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Episode 362 – That’s Racist? Really?

Joe Biden overturns an Executive Order pertaining to Chinese apps.

Mara Gray, like AOC, is an idiot and the New York Times tries to defend her.

And Dr. Seuss is racist. Sidewalks are racist. Air is racist. Water is racist. So, why not?


Could Be a Good Idea

Donald Trump was never a fan of China. He saw the growth of their military, the stealing of our intellectual property, the tyranny with Hong Kong, the unfair trade practices, their influence on big tech and their undercutting the United States when it came to manufacturing. Trump was tough on China by implementing tariffs and putting sanctions on China. This was working. One of the thing Trump wanted to secure from China is the American citizen.

One of the things China was doing was getting personal information of American citizens through apps like Tik Tok. Trump implemented a policy to ban Chinese apps like Tik Tok and We Chat, which have been collecting data on its users. Joc Biden has revoked this policy.

What Biden wants to do is remove the ban on the two apps and do a review on all foreign apps. This actually might be a good thing. If his review works the way he says it’s going to work, it could be good because it will analyze all foreign apps. Here’s the problem I have: we already know TiKToK and Wechat are collecting information on its users. Why get rid of the ban?

Trump’s executive order did have issues. It was essentially unenforceable. A judge had blocked the executive order which is why our kids are still doing stupid videos on TiKTok.

Sen. Josh Hawley (R., Mo.) framed Mr. Biden’s action as a retreat, however, tweeting on Wednesday:

“This is a major mistake—shows alarming complacency regarding #China’s access to Americans’ personal information, as well as #China’s growing corporate influence.”

I agree with this. Here’s what happens with Democrats. When they don’t like something but know it has to be addressed to appease the public (the border crisis is an example), they order the establishment of a committee or a bureaucratic review.  These take a really long time, don’t result in anything and usually are forgotten by the public.

I also do not Trust the intentions of the Leftist Biden administration. Biden has always been sympathetic to China and he is not looking like he is going to be flexing his muscles with them now. Again, we already know what China is doing with the two apps Trump banned. Why unban them?

China opposes the action. That’s kind of a good thing. China’s U.S. embassy spokesman, Liu Pengyu, said in a statement:

China “opposes the U.S. abusing its national power under the pretext of national security to suppress and coerce non-American companies.

“We urge the U.S. government to provide an open, fair, just and nondiscriminatory business environment for foreign companies.”

If this does what Biden says its going to do, this is going to be a good move. But do you really trust Joe Biden’s judgement or intent?



She Said What Now?

Mara Gray. God, what a stupid bitch. This is the one who said this:

She’s cute, but really stupid. By the way, if Bloomberg were tp pay $1 million to every American, that would be:

1,000,000 x 350,000,000 = $350 trillion dollar.

Mike Bloomberg is rich. Not that rich. Could anyone at MSNBC actually do multiplication before they had this moron on television trying to make a point?

But she said something else that was pretty stupid. Well, it’s stupid but there is a movement happening right now that we should fight back against and she’s promoting it. But her understanding is just stupid. I will say this now: if she actually believes in this, Gray should just leave the country because she doesn’t get it.

Couple things here:

  • Americaness has never been associated with whiteness. That’s a lie and we have an entire history that proves that:
    • We fought a civil war to end slavery.
    • We paid reparations to injustice done to the Japanese because of internment during World War II.
    • We ended Jim Crow and implemented the Civil Rights Act making color irrelevant under the eyes of the law.
    • We added two amendments to the Constitution making equality law of the land that cannot be changed.
  • “Share democracy with others”? What is she talking about. I don’t know what she thinks but I think we all share the democracy together. If that wasn’t the case, we’d be having Civil wars left and right.
  • She is saying all people who fly the American flag scare her because they are racist and she feels she is in danger when around them. Being proud to be an American is the new white supremacy.
  • The only people I see destroying the society because they don’t like it is the Left. And don’t keep pointing out January 6th.
  • She doesn’t get what the American flag is all about.

I played the entire video because she got a lot of flack about those comments and she started claiming that she was taken out of context. That she didn’t say what she said. Don’t believe your own lying ears.

The New York Times Communications tweeted:

“New York Times editorial board member Mara Gay’s comments on MSNBC have been irresponsibly taken out of context. Her argument was that Trump and many of his supporters have politicized the American flag. The attacks on her today are ill-informed and grounded in bad-faith.”

No New York Times and Mara Gray, Gray said what we thought she said and it will be digitally available for all times.

But here’s what bothers me: She doesn’t doesn’t understand what the flag is about. The flag is not my flag or a white flag. It is an American flag. It is about our country as a whole. It is about our history, our union and the great attributes of the people:

  • The 13 stripes represent the original 13 colonies.
  • The 50 stars represent the states in the union.
  • The color represents our hardiness and bravery.
  • The color white represents our innocence and purity.
  • The color blue represents vigilance, persistence and justice.

The flag is unifying. It represents all of us as citizens of the greatest country in human history. People have died to protect it and enforce the meaning of the flag. Blacks who were slaves should, and did in the case of Fredrick Douglas and Martin Luther King Jr., saw the flag as their flag also and its representation is why slavery and Jim Crow needed to end because the United States wasn’t living up to the meaning of the flag. Do you know who else thought that? The Founding Fathers. They did not see that slavery could survive for long. They debated it in the Continental Congress in 1776 and the Constitutional Congress in 1789. It is discussed in the Federalist Papers. 

A flag that can be seen as divisive would be the Confederate flag. That flag represented the breaking of the country and the continuance of slavery. It represents the continuing tradition of the rich controlling the means of production. I don’t mind when people complain about taking that flag down in front of state buildings. But I also understand that the flags meaning has changed. That it doesn’t represent the Confederacy but represents to spirit and bravery of the South. That flag doesn’t actually have anything to do with slavery anymore but I understand why people don’t want it flown.


The state department gave permission to all the federal agencies to be able to fly the BLM flag because of the anniversary of George Floyd’s death and the gay pride flag because it’s gay pride month…again. Seems like it’s always gay pride month. The flags of the Left are the most divisive flags, more so than the Confederate flag.

  • The Black Lives Matter flag represents the destruction of the system and all our values so that Marxism and equity can rule.
  • The Gay Pride flag represents only the LGBTQ+ individuals. In fact, a guy in France just created a new flag to add a-sexual people. It doesn’t even represent their own group correctly. And straight people need not apply.
  • The Antifa flag, which has been around since before World War II in Nazi Germany fighting against Hitler’s regime, represents a militancy that fights against what they see as fascist systems. Ironically, they use fascism to push this. It is a communist organization.

These flags represent divisiveness. These philosophies represent divisiveness. But the Left wants to replace our unifying flag with one of these flags all the time.

I have an American flag hanging in my place. It’s been there for a few years. It’s special because it was flown over the Capitol Building. I am proud of it. I am proud of this flag. And it is your flag too. Embrace it because it is really the only unifying symbol out there and it represents all the values and the union that is the United States.

Good news: the Department of Defense said they would only fly the American flag.

My God! If the U.S. flag represents racism, how long is it going to be that apple pie represents racism?


Apple Pie is Racist

A couple of weeks ago, Raj Patel who writes for The Guardian wrote and article about how apple pie and hamburgers are racist.

Bet you didn’t see that one coming.

The article is in the Climate Change section of the website (what a shock) and is titled, Food Injustice Has Deep Roots: Let’s Start with America’s Apple Pie. Do I really even need to read the article? This is just another America-Bad thing. It’s a long article. Let me give you the jist of it.

The article starts:

Resting on gingham cloth, a sugar-crusted apple pie cools on the window sill of a midwestern farmhouse. Nothing could be more American. Officially American. The Department of Defense once featured the pie in an online collection of American symbols, alongside Uncle Sam and cowboys.

  • He wants to make absolutely sure that people realize that the evil apple pie is American. That’s why it’s evil.
  • And the evil, imperialist, genocidal military saw it as a symbol of America.

Not that apples are particularly American. Apples were first domesticated in central Asia, making the journey along the Silk Road to the Mediterranean four thousand years ago. Apples traveled to the western hemisphere with Spanish colonists in the 1500s in what used to be called the Columbian Exchange, but is now better understood as a vast and ongoing genocide of Indigenous people.

  • Here’s a remaking of history.
  • The Spanish were not allowed to enslave the Indians. In fact, they were encouraged to marry the natives to bring them into the Spanish culture.
  • Columbus was jailed for sending slaves from Haiti back to Spain.
  • The Indians were not killed through genocide. They mostly died of disease. That’s not genocide.
  • In fact, the Indians had their own diseases, such as a strain of syphallis, that killed some of the Spanish.

OK, let’s just get to how apple pie is racist. I wanted to read the first couple of paragraphs so you get where this whole thing is going. I doubt I even need to talk about it because the premise is so stupid.

  • English colonizers then used apple trees “as markers of civilization, which is to say property,” he wrote.
  • “John Chapman, better known as Johnny Appleseed, took these markers of colonized property to the frontiers of US expansion where his trees stood as symbols that Indigenous communities had been extirpated,” he wrote.
  • He linked sugar to the slave trade,
  • gingham cloth to “war capitalism” that “enslaved and committed acts of genocide against millions of Indigenous people in North America, and millions of Africans and their descendants through the transatlantic slave trade.” In the process, cotton laid the basis of finance, police and government that made the United States.
  • Guardian readers ought by now to be familiar with the exercise of undoing the commodity fetish. Scratch the surface of a bar of chocolate, a tuna sandwich, or even a chicken nugget, and you find the horrors of international trade: violence, exploitation, poverty and profit. Capitalist logic is everywhere the same, but countries are capitalist in their own ways. The apple pie is as American as stolen land, wealth and labour. We live its consequences today.

Then he just goes off into a tangent.

  • He calls chocolate, tuna fish sandwiches, the chicken nugget and hamburgers are racist and promote genocide.
  • He goes into food inequity.
  • How whites owned most of the farms.
  • How the food system is the lowest paying market. He includes flipping burgers getting only minimum wage. He doesn’t mention that restaurant ownership is also the riskiest investment endeavor.
  • He talked about how cowboys were an exploited class.
  • He talks about how the food industry is part of Jim Crow.

Basically, what this guy has done is said that America’s food is racist without actually proving it is racist and using a lot of woke terminology. This should not be surprised that the woke Left decided to attack apple pie. Dr. Seuss, sidewalks, air, water have all proven to be racist. Why not apple pie.


History of the American Flag












Episode 360 – Another Bad Week for Biden

Kamala Harris heads to Guatemala. It isn’t going well.

The Supreme Court makes a huge and surprising ruling.

The Left still doesn’t get biology.

And comedy is under attack.


It Ain’t Going Well

Vice President Kamala Harris is heading to Guatemala to try to solve the border crisis. She hasn’t been to the actual border get because she is going to go after the root cause of the problem. Problem is the root cause is Joe Biden being an idiot but there are no exotic trips associated with that. It did not go well for her. It was damned right from the beginning.

Bad Start

The trip for Kamala did not start well. Twenty- five minutes into the flight, there was a problem with the plane, Air Force 2. They had to land the plane and switch planes. Reports were that there was a minor glitch and the plane needed to be maintained. My bet is that they ran out of Orangina or something and Kamala threw a fit.

Of course, instead of just saying everything was fine and no big deal, she said the said a little prayer and the were OK. If I were Kamala, I would have prayed a little too. Air force. is Flown by the Air Force and she is not exactly Friendly to the military.

The Trip

Things didn’t go much better when she got there.

When she got off the plane, she was greeted with all the ceremony. There were a bunch of protestors on the streets telling her to mind her own business and to go home.  The meeting didn’t go so well either.

Harris said to the Guatemalan President, Alejandro Giammattei:

“And so I am in Guatemala today to discuss and advance our shared priorities,” Harris told President Alejandro Giammattei after arriving in Guatemala. “Foremost among those, as you have mentioned, is addressing migration from this region in particular.”

“We are neighbors and the position of the United States is that we then are interconnected, we share familial bonds, we share bonds that are historic, and it is important that as we embark on a new era that we recognize the significance and the importance of this relationship as neighbors,” she said on Monday.

Grammatter already knew what Kamala’s story was. Last month, she gave her opinions about the border crisis :

“I’m thinking of corruption, violence and poverty, the lack of economic opportunity, the lack of climate adaptation and climate resilience, the lack of good governance.”

So he already knows that some blane is coming his way. But Giammattei has his own opinion. He said this in an interview:

But Giammattei, in an interview aired a day earlier, had pushed back against the “root causes” explanation, and said that the two “are not on the same side of the coin” on the issue.

Instead, he blamed what he saw as a more welcoming message to migrants by the new administration for the surge.

“The message changed too: ‘We’re going to reunite families, we’re going to reunite children,'” he told CBS News. “The very next day, the coyotes were here organizing groups of children to take them to the United States.”

Something must have gotten through to her. She said this after the meeting:

There’s a real turn around in policy.

Listen, Kamala is going to get a lot of pushback, not only from Guatemala, but from EI Salvador, Honduras, and Mexico. These countries, though they love the remittances, hate the fact that the immigration crisis is causing crime issues with gangs and losing young male workers. The President of Mexico has been blaming the United States and the Biden administration for opening the borders and enriching the cartels by expanding drug and human trafficking.

Biden really screwed the pooch on this one and I think this is going to be the anchor around the Democrats neck. Last week, a normally blue, heavily Hispanic city in Texas ousted their Democratic mayor and voted in a Republican myor. And not by a little margin. Remember when the Democrats thought they could turn Texas blue? Yeah, that’s gone thanks to the open border thing. Texas has become more solidly red. Arizona, a borderline purple state, is also turning red.

I hate to capitalize on the tragedy of bad policy but I’m glad to see that Biden is showing his stripes. People are beginning to realize that he’s not a moderate and he is actually hurting the country. The election in 2022 couldn’t come fast enough.

But It Gets Worse

I guess the Constitution is the Constitution even if one is an activist Supreme Court Justice.

In a 9-0 decision issued Monday morning, the Supreme Court ruled that a law, barring illegal immigrants from seeking green cards, is constitutional and that those illegal immigrants who later earned a Temporary Protected Status (TPS) are still ineligible to apply for permanent residency.

Justice Elena Kagan, the most activist judge on the Supreme Court, upholding a rule that barred “unlawful entrants” who later received Temporary Protected Status from applying to remain in the United States. Temporary Protected Status technically “gives foreign nationals nonimmigrant status,” Kagan noted, but TPS does not rubber-stamp an “unlawful entry.”

The TPS status “applies to people who come from countries ravaged by war or disaster. It protects them from deportation and allows them to work legally. There are 400,000 people from 12 countries with TPS status.”

The Court was called upon to decide whether a “couple from El Salvador who have been in the U.S. since the early 199s” who were given protected status in 2001 but who originally “entered the country illegally” were actually “admitted” into the United States when they were given protected status, enabling them to apply for a green card.

Kagan was clear, in her opinion, that they were not. “The TPS program gives foreign nationals nonimmigrant status, but it does not admit them. So the conferral of TPS does not make an unlawful entrant…eligible,” she wrote.

“Congress, of course, could have gone further, by deeming TPS recipients to have not only nonimmigrant status but also a lawful admission,” Kagan said in her opinion, writing for the unanimous court. “Legislation pending in Congress would do just that.”

“The House of Representatives already has passed legislation that would make it possible for TPS recipients to become permanent residents,” Kagan noted, per the Star-Tribune. “The bill faces uncertain prospects in the Senate.”

This is bad news for the Democrats and the Biden administration. This means that making an illegal alien legal through amnesty is going to have to go through Congress by creating a law. That’s not going to happen over the next year and a half. They don’t have the votes and Congress hasn’t created a law in the last six years (I’m exaggerating).



Civil Rights Were Already Being Violated

There is a wave of feminism occurring throughout the United States and it is coming from an unlikely source. Well, unlikely if you are a Democrat. It is coming from Republicans. That is that boys cannot compete in girls’ sports.

Ron DeSantis signed a bill into law in Florida that mandates that boys (or trans girls) cannot compete against biological girls.

DeSantis said when signing the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act:

“We believe in the state of Florida, of protecting the fairness and the integrity of women’s athletics. And I can tell you this in Florida, you know, girls are going to play girl’s sports and boys are going play boy’s sports, that’s what we’re doing. We’re going to make sure that that’s the reality. So the bill that we’re doing today will ensure fairness for women athletes for years to come in the state of Florida. It says that athletic teams or sports that are designated for females are open to females. And we’re going to go based off biology.”

U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona told ESPN (why ESPN is involved in politics at all is my question) that the Biden administration was prepared to take steps to do something on a national level:

“I do believe in local control. I do believe in state control, but we do have a responsibility to protect the civil rights of students. And if we feel the civil rights are being violated, we will act. Our LGBTQ students have endured more harassment than most other groups. It’s critically important that we stand with them and give them opportunities to engage in what every other child can engage in without harassment.”

  • Civil rights are not being violated. Well, they are. The civil rights for the women competing against men that cannot cut it in men’s sports.
  • LGBTQ students have endured more harassment than other groups? Really? They made up .4% of the student body in schools. Also, more than black students throughout history?
  • Finally, I’m tired of hearing that they are “no allowed to engage in sports.” They are allowed to engage. Play sports with their own sex and stop taking opportunities away from women.

“It’s their right as a student to participate in these activities. And we know sports does more than just put ribbons on the first-, second- and third-place winner. We know that it provides opportunities for students to become a part of a team, to learn a lot about themselves, to set goals and reach them, and to challenge themselves. Athletics provides that in our K-12 systems and in our colleges, and all students deserve an opportunity to engage in that.”

Again, they can compete. They can compete in the boys’ sports. These states that have the guts to fight against this transgender BS already face an uphill battle. They have to deal with the NCAA which fully supports men playing in women’s sports. They have to deal with a media that calls anyone who doesn’t agree on the subject a “transphobe,” whatever that means. They have to deal with Leftist schools who care more about ideology than fairness and safety for women.

I guess the only way the Left is going to get it is if some 250 pound trans female wrestles against a 175 female wrestler and breaks her neck. No, who am I kidding. They won’t care about that either. It’s all about the ideology.


Comedy is Dead

It looks like the New York Times is getting sued by the executives at the Babylon Bee.

This whole thing started with an article from the New York Times in March 2021 discussing fake news from satire sites like the Babylon Bee and how social media sites like Facebook and Twitter should block these sites.

According to the New York Times article under suspicion:

But satire kept popping up as a blind spot. In 2019 and 2020, Facebook often dealt with far-right misinformation sites that used “satire” claims to protect their presence on the platform, Mr. Brooking said. For example, The Babylon Bee, a right-leaning site, sometimes trafficked in misinformation under the guise of satire.

I don’t know if you have ever been to the Babylon Bee or seen any of their social media posts but they are clearly satire. Very clearly satire. For those that are too dumb to understand that their headlines are fake, they post over the top pictures that correspond to the headline and those pictures are, guess what, over-the-top. This isn’t a fake news site, it is a satire site.

Funny thing is, this isn’t the first time they have been bashed by Left wing media. Snopes actually fact checked them on one of the comical headlines. I believe it was CNN that reported on the “fake news” from the Snopes fact check.

Here’s the thing: I hope the Babylon Bee wins. Getting slandered by the New York Times may not seem like much except subscribers may stop subscribing because of any controversy. I doubt it because the site is openly Conservative and Conservatives like comedy and are smart enough to tell the difference between the two.

But the biggest problem I see here is the attack on comedy and satire. I think it’s disgusting. Cancel culture attacks anything that is entertaining. No, I’ll go a step further. Cancel culture attacks anything that makes you think or you have to be aware of. Most comedy is based on life and if we aren’t aware, it might not be funny. Comedy actually forces us to use our reason to understand what a joke is. Comedy picks on the stupidest things in our culture and the Left has a ton of stupid to make fun of.

Look at South Park. Trey Parker and Matt Stone run straight down the middle when it comes to their politics and they pick on everyone. But they enjoy picking on Leftists because their stuff is so stupid and always gets a great reaction. By the way, South Park is second only to The Simpsons as the longest running sitcom (Family Guy, also a offensive show, is number 3) . They are doing something right. Or maybe most people don’t buy the political correctness thing.

Things are getting so bad comedians like Seth Rogan and kat Williams, two of the most politically incorrect comedians (though they are, sort of has-beens) say that comedy has changed and comedians need to deal with it.

Well, I say, “NO!” I say life is awesome with comedy. I like that Richard Prior used the “N” word in one of his album names. I liked that Andrew Dice Clay joked about having sex with a lot of women. I don’t care that Eddie Murray picked up a tranny hooker or that Luis CK jerked off in front of other comedians. I don’t care that Jimmy Kimmel work blackface while mimicking Karl Malone on The Man Show.

I definitely don’t care that the Babylon Bee makes fun of AOC and Joe Biden. By the way, before you tell me I never see the insults, I’m a huge South Park fan and they make fun of people like me all the time. I can take it. I have a sense of humor and can laugh at myself.

You know what I do care about? The fact that these guys are growing afraid of doing it. That would be tragic for society.









Episode 358 – What Do You Expect from a Swamp but Stagnation

The job numbers are in and they ain’t great.

Fauci is in some trouble.

And AOC is still an idiot.


The Numbers Are In

The jobs report is in for May and, though better, is still disappointing:

  • Employers added 559,000 jobs in May.
  • The target was 650,000 jobs. That is down from 978,000 expected jobs in April.
  • The unemployment rate, meanwhile, declined 0.3 percentage points to 5.8%.
  • Most of the jobs gains were in the entertainment and hospitality industries.
  • The construction sector lost 20,000 jobs in May and has 220,000 fewer workers as a result of the pandemic.
  • U.S. companies have had a difficult time finding workers as a supplemental unemployment benefit of an extra $300 per week has encouraged many to stay home. At least 25 states have announced plans to end the benefits earlier than their September expiration.
  • The labor force participation rate was little changed at 61.6% and has remained between 61.4% and 61.7% since last June. The reading was 1.7 percentage points below where it was in February 2020.
  • Economists say the labor market’s recovery could continue to run below its potential until the benefits are phased out.


The BS is Done!

Tony Faves might be in some trouble. Thanks to a FOIA request from Buzzfeed, thousands of e-mails have been released between Fauci and other doctors including ones from China.


This is a big deal because he has been in front of Congress over the last year and it looks like he has been lying. When asked about the new revaluations, Rand Paul, Fauci’s main competitor and a doctor himself, simply said, “I told you.”

Here’s the Scoop:

  • Fauci was told that this Virus was discovered as early as September of 2019.
  • Fauci knew that China was lying about the infection and death numbers in China in January, 2020.
  • Fauci knew that the WHO might have been wrong about how the virus was transmitted.
  • Fauci was told as early as March 2020 that the virus was Created in a Chinese lab, probably the Wuhan Virology Lab.
  • He knew there was gain-of-function research in the Wuhan lab.
  • Finally, Fauci knew that the United States has been financing this Chinese lab through a grant given by a partner lab.
  • Fauci actually had a secret conference call to discuss the situation and compare notes.

I haven’t read all the e-mails. There’s a ton of them. I only read the ones that were deemed relevant. What I learned:

  • Tony Fauci was depended upon to bury this whole thing. BY China, the CDC and the WHO.
  • Tony Fauci was trying to hide the funding the NIH, the organization he leads, to the Chinese government.
  • Tony Fauci lied about it all.

Fauci is all over the map on this. He can’t remember E-mails, some were too long and he didn’t read them. But his big excuse seems to be the fragility of China. Listen:

The media is hitting this but only half-heartedly and they are never pushing back against him.

The White House is also kind of dismissing these E-mails. Jen Psaki, in a press conference, has decided that this is no big deal and Fauci is still awesome:

It amazes me how everyone is running away from China.



Just Dumb

AOC…Of Course

We haven’t talked about the stupid thing AOC has said recently. What a week. Maybe she is getting smarter, you may ask. Nope. Dumb as ever.

Her first misstep, which she wants to implement of policy, was so bad that Chuck Schumer, who was standing next to her, looked like he ate a lemon. She believes that we could lower crime by getting rid of jails and prisons. Listen:

This is great! New York is falling apart because of high taxes and crime and what does AOC want to do? She wants to let out more criminals. Yeah, this isn’t working in New York. You know who is saying that? New Yorkers. They are either leaving the state or voting for more moderate candidate.

The mayoral race has a former cop, running as a moderate Democrat with a hard nose crime policy and Andrew Yang, who is a moderate Democrat who also does not like the defund the police movement. One of those is going to win because the rest are Leftists that are still pushing the all the policies that have destroyed New York.

By the way, 86% of New Yorkers believe that the police should not be defunded or the budget should be increased.

Keep going AOC! Your policies will kill the Democrat party.

But that wasn’t the only dumb thing she did.

On Twitter, she made a post:

She got ravaged on Twitter for posting that. She actually was blaming Trump because her grandmother was living in a crappy home. I’m not going to read the posts because they are all pretty much the same:

  • She makes $174,000 a year and is worth almost a million dollars. She’s single with no children or expenses. Why couldn’t she have helped her grandmother?
  • AOC wears designer, expensive suits and owns a Tesla.
  • That hurricane happened almost four years ago. So grandma was living like this for three years ago. So, in all that time, she never helped out her grandmother?
  • Trump did send Puerto Rico money, supplies and military support. The mayor of Puerto Rico got recalled and replaced by a conservative mayor because of corruption. Gee, I wonder where everything Trump sent went?
  • If she is not going to sacrifice, why should anyone else? Her grandmother can’t depend on her rich granddaughter, why expect help for the government? That’s because the government is suppose to be the head of the family.

Yeah she got pillaged online. She ended up issuing a follow tweet:

Now, before you worry about AOC’s mental health, don’t worry. Thank God for the January 6th riot. You know, the one that she was almost a mile a way from and was in no danger whatsoever. Yeah, she’s said she is seeing a mental health care professional about it because it was so traumatizing. Maybe she can bring up some new issues to him.


How do people with so little mental and emotional constitution get into office and use that as a selling point for them staying in office. Incredible.



Something Good From TikTok

This is Dani Lass on TikTok with a beautiful song about her celebrating freedom. It is rare that I find something good on TikTok because it is evil. But this is gorgeous.




Activism on College Campuses is Getting Crazy



No Coke and a Smile


Episode 357 – Make Policy from Historical Tragedy

Sleepy, creepy Joe reminds us that we are all racists…again.

The ineffectiveness and policies of the Biden administration is causing prices to rise everywhere.

And it couldn’t have happened to a more deserving country.


Tulsa Race Riots

The Tulsa race Riots were the worst race riots in American history. It happened between May 31 and June I, 1921. The riot resulted in 39- 300 deaths, 800 Injuries and 35 blocks burned down in the black district of Greenwood. Also, 400 blacks were illegally stuck in internment camps.

Here’s what happened:

  • A 19-year-old black man named Dick Rowland got on an elevator with a 17 year old white girl named Sarah Page. Rowland needed to go to the top floor of the building to use the colored restroom.
  • No one knows what happened but someone waiting for the elevator heard Page scream.
  • When the elevator opened, Rowland ran out.
  • The white witness that Page had been sexually assaulted.
  • The sheriff was called.
  • Rowland, afraid of being accused, went to the Greenwood to stay with his grandmother.
  • A mob formed and Rowland was arrested even though Page said nothing happened and refused to press changes.
  • The mob wanted to lynch Rowland but the sheriff convinced the mob to leave.
  • That’s when the mobs started the riot and all hell broke loose for the next two days.

This major event was never really taught in schools. I think I heard it only once in school. That’s a shame. But, of course with our racial division, it is a big deal now.

So, Joe Biden decided to go to Tulsa to “Celebrate” the hundred year anniversary. Oh, yeah, and sell his plan to sell his plan to spend more money.

Biden’s Speech

I’m not going to spend a lot of time on old Joe’s speech because he didn’t sag a lot. He did bring up a policy of helping minorities start small businesses, which 19 unconstitutional (What a shock). But it was entertaining and infuriating.

He started by doing something really creepy. He stepped off the podium and approached two little girls. Of course, he touched them on the head. With all the crap he has been accused of you’d think he’d knock that crap off.

Then he started talking about the Tulsa riots. That was good. But he mentioned that this was something that must never be forgotten. Believe it or not, I agree with him. I thought this incident was as big as Emmitt Till and no one talks about it.

But then he started talking about race. That’s when have started going off the deep end. Listen:

This is just stupid.

  • White supremacy is not a huge threat. Hasn’t been for a long time. Do you even know a white supremacist?
  • This is the narrative. He has to ignore the far Left extremism from Antifa and BLM.
  • Of course the Justice Department says white supremacy is the biggest threat because Antifa doesn’t exist to the Left and BLM is an “organic” movement, not a group.
  • Can someone name a white supremacist terror attack? Not January 6 and Charlottesville was five years ago.
  • Of course, everyone applauds this.

This is nothing more than a selling point to Biden. He’s going to ride this horse all the way. Either you’re with us or you’re a white supremacist.

I also want to point out that Biden gave a eulogy for Robert Byrd when he was Vice President. Remember him? He was a grand cyclops for the KKK.

So Biden announces his plan to help fund small businesses for people of color, specifically blacks. There’s good reason why the government should help them according to old Joe. Listen and see if you hear something wrongs here:

  • That’s racist!
  • It shows he believes in the bigotry of low expectations.
  • This gaff (and I think that’s what it was) was completely ignored by the media. What of Trump said this?

But here is a statement I wish Republicans would take to heart :

  • OK, the “selling soap” thing was weird.
  • His point is culture is being taken over by the Left.
  • Republicans are always worried about politics but the left is worried about changing the culture.
  • Culture is down stream of politics.



Gas Price Are Going Up Again

President Joe Biden on Tuesday suspended oil and gas leases in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge that were approved by the Trump administration.

Interior Secretary Deb Haaland said:

“The Department of the Interior today suspended all activities related to the implementation of the Coastal Plain Oil and Gas Leasing Program in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge pending completion of a comprehensive analysis under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The Department is notifying lessees that it is suspending oil and gas leases in the Arctic Refuge, pending the review, to determine whether the leases should be reaffirmed, voided, or subject to additional mitigation measures.”

  • Gas prices are up $.60 nationwide. In California, prices are up $1.20. This is a great move.
  • Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy is pissed:
    • The Alaska economy is dependent on drilling.
    • The order might be illegal, violating Section 20001 of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (2017) clearly says ‘The Secretary shall establish and administer a competitive oil and gas program for the leasing, development, production and transportation of oil and gas in and from the Coastal Plain.’
  • So far:
    • He has cancelled the XL Pipeline.
    • Won’t allow drilling in Alaska.
    • Is limiting offshore drilling.
    • But has allowed Russia to build a pipeline between Russia and Germany.

But that’s not it!

Russian hackers have attacked the largest beef producer, immediately cutting beef production by 20%.

  • Attack on JBS S.A., a Brazilian company that is the largest meat processing company in the world.
  • This included hitting beef production plants in Australia and Canada, but no is sure how many actual plants were affected.
  • Stocks for beef dropped like a rock while pork went straight up.
  • The Biden administration was informed.
    • In a statement, the Biden administration said they were addressing the infrastructure of our computer networks to protect it against ransomware.
    • Jen Psaki pretty much said the same thing she did last time: it’s the problem of the private sector.
    • Who the hell knows who’s doing what.

Well, Biden didn’t want us to drive or eat meat. Making sure it is not affordable is one way to do it.



Good for Israel

In breaking news, Iran is having a bad day.

  • Iran’s largest warship caught fire and sank Wednesday in the Gulf of Oman in what is just the latest series of mysterious fires and explosions to rock Iran in recent weeks.
  • All crew members were rescued.
  • The cause of the sinking remains a mystery. Sure it is.
  • Later, in the day, well…today, a large fire erupted at an oil refinery near Iran’s capital, Tehran.
  • This comes after a drone factory in Iran was destroyed.

Couldn’t have happened to a better country.

The big question is going to be: Did Israel do this. They have enough reason:

  • Iran was funding Hamas and sending the missiles to shoot at their population.
  • Iran is funding Hezbollah in Lebanon.
  • During the Israel/Hamas conflict, Iran send an armed drone into Israel. Well, they tried.

I hope Israel is doing it and I hope they keep doing it. It is the only way to temper Iran. Treating them with force is the only thing they understand. I also love that their factories and refineries are being hit. It weakens their economy.



Other News





Episode 356 – So, There Are Some Problems, Huh?

The embrace of the United States government for Black Lives Matter is now being pushed, secretly, for the world to see.

But is this organization long lasting like the NAACP? Not looking that way.


It’s Suppose to be the American Flag

The memo, first reported by Jack Posobiec at Human Events, prefaces the guidance on BLM in relation to the upcoming anniversary of George Floyd’s death:

May 25 marks one year since the brutal murder of George Floyd by police officers in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Last year, the horrific video of Mr. Floyd’s final 9 minutes and 29 seconds went viral and spurred Black Lives Matter protests worldwide, in response to his senseless killing and to demand an end to systemic racism and police brutality. One year later, many in the international community will honor Mr. Floyd and acknowledge the long journey nations face to advance racial justice. Leading up to May 25, the Department has issued guidance on the use of Black Lives Matter language, banners, and flags.

The department describes BLM as leaderless and organic, adding that the Black Lives Matter Global Network is “the most prominent” organization that uses “BLM terminology.”

According to the Office of U.S. Special Counsel, “As a social movement, BLM gained prominence following a series of high-profile killings of Black Americans in 2013 and 2014 and, in particular, the acquittal of George Zimmerman for the killing of Trayvon Martin. The movement appears to have begun organically on social media. The phrase ‘Black Lives Matter’ then became a rallying cry for protesters and organizations seeking to raise awareness of, and respond to, issues associated with racism in the United States. BLM is thus an umbrella term for a constellation of ideas, objectives, and groups. There is no ‘leader’ of the BLM movement. Rather, there are numerous organizations that use BLM terminology to varying degrees, including some whose names include the phrase ‘Black Lives Matter.’ Of these, the most prominent is the Black Lives Matter Global Network (BLMGN).” 
  • BLM has a leadership and is organized.
  • They have a flag and a hierarchy. The leader just quit.
  • They have a philosophy. They believe in:
    • Marxism.
    • Segregation.
    • Racism.
    • Ending of the nuclear family.
    • Ending of capitalism.
    • Ending of the two party system.
    • Eliminating state, county and local police.
    • No law, order, and consequences (incarceration).
    • BLM, like Antifa, wants to be the national police.
    • They say they care about the LGBTQ but they don’t. They say this to get more people on their side.

They are a Leftist militia. Just like Antifa. You know, the same militias that the 2nd Amendments allows Constitutionalists to create to protect ourselves from the government. The same 2nd Amendment the Left wants to destroy unless it conforms to the will of BLM and Antifa.

There’s a reason the Left wants to criminalize Conservatives. That reason is to take our rights away so we can’t fight against them. The way they do that is normalize their movement, not only within this country because they are all globalists, but normalize their movement throughout the world.

Good news: Republicans might be seeing that. They introduced a bill that would stop this idiocy of normalizing BLM. It won’t pass but I think it will be argued. On television. For all to see. Better news: I think people are beginning to see it now.



This Didn’t Help Their Cause

There are things that

In April 2015, Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors told an audience at Harvard Law School that they should “end the imperialist project that’s called Israel.”

Speaking on a panel hosted by the Human Rights Program at Harvard, entitled “Globalizing Ferguson: Radicalized Policing and International Resistance,” Cullors stated:

I am also the co-founder of Black Lives Matter … What I will say, what’s important, I think, in this conversation around trans-national solidarity is that it’s simple. We should be building relationships with people across the world. If we believe we are part of the human family, then we need to push ourselves in particular ways to see the connections always. The other thing I’ll say is Palestine is our generation’s South Africa, and if we don’t step up boldly and courageously to end the imperialist project that’s called Israel, we’re doomed.

Couple of problems here that I’ll say again:

  • Again, she points out that BLM is a globalist and humanist organization.
  • “Human family” is a slap at the nuclear family because they see humanity being the family. That’s collectivism. That’s socialism.
  • Israel gave up the West Bank and Gaza Strip. If they are imperialists, they’re really bad at it.
  • Actually, there no such thing as Palestine. It’s never existed.
  • Twenty percent of the population is Arab. They have representation in the government and on their supreme court. Israel is really bad at being an apartheid state.
  • How many Jews live in the Gaza Strip? Zero. How many Jews live in the West Bank? Zero. Who’s the apartheid state?

Cullors went to Palestine with a group called the “Dream Defenders”, a BLM sub-group that is anti-Semitic and believed in the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) movement. She said when she got back from Israel:

And I think that I had learned about Palestine for a long time, I’d known about it, been wanting to travel, and I was really, really grateful when the Dream Defenders asked me to come on the delegation. But nothing would’ve prepared me for the level of militarization and the level of violence that we would witness those ten days inside of Palestine. Nothing would have prepared me for the ways in which we witnessed people’s terror. People live in terror on a daily basis. And nothing would have prepared me for how much clarity I would have on why we have to be a part of Palestinian solidarity.

Apparently she didn’t go when Hamas launched 4000 missiles into Israel, aiming at civilian population.

The entire organization ignored the 4000 missiles. They supported the Palestinian Authority and Hamas during the conflict started by the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. This has turned out to be a very unpopular stance.



People Are Done

Patrice Cullors said on Thursday that she is resigning from BLM. This comes on the heels of the decreasing popularity of BLM. The popularity is dropping because:

  • Violent riots propagated and planned by BLM.
  • The extreme views such as the desire for Marxism and the end of the nuclear family.
  • Cullors spending BLM money, which came from donations, on three or four houses in the last two years.

But another reason is because Black Lives Matter, in the most egregious, I’ll say scandal, is not using their power to actually help the black community.

The mothers of Tamir Rice, Breonna Taylor, and others are lashing out just as Cullors steps down, accusing both BLM and Cullors of using their children’s deaths to raise money but failing to pass the money on to black families in need.

Samaria Rice, the mother of 12-year-old Rice, said to the New York Post:

“I don’t believe she is going anywhere. It’s all a facade. She’s only saying that to get the heat off her right now.”

Rice added:

“She first sought out Cullors to enlist the group’s help in re-opening a federal investigation into her son’s 2014 death. She said she exchanged a few emails with Cullors over the years, but had never managed a face-to-face meeting.”

She also said that Cullors raised $5000 for Tamir’s funeral but hasn’t seen anything from BLM yet.

Lisa Simpson, whose son was shot in Los Angeles, California, added:

“Now she doesn’t have to show her accountability. She can just take the money and run.”

Both women made the following statement:

“We never hired them to be the representatives in the fight for justice for our dead loved ones murdered by the police. The ‘activists’ have events in our cities and have not given us anything substantial for using our loved ones’ images and names on their flyers. We don’t want or need y’all parading in the streets accumulating donations, platforms, movie deals, etc. off the death of our loved ones, while the families and communities are left clueless and broken.”

My question to you is why hasn’t there been an investigation yet? These folks are a registered non-profit and it seems only the leadership is profiting. Isn’t that illegal?

But it get worse. They have internal problems.

Rashard Turner, the founder of a Black Lives Matter chapter in St. Paul, Minnesota, revealed in a video published last week that he quit the organization after he “learned the ugly truth” while being an insider in the far-left group.

He released the following video about Black lives Matter:

This is a great message, which is why I played the whole thing. He:

  • Expressed the importance of the family, which BLM rejects.
  • He speaks of the importance of education, which BLM only embraces when their message is pushed (CRT).
  • He believes in opportunities our system because he had them and works to pave the road for people like him to realize their opportunities. BLM tells black people they have no opportunities.
  • He’s an idealist. He believes in action. This is a good man.



That Must Be It

The New York Times has found the reason why Black Lives Matters has lost popularity: Republican elites.

According to the Daily Wire (because I don’t subscribe to the New York Times:

While “there has been a net increase in favorability toward Black Lives Matter since 2018,” it “peaked in the immediate aftermath of George Floyd’s death and then swiftly declined,” especially “among Republicans and white Americans, two large and often overlapping groups.”

Of course, BLM’s behavior and beliefs have nothing to do with why Republicans don’t like them.

The Times later admitted positive views of the BLM organization “did not last long” and “swiftly declined” across every “racial group.” Rather than blame this universal decline on the BLM organization, the Times blamed the GOP.

“The precipitous decline in support … mirrors the increased politicization of the issue by elites,” the article, by Jennifer Chudy and Hakeem Jefferson, continued. “In the days and weeks following Floyd’s death, Republican politicians quickly turned attention away from the actions of a murderous police officer to those individuals protesting the injustice.”

  • Last I checked, blacks voted for Democrats. If blacks are not happy with BLM than how is it Republicans fault?
  • Of course, the $3 billion in damage caused by riots never came across the minds of the writers.
  • And maybe a lot of people believe the police aren’t “murderous”.




The life of Black Lives Matter is on a timer:

  • People do not like their belief system.
  • They have shown to them to be extremely radical.
  • They have caused nothing but chaos in the form of riots.
  • Though they have taken in $90 billion over the last year, they have done nothing to improve the lives of black people.
  • They have ignored the deaths of black people by other black criminals.
  • They have shown to be extremely corrupt.

People are tired of it and now we are seeing push back. That’s a good thing because it means we are going to see pushback against of of the Left’s policies which BLM propagates.



Episode 354 – He Didn’t Say That

Being a nice guy doesn’t make John Cena right or any less of a coward.

The Dutch apparently don’t want energy anymore.

And an update on the Lori Vallow story I brought up last year.

But first:



John Cena, the former WWE wrestler, actor and show host, was holding an interview pushing the movie Fast and the Furious 9 (yes, there are nine of them) which he is starring in. During the interview, he called Taiwan a country. If you saw the interview, you would not have even noticed it. Well, this is a bad thing to say when your movie has made $135 million in China and China does not acknowledge Taiwan as an independent state. They see Taiwan an extension of the Chinese mainland and feel they have dominion over it.

After this was pointed out, probably by the movie studios, John Cena did the most cowardly thing. I liked John Cena but this destroyed the respect I had for him. Listen:

That’s right. Not only did he grovel for forgiveness but he did it in Mandarin Chinese. How pathetic. Let me let John in on something: Taiwan is a country. It is a democracy and has been for over 50 years. He is apologizing for something he said that was true for money.

The media, specifically Fox News, are really kind of giving Cena a pass. On Gutfeld! yesterday, Tyrus, also an actor and former WWE wrestler, defended Cena and even became angry, I think, at Greg Gutfeld, who was criticizing Cena as being “without backbone”. Listen:

I like Tyrus. He’s not a Conservative and leans a lot to liberal ideology but he is reasonable and I agree with his takes probably 80% of the time. But, here, he is dead wrong.

  • Taiwan is a country. I believe Tyrus may not know this. He doubled down on this today.
  • It doesn’t matter if John Cena is a “good guy”. What he did was grovel to a fascist dictatorship that:
    • Enslaves its people.
    • Commits genocide. Is responsible for 100 million deaths over their history.
    • Commits forced abortion and sterilization.
    • Steals technology from other countries.
    • Released, either on purpose or not, the COVID virus, killing the world economies and 2 million people.

Here’s my problem with John Cena’s apology and I will not give him a break on this. Greed has been given precedence over our virtues, ethics and values to satisfy a tyrannical regime who is looking to destroy our virtues, ethics and values.

Let me say that again:

Greed has been given precedence over our virtues, ethics and values to satisfy a tyrannical regime who is looking to destroy our virtues, ethics and values.

Our corporations are so busy chasing the almighty dollar in China that they are willing to discard the very backbone that made them successful for a regime that want to break that backbone.

Nike, Apple, Amazon, Espirit, North Face, Gap, Adidas and Puma are using slave labor in China to make their products. All are bowing down to this evil regime. And the regime is evil. Everyone talks about Hitler and Hitler was evil. But he was nothing compared to the Chinese leadership through the years. Heck, President Xi Jinping is now imprisoning Muslim Wyghers. Executions, forced abortions, forced sterilizations, rape, re-education and family separation. This is happening now and we’re ignoring it.

John Cena is a coward and he is a symbol of what is wrong with American corporations.



Wonder How the Dutch Will Deal with No Heat?

First Shell

A Dutch court on Wednesday ruled that Royal Dutch Shell PLC is partially responsible for climate change and ordered the company to reduce its carbon emissions, a first-of-its-kind ruling that adds fresh pressure on oil-and-gas companies already facing heightened scrutiny from governments and investors.

  • The company must lower their emissions by 45% by 2030 based on their 2019 output.
  • This ruling could cause a precedence to be used in other Western countries, especially in Europe.
  • The ruling can be appealed.
  • The case was brought by a group called Friends of the Earth Netherlands, a local offshoot of the global environmental nonprofit network based in Amsterdam.
  • The court said that Shell wasn’t in breach of its obligation to reduce carbon emissions, but that there was an “imminent breach” and therefore set the reduction requirement. So they were actually lowering carbon emissions but maybe…
  • Shell argued that climate change is a broader societal issue, and that it wasn’t appropriate to ask a single private party to reduce its carbon emissions. Probably not a good idea to admit they were helping global warming.

Don’t think we haven’t heard the end of this. Watch all the lawsuits that are going to pop up in the United States from these fringe environmental groups.

Now Exxon

An activist investor won at least two seats on the board of Exxon Mobil Corp. , a historic defeat for the oil giant that will likely force it to alter its fossil-fuel focused strategy and more directly confront growing shareholder concerns about climate change.

Exxon said Wednesday a preliminary vote count showed shareholders backed two nominees of Engine No. 1, an upstart hedge fund owning a tiny fraction of the oil giant’s stock.

Exxon Chief Executive Darren Woods was also re-elected to the board along with seven of Exxon’s candidates, while two seats were undetermined, the company said.

It was an enormous blow to Mr. Woods, who personally campaigned against Engine No. 1. Many viewed the vote as a referendum on Mr. Woods’ performance. Exxon lost a record $22 billion last year and was struggling to regain its status as an industry-leading profit engine even before the coronavirus pandemic crushed global demand for oil and gas.

The hedge fund called for Exxon to gradually diversify its investments to be ready for a world that will need fewer fossil fuels in coming decades. Exxon defended its strategy to expand drilling, saying demand for fuels and plastics will remain strong for years to come, and pointed to a new carbon capture and storage business unit as evidence it is taking climate change seriously.

Engine No. 1 sought four seats on Exxon’s board and argued Exxon should commit to carbon neutrality, effectively bringing its emissions to zero—both from the company and its products—by 2050, as some peers have.




This had to be the weirdest story of 2019 and 2020. I actually did a podcast on it last year because it was so weird. So let me review:

  • 2001 – According to The Post Register, Lori Vallow married her third husband and Tylee’s father, Joseph Anthony Ryan Jr., in 2001. Joseph adopted Lori’s son Colby, who she had in her previous marriage. Joseph and Lori eventually filed for divorce in 2004. Joseph died of a heart attack in 2018 and was cremated.
  • 2006 – Lori and her fourth husband Leland “Charles” Anthony Vallow married in Las Vegas in February of 2006. The two adopted Joshua Jaxon “JJ” Vallow, who was the biological grandson of Charles’ sister Kay Woodcock, whose husband, Larry, would eventually raise concerns to law enforcement over the disappearance of JJ and Tylee.
  • 2014 – Approximately a year after the couple moved to Hawaii with JJ and Tylee, it was reported by FOX 5 NY that Lori became “obsessed” with books written by Chad Daybell, four years before the two eventually married.
  • 2018 – According the East Idaho News, Lori met Chad Daybell in 2018, when he was teaching an evening class at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which she attended. Their relationship continued.
  • 2019 – Court documents suggest that things began to unravel for the family early in 2019, when Lori was still married to Charles Vallow. The couple were estranged, and Vallow had filed for divorce, saying he feared she would kill him and that she had developed cult-like beliefs. Charles alleged that Lori claimed to be “a god assigned to carry out the work of the 144,000 at Christ’s second coming in July 2020.”
  • 2019 – The family was living in a Phoenix suburb in July when Lori’s brother, Alex Cox, shot and killed Vallow. Cox asserted that the shooting was in self-defense after Vallow allegedly came at him with a baseball bat. Police investigated, but the case didn’t go far before Cox died of a blood clot in his lung in December of 2019.
  • 2019 – Lori Vallow moved to Idaho with JJ and Tylee, getting an apartment in the small town of Rexburg and spending time with Chad Daybell. At the time, Chad was married to Tammy Daybell, a 49-year-old school librarian who helped him run his small publishing company. Tammy Daybell died in October, her obituary saying she passed away in her sleep of natural causes. The family declined an autopsy before she was buried in Utah. About two weeks later, Chad Daybell married Lori Vallow in Hawaii.
  • Tylee was last seen in September of 2019 headed into Yellowstone National Park with Lori and other family members for a day trip, and JJ was last seen by school officials several days later.
  • In November of 2019, the Woodcocks asked Rexburg police to check on the children. When officers stopped by to question Lori, they said she and Chad Daybell lied about the children’s whereabouts. When investigators returned the next day to follow up, Lori and Chad were gone.
  • While the couple slipped away to Hawaii in January, the investigation pushed forward in Idaho, Arizona and Utah. Eventually, they were found in the islands, and a judge ordered Lori to bring the children to officials to prove they were safe. She refused and was charged with child abandonment and other crimes, then extradited to Idaho.
  • On June 10, authorities said they uncovered human remains at Chad Daybell’s home in rural Idaho, as they investigated the disappearance his first wife and Lori’s two children.
  • Today, Lori Vallow Daybell was indicted by a grand jury Monday with conspiracy and murder in connection with the deaths of her two youngest children, Joshua “JJ” Vallow, 7, and Tylee Ryan, 17.
  • Her husband, Chad Daybell, the two children’s stepfather, was also charged. He was also charged in connection to the murder of his former wife, Tammy Daybell, 49, who died under “suspicious circumstances” in 2019.









Episode 353 – Now They Get It?

It’s George Floyd Day! Yay!


It’s George Floyd Day!

Happy George Floyd Day!

That’s right. We got rid of:

  • Lincoln’s Birthday
  • Washington’s Birthday
  • Columbus Day

But we must celebrate the day that a drug addicted felon died because of all his death did so much to improve society in just a year. In Minneapolis, Black Lives Matter can see how their philosophy has improved the country by simply looking at the celebration being held at George Floyd square. Watch:

Yep, a shoot out. Minneapolis police showed up right away. Not. Minneapolis has lost a substantial portion of their police force and it wouldn’t matter anyway. They’re not allowed to arrest anyone and, if they have the audacity to arrest someone, that person would be released right away.

Now, we are supposed to celebrate all the great changes that Black Lives Matter has done since the George Floyd’s. I mean, they’re calling it an anniversary. But, I have a question: What has Black Lives Matter done that was good besides make $90 million? I know the damage they’ve done:

  • There was $2-3 billion of damage that was done during riots last year. They’re still happening.
  • Murders and violent crimes are up throughout the country by 20%. Some cities are up over 100%.
  • Police a retiring, going on leave or quitting a record rates. Most police forces are facing a staff shortage.
  • People are not becoming police anymore. New York is down 75% with new recruits.
  • They are ignoring the murders of blacks by other blacks. Chicago, Baltimore and Detroit have a huge black-on-black murder problem.
  • Crime in large, blue cities is no longer being enforced. Felons are being released.
  • Black Lives Matter made $90 million and have given none to society to improve it. But Patrice Cuellors, the founder, did buy three homes.

I don’t know what they’re celebrating. Black Lives Matter has just made things worse.


Oh, Now You Get It

The leadership in a lot of the big blue cities seem absolutely shocked at the major spike in crime. I guess trying to take money away from police departments and condemning every move they make without looking at all the evidence has not worked the way they thought it would.

Jacob Frye, the effeminate mayor of Minneapolis, said:

“The violence needs to stop, its unacceptable. People deserve to feel safe in their neighborhood, they deserve to be able to send their kids out to the sidewalk to play and to recreate without bullets flying by. That’s unacceptable. We should be holding these perpetrators accountable.”

In another press conference, Frye said:

“When you make big, overarching statements that we’re going to defund or abolish and dismantle the police department and get rid of all the officers, there’s an impact to that.”

He has called for federal and state help since violent crime climbed 21% over the last year.

In Los Angeles, the idiot mayor Eric Garcetti cut $150 million from the police. That brilliant move increase violent crime 36%. Murders are at a 10 year high of 350. The city council, reversing themselves, have approved hiring 250 new officers.

In New York City, they experienced a more than 50% jump in the number of shootings over the same time last year. The spike comes after last year when jumped 97% and the murders across the city increased 45% over 2019. The dumbass mayor Bill de Blasio promised to cut $1 billion from the police budget. That was a lie. He didn’t. Now he has approved to build a brand new police precinct.

None of this is actually being covered because most of the media and the Left still want cuts to the police departments. In fact, they want to eliminate the police all together. But that’s the problem when those people are not in leadership. They are not responsible when the consequences for their bad ideas come to fruition. In fact, they twist those consequences and try to make them proof that their ideas are necessary. For example, Jen Psaki was asked about the crime problem and she said that it was a gun problem.

Everything with the Left is about politics and the narrative. It’s never about common sense.


But, What?

So the leaders in Minneapolis have an idea on how to lower crime: innocent citizens should talk about it. No crap.

Minneapolis community leaders held a “take back the block” rally at Shiloh Temple in north Minneapolis last week to kick off a campaign of community pushback to violent crime. On Monday, volunteers took to the streets of Minneapolis in a display meant to signify that criminals do not run the city.

Rev. Brian Herron said at the rally:

“It isn’t an invasion of your block — this is support of your block. We want to see you come out. We want to see you sitting on your stoop.”

Minnesota Commissioner of Public Safety John Harrington tried his little misdirection I talked about in the last story:

“We have to get the guns off the streets. We cannot live with this insanity.”

See the misdirection? Get the cops off the streets, violent crime goes up and it’s the guns, not the criminals, that cause crime.

One of the things police have a hard time with is actually getting witnesses and get help for catching violent felons.

Police Chief Medaria Arradondo said:

“Minneapolis police officers will continue to rush into harm’s way to save lives; however, we need help from community leaders and residents to stand up and speak out.”

I think this is true. I think people are too afraid to report anything to the police. But I also think it is leadership’s fault for not putting away violent felons. Hey, it’s the people living in the neighborhoods that have to deal with the issues when that felon is released, and he will be released. There are no consequences for committing crime in Minneapolis and, therefore, no motivation not to commit crime. Criminals are not usually very smart. All they understand are hard consequences. They cannot be reasoned with.

I also think this is a bad idea because leadership, by asking people to help, is targeted policing, not proactive policing. Criminals need to see that they are going to get caught by a police presence. If I am walking down the street and I am planning to rob a house but I see a cop on the corner, guess what? I won’t rob the house. If I am walking down the street at 2 AM and a cop sees me, stops me and finds that I am carrying a crow bar, a gun and a flashlight, he used to be able to arrest me for carrying robbery tools. Boom, no crime. That is proactive policing.

If I commit a robbery, rape or murder because their were no police around and the cops find our who I am, this is targeted policing. It’s too late. I might have gotten caught had policing been proactive.


When They Say No, They Mean Yes

A couple of weeks ago, there was a meme on Twitter that made fun of Joe Biden’s policies limiting the beef intake of American citizens for climate change. Jen Psaki was asked about it and she said she didn’t know what the reporter was talking about. I did not

An article from Vox called A no-beef diet is great — but only if you don’t replace it with chicken. Let’s not swap one moral disaster for another  b

Most people have heard it by now: Our meat habit is bad for the world. Polling suggests that tens of millions of people are taking this message seriously: One in four Americans said they tried to cut back on meat in the last year, and half of those cited environmental concerns as a major reason. The popular food site Epicurious recently announced they’ve stopped publishing recipes with beef in them, because of beef’s climate impacts, setting off the latest round of discussion on meat’s effects on the environment.

Have you ever met a vegetarian? You know what they always tell you? That they’re a vegetarian.

Now I know it is not all vegetarians. But a lot of them are self-congratulating, condescending prigs. When they found out that, not only is vegetarianism is healthy, they will also scream that it is saving the environment.

Here’s a news flash: Meat is a healthy part of a diet. It has all the major amino acids and complete proteins that one can’t get on a vegetarian or vegan diet. Men, who have more muscle and bone density, require those amino acids and proteins that meat provides. That’s why most vegan men are incredibly thin and frail looking. Now, does that mean men can’t be vegan? No. All it means is that if a man is a vegan, he has to eat a lot more to obtain what a piece of meat could give immediately.

Cutting meat consumption is as smart an idea as advertised. Industrial farming — the source of 99 percent of the meat Americans eat — provides the world with cheap meat, but it does so at a terrible environmental and moral cost.

Where it gets complicated is when people decide which meat, exactly, they’ll be cutting back on. Often, it’s beef that loses out in that calculus. And often, the messaging is that we can save the world by switching out our beef consumption for chicken.

The problem with this message is that switching beef for chicken basically amounts to trading one moral catastrophe for another.

Get that? No meat at all. Sound familiar? Can you say “Green New Deal”.

The environmental reasons for cutting beef from one’s diet are clear. Most of the climate impact of animal agriculture comes from raising cows for beef. Cows produce methane, a greenhouse gas that is a major contributor to global warming; it’s much more potent than carbon dioxide. Transitioning away from eating beef to eating other factory-farmed animal products undoubtedly reduces the carbon impact of a person’s diet.

But the transition away from beef can end up being a Pyrrhic victory if it drives up the world’s rapidly rising chicken consumption. That ends up swapping one disaster — the climate crisis and beef farming’s role in it — for another: the moral disaster of industrial chicken production.

Here’s the good news. This writer is probably a socialist. If socialism comes to this country, none of us will have any food to eat anyway. History kind of tells us that.

To put it simply, it takes many, many more chicken lives than cow lives to feed people. Cows are big, so raising one produces about 500 pounds of beef — and at the rate at which the average American eats beef, it takes about 8.5 years for one person to eat one cow. But chickens are much smaller, producing only a few pounds of meat per bird, with the average American eating about one whole chicken every two weeks. To put it another way, each year we eat about 23 chickens and just over one-tenth of one cow (and about a third of one pig).

The choice to swap beef for chicken is further compounded by the differences in their quality of life. Cows are raised for slaughter on pastures and feedlots — enclosed spaces where they’re fed grain in preparation for slaughter. Most animal well-being experts say that the life of a cow raised for beef is punctuated by traumatic events and cut needlessly short, but it’s not ceaseless torture.

This is a typical PETA article.

On the other hand, factory-farmed chickens — and that’s 99 percent of all chickens we eat — have an awful life from the moment they’re born to the moment they’re slaughtered. The most efficient way to raise chickens is in massive, ammonia-choked, noisy warehouses, where the birds grow so rapidly (due to genetic selection for excessive size) that their legs can’t support their weight. They live about six weeks and then are killed.

So switching from cows to chickens is a way to somewhat reduce carbon emissions — but it comes with a massive increase in animal suffering.

Choosing between the two is a knotty dilemma that tends not to be discussed often. But this tension isn’t inevitable. After all, climate advocates and animal advocates are on the same side: supporting a transition away from industrial agriculture. And most people care about both animals and the environment, so addressing factory farming is a simple win-win.

The solution to factory farming’s many harms can’t be shuffling consumers between chicken and beef depending which of their devastating impacts is on the top of our minds. And consumers shouldn’t accept as inevitable the choice between torturing animals and dramatically worsening global warming. There is a path to a food system that doesn’t force us to choose, but we’re going to need to take much bigger steps, in terms of policy and consumer choice, to get there.

OK, there is a lot more to this article and you can click on the link to read it. It is just more environmental craziness. I want you to notice some things about it:

  • Environmentalism has become a religion, determining now what you are allowed to eat.
  • The article is very loose with the science. Human beings are made to eat meat and have since our appearance on the earth.
  • Now am I against veganism or some of their philosophies? No, I’m not.
    • There are health benefits.
    • Slaughter houses are cruel.
    • Eventually, they will create an artificial meat.
  • This is a part of the Green New Deal. This craziness was never a thing before that stupid proposal AOC came up with.
  • And the article never addressed this: If we all stop eating meat, what do you do with the cows in chicken? Look what’s going on in India.

This environmental crap is all just insane. These people think they have all the answers no matter how crazy they are and everything involves taking away our freedoms. We can’t drive. We can’t fly. We can’t eat meat. We can’t have coal or oil or energy.


Socialism and famine


Episode 352 – Their Mistakes Will Kill You

The new mayor of St. Louis wants to continue to allow her citizens to be murdered.

For Democrats, if at first you don’t succeed, try again.

And, nope, that is the behavior of a straight man.


They’ll Never Learn and You’ll Get Killed Because Of It

St. Louis, Missouri has the worst murder rate in the country.

  • It is averaging, this year, 87 murder per 100,000 people.
  • To show you the contrast, the second worst murder rate is Baltimore, Maryland with 57 murders per 100,000.
  • St. Louis’ murder rate is the highest rate is 50 years.
  • St. Louis is ranked 13th in murder throughout the world according to Statista. It has more murders than:
    • Cape Town, South Africa
    • San Salvador, El Salvador
    • Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

So what is the best way to lower crime? How about cut the budget for the police department and closing down jails. hat’s how St. Louis mayor, Tishaura Jones is going to handle it. Of course, she’s the first black female mayor in St. Louis history so she doesn’t need to do a good job. To the Left, she’s already doing a great job.

She was elected mayor last month and she ran on the progressive criminal justice reform.

Interim City of St. Louis Director of Public Safety Daniel Isom explained the mayor’s plan this way:

“Funding a comprehensive approach to violent crime is the best approach to reducing murders. This requires both police and partnering agencies adequately funded to support victims and hold offenders accountable. It also requires target arrest and prosecutions to get murderers and shooters off the streets and not filling jails with nonviolent offenders.”

So, spend money on non-police projects, don’t throw criminals in jail and no proactive policing. Yeah, that’s going to work. We’ve seen ideas like this work before like…never.

Remember what Rudy Giuliani did when he was mayor of New York? He increased the police force, threw criminals in jail and encouraged proactive policing by implementing stop-and-frisk. Crime in New York was at its lowest levels in history. The Left hated it because they thought it violated civil rights and was against the Fourth Amendment. They fought tooth-and-nail to get rid of it even though the streets of New York were safe and clean. Mike Bloomberg liked what he saw and kept stop-an-frisk. It was the idiot Bill de Blasio who ended stop-and-frisk and look at how New York City is now. A disaster.

Well, Tishaura Jones is following in the footsteps of Bill de Blasio. Good luck with that.



What, Again?

Things are so bad for the Democrats that they feel the need to bring up Trump and the January 6th riots at the capital.

Last week, the House passed a bill that would create a 9/11 style commission to investigate the January 6th Capitol riots.

  • The vote was 252-175.
  • There were 35 Republicans who supported the commission.
  • Chances are this is not going to get through the Senate because it requires 60 votes and the Senate is 50-50.

I think this whole thing is garbage and a misdirection. Joe Biden supports the commission and that shouldn’t be a surprise. He has some major issues in his first four months and bringing out the past to demonize Trump and his supporters. Biden’s problem is that he is getting to the point that he can’t blame all his problems on Trump. And I don’t think this is going to go well for him if this commission does convene.

  • Questions are going to be asked about the riots last summer.
  • Questions about the anti-Semitic violence that is happening now.
  • The equality of justice is going to be brought up. Almost 300 people have been arrested for the Capitol riots but no one seems to be arrested during the $3 billion riots last summer.
  • It will be pointed out that the VP ran a fund raiser to free rioters from last year.
  • It will be pointed out the mistakes that Capitol Police made:
    • Allowing people into the Capitol building.
    • Taking pictures with the “rioters”.
  • The failure of Nancy Pelosi to add security even though she was told too.
  • The failure of Washington DC mayor, Muriel Bowser, to add extra police or even Nation Guard even though she was warned.
  • Expose some of the things that have been hidden by the politicians and the media:
    • Only one person was killed, Ashlii Babbitt. Who killed her? Why wasn’t that investigation brought to the public?
    • The videos and pictures of Capitol Police interacting with rioters in a casual way.
    • The lies by people like AOC about where they were during the riot.
  • It will turn off Independents and classical liberals and moderate Democrats.

Why do it?

  • This is another attempt at impeaching Trump.
  • It also is going to be used to demonize anyone who voted for Trump by calling them white supremacists.
  • Darken the Republicans before the 2022 midterm elections which is looking to be a disaster for Democrats.
  • Deflect from the disaster that has been caused throughout the country by Leftist policies such as:
    • The employment problem.
    • The border crisis.
    • The crime problem.
    • The fuel problem.
    • Inflation.
    • The Middle East disaster.

This will just be another show-commission. It’s a waste of time. People are just not going to care about it.



No, That’s Not a Thing

According to an article on metro.co.UK in an article called, Straight men in ‘bromances’ kiss, cuddle and stand around naked together by Chris Caulfield, “straight” men like to do homosexual things with their “straight” male friends.

According to research published in Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, there is a strong desire to cuddle and hug between bromantic friends, while kissing is just another way of showing affection.

One of the students involved told the authors you can ‘lie in bed with your bromance, have a cuddle and just talk’, while another said he understood it as having ‘a cuddle buddy’. A third thought cuddling, hugging and sex jokes were a ‘core part’ of a bromantic friendship.

A bromance has been defined as ‘an emotionally intense bond between straight men’.

‘Some agreed that this was the case when asked, whereas others offered it unsolicited as part of their definition of a bromance.’

In all 29 of the 30 men who took part said they had cuddled their bromantic partner. This latest work also backs a 2012 study that found 89% of 145 surveyed undergraduate heterosexual men had kissed on the lips. One participant said: ‘Guys nowadays, in my generation, there is so much kissing between guys because it’s showing affection.’ Another added: ‘I hug him and kiss (my bromance) and tell him I love him.’

Participants also talked about how comfortable they were to be naked around their bromances.

One participant said: ‘I live in a house with three other guys, and there are massive bromances going on between us.

‘We walk around naked. I got no problems standing naked in a room with my housemates. We feel comfortable being naked around each other.’ The study was conducted across a three-month period, between August 2014 and November 2014, and involved semi-structured interviews into the friendship experiences of 30 undergraduate men who identified as heterosexual or mostly heterosexual. They were enrolled in one of four undergraduate sport-degree programs at a single UK university.

Couple of things:

  • If you are a man and walking around, naked, with other men and are comfortable with it, you’re gay or bisexual.
  • If you are a man and are snuggling with another man, you are gay or bisexual.
  • If you are a man and are kissing another man, you are gay or bisexual.
  • The “men identified and heterosexual or mostly heterosexual” thing is also funny. If you are “mostly” heterosexual, you are probably gay or bisexual.

Why do I bring this up? Because it is the type of changing of the language and perception that drives me nuts. This article basically points out that there is something wrong with me because I do not want to kiss another man. It’s like the article that said men who would not have sex with a trans woman was gay. This story pushes the belief that you are weird if you don’t buy the gay talking points.

Well, I don’t buy it. I’m not going to buy it. And I’m not weird because the only person I’m interested in kissing is my female fiancé.

Read more: https://metro.co.uk/2017/06/11/straight-men-in-bromances-kiss-cuddle-and-stand-around-naked-together-6701757/?ito=cbshare









Episode 351 – Blood Money

There’s a ceasefire in the Middle East but the damage has been done.

Andrew Cuomo is a piece of crap but now he has his brother helping him.

And the mayor of Chicago is a garbage human being.


It’s Over…But Not Really


The main battle between Israel and the Palestinian Authority on the Gaza Strip has agreed to enter into a ceasefire. The ceasefire started at midnight today.

  • The ceasefire was negotiated by Egypt.
  • This is not a popular ceasefire for the Right in Israel.
  • The PA typically does this when they are getting their asses kicked.
  • Hamas they either build up again and attack in a couple of weeks or they have taken so much damage that they need to stop until they are able get back to normal.
  • Benjamin Netanyahu warned the PA that any further attacks would be met with strength.
  • The IDF is reporting a lot of success:
    • Destroyed 62 miles of the Metro, the underground tunnels.
    • Killed 225 Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists.
    • Killed 25 Hamas commanders.
  • The PA shot 4340 missiles with 630 falling inside of the Gaza Strip, killing their own people.
  • The Iron Dome took out 90% of the missiles.
  • The IDF says the amount of damage to Hamas is extensive but is hard to say how much actual damage Israel done.

This is More Than Politics

New York is looking like a war zone. Pro-Palestinian, shall I say it, terrorists are hunting Jews on the streets.

  • Jews at a restaurant were assaulted and spit on.
  • At another restaurant, a Jew was attacked and beaten up.
  • At the Diamond Mart, a heavily Jewish area, fireworks and an actual bomb was thrown at people.
  • In Fairfax, California, another heavily Orthodox Jewish area, an Orthodox Jew was almost run over by a group of people yelling “Allah Akbar”.

This is not only anti-Semitism but it is terrorism. The Democrats have a real problem.

  • Their party is looking anti-Semitic.
    • The Squad.
    • The push to block Israeli aid.
    • The pushback when Biden says Israel should defend itself.
    • The legacy media is openly allowing anti-Semites on air.

The irony is that Biden just signed an anti-Asian hate crime bill but he hasn’t said a word about the violence against Jews running throughout his country. You know why? Because Jews are considered white.



Blood Money

It’s been another bad week for the Cuomo family. That’s not a shock how corrupt all of them are. I still can’t believe that all these people still have jobs.

Blood Money

Andrew Cuomo’s tax records came out. Someone made some money during the COVID pandemic.

  • Cuomo made $5.12 million in 2020.
  • He made $3.1 million from his book discussing his leadership during the pandemic.
    • He put COVID patients back into old folks homes.
    • That added 14,000 deaths.
    • He lied about the numbers and is now under investigation for that. He under-reported by 6300.
    • He misappropriated government resources to help him get his book done.
  • This goes along with the seven women who are accusing him of sexual harassment including people eho have evidence of it.

This Guy Ain’t Going Anywhere, Either

Chris Cuomo won’t see any pushback from CNN when he shows his unethical behavior. It also shows how biased CNN is and there just…nothing. No one cares.

According to the Daily Wire:

“Four sources familiar with the calls told the newspaper that Chris Cuomo advised his brother on how to handle the political fallout produced by the allegations. Chris reportedly told his brother to refuse to resign and strike a defiant pose, claiming he was standing up against ‘cancel culture. The governor has said he will not step down from office and offered only the most formal of apologies to his accusers.”

That’s awesome. Not only was Chris making a big joke out of 16,000 deaths caused by his brothers crappy policies. Not only did he stop reporting on his brother’s malthusians with all of his brother’s sexual harassment charges. But now he is giving advice on how his brother cane get away with this whole thing with support of the media.

Guess what? All his advice was followed to the tee.

Chris Cuomo and CNN really got a black eye over this. CNN had to force Chris Cuomo to apologize and apologize he did.

CNN decided to to fire, or even punish, Chris Cuomo.

CNN said in a statement:

“Chris has not been involved in CNN’s extensive coverage of the allegations against Governor Cuomo — on air or behind the scenes. In part because, as he has said on his show, he could never be objective. But also because he often serves as a sounding board for his brother.

“However, it was inappropriate to engage in conversations that included members of the Governor’s staff, which Chris acknowledges. He will not participate in such conversations going forward.

“The network said Cuomo will not be disciplined.”


  • I don’t blame Chris for giving advice to a family member.
  • But he has also been manipulating the the type of news, or no reporting it, that has been put out about Andrew’s situation.
  • By no disciplining Cuomo, whose rating are already in the toilet, CNN looks like they approve of what Cuomo but got caught.
  • I’ll go a step further, CNN has shown that they support the “help” that Chris gave Andrew.



She Terrible

Lori Lightfoot continues to prove she’s sexist, racist and incompetent.

  • She will only grant 1 on 1 interviews with black and brown people. No white people.

In a 2-page statement, Lightfoot said:

“In looking at the absence of diversity across the City Hall press corps and other newsrooms, sadly it does not appear that many of the media institutions in Chicago have caught on and truly have not embraced this moment. I have been struck since my first day on the campaign trail back in 2018 by the overwhelming whiteness and maleness of Chicago media outlets, editorial boards, the political press corps, and yes, the City Hall press corps specifically.”

“If I as the black woman mayor, the first-ever, don’t challenge us, the collective us, to do better, to really make sure that in every institution it reflects the diversity, nuance, and texture, then shame on me.”

“This isn’t my job. It shouldn’t be. I don’t have time for it. But as with so many festering problems, it has only gotten worse with time. So here I am, like so many other Black women before me, having to call your attention to this problem.”

Most journalists thought what she did was terrible, racist and against the First Amendment. In fact, this is probably illegal and if she gets sued, she’ll probably lose.

Gregory Pratt, a Latino journalist, actually cancelled a one-on-one interview in protest of the mayor’s new directive. In fact. most journalists have made it clear what she is doing is wrong. But that’s the Left’s way: discriminate for diversity. You know, they did the same thing when enacting Jim Crow.

But that’s not all that Lori Lightfoot has done:

  • Though Chicago will lift the mask mandate, Lightfoot will continue to wear a mask. That’s because this mask thing is all about power, not safety.
  • Crime in Chicago is still sky high. They average 30-50 shootings every weekend, most (if not all) in the black community.
  • Even with crime sky high, she is continuing to defund the police department.
  • And, the crème-de-la-crème, they have a huge rat problem. How are they handling that? They are releasing feral cats to eat the rats. No shit.
    • What will they do when the cats eat the rats? Get dogs to eat the cats?
    • What about when all the dogs eat the cats? Get tigers to eat the dogs?
    • By the way, people who know about rats say that it is dogs that will actually eat the rats, not cats.

I thought the politicians in California were bad.




It Was Never About the Science


Nancy Doesn’t Want to Give Up Her Power



This Guy Needs to be Fired



Vaccine Craziness



Crazy California


She’s Terrible


The View Ain’t Helping







Episode 350 – Could Be the End of an Era

The overturning of Roe versus Wade is going in front of the Supreme Court.

Let’s talk about Roe versus Wade and why it should be overturned, how abortion is murder and the media’s reaction.

And, finally, let’s talk about what is going to happen if it is overturned.


Prepare for Another Flip Out

The Supreme Court agreed on Monday, for the first time under its new 6-3 conservative majority, to hear an abortion case, potentially threatening the long-standing 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that legalized aborting a fetus until 24 weeks, generally considered to be the stage of viability.

The case specifically challenges Mississippi’s ban on abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy. Both sides are projecting at least a partial erosion of abortion rights, given the court’s conservative majority.

This case is huge. I really didn’t expect they would take the case because it is a hand grenade politically and this court has proven that they are a little gun shy when it comes to controversial cases.


For legal scholars, Roe versus Wade has been very problematic.

  • During the case in 1973, the science is what a fetus actually is was questionable.
  • Test tube babies threw out the the concept that a baby was dependent on the mother in 1978.
  • The solution of DNA in the 1990s proved that a fetus had the DNA of both parents but didn’t match either parent. In other words, DNA proved the fetus had its own DNA.
  • Further research found that the fetus develops a nervous system at three weeks.
  • At four weeks, the baby has a face and neck.
  • At eight weeks, the fetus has arms, legs, fingers, toes, a heart and lungs.
  • At 12 weeks, the heart beat can be heard and the sex can be determined.
  • At 16 weeks, the baby’s eyes can blink and the heart and blood vessels are fully formed. The baby’s fingers and toes have fingerprints.
  • At 18 weeks, babies have survived outside the womb.
  • At 20 weeks, the baby can suck a thumb, yawn, stretch, and make faces. Soon — if you haven’t already — you’ll feel your baby move, which is called “quickening.”

The Justices in 1973 didn’t know any of this. So they ruled in Roe versus Wade that the fetus was part of the female body, like a hand, and had the right to privacy to deal with her body in the way she sees fit.

It was a chickenshit, political ruling.

All major medical institutions throughout the world acknowledge that the fetus is a separate human life at conception. Period. Done. A woman has no more “right to privacy” to kill a baby than I have to kill my fiancé while alone in my apartment,  even though I have a right to privacy in my apartment. Also, a woman has no more right to privacy to kill her unborn baby at 24 weeks, which the child is viable, than she does when the child is three days old. It’s the same child.

Roe versus Wade could, very well, be over turned. I’ll go a step further, it should be overturned. It’s a crap law based on flawed science with a really weak ruling.

The Media

Of course, the media loves abortion because they are all Leftists. The problem is they can’t argue for it because it is murder. So what do they do? They call anti-abortionists bad names.

Chris Cuomo from CNN suggested that the reason anti-abortionists want to overturn Roe v. Wade is because we are all racist. Cuomo said:

“It’s not about science or consensus. It’s about dividing lines, legislating to the far-right white-fright vote, flooding the zone with 536 bills that abridge a woman’s right to control her own body, in 46 states. It’s just like voting rights in one way.”

No debate. No argument. Just name calling. By the way, does it even bother anyone being called a racist anymore? I feel if I am not called a racist I might have to rethink my position.

Of course you can’t have an abortion debate without calling someone a sexist.

Joy Reid of MSNBC, who is just a terrible person, said:

“The conservative-led Supreme Court has agreed to take up Mississippi’s restrictive abortion law, and women’s reproductive rights appear to be in serious, serious danger. It’s straight out of ‘The Handmaid’s Tale,’ with a Gilead-style government, right here in America.”

She was also quoted saying:

“It’s a terrifying prospect eerily reminiscent of ‘The Handmaid’s Tale,’ where far-right wings religious extremists took up arms against their own country, one where women and their bodies were under the complete control of almost extravagantly corrupt and hypocritical men of god, quote, unquote. What’s so scary and frankly traumatizing about that show and the book that inspired it is that it starts off in the very place that we live in right now where women have the right to choose what they do with their bodies until they don’t. And then in what seems like a blink of an eye, those rights were just gone.”

There’s no debate or reason with these people. That’s because they have no argument. This is a group that, supposedly, follows the science unless the science contradicts their agenda. The good news is that people are getting tired of being called names and they are supporting things based on their conscience.

Let’s Say It Happens

This is what I find weird about this whole mess. All these people screaming about the overturning of Roe v. Wade, if it happens, know very little about the Constitution. The reason it could get overturned is because the Constitution does not address abortion. That’s why the ruling will probably be overturned.

And not much is going to happen if it does get overturned. Abortion is not going to be banned in places like California and New York. It just means that states will have the option to ban it or restrict it or keep it legal.




