Gavin Newsom continues to f-up California and I think it’s important to watch its descending into Hell.
Social Justice is getting crazy.
And I think Greg Popovich needs to learn a little about the history of basketball.
California Dreaming
Gavin Newsom is really on fire. Maybe he really wants another recall election because some of the ideas he’s implementing are pretty insane. And we have quite a list.
I do this for two reason: I live in this nutty state and have to deal with all these stupid policies and I want to show the idiotic Leftist policies in a blue state so when this pretty boy decides to run for President, you’ll vote for the other guy.
I also want to show you the direction that Joe Biden wants to take us.
So Long, Elon
Elon Musk is moving Tesla out of California and to Texas. He made the announcement on Thursday of last week. He said the move was for convenience and affordability.
Musk stated:
“To be clear we will be continuing to expand our activities in California. Our intention is to increase output from Fremont and Giga Nevada by 50%. If you go to our Fremont factory it’s jammed.
“It’s tough for people to afford houses, and people have to come in from far away. There’s a limit to how big you can scale in the Bay Area. In Austin our factory is like five minutes from the airport, 15 minutes from Downtown.”
He later tweeted:
“Frankly, this is the final straw. Tesla will now move its HQ and future programs to Texas/Nevada immediately. If we even retain Fremont manufacturing activity at all, it will be dependen [sic] on how Tesla is treated in the future.
“Tesla is the last carmaker left in CA.”
The last part is a shot at Lorena Gonzalez, a Democrat assemblywoman. She is pissed off about the salaries Tesla pays, the fact that she buys into that crap that Musk doesn’t pay his “fair share” and that he receives billions of dollars in subsidies.
She tweeted to Musk:
Fuck Elon Musk!
A very mature response from an assemblywoman. Of course, she just cost California tens of thousands of jobs, a loss of a couple of billion dollars in taxes and the subsidies were approved by Democrats like her because he builds the only successful electric car.
Musk responded to her on his website,
“Tesla Moved its HQ to Texas Following Explicit Offer from California Assemblywoman. Exactly.”
Always Ask Where This Is Going To Go
California will be the first state, thanks to a law signed by Gavin Newsom, to allow euthanasia. This is the right of a patient to end his own life due to a terminal disease.
According to UCLA Health:
To receive the aid-in-dying drug, a person must:
- Be 18 years or older and a resident of California
- Have a terminal disease that cannot be cured or reversed and that is expected to result in
death within six months
- Have capacity to make medical decisions and not have impaired judgment due to a mental
- Have the physical ability to take and ingest the drug
Now I have a mixed thought on euthenasia. I have seen people who are dying of stage 4 cancer. It sucks. I am not a 100% that assisted suicide is an immoral thing unless I apply the Bible here. I don’t like to do that when debating someone who does not share my religious views. But there are a couple of things that bother me about this law as it is written:
- It violates a doctor’s Hippocratic Oath.
- It doesn’t allow for the chance of miracles. Beleive it or not, these things do happen. I know this for a fact.
But this is not why I’m against this law. Here is an example of the Give A Mouse A Cookie rule. What could this law lead to? Could it end up like? Is it possible that someone could request assisted suicide because they are simply depressed?
I say no to this law. It could lead to something far worse.
Back to the 1800s
In a bold move, Gavin Newsom signed a bill that would require toy stores to have a row for gender neutral toys. No kidding. This seems like a very important law.
The law reads:
This bill would require a retail department store that is physically located in California that has a total of 500 or more employees across all California retail department store locations that sells childcare items or toys to maintain a gender neutral section or area, to be labeled at the discretion of the retailer, in which a reasonable selection of the items and toys for children that it sells shall be displayed, regardless of whether they have been traditionally marketed for either girls or for boys.
Um, there might be some problems with the law:
- It’s unconstitutional.
- It very vague. What is “reasonable selection”?
- What is considered a gender neutral toy? A ball? Legos?
- Who is going to decide what is gender neutral?
- Who is going to monitor and enforce this?
- I thought there was no sex. Why do we need to worry about keeping things gender neutral.
The law will go into effect in 2024. The first offense will lead to a $250 fine. Each subsequent violation will lead to a $500 fine.
Assemblyman Evan Low (D-CA), who introduced the legislation, said:
Part of it is to make sure if you’re a young girl that you can find a police car, fire truck, a periodic table or a dinosaur. And then similarly, if you’re a boy, if you’re more artistic and want to play with glitter, why not? Why should you feel the stigma of saying, ‘Oh, this should be shamed’ and going to a different location?
Um, if a girl wants a police car, can’t she just go to the section that has police cars? If a boy wants glitter, can’t he just go to the glitter section? Won’t this be more confusing especially if you put a police car in the gender neutral aisle, people may not find it?
We Need To Get Rid of Grass
Gavin Newsom signed a bill the outlawed the selling of gas powered lawn mowers, leaf blowers and chainsaws. I guess we are going back to manual mowers, water hoses and rakes and hand saws. Welcome back to 1920.
This goes along with the law that bans selling gas powered cars by 2035. There is also a bill that states that generators must be regulated to a certain amount of pollution. Jeez! I’ll get to the irony in a second.
The law states:
Assembly Bill 1346 directs the California Air Resources Board to phase out the sale of small off-road engines by 2024 or as soon as feasible, whichever comes later. The new law also directs the board to identify and make available, where feasible, funding for commercial rebates to go toward the purchase of electric equipment.
State Assemblyman Marc Berman (D-CA), who authored the legislation, said:
It’s amazing how people react when they learn how much this equipment pollutes, and how much smog forming and climate changing emissions that small off-road engine equipment creates. This is a pretty modest approach to trying to limit the massive amounts of pollution that this equipment emits, not to mention the health impact on the workers who are using it constantly.
Now, let me point out the irony here. California is recommending that people do not plug in their electric cars during peak hour because of the obselete power grid.
Who’s this going to hurt? Working class people like gardners and landscapers. It’ll also hurt people like me who does his own lawn and landscaping on those Saturday afternoons. Politicians don’t worry about that. They hire someone to do that for them.
Forget Math Because This Is Important
Forget math, literature, writing, science or computer technology. Who needs that? Ethnic studies is what’s going to get our kids through life.
Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom has signed legislation that makes California the first state to mandate public high school students pass an ethnic studies class as a graduation requirement.
The San Francisco Chronicle reported:
High school students in California will be required to learn about the contributions and oppression of people of color in America, under a measure Gov. Gavin Newsom signed Friday.” According to the outlet, the new law “adds a one-semester ethnic studies course to the state’s high school graduation requirements for public schools, starting with the 2029-30 academic year.”
Newsom said:
America is shaped by our shared history, much of it painful and etched with woeful injustice. Students deserve to see themselves in their studies, and they must understand our nation’s full history if we expect them to one day build a more just society.
Welcome to Critical Race Theory.
Assemblyman Jose Medina said:
The inclusion of ethnic studies in the high school curriculum is long overdue. Students cannot have a full understanding of the history of our state and nation without the inclusion of the contribution and struggles of Native Americans, African Americans, Latinos, and Asian Americans.
I want to acknowledge the countless young people, high school and college students, teachers and professors, who have organized, demonstrated, boycotted classes, and gone on hunger strikes to demand a more equitable and inclusive educational system.
The Chronicle reported:
Some Republican legislators said the course is inappropriate for high school students, arguing it is rooted in critical race theory, a view that racism is ingrained in laws and government institutions.
Proponents say ethnic studies courses are shown to help students of color improve academically because they feel empowered by seeing themselves reflected in textbooks, rather than a “Eurocentric” version of history.
The final version of AB101 includes a provision that discourages school districts from using earlier versions of the model curriculum that included references to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The measure also prohibits schools from using instruction materials that promote bias or discrimination toward any group.
I have big problems with this:
- This, again, is made to demonize white students and victimize students of color. It creates division.
- Don’t kid yourself, this is Critical Race Theory.
- What about Irish, German, British, Nordic and Jewish ethicities? Do they count.
- This is going to rewrite history to create victimization.
Around the World
We cannot forget what’s happening around the world. At least, I won’t let you forget.
What would the best way to deal with Iran who is only a few weeks to having enough nuclear material to create a nuclear weapon? It doesn’t matter what we think because Joe Biden has a definite idea what to do.
According to The Hill:
The sanctions, targeting the Mammut Industrial Group (Mammut Industries) and its subsidiary Mammut Diesel, were originally imposed by the Trump administration in September 2020 as part of efforts to increase a maximum pressure campaign of sanctions on Tehran over its nuclear activity and actions in the region criticized as malign and destabilizing.
That’s right! Let’s give Iran the money to build missiles! Yay!
It looks like Israel is going to have a busy 2022.
The Taliban has made an announcement on Saturday stating that they alone will handle the terrorist cells in Afghanistan and will not help the United States get terrorists.
Who didn’t see that coming.
The Taliban hates ISIS-K, if it exists, and is actively hunting them down. But ISIS-K is not a concern of the United States. We are hunting al Qaeda because they are the ones that are a major threat (they took down the World Trade Center) and they are allied with al Qaeda.
So much for all that over-the-horizon crap.
How is Joe Biden going to deal with this? How about giving Afghanistan money? Does that sound good?
The United States decided to provide humanitarian aid to the poor. What that means is we are going to give money to the Taliban because they are going to take it and give nothing to the people. Afghanistan is in trouble. They are about to lose power because they have not paid the power companies. Their economy is collapsing because the Taliban can’t run an economy. They are currently working with China and Pakistan to try to get back on their feet. Don’t kid yourself, they are also working with Iran.
Sleepy Creepy Joe did a great job with Afghanistan.
Back to the SJW Crap
We need to always go over some of the insane SJW BS that companies are promoting.
DC comic writer Tom Taylor revealed Monday that the son of Clark Kent and Lois Lane (formerly Superboy) is a bisexual and will have a gay lover by issue 5 of the comic. He said having another “another straight white savior” would be a “real opportunity missed.”
Taylor told IGN:
Over the years in this industry, it probably won’t surprise you to hear I’ve had queer characters and storylines rejected. I felt like I was letting down people I loved every time this happened. But we are in a very different and much more welcome place today than we were ten, or even five years ago. When I was asked if I wanted to write a new Superman with a new #1 for the DC Universe, I knew replacing Clark with another straight white savior could be a real opportunity missed.
OK, some things about this:
- I don’t read comics, I don’t care about DC or Marvel movies. I just don’t like them. They’re dumb. So I really don’t care about this.
- The big question here, though, is what opportunity would he miss? Maybe publishing a comic that will sell for the first five issues then not sell at all. That’s what’s going to happen.
- Contrary to popular belief, comic guys are nerds not social justice worriers. Most of them are straight white men.
- But I am happy that he’s not making Clark Kent gay. I hate the idea of making 007 a woman. Just create new characters.
Legos has decided to go woke. They have decided to become more gender neutral. In a statement they said:
Ensuring more inclusive play and raising the debate around gender norms is critical, not just for girls but for any child. The LEGO Group knows that boys are also battling prejudice when it comes to creative play and playing with toys that are traditionally seen as being for the opposite sex. 71% of boys vs. 42% of girls say they worry about being made fun of if they play with a toy typically associated for the other gender.
The company is committed to making LEGO play more inclusive and ensuring that children’s creative ambitions – both now in the future – are not limited by gender stereotypes. We know there is work to do which is why from 2021, we will work closely with the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media and UNICEF to ensure LEGO products and marketing are accessible to all and free of gender bias and harmful stereotypes.
Dude, they’re building blocks!
I would rather they continue to do what they’re doing but make them less painful when one steps on them.
Learn a Book
Of course, Columbus Day has gotten a lot of crap. You knew there would be some really stupid people saying some really stupid things.
Here’s rich Lefty, Greg Popovich, the coach for the San Antonio Spurs commenting on Columbus Day:
Some things:
- Columbus was an explorer, not a colonist. He did not start any genocide. This guy needs to learn a history book.
- The reason there are Mexicans today is because Spain supported the Spanish marrying the Indians.
- Slavery was illegal and discouraged by Spain. It happened but not really by Columbus. In fact, Columbus got into trouble for sending slaves back to Spain.
- Disease, which is what most Native Americans died of, is not genocide. The Aztecs sacrificed 88,000 people in three days.
- The Aztecs were known for three things: conquest, genocide and basketball.
- The Nazi comment is just stupid. And when I say that, I mean Popovich is stupid.