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Episode 451 – The Reactions Are In

This is the fun part. With Kyle Rittenhouse being found not guilty on all accounts, we get to see the gnashing of teeth and bloodlust from the Left.

And we are seeing it. So are Rittenhouse’s lawyers.


Friday Night Lights

We celebrated the big victory on Friday over on Rumble. If you haven’t seen my video, here it is:


I’m not going to go over the verdict here. I’m sure you heard and saw the drama.

As far as unrest goes, there were moments of it in Los Angeles and New York. None in Kenosha. Everything was rather quiet.

This was great news for 2nd Amendment advocated and equality under the law and that’s what I was most concerned about. I saw the videos and everything was quite clear: Kyle Rittenhouse defended himself from some very bad people who were trying to kill him. There was no doubt about that. I was worried that the media and BLM had intimidated this jury enough to either hang or say he was guilty on some of the charges. They weren’t able to manipulate the jury and that’s a great thing.

Let’s be clear on one thing: I do not see Kyle Rittenhouse as a hero. I see him as an innocent and naïve kid that was some place he shouldn’t have been. He put himself in a very dangerous position. That does not mean he didn’t have a right to be out there. It just means it was not the best place for a 17-year-old to be that night. I don’t think Rosenbaum or Huber belonged out there either. And that does not change whether he is innocent or not. He was definitely defending himself and those who attacked him were some bad hombres.

By the way, nobody but Rittenhouse faced charges? Why didn’t Gage and “jump kick man” face assaults charges?

Before you start screaming at me, Rittenhouse did do some courageous and virtuous things that night. He was cleaning up graffiti off the walls. He was putting out fires. He was giving medical aid to the rioters who got hurt. He was guarding a business from the rioters. Yes, he didn’t belong out there at his age but he was doing good things while he was out there.

Now, the media has some problems. Either they take the “L” and admit Rittenhouse was innocent, change the narrative to something more palatable to the citizens and viewers or they double-down and call Rittenhouse a racist white supremacist that eats puppies and pees on orphans. His lawyers are hoping for the last (and they won’t be disappointed).


The New Narrative

I turned to MSNBC because I knew there would be a lot of whining. And there was. But I think they were in some shock when the verdicts went down. There was not a lot about Rittenhouse himself. They needed a few hours to warm up.

Their lawyers talked about the up hill battle of the prosecution and even mentioned their incompetence a couple of times. But one thing they tried to do was craft a new narrative. Some them included:

  • The need for stricter gun control.
  • The need to get rid of the 2nd Amendment.
  • The need to change “right to defense” in the criminal law code.
  • The failure of the jury system in the United States.

I was surprised to hear some outlets defend Rittenhouse and the verdict. CNN said that justice was done even if “we” didn’t like it. The Washington Post and New York Times put out opinion pieces about how the system did work. The writers said that it works for both sides and the case was very weak.

But, as usual, when the shock had waned, they went right back to the narrative. Kyle Rittenhouse is a racist and white supremacist and he a representative of all white men.

Let’s look at some examples.



The Media

Though Chris Cuomo on CNN said that the verdict was just, Van Jones and Anderson Cooper didn’t think so:

Couple of things with this:

  • Kyle Rittenhouse is being compared to Bernard Goetz and George Zimmerman as a vigilante. This is not the case. In fact all three cases are different.
    • Goetz was a vigilante and faced charges and was convicted because of it.
    • Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch guy. He saw someone suspicious and reported it and was then attacked. He shot only after he suffered injuries. He is a dumb guy but he defended himself, none the less.
    • Kyle Rittenhouse only shot those who attacked him. All this is on video. No one got shot that wasn’t attacking him. He defended himself.
    • I still have yet to see this white supremacy thing the media is talking about. To them, white supremacy is anyone who is a white man.
  • None of the cases he mentioned have anything to do with each other. All were unrelated and the circumstances were unrelated.
  • I love that they bring up January 6th but never talk of the destruction the BLM riots caused.
  • He says there is one section of society that is walking out of the house carrying guns. Hello, all of these guys that Rittenhouse shot were expected to be armed. Even Rosenbaum was was suspected to be armed with some sort of liquid, be it bleach, gas or lighter fluid. He threw the bag at Rittenhouse. One hit Rittenhouse twice with a skateboard. One had a gun.
  • Here are some questions:
    • Where were the cops?
    • Why did Kyle Rittenhouse feel he needed a gun?
    • What were those guys doing while Rittenhouse was out there?
    • What about the violence in Kenosha? Should that just be ignore?

But then there’s Tiffany Cross of MSNBC:

Some things:

  • I’m glad people at MSNBA can’t contain themselves. More money for Rittenhouse. He’s no white supremacist.
  • Blacks actually did vote before the Civil Rights Act. They voted Republican.
    • Lyndon Johnson pushed it through to change that. He even said, “N-words will be voting Democrat for the next 200 years.”
    • Martin Luther King was a liberal Republican.
    • Democrats instituted and enforced Jim Crowe laws. Republicans ended slavery and condemned Jim Crowe laws.

Joy Reid said:

Jeez! Some things:

  • Gun control.
  • The system is flawed and racist.
  • This was not a protest, it was a riot.
  • Rittenhouse did not shoot any black people.
  • The lies: Rittenhouse’s father lived in the state and he worked in the state.

I want to bring up a couple of things here:

  • I love that the media is doing this now. Before the verdict, it’s only opinion. After the not guilty verdict, it’s slander.
  • Rittenhouse is going to win a lot of money through lawsuits.
  • I want to ask a couple of questions:
    • When are we going to talk about black supremacy?
    • When are we going to talk about black nationalism?
    • When are we going to start condemning Van Jones, Joy Reid, Ibram X. Kendi or Tiffany Cross as racists? If I said the same thing but reversed the races, that would be considered, rightly, racist.




Doesn’t just end there. Politicians went off. Here’s Joe Biden’s response:

“While the verdict in Kenosha will leave many Americans feeling angry and concerned, myself included, we must acknowledge that the jury has spoken. I ran on a promise to bring Americans together, because I believe that what unites us is far greater than what divides us. I know that we’re not going to heal our country’s wounds overnight, but I remain steadfast in my commitment to do everything in my power to ensure that every American is treated equally, with fairness and dignity, under the law.”

Mr. Unity. He even admitted he didn’t know anything about the case. This is a guy who spent his entire campaign calling Rittenhouse a militia member and a white supremacist. I hope Rittenhouse can sue the President.

Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA): “America today: you can break the law, carry around weapons built for a military, shoot and kill people, and get away with it. That’s the message we’ve just sent to armed vigilantes across the nation.”

In San Francisco, the shout down a Louis Vitton and about ten Walgreens because people who steal under $100 don’t get arrested so I don’t want to hear about breaking the law from him.

Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D-IL): “Carrying a loaded gun into a community 20 miles from your home and shooting unarmed citizens is fundamentally wrong.”

Congressional Black Caucus: “It is unconscionable our justice system would allow an armed vigilante — who traveled to Kenosha, Wisconsin and killed Joseph Rosenbaum, Anthony Huber, and wounded Gaige Grosskreutz — to go free.”

Rep Cori Bush (D-MO): “The judge. The jury. The defendant. It’s white supremacy in action. This system isn’t built to hold white supremacists accountable. It’s why Black and brown folks are brutalized and put in cages while white supremacist murderers walk free. I’m hurt. I’m angry. I’m heartbroken.”

Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA): “Racism & white supremacy remain the bedrock of our legal system. My heart breaks for the family & loved ones of those whose lives were stolen, and the trauma our communities face today and every day.”

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI): “Our justice system is broken. It protects white supremacy. The two people who were killed deserved justice and so did our communities who continue to be targeted with violence like this.”



Colin Kaepernick: “We just witnessed a system built on white supremacy validate the terroristic acts of a white supremacist. This only further validates the need to abolish our current system. White supremacy cannot be reformed.”

NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace: “Ha, let the boy be black and it would’ve been life…hell he would’ve had his life taken before the bullshit trial. Sad.”

NBA: “Our thoughts are with the families of those whose lives were taken in this tragedy. The right to peacefully protest is a bedrock of our democracy and the National Basketball Social Justice Coalition remains committed to preserving that right for all. Any forms of vigilantism in our society are unacceptable.”



Nikole Hannah-Jones: “In this country, you can even kill white people and get away with it if those white people are fighting for Black lives. This is the legacy of 1619.”

“But Trayvon Martin deserved to die because he fought back against an aggressor with no weapon. This is the legacy of white supremacy in action.”

Ibram X. Kendi: “They are fighting to maintain white male supremacy,” Kendi quoted from an article he wrote last year. “Which is to say, they are defending law and order. Defending their America — where white men can rule and brutalize without consequence.”

George Takei: “Justice denied is a body blow to our national psyche. On trial was not only a killer, but a system that continues to kill. Today that system defeated true justice, once again. But mark these words: We will never stop fighting for what is right and just.”

Jemele Hill: “The Kyle Rittenhouse verdict, that several states have enacted laws that allow motorists immunity if they hit protestors with their cars, is about this country’s addiction to maintaining white supremacy at all costs. It’s on brand, and in line with who America always has been.”

MoveOn: “Our judicial system upholds white supremacy. The entire trial and the verdict today is just another example of that. For us all to truly be safe, it must be reimagined and transformed.”





Episode 450 – What’s Taking So Long?

Nancy Pelosi dumps garbage on the Senate.

The Kyle Rittenhouse trial is heading to a mistrial.

And I think it’s time for Merrick Garland to resign.


What Is Taking So Long

The Kyle Rittenhouse trial is still going on. The jury is still deliberating. What’s taking them so long is a curiosity because this case is so obvious. Not only is there reasonable doubt about Rittenhouse committing murder but the prosecution’s own witnesses have basically proven Rittenhouse’s innocence.

And, let’s not forget about the hours of video showing Rittenhouse being attacked and defending himself and only targeting the people who were attacking him.

But that doesn’t mean there aren’t things happening. Let’s go over them.


The Media

The judge, who has obviously reading the newspapers, has been heavily criticized by the media. That criticism includes:

  • Being a racist (Trump supporter) because he had a patriotic country song as his ringtone.
  • Being a conservative for wearing a tie with U.S. flags.
  • Being too hard on the prosecution and favoring the defense.
  • Letting Rittenhouse pick the jurors from the bin.
  • Not ruling on the mistrial requests.
  • Not allowing the use of the word “victim” during the evidentiary phase of the trial (he allowed it during the closing arguments).

Some things about this judge. He’s been a judge for 50 years. In that time, he only had one conviction overturned by the appellate courts. That’s pretty good. He has also been known as a pro-prosecution judge. The prosecution has screwed this thing up so badly, it’s not surprise he’s leaning toward the defense. He was also appointed by a Democrat.

He made it clear that he did not know if he would ever allow cameras into a courtroom again:

It would probably be a good idea if he didn’t allow cameras in the courtroom again. After the behavior of the media, we don’t deserve the transparency. It’s not like the calling the court case accurately.


Jury Intimidation

Though the crowds have been relatively small outside the courtroom, a pretty peaceful (only one guy was arrested that I know of), they are loud and can be heard from the jury room. They also have been growing as the days of deliberation increase.

Black Lives Matter and Antifa members have been seen there. This would not be a problem under normal circumstances but they keep talking about burning the city down again. I cannot see how this is not grounds for a mistrial or a direct verdict. This is pure jury intimidation.

The judge even had to pull a couple of spectators from the audience because they kept taking pictures of the jury. I’m sure those people know the jury members are worried about being doxxed.


More Signs of Corruption

There has been a ton of corruption by the prosecution in this case and it continues all the way to the end. Remember:

  • The FBI lost drone footage of the riot and when Kyle Rittenhouse was attacked.
  • The prosecutor question witnesses about why they got lawyers before speaking to them.
  • The prosecutor asked Rittenhouse why he would not speak to police after he was arrested. This is huge and might lead to a mistrial with prejudice. Even I know the 5th Amendment and the Miranda precedence.

But the prosecution did it again. They had a full color, HD video from the FBI and gave the defense a pixelated, black and white copy of the same video. The prosecution kept saying it had to do with the compression that was done when the video was sent. There were a couple of problems with this line of thinking. The video was not sent, phone-to-phone, it was sent via a drop box. Not conversion could have happened. The second problem is that the video name changed also. That’s not going to happen during the compression of a video. I was an IT guy and know this for a fact.

So I call bull crap. This is another reason this case could be judged as a mistrial with prejudice.


They Knew Who “Jump Kick Man” Was?

There was a picture during the riots of a tall black man jumping in to kick Kyle Rittenhouse in the head. They say they did not know his name and just called him “jump kick man”. He was important because Rittenhouse testified that he took a couple of shots at him.

Guess what? The prosecution knew who he was.

His name a Maurice Freeland. He has a record (there’s a shock). He said he would testify for the prosecution in exchange for immunity for an unrelated DUI. The prosecution declined and he just went unmentioned throughout the trial.

I’m not sure of the legality of hiding this witness. He was never brought up during the case so I’m not sure disclosure is an issue. A legal scholar on Fox News, Jonathan Turley, said it might be because the defense has a right to know who he is and there is a charge based on Rittenhouse shooting and missing him. At best, this shows how unethical this prosecutor is.


Frigging Media

This came up yesterday.

Apparently a freelance writer for MSNBC was following a bus that was carrying the jury. He got stopped for running a red light and then arrested for, what I think, will be called jury tampering. MSNBC got banned from the courtroom by the judge. Listen:

After a few hours to figure out how to put out that fire, MSNBC released the following statement:

“Last night, a freelancer received a traffic citation. While the traffic violation took place near the jury van, the freelancer never contacted or intended to contact the jurors during deliberations, and never photographed or intended to photograph them. We regret the incident and will fully cooperate with the authorities on any investigation.”

Now, MSNBC is going to have to get their news from Fox News.

I don’t know about you but this sounds like jury tampering and intimidation. I bet this becomes the third call by the defense for a mistrial.


What’s Taking Them So Long

Why the jury takes so long is a big question. Anything we come up with is pure speculation. Heck the OJ Simpson jury only took four hours. But there are some reasons why:

  • Jury dynamic.
  • The jury is stalling because of the threats from the Left. Don’t forget: this jury is not sequestered.
  • The jury is being very detailed, making sure they understand all the evidence or some want some clarification.
  • There are some in the jury that think he’s guilty and other do not and they are debating with each other.
  • They think he’s guilty but can’t agree on what charges.

I hold to my original theory:

  • The jury will not come up with a verdict.
  • The judge will review arguments from the defense of a mistrial with prejudice.
  • The judge will rule for the mistrial with prejudice.
  • Riots will happen.

Mark my words.




Last month, Merrick Garland went in front of the Senate and talked about how parents who complained to schools boards weren’t being identified as domestic terrorists and weren’t being investigated by the FBI. He said this multiple times and he said this under oath.

Guess what. A whistleblower from the FBI sent some E-mails to the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives. These E-mails pointed out that parents who complained at school boards were being marked with a “threat tag”. This was done via the Patriot Act. A law that specifically said that the government could not monitor American citizens.

We knew that law was going to be dangerous.

Well, Merrick Garland has some questions to answer. The House of Representative sent a letter to Garland asking, “Hey, what’s up?” Here’s the letter:


Merrick Garland is going to have to admit something.

  • He lied.
  • He forgot about it.
  • There are rogue elements in the FBI.
  • He didn’t know anything about it.

Any of those makes him look really bad. And the Democrats wanted to make this a Supreme Court Justice? He should just resign but he won’t.



Just Keeps Getting Worse

Quinnipiac University released a poll and Joe Biden is getting murdered here. I like Quinnipiac. It always seems very accurate. They ask great questions. Let’s go over it.

Some things:

  • 36% is an 8 point drop compared to the last poll. The largest drop they have ever had.
  • Democrats have also lost some faith in Biden. His poll was at 98% earlier this year.
  • The dirty secret is the Independent, who got Biden elected. They’re turning against him big time.
  • I included the age breakdowns just to highlight the younger folks are not in love with Biden. It’s like this throughout the poll.

This is bad:

  • He’s actually at 35% with approval of his job as president.
  • 29% of Independents approve of him. That’s really bad.
  • Only 58% of Democrats approve of his job. That’s down over 40 points since the beginning of the year.

Understand, no one is thrilled with Congress. But this is bad for the elections in eleven months. The Senate is the same way.  Here’s the problem Democrats have. Republican always vote. Democrats have to be motivated to take the time to vote. Motivation is a real hard thing to come by on midterm elections.

By the way, where did climate change rank in the list of worries? Ranked at 8 with only 4%. Division and polarization was at number one with 11% and the economy was number two with 10%. This just shows how out of touch Democrats are.



Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!

Joe Biden’s next crisis is on the horizon.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen told Congress that the signing of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act means that lawmakers should raise the debt ceiling “as soon as possible.”

Question, why? I thought it was fully paid for. Well, that was crap and there is two weeks before the debt ceiling is hit.

I’m a little worried about the Republicans here. Mitch McConnell already raised the debt ceiling last month. I think he did this because he had a deal with Joe Manchin. But nothing has been done by Democrats but spend more and to raise it and McConnell should say “no”. Close the government. F-it.

Yellen said that the debt limit would go up by $115 billion right off the bat. So…the bill is not paid for? Isn’t that what Biden and Pelosi were saying. Were they lying…perhaps.

What about that reconciliation bill, that build back better crap? Would that bill, that we’ve been told is fully paid for, raise the national debt? Hmm…

Moderate Democrats and Republicans asked the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to give a BS score on this bill. Yeah, it didn’t go well.

The $1.75 trillion bill is expected to dump, according to the CBO, $367 billion dollars into the national debt. By the way, it doesn’t account for the fact, per economists and if all programs are renewed, would cost $5 trillion dollars at the end of the 10 years.

Oh, but tax the rich, tax the rich!

The CBO also found that the tax increases that Biden is proposing, if they all got implemented, would only bring in $127 billion out of the $400 billion the Biden administration said it would bring in. In other words, Biden is lying to you and the bill will not be paid for.

Nancy Pelosi tried to vote for that bill tonight.









Episode 449 – That’s Kind of Some Dark News

Joe Biden meets with Xi Jinping of China. It doesn’t go well.

The Washington Post, in a surprise, complains about the Uyghur genocide.

And a former Chinese dissident gives a stark warning to the United States.


Accomplished Nothing…Again

Joe Biden had a three hour virtual meeting with Xi Jinping yesterday. It didn’t start well for old Joe. The first thing that Xi said was his greeting and then he referred to Joe as his “old friend”, something that Joe Biden and Jen Psaki adamantly said Xi wasn’t. I just thought this was funny. The Chinese monitor everything that happens here. Xi knew Biden has been saying that he wasn’t friends with Xi and didn’t trust Xi. He knew there was a lot of friction between the Right and Left with the relationship he has with Chinese companies and the Chinese government. This was an awesome troll by Xi.

This shows a bunch of things though:

  • Joe Biden is not respected by Xi.
  • He sees Biden as weak.
  • This is also a way to shake Biden, something he probably believes will be easy to do.
  • Xi knows the United States better than the United States knows China.
  • And nothing was going to get done in this three hour meeting.

Again, it was a troll. It was a psychological game Xi was playing.

So the meeting went on and nothing got done. Some of the highlights:

  •  They talked about climate change. Biden asked Xi to cut down on his emissions and Xi said no. No pushback from Biden.
  • They talked about Taiwan and the One China Policy. China stated that Biden stated that he did not support Taiwan’s independence. Xi threatened Biden that any help to the Taiwanese, he would be “playing with fire”. This basically means, Taiwan is done.
  • Biden asked Xi to follow through on Trump’s trade agreements which China has not lived up to. China said no. Only good news is Biden is going to keep the tariffs in place.
  • The origins of the China virus and the use of gain-of-function was never brought up.
  • There was no talks about boycotting the Winter Olympics in China this year (more on that later).
  •  Biden talked about human right violations by China. Xi told Bden that China would not be lectured about how they did things by foreign governments. He was will to talk but would not formulate policies or make promises.
    • Well, I guess the genocide of the Uyghurs is going to continue. You know, the forced abortions, sterilizations, re-education, torture, rape and killing of a group because they are Muslim.
    • The are about a million Uyghurs. Who cares though.
    • That should have been enough to pull out of the Olympics in China.

Fox News called the meeting the Seinfeld Summit, making fun of the fact that the summit was about nothing but don’t kid yourself. China scored a win here. A big one.

  • They said they would continue the unfair trade practices.
  • They were going to continue to pump CO2 into the air.
  • They are going to continue the cyber warfare and stealing our technology.
  • They will not alter any of their inhumane practices.
  • They are going to take over Taiwan.
  • They didn’t have to talk about the China virus.
  • And they will get to have their propaganda through the Winter Olympics, putting on a show for the world and the United States will be there and be amazed.

But worst of all, Xi put Biden in his place and, if he needed anymore confirmation, knows that Biden is weak. Be prepared for China to become more brazen over the next few years.



This From the Washington Post?

Speaking of the Olympics, the Washington Post released an op-ed that really surprised me.

It is called China is Perfecting a 21st -Century Method of Destroying an Entire Paper by Fred Hiatt. The piece is short but is important. It is about the genocide of the Uyghurs and how the Winter Olympics are going to be held only a couple of hours west of the site. It’s a short piece, but very important.

China’s Communist leaders, innovative in so many ways, appear to be perfecting a 21st-century approach to genocide.

With the Beijing Olympics less than three months away, will Coca-Cola and other sponsors of the Games celebrate with China while this is taking place? While, a few hours’ flight due west of the stadiums and ice rinks, an entire people is being slowly, deliberately erased?

This is where I think the Washington Post gets it a little wrong. Why shouldn’t sponsors continue to support the Olympics? Half their stuff is made in China and the United States government won’t even do anything about it.

We have learned to think of genocide as industrial-scale slaughter: gas chambers, killing fields, mass graves. A report published last week by the U.S. Holocaust Museum’s Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide, “To Make Us Slowly Disappear,” suggests that China may have found a different way, more insidious if no less monstrous.

The campaign against the Uyghur population of western China, a Muslim minority of about 12 million people inside a nation of more than 1 billion, began with conventional discrimination, escalated to intense surveillance and mass detentions, and now includes forcible sterilization and insertion of IUDs; separation of men and women through incarceration, forced migration and coerced marriages of Uyghur women to men from the ethnic Han majority; and mass kidnapping of Uyghur children, taken from their parents and placed in state “boarding schools.”

Thought this crap was over in the 20th century? Nope. Welcome to communism.

The campaign is not without terrible violence, torture and killing, as survivor accounts make clear. But, the report says, it hinges on something else: “coercive interventions of the Chinese government to prevent sizable numbers of Uyghurs from coming into being.”

This suggests that the deliberate goal is “to biologically destroy the group, in whole or in substantial part.”

One of the missions of the Holocaust Museum is “to do for victims of genocide today what was not done for the Jews of Europe.” The seriousness with which it accepts this responsibility is reflected in the meticulous caution of the well-documented report: Although both the Trump and Biden administrations have declared that China is committing genocide against the Uyghurs, the museum says it is “gravely concerned that the Chinese government may be committing genocide.”

Uncertainty is what China wants; it has constructed a formidable information blockade. Uyghur scholars were among the first targets of the mass detention campaign. Foreign scholars, correspondents and think-tank experts are kept out of the Xinjiang region where the crimes are being committed — and increasingly out of China altogether. And China attempts to silence even Uyghurs living abroad by locking up and abusing the relatives back home of anyone who dares speak out.

No one has been more victimized by this barbarity than the reporters of Radio Free Asia, who have done more than anyone in the past five years to reveal the truth.

“The Chinese government are very professional on how to hide their crimes,” one of those reporters, Gulchehra Hoja, said at a forum organized by the museum last week. Hoja, about whom I’ve written before, knows this all too well: Trying to silence her, the Chinese government locked up, as usual without charge or trial, her brother, her mother, her cousins, their spouses — nearly two dozen relatives in all.

They are not hiding it. They are not denying it. They are telling us that it’s none of our business. A question I have for you is what do you think is happening to the Hong Kong dissidents? You know, the people who just disappear? China has been doing this a long time. I’ll even go so far as to say they haven’t stopped doing it since Mao.

As a result, we have indications, alarming snippets, satellite evidence — but far from the whole story.

The report says between 1 million and 3 million people are detained; Hoja says she believes the higher number, but it can’t be proven.

The report refers to more than 880,000 Uyghur children being put in boarding facilities — often after their parents are illegally detained — but that was only through 2019.

Researchers uncover dramatic drops in Uyghur birth rates — in 2019, “at least 186,400 fewer children were born in Xinjiang compared to what would have been expected if birth rates had remained static at the pre-2017 baseline,” the report says — but then China hides more data, so reports are dated, fragmentary and, almost certainly, far less terrible than the truth.

What is to be done? The report calls on China, which proclaims its innocence, to allow a U.N.-authorized commission access to Xinjiang to investigate. Certainly it should be at the top of President Biden’s agenda when he holds a tele-summit with President Xi Jinping on Monday.

Those are pretty heavy statistics and this is just what we know. This is also just with the persecution of the Uyghurs. Like I said, this does not include dissidents.

Of course Biden is not going to do anything about it. He’s weak. He’s senile. He doesn’t want any problems with China. He’s probably compromised by China thanks to his garbage son. But worse, Biden wants the United States to be like China. We’ll get to that in a few minutes too.

Hoja puts it more simply: “Please, I ask international community, break silence,” she said. “This is not a Uyghur tragedy. This is a human tragedy.”

Will Coca-Cola and other Olympic sponsors really just pretend none of it is happening? “We stand with those seeking justice and equality,” chairman and CEO James Quincey declared last year.

On its website, the company boasts of being the longest continuous sponsor of the International Olympic Committee because they share the “same core values of friendship, respect, inclusion, integrity and excellence.”

At a congressional hearing in July, Coca-Cola executive Paul Lalli said the sponsors have no say in where the Games take place. “We support and follow the athletes wherever they compete,” Lalli said.

That may be true. Also true: There will be no “justice and equality” for the Uyghur women being kicked, raped and sterilized as the ice-dancing competition unfolds; no “respect and inclusion” for Uyghur infants being seized from their parents as skiers race down the slalom course.

“The future of a people may depend on swift, coordinated action by global actors,” the report says.

Or we all can pretend it’s not happening, grab a Coke and enjoy the Games.

Like I said, Hiatt is focusing only on sponsors, specifically Coke. I don’t drink Coke because it’s bad for me but also because of the reasons he’s talking about. But he only scratches the surface of the problem. I don’t know what Coke did to piss him off but Coke is not the only sponsor. What about Intel, Omega, Panasonic, Samsung, Toyota, just to name a few.

What about the companies that manufacture their goods in China like Apple, Nike, Addidas, Acer, Banana Republic, Crabtree & Evelyn and Dell, just to name a few. Shouldn’t they be condemned for using slave labor to manufacture their good just to sell them to us?

What about the United States government? Why aren’t we putting sanctions on China? Why aren’t we tariffing the crap out of China to force American manufacturers back to America? Better yet, why are we sending our Olympians to China in three months?

I love the article because it brings up the terror that the Chinese communist party is putting upon its people and all communist countries. The Soviet Union had its gulags. Cuba had work camps. Nazi Germany had its concentration camps.



On the Spot

I have a couple of clips from the news show Firing Line. On it is Chinese dissident, Ai Weiwei. He had some dire words for the United States and their condition. The person interviewing him is Margaret Hoover.


Some things:

  • Hoover is trying to get Weiwei to say the Trump is a authoritarian. Watch the video and see her face when he says that Trump was not. But this was not the important part of the clip.
  • “You are already in an authoritarian state, you just don’t know it.” This is a shocking statement.
    • The system (education, entertainment, big business, tech, media, even the FBI and military) is all Leftist.
    • Joe Biden is a Leftist and he has the backing of the system. He’s already asserting himself as an authoritarian.
      • The mask and vaccine mandates.
      • The border crisis.
      • High taxes.
      • Inflation.
      • Energy prices.
      • All of this is not a problem but a feature. It is used for control.
  • Political correctness is the true evil. It creates groups that cannot get along because these group see themselves as, not only right, but divine. And they see the other group as evil. You see this on a daily basis with cancel culture.
  • This has brought up by many American political philosophers (Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, Michael Knowles and Mark Levin). But they said that we weren’t there yet. Weiwei says we are already there.

This is a pretty stark statement. Very uncomfortable. But I do have some good news for you. Panic not. At least not yet.

Here is Weiwei saying how political correctness is infecting people:

This is brilliant. Because of the language barrier his point might be muddled but he’s saying we are bombarded with information from the Internet and social media. But we don’t understand that information. Most people have limited life experience. Then, they internalize the information and make it part of their belief system. They get that information confirmed by whatever they decide to read and reject anything that counters that belief or “knowledge”.

With the example of China, people like socialism. I get it, it’s a great idea. But it’s dependent on people being perfect and completely alike, which we aren’t so it always fails.

The second part, he’s saying something I have always believed and you may have heard me say this multiple times:

“We need a war.”

The United States has become fat and lazy. We have it too good. Even the poor have televisions, cars and smart phones. We have it so good that people don’t look at the world around them and see what’s really going on in the world. Do you really think LGBTQ and racism crap is really an issue in this country? Of course it’s not. If we decided to take serious the issues in China, Afghanistan, Iran or Russia, everyone would know how stupid our piddly problems are. Dude, they are committing genocide in China that is comparable to Nazi Germany and we’re worried about what pronouns to use. Really?





Speaking of Authoratarianism









Episode 448 – Kicking Her While She’s Down

Kamala Harris isn’t happy but how did CNN find out. Then gets embarrassed.

And the Democrats release their 2022 election strategy. I hope they run on this.


That’s an Unlikely Source

CNN released what a report about VP Kamala Harris and it’s less than complimentary. In fact, I have to tell you, it looks like a hit piece formulated by the Biden administration. Let’s look at it:

Worn out by what they see as entrenched dysfunction and lack of focus, key West Wing aides have largely thrown up their hands at Vice President Kamala Harris and her staff — deciding there simply isn’t time to deal with them right now, especially at a moment when President Joe Biden faces quickly multiplying legislative and political concerns.

The exasperation runs both ways. Interviews with nearly three dozen former and current Harris aides, administration officials, Democratic operatives, donors and outside advisers — who spoke extensively to CNN — reveal a complex reality inside the White House. Many in the vice president’s circle fume that she’s not being adequately prepared or positioned, and instead is being sidelined. The vice president herself has told several confidants she feels constrained in what she’s able to do politically. And those around her remain wary of even hinting at future political ambitions, with Biden’s team highly attuned to signs of disloyalty, particularly from the vice president.
Couple of things here:
  • She’s the vice president of the United States. This is one of the more irrelevant positions in politics.
  • She is the lowest rated VP in modern history. At 28% approval ratings, she’s has a lower approval rating than Dick Cheney after he shot that guy while hunting.
  • Everything she has done she’s failed in. That includes the border crisis and voting rights. Everything she’s been assigned to.
  • She’s inauthentic and a terrible speaker. And that laugh.
  • Shouldn’t she already be prepared for vice president? Does she really need to be prepared and trained to vice president? If Joe Biden keels over tomorrow, wouldn’t she be president?

The article continues:

Few of the insiders who spoke with CNN think she’s being well-prepared for whichever role it will be. Harris is struggling with a rocky relationship with some parts of the White House, while long-time supporters feel abandoned and see no coherent public sense of what she’s done or been trying to do as vice president. Being the first woman, and first woman of color, in national elected office is historic but has also come with outsized scrutiny and no forgiveness for even small errors, as she’ll often point out. 

She’s vice president not a picture hanger. Her moves determine policy and the directions our lives end up going. Forgiveness is not a thing. And she was never qualified for this. She’s picked because she’s a woman and she’s black (which tells you how the response to this article is going to be).

Defenders and people who care for Harris are getting frantic. When they’re annoyed, some pass around a recent Onion story mocking her lack of more substantive work, one with the headline, “White House Urges Kamala Harris To Sit At Computer All Day In Case Emails Come Through.” When they’re depressed, they bat down the Aaron Sorkin-style rumor that Biden might try to replace her by nominating her to a Supreme Court vacancy. That chatter has already reached top levels of the Biden orbit, according to one person who’s heard it.
She’s perceived to be in such a weak position that top Democrats in and outside of Washington have begun to speculate privately, asking each other why the White House has allowed her to become so hobbled in the public consciousness, at least as they see it.
Some things:
  • She was put in charge of one of the biggest issues in the United States, the border. She screwed it up. Actually, she just didn’t do anything.
  • Joe Biden had her speaking to other world leaders for a while. Obviously that didn’t work out well.
  • The E-mail thing is funny.
  • Putting her on the Supreme Court? She’s terrible and will never get confirmed. Do you realize how smart you have to be to get confirmed? She was a terrible attorney general.
  • Who’s he going to replace her with? Pete Buttigieg, who took three months off for paternity leave?

Kamala Harris is a disaster. She was a disaster as an attorney general of California. She was a disaster as a senator of California. Her presidential campaign was a disaster. Now, she’s a disaster as a vice president. This is not something one didn’t see coming. She has a history of sucking. This is not a shock.

The question is where did this come from? CNN has always praise Kamala, not for her accomplishments but for her race and sex. Suddenly, they’re tearing her apart. Where did this come from? It is a good, well-researched article. Could it be that CNN finally decided to do some legitimate journalism? Could it be that Kamala is so bad that an article like this, which many are calling a “hit piece”, that CNN could get away publishing something like this? CNN had to know this was going to create a storm and it did.

Many think this might have came from the Biden administration itself. CNN has always pushed talking points from the administration. The Biden administration knows Kamala is not popular and keeps failing at everything she assigned to. Nobody, including Democrats, want her as president. If Biden doesn’t run in 2024, Harris has no chance at winning the nomination to be president. I believe they do want to replace her. But the Supreme Court? Really?

Jen Psaki was asked about Kamala Harris being unhappy and if Biden will endorse her for 2024. She decides not to answer the question:

She later tweeted the same talking point:

At least she’s consistent. She doesn’t answer the question on Twitter either.



That’s Has to Hurt

Yesterday was the signing ceremony for the infrastructure bill. An embarrassing moment happened for poor Kamala Harris. She’s having a rough week.

While standing at the podium with Hail to the Chief playing in the background, Kamala Harris is ready to make a speech. That’s when the announcer announced union political activist Heather Kurtenbach.

Oops. That’s embarrassing especially after that CNN article. Even conservatives on Twitter felt kind of bad for her.




That’s pretty bad. But here are more telling tweets:


Why are these tweets telling? It’s the same reason the “Let’s go Brandon” chant is telling. The Biden administration is seen as a comedy. It’s seen as a joke.

This was embarrassing.



The Definition of Insanity

There is a famous quote:

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

That tells us a little bit about the Democratic party.

Politico got a memo from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee defining their strategy for the 2022 midterm elections. This just shows they learned nothing from the elections two weeks ago.

It starts:

One year from Election Day 2022, our key to victory is clear: President Biden and House Democrats
are delivering on their hopeful, unified vision for America’s families, stabilizing the U.S. economy
and making robust investments in our future.

Then they come up with their talking points that include:

  • Spending $1.2 trillion on the infrastructure bill.
    • By the way, support fell 8 points before it was signed according to Politico.
    • That’s not going to bode well for Republicans that voted for it.
  • President Biden’s Build Back Better Agenda which includes:
    • Extending the Biden Child Tax Credit.
    • Ensuring access to universal pre-k for three and four year olds.
    • Bringing down prescription drug prices, and making historic investments in eldercare.
  • The problem with this is that the Build Back Better bill doesn’t look like it’s going to pass.
  • Democrats Deliver By Crushing COVID-19 And Rescuing The Economy With More
    Than 400 Million Shots In Arms And Five Million Workers Back On The Job.
  • Democrats Fight For American Values: House Democrats have a hopeful vision for
    America focused on jobs and justice. While Republicans seek to divide America and
    undermine our democracy, House Democrats passed the George Floyd Justice in Policing
    Act, the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, and the Women’s Health Protection Act which would
    enshrine into law women’s access to reproductive care.

Contrast this record of securing good-paying jobs for hard-working Americans and
fighting for justice with House Republicans’ reckless and dangerous vision for America.
The stakes are clear — House Republicans are too dangerous for American families.

Does anything here sound any different than what they were doing before the drubbing two weeks ago? They are running on spending money, raising taxes, federalizing the elections and calling Republicans evil. All they need to do is say something about January 6th. Oh, yeah, they did that:

The moment Washington Republicans felt their grip on power loosen, they unleashed a full assault
on American democracy, culminating in a murderous assault on the Capitol and the introduction of
anti-voter legislation across the country. Every day, Republicans demonstrate how unserious,
cynical, and dangerous their return to power would be.

On January 6th a violent mob incited by former President Trump and House Republicans stormed
our Capitol, hunted down elected officials, assaulted police officers, and threatened the very
integrity of our democracy in an event that resulted in the deaths of five Americans. Since then
Republicans have attempted to block investigations of the assault, cover up their alleged
involvement, and have even defended and celebrated the rioters.

Dude, nobody cares about January 6th! No one is paying attention to the hearings! Everyone knows it was a bunch of morons acting like morons. They are all in jail. It is done.

Of course, no Democratic memo would be complete without mentioning Donald Trump. Yeah, the guy who will have been out of office for two years when these elections happen. Here’s what they say about him:

Kevin McCarthy has turned over control of the entire caucus to Donald Trump. McCarthy’s cowardly
abdication leaves House Republicans with a toxic agenda and a field of conspiracy promoting,
scandal prone, anti-democracy candidates that face an uphill battle convincing battleground voters
to support them.

You know what? They should run on this. Run on government spending. Run on raising taxes. Run on the never-ending pandemic. Call all Republicans evil. Run on hate. Run on negativity. Don’t change at all. Let’s see how it works out.









Episode 447 – Their Intentions Are Now Policy

Joe Biden’s approval rating just keeps getting worse but he remains completely out of touch.

A little girl in Florida knows how to protest and get results.

The FBI gets hacked again.

And China completes their yearly plenum and makes some massive changes. What’s that? Let’s talk about it.


Those Aren’t Words

I was watching football for a lot of the weekend and there is one thing that annoys the hell out of me: The usage of words that don’t exist. Do not get caught up in it. Trickaration is not a word. Physicality is not a word. This is the kind of changing of language that drives me nuts and the announcers at these game all use these words.

Now, I know it doesn’t take a genius to be a football announcer, play football or watch football. But do we really have to make up words?

I also hate watching pre-game shows, especially for the NFL. Here you have ten guys, all who played in the NFL, standing on a fake field in front of adoring fans and none of the guys can hold still. They all rock back and forth while giving their analysis. It must drive the cameramen crazy. A closeup is impossible.

What’s wrong with these guys? They all look like they’re on a coke binge.

Anyway, to the news.


Dropping Like a Rock

This does, without a doubt, have to be the most disconnect administration I have ever seen in my life. They seem to have no idea what they’re doing. They continue to want to screw the country and change absolutely everything. Prices are through the roof and they think they have nothing to do with it. Our border is a mess and our foreign policy is bringing us to a war. The president is barely conscious half the time.

Well there’s some more bad news for the Biden administration that they can ignore. Unfortunately, Democrats are going to have a hard time ignoring this news since the 2022 midterms are less than a year away.


Falling Polls

You know it’s bad when the Washington Post, USA Today and ABC are telling you things ain’t looking good for Democrats.

Here’s the news:

  • Approval ratting for Joe as president- 40 Approve, 54 disapprove.
  • On economy – 55 disapprove, 39 approve.
  • On the China virus – 47 approve, 49 disapprove.
  • Many support the infrastructure bill and the build back better bill. Not sure why that is.
  • As far as accomplishments, 63% don’t think he’s done much. That’s compared to 60% for Trump.

Yeah, this is not good news for Biden or the Democrats. What’s messed up is the poll is skewed in favor of Joe Biden. They tried to compare Biden to Trump an Trump still did better. This is bad news.

But, what’s worse, I think the polls do not represent the dislike the people have for Joe Biden. Since football season started, chants of “F- Joe Biden” has been echoing throughout stadiums. There is also the “Let’s Go Brandon” saying that is being screamed at sporting events and on T-shirts everywhere.

Joe Biden has become a national joke. A quip. A snicker. No one takes the guy serious. And how do they respond to that?

Here’s Jen Psaki dismissing it:

I know the question was tainted to make it look like people are “attacking” Biden but that’s not it. They’re making fun of him. They see him as a joke.

Joe Biden is hardly being a unifying force. He just said people are stupid. We serfs don’t understand the supply chain issue. We don’t understand that the rising prices are good for us. That the $5 a gallon of gas has nothing to do with the XL Pipeline being closed or that we don’t want to overturn the economy because of the weather. A lot of parents don’t want critical race or gender theory taught to our kids.

People don’t like Joe Biden. They are showing it through their actions at stadiums. They show it through the polls. And they showed it during the off year elections.

Is he learning anything or is he going to change. Nope.


People Aren’t Buying This

The Biden administration finally admitted that inflation and gas prices are high and may not getting better for a while. They also, finally, admit that inflation and the gas prices are affecting the regular people, not just the elites.

So here’s Jen Psaki’s solution to fixing the problem:

Some things:

  • First off, I laugh at the question. It’s not that Biden is responsible for the crisis but that Republicans are attacking Biden.
  • They are planning to cancel the contracts with Canada on the Line 5 pipeline. This is something that’s going to happen. It may happen after the midterms next year but it is going to happen before this administration leaves the White House.
  • Exactly how is spending $2-4 trillion going to lower prices at the gas pump? What’s in the Build Back Better bill that says that? Nothing. The bill has nothing to do with gas prices.
  • How is spending more money going to lower inflation or not be added to the debt?
  • How is higher taxes going to lower inflation and help with the supply chain crisis? It won’t

There is nothing in that bill but spending. Nothing in that bill is going to fix the economy, lower inflation or lower energy prices. In fact, it’s going to raise them. Here’s the catch: Everyone with half a mind knows that. You’re not going to fix an economy with too much money by adding more money.

He just keeps doing the same thing.


We Haven’t Seen This Before

Biden’s horrid selection for the Treasury Secretary keeps showing us that she’s a flat out communist that wants to nationalize all of the means of production. The gal got her education from the University of Moscow. That’s not a joke.

Saule Omarova has already said she thinks the best way to handle climate change is to simply bankrupt the energy companies. She said that last week.

Well, now, she wants to do something different. She wants to nationalize the banking industry. Listen:

Yeah, let’s let the federal government handle our bank accounts. No more Wells Fargo, Bank of America or credit unions. The federal government will do it. That’s a good idea because the federal government has shown us, especially this year, that they have the ability and knowledge to wisely invest our money.

By the way, this has been tried before. Lots of times. Happened in the Soviet Union, Cuba, China, North Korea, Vietnam, Nazi Germany, Venezuela, Fascist Italy. All those countries , and many more, nationalized their banks. How’d that workout? Not great. Those countries ended up stealing the money from the depositors when they needed or wanted it.

My grandparents escaped Nazi Germany. I think I might have told you the story before. But they never trusted banks. Up until the day they died, they put their money under their mattress or in a safe. That’s because the Nazis took all their money and told them they can’t do anything about it.

Why aren’t government officials worried? Because they are the ones that control the money. They are the Stalins, the Maos, the Hitlers. Their money will be fine. In fact, they will enrich themselves with your money.

But it’s got to make someone wonder. Why would Joe Biden nominate such a polarizing figure, that is a trained communist, to run a banking system she detests? More unity?



This is a Great Story

This is an awesome story and we should learn what protest is really about.

Ron DeSantis issued a mandate that banned the mandates of masks for kids in school. One school district in Palm Beach, a very liberal part of Florida, ignored that mandate and forced children to wear masks.

An eight year old girl, Fiona Lashells, did not want to wear a mask and her parents agreed with her. They didn’t force her to wear a mask. She was suspended an astonishing 38 times. She ended up becoming the poster child for fighting mask mandates for children.

When Fiona first went to school maskless, she was forced to eat lunch alone in a hallway outside an administrator’s office, the report detailed. She was then hit with in-school suspensions, and finally out-of-school suspensions. The child nearly missed two months of school and was forced to do schoolwork alone, without teachers and fellow students.

According to the Daily Wire:

The district mask order was repealed on November 8, following a ruling from Division of Administrative Hearings Judge Newman which declared the Department of Health’s Emergency Rule 64DER21-15 valid.

“Based on a new development at the State level, the School District will be moving to an opt-out status for facial coverings for students in all grade levels beginning this Monday, November 8, rather than on November 15 as you were originally informed,” the Palm Beach County school district told parents on November 6. “A ruling yesterday by Division of Administrative Hearings Judge Newman found the Department of Health’s Emergency Rule 64DER21-15 to be valid, therefore, a parent face covering opt-out will be reinstated effective Monday.”

Folks, that’s how you protest. That’s how you fight tyranny. And we’re going to face this soon. In California, children are being forced to wear masks and be vaccinated. My fiancé is facing that tough decision right now. She doesn’t want her 15 year old daughter to get a shot. I don’t blame her. There’s talks of mandating vaccinations for 5 year olds. Are comfortable with that? They are even talking about needing a booster every 3 to 6 months or you lose your job. Are you comfortable taking an untested vaccine every six months for a disease that probably won’t do anything to you?

By the way, no other country is doing this. Most countries in Europe said they will not require vaccines for anyone under 30 years old because they doubt the effectiveness of the vaccine. They also worry what impact the vaccine will have on children since there are no studies.

Well, Fiona, good for you and good for your parents. That’s the way to stand up to the man.



Guess If You Do Nothing the First Time…

Apparently, the FBI had their E-mail services hacked. It was reported that over 100,000 E-mail accounts were hacked and E-mails were being sent from those accounts to private accounts and other FBI E-mail accounts, creating a chain reaction, spreading the compromise.

I guess, when we ignored the other 50 cases of hacking, some shutting down or gas supply, we should probably expect to see more of this.

I just wish they had shutdown the E-mail services for the IRS.



This is Kind of Important

I read an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal this weekend called ‘Xi Jinping Thought’ Makes China a Tougher Adversary by Kevin Rudd.

I think that people really don’t have an understanding of China, their intentions and the tyranny of Xi Jinping. You’ve heard me talk about their weak economy, the poverty, the lack of energy for their citizens, their need to steal technology to innovate anything and the fact they have concentration camps. I don’t mention enough, either through incompetence or on purpose, they engineered and released the most dangerous virus since the early 1900s. I didn’t tell you that they had a conference about six months ago with other Marxist/communist regimes where Xi said their ideology needs to be spread throughout the world, especially the West.

By the way, Xi is the dictator of China. He is president for life. This is always the end result of socialism and communism. Socialists, prove me wrong.

China, about a week and a half ago, completed their year plenum. Don’t know what a plenum is? That’s OK, neither did I. Rudd gave a description of it and the consequences of this plenum:

Annual plenums are the mechanism through which the 95-million-member party defines the parameters of official ideology, political discourse and policy direction. But this plenum was different. It’s the first time since the era of Deng Xiaoping that the party has produced a formal resolution on party history, which now officially defines Mr. Xi’s political position within the Chinese Communist pantheon.

There have only been three such resolutions in the party’s 100-year history. and they are always major, epoch-defining events. With this resolution the party has elevated Mr. Xi and “Xi Jinping Thought” to a status that puts them beyond critique. Because both are now entrenched as objective historical truth, to criticize Mr. Xi is to attack the party and even China itself. Mr. Xi has rendered himself politically untouchable.

According to Rudd, this declaration has five major consequences. This is important for us because it will determine how much the Chinese will dig their heels in against us, especially when a Republican president and Congress comes into play.

First, this places the Xi administration as a modern day dynasty which the Chinese love to do. They are trying to give relevance to the Xi administration into world history. There have been only three modern dynasties. Mao which set up the political infrastructure (communism), Deng, who set up their current economic system of nationalizing Chinese companies and infrastructure while opening the economies to outside companies (like Nike and Apple for manufacturing and McDonald’s for civil consumption). By the way, any outside company still must bend the knee to China’s fascistic policies.

Xi believes his administration is historic because he has embraced a hybrid government of the previous dynasties. And his fantastic government should delve into the world and spread their wisdom.

By the way, doesn’t that sound familiar? Didn’t the Soviet Union do that throughout Eastern Europe?

Second, this cements Xi as president for life. Rudd said, “…core of party leadership and emphasizes that this is of ‘decisive significance'”. This is a “cult of personality” and makes Xi the core of the Chinese civilization. This is also very common in communist countries. It happened in North Korea with the Kim family. It happened in the Soviet Union with Lenin and Stalin. It happened in Cuba with Castro and Che Guevara. These people are not seen as leaders of their countries, they’re seen as gods.

They eventually see themselves as gods. This justifies their tyranny. This is also a reason why religion must be killed. Because the government must be seen as god and, eventually, the leader must be seen as god. That’s why when a leader dies, their bodies are kept in class to be viewed by all forever. That happened with Hugo Chavez in Venezuela and Vlad Lenin in the Soviet Union.

With Xi being seen as a god, that kind of justifies putting down his political opponents and those who don’t agree with his policies. There is one person running China right now with no oversight.

The third entry is best explained by Rudd in his opinion piece:

Third, to buttress Mr. Xi’s leadership claim, the resolution asserts that Xi Jinping Thought is “the Marxism of contemporary China and for the 21st century,” “a new breakthrough in adapting Marxism” that plays a “guiding role” for the new era.

Marxism has become “Xi Jinping Thought”. Basically, this is a brand new Marxist philosophy. This was most famously done by Vlad Lenin of the Soviet Union with the adoption of Leninism. Marxism believed the communism would naturally occur in capitalist societies because of the dissatisfaction by the workers at being exploited by the business ownership. The problem with this is that it never happened.

Leninism is the belief that the people don’t know what’s good for them so communism needs to be forced on the people. Once that’s done, the people will see how good communism is. Enter Lenin’s Bolshevik Revolution.

“Xi Jinping Thought” believes they have altered Marxism again into a new philosophy. A combination of communism (nationalization of China infrastructure) and opening the economy to outside business to enhance their economy albeit under a fascist hand.

The fourth reason is an interesting one. This plenum takes the economy, politics and the infrastructure to the Left meaning that the government will have more control than before. This is going to be interesting for American companies their, especially technology companies like Apple. They already have to report to the Chinese government any technology that they implement. That’s scary enough for all you iPhone users. But does this give the government the right to take over those companies? That sounds like a far out answer but that’s exactly what Hugo Chavez did in Venezuela.

But what this plenum also does is bring Chinese nationalism to the right. It will do this by joining China together. This is the scary part for all of Asia especially Taiwan. We have already seen China take over Hong Kong. China feels it has a right to to all of Asia and a responsibility to join Asia to the Chinese philosophy. This is why countries like Japan, Australia and South Korea are getting nervous.

Finally, the plenum uses the polarization of the West, especially that in the United States, as a reason for the success of Chinese Marxism. This is actually pulling back to the Marxist ideology that capitalism kills itself. But here, it justifies China’s imperialism. As far as their concerned, there is a need for them to take over Taiwan because they need to spread their goodness.





Episode 446 – The Aren’t Going Away

The Middle East is becoming a real problem.

The Kyle Rittenhouse enters the final stages of the trial.

Black Lives Matter will never stop destroying New York City.

And the Wall Street Journal hits it on the head.


Wonder If We’re Going to Hear Anything About This

Joe Biden is losing control of the Middle East. Afghanistan is a disaster. Pakistan told us to kick rocks and refuse to let us use their air bases. China made a deal with Afghanistan and soon will be occupying a couple of out bases. Iran is about to have a nuclear bomb (if they don’t have one by now).

An Iranian-based group in Yemen has stormed the United States Embassy. They have taken hostages, intelligence and equipment.

The Free Beacon reported:

A group of Houthi rebels reportedly stormed the U.S. compound on Wednesday seeking “large quantities of equipment and materials,” according to regional reports translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute. The raid comes just five days after the Houthis kidnapped Yemeni nationals who work for the U.S. embassy. “The alleged raid comes after the Houthis kidnapped three Yemeni nationals affiliated with the U.S. Embassy from one of the employee’s private residences in Sana’a on November 5,” according to MEMRI. At least 22 other Yemenis were kidnapped by the Houthis in recent weeks, “most of whom worked on the security staff guarding the embassy grounds,” according to MEMRI. 

So now we have hostages in Afghanistan and Yemen. Hell, that worse than Jimmy Carter.

The administration said:

“We call on the Houthis to immediately vacate it and return all seized property. The U.S. government will continue its diplomatic efforts to secure the release of our staff and the vacating of our compound, including through our international partners.”

This isn’t going to stop. The United States is seen as weak right now, thanks to Joe Biden. We look like we’re more worried about using the right pronouns and racism rather than the real threats in the world.



It’s Over

The Kyle Rittenhouse trial has ended the evidentiary portion of the trial. So what’s left?

  • Closing arguments.
  • Juror instructions.
  • Deliberations.

But first, the judge has some decisions to make.

  • Does he drop more charges? Like attempted murder of the guy who admitted he aimed a gun at Rittenhouse? He’s already dropped the curfew violation.
  • Does he do a directed verdict? The prosecution has not only not proved their case but their witnesses have proven Rittenhouse’s case. The case also looks completely political. The media has convicted him. The FBI was hiding video they took.
  • Does he rule that this is a mistrial with prejudice? That would be the same as a directed verdict.

The reality is judges don’t like doing any of this. There is a very good chance he is going to allow the case to go to the jury. If the jury votes guilty, there is a great chance the judge throws out the verdict and releases him. There is also a very good chance the judge would allow him to go on his own reconsents until his appeals are pushed through.

Next week is going to be an interesting week and expect fireworks no matter what the verdict is.



What do I mean about fireworks no matter what the verdict?

Black Lives Matter and Antifa are going to riot again in Kenosha. No matter what. Kyle Rittenhouse needs to get the death penalty for Kenosha to avoid rioting and, then, only maybe. We are already seeing this is happening in other parts of the country.

In New York City, Eric Adams, a former cop and the mayor elect who will relieve that incompetent and ground hog killer, Bill de Blasio. He has sworn he will bring law and order to the streets and end all this “defund the police” crap.

By the way, he’s also black. That’s what he’s run on. That is his campaign promise.

Well, the New York City chapter of BLM said they will light the city up if Adams tries to bring back some of the police’s special forces which is what he promised to do.

Hawk Newsome, co-founder of Black Lives Matter of Greater New York, and his sister Chivona Newsome, also a co-founder of the group, threatened civil unrest and violence if Adams kept to his campaign pledge.

Hawke said:

“If he thinks that they’re going to go back to the old ways of policing, then we are going to take to the streets again. There will be riots, there will be fire and there will be bloodshed because we believe in defending our people.

“So there is no way that he is going to let some Gestapo come in here and harm our people. We pray for peace but … prepare for the worst.”

His sister added:

“We will shut the city down. We will shut down City Hall, and we will give him hell and make it a nightmare.”

The Newsomes and Adams held a meeting before his comments. When Newsome threatened New York City, Adams went ballistic:

“You’re on the ground: Stop the violence in my community. I’m holding you accountable.

“Don’t hold me accountable, Being the mayor, being the borough president, being the state senator — I put my body on the line for my community, so I’m not here for folks to come and say, ‘Eric, we’re gonna hold you accountable.’

“No, it’s us. We need to do this together.”

Hey, Eric, they aren’t going to help you. They think you’re a racist even though you’re a Democrat and black. They think you’re a racist because anyone that is part of the system is a racist.

I hope Adams has the balls to back up his words. These people are playing for keeps. This is a war. He needs not to be afraid of getting his hands dirty and throwing these pieces of garbage in prison.




Biden made a speech yesterday and it started a firestorm with everyone except the media. I hear this and I just wonder what kind of scandal this would create. Listen:

Some things:

  • I think this is “old man disease”. I don’t know because Joe Biden definitely has his prejudices.
    • He presided over Robert Byrd’s funeral. Robert Byrd was a Grand Cyclops for the KKK.
    • He said you can’t go into a 7-11 without hearing an Indian accent.
    • He called Barrack Obama a “clean, good looking and smart man”.
    • He said that “poor kids were as smart as white kids”.
  • Here’s the problem I see that will let me give him a break. I think he misspoke. I think he meant to say, “the Negro Leagues” not that Satchel Paige was a Negro.
  • But f-him. Joe Biden is a racist. If I’m a racist because I don’t think people should burn down buildings, he’s can be a racist for saying what he’s said.
    • Barrack Obama banned the use of the word “Negro” when he was president and Joe was vice president.
    • I listened to some people who are black and they don’t like the term, “Negro”. They say it’s not much different than the N-word.
  • I can’t be too upset that he insulted black people. He insults people, no matter their race, on a daily basis. So why should people of color be immune to the insults.
  • This is the Joe Biden people elected. That’s democracy. And we are getting democracy good and hard.


This Is Completely Accurate

You may have noticed I rushed through those stories. Heck, you may have been relieved I rushed through those stories. That’s because the Wall Street Journal ran an opinion piece called Millennials, Put Away Childish Political Things by Mary Eberstadt. I think it’s an important article because it hits on everything that is failing in our culture.

It’s not just about Millennials. It messes with Gen Z and the later generations. Here it is:

As the election results of 2021 suggest a chill in the air for the left, the time has come to talk to younger voters—millennials and Generation Z—about America’s future. The message can be distilled in a single sentence: You’ve been robbed.

You have been robbed of something treasured by millions of less-literate Americans before you: knowledge and appreciation of your own country, and its symphonic, tumultuous, sometimes riven and always illuminating history.

According to some of today’s loudest and most influential voices, the U.S. is an irredeemable cesspool of racism and bigotry. This lie has resulted in a wide patriotism gap. In 2020, according to one poll, under a quarter of Democrats surveyed said they were extremely proud to be American, as opposed to almost three-quarters of Republicans. Only a third of Americans your age say the same.

Ask yourselves why. Most of us wouldn’t trash-talk our families. Most of us wouldn’t trash-talk our neighborhoods. Think about that the next time someone trash-talks your national home and neighborhood, your country.

This is a tremendous introduction but, right off, I see a huge problem. That problem involves the things that she’s goin to talk about throughout the article. Unfortunately, she does not address how to get the youth to that point that they have lost.

One such figure, impresario of the New York Times’s “1619 Project,” says she has never regarded herself as “particularly patriotic.” Another, whose sulfurous racialism permeates elite education, says that he has never felt free in the U.S., even as his every grievance is celebrated and subsidized. If they have such a low opinion of America, what makes you think they care about Americans—including you?

That’s a great question that has been answered over the last couple of years through the riots, tearing down of statues, crime, drug addiction and cancel culture. They don’t like Americans. Especially Americans that like their country.

Many of today’s young have been robbed, too, of another source of immaterial wealth: the consolations and joys of family life. This theft is due in part to generational arithmetic. Today’s younger adults hail from smaller networks of kinship than earlier generations. You are more likely to have lacked a father at home and to have had fewer siblings, cousins, uncles and aunts than your forbears.

The family deficit is also a consequence of ideas. Generations of thinkers have disparaged the family as the enemy of utopian schemes. In their depictions, home and hearth amount to a slaughterhouse of dreams and aspirations, especially for women. To the contrary: Unprecedented rates of abortion, fatherlessness and divorce, far from liberating you, have subtracted actual and potential loved ones from your lives. No wonder surveys show that young people are the loneliest Americans.

Absolutely correct! The family, made of a father and mother, has been demonized by the Left. But it started back in the 19th century with Karl Marx. According to revisesociaology.com, Marx said:

“Marxists argue that the nuclear family performs ideological functions for Capitalism – the family acts as a unit of consumption and teaches passive acceptance of hierarchy. It is also the institution through which the wealthy pass down their private property to their children, thus reproducing class inequality.
This is a communist/Marxist philosophy. BLM believes in destroying the nuclear family. But the family has some very important functions:
  • Teaches societal norms.
  • Establishes morality.
  • Teaches empathy (mother) and chivalry (father).
  • Establishes faith.
  • Creates community.

Some of you have been robbed of another rich inheritance: organized religion. Men and women throughout the ages concluded that humanity exists within some form of a sacred order. Alongside that understanding of the divine flourished the greatest art and science, architecture and music and human creation at large that our species has ever devised. Permanent membership in “none of the above” secularism risks relinquishing your own cultural inheritance: Western civilization.

Marxists/communists hate religion. That’s because people do not see government as God, they see God as God. There is a higher power. But every secular society always seems to be missing something. They are missing hope.

This brings us to the political choice before you. Today’s neo-Marxism and identity politics seek to co-opt your youthful energies into a lifetime of performative rancor. Is that what you want?

The left tells you that your fellow citizens are racists, fascists, sexists, bigots and haters. This relentless negativity obliterates youthful hopes. It shrivels the youthful imagination. Worst of all, it shrinks your hearts.

Young people are designed by nature to love and to be loved with energy and magnanimity. Today’s misanthropes tell you the opposite: that humanity is a toxin on the planet, unworthy of reproduction. This counsel couldn’t be more wrong—especially for you. If loneliness is the problem, putting more people in your lives with marriage and children is the self-evident solution.

One thing Marxists want is unhappiness. This isn’t something I’m making up, it is a policy choice. The reason is communist/Marxist governments want a perpetual revolution. Leaders from countries like North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela are constantly bringing up the revolution in their speeches. The Cuban government has been talking about the revolution for 60 years. How does this help them to make their people miserable? People will always think they are heading toward utopia and they just have to suffer a little longer.

But, we know, the suffering never stops. When I speak to a socialist or communist, the first thing I ask is, “Have you ever been to a socialist country?” The answer is always, “no”.

The woke arrogantly claim to own you simply by virtue of your youth. That’s because they have a lot to sell you, in commerce as well as politics. Corporations fly under cool-kid flags to market harmful products. Consider the hawking of marijuana to your demographic. Or how some tech companies have succeeded in addicting millions to social media, with harrowing consequences we’re only beginning to understand. All these lurches for your wallet might make you question the left’s authority.

Completely correct. Unfortunately, this is the Catch-22 of capitalism. Yes, it creates tremendous innovation because it allows for the competitive spirit of human nature. But human nature can be corrupted and we do see that. But socialism, which represses human nature, creates nothing.

Look at China. China’s “powerful” economy is a paper tiger. If it wasn’t for American manufacturers like Apple and Nike, their economy would be nothing. That hypersonic missile was not invented by China. It is American technology. They innovate nothing. The steal their innovations.

Conservatism isn’t a monolith. Conservatives disagree over all sorts of ideas and policies, at times profoundly. That’s the point. Diverse as it is, conservatism is one community where you will find authentic debate—even as sanity and agreement on a few big things still prevail.

In place of today’s cynical exploitation of race, conservatism says Martin Luther King Jr. In place of identity politics that flies under rival banners and denies our common home, it says only the American flag should fly over a U.S. Embassy. In place of ever more fastidiously defined factions, it says one nation indivisible. And in place of indifference to the sufferings incurred by family decline, family subversion and postmodern cultural chaos, conservatism seeks revival.

This is the room where the grown-ups are. This is where you deserve to be too—you who know from the inside your generation’s poignant realities. You are overdue for the restoration of America’s undiminished promise and for upward moral mobility.

I also want to point out that Eberstadt skipped something very important. She skipped that the institutions are normalizing the Marxist theories. This is the tough part of bring patriotism back to our kids. When children are in school being told the United States is bad, it gets confirmed by the media and the entertainment industry romanticizes it, it’s no surprise the current generations aren’t getting married, having children out of wedlock and not looking to God or religion. A lot of those generations have been brainwashed.

I see the only way to take control of the future is for conservatives to take back the institutions or create parallel institutions. Then we can raise our kids in those institutions.





Episode 445 – Getting the Schiff Kicked Out of Him

The issues happening today are not problems. They are the Left’s solutions.

We know sidewalks are racists so it was only a matter of time before roads would be racist.

And Adam Schiff gets the Schiff kicked out of him about the Russia collusion scandal.


They Know, It’s Part of the Plan

The Biden administration has no idea how to handle the gas crisis. By the way, unlike the climate crisis, the energy crisis is a real crisis. People are spending 40% more on gas. Propane is up over 50%. Home heating right before ten degree weather is a thing.

The administration has no idea how to handle it. Here is a cut from News Junkies Archives that shows Karine Jean-Pierre giving the same answer about gas prices on two different days. Listen:

That is a spliced video clip. Jean-Pierre is giving the same answer on two different days to the same question on the second day.

I think this is funny but here is her real answer answer yesterday:

Gouging in the market? That’s what you guys are worried about? How about why prices are going through the roof?

Question for you: Do you think this is all an accident? Do you think this is just the ebb and flow of energy economics? Or do you think this has something to do with controlling the movement of people within the United States in the name of the religion of climate change?

Or, just maybe, this has something to do with controlling the movement of people. Or maybe its just about control.

Ooo! Conspiracy theory!

Okay. But then explain to me how this country was energy independent last year, actually exporting fuel, and this year, Joe Biden is on his knees, begging OPEC to produce more oil to lower gas prices in the United States. Joe Biden, single-handedly, has destroyed our energy industry. With gas up $1.50 a gallon, what does old Joe do? How about shutdown another pipeline?

This is not a new story. Gretchen Whitmer wanted to shut down the L-5 pipeline from Canada to Michigan. Energy for the entire Midwest is supported by this pipeline. A million barrels are pumped per day. Now Whitmer couldn’t cancel the contracts on her own. But, with the support of the Biden administration…

Here’s Peter Doocy lighting up Karine Jean-Pierre about the subject…again:

I think that there is a page in Jean-Pierre’s little book that says, “just call Doocy a liar.” I don’t even know what to say here. Jean-Pierre said it for me. The Biden administration is considering the L-5 pipeline. Which means, they are going to shutdown the pipeline. It’s going to happen.

So here’s the question I have for you: Is destroying the energy industry in the United States part of the Biden administration’s goal.

This is not a conspiracy theory. The answer is yes.

There’s a lot of evidence of this. Barrack Obama said Americans should get used to no traveling like they currently did. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said that all travel in the United States will be done by rail. No cars, no planes. What’s the easiest way to eliminate travel and fossil fuel usage? Make fuel so expensive and hard to come, by no one can use it. This is Biden’s plan.

Let’s listen to Saule Omarova talk about bankrupting the oil industry:

Gas prices are meant to go up. They want gas prices high so no one buys it. They want to kill the oil industry.

Ilhan Omar said the same thing:

Any questions as to why the Biden administration doesn’t have any solutions to the energy crisis? They don’t have any solutions because this is the solution. This is the end goal. And they want to make it worse.

Inflation is also part of Biden’s plan. This whole experiment of the Left is to train people to do what the government wants. Read the Washington Post, New York Times, The Daily Beast or Vox. They all have opinion articles that tell us we need to get used to buying less. This will help the environment. This will make us a better country. This will lead to Utopia.

You think vax and mask mandates don’t apply here? Of course they do. It’s part of our training.

This is what tyranny is. The government tells us we don’t need this and that. We can survive without it. Of course, “this” is toilet paper and “that” is food. I can guarantee a couple of things: our elite overlords like AOC will have all the toilet paper and food they want. Only we peons have to suffer.

Is it a shock people aren’t voting Democrat?



That’s a Way to Get Us to Stop Driving

Here’s a way to get us to stop driving. The roads are all racist!

Listen to Pete Buttigieg answering an obviously setup question by CNN correspondent, April Ryan:

Wow. April Ryan, who doesn’t look like she’s missed a mean in twenty-seven years is telling us we should not drive because the greatest highway system in human history is racist.

There is nothing more crazy than Pete Butt-gigg’s answer:

Okay, I think I’m a smart guy. I didn’t go to Harvard but I did study English at Cal State Northridge (go Matadors). But what did he say in those two minutes? I think he could have shortened that whole thing up by saying, “I don’t know why asphalt is racist.”.

But, April didn’t give him a break. Per the probing “journalist” she is, she pushed harder:

Oh my God it’s such a heavy lift for a guy that took three months off because he and his husband had twins. Or however that happened. Three months off! 

Pete’s answer was awesome:

You know, his whole answer April Ryan’s softball questions too three minutes. His answer, that too three minutes, was:

“I don’t know.”

Pete is a great politician. He talks fast and he’s intelligent. He’s perfect for the Biden administration. Problem is, we are now listening. That’s not a good thing for Pete Butt-gig.




Afghanistan Update

The Pentagon is admitting that since President Biden withdrew all U.S. troops from Afghanistan, several dozen immediate family members of U.S. service members are still trapped there.

The memo from the Pentagon states:

DOD places a high priority on immediate family members of U.S. citizen or LPR military personnel (active duty, reservists, and members of the National Guard) and DoD civilian employees. Immediate family members eligible for facilitated departure from Afghanistan are defined by U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services as the spouses and unmarried children under the ageof21of U.S. citizens and LPR military personnel and DoD civilian employees.

We understand that many U.S. military personnel and DOD civilian employees have extended family remaining in Afghanistan. DoD recognizes that these extended family members also have a connection to the United States; we will continue to assist State/CARE as they develop mechanisms that may facilitate the safe departures for such individuals from Afghanistan in the future.

Basically, the Pentagon is admitting there are a ton of U.S. citizens and family of service members in Afghanistan. They are finally admitting it. Why now? Because they think the population has forgotten. And they may have. But one thin I do know, something we may have always known, the government has been lying to us.



Liar, Liar! Pants on Fire!

There is going to be another arrest in the John Durham investigation and Igor Danchenko has pleaded not guilty today. That’s good news. But there’s bad news. There will not be a sweeping arrests in the probe. I thought this would happen. We are not going to see arrests of high profile characters like Andrew McCabe of even Christopher Steele.

But the damage has been done for the Democrats.

Adam Schiff went on The View and was questioned hard by Morgan Ortagus. It didn’t go well for Schiff:

Oops. Schiff never got a question like this from CNN and MSNBC. His answer was less than satisfactory:

Some things:

  • He continues to go after Trump. This is what Democrats do. They always try to raise the shiny bauble called Donald Trump to bring attention away from their sins.
  • Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort and the other campaign guys whose names I can’t remember did go to jail. He’s lying.
  • What does he mean that there was “no way they knew someone was lying to Christopher Steele”? That’s where you investigate. He brought up an impeachment based off this stuff. He said he had hard evidence that Trump was colluding with the Russians.
  • He also refuses to acknowledge that when Trump saw issues with his people, he dealt with it. He refuses to give an inch to Trump.
  • Finally, the smoke screen he’s talking about was created by him. Trump was not colluding with the Russians. That has been proven.
  • I’ll skip the erection misspeak. Everyone else is talking about it.
  • Schiff’s entire case for impeaching Trump was the Steele Dossier. He’s saying Trump is guilty even though his main piece of evidence is bunk.

Here’s the last clip and the pinnacle of this interview:


Adam Schiff’s political career and any credibility he may have had is gone. Couldn’t have happened to a better person.










Episode 444 – Those Darned Elves!

Joe’s polls are so bad, he can’t control his sphincter.

California doesn’t get that woke is bad.

And Saturday Night Live gets tacky.


This Just Keeps Getting Worse

A new poll was released on Sunday and the news just keeps getting worse for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. The main line of the poll is that over 60% of those polled do not want Biden to run in 2024 (if he makes it that far).

The poll is from USA Today and Suffolk University.

Here are the takeaways from the poll:

  • “Nearly half of those surveyed, 46%, say Biden has done a worse job as president than they expected, including 16% of those who voted for him. Independents, by 7-1 (44%-6%), say he’s done worse, not better, than they expected.”
  • “Nearly two-thirds of Americans, 64%, say they don’t want Biden to run for a second term in 2024. That includes 28% of Democrats.”
  • “Vice President Kamala Harris’ approval rating is 28% – even worse than Biden’s. The poll shows that 51% disapprove of the job she’s doing.”
  • “If the election were today, those surveyed say, they would vote for their Republican congressional candidate over the Democratic one by 46%-38%, an advantage that would bode well for GOP hopes of gaining a majority in the House and the Senate.”
  • 75% believe that the Build Back Better bill would hurt their families.
  • A strong majority of Americans, 66%, say that the country is headed in the wrong direction, while only 20% say it is headed in the right direction.

Legendary Democrat strategist James Carville said during an interview last week:

And that is exactly right. People don’t like where the Democrat party is going or all these weird social changes. People don’t like being called racists and stupid for not understanding what the Left is doing. Bill Maher said the same thing this week.

But the Dems and Biden aren’t learning anything. They are suffering from heavy arrogance. They think they need to go harder and faster. They think that not spending trillions of dollars is the reason they lost last Tuesday.

Well, keep it up. Go more Left. Let’s see how that works out for them in a year.



California is Not Getting It

California has decided that math needs to go woke. I think we talked about that in an earlier podcast when we talked about how math is racist. Now, California is going to make math anti-racist.

The plan was to be voted on this month and be implemented in February. It will include:

  • Discouraging the concept of gifted students.
  • Inject social justice concepts into math including gender theory and inequality.
  • Replacing high level classes.

The New York Times reported:

The California guidelines, which are not binding, could overhaul the way many school districts approach math instruction. The draft rejected the idea of naturally gifted children, recommended against shifting certain students into accelerated courses in middle school and tried to promote high-level math courses that could serve as alternatives to calculus, like data science or statistics.

The draft also suggested that math should not be colorblind and that teachers could use lessons to explore social justice — for example, by looking out for gender stereotypes in word problems, or applying math concepts to topics like immigration or inequality. …

Like some of the attempted reforms of decades past, the draft of the California guidelines favored a more conceptual approach to learning: more collaborating and problem solving, less memorizing formulas.

It also promoted something called de-tracking, which keeps students together longer instead of separating high achievers into advanced classes before high school.

This is insane.

The idea for California is student who first realizes he is not good at math just believes he’s not good at math. I know the feeling. I’m not good at math. My son-in-law, great at math. But California believes it can make math more equitable if they just take the math that is hard out of math. There cannot be those people that are good at math and that talent be babied to its ends. We don’t want any of these kids feeding their talents so they can build rockets, launch people into space or invent the greatest electric vehicle.

By the way, do you want to fly in a plane designed with someone who flourished in math due to the equity that was created?

Well, this isn’t going unanswered. The proposed framework has received condemnations from hundreds of STEM field professionals, educators, and public officials who have signed on to an open letter released in July to California Governor Gavin Newsom (D), State Superintendent Tony Thurmond, the State Board of Education, and the Instructional Quality Commission.

The letter stated:

“The proposed framework would, in effect, de-mathematize math. For all the rhetoric in this framework about equity, social justice, environmental care and culturally appropriate pedagogy, there is no realistic hope for a more fair, just, equal and well-stewarded society if our schools uproot long-proven, reliable and highly effective math methods and instead try to build a mathless Brave New World on a foundation of unsound ideology.

“A real champion of equity and justice would want all California’s children to learn actual math — as in arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry and calculus — not an endless river of new pedagogical fads that effectively distort and displace actual math.”

I’ve said this in the past. Math is objective. Numbers and formulas do not have biases. They don’t care about one’s race or social class. We have gotten a space ship to Pluto (math), took digital pictures (math) and sent them back to Earth (math). We’ve landed on the moon (math). We’ve invented the Internet. You know what computers speak? That’s right, they speak math.

While living your life tomorrow, think of all the things you do and think about how the precision and objective perfection of math affects your life. Think about the things you use on a daily basis and try to figure out if math was necessary to create those tools.

Then think about what we’d be missing if math was retarded in the same way California wants to do.



Clown Abortion? Really?

Saturday Night Live has gone off the rails. Now the show has not been really funny in a very long time. I stopped watching a long time ago. But they really overstepped this time and I’m not sure it came across the way they wanted it to.

This clip is about the Texas anti-abortion law. They decide to make it funny my bringing in a female clown who made the abortion she had before her 23rd birthday as part of her clown act. Listen to a snippet of it

Some things here:

  • I’ll just say this right off. The sketch is not funny. It’s not even clever. These “clowns” at the pro-abortion rallies basically say the same thing.
  • The laughing of the audience is truly sick.
  • We are living in a sick society when over half the country believes that abortion is killing babies and the other half thinks it’s nothing more than a joke.
    • I’m sorry, but there have been 60 million abortions since Roe versus Wade. For people like me, who think abortion is murder, that is genocide is way worse than what the Nazis did. Yet I’m a fascist and Nazi for being against abortion.
    • This is completely one-sided. This doesn’t try to sympathize with the anti-abortionists. And they wonder why their ratings are so down.
    • Louis CK did a great act about abortion. But he took both sides. In fact, he was a tad more sympathetic to the anti-abortion side.
  • There was something that I think I caught watching this. I could be wrong because the acting on SNL isn’t really a quality thing. There’s kind of a sadness about her performance. Almost an embarrassment about killing a baby. This doesn’t seem like a celebration but a resignation.



Is This a Joke?

Yes, it is.

Christmas is coming so you know that the anti-fun Left is going to come out and attack it. We have already heard that Jesus is black. That happened last week. Since no one really knows the color of Jesus because no one cared about that sort of thing back then, we really don’t know the color of Jesus. I’ll go a step further, I really don’t care what the skin tone of Jesus was. He is a little beyond that.

But a judge has already overstepped his bounds. Cobb County Superior Court Chief Judge Robert Leonard has banned the Elf on a Shelf Christmas decoration. If you don’t know what Elf on a Shelf is, it is a Christmas decoration that bends much like the old Gumbys did. It is meant to sit on a shelf and watch your children to make sure they are being good so Santa Clause will give the kids a toy for Christmas instead of coal.

Well, kids probably aren’t getting coal because the cost of energy are too high. Reality is, kids are probably hoping for a piece of coal because heating the home is brutal. Then again, kids might not get a toy because the supply chain crisis is so bad that Santa can’t get resources needed to create the toys. The fact is, the only kids that will be getting toys are the illegal aliens that got $450K for crossing the border illegally. They can afford it.

Anyway, this judge released a statement about the evil little Christmas decorations:

“Tired of living in Elf on the Shelf tyranny? Not looking forward to the Elf forgetting to move and causing your kids emotional distress? I am a public servant and will take the heat for you. My gift to tired parents.

“Inexplicably, Elves sometimes move and don’t move overnight. When those Elves do not move, it leaves our children of tender years in states of extreme emotional distress.”

This anti-Santa, evil judge than released a tweet with a statement with his order:

That bastard.

Guys it was a joke! This is good fun!





Episode 443 – What he Screaming About?

Republicans just don’t get it.

Joe Biden is looking less competent by the second.

And we have an update on Afghanistan.


Republicans Just Don’t Get It

What did I say last week when Republicans kicked the crap out of Democrats in last Tuesday’s elections? Stay sane and don’t give Joe Biden any victories. Well, they already f-ed that up.

On Saturday morning, the House of Representatives voted on the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill and it passed. That is amazing considering none of the squad voted for the thing. How did it get passed? Thirteen Republicans voted for it. Better yet, thirteen RINOs voted for it. Without those votes, the bill does not pass.

The thirteen “republicans” that voted for the bill are Don Bacon of Nebraska, Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, Andrew Garbarino of New York, Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio, John Katko of New York, Nicole Malliotakis of New York, David McKinley of West Virginia, Tom Reed of New York, Chris Smith of New Jersey, Fred Upton of Michigan, Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey, and Don Young of Alaska.

All those people should be voted out of office.

Before you think I am pissed off about this because Joe Biden is president and I want him to get his ass kicked in 2022 alla Bill Maher, remember that I also hate the bill. It could have been cut down to, maybe, $300 billion because most of it has nothing to do with infrastructure and we really don’t need to be spending all this money with the deficit where it is. It deals with crap like “helping the environment and free wi-fi. It’s stupid.

It also, when all is said and done, will probably cost closer to $2.5 trillion because there are some programs that are going to have to be paid beyond the life of the bill. It’s just a really bad bill.



Good Job, Joe

In a real shock, CNN actually did some journalism.

They reported on a sad situation that is happening in Afghanistan. Families, who have no money because the economy is crashing, are selling their young daughters to become brides of old, rich men. I cannot say anything stronger than hos CNN reports it. Listen:

What a depressing story. Next time Joe Biden or his administration says anything about the patriarchy or women’s rights, I think he needs to be reminded of the radical patriarchy he unleashed in Afghanistan. We knew this was going to happen. It’s not like the Taliban is not known for this. But, to the Biden administration, out-of-sight-out-of-mind.

It is refreshing to see that the Leftist media is reporting this but where was this reporting when we were abandoning them? Where were the reports about what the Taliban did when they were in power in the 90s? Where were the videos of the lighting people on fire, throwing gays off of tall building, of women being beaten in the streets because they didn’t wear their clothing right, of the beheadings? Where were they then?

I told you this stuff is going to come out and it is and we seemed shocked by it. We shouldn’t have been. We should have know or, at least, reminded.

In other updates in Afghanistan, members of the Afghan Security Forces, the military supported by the United States, are now joining ISIS-K because they fear the Taliban. So the people that we are supporting are becoming part of an organization that wants to destroy the west and the United States. And I bet they’re motivated after being abandoned by the United States.


Peter Doocy is Creating Election Campaign Commercials

Peter Doocy is becoming a real problem for the Biden Administration. He keeps pounding on things that are important to the people and that are not being questioned by the legacy media. One of the things he won’t give up on are these $450K payments the DOJ is contemplating to settle a lawsuit brought up by illegal aliens that were separated from their children, per United States law, in 2018. He pounded her for three straight minutes:

Some things:

  • Peter Doocy did ask questions about this the previous couple of days but there have been no answers. Biden has been saying something totally different than the DOJ or his own administration, the administration is referring to the DOJ and the DOJ won’t answer any questions. Meanwhile, the ACLU is saying that this is happening.
  • It is an important question. That’s because we don’t want tax payer money going to illegal aliens. This is going to be a talking point in the 2022 elections.
  • She continues to blame the Trump administration. The Zero Tolerance policy of the Trump administration wasn’t actually a policy Trump created. He was just following the laws that Congress wrote and the president signed into law.
  • By the way, the zero tolerance policy worked. It got illegal immigration down to 30K a month compared to the 200K a month we have now.
  • I’m also sick and tired of the “babies being taken away from their mothers” garbage. The “babies” are being separated from their mothers because the “mothers” are criminals. Stop blaming the government for people committing crimes. Blame the “mother” for doing something dangerous and illegal, putting her child at risk.
  • And why not fight this is civil court? Why settle with the illegal aliens and the ACLU? Because this administration thinks the country is evil and doesn’t believe in its sovereignty.
  • Doocy got some crap for his question about not paying legal immigrants, but he shouldn’t. It’s a good question. I would have even expanded on it.
    • Why not give American criminals who have children $450K? They’re separated from their children also while serving in jail or prison.
    • Pregnant women in prison have to give up their kid after birth if they’re still in prison.
    • Watch, in the near future, there will be lawsuits arguing just that and those lawsuits will be brought up by, you guessed it, the ACLU.
  • Why can’t Jean-Pierre answer the question about what the president thinks? Isn’t that her job? Didn’t Biden say twice the story was bunk? That this wasn’t happening?
    • Doocy also wasn’t asking about what the DOJ was doing, he was asking what the president thought.

But it isn’t just the Democrats that are annoyed by this. Joe Biden seems to be getting a little snippy when asked about it. Here’s Joe yelling at a reporter on Saturday when questioned about the payouts to illegal aliens:

Some things:

  • Joe Biden’s lying has got to be getting on nerves. That’s a lie about him saying the story wasn’t garbage. Peter Doocy asked him that question and Biden said the story was garbage…twice. Doocy actually asked him to confirm it.
  • Again, he’s blaming the Trump administration for following the letter of the law that was passed by Congress and signed by the president at the time. Why isn’t he changing the law.
  • What the hell is he yelling at?
  • What about compensation for the criminals who are American citizens who are serving time in prison and are separated from their children?
  • I know he’s trying to look tough but all he looks like is an old man yelling at the kids for playing on his grass.

This is not going away. This will bite the Democrats in the coming year before the elections. If I were Peter Doocy, I’d keep asking about this until he gets an answer and keep the zingers coming. Each is a campaign commercial.


Let’s Do a Little Culture

I saw this video on Twitter from an account called Libs of Tik Tok. Surprisingly, this account is run by a woman. Interesting to have a woman forward the patriarchy.

Anyway, this video was released by Columbia University and was explaining how people should set up their E-mail signatures using their preferred pronouns. Listen:

Now, I don’t know about you but Columbia produces a crapload of doctors and lawyers. If I was to get a lawyer from Columbia who told be his preferred pronouns, I’d be out of the office in seconds. I need a lawyer who is exact with his language and doesn’t just make words up. So much for the education of a $79K a year ivy league university.

Then there’s this one that’s far more disturbing. Here’s a little boy with makeup drawn all over his face, claiming he’s a little girl. This wouldn’t be so bad except his woke mother is egging him one. Listen:

This is why I was against gay marriage. This is why the Give a Mouse a Cookie Principle is so important. This woman she be arrested for child abuse and the kid, the little boy, should be taken from the family. This is Munchausen Syndrome. Don’t be shocked if this kid isn’t a puberty blockers next year and having his penis cut off a few years from now.

Here’s my big question: Where’s the father?






Episode 442 – That’s Good News!

The jobs report is out and it’s good news.

Democrats have apparently learned nothing from Tuesday’s massive defeat.

And who’s running the country anyway?


Give Credit Where Credit Is Due

The jobs report for October is out and it’s not bad. Good for us. I’m going to try not to throw too much salt on this garden because of my hatred for Comrade Joe Biden but there are realities we are going to need to discuss that will put a wet blanket on it.

Here’s the news:

  • Adjustments for the last two months.
    • August employment went up from 366,000 to 483,000.
    • September unemployment went up from 194,000 to 310,000.
    • This is irritating but normal because employment stats are based on some projections.
    • Though the increase in both months is still well below estimates, this explains why the unemployment rate has gone down and really eases the sting from those lousy months.
  • In October, we added 531,000 (most since July).
    • 604,000 jobs added in the private sector.
    • 73,000 jobs lost in the public sector.
    • That’s a good thing. Less government is always a good thing.
  • Unemployment fell to 4.6%.
  • Hourly wages have increased 4.9%. That’s because employers are having a tough time getting workers and are willing to pay more. The other caveat is a lot of companies are giving signing bonuses. That’s a good thing.
  • Bad news, the wage increase isn’t a real increase. Inflation is up 5.4%. People are making more but are spending more than their wage increase.
  • The labor participation rate is at 61%. We have to watch that one over the coming months because that down over 2% from 2019.
  • There are 2.3 million who have been out of the workforce for 27 weeks or more though that is down. That’s still not great.

There are lots of reasons why a lot of people are refusing to look for work. The main reasons is extra money in the bank ($2 trillion has been spent) and people used the pandemic to change careers and they’re just not ready to join. It will be interesting to see what the job numbers are going to be when the savings run out.



They Learned Nothing

The Democrats haven’t learned a damn thing after Tuesday’s disaster elections. You would think Biden might decide to moderate a bit after that thrashing. But nope. I even thought he might mellow out even though he, twice, said the elections on Tuesday didn’t have anything to do with him.

He could’ve waited, at least, a week before going back to full tyrant.

The Biden administration, through OSHA, has released its vaccine mandates which will be implemented on January 4, 2022. Let’s go over the some of the provisions:

  • The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) will be responsible for implementing and monitoring compliance. They will be actually sending agents to verify compliance.
  • It will apply to companies of 100 employees or more. There are discussions to apply it to all businesses in the future.
  • It requires any employee who chooses not to get vaccinated to submit to weekly testing for COVID-19 and to “wear a face covering” while on the job (anti-vaxx shaming).
  • The rule also allows employees seeking an exemption for medical reasons, or who have a sincerely held religious objection, to apply for an exemption. OSHA instructs employers to deal with these requests on a case-by-case basis.
  • The government considers anyone fully vaccinated who has received two doses of either the Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccinations, or one dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccination (no word on boosters yet but it’s coming).
  • The OSHA regulation requires employers to give unvaccinated workers paid time off to receive the shot(s) — which are available at no charge — as well as to recover from any side effects the vaccine may produce.
  • Who pays for weekly COVID-19 tests is less clear. The Biden administration allows employers to force employees to get their own tests. Testing kits currently run between $11 and $15 each, so a worker could spend a minimum of $572 a year to remain in compliance with the Biden administration’s edict.
  • If employers of 100 employees refuse to comply with the OSHA mandate, the Biden administration may impose fines of $13,653 per violation—and $136,532 for “willful or repeated” violations.
  • Remote workers and people who work outdoors or in isolation are exempted.
  • Private businesses of the scale discussed in the ETS employ an estimated 84 million workers, according to the Biden administration.
  • “The ETS preempts any state or local requirements that ban or limit an employer’s authority to require vaccination, face covering or testing.” This is unconstitutional.

This has already started lawsuits from states and private businesses. Chances are this is going to be declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. I know we hear about Jacobson versus Massachusetts as a reason that the federal government can implement a vaccine mandate. This is a bad ruling to use because it was the individual against state law not federal law versus the state or individual. States have authority over federal laws.

But this law is going to have a severe backlash. It is going to affect the economy and it is a real burden on businesses. Employees and employers are going to get pissed about this. I’m vaxxed and I think this is a terrible idea. Half my family of vaxxed and they think it is a terrible idea. People will also just start quitting. Next year’s elections are going to be a disaster for Democrats because they are going to have to answer for this.

But this is a time we must apply the Give A Mouse A Cookie Principle. This is going to lead to federal vaxx mandates for school children including for 5-year-olds. The we will be mandated It will also lead to being required to be vaxxed to go into a grocery store. Does any of this seem far fetched now?



The Shoe is Dropping

For three years, I wondered what John Durham was doing during this investigation into the Crossfire Hurricane spying investigating into the Trump administration. It seemed that nothing was getting done and we would never get any information about it. All we knew was that Durham was looking into the genesis of the Steele Dossier, the debunked document that led to the Mueller investigation.

A huge arrest happened about a month ago with the indictment of Michael Sussman, a lawyer for Perkins Coie which was the law firm for the Clintons. He was also involved with Crowdstrike, the cybersecurity company that dealt with Hilary Clinton’s E-mail scandal.

Well, it looks like that little pickup is going to start an avalanche of indictments.

On Wednesday, a guy named Igor Danchenko was arrested as a part of special counsel John Durham’s investigation. Danchenko has been charged with “with five counts of making false statements to the FBI” related to sources he used to provide information for Steele’s dossier, Durham’s office said.

According to Durham’s office:

“The June 15, 2017, false statement count alleges that Danchenko denied that he had spoken with a particular individual about material information contained in one of the Company Reports when he knew that was untrue. The March 16, 2017, May 18, 2017, Oct. 24, 2017, and Nov. 16, 2017, counts involve statements made by Danchenko on those dates to FBI agents regarding information he purportedly had received from an anonymous caller who he believed to be a particular individual, when in truth and in fact he knew that was untrue. The information purportedly conveyed by the anonymous caller included the allegation that there were communications ongoing between the Trump campaign and Russian officials and that the caller had indicated the Kremlin might be of help in getting Trump elected.”

I think there will be more and bigger fish than this guy including the author of the Steele Dossier, himself, Christopher Steele and possible some higher sources that requested the FISA warrants. I do not know if they will catch whales like Hilary Clinton, James Comey, Andrew McCabe or James Brennen. McCabe actually lied to Congress and was able to retire from the FBI with his full pension.  But I do expect more in the coming weeks.

I also find it hysterical that the media refuses to cover what was the greatest spying conspiracies against and American president in history. All the time, they called Trump a Russian stooge based on this Steele Dossier. They called Trump a conspiracy theorist when he said this was a mission of the deep state. Turns out it was all true.



Who Is Running the Government?

Remember a long time ago, last week, I talked about how Biden’s DOJ was negotiating a $450K payout to illegal aliens who were separated in 2018 Zero Tolerance Policy implemented by Trump. Now, mind you, what Trump did wasn’t illegal. There is a law in the books that states that imprisoned illegal aliens must be separated from their children because children can’t be housed in the same jails than adults. This was voted on by Congress. Congress could appeal it. Seems like it’s their fault.

When asked about it in Glasgow, Scotland, Joe Biden looked confused and didn’t know what the reported was talking about. Then, the administration said that the negotiations were under way without denying the numbers they were running.

Peter Doocy got to ask a question of Joe Biden about those reports. His answer wasn’t great according to his Leftist administration:

OK, remember that. That would be the answer of a guy who wants to be president in 2024 and is a truly good political answer.

Now, listen to Peter Doocy asking the same question the next day to Deputy Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre. She’s replacing Jen Psaki because, even with to shots and a booster, she still managed to get the China Virus. But that’s another story. Here’s Jean-Pierre:


Did she just contradict the president of the United States? Biden said the payout was garbage…twice. Now it’s not.

But Doocy wasn’t done with her:

Some things:

  • Biden is incapable of any independent thought.
  • She doesn’t answer the question, she just bitches about Trump. This is a big thing. Trump is no longer president, so blaming him is irrelevant. People just don’t want people who entered the country illegally getting tax payer money because Trump’s policies followed the law.
  • Families are separated from their families all the time when they break the law. If I steal a car and am sentence to jail, I’m separated from my children. Why do illegal aliens get better treatment and then rich off of breaking our laws?

This brings up two questions:

  • Who is running the country? It doesn’t seem like Biden is. He didn’t know about any of this stuff, said it wasn’t going to happen and then his administration says it is. Would Trump have tolerated being contradicted like that?
  • Do the Democrats really think this is going to be embraced by voters in 2022?



Still Waiting

The House of Representatives was suppose to vote on the Build Back Better plan and the infrastructure plan. What a shocker: it didn’t happen. What a shock.

The Dems just can’t get out of their own way.

