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Episode 384 – That’s Some Strong Cardboard

Sometimes our tech overlords do the right thing. And the right thing will always tick off the Left.

The China virus disaster needs to be made into a disaster again.

And here are some updates from the Olympics in Tokyo.


This is a Good Thing

Jeff Bezos blasted into space yesterday reaching about 65 miles above the earth. It was a beautiful launch. The occurred two weeks after Richard Branson of Virgin Atlantic launching into the upper atmosphere two weeks ago. Bezos launched in a ship called Blue Origin.

  • First off, the ship did look like a penis. It’s funny and everyone is pointing it out.
  • The trip cost about $5.5 billion.
  • Onboard was his brother Mark, 82-year-old aviation pioneer Wally Funk (the oldest person in space) and Oliver Daemen, an 18-year-old Dutch student who is the youngest ever to fly in space.
  • Funk, who is a woman, was actually trying to be an astronaut in the 1960s but couldn’t because she was a woman. This is awesome and I’m thrilled for her.
  • Climbing straight up atop 110,000 pounds of push, the rocket rapidly accelerated as it consumed its load of supercold liquid oxygen and hydrogen propellants, pushing the passengers back in their recliner-style seats with about three times the normal force of gravity.
  • At 45 miles up, the rocket separated from the capsule and landed safely to the ground, ready to be reused again. This is an awesome discovery.
  • At 66.5 miles in the air, the crew enjoyed three minutes of weightlessness.
  • The capsule then returned to earth, landing in the Texas desert. This is also a new discovery. Remember, they used to land in the ocean.

After the ten minute flight, Jeff Bezos clumsily said:

This would seem like this is a great thing. We now have three companies (SpaceX, Virgin Atlantic and Amazon) who are now competing for commercial dominance of space. We should all agree this is a good thing. But the Leftists don’t look at the fantastic achievements of these three countries. Nope. They decide to attack the individuals (Elon Musk, Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos) who made this all come true.

Bernie Sanders tweeted:

Yes, he should be impressed. This is amazing and an impressive thing.

Chief Elizabeth Warren tweeted:

“It’s time for Jeff Bezos to take care of business right here on Earth and pay his fair share in taxes.”

Here’s a hint: Bezos does pay his “fair share” of taxes.

AOC tweeted:

There’s so much wrong with this tweet, it’s hardly funny:

  • Amazon workers didn’t pay for this. That was a clumsy statement by Bezos.
  • The employees of Amazon work in a free market and receive what the market will bear. If they don’t like working at Amazon, they can quit and get another job.
  • Amazon customers did not pay for that. They pain Amazon for their rolls of toilet paper to be delivered.
  • Amazon took the profits from that toilet paper delivery and reinvested it into an Amazon space program which will expand and make the world better.

Bernie and AOC hate this accomplishment because:

  • It proves capitalism works.
    • Competition between private companies creates better technology.
    • This is technology that the government would never have come up with.
  • They want to take away the profits that enabled this advance in technology and do nothing with it. Don’t forget, AOC wants the federal government to invest in a high speed rail system. What are we, in the 1850s?
  • They push the big lie that Bezos, Musk and Branson don’t pay any taxes. That’s BS. The top 25% of earners pay 100% of the net taxes along with their companies. This is the Big Lie.
  • Finally, why are we listening to people who have never hired one person, never ran a business and have gotten rich off the tax payers dime? What the hell have these two ever done?
  • Jeez, AOC’s only other job was as a part time bartender. Bernie has been kicked out of a commune because he wouldn’t do any work. He was too lazy.

The media, of course, is also blasting the accomplishment.

The Washington Post tweeted:

WBUR.org wrote in an article:

But there is something deeply wrong with our society when three of the wealthiest men on Earth, including Jeff Bezos, spend billions of dollars on an ego-fueled race to space, while the world is reeling from a global pandemic and people on our planet are quite literally starving. A new Oxfam report finds 11 people are likely dying every minute from hunger and malnutrition, outpacing COVID-19 fatalities. This, as Jeff Bezos prepares for his 11-minute thrill ride.

The Verge wrote in an article:

As long as the space industry is dependent on billionaire funds for spacecraft built for billionaire (and millionaire) customers, the perception that this is a hobby for the ultrawealthy will inevitably remain. “We have to deal with the fact that billionaires trying to make more money are the public face of the space sector right now,” Brian Weeden, a director at the Secure World Foundation, said.

Jacobinmag.com titles an article Leave the Billionaires in Space.

Notice something with these articles?

  • It pushes class warfare by pushing greed and envy.
  • It also makes this look like a luxury instead of the great accomplishment with an awesome future in space flight that will be necessary.
    • Yes, space flight is for billionaires…now. But soon it will be for millionaires, then for the wealth and finally, for the regular Joe.
    • You know what else was only for the billionaires before? Regular flight, televisions, cars, cell and smart phones, computers, wine and travel. All are now available to regular people.
  • These articles bring out that there is poverty around the world. But there always has been poverty and there will always be poverty. Jeff Bezos not having a space program is not going to change that.
  • Definitely paying more taxes by these guys is not going to fix the problems of civilization. What has any politician actually done for society?

The space flights over the last couple of weeks and the upcoming flight by SpaceX are fantastic and should be celebrated:

  • Innovation. The private sector, because of competition, are always innovating to state ahead of the game.
  • The private sector is doing something that the government mistakenly quit doing in the 70s like going to the moon. The space shuttle program was a disaster and they just kind of given up.
  • Space exploration, innovation and, eventually, colonization is going to be necessary because of:
    • Defense.
    • Overpopulation.
    • Resources.
    • Protecting the Earth from space objects like meteors.
    • Ejecting dangerous terrestrial material such as nuclear waste and the batteries from those Prius cars that Lefties drive to save the environment.
    • Unlocking the mysteries of the universe.
  • This is costing the tax payer nothing. It is all being done by private business. The government pays for what they want done.
  • This proves that capitalism is awesome. Do you think China is going to be able to compete with us in space with their government run program?

This story reminds me why I am a Conservative. I am not greedy or envious. I love capitalism. I think our country is awesome and the best in human history and I see that what Amazon, SpaceX and Virgin Atlantic are doing proves that. The Left always has to see the badness in everything this country does. It’s tired and it’s getting old. It makes them look like a bunch of bitter, old, grouchy men.



This Guy is Full of Sh*+!

The problem with an emergency, of any kind, where the government can take more power is that it eventually ends to the dismay of the power hungry. The problem for us is the government will gin up some reason to keep the emergency going.

That’s what the government is trying to do with the China virus.

The United States is now seeing the Delta variant of the China virus. This variant originated from India and is more contagious than the previous three variants and people who are vaccinated can catch it. This has led the government to panic again:

  • Los Angeles is requiring masks no matter if one is vaccinated or now.
  • Schools in California are going to require all students to mask up in school even though there is no evidence the virus is passed from child to adult and less than 350 kids under the age of 18 have died of the virus since the pandemic started.
  • Colleges are going to require all students to be vaccinated even though those age groups tend not to die.
  • Children as young as three are going to be required to wear masks. Doesn’t matter that studies have shown that CO2 levels in children rise with masks on all day.

This is all BS. It is an attempt to keep our emergency going even though it is over:

  • In California, on Tuesday, there were 4723 new China virus cases. That’s way up. Only 4 people died. When the pandemic was in full swing, 2000 people a day would die.
  • The hospitals are not being overrun.
  • Research has shown that the vaccinated do not die of the Delta variant. They usually do not even show symptoms.
  • The federal government doesn’t seem too concerned since they are letting in illegal aliens with no vaccine or testing requirements and just letting them into the interior.
  • A substantial number are coming over the border infected. The number are debated so I won’t throw any out there.

In communist countries, like Cuba and the Soviet Union, the tyrants always claimed to be in a perpetual revolution. That always justified their tyranny and made the people hold their heads up in patriotic pride even though they are being repressed. That’s what is happening with the government and this perpetual pandemic. They need to continue having the pandemic and screaming about it because that justifies their crappy and repressive policies.

But what I’m really surprised about is that no one is asking or even curious that this virus was probably engineered in a Chinese lab and that the United States (the NIH) probably financed it. Who heads the NIH? Anthony Fauci, the trusted source by the Left of all that is China virus related.

Rand Paul, who is a real doctor (an optometrist) and thinks Tony Fauci is full of crap, got into an argument with Fauci about the gain of function work done by the Wuhan lab. Fauci decided to use language to deflect blame. The two ended up calling each other liars. Listen:

If you watch the video, one can see how nervous Fauci is.

The argument is about gain of function. Gain of function is when a virus is manipulated so that it takes on other or more qualities. It is commonly used for the creation of vaccines. Paul is arguing that China used gain of function to make an animal virus transmissible to humans. Fauci is arguing that the molecules used for gain of function weren’t responsible for the pandemic. He’s basically changing the definition of gain of function. He’s also covering his ass incase of a perjury charge.

The only reason I care about this is because I want Tony Fauci to look like an ass because he’s a fraud. I want to know only three things:

  • Was this virus created in a Chinese lab?
  • Did we fund that or any other lab and why? China is an enemy.
  • And, if so, what are we, and the world community, going to do about it?

Nothing else matters and this is political theater.



I’m not watching them but the Olympics are going in Tokyo. I may not be watching but that doesn’t mean fun stuff isn’t happening.

Good Idea

One thing that the IOC has always had problems with is the athletes constantly having sex with each other. They’ve had years where condoms, that are given to the athletes, became unavailable. Now I don’t blame the athletes. They’re in a foreign country, athletic and able, good looking and tense. I can see it.

Problem is, the IOC is worried about the China virus. They’re not worried about chlamydia, herpes, HIV or syphilis. They’re worried about a disease that is not going to kill any of them. But, whatever, I guess it’s a start. They decided to give the athletes cardboard beds that are designed to break when more than one person is on them. That’s clever. Might not work.

Apparently, there was an Irish gymnast who started jumping on the bed to prove it could handle his carnal delights. Rhys McClenaghan proved that the IOC failed:

So, there you go. IOC fails again. First, the let a man into the women’s weightlifting competition now they can’t create a bed the 130 pound Irish gymnasts can’t break.

Good Deal

But the last story was not the biggest from Tokyo this week.

The Women’s Soccer Team all kneeled before their game today. The they proceeded to lose to Sweden 3-0 in the most embarrassing loss they have ever suffered.

Good for them!



They’re Just Making This Stuff Up

For our TikTok adventure today, let’s listen to @zoestoller. I would assume, by the name, he’s a she. But we can never know. Maybe she’s a he. She, he or it is describing a new flag for a new gender that he, she, it decided to create. The new gender is called “ges-sarah” I think. Listen:

  • These guys just are making this crap up now.
  • They also don’t define anything. They have a tendency to just use multi-syballic words consecutively but the whole thing ends up being gender-fluid anyway which means any comprehensible definition could change at any moment.
  • This shows that our kids need direction and an accomplishment. Like a war. Something that will really focus them to something that is truly important.
  • These kids have just gotten spoiled, bored and lazy. Instead of having a job, this Zoe guy is just sitting around all day and making crap up.
  • It would be funny if it wasn’t so tragic.






Episode 383 – They’re Coming!

Cancel Culture is in full swing.

The border continues to be a mess but don’t expect any changes.

And California follows the old adage, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.”



Cancel Culture is Now Coming for the Enemy

The last story is important because now the Left is screaming that we must stop “misinformation” from being able to be accessed by people. The “misinformation” is the information that the Left doesn’t like. The reason it is so dangerous to ignore all this is because, eventually, the mainstream will go after you or something you like.


National Public Radio, NPR, a tax funded, Leftist news source, is going after my favorite news site, The Daily Wire. Is it because they said something wrong, lied about something or misled anyone with one of their stories? No. It’s because the Daily Wire is Conservative and Conservative information is “misinformation”.

Understand something, the Daily Wire is a Conservative news site. Every article states that it is a Conservative news site. All the hosts proclaim that they are Conservative. Their political stance is not hidden and honest (unlike CNN, ABC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, CBS, NBC, Reuters or the AP).

I also want to point out, in the two years that I have subscribed to the site, I have never seen a retraction, never felt offended by something the wrote or said and have only seen three corrections.

This is what NPR wrote:

Publicly the site does not purport to be a traditional news source. On its ‘About’ page, the site declares, “The Daily Wire does not claim to be without bias,” and goes on to say, “We’re opinionated, we’re noisy, and we’re having a good time.”

It’s not clear that the millions of people engaging with the site’s news stories every month recognize that. The Daily Wire’s content looks no different in Facebook’s newsfeed than an article from a local newspaper, making it potentially difficult to distinguish between more and less reliable or biased information sources.

  • Again, Daily Wire needs to be banned because people are too stupid to read an article and know there is a Conservative bias.
  • The reality is the Daily Wire is a news site. Just because they don’t like the spin they put on a news story or choose to focus on a specific news story doesn’t make the stories untrue.
  • People do have a choice. They don’t have to read the stories from the Daily Wire. People do because the writing is great, the commentary is great and they cover all sides of the debate.
  • They also bring stories that the mainstream media or Leftist news organizations ignore. That makes them stand out and draws readers to them.

Another section of the article states:

The articles The Daily Wire publishes don’t normally include falsehoods (with some exceptions), and the site said it is committed to “truthful, accurate and ethical reporting.”

But as Settle explains, by only covering specific stories that bolster the conservative agenda (such as negative stories about socialist countries and polarizing stories about race and sexuality issues) and only including certain facts, readers still come away from The Daily Wire’s content with the impression that Republican politicians can do little wrong and cancel culture is among the nation’s greatest threats.

  • So they are admitting the news on the Daily Wire is not “misinformation”.
  • The Daily Wire is telling stories people want to hear. Is that what I’m hearing?
  •  Most people are against socialism, the race baiting and the sexual perversions being embraced by the mainstream media.
  • Daily Wire Commentators are very open that they focus on the culture, not necessarily politics. They do this because politics is downstream of culture. They openly say this.
  • Daily Wire constantly criticizes Republicans including Donald Trump. Ben Shapiro didn’t even vote for President Trump.
  • Cancel culture is a threat. The goal of this article and the attacks on Fox News by CNN are openly calling for the elimination of these sites because they are “misinformation”.

That Was a Good Book

I used to buy electronic books. It was just easier and didn’t take up any room. Well, I don’t do that anymore. I buy my books and try to get them in hard cover, if I can, so I can have the physical book. That’s because Amazon has been banning books and, if you have an electronic version of the book or the audio book, they will actually pull the book from your device. They have done that before and all for woke reasons.

Why am I bringing this up?

A while back, I mentioned a book called  Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters by Abigail Shrier. She is a reporter that does some freelance work for news sites like The Federalist. She wrote a book about the rising trend of teenage girls deciding they are actually trans-boys and their transition. The book is about:

  • How Internet influencers on YouTube and Facebook convert children.
  • How the schools deal with transition.
  • How families have been dealing with it.
  • The use of affirmative therapy by psychologists.
  • The trans movement and its attack on dissenters.
  • The physical transition process itself including:
    • Hormone therapy.
    • Mastectomies.
    • Genital transition.
  • The physical harm of physical transition.
  • The regrets for those who wanted to transition back.
  • How parents can avoid this problem.
  • She interviews and keeps track of about ten children and their progress.

The book gives an in depth view of this crisis hitting our teenage girls. It is not a far right book and is extremely empathetic. She also interviews people that transitioned and were happy they did. It’s not like everyone she interviewed regretted their decision. It was a very good, enlightening book. As a matter of fact, what I got out of the book the most had nothing to do with the trans issue it was how we need to get our kids off of their screens.

In July, The American Bookseller’s Association sent out a promotional mailer to a bunch of retail sellers recommending Shrier’s book. A bunch of people on Twitter started whining about the book being anti-trans (here’s a little inside information: it’s not). As you might have guessed, the ABA issued an apology:

“We apologize to our trans members and to the trans community for this terrible incident and the pain we caused them. We also apologize to the LGBTQIA+ community at large, and to our bookselling community. Apologies are not enough. We’ve begun addressing this today and are committed to engaging in the critical dialogue needed to inform concrete steps to address the harm we caused. Those steps will be shared in the next three weeks.”

Walmart is no longer selling the book, which is a best seller, and activists are pressuring Amazon to pull the book. Two Amazon employees have already quit because Amazon is still selling the book.

Shrier made her dissatisfaction known on Twitter:

“If there were a Hall of Fame for capitulations to Woke bullies, the American Booksellers Association is hereby inducted. The ‘serious, violent incident’ they perpetrated? Including my book in a large box of new book samples sent out to independent booksellers.”

She later added:

“The book-banning Left is a totalitarian movement. It has no use for an open, liberal society with a broad diversity of viewpoints, and it will use shame, fear, and coercion to win. It can’t be harmonized with Liberalism.”

This is true. Couple of things here:

  • Abigail Shrier is no Conservative. She is actually pretty moderate.
  • She describes this type of strong arming by trans-activists in her book. They just proved her right.
  • The book is not anti-trans.
  • This should scare the hell out of everyone.
  • No one should ever apologize to the woke. Forgiveness is not a thing for the Left.



Border Crisis

Fox News reported:

“CBP said that 188,829 migrants were encountered at the southern border, an increase from the 180,034 encountered in May. It is also a sharp rise since when President Biden took office — there were 78,442 encounters in January.”

“The number of unaccompanied children encountered increased by 8%, with 15,253 encounters in June compared to 14,137 in May. Encounters of family units, meanwhile, surged by 25% to 55,805 from 44,746 in May.”

The Biden administration has been ignoring the huge problem since coming into power seven months ago. There’s a reason. They want more Democratic voters in the future after they approve amnesty, which they are now pushing. Kamala Harris hasn’t gone to the border (and that little BS photo op in El Paso was not a visit to a border) not because she’s lazy and incompetent (though she is) , it’s because she and other Democrats do not see this as a problem.

Tucker Carlson reported that he received a whistleblower report that the Biden administration is secretly using the military to transport illegal aliens to different parts of the country.

  • The report says that Laughlin Air Force Base is being used for the transport.
  • Carlson showed an image of an e-mail from Lt. Colonel Matthew Burrows stating that passenger planes will using the runways.
  • The planes will be used by the ICE and Border Patrol.

The E-mail said:

“Over the next few days, weeks or months you may see passenger aircraft on our ramp transporting undocumented non-citizens. Please review the attached public affairs guidance on this issue.

“In coordination with the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Del Rio Border Patrol will be using the Laughlin AFB runway to transport undocumented non-citizens via a Boeing 737.

“Do not take photographs and refrain from posting anything on social media. If anyone asks you about it, refer them to public affairs.”

Has this been confirmed? Not yet. I don’t even remember anyone asking about this yet. Do I believe it is true? Yep, I have no doubt.



This Has Already Been Tried and Failed

California continues to implement policies that have been tried, tested and failed multiple times. They just never learn.

  • California has unanimously voted to implement a Universal Basic income.
  • The UBI will be given to pregnant women and young people who just got out of foster care.
  • There will be no limits on how the money can be spent and they will receive it once a month.
  • The bill will cost $35 million.
  • This has been tried before in Stockton, CA and it failed.
  • This has also been tried by a couple of countries in Europe. It failed.
  • The Stockton mayor is one of Newsom’s advisors. Talk about failing up.
  • The goal, as one of the advisors said, is to make this a federal program.

Universal Basic Income is a disaster:

  • It does not encourage people to work.
  • It encourages unwed pregnancy and discourages the nuclear family.
  • This will lead to perpetual poverty and government dependence.
  • This is also taking our money and giving it to someone else or redistribution.



Internet Idiocy

There is so much dumbassery (yes, I made that up) is incredible. I’m going to do an entire Saturday on just the dumb things on the Internet. I decided to close each show with some of the great things I find on TikTok. You already know what I think of TikTok.

This video is a person asking random people some basic civics questions. I probably shouldn’t be surprised by their answer:

You know what’s really disturbing besides the failure of our education system to teach basic history is that these people vote. This is why I am all for people needing to pass a literacy and civics test before they can vote. If you don’t know basic history of this country, you shouldn’t be able to influence our future history.



Episode 382 – Big Brother is Watching!

The Biden administration isn’t even hiding it anymore.

Cancel culture and censorship is a virus and it is spreading.

And things are getting worse at the southern border but keep those Cubans out.


The Cat is Out of the Bag

What’s the Big Deal?

The Biden administration missed its goal on the number of vaccine shots it wanted to give out. This might be a big deal to the media and Democrats but not to me. I do not see this thing as a failure. Anyone who wanted the vaccine can get it. If they don’t want it, they won’t get it. No big deal.

But the Biden administration is taking this personally and they are slinging blame to social media. I think, because of the Vaccine “failure,” they have accidently let the cat out of the bag about what their intentions are.

The Attack on Social Media

The Surgeons General, Vivek Murthy, released a report last week called Confronting Health Misinformation.

In it, Murthy recommended imposing consequences for accounts on social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter and YouTube) that post “misinformation” about the vaccine.

In a statement, Murthy said:

Health misinformation is an urgent threat to public health. It can cause confusion, sow mistrust, and undermine public health efforts, including our ongoing work to end the COVID-19 pandemic. As Surgeon General, my job is to help people stay safe and healthy, and without limiting the spread of health misinformation, American lives are at risk. From the tech and social media companies who must do more to address the spread on their platforms, to all of us identifying and avoiding sharing misinformation, tackling this challenge will require an all-of-society approach, but it is critical for the long-term health of our nation.”

One item in this list is to “Prioritize early detection of misinformation ‘super-spreaders’ and repeat offenders,” with Big Tech giants directed to “[i]mpose clear consequences for accounts that repeatedly violate platform policies.”

He also said he believes companies should:

  • Adjust algorithms so that misinformation is not amplified and “correct” information is.
  • Warnings should be used on any post that is considered by the Biden White House as “misinformation.”
  • Increase moderation staffing.
  • Moderate live streams as well as static posts.

Big Brother is watching!

The complete list of recommendations include:

  • Assess the benefits and harms of products and platforms and take responsibility for addressing the harms.
  • Give researchers access to useful data to properly analyze the spread and impact of misinformation.
  • Strengthen the monitoring of misinformation.
  • Prioritize early detection of misinformation “super-spreaders” and repeat offenders.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of internal policies and practices in addressing misinformation and be transparent with findings.
  • Proactively address information deficits.
  • Amplify communications from trusted messengers and subject matter experts.
  • Prioritize protecting health professionals, journalists, and others from online harassment.

Apparently, the Biden administration is already on the ball. They have been actively monitoring social media content for a while and working with the Surgeon General and the social media companies.

Joe Biden

Well, Joe Biden is rather clear about what he thinks about the social media platform.


Facebook did not take this lying down. They decided to hit Biden back. They pointed to all the things they did during the COVID pandemic including.

In a statement, Facebook said:

“We will not be distracted by accusations which aren’t supported by the facts. The fact is that more than 2 billion people have viewed authoritative information about COVID-19 and vaccines on Facebook, which is more than any other place on the internet. More than 3.3 million Americans have also used our vaccine finder tool to find out where and how to get a vaccine. The facts show that Facebook is helping save lives. Period.”

In an interview with NBC News, a Facebook official said:

“In private exchanges the Surgeon General has praised our work, including our efforts to inform people about COVID-19. They knew what they were doing. The White House is looking for scapegoats for missing their vaccine goals.”

I am bothered by this. Very bothered.

Jen Psaki

I love listening to Jen Psaki’s press conferences. She is the clarification of how radical and Leftist Joe Biden is. She always says the things that show us what the agenda of the Biden administration is. Old Joe, believe it or not, is not a good indication of where the policies are going to go. That is because he is either a great politician and can hide his intentions or he is a really old man that has no idea what is going on. You choose which.

When this report came out and, after the words of the Surgeon General, Jen Psaki was ready to blow the whole plan open.

Jen Psaki at her press conference:

I have a couple of questions here:

  • Who is determining what is misinformation? The White House?
  • Assuming the above question is the White House, why should we believe them? As we will see in the next section, they have been f-ing this up from the beginning. Both Trump and Biden.
  • Notice she switched from “misinformation” (which is mistaken information) to disinformation (which are lies). Again, there has been a lot of “disinformation” from the government over the last year. Some we haven’t even gotten to the bottom of it. Most of it is coming from the most trusted source of the White House, Tony Fauci.
  •  They are flagging problematic post for Facebook? Is the U.S. government not editing what Facebook can post? This is a big one because this is what President Trump’s lawsuit is all about: Facebook being an agent of the United States government.
  • And who are these “reliable sources” she’s talking about that we are suppose to trust? Is Tony Fauci one of them?

But Jen goes further. She seems to be all in on cancel culture. She thinks people who post what the White House doesn’t like, those people shouldn’t be welcome on social media:

This is really scary stuff. The government wants to be able to cancel you because you say something they don’t like. What’s messed up is they don’t know what is right and wrong themselves. They talk about how they are the party of science but they have been jacking this up from day one. Let’s review the past:

  • They said we had to wear masks even after vaccinated.
  • They held up the Johnson and Johnson vaccine because of an extremely rare condition.
  • The insistence that only certain protests spread the virus.
  • Kamala Harris saying she would never take the “Trump vaccine.”
  • The allowing of illegal aliens to come into the country unvaccinated.

Now, we are finding out that it isn’t Conservatives or even Trump supporters that are hesitant to get the vaccine. Most who will not get the vaccine. According to CNN (the hate Trump network):

“A look at the data reveals that the vaccine hesitant group, however, are not big Trump lovers. They’re actually likely not to be Republican. Instead, many of them are people who are detached from the political process and didn’t vote for either major candidate in 2020. The most recent Kaiser poll helps illustrate that the vaccine hesitant group doesn’t really lean Republican. Just 20% of the group called themselves Republican with an additional 19% being independents who leaned Republican. The clear majority (61%) were not Republicans (41% said they were Democrats or Democratic leaning independents and 20% were either pure independents or undesignated).” 

Just an FYI: 55% of those who will not get vaccinated are Republicans or right-leaning independents.

Anyway, the government telling us we are too stupid to make decisions on our own or can’t do our own research to make a decision for ourselves are pushing back. The bane of Jen Psaki’s existence, Peter Doocy, really landed some heavy blows on Paski. Listen:

Couple of thing here:

  • No, that was not a loaded or inaccurate question. The Biden administration just admitted they were watching people’s Facebook posts and flagging them.
  • She also said she thinks people passing “disinformation” should be banned from all social media platforms.
  • As far as saying they are in touch with all sorts of media platforms, that’s because the media is in cahoots with the White House.
  • The thing with the list is something that Democrats have been talking about since Trump lost the Presidency. Just look on Twitter.
  • Reality: most people who are not taking the vaccine have decided not to take the vaccine and are not paying attention to news opinions.
  • And to answer Jen’s question that it’s more important to worry about being monitored or dying of the China virus, it’s more important that we are being monitored.
    • Freedom isn’t free.
    • The virus isn’t that dangerous.
    • This is a method of monitoring that will never go away.


Some things to think about:

  • This is not the start of Big Brother. It’s been going on for years. Obama did it too. So did Trump, but he did it for different reasons.
  • Who is determining what is “misinformation” and “disinformation”? Where is the United States government getting their information? They do not have a great track record.
  • This is the government’s way of controlling information. Where does it end.
  • I am also bothered that the government thinks we are just too stupid to make decisions on our own.
  • This is tyranny. Unlike Obama and even Trump, the Biden administration isn’t hiding the ball.
  • The demonizing of people who do not share the opinions will go further.












Episode 381 – That’s Not Going to Work

Inflation is going from bad to worse. Old Joe’s solution seems like it will make it from worse into a disaster.

Iran is not playing well with others and no one cares.

And things in Cuba are getting worse but the colors of the radical Democrats is coming to light.


This Ain’t Even Being Looked At Right Now

According to data released Monday by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the June 2021 “Survey of Consumer Expectations” reveals that median one-year inflation expectations climbed to 4.8% — a 0.8% increase since last month.

In January, February, March, April, and May, one-year expectations were respectively 3.0%, 3.1%, 3.2%, 3.4%, and 4.0% — implying that anticipated inflation has progressively increased since the beginning of the year. Meanwhile, three-year inflation expectations — currently at 3.5% — have remained essentially unchanged since last month, though they have also increased from January levels.

We are looking and expecting to be up to 5.4% by December, the highest inflation since these statistics were recorded in 2013.

To make things more exciting, the three top credit ratings services all believe the United States is about to lose their AAA credit rating in the future. This is due to political instability and soaring national debt mostly caused by the stimulus packages during CONVID. Currently our nations debt is at $28 trillion with a big budget coming up and no plans to curb spending.

Hey, don’t blame me. I voted for the other guy.



Things Are Going To Get Worse

So, what does Biden think will help the economy and lower inflation? How about pushing a $3.5 trillion dollar budget proposal through Congress in a partisan vote using reconciliation. If reconciliation is used then Republicans cannot use the filibuster to stop it.

But the bill does more than that. It actually will offer amnesty to the 11 million illegal aliens in this country (in fact, it is closer to 20 million). Illegal aliens will get visas and green cards and a pathway to citizenship. Though the bill does have some restrictions, such as criminal record, nothing else is off the table.

There’s just one problem with this: We haven’t closed the border. This was tried by Ronal Reagan in the 80’s and we had our borders over run by illegal aliens who knew they would receive amnesty if they got over. The program had to be scrapped.

Democrats have two problems here:

  • Not sure reconciliation will actually allow for this amnesty provision because it is a policy change not a financial change. Reconciliation on deals with financial bills.
  • Joe Manchin (D, W. Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D., AZ) have already shown apprehension about the huge budget and the immigration plans. Illegal immigration is not popular (especially in Arizona) and they are from red states.

Get ready for the fireworks. The elections in 2022 couldn’t come fast enough.




This is a disturbing story that seems to disturb everyone except the Biden administration.

  • Masih Alinejad, who now serves as a producer with Voice of America and is the author of “The Wind in My Hair: My Fight for Freedom in Modern Iran, is an American citizen that has been fighting for the rights of the Iranian people for years.
  • Her goal is to motivate dissidents in Iran to create a grassroots push for change in Iran’s government and laws. She is formerly from Iran.
  • Iran sent four men who joined a fifth man who lived in California.
  • They then went to Alinejad’s home in New York and tried to kidnap her and force her back to Iran, presumably, to be executed.
  • The men were all arrested.
  • When asked about it, Jen Psaki said that American citizens would be protected but this was not a foreign policy issue but a local law enforcement issue.


  • The Biden administration has just allowed Iran to retrieve money that was being held in Asia. What did we get? Nothing.
  • Biden is trying to get Iran to rejoin the Iranian Nuclear Agreement. An agreement that gave Iran a ton of money and economic freedom that they used to attack Israel. What did we get? Nothing.
  • Now they are walking onto US soil, threatening to kidnap our citizens and nothing is going to be done.

This is what happens when you embolden terrorists. Why the Left seems to have a soft spot for totalitarian regimes is beyond me. They’re doing it with Iran, China and Cuba. They’ve done it with Russia and Venezuela. I just don’t get what we are getting by appeasing these people but heartache.




Speaking of Cuba, let’s talk about what is going on over there.

  • People are still being arrested. A YouTube star in Cuba was arrested while she was running a live YouTube video. It was all caught on camera.
  • The Cuba government has cut off the Internet to control the spread of information.
  • Peter Doocy, straight out, asked Jen Psaki if this was a protest against communism. She said it was a fight against repression and a bad economy but refused to say if communism had anything to do with it.

There also appears to be some dissent within the Cuban government itself about the crackdown on protestors. ABC International reported:

Cuban Vice Minister of the Interior Brigadier General Jesús Manuel Burón Tabit has resigned after questioning decision-making within the ministry and the Security Council, as well as the excessive use of police force to repress the demonstrations of July 11 — the day that began the wave of protests that spread throughout the island, as ABC has learned from sources close to the regime. His departure is motivated by disagreements with other commanders — differences with respect to the measures taken during the protests last weekend.

“There is trouble within the Army and differences between the military of the old guard and young generals,” say the sources consulted by this newspaper.

This is not good news for the 60-year-old revolutionary regime. Maybe the younger soldiers are looking for a new revolution. Or maybe they are just tired of killing their own people.

The Black Lives Matter organization has also shown how they are a garbage organization. They said in a statement:

Black Lives Matter condemns the U.S. federal government’s inhumane treatment of Cubans, and urges it to immediately lift the economic embargo. This cruel and inhumane policy, instituted with the explicit intention of destabilizing the country and undermining Cubans’ right to choose their own government, is at the heart of Cuba’s current crisis. Since 1962, the United States has forced pain and suffering on the people of Cuba by cutting off food, medicine and supplies, costing the tiny island nation an estimated $130 billion.

Without that money, it is harder for Cuba to acquire medical equipment needed to develop its own COVID-19 vaccines and equipment for food production. This comes in spite of the country’s strong medical care and history of lending doctors and nurses to disasters around the world. 

The people of Cuba are being punished by the U.S. government because the country has maintained its commitment to sovereignty and self-determination. United States leaders have tried to crush this Revolution for decades.

That’s right! They took the Cuban government’s side because it is the fault of the United States. This is Howard Zinn level stuff and ignores everything that the Cuban government has done in the 60 years they have been in power.

The backlash has been brutal:

  • Dan McLaughlin: “‘Cubans’ right to choose their own government’ has nothing to do with the government that is subject to the embargo. Mozambique? A Marxist government that persecuted churches, plunged the country into a civil war & made a third of the population refugees? That Mozambique?”
  • Mark Hemingway: “So how much of the American establishment last year went to bat for an organization that is quite predictably defending an oppressive communist regime? Also, contra this obscene statement, the Cuban communist regime remains actively racist.”
  • Carlos Curbelo: “Deplorable this organization has chosen to stand with the oppressive dictators who have murdered and enslaved innocent Cubans of all colors since 1959. The people responsible for ALL the death and misery in Cuba are the mostly white men who @Blklivesmatter has now embraced.”
  • Giancarlo Sopo: “Disgusting! Despite the Cuban dictatorship’s murdering and beating of protestors (many of them Black), BLM’s statement on Cuba….condemns the US, praises the Castro regime, and makes no mention of the atrocities being committed by the dictatorship.”

I love the statement and the pushback. BLM has always been a corrupt, garbage organization and now they are showing their true feathers. This just makes CRT look worse also since Conservatives have said that it is nothing more than hate for America. When BLM makes statements like these, it just proves it.

By the way, AOC and Ilhan Omar are big supporters of BLM. They have yet to weigh in on the Cuban protests.




The AP is reporting that, of the 500 people who walked stormed the Capital Building on January 6th, not one has been charged with treason or sedition charges. Most have been charged with trespassing, disorderly conduct and failure to obey.

We already know that the report provided to Congress said that the main problem on January 6th was bad security and not enough security. Remember, there is video of the Capitol Police allowing the protestors into the Capitol building and even taking pictures with them.

By the way, who’s in charge of security for the Capitol Building? Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House.

The question is none of these people has been released from jail. Why not?



Because It’s Systemically Racist

A third judge last week struck down the Biden administration’s multi-billion-dollar farm aid program that expressly excludes whites.

  • The rule is from the $1.9 trillion American Rescue bill.
  • It allows for government grants to be provided for farmer who are black, Latino, Asian, Pacific Islander and American Indian.
  • White farmers could apply for the grants but those would be converted to loans which the famers would have to pay back.
  • A farmer named Robert Holman sued that the section was unconstitutional and racist (this, by the way, is an example of systemic racism).

U.S. District Judge S. Thomas Anderson stated:

“The Court finds that Plaintiff (Holman) has shown a substantial likelihood that he will prevail on his claim that Section 1005 violates his right to equal protection under the law. Absent action by the Court, socially disadvantaged farmers will obtain debt relief, while Plaintiff will suffer the irreparable harm of being excluded from that program solely on the basis of his race.”

Thank God for the judiciary and checks and balances.




Episode 380 – Copiers? What’s That?

Voting is on the block and it’s great theater.

There are some updates on Cuba. Let’s not forget about it.

And we have some other pieces of news to talk about.


Fight for Democracy by Avoiding Democracy?

The Texas state legislature was suppose to vote on a couple of bills that were going to pass easily. In order for the vote to go through, a quorum needed to occur which requires all state legislatures to be in attendance. Some of the laws that are “controversial” are:

  • A voting rights act that requires:
    • Identification when voting.
    • No 24-hour voting.
    • No drive through voting
    • No ballot harvesting.
    • Adds identification requirements for mail-in balloting (that really set Kamala Harris off, listen to her interview).
      • Damn dumb, smelly deplorables.
      • Don’t even know how to use their phones to scan their IDs to vote.
      • Quick question: Can’t anyone figure out how to get a copy of their driver’s license over the next three years?
      • If a person can’t figure that out in three years, that person shouldn’t be voting. Just saying.
      • But how f-ing arrogant of Kamala Harris to say this. Also, how prejudicial.
  • There is also a bill the will limits sports and restroom to the biological sex of the participant.


So how did Democrats handle adversity? They all jumped on a private bus to the airport and got on a private plane and flew to Washington DC. A quorum could not meet and the bills were shelved until they get back.

These guys think themselves heroes. They act like they are charging the beaches of Normandy or something. The lined up for a press conference to bask in the warmth of the media’s glow. Then they started to sing.

Couple things:

  • Please learn to sing. That was terrible.
  • Next, learn the frigging song. It is “We shall overcome” not “We will over come.” I know I’m being petty.
  • These people are not “civil rights” leaders. I know they are lying about the election bill and all and most people don’t know what’s in the bill but this is not a civil rights issue.
    • They flew on a private plane.
    • Drank beer and went maskless on the private plane (they probably had to use ID to get the beer).
    • Got love from the media and other Democratic politicians.
  • I also want to point out they are breaking the law by preventing democracy.
  • There plans include meeting with West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin to end the filibuster.
  • This is ironic because the filibuster is to support minority rights yet what they are doing is complaining they can’t do anything because they are a minority. Mind you, the Republicans have a super majority in the Texas legislature.

Kamala Harris also praised these traitors:

She’s so terrible at this.

  • Courage? Really? They flew on a private plane to be embraced by federal politicians.
  • Nobody knew who these people were until the pulled this theatrical stunt. That’s a lie, I still don’t know who they are and I don’t care.
  • And is she really comparing them to the civil rights leaders during Jim Crow? I don’t remember Martin Luther King ever flying private from Selma. In fact, during Jim Crow, he wasn’t allowed on planes.

Joe Biden, ever the unifier, in a speech on Tuesday tore into Republicans and, I guess, the rest of the country that believes in some of these voting restrictions in a speech in Philadelphia.

This is just a blatant lie.

  • Joe Biden lived during Jim Crow. He knows what it was like.
  • Joe Biden negotiated with pro-Jim Crow politicians.
  • Joe Biden eulogized Robert Byrd, an actual Grand Cyclops for the KKK.
  • This is not a man who seems to be really against Jim Crow laws.
  • Reality: The changes to these laws are actually opening up voting, not shutting them down.

Jen Psaki kept pushing the same message:

So, to get back to the story, these fifty-some-odd Democrats from Texas are anything but heroes and victims. You know who knows that? The governor of Texas, Greg Abbott and the rest of the Texas senate. They voted 76-4 to issue arrest warrants for those congress people that have decided to abandon their post. When they get back to Texas, they will be arrested and dragged to the senate and forced, including the locking of doors, to participate in the quorum.

Guess what happens then? The bills will all be passed.

This was nothing more than political theater.


Breaking Down the Texas Election Bill: What Does It Change About Voting?



Here are some updates on what’s happening in Cuba:

  • Police in Cuba are now beating up journalists. An AP journalist was beaten with a club by police.
  • Hundreds of people have been arrested or “unpersoned”.
  • The United States is doing nothing about it.
  • Bernie Sanders made a statement and is blaming the United States.
  • The Democratic Socialists of America are standing by the Cuban government. AOC belongs to that group. She has yet to say anything. I suppose we can assume.
  • DHS Secretory, Alejandro Mayorkas, says that Cubans crossing the 90 miles to escape tyranny will not be welcomed into the United States.
  • Do I even need to state the irony of this?








Episode 379 – Libertad!

Cuba is more evidence that communism doesn’t work and the Left is either going to ignore it or spin it.

When it comes to Cuba, don’t listen to me. Listen to those who have lived it. Those like Maximo Alvarez:


The Protests

Protests have erupted in Cuba to end the communist dictatorship there.

  • The protests were planned several weeks ago and the news of them hit southern Florida couple of weeks ago.
  • Thousands went on the streets screaming “Libertad” and “We are not afraid” carrying Cuban and American flags.
  • The protests were, for the most part, were peaceful.
  • The police started shooting rubber bullets at the protestors and people were arrested, but the police were overwhelmed.
  • Since Cuba became a communist dictatorship in 1960 under Fidel Castro, Cubans have seen:
    • Mass arrests and executions following the Gulag system of the Soviet Union. Soviet advisors taught the Cubans how to control the people. By the way, the Gulag system was run by Che Guevara who personally oversaw most of the executions.
    • Religious liberty, Cuba is a very Catholic country, was taken away. Priests and other devout Catholics were arrested.
    • Gays, artists and musicians were arrested and assigned to work camps or executed (again, under Che Guevara).
    • Technology has been non-existent. Anyone who has a car has one from the 50’s.
    • The medical system is dirty and ancient (contrary to what Bernie tells you).
    • There have been food shortages that affect the citizens today. People being interviewed on the street said their children are starving.
    • The average monthly income is $25.

Cuba’s President Miguel Díaz-Canel said (according to the Miami Herald):

“The order to fight has been given – into the street, revolutionaries! We are calling on all the revolutionaries in the country, all the Communists, to hit the streets wherever there is an effort to produce these provocations.”

“We are not going to hand over the sovereignty or the independence of the people. There are many revolutionaries in this country who are willing to give our lives, we are willing to do anything, and we will be in the streets fighting.”

Notice he brings up this revolution-thing? That’s what communists do. It’s always a revolution. It never ends. That’s why Castro always wore fatigues.

Then, he went on to blame Trump for these protests. He based this on the economic sanctions Trump placed on Cuba during his tenure. He didn’t blame the 60 years of oppression his government has laid on the people, the economic incompetence by the government or the lack of any advances that would make the lives of the people better. It’s all Trump. That’s something the communists like to do also. They like to blame the demonized figure from the country that poses the biggest threat them. This is to create division. That is important because they do not want the United States to decide to play a roll in the situation.

Then he “disappeared” one of the organizers of the protest. His family reported that he was arrested Sunday night and they have no idea if he’s dead or alive or where he is.



White House Response

The White House is kind of mixed on their response to the protests. Over the weekend, Old Joe couldn’t be awoken from his nap to say anything about it but on Monday, he said this:

“The Cuban people are bravely asserting fundamental and universal rights. Those rights, including the right of peaceful protest and the right to freely determine their own future, must be respected.”

“The United States calls on the Cuban regime to hear their people and serve their needs at this vital moment rather than enriching themselves.”

This is actually a good, strong statement. Don’t forget, Democrats were always kind of hard on the Cubans in the past. It was JFK who hated Castro and wanted to overthrow the government until he got scared and screwed up the Bay of Pigs. I think Joe Biden does have a bit of dislike for the regime. This is an old school Democratic stance on the Cuban regime.

But this is not what the Biden administration thinks and wants pushed. Remember, they love socialism and want the same government control that Cuba has.

Julie Chung from the Biden administration said in a tweet:

“Peaceful protests are growing in #Cuba as the Cuban people exercise their right to peaceful assembly to express concern about rising COVID cases/deaths & medicine shortages. We commend the numerous efforts of the Cuban people mobilizing donations to help neighbors in need.”

COVID? Really? That’s why they’re screaming for freedom? And who are you going to give donations to? The government?

I also want to point out another idiotic point in this tweet. She says that the people are just exercising their right to peaceful protest. Cuba does not have the right to peaceful protest. 

Protest is illegal in Cuba. So is freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to due process and a fair trial, right to own guns or the right to own property. Does this sound familiar? Aren’t all those rights being threatened by the Left in the United States right now? Shouldn’t we, as Americans, watch and learn from these protests? See where what the Left wants to implement today will, in the end, result?

Jen Psaki made a statement about the protests in Cuba:

If you think that this answer was a little bit this, you know she was going to get pushed. And she did by, who else, Fox News’s Peter Doocy:


  • We know why there are protests. Jen just has to cruise through southern Florida and ask the Cubans who crossed the oceans in rafts to find out.
  • This protest wasn’t spontaneous. It was planned for weeks and there were leaders (who have now been arrested.
  • COVID had nothing to do with this.
  • When these people are carrying American flags and yelling “Libertad” which means “freedom”, that doesn’t mean, “I didn’t get my COVID vaccine yet!”
  • These people are tired of working for slave wages, being arrested if they say or do anything and starving.

But this garbage is being parroted by the compliant media.



The Media

The BBC tweeted:


CBS News blamed the Trump administration:

CNN barely talked about it. They continued railing against the COVID vaccine and bad Trump. I think they’ve had Tony Fauci on a few times since the outbreak of protests.



Response from the Politicians

Christian Ziegler, Vice Chairman of the Florida Republican Party, castigated the Biden administration on Sunday over its response. Responding the Julie Chung’s tweet tweeted back:

“Well… I will be adding this gem into my GOP stump speeches across Florida. May even need to print it out when I visit Southeast Florida. They were already heading this way, but Democrats just ceded Florida for the foreseeable future.”

He continued:

“Cuban-Americans across S.E. Florida are nervous for their family & friends, but also celebrating them for rising up AGAINST Communism and FOR Freedom. Hey Joe – The American flags carried in protests across Cuba represent FREEDOM, not COVID.”

“I am just amazed by this Tweet. When the Democrats’ thirst for communism meets the hunger for control in the name of COVID, they get delusional & dumb. The Biden position on display is beyond insulting to freedom loving Cubans both home & abroad. It will not be forgotten.”

“I walked door-to-door in the heart of Hialeah with Rep. @Daniel_PerezFL. Let me tell you one thing I did not hear from 1 Cuban – The need for people in Cuba to rise up in response to COVID. Instead, every conversation focused on the need to rise up against COMMUNISM.”

That’s a pretty strong statement and was never responded to. Of course it can’t be responded to, it is the truth.

Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY) — a member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and a Cuban American said in a statement:

As the daughter of a Cuban refugee and as someone who still has relatives on the Island, this ongoing situation in Cuba is incredibly personal to me. The United States must stand with the Cuban people who are displaying courage by protesting the communist regime that has destroyed their lives for the last 60 years. In the past, protests by Cubans have historically led to jailings, beatings, and murders by the regime.

There is a unique opportunity for the 10 Cuban Americans serving in Congress to work with the Biden Administration to push for democracy, human rights, freedom of speech and rid the island nation of the dual currency and economic systems that have inhumanely suppressed the Cuban people, leading to poverty, starvation, and poor living conditions. I’m encouraged that the people of Cuba are rising up against communism and I hope this is the beginning of real change toward freedom and democracy on the island. President Biden, as leader of the free world, must do all he can to influence this change.

Dan Crenshaw, the conservative rep from Texas, also responded to Julie Chung’s tweet:

Come on, Dan! You know why it’s so hard for them. They want power and don’t care about the people. They want to be in control of the government and have been using Cuba as a model for the type of government they want to implement for years. Bernie Sanders has been touting the healthcare system, their literacy program and even bread lines for decades.

Speaking of the communists Bernie Sanders and the Squad who have always supported communist Cuba and their policies, they said this:

Yep, nothing.

  • Bernie Sander is tweeting about equity.
  • AOC is tweeting about white supremacy.
  • Rashida Tlaib is tweeting about the evil Israelis.
  • Ilhan Omar is taking a break from being anti-Semitic, she’s talking about the “climate crisis” and how mud in the Ozarks is getting warmer, in summer.




What Can We Expect?


Last week, Joe Biden lifted some sanctions on Venezuela. That is the communist country that started out as socialist, became communist and now is a dictatorship started by Hugo Chavez and now run by the brutal dictator Nicolás Maduro. The country is a mess:

  • After socializing the oil industry, their output is only a fraction of what it used to be. Cause the government doesn’t know how to run oil companies.
  • Inflation is up millions of percent. A loaf of bread, when you can find it, costs $16,000.
  • People are starving. They are eating family pets such as dogs and cats.
  • The average weight loss for a Venezuelan citizen has been 14 pounds.
  • There have been no free elections.
  • Citizens who protest were and are arrested.
  • He has been working with Russia, North Korea, Iran and some Mexican drug cartels to finance his country and remail in control.

And what was the model that Hugo Chavez used to mold Venezuela the disaster it is now? Cuba.

Last week, Maduro arrested Freddy Guevara, Venezuelan opposition chief for Juan Guaidó. Juan Guaidó is the favorite leader of Venezuela and has been recognized as the leader by the United States and 36 other countries. Guaidó is now in hiding.

The problem with the Biden administration is it is following the Obama administration. Let these terrible rejoin the world family and they will prosper. When they proper, they will become peaceful. Obama did it with Iran and Cuba. Biden is trying to do it with Venezuela and Iran.

Watch, he’s going to do the same thing with Cuba. I think it’s because I believe Barrack Obama is running the country by proxy right now.



Episode 378 – Can’t Hunter Just Wait a Bit?

Joe Biden pumps up his 76th Executive Order. It’s a doozy.

And Hunter adds another splinter to daddy’s butt.


That Makes 76

Joe Biden decided to sign a very expansive executive order on Friday. It hits everything from your iPhone all the way to tractor repair. It also is going going to really mess with the smart phone apps all of us love so much.

A lot of people say that this is the executive order for big business. All I know is that it is an executive order that is going to cost consumers money because of the regulations it puts on business. Here’s what Old Joe says:

Yeah, Joe giving a speech on economics and capitalism is like me giving a speech on brain surgery. He’s been a politician for 50 years. He’s never created or run a business. He’s never hired a single employee. He’s qualified to tell me about the economy? I have run a business and worked in the business world?

Let’s take a look at it.

Here’s what it’s going to do:

  • For healthcare:
  • The prescription drug thing trips me out. Donald Trump already did what Biden wanted and Biden reversed his order.
  • I think the government, for the most part, stay out of how hospitals do business.
  • The transparency in hospital billing has always been a thing. Blame the government for that, not the doctor. They put so many restriction on doctors that the doctors do the cheapest thing and then get into trouble when they need to charge more.


  • Concerning Internet Services:
    • Encourages the Federal Communications Commission to prevent internet service providers from making deals with landlords that limit tenants’ choices for broadband services.
    • Calls on the communications regulator to require service providers to report prices and rates and limit early termination fees.
    • Encourages the FCC to restore “net neutrality” rules undone by the Trump administration.
  • This tries to bring back Net Neutrality where everyone gets the same bandwidth no matter their usage. Here’s a secret, bandwidth is finite. If person A doesn’t use the Internet much and person B uses it all day, The company will limit person’s A bandwidth to meet person B’s needs. This is conversation.
  • It bans pre-installed Internet so that building can’t be wired.
  • The best way to limit pricing is not restrictions but more competition. That is happening now.


  • Big Tech:
    • Pledges greater scrutiny of mergers by dominant internet platforms and the acquisition of smaller competitors.
    • Urges the FTC to establish rules on large platforms’ use of surveillance and gathering of user data.
    • Urges the FTC to create rules “barring unfair methods of competition” that could harm smaller businesses.
    • Encourages the FTC to curb cellphone manufacturers’ restrictions against repairs by independent shops or consumers.
  • Just asking for more regulations on Big Tech without actually doing anything.
  • Limits Big Tech from acquiring smaller companies. This will make it that apps created will need to charge for their product instead of selling them to the Big Tech companies. By the way, that’s what app makers actually want.
  • This also eliminates proprietary hardware and software that will allow users to fix their own equipment. I don’t agree with this because it is a business strategy of a lot of companies.


  • Labor:
    • Encourages the FTC to ban or limit the use of noncompete clauses and occupational licensing restrictions to limit workers’ mobility.
    • Encourages the FTC and the Justice Department to limit employers’ ability to share, with other businesses, wage and benefits data to suppress outlays to employees.
  • Essentially, this law wants to restrict states and federalize occupational licensing. If one has a contractor’s license from California, one will have to get another license if he moves to the state of Texas. I’m not sure if this is Constitutional.
  • I have always said that the market should determine minimum wage. This takes this option away from the market.


  • Transportation and Shipping:
    • Urges the Transportation Department to issue rules requiring refunds of fees when airline baggage is delayed or when services like in-flight Wi-Fi or entertainment systems don’t work or aren’t provided.
    • Urges the Surface Transportation Board to require freight railroad track owners to provide rights of way to passenger rail.
    • Urges the Federal Maritime Commission to help rein in “detention and demurrage” fees that foreign shipping companies use against American exporters for time their freight waits to be loaded or unloaded.
  • Though I hardly feel bad for any airlines, they are terrible and horribly overpriced, I hardly a government entity can run them any better.
  • Let the experts in the travel industry deal with all the pitfalls that occur in the travel agency.


  • Agriculture:
  • The first could actually help farmers, making sure that food stuffs actually have what they say they have. But I see a couple of problems with this:
    • When has a rule of regulation ever lowered prices on products?
    • If prices go up, won’t people stop buying as much meat and farmers could lose money and income?
  • Again, I like the idea that farmers can fix their own equipment but isn’t that something the producer of the tractor should determine? And can’t the farmer buy another tractor if they want to fix their own tractor?


  • Banking and Finance:
    • Urges the Justice Department and other agencies to update guidelines on banking mergers and bolster scrutiny of those mergers.
    • Encourages the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to implement rules to allow banking customers to transfer their financial data from one bank to another.
  • I understand why mergers of financial institutions are analyzed, but those mergers are already analyzed by the government by law. There are a lot of mergers that end because the government says, “no.” What exactly is the government going to add to their existing analysis?
  • And, as far as the transfer of banking data between banks, be prepared for more fees on your account. This is all rules like this create.

What is the most disturbing about this executive order is the expansion of bureaucracies. I hate bureaucracies. They are allowed to make rules and laws without any oversite by the people we actually vote for. Also, most of these bureaucracies are made up by people who know nothing about business, capitalism or even the function they are in charge of overseeing.

Where Did This Come From?

Where do these crazy ideas come from. Here’s going to be a shocker: They come from elites with no experience and an understanding of a lot of theories who will no be affected in the least by the policies that they put in place.

Let’s look at the architect of this executive order:

  • The guy who came up with this mess is named Tim Wu.
  • He is a law professor and a progressive antitrust advocate.
  • He wrote several regulations under the Obama administration. All those were overturned by the Trump administration.
  • He is a professor at Columbia Law School.
  • He is a contributor for the New York Times.
  • He is the founder of “net neutrality”.

Folks, he’s not even a lawyer. He’s a frigging teacher at an Ivy League school who reads a lot and understands legal philosophy. He has no practical experience in any of the fields that he is making policy for.

He’s not the first one. Jonathan Gruber wrote the Affordable Care Act. He had no experience in healthcare.

Do you know who would have been a great advisor for any business policy? Donald Trump. Maybe that’s why his crap worked.



We Really Can Trust This Guy?

Hunter Biden has got to be the biggest pain in the ass for the Biden administration.

  • He almost derailed Joe’s candidacy by taking in millions of dollars from China and the Ukraine (Burisma anyone).
  • He almost derailed Joe’s candidacy  with his crack smoking and hooker-loving (possibly with underage kids) found on his laptop. Thanks to the media, that disappeared.
  • His E-mails and text messages showed that Joe was probably involved in money gathering from Ukraine. The media ignored that.
  • Hunter illegally purchased and disposed of a handgun. Tough for a pro-gun control Joe.
  • Forget the fact that Hunter boned his dead brother’s wife and got a stripper pregnant.

Now, Hunter is doing something else that is leaving a bunch of questions.

  • Hunter started doing “art” about three months ago. Surprisingly, by blowing paint through a straw.
  • To say his “art” is “art” is a stretch. Most critics say it is garbage.
  • He is now having an auction in September. His art could sell for as much as $500K.
  • The art community is known for criminals laundering money. That is not out of the question here and this is becoming a headache for Old Joe.
  • Joe Biden’s ethics chief has already said this is a bad idea.
  • The White House made a deal with the brokerage house:
    • Any suspicious bids will be rejected. I would think any of them would be suspicious.
    • The bidders will be kept anonymous. They will not be known by anyone.

Yeah, no.

Jen Psaki thinks that this is not only a great plan, but it is transparent:

Yeah, no. This is the double-speak of the Democratic party.

Heck, even CNN is not buying this BS:

I have no doubt this is a money making scheme that can be done because Hunter’s last name is Biden. I also thinking this is probably money laundering scheme.

  • Hunter has been doing art for three months. His art is crap. Why would anyone want it?
  • The brokerage house gets 50% of the sales. You think a customer who wants to meet Hunter won’t be allowed to because it’s against the rules?
  • Why can’t Hunter wait for three and a half years, when Joe is out of office?

You know why and so do I. If Old Joe was really worried, he would bend Hunter over his knee and give him a spanking. Though I’m not sure that would deter Hunter.



Why Is No One Reporting This?



Episode 377 – Sic Them, Sir!

Trump pulls the trigger against social media. Would have been better if he did it while he was President.

An endless war is finally over…for now.

And Joe Biden doesn’t know where he is but he likes pie.



The Trigger Has Been Pulled

Former President Donald Trump announced on Wednesday that he is filing a lawsuit that seeks unspecified punitive damages against three tech companies over a variety of issues related to censorship.

  • The lawsuit is a class action lawsuit. Expect many other litigants to join.
  • Folks like Steven Crowder (who already has a lawsuit against Facebook pending), Dinesh Dizouza and other Conservative YouTube and social media celebrities.
  • I would also expect the executives of Parler to join the lawsuit since their platform was attacked specifically by Google.

Of course the media is calling this idiotic. They continue to justify the bans because of January 6th. They are also bringing up the fact that all these companies are private companies and can do whatever they want. Companies like these are protected by Section 230 and can’t be sued. It’s funny that the Leftist media never seemed to care too much for private companies…like…ever.

They have a point here. Private companies do have freedoms that the government does have. Section 230 is a law that was passed through Congress. This is one of the areas that I blame Trump for. This was nothing new with the social media companies. They were always biased but the President, who had both Houses of Congress at one point, did nothing to change the law. The Republicans just bitched about it.

The thing is, and this should easily be proven, that social media is far too powerful. Most of the news people get from is from social media.

This will be a win some/ lose some case, depending who the judge is. But I see no way this is not going all the way to the Supreme Court.





Out of Afghanistan

The United States has completely pulled out of Afghanistan. According to Biden, our mission was not accomplished and it also ends a 20 year war. I’m really kind of mixed about this.

  • Our military mission was accomplished. Biden’s wrong here:
    • Bin Laden is dead.
    • The Taliban was crushed.
    • We established bases that could be (especially air bases) that could influence the Middle East.
  • Our politicians were the ones who failed.
    • We never established a democracy in Afghanistan.
    • This should not be a shock because that country has been a mess for a thousand years. It was never going to be a democracy there.
  • Military experts say:
    • If we were going to pull out, we should have done it a long time ago, after the military operations were successful.
    • Some are saying that we should have stayed because we established important bases there and that the troop fights were not the actual goal of the military. Fighting has been kept to a minimum.
  • Some say that the Taliban will be emboldened at the thought that they won the war after 20 years.
    • Many see that the country will be plunged into a civil war.
    • The country would not have a central government. It would be made up of feudal states led by warlords.
  • By the way, Joe Biden pitched a fit because someone asked him if he trusted the Taliban. If Trump did this, he would have been crucified.

You know what? Who cares. Afghanistan holds no benefit for the United States except that it controlled bases there. We do need to monitor terrorist encampments there but we have the technology for that. Any military operation can be done by missile and drone.

We will have to see how it turns out. The Taliban is already taking over cities. We’ll know pretty soon.

That’s a Good Idea

President Joe Biden pushed for eliminating tax breaks for fossil fuel companies during a speech on Wednesday in Crystal Lake, Illinois, saying that extra tax revenue from those companies would help pay for his agenda.

Biden said:

“I want to provide tax cuts for businesses and consumers who invest in clean energy technologies like renewables, battery storage, next generation aviation fuels, electric vehicles. I want to set the clean electric standard that moves us to a fully clean and reliable grid.”

“If we end tax breaks for fossil fuels and make polluters pay to clean up the messes they’ve made, that would raise $90 billion. I’m not asking them to do anything that is unfair, just not going to subsidize them anymore. They’re doing well, thank you. And the messes they made, they should clean up.”

Experts say that, across the country, gas is up 40%. They said that it is probable that gas will go up another $.20, at least, by the end of August.

Well, it’s going to go up more than that if gas companies have to spend more taxes.

This guy is an f-ing disaster.

Senior Moment

Joe Biden went out to buy pie. He was asked about the recent cyber attacks. He became confused. Had trouble answering the question about whether Russia was responsible or not. Then, he took out a note card with the answer.

His answer makes this whole thing look as bad as it is. Listen:

  • He needs to pull out a note card to say, “we don’t know”?
  • What “they” sent me? Who’s they?
  • He seriously can’t get through a sentence.

How long do the Democrats think Biden is going to be able to go on? He’s getting worse. He looks weaker. I almost feel sorry for the guy.

The answer is as long as they can. If you think Biden is bad, Kamala Harris is worse.


The Media is in Love

Why is Biden able to just stumble around with no media criticism. Well, here’s a Jen Psaki press conference a couple of days ago:

Do I even need to say anything about the lovefest the media has with the Biden administration? This broad has given the media cookies, cake and, now, happy birthday?

Wow, nothing like an unbiased media.


Here We Go Again

She discussed the northern border of the United States, using anecdotal evidence to say that there has been racial profiling near the border between the U.S. and Canada. She said that there has been a militarization of areas near the border as well.

According to Fox News:

“Tlaib was asked about the push by the Biden administration to increase money spent on border technology for Customs and Border Protection (CBP). The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) border request includes $665 million in investments toward modernizing land ports of entry and $47 million to invest in detection capabilities in addition to investments in border surveillance technology.”

When asked about it Tlaib said:

“Look, the simple answer to that question is we must eliminate funding for [Customs and Border Protection], [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] and their parent organization, [Department of Homeland Security],”

“Time after time we have seen it as advocates on the ground, as human services agencies on the ground to continue to see over and over “This approach is something that many of, especially the new members of Congress, are coming with full force and pushing back against this idea,” Tlaib said. “They rename this kind of militarization or targeting in a very inhumane way of our immigrant neighbors, but when it comes down to it it is the same thing – which is targeting communities of color in a way that is, to me, very much violates human rights and dignity for so many of our communities.”again, that these agencies are inept to humanely guiding migrants through our immigration system and… instead they further continue to terrorize migrant communities located within our communities,”

They should be “terrorized” or, as I call it, afraid. They are in this country illegally.

She said that it is a “myth” that “more advanced technology will inherently make our border more safe and secure.” She added that instead, the new technology has “turned and terrorized” some communities and made them less safe and “fearful of our own government.”

Funny. She said we didn’t need a wall during the Trump administration because technology could alone secure the border.

“This is a distraction to what is really needed, which is full comprehensive immigration reform policies in our country. We are far from even getting to that conversation because people are distracted with these for-profit, corporate greed approaches that are coming to experiment on our immigrants and at our border,” she added. “And I say ‘enough.’ Enough in trying to collect DNA or put facial recognition technology that doesn’t recognize brown and black faces, it’s racism itself.”

“Stop telling the communities that you’re supposed to keep safe that this is the way to be safe in our communities,” she added. “…If anything, they’re turning around and using the same criminalization and militarization on our own neighbors. And I tell this to my residents who say, ‘I’m a U.S. citizen, I was born here.’ I say, ‘Just wait. Wait, sis, because they will turn and ask you for your documentation…’”

“Whatever they call it, all I know is it is a money-making scheme and they’re using our immigrant neighbors and our border as an experiment project,” she said.

I say to the Leftists: Keep doing this. Keep screaming about injustice and race and eliminating law enforcement. Go on every show and scream about it. This will really help them in 2022.












Episode 376 – Hide Your Kids!

Hide your kids! The Left is coming for them!

Let’s talk about it.

Yeah, Listen to this Broad

I’ve said this a thousand times before and I’m going to say it again. When I was younger, I was against the LGBT community and gay marriage. Now, I wasn’t really against gay marriage. Truth is I didn’t really care. What I did care about fell under the “give a mouse a cookie” syndrome that a lot of activist groups get when they get what they want. First, it’s gay marriage. Then it opened up into trans acceptance which led to trans people being considered the sex they choose and now men can go into the restrooms of women and compete against women in sports.

We should have seen that this would affect our children. Unfortunately, it is becoming mainstream to indoctrinate our children into the sexual perversion and our parents, who, because of wokeness, are good with it.

There is an article in the Washington Post by a woman named Lauren Rowella. Just to give you an idea how f-ed up this gal is, she is a former prostitute that identifies a gendervague, whatever that means. She is also married to a man who identifies as a woman and is a lesbian.

Got that? Need a program to figure out how f-ed up these people are? The real question should be is why she is writing an article for the Washington Post?

Anyway, she wrote an article called Yes, Kink Belongs at Pride. And I Want My Kids to See It. This article is about how all the perversion found in Pride Parades is not only acceptable but out kids should see it.

Let’s go through a couple of paragraphs:

“Just as we got settled, our elementary-schooler pointed in the direction of oncoming floats, raising an eyebrow at a bare-chested man in dark sunglasses whose black suspenders clipped into a leather thong. …[P]olicing how others show up doesn’t protect or uplift young people. Instead, homogenizing self-expression at Pride will do more harm to our children than good. When my own children caught glimpses of kink culture, they got to see that the queer community encompasses so many more nontraditional ways of being, living, and loving.”

Couple of things:

  • Why does an elementary schooler need to see this?
  • Why is this no illegal? If I walked around with a thong on, I’d think I’d be arrested and put on some sort of sex offender list.
  • How is this not child abuse?

Anti-kink advocates tend to manipulate language about safety and privacy by asserting that attendees are nonconsensually exposed to overt displays of sexuality. The most outrageous claim is that innocent bystanders are forced to participate in kink simply by sharing space with the kink community, as if the presence of kink at Pride is a perverse exhibition that kinksters pursue for their own gratification. But kinksters at Pride are not engaged in sex acts — and we cannot confuse their self-expression with obscenity. Co-opting the language of sexual autonomy only serves to bury that truth and muddies the seriousness of other conversations about consent.

Couple of things:

  • Anti-kink (Conservatives) tend to manipulate language? Is she kidding?
  • If naked guys are walking on the public streets, they are forcing themselves on people non-consensually.
  • Kink is a perverse form of exhibition for self gratification. Exhibition is illegal.
  • Now she does what she accused Conservatives are doing: manipulating language. She’s calling obscenity, self expression. Self expression can also be obscenity.
  • If I expose my penis to a 10-year-old girl, according to Rowella, this is just self expression.

Rowella continues:

“Kink embodies the freedom that Pride stands for, reminding attendees to unapologetically take up space as an act of resistance and celebration — refusing to bend to social pressure that asks us to be presentable. That’s a value I want my children to learn.”

In the movie The Devil’s Advocate, Al Pacino plays Satan and tries to manipulate Keanu Reeves who is his son. He does this by using Reeves own Pride against him because Satan cannot get passed free will. After Reeves life is ruined and reeves is about to do what the devil wants, the devil says, “Vanity is my favorite sin.” He said that because the behavior of the overly proud is so easy because they are always doing things for themselves.

This woman, and all those that push perversion as “normal” are evil. They embrace sins such as pride and lust because they like it. Heck, they even call it the “Pride Parade.” We see that throughout the Left’s world. The seven deadly sins preached by the Bible are now virtues for the Left.

  • Fat shaming encourages gluttony.
  • Equity masks greed and envy.
  • Dependence on government handouts masks sloth.
  • Cancel culture masks wrath.

The result of all this is a loss of freedom and totalitarianism. This is what happens when God and morals are taken out of the culture. It’s been happening for years and we’ve ignored it. The Left has been chipping away at religion since the 60’s. They can’t have religion because a higher power means that government cannot truly rule. The government has to be the higher power.

In short, this woman’s ideas have become mainstream and are dangerous for our way of life.



What Is The End Goal?

Entertainment has had Leftist leanings since the 1940’s but now they’ve become indoctrination machines. Nothing shows this more than televisions shows and cartoon meant for kids pushing the LGBTQ agenda.

In an article from insider.com, entertainment companies such as Disney+, Nicolodian and Public Television are hiring writers based on their LGBTQ advocacy, not their writing styles. Companies are also hiring people by non-traditional means such as through Twitter and Facebook. The reason is these guys are not to be creating stories but expressing their stories about their lives as a non-cis person.

The result of this is that are a lot more gay, lesbian and trans characters than ever before. Right now, non-cis characters make up 23% of the characters on children’s programming but it could be as high as 30% because there are some characters whose gender can’t be determined. I’m not kidding, people are actually analyzing this crap.

The Insider said that not only is the trend going up but their goal is to get 50% of the children shows (for ages 3-12) to have some sort of non-cis education to them.

What’s the moral of this story? Don’t just plop your kid in front of the television and go off with your day. Those shows, no matter how seemingly innocent, are trying to teach our kids something we may not want them to know yet.



Isn’t This an Opinion

The largest teacher union in the country wants to change the history and geography of the Middle East. Their hate for Israel they have they now want to teach your kids.

National Education Association’s (NEA) annual representative meeting was “referred to the appropriate committee” and was crafted by NEA leadership that insists the union “must recognize the existence and sovereignty of Palestine and Palestinian children and families and their human right to access a quality education and live freely.”

They didn’t go all the way to boycott Israel but this is quite a bit.

The goal is to: “educate members and the general public about the history, culture, and struggles of Palestinians, including the detention and abuse of children in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.” 

Needless to say, not everyone agrees with this. Uri Pilocowski, a writer at The Times of Israel, opined that a Palestinian Authority administered state “would pose a danger to Israel’s security.”  She said:

“A government that promotes and turns a blind eye to terror can not be entrusted to run a state. A Palestinian government would have to include Hamas, a terrorist entity that vows to destroy Israel. This would make a Palestinian state a terror organization.” 

He’s right.

Israel isn’t “occupying” anything. They were on that land thousands of years before the Palestinians ever existed. In fact, there has never been a Palestinian country. Ever.

Also, the Palestinian government is made up of Hama, the Islamic Jihad and the Palestinian Authority. All three are terrorist organizations. They don’t want a territory and they have had several chances to get it. They want the elimination of Israel all together. Basically, they want to commit genocide. But our teachers don’t want to point any of this out.

So why? Because Israel, like the United States, runs their government based on the Judeo/Christian philosophy of morality. The Left can’t have that. And they will ignore all history and philosophy to be rid of something as “terrible” as religious morality and the establishment of a higher power. The teacher’s unions will lose their power and money and that’s what it’s all about.



More Changing of History

Speaking of destroying American history.

NEA Will Teach CRT in All 50 States

The NEA has committed to teach Critical Race Theory in over 14,000 districts in all 50 states in the United States, no matter what laws the states pass.

  • The union passed two items that will implement critical race theory into the classroom with the assistance of the union’s Ethnic Minority Affairs Caucuses.
  • They will “share and publicize” “information already available on critical race theory (CRT) — what it is and what it is not.” There will also be a team of staffers dedicated to providing members with information about how to “fight back against anti-CRT rhetoric; and share information with other NEA members as well as their community members.”
  • In what the NEA claims to be the inclusion of “accurate and honest teaching,” it vowed to “oppose attempts to ban critical race theory” and the New York Times’ “1619 Project,” which has been scrutinized by historians as ahistorical.
  • The NEA also vowed to team up with organizations such as Black Lives Matter at School and the Zinn Education Project — named after the anti-American and factually challenged historian Howard Zinn — to call for an October 14 rally in honor of George Floyd’s birthday “as a national day of action to teach lessons about structural racism and oppression.”
  • According to the business items, implementing the newfound critical race theory strategy will cost the union an additional $127,600.

Banning History? Really?

Randi Weingarten (a truly terrible person who hates your kids), president of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), on Sunday shared an article from The Washington Post that also falsely stated what opponents of CRT want.

She wrote:

“Incredibly important piece from [Kimberlé Crenshaw] about why these bans on teaching history and discussing racism in the classroom are so dangerous. Our students deserve to have the freedom to learn and discuss this in school.”

This is the biggest load of horseshit ever written. Anyone who knows anything of American history and the founding documents knows that Critical Race Theory and the 1619 project is crap. None of these promote history, they change it. This “theory” has the goal of implementing Marxism and tearing down the United States system. What’s worse, it doesn’t manipulate history, it changes history.

Here We Go

National Education Association (NEA) adopted a measure last week that attempts to stop the campaign against CRT spreading across the country, as parents learn what is actually being taught to their children is a new form of racism.

They said in a statement:

“NEA will research the organizations attacking educators doing anti-racist work and/or use the research already done and put together a list of resources and recommendations for state affiliates, locals, and individual educators to utilize when they are attacked. The research, resources, and recommendations will be shared with members through NEA’s social media, an article in NEA Today, and a recorded virtual presentation/webinar.”

This is what the Left does and why they are so heavy into Cancel Culture. Here’s the big problem: The Left can’t defend Critical Race Theory. It is based on lies. Lies about history, lies about individuals and lies about our philosophy.

The 1619 Project was based on changing history so that the theory works. Even the New York Times, 7 months after it was released, had to admit the history was wrong. The creator of the project, Nikole Hannah Jones, said that facts were not as important as the message. It’s a lie.

I read you the introduction from How to be an Anti-Racist by Ibram X. Kendi and I showed the whole premise of Critical Race Theory was based on a lie.



The Skinny

It’s impossible to hide your children from the world. I would suggest it as a bad idea because they are going to have to face the real world eventually. But one should monitor what they watch, monitor what the see and monitor what they are taught. One should then teach them the values that have made this country the most successful country in human history.

When they grow up, they’ll get it.











Episode 375 – Happy Independence Day!

Independence Day brings out the best in us. It is showing that it also bring out the worst in us.

Let’s talk about it.


A Whole $.16 Cents?

The Biden administration made probably the dumbest statement that has been uttered by this administration so far. They claimed in a tweet that this years prices for BBQs would be substantially lower than it was last year. In the tweet they said:

OK. That sounds…good. I guess. But I don’t believe it.

Turns out the Biden administration calculated that $.16 cents could be saved in the average BBQ. But there has been some deep dives by the media when the White House released that crazy-ass statement. The statement was based on things like baked beans, ketchup and hot dogs. Here’s theproblem that the Biden administration is ignoring:

  • Fresh fruit is substantially increased.
  • Hamburger and hot dog buns have gone up substantially.
  • Fresh vegetables have gone up moderately but they have gone up.
  • Hamburger, steak and chicken have gone up substancially. Steak at Costco is up 66%.
  • Cole slaw and potato salad have gone up.
  • Hot dogs were the only thing that went down and that’s because there was a shrtage of them last years due to the China virus.

We also can’t forget that:

  • Gas has gone up a dollar a gallon across the country.
  • Lumber is up 300%
  • Cars have increased due to the prices of steel.
  • Houses have gone up causing a shortage of available housing.
  • All meat has gone up due to the ransomware attack earlier this year.
  • Charcoal has gone up.
  • The Fed is projecting inflation through 2024 and is planning to raise interest rates.

Yeah…no. Your July 4th celebration has not gone down in price. Well, it will if you don’t drive anywhere and have hot dogs with no buns or onions, no sides, no sodas, no beer and cook them in a microwave.

As you might imagine, Twitter exploded at the stupid claim:

This crazy claim was brought up to Jen Psaki by, you guessed it, Steve Duecy of Fox News. Her weak-ass answer was also mocked by the Twitter-verse as it deserved.

That is a week frigging answer. How about this: I like hot dogs and I’m concerned about $5 a gallon. I also don’t eat hot dogs every day. But I do drive every day. Saving $.16 on hot dogs ain’t going to change my life much.

The Skinny

This is a propaganda mission. Saving a couple of cents on one commodity (for now) and spending 66% more on everything else is not much of a propaganda attempt. Eventually, the Biden administration is going to have to address the inflation, dare I say it, crisis. This is going to be the real crisis. It’ll cost the Democrats 2022 and 2024.



The New York Times Hating on the Flag

The New York Times decided to show their love for the United States on Independence Day by pissing on the American flag.

An article titled The Fourth of July Symbol of Unity that May No Longer Unite by Sarah Maslin Nir basically said the United States flag is…wait for it…racist.

“Today, flying the flag from the back of a pickup truck or over a lawn is increasingly seen as a clue, albeit an imperfect one, to a person’s political affiliation in a deeply divided nation. What was once a unifying symbol — there is a star on it for each state, after all — is now alienating to some, its stripes now fault lines between people who kneel while ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ plays and those for whom not pledging allegiance is an affront.

“Politicians of both parties have long sought to wrap themselves in the flag. But something may be changing: Today, flying the flag from the back of a pickup truck or over a lawn is increasingly seen as a clue, albeit an imperfect one, to a person’s political affiliation in a deeply divided nation.

“Supporters of former President Donald J. Trump have embraced the flag so fervently — at his rallies, across conservative media and even during the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol — that many liberals like Mr. Treiber worry that the left has all but ceded the national emblem to the right.”

.She points out that 66% of Republicans support the flag while only 34% of Democrats do.

We talked about this before. The flag is a symbol of unity. If one doesn’t see it as that, they choose not to see it as that. They probably see the Antifa flag, the BLM flag and the Diversity flag (the LGBTQ flag) as unifying when their development was actually to divide. So it’s kind of hard to by the New York Times serious because they support those flags.



NPR Hates America

National Public Radio (NPR) denounced the Declaration of Independence on the Fourth of July because of terms it deemed offensive.

They tweeted:

“245 years ago today, leaders representing 13 British colonies signed a document to declare independence. It says ‘that all men are created equal’ — but women, enslaved people, Indigenous people and many others were not held as equal at the time.”

“The document also includes a racist slur against Indigenous Americans. Author David Treuer, who is Ojibwe, says there is a lot of diversity of opinion and thought among Native Americans — a community of more than 5 million people — about the document’s words.”

NPR continued, adding a quote from Treuer: “We remain committed to forcing this country to live up to its own stated ideals.”

Couple of things here:

  • National Public Radio is a public company. They get tax payer money. If they hate the country so much, why don’t they stop taking money from the government.
  • The slur they are talking about is the term “savages” that is in the Declaration. There are a couple of things that needs to be pointed out:
    • The Indians were at war with each other and the Americans in 1776.
    • The Indians were known to scalp and skin those who were defeated.
    • The Indians were cannibals back then.
    • The Iroquois were known to do this stuff.
    • The term “cannibal” comes from the Spanish term “Caribs” which is the term the Spanish used for the Indians in the Caribbean because they were eating each other!
  • The final line of the tweet probably should have been put in as the first line of the tweet. The Founding Fathers knew we were not living the values of the Declaration.
    • It’s in the Federalist Papers.
    • The abolitionist movement blossomed less than ten years after the Declaration was signed.
    • Former slave Fredrick Douglas thought the Declaration and Constitution were great but we needed to live our values.
    •  Martin Luther King thought the same thing when he tried to end Jim Crow Laws.
    • And we’ve also done a couple of things since the Declaration was signed to bring us closer to those values:
      • The North outlawed slavery in the northern states and new states
      • We had the Civil War that killed 700,000 people, mostly white.

This is why history has to be destroyed by the Left. Because our history has shown the attempt by this country to do the right thing and live by our values.



These People Shouldn’t Be In Congress

I can’t even believe these people.

Cori Bush, a Congressional Representative and a BLM supporter, tweeted this:

This is so dumb:

  • She is a Congressman. Not only is the system free, she is running the system.
  • This land wasn’t stolen. It was conquered, yes but most of it was gained through negotiation:
    • New York.
    • The Louisiana Purchase.
    • Texas, we won from Mexico but we ended up paying for.
    • Alaska.

So this is just a dumb statement. I also want to point out that she thinks the system is racist. Cori Bush is part of the system so I guess she’s racist.

Maxine Waters also added some more idiocy to Twitter. She tweeted:


  • She’s a Congressman and black. 
  • We’ve had a black President for eight years.
  • We have a black woman as Vice President.
  • Lumping all those dead black people together is just stupid. All those cases were very different. Some were innocent, some weren’t.
  • Look at everything I wrote about before about American history.



It Ain’t All Bad

Need to Buy a New Forman Grill

George Forman has always been kind of special. He’s happy and appreciative of everything that he has. He is also an example of the American Dream. He took advantage of every opportunity given to him to create an empire outside of boxing.

He has also taken criticism because he loves this country and makes no bones about it. He tweeted on the Fourth of July:

He’s an American hero.


Figures That It Is Texas

In a Walmart in Texas, someone started singing the National Anthem right out of the blue. Well, this happened:

These are the real Americans. These are the majority of this country. Remember, it’s people like these that are going to give Leftist ideology a run for its money.



Just Beautiful

A seven year old by the name of Malea Emma sang the National Anthem at the Los Angeles Galaxy soccer game this weekend. Let’s just close out with that.
