wait in long lines at alternative bridges.

Any attempt to put a number on the economic costs of the blockade is tricky and speculative. However, it’s not hard to come up with numbers like $300 million or more per day; combine that with the disruption of Ottawa, and the “trucker” protests may already have inflicted a couple of billion dollars in economic damage.

That’s an interesting number, because it’s roughly comparable to insurance industry estimates of total losses associated with the Black Lives Matter protests that followed the killing of George Floyd — protests that seem to have involved more than 15 million people.

Some things:

  • That $300 million a day is a guess and assumes no other product producing disruption.
  • The BLM protest did more than $5 billion in damage, shut businesses down permanently, and killed hundreds of people. Not comparable.

Here’s more:

This comparison will no doubt surprise those who get their news from right-wing media, which portrayed B.L.M. as an orgy of arson and looting. I still receive mail from people who believe that much of New York City was reduced to smoking rubble. In fact, the demonstrations were remarkably nonviolent; vandalism happened in a few cases, but it was relatively rare, and the damage was small considering the huge size of the protests.

This guy’s incredible. The BLM riot was an “orgy of arson and looting”. Because the mainstream media didn’t cover it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

By contrast, causing economic damage was and is what the Canadian protests are all about — because blocking essential flows of goods, threatening people’s livelihoods, is every bit as destructive as smashing a store window. And unlike, say, a strike aimed at a particular company, this damage fell indiscriminately on anyone who had the misfortune to rely on unobstructed trade.

And to what end? The B.L.M. demonstrations were a reaction to police killings of innocent people; what’s going on in Canada is, on its face, about rejecting public health measures intended to save lives. Of course, even that is mainly an excuse: What it’s really about is an attempt to exploit pandemic weariness to boost the usual culture-war agenda.

Some things:

  • You know what was blocking essential goods, threatening people’s livelihoods and was destructive more than the trucker protest? The BLM riots.
  • And they were riots, not demonstrations. The Freedom Convoy is a demonstration.
  • The BLM riots were not about the killing of innocent black people by police. George Floyd, by the way, was not innocent.
  • The BLM riots wanted to change the system into a communist dystopia.
  • S far as the culture war, it’s about time we get into the fray. We have let the Left own the culture war for decades.


As you might expect, the U.S. right is loving it. People who portrayed peaceful protests against police killings as an existential threat are delighted by the spectacle of right-wing activists breaking the law and destroying wealth. Fox News has devoted many hours to fawning coverage of the blockades and occupations. Senator Rand Paul, who called B.L.M. activists a “crazed mob,” called for Canada-style protests to “clog up cities” in the United States, specifically saying that he hoped to see truckers disrupt the Super Bowl (they didn’t).

I assume that the reopening of the Ambassador Bridge is the beginning of a broader crackdown on destructive protests. But I hope we won’t forget this moment — and in particular that we remember it the next time a politician or media figure talks about “law and order.”

Recent events have confirmed what many suspected: The right is perfectly fine, indeed enthusiastic, about illegal actions and disorder as long as they serve right-wing ends.







Episode 493 – Friday Dumb



Dumb Quote of the Week!

Here’s Joe Biden talking about what he did with a dead dog when he was on the city council in the beginning of his career.

Yeah, I don’t know why he said any of this or what was the genesis of this story. He does seem to think it’s funny so we’ll just give it to him.



This Probably Was A Close Second

Hudson Mayor Craig Shubert resigned Monday, less than a week after drawing international attention and ridicule to the upscale Summit County community. That sounds terrible. What did this poor bastard say?

Yeah. He didn’t think they should have ice fishing shanties on the lake because there could be an increase in prostitution. I’ve been ice fishing before and all got to do was drink. Maybe if I knew it could be more exciting I would have done it again.

Shubert, realizing the idiocy of his statement during the meeting, released another statement:

“My comment about ice fishing, the permitting of shanties on lakes, and prostitution stems from my experience as a former television news reporter covering law enforcement agencies, which have made arrests for acts of prostitution in ice fishing shanties. When discussing proposed legislation, it is wise to discuss the potential for unintended consequences. My statement was to enlighten council that the future permitting of ice shanties may lead to other issues.”

What he should said is if the council did not listen, it would lead to herpes. You know what would have been better? If he just said it was a stupid thing to say. Or, at least give us a little more racy information on what he does in ice shanties.

In his resignation letter he was kind of all over the place:

“My comments at Tuesday’s workshop were made out of concern for our community; what could become of unintended consequences of new legislation, based on my prior television news reporting experience. My attempt to inject a bit of dry humor to make a point about this, in the midst of a cold, snowy February, was grossly misunderstood.

“Some in our community saw this as an opportunity to engage in the politics of personal destruction by means of character assassination, blaming me for the negative international press they helped to promote.

“Since the passing of my wife, First Lady Sherri Moyer, I have given considerable thought to the next stage of my life. Retirement is on the near horizon. With the recent changes on city council, where six of seven seats have turned over, City Hall is entering a new era. My role as a change agent is complete.”

Yeah, he’s kind of all over the place. It was a joke but he did see it when a reporter. He’s quitting because his dies and because his job is done. Listen, I’m sorry the guy’s wife died but, hearing what he’s been talking about, I bet he wasn’t much of a mayor.


OK, That’s a Weird Story

According to Fox News:

Migrants on Mexico’s southern border sewed their mouths shut on Tuesday in a gruesome bid to convince the Mexican government to let them in, so they can then travel north and try to get into the United States.

Reuters reports that about a dozen migrants, mainly from Central and South America, sewed their lips with needle and plastic thread, leaving a small space to drink liquids. They also used alcohol to wipe away the blood from the stitches.

The protest took place in Tapachula, a border city with Guatemala, where thousands of migrants are waiting for permission to enter the country and cross over to the United States, the outlet reported.

“We hope that the National Migration Institute can see that they are bleeding, that they are human beings,” Irineo Mujica, an activist at the demonstration, told Reuters. 

I do want to point out these people are also on a hunger strike.

Now, there are two ways I look at this. The funny way and the right way. Let’s do the funny way first.

I think Joe Biden should send a plane to southern Mexico and pick those twelve or so people up and bring them to the United States and make them citizens immediately. Why? Because if these sick bastards are willing to sew closed their orifices to get to the United States. I bet if they had to make a deal not to go on public assistance or take public healthcare to become citizens, they would. I can’t get Josie to take a test where they will ask her 5 questions to get her citizenship much less sew her mouth shut.

Wait…sorry. Was daydreaming.

In all seriousness, do we really want these people in our country? These people are sick. This is not a normal thing to do. They think they are justified is crossing two countries illegally. This “act of protest” is sick. What will they do when they get to this country…illegally? This is why we should be able to do background checks on these people before they come into our country.

And what kind of crap is Joe Biden letting in this country? I guarantee you he is never going to have to deal with any of these people at one of his five mansions. No, we will have to deal with them.

By the way, I think they will need the free healthcare in this country to deal with the infections they are going to have when they get to this country.



These Guys Need Jobs

What is a Super Bowl without someone bitching about the commercials. Now, unfortunately for terminable miserable, all of the commercials were woke. Heck, there was one commercial for an Apple phone that stated that cameras are racist because the pictures of black people comes out too dark. Of course, I’m so white as to glow. I always come out too white-washed.

But that’s how the commercials really went. I noticed the era of the funny Super Bowl commercials are over. Even Budweiser is not putting up commercials anymore except a couple of throwback commercials in black and white about the horse.

There was one commercial that set some folks off. It was one with no words but CGI animals getting the hold of Doritos Flamin’ Hot potato chips.

Here it is and it is a video commercial, no words so I’ll describe it on the podcast.

Most people liked the ad. But some were critical of the ad, arguing that despite the warning, it could inspire people to unintentionally give animals something that could cause them harm.

New York Times reporter Stuart Elliott tweeted:

“Don’t feed Doritos to animals, says spot that shows animals eating Doritos. Ugh.”

Arizona-based sports reporter Kellan Olson tweeted:

“Please do not feed animals Doritos or put VR headsets on them.”

Phillip Michaels tweeted:

“Doritos: Our snack food gives animals psychotic fits. But… uh.. it’s probably OK for humans to eat.”

Alana Campos added:

“What a terrible @Doritos commercial. Like giving highly processed foods to animals was cool. ? DON’T FEED THE ANIMALS.”

And the creme de la creme of the tweets goes to YouTube star, Brett Kollmann. He begged:

“@POTUS please sanction the hell out of flamin hot Doritos for what they all just put us through.”

Three things here:

  • How stupid are these people?
  • How stupid do these people think we are?
  • And can anything funny be allowed?



How About Just Dad?

Van Jones of CNN is a father again. Or, whatever he’s calling it. That’s why it’s in the dumbest things of the week.

He decided to talk about it with People magazine:

“After the COVID lockdown, I got clear that I wanted another kid. I discovered that my friend Noemi also wanted a baby. So we decided to join forces and become conscious co-parents. It’s a concept that I hope more people will explore and consider.”

“This month we welcomed to Earth a baby girl, whom we will raise as co-parenting partners. This is a special time for our families. I feel grateful, joyful and blessed. As we create a safe and loving environment for this blessed young soul, I respectfully ask for privacy. Thank you for all the love and support.”

This is an example of one of the tenants of communism, the destruction of the nuclear family and this is how Van Jones is adding to this. Mind you, Van Jones is trying to teach you how good not being a father is to his child. He also doesn’t have to put that stigma of being a male parent by using the terms “father” or “mother”. It also gives him a way to not take full responsibility for his child since parenting is a 50-50 prospect.

This is how the Left and communism destroys all that is good. I prescribe parenting and family is the most fulfilling experience in one’s life. I even tried to stay married to keep my family together even though I was married to an evil harlot. Being a parent, no being a father, takes 100%. And giving my 100% is only half of what a child needs. The mother needs to give 100% just to fulfill what is missing from my efforts. And those little accomplishments, like graduating from high school, fulfills the parents. Why do you think parents feel empty when their children leave the home to live their lives.

Great movie starring Steve Martin that shows this is Father of the Bride. To this day, I still cry when I see this movie.

So, good luck to Van Jones and the half of the child he’s responsible for.



Finally, Something Fun At Disney World

Finally, something that might make me want to go to Disneyland.

According to the New York Post:

A “Jerry Springer”-style brawl broke out at Disney World between a pair of drunken, naked sisters, culminating in the duo tussling in the bushes after one slipped on the other’s vomit, according to court papers.

The ill-fated evening started out with the sisters, who were tourists from New Jersey, grabbing dinner at Disney Springs at a steakhouse and then hitting an Irish pub for drinks, according to details recently revealed in Florida circuit court papers.

Here’s what happened:

  • They went to dinner and got drunk.
  • They tried to get an Uber but their cell phones dies.
  • A security guard called an Uber.
  • They were so drunk, the Uber driver refused to take them.
  • The guard called a taxi.
  • While waiting for the taxi, the pair began arguing.
  • The older sister called the younger sister a “bad mom” and slapped her, according to court papers. In return, the younger sister allegedly threatened to punch her.
  • Police from the Orlando County Sheriff’s Office arrived around 12:40 a.m. to find the younger sister screaming and crying near Cirque du Soleil, steps from the Watermelon and Mango parking lots. She was stripped down to only her underwear and sandals, court papers said.
  • The two were reunited by security and started fighting again. When they were broken up again, one slipped on vomit and landed in the bushes.
  • They were both arrested.

Disney said they didn’t have a video of the incident. I call BS on that one. Disney is like a Chinese concentration camp and has cameras everywhere. My bet is this video is going to be better than any of their last ten movies and they are trying to figure out a way to edit it.




This story is just too weird and sick to come narrate myself. This is from the U.S. Sun:

Cynthia Perkins, 36, faces 41 years in prison after taking a plea deal on Monday in exchange for testifying against her now ex-husband, Dennis.

He was working as a Livingston Parish sheriff’s deputy at the time of his arrest.

The Louisiana woman initially protested her innocence to 72 charges for various sex crimes.

Yet this week pleaded guilty to producing child pornography, second-degree rape, and mingling harmful substances.

The charge about harmful substances allegedly refers to an incident in which she used Dennis’ sperm to “season” pastries for Westside Junior High Schools kids.

“These three we thought was representative of what she had done and by agreeing to the facts as we put them out on the record she prepared herself to testify against Dennis Perkins,” Assistant Louisiana Attorney General Barry Milligan said on Monday.

Cynthia and Dennis were arrested in October 2019 and faced 150 felony charges including rape, child pornography, sexual battery of a child, and video voyeurism.

Just to give you an idea of how hick this paper is, they spelled Louisiana wrong.

But back to the issue at hand, who thinks it’s a turn on to jizz in in cupcake batter and feed it to kids you don’t know? What’s wrong with these people?

What’s more weird is this could be seen as no big deal in the future. And what the f- is wrong with teachers today?

This gal is looking at 41 years in prison and that’s with the deal! I wish they could throw her in a men’s prison.

Former Louisiana Teacher Pleads Guilty to Lacing Students’ Cupcakes with Ex-Husband’s Sperm, ‘Horrific’ Sex Crimes



She Could Have Used PTO

According to the New York Post:

A former Georgia official faked being pregnant so she could take paid maternity leave — but her scheme came apart when a co-worker noticed her baby bump was bogus, officials said.

Robin Folsom, 43, also allegedly made up a fake baby daddy to send an email to her bosses that said she was under doctor’s orders for several weeks of bed rest after giving birth in May 2021, the Georgia Office of the Inspector General announced this week.

The birth-that-wasn’t came two months after a co-worker at the state’s Vocational Rehabilitation Agency allegedly saw part of Folsom’s fake pregnancy stomach “come away” from her body, according to a news release from the IG’s office.

Folsom, director of external affairs for the agency, sent her co-workers photos of her supposed newborn, but they “depicted children with varying skin tones,” the release stated.

Let’s get this straight:

  • This gal made up that she was pregnant because he wanted to take parental leave.
  • She faked a baby bump.
  • She faked a father (who turned out to be a fictional African).
  • She faked a second pregnancy.
  • She faked a birth.
  • People got suspicious when her baby bump would disappear or move and the pictures of her kids weren’t the right skin tone.

Needless to say, she lost her job and she’s looking at a bunch of years in prison for lying and fraud. The question is begged, what made her think she was going to get away with this? And what exactly took the government so long to figure this out? She faked two pregnancies.




Episode 491 – Caught Red-Handed!

Do you remember this interview by Leslie Stall from 60 Minutes of President Trump?

Guess what? Maybe she should have gone down and gotten the papers that Trump was talking about. It turns out he was completely right. I wonder if she will have Trump on again to talk about it. Somehow, I doubt it.



I wanted to talk about this earlier in the week but there was so much stuff that are important that I had to put this story on the back burner. It still is a very important story because it shows the level of corruption in this country that could topple our democracy.


He Was Right

We have known this for a couple but finally the Durham investigation has turned up that the Trump campaign was spied. But we got a little more information that turned out to be a real surprise. Trump was spied on while in the White House.

Fox News reported:

The indictment against Sussman says he told then-FBI General Counsel James Baker in September 2016, less than two months before the 2016 presidential election, that he was not doing work “for any client” when he requested and held a meeting in which he presented “purported data and ‘white papers’ that allegedly demonstrated a covert communications channel” between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank, which has ties to the Kremlin.

But Durham’s filing on Feb. 11, in a section titled “Factual Background,” reveals that Sussman “had assembled and conveyed the allegations to the FBI on behalf of at least two specific clients, including a technology executive (Tech Executive 1) at a U.S.-based internet company (Internet Company 1) and the Clinton campaign.”

They added:

Durham also writes that during Sussman’s trial, the government will establish that among the Internet data Tech Executive-1 and his associates exploited was domain name system (DNS) internet traffic pertaining to “(i) a particular healthcare provider, (ii) Trump Tower, (iii) Donald Trump’s Central Park West apartment building, and (iv) the Executive Office of the President of the United States (EOP).”

This is massive. There is so much illegal here and, if the media decides to cover this which they haven’t, people will go to jail and the entire Justice Department and Intelligence agencies may not be able to get the public trust back.


Worse Than Watergate?

The big question is if this is worse than the Watergate scandal. Without a doubt.

With Watergate, President Nixon conspired with some of his staff to spy on a political opponent. But this scandal didn’t involve all of the institutions within the government as this one did. This scandal involved the FBI, CIA, the Clinton campaign and probably the President (Obama) and Vice President (Biden). It also got involved a former British intelligence officer (Christopher Steele) and Russian Intelligence in the form of the debunked Steele Dossier.

All this led to four years of Russia, Russia, Russia and interfered with President Trump’s presidency.

Here’s what we know:

  • Before the 2016 election, John McCain, the deceased senator from Arizona, hired Fusion GPS to find out information about Donald Trump.
  • For some reason, McCain dropped the job and Hilary Clinton’s Campaign decided to pay Fusion GPS to keep digging dirt on Trump.
  • Fusion GPS hired former British Intelligence officer Christopher Steele to dig the dirt.
  • Steele went to Russia and got a completely unverified 35-page document that included horrific accusations including the existence of the infamous pee tape.
  • The document was released to Buzzfeed and it was published. Many say without the permission of Steele but that doubtful because Steele used the leak as a verification for the document. This is a common intelligence trick.
  • The Steele Dossier was given to the FBI by the Clinton campaign.
  • The FBI used the dossier to start an investigation on the Trump campaign.
  • FISA warrants were issued against Carter Page and other Trump allies.
  • The FBI gave the dossier to John Brennan, the Director of the CIA. Brennan started his own investigation into Trump. Mind you, Brennan should be in jail for lying to Congress about this. Instead, he’s a CNN stooge.
  • The CIA or the FBI (not sure which) put an agent within the Trump campaign to get information about him and his ties to Russia. Trump was already the President-Elect at this point.
  • Clinton campaign lawyer, Michael Sussman, met with an unnamed tech executive about getting access to technology within the Trump camp. Sussman is currently facing a trial for lying to FBI about his work with Clinton.
  • That tech company gained access to servers Trump’s doctor, his home, his office and the White House. They were spying on him while he was the President.

Hilary Clinton was behind it all. She knew everything. She should definitely face criminal charges.

But also other big names and organizations had to have known about this in order to gain that much access. The FBI, CIA, Department of Justice and, probably, Barrack Obama himself knew about this.

Folks, this espionage and treason. It is also sedition, a coup. This is the attempted overthrow of a sitting President. People have been put to death for this.

There is going to be more to this. I would now be shocked if bigger names are not brought to light. I thought that would never happen but I don’t know how it doesn’t happen with this.



Needless to say, Donald Trump had a statement:

“The latest pleading from Special Counsel John Durham provides indisputable evidence that my campaign and presidency were spied on by operatives paid by the Hillary Clinton Campaign in an effort to develop a completely fabricated connection to Russia. This is a scandal far greater in scope and magnitude than Watergate and those who were involved in and knew about this spying operation should be subject to criminal prosecution.

“In a stronger period of time in our country, this crime would have been punishable by death. In addition, reparations should be paid to those in our country who have been damaged by this.”

He’s absolutely correct!

Of course, the media has been ignoring this. All we heard for four years is how Trump was a Russian stooge but, when evidence comes out that Trump was right and the Russian story was all fabricated by Hilary Clinton, we crickets. When this story came out the amount of coverage:

  • ABC – 0 minutes.
  • NBC – 0 minutes.
  • CBS – 0 minutes.
  • MSNBC – 0 minutes.
  • CNN did mention it but I heard about January 6th several times and this got about 5 minutes.

You would think someone would ask Hilary Clinton about this since she is thinking of running for President again. As of today, there has only been one person from the Daily Mail (outside of the Conservative outlets) to ask Hilary Clinton about this. The Daily Mail is a British paper. When asked, Hilary Clinton just chuckled and walked away.




Jason Chaffetz released an article for Fox News talking about eleven implications the Durham investigation has for the country. I think this article pretty much covers all the damage this coup has created.

  • The government can’t be trusted to protect our data.
    • The government sucks at everything.
    • They continue to want to get more data about us including our bank information.
  • White House communications are no secure.
  • The Biden administration has a clear conflict of interest.
    • The filing implicates current National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan.
    • As a result, there should be no interference in the investigation by the administration.  Such would be presumed to be self-serving.
  • Jake Sullivan needs to resign or be suspended until the investigation is concluded.
  • Intelligence Agencies can be weaponized for political purposes.
    • I don’t know why this is a surprise.
    • Obama did this with the IRS and DOJ.
  • No one can trust the mainstream media.
    • Well, duh.
    • If CNN wanted to increase their viewership, all they’d have to do is report this.
    • But CNN is the media wing of the Democratic party.
  • There is no justice if Clinton and her minions are not held accountable.
    • I have always thought there is an elite group that is above the law. I always point to Bill and Hillary Clinton.
    • I mean, Bill Clinton, my God, should be in prison for sexual assault and statutory rape. This guy is notorious for it. And none of it is a secret.
    • Hillary Clinton should have been put in jail with her E-mail scandal.
    • If there is any justice in this country, Hillary is going to have to be put in the justice system and indicted.
    • And Joe Biden needs to stay out of the way. He should because he was probably involved.
  • The lying was not accidental.
  • The Clinton team knew they were lying.
  • Security Clearances are not secure.
    • Well, duh! They’ve never been secure. Robert Hanssen is proof of that.
    • A security clearance is just a background check and a colored badge. I think some businesses have more stringent security protocols to hire a cashier than the government has in the security clearance process.
    • Eric Swallwell was boofing a Chinese spy and he still has a security clearance.
  • The Department of Justice is compromised.
    • So is the FBI.
    • So is the CIA.
    • So is the IRS.
    • So is the media.
    • So is the military.

I hate to say this but all of this is true. How do we fix this? I don’t know. The best way is to tear all the institutions down and rebuilding them. But that the problem with bureaucracies. Bureaucracies are like a virus. Their made to self-survive and get bigger. And they tend to get to a size where they can’t be torn down.





