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Episode 314 – What a Shock!

Two people have been arrested in the death of Brian Sicknick during the January 6th riot at the Capitol building and the media cheers while ignoring the other fifty riots spreading throughout the country by Antifa and BLM.

And the Catholic church does something that it has done for the last 2000 years (and beyond) and everyone is surprised.


Still Don’t know What’s Up

Two men sprayed Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick with bear spray during the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, according to charging documents unsealed on Monday.

Julian Khater of Pennsylvania and George Tanios of West Virginia have been charged with assault for allegedly hitting Sicknick, who died a day after the riot, with the chemical spray.

There still is no information how Sicknick died. The autopsy has not been released. But it wasn’t a fire extinguisher as the the New York Times initially reported.

Now, this doesn’t change anything. If Sicknick died due to being sprayed in the face with mace, these two should be charged with murder, not assault. The fact that they were not charged with murder or something in the vicinity of murder leaves some questions as to what happened.

There have been 315 arrests so far over these riots out of about 500 rioters. I’m going to say this: that is awesome. They should catch every one of them.

With that. let’s talk about what is happening in Seattle, Portland and Minneapolis.



What About These?

Antifa Riots

I had to do some math here but it has been about 69 days since the January 6th Capitol riots. That has been all the news media has talked about. What they are ignoring is that antifa and BLM have had dozens of riots since then.

In Minneapolis, antifa and BLM have opened another autonomous zone within the area that George Floyd died called the George Floyd square. Once again, the Leftist government are just letting it go.

The zone takes up about four blocks and police are not allowed. Businesses are threatened and closed. The press is not allowed in. Basically, people’s lives are being destroyed. This is all in preparation for the Derrick Chauvin trial. The city is already preparing for rioting because no one is really sure if this guy is going to get convicted.

Would you consider this an insurrection? On Sunday, someone was killed within the autonomous zone by a drive by shooting. Police could not get in to help and he died.

By the way, Minneapolis gave $27 million to George Floyd’s family as a death settlement. This is probably going to delay Chauvin’s trial because it makes Chauvin look guilty. How an ex-felon, drug addict is worth $27 million is beyond me.

In Portland, things are going really well.

Antifa decided to threatened to burn down a federal court house. Then they threatened security inside. Then they vandalized it. The government didn’t arrest anyone. Instead they put up fencing and barriers. Antifa tried to attack the courthouse but failed because there were barriers. They arrest a couple of antifa members, who were just released a few hours later with no charges.

Things were quiet for a few days so they took down the fencing and barriers. Then, this weekend, it was the anniversary of Brionna Taylor’s death and antifa tried to burn down the same federal courthouse. Fifteen people were arrested including one guy who was arrested a few days before.

These antifa and BLM riots have been occurring all over the country including Los Angeles, Minneapolis and Seattle. There have been dozens of riots since the Capitol riots and less than 50 have been arrested. See a problem?

Why All the Love for Antifa?

The Left doesn’t believe in antifa as a terrorist organization and they have been saying this for the past year, even during the peak of the violence over the summer when the violence peaked.

Here’s Jerry Nadler:

Here’s President Biden during his debate with Trump last year:

Here’s Joy Beihardt yesterday on the The View talking about comments Ron Johnson made about antifa:

So, let’s get this straight once and for all: Antifa is real. It has been around since the 1940s. Antifa is using the same emblem they were using in the 1940s. They have a flag. They have a uniform. Though not centralized, they sects. They have a hierarchy within those sects. They have funding and a support staff. They travel from riot to riot. They’re armed. They have philosophical literature. They have a training program. They have a recruitment process.

Antifa, in some ways, is more organized and better funded than ISIS. And they have caused a lot of damage. They are not a myth. Not an idea. And not fiction. They exist.

With all the crap being brought up about a riot in Washington DC that lasted for three hours and 60% of the perpetrators have been arrested, why does the Left continually down play antifa and BLM, which have been rioting for almost a year and have caused between $2-3 billion in damage?

Because the Left wants antifa and BLM. They want that police force that does their bidding. Mussolini has his Black Shirts. Hitler had his Brown Shirts (the SS). Stalin had the NKVD. Each organization was a terrorist organization used to keep the people in line. Now the Democrats have antifa. This why they are not condemned, arrested, prosecuted and are ignored by the Leftist media.

It’s really scary to see all of the parallels between totalitarian governments and what’s happening in America today.



What’s the Surprise?

The Vatican declared Monday that the Catholic Church cannot bless gay unions because God “cannot bless sin.”

The decree came as the Vatican’s orthodoxy office, called the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), responded to a question about whether Catholic clergy can bless same-sex unions.

The church has previously welcomed gay people into its fold but does not recognize their unions as marriages. Instead, Catholic doctrine teaches that marriage is a union between a man and woman.

The decree states:

“The presence in such relationships of positive elements, which are in themselves to be valued and appreciated, cannot justify these relationships and render them legitimate objects of an ecclesial blessing, since the positive elements exist within the context of a union not ordered to the Creator’s plan.”

God “does not and cannot bless sin: He blesses sinful man, so that he may recognize that he is part of his plan of love and allow himself to be changed by him,”

By the way, God’s plan for marriage is that the couple will have children. Obviously, a gay couple cannot have children together. If you’ve ever been married in a Catholic church, it is the main covenant that the couple makes to God. To have children and raise the children as good Catholics.

Pope Francis holds a lot of Leftist thoughts but he still has not shied away from keeping the traditions of the Church. Gay marriage and abortion have been real problems for the Catholic church and he has not relented in the least. Pope Francis has even criticized politicians of support abortion like Joe Biden.

Don Lemon took real offense to this. Which is weird and I’ll say why in a second. He’s gay and engaged. He decided to put his two cents in on The View:

OK, a few things here:

  • Don Lemon used to be a Baptist and is non-denominational that “believes in a higher power.”
  • Catholicism has been around for 2000 years. I’m pretty sure that there has been a philosopher or two that are more wise than Don Lemon.
  • Just because the Catholic church says they can’t bless his marriage doesn’t mean he still can’t get married.
  • God’s main role is to judge.


Sorry this upsets Don Lemon but the Catholic church is not going to change 2000 years of doctrine and philosophy because Don Lemon is gay and offended even though he is not a Catholic.

The Biden administration was not thrilled with the church’s decision not to bless gay marriage. Jen Psaki said that she did not have a message from Biden personally, but as a “devout Catholic” still believes in gay marriage.

Joe Biden is a devout Catholic? He believes in abortion up till the moment of birth. He has been refused communion. I’ll go a step forward: He does not support free will or choice. His belief in big government and telling people what to do goes against the Bible. How do I know that? The Founding Father wrote the Constitution based on freedom of the individual and the contraction of the federal government. This belief was based on Judeo Christian philosophy.

In the end, this bitching about a Catholic edict that has been around for 2000 years is meant to demonize the Catholic church. The church goes against Leftist philosophy. Yes, Pope Francis is a Leftist that believes in redistribution, environmentalism and is against capitalism but when the rubber hits the road, he will follow doctrine. Because he has too. No matter whose feelings it hurts.






Episode 313 – Cancelled!

Schools are going crazy with woke politics.

Andrew Cuomo refuses to just go away.



Teaching Woke

Grace Church School published a 12-page memo that encourages people to stop using certain terms that it considers to be outdated and to replace those terms with “inclusive” terminology.

Just an FYI: that school costs $57K a year.

The memo states the following:

  • Instead of saying, “boys and girls,” “guys,” “ladies,” and “gentleman,” say, “people,” “folks,” “friends,” “readers,” “mathematicians…”
  • Instead of “assuming gender based on stereotypes,” people should “respectfully ask how they identify if familiar establishing a culture of sharing affirming pronouns in class.”
  • Instead of saying, “mom and dad,” say, “grown-ups,” “folks,” “or family.”
  • Instead of saying, “parents,” say, “grown-ups,” “folks,” “family,” “and guardians.”


There are dozens of other examples of changing the language.

There are also terms that must not be used anymore. Those include:

  • Colorblind—No one is color blind as it pertains to race. We see the skin tones of people and assumptions are made about how someone identifies racially.
  • Caucasian—The correct term is White. White is a more accurate description of light-skinned people of European descent.
  • Diverse person/student—referencing a person of color. A person is not diverse. A group of people can be diverse.
  • Traditional Family—we actively try to undo notions of a “typical” or “normal” family structure, each family is unique
  • “Real” parents—a preferred term is birth parents


The purpose of the policy, according to the school guide:

“The goal of this guide is to provide the community with more inclusive language that is aligned with the mission of Grace Church School. While we recognize hateful language that promotes racism, misogyny, homophobia, and other forms of discrimination are already addressed in our school handbooks, we also recognize that we can do more than ban hateful language; we can use language to create welcoming and inclusive spaces. This guide addresses ways we can remove harmful assumptions from the way we interact with each other.”

“Families are formed and structured in many ways. At Grace Church School, we use inclusive language that reflects this diversity. It’s important to refrain from making assumptions about who kids live with, who cares for them, whether they sleep in the same place every night, whether they see their parents, etc.”

Of course, this is suppose to be a Christian School. At least that’s what they say in the title of the school’s name! But Merry Christmas is way out of bunds too. The school says:

“At Grace Church School, we work to be mindful of the language we use in order to avoid making assumptions about people as we engage in conversation that touches on religion.”

That’s awesome. SO one can get into trouble with saying Merry Christmas at a Christian school.

You know, one can sort of expect to see this type of thing in public schools especially with the political climate we have today. But when this type of poison begins to make its way in private schools that can be a really bad thing. At least with our private schools we can expect some kids to grow up, I don’t know, knowing things and loving this country.



Is This Really Something Colleges Need?

Next week, the California Department of Education will vote on a new statewide ethnic studies curriculum that advocates for the “decolonization” of American society and elevates Aztec religious symbolism—all in the service of a left-wing political ideology.

The new program, called the Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum, seeks to extend the Left’s cultural dominance of California’s public university system, 50 years in the making, to the state’s entire primary and secondary education system, which consists of 10,000 public schools serving a total of 6 million students.

According to the City Journal:

In theoretical terms, the new ethnic studies curriculum is based on the “pedagogy of the oppressed,” developed by Marxist theoretician Paolo Freire, who argued that students must be educated about their oppression in order to attain “critical consciousness” and, consequently, develop the capacity to overthrow their oppressors. Following this dialectic, the model curriculum instructs teachers to help students “challenge racist, bigoted, discriminatory, imperialist/colonial beliefs” and critique “white supremacy, racism and other forms of power and oppression.” This approach, in turn, enables teachers to inspire their pupils to participate in “social movements that struggle for social justice” and “build new possibilities for a post-racist, post-systemic racism society.”

Notice the whole idology was created by a Marxist. You know what would be nice? If schools decided to teach the evils of Marxism, socialism and communism. All used social justice as the launching boards but all ended in poverty, suffering and death.

The City Journal continues:

R. Tolteka Cuauhtin, the original co-chair of the Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum, developed much of the material regarding early American history. In his book Rethinking Ethnic Studies, which is cited throughout the curriculum, Cuauhtin argues that the United States was founded on a “Eurocentric, white supremacist (racist, anti-Black, anti-Indigenous), capitalist (classist), patriarchal (sexist and misogynistic), heteropatriarchal (homophobic), and anthropocentric paradigm brought from Europe.” The document claims that whites began “grabbing the land,” “hatching hierarchies,” and “developing for Europe/whiteness,” which created “excess wealth” that “became the basis for the capitalist economy.” Whites established a “hegemony” that continues to the present day, in which minorities are subjected to “socialization, domestication, and ‘zombification.’”

If these communists want to see “zombification” they should go to China or North Korea or Venezuela or Cuba. These are countries that turn their citizens into slaves. Another thing no one talking too much about. The communist countries really aren’t that racially sensitive.

  • The Soviet Union threw Ukrainians, blacks and Jews in the gulags. Heck, they threw anyone who knew anyone mentioned in the gulags.
  • The Chinese have put Buddhists and Uyigers into their concentration camps.
  • Cuba used to put homosexuals and blacks into their work camps.
  • We already know what Hitler did.


I don’t want to hear about the empathy of the communists and Marxists.

The City Journal continues:

The religious narrative is even more disturbing. Cuauhtin developed a related “mandala” claiming that white Christians committed “theocide” against indigenous tribes, killing their gods and replacing them with Christianity. White settlers thus established a regime of “coloniality, dehumanization, and genocide,” characterized by the “explicit erasure and replacement of holistic Indigeneity and humanity.” The solution, according to Cuauhtin and the ethnic studies curriculum, is to “name, speak to, resist, and transform the hegemonic Eurocentric neocolonial condition” in a posture of “transformational resistance.” The ultimate goal is to “decolonize” American society and establish a new regime of “countergenocide” and “counterhegemony,” which will displace white Christian culture and lead to the “regeneration of indigenous epistemic and cultural futurity.”

There are a few things that really bother me about this stuff from our educated college elites.

The first thing is the language that these guys use. This is why I like to read these articles. It shows how saint-on-top-of-the-hill they are. Half these words are just made up and really mean nothing but sound really scholarly when they are slapped together.

Another issue is there is going to have to be a rewriting of American history for any of this shit to have a choice to ring true. History is going to have to be rewritten to show that there was some sort of genocide against the Indians. Guess what, there wasn’t. Most of the Indians were killed through disease. The next killer was war. The Spanish, the puritans and other religious groups took a dim view of doing anything with the Indians. They even traded with them. Most of the conflicts didn’t have anything to do with the color of one’s skin but on land rights.

The Indians sold Manhattan to the Europeans. Ten years later, the Indians wanted the land back because they thought they leased the land not sold it. This is because the Indians did not have an understanding of land ownership. By the way, the Europeans gave the Indians resources and money. They didn’t just give them four goats and shiny beads. This is where the term “Indian-giver” came from. This started a war.

Finally, this is something I was expecting and has been happening kind of quietly for a while. Now it is in the open. The demonization of religion, particularly the Judeo Christian religion. Don’t forget the Judeo Christian religion is the basis for the philosophy of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. This is what the Left must do. They must make evil anything that can destroy their philosophy. The Judeo Christian religion is one of those things. Don’t kids yourself: all religion will be on the chopping block. That includes the Muslims and even the Indian religions. They just need to destroy the most powerful first.

The article continues:

This religious concept is fleshed out in the model curriculum’s official “ethnic studies community chant.” The curriculum recommends that teachers lead their students in a series of indigenous songs, chants, and affirmations, including the “In Lak Ech Affirmation,” which appeals directly to the Aztec gods. Students first clap and chant to the god Tezkatlipoka—whom the Aztecs traditionally worshipped with human sacrifice and cannibalism—asking him for the power to be “warriors” for “social justice.” Next, the students chant to the gods Quetzalcoatl, Huitzilopochtli, and Xipe Totek, seeking “healing epistemologies” and “a revolutionary spirit.” Huitzilopochtli, in particular, is the Aztec deity of war and inspired hundreds of thousands of human sacrifices during Aztec rule. Finally, the chant comes to a climax with a request for “liberation, transformation, [and] decolonization,” after which students shout “Panche beh! Panche beh!” in pursuit of ultimate “critical consciousness.”

The chants have a clear implication: the displacement of the Christian god, which is said to be an extension of white supremacist oppression, and the restoration of the indigenous gods to their rightful place in the social justice cosmology. It is, in a philosophical sense, a revenge of the gods.

So they want to replace the peace and love that Christianity promotes (that’s not saying Christianity doesn’t have its skeletons) for the chants of a civilization that murdered millions. In a four day stretch, the Aztecs killed through sacrifice 800,000 indigenous people, most slaves from other tribes.

The Aztecs were not just defeated by the Spanish but also by other Indian tribes in the region because the Aztecs would systemically raid other villages; enslave, rape and murder the inhabitants. This was a bad civilization that other tribes wanted ended.



Dude, You’re Done

The Andrew Cuomo drama continues. I don’t talk too much about him because I just don’t care about him and I think we have completely missed the boat on why he should be out of office.

First, he killed about 16,000 old folks with his policy of putting COVID patients back into retirement homes. Then, he lied about it and covered up the data. This is being investigated by all the sharks, specifically Leticia James, who are eyeing his Governor’s seat. This little bug-a-boo is spreading. Governor Gretchen Whitmer is now being investigated for doing the same thing.

He is not being accused of sexually harassing seven different women including one where he is being investigated for sexual assault by Albany PD.

He has been encouraged to resign by most Democrats including Jerry Nadler, AOC, Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand. That may not matter. The New York state legislature is looking to impeach him and they have the numbers to do so.

Joe Biden finally commented saying,  “I think the investigation is underway and we should see what it brings us.” This is not a strong stance either way but it is definitely not very supportive. At least he was able to say something without falling asleep.

This guy is done he just doesn’t know it yet. He’s not going to make it to the election. I would bet anything he will resign before the end of the month, especially as this impeachment thing begins to build steam. There is also the question of whether or not he can do his job as governor with all this crap swirling around him.



What’s Gong to Happen a Year from Now

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Sunday blamed former President Trump for the current crisis at the U.S. southern border, saying that President Biden inherited a “broken system” from the previous administration.

Pelosi said:

“This is a humanitarian challenge to all of us. What the administration has inherited is a broken system at the border, and they are working to correct that in the children’s interest,” she said, adding that the Biden administration is effecting “a transition from what was wrong before to what is right.”

Before Biden got elected, there were few illegal crossings. In October, before the election, there was about 34,000 arrests. When Biden got elected, that average doubled. When he got into office, crossings tripled.

Though they refuse to call this a crisis, they are now running at close to 100% capacity and the illegal border crossings of unaccompanied minors has already reached the total for all of last year. Folks, it’s March.

FEMA has been called in by Biden to try to help with the border patrol with the housing of illegals.

The gaslighting is incredible.




Winston Marshall, the lead guitarist for Mumford and Sons, was kicked off the band because he tweeted that he liked Andy Ngo’s book on antifa called Unmasked. He apologized which was a mistake.

Unilever, which owns brands like Dove and Sunsilk, said a study had found that the word “normal” makes most people feel excluded. A spokeswoman said it would remove it from more than 200 products.

Disney Plus has made it that kids under the age of seven can see the classic movies Dumbo, The Aristocats and Peter Pan. I thought all those movies sucked.

Speedy Gonzales, the mouse from the Warner Bros. cartoons is no longer being used because it is a stereotype of Mexicans. Me Mexican fiancé is pissed.

Pepe Le Pew will not appear in the next in the second Space Jam movie because people believe the cartoon skunk promotes sexism and rape culture.


Pepe Le Pew Won’t Be Appearing In Warner Bros’ ‘Space Jam’ Sequel



Episode 309 – The Quake is Coming

The Democrats pass HR 1 – For the People Act of 2021. As we go through the bill, we will see the only people being benefitted are Democrat politicians.

The Senate passes a massive $1.9 trillion stimulus deal. Republicans think this is going to be a disaster.


HR 1

The Democrats have decided that if they could win an election with a guy that doesn’t run and is practically dead, they can win anytime. So, this week, the House passed HR 1. This would make it that future elections will be just as chaotic as the election of 2020. This is the worst example of the Democrats trying to retain power at any means necessary.

Remember when we used to have election day. You went out, stood in line, voted, put that little sticker on and then, when you got home, the counting started and we found out who won the election by midnight Pacific time? You know, the elections worked. Sometimes your candidate won. Sometimes he/she lost.

Now Democrats want to make sure they never lose again. Here’s what HR 1 or the For the People Act of 2021. This will be from the Heritage Foundation.

Seize the authority of states to regulate voter registration and the voting process by forcing states to implement early voting, automatic voter registration, same-day registration, online voter registration, and no-fault absentee balloting.

Registration is part of the voting process and it is a pain in the ass. It should be a pain in the ass. One should want to vote. Anyone who does not make an effort to vote probably shouldn’t be voting.

This federalizes the voting process. It takes it away from the states. This shouldn’t be a surprise because of how the Democrats are trying to eliminate the electoral college.

This is unconstitutional.

Make it easier to commit fraud and promote chaos at the polls through same-day registration, as election officials would have no time to verify the accuracy of voter registration information and the eligibility of an individual to vote and could not anticipate the number of ballots and precinct workers that would be needed at specific polling locations.

There’s a reason one must register two weeks in advance of the election. So one can be verified.

Because this takes the process away from the state, the is probably unconstitutional.

Hurt voter turnout through 15 days of mandated early voting by diffusing the intensity of get-out-the-vote efforts; it would raise the cost of campaigns. Voters who vote early don’t have the same information as those who vote on Election Day, missing late-breaking developments that could affect their choices.

I think this is one of the reason Trump lost. People were voting before the debates and the Biden scandals were released. People did not know everything about their candidates before they voted.

We don’t three weeks to vote. For the last 240 years, we have been voting on one day. There’s no need for 15 days of voting.

Degrade the accuracy of registration lists by requiring states to automatically register all individuals (as opposed to “citizens”) from state and federal databases, such as state Departments of Motor Vehicles, corrections and welfare offices, and federal agencies such as the Social Security Administration, the Department of Labor, the Federal Bureau of Prisons, and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services of the Department of Health and Human Services. This would register large numbers of ineligible voters, including aliens, and cause multiple or duplicate registrations of the same individuals and put federal agencies in charge of determining a person’s domicile for voting purposes (as well as that individual’s taxing state).

This is what California is doing right now with the DMV. If you register at the DMV you are automatically registered for the election. California said that it has nothing to do with illegals voting and that there are separate forms for legal citizens and illegal aliens. Problem is the forms are identical and there have been “mistakes”.

This is fraught with corruption.

Constitute a recipe for massive voter registration fraud by hackers and cyber criminals through online voter registration that is not tied to an existing state record, such as a driver’s license. It would make it a criminal offense for a state official to reject a voter registration application even when it is rejected “under color of law” because the official believes the individual is ineligible to vote. It would also require states to allow 16-year-olds and 17-year-olds to register; when combined with a ban on voter ID and restrictions on the ability to challenge the eligibility of a voter, this would effectively ensure that underage individuals could vote with impunity.

Nothing, when it comes to registration or voting, should be done online. It is way too insecure. Registration to vote and voting should be done on paper. Period. We’ve been doing this for almost 250 years and it has always worked. Technology does not benefit voting or registering at all.

Allowing 16-year-olds to vote is just stupid. Sixteen year olds are dumb. Sorry, they are. It’s also unconstitutional per the 26th Amendment of the Constitution. If the Democrats want this, they have to add another amendment to the Constitution repealing the 26th Amendment.

Require states to count ballots cast by voters outside of their assigned precincts, overriding the precinct system used by almost all states that allows election officials to monitor votes, staff polling places, provide enough ballots, and prevent election fraud.

Again, this replaces state laws with federal laws. This is probably unconstitutional.

Mandate no-fault absentee ballots, which are the tool of choice for vote thieves. It would ban witness signature or notarization requirements for absentee ballots; force states to accept absentee ballots received up to 10 days after Election Day as long as they are postmarked by Election Day; and require states to allow vote trafficking (vote harvesting) so that any third parties—including campaign staffers and political consultants—can pick up and deliver absentee ballots.

This will allow for nothing but corruption. California does this now and is the primary reason Democrats have held every office including offices in red districts.

First off, 10 days after the election votes can be counted?! Are you kidding?! You mean with all the technology we have, our voting system is worse not than it was in the 1980s?

This also allows for cherry picking of ballots. If I want a Democrat to win, I will only pick up ballots for registered Democrat.

Another problem is ballot harvesters have been known to intimidate and influence voters who may not have completed their ballots. This has happened in California, especially with the older voters.

Finally, this brings into question the chain of custody for the ballots. Who are these ballot harvesters? Do they manipulate the ballots they’re picking up? Do the ballots even get to their destination? We have seen videos that this sometimes doesn’t happen.

Prevent election officials from checking the eligibility and qualifications of voters and removing ineligible voters. This includes restrictions on using the U.S. Postal Service’s national change-of-address system to verify the address of registered voters; participating in state programs that compare voter registration lists to detect individuals registered in multiple states; or ever removing registrants due to a failure to vote no matter how much time has elapsed. It also would substantially limit the public release of voter registration information, making it almost impossible for nonpartisan organizations to verify the accuracy of registration rolls, and prohibit states from using undeliverable election mail as a basis for challenging a registrant’s eligibility.

No ID for voters. No address verification. No signature verification. Improperly filled out ballots remain counted. Yeah, nothing to see here.

Ban state voter ID laws by forcing states to allow individuals to vote without an ID and merely signing a statement in which they claim they are who they say they are.

I need an ID to drive, drink, get a hotel room, board a plane, see an R-rated movie, buy a gun, pay with a check or credit card, withdraw money from my bank and lease an apartment. But I don’t need one to vote. Wow.

Violate the First Amendment with respect to a vast range of legal activity. Voter intimidation or coercion that prevents someone from registering or voting is already a federal crime under the Voting Rights Act and the National Voter Registration Act. But H.R. 1 would add a provision criminalizing “hindering, interfering, or preventing” anyone from registering or voting, which is so vague and so broad that it could prevent providing any information to election officials about the ineligibility of an individual, such as an applicant not being a U.S. citizen.

We have to see if this will conflict with existing laws. But I believe this provision makes it that questioning an illegal alien about voting could be construed as voter intimidation.

Expand regulation and government censorship of campaigns and political activity and speech, including online and policy-related speech. H.R. 1 would impose onerous legal and administrative compliance burdens and costs on candidates, citizens, civic groups, unions, corporations, and nonprofit organizations. Many of these provisions violate the First Amendment, protect incumbents, and reduce the accountability of politicians to the public; its onerous disclosure requirements for nonprofit organizations would subject their members and donors to intimidation and harassment—the modern equivalent of the type of disclosure requirements the U.S. Supreme Court in NAACP v. Alabama (1958) held violated associational rights protected by the Fourteenth Amendment.

This is probably unconstitutional because the Federal government cannot impose laws on states. If the regulation change state laws, that’s a problem.

Reduce the number of Federal Election Commission members from six to five, allowing the political party with three commission seats to control the commission and engage in partisan enforcement activities.

This can actually bite both parties in the ass. Just not a solid decision.

Prohibit state election officials from participating in federal elections and impose numerous other “ethics” rules that are unconstitutional or unfairly restrict political activity, eliminating the ability of the residents of specific states to make their own decisions about what rules should govern their state government officials.

Unconstitutional. We don’t have a federal election. We have 50 state elections. Each state has rules their legislatures passed.

Require states to restore the ability of felons to vote the moment they are out of prison regardless of uncompleted parole, probation, or restitution requirements. Section 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment gives states the constitutional authority to decide when felons who committed crimes against their fellow citizens may vote again. Congress cannot override a constitutional amendment with a statute.

This is right. It is unconstitutional.

Transfer the right to draw congressional districts from state legislatures to “independent” commissions whose members are unaccountable to voters. H.R. 1 would make it a violation of federal law to engage in “partisan” redistricting and mandate the inclusion of alien population, both legal and illegal, in all redistricting. This is an anti-democratic, unconstitutional measure that would take away the ability of the citizens of a state to make their own decisions about redistricting.

Again, the federal government can’t tell states how to run their elections.

Authorize the Internal Revenue Service to engage in partisan activity. H.R. 1 would permit the IRS to investigate and consider the political and policy positions of nonprofit organizations before granting tax-exempt status, thus enabling IRS officials to target organizations engaging in First Amendment activity with disfavored views.

I hate this for three reasons.

First, I’m not sure what this is for outside of the IRS going out to harass religious and conservative organizations. That leads to my second problem with it.

The IRS has already proven partisan and has been used as a weapon for Barrack Obama during his term. Yeah, the guy who never had a sandal. This would just make the weaponization of the IRS legal.

Finally, the last thing this country needs, especially when dealing with voting, is another bureaucracy. The IRS is the epitome of bureaucracy. It also is a bureaucracy that has already condemned certain groups. Probably want to keep them out of this one.

Limit access to federal courts for anyone challenging H.R. 1. The bill would prohibit the filing of any lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of H.R. 1 anywhere except in the District Court for the District of Columbia and would allow the court to order all plaintiffs and intervenors, regardless of their number (such as all 50 states), “to file joint papers or to be represented by a single attorney at oral argument,” severely limiting the legal representation and due process rights of challengers.

Very convenient to make a law that says we can’t use the law to say this law shouldn’t be a law.

Yeah, this is unconstitutional.

Establish a “Commission to Protect Democratic Institutions” that would threaten the independence of the judiciary. H.R. 1 defines “democratic institutions” as those that are “essential to ensuring an independent judiciary, free and fair elections and the rule of law.” The commission would be given the authority to compel judges to testify and justify their legal decisions, threatening their independent judgment and subjecting them to political pressure and harassment.

Awesome! Another bureaucracy that will attack other parts of the government. The judiciary is meant to be independent. This would break that.

This is also unconstitutional.

Here’s the news about this bill. It will never pass the Senate. Senators from small blue or purple states will not pass this. I suspect this is going to get blown out in the Senate.

If it doesn’t, it will get deemed as unconstitutional because…it’s horribly unconstitutional.



Ugh, It Passed!

The Senate passed Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion stimulus package. It was passed right down party lines 50-49. Kamala Harris was heading to the Capitol to be the tie breaking vote but a Senator from Alaska needed to go back to Alaska for a funeral.

So let’s make clear here: Not one Republican Senator or Congressperson voted for the bloated bill that will only offer 9% of its price for COVID relief.

Mitch McConnell pretty much summed it up after the bill was passed:

There were a few things that happened before this vote happened:

But the debate on the bill was quickly scuttled by Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., who requested the entire 628-page legislation be read aloud by the Senate clerks in advance of any discussion on the merits of the proposal. That meant Senate clerks spent the next 10 hours and 44 minutes reading the bill until 2:04 a.m. Friday.

Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., worked through the night without sleep, according to a spokesperson, as he prepared to offer amendments to support the Keystone XL pipeline and cut spending from the bill, including about $175 million in transit projects from California, New York and elsewhere.

Sean. Bernie Sanders tried to get the $15 minimum wage stuck in the bill. That failed. He didn’t get any help from Joe Machin or Kirstin Sinima who both rejected the amendment.

The things that were changed in the bill:

  • The $15 minimum wage was removed.
  • The raising of unemployment raised from $300 to $400 was removed but benefits were extended by two weeks.


The bill is being sent back to the House for a vote. But this is not a guaranteed thing. Some of the Leftists are pissed about the minimum wage being removed. Nancy only can afford to lose only four votes. I think it will get through but I will not be broken hearted if it doesn’t. It is a huge, bloated pig of a bill. We have spent $3 trillion last year and will have spent $2 trillion in the first three months of this year.

According to analysis, each person will receive a $1400 check, but it will cost over $5750 per person. I’m no accountant but that seems like a bad deal. A bad deal that our kids and grandkids will be paying for.




Episode 307 – The Generation of the Damned

This is an incredible story and it shows the societal failures within the United States. This is a lesson on what needs to happen within society but, also, no one reads the tea leaves and makes any effort to solve the problems.

It is a parable about the circle of failure that has been going on for generations and, reading the blame game of the article, will be with us for generations after.

I hope this story scares you. I hope this story depresses you. I hope this story, which could easily have been avoided, shocks you into doing something about it.


The Story

I like covering the news. Sometimes, the news comes wild and wooly and I can’t keep up. I do have limited resources.

I had three stories ready to go for today but there was an unrelated story I just couldn’t ignore. It is a real life social commentary on what the Left is trying to do to our society and has been for generations.

This is an extremely disturbing story that is happening more often that not. And it is the reason were, as a country, are in the position we are in right now.

This story is from Fox Baltimore and is titled, City student passes three classes in four years, tanks near the top of his class with a 0.13 GPA by Chris Papst.

It’s as bad as you think.

A shocking discovery out of a Baltimore City high school, where Project Baltimore has found hundreds of students are failing. It’s a school where a student who passed three classes in four years, ranks near the top half of his class with a 0.13 grade point average.

Tiffany France thought her son would receive his diploma this coming June. But after four years of high school, France just learned, her 17-year-old must start over. He’s been moved back to ninth grade.

“He’s stressed and I am too. I told him I’m probably going to start crying. I don’t know what to do for him,” France told Project Baltimore. “Why would he do three more years in school? He didn’t fail, the school failed him. The school failed at their job. They failed. They failed, that’s the problem here. They failed. They failed. He didn’t deserve that.”

I want to point out the self-centeredness of France’s comment here. She’s going to cry. “They” failed him. This is a set up for her not taking any responsibility for her son’s education.

There were a lot of failures here. Not just Tiffany’s failure. But placing 100% blame and not acknowledging blame elsewhere does not solve the problem.

Hint: Tiffany is partially to blame.

France’s son attends Augusta Fells Savage Institute of Visual Arts in west Baltimore. His transcripts show he’s passed just three classes in four years, earning 2.5 credits, placing him in ninth grade. But France says she didn’t know that until February. She has three children and works three jobs. She thought her oldest son was doing well because even though he failed most of his classes, he was being promoted. His transcripts show he failed Spanish I and Algebra I but was promoted to Spanish II and Algebra II. He also failed English II but was passed on to English III.

“I’m just assuming that if you are passing, that you have the proper things to go to the next grade and the right grades, you have the right credits,” said France.

She assumed? Really? She thought he was doing well even if she knew he was failing all his classes, so she knew? She didn’t bother to inquire? It is her son, right?

I also don’t care if she is working three jobs. There’s no sympathy for an absent parent from me. Why? Because I was a single parent too and I had to make changes to my life to deal with my kids. More on that one later.

As we dig deeper into her son’s records, we can see in his first three years at Augusta Fells, he failed 22 classes and was late or absent 272 days. But in those three years, only one teacher requested a parent conference, which France says never happened. No one from the school told France her son was failing and not going to class.

“I feel like they never gave my son an opportunity, like if there was an issue with him, not advancing or not progressing, that they should have contacted me first, three years ago,” said France.

There are two things to question here:

One – He was absent for 272 days and the parent didn’t know? She was asked to have a parent/teacher conference but it never happened? She didn’t follow up?

Two – Where were the authorities? Absent for 272 days and minimal effort to contact the parent? The school, child services and police should have all been involved. Where were they?

In his four years at Augusta Fells, France’s son earned a GPA of 0.13. He only passed three classes, but his transcripts show his class rank is 62 out of 120. This means, nearly half his classmates, 58 of them, have a 0.13 grade point average or lower.

“He’s a good kid. He didn’t deserve that. Where’s the mentors? Where is the help for him? I hate that this is happening to my child,” said an emotional France.

Project Baltimore talked with a City Schools administrator, who works inside North Avenue, but asked not to be identified for fear of retaliation. That administrator says the school system absolutely failed France’s son.

Tiffany France is completely correct. Where was everyone? Where were the mentors, the authorities and the teachers?

But she did forget one person. Where was the parent, Tiffany France? Where was the kid’s father (more on that later)?

The administrator told FOX45 News, City Schools failed because it has protocols and interventions set up to help students who are falling behind or have low attendance. In France’s son’s case, they didn’t happen.

“I get angry. There’s nothing but frustration. We see on the news the crime that occurs, the murders, the shootings, we know that there are high levels of poverty in Baltimore. Things like this are adding to that. His transcript is not unusual to me. I’ve seen many transcripts, many report cards, like this particular student,” said the City Schools administrator.

Hmm. So what the administrator is saying is the system failed. Have we heard this before?

Dr. Sonja Santelises was the City Schools CEO four years ago when France’s son was a freshman. But she will not interview with FOX45 News. Instead, we received a two-page statement, which explains what should happen when a student is chronically absent or failing.

The district says students received a letter about their academic status this past summer, and records can be accessed through the campus portal. When a student is absent, an automated call is placed to the number on file. The statement also said the school conducted recent home visits and the student’s parent visited the school. France says none of that happened.

What the statement does not address, is why France’s son was promoted despite failing classes. It doesn’t discuss his class rank, or the 58 other students with a GPA of 0.13 or lower. But it does say North Avenue is “reviewing actions that impacted student outcomes” at the school prior to this year.

What does this tell us? The system doesn’t care. The system will not be held accountable and they do not have to answer for their failures. This child is not a victim, he’s the problem. Hey, they sent several automated messages and gave him a letter.

By the way, just a reminder. The system is the government.

“It took a lot for me to just build the courage to do this,” France told Project Baltimore.

I want to point something out: Tiffany France is not a hero. She’s not a whistleblower and she shouldn’t be celebrated as such. She neglected her child. That is a heavy statement and it is not all France’s fault. But her child is her responsibility. She also failed. We’ll get into that later.

Project Baltimore asked the City Schools administrator what they would say to France. The administrator replied, “I didn’t have a hand on this student, but I worked for City Schools. So, he is one of my kids. I would hug her, and I would apologize profusely.”

This is the problem with a bureaucracy. There is nobody who is directly responsible. That’s bureaucracy is a machine and not people. It is processed paper and moving student numbers through the system so they can be “promoted” and be the problem of the next bureaucracy. There are no human beings in a bureaucracy, just numbers.

“He feels embarrassed, he feels like a failure,” France said of her son. “I’m like, you can’t feel like that. And you have to be strong and you got to keep fighting. Life is about fighting. Things happen, but you got to keep fighting. And he’s willing, he’s trying, but who would he turn to when the people that’s supposed to help him is not? Who do he turn to?”

France has pulled her son out of Augusta Fells. He’s now enrolled in an accelerated school program at Francis M. Wood in west Baltimore. If her son works hard, he could graduate by 2023.

Too little, too late. This child may not be able to break the cycle he and his mother and probably his grandmother is in. That might seem cynical and I’m sorry for that, but we have heard this story a thousand times before.

But how can this happen and how do we break this cycle.


This is a Societal Problem


Death of the Nuclear Family

Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty (1965) destroyed the nuclear family. Men were no longer necessary in the family because of welfare and food stamps. Women could receive more government assistance with no husband and a bunch of kids. I am oversimplifying this but not by much.

Feminism made sure every woman realized they did not need a man in their lives even with children.

The erosion of the importance of religion decayed the need for a family to stay together. It used to be that one only divorces if there is no other option. Today’s generations don’t even bother getting married.

Studies have shown the effects of a family made up of a father and mother has on children. It’s not even close. Today, over 50% of children are born out of wedlock (75% in the black community).











Episode 308 – Same Old, Same Old

Elizabeth Warren unveils her wealth tax proposal. It sounded nonsensical last year it sounds nonsensical this year.

The new Education Secretary thinks education has to be reimagined. I’d just like to imagine our kids know how to read and do math.

In a blockbuster hearing, FBI Director Christopher Wray unleashes the beast about the January 6th Capitol riots. Just kidding! The hearing was garbage but we’re going to cover it anyway.


Mo Money, Mo Money, Mo Money

You know what the problem is with spending $1.9 trillion bill that has nothing to do with running the government? The government begins to run out of money. Then, we need to get more money from those that produce and give the most in our society.

On Monday morning, Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts (D) proposed a new tax bill, alongside Washington Representative Pramila Jayapal (D) and Pennsylvania Representative Brendan Boyle (D), that would reportedly place a tax on “ultra-millionaire” net worths and households. It is also co-sponsored by Bernie Sanders so you know it is going to be a special proposal.

The tax would reportedly place a 2% yearly tax on the net worth of households and trusts above $50 million. Any households and trusts that have a net worth over $1 billion would have to pay another 1% annual surtax. This would leave billionaires with a total tax of 3%.

Here is Elizabeth Warren talking about the tax on CNBC:

Here is the problem.

This is double-taxing the rich. They already pay taxes now they have to pay more? This may prove to be unconstitutional in the end. They also pay payroll tax, corporate, property tax, sales tax, state taxes and personal taxes. They are paying their fair share of taxes. They just have more money.

She wants to tax speculated wealth. If I own property (which I already pay taxes on) or stocks, that is not liquid cash. It only has speculated value, no real value. If she taxes stocks, I have to sell those stocks to pay the tax. This may also prove to be unconstitutional.

She wants to tax investments and businesses not in this country. Again, I’m not sure this is legal and could be double-taxing.

She also said that the rich pay far less as a percentage in taxes than the lower 99% of the taxpayers. This is a problem when dealing with percentages. The ultra rich also pay 80% of all taxes collected. Warren never bothers to bring that up.

Also, the reason the rich pay less in taxes as a percentage is because they have so much in investments, business and personal wealth that they qualify for bigger tax breaks. But they are paying more money as a whole than most of the country.

As Bloomberg Wealth points out, the real amount paid through Warren’s plan:

“Jeff Bezos, the world’s richest person, would face an extra tax charge of at least $5.4 billion in 2021 if the bill became law, while Elon Musk would pay $5.2 billion, according to a Bloomberg analysis. The measure would cost Bill Gates an additional $4 billion and Mark Zuckerberg would have to fork over $2.9 billion to cover the tax.”

When one talks about the actually money these people would pay, suddenly it looks like a lot. Talking percentages is what Warren is doing to make it look like this is not much of a tax increase. Actually it is. I also find it amazing that Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and AOC think they know more about business and how to handle money better than businessmen who have made their wealth. Mostly by hiring thousands and paying them. Warren, Sanders and AOC have never created or run a business and never hired anyone. Damn, AOC never had a full time job before becoming a Congressman.

What these politicians are doing is trying to make the population jealous of people who have innovated. I would personally think it would be better if we celebrated these people and not demonized them. Jeff Bezos created a business that gets me my toilet paper in two days for a better price. Elon Musk created the first successful electric car and is helping the United States land on the moon and, eventually, Mars. Bill Gates created the best business Operating System that is used throughout the world. Mark Zuckerburg invented social media.

Ophrah Winfrey created a media empire. I thought it was important to throw a black woman in there.

These guys should be celebrated. They have innovated and created something that has made society better. It also shows the wonders of this country. None of these guys was rich. They became rich because they provided something people wanted to pay for.

Finally, the government socks at everything. Just because they make a law doesn’t mean what they are doing is moral and right. Taxes is immoral. It is legislated theft. Demonizing people that have made America and the world better is also immoral and those who create to generate a jealous the population are also immoral. Those who do it are going to have a lot to answer to in the next life.



Leaves A Lot to the Imagination

This is where I think Republicans need to force things. And Republicans should have voted against guy being who was confirmed for Education Secretary.

The Senate confirmed Dr. Miguel A. Cardona to lead the Education Department on Monday. The final vote was 64 to 33. Why there were 33 Republicans to confirm this guy, I don’t know.

Cardona said when he was nominated:

“There are no shortages of challenges ahead, no shortage of problems for us to solve. But by the same token, there are countless opportunities for us to seize. We must embrace the opportunity to reimagine education – and build it back better. We must evolve it to meet the needs of our students.”

Looking at what Biden has deemed as his priorities, one can see what “building back better” and “reimagining education” means. Race. Cardona has made that very clear during his push for his nomination.

“The American public school system has been phenomenal. However, it also has its flaws. Zip code, skin color in many cases, are still determinants of success.”

You know what I think is a measurement of the success of our children? That the know math, know how to read and write, know history, know science and can speak intelligibly. Yeah, I’m weird and a white supremacist.

Cardona is just another who is more concerned about the narrative, race and equity. Education, you know, kids knowing things, is secondary. He is also for jerking off the teacher’s unions, which is something has been doing since being elected.

Sen. Tim Scott thinks the same thing which is why he didn’t vote for him. He said:

“Unfortunately, it is not his Connecticut policies that he will be championing as Biden’s education chief, it is the president’s union-focused progressive policies. If Cardona follows the Biden plan to pit teacher unions against parents and students, our kids will never get the education they truly deserve.”

In an interview with Connecticut Public Radio on WNPR in January, Cardona said he was “totally in support” of President Biden’s plan to call on Congress to cancel $10,000 of student debt for all borrowers, of which 1 in every five are in default. Taxpayers would cover student loans that are forgiven.

He believes in transgender rights but is afraid to directly answer the question from Rand Paul about men competing with women.

I find it amazing that everyone believes in trans rights but no one, including the trans health secretary, refuses to actually answer any questions during the public confirmation hearings.

This guy is going to push the Left’s narrative onto our students. One thing I am sure, nothing in schools is going to change as far as education. Our kids will continue to get indoctrinated to the Left’s belief system.

No Republican should have voted for this guy.



Long Hearing, Few Answers

FBI Director Christopher Wray defended the bureau’s handling of information warning of the prospect of violence on Jan. 6 by Trump supporters and described an increasingly complex extremist threat landscape in the wake of the attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Wray said:

“The problem of domestic terrorism has been metastasizing across the country for a long time now, and it’s not going away anytime soon,” Mr. Wray told the Senate Judiciary Committee at a Tuesday hearing, adding that the ideologies motivating a variety of extremists were proving difficult to pinpoint.

“In some cases, it seems like people are coming up with their own sort of customized belief systems—a little bit of this, a little bit of that—and they put it together maybe combined with some personal grievance or something that’s happened in their lives. Trying to get your arms around that is a real challenge.”

Mr. Wray said the FBI currently has roughly 2,000 open domestic-terrorism investigations, double the number the bureau was actively probing when he became director in 2017.

Dick Durbin, a Democrat from Illinois said:

“For too long, our federal government has failed to address the growing terrorist menace in our own backyard,” calling the rioters the “latest incarnation of a violent white supremacist movement that has terrorized fellow Americans.”

Wray said the FBI viewed some of the defendants as militia-affiliated violent extremists and cited a “couple of instances” of racially motivated extremists. He said the FBI was building out a fuller picture of the motivations of the alleged members of the mob as the investigation unfolds.

Several of the Republican Senators pointed out that white supremacy, though terrible and evil, is hardly the only example of domestic terrorism. He was referring to the antifa and BLM riots over the summer and the five that have occuerred since the January 6th riots.

Chuck Grassley from Iowa said:

“A narrow view of these matters would be intellectually dishonest. We’re not serious about tackling domestic extremism if we only focus on white supremacy movements, which isn’t the only ideology that’s responsible for murders and violence.”

Fact check: True! We reaally can’t focus on a single domestic terrorist group. We must work to prevent them all.

Wray did say that there was no evidence that there was anyone from any Left-wing terrorist groups.

The Wall Street Journal reported:

A report from George Washington University’s Program on Extremism released Tuesday found that 142 of the 257 federal defendants it examined could be characterized as “inspired believers,” or those who “were neither participants in an established violent extremist group nor connected to any of the other individuals who are alleged to have stormed the Capitol.”

There was also questions about how Capitol Officer Brian Sidnick died. We were told by the media that he was hit over the head by a fire extinguisher. That was a lie. Wray said they did not know what caused Sidnick’s death and that he could not say during the hearing. The investigation was still pending.

It was a BS hearing. The Democrats tried to make it that this was all about the scourge of white supremacy. The Republicans wanted this to be about antifa and BLM and about how Nancy Pelosi calling off the Capitol Police. None of this happened. No answers.

Once again, a lot of this was just a lot of political posing and a huge waste of time. Does this sound like something you’ve heard me say before?




Dr. Seuss’ first six books have been pulled from shelves and cannot be sold on Ebay because it has been determined the books are not racially sensative.

Dr. Seuss, you have been…CANCELLED!

The Washington Football team, formerly Redskins have replaced their cheerleaders with a male/female dance team.

Washington Redskin cheerleaders, you have been… CANCELLED!

Conservative actress Amanda Ensing has been banned from Twitter for “copyright” violations.

Amanda Ensing, you are hot and… CANCELLED!

Amazon has taken down the documentary about Justice Clarence Thomas because…well, no one knows. It happened during Black History Month. Justice Clarence Thomas, you have been… CANCELLED!




Episode 306 – That’s A Lot of Money

The House has decided it is time to spend tons of money.

Smart kids are banned in Boston.

And books are burning on Amazon.


That’s A Lot of Money

On Saturday morning, the House of Representatives passed Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion stimulus. The vote went right down party lines:  219-212.

The stimulus bill passed with unanimous Republican opposition, and two Democrats — Reps. Jared Golden of Maine and Kurt Schrader of Oregon — also voted against it.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) slammed the stimulus bill. He said:

When you add it all up, the price tag of Democrats’ bill is jaw-dropping. At $1.9 trillion, it is the single most expensive bill in history. But don’t call it a rescue or relief bill. Call it a Pelosi Payoff. Because the amount of money that actually goes to funding public health is less than nine percent. This is not a serious attempt to fix the real problems of the American people.

The solution America needs is one that will get us on a path back to normal. We need blue state governors to lift their non-science-based lockdowns. We need schools to reopen, students back in the classroom and breadwinners back to work.

We need to continue to increase our vaccine distribution, so we can continue to control cases and ultimately destroy the virus.

That is what the American people need, what they want, and what they deserve. But the Democrats’ bill won’t accomplish this, and instead will result in families, children and small businesses continuing to get left behind, saddled with a debt they cannot afford, all for the sake of an agenda they never voted for.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has called it a “spectacular piece of legislation,” according to NBC News. That’s enough reason for me to believe that this bill sucks.

Here’s what the bill does:

Raises the minimum wage to $15 an hour. This is the tough one.

Will extend unemployment benefits from $300 to $400 through August 29th.

Will send a $1400 check for those earning $75K or less or a couple earning $150K or less. This is a tough one. I would have limited those checks. Also, the Republicans should ask for $2000 checks. That’s how heavy this bill is.

The House plan would extend the 15% increase in food stamp benefits through September, instead of having it expire at the end of June.

The legislation would send roughly $19.1 billion to state and local governments to help low-income households cover back rent, rent assistance and utility bills.

In an effort to combat poverty, it would expand the child tax credit to $3,600 for each child under 6 and $3,000 for each child under age 18. Currently, qualifying families can receive a credit of up to $2,000 per child under age 17.

The bill would provide nearly $130 billion to K-12 schools to help students return to the classroom. What’s controversial about this is that the payments for the teacher’s union will go over the next four years and goes way above what they used to get.

The House bill now includes nearly $40 billion for colleges. Institutions would be required to spend at least half the money to provide emergency financial aid grants to students.

The bill would also provide $39 billion to child care providers.

The bill would make federal premium subsidies for Affordable Care Act policies more generous and would eliminate the maximum income cap for two years. This is trying to fix Obamacare and has nothing to do with COVID.

The bill would provide $15 billion to the Emergency Injury Disaster Loan program, which provides long-term, low-interest loans from the Small Business Administration. Severely impacted small businesses with fewer than 10 workers will be given priority for some of the money. It also provides $25 billion for a new grant program specifically for bars and restaurants. Eligible businesses may receive up to $10 million and can use the money for a variety of expenses, including payroll, mortgage and rent, utilities and food and beverages. The Paycheck Protection Program, which is currently taking applications for second-round loans, would get an additional $7 billion and the bill would make more non-profit organizations eligible.

Another $175 million would be used for outreach and promotion, creating a Community Navigator Program to help target eligible businesses.

The House legislation would provide $350 billion to state and local governments, as well as tribes and territories. States and the District of Columbia would receive $195.3 billion, while local governments would be sent $130.2 billion to be divided evenly between cities and counties. Tribes would get $20 billion and territories $4.5 billion. This is a bail out for democrat run cities and states who ran their states into the ground.

The House bill provides $14 billion to research, develop, distribute, administer and strengthen confidence in vaccines. It would also put $46 billion towards testing, contact tracing and mitigation, including investing in laboratory capacity, community-based testing sites and mobile testing units, particularly in medically underserved areas.

It also puts a crap load of money into infrastructure including libraries, schools, roads, bridges, art centers and museums.

It’s a crappy bill that takes out a lot of money that our kids and grandkids are going to have to pay off. It’s a disaster. This bill is definitely going to have issues getting through the senate as it is.

The Senate parliamentarian ruled on Thursday that the minimum wage hike could not remain in the proposal as written if it were passed through the reconciliation process, which Democrats will have to do in order to ensure a veto-proof simple majority. Basically, the Democrats need to prove that raising the minimum wage can be reflected in the cost of the bill. Of course, it can’t. The Republicans can filibuster this to require 67 votes to pass. They do not have anywhere near 67 votes.

Another problem, even if it gets through the reconciliation process, the Democrats cannot lose one vote. They need a 50-50 vote to have Kamala Harris be the affirming vote. We know of at least one Democrat, Joe Manchin, who is against the bill. I think there is another but am not sure.

This would be a big win for Biden. I find it sad to hear that this bill would be OK with the Republicans if it weren’t for the minimum wage increase. I also find it sad that the best way our politicians think to fix this problem with the economy is not a $1.9 trillion bill but just opening the economy.

Why doesn’t anyone just do that?



We Don’t Want Any Smart People 

Fourth, fifth, and sixth graders will not be accepted into advanced classes in Boston for the next year because a majority of students in those classes are white or Asian.

GBH News reported that the selective program, called Advanced Work Classes, will suspend enrollment in part because of the pandemic but also because of “concerns about equity.”

The school district analyzed the demographics of the program and found that “more than 70 percent of students enrolled in the program were white and Asian, even though nearly 80 percent of all Boston public school students are Hispanic and Black,” GBH reported.

Superintendent Brenda Cassellius said:

“There’s been a lot of inequities that have been brought to the light in the pandemic that we have to address. There’s a lot of work we have to do in the district to be antiracist and have policies where all of our students have a fair shot at an equitable and excellent education.”

School committee member said:

“This is just not acceptable. I’ve never heard these statistics before, and I’m very, very disturbed by them.”

The suspension of the program comes as schools across the country have begun teaching radical critical race theory, creating more classes insisting white supremacy can be found everywhere and denouncing merit-based systems as racist.

So being smart is racist. We can have people with more capacity than others. We must be a collective and in order to have a collective we must all be the same. Comrade.

We are going to have a lot of stupid people in the future.



Let the Book Burning Begin

Last week, Amazon decided to kill a biopic for Justice Clarence Thomas, on Black History Month, Great timing. But they also banned a book called When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Movement. The book is a scientific look at transgenderism and how people can gain an understanding on how to deal with them. It is not a book that disparages transgenders but teaches us how to understand them.

When asked, Amazon just pointed to their policies:

” Under a section labeled “Offensive Content,” Amazon states that they “don’t sell certain content including content that we determine is hate speech, promotes the abuse or sexual exploitation of children, contains pornography, glorifies rape or pedophilia, advocates terrorism, or other material we deem inappropriate or offensive.”

Amazon most recently added the “hate speech” portion of their policies. You know what the problem is with hate speech? What is hate speech? If the book mentioned earlier was an example of hate speech, what was said that was “hateful”?

No answers.



Episode 305 – He’s Back!

He’s back and showed up at the Coderivative Political Action Conference.


He’s Back!

Donald Trump held his first speech since becoming a private citizen. It was held at CPAC (Conservative Political Action Committee) conference in Florida on Sunday. He was the keynote and final speaker for the conference. It was a pretty good speech but it was very long, about 90 minutes.

Here’s what he said:

  • He committed to the Republican Party and denied starting a third party.
  • He talked about his successes during his administration.
  • He contrasted his successes with the radical policies of the current administration.
  • He attacked the culture directly:
    • He talked about Cancel Culture.
    • Defunding the police. Law and order.
    • The embrace of globalism. No one cares about us but us.
    • The embrace of socialism.
    • The Equity Act and how it will destroy women’s sports.
  • His talk of culture is important because this is what Conservatives are worried about.
  • Finally, at the end of his speech, he made clear that America was great, exceptional and an example for the world.
  • He said that the that America is great because of the people.


One of the things I was really worried about was that Trump would ponder too long on how the lection was stolen from him. This speech needed to be about the country, not him. He did well until the last half hour of the speech where I thought he did go off on the subject for too long. Good news for the speech, it was at the end and I don’t think many people were listening hard, including me, anymore. So it didn’t have the impact.

The speech appeared very well organized. Some had said most of the speech was on the teleprompter. And those always work well for Trump.

Trump, ever the troll, hinted that he might run again in 2024. He didn’t say he would, he didn’t say he wouldn’t. He just threw it out there. Don’t think that wasn’t on purpose. He’s just giver the news media a month of topics.

It was also a very positive speech.



Should Trump Run Again?

Here’s the thing: We are in a civil war.

For the most part, it is not a violent war where we are shooting each other. It is not a war between Florida and New York. It is a civil war of culture. Cancel culture, censorship, anti racism, socialism vs. capitalism, the destruction of the family are all part of the culture war. Right now, no one on the Republican party is fighting the Culture War. They are worried about taxes and spending but not pushing back on whether boys are boys or girls are girls. They aren’t pushing back on cancel culture or censorship.

Donald Trump has proven he is going to fight this civil war. He says things that the Left hates. He does things that the Left hates. He represents things that the Left hates.

But should he run again?


  • He will be 78 years old when he runs again. We haven’t been great with Presidents that old.
  • He creates his own conflicts. He’s clumsy. January 6th is an example of this.
  • He creates a moral argument against himself.


The problem with these arguments is everyone knew about these deficiencies before he won in 2016. We knew he was married a billion times. We knew he cheated on his wives. We knew he uses brash language. But he’s always been a fighter.

What if he does run?

  • He will have no competition. No one will run against him.
  • He continues to fight the Culture War. He is the only thing between us and the Left.
  • His successes will be used as a campaign benefit and then contrasted with Biden failures.


Do I think Trump will run? No. But if no other Republican can step up and take the reigns from Trump, Trump might run.

The Republicans need to find a new fighter. Someone who will counter the Cultural Civil War. Someone who is not afraid to be criticized and attacked.








































Episode 303 – This Guy? Really?

Merrick Garland goes through his confirmation hearings and I can’t believe this was Obama’s Supreme Court nominee.

Joe Biden can’t stop deportations so he’s got to be sneaky about it.

I love when celebrities do this.


Garland Confirmation Hearings

This week, the nominee by the Biden administration for the attorney general, Merrick Garland, is going through his confirmation hearings.

If you remember, Merrick Garland was nominated for the Supreme Court by Barrack Obama after Antonin Scalia died. A confirmation hearing and vote was never taken by the Senate in 2015 because, well, the Senate was Republican and they didn’t want to. Neil Gorsche ended up becoming the Justice after Trump was elected.

I listened to this guy and thought to myself, “This guy is supposed to be a Supreme Court Justice? Really?” Every word was followed by an “uh” which were exuberated by questions that were “hard” from Republicans.

What is worse is, his answers. Let’s take a look at some of his answers during the hearing. Here is a quote of Garland responding to what he would do with trans women competing with women in sports. This is the least controversial answer he gave so I decided to address this one first. The question came from Senator Joe Kennedy. Listen:

This is not a difficult societal question. Should men compete against women because those men say they are women. It’s difficult because he has to keep up a narrative which is ridiculous. Here’s the thing” the Left complicates everything. It’s to keep society off-balance. The Right already knows the answer because it’s not complicated and science is objective. Men are different than women. Period. We are bigger, stronger and faster. Period.

That’s not insulting women. They are better able to handle stress, I’d say smarter and less reactionary and can survive child birth. They have their advantages and we have ours. But we are different.

I also think this is a cowardly word-salad of an answer. This is a I-want-to-be-nominated-answer. If I were Joe Kennedy, I would have said, “So you don’t have a problem with men competing with women in high school sports.” Next question.

Here’s a question by Senator Josh Howley about whether of not illegally crossing the border is a crime.

Immigration has been an issue for the last thirteen years. He’s never thought about it? Has he been living under a rock or is he lying to get confirmed.

Also, if one is in the country illegally, one has committed a crime. Weird how that works. This should have been a slam dunk question for Garland. It would have been true, satisfied Republicans and not given up his beliefs.

Resource allocation has nothing to do with prosecuting crimes. This was a political answer. He could have said, “Yes, I will prosecute crime” and satisfy everyone. He wouldn’t be lying. Unless he would be lying.

Garland has no intention of doing anything on the border. The reason he said what he said was because he would be nailed with perjury if he answered like I suggested.

Hey, but what does Merrick think about misinformation (not disinformation, there is a difference). Here is a question by Chris Coons about combatting misinformation. Not disinformation but misinformation.  Listen:

OK, so he’ll work with the administration about restricting “misinformation”.

We need to discuss the difference between misinformation and disinformation.

Democrats believe that disinformation and misinformation involve Fox News, OANN and Newsmax. Why is it misinformation? Because the Left does not like what they say.

With either definition, we also need to trust the people will actually look up information they learn to know whether the information is correct, a lie or inaccurate. I don’t think it’s the government’s responsibility to figure it out for us. Especially when one’s misinformation is another’s information.

They never discuss the misinformation we are getting from the mainstream legacy media. No one is talking about the lies CNN made up about the George Floyd or Armand Aubury deaths at police hands that caused the riots over the summer of 2020.

Finally, people are beginning to believe the misinformation of the mainstream media like CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS and the sort. In a poll from skeptic.com, we are finding that people are beginning to believe the BS about the George Floyd story. In the poll, it is found that most liberals believe that 100 to 10,000 unarmed black men have been killed by police in 2019.

How many unarmed black men were killed in 2019? Twenty-five. The fake media is having an effect. When we talk about “misinformation” we need to look at the mainstream media and not Fox, OANN or Newsmax.

In this final clip, Senator Josh Howley asks if the riots over the summer, some attacking federal court buildings, is considered domestic terror. This answer is incredible.

So, antifa and BLM are not terrorist organizations because the buildings they burned down and destroyed weren’t occupied? Because this happened at night it’s just what? Vandalism?

I would have asked these questions:

  • Is it terrorism when the police are in a police station and the riot threatens their safety to the point the police had to abandon the police station?
  • Is throwing rocks at the police terrorism?
  • Is burning down a business terrorism?
  • Is antifa a domestic terror organization?
  • Is BLM?


There have been 250 arrested for the January 6 riot. That’s over half the rioters. The rioters over the summer that were arrested is a fraction of that (14K out of, at a low end, 15 million). Most of the summer rioters were not convicted.

I am reading Any Ngo’s book, Unmasked. I bought this book because antifa threw a fit about it. I thought, cynically, it must be pretty accurate. The book is very enlightening about the workings of this anarchist communist group.

Merrick Garland is just another member of the Obama administration that is selected for the Biden administration. He is a radical. I’m sure he’s a great lawyer and judge but he’s a politician and a Leftist activist. Republicans want to change their ways, they should vote against his nomination.

  • https://www.dailywire.com/news/garland-on-if-illegal-border-crossing-should-still-be-a-crime-if-hell-prosecute-i-dont-know
  • https://www.skeptic.com/research-center/reports/Research-Report-CUPES-007.pdf










Episode 301 – Frigging Shakespeare

Donald Trump is back and we can’t wait to see what he does.

Why does the Left continue pushing drug legalization.

And there are more victims of Cancel Culture including William Shakespeare.


He’s Back!

Donald Trump is back and he is making his voice heard. He has been doing interviews and he is not hiding his opinion. In this clip, Trump is asked about Biden saying there was no vaccine when he got into office and that there was no plan on how to implement the vaccine. He answered in true Trumpian fashion.

This isn’t going to be it. CPAC is coming up and Trump is suppose to speak. Mike Pence, who’s probably real bitter because his political career is essentially over because of Trump, will not show up to CPAC even though he was a solid VP and was invited.

Here’s something I want to talk about and is going to come up with Trump coming out. There have been talks about Trump creating a third party called the Patriot’s Party. The party would be about holding the Constitution at the highest levels and returning to the country of our Founding Fathers. A poll came out this weekend saying that 50% of Republicans would consider moving to a new party like that.

What a disaster that would be. Can you see another Conservative winning an election if there are two Conservative political group? Just using the numbers (math is white supremacist) we know that we can’t win again.

To Trump’s credit, he says that he is not starting another party. His goal is to fix the Republican party. He is going to point out the problems with the party like he’s doing with Mitch McConnel right now. The Republican party politicians are weak and need to stop getting run over.

Donald Trump needs to use his popularity to push that agenda. He can still hurt the Republican party. He’s not President anymore and there is nothing that is going to be gained by bitching about the election. He needs to unify the party and he can do it quite easily. And he should say to primary squishes like Mitch McConnel and Mitt Romney.



No, No, No…

Carl Hart, 54, who chairs the psychology department at Columbia, writes about his drug experiences in his new book “Drug Use for Grown-ups: Chasing Liberty in the Land of Fear” according to the New York Post.

Hart wrote, quoted by the New York Post:

“There aren’t many things in life that I enjoy more than a few lines by the fireplace at the end of the day,” Hart wrote about heroin, which he said leaves him “refreshed” and “prepared to face another day.”

“My heroin use is as recreational as my alcohol use. Like vacation, sex, and the arts, heroin is one of the tools that I use to maintain my work-life balance.”

Hart has also taken MDMA or ecstasy, which he said gives him “intense feelings of pleasure, gratitude and energy.”

“When I’m rolling, I just want to breathe deeply and enjoy it,” he added. “The simple act of breathing can be extremely pleasurable.”

Other drugs he has experimented with include methamphetamine and “bath salts,” which he described as “unequivocally wonderful” which make him feel “euphoric, energetic, clearheaded and highly social … niiiiiice.”

Hart said in an interview:

“The most important thing we have emphasized as parents is: Just try and live like the person that you think you are — a moral, compassionate, global citizen. My family would expect me to stand up on behalf of the people who have been castigated” for their drug usage.

According to the publisher of Hart’s book:

Hart admitted his drug use because he wants to advocate for decriminalizing the possession of recreational drugs. His book argues “that the demonization of drug use – not drugs themselves – [has] been a tremendous scourge on America, not least in reinforcing this country’s enduring structural racism.”

So, let’s see:

  • He’s got a drug problem.
  • He’s a globalist.
  • He’s think we have structural racism and anti-drug legislation is racist.
  • He thinks America is bad.
  • He’s teaching our younger generation.


I have several problems with drug legalization. This is why I am not a pure Libertarian.

  • I’ve had personal experience with dealing with drugs in my family life.
  • I do believe drugs like pot and alcohol are gateway drugs.
  • I believe that once a drug is made legal, the results always suck. But once it becomes ingrained in society it is impossible to pull back. Examples include alcohol and pot.
  • Drugs make our country dumber.
  • It’s going to be a huge burden on the country economically.
  • It’s going to be a huge hit on our standard of living. More homelessness.




Cancel Culture Continues

Wakanda Does Not Exist

Rafaela Espinal, who identifies as Afro-Latina, says she was chastised for repeatedly refusing to mimic the gesture popularized in the 2018 Marvel Comic’s “Black Panther,” during superintendent meetings, reported the New York Post Saturday.

According to a Manhattan Supreme Court suit against the city’s Department of Education Chancellor Richard Carranza and other top officials earlier this month, Espinal was “admonished and told that it was inappropriate for her not to participate” in the salute by the then-Bronx superintendent Meisha Ross Porter.

In the 2018 movie, the cross arm motion represents Black empowerment.  Though the film’s Director Ryan Coggler said the idea was largely taken from paraoh sculptures in ancient Egypt, coupled with it’s meaning of “love” or “hug” in American Sign Language, he said in a 2018 interview with Inverse.

Two years before retirement, she was fired because the district was “going in a different direction. This was a year before she was set to retire.

She is now suing the district for $40 million. Good for her.

Dude, It’s Tequila

Those evil Americans are stealing other cultures again.

Kendall Jenner has decided to buy a company from Mexico that makes tequila. She’s going to call it 818. Apparently, the folks at In Style magazine think Kendall Jenner’s dive into another company is racist.

According to In Style magazine:

The allegations of appropriation boil down to tequila’s main ingredient, agave, and that its importance extends well beyond booze in Mexican culture. “People outside of Mexico don’t know how embedded tequila and the agave is in their culture,” says Assis, referencing the centuries-old uses of agave in food and drinks dating back to the ancient Mayans. “And when you come from the outside with only the intention to make money off of this thing that’s so important — without any regard or any real knowledge or any respect to that culture — it’s cultural appropriation.”

While we can’t know Jenner’s intentions, a lack of knowledge is visible not just in her cringe-inducing sip of tequila on the rocks (a no-no, according to many tequila experts), or her extremely vague commentary while doing the tasting (“strong” is not a “real tasting note in a tequila,” says Assis). It’s also right there in the branding. 

“It’s not ‘blanco tequila,'” adds Assis, referring to the 818 bottle labels, “it’s ‘tequila blanco.’ She just misspelled the Spanish … they all say ‘reposado tequila,’ ‘añejo tequila.’ Tequila is the first word, and then it’s blanco.” This is simple Spanish grammar you’ll see on everything from Jose Cuervo to Espolón bottles you might have on your bar at this very moment. 

“[That] screamed to us tequila people that she didn’t really know what she was talking about,” he notes. 

This is not to say that all tequila-makers must be Mexican; Assis notes it’s possible to gain that understanding and respect of culture as an outsider, too, and the brands that do it best showcase the people actually making the product. 

You know, here’s what I think: This guy who is so critical, and anyone else who is critical, of Kendall Jenner buying a tequila factory should have bought it first. That said, I couldn’t care less what this bozo has to say.

And we already know that I like math, perfection and objectivity so we already know I’m a white supremacist so lets go a step further. I culturally appropriate all the time. All day, every day. I eat tacos, burritos, sushi, miso soup and chow mien. I like tequila, Corona, Tecate and Modelo.

I also own a Germany soccer jersey, a Canadian hockey jersey and a serape that has the L.A. Dodgers emblem. Hell, I’m sure my fridge is from China.

I culturally appropriate and I’m good with it.



Anything to Get Rid of Western Civilization

An increasing number of woke teachers are refusing to study the Bard — accusing his classic works of promoting “misogyny, racism, homophobia, classism, anti-Semitism, and misogynoir.”

According to Ayanna Thompson, a professor of English at Arizona State University:

“Shakespeare was a tool used to ‘civilize’ Black and brown people in England’s empire.”

Former Washington state public school teacher Claire Bruncke told SLJ she banished the Bard from her classroom to “stray from centering the narrative of white, cisgender, heterosexual men.”

She continued:

“Eliminating Shakespeare was a step I could easily take to work toward that. And it proved worthwhile for my students.”

I bet half her kids can’t read.

Amanda MacGregor, another school English teacher said:

“Shakespeare’s works are full of problematic, outdated ideas, with plenty of misogyny, racism, homophobia, classism, anti-Semitism, and misogynoir.”

Listen, the Left doesn’t like Western Civilization. They hate our philosophy, which is based on religion and reason, our history, our culture and our accomplishments.







Episode 300 – The Saga Continues


The media is blowing up on a Ted Cruz error while ignoring everything else.

The Gorilla Glue Girl saga continues.

And AOC gives up…something for Lent? Wait, what?


What a Disaster This Guy Is

Joe Biden and CNN held a town hall on Tuesday. As expected, there were hard hitting questions like this one by moderator Anderson Cooper:

Yep, I didn’t bother watching it all. But the summary of it won’t be too surprising. Biden continued to look old and his answers were rambling. Some of the time, I thought he forgot the question in the middle of the answer.

Anderson Cooper did not ask hard hitting questions. They continued to blame the Trump administration for all the world ills. Be prepared for that to continue as Biden begins to mess up COVID, opening the schools and the economy and the inflation rate begins to go up. Cooper never pushed back, never asked the tough questions and avoided bringing up anything controversial like the Andrew Cuomo scandal.

But, we did learn some things. And they were not good. Here is something that can be seen as a gaff but I am not sure about that. Listen and then I’ll explain.

There are two things about this statement.

The first is what he said about getting the injections into the arms of the people. This is a consistent talking point of the Biden administration that the Trump administration did not have a plan for vaccinations. In fact, the Trump administration did have a plan. The plan got to 1 million vaccinations through the country per day. Biden and Harris didn’t seem to know that. They said they were going to get 100 million vaccinations in his first 100 days. That’s 1 million vaccinations a day. They had to walk that one back.

The second problem here is the “gaff” he made about there being no vaccine available when he took office. Now, it could be a gaff but with the revisionist history going on in America, do not be surprised if, a couple of years from now, Biden gets full credit for the vaccine creation. That may be paranoid, but I am going to reserve calling this one a gaff.

Anderson Cooper asked Joe about when the country could get back to normal. He talked a little about herd immunity and the vaccine. It took him almost four minutes to get to the point. Here is his point:

A year?! A year?! This guy ran on the China virus being eliminated and now he’s talking about wearing two to fifteen masks for a year?! That ain’t going to cut it. Our kids are getting fat, depressed and killing themselves. They need school. My relationship with my fiancé is suffering because we have nothing to do. We go on hikes or to the casino because they are on Indian reservations and ignore California regulations. But I don’t gamble!

This is insane. It’s not going to happen. We are not going to keep ourselves locked away for a year. As a matter of fact, there are doctors at John Hopkins that are saying we should  be at herd immunity by April or May, not December. I plan to go to a baseball game this year. I plan to sit in a restaurant to eat dinner this year. I plan to go out without a mask and give a friend a hug and shake hands again.

But that wasn’t the craziest thing Biden said. Listen to this about China:

Before I talk about how insane what Biden said is, listen to a short clip from a recent CNN story about the sexual abuse and torture of Uyghur women in concentration camps in China.



This is what is happening in China:

  • Concentration camps.
  • Torture.
  • Executions.
  • Forced sterilizations.
  • The One Child policy.
  • Imprisonment with no due process.
  • Slave labor (your iPhone and Nikes).
  • Confiscation of property.
  • Theft of intellectual property.
  • Starvation.
  • Military occupation of Hong Kong.
  • Threats of invasion of Taiwan and, more recently, India.
  • Propaganda spread through the United Nations and the World Health Organization.
  • Infiltration of the United States government, entertainment, sports and education with spy and propaganda machines. This is not a conspiracy, we know this.


This is China and we’ve known it for many years. There are three things that disturb me about Biden’s statement here.

The first is that he is excusing genocide, which is the killing of people based on race, religion or beliefs. Question for you: What if we just looked at the genocide in Nazi Germany as a “cultural difference” that we had to ignore because that’s what Hitler had to do to be the leader of Nazi Germany?

The second is that it is looking like Biden is going to go easy on China. We shouldn’t be surprised about this considering his families’ financial dealings in China, including money Joe Biden probably got.

Finally, what does it say that our President is so easily willing to dismiss genocide as no big deal? Does old Joe or any of his minions think it might be a good idea to implement here? Don’t be too sure that is not a thing. Let’s see how many people are arrested during the Biden administration because they said something dangerous to the regime. Don’t think it’s a thing in this country? Ask Dinesh Dizouza, Roger Stone and George Papadopoulos if it is a thing.


Really? Now?

Ted Cruz, the Senator from Texas, took a vacation to Cancun with his family. So what? He took it in the middle of the worst winter storm in Texas in over 100 years. People did not have power and 24 people die.


This is not a great thing. Maybe he should have waited a few weeks before he decided to do this. It shows him as rather callous, taking a, “not my problem tone”. I see it. That sucked. It looked bad. This is going to be used against him in the next election and it will hurt him.

But here’s the question: Is this hypocrisy? No, better yet, is this the worst example of hypocrisy of an American history in the last four years?

Yeah, no.

So why is the media focusing everything on Ted Cruz? Cause he’s a Conservative Senator, that’s why.

The news has covered this “scandal” at a rate of 6 to 1 when it comes to the real scandal of Andrew Cuomo hiding deaths for his idiotic policies involving sticking COVID patients back into retirement homes. This amazes me. By the way, Cuomo’s lie has gone from 50% to 60% according to the investigation. So his lie seems to be going bigger by the second.

There are some distinct differences between Cuomo and Cruz:

Cruz made a bad optic decision. His policies had nothing to do with the storm or the power going out in Texas. In fact, Cruz is a federal employee (a Senator) not a state employee. He has no say. That doesn’t mean there won’t be consequences but he didn’t have anything to do with it. Cuomo’s policies led directly to 6400 more COVID deaths in his state. Then he hid the numbers.

There is no hypocrisy here. Cruz never said we shouldn’t travel. Unlike Cuomo, Newsom, Lightfoot and Pelosi who want to shut the entire country down than do whatever they want like eat at a posh restaurant with a crowd or get their hair done.

Cruz didn’t gain anything from his travel by lying about his situation except maybe a headache for his next election. Cuomo had a bad policy, killed people, wrote a book about how great his leadership was, designed a poster to show how great his leadership was and won an Emmy.

Not the same thing. It was a bad look and tone deaf. But he didn’t cause any of this and didn’t kill anyone. Cruz apologized and I think that was a mistake. No one will forgive him except Conservatives that like his policies. I personally think it was a mistake and we all make mistakes. But his apology will be used by Leftists to crucify him in the future. Seems to me he should have just taken the heat.



Gorilla Girl Saga Continues

The Gorilla Glue Girl Saga continues. It’s stupid but too deliciously funny to ignore. I bet you my left arm that this gal is going to get her own reality television show before this is all said and done.

Good news! She had her surgery and her hair is fixed. It will grow back and she can’t gussie herself up for a few month. Some had to be removed so she’ll have to wear a hat for a while but it will all come in normally.

Bad news: Her GoFundMe account has been suspended because the company is investigating her for fraud. There are several bloggers who say she is full of shit. She has $28,000 waiting for her once this whole thing is done. If her surgery only cost her $17,000 she, in theory, is going to make a $10,000 profit. Not sure how GoFundMe works with extra money but good for her. If people are stupid enough to donate to her, they should lose their money.

There was a rumor that she was going to sue the company that makes Gorilla Glue for $10 million because the company did not put any warnings on the bottle (actually they do have warnings on the bottle but nothing specifically about hair). She said that was untrue. She’s not suing anybody. It would make sense if she did because that’s the world we live in and we, as a society, seem to embrace stupidity.

The company that makes Gorilla Glue can afford it if she does sue. Apparently their sales have gone through the roof since this gal’s video went viral.

Finally, the Washington Post informed us why she put Gorilla Glue in her hair. It wasn’t because she’s an idiot. It’s because of that old bug-a-boo, systemic racism. Here’s what they said:

Neal Lester said he initially thought Brown’s problem was a prank, but as he continued to follow the story, he said it reminded him of all the ways Black Americans have used unusual hair products to manipulate or style their hair.

“I thought of Malcolm X and his experience with the conk,” said the Foundation Professor of English and founding director of Project Humanities at Arizona State University, referring to the hair straightener made of lye, eggs and potatoes used by many Black people in the earlier and middle part of the 20th century. “That stringing started with enslaved people using axle wheel grease and dirty dishwasher with oil.”

Enslaved men used axle wheel grease as a means to dye their hair or temporarily straighten it, and the women would use butter, fat from bacon or grease from geese to care for their hair, according to “Hair Story: Untangling the Roots of Black Hair in America.”

“Sometimes a piece of cloth warmed over a flame would be pulled across the head and worn for a short while to stretch the curls out,” authors Ayana Byrd and Lori Tharps wrote.

Conversations about hair, especially Black hair, continue to evolve, Lester said, pointing to how Olympian Gabby Douglas was talked about when her edges weren’t slick enough for some or the criticism lodged at superstar Beyoncé for allowing her oldest daughter’s curls and kinks to do their own thing.

The story stopped with the racism thing. Gorilla Glue Girl talked about her surgery and how she was dealing with it. She talked about how things would go back to normal and how she would not stop. She said she wasn’t going to sue anyone. Bitched about not getting her money from GoFundMe. Really mundane shit you would expect to hear from a simpleton. I thought the commentary was over.

But the Washington Post decided to keep beating that dead horse. They concluded the article:

Black women’s hair choices are often labeled as self-hate or Afrocentric with no in between, said Kristin Denise Rowe, professor of American studies at California State University at Fullerton.

“Many of us have not been in that particular predicament, but we know what it’s like to do something crazy … to get it to lay a certain way, such as toothbrushes for our baby hair,” she said.

Black women’s hair care has long been discussed like it’s a freak show, with comments about how much they spend on straightening treatments or hair extensions, Rowe said. That’s missing a lot of nuance about how these things come to be cultural practices, Rowe said.

“In reality, what’s crazy is anti-Black notions of beauty and professionalism and notions of what’s appropriate,” she said.

Grooming standards in the U.S. Army and the U.S. Navy have recently been updated to include the styles many Black women wear to protect their natural hair, and just seven states have passed the Crown Act, a law that seeks to put an end to hair discrimination.

“We know we exist in a society where we’re constantly being told it’s not right now,” Rowe said of the sector of support for Brown.

A couple of things about this article. When I write, I try to avoid doing what this writer did. Of course, I believe in perfectionism so I’m a white supremacist and the writer is more woke than I am. What Lateshia Beachum did was use facts about a really stupid story (facts are what I was looking for here) than try to mix deep intellectual societal commentary. Do I really need to know the reasons a Cal State Fullerton professor thinks why this gal stuck super glue in her hair?

I also question what our university professors are doing all day. They seem to always seem to have some social, historical and political opinions on some of the most mundane crap. I could be a professor or a columnist for the Washington Post. I bet I could come up with a thousand word article on why shoe laces are racist and promote the patriarchy. I swear it, just give me enough time.

We are in a culture of idiots.


‘Gorilla Glue Girl’: Will her lawsuit stick?



But She’s a Marxist? God She’s Dumb!

Finally, dumb story of the day:

Marxist, socialist Alexandria Ocasio Cortez has given up meat for Lent.

Why is this dumb?

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is so stupid she doesn’t realize Marxist socialists don’t believe in God and, therefore, don’t celebrate Lent. Pretty sad that a Democratic Republican Capitalist knows more about Marxism that a Marxist. I guess she was too busy making Pina Coladas in her last job to read the Communist Manifesto.


