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Episode 480 – Let’s Talk Dumb

Let’s talk about the dumb stuff that probably didn’t make it into the mainstream news.

Let’s start with this. Why not start a day of stupid stories with the mumbling of a stupid man:

What did he say?


Yeah, Why Not

There’s a cold snap back east. Sothern Florida released a warning today. Not of the cold or frost or snow. But of falling iguanas. That’s right, lizards are falling

It is going to reach a temperature of 40 degrees. Iguanas are cold-blooded so their body temperature lowers with the weather and slows their metabolism. When it gets too cold, they fall asleep or hibernate. Since iguanas live in trees, gravity takes over when the fall asleep and they fall on people. Not only do they fall on people, they are really pissed off when they wake up.

I have no commentary about this. It’s not even surprising the way the world is now.


Could He Kiss More Ass?

According to the Daily Wire:

“The first rule of fight club is you don’t talk about fight club.” But apparently, the first rule in communist China is that the cops always win. 

At least that’s the message being sent in the edited version of the cult classic 1999 film “Fight Club” starring Brad Pitt and Edward Norton. Viewers began noticing the change on the edited version posted to China’s streaming platform Tencent Video, NBC News reported. In the original version, “Fight Club” ends with massive explosions to solidify the overall anarchistic narrative. 

However, the censored version available in China cuts off before the bombs go off because police have ruined Norton’s plan. Instead, the screen fades to black and includes the text, “The police rapidly figured out the whole plan and arrested all criminals, successfully preventing the bomb from exploding.” 

It is hysterical. The text just comes out of nowhere, completely cutting off the end of the movie. That’s because the Chinese authorities do not tolerate crime and can never be fooled. Apparently, Edward Norton was put in an insane asylum and grew to appreciate the government.

Now, we know China does this and Hollywood is OK with it. But do they really need to kiss China’s ass about censoring the ending? Apparently so.

The author of the book, Chuck Palahniuk, tweeted:

“Have You Seen This Sh**? This is SUPER wonderful! Everyone gets a happy ending in China!”

He then commented on how the United States has banned his book within several institutions so China changing the ending is no big deal. That’s right, the United States is worse than China. Then he named who banned his book: the Texas prison systems and a bunch of private schools.

You can’t make this crap up. Looking at the movie or book, does it sound like it should be reading for prisoners and children?

The Hollywood Reporter also commented positively on the change:

“The irony is that the way the Chinese have changed it is they’ve aligned the ending almost exactly with the ending of the book, as opposed to Fincher’s ending, which was the more spectacular visual ending. So in a way, the Chinese brought the movie back to the book a little bit.”

I know everyone wants to make money and China is a huge market, but come on. Censorship is bad, no matter who does it. Yeah, prisoners are going to have to get out of jail to read it in Texas and kids need to grow up before they read it. But this does not make the United States as bad as China.



Best Job For a Woman…

Amy Schneider, who had a 40-game winning streak on Jeopardy finally lost. She racked up $1,382,800 and became the winningest woman in Jeopardy history. I think she ended up as the third biggest winner ever.

There’s just one problem. Amy is a biological man. This is just further evidence that the best woman in competition are men. Look at this guy at the University of Pennsylvania who, after 20 years, decided to be a woman and is now kicking the crap out of all the women while smashing all the women’s records in swimming. Or the two boys in a Connecticut high school that broke all the girls records in the 100 and 200 meters. Or the MMA fighter, Fallon Fox, who fought a woman in the ring and broke her skull.

Tell you what, I did not think it was going to be so easy to bring back the patriarchy.



What Do You Expect for $2000

According to the Daily Wire:

This week, Barbara Ferrer, the Los Angeles County Public Health Director, announced that all attendees for Super Bowl LVI, to be held at SoFi stadium, will be given KN95 masks and must wear masks unless they are eating or drinking.

Ferrer also noted that fans will be consistently reminded to wear their masks.

“Fans heading to the NFL Experience at the LA Convention Center, the NFL’s ‘interactive football theme park’ launching the week ahead of the February 13 Super Bowl, will receive free take-home test kits ‘with messaging to test before the big game,’ said Ferrer,” CNN reported, adding, “She said the NFL anticipates distributing over 60,000 test kits. The county will set up vaccination sites at the NFL Experience and anyone receiving first, second, or a booster dose of vaccine will be given free entry to the event.”

You know, for $2000 a ticket, you’d think you’d get a free beer or nachos or something. Not free COVID tests and KN95 masks (which really suck, by the way).

That’s another thing, have you ever seen Barbara Ferrer? She looks like Beetlejuice with the body of Jack Skellington. That’s the L.A. County Health Director. To trust a broad who looks like she died seven years ago on health advice is insane.

I have always thought one had to be nuts to pay that much money for a seat at the Super Bowl. The views are better on television, the food is better at home, the booze is cheaper at home and you can turn to the Puppy Bowl during the half time show. If you can afford $2000 a ticket, you can afford a 90″ television and a case of Bud. You’ll have a far better time.



Guess Who They Picked

Need more proof that pot and booze can make you stupid? Let’s talk about Neil Young.

Young, whose last hit was about 300 years ago, didn’t like what Joe Rogan was saying about the China virus. And that’s not a shock, he’s a rich man from Canada so he probably doesn’t have to follow any of the draconian rules Canada has imposed.

So Young released an open letter to his management team and record label, saying:

“Please act on this immediately today and keep me informed of the time schedule.

“I want you to let Spotify know immediately TODAY that I want all my music off their platform. They can have [Joe] Rogan or Young. Not both.”

This is a risky move for Young. It was reported that 65% of his streaming income came from Spotify. That’s high. For him, not for Spotify. They pain Joe Rogan about $100 million and he has 11 million subscribers, by far the most on Spotify. Joe Rogan’s podcast has more viewers than CNN and MSNBC combined. As Joe Biden would say, not hyperbole.

Needless to say, Young sobered up and pulled his open letter but not before Spotify responded:

“Spotify Technology SA is in the process of removing Neil Young’s music, according to people familiar with the matter, as the folk-rock star isn’t wavering in his objections to Joe Rogan’s podcast.”

Don’t panic, all you 55-year-old folk music fans. He’ll be back on. But I love this.

When the rubber hits the road, even Leftist organizations will piss on other Leftists to keep the money coming in. And where is the money coming from now? Conservatives or very moderate liberals (as Joe Rogan is). Who is the top cable news outlet? Fox News. Who has the highest rated podcast? Joe Rogan. Who has the highest rated late night comedy show? Greg Gutfeld on Fox News. Yeah, he’s beating out Colbert, Fallon and Kimmel. In the last election, who had the highest overall ratings? Louder with Crowder from Blaze TV.

You know why this is happening? Conservative media is fun, interesting, risky and informative. This is a start how conservatism takes back the culture.



Walt Is Turning Over in his Grave

Disney is facing problems.

Peter Dinklage, who played the dwarf, Tyrion Lannister, on Game of Thrones, is pissed. Notice how I called him a dwarf? That’s because he played a dwarf on the show. He was referred to as a dwarf.

So what is he pissed about? Disney is releasing a modern day Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. He said:

“Literally no offense to anyone, but I was a little taken aback when they were very proud to cast a Latina actress as Snow White — but you’re still telling the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Take a step back and look at what you’re doing there. It makes no sense to me. You’re progressive in one way, but then you’re still making that f***ing backward story about seven dwarfs living in a cave together? What the f*** are you doing, man? Have I done nothing to advance the cause from my soapbox? I guess I’m not loud enough.”

Maybe he needs two soapboxes to be heard.

A few things here:

  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarves was written by the Brother Grimm in 1812. It’s a story. Making it woke will change the story and it will no longer be Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.
  • Peter Dinklage made millions not because he is a great actor, which he is, but because he’s a dwarf who can act!
  • Being a dwarf isn’t really a disability. They are typically just short.

By the way, you aren’t allowed to say dwarf or midget anymore, which is weird. They are actually descriptors. Dwarves have adult size appendages but short stature. A midget is one short of stature but their body parts are proportional. You know where I learned that? In high school while reading the Brothers Grimm version of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.

Anyway, Disney had a response to this. They said:

“To avoid reinforcing stereotypes from the original animated film, we are taking a different approach with these seven characters and have been consulting with members of the dwarfism community. We look forward to sharing more as the film heads into production after a lengthy development period.”

I love when the woke beats on the woke. Don’t forget Disney put warning tags on Peter Pan, Dumbo, The Aristocrats, The Jungle Book and The Swiss Family Robinson.

So, congratulations to Peter Dinklage for making sure that other little people can’t get jobs after he made millions of dollars simply because he’s a little person.



Well, Duh!

You know the typical description of the comic book reader and collector? It is a straight man, 25-40 years old, usually a little overweight because of all the Hot Pockets he eats. They are usually bitter because they can’t get a date so they settle with a little D&D on a Saturday night with the other dateless comic book collectors.

You know what these guys don’t read? Comics about a gay Superman who’s is fighting climate change.

That’s what DC Comics is finding.

They released a comic about the bi-sexual son of Superman who gets in a relationship with some Asian guy while he is fighting climate change. I’m not kidding. I’m sure you heard me talk about this last summer.

Guess what? No one bought it. The comic hasn’t cracked the top 50 in units sold of comic books since it was released in November. Many comic “experts” are saying this might be the end of Superman. DCs top comics are all Batman and people might have a hard time embracing a character that takes it in the butt.

Wokeness may have killed what only kryptonite could kill.



Why Would She Do This?

You can’t make this shit up.

It was reported in the news last week that a truck with a bunch of lab monkeys crashed on a freeway in Montour County, Pennsylvania. Three monkeys dies. I would say this is a tragedy but I have a feeling the fate of these monkeys was pretty much sealed.

The story is there was this woman who wanted to help out. Michele Fallon decided to get out of her car and walk up to the truck. She saw the boxes on the truck. The boxes had holes, because the monkeys needed to breathe, and she saw fur. So she thought they were cats.

Fallon said:

“So I go over to check the cats out, and I’m sticking my finger in because I see the fur. Then I hear this weird grunting noise and it pops up, and I’m getting really close to it and I hear a monkey doing a hissing noise. I backed away and I told the guy that they were not cats, they were monkeys.”

Now, Fallon has reported and is being treated for some illness she might have received from the monkeys. According to Newsweek:

Fallon became concerned because she has a cut on her hand and began experiencing pink eye symptoms, so she went to the emergency room at a local hospital, she told local news station WBRE-TV. She is now taking preventative medicine for about two weeks and received her first dose of the rabies vaccine.

There are two takeaways here:

  • Is it surprising that a world pandemic started? These guys are transporting diseased monkeys in wood crates in a 1985 Mack truck. Maybe I’m off here, but I think, after the last two years of pandemic, maybe there should be a little more regulation on transporting diseased monkeys.
  • If you want to help with an accident that is carrying a truckload of animals in sealed crates, don’t stick your finger in the crate, even if it is a cat. They probably have those cats in crates with only air holes for a reason. I mean, if these were good cats, they’d probably be in the cab with the driver. Or better yet, the doctor doing the experiments himself would probably drive the cat in his Ford Focus.



Now That’s Creepy

According to the New York Post:

A porn star has shared the “cringe” message sent to her by her uncle after he discovered what she did for a living.

The XXX actress, who works under the stage name Karlie Brooks, shared a screengrab of the stomach-churning text in a TikTok video last week.

OK, you might think this is a cringe-worthy event because the uncle is going to tell the rest of the family that the daughter has got her cooch on camera for strange men to see but no. That’s not it.

Her uncle sent her a text:

Ugh! Christmas dinner is going to be awkward. I have a feeling some of the drooling being done won’t be for the cranberry sauce.



What About the Criminals






Episode 479 – Is It Really That Important?

We could have another Supreme Court nomination fight.

Let’s talk a little about Ukraine.

And what is Joe Biden doing during all these emergencies?


Trading a Banana for a Banana

According to Fox News:

Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer is retiring, Fox News confirmed, setting President Biden up with the first opportunity to fill a vacancy on the high court. 

A source close to Breyer told Fox News that the justice will step down at the end of the current Supreme Court term early this summer.

The is not a shock that Breyer is retiring:

  • He’s 83 years old.
  • The Left has been calling for him to resign all year.

This will give Joe Biden a chance to get a Supreme Court Justice. The good news is that this is not going to change the makeup of the court since Breyer, who was picked by Bill Clinton, has been a very liberal judge. In the past, Joe Biden said, if he had to pick, would select a black woman. That’s a great idea because we saw how great a pick of a black woman for Vice President.

This raises a couple of questions:

  • Was Breyer forced out? Even at 83, he’s sharp and very outgoing.
  • Who would he pick? Is Kamala Harris on the list?
  • We know that this candidate is going to be a Leftist and extreme. But, during an election year, how hard should the Republicans fight? Could we see a Merrick Garland/Amy Coney Barret fight, somehow?
  • How moderate is Joe Biden going to be? I think this is a stupid question because I don’t think Biden is going to pick a moderate at all.

We’ll have to see. If he doesn’t retire until summer, that going to be close to the elections. This stuff could get really interesting.



This Ukraine Thing

I told you I would talk a little about Ukraine because, in reality, we could be looking at a World War III scenario, especially since Russia is joining Iran and China in military drills and this can be a real crystal ball moment on what is going to happen with China’s conflict with Taiwan.


What’s Happening

Here’s what’s happening between Russia and Ukraine:

  • Russia currently has about 100,000 troops on the Ukraine border, according to Ukrainian and Western officials. U.S. intelligence agencies have assessed that the Kremlin has drawn up plans for a military operation involving up to 175,000 troops that could begin in the coming weeks.
  •  In addition, Ukrainian fighters opposed to Kyiv’s rule, amount to about 30,000, according to an assessment by the Ukrainian military.
  • Russia has moved an additional five battalion tactical groups into the border area near Luhansk and Donetsk, including about 5,000 soldiers sent to reinforce the 12,000 or so stationed there permanently, according to Ukrainian authorities.
  • Joe Biden, who’s weakness has created this mess, has put 8500 troops on standby. These troops will be deployed in surrounding countries, not directly in Ukraine.
  • The United States has been sending lethal aid to Ukraine but will not send troops.
  • NATO is getting into the party:
    • Denmark is sending a frigate and deploying F-16 warplanes to Lithuania.
    • Spain is sending four fighter jets to Bulgaria and three ships to the Black Sea to join NATO naval forces
    • France stands ready to send troops to Romania
    • The Netherlands also plans to send two F-35 fighter aircraft to Bulgaria
    • Notice, no NATO forces are going to Ukraine. We will talk about that later.
  • NATO took control of a U.S. aircraft carrier this week as part of a preplanned military exercise that could not have come at a better time as it projects strength in the region as Russia appears ready to invade Ukraine.
  • The U.K. may send combat troops to support Ukrainian allies under threat of Russian invasion, Prime Minister Boris Johnson told the British government on Tuesday. But no decisions have been made.

That’s how world wars start.

Before we all start panicking, relax. I don’t think this is going to escalate to that, it just could. I’ll get into that later.



Here We Go Again

In a show of strength and in an effort to build up the confidence of the Ukrainian people and government, Joe Biden has decided to evacuate Ukraine.

  • The State Department has ordered that all Americans to make plans to leave Ukraine.
  • The embassy will remain open to process paperwork but will eventually evacuate if tensions rise.

Does this sound familiar? Could we see another Afghanistan?

When asked, Jen Psaki’s answer was less than satisfactory:

Remember that. They have no plans. Just like Afghanistan. By the way, there are still Americans in Afghanistan and there are no plans to get them out.



What I Think

How did this whole thing happen? How did Russia get so emboldened to threaten another country? Why didn’t Russia do it four years ago?

  • Biden became President and showed his weakness.
    • The Afghanistan pullout was a disaster.
    • He has been blowing Iran for the last year to get them back into that crappy nuclear deal.
    • We emboldened Russia by allowing them to build the Nord Stream Pipeline.
    • Biden is ignoring China’s threats to Taiwan.
    • When Biden was Vice President, the Obama administration showed no support to Ukraine, sending them only blankets when Russia invaded Crimea.
  • But it wasn’t just Biden. The United States has shown weakness in other events. We did nothing when China took over Hong Kong. The conflict was occurring under both Obama and Trump.
  • There were no preemptive measures is place.

The big reason Russia wants control here is because they want to create those satellite countries they had when they were the Soviet Union. They have a fear of being invaded. Let’s not forget a couple of things:

  • Russia has a history of being at war in their land. We forget this because we have never had to fight a war against a foreign power on our homeland. Alexander Sholsitskin made this very clear in The Gulag Archipelago. Sholsitskin believed half the reason there was a gulag system in the Soviet Union was fear of another war, civil or foreign, being fought in their homeland. This was also a theme in books by Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky.
  • Putin was the head of the KGB during the Soviet era. He may embrace a lot of the Soviet philosophies.

Listen, I think the screaming about the World War III is hyperbole. It could happen. Th World Wars have been started for relatively small reason. But World War II was started much in the same way, an invasion. But it would not be in the best interest of Russia to invade directly:

  • Their economy is weak:
    • Their inflation rate is at 8%. Ours is high at 7%.
    • Their GDP is 7 times less than the United States and 6 times less than China.
    • Their main export is oil (about 65%) and oil is too low in price to really bring them a lot of money.
    • Their economy is that of Italy.
  • Though they would win a war, it will be extremely bloody and expensive. The Ukrainians aren’t just going to rollover.
    • The Ukrainians know how to fight. They’ve also had to fight within their own country.
    • The Ukrainians have heavy weapons from the United States and other countries.
    • And let’s remember, the last war the Russians fought was in Afghanistan and they got their asses kicked.

The goal of the Russians is to scare the crap out of the Ukrainians enough that they install a Russia-friendly government. This seems to be what most believe. This is what China did with Hong Kong and what they are trying to do with Taiwan.

I think, if anything, this will be a minor incursion. Just enough to scare the people to putting in a government that the Russians want.


The Irony

I do find some irony here. There seems to be kind of a push to protect Ukraine, even to the point of sending American troops to this corrupt country. By the way, there’s a reason why Ukraine is not in NATO and has no chance of getting into NATO and that’s because it was considered one of the most corrupt countries on the planet.

But the Biden administration has a reason to protect Ukraine. Here is Jonathan Finer, Biden’s White House Deputy National Security Advisor telling us why we should protect Ukraine:

You can’t make this stuff up.

Just an FYI: There were 179,000 arrests of illegal aliens at the southern border in December 2021. Let me give you some context as to how high that number is. If you combined the number of arrests at the southern border for December of 2020, 2019 and 2018, you still would not have 179,000 arrests.

And Fox News news has determined that these people are being, secretly, released into the country. Specifically, red states like Georgia, Texas and Florida. Gee, I wonder why?

I don’t want to hear from this administration about the sanctity of anyone else’s border when this President is pissing on our border. No one American troop should get involved and killed over Ukraine. This mess should have been prevented and the lack of foresight is the reason there is this mess.

Here’s the problem I have. This is a very unpopular and incompetent president. I can see him sending troops to Ukraine because he’s stupid. Never underestimate the ability for Joe Biden to f- something up. It’s not actually me that is saying that. It is President Barrack Obama who said that.

And, in another act of senile-laced reasoning, he may send troops to Ukraine because he thinks it will improve his poll numbers. Let’s not forget that Joe Biden does not care about the troops or the citizens of the United States. He’s a globalist. He only cares about his popularity and his power. He has proven this throughout his political career.


Joe Biden News

By the way, where was Joe Biden yesterday? What is he doing? Jen Psaki didn’t seem to know either:

Good news! The pool media knew what he did.

  • At 1:30 PM, Biden left the White House.
  • He went shopping where is was looking at table coasters with pictures on German Shepherds on them.
  • He looked at jewelry that he thought his wife would like.
  • And he bought ice cream and went back to the White House at 2:28 PM.
  • There, he put a lid on the rest of the day starting at 3:07 PM.

Yes, we should be concerned about Ukraine. Look at how concerned he is.





Dumb Culture Stuff









Episode 477 – Not the Hamsters!

California is trying to sink further into the NetherRealm.

Chuck Schumer tries to sharpen his poker face.

And Canada outlaws psychology, religion and parenting.


Citizens Suck

California is at it again and there doesn’t see to be anything we can do about it except quit.

California is looking into ways to implement universal healthcare throughout the state. That would give free healthcare to everyone in the state including illegal aliens. But the government has a problem. A big problem. The same problem other states like Vermont have had when implementing this type of failed program. How are they going to pay for it?

According to the Daily Wire:

According to an analysis from the Tax Foundation, Assembly Constitutional Amendment 11 (ACA 11) — which requires two-thirds of both houses of the state legislature for approval — would introduce “surtaxes atop the current individual income tax structure beginning at $149,509 in income,” a “graduated-rate payroll tax system with the top rate kicking in for employees with more than $49,990 in annual income” and a “gross receipts tax of 2.3 percent, excluding the first $2 million of business income.” ACA 11 would go to the voters for final approval if passed by two-thirds of the Legislature.

That’s right. They want tax us, then tax our income again and, if you work, tax you a third time. By the way, ignore the, “you won’t get taxed unless you make $149,000” garbage. These taxes are going to hit everyone and they are going to hit everyone hard. These taxes are going to cost jobs, close business and have people and businesses leave California.

Each household is looking to have their taxes doubled to $12,250. That moves the average tax rate to 18.05%. The average tax rate in California is 10%. For people making over $100K is 17%. By the way, the national average is 5.3%.


California has already lost a seat in the House of Representatives because people are moving out of this hellscape. Facebook and Tesla have already moved to Texas because of this hellscape.

Guess what? More is to come.



First Pelosi, Now Schumer

According to Fox News:

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer Tuesday issued a stern warning to Republicans and Democrat defenders of the filibuster ahead of upcoming votes on Democrats’ election bills: “We are going to vote. We are all going to go on the record.”

Schumer, D-N.Y., made the comments immediately after opening floor debate on a piece of legislation the House passed last week combining two major Democrat-backed elections bills. He promised that the Senate will not only vote on the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act, but also on whether to defang the Senate’s 60-vote filibuster if Republicans block them, as they are expected to.

Schumer said:

“As we debate these measures, the Senate will confront the critical question: Shall the members of this chamber do what is necessary to pass these bills and bring them closer to the president’s desk? Today we have just taken the first steps that will put everyone, everyone on the record.”

So what he’s decided to do is go ahead with a vote to end the filibuster when he knows it will not pass just to get the Democrats who will go against it will have to go on record. Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin have already said they will not vote to end the filibuster. Joe Manchin wrote an article about it. Kyrsten Sinema has said it on the Senate floor. They’re already on record as a no.

Chuckie said he was going to have this vote on January 17th. That was two days ago. Nothing has changed. He doesn’t have the votes. Sleepy, Creepy Joe went to Congress and he was told to kick rocks. This vote is a waste of time.

Or is it?

This is going to have the wrong effect. It ain’t going to go the way Chuckie thinks it’s going to. Most people do not support ending the filibuster. When certain purple or purplish states see who said yay to eliminating the filibuster, I think those Senators will be under attack by voters in November, not these that said nay. Either Chuckie isn’t that smart and really thinks this will threaten Manchin and Sinema or he’s just giving up and throwing a hail Mary.

Or, it’s a bluff and there will be no vote.

Nancy Pelosi really screwed Chuckie when she sent the Build Back Better bill to the Senate knowing that it could not pass. Chuckie looks like he’s the one that is ball-less. Which he is. I think he’s doing this to shake things up.

I also think it’s a bluff. I bet, by the time I do this podcast, there will be no vote. If there is, it’s because Chuckie really is just stupid.



This Is Coming Here

This is great. It tells me, if we wanted, we could invade Canada with a Sesna and four harpoons and control all their oil.

According to the Daily Wire:

A new Canadian law called C-4 outlaws so-called “conversion therapy,” which is defined in the law as any counseling or advising against transgender or nonbinary identity or non-heterosexual sexuality — even if the young person or adult requests it.

“The new Canadian law, C-4, bans any counseling that advocates for the Christian standard that sex is reserved for one man and one woman within marriage,” The Daily Wire’s Morning Wire reported this weekend. “It also potentially criminalizes any instruction confirming that human beings are created as wholly male or female from birth.”

So, in other words, if your little boy says he’s a girl or gay, one can’t treat him psychologically. We’re not talking about waterboarding gay kids. I mean a psychologist can’t tell the kid he’s probably not a girl and he should wait before making any serious decisions about altering his physiology.

Abagail Shrier wrote a book called Irreversible Damage. It is about the societal impact of social media, media and education on the trend of girls becoming transsexual. Another impact she talks about is the psychological treatments out there. Many children go through something called gender confusion. It has been defined in the DSM-5 and is pretty common. Most kids, in ther past anayway, grew out of this. That’s because psychiatrists took on the standard recommendation of wait-and-see.

But, in the last five years, a new psychological approach has replaced the wait-and-see approach. That is called affirmation therapy. That therpy involves the psychiatrist confirming the child’s belief and pushing the child toward her feelings of homosexuality and transsexuality. This includes hiding information from parents, applying hormone therapy and, in the worst cases, body modification (mutilation).

Canada outlawed the wait-and-see therapy.

By the way, wait-and-see therapy found that most kids that thought they were transexual ended up gay. That was OK. But they avoided the hormone therapy and body modification.

But it gets worse. What does Canada define as “conversion therapy”? Here it is from the law:

(a)  change a person’s sexual orientation to heterosexual;
(b) change a person’s gender identity to cisgender;
(c) change a person’s gender expression so that it conforms to the sex assigned to the person at birth;
(d) repress or reduce non-heterosexual attraction or sexual behaviour;
(e) repress a person’s non-cisgender gender identity; or
(f) repress or reduce a person’s gender expression that does not conform to the sex assigned to the person at birth.
See the problem here? Pretty vague and broad. That’s OK to Leftists. They like vague and broad because it opens up a wide array of convictions in the future.
Oh, yeah, the penalties. People can serve 2-5 years in jail for “converting” someone.
There are some major issues with this law:
  • Parents can be convicted. Just telling their child they are going through a phase could be considered a “conversion”.
  • It takes away the parent’s right to raise their child and do what best for them.
  • Parents can’t go to psychologists because the psychologist is under the provision and won’t risk jail to do the right thing.
  • Parents are not allowed to go to another country for psychological help.
  • The religious could be convicted just for telling the story of Sodom and Ghammorrah or reading a number of Biblical passages to their congregation.
  • It assumes that children are mature enough to life-changing procedures.
  • Affirmation therapy is not done anywhere else in the psychological and medical profession. If I’m bipolar, the doctor doesn’t say it’s normal to be bipolar and send me on my way. If a black child says she doesn’t want to be black but be white, a psychologist doesn’t affirm that and start skin bleaching the child.
  • This law goes one way. If a kid says he thinks he’s gay and I say no. That’s conversion and I can go to jail. But if a kid says he might be straight and tell him he’s actually gay, that’s legal.

The reason I bring this up is because Canada is usually one step ahead of the United States when it comes to policy. It won’t be long like laws like this are implemented in California and New York. Mind you, they are unconstitutional but that does not mean people won’t try.



This Is Why I Don’t Watch the NBA

On Monday night, billionaire tech entrepreneur and part-owner of the NBA’s Golden State Warriors, Chamath Palihapitiya made some comments on a podcast about what he thinks about China and Uyghurs being kept in concentration camps. It is an amazing comment:

Understand something, the NBA is a Leftist organization. That’s why I don’t watch it and that’s why a lot of the country stopped watching it. This was a league that tore apart an NBA vice president for supporting Hong Kong but had no issue releasing hateful statements about Donald Trump and how racist the police in America are. The NBA is making its money from China and they need to keep China happy to keep making money.

As far as this country having its own problems, you know what problem we aren’t having? Forcibly sterilizing, jailing and killing a group of people because of their religion. Funny thing is the NBA says that the United States is bad because we are a “systemically racist” country yet the NBA ignores the real systemic racism. Hey, you can’t get more systemically racist than throwing people into a concentration camp because of their religion.

And what are we needing to fix besides systemic racism?

  • He cares about the grocery stores being empty. He doesn’t care about that. He worth a few billion dollars. Do you think he’s worried about where he’s going to get food?
  • He cares about our economy suffering if China invades Taiwan. Question, why? Might it be he has business interests in Taiwan and those may suffer if China invades?
  •  He cares about America’s healthcare infrastructure. Question, why? He’s worth a few billion dollars. Is he using government healthcare?
  • By the way, our healthcare in this country is the best in the world. The real problem with our healthcare is that the government has too much of a hand in it.
  • Of course, he cares about climate change. Something no one else really cares about. Question: why support China since they are the world’s leader carbon emissions? Wouldn’t it show you cared about climate change by boycotting China.

This guy doesn’t care about any of that. He cares about money. He cares about making more of it. That’s all he cares about. Now I do think this guy is a sociopath and a narcissist. But I think he is being truthful unlike many of the CEOs in the country that are also dealing with China. They don’t care about what China does just as long as they get their money.

This is the problem with this country. Greed has replaced empathy. Greed has replaced morality. Seeing how these (Amazon, Apple, Nike, NBA) continue to make money, they continue not to care.

I would have asked him a follow up question. We had a lot of problems during World War II. Should we have ended the Holocaust and fought Hitler or should we have left that to the Europeans and just kicked Japan’s ass?

Needless to say, these comments were not embraced. He later released a statement on Twitter:

That is not much of a statement. Actually, it’s infuriating. It shows his narcissism. No one cares that he’s a refugee. Then he lumps the United States with China. Wait a minute, didn’t he make his billions in the United States? Would he have done that in China or would he ended up in a concentration camp in China because he’s a Hindu? Which seems most likely?

This man is an example of what’s wrong with this country and corporate America.



More Victims of the China Virus

According to the Wall Street Journal:

Authorities ordered some 2,000 hamsters in Hong Kong to be killed over concerns that the animals may have transmitted Covid-19 to humans, one of the city’s latest measures to try to stamp out a fresh outbreak.

Under the latest order, authorities will cull the animals at almost three dozen pet shops across the city, including a store selling small animals linked to two recent Covid-19 infections in the city. One of the two infections was an employee at the pet store, while another was a recent visitor to the store, authorities said.

Health chiefs said the order was being made out of prudence as there was no international evidence that pets can transmit the Covid-19 to humans.

Anyone who bought a hamster after Dec. 22 should also surrender the animals, authorities said, according to local media. Close contacts of the people infected face two weeks’ quarantine under the city’s strict quarantine rules.

Frigging China.

I don’t have much to say this except I brought this up to Josie. We have this crappy little pug dog. It runs all over the house, eats everything and won’t sit when you tell her to. I said maybe Gigi has the China virus and that’s she’s such a little jerk. And maybe, in order to avoid catching the China virus again, we should get rid of her.

Yeah, no. That didn’t hook. She said that even though Gigi is the size of a hamster, she’s not a hamster. And, like a lot of my underhanded plans, it backfired. After this podcast, I have to go to CVS after and get a COVID test so I can test Gigi to make sure she doesn’t have the China virus.

Yeah, there you have it. The best laid plans of mice and men. Or in this case, of hamsters and pugs.





Democrats are in so much trouble that they have only a few options.

They are going to lose big in 2022. They are looking to lose 35 seats in the House and over ten in the Senate. Over 20 Democrats have said they would not run in November. Nancy Pelosi redid her eyebrows and looks terrible and she is looking to retire next year when she loses her leadership post. Joe Biden is in such bad shape Congress won’t let him pass gas, much less, a $5 trillion bill, a voting rights bill or have a vote on eliminating the filibuster.

Oh, and he has issues getting through a sentence without falling asleep. His presidency is done.

Democrats are already looking for who they will run in 2024. Biden hasn’t even been in office for a year and we are talking 2024. Problem Democrats have is their bench is kind of short.

  • Joe Biden has a 33% approval rating and doesn’t seem to know where he is. He won’t run again. In fact, I’m shocked he made it this far.
  • Kamala Harris’ approval rating is lower than Joe Biden’s rating.
  • Pete Buttigieg seems to be the most popular candidate right now but he has done nothing during his political career. In fact, he is so irrelevant that he took three months off for paternity leave as transportation secretary during a supply chain crisis and no one knew he was gone.
  • There are talks about Micelle Obama running. She’s popular and speaks well, like her husband. She’s a woman and black. That seems to be a qualification. But she’s never shown interest in politics. During her reign as first lady, she read Dr. Seuss to kids and crap but she had nothing to do with policy. She not like Hilary Clinton who…


That’s right! Hilary Clinton is thinking of running again.







They Hate You



Episode 476 – Happy George Floyd Day!

Is George Floyd more influential to American history than Martin Luther King Jr.?

A terror attack in Texas proves that we live under a corrupt regime.

And Ted Cruz redeems himself.


Way to Minimize What a Hero Does

I was in Big Bear this weekend, dying of the China virus. But it was Martin Luther King’s birthday so I decided to enjoy it anyway. I did not watch much news, as I tend to do on holidays with the family. So I’m coming home and I hear the most insane statement from Joe Biden “celebrating” MLK Day. Listen:

Some things:

  • That pause at the end was so Old Joe’s wise words could sink in.
  • Or maybe in was the red flag in his brain that popped up 30 seconds later that said, “That is a really dumb thing to say. Don’t say it.”
  • Then his brain said, “Shit, too late.”

There are some stark differences between Martin Luther King and George Floyd.

  • MLK was had a doctorate in theology from Boston University. George Floyd was a rapper known as “Big Floyd” from a rap group called “Screwed Up Click”.
  • MLK fought for Civil Rights for black people during Jim Crow. George Floyd spent time in prison for drug possession and armed robbery.
  • MLK died because he pushed the passing of the 1964. George Floyd died because he was stoned on a lethal cocktail of drugs and gave out a fake $20 bill to get some cigarettes and a bad cop killed him.

Does this sound like George Floyd is of the same character as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.? Why in God’s name would he say something like this?

Well, there are a few things.

To start off, Joe Biden is stupid and always says the wrong things. There is a good chance he said this and realized in mid-sentence that this was a bad thing to say. Most people know that George Floyd was a career criminal and a thug. This comment is not going to sit well with anyone other than the BLM crowd.

But George Floyd’s life is a representation of what the Left wants. His death did transform the country into something the Left has been wanting since the 1960s. He didn’t mean to do it. He was just stoned and wanted to steal a pack of smokes. But his death was a sacrifice for the Left that would overturn 250 years of the American spirit. His death is an excuse to:

  • Eliminate the nuclear family.
  • Eliminate the Constitution.
  • Eliminate free speech, the free press, religion and guns.
  • Eliminate capitalism.
  • Reboot segregation.
  • Demonize white people.
  • Implement critical race theory in schools to children.
  • Defund the police.
  • Clear the prisons.
  • Legalize crime.

All Martin Luther King Jr. did was end systemic racism caused by the Jim Crow laws that only lasted 100 years because King believed that blacks should be seen as equal to whites in society and the eyes of the law. He believed in this country and thought that this country was not living up to its promise of the Constitution. That is not a popular stance with the BLM movement.

So, yes, George Floyd did have more affect on the country, and, as a consequence, the world. To you and me, that’s a bad thing. To Joe Biden and the Left, that’s a good thing.


A Real Clear Message

There was a hostage situation at a Jewish synagogue in Texas this weekend. The reaction from the FBI and White House is amazing.


The Story

Here is the story:

  • On Saturday, the holy day for the Jews, a homeless man walked into the middle of the service at the Beth Israel Synagogue in Colleyville, TX.
  • The Jews let him in because that’s what they do. Turns out religious people have empathy for the less fortunate.
  • The man pulled a gun (that he bought, illegally, on the street) and held the people hostage.
  • Several got out and called the police.
  • The police and FBI were called and surrounded the area. The Texas SWAT team was also contacted.
  • The FBI established communications with the man. His demand was that one of his sisters, who was in prison and sentenced for 86 years in prison, was to be released. The man said that he was not going to come out alive. At this time, only four people were being held.
  • The Rabbi, while the hostage taker was talking to the police, threw a chair at the man. The four hostages escaped.
  • SWAT broke into the building and, according to reports, killed the suspect.



So here’s the question: Why did this happen?

According to everyone, we don’t know. Here is the FBI talking about the motives of the suspect:

The FBI had no idea. For all they know, this guy was just cruising down the street, came up to a Jewish synagogue and decided to take hostages.

Old Joe also had no idea what was happening. He said in a statement:

He doesn’t know why this guy walked into a Jewish synagogue, took a bunch of Jews hostage and used anti-Semitic terms? Really? Could I venture a guess?

I got some clues about it:

  • He live streamed the attack.
  • His name was Malik Faisal Akram.
  • The woman he wanted released is named Aafia Siddiqui, also known as ‘Lady al Qaeda.’

According to ABC News correspondent Aaron Katersky:

Aafia Siddiqui is “linked to al Qaeda and was convicted in 2010 of attempting to kill Americans in Afghanistan. Siddiqui … who’s known in counterterrorism circles as ‘Lady al Qaeda,’ has been linked to 9/11 ringleader Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and was once on the FBI’s most-wanted terrorists list. Educated in the United States — she studied at M.I.T. and received a doctorate from Brandeis — Siddiqui was arrested in 2008 in Afghanistan carrying sodium cyanide, as well as documents describing how to make chemical weapons and dirty bombs and how to weaponize Ebola. When FBI and military officials tried to question Siddiqui, she grabbed a weapon left on the table in her interrogation room and fired upon them.”

Gee, do we still have no clue why this guy decided to attack Jews?


Maybe They Should Have Read This

Maybe Joe Biden and the FBI should subscribe to the right-leaning British newspaper, The Daily Telegraph. The day after the terrorist attack, they had a full spread on Akram. Here’s what they found:

  • He lived in Blackburn, England.
  • He may have been on a terror watchlist, but no one will confirm. That usually means he was.
  • He got a tourist visa from the United States by lying on his application.
  • He has criminal history dates back to 1996, when he was jailed for violent disorder following a baseball attack on a member of his extended family.
  • He was given a six-month custodial sentence but was jailed again the following year, after being found guilty of destroying property.
  • In 1999, he was again behind bars following a conviction for harassment and, after being let out on license, he breached the terms of his release and was returned to prison.
  • His most recent spell in prison came in 2012, when he was remanded in custody after being accused of stealing a phone and almost £5,000 from a man in Chorley.
  • Akram was a regular visitor to Pakistan and was understood to be a member of Tablighi Jamaat, an Islamic organization banned by Saudi Arabia.
  • His family had a history of mental health problems.

In other words, this guy was a terrorist with a criminal history and should have never been allowed in this country. He hated Jews and wanted to kill them. If it wasn’t for that brave Rabbi, he probably would have killed them. But that is not the most disturbing part of this story.

There are three things that are disturbing here:

  • Identity politics and the victim class narrative is more important than the truth.
    • For some reason, Muslims are seen as a victim class and the Left wants us to have more compassion for them than the Jews, who are considered a “master” class.
    • Jewish deaths mean nothing. Look at the issue with Israel and terrorists in the Middle East.
    • The Left does not care about any of the privileged classes. They can die and that’s OK.
  • Terrorism is a political football. It is something the Biden administration, among all their other failures, don’t need right now. You could see that Biden tried to shift the narrative. He tried to blame guns for this whole incident even thought this guy got the gun illegally.
  • The government shows how they suck, once again. This guy should have never been in this country. His application was, obviously, never vetted.
  • The FBI has been corrupted by politics.

The last statement is the scariest because our chief law enforcement arm in this country has now become, politically, an arm of the Left. If you need more proof of this, all we have to do is look back to January 6th, 2020.



Cruz Redeems Himself

Last week, Ted Cruz got lambasted because he called the January 6th rioters “terrorists”, basically playing into the Democratic narrative. I thought the comment was not good, but I didn’t put too much into it. I like what Ted Cruz stands for so I just dismissed it as clumsy language.

Tucker Carlson didn’t. He ripped Ted Cruz to the point Cruz felt the need to go on Tucker’s show to explain himself. Tucker tore into him and Cruz sucked it up. He said he used clumsy, stupid language and didn’t mean what he said. Tucker pointed out that Cruz is a master of language and has never said something he didn’t mean. Cruz just took it and assured Tucker that it was an accident and he didn’t mean.

I’ll give him this, he has balls to go in and face the music.

I will give Ted Cruz the benefit of the doubt and I thought the whole thing was overdone anyway. But, this week, while interviewing a couple of directors from the FBI about the January 6th Capitol riots, he redeemed himself and brought up doubts as to the role of the FBI during the riot. He may have invalidated the January 6th commission that has been wasting money and time for the last six months.

In the first clip, Cruz goes after Assistant Attorney General Matthew Olsen.

Olsen was testifying in front of the Senate. How could he not know this information? How could he not know that Republicans were going to ask those questions?

The reality is he did know. He didn’t want to answer the questions.

Here, Cruz points out that the FBO and DOJ is a strong arm of the Biden administration, doling out justice unequally.

Everything he said is correct.

In the next clip, Cruz goes after the the FBI’s executive assistant director for the national security branch, Jill Sanborn. He was no less brutal to her. He didn’t care that she was a woman.

Why can’t she answer those questions? They were yes/no questions that people in America have. Tucker Carlson did an entire series on it. Twitter and Facebook are exploding with these “conspiracy theories”. She doesn’t have to say what the FBI did, just if they were there. And if they weren’t there, she could easily say no.

But they were there. She knows it. She doesn’t want to answer those questions but she doesn’t want to lie.

Cruz continues:

Ray Epps is another conspiracy theorist legend. Except he was actually there. He was filmed and he, conveniently disappeared. Are you getting the impression maybe some of these conspiracies that people are coming up with might not be conspiracies? And why didn’t the January 6th committee not ask about Ray Epps? Let’s be clear, there is video of the guy inciting violence against the capital. You could hear him talking.

Let’s let Cruz continue:

Doesn’t look like a conspiracy theory anymore, does it? It sounds like the conspiracy is being perpetuated by the Democrats. It’s looking like that Biden’s DOJ and FBI, along with the Democrats, are hiding some things.

Good for Ted Cruz. He is forgiven for his missteps.








Episode 478 – Debunked!

We get some more virtue signaling from an odd source.

The Sweet Baby Gang cult leader lights up the trans argument.

And the worst song since the “I Love You, You Love Me” Barney song has broken a new record. I’ll let you guess what the song is.


God Help Our Youth

According to the IndiaPress:

In a first, a YouTube video breached the 10 million views mark, and no points for guessing it’s none other than ‘Baby Shark’! Yes, the catchy children’s song that even made an entry on Billboard’s coveted Hot 100 chart, managed to create another rare milestone on Thursday (January 13), making it the most-viewed video in the platform’s history.

That’s right! One of the most annoying songs that has ever been written has gotten 10 billion (with a “b”) views on YouTube. It blew by Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee’s ‘Despacito’, which only has 7.7 billion views.



Some News

Here’s some news that I’m not going to expand upon today. We will in the coming days but I think we’re going to get more information later:

  • As of right now, the Dow Jones has fallen nearly a thousand points. Many economist point to a few things for this:
    • We could be going through a correction. The Nasdaq has fallen too and moth markets have fallen since the beginning of the year.
    • The issues between Ukraine and Russia heating up.
    • China threatening Taiwan is becoming an issue. Taiwan makes a lot of our technology like processor.
    • The Biden administration throwing up their hands with inflation and throwing it to the Federal Reserve which is going to raise interest rates.
  • Russia could invade Ukraine at any moment.
    • Biden has given Putin permission for a “minor incursion” which was a real f-up.
    • The President has not ruled out sending troops and has put 8.5 thousand troops on high alert.
    • 40,000 NATO troops have been put on alert though NATO seems a little stand-offish with fighting with Russia.
    • Lethal weapons have been sent to Ukraine from the U.S. government.
  • China has sent a sortie of planes over Taiwan again. It was bad enough that Taiwan scrambled their fighter jets. China is being emboldened by Russia.
  • The TSA has announced that they are using the arrest warrants that illegal aliens get when crossing illegally as identification to board airplanes.


I Thought You Ate Them

In an attempt to become woke, Mars Inc., the makers of M&Ms, has decided to make their mascots, which are the little colored candies that are trying to eat each other all the time, more inclusive.

According to The Daily Beast:

What qualities are the most important for a modern, progressive woman to possess? On Thursday, Mars provided its customers with an exciting new answer: her shoes, of course. Alongside an announcement of its “global commitment to creating a world where everyone feels they belong,” the candy company behind M&M’s rolled out a redesign of their beloved mascots. Preparing their “lentils” for a “more dynamic, progressive world,” the characters are now being spotlighted for their “personalities, rather than their gender.” Apparently, that translates to gifting each with a fresh set of new kicks. Green is swapping her white, heeled go-go boots for a “cool, laid-back pair of sneakers,” according to Mars, while Brown (formerly Ms. Brown) will sport kitten heels instead of stilettos. The two female members of the cast, Green and Brown will also be trading in their traditionally competitive relationship to start “throwing sunshine and not shade,” Mars said.

Changes will include:

  • The green M&M will be even tennis shoes instead of the retroactive go-go boots.
  • The brown M&M, which has been a bossier character, will sport shorter heels and actually be the boss. They are also going to drop the Ms. title for something else.
  • The red M&M, who has been kind of a bully, will be kinder to the other M&Ms.
  • And the orange M&M, who is so neurotic that he can’t even tie his shoes, will come to grip with his mental disorders and will have his shoes tied from now on.

Cathryn Sleight, Mars Wrigley’s chief growth officer (there’s a title for you) said:

“M&M’s has long been committed to creating colorful fun for all, and this purpose serves as a more concrete commitment to what we’ve always believed as a brand: that everyone has the right to enjoy moments of happiness, and fun is the most powerful way to help people feel that they belong.”

All the world’s problems are solved.

Even the mainstream media is chuckling at this obvious attempted virtue signal. The Washington Post released one article that questioned the purpose of doing this. He said this was an obvious attempt to make the company look woke and would have no impact on anything. Another Washington Post op-ed spent a thousand words asking another simple questions: Can we still eat them or have M&Ms become so inclusive as to deserve the same rights as we do? I don’t think that’s a bad question. It’s stupid but not a bad one.

These companies don’t get it. They are solving nothing with these little (very little) contributions. They are just targeting, what they think, is towards a niche market that’s going to make them more money. That’s what this whole thing is about. Money. It’s not about changing the world. The cartoon green M&M wearing tennis shoes instead of go-go boots in not going to solve all our ills. Or any of them. It’s stupid.

Let’s not piss on Mars Wrigley Inc. All companies do it. Coke was telling us to be less white. Gillette told men they were toxically masculine. Just last week, Audi said some woke crap that got a laugh on social media. The problem these companies have that jump in the woke pool so late is we all see it and get what they’re doing. They look stupid and conformist, even to woke outlets.

They’re not accomplishing what they set out to do, which is make money. They’re just pissing off customers like me that won’t buy their products.



This Is What’s Needed

Last week, I missed the Dr. Phil Show. This shouldn’t be too much of a surprise because I do not watch a lot of day time television. But this show was different. One of my favorite talk show hosts, Matt Walsh from the Daily Wire, was on to debate transgender issues with a couple of transgender folks.

I missed it because I was wasting braincells watching the Bide press conference and just forgot about it but the highlights were posted and they were delicious.

At first a trans couple, one a trans man and the other a trans woman, discussed their lives, their efforts as consultants to companies to trans acceptance and their philosophy on the trans lifestyle. I do want to point out that since one is a biological woman and the other is a biological man, the two are actually a heterosexual couple. Weird.

Anyway, here are the clips.

In this clip, Matt Walsh blows the crap out of the entire trans argument.

Some things:

  • This is a disastrous argument for the trans community. They are trying to convince all of civilization that being trans is, not just normal, but natural.
  • Normal is subjective and changes with time. Nature is absolute and cannot be changed, no matter what people think.
  • If these two cannot answer what a woman is, then there really is nothing to transition to.
  • Womanhood is not a subjective thing. It actually exists. We’ve proven it. We’ve mapped it all the way to the DNA and no one can change that.
  • Walsh does a good job shooting the guy down with the science.
  • The person goes into the “what if she can’t have children” argument, which is a dodge and Walsh doesn’t buy it. He’s already scientifically defined a woman. His turn.
  • Here is the big problem with the trans ideology: It is all based on individual subjectivity. That’s how the Left argues on everything. It’s about how I feel and I manipulate science to reflect my feelings.

Here is another great argument about the idiocy of pronouns:

Some things:

  • Again, women are objective beings and language, including pronouns, are objectively used.
  • People can’t just change language based on their feelings.
  • Again this is all about objectifying subjectivity.
  • By the way, for telling your child, you can serve prison time in Canada for conversion therapy.

On the show comes a college professor (of course). She asks Matt a question he has answered hundreds of times before:

Some things:

  • This is a stupid question because it is the trans community that wants us to care. They are pushing this crap on us on a daily basis.
  • They are pushing this crap on our kids. They believe kids should be able to go on hormone therapy and have sex change surgeries without parental consent.
  • This crap is being taught in schools with no dissenting views.
  • And this whole things goes against nature and I refuse to be part of it.

But one of the more disturbing trends from the trans community is how men are encroaching on the women’s world, places where women should feel safe. That includes women’s sports, restrooms and locker rooms. In Louden County, Virginia, a girl was raped by a boy dressed in a dress in the girls’ restroom because he was allowed to use it. The school district covered it up and the kid was moved to another school where he did the same thing. Parents fear for their children’s safety and privacy.

A man who thinks she’s a woman joined the women’s swim team and has broken all the women’s records. Opportunities for women in sports is disappearing. And the trans community is using Title IX to get what they want. The same rule that gave the opportunity to have sports.

Well, sharing restrooms became a topic. Joining the show were a couple of parents that had a daughter that was assaulted in a restroom by a trans girl, who is actually a boy. Listen:

That’s what it comes down to: The feelings of the trans community is more important than the feelings of anybody else. That’s because the trans community is highest on the victim list. Doesn’t matter the tragedies that occur or the feelings of the majority of people, just that the minority feels good. This is the poison that is identity politics.

So, who won the debate? We can tell easily by the response to the debate:

Matt Walsh is being called a transphobe. But it is Dr. Phil that got the crap-end of the stick. Here are some responses:

“Truly f*** Dr. Phil for this. Why would you invite a nonbinary person onto national television just to be humiliated by an outspoken transphobe? Who is this for? Who does this help? Man f*** you.”

This is a great response because the writer is admitting Walsh destroyed the trans activists.

“Dr. Phil you’re a scumbag for even giving this guy a platform to spread his bigotry. Your show needs to end if y’all are so desperate for ratings that you’ll stir the pot for drama while knowing it’s wrong.”

Another said:

“Of course Dr. Phil would invite Matt Walsh onto his show…they are both white males who think they know entirely more than they really do.”

There’s that identity politics again. It’s not just that Matt Walsh is wrong and this is why. It’s because he’s a straight, white male. These people don’t understand, two things can be right at once: Matt Walsh is a straight, white male and he’s right. The fact that nobody had a response to his questions shows that there is no argument.



Rest in Peace, Meatloaf

The rock singer Meatloaf died last week. He was 74. He is most famous for his song I Will Do Anything for Love, But I Won’t Do That from his Bat Out of Hell album.

A little more about him:

  • He was born in 1947 in Dallas, Texas.
  • When his singing career started he toured with The Who and the Grateful Dead.
  • He also did stage performances. In the early 1970s, he starred in the musicals Hair and The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
  • In the late 1970s he released Bat Out of Hell and Bat Out of Hell II, which both went platinum.
  • He was also on screen in movies such as Wayne’s World, Formula 51 and Fight Club.

He was a very talented singer.

Here he is, singing the National Anthem at one of the MLB All Star games:

Rest in peace.






Episode 475 – The Terrible, Awful, Very Bad, Ungood Week

It’s been a really bad week for Old Joe. He’s so frustrated he’s screaming at everyone.

And Joe Biden makes a speech calling everyone a racist…again.



This Is Still Not Rock Bottom

According to the New York Post:

President Biden’s job approval rating has tumbled to 33 percent in the latest Quinnipiac University poll, a whopping 17 percentage-point drop​ from February and an indication of American voters’ deep dissatisfaction over his administration’s response to rising inflation and a resurgence of COVID-19.

Here are the takeaways from the poll:

  • The poll interviewed a little more than 1313 people.
  • A majority of Americans, 58 – 37 percent, think the nation’s democracy is in danger of collapse.
  • Americans give President Joe Biden a negative 33 – 53 percent job approval rating, while 13 percent did
    not offer an opinion. In November 2021, Americans gave Biden a negative 36 – 53 percent job approval rating
    with 10 percent not offering an opinion.
  • Among Democrats in today’s poll, 75 percent approve, 14 percent disapprove and 11 percent did not offer
    an opinion.
  • • the economy: 34 percent approve, while 57 percent disapprove;
    • foreign policy: 35 percent approve, while 54 percent disapprove;
    • the response to the coronavirus: 39 percent approve, while 55 percent disapprove.
  • Nearly 6 in 10 Americans (59 – 33 percent) say they would not like to see Donald Trump run for
    president in 2024, similar to an October 19, 2021 survey.
  • Americans are split on which party they would want to see win control of the United States House of
    Representatives as 43 percent say the Republican Party, 42 percent say the Democratic Party, and 16 percent did
    not offer an opinion.
  • As for which party they want to see win control of the United States Senate, 45 percent say the
    Republican Party, 41 percent say the Democratic Party, and 14 percent did not offer an opinion.




All Talk, No Bite

You may not know this but Joe Biden went to Georgia to do a speech for some reason. Not sure why, Not sure who went. We know that Stacy Abrams had a scheduling conflict and didn’t show up. She is running for governor of Georgia and Biden is not really popular in Georgia. That’s probably the scheduling conflict.

Joe is having some real problems. With the inflation number released yesterday, so he decided it was time to change the subject. Let’s take a look at this speech. It was a lot of fun.

Some things:

  • That’s right! Voting rights!
  • Democrats know they are going to lose the election badly in November. The best chance they have to win is cheat.
  • He’s talking about the Georgia voting law. They keep saying that this law suppresses the vote. That is just a lie.
  •  The part of the law he’s talking about is that poll workers cannot give out refreshments within 150 feet of the polling place. The reason is they don’t want poll workers handing out food is because they don’t want poll workers influencing voters.
  • People can have food and water in line. Non-poll workers can bring food and water to people waiting in line.
  • By the way, I find it pathetic that a person can’t go an hour or two without food and water. Things must be really good in the United States.
  • I love that the most pro-abortion President in history talks about the Bible.

In this next clip, here’s Biden doing what he does best: screaming racism:

Some things:

  • I love hearing him talk like this because it always opens Biden up for hypocrisy.
  • First off, Jim Crow was about far more than voter suppression. It was as bad as slavery:
    • Segregation.
    • Inequality under the law.
    • Lack of educational opportunity.
  • To compare Georgia’s voting law, where someone has to just give an ID to vote, to Jim Crow laws is an outright lie.
  • I would like more information instead of his BS rhetoric:
    • Who can’t vote? Can he give me a name or have someone interviewed because he or she wasn’t allowed to vote?
    • I would think if there was someone out there, the Leftist media would have interviewed him.
    • What part of the law creates suppression?
    • The DOJ tried to bring the law to the Supreme Court, which actually hurt their arguments against the law.
      • The DOJ only targeted one aspect of the law that dealt directly with voting and that was concerning absentee ballots, specifically, the verification of identification.
      • Other than that, they attacked administrative processes.
  • Calling these voting laws Jim Crow 2.0 is hyperbole.
  • Whenever Biden says, “It isn’t hyperbole, it’s a fact,” get your fact check ready. Calling these voting laws Jim Crow 2.0 is hyperbole.

In this next clip, Biden starts screaming again:

Some things:

  • This annoys the crap out of me. He acts like he has been nothing but civil with his opponents. He has not had quiet conversations with anyone and has not been civil.
  • He’s been talking about this for over a year. He has not been quiet about this subject.
  • If he wanted to express his opinion, he could hold a press conference anytime he wanted to. He doesn’t do that.
  • He wants to federalize voting laws. That’s not Democracy.
  • And here is the big thing: Get rid of the filibuster.
  • Weird that Biden thinks that the concept of “majority rule, minority rights” is a bad rule. Biden wants his stuff passed and no checks and balances. He thinks this is Democracy.
  • Joe Biden was a big proponent of the filibuster when he was in the Senate.
  • Democrats used the filibuster over 300 times when Trump was President and Democrats were the minority in the Senate.

Here he is, making crap up again:

Some things:

  • Here’s the problem: Even if he gets rid of the filibuster, he probably won’t have a majority.
    • He will not be able to get rid of the filibuster.
    • He has no coattails. No pull because of his poll numbers. No Democrat wants to align with him. Even Stacy Abrams won’t show up to stand next to him and the voting rights thing is her platform.
  • Biden is showing he wants to be a dictator. No more “minority right”. This is what dictators get rid of when they rule.
  • Joe Biden was never arrested. That is a lie. It was given four Pinocchios by the Washington Post.

Joe Biden is a fool and he’s digging himself a very deep hole. Nothing he wants is coming to pass this year. The filibuster is not going anywhere. Joe Machin said he’s not for ending the filibuster. Kyrsten Sinema, today, said there is no way she’s voting to end the filibuster.

For all intents and purposes, Joe Biden’s Presidency is over. Apparently, calling a lot of the people in the country racist is not a popular strategy. Neither is inflation or high gas prices or the Afghanistan pullout.

I also question his crooning to the black population all the time.

  • The black population makes up 13% of the population. No one has won an election because they get all of the black vote.
  • If I get 50% of white population, I win the election. That’s fact. That’s math.
    • Barrack Obama won his last elections by getting over 50% of the white vote.
    • Trump lost the last election because he did not get the white vote.
    • Trump did really well with the black and Hispanic vote.
    • By cow towing to the black voters, Biden is isolating all the other voters, especially the Hispanic voters. He’s dropping like a rock in approval with Hispanic voters.
    • Hispanic voters make up more than twice the population of black voters.
  • Biden was very friendly with segregationist. He is hardly a friend of the black community.
    • He bragged about being complemented by George Wallace, who was a Democrat, by the way.
    • He eulogized Robert Byrd, who was a Grand Cyclops of the KKK.
  • Spare me on your Old Joe’s “man of the people” act. It’s crap.

Mitch McConnell, who is probably the most reserved guy on Earth, really laid into Biden yesterday.

This is what drives me nuts about Republicans. Mitch, did you really not see this coming. Joe Biden has been a liar and two-faced for hi entire career. He showed this during the 2020 campaign.

But let’s get to the fun part. Biden’s gaffs.

Here, Joe Biden doesn’t know who the President is. Twice:

Again, Old Joe is wrong. Kamala Harris will never be President.

This one is great. He almost got through it. Let’s see if you catch it:

Yeah, the White House isn’t in Florida. That’s your President.










Episode 474 – You’ve Got to be Kidding Me

I haven’t talked about some of the minor news in a while. Doing this podcast four days a week instead of five days a week will force me to miss some things.

But there are some very small stories that have some big consequences to Western Civilization.

Let’s talk about them.


This Will Be Ignored

Joe Biden can’t beat the forecasts when it comes to unemployment but he beats the crap out of the forecasts out of one thing: inflation.

Inflation has gone up 7% in December. That is the worst rate since June of 1982 when it was up 7.1%. This is a half percent jump from November. This measures all sorts of products such as cars, food, energy and other goods.

Here is the breakdown:

  • Energy went down, 0.4%. That sounds great but let’s remember that:
    • Gas is up 49%.
    • Natural gas is up 24%.
    • Electricity is up 6.3%.
  • Food prices rose 0.5% to 6.4%.
    • beef and veal (18.6%)
    • pork (15.1%)
    • chicken (10.4%)
    • ham (10%)
    • fish (8.4%)
  • cereals and cereal products, which increased 0.8%
  • bakery products has soared 6.8%.
  • Pre-owned car prices, a key component of the months long inflation surge, increased again last month, jumping 3.5% from the previous month and 37.3% year-over-year.
  • Rental cars, meanwhile, shot up a stunning 36% from last December, although they actually declined 4.4% in December compared to November.
  • The cost of new cars, meanwhile, rose 1.3% in December from the previous month and 11.8% from the prior year.
  • Rent costs swelled 0.4% in December and 4.2% over the past 12 months.
  • prices for furniture (17.3%)
  • laundry equipment (12.1%)
  • clothing (5.8%)
  • tools and other outdoor equipment (7.2%)

So, there you have it. Wondering why your raise is gone? It’s because you have to eat dinner tonight and drive to the store to get it.



This is the Symptom of Weakness

According to the Daily Wire:

Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Deputy Commander-in-Chief Admiral Ali Fadavi said during a recent interview that when the time is right, the Islamic Republic of Iran is planning to strike the United States, which comes amid increasing threats from Iran toward the U.S.

Fadavi was recorded saying:

“They did very quickly what we asked them to do. This is the status of the Americans, this is the status of the enemies of Allah, and this is the status of those who stand with the Axis of Falsehood. We do not have the slightest doubt that at the right time, when we strike America – the Great Satan – and its Zionist followers, we will strike them with great force.”

He later stated:

“If the Zionists do something stupid and take a step against us, whether big or small, we will see this as a sign that Allah decreed that we should be attacked so that we could retaliate. This would mean the annihilation of the Zionists. It is a fact that the Zionists will go away much faster than the time frame determined by the Leader. Soon we will witness the annihilation of the Americans and their dominance over the world, and specifically over this region. Soon we will see them leave the region. This will definitely happen.”

This is not the first time this has been said. The Iranians are pissed off about the death of Qasem Soleimani, Iran’s terrorist general by Donald Trump. They want the Biden administration to arrest and convict everyone who had to do with the death of Soleimani, including Donald Trump.

Now, mind you, Soleimani was killed in Iraq during a terrorist uprising he allegedly organized.

Now, do I think anything is going to come of this? Do I think Biden is going to throw Trump in jail? No, I doubt it but I wouldn’t put it past him. But I do think we are witnessing a terrorist warning. It also shows how emboldened Iran has gotten because of Joe Biden’s weakness and Biden’s weird need to get back into the nuclear agreement with Iran even though Iran probably already has a nuclear weapon.

Between Afghanistan and Iran, I think we should prepare for a terrorist attack in 2022.



Speaking of Afghanistan

I order to keep up the memory of Afghanistan and how f-ed up they are because of Joe Biden’s retreat from the country. The retreat that killed 13 servicemen and a few hundred Afghanis.

The Taliban is having an issue with women protesting the the fact that the Taliban is taking away all the rights of women, raping them, forcing them into marriages, beating them and executing them on the streets because they won’t wear their burkas. All the rights that they had when the 2000 troops were allowed to be there.

To quell these protests, the Taliban has decided it would be a good idea to chop off the heads of mannequins that are found in stores in mock executions.

Aren’t you glad that we left Afghanistan in the hands of such competent leadership?



China Virus Insanity

It’s Not Child Abuse Anymore

According to CNN:

A Texas mother has been charged with endangering a child after she allegedly placed her 13-year-old son, who had Covid-19, into her car’s trunk to avoid being exposed to the virus, according to a warrant from the Harris County District Attorney’s Office.

Sarah Beam, 41, was charged after authorities arrived at a Houston-area Covid testing site on January 3 following a report that a health services official had found the child in trunk of Beam’s car. According to the warrant, the director of health services stated she was gathering information from cars in a line for Covid testing when “she found a female driver, later identified as Sarah Beam, having her child in the trunk of her car.”
The health director told police “the defendant confirmed that her son, K.H., who is a 13-year-old child, was in the trunk of the car due (to) the child having been tested positive for Covid.”

This woman is a school teacher.

Apparently, she was driving to a testing site, got out of the car, opened the trunk and let her son out so he could get tested.

I don’t know what’s worse about this story:

  • That we have people in this country so paranoid that they’ll abuse their kids.
  • That there are narcissists out there that have kids.
  • That narcissists like this are actually teachers.

I know what is the worst take-away from this story. It is that this virus has given us an excuse to systemically abuse our children.

I bet you that, not only is this broad out of jail and tweeting social justice messages and selfies on Tik Tok, but her son has been put back in that home, preparing his own mac-and-cheese in between bouts of downloading porn off the Internet because he is unsupervised.

Our children are not allowed to go to school. They are not allowed to participate in activities. They cannot see faces because they are forced to wear masks all the time. They are forced to eat outside and socially distance during lunch times.

All this is OK according to the government. What the hell so kids need socialization for anyway?

Increased suicide rates, increased drug use, lower test scores, lower literacy over the last year. These are all just coincidences.


Bigger Problem Here

This story is so insane I did not think you’d believe it was real. So here’s the guy that experienced this directly:

I am so amazed by this, I initially didn’t know what to say. Here’s the E-mail:

This is the problem when businesses go woke.

Let’s understand something, wokeness is a form of narcissism. If you need proof, watch a couple of Tik Tok videos where the nut jobs talk about their pronouns or teachers who talk about their sexual preferences with their students. This is pure narcissism. The reason it has become so ingrained in our society is that businesses have gone woke and support the woke narcissism of some of their employees. Heck, I’ll go so far as a vast minority of their employees.

I also laugh at the fact that the reason businesses and the population should support the woke narcissists are because the narcissist has rights. There’s a huge problem with this argument. It is not a right when your right is impeding on the rights of another. This guy has the right (and scientific reason) not to have to wear a mask. What about his rights?

When I first read this, I thought this guy needs to quit and find another job. No. This guy needs to refuse to wear a mask in front of his computer screen and force this person to quit or for the company to get rid of this dumbass. I guarantee that this broad who is so scared of no one wearing masks that she’s a crappy employee that just bitches a lot.



Typical Bureaucracy

Need proof that government and bureaucracy suck at everything?

The Boston Marathon Bomber, who is serving life in prison at Super Max in Florence, Colorado, received a $1400 stimulus check from the government during the pandemic.

He also received $250 from the Office of Federal Defenders of New York. All this is tax payer money.

Of course, it was taken away but it just shows how messed up our government is.

My question is: How many criminals received a stimulus check without anyone discovering it?



Only 74%?

According to Newsmax:

Nearly 3 in 4 American adults believe there only are two genders, a new Rasmussen Reports survey found.

The Rasmussen poll found that 63% strongly agreed when asked, “Do you agree or disagree with this statement: There are two genders, male and female?” Another 18% disagreed.

Although majorities in every political category agreed that there are only two genders, Democrats (47%) were less likely than Republicans (82%) or the unaffiliated (60%) to say they strongly agreed, Rasmussen found.

Americans with incomes of $200,000 a year or more were most likely to disagree with the statement that there are only two genders.

Couple of things:

  • Is this the end of Western Civilization where more than 25% of the American population does not believe that men and women are different?
  • This also shows that being highly educated and earning a lot of money doesn’t make you smart.



Crime Pays

Apparently, crime today does pay. And when something pays, you have to pay taxes on that income.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has released a new stipulation for the 2021 tax season. From the IRS website:

What the fuck?!

I have a few questions:

  • Do you get the impression the federal government doesn’t take crime seriously?
  • Do you think the federal government sees crime as a job and a source of income?
  • Do you think that the government is so dumb as to believe they will get taxes from criminals?
  • Do you think high crime rates is an accident?
  • You know what I think. I’ve said it about a dozen times.

Here’s the thing:

  • High crime in blue cities and states is not because of bad policy. High crime is the policy.
  • High inflation is not because of bad policy. High inflation is the policy.
  • A stagnant economy is not because of bad policy. A stagnant economy is the policy.
  • Energy and gas shortages are not because of bad policy. Energy and gas shortages are the policy.
  • All this crap comes from the AOC’s Green New Deal.

And that’s all I have to say about that.



Best Job for a Woman is a Man





Episode 473 – Have These Guys Ever Read the Constitution?

We are still waiting for the Supreme Court to come out with their decision about the vax mandates but there are some telling questions that show us where this is going to go.


Still No Word

On Friday, the Supreme Court heard two arguments about the vaccine mandates that have been implemented by the Biden administration.

The first argument was the constitutionality of OSHA implementing vaccine mandates on private businesses that make up 100 employees or more. The second was the implementation of vaccine mandates on healthcare workers that work for companies that take Medicare and Medicaid. That is being run by the Department of Health and Homan Services.

According to a bunch of legal scholars, there might me a splitting of the baby between these two rulings. When it comes to the healthcare workers, the Conservative judges saw it as the red states were bring up the lawsuit and they might not be the right plaintives for the case.

CNN reported:

Justice Kavanaugh focused in on how the facilities that were the main targets of the regulations were not before the court challenging the requirement, suggested that that the red states that had brought the lawsuits were not the proper defendants for getting the mandate blocked. 

This is a big deal because John Roberts and Brett Kavanaugh have both denied cases in the past, not because the cases were Constitutional, but because the wrong people brought the case in front of the Supreme Court.

I spent three hours listening to the arguments. Lets go over some of them because they are really telling. Unlike many outlets, I did not cut down on the talk. That’s because I want you to listen to how long-winded these people are and I want you to understand the pain I went through listening to this crap.

It is also interesting to hear what happens in these proceedings. One thing I have learned is that these people are not as smart as I thought they were and one can really tell where these people stand when it comes to the Constitution. Not surprisingly, a some of these justices really don’t care much for the Constitution.


The Arguments

I will be concentrating primarily on the case against Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) case. I think this is the case that invites the most abuse of the Constitution and seems to give all power to create law to the bureaucracies instead of going through the legislative process defined in the Constitution. It also gives the President a wide array of power.

The petitioner, those against the mandates, have a simple case.

  1. OSHA does not have the legislative right to police businesses for vax and mask mandates. That’s the job of the legislature.
  2. OSHA was not given the power to do any of this when it was created in 1970.
  3. The federal government is stepping on the toes of the states. The states and local principalities have the rights to mandate.
  4. The OSHA rules are trying to make workers safe from something that is a threat in all aspects of life. COVID is everywhere and businesses should not be burdened to protect people from something they could get at home.
  5. This will destroy businesses. The government has not right to do this.
  6. The court must rule a stay of the mandates because of the Major Question Doctrine.

The respondent, the one who defend the mandates, had some arguments too:

  1. This pandemic is the deadliest thing in the last 100 years and unprecedented acts are necessary to keep people safe.
  2. OSHA was given the authority to do this in 1970.

There is a term that is used throughout the proceeding called the Major Question Doctrine. The law school from the University if Michigan defines it as:

A court will not defer to an agency’s interpretation of a statutory provision in circumstances where the case involves an issue of deep economic or political significance or where the interpretive question could effectuate an enormous and transformative expansion of the agency’s regulatory authority. 

One of the reasons I like going through the actual proceedings is we get a clear indication of where the judges stand just on their comments, questions and even their interruptions of the arguing lawyers. I also feel that I should have gone into law every time I hear these lawyers argue.

The first clip come from Elena Kagen, who is a Leftist and activist judge.

Some things:

  • This isn’t the greatest public health threat in the last 100 years. We had:
    • Spanish flu.
    • Measles.
    • Small pox.
    • Polio.
    • Anthrax.
    • Lyme’s disease.
    • Ebola.
  • These diseases killed people at a much higher rate than COVID-19 did. Heck, polio killed a President.
  • I also want to point out that all these mandates have created a mental health crisis.
  • The number of deaths is also held into question. The CDC has admitted that some hospitalizations and deaths were not for COVID but were listed as COVID because the patients tested positive for COVID.
  • The vaccines have not stopped the China virus. People who are vaccinated are catching it.
  • She uses the term “incentivizing”. People are not being “incentivized” to get the vaccine, they are being forced or they lose their jobs. She uses this term on purpose (she’s smart) because forcing people to get vaccinated is unconstitutional and she knows it. This isn’t the first time liberal judges have done this. It was done during the Obamacare debate.
  • Speaking of the Constitution, she never once mentioned the Constitution in any of her questions.

This next question by Elena Kagen I  find disheartening:

Some things:

  • She is stating something that is being argued during this proceeding: OSHA did NOT get the right to determine this. They are a bureaucracy of unelected officials. They do not make law. They are not suppose to make law.
  • The petitioner is right. It has not been defined that OSHA can require vaccinations. It has to be explicitly defined and no one knew of the China virus in 1970.
  • We know he’s right because Kagen cuts him off.
  • Kagen also keeps going along with this crap that this is not a vaccine mandate but an incentivization. If a company has an employee that is unvaxxed, OSHA can fine them tens of thousands of dollars. This is a mandate.
  • And why can’t Congress come up with a solution or a law? Isn’t that their job? Don’t they have more resources than OSHA?

Here is Stephen Breyer pushing this same narrative but the petitioner lays the wood on him:

Some things:

  • I love the way he just waves off that three percent may quit and does not seem to think twice about businesses.
  • People who are that afraid of the virus are quitting. We are in a supply chain crisis.
  • The petitioner really lays down the hammer on Breyer’s question:
    • He says the mandate is illegal more than once. It is illegal.
    • He says that someone who gets a vaccine cannot undo the vaccine. If something bad happens to this person, there’s nothing he can do about it.
    • He points out that the pandemic has changed. Delta is not omicron. Vaccinations are not stopping omicron and OSHA’s rules are not having the same affect.

Sonia Sotomayor goes at it, showing she is the dumbest Supreme Court justice:

Some things:

  • Either she stupid or lying. Hearing her before, I choose stupid.
  • There have been 3500 children put on ventilators over the last two years and less than 700 have died. All had severe comorbidities.
  • Omicron is 80 times less deadly than Delta and it is the main variant now. What she is saying is not true (again).
  • Hospital rates have gone up a little, but the average stay has gone down from 4 days to 1.6 days.
  • People are not being put on respirators because the virus does not appear to go into the lungs, unlike delta.
  • This statement was given 4 Pinocchios by the Washington Post, a very Left leaning publication.

I think this is Sonia Sotomayor making a point that really goes against the Constitution.

It’s in the Constitution why the states have power and the federal government wouldn’t. The states can ask the federal government for help and that’s up to the federal government to help but states have more power than the federal government. Has this brought ever read the Constitution? Does she even know what here job is?

That’s a term I have been waiting for. Interstate commerce. That term has been the reason why the federal government has been gaining power for the last 120 years. Everything has been deemed by the courts in the past as subject to interstate commerce.

Here’s the thing, according to the Constitution, the government has three jobs: Protect the homeland from foreign and domestic enemies, protect the borders and solve conflicts between states or interstate commerce. Most bureaucracies, such as OSHA and the EPA receive their power because of interstate commerce. Is Sotomayor saying that the China virus is an interstate commerce issue which would give the government the power to make these mandates? I wouldn’t be shocked if she it.

Here is part of the opening statement for the respondent, who wants to keep the mandates. Listen to this and think about why her argument should be ignored:

Remember what I have said in previous podcasts: if your introduction is bull crap then your argument is bull crap and I refuse to acknowledge you. None of the things she said is true. I could go over it again but I won’t due to repetition.

Here is John Roberts, a very moderate Conservative, asks a pretty good question to the respondent:

Some things:

  • This has the respondent without words though she’s a lawyer and the word vomit went on for two minutes without an answer.
  • What Roberts is saying is this thing is everywhere and, ruling for OSHA here, could open Pandora’s box for many other bureaucracies. The IRS could do it. The EPA could do it. the Department of Homeland Security could do it. Where would it end?
  • His last point is very important. This is a way for the Biden administration and the Democratic Congress to get around the process. What process is this? The Legislative process.
  • Congress is suppose to come up with laws not unelected bureaucrats. The legal process requires a bill, a debate and a vote. It’s not done in a vacuum.

Clarence Thomas, Brett Kavanaugh, Neil Gorsuch and Samuel Alito all came up with great questions like John Roberts. But the best question came from Amy Coney Barrett:

This is the question. Guess what? There’s no answer.

This thing is never going to end. They don’t want it to end. They want this pandemic to go on forever and they want bureaucracy to run everything so they can bypass the legal process as it has been defined in the Constitution.


CDC Gets Called Out

Remember this load of crap from Sonia Sotomayor:

Yeah, that.

Rochelle Walensky was asked about this by Brett Baier of Fox News:

Rochelle just decided to ignore Brett’s question and go off on the unvaccinated…again. But, Brett Baier is a good reporter. He calls her out.

Rochelle is flustered. She doesn’t want to contradict Sotomayor. She says, “yes” but then goes off on the vaccine thing. This interview would have gone a lot easier if she just said, “Yeah, she was wrong” and moved on. But she won’t do it.

Then the bomb:

Wait a minute. The CDC has:

  • Shut down the economy.
  • Required social distancing.
  • Is pushing vax mandates.
  • Required social distancing.
  • Shut down schools.
  • Didn’t allow families to bury their loved ones.
  • Shut down churches and all holidays.

And she does not know how many people died of COVID or were in the hospital because of COVID? Isn’t that their job to know?

Well, Rochelle tried to clear herself from that crappy interview with Brett Baier with another interview the next day. It did not make her look any better.

Ugh! Did the CDC think this was something they could have told us earlier this year? Doesn’t that mean that the only people who should have been shut away should have been those with comorbidities and those without should get on with their lives?

This is something that was never brought to light. It also really undermines the need for a vaccine mandate.







Episode 472 – Better Late Than Never

More bad news for the Biden administration and even the media can’t hide it.

The Supreme Court is in a big hurry today.

And the Biden administration may be finally conceding to what we have been saying for the last year and a half.



More bad news for Joe Biden. The jobs numbers came out for December 2021 and they were a huge disappointment. It was reported that 199,000 jobs were created. Economists expected 420,000 jobs were expected to be created. The unemployment rate dropped to 3.9%.

This is panic time for the administration because those numbers are really telling:

  • This was before the omicron variant became an issue in the United States. Economists think January is going to be worse because it will reflect the omicron outbreak.
  • The report does point out that people who have permanently left the workforce or who have been without work for more than 26 week has gone up. This will also artificially lower the unemployment rate.
  • November and December are times employment should have gone up because of all the temporary hiring that was done for the holiday shopping season. This will also affect the January jobs report as these temporary workers are laid off.
  • We still have rising interest rates in March to look forward to. That’s going to cause more job loss.

This is a very bad jobs report. Very bad. Even CNN, CNBC, the New York Times and the Washington Post are saying this is bad.

But President Biden continues to push the “everything is awesome” narrative that even his allies are hard-pressed to buy. Listen:

I love his positive thinking but…no. This was a horrid report. There’s no way to spin this.

Yes, 6.4 million jobs were filled. I hate that Biden says he created jobs. He has never created a job in his worthless life, businesses create jobs. But we were in an artificial recession because of the China virus and no one worked in 2020. There should be 15 to 20 million jobs filled. There are close to 11 million jobs open. We are suffering from a supply crisis because no one wants to work. People aren’t going to back work.

And stop with the unemployment rate. That is a bad indicator of employment because there are too many variables that determine that.

CNBC has an idea of what’s going on.

This is from what Conservatives call the Biden Effect. What causes it?

High Inflation (high prices) + High Wages (caused by staffing shortages) + Heavy Regulation (mask and vax mandates) = Employment Stagnation

This is what’s happening and people are calling it out.

We can something to that formula. That’s the Fed raising interest rates in March is going to further hurt businesses and employment. The elections couldn’t come fast enough.



Big Day and They Know It

Speaking of regulations, the Biden vax mandate is in front of the Supreme Court, as I speak. I’m listening to it and it sounds promising. We’ll go over it Monday because the Supreme Court said they wanted a decision by later today or tomorrow.

So far, it sounds like this is going to be a 5-4 ruling. Mind you, they’re still arguing. I haven’t heard John Roberts or Stephen Breyer’s questions but I did hear Neil M. Gorsuch’s questions and he is definitely against them. It could go 6-3 and possibly, 7-2.

We’ll see.



It’s About Time

The title of this section should be “better late than never.” Actually, that’ll be the title of the podcast.

A report was released to the Biden administration stating that Biden needs to change his domestic policy on the China virus. In a nutshell, the report is saying what everyone has been saying for the last year and a half.

The New York Times reported:

“The authors are all big names in American medicine; several, including Dr. Luciana Borio, a former acting chief scientist at the Food and Drug Administration, and Dr. David Michaels, a former head of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, have held high-ranking government positions. The driving force behind the articles is Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, an oncologist, medical ethicist and University of Pennsylvania professor who advised former President Barack Obama. They say the first thing the administration needs to do is take a broader vision, by recognizing that Covid-19 is here to stay. In one article, Dr. Emanuel and two co-authors — Michael T. Osterholm, an epidemiologist at the University of Minnesota, and Dr. Celine Gounder, an infectious disease expert at New York University — pointedly note that in July, Mr. Biden proclaimed that ‘we’ve gained the upper hand against this virus,’ which in retrospect was clearly not the case.”

Notice that the people who wanted the most mandates are now changing their position? The New York Times is a far Leftist publication and has been touting mandates since the beginning. I guess the “reporters” discovered how awesome Florida is and want the same thing in New York.

By the way, to the New York Times…duh! This virus is never going away. We’re going to have to deal with it. This is a tough position to take considering Biden said he was going to get rid of the virus.

The report stated:

“To be better prepared for inevitable outbreaks, they suggest that the administration lay out goals and specific benchmarks, including what number of hospitalizations and deaths from respiratory viruses, including the coronavirus, that should trigger emergency measures. The authors say the administration needs to acknowledge that Omicron may not mark the end of the pandemic — and to plan for a future that they concede is unknowable. They also make clear that the current rate of Covid hospitalizations and deaths is unacceptably high.”

In other words, let’s not worry about the number of infections. Let’s worry about hospitalizations and deaths. Again…duh.

Omicron is not leading to a large number of deaths or hospitalizations. Joe Biden is now beginning to admit this. He’s acknowledged that there is no federal solution and admitted today that we may have to live with this thing.

The pandemic is over. Time to stop all these vax and mask mandates.








Happy Insurrection Day!

CNN and MSNBC will have specials on it today.

The New York Times has 8 opinion articles on it.

The Washington Post has 13 opinion articles on it.

President Biden is having a “celebration” of it.

The House of Representatives is having hearings on it.

Merrick Garland is still looking to throw President Trump in prison because of it.

What am I talking about? Happy Insurrection Day! That’s right, it is the one year anniversary of the riot at the capitol. Will all the great things happening in 2012, it’s hard to believe that it has already been a year.

So let’s go over this. I watched it live on television. I saw Trump’s speech prior to the riot. I’ve been following it and the reports for the last year. The reports that no really talks about.

January 6th was a terrible day. I thought that while watching it on television. I thought that the media was going to run wild with the thought that Conservatives were acting badly. Yeah, those Conservatives were wearing face paint and Viking horns. Yeah, those Conservatives were taking selfies in the offices of our elected leaders. Yeah, the stole Nancy Pelosi’s lectern and walked out of the building with it.

Why am I bringing this up? These weren’t serious people. They were a bunch of white trash hicks that hardly represent the Conservative movement. This was a riot, not an insurrection. We know this because the big players in this were convicted of trespassing, mayhem and destruction of property. Not convicted of of insurrection or treason. In fact, none were convicted of a violent crime against a person.

But there was violence. There was $1.5 million in damage to the Capitol Building. One rioter was dead. Five police officers were dead. There were injuries. Bombs were planted at the Democratic and Republican headquarters. Here’s the thing, there were a lot of questions about what happened and how it happened.

Now we know the only person who was killed was a rioter, Ashlii Babbitt, who was shot by a Capitol police officer who once lost his gun while taking a leak in a restroom. We know now that no Capitol police officer died due to violence from the rioters. All five died of natural causes or suicide. But the media lied about it. They said one officer died because he got hit in the head with a fire extinguisher. We now know that wasn’t true. He died of a stroke. A natural stroke, not because he got hit in the head. Mind you, this does not diminish the violence that did happen. There were 140 police officer injured.

But the narrative was set. This was a deadly insurrection. But there is a problem with that narrative: The only person who was killed was a Trump supporter.

Let me repeat:

The only person who was killed was a Trump supporter.

In the last year, we have had a couple of reports released. The Capitol police and one by homeland Security (supported by the Senate). Both those have been ignored by the media. Both have said that the issue involved the lack of police presence which is the responsibility of the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. It was also found that the mayor of Washington DC, Muriel Bowser, was offered extra support for that day in the form of National Guard, but she refused.


Here’s the thing and I have no more to say about this, Democrats are in huge trouble this year. They are going to lose the House and the Senate. They are probably going to lose the presidency in 2024 because of their crappy policies. They need something to strike the emotional funny bone of the people and that is Trump, who didn’t help this riot.


The Celebrations

So I waited to do this episode until I got to hear what Harris and Biden had to say. Of course, most of it used exaggeration or lies.

Here’s Kamala really pushing “the world is going to end” mantra:

The Pearl Harbor attack killed 2400 men. The 9/11 terrorist attack killed 3000 people. January 6th, one was killed. This attack doesn’t even rank in the top 20 of worst things that happened in the United States. Heck the Capitol Building was bombed once. The White House was actually burned down once.

This is just a disgusting comparison. People actually lost loved ones in those tragedies. What a way to minimize those deaths.

But she continues:

Some things:

  • Democracy was never under attack.
  • The election was not going to be overturned.
  • She makes politicians heroes here. Politicians aren’t heroes. They did their job just three hours later.

Then there’s Joe Biden. He did the same thing but, of course, he had to go after Trump:

Some things:

  • Didn’t the Obama administration spy on the Trump campaign?
  • Didn’t Hilary Clinton fund the Steele Dossier which led to four years of accusing Trump of being a Russian stooge?
  • He spent one minute and fourteen seconds trying to convince the country that we won legitimately. If the elections were completely fair and legitimate, why does he continue to defend himself and the election?
  • And this is the purpose of January 6th day. To bring Trump into the picture. Here’s the thing: Trump hasn’t been in office for a year. The only way Biden can look good during his presidency is to say how bad Trump is.

This next clip just shows how out of touch Democrats are:

Some things:

  • Stacey Abrams and Hilary Clinton bashed the system as racist and sexist when they lost.
  • The BLM and Antifa riots violated the law and were supported by Democrats including Kamala Harris bailing out rioters.
  • Joe Biden and his administration lie on a daily basis.
  • Before he can say words like this, Old Joe should look in the mirror.

This statement should be chilling:

What is he talking about? Is he talking about going after people who weren’t even there? This was not a planned event. The reports have said that. It was not really organized well. No one had any weapons. Could he be talking about going after people hold the same values as the rioters? That’s the big question.

The justice department has shown their hand. They went after the January 6th rioters but show no interest in BLM or Antifa, which continue to riot to this day. They go after parents who complain at school board meetings but don’t go after the gangs in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco or Chicago who commit shootings and flash robberies.

I think it is his statement we should be wary of.


What’s Behind All This

Ben Shapiro of the Daily Wire summed up why the Democrats are “celebrating” this day. He released a rather long tweet that could easily have been an op ed, but there is more truth in this tweet than one normally sees. Let’s go through it.

Today is the first anniversary of January 6, a riot predicated on a falsehood pushed by President Trump — a riot which did not prevent the certification of the 2020 election by Vice President Mike Pence and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

I wouldn’t go so far as to say that the election was clean and that all Trump said were falsehoods. What Trump said couldn’t be proven to the point of overturning the election and he was incendiary during the months after the loss. He should have just shut his mouth and took it like a man. The reason? Because Republicans are suppose to be above the whining at losing unlike Democrats like Hilary Clinton and Stacey Abrams.

It was not a “coup” or an “insurrection,” nor was it charged criminally as such. It was not a turning point for the republic or a referendum on American political violence.

It is now being exploited by the political class to dramatically revise republican institutions including federalism and the filibuster. The outsized focus on January 6 by the media and Democrats is a pure act of political opportunism, and should be seen as such.

This is all true.

  • Chuck Schumer, on Sunday, that he is going to push for revising (getting rid of) the filibuster to avoid having another January 6th.
  • Biden and Harris said we need voter reform including mail in ballots, ballot harvesting, no voter IDs and automatic voter registration. I question this. Basically, they want to federalize voting, taking it away from the states. This is unconstitutional.
  • Question: Why revise voting procedures if this was the most fair elections of all time?

The game is to suggest that January 6 was a grave threat to democracy, and that the threat has now metastasized into a full-blown political program pressed by the mainstream Republican Party — and that this requires concerted Democratic destruction of institutions.

Biden is not hiding the ball. Schumer is not hiding the ball. Pelosi is not hiding the ball. If the question of January 6 had remained whether riots are bad, whether the criminals should go to jail, or whether we ought to follow legally-certified election results, we’d agree.

But the question has now morphed — and it morphed within hours of the January 6 events. The question morphed into whether the entire Republican Party and all of its voters could be saddled with the mantle of “insurrectionary violence.”

This is what is really scary. Merrick Garland made it clear that the people who made January 6th happen did not have to be there to be guilty. Basically, if one voted for Trump, than he is guilty of insurrection on January 6th. This is what the fascists did in Italy, the socialists (Hitler) did in Germany and the communists did, and are doing, in the Soviet Union and China.

Dirty little secret: not one person arrested of the 500 or more have been charges with sedition, insurrection or treason.

And the follow-on question became just how much should evil Trump voters be censored (Parler and AWS) or whether we should dispense with the filibuster to “save democracy” or whether we ought to federalize voting procedures like ballot harvesting and banning voter ID.

The crocodile tears from the Left about the woes of police officers on January 6 ought to be taken with precisely the seriousness they deserve, given their 2014-2021 quest to label police systemically racist and ignore massive violence against the cops throughout the BLM riots.

And the crocodile tears from the Left about refusal to accept election results ought to be taken with precisely the seriousness they deserve from the party of Stacey Abrams and “Russian election interference” and “Facebook is to blame.”

One need not downplay the evils of January 6 or the lies of President Trump post-election in order to recognize the game being played. Politics is always politics. Always.

One thing that Shapiro doesn’t talk much about is this is a deflection from the failures of leadership of this administration. Biden’s domestic, foreign and economic policies have all failed. This is an opportunity to blame Republicans for all Biden’s failures and continue with these failed policies.


Let’s Talk About Trump

Donald Trump was a catalyst. He brought back Conservatism. He brought back capitalist and democratic policies and showed they work. He brought back patriotism and condemned socialist, tyrannical and Leftist philosophy. He fought against the tyranny we see in Iran, Russia, China and North Korea. He embraced our freedoms. He embrace free speech, freedom of religion, right to bare arms. He loved law and order. He hated bureaucracy and taxes. He hated regulation on business. He hated political correctness and wokeness. He said what he thought and, it turns out, what most of us think.

I will go so far as to say, the Left made Trump President. He is the Conservative’s culture warrior.

That being said, I don’t want him to run again. In fact, I don’t even want him in politics anymore unless someone asks him.

Here are my reasons why:

  • He will be 78 years old in 2024.
  • He has great policies but a lousy and divisive personality.
  • People either love him or hate him. There is no middle ground. With someone else, there is a middle ground and an opportunity for a big win.
  • If he runs again, this January 6th thing is going to haunt him. If someone else runs, January 6th becomes a mute point. It should be a moot point now since Trump has been out of office for a year.

Republicans, especially those not in the federal government, have learned the art of cultural warrior. That is one of the reasons that someone like Ron DeSantis is so popular. It is the reason that Glenn Youngkin won his election in Virginia. Both of those guys do not need Trump to win. They just have to fight like him.



