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Episode 490 – We Are Just South of Tyranny

I was going to talk about Donald Trump and all his conspiracy theories coming true but I decided to cover something that could effect us in the future. Not that that story is not important. In fact, I think what happened to Donald Trump is something that is happening to us all now.

Let’s talk about what’s going on in Canada because what happens in United States junior usually become a narrative here.


Going Full Tyrant

What is happening in Canada is really important. The reason is because it will happen here shortly after and it allows the Left to see what they can get away with.

I have told you that the government is using this pandemic as a pretext to change the country. Australia, New Zealand and, now, Canada are pushing the envelope and going down the road of complete government control.

Today, the miserable tyrant, Justin Trudeau, declared a state of emergency in Canada. This is the first time Canada invoked the Canadian Emergency Act since it was implemented in 1988 and the first time an emergency act has been implemented in 50 years.

Some things:

  • This is a war powers act. It has only been implemented three times in the past:
    • During World War I.
    • During World War II
    • In 1970 by Trudeau’s father October 1970 and a tumultuous period known as the October Crisis. This refers to a chain of events that started in October 1970 when members of the Front de libération du Québec (FLQ) kidnapped the provincial Deputy Premier Pierre Laporte and British diplomat James Cross from his Montreal residence. These events saw the Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau invoking the War Measures Act for the first time in Canadian history during peacetime.
  • Though this blockage is illegal, it is peaceful. Not one person has been injured, no one building has been burned down.
  • He could do something before the implementing this act.
    • He could talk to the truckers.
    • He could end the restrictions.
  • During the pandemic, Justin Trudeau showed up at the violent BLM riots and supported them during the middle of the pandemic.
  • But he won’t. He doesn’t want to end the restrictions. He likes the power the government has.

Here’s more:

Some things:

  • The pandemic, for all intents and purposes, is over.
    • Most of Canada is vaccinated.
    • Most of the truckers (90%) are vaccinated.
    • Provinces within Canada, including Ottawa, are ending the restrictions.
    • Why doesn’t he just end the restrictions?
  • He does not hear the frustration. He does not want to hear the frustrations. He does not care about the frustrations. If he did, he would have talked to the truckers instead of running away and hiding like a coward.

Let’s understand something: He supports protest if it is what he believes in. He supported the BLM riots in the middle of the pandemic. He walked outside, met with rioters and knelt like the little bitch he is. During that riot, people were hurt and killed. Buildings were burned. He didn’t implement this then because he was good with it.

By the way, is this even something that is appropriate? According to Wikipedia:

The emergency must be a “national emergency” which means an “urgent and critical situation of a temporary nature” that either “(a) seriously endangers the lives, health or safety of Canadians and is of such proportions or nature as to exceed the capacity or authority of a province to deal with it, or (b) seriously threatens the ability of the Government of Canada to preserve the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of Canada and that cannot be effectively dealt with under any other law of Canada”.

  • Nobody is in danger. No one has been injured or killed. No building have been burned down. So no to provision A.
  • Canada’s sovereignty, security or territorial integrity are under attack. So no to provision B.

So enacting this is not necessary. The other thing is a lot of the territories are ending the mask mandates, the vax mandates and the vax passports. Ontario is ending all of it this week.

But what is disturbing is what this is what this gives the government the ability to do to these poor truckers. Here is Chrystia Freeland stating what is going to go into affect:

Some things:

  • They are calling the truckers criminals and terrorists. That’s going to go well during the elections.
  • By the way, Justin Trudeau’s approval rating is in the toilet and we can see why.
  • They also are “expanding the law to include crowd funding sites”. They are basically changing the law without any legislation.
  • They are also putting restrictions on cryptocurrency.
  • They are also making demands of banks so the government can know what people are doing.
  • I do want to point out that what is damaging the Canadian economy is government itself. They’re doing this by these mandates and shutting down the economy.

She continues:

Some things:

  • The government is making it that you can’t access your money.
  • This is Nazi, communist crap.

Here’s the third provision:

Some things:

  • So, banks can take away an individuals money with no due process.
  • The banks don’t need proof. They can just suspect that someone belongs to the protest.

Something I want to point out that wasn’t part of the clips. Trudeau did say this would be enacted for 30 days and then they would review to see if it needed to be extended. What do you think is going to happen then? You think Trudeau is going to give up all that power in a month? I doubt it too.

The other thing, which I find very disturbing, is they want to pass legislation to make these permanent. They want the government to be permanently involved in citizens’ finances. The government wants the ability to hurt people

By the way, did they do any of this during the BLM riots? I mean, those were violent, antigovernmental uprisings. These riots did burn down government buildings. These did injure and kill people. It would have been almost justified enable this act. Of course not. Justin Trudeau believed in those riots because it gives him what he wants: power.



Are You Serious?

By the way, in that same press conference, Just Trudeau said he was giving half a billion dollars and sending weapons to defend the democracy of the free Ukraine from the evil tyrant, Vladimir Putin.

I find it weird that he is pushing for the freedom of the Ukrainians while taking away the freedom of Canadians.

But what can I expect from a country that holds half of their press conferences in French.


Could It Happen Here?

The question is could what is happening in Canada, happen here in the United States? The answer is complicated.

Yes, it could and it is. But it will be from the corporations, not directly from the government. GoFundMe has already manipulated how we can donate. PayPal has already disallowed payments to businesses like the NRA. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok and Instagram are already censoring what we hear and see and the government is asking for more. Banks like Bank of America are already reporting transactions to the government and refusing to deal with certain organizations like the NRA. Hollywood and the media are already using propaganda to push a narrative of big, controlling government.

But the United States government cannot do it like Canada. There are several reasons for this:

  • The Constitution.
  • The checks and balances of the court system.
  • The fact that we can have guns.

What we need to do in this country is fight for the culture. Good news, that’s happening now. Conservatives have their own social media platforms such a Gettr and Rumble. We’re beginning to make our own movies with non-Hollywood, independent filmmakers (Shut In). We already have our own media outlets such as Fox News, Daily Wire, Blaze TV and OAN.

This will be the modern civil war. The battlefield will be the culture. That is going to be a big problem for the Left. Conservatives create and what they create is fun and beautiful. It celebrates Western Civilization and goodness of humanity without ignoring the ugliness. It promotes moral behavior, responsibility and personal freedom that is God-given. This is a wonderful thing.

On the other hand, the Left does nothing but destroy and condemn. They have no art and what produce is dank and hollow. They thrive on hate and accusation. They see people as sheep that should do what they are told and have no agency to make decisions. This is a really crappy way to live.

If we decide to fight the culture war, we will win. Just like how AOC and Gretchen Whitmer vacation in the free state of Florida. Because what we do is always better.


Thanks, Canadian Truckers!

By the way, did the protests work in Canada and have they influenced the United States.


The providences in Canada are opening up, contrary to what Justin Trudeau is doing. That’s making Trudeau look worse and his polls are showing it.

Today, Washington DC, afraid of another trucker protest entering their city, has opened up their city. That goes along with New York, California, Vermont, Illinois, New Jersey, Oregon, Delaware and Connecticut.

Thanks Canadian truckers!





Episode 489 – Are We Really Prepared?

Nancy Pelosi had these words when talking about how prepared Joe Biden is with Russia’s imminent attack of Ukraine:

Is he though? Really?

The United States Army released a 2000 page report on the retreat of the United States and how prepared we were. Let’s compare that to the Russia/Ukraine conflict.


A Bad Look…Again

The United States Army released a 2000 page report about the abandonment from Afghanistan. Those are my words and are not from the report. I think it will shock no one if I say that the report was less than a shining example of the performance of the Biden administration. Let’s go through the report and Joe Biden’s reaction to it.


The Report

The Washington Post first reported about the report. They were not gentle. They said:

Declassified U.S. military analyses of the calamitous exit from Afghanistan detail repeated instances of friction between American troops and diplomats before and during the evacuation, concluding that indecisiveness among Biden administration officials and initial reluctance to shutter the embassy in Kabul sowed chaos and put the overall mission at “increased risk.”


By the way, this is not really something new. We could tell this was the issue long before this report came out. The Biden administration’s messaging was very different from that of the military, especially those on the ground. Heck, the administration dismissed a soldier who complained about the exit. The press conferences held by Lloyd Austin and General Mark Milley gave very different accounts than that of the Biden administration and I have pointed that out in past podcasts.

They also said, in a separate report:

Senior White House and State Department officials failed to grasp the Taliban’s steady advance on Afghanistan’s capital and resisted efforts by U.S. military leaders to prepare the evacuation of embassy personnel and Afghan allies weeks before Kabul’s fall, placing American troops ordered to carry out the withdrawal in greater danger, according to sworn testimony from multiple commanders involved in the operation.

This is Biden’s biggest problem: he is out of touch and lives in a bubble. He cannot comprehend that there are highly motivated people out there that are under-armed but don’t care. And they never thought that the people the United States was abandoning would just not fight because they did not think this was going to go well for them.

But there’s more:

Beyond the bleak, blunt assessments of top military commanders, the documents contain previously unreported disclosures about the violence American personnel experienced, including one exchange of gunfire that left two Taliban fighters dead after they allegedly menaced a group of U.S. Marines and Afghan civilians. In a separate incident a few days later, U.S. troops killed a member of an elite Afghan strike unit that had joined the operation and wounded six others after they fired on the Americans.

In other words, Afghanistan became hostile when they found out the United States told everyone we were pulling out. And the government hid it. That’s because the Biden administration did everything they could to make this thing look like and organized, peaceful pullout.

Well, it wasn’t. We didn’t find that out until a terrorist killed 13 soldiers and 170 Afghans and people started falling off of planes as they were taking off.

Military personnel would have been “much better prepared to conduct a more orderly” evacuation, Navy Rear Adm. Peter Vasely, the top U.S. commander on the ground during the operation, told Army investigators, “if policymakers had paid attention to the indicators of what was happening on the ground.” He did not identify any administration officials by name, but said inattention to the Taliban’s determination to complete a swift and total military takeover undermined commanders’ ability to ready their forces.

You know, we had this issue with Korea, Vietnam and both Iraq wars and that is letting politicians run military operations. It doesn’t work. The problem here is that the upper echelons of the military are becoming politicians. Why do you think no one has been fired after this mess?

The story continues:

The operation evacuated 124,000 people before concluding about midnight Aug. 31. It required U.S. commanders to strike an unusual security pact with the Taliban and rapidly deploy nearly 6,000 troops to assist a skeleton force of about 600 left behind under Vasely’s command to protect U.S. Embassy personnel. U.S. officials have lauded the effort, but critics have said that although U.S. troops performed heroically, the evacuation was flawed and incomplete, leaving behind hundreds of Americans and tens of thousands of Afghans who supported the war effort and were promised a way out.

John Kirby, the Pentagon’s chief spokesman, said in response to questions about the report that while the airlift was a “historic achievement,” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has acknowledged it was “not perfect.”

“We are committed to, and are intensely engaged in, an ongoing review of our efforts during the evacuation, the assessments and strategy during the conflict, and the planning in the months before the end of the war,” Kirby said. “We will take those lessons learned, and apply them, as we always do, clearly and professionally.”

Both these guys should have been fired after this mess. The problem is that they got their orders from Biden and they would not think twice about throwing the Biden administration under the bus. That’s why they continue to plod along.

The story talks about General Kenneth McKenzie:

Marine Gen. Kenneth “Frank” McKenzie, chief of U.S. Central Command, said in an interview Tuesday that he was “not surprised” commanders had different opinions about how the evacuation could have gone better.

“But remember,” he said, “what did happen is we came together and executed a plan. There are profound frustrations; commanders, particularly subordinate commanders, they see very clearly the advantages of other courses of action. However, we had a decision, and we had an allocation of forces. You proceed based on that.”

There “might have been other plans that we would have preferred,” the general added, “but when the president makes a decision, it’s time for us to execute the president’s decision.”

He should have been fired too since he took direct responsibility for the terrorist attacks that killed the 13 soldiers. He remains for the same reason as the other two.

The story continues:

Military officials told investigators that although the evacuation was in many ways cobbled together on the fly, planning within the Defense Department began months earlier. Initial discussions presumed the possible use of Bagram air base, a sprawling U.S. military installation 30 miles north of Kabul, and assistance from Afghan government forces to help secure the path there, Marine Corps Brig. Gen. Farrell J. Sullivan, who was involved in planning and oversaw the Marines sent into the capital, told investigators. Those plans evolved from incorporating both airfields to “just HKIA,” the Marine general said, using the military’s shorthand for Hamid Karzai International Airport.

U.S. officials have said previously that the decision to turn over Bagram to the Afghan government was made because it was deemed too far outside Kabul, where the majority of evacuees were expected to be, and because it would have required a significant number of U.S. troops.

“Everyone clearly saw some of the advantage of holding Bagram,” McKenzie said Tuesday, “but you cannot hold Bagram with the force level that was decided.”

How is no one fired over this? Even symbolically?

Then the article talks about the fighting between the military and the politicians:

Disagreement between U.S. military officials and American diplomats in Kabul about when to press forward with an evacuation appears to have gone back months. Vasely, who took command as the top officer in Afghanistan in July, said he was told by the departing four-star commander, Army Gen. Austin “Scott” Miller, that there would be opposition among senior officials at the embassy to shrinking its footprint in Kabul.

Ross Wilson, the acting U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan, was focused on maintaining a diplomatic presence there, Vasely said, and questioned how the United States was supposed to preserve its influence without an embassy, the admiral added.

Wilson did not respond to requests for comment.

Vasely told investigators that he was advised by embassy staff that he should provide those close to the acting ambassador with data illustrating the country’s rapid collapse to the Taliban, “so it could be sold as a collective approach and not a power grab by DoD.”

Wilson wanted two weeks to evacuate the embassy and leave a skeleton staff at the airport, military officials said. But by Aug. 12, three days before Kabul’s fall, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan called Wilson and instructed him to move more quickly, Vasely told investigators.

We know this is true. The Defense Department admitted their was a huge push back by the diplomats to stay in Afghanistan. Of course, they were overruled. Not by the military but by the Biden administration. Mind you, we had a small presence in Afghanistan, about 2000 troops. No troop has been killed due to fighting for over 5 years.

I skip down a little in the article:

By mid-July, Sullivan, the senior Marine officer involved in planning the evacuation, wanted to stage supplies to host 5,000 evacuees at the airport, but his effort was complicated because he was not permitted to discuss the possibility of a full-scale evacuation with anyone other than British officials, he told investigators. Other U.S. military leaders, whose names were redacted from the report, said there were fears among administration officials that if the United States, by raising alarm, inspired other governments to quickly leave Afghanistan, it would accelerate the central government’s demise.

The Marine general told investigators that trying to engage the embassy in discussions about an evacuation was “like pulling teeth” until early August. “After that,” he said, “it became more collaborative.”

A spokesman for Sullivan referred questions to McKenzie.

During an Aug. 6 meeting, a National Security Council official, who is not identified in the report, appeared to lack a sense of urgency and told others involved that if the United States had to execute an evacuation, it would signal “we have failed,” Sullivan recalled. “In my opinion, the NSC was not seriously planning for an evacuation,” he said.

Did you get that? They only had the ability to evacuate 5000 people and it turned out they evacuated 126,000? Do you think there was any doubt, whatsoever, that this retreat was going to be a disaster?

National Security Council officials regularly convened meetings last summer to assess the situation in Afghanistan and prepositioned troops in the region in the event of a crisis, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Tuesday at the White House, after an early version of this story was published.

“I would just say if you look back at the specific planning steps we took, we did plan for a range of contingencies,” she said. “There wasn’t an anticipation that the Afghan National Security Forces would fall as they did, or as quickly as they did.”

At the State Department, spokeswoman Jalina Porter said that “cherry-picked comments do not reflect the months of work that were well underway, or the whole picture of what the U.S. diplomats undertook to facilitate the evacuation and relocation of U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents and allies.”

“Some of the claims allegedly included in the report regarding State Department personnel and plans are outright false and shamefully so,” Porter said, without elaborating.

Another senior administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity, defended how the State and Defense departments coordinated to execute Biden’s decisions. The State Department “steadily drew down our diplomatic presence in Kabul starting in April 2021, nearly four months before the fall of Kabul, when the Embassy went on ‘Ordered Departure’ status,” the official said.

In other words, the State Department knew the fragility of the Afghan Security Forces and the Biden administration used whatever talking point they could to further a narrative that all is good. I think there was some hope that this whole thing would just go away because, let’s face it, the media has been compliant.

The article continues talking about Afghan President Ashraf Ghaini escaping the country:

By Aug. 14, Vasely believed Afghan President Ashraf Ghani’s government would collapse, he told investigators. The United States carried out 10 airstrikes against the Taliban that day 10 miles south of Kabul, killing about 100 fighters, but it did not halt its advance.

“We were killing them in bunches, destroying tactical vehicles, and they kept coming,” he said.

After word spread the next day that Ghani had fled the country, the airfield in Kabul descended into chaos, as thousands of desperate people sought a flight out. One medical officer interviewed by investigators compared the atmosphere that week to “Lord of the Flies,” the classic book in which teenagers stranded on an island fail to govern themselves. Several military officials recalled U.S. Marines coming under fire that night by Taliban fighters, and the Marines, in turn, killing two.

Army Maj. Gen. Christopher Donahue, who arrived after the collapse and oversaw airfield security, recalled that early discussions with the Taliban were tense.

“We told them that we would control the gates and they would push people out,” said Donahue, commanding general of the 82nd Airborne Division. “We expressed that they will comply, because if they fight us on this we would be able to kill more of them than they would ever hope to kill of us. After that their tone changed.”

In other words, there was complete chaos. No one knew what was going on. No one knew if they were going to get out. We still don’t know. There could be anywhere between 100 and 1000 Americans still in Afghanistan. We know the Biden administration lied about the numbers because there are private rescue groups that have been pulling hundreds of Americans out of Afghanistan since the retreat.

The article is long and the Washington Post published two articles. Both articles are extremely critical of the efforts during the Afghanistan retreat. Though they do not directly blame Biden, which I thought is how they would spin it, they did criticize the whole effort.

Biden’s Response

The Biden administration thought this whole thing would just go away. After all, the Biden administration does have the entire media behind them, Afghanistan is 10,000 miles away so they probably thought they could hide a lot of it and many people were mixed about being in Afghanistan so Biden could throw out the “endless war” narrative. Heck, even I wasn’t sure getting out of Afghanistan was a terrible idea.

But Biden had some major issues that ruined his ability to hide the bad things with Afghanistan, and everything else for that matter:

  • We have film of what’s going on there including some great reporting from CNN. We also have video of the desperation of the Afghan people.
  • Troops have died in terrorist attacks.
  • Biden’s poll numbers are in the toilet and not just because of Afghanistan.
  • He does not hold press conferences and appears to be hiding.
  • He has a history of messing up on foreign policy.
  • The truth.
    • Biden has been lying at worst and not being transparent at best.
    • His lies are conflicting with others. People are not going to take a fall based on his decisions.

Biden did an interview with Lester Holt from NBC News on Super Bowl Sunday. He had this to say about the report:

Some things:

  • What he was told? So is someone within his administration lying to him? Did he not know what was going on? As we will find out, he does think someone was lying to him.
  • The escalation of troops in Afghanistan is an absolute lie. He did everything but blame Trump. We have had 2000 troops in Afghanistan since 2014, no one killed and they were on a support mission. They weren’t fighting.
  • Finally, he doesn’t even know what country he’s talking about. Not only does this show that he’s not all there mentally but it also shows he doesn’t care. The guy is completely apathetic to what he did.
  • This apathy is showing in every aspect of his Presidency. This is why he’s getting killed in the polls.

But his answer gets worse:

Notice Biden won’t say the report is not true but that he rejects the findings. In other words, he feels he’s above the report of the army. Mind you, hundreds of people were interviewed here. Most of them on the ground in Afghanistan.

This is not going to play well for him.


Media’s Response

And it doesn’t.

Jake Tapper from CNN had some things to say about the rejection by Biden to the Army’s report. I like Jake Tapper because he does let the truth out every once in a while. Here he is:

What’s interesting about Tapper’s statement is he’s pointing out what I did without actually saying it. He’s saying that people died and Biden doesn’t seem to care. That’s why he had that interview in the middle of his comments.

Joe Biden has big problems. He’s lost the media. Yes, he’ll have most of them, but there is going to be some bad light thrown at him because news agencies can’t lie to the point that no one believes them. And Afghanistan was such a disaster there’s no way to spin it.

And we still have Ukraine and Russia to deal with.


Afghanistan Part II?

Could a Russian invasion of Ukraine be the second Afghanistan for Biden. I hate to say it but it is looking that way.

  • Russia is ready to attack.
    • They have 170,000 troops on the Ukraine border.
    • The Russian Navy is on the coast of Ukraine.
    • Missile positions have been set.
  • The United States expects an attack at anytime.
    • The U.S. believes it will involve missiles and bombers.
    • Troops may enter after softening Ukraine.
    • It would take Russia 36 hours to take over Ukraine.
    • The war may involve Ukrainian men, woman and children and end up a gorilla warfare scenario.
    • It is going to be absolutely ugly. Expected dead could be 30,000 Russians and 100,000 Ukrainians.
  • An additional 3000 troops have been sent to Poland.
  • Military troops are being pulled from Ukraine.
  • The embassy has been evacuated. As of now, there are only about 2 dozen people left in the embassy.
  • Americans are being told to evacuate to Poland any way they can.
  • By the way, those evacuees better be vaccinated or the United States will reject them. I’m not kidding.
  • There will be no troop support for Americans if the Russians invade.
  • Biden had an hour long conversation with Putin on Saturday. The only thing we learned from that is he threatened Putin. Not really sure how but he did.
  • By the way, all that hour long conversation brought out was a paragraph long statement.

This, too, is looking like it will be a disaster that Biden is doing nothing about.

  • We have thousands of Americans in Ukraine and no plans to get them out. Sound familiar?
  • Those that do want to leave have to go through red tape to get out. The whole vaccine thing shows that. Does that sound familiar?
  • And Biden is not being transparent about anything.
  • One other thing I want to point out that Biden has done nothing to deter Putin. Nothing. Not even sanctions.
  • This is a huge issue with foreign policy experts.

It’s going to be bad in eastern Europe and we still have to look forward to China invading Taiwan. You know, the Taiwan that produces 95% of our computer chips?

But, at least, we don’t see any bad tweets.


















Episode 488 – Sometimes A Cigar Is Just A Cigar

The one good thing about our crumbling society is that there are so many stupid stories to make fun of. It may be the end of civilization but at least this stuff is entertaining.


When Is This Going to End?

The Joe Rogan thing is still going and doesn’t seem like it’s ever going to end. It’s really pissing the Left off. Joe Rogan is still doing his podcast. Spotify is still hosting him. And if something happens to Spotify, Joe Rogan is still going to get $100 million from Rumble.

The Left just has no idea how they’re going to handle this. Ask Alisyn Camerota of CNN. She just has no idea what she’s going to do about Joe Rogan:

No one asked you to do anything, Alyson. Joe Rogan has more viewers in one day than CNN has in a week. And that’s not much of an exaggeration.

On Tuesday, Joe Rogan did a podcast with comedian, Akaash Singh, and said:

“In a lot of ways, all this is a relief, ’cause that video had always been out there. It’s like, this is a political hit job. And so they’re taking all this stuff that I’ve ever said that’s  wrong, and smushing it all together. But it’s good ’cause it makes me address some s*** that I really wish wasn’t out there.”

You think, Joe. But that begs the question, “Why did you apologize at all?” All those videos were ten to twelve years old and no one said word one of them until now.

Akaash then said:

“You know why I’m proud of you? Because I think comedians have for years done this immature thing where it’s like we don’t apologize. We say whatever we want. You can apologize if you say some wild s*** and we’ve all said some wild s*** and you apologized and owned that it was wrong. Good for you.”

This is a great point. Joe Rogan is a comedian. I have heard some of his comedy routines. You can bet that last dollar that these Leftist goons are going through every show of his on YouTube and creating another compilation video. Everything he said about women and gays and trans-folk is going to come out. It just takes some time to compile that stuff. Trust me, Joe Rogan is not only going to be a racist. In the coming weeks he’s going to be a sexist, bigoted transphobe who probably has a thing against panda bears too.

But just how many people are truly hurt by Joe Rogan using the n-word on his podcast? How many black people are upset about it?

James Klug went out to the most liberal part of Los Angeles, Venice Beach, and asked people what they thought. He asked black and white people.

First, he asked a lot of white people what they thought:

What woke white people. I’m, one old broad even said the holy one, George Floyd. I mean, she brought up George Floyd. If I didn’t see the video, I would have thought she was black because she so in tune with the hood.

But the response from the black people really sealed it. Listen:

I’m confused. Did the black people not get upset about Joe Rogan? Did one actually admire Joe Rogan and his accomplishments and actually hope to be like him?

You should really read Shelby Steele’s book, White Guilt. He discusses this phenomenon in detail. Since the 1960s, white people, especially liberal white people, have felt the need to atone for the injustice done to black people during slavery and Jim Crow. They will even back a black narrative that doesn’t exist. In this case, that Joe Rogan hurt a lot of people by saying the n-word. Again, he didn’t call anyone the n-word, he used the word in the context of free speech and racism. One of these conversations he had was with the black actor, Jamie Foxx.

I bet you a dollar that the guys who spent days making that n-word compilation were white.




Speaking of Being a Victim

Speaking of blacks always being victims, you may remember that I bought Ibram X. Kendi’s book, How to be an Antiracist. The book was all about how all whites are racist and how all the systems in the awful United States are made to hold the black man down.

Yeah, well, apparently our systemically racist society pays this race baiter $541 per minute when he gives his lectures.

I really don’t have anything more to say about that.



Down the Drain

CNN is really, really struggling.

  • Jeffry Tubin, one of their political correspondents, likes to jerk off during conference calls but they couldn’t fire him.
  • They had to fire their highest rated host Chris Cuomo because he advised his brother, Andrew Cuomo, during him murdering 10,000 old people during the China virus and grab-assing cops.
  • Two of their producers were having sex with kids.
  • Jeff Zucker, the CEO, was boofing his replacement for the last 20 years.
  • And Brian Stelter, another show host, is fat, balding, ugly and stupid.
  • Oh yeah…and like 6 people watch their channel. Reruns of Frazier are beating CNN.

But they did find the story of the year and it might lead to another political scandal. Possibly more impeachment hearings. All this from a probably very accurate book by Maggie Haberman of the New York Times. Listen:

WOW! Crime of the century! Trump may or may not have thrown paper in the toilet and the toilet clogged. We don’t know what was on papers but maybe it was important. Maybe it was the nuclear codes.

Call Nancy Pelosi! Call Adam Schiff! Call Maxine Waters!

There are two things that are really sad here. First, that this woman wrote a book about Trump and this was the story CNN decided to carry from this book. Probably not going to buy this book.

The second thing is that CNN needs Trump. Bad. The guy has been out of office for over a year and they are still talking about him. Kind of pathetic since they were most of the reason Trump is no longer President.


What is a Woman

Adele, the singer from England won entertainer of the year on Tuesday. I don’t know what awards show she won it because I just don’t care.

But she said something that created a storm of bigotry. Listen:

That’s right! She’s a transphobe because she had pride in being a woman.

Those words, “I love being a woman” sparked outrage on Twitter, the wasteland of reason.

One on Twitter said:

“Please, no, ADELE can’t be a TERF. That last comment, though ambiguous, could be perceived as TERF-y. Please no.”

TERF stands for trans-exclusionary radical feminist.

Another tweeted:

“Who’d have thought #Adele was a transphobe and would use her platform to call for the destruction of the trans community. Especially the confused teenagers.”

So, now, just acknowledging being a woman is bigoted. Woman are so bad they can’t even do women right. I’m sure she’ll apologize for…being a woman?

I needed to research this. I wanted the whole trans philosophy. Where’s the best place to do that? The Hell that is known as TikTok. It only took me a few minutes to find what I was looking for.

Some things:

  • I don’t want to date a trans woman because a trans woman is a man and I don’t have any attraction to men.
  • An infertile woman still has the possibility to get pregnant. Miracles happen. A trans woman is a man, and can’t get pregnant…ever.
  • The logic is a little off here. An infertile woman proves transphobia?
  • I can recognize most trans people. There are few that really look like their chosen sex. But most look like they’re trying to be something they’re not. Like this guy.
  • Finally, this guy doesn’t respect my biological sex and it doesn’t exist?
    • No one cares who he respects. This is what I don’t get about TikTok and the selfie thing. If one goes viral it’s usually because they did or said something stupid.
    • My biological sex does exist. How do I know? I have four kids. Josie has three kids. My DNA will move on through history. How many kids is this guy going to have?

So if one is a woman, it’s transphobic for that woman to acknowledge and celebrate being a woman. If one is a man who thinks he’s a woman, it’s OK to celebrate his womanhood. In fact, a straight man who does not find a man who thinks he’s a woman attractive sexually, he is also a transphobe and a sexist.

Ugh! This trans thing is so stupid.



I Could Have Told You That

According to the New York Post:

It is the secret we are all trying to unlock – how to live long and happy lives.

Science has found the key success, well, for men anyway.

In the United Kingdom, men in general are not expected to live as long as women – so maybe they need a little bit more help.

The average life expectancy for a man is 79, compared to women who are expected to live until 82 years old.

The most common age of death for men in the UK between 2012 and 2014 was 86, but women were living until 89 during the same time period, according to the Office of National Statistics.

The reason for women outliving men is down to genetics, according to Medical Daily.

Then they give six ways that a man can improve his quality of life and life span. Five of the six are not much of a surprise: Have sex, get married, have kids, be responsible and be involved with your children.

But the first piece of advice is a little out there: stare at boobs. That’s right. Boobs are good. Why? Because boobs give men positive thoughts

According to the Post:

A 2012 study, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, looked at the effects positive thinking had on men’s health.

After a year, positive thinking had a powerful effect on health choices.

More than half of the patients with coronary artery disease increased their physical activity versus 37 percent in the control group, who were not asked to write down positive thoughts in the morning.

The same happened in men with high blood pressure.

More than 40 percent of those with high blood pressure followed their medication plan compared to 36 percent in the non-positive thinking group.

So there you have it!

Ask your wife if she loves you. When she says, “Yes” tell her to put on that sexy little halter top and you’ll live longer.



Emojis and Racism

National Public Radio, or NPR, got into big trouble for ignoring the Hunter Biden laptop story because they did not think it was an important story. But the brilliant editors decided the releasing a story called Which Skin Color Emoji Should You Use? The Answer Can Be More Complex Than You Think. This is such an important story, that they assigned three writers for it. They are Alejandra Marquez Janse, Patrick Jarenwattananon and Asma Khalid.

Let’s go through a little bit of this Pulitzer Prize worthy piece:

Heath Racela identifies as three-quarters white and one-quarter Filipino. When texting, he chooses a yellow emoji instead of a skin tone option, because he feels it doesn’t represent any specific ethnicity or color.

So is he three-quarters white and one-quarter Filipino or does he just identify as that?

He doesn’t want people to view his texts in a particular way. He wants to go with what he sees as the neutral option and focus on the message.

“I present as very pale, very light skinned. And if I use the white emoji, I feel like I’m betraying the part of myself that’s Filipino,” Racela, of Littleton, Mass., said. “But if I use a darker color emoji, which maybe more closely matches what I see when I look at my whole family, it’s not what the world sees, and people tend to judge that.”

This sounds like a rich person problem. I figure that this guy has enough money not to worry about things like crime, inflation and war. He’s becoming stressed out over the color of an emoji. Maybe he should look at some boobs and calm down.

But I looked up the demographics of Littleton, Massachusetts and, sure enough, I was right. According to Wikipedia:

The median household income was $123,413 and the median family income was $143,233. About 2.4% of families and 3.6% of the population were below the poverty line, including 1.9% of those under age 18 and 5.2% of those age 65 or over.

Well, anyway, they then give another example of a person who is black and she gives her story. Finally, NPR gets to the studies. Yeah, someone actually was paid to study this crap.

A 2018 study published by the University of Edinburgh looked at the use of different skin tone emojis — what it referred to as “modified” emojis — on Twitter to find out if the modifiers contributed to self-representation.

Alexander Robertson, an emoji researcher at Google and Ph.D. candidate involved in the study, said the emoji modifiers were used widely but it was people with darker skin who used them in higher proportions, and more often.

Some things:

  • Google hired a Ph.D. candidate to study emojis?
  • Do you think your parents would be bragging that their Ph.D. son got his Ph.D. to study emojis?
  • By the way, not a shock that people of color are using the colored emojis. Can I say colored emojis? Is that racist?
    • People of color have been conditioned to believe their color is a badge of honor and should be celebrated. That’s why they created the colored emojis in the first place.
    • Honestly, white people like me don’t give a damn about the color of the emoji.
    • Old farts like me don’t even use them. That’s because I can write like an adult.


After another look at Twitter data, Andrew McGill, then writer for The Atlantic, found that some white people may stick with the yellow emoji because they don’t want to assert their privilege by adding a light-skinned emoji to a text, or to take advantage of something that was created to represent diversity.

Perhaps, like Heath Racela, they simply don’t want to think about how their message could be interpreted.

But Zara Rahman, a researcher and writer in Berlin, argues that the skin tone emojis make white people confront their race as people of color often have to do. For example, she shared Sarai Cole’s confusion when someone who is white uses a brown emoji, so she asked some friends about it.

When Sigmund Freud talked about a person’s actions show underlying sexual desires, a reporter asked him what it meant that he always had a cigar in his mouth. Freud responded, “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar”. I’m pretty sure we can apply that to the emoji thing. Race doesn’t have to be entwined in everything that everyone does.

Ok, I’m done. This is too stupid.






















Episode 487 – Maybe It’s Time to Try Something Different

More bad news for Old Joe.

Republicans question Joe’s competence.

And what the hell is wrong with San Francisco.


Up, Up and Away

According to Fox News:

Inflation surged more than expected in January, notching another four-decade high as strong consumer demand and pandemic-related supply-chain snarls fueled rapid price gains that wiped out the benefits of rising wages for most Americans.

The consumer price index rose 7.5% in January from a year ago, according to a new Labor Department report released Thursday, marking the fastest increase since February 1982, when inflation hit 7.6%. The CPI – which measures a bevy of goods ranging from gasoline and health care to groceries and rents – jumped 0.6% in the one-month period from December.

Economists expected the index to show that prices surged 7.3% in January from the previous year and 0.5% on a monthly basis.

I’m sure it is all apart of our imagination. Or it is all those ruthless corporations making massive profits.

Well, Joe Biden hasn’t said anything about it so far today. I can’t wait to hear what excuses he comes up with today. And inflation is not going down anytime soon.

This is also not helping Joe Biden’s approval rating which reached an all time low. A Real Clear Politics poll had Old Joe is at 39%. The heat is on the Democrats. A total of 29 Democrats are either retiring of running for another office. That’s a lot.



Yeah, I Think It’s About Time

Almost on a daily basis, Joe Biden shows he’s not with us. He stumbles through sentences, sometimes not even getting through the sentence even when it’s written down for him. He rambles. He doesn’t answer any questions and, when he does, it is only from specific reporters. He gets angry very quickly. Half the time, he doesn’t even know who he’s standing with.

According to Fox News:

Nearly 40 Republican lawmakers are calling on President Biden, 79, to take a cognitive test, following the example set by his predecessor, former President Donald Trump. 

The Republican push for Biden to undergo cognitive testing comes as recent polls have shown Americans are unsure of the president’s mental fitness for office. 

Former physician to the president Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, led a letter with 37 of his GOP colleagues to Biden on Tuesday expressing their “concern” with Biden’s “current cognitive state.”

They point out that Biden is required to take a physical every year and that is made public but a cognitive test is not required. I personally think everyone should have to take a cognitive test no matter their age. One should definitely have to take the test when one is knocking on the age of 80.

I am not making fun of Biden because I don’t think this is at all funny but Joe Biden is showing signs of senility. I had a family member who had Alzheimer’s disease and Joe Biden is showing those signs. This should be a bipartisan issue. Ronald Reagan had Alzheimer’s Disease and many think it was during his presidency. We should have required a cognitive test after his presidency.

But, as usual, nothing will be done. We will find out he was incompetent years after he leaves the White House and it will be a nothing more than a Wikipedia side note.



Is This Guy Serious?

According to the Washington Free Beacon:

The Biden administration is set to fund the distribution of crack pipes to drug addicts as part of its plan to advance “racial equity.”

The $30 million grant program, which closed applications Monday and will begin in May, will provide funds to nonprofits and local governments to help make drug use safer for addicts. Included in the grant, which is overseen by the Department of Health and Human Services, are funds for “smoking kits/supplies.” A spokesman for the agency told the Washington Free Beacon that these kits will provide pipes for users to smoke crack cocaine, crystal methamphetamine, and “any illicit substance.”

That’s right. No one wants to fix the drug problem that is leading to homelessness, mental health problems, crime and death. They want to encourage the use of drugs.

The article continues:

HHS said the kits aim to reduce the risk of infection when smoking substances with glass pipes, which can lead to infections through cuts and sores. Applicants for the grants are prioritized if they treat a majority of “underserved communities,” including African Americans and “LGBTQ+ persons,” as established under President Joe Biden’s executive order on “advancing racial equity.”

This is the very definition of the bigotry of low expectations. All those blacks and trannies need free crack pipes so they won’t get blisters on their lips. This is about as racist and bigoted as it gets.

The article continues:

Funding for the “harm reduction” grant program is provided through Democrats’ American Rescue Plan, which the Senate passed along party lines after Vice President Kamala Harris cast a tie-breaking vote. Other equipment that qualifies for funding include syringes, vaccinations, disease screenings, condoms, and fentanyl strips. The grant program will last three years and includes 25 awards of up to $400,000.

Throughout the year, we have been hearing from Democrats that Republicans hate American citizens because not one Republican voted for the American Rescue Plan. Could this be one of the reasons they did not approve this? Could the spending of money and the rise of inflation have anything to do with why they didn’t vote for it?

Now, to be straight forward, I believe the government has dismantled this program. I don’t think it’s actually moving forward. But the fact that this program was available shows how bad that bill was.

Here’s the thing, I hold very Conservative views about drug legalization. I don’t think it is a good thing, especially with the harder drugs. I understand that the war on drugs has failed and I understand that responsible people should have the freedom to choose whether of not to use drugs. And I am not talking about drugs for medicinal use. I think pot has a lot of medicinal value and I know people who use it for that reason.

I have two reasons I don’t believe in legalization for drugs. First, casual drug use serves no societal purpose. We have learned this with cigarettes and alcohol. We have tried to ban both because of their detrimental effects of society. We even have an amendment in the Constitution for banning alcohol. It didn’t work because alcohol became too ingrained in society and it was just too difficult to get rid of. We are going to have the same problem with the other drugs. In fact, we already see it. Crack, meth and heroin are already becoming ingrained in our society. New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco have a huge problem drugs which are practically all legal now. People sell it on the street. People use it on the street.

There just is no benefit for it unless a doctor prescribes it for a health condition.

And that brings me to the other point. There is no personal responsibility for one’s bad decisions. In fact, the government feels there should by no consequences at all for one’s poor personal decisions. In the old days, addiction was dangerous because there was no societal safety net. An addicted person was not bailed out by the government. He or she needed to work to live or find themselves in a shelter. That’s not the case anymore. City and state budgets use tax payer money to support these addicts with no goal of getting someone clean. Drug use today is becoming a drag on society and it’s not even being seen as a bad thing by the government.

All this stuff in San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York City, Chicago, Baltimore and Washington DC can be fixed and I talked about how in a previous podcast. We can fix drug addiction, homelessness and the mental health crisis if we just have the guts to do what would be seen as unpopular.

But allowing people to sell and use drugs with no consequences and giving the drug paraphernalia is not the solution.

I have a lot more to say on this subject because it is so important to me but we will leave that for another podcast.



They Can’t Figure It Out

Speaking of drug addiction, mental illness and homelessness, San Francisco seems to be throwing up their hands and giving up.

According to the Mercury News:

As the Bay Area continues to struggle under the weight of its homelessness crisis, officials and nonprofits are asking local residents to do more than hand out meals or donate spare change. They’re asking them to open up their homes.

Nearly 30,000 people are unhoused in the five-county Bay Area and there isn’t nearly enough room in the region’s existing affordable housing developments. To fill the gaps, service providers increasingly are recruiting private landlords to take in homeless tenants. Some property owners are renting out entire units in exchange for agreements that the government or a nonprofit will cover the rent. Others are offering up spare bedrooms in their homes – sometimes in exchange for a small stipend, and sometimes as a purely charitable act.

But it’s hard to find owners willing to take a chance on someone down on their luck. At least one program recently ended because of a lack of landlord interest.

Some things:

  • 30,000 people homeless (and that’s probably low) makes up 1% of the population of the Bay Area (3,313,000). That’s a lot.
  • The government is shocked that people don’t want a homeless person living in their house?

The article, of course, uses a woman who has a kid and was homeless and found a place to live as an example of the benefits of this program. I think that’s great. This woman fell on hard times and the government should help her until she can get on her feet. But she’s not the typical case when it comes to homelessness.

There is a book called San Fransicko by Michael Shellenberger that explains the failure of the government in the Bay Area when dealing with the homelessness crisis. Shellenberger is not a Conservative. He’s liberal. He used to work with the city to deal with the homeless. He had some pretty salient points:

  • It is not a right to be homeless and that’s because it steps on the rights of others.
  • People can’t just be given housing. They have to earn it.
    • If they’re drug addicted, they should be sober.
    • If they are mentally impaired, they should go through treatment and use the medication they are prescribed.
    • If they are out of work, they should be looking for a job.
  • Housing should be temporary, not permanent.
  • Property values are way too high in the Bay Area. That’s due to:
    • Rent control.
    • Regulations.
    • People who own land don’t want to build rental property because they don’t want the hassle. They don’t make a profit.
  • Finally, a lot of homeless people don’t want housing!

The Bay Area has been dealing with this for decades. Only now with the defund the police movement and legalizing crime is the homeless problem beginning to come to light. Maybe the Bay Area should try a different solution because what they’ve been doing hasn’t been working. In fact, it’s getting worse.

Bay Area calls on homeowners to help house homeless residents





Episode 486 – I Wonder Why It’s Over?

It might be over (but I’ll believe it when I see it)! Thanks to King Joe Biden, we might be able to eat, drink and be jolly without a mask!

Thank you Canada!


It’s Working

The Story

I haven’t talked about this during a podcast but if you follow me on Twitter, I had plenty to say. I should have talked about his on a podcast because it might be the single most important event in the last two years and that includes the BLM riots and, shockingly, even January 6th.

It is the trucker’s protest in Canada.

This thing was started about two months ago. The Canadian government, during the pandemic, considered their truck drivers essential workers and allowed them to travel in and out of the United States to do their job. They didn’t need to be vaccinated or needed to carry a vaccine card. There are a few problem right there. “Permit them to do their jobs” and the government defining what an “essential worker” is.

The world record for longest truck convoy was 5 miles. This convoy broke the world record by a bit. It is 40 miles long.

Recently, the Canadian government changed the law. Canadian truckers would be allowed to leave Canada but would not be allowed to re-enter Canada without being vaccinated. By the way, it is a felony to carry a fake vaccination card in Canada, so that’s not an option.

The Canadian truckers got pissed and decided to protest. They did this by creating a convoy that would drive to the capital of Ottawa and clog up the border crossings into the United States.

Their demands are simply to end all the China virus restrictions and give…no, take back… all the freedoms the government took away during the state of emergency.

Response from the Canadian Government

The response from the Canadian has been so irritating that I forget that it’s funny.

  • They outlawed the protest. By the way, peaceful protest is not a right in Canada. That did nothing.
  • They threatened to tow the trucks. But there were too many trucks and it couldn’t be done.
  • They claimed that this was a fringe minority. Pictures out of Canada show thousands of people supporting the drivers.
  • A GoFundMe raised $10 million for support of the truckers (that’s an entirely different story). The Canadian government asked GoFundMe to kill the account because of the violence being done (there was absolutely no violence being committed).
    • GoFundMe killed the account.
    • GoFundMe withheld the money and said they would distribute it to charities they chose.
    • That is fraud so GoFundMe returned the money.
    • They are now being investigated by Congress.
    • By the way, GoFundMe had no issues with raising money
  • They threatened to call in the military. The government changed their mind on that.
  • They sent the police out to confiscate the truckers’ gasoline. This didn’t work because they just got more from other protestors.

But probably the funniest occurrence is that Justin Trudeau, the President of Canada, hid himself away because he felt threatened by a group of people that were performing a peaceful protest through civil disobedience.

So they went to the Left’s playbook when they don’t get their way. Here’s Justin Trudeau giving his assessment during a debate in the Canadian parliament:

That’s right! They are all racists and bigots. They are white supremacists. They are even carrying Confederate flags. How evil these protesters are. By the way, why would the truckers be carrying Confederate flags in Canada?

I also want to point out the people in Canada are not being harassed by the truckers. They are being harassed by the government. They are forced to wear masks. They are being forced to take an experimental vaccine that does not stop the virus. If they don’t take the vaccine, they can’t go into any businesses or even go to a movie. They can be arrested for not showing a vaccine card.

Who’s harassing who?

The media is spreading Trudeau’s message. They are worried because they are afraid that this protest is going to spread throughout the United States. In fact, it is. Similar protest are being held in Europe and one is being organized in this country. The plan is to create a similar convoy to Washington DC.

Here is a little compilation of media reports within the United States. This is from The Five on Fox News:

Some things:

  • “A threat to democracy”, “sedition” and “insurrection”. Sound familiar? Even the media is going back to the same old terms.
  • As far as the “cult” thing that Joe Scarborough brought up, he doesn’t seem to understand people like me see the whole COVID restriction thing as a cult. The mask is the uniform. Tony Fauci is the high priest. The government defines the Commandments.
  • Finally, what science is being followed by the Left?
    • Johns Hopkins has said that lockdowns are far more damaging than good.
    • The facemasks don’t work. Even Leftist media like CNN and MSNBC is saying that.
    • Facemasks have been shown to be physically, socially and developmentally hurtful to children.
    • The stats show that those who have died of COVID average 4 comorbidities.
    • I don’t want to hear about the science anymore.

Well, guess what? No one is listening to the media or the government anymore. Here’s a little clip of a trucker being asked if his protest is hurting his kids. The trucker had a little message for him. The clip is long but I think the message is important:

Remember when Trump called the media “enemy of the people” and the media ripped him for it? Does it sound like these truckers think much differently of the media?

We are so tired of being demonized for wanting to be left alone to make our own decisions that we see the media as evil. I do see the media as evil and I know I’m not the only one.



A New Pandemic in America: Freedom

One thing that bothers me about the protests in Canada and throughout Europe and Australia is that we have not had a protest like that here. Americans, who fought a revolutionary war against the greatest military in the world in 1776 over a tax on tea (I know it was more complicated than that), don’t seem to recognize or mind that our rights are being stripped away here.

Well, there seems to be a need by Democrats to open the country up again and get back to normality. Here is Leana Wen, a medical correspondent for CNN. She says it’s time to move forward:

Some things:

  • Conservatives and moderate liberals like Joe Rogan have been talking about this for over a year. All these restrictions seem stupid and pointless. In fact, damaging.
  • How exactly has the science changed? It’s been the same for a year. That’s why Conservatives were asking why we needed all these restrictions.
  • We have been saying that parents should make the decisions from day 1. Biden said two months ago that the federal government could not do anything.
  • She’s lying. Masks don’t work.

The reality is, the pandemic was an opportunity to perform a great reset. To transform the role of government to be family and God. To create a dependence on government. To strip away freedoms. To shape the culture. To create divides amongst people so that there will not be a great revolt from the majority, which would be made up of all races, creeds and classes. That’s why the Biden administration is working so hard to get rid of guns. Because that control can’t be had if people can fight back. The Left has seen what happens when guns are taken away from population in countries such as Venezuela, Australia and New Zealand.

But the Democrats have some problems. They are getting killed in the polls and are going to get their asses kicked in November. All their attempts to change voting laws so they can cheat is gone. They also are being threatened by protests in this country. They have to come up with a new plan that will make them more popular again.

Hey, how about lifting COVID restrictions and then giving all the credit to Joe Biden?

California, Connecticut, Oregon, Delaware, New Jersey and, today, New York have decided to lift mask mandates. Mind you, California and New York still require masks in school. All these states, except California which will lift their restrictions in February 15th, will lift them in mid-march. Why?

Let’s listen to Hakeem Jefferies and we’ll come to our answers:

That’s right! Everything Joe Biden has done has been right. King Biden defeated the virus.

Joe Biden has the State of the Union on March 1. I will bet you a shiny penny King Joe will declare the pandemic over and the dumb serfs will cheer.

King Joe still has a few problems.

  • I have worn a mask, maybe twice, since the restrictions were put back in place. That’s because businesses aren’t listening and most people aren’t listening.
  • His Leftist base is not going to be happy about this. The Left sees this as a chance for a great reset. That is being thrown away.
  • This is not going to be embraced by the people who bought into Biden’s pandemic BS. They are still going to want masks and vax mandates.
  • Finally, no one believes this crap. Suddenly he’s changed his mind. What a coincidence that King Joe’s approval has dropped to 36% (30% for COVID response) and then he drops all restrictions.




Episode 483 – The Numbers Are Just Going to Keep Dropping

So many dumb stories over a single week. Turns out Friday is going to be my favorite day because we get to talk about all these stupid stories

And we do have some doozies!


Some News

Here’s some news I’m going to hit on because it’s happening but not as socially important as these stupid stories I’m going to talk about. Actually, these are not stupid stories. They’re kind of important.

  • The national debt has surpassed $30 trillion.
    • When George Bush left office, was at $9 trillion.
    • After Obama, it was $18 trillion.
    • After Trump, who was a big spender and had to deal with the pandemic, it was boosted to $23 trillion.
    • Biden has spent $7 trillion this year!
    • We are now entering danger territory. In September of 2019, before the pandemic, we had a debt to GDP of 4.7%. Believe it of not, that’s high. It is now at 12.4%.
    • We are not there yet, but we are entering the realm of Greece, Italy and Spain. All these countries have had to deal with austerity.
  • The jobs report was released today and it was a good one.
    • 467,000 jobs were added. That’s double than what was expected.
    • Unemployment went up to 4% but that’s good because more people are rejoining the workforce.
    • 709,000 were added for November and December.
    • This was a great report.
    • The problem for people is the child tax credit expired and extended benefits ended. People are now running out of money and have to work.
  • In other good news for Joe Biden, the head of ISIS-K was killed during a raid by U.S. special forces.
    • Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi was killed when he detonated a suicide vest.
    • Members of his family, including children, were also killed.
    • No soldiers were injured.
    • There seems to be some confusion as to what happened but if this guy was killed, it was worth it even if innocent family members were killed.
  • So Biden has had a good week.

OK, that’s enough of the bad news. Let’s get to the other bad news that’s funny.



Let’s Start With Queen Idget

Let’s start with our stupid statement of the week. Who else is the winner but Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Here she is on MSNBC talking about the Russia-Ukraine conflict. She see two problems with what’s going on over there. Here’s the first one:

Some things:

  • Notice she always strings together big words like “military industrial complex” to make herself sound intelligent? None of what she said applied to this situation but she sounds like she wants to string together a bunch of multi-syllabic words suddenly she’ll make sense. This is a strategy with the Left. They think big words will confuse us serfs and we’ll just go with them.
  • She’s blaming America, specifically American greed, for the conflict over there. It’s complete crap.
  • Does she really think, for a second, that a military contractor is going to lose the good graces of the American military for a corrupt Ukraine?
  • She’s talking out of her ass.

But, she can’t get away from the stupid. Here the real reason why Russia is threatening Ukraine:

Some things:

  • Yep, climate change.
  • Fossil fuels have become a problem because of the Biden administration.
    • We were energy independent.
    • We were a massive exporter of oil.
    • Biden shut down the Keystone Pipeline.
    • Ended all of the oil contracts on federal lands.
    • And gave Russia the Nordstream pipeline into Germany.
  • So, no, I don’t think evaluation is correct.


I Told You So

According to that Daily Wire:

“Game of Thrones” star Peter Dinklage is not pleased that Disney is attempting a remake of “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.” However, other members of the dwarf community have been thrilled to see the potential for lucrative acting jobs available to their community specifically. And a few of them are denouncing Dinklage’s rant, saying it’s harming their job prospects.

I told you this would happen.

Dwarf actor, Dylan Postl, stated:

“It makes me so sick to my stomach to think that there are seven roles for dwarfs that can’t get normal acting roles, or very few and far between roles, and now they are gone because of this guy.”

“Peter Dinklage is the biggest dwarf actor probably of all time but it doesn’t make him king dwarf. When he was cast as a little person role in ‘Lord of the Rings’ or in a ‘Game of Thrones’ or in ‘Elf’ or this that or the other thing… those checks cashed just fine. He had no issue then. But now he wants to be progressive? Come on man.”

I also want to point out that Peter Dinklage is starring in the upcoming movie, Cyrano. By the way, he was cast because he was a dwarf. He made more than $1 million an episode from Game of Thrones. He was cast for that series because he’s a dwarf.

Postl continued:

“I don’t know if Peter Dinklage is still acting or if he is done now but I don’t know… it’s pretty selfish. People came before him. If it is his mindset that he wants to be the only one then you gotta grow up man.

“It’s not helping our community it’s taking jobs away from our community that are very few and far between as it is. We are in a society and a time of woke and progression and I get that, to an extent, but this is a fairytale.”

He’s absolutely right but left out one thing. Wokeness is about power. Peter Dinklage wants to be the dwarf actor. That’s what his rant was all about.



Whoopie Was Right!

Remember Wednesday, we talked about how Whoopie was suspended for two weeks from The View because she said the Holocaust had nothing to do with racism because Jews were white? Even though Hitler himself wrote that the Jews were and inferior race?

She made an apology to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the ADL accepted her apology. Here’s the problem, according to the ADL’s definition of racism, at the time, Whoopie would have been right and could have pointed to the ADL’s website.

A little history about this:

Before 2020, the definition on the ADL’s website of racism was:

“Racism is the belief that a particular race is superior or inferior to another, that a person’s social and moral traits are predetermined by his or her inborn biological characteristics.”

Makes sense. That’s racism.

Then George Floyd died and BLM riots happened. The ADL, which used to be a moderate organization, changed the definition of racism:

“The marginalization and/or oppression of people of color based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges white people.”

See the problem is with this definition?

  • Only white people can be racist.
  • Only people of color can be victims of racism.
  • Whoopie Goldberg was right about the Holocaust based on this decision.

The ADL figured this out and made a change to that definition this week. They marked it with an interim tag because I guess the definition of a word is ever changing. Or they want to leave the lane clear to changing the definition when it conflicts with what another Leftist says. Here it is:

“Racism occurs when individuals or institutions show more favorable evaluation or treatment of an individual or group based on race or ethnicity.”

There are still problems with this definition so I’m sure it will change again.

It still allows the Left to call white people racists because they believe white people are running the institutions within the United States. That’s not true, of course, but the Left thinks it is.

The important thing to take away from this is the Left is constantly changing the meaning of words. For them words, people and societies are malleable. Men can be women. Phobias has changed to mean hate. History can change. Books can be rewritten or just banished.

That’s why I never call a man dressed like a woman by his preferred pronouns. This is dangerous stuff.



And We Get This.

According to the Daily Mail:

A woman who identifies as a wolf says that people often have ‘misconceptions’ about her her ‘spiritual and psychological’ life as a animal. 

Naia Ōkami, 27, from Seattle, identifies as a British Columbian wolf and regards herself as an otherkin therian – a subculture who believe their soul is that of an animal, rather than a human. 

In 2017, Naia came out as a transgender woman on social media and in November 2019, she revealed to her followers that she had legally changed her gender to female. 

Here he is talking about it:

I have no “misconceptions” about this man. He is delusional. He’s mentally ill.

This is where the subjectifying language leads. We normalize insanity.



Oh, Yeah, And This Too

According to Fox News:

Los Angeles County judge on Thursday ordered Hannah Tubbs, a transgender California woman, to serve two years in a juvenile facility after she pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a 10-year-old girl in 2014. 

Before doing so, the judge criticized far-left District Attorney George Gascon, whose office declined to prosecute the repeat offender as an adult.

Tubbs, 26, recently pleaded guilty to molesting the girl in a women’s bathroom eight years ago when Tubbs was two weeks away from turning 18. At the time of the crime, she identified as male and went by James Tubbs. She did not identify as female until after she was taken into custody, according to prosecutors.

That’s right! This 26-year-old man molested a 10-year-old girl and is being sent to a girls’ juvenile center because of that piece of crap woke prosecutor in Los Angeles, George Gascon. What could happen?

Here’s my thing: the judge can say “no” and send this guy to an adult men’s prison? Yeah, it will probably be overturned on appeal but, at least, the girls in the juvenile center will be protected until the appeal goes through. This will give the guys in the adult male prison a chance to apply some real justice (the guy only got 6 years).

This has nothing to do with common sense. This is about perverting the system. This is done on purpose. I will update you about this in about a month because it’s only a matter of time before this guy rapes someone.



Anything Can Be A Sport

According to the New York Post:

The Pillow Fighting Championship crowned its first ever champions Saturday night in Florida as the children’s pastime was turned into a professional combat sport.

The pay-per-view event saw 16 men and eight women, most used to mixed martial arts and boxing but this time with a specialized pillow, advance through a bracket style competition until a champion emerged.

On the women’s side it was Brazilian Istela Nunes defeating American Kendahl Voelker and the men’s final saw American Hauley Tillman defeat countryman Marcus Brimage. Each winner earned a title belt and $5,000.

That was the entire article.

I saw the video of the “fight” and it is exactly like you imagine it would be.

Let me tell you something: God bless capitalism and the United States. It’s this kind of imagination and innovation that makes this country great. I hope the guy who did this made a ton of money.



Why Not?

According to the New York Post:

In a first for the Rosamond Gifford Zoo in Syracuse, New York, a same-sex penguin couple hatched a baby chick, local news station 13 WHAM reported, and will now raise the chick as a pair.

The two adult male Humboldt Penguins — Elmer and Lima — became first-time dads on Jan. 1.

The zoo said Elmer and Lima formed a bond for the current breeding season and have built a home base in a nest “and defended their territory.”

I mean, why not?

More to the story:

  • The gay thing is a stretch. The birds could just be friends. It’s not clear they were ever having sex so it’s not clear how the zoo figured out they were gay.
  • The zoo was happy about this because the numbers of penguins in the zoo means they can have other penguins foster raise an egg and a chick. So that makes sense.
  • They tried to have these two birds raise a couple of eggs before and ended up breaking them. I don’t think much about this. In the Disney movie, March of the Penguins, penguins break their eggs all the time.
  • The male penguins also help to hatch the chicks.

What I hate about this story is what the zoo wants it to mean. Ted Fox, the zoo director, said:

“Elmer and Lima’s success at fostering is one more story that our zoo can share to help people of all ages and backgrounds relate to animals.”

What the zoo is trying to do a naturalize homosexuality. The LGBTQI+ community has been trying to do this for decades. The normalized it, they naturalized it.

I’ve said this before. Nature is absolute, unchanging. Normal is subjective and changes all the time based on opinion. It is impossible, in nature, for men to become women. But our society has normalized it.

That’s what the zoo is doing here.







Episode 484 – Stand Tall, Joe!

Joe Biden keeps bending the knee to our enemies.

We, finally, need to talk about this Joe Rogan thing because it’s not going away and will only get worse.

And Joe Biden feels taking away freedoms will end crime.


Another Dumb Move

In another weak move that is meant to push Iran back into the Iran Nuclear Deal, Biden has discontinued sanctions for commercial nuclear production.

According to Reuters:

President Joe Biden’s administration on Friday restored sanctions waivers to Iran to allow international nuclear cooperation projects, as indirect American-Iranian talks on reviving the 2015 international nuclear deal with Tehran enter the final stretch.

The waivers had allowed Russian, Chinese and European companies to carry out non-proliferation work to effectively make it harder for Iranian nuclear sites to be used for weapons development. The waivers were rescinded by the United States in 2019 and 2020 under former President Donald Trump, who pulled out of the nuclear agreement.

Secretary of State Antoney Blinkin sent a report to Congress stating:

“The waiver with respect to these activities is designed to facilitate discussions that would help to close a deal on a mutual return to full implementation of the JCPOA and lay the groundwork for Iran’s return to performance of its JCPOA commitments.

“It is also designed to serve U.S. non-proliferation and nuclear safety interests and constrain Iran’s nuclear activities. It is being issued as a matter of policy discretion with these objectives in mind, and not pursuant to a commitment or as part of a quid pro quo.”

I thought quid pro quos could get one impeached?

Again, the United States is bowing to its enemies while letting our allies flounder in the wind. Weakness. That’s what the Biden administration is about.



Joe Rogan

It’s been two weeks since this attack on Joe Rogan by Neil Young has started and it’s not exactly going well for the Left. But they continue to try to destroy all those that stand in their way.

Their big complaint is that Rogan has been “promoting COVID misinformation”. He had a doctor by the name of Robert Malone, the man who helped discover the mRNA vaccine said that how we are handling the pandemic is doing more damage than good and he questioned the effectiveness of the vaccine.

Joe Rogan did issue an apology, sort of. He said he was sorry to all those who were offended and he would try to do better in future podcasts. I’m not sure what he means by that since no one could really point out to what Malone said that was wrong other than it went against what the Left wants of this pandemic.

After Young pulled his music, David Crosby and Joanie Mitchell joined in. Seems that every drugged out hippie has decided to promote censorship.

But many also supported Rogan. One was Dwayne Johnson, better known as The Rock. Here’s what’s good about the Left and cancel culture: We learn what people are all about. We learn about the individual’s character. They will pressure you and dig to find anything that can be used against you. Everyone has something. It will be found. The question is what are you going to do when it is found.

They found something on Dwayne Johnson and he folded like a cheap suit. He withdrew his support of Joe Rogan. We know about this man’s character. He’s a coward. His sin? While wrestling, he made  rather funny Chinese impression. It wasn’t that bad. Not enough that he should piss on his ethics. Nothing that anyone would think twice about. He didn’t mean it. It was words on a script. But he just ruined his reputation, including with his most devout fans.

I liked Dwayne Johnson. I thought he was a good actor and funny. He is a Republican though I don’t think too Conservative. But nobody is perfect. But, like John Cena and his bending of the knee to China, I lost respect for Dwayne Johnson. He has no bravery to face the mob and is all about his career, his reputation and the money. Good riddance to him.

But, still, the Left could not silence Rogan. So they went further.

They looked through all the episodes of his podcast. They found what the were looking for. Joe Rogan said the N-word in a few episodes and this became big news.

Rogan was confronted with this and he made clear he used the word as a general term, not in reference to anyone. It was usually when talking with his guests about racism of free speech. One of the guests was black actor Jamie Foxx. Again, he gave a quasi-apology. He said he was sorry if anyone was offended. No one was. They just want him silenced.

Through all two weeks, the Left went after Rogan’s platform, Spotify. Spotify stood strong and refused to remove Rogan’s podcast. They did not bend with the “medical misinformation” crap. But using the n-word, even in the way he used it, was unacceptable. This weekend, Spotify removed 113 episodes of the podcast. That won’t be enough. The Left will want more blood.

This is an important lesson on the tactics of the Left if one goes against their agenda. The Left loves censorship and this is exactly how it was done by the Chinese, Nazis and Soviets. Rogan needs to stand tall and not apologize for any of his past. Spotify, who looks like are folding, needs to stand tall. There are far more out there who like the message of Joe Rogan and the backbone of Spotify than do not. Those who scream how offended they are don’t care and don’t watch the podcasts. They just hate the message. And the message is strong.

I’m sure there’ll be more to this story.



Spotify Response

The CEO of Spotify is caught between a rock and a hard place. He is making a ton of money off Rogan’s podcast and he is running a company that leans to the Left. You can tell he’s stressed out about this because he released a letter to his employees:

“While I strongly condemn what Joe has said and I agree with his decision to remove past episodes from our platform, I realize some will want more. And I want to make one point very clear – I do not believe that silencing Joe is the answer. We should have clear lines around content and take action when they are crossed, but canceling voices is a slippery slope. Looking at the issue more broadly, it’s critical thinking and open debate that powers real and necessary progress.”

That’s a really weak statement.

First off, Rogan never said anything really controversial. His use of the n-word, within context, was not a thing. No one is insulted by it. I don’t hear about any boycotts for Cardi B who says the n-word every six seconds in her music. By the way, if Joe Rogan can’t use the n-word, than no one should use the n-word. That would really kill the rap industry.

Joe Rogan didn’t say anything controversial about the China virus. Everything he said was from his experience, said by doctors and he had multiple people on with opposing views. He had Dr. Sanjay Gupta, the medical correspondent from CNN on who disagreed with Dr. Robert Malone. Rogan made Gupta look like a child over that ivermectin thing.

The other problem I see is that he sent this letter to his employees. He’s the CEO of the company. His decisions determine their. He’s paying them. Who gives a damn what they think. They can quit. An employee comes to me, as CEO, and complains, I’d say, “Fine, now go do your job and cash the paycheck that I sign.”

A CEOs job is tenuous enough without him or her having all his or her decisions being questioned by employees and then needing to justify those decisions. Not many CEOs work for more than five years. That’s why they’re paid so much. Employees don’t get that.

To make it clear, Rogan doesn’t need Spotify. He can go somewhere else and he will take his 12 million listeners with him. In fact, other companies that promote free speech smell the blood in the water and would love to get a hold of the Joe Rogan Experience.

Rumble is a video platform that pushes free speech. All my videos are only on Rumble because I have had several of my podcasts and videos banned. I have like 30 viewers to my stuff and I’m still getting my stuff banned. So I put all my videos on Rumble.

Rumble CEO,  Chris Pavlovski, sent a letter to Joe Rogan and posted the letter on Twitter, saying he would give Rogan $100 million for a four year deal.

“Dear Joe. We stand with you, your guests, and your legion of fans in desire for real conversation. So we’d like to offer you 100 million reasons to make the world a better place.”

“How about you bring all your shows to Rumble, both old and new, with no censorship, for 100 million bucks over four years? This is our chance to save the world. And yes, this is totally legit.”

By the way, this is how Conservatives get through cancel culture. Just come up with our own industries.



The Left Destroys Everything

There is a lot to this story. And it’s going to continue.

  • Just wait! Joe Rogan is going to be a sexist and transphobe too. That’s coming this week. Guaranteed.
  • None of these people who claim to be offended are offended and I bet a dollar that it is like 10 people.
    • This stuff has been around forever and no one said anything until now.
    • There are companies that pay people to find things on people they don’t like (Media Matters is an example).
  • Joe Rogan is not used to this, that’s why he’s apologizing.
    • No one ever accused him of being a racist before.
    • He does have other things to worry like the UFC, his podcast, his guests and his reputation. I would love to see him invite Neil Young on his show to discuss his opinions. I suspect Young wouldn’t but it would be a hell of a show.
    • Rogan needs to continue punching and ignore this. He needs to be careful that he doesn’t self censor for fear of saying something the 8 people monitoring him might find offensive.
  • This also shows how the Left destroys everything.
    • They hate our architecture, for Christ’s sake.
    • They hate comedy, entertainment and beauty.
      • Dave Chapelle.
      • Statues.
      • Fairy Tales and Dr. Seuss.
      • When was the last time you saw a good movie from mainstream Hollywood?






GoFundMe and the Freedom Convoy




IS The Freedom Fever Spreading?










Episode 485 – They Are Showing What They’re About

Joe Biden is looking to solve crime by taking down a Constitutional right.

And China’s message may not be getting through during the Olympics.


Gun Control

Joe Biden went to New York last week to talk about crime. It turned out Old Joe didn’t want to talk about crime but about guns. He wanted to talk about how guns were committing most of the crimes in the world and getting rid of guns would solve the world’s problems. Of course, he didn’t worry about crimes that did not involve guns (which is actually most crimes). You burglary, theft, child abuse, drug use and dealing, car theft and rape. All crimes revolve around guns.

And it’s not people that commit crime. It is only guns. The gun wakes up in the morning, has a cup of coffee, watches the morning news. Then the gun decides to go out and kills someone. Usually the gun decides to kill a black person. Even though most guns are black or blue steel, the are white supremacists.

Damn racist guns. They are also homophobic, transphobic and bigots.

That’s the line of thinking Joe Biden and the Left have. Or maybe their line of thinking is their religious ideology must be imposed on all people, even if they don’t believe in this sick ideology. And people should not have the ability to rebel against this ideology. People with guns can create a formidable resistance against the Left.

Here’s the problem for Joe Biden and the Left. The Constitution. They believe they’re above it. They believe the Constitution is just an old piece of paper that can be changed with some white out and a sharpie.

Listen to old Joe make that very clear in New York last week:

First off, Joe can’t seem to get through a sentence without fumbling through his words. He’s reading this statement and still stutters his way through the statement.

The cities that he speaks about have always had crime and everything has gotten worse since the defund the police movement. Gun crime did not go up because there are more guns. It has gone up because there are less police and prosecutors refuse to prosecute criminals. There have always been a lot of guns.

As far as rogue gun dealers, I’m for getting rid of them. But Joe’s Gun Shop down the street doesn’t sell guns illegally. Big 5 doesn’t sell guns illegally. Turner’s Sporting Goods doesn’t sell guns illegally. I know tis for a fact. It is street punks who are already committing the crimes that sell gun illegally and they, when caught, they are not being prosecuted because they are victims of a systemically racist system.

The last part of this statement is the big one. “No Amendment is absolute.” That statement is wrong.

The Constitution is absolute. It is the law of the land. How do we know this? It’s in the Constitution. If you want to change the Constitution, it’s in the Fifth Amendment. And, guess what, it is not the President or Supreme Court that changes the Constitution. In fact, they have no say in the process. It’s up to the Senate, the House and the States.

The last statement Biden made was the most egregious. Even the Washington Post said it was not true. That’s when he said it wasn’t legal to own a canon. There were no limits to the weapons a person could own. There were no limits tot he number of weapons a person could own. In fact, in the 18th and 19th centuries, there was fear of foreign powers and it was required to own a gun.

The Second Amendment is really straight forward:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

There are no limitations here. It doesn’t say the right the bear Arms shall not be infringed except for…”

Here’s the kicker. When I was a kid (and that was a long time ago), a person could own a Howitzer canon. He could own a fully automatic AK-47. He could own a fully automatic Chinese SKS assault rifle. He could own an automatic Uzi. He could own a SPAS Street Sweeper automatic shotgun. You could buy them at any Big 5.

The government slowly took away guns. They started with automatic rifles. Then military guns. Then attachments. The certain types of ammo. Now they are going after ghost guns and magazines sizes. The evolution has been so slow that no one noticed what was available to us at one point.

Yet the Second Amendment says we can own whatever we need with no fixed quantity. That was some on purpose. The reason: it is “necessary for a free state”. The words from the Second Amendment.

We’ve seen how taking away gun rights has gone in other countries. We saw it in China, the Soviet Union and Germany in the 20th century. We see how it went in Venezuela in in the 21st century. We are watching what happens to freedoms right now in Canada and Australia.

This is what the Left wants. They want to take away our rights to fight fr our country.







The Olympics

Speaking of China, the Winter of Olympics are happening and no one cares. The Olympics have had their ratings fall consistently for the last 20 years. This Olympics is taking it completely in the teeth. NBC’s viewership is down 69% from the Summer Olympics of last year and are at the lowest in Olympic history.

That’s just awesome. I know I’m not watching this propaganda event.

Some of the media is also questioning why the Olympics are being held there at all. The New York Times, which has been pretty critical of China. They complained that Beijing doesn’t have any actual snow. It’s kind of like Los Angeles in the winter. All the competitions in the Winter Olympics are being held on man-made snow. Of course, The New York Times bitched that man-made snow was bad for climate change. The question I would have asked is why the International Olympic Committee (IOC) would hold the Winter Olympics in a place that doesn’t have any snow.

Pictures are also coming out of China. There is one picture that shows what looks like the ski jump venue. The venue is nice but the surrounding area is a hellscape. Grey buildings, a nuclear power plant and a dirty city in the background.

I am sure we are going to have a lot of stories about China when the athletes return to their countries (though we are getting a lot of information now).

But it is also the tyranny.

On live television, a reporter from, I think, the Netherlands was roughly removed from in front of the televisions camera because he was standing in front of the wrong building. He was asked politely or anything. A police officer grabbed him and shoved him off camera.

Even the propaganda they are pushing is not being embraced. When the Chinese had a Uyghur light the Olympic Caldron, the mainstream media, including CNN, was doubtful that this was anything more than propaganda.

But there is more.


Why Didn’t She Say This Before

Nancy Pelosi made the following controversial comments last week:

Some things:

  • Why didn’t she say this before? Why didn’t anyone say this before?
  • Why are our athletes over there?
  • Why is a United States politician, the third most powerful person in the government and in line to be President, showing her fear of the Chinese government?
  • And what would our government do if China did take action against a U.S. athlete who said something China didn’t like?

This is the type of weakness that the Biden administration and the Democrats have shown for China for decades. She is basically saying that our athletes are in danger because of the Chinese government and there is nothing the United States government can do about it.

Well, the horrors of the Chinese government are coming out and it has only been a couple of days since the opening ceremonies.

Russian biathlete, Valeria Vasnetsova, was put into isolation because of COVID. She complained about the food being awful and there being no way she could train. She also released a picture of her meals that she received three times a day,

The meals were made up of a raw chicken breast, plain noodles, some red sauce of some kind, four or five small potatoes and charred meat of some kind.

She had lost a lot of weight and, of course, she lost her ability to compete.

She said:

“[M]y bones are already sticking out,” the Olympian said. Vasnetsova said she had survived on the small pasta serving for several days because it was “impossible” to eat the rest of the food, “but today I ate all the fat they serve instead of meat because I was very hungry.”

Eventually, the Russian government complained enough that the Chinese started to give her real food while she was confined.

Another athlete, Belgium Kim Meylemans, also has a nightmare story. She was confined for 14 days because of the China virus, all alone. When she was released, she was put in a van. She thought she was going back to the Olympic village. Nope. She was being transferred to another containment facility.

Here she is, in tears on Instagram, distraught that she was being put away again for an additional 7 days:

So, why is China doing this? Remember, they are saying that they only had 5,500 deaths due to their virus. They shouldn’t have any issues with the virus since the handled it so beautifully.

There are three reasons:

  • They lied. The virus is still an issue and they did not have 5,500 deaths. They probably had hundreds of thousands of deaths. We already have pictures of the urns of the dead from the China virus and it’s more than 5,500.
  • They want to manipulate the games. All their COVID requirements were to mess with the athletes’ training regimen. They want the most medals and they will do anything to achieve that goal.
  • Finally, the China virus is just the excuse they are using for pushing their tyranny.


The Media Pushes the Propaganda

The media shows us that they have a very unhealthy respect and love for China. Now, to be clear, most of the mainstream media thinks this Olympics is just a Chinese propaganda scheme. China has been criticized by Leftist news organizations like CNN, The Washington Post and The New York Times. So China is not completely getting a free pass.

But here is NBC, who is televising the games, during the opening ceremonies:

Is this guy kidding?

They have concentration camps where they are systematically committing geocide. They imprison people for saying things they don’t like. They disappear people. They had a one-child policy that forced abortions and sterilization.

And let’s not over appreciate what China is doing in other countries. They are doing this for a reason. They will help no country without getting something in return. Either money, land, resources or influence. They are an example of the colonial empire that Leftists accuse the United States of doing.

I can kind of understand why NBC is doing this. They paid a ton of money into getting the rights to the Olympics and they want to shine a light on China to try to take the stain away from the games. But ESPN, a sports network owned by ABC doesn’t have that kind of excuse (well, ABC is owned by Disney). ESPN is suppose to be only about sports though that has eroded over the years. Here the are on a show called Around the Horn:

That’s right! The United States is just as bad as a country that is systemically killing people in concentration camps because people in Georgia need to show an ID to vote.

Simply disgusting.




Episode 482 – China is A-Hole!

The Olympics are starting in China. China continues to be an oppressive society and are using the the pandemic to squeeze their citizens. Let’s talk about that.



Here is some news I’m sure you heard about and have gotten tons of commentary on. I don’t see a real reason to go too much into detail about them:

  • In COVID news:
    • Reuters has reported that there might be anti-viral effects which could be a therapeutic to fighting COVID.
    • Johns Hopkins has done a meta study about the lockdowns in the United States.
      • In the report: “While this meta-analysis concludes that lockdowns have had little to no public health effects, they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted. In consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.”
      • They found that COVID mortality would have dropped .2%.
      • “These costs to society must be compared to the benefits of lockdowns, which our meta-analysis has shown are marginal at best. Such a standard benefit-cost calculation leads to a strong conclusion: lockdowns should be rejected out of hand as a pandemic policy instrument.”
      • Researchers also pointed out other unintended consequences of lockdowns, such as rising unemployment, reduced schooling, an increase in domestic violence incidents, and surging drug overdoses.
    • Finally, it looks like Omicron is petering out. New York used to average 40,000 cases a day. They are down to 4000 cases a day.
  • Remember we talked about the corruption of Black Lives Matter on Monday? The California Department of Justice has ordered BLM to turn over their financial records. We’ll have to see where this is going to go because I’m not sure BLM is going to cooperate and I think California will blink first.
  • Whoopie Goldberg has been suspended from The View for saying that the Holocaust was not about race but about man’s cruelty to man. That would be news to Hitler. He referred to the Jews as an inferior race.
    • Basically she was saying there can’t be racism since the Jews and Germans are both white.
    • She apologized, sort of, but why is she only suspended? Rosanne Barr was pulled from her top rated show for some stupid comments.
    • By the way, the Left believes what she believes. Racism doesn’t go against white only people of color. We’ll talk more about that on Friday.
  • I don’t know what’s wrong with people at CNN not being able to keep their pants on but Jeff Zucker, the CEO of CNN, has resigned for not reporting an affair he was having with a staffer.
  • Joe Biden is sending 3000 troops are being deployed to Germany, Poland and Romania to counter Russia’s aggression toward Ukraine.
  • In January, 24 police officers have been shot and 10 have been killed. in all of 2021, 74 police officers were killed. As you can see, we are in a pretty ugly pace here.



Here We Go

According to the Wall Street Journal:

The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics that open Friday will by many measures be the most complicated on record.

China’s “zero-Covid” approach, with strict testing protocols, effectively puts the Games in a bubble. Geopolitical tensions are high. Governments are protesting the country’s alleged human-rights abuses and warning about state-backed cybersecurity threats.

At the heart of it all are athletes navigating a maze of issues around health, safety, politics and free speech—while competing in one of the most important events of their lives. Team members have gone to great lengths to avoid catching Covid-19 in the days leading up to the Games. Some stayed away from loved ones for weeks or months. Many are leaving their phones at home over spying concerns.

We will talk about the zero-COVID policies in a few minutes because it’s important. That’s what the Left wants to do here and it is truly horrifying.

Concerning the Olympics, I’ll say it again, we shouldn’t be there. This is an corrupt, oppressive and genocidal country. But I’ll go a step further: Our athletes aren’t safe there. Some of the things the U.S. government is warning them about:

  • They are facing heavy COVID restrictions:
    •  They will not be able to leave the Olympic campus.
    • Beijing Olympics organizers decided to require that all Games participants be vaccinated or submit to a 21-day quarantine.
    • They will be tested daily.
    • They are bringing back the anal swab tests.
    • If two confirmatory tests after the arrival test are also positive, Beijing 2022’s protocols call for people to go to an isolation facility or to a hospital, depending on symptoms, where they stay until they are symptom-free and have two negative Covid tests 24 hours apart.
    • If they have a positive test, they must prove they are well enough to compete.
    • These restrictions could be a way to keep favored American athletes out of competition.
      • China wants to win.
      • Remember, they manipulated the medal count, adding Taiwan’s medals, so they could beat the United States.
  • Leaders of several national Olympic committees, including Team USA, advised their athletes to use disposable or “burner” phones to avoid potential government surveillance.
  • Some competitors feel that their personal safety is at risk and they point to Chinese tennis star Peng Shuai, who disappeared from public view in early November after an accusation of sexual assault against a retired high-ranking politician appeared on her social-media account.
  • Athletes are being warned to behave and not talk about politics. A Beijing organizing committee official said in a recent news conference that behavior or speech that violated the Olympic spirit could be subject to “certain punishment.” We don’t know what that is but no one wants to find out.

We shouldn’t be over. The Biden administration should have made that clear but Joe Biden is making way too much money from China. And that diplomatic boycott is just stupid. He might have just done nothing.

But I wonder about the athletes. I understand that an Olympic athlete has a short shelf life but is this worth it? The athletes are going to be there for three months and completely isolated. They have to worry about what they say, worry about being spied on and worry about being ghosted (as China is known to do).

If it was me, I’d just stay home.



Well, Duh!

FBI Director, Christopher Wray had some very stark words about China. Right now, the FBI is expecting a cyber attack from Russia and China and he wanted to address this. He made some comments as a keynote speaker at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library :

“There is so much good we could do with a responsible Chinese government: crack down on cybercriminals, stop money launderers, reduce opioid overdose deaths. But at the FBI, we’re focused on the reality of the Chinese government today.”

“When we tally up what we see in our investigations—over 2,000 of which are focused on the Chinese government trying to steal our information or technology—there is just no country that presents a broader threat to our ideas, our innovation, and our economic security than China.”

Maybe he should have been a little more aggressive when Joe Biden was figuring out whether or not to send our athletes over to China.

He also said:

“China may be the first government to combine authoritarian ambitions with cutting-edge technical capability. It’s like the surveillance nightmare of East Germany combined with the tech of Silicon Valley.”

This is an awesome comment. We are not dealing with the fact that Silicon Valley is working directly with China to control information to Chinese hear, enforce China’s social credit score and help China with their surveillance programs. To make things worse, these companies (Apple, Google and Facebook) give their technology to China because it’s required by the government to do business in China. They won’t do this for the United States. Remember, Apple wouldn’t help the FBI crack the encryption for the terrorists’ phones after the attack in San Bernardino in 2015.

And it’s no secret: Silicon Valley wants to do the same thing here, primarily for profit and the spreading of the Leftist ideology. We’re seeing it now.

China wants the United States to be China. And Silicon Valley is helping them toward their goals.























Episode 481 – An Awful Human Being

A woman shows just how much hate is on the Left.

The military ain’t what it used to be.

And what can put our kids on the right path?


This Is A Terrible Human Being

According to Fox News:

New York City police Officer Jason Rivera was killed Jan. 21 by a suspect while responding to a domestic dispute in Harlem. A second police officer died days later.

On Friday, thousands lined Manhattan’s streets to mourn the 22-year-old Rivera, but actress Jacqueline Guzman likely wasn’t one of them, the New York Post reported.

This is what she said:

What an f-ing terrible human being!

First off, everything she said was wrong:

  • Cops do not kill people, will-nilly.
    • There are around 50 million police interactions a year. Everything from traffic stops to civilians 911 calls.
    • In 2021, there were only 880 people shot and a total of 1140 were killed. That is .0023% of interactions lead to a death at the hands of police. Does that sound like police are hunting people?
    • Blacks are also not dying at huge rates in 2021. Out of 880 police shootings, 113 blacks were killed. That’s 13%. According to the last census, the black population is 12.4%.
    • Hispanics make up 32% of the population but only 7.2% of police shooting deaths.
    • None of this is true.

This year, 8 police have already been killed. Only 74 were killed all year last year. All this because police are not being supported by DAs, Leftist politicians and morons like the one you just heard. This was not only mourning the lost life of a young police officer. This is a protest of the mistreatment police and he lax efforts of the district attorney in prosecuting criminals.

Here’s a news report from CBS News. It is about Jason Rivera’s widow, Dominique Luzuriaga, blasting the Left wing liberal Manhattan district attorney.  Normally would just play her words, but I want you to hear the report because what the media is pushing in half the problem:


First thing I want to point out is that the officer and his widow is Hispanic. There is this narrative that police department are systemically racist against people of color. The reality is 50% of the police forces in big cities are made up of people of color. That kind of throws a wrench into the narrative. So how des the media handle it? They ignore it.

I also love the narrative that is being pushed that everything is about gun violence. Here’s a secret: Guns don’t commit violence. Guns don’t wake up in the morning and just decide to shoot someone. People commit violece and people use more than guns. They use knives, bats, cars and assorted other weapons. Two police officers were killed this year because they were intentionally run over by a car. Criminals commit violence. They are the problem, not guns. But the narrative requires we take the criminal out of the equation because they are now considered victims by the Left.

This gals speech is important because she is basically not allowing the narrative. Her husband was killed by a criminal who was on the streets because of their piece of crap district attorney. He was not killed by an inanimate object. This whole display is a protest by cops and we need to see more of this.



Speaking of Corruption

According to Fox News:

Black Lives Matter (BLM) moved millions of dollars to a charity in Canada run by the wife of co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors to purchase a mansion that used to be the headquarters of the Communist Party of Canada, according to public records reviewed by the New York Post.

M4BJ, which is a non-profit based in Toronto that was set up in part by Janaya Khan, bought the 10,000-square foot mansion for $6.3 million in July 2021. Khan is the wife of Khan-Cullors, a self-professed Marxist who helped found Black Lives Matter Global Foundation Network.

Gee, who saw that coming?

BLM is worth $60 million and has had its fair share of scandals:

  • Patrisse Khan-Cullors bought three homes with BLM money for $3.2 million.
  • She resigned from BLM and apparently picked a successor.
  • Unfortunately, the successor didn’t know she was appointed, leading people to not know who is running the organization.
  • One of their leaders for the New York City chapter said that if policing becomes more aggressive to curb the crime problem, BLM was going to get violent.
  • Chapters throughout the United States have been asking BLM what they are doing with all the money since they see nothing being done in black neighborhoods where blacks are being killed by other blacks on a daily basis. I’ve talked about that before.

BLM is a non-profit organization and does not need to pay taxes. Many are wondering why? What do they do? Where are all the donations going?

Well, we know. The money is being used to enrich the leadership. They are a Marxist organization (they admit this) that uses tragedy in the black community to push discord. Their ultimate goal (again, they admit this) is to overturn all the American institutions to transform the country into a communist utopia. But it is not just race they use. They also use gender. Their goal is to pit people against each other.

This is an organization that should not be a non-profit and should be investigated for corruption. They use white guilt, a term brought to be by a book of the same name by Shelby Steele, to con companies into donating to them. They peaked after George Floyd died.

They really need to be investigated and people should be going to prison.



Diversity is Overrated

John Kirby went on Fox News with Dana Perino. They were talking about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. At the end of the interview, Dana Perino asked the question every normal human being is wondering. Is wokeness in the military hurting the military. I thought it was a great and relevant question. John Kirby didn’t. In fact, he got kind of ticked. Listen:

I’m not sure what his answer is. He says wokeness isn’t a thing and then he goes out of his way to defend it. He basically is admitting that there is a diversity, wokeness, social justice thing going on in the military though he doesn’t want to say it in so many words.

I was in the military. Let me let you in on something: The military is already diverse. Black, white and Hispanic are all together. Jews, Muslims and Christians are all together. Men and women are all together. Smart and dumb are all together. The speech that Gunnery Sargent Hartman gave in the beginning of Full Metal Jacket pretty much sums up the military. Everyone is equal, no one is different. They are all military. Their color doesn’t matter. Their class doesn’t matter. Their religion doesn’t matter. Their sex doesn’t matter. The military is a brotherhood and I mean brotherhood to be genderless. They are all soldiers and they are there for one thing: Defeat the enemy and be there for each other.

This is where the military is going wrong right now. Instead of creating a brotherhood by stripping away individuality, they are now extenuating individuality. This is what causes conflict between people. When I was in the military, I did not care whether the person next to me was black or white. I only worried about that person having my back. Now, with critical race theory and gender theory being pushed, soldiers have to worry about that.

By the way, those theories they are pushing onto the soldiers were written by people who have never been in the military, don’t understand it and, typically, don’t like it.

And another thing, what is so important about diversity anyway? Why force it? Ann Coulter and a bunch or other writers have asked that question before. Why force it? It has been happening naturally for decades.



That’s a Good Idea

I just finished a book called Woke, Inc. by a former pharma CEO named Vivek Ramaswamy. It was a pretty good book about how corporations are going woke and why they are doing it. It also talks about why that is dangerous for democracy within the United States. The book was pretty good and very informative when it comes to how corporations work and what they do that affects the country politically. It also talks about the train of thought of woke CEOs and their true intentions.

I think the author has some credibility based on the fact that he was a politically moderate CEO for a successful pharma company and had to deal with woke employees and other CEOs.

The second to last chapter of the book was enlightening. He talks about the bastardization of service within this country. All except the best of us perform service for personal reasons. A student may volunteer so that he can get into a good college. Adults may donate money to get a good tax deduction. We rarely do something without getting something back.

He sees this as very embedded into woke service. People go to protests in order to feel better about themselves. People don’t really know why they are protesting. People really don’t care about what they are protesting. People like Jesse Waters, Steven Crowder and Fleccas show this when they interview protestors and ask them questions about the issues. They are just out there to show how woke they are and want to feel good about being social justice warriors.

The big problem with this type of service is that it is distinctly anti-American. Ramaswamy says we need to push people into service that is distinctly pro-American. I believe this. I have always thought it would be a good idea that Americans are forced to join the service for two years like Singapore and Israel do. I am what I am because the military really did shape me. To be clear, I did not complete my service because of youthful indiscretions which I will not get into, but it did have an affect on me and I appreciate the three years I was in.

But Ramaswamy says this would not work. First, we do have freedoms in this country. Conscious objections are an accepted part of society. If you don’t want to serve in the military because you hate war, you have that right. Second, it’s too late. We need to have our youth performing pro-American, pro-community service. The problem is the kids are already learning the quid pro quo of service. He suggest forcing children into civic service during summer vacations.

He says our children have way too much free time. They get 2 1/2 months off for summer, a month off for Christmas vacation, two weeks off for spring break. And what are they doing during all this free time? Nothing. They don’t even work anymore. I was working at the age of 13. My parents forced me to work so I could learn some work ethic.

I think that’s a great idea. I don’t think something like this will work, can be implemented because I can imagine the backlash. But our kids need something to put them on the right track. I seriously worry about our future because our children seem to have no direction, they’re not educated, they reject debate and reason and they are being indoctrinated into this twisted, anti-American philosophy.






Beijing Olympics Athletes Brace for the Most Complex Games Ever https://www.wsj.com/articles/beijing-olympics-winter-games-athletes-covid-china-politics-11643562434



