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Episode 328 – Probably Not Going to Happen

I like reading articles from the view of the Left. I have decided to read one to you concerning court packing from Vox.com.



The Situation

Last week, on Friday, Joe Biden signed an Executive Order that will give a 36-person commission to analyze the benefits and pitfalls of adding justices to the Supreme Court. This commission is going to be bipartisan and will be made up of legal scholars.

So far, court packing has not been a real popular idea except for the radical left. Biden opposed it a few years ago. So did Barrack Obama. But that was a time when liberal justices had an advantage in the courts. But there were also liberal justices that thought the idea was bad including Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Stephen Breyer. Many liberal and leftist news outlets believe trying to pack the court is a fool’s errand and point to FDR trying to pack the court in 1937.

But Biden and his leftist advisors know that a lot of his far left, radical policies are going to get challenged, especially when trying to reintroduce Obamacare and gun control. They also have this illogical fear of Roe versus Wade being overturned.

Let’s look at a Vox article that takes the leftist position on court packing and the its apparent destiny.


The Story

This is an article called “Biden’s New Supreme Court Commission Won’t Fix Anything” by Ian Millhiser. You can tell from the title of the article that there is a definite bias as to what he thinks of court packing. In case you don’t know, Vox is a far left publication and use it to get the skinny on what they think about certain political and cultural issues.

Here we go:

In 2014, Judge Thomas Griffith authored an opinion in Halbig v. Burwell that could have wrecked Obamacare’s insurance markets in over 30 states and potentially stripped health coverage from millions of Americans. Griffith’s court eventually vacated his ruling against Obamacare, and the Supreme Court rejected Griffith’s reasoning in King v. Burwell (2015) — but not before the Halbig decision plunged the Obama administration, health care advocates, and patients into a year of terror that Obamacare would be gutted.

I do want to point out that Obamacare was seen as unconstitutional by that court because of the mandate. That is a fine that one has to pay if one doesn’t have healthcare and the fines were used to help pay for Obamacare. This is unconstitutional because the federal government can’t force someone to buy something and fine them if he doesn’t.

Chief Justice Roberts, who is hardly a conservative, decided to call the “fine” a “tax” which made it constitutional. Obama called it a fine so I’m not sure what the hell Roberts was thinking.

On Friday, President Joe Biden announced that he would sign an executive order creating a “Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States.” Griffith — who retired from the federal bench in 2020, allowing former President Trump to choose his successor — is one of several prominent conservatives on this commission, which the White House says Biden appointed to “provide an analysis of the principal arguments in the contemporary public debate for and against Supreme Court reform.”

Yet, while the author of one of the most significant attacks on Obamacare in the last decade is on Biden’s commission, none of the leading academic proponents of Supreme Court reform were appointed (the overwhelming majority of the commission’s three dozen members are law professors or political scientists).

If this is true, this is the first unifying thing that Biden has actually done. Not sure how true it is.

Biden initially said in October he would convene a commission of leading academics to study possible reforms to the Supreme Court. At the time, Biden was torn between liberal activists who were enraged by Senate Republicans’ efforts to ensure that the GOP could control the Supreme Court, and Republican critics who accused Democrats of wanting to add seats to the Supreme Court in order to undo those efforts by the GOP.

This annoys me. The Supreme Court is not suppose to be partisan. It’s suppose to read the Constitution and make a determination based on the words of the Constitution. Period. The Supreme Court doesn’t “undo” anything. It determines if something is legal or not.

Rather than take a position on whether to add seats to the Supreme Court, Biden ultimately punted the question until after the election with his promise to appoint a commission.

Now he has appointed such a commission and, measured solely by its intellectual firepower, the names on the commission are impressive. They include some of the nations’ most prominent legal academics, such as Yale Law School Dean Heather Gerken and Harvard’s Laurence Tribe.

But the commission does not include law professors Daniel Epps and Ganesh Sitaraman, authors of a highly influential proposal to expand the Supreme Court to 15 justices and have the key members of the Court be chosen in a bipartisan process that is intended to make the Court less ideological. And it does not include Aaron Belkin, a political science professor and leader of Take Back the Court, a pro-reform organization. In choosing the members of this commission, the White House appears to have prioritized bipartisanship and star power within the legal academy over choosing people who have actually spent a meaningful amount of time advocating for Supreme Court reforms.

This is a lie. Epps and Sitaraman believed that upping the number of justices was necessary because, “without radical reforms to save its legitimacy, the Court may never recover from its transformation into a nakedly partisan institution.” In other words, they see textualists as radical and activist justices as non-partisan.

They also believed that it is the Senate that should determine who the justices are, not the President. By the way, that unconstitutional and, might I say, quite radical.

The writer fails to bring this up as to why they are not on the panel.

When the White House released the list of commission members on Friday, it swiftly won praise — from members of the conservative Federalist Society. Evan Bernick, a right-libertarian law professor at Georgetown, praised the commission as a “powerhouse lineup of scholars.” Stephen Sachs, a Duke Law professor who won the Federalist Society’s Joseph Story Award in 2020, called the commission “an astonishingly well-balanced list.”

Ilya Somin, a libertarian law professor at George Mason University, wrote shortly after the commission’s membership was announced that “the composition of the Commission is also bad news for advocates of court-packing, who may have hoped that it will produce a report endorsing the idea.”

So, if the White House’s goal was to allay concerns among conservatives that President Biden might try to diminish the Republican Party’s influence over the judiciary, this commission appears to have accomplished that goal.

He doesn’t ask the simple question here: Is true bipartisanship with Biden’s condition a good thing? Especially since Joe Biden as done nothing that could be bipartisan so far since becoming President. There’s a reason he doesn’t ask that.

How We Got to this Point

Not that long ago, the idea of adding additional seats to the Supreme Court in order to change its partisan makeup was considered very radical. President Franklin Roosevelt proposed doing so in 1937 in order to neutralize a Court that frequently struck down New Deal programs on spurious legal grounds, but his proposal was unpopular and ultimately went nowhere.

The New Deal was a socialist program. It violated the Constitution. That’s why it was struck down. Just look at the National Recovery Administration (NRA) of 1933 that was struck down in 1935, unanimously, by the Supreme Court.

Yet several crucial events happened in recent years that convinced many Democrats that the federal judiciary is unfairly stacked against them. In 2016, after Justice Antonin Scalia’s death in February of that year, Senate Republicans refused to even give a confirmation hearing to President Obama’s nominee to the Supreme Court, now-Attorney General Merrick Garland.

At the time, Republicans claimed that it was inappropriate to confirm a Supreme Court nominee in a presidential election year.

But then Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died in September of 2020, and Republicans immediately abandoned the position that they invented in order to justify scuttling Garland’s nomination. Trump’s nominee, Justice Amy Coney Barrett, was confirmed just eight days before the 2020 election, which threw Trump out of office.

In the interim between Garland’s unsuccessful nomination and Barrett’s successful one, Democrats endured two other significant traumas. The first was that Trump became president, despite receiving nearly 3 million fewer votes than Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Republicans also controlled the Senate for the entirety of Trump’s presidency — but they only controlled the Senate thanks to malapportionment. The Democratic “minority” in the Senate represented millions more Americans than the Republican “majority” during Trump’s presidency.

We’ve talked about this before.

  • Because the court may not be liberal does not mean it’s unfairly stacked.
  • What Mitch McConnell did was not only not “unfair” it has been done dozens of times before in the past.
  • Traumas? They lost the Presidency and they controlled the Senate. Don’t elections “have consequences”?
  • And the Senate mat “represent” less citizens but the Senate is suppose to represent states not citizens. Why should California have more representatives in the Senate than Wyoming? That’s what the House of Representatives are for.
  • This shows me that this guy knows nothing of the ideas of the Democratic Republic that the Founding Fathers envisioned.
  • How does this guy become a writer.


Indeed, all three of Trump’s Supreme Court appointees were nominated by a president who lost the popular vote and confirmed by a bloc of senators who represent less than half of the country.

The second trauma was the confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who was credibly accused of attempting to rape Dr. Christine Blasey Ford while Kavanaugh and Ford were both in high school. Kavanaugh responded to these allegations with an angry rant before the Senate Judiciary Committee, in which he seemed to threaten retaliation against Democrats for repeating the allegations against him — “what goes around comes around,” Kavanaugh told the committee.

  • News flash: Brett Kavanaugh was not credibly accused.
  • Why was Kavanaugh defending himself considered a rant. He was pissed and deserved to be so.
  • Kavanaugh’s statement wasn’t a threat, it was a warning.
  • I hate when people misrepresent lies as fact. It makes their evaluations null. Wait until we talk about Ibram X. Kendi’s book, How to be an Antiracist. His introduction lost me interest because his theory was based off lies.


All of this contributed to a sense among Democrats that the Court has become too partisan, and led many prominent Democrats to conclude that radical action was necessary to prevent a GOP-led Supreme Court from dismantling voting rights and otherwise entrenching Republican power.

Again, the court became to partisan because three justices selected were textualists and not liberal activists.

Yet, when candidate Biden was asked about whether he’d support radical reforms such as adding seats to the Supreme Court, he initially said he opposed these reforms. After Ginsburg’s death, he took a more agnostic stance, saying that, while he’s “not been a fan of court-packing,” his approach to the issue would depend on how the Barrett confirmation fight played out.

Now that Barrett’s been confirmed, however, Biden appears to be signaling with his new commission that significant reforms to the Supreme Court will not be on the table.

Biden doesn’t want to pack the Supreme Court but he is conflicted. His policies may not get through Supreme Court criticisms with a textualists court.

Why a Milquetoast Supreme Court Matters

Court-packing is not something that anyone should do lightly. If Democrats did add seats to the Supreme Court in order to change its partisan balance, the result most likely would not be widespread acceptance of the newly liberal Court’s decisions. It would be massive resistance from Republicans.

Or the cases would be decided by partisan activists and the court was manipulated to become another legislative branch. I think if the Republicans did it, there would be riots everywhere. Look at the fit thrown by Dems when Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett were nominated.

As Justice Stephen Breyer recently warned during a lecture at Harvard Law School, “structural alteration [of the Court] motivated by the perception of political influence” will erode trust in the Court’s decisions.

And now the left wants Breyer to retire or resign.

Yet, while Breyer is correct to warn that significant reforms to the Supreme Court are likely to undermine the Court’s legitimacy, the mere threat of court-packing can serve an important function. If the justices believe that President Biden may send them six new colleagues if the Court dismantles what remains of the Voting Rights Act, then those justices may be less likely to dismantle the Voting Rights Act.

Wait a minute. Is he saying Biden is trying to threaten the court by talking about packing the courts? If he manipulated the courts based on a threat, wouldn’t that make the Supreme Court partisan?

A healthy fear of a Democratic majority could lead the Supreme Court to become less partisan.

Threatening to make the court partisan will make it less partisan? Isn’t it less partisan now? Or is partiality not the issue here? Could it be that, to the left, it is partisan when there are more textualists on the court that might not go for the left’s unconstitutional laws?

But Biden’s new commission sends the opposite message. With so many prominent members of the Federalist Society praising the commission right out the gate, it’s clear that conservatives do not feel threatened by this commission. And the justices themselves are just as capable of looking at the list of names that Biden picked and seeing that this commission is unlikely to support significant reforms.



I don’t think packing the Supreme Court is going to happen. Here’s why:

  • Joe Biden is luke warm on the subject. He didn’t believe in it before and I’m not sure he does now.
  • If Biden did select a non-partisan committee, there’s a good chance reasonable minds will prevail.
  • Four to five months is a long time to debate this. By the time the conference is done and the report is written, we will be at the start of the 2022 election cycle. Unlike Biden, Democrats on the election trail are going to have to explain this.
  • Joe Biden might have a moment of clarity from his dementia and realize how dangerous and stupid it is.
  • I think the leftist Democrats are beginning to take some heat and realizing their stuff ain’t that popular. The border issue, the spending, the tax increases, the global corporate tax thing, the love of other countries, the changes to military policy, the ignoring of China, the continued lockdowns with COVID waning, the trans thing, the equity thing, the race thing, the voting reform and the heavy gun control restrictions. These are not popular with most of the country.


The Supreme Court should not be expanded because:

  • It makes the Supreme Court partisan.
  • It makes the Supreme Court another legislative body.
  • Any decision will be questioned.
  • It will never end. Imagine a Supreme Court with 400 justices.



Episode 326 – You’ve Got to be Kidding

We haven’t talked much about the Derrick Chauvin trial in the killing of George Floyd. You know, the killing of a guy that ended up starting riots that caused about $3 billion dollars of damage last summer.

Well, I think we need to get ready for some more riots because it ain’t going well for the prosecution.


The Trial

The prosecution, so far, is getting killed in the Derrick Chauvin trial.

  • The prosecution’s first several witnesses were emotional and gave nothing as far as evidence.
  • They brought the trainer of the ME who said she thought that he died is asphyxiation. This is not evidence.
  • The ME who did the autopsy said that autopsy proved asphyxiation but saw no trauma on the neck.
  • The ER doctor, who said it was probable asphyxia. Floyd was already dead. He admitted that drugs could cause the asphyxia.
  • Floyd had twice the lethal dose of fentanyl in his symptom.
  • Floyd’s girlfriend said Floyd overdosed a couple of weeks earlier.
  • The police chief, a witness for the prosecution, agreed that Chauvin put his knee on Floyd’s shoulder.
  • Pills were found in the car with Floyd’s DNA on them six months after Floyd’s death. What?
  • There was a video released by the defense that might have shown Floyd saying, “I ate too many drugs.”
  • The prosecution has to admit that the police officers were being kicked while the police were trying to stick him in the car.
  • George Floyd’s drug dealer will not testify because he doesn’t want to get charged with third degree murder. The prosecution will not give him immunity.
  • One of the police use-of-force trainers was asked if people being arrested claimed a medical emergency but the police didn’t believe them. He said yes.
  • The use-of-force was not the most aggressive. Hobbling is considered a greater use-of-force but was not used.
  • He also admitted police needed to be careful with drugged suspects because they are stronger.
  • The trainer also said it is not uncommon and officers are trained to know drug suspects may pass out but then wake up again, becoming more aggressive. They should keep control of a suspect until EMS arrives.
  • The defense was pointing out that the crowd was getting aggressive and that was why CPR was not performed. One person in the crowd said, “I would slap the fuck out of you.”
  • EMS did not perform CPR because of the aggression of the crowd. This came from the prosecution witness.
  • The defense asked the EMS support person about excited delirium. The prosecution objects and refuses to let excited delirium or fentanyl overdoses up. The defense asks to be able to call the prosecution witness when he starts his defense. This is bad for the prosecution!


The prosecution hasn’t even talked about race yet. They can’t see to get out of their own way when it comes to excessive force. The defense has done a wonderful job saying that Chauvin never used excessive force by using the prosecution’s own witnesses. Heck, they are even going to steal one from the prosecution.

The legacy media is reporting none of this. Is it because they are not interested? No, they are interested. They are pointing out the prosecution’s highlights. They are interviewing people who are saying Chauvin is, without a doubt, guilty. I’m watching the trial on HLN and they actually skip the trial to talk to all their Left wing buddies. All saying how Chauvin is guilty but never really bringing any big hits by the prosecution. That’s because there were no big hits be the prosecution. They’re getting killed so far.

Listen, the media wants Chauvin to get off. They want to be able to say that the system is racist. The news media is justifying future riots. There will be riots whether Chauvin is found guilty or not.

As of not, the prosecution has not proven a thing. Heck, they have hurt their own case. There is no way he gets convicted here. At best, the prosecution could hope for a hung jury. In fact, I’ll take the extra yard: if Chauvin gets convicted, he becomes a patsy in order to stop the violence we all know is going to come, no matter what.

This will invite extremism from the other side. Just watch.



Nothing Could Go Wrong with That




Thank God They Put $80 Billion into Trains











Episode 327 – They’re Coming for You

Joe Biden unleashes his gun control plan through an Executive Order.

He also, in his continuing quest for unity, has tapped a radical gun control n=7ut to head the ATF.

Finally, Washington DC proves why we need guns.


We Knew This Was Coming

Joe Biden has promised to throw an Executive Order on gun control and he has done it. The problem with his gun control order is it does not do a lot and it is built on lies. But we’ll get into that later.

Let’s listen to Biden’s introduction to the order:

A few things about this introduction that really leads us to know what Biden is going to say during his speech:

  • First, this is not a public health crisis or an epidemic. That’s just stupid. COVID is an epidemic. I can get sick and spread it to Josie. I am not going to catch “shooting fever” and start shooting someone.
  • They are not infringing on the 2nd Amendment is just crap. Of course they are. And him calling them “phony” is just a tell that these new laws are going to be extreme.
  • The Constitution in not absolute. Of course it is. The 2nd Amendment is one of the most absolute of all the amendments. It even says gun rights “…shall not be infringed.”
  • The “can’t yell fire in a crowded theater” is actually not a law. It was something used by a Supreme Court Justice in 1919. It’s like the “separation of church and state” thing.
  • His claim of “you couldn’t own any weapon you wanted to own” is also crap. He’s either lying or knows nothing of American history. I expect it’s a little of both. People were required to own guns and cannons were allowed for private ownership because of the 2nd Amendment.
  • Finally, violence with guns being an “international embarrassment” annoys the hell out of me. I really don’t give a damn what other countries think of us.


So you can tell, right off, this law is going to be egregious because Joe Biden, a chronic liar, is telling us that it’s not going to be so bad for gun owners.

This is what the law does, which isn’t much, but it’s a start:

  • The DOJ will come up with a solution about “ghost guns”.
  • The DOJ has 60 days to deal with gun braces.
  • The DOJ will come up with a plan for “community violence intervention”. I got one: throw people in jail.
  • Suggestions for “red flag” legislation. This one can be scary.
  • Get a report on gun trafficking.
  • Place a ban on “assault rifles” and high capacity magazines.
  • He wants to eliminate protections for gun manufacturers and sellers.
  • Fill the “gun show loophole”. This is a big lie.
  • Figure out a plan for universal background checks. This is a national gun database. This is scary.


This may not seem like a lot but it’s a start. Biden doesn’t want to come off as trying to just blow gun rights up all at once. But this will lead to a gun grab eventually.

I also hate that this guy keep telling me “what I don’t need”. Here’s what I don’t need: a guy who knows nothing about guns, has armed security and ten thousand armed military around his residence telling me I don’t need a 100 round magazine or a specific type of rifle to protect myself. It’s none of his f-ing business.



So Much Unity

Joe Biden continues to be unifying, especially in his picks for his cabinet. He decided to assign David Chipman to be the lead for the lead of the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Here is Old Joe making the announcement with another flub:

It’s not a shock that Joe Biden called the ATF the “AFT”. He is so in the pocket of the teachers union, I would not be shocked that he was thinking of the American Federation of Teachers and not the department of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. But I suspect it’s because Old Joe is losing his marbles.

What is shocking is his selection of David Chipman. This guy is a radical and a conspiracy theorist.

  • He was paid $100 K plus by the gun control lobby between 2017-2020 .
  • Between 2012 and 2013, Chipman was a registered lobbyist for another gun control group, Everytown for Gun Safety. He made more than $1 million in a six month timeframe.
  • He called for the ban of “assault weapons”.
  • He once said that a person who fails a background check while trying to purchase a weapon should be immediately arrested.
  • He has called for the Secret Service to be disarmed.
  • During the COVID lockdowns, he called for gun stores to be closed because he didn’t consider them “essential services”.


He was involved in the Branch Davidian raid in Waco, Texas as an ATF SWAT member. That was a screwed up incursion that killed everyone in the compound including dozens of kids. Chipman said on a Reddit board:

“At Waco, cult members used 2 .50 caliber Barretts to shoot down two Texas Air National Guard helicopters. Point, it is true we are fortunate they are not used in crime more often. The victims of drug lords in Mexico are not so lucky. America plays a role in fueling the violence south of the border.”

That never happened.

But what is most shocking is the advice he gave new gun owners:

This guy is a schmuck. It’s scry that he is heading such a powerful department as the ATF. I wonder what he’s going to do with Hunter Biden who we know lied on a federal gun background check form and illegally obtained a gun.



You’ve Got to be Kidding

Does anyone wonder why people are buying guns at record rates? Does anyone wonder why crime has been up 100% over the last year? Why cities are burning? Why there are so many assaults, rapes, car jackings and murders?

Well, this story pretty much explains it.

Mohammad Anwar, a 66-year-old Uber Eats driver in Washington, D.C., was killed last month after two teenage girls assaulted him with a Taser and stole his car. The girls crashed the car, which resulted in Anwar’s death.

The girls, aged 13 and 15, were also able to reach a plea deal that allows them to “avoid detention in prison facilities and will not be held past the age of 21.”

Acting D.C. Police Chief Robert Contee III was also asked if he believed the 15-year-old girl should be tried as an adult for her alleged crime:

“The 15-year-old would not be charged as an adult. You know, obviously, this is a tragic case and, you know, charging this person as an adult [who’s] a juvenile … does not bring back the lost loved one in this case. And certainly, again, the 15-year-old would not be eligible as a Title 16 case. You know, and it’s not really pointing fingers at anyone – the courts or anyone.”

What has been further found out is that the 13 year old was under investigation for a previous carjacking. When Conte was asked about that, he said:

That’s one of many. We have one for that particular –  one of the individuals involved, but there are several carjackings that we have had so far this year where we’re seeing individuals that are involved in multiple, multiple cases. So clearly I think that speaks to us really examining, as a community, the accountability that’s in place. You know, how is it that someone is charged with carjacking or is responsible for carjacking commits another carjacking and another carjacking? I think it’s the larger issue than just this one particular case.

So, in other words, this is a societal problem, not two kids doing something over and over again because they do not fear consequences. Now that they have killed someone and are still not going to see consequences to their actions, we can expect to do it again.







Episode 325 – The Push Back is Coming

We need to have some fun today.

Racism, sexism, homophobia are reaching new lows. What’s funny, people you’d never think would call this out are calling it out. Well, I think they are because some of this stuff is getting stupid.

Let’s talk about Megan Rapido and unequal pay for women and the response from someone who could be hurt by her desires.

Then let’s take a look at the most idiotic racist claims and then a reasonable response about race from an unlikely source.

But first, remember this:


The Backlash Might Be Starting

About two weeks ago, Megan Rapinoe, the lesbian woman who plays on the Women’s US Soccer team, was invited to the White House by Joe Biden and started bitching about how women are not paid as much as men.

Here is the clip:

A few things here that I’m sure I have talked about in a previous podcast:

  • First off, we know her credentials. She won a lot of World Cups and Olympics. But she won them on the women’s team. That matters because people do not watch the women’s teams in greater numbers than the men’s team.
  • The “devalued, disrespected and dismissed” thing is just crap. She is worth $3 million dollars because she can kick a soccer ball.
  • She has been on every magazine cover and sports show in America.
  • She’s at the White House and has met two Presidents. She could have met three but she refused to meet with Trump.
  • She doesn’t deserve what the men make because women’s sport doesn’t make what the men’s sports make. In fact, by percentage, women make more than men based on the contract they signed.
  • The problem is that women’s soccer during the World Cup made $500 million while the men’s team made $4 billion. The women made 13% of the $500 million they negotiated and the men made about 8% of the $4 billion. Who’s going to make more?
  • The Women’s National team, with Megan Rapinoe, played a U-15 soccer team and lost 5-2.
  • By the way, she can try out for the men’s team. Nothing is stopping her.


Here’s the problem for these woke activists. People are beginning to push back especially at the thought of redistributing money from big ticket men’s sports to small ticket women’s sports. This is something they are doing already in the NBA and people think they should do more.

Golden State Warriors forward Draymond Green said he is “tired” of listening to female athletes complain about unequal pay.

“You know, I’m really tired of seeing them complain about the lack of pay because they’re doing themselves a disservice by just complaining. They are [just complaining] because they’re not laying out steps that they can take to change that. So, it’s coming off as a complaint because the people that can change it, they are just going to continue to say, ‘Well, the revenue isn’t there. The revenue isn’t there. So if you don’t bring in the revenue, we can’t up your pay.’”

“They’re going to keep using that. But the reality is, as true as that is, it’s an excuse. Everyone says ‘We support women, we support women empowerment, we support women in the workplace, we do this for women, we do x for women,’ blah blah blah. Everyone uses it to their advantage, and yet these women are not using these people who are saying these very things to their advantage. So then it just becomes a complaint that falls on deaf ears.”

Here’s the thing, he’s right. All these gals are doing is bitching without actually laying out a plan to improve the product they are trying to sell.

This is also a sign where people are going to push back against this woke crap, especially since their ideas are always about redistribution and not about meritocracy.



Racism Everywhere

I love this stuff. First, it’s funny as hell. This stuff is so crazy, a normal person cannot take it seriously.

The second I love it when racists who call us racists come up with this crazy stuff because people who might not be sane will begin to be turned off and will push back.

Let’s take a look at the things that are being called racist.


There is an article I read this weekend on The Guardian called, ‘I was the only black kid in the pool’: why swimming is so white by Rob Walker

Filmmaker Ed Accura was 53 when he learned to swim, and only then through fear that his young daughter might get into trouble and he wouldn’t be able to save her.

“I live near the Thames and I said to myself, if anything happened to her and I couldn’t help, I would never forgive myself.”

Until then he suffered from what he calls Bl-aquaphobia, a word he coined to describe the inherent fear black people have of water – a fear that’s “very, very different” from their white counterparts, he says.

“With white people, it’s usually to do with something that’s happened – ‘I fell into the water, there was an accident’, something like that. But there are a lot of black people, myself included, that have aquaphobia and don’t even know it.”

According to Swim England, the sport’s governing body, 95% of black adults and 80% of black children in England do not swim, and only 2% of regular swimmers are black.

This article gets better. I actually read the entire thing to Josie, who is Mexican, and she started laughing and pointed out that she doesn’t know one Mexican, including herself, that can’t swim. I asked her is she thought it was because of white people and she said, “No, it’s because of a fear of drowning.”

I thought that was funny.

I’m going to skip some of the article but this guy made a YouTube video and an actual full feature film on this subject.

The cultural barriers to swimming – from Afro hair to dry skin, to worrying about the myth that black people have heavier bones – are born of institutional and systemic inequalities that you see right across the aquatic industry, says Danielle Obe, founding member of the Black Swimming Association, a charity which launched last year to tackle the lack of diversity in swimming.

“Our community perceives swimming as a white man’s sport. Why? Because that’s what they see!” Obe says, arguing that it’s the same messaging you see whether it’s the Swimming Teachers’ Association or The Royal National Lifeboat Institution.

She points to swim caps as a case in point – they were designed by Speedo 50 years ago for Caucasian hair, “but they don’t work for us because our hair grows up and defies gravity”.

It seems to me that swimming is not the problem, it’s water. Here’s a news flash: We all are scared of water when we first learn to swim.

Also, is someone stopping black people from swimming?

Trees are Racist

A high school on Portland named Ida B. Wells High School decided it was time to vote for a school mascot. They chose an evergreen tree. Now this makes sense because there are a lot of evergreen trees in Oregon and Stanford’s mascot is a tree.

Can you think of a less offensive thing for a mascot than a tree? It’s not a form of Indian like a Redskin, Chief or Seminole. A tree doesn’t have any connotations of violence. They just kind of stand there. Trees are free of the controversies of sex and gender. They just drop a pine cone and there’s another tree. One is not culturally appropriating a tree because they have no culture. They just stand there and live forever.

But we’d be wrong. The school administration but a hold…well…let’s here what Portland Tribune reported:

“But just before the Portland Public Schools Board of Education’s vote to approve the new mascot Tuesday, March 30, Director Michelle DePass shared community concerns of an unwanted correlation between Ida B. Wells—the historic Black activist, and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who documented and crusaded against lynching—and a tree which could conjure up reminders of hanging people with ropes from branches.”

DePass asked the mascot committee if they considered any concerns when coming up with the new mascot.

“I think everyone comes with blind spots and I think that might’ve been a really big blind spot.”

No kidding, trees need to be cancelled.

Diets are Racist

Listen to this:

That’s right! Dieting is racist.

You are listening to the audio but the video is very interesting. Each of the gals who are speaking are at least 3 bills. They’re big girls. I’m pretty sure they didn’t get that way by eating broccoli and salads. And they don’t look like they would have the self-discipline to diet to the point they will lose weight.

And when has dieting been easy for white people? There are millions of white people who can’t lose weight. There a millions of Hispanic people who can’t lose weight.

As far as the stress of racism causing black people to gain weight, that’s stupid. Here are these big girls, on a television show, complaining about racism. Hey, in the 50s and 60s, blacks would have never been given a television show to bitch about racism and being fat.

I also want to point out that their argument kind of has an opposite effect. Being as heavy as they are kind of shows that there is a lot of food out there. Are they having an obesity issue in Africa that I don’t know about? There’s still slavery in Africa and I’m pretty sure that’s stressful. What about the oppression of the women in the Middle East? They are under a lot of stress because of oppression and they don’t have an obesity problem.

Could they be fat because of their day-to-day diets and personal habits?

This is the problem with our culture. Personal responsibility. Personal responsibility is hard. Finding an excuse for personal failure and becoming a victim is easy. And the big excuse for everything being used today is racism.



Sir Charles Hits It Again

This is leading Charles Barkley, who is not known for following the company narrative, made a comment about our politics today and the use of race in our culture:

“I truly believe in my heart most white people and black people are awesome people. But we are so stupid following our politicians, whether they are Republicans or Democrats, and their only job is, ‘Hey, let’s make these people not like each other. We don’t live in their neighborhoods. [We’ve] all got money. Let’s make the whites and blacks not like each other; let’s make rich people and poor people not like each other; let’s scramble the middle class.

“I truly believe that in my heart.”

Fact check: True!

Charles Barkley isn’t the sharpest tool in the drawer and I don’t believe he’s a conservative but I know he is not a Leftist. He’s also very observant of society and culture. He frequently gets into trouble for pointing this out during his commentary for the NBA.

You know who else buys this stuff? Shaquille O’Neil. Don’t forget, he was, or is, a reservist police officer. You think he’s for BLM or Antifa or defunding the police? He frequently agrees with Chuck.

The point is this extremism is going to have push back. You know why? It’s stupid and is beginning to go overboard.



Episode 324 – Does Anybody Read Anymore?

Rob Manfred’s cowardice is going to crash America’s game while doing business communist China.

When the media faces a story that goes against the narrative, they go back to COVID.

And AOC is not only a moron, she’s worthless.


There’s Always Hockey

Georgia passed a new voting bill in an effort to shore up the vote and keep it clear of corruption. Some of the things that this bill will do:

  • Expand early voting by 17 days.
  • Require ID for in person and absentee voting.
  • Require a reason for absentee voting.
  • Require districts to report voter numbers after each day of voting is complete.
  • Require that nothing can be given to anyone in line except poll workers.
  • Unsolicited applications are no longer allowed.
  • There will be a drop box for ballots county in Georgia and each box can hold no more than 100,000 ballots.
  • Voting can occur from 7 AM to 7 PM. Smaller districts can end voting at 5 PM.
  • Voting can be done on Saturdays and Sundays.


For some reason, this stuff makes voting more restrictive. Not sure how but the lies the Democrats are laying out are flying.

  • They say Georgia is restricting voting times (they actually are expanded compared to New York, Virginia and Maryland).
  • They say requiring ID is racist because blacks don’t have or can’t get IDs and do not know how to use the Internet.
  • They say that the voting hours have been constricted. But that’s not true. They have actually remained the same with smaller districts being allowed to close earlier because of low populations and they allow for weekend voting.
  • People standing in line can’t get water. No, partisan poll watchers cannot offer water to people (which is already the law). Poll workers can give water and people can step out of line to get water or can carry water with them.


Someone, apparently, got to the MLBPA and told them how unjust this law is and they were looking into whether or not the All Star game, which was scheduled to be played in Atlanta.

Then Joe Biden, on the news and political show, ESPN, said this:

This is unprecedented.

  • First off, what the Hell is the President doing on ESPN, a, supposedly, non-partisan sports channel?
  • Why the hell is he putting his nose into something that is up to the MLB and Georgia? Hint: propaganda.
  • Why is policy being driven by a bunch of baseball players that make millions and probably don’t understand the law? Why didn’t the reporter ask that question?
  • Who the hell says baseball players, or any athlete is a leader? They’re entertainers. That’s it. What do they know about policy?
  • How are the millionaires in baseball and the NBA hurt by this law? They’re millionaires because they can hit and throw a ball. That’s it.
  • The Jim Crowe and the water thing irritates me because it’s just a lie.
  • News flash: the North Carolina move by the NCAA was also wrong.
  • And where are the follow up questions? Why didn’t the reporter ask about what portions of the law were restrictive? There weren’t any. This was a propaganda piece made to spread lies.


The next day, MLB commissioner Robert Manfred released a memo stating that the MLB has decided to move the All Star game.

I can’t even tell you the response this got on Twitter. The Left was thrilled. The right and moderate liberals were mortified.

Brian Kemp, the Republican Governor of Georgia said in a press statement:

President Trump said the people of America should boycott baseball. Thhis is going to be a huge hit on the MLB because this is going to work. You know I am not a “boycott” fan. I just stopped watching baseball, even before Trump said anything. But I think something like this, with Trump’s backing, is going to have an impact.

Not we are hearing a couple of things about the story:

  • LeBron James welcomed the MLB to the “family” (pretty sure he doesn’t know anything about the Georgia law either). The NBA is down in viewership by 40% over the last three years.
  • Former President Barrack Obama congratulated the MLB on their decision.
  • President Biden’s little speech about moving the All Star game will cost Georgia $100 plus million dollars. The district that holds the All Star game voted, overwhelmingly for Joe Biden.
  • But the MLB signed a deal with Tencent Wednesday, one of China’s largest tech companies. This company dropped the NBA because the Dallas executive said he wanted Hong Kong to be free.
  • Keisha Lance Bottoms, mayor of Atlanta, applauded the decision. Wow.
  • Stacy Abrams said she was disappointed by the decision. She was the lead liar against the Georgia law but she wants to be governor and costing her state $100 million in All Star weekend services is not a good look.

The lying of our media and Leftist politicians is becoming really apparent.



The Truth Comes Out

We have more news about the attack on the capitol. You should listen to this because you might not hear anything on this again on CNN and MSNBC.

When the story first broke:

  • No name, no motive.
  • CNN said this was an attack that came from the January 6th QAnon attacks. It was a reason it happened.
  • MSNBC said the assailant was white and this was a white supremacist attack.


It was later learned:

  • The assailant was a black man.
  • He was a follower of the Nation of Islam.
  • He called Louis Farrakhan “Jesus”.
  • He lost his job, was financially struggling and having suicidal delusions. He had mental and emotional problems.



How did the media and Left react?

  • CNN never released his photo.
  • MSNBC did little to change the story.
  • Both stopped commentating about it.
  • The Leftist, like Ilhan Omar, started talking about gun control. Oh, yeah, he never had a gun. He had a knife.
  • No one made a thing of a black man killing a white man.


Lies, lies and more lies.



Well, Duh!

She’s the queen of Twitter — but less successful at lawmaking.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was among the least effective members of the last Congress according to a new survey from the nonpartisan Center for Effective Lawmaking — a joint project of Vanderbilt University and the University of Virginia.

AOC introduced a total of 21 bills which the center defined as “substantive” — but that is where the story ends.

Her legislation received no action in committees, no floor votes, and none ever became law, according to the center, which takes its data from Congress.gov.

Alan Wiseman, a Vanderbilt political scientist and co-director of the center said:

“She introduced a lot of bills, but she was not successful at having them receive any sort of action in committee or beyond committee and if they can’t get through committee they cannot pass the House,”

“It’s clear that she was trying to get her legislative agenda moving and engage with the lawmaking process. But she wasn’t as successful as some other members were — even among [other] freshmen — at getting people to pay attention to her legislation.”

When looking at the legislative effectiveness of all congressional Democrats, AOC was ranked 230th out of 240 Democrats. Among the 19 Dem lawmakers from New York state, she ranked dead last.

Democratic House insider said:

“Tweeting is easy, governing is hard. You need to have friends. You need to understand the committee process, you need to be willing to make sacrifices. Her first day in Congress … she decided to protest outside of Nancy Pelosi’s office.”

A second Democratic insider who worked with her in the New York delegation added that “legislation was never her focus. It was media and narrative.”

Across the aisle, Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-Brooklyn/Staten Island):

“Her ludicrous policy ideas would destroy our country — Americans should be thankful she’s not effective.”

Fellow Democratic Socialist “Squad” members fared better than AOC.

Rep. Ilhan Omar sponsored 33 bills that also went nowhere, earning her 214th place.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib saw three of her substantive bills advance into committee — with one ultimately becoming law. She ranked 92nd.







Episode 323 – That’s a Big Ticket

Biden is about to unleash an infrastructure bill that may break the country.

A really weird story is brewing about Matt Gaetz, the Representative from Florida and it’s juicy.

And AOC is still an idiot.


An Infrastructure Bill that Doesn’t Repair the Infrastructure

During a speech in Pittsburgh, the 46th President billed his American Jobs Act.

He said the bill is a “once in a generation investment in America, unlike anything we’ve seen or done since we built the interstate highway system, and the space race decades ago. In fact, it’s the largest American jobs investment since World War II.”

The American Jobs Act seeks to “reimagine and rebuild a new economy” — specifically, by addressing the “climate crisis,” the “ambitions of an autocratic China,” and “persistent racial injustice.”

Roads, Bridges, Public Transportation and Rail

The total given to this is $621 billion. The largest portion of the bill.

$115 billion for roads, bridges and highways. This is the only infrastructure in the bill. $20 billion fund for states and localities to improve road safety, “especially for cyclists and pedestrians.”

Noting that “households of color are twice as likely to take public transportation,” the plan allocates $105 billion for the Department of Transportation to fix 24,000 buses, 5,000 rail cars, and 200 stations. Congress already provides for this and this new bill will double it.

$80 billion toward Amtrak to address the agency’s repair backlog, modernize the Northeast Corridor, and connect new city pairs.

Biden proposed a $174 billion injection into the electric vehicle (EV) market. The legislation would “enable automakers to spur domestic supply chains from raw materials to parts, retool factories to compete globally, and support American workers to make batteries and EVs,” while offering “point of sale rebates and tax incentives” for electric vehicle consumers. He wants to compete with the Chinese. News flash: electric cars are not cheap or environmentally friendly.

Biden also calls for a $25 billion investment in airports and $17 billion in the port system — which includes a “Healthy Ports program to mitigate the cumulative impacts of air pollution on neighborhoods near ports, often communities of color.” Notice, everything helps people of color. Why doesn’t this plan help all people. This is racist.

$20 billion for “a new program that will reconnect neighborhoods cut off by historic investments and ensure new projects increase opportunity, advance racial equity and environmental justice, and promote affordable access.”

Energy and Broadband Internet

This has nothing to do with infrastructure and will cost $200 billion.

The first $100 billion would push the energy grid toward “cheaper, cleaner electricity.” The plan “will use the federal government’s incredible purchasing power to drive clean energy deployment across the market by purchasing 24/7 clean power for federal buildings” in a drive to reach carbon-pollution-free power by 2035.

Another $100 billion would fund broadband internet in “unserved and underserved areas so that we finally reach 100 percent high-speed broadband coverage.” The plan clarifies that it will ensure “funds are set aside for infrastructure on tribal lands and that tribal nations are consulted in program administration,” while promoting workers’ ability to “bargain collectively.”

Need to encourage unionization in the private sector for people of color. This is racist.

Schools and Housing

Again, has nothing to do with infrastructure but will cost $213 billion.

It will “build, preserve, and retrofit more than two million homes and commercial buildings to address the affordable housing crisis.”

This spending would fund the retrofitting of “more than a million” houses for “rental opportunities to underserved communities nationwide, including rural and tribal areas.” It would also “build and rehabilitate” over half a million homes for “low- and middle-income homebuyers” by offering $20 billion in tax credits through the Neighborhood Homes Investment Act.

The legislation will use $40 billion to improve “the infrastructure of the public housing system in America” to “disproportionately benefit women, people of color, and people with disabilities.”

That’s racist.

The $213 billion in spending also includes a $100 billion payout to “upgrade and build new public schools, through $50 billion in direct grants and an additional $50 billion leveraged through bonds.” Also granting $12 billion to community colleges and $25 billion to childcare facilities, the legislation cites its resultant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

Sound familiar?

Care Infrastructure

Stating that caregivers are “disproportionately women of color,” the plan would “put $400 billion toward expanding access to quality, affordable home- or community-based care for aging relatives and people with disabilities.”

That’s racist and sexist.

The plan would likewise leverage Medicaid to expand home and community-based services, which will “support well-paying caregiving jobs that include benefits and the ability to collectively bargain” — which, according to the plan, would again benefit “low-income communities and communities of color.”

Again…well, you know.

Research and Development

Biden decided that China is a threat and really decided to take a stand against them. So, he thinks spending money on technology will do it. Technology they’ll just steal.

Among these expenditures include $50 billion for the National Science Foundation’s research into “semiconductors and advanced computing, advanced communications technology, advanced energy technologies, and biotechnology.”

Biden’s legislation also sets aside $40 billion to upgrade brick-and-mortar research facilities — half of which is earmarked specifically for Historically Black Colleges and Universities and other Minority Serving Institutions.

That’s racist. Why doesn’t he fix Cal State Northridge.

The legislation would likewise build a “new national lab focused on climate that will be affiliated with an HBCU.”

In addition to the $20 billion in infrastructure improvements, Biden is calling for another $10 billion in R&D investments at HBCUs, as well as $15 billion to build “200 centers of excellence that serve as research incubators at HBCUs and other MSIs.”

Again emphasizing the issue of climate change, the legislation would spend “$35 billion in the full range of solutions needed to achieve technology breakthroughs that address the climate crisis and position America as the global leader in clean energy technology and clean energy jobs.”


Of course, taxes will be involved. But the only tax plan he talked about was raising the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28% and how he was going to tax corporations based on overseas earnings.

Guess what? That’s not going to be enough. We’ll just wait and see.


You know how everyone was saying that our country is systemically racist? I never believed it before but we are now. When our government creates laws and bases decisions that benefit one race over another, that creating a racist system. We had that prior to the Civil Rights Act. Just because the law benefits people of color and not whites does not make it any less racist.



I Don’t Know What to Believe

This might be one of the strangest stories of the last five years. And we have had some strange stories. This involves Rep. Matt Gaetz and a really weird tale. It has everything that would make good for a movie of the week. It has sex, betrayal, spies, foreign enemies, extortion and sex.

I have no idea what’s true but something is. I don’t even think I can comment on it because it is so bazaar.

Our tale started on Tuesday. The New York Times decided to release a story saying the Rep. Gaetz was under investigation by the Department of Justice and FBI for sex trafficking. Specifically, Gaetz was traveling with a girlfriend who was 17 years old.

Gaetz went on Tucker Carlson on the night the story came out and said:

“This former Department of Justice official tomorrow was supposed to be contacted by my father so that specific instructions could be given regarding the wiring of $4.5 million as a down payment on this bribe. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that tonight, somehow, the New York Times is leaking this information, smearing me, and ruining the investigation that would likely result in one of the former colleagues of the current DOJ being brought to justice for trying to extort me and my family.”

The 17-year-old in question “doesn’t exist,” Gaetz said, adding that he has “not had a relationship with a 17-year-old. That is totally false.”

The whole thing started, according to reports, when an Air Force intelligence officer approached Gaetz for a loan of $25 million dollars. The reason was to rescue and officer in Iran named Robert Levinson. Kent had a plan to rescue Levinson and, even though the family thought he was dead, Kent said he had proof he was alive. He was working with attorneys named Davis McGee and Stephen Alford.

Alford is a little sketchy. He already faced charges of extortion and fraud in the past. Gaetz told them to fuck off and away they went. But they weren’t done.

The went to Gaetz’s father Don. Don is a pretty rich guy, worth over $400 million. Don got a phone call and agreed to meet with Kent and Alford. They gave him a document describing a mission called Operation Homecoming. It described the They said that there was an investigation by the DOJ of Matt sue to corruption and moral indiscretions. Specifically, Matt was have orgies with underage girls.

That’s got to be awesome. Nothing really new in Washington DC.

According to these clowns, they were prepared to make all this go away and promised Matt a pardon from President Biden. Supposedly, the Biden administration was aware of all of this. This meeting happened on March 16th of this year.

Don Gaetz had the document and it was released. It said:

“In exchange for the funds being arranged, and upon the release of Mr. Levinson, the team that delivers Mr. Levinson to the President of The United States shall strongly advocate that President Biden issue a Presidential Pardon, or instruct the Department of Justice to terminate any and all investigations involving Congressman Gaetz.”

Kent, McGee, Alford and the White House were questioned about this and no one commented. Doesn’t that make you go, “hmmm”.

Listen, Gaetz is a climber and no angel. He liked dating young women. This was known. Today, there is a story about him showing nude pics of his conquests to other representatives and, apparently, he’s not that popular in Congress. But…

Let’s just wait and see. I can’t wait to see where this story is going to go.



I Miss Her Sooo Much

Because the disaster of the border is Democrat caused and AOC made a complete ass of herself when there was a surge at the border during the Trump administration, she has been kind of quiet. Yeah, you’re not seeing her at a border facility, staring behind a chain link fence, dressed all in white spilling crocodile tears while staring at an empty parking lot. Yeah, she was actually looking at a parking lot, probably a quarter mile from the actual facility.

But you knew this pretty little sociopath was going to say something eventually because she is a Leftist dancing monkey that loves the limelight. By the way, I use the term “dancing monkey” as a metaphor and not a racial slur.

This first clip is AOC on the Rachel Maddow show. Comrade Maddow asked AOC if the $2.5 trillion dollar bill is enough:

That’s awesome. A gal who has never started a business; heck, never held a full time job, thinks that we should spend five times an already obese bill.

I also want to point out that she didn’t say a thing about infrastructure which is what this bill is suppose to be about. It’s about healthcare, creating government jobs (government dependence) and the environment. In other words, AOC is disappointed, not because Biden did not implement the Green New Deal, but he did not invest enough into the Green New Deal. 

I think you should watch the entire interview because it’s hysterical. She was talking about economics being too complicated for most people then she explains her idiotic theories on how the $2.5 trillion really isn’t much because it’s spread over ten years.

This broad’s lack of understanding of basic economics is astounding. If I were her mother, I would demand Boston University give her money back.

Then there was AOC’s response to why she was not putting on a performance on the border like she did when Trump was President. She said this on Instagram:

I mean, this is so dumb I don’t even know how to address it. I don’t know if I need to address it.

  • What does white supremacy have to do with people illegally entering our country?
  • If there was so much white supremacy in this country, wouldn’t people try to leave, not get in?
  • “Militaristic”? Is the border patrol shooting people that I don’t know about?
  • Not an invasion? Armed drug cartels are actually making money bringing people over the border illegally. We are arresting 6000 people a day. That’s on pace for 2 million people this year. Border facilities at at 1500% capacity. Sounds like an invasion to me.
  • “Surge” and “insurgent” have nothing to do with each other.


Finally, she said in a conference that the border crisis is so “barbaric” that those caught illegally crossing the border should receive reparations. Do I even need to say anything about giving people from other countries who break our laws reparations for getting caught and being incarcerated? Does that mean we should be given murderers and other criminals reparations because they were put in prison? By the way, they were separated from their children too. Is that barbaric?

I won’t lie: I love AOC. She is entertaining. She is also the reason people will pull away from the Democrats because her stupidity makes her sound insane.

I also realize that anyone can run and become a Congressman.
















Episode 321 – Start Up the Presses

Joe Biden keeps screwing up the country. And he’s not finished yet.

Andrew Cuomo may not be able to deny this one.


Oh, This Guy…

Not only is Joe Biden and Kamala Harris screwing them up, but they are also trying to cover it up and they are doing a poor job of it. Mind you, I don’t think they care. That was their goal and they are getting a lot of help.

The Border

The border crisis is becoming worse. Or should I say, continues to be bad:

  • It is estimated that 6000 people are picked up per day. That’s close to 200% a month.
  • It is estimated that there will be 25,000 underaged, unattended children to cross this year. That’s 2400% up from last year.
  • The cartels are heard on camera saying they are making a lot of money, $14 million a day.
  • The border centers are at 1500% over capacity. So centers are just being released.
  • The Biden administration is asking foster homes to take in more children up to 26 per home.
  • 10 to 20% of thos who cross have COVID.


How does the Biden administration deal with this?

  • Kamala Harris has been appointed border czar, whatever that is.
  • Neither Biden nor Harris has visited the border yet and have no plans to.
  • The gave $86 million for the housing of the illegals in hotels and opened other facilities including a Texas football stadium.
  • It has just been reported that illegal alien children are being taught in California while schools for American have been shut down over the last year.
  • There is a gag order on anyone seeing the border centers. Even the media is beginning to call this out (audio-Chris Wallace, Fox News).
  • Ted Cruz was harassed by a Biden appointee when he started filming what he was seeing (audio- Ted Cruz R-Tex).


Chris Wallace and Jen Psaki on Fox News:


Ted Cruz and a Biden staffer on the border:

Again, the lack of effort by the Biden administration shows that this is intentional. But I think the honeymoon is almost over.


Mo Money, Mo Money, Mo Money

Biden isn’t finished spending either and this has a lot of people nervous.

  • Will announce, on Wednesday, a $3 trillion infrastructure bill (Recovery bill after the Rescue bill).
  • He said the bill will create a bunch of government jobs. I hate this.
  • Republicans said they will not approve a bill unless they know the money is actually going to infrastructure. I hate this.
  • They are talking about making the $300 child credit a permanent thing.
  • Biden is talking about another COVID stimulus bill. I didn’t get shit from the last one and many haven’t gotten their checks from the last one. Not to mention, they haven’t spent all the money from the first stimulus.


This is idiotic and completely irresponsible.

  • We do not have the money. Even if we were taxed 100%, we would not have enough money for all this. It is being printed.
  • Inflation is going to go insane in about two years.
  • Taxes are going to have to be raised (more on that later).
  • People are learning to be independent on government.



Remember when the income tax in the United States was suppose to be temporary? Seriously. We were only suppose to be taxed for a few years to recover from a war than it was suppose to be repealed.

Yeah, no.

Now that we are looking to spend $5 trillion in Biden’s first three months and haven’t even talked about money needed just to run the government. So, the Biden administration, right now, is looking to raise some taxes.

Here we go:

  • Raises taxes on any home making $400,000. This is is bullshit.
  • Jen Paski has let the cat out of the bag that it will be families making over $200,000.
  • There will be no benefits for married couples. If the family makes $400,000 (so they say) it is the entire family. There are no benefits if it is a couple make $400,000. This takes away the incentive to be married, destroying the nuclear family. This is not an accident.
  • They want to raise the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%. There go jobs for the working class. This is also an attack on Trump’s tax cuts.


You know what they are going to find? This isn’t going to be enough (duh!). The Democrats are going to have to get creative on how to raise money. They are not talking about this but this stuff is being mentioned.

  • Say goodbye to the Trump tax cuts.
  • Say hello to Elizabeth Warren’s wealth tax.
  • Pete Buttigieg mentioned putting a tax on mileage one drives.


Put on your seatbelts. Here we go.



It’s Done

Andrew Cuomo is done.

  • There are now nine people accusing Cuomo of sexual harassment.
  • The latest accused him of trying to kiss her. Sherry Vill. She seems pissed.
  • Vill has hired Gloria Allred and has pictures. Oops.
  • Cuomo said he was trying to “comfort” her. He’s done.
  • It has also been reported that people within the Cuomo clan were able to get COVID testing before the regular people.
  • Why is he not being impeached for sexual harassment when his policies let to the death of over 15,000 elderly people and then covering it up?


He’s done.

  • https://www.foxnews.com/politics/cuomo-accuser-sherry-vill-new-york-kiss







Episode 322 – Cultural Cancer

Our society has a disease and it might be terminal. It is not a biological disease. Biological diseases are physical, scientific and exact. We have a societal, cultural disease. This disease is hard to see because it is idealistic, conceptual and hard to define.

I was struck by events that occurred last week. Hell, I’ve been struck by the occurrence of the last ten years. Let’s talk about illness of our culture, the symptoms and how we can heal it.


The Disease

The occurrences that have happened over the last year, and specifically over the last couple of weeks, really show the rot that the disease of our culture is causing.

  • George Floyd, Armand Arbury and Brionna Taylor.
  • Satan Shoes by internet rapper Lil Nas X.
  • The death of Mohammad Anwar by a 15 and 13 year old while he was working for Uber Eats.


The Symptoms

The symptoms of our cultures disease has been around for years. No, decades.

I’ve been hearing this same crap since I was a kid. I’m 53 years old. I’m old. Really old. I remember Earth Day in the 70s and hearing about how the world was going to end in ten years. I also heard that in the 80s, 90s and, of course, 2000s. AOC is behind the times a bit.

Let’s look at what is causing our illness.

Revisionist History

This includes the tearing down of statues, the 1619 Project and Howard Zinn. We need our history. The good and the bad. It must be cancelled or made flat. That’s because one has to hide the good things that have happened in our history and demonize the bad things. But that’s not enough. We also have to make shit up in order to make us worse than we are. You already know what I think of the genocide of the Indians.

Cancel Culture

  • Dr. Seuss
  • Mr. Potatohead
  • Aunt Jamima
    Uncle Ben
  • Dumbo
  • Peter Pan
  • The Aristocats
  • Swiss Family Robinson
  • Shakespeare
  • Gina Corano of The Mandalorian
  • President Trump
  • Piers Morgan and Sharon Osbourne
  • Pepe LePew
  • Speed Gonzales
  • Gone with the Wind
  • The Washington Redskins
  • The Washington Redskin cheerleaders
  • Plato


That’s just to name a few.

The Left must kill our current culture because it is good. It is fun. It is entertaining. It shows our creativity. And it’s all good. The Left can’t have that. We need the bland and sterile culture of political correctness and indoctrination. Just like China. We’ll be talking more about his later in another podcast.

The Leftism Spreading the Disease Through Our Institutions

Our institutions have been infiltrated and are now openly pushing the Leftist ways.

  • Education
  • Corporations/economy/financial system
  • Entertainment
  • News media
  • The family unit
  • Religion
  • The military and police force


Individualism Being Replaced by the Collective/Class Warfare


Death of the Meritocracy




The Causes

This has been happening for years. It didn’t just happen. This is our fault. When this first happened, we ignored it. The Left was the counter-culture and no one took it seriously. So it just grew and grew. Nikita Khrushchev said this back in the 50s and 60s. Communism would take over the United States with out anyone needing to fire a single shot.

Here are the causes of the decay of our culture:

  • Race
  • Environmentalism
  • Inequity\class warfare\inequality
  • Feminism
  • The rise of the LGBTQ
  • Hatred of capitalism/communism


How Do We Fix This

We would have a lot easier a time fixing this if we had hit this years ago. But that’s water under the bridge. We have to try to fight it now. The best we can do is just do what we should and have been doing.

  • Gain knowledge in history, art, philosophy, literature, science and the Constitution.
  • Embrace God and religion. Know the Bible. Teach morality. Know the seven deadly sins and the 10 commandments and how to apply them in life.
  • Get educated, get a job, get married, have kids and teach those kids. In other words, embrace the family and raise moral children.
  • Embrace individuality and treat each person based on that person.
  • Keep a freedom library. I have a Mark Twain and Shakespeare anthologies. And buy books, nothing electronic. Make sure you have one for your kids too.
  • If a business does something you don’t like, ignore the business and don’t support it. Forget boycotts. They never work.
  • Speak up when you hear something wrong. Silence is surrender. Lead by example.
  • Don’t trust one side of an argument even if you like that side. Listen to all sides. This will usually confirm your beliefs.
  • Be happy and laugh at what’s funny, even if it is at yourself. I love South Park for a reason. Most of it is an exaggerated look at what is happening in life.







Episode 320 – That is Actually Racist

Not making Washington DC a state is racist.

The Biden administration is racist because it doesn’t have enough Asian Americans.

Where did all this everything-is-racist crap come from?

And baseball starts this week and they still don’t get it.


Of Course It’s Racist

Here we go again. The Democrats will do anything they can to guarantee another two Senators. So let’s try to make Washington DC a state.

There are a lot of reasons that Washington DC cannot be a state. Maybe too many and too strong of reasons. But the Democrats have decided to go to that old well of racism. Let’s listen to Ayanna Pressley:

Racism is the best argument the Democrats can make and they have to hope everyone believes in it for that charge to work. I’ll tell you why after I tell you why Washington DC can never be a state.

There are major Constitutional issues with making Washington DC a state. I’m not surprised Democrats don’t know this because they have not actually read the Constitution.

Article 1, Section 8: Permanent  Congressional Power:

The Congress shall have Power… To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States….

Done. Pre the Constitution, Washington DC cannot belong to any state. Federalist Paper 43 by Madison explains why. There is no ambiguity.

In fact, Washington DC was a city in Maryland and had to succeed in order to house Congress. Technically, Washington DC is part of Maryland and not a separate state.

Then there’s Article IV, Section 3: Maryland’s Permission. Washington DC cannot not become a state without Maryland’s permission. Because it was city in Maryland. This is still argued as being a Constitutional issue but there are arguments on both sides.

Finally, and the most serious, is the 23rd Amendment:

The District constituting the seat of government of the United States shall appoint in such manner as the Congress may direct: A number of electors of President and Vice President equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives in Congress to which the District would be entitled if it were a State, but in no event more than the least populous State….

What the fuck does that mean. I had to look it up.

The language of the amendment obviously recognizes an existing district of government of a particular size. And it refers to the District as a permanent constitutional entity. Legislated D.C. statehood would be an oddity to say the least when the Constitution itself refers to the area “as if it were a State.”

The 23rd Amendment also raises a conflict concerning the number of electors to which a state of New Columbia would be entitled. Every existing state is entitled under Article II, Section I of the Constitution to electors in proportion to its congressional representation. Yet the terms of the 23rd Amendment provide that D.C.’s electoral votes would be capped at the number granted to the state with the lowest population (currently three), regardless of D.C.’s own future population. Of course, this problem may be somewhat abstract, since D.C.’s population continues to decline.


  • You have to Articles of the Constitution that says you can’t do this.
  • You have an Amendment of the Constitution that says you can’t do this.
  • You have a Federalist Paper by James Madison (#43) that explains why you can’t so this.


Any questions?

This is why Washington DC becoming a state will take forever or will never happen without a Constitutional Amendment.

So why do Democrats bring up racism? Because they need something that they can use to call the Constitution systemically racist and then bypass the Constitution. This is what they’re going to have to do in order to avoid needing an amendment.





This is Racist

There has been a lot made of violence against Asian American recently. This was exasperated by the mass killings two weeks ago by a mentally deranged man with a sex addiction who killed six Asian American women. Mind you, he also killed two other people weren’t Asian American, but this was dropped because it does not go with the narrative.

So, suddenly, there is racism against Asian Americans. Of course we need to forget some things like:

  • Asian American income is the highest in the country. Even higher than whites.
  • Asian Americans fill our colleges to the point Democrats don’t want them in colleges.
  • Those committing violence against Asian Americans are actually black people, not white people.


Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D. Illinois) said she would not vote for any more of Biden’s picks until he appoints more Asian Americans into his cabinet. She is backed up by Maise Hirono (D. Hawaii). The two state that the Biden administration is not diverse enough and has too many white people.

Ugh. This is getting so old. Maybe too old.

Mind you, Hirono and Duckworth aren’t the rocket scientists of the Senate. I’ll go a step further to make my self clear: They’re stupid.

Things to think about:

  • When you refuse to vote for someone because they are the wrong race, that’s racist.
  • This is the Left’s attempt to create another racial group in order to isolate the white race.
  • It ignores the success of Asian Americans. Remember, Asian Americans were actually considered white until recently. They were actually being accused of buying into the white supremacy of the United States as a reason why the are successful.


Crap like this is all over the place in our society and, like a virus, it is spreading. I know they consider white supremacy to be the new pandemic but I will go on the wagon that says it is the toxic idea of anti-racism that is the real pandemic. And it is spread by our news media, the entertainment industry including sports, education and now the government. It is also infecting institutions that should have nothing to do with this crap like the law and law enforcement, the military and immigration.

Where did this anti-racism thing come from and what is it about?



I bought the audio version of Ibram X. Kendi’s, How to be an Anti-Racist. I have not listened to the entire book yet but I got the idea.

Anti-racism is the brain child of Ibram X. Kendi, a very rich professor who leads the Center for Antiracist Research at Boston University. This is him defining anti-racism on The View:

That was a rather tame definition of what it is to be an anti-racist. Let me tell you what he says in his book.

  • Every white person is racist. He may not know it but he is.
  • People of color cannot be racist because they have never had power within the hierarchy.
  • It is the systems within the United States that harbor racism all the way back to before the founding of this country.
  • What people must acknowledge their racism and be anti-racist. There are no other options.
  • In order to be an anti-racist, one must see racism, call it out and fight against it including the racist systems of the United States.


That simple.

  • If you are white, you are a racist and always will be.
  • All the systems of the United States are racist.
  • You can only be an anti-racist if you reject and try to strip the United States of its systems and philosophies.


He also does not believe in the individual. He believes that all inequity is because of race. He does not believe in the capacity of the individual or that an individual’s decisions have anything to do with outcome. Sound familiar.

Of course Kendi has a lot of baggage that actually kind of makes him look like a racist.

He believes the reason people of color are being affected by the pandemic is racial. He said, “This is the racial pandemic within the viral pandemic”.

Kendi said, of the George Floyd protests, the riots were “a signature, significant distinct moment of people striving to be antiracist”. He never talks about the circumstances that led to George Floyd being arrested in the first place.

Before the protests, Kendi published a proposal for a Constitutional Amendment in the U.S. to establish and fund the Department of Anti-racism (DOA). This department would be responsible for “preclearing all local, state and federal public policies to ensure they won’t yield racial inequity, monitor those policies, investigate and be empowered with disciplinary tools to wield over and against policymakers and public officials who do not voluntarily change their racist policy and ideas”. In other words, he wants to condemn all people he disagrees with. We can take a guess who he would be going after.

When talking about Amy Coney Barratt having adopted two Haitian children, he said, “Some White colonizers ‘adopted’ Black children. They ‘civilized’ these ‘savage’ children in the ‘superior’ ways of White people, while using them as props in their lifelong pictures of denial, while cutting the biological parents of these children out of the picture of humanity. And whether this is Barrett or not is not the point. It is a belief too many White people have: if they have or adopt a child of color, then they can’t be racist.”

That sounds like a pre-judgement. They didn’t do it because they were caring, empathetic people. They can’t be. They’re whit and racist. They did it to control the black man. You know who agreed with him? Richard Spencer, a neo-Nazi.

Oh, yeah. Ibram X. Kendi is 38 years old. He’s never lived through Jim Crowe and Segregation.

He has degrees from Florida A&M University and Temple University.

He’s worth millions of dollars by selling his books and doing speaking tours.

Does he sound like someone who had no chance to make something of himself? Heck, does this sound like a good guy?

Here’s the thing. Kendi believes that blacks have the high ground because they are morally superior to whites because of slavery and Jim Crowe. In other words, he is condemning white people.

The definition of racism according to the Oxford dictionary:

The belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another.

Is Kendi doing this? He sure is and his racist crap is infecting all our institutions.

More on this when I finish his book. I just started it but I can see where it is going. Howard Zinn anyone?


They Don’t Get It

Major League Baseball’s Players Association is “open” to discussing moving the 2021 All-Star Game from Atlanta, Georgia, following the state’s decision to enact a comprehensive anti-vote fraud bill aimed at curbing the abuse of absentee and mail-in voting provisions.

The Georgia bill has been framed as an attack on voting rights, particularly of minorities, but as the Daily Wire’s Ashe Schow reported on Saturday, the bill actively prevents activist organizations from electioneering and restricts voting by mail, following concerns that voting rights activists may have abused provisions in the law. As Fox News reported late last year, groups, including one run by former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, are under investigation by the Georgia Secretary of State for “seeking to ‘aggressively’ register ‘ineligible, out-of-state, or deceased voters’ before the state’s Jan. 5 Senate runoff elections.”

Black Lives Matter organizations, however, say the bill is aimed at preventing minorities from exercising their right to vote in Georgia just as minority voters have become a force within the state, and they are now pressuring sports organizations, like the MLB and the PGA to move major sporting events from Georgia.




Episode 319 – He Should Have Stayed in the Basement

The filibuster is in the crosshairs of the Left.

If you don’t want Washington DC to be a state you’re a racist. But is it Constitutional.

And Joe Biden held a press conference and, well, you tell me…


He Should Have Stayed in the Basement

Joe Biden had his first press conference since he became President 64 days ago. It did not go well. He looked old, had no energy and went on for about 30 minutes. A press conference. This shouldn’t even be a story. But it is.

Here are some things we got out of the press conference:

  • He downplayed the border crisis and barely even addressed it. He said that surges happen all the time during this time of year. Bad news: They don’t during the winter.
  • He said he would be transparent about letting the press looking at the border agencies. But only after it was fixed.
  • He threatened North Korea after NK started testing missiles again. He said he would negotiate, which means give them money.
  • He is open to getting rid of the filibuster to push through his agenda (more on this later).
  • He pushed gun control.
  • He pushed voting “rights” including the elimination of voter ID laws.
  • He will run for President in 2024, at the age of 82. I wouldn’t walk in front of Kamala Harris anytime soon.

Things that made me kind of feel sorry for him. Kind of.

  • He had notes. He knew the questions the reporters were going to ask.
  • He had a list of reporters to call on. He did not even hide this.
  • The questions were really softball with no follow up questions. He was called a “moral, decent man”. There were no challenging questions.
  • Biden did not call on any confrontational reporters like Steve Ducey of Fox News.
  • He rambled. His answers were way too long.
  • He became confused a few times, seeming to forget the question in the middle of his answer. Reporters actually helped him complete his answers.
  • One time, he actually walked away from the podium. I don’t know why. Neither did the camera man.
  • He made some really bazaar statements. He said that voter ID laws were like make “Jim Crowe in to Jim Eagle”.

It was an embarrassing press conference. I have to believe this might be his last press conference and I have to believe his time as President is counting down.

There are things he did not talk about:

  • Hunter Biden.
  • COVID.
  • School openings. They don’t know if we are going to open completely by Fall. What?
  • The China conference.
  • Vlad Putin’s challenge.
  • The January 6th Capitol riots.
  • Never talked about him falling while boarding Air Force 1.
  • Kids in cages at the border.
  • The economy, his spending bills.


Tucker Carlson’s commentary:


He’s Playing for Keeps

Joe Biden now says he would support the ending of the filibuster so he could push his massive agenda before the 2022 election.

He knows he is going to have a problem getting legislation pushed through with the filibuster alive. Remember, once the minority party starts to filibuster a piece of legislation, it will take 60 senators to end the filibuster. Without a filibuster, legislation could be passed with a simple majority. The Senate is in a 50-50 deadlock with Kamala Harris being the tie-breaker.

Joe Biden knows it is going to be difficult to pass any of his radical legislation with the filibuster. That legislation includes:

  • A $5 trillion spending package. This is on top of the $1.9 trillion he just spent.
  • Election reform.
  • The new gun control bill.
  • Amnesty for illegal aliens.
  • Washington DC statehood, which I am pretty sure is unconstitutional.
  • His equality and equity programs.


Biden and the Democrats already are sure that they only have a year and a half to get this stuff pushed through. They are probably going to lose the Senate and the House. Though Biden’s approval rating is at 56%, I think this is a red herring.

  • His policies and his picks for his cabinet are not popular.
  • Gas prices are soaring.
  • There’s a huge problem at the border.
  • His foreign policy is being mocked by out adversaries.
  • We are looking at tremendous inflation before his Presidency is complete.
  • His racial policies are beginning to piss people off. He appears to be pandering.


According to Axios:

President Biden recently held an undisclosed East Room session with historians that included discussion of how big is too big — and how fast is too fast — to jam through once-in-a-lifetime historic changes to America.

Why it matters … The historians’ views were very much in sync with his own: It is time to go even bigger and faster than anyone expected. If that means chucking the filibuster and bipartisanship, so be it.

Four things are pushing Biden to jam through what could amount to a $5 trillion-plus overhaul of America, and vast changes to voting, immigration and inequality.

  1. He has full party control of Congress, and a short window to go big.
  2. He has party activists egging him on.
  3. He has strong gathering economic winds at his back.
  4. And he’s popular in polls.

Presidential historian Michael Beschloss told Axios FDR and LBJ may turn out to be the past century’s closest analogues for the Biden era, “in terms of transforming the country in important ways in a short time.”

  • Beschloss said the parallels include the New Deal economic relief that Franklin Roosevelt brought in 1933, which saved the country from the Depression and chaos.
  • And Biden is on track to leave the country in a different place, as Lyndon Johnson did with his Great Society programs.

People close to Biden tell us he’s feeling bullish on what he can accomplish, and is fully prepared to support the dashing of the Senate’s filibuster rule to allow Democrats to pass voting rights and other trophy legislation for his party.

  • He loves the growing narrative that he’s bolder and bigger-thinking than President Obama.
  • This temptation to go even bigger, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell insists, will create such a fissure between the parties that he compared it this week to “nuclear winter.”

But we’re told Biden won’t hesitate. Just as he passed the $1.9 trillion COVID rescue package with zero Republican votes and zero regrets, his team sees little chance he’s going to be able to rewire the government in his image if he plays by the rules of bringing in at least 10 Republicans.

  • He won’t rub their noses in it, we’re told. That’ll be the Biden touch to rolling the opposition — and getting that much closer to the status of latter-day FDR.
  • Biden’s list includes: rural broadband expansion, which would be transformative for those communities … make child tax credit permanent … landmark legislation on climate, guns, voting.

The other question is who are these historians and “activists” that are egging him on? According to the Free Beacon:

Fix Our Senate is steering a coalition of 60 progressive groups to pressure moderate Democrats to eliminate the filibuster, which requires a 60-vote supermajority to advance legislation. The group is a project of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a nonprofit incubator managed by the D.C.-based consulting firm Arabella Advisors. Arabella’s network of funds is used by the nation’s wealthiest liberal donors to secretly bankroll a host of progressive initiatives.  …

The coalition led by Fix Our Senate is trying to drum up support by painting the filibuster as a racist tool. On Thursday, the coalition launched a nationwide, six-figure ad buy that “makes the case that the filibuster, a long favored procedural tool of segregationists, has prevented voting rights and civil rights from passing the U.S. Senate.” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) has similarly argued that the filibuster has “deep roots in racism.” …

Fix Our Senate does not have to disclose its donors or file tax forms that would shed light on its financial activity, board members, or contractors. The Sixteen Thirty Fund is used by liberal billionaire George Soros and others in the Democracy Alliance, a secretive donor club that financially supports progressive causes. Arabella-managed funds facilitated $715 million of dark money in 2019.  

Remember how people in the media used to mock Trump for saying there was a Deep State or Swamp in Washington DC? That he was there to end that corruption? It doesn’t look so far-fetched anymore, does it?

There are four hopes that the filibuster won’t go anywhere:

  • Joe Biden decides to be moderate. Level heads.
  • Democrats Joe Manchin (W. Va.) and Kirsten Sinima (Az).
  • Time. Democrats may not have it.
  • Donald Trump.


This is the first time I’ve really been afraid of where this country is going. This is the first time I do not feel like I am part of this country.





