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Episode 290 – Wokeness for Serial Killers?


The Culture

Last week, Josie and I watched a Netflix miniseries called Night Stalker: The Hunt for a Serial Killer. Actually, I saw it twice because Josie fell asleep once and had to leave my place once. I finished it because I was transfixed.

Now I remember this case. I was 17 years old at the time and lived in Los Angeles. Josie was only 6 years old and lived in San Diego. I wasn’t into news at the time but I followed this one. I remember that we would lock all our door and windows. I remember that there were hourly reports on the case. I remember that the news, only daily at the time, spent 15 to 20 minutes out of an hour on the murders. And there were a lot of murders. One every few days.

The documentary, which I recommend if you are into true crime stories, was excellent. There were a lot of things that were skipped probably because of censorship reasons. Richard Ramirez, who ended up being the Night Stalker, was a seriously twisted…human being? No, he was an animal. Filth. But, outside of that, the story was pretty accurate.

But the Left wing news outlet, Vox, had a problem with it. one could tell by there title, Night Stalker Review: Netflix misguided Night Stalker series treats cops like gods by Aja Romano. The bad grammar on the title is theirs.

It said:

The climactic moment of Netflix’s true crime docuseries Night Stalker: The Hunt for a Serial Killer, is probably supposed to feel cathartic. In the final minutes of the four-part series’ third installment, San Francisco detective Frank Falzon recalls how he tracked down a friend of the California serial killer whose string of attacks throughout 1984 and 1985 made him a household name among true crime followers.

Falzon describes this moment with relish almost four decades later. In his recounting, the friend — who’d originally contacted police himself with a tip about the Night Stalker’s identity — balked when Falzon asked him to reveal the Night Stalker’s full name. So Falzon forcibly dragged the friend-turned-informant into his police car, threatened him, and punched him in the face. This is a lie. That’s not what happened and that’s not what the movie said had happened.

  • A woman calls saying her father, who was homeless, might be hanging out with Ramirez in Skid Row.
  • Police find the man and he admits that Ramirez confessed the murders.
  • He said that Ramirez gives him a gun and sold it to someone in Tajuana.
  • Police fly to TJ and get the gun. They also find a radio which has a matching serial number to one that was stolen during one of the murders. At this point, they know Ramirez is the murder but only know him as “Rick”.
  • An informant gives a bracelet to police.
  • Police question the woman who owned the bracelet and said it was a gift from her boyfriend.
  • The boyfriend was, then, confronted by police and that’s when he got smacked down for not turning over a serial killer.

Worse, he knew what Richard Ramirez was doing.

“It wasn’t my best punch, but it definitely wasn’t my worst,” Falzon says. After further threats, Falzon says, he lunged toward the informant, who cringed away from him, “threw his hands up in a cross,” and stammered out: “Richard Ramirez. Richard Ramirez. Richard Ramirez.”

As Falzon repeated the name, the music swelled and grew more ominous. The episode cut to the docuseries’ cliffhanger end credits. And all I could think was how terrified this person must have been of the police.

Um, he should have been terrified of the police. He was hiding the name of a serial killer, rapist and child rapist. A man who had victimized over 20 people that the police knew of.

On the one hand, the production must have felt it would be satisfying to deprive Ramirez of some of that notoriety. To some extent, it is satisfying. In particular, it’s inspiring to hear from Ramirez’s survivors, including one couple who narrowly escaped their brush with Ramirez, and one victim who was assaulted by Ramirez when she was a child. Seeing her declare with certainty that she’s fine feels like the ultimate victory over Ramirez.

But Ramirez’s life arguably fits into a conversation about the cyclical nature of abuse and the cyclical horror of war — each a form of trauma. Likewise, a more thorough examination of Ramirez’s actions in the context of Satanic Panic could have made for a fascinating discussion within the series, had it been handled well. To what extent was Ramirez responding to the Satanic Panic of the era, and to what extent was he acting independent of it, but still becoming a part of the larger societal hysteria? These are all themes I’d have loved to see explored.

So, what this is saying, is that the film unjustly made the police into heroes for capturing a serial killer who left few clues and was completely random in his crimes. Instead, the documentary should have showed how a rapist, serial killer who kidnapped children and raped them was a victim. Nice.

The absence of Ramirez from his own story wasn’t that confusing to me because I could see what Night Stalker was trying to do. But it was confusing to other viewers I’ve spoken with, many of whom were totally unfamiliar with Ramirez’s story and naturally expected to learn about the titular serial killer.

There’s an obvious argument to be made that “understanding the mind of a serial killer” is too often used to justify overblown, glorified serial killer narratives. Sure. But we also need to understand the minds of serial killers, as well as the societal and personal circumstances that can lead to criminal behavior, if we’re ever going to fully understand criminality and attempt to rehabilitate potential offenders before it’s too late.

The only thing that would have confused me is why the writers didn’t say all that Richard Ramirez did. A lot of that was cut out because of the shear brutality of his crimes. There was more than enough as far as the timeline goes and pictures and videos of the crime scenes. In fact, other critics said that the documentary was too violent.

Perhaps it was. Carrillo and Salerno seemed to do good police work, even if the clue that led to the killer came from a Northern California citizen who apparently got punched in the face for his good deed. We need dedicated police officers who have positive relationships with their communities. Whenever cops do good work — work that truly serves the public — that moment feels like a victory. It comes with deep relief and pride in the justice system for functioning as it should.

But herein lies the difficulty of being a true crime fan: We have to recognize that police officers as a group perpetuate an inherently flawed and racist system of justice that fails people of color and marginalized communities far more often than it serves them. We can never lose sight of the reality that for every moment when the cops and the community are in harmony, there are countless others when the police force is the oppressor. And cases like Ramirez’s are often used as excuses for police to crack down and enact violence on people who aren’t serial killers.

Night Stalker doesn’t acknowledge this paradox at all. Instead, it treats Carrillo and Salerno like demigods. It approvingly lets a cop talk about punching an informant in the face and edits it like a pivotal, satisfying moment of triumph rather than a horrifying example of police brutality. And that strange omission — I mean, it’s dealing with the LAPD in the ’80s, perhaps the most notoriously racist police force to exist outside of the LAPD in the ’90s! — undermines Night Stalker’s effort to excise the bad seed at the heart of its story. Especially given the racial tensions between the police and their communities that erupted across the nation in 2020, I’m wondering if the production team ever stopped to think about how their approach to the police might be perceived.

Do you know how the police could reach out an support the community? By capturing a serial killer who was raping and sodomizing women, girls and boys. Arresting a man who was killing people every couple of days with no discernable pattern and would not leave any clues. Guess what? The community thought that too. Ask the 50 people who beat the crap out of Richard Ramirez when the caught him.

These detectives were not demigods. They made mistakes. They problems in their family lives. They were drinking too much. They made mistakes during the investigations. All this was in the show including that the police officer lost his temper and smacked down that guy who wouldn’t tell them who Richard Ramirez was.

And about that guy. This author is making the guy who got punched into a “citizen”. This is crap. He knew what Richard Ramirez was doing. He was fencing the stuff Ramirez was stealing during his crimes. How do you think the cops found him. He was also be belligerent and was picking a fight. This is something the writer of the article kind of leaves out. That guy was not an individual that the community of color would have embraced.

But, the writer has to say this because it validates the narrative that cops are bad and they abuse innocent civilians. And any story or documentary that show how the police did their jobs and how they felt cannot be celebrated. Here’s the thing: this case may never have been solved simply because the assaults and murders were so random and there were no clues left.

Night Stalker is a reminder that building a true crime story around the non-criminals isn’t enough. You need balance — and more crucially, context — for every narrative beat, especially because these are real crimes, still sending ramifications and echoes throughout society decades later.

Those echoes are clear, just from the fact that so many people who witnessed and lived through the Ramirez story are still around to talk about it nearly four decades later. History is living and walking — and very occasionally still stalking — among us. In the case of Night Stalker, that history deserved more careful attention.

The story was about how Richard Ramirez was caught. So it makes sense that the writers would talk to the cops who were involved in the investigation. This was not about the mental capacity of Richard Ramirez, his life that may have made him, or what the community thought of the police. This is a true story.

The last line where “history is living and walking” is a lie. History is history. It does not change. This podcast is history and it’s not going to be change. It’s people who change history. The revisionist history. That doesn’t mean the history actually changed. We are seeing this in our history books today. We are seeing this in our children who cannot tell us who the first President was and can’t pass the civics exam to become an American citizen

Overall I thought the movie was very good. It brought back a lot of memories and showed aspects of the case that were not known back then. I did not know how much of an unimaginable bastard Richard Ramirez was until this documentary and how much effort the police had to make to catch him. It’s worth a watch if, for nothing more, because Vox says you shouldn’t see it.



Episode 289 – And the Winner Is…

New York doesn’t believe in science. So all the scientist quit.

Europe, once again, shows that the Nobel Prize is worthless.

An let’s talk culture.


It’s Science, All!

Andrew Cuomo continues to prove he is the worst, most arrogant, incompetent and corrupt governors in the United States today. That is saying a lot.

  • New York has always led the way with Wuhan flu infections. This is not a shock because it is heavily populated and people are always smooshed together.
  • Andrew Cuomo issued an order that allowed old people who had the Wuhan flu to be put back into retirement homes.
  • At the time, we already knew that the elderly were more susceptible.
  • Thousands of the elderly died, helping to make the state the second highest in COVID deaths in the country behind New Jersey.
  • Who’s fault did it end up being? Listen



That’s right! It’s Trump’s fault! He doesn’t blame the CDC or the WHO or China or Dr. Fauci. It is Trump’s fault cause I guess Trump is going around and spreading this thing and not helping anyone.

Oh, wait! President Trump did help New York and other states.

  • Trump sent tons of PPE to New York.
  • Trump sent thousands of respirators and ventilators to New York.
  • Trump sent two hospital ships from the Navy to New York.
  • The Navy ships, ventilators and respirators were not used.
  • Cuomo specifically thanked Trump for all his support.


The media were all in on Cuomo. They saw him as the savior against the Wuhan flu and kept pointing out that New York is the way all states should have been handling the virus. Listen to this from Grabien:

Andy embraced the sudden fame.

  • He wrote a book about how he handled the pandemic.
  • He created a map of the pandemic’s progress over the last year. There was a bit of irony here.
  • He won an Emmy over his press conferences.


But everyone was not a fan of Andy. There were people who wanted explanations. That’s when Andy’s lies started coming to light. An investigation was done by the state Attorney General. Oops!

New York’s top prosecutor, Letitia James, has determined that Cuomo’s administration may have attempted to cover up mistakes by undercounting the number of elderly who died in nursing homes from the coronavirus. The deaths were shorted by over 50%.

What they did was call COVID deaths from nursing homes, hospital deaths.

  • A COVID patient from a nursing home is about to die.
  • The retirement home will send the patient to the hospital.
  • The patient dies of COVID.
  • The death is a hospital COVID death not a retirement home death


This softens the blow of Andy’s incompetence. Oops.

Andy’s response was less than sympathetic.

This guy is so out of touch. He is so arrogant. He refuses to take responsibility for anything. It’s just incredible. What’s more incredible is no one in the media is talking about it and even editing interviews that blame Andy Cuomo.

But that isn’t it. Andy’s behavior caused a lot of friction with his own health department. You know, the health department that is run and advised by doctors. Mr. Follow-the-Science decided he was going to run the COVID policy and, now, the vaccine distribution from his office, no matter what his health department says.

  • At least nine top New York health officials have left their posts since March of last year over Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s handling of the pandemic.
  • According to the NY Times, The governor ignored advice from his public health experts while using them as a foil during a recent press conference while answering questions on the pandemic.
  • State health officials have grown increasingly irritated at Cuomo’s approach to the pandemic, claiming that the governor has issued top-down orders to combat the coronavirus without first notifying health department staff.
  • One of the latest incidents occurred in Cuomo’s shaping of the state’s vaccine distribution plan. The governor scrapped a plan that health officials at all levels of state government had been working on in some fashion for about two decades.


The NY Times stated:

In the fall, Mr. Cuomo shelved vaccine distribution plans that top state health officials had been drawing up, one person with knowledge of the decision said. The plans had relied in part on years of preparations at the local level — an outgrowth of bioterrorism fears following Sept. 11 — and on experience dispensing vaccine through county health departments during the H1N1 pandemic in 2009.

As a result, local officials across the state complained that their efforts to vaccinate were undercut by the Cuomo plan.

“Wait a minute, why are we not doing this?” Anthony J. Picente Jr., a Republican who is county executive in upstate Oneida County, said he remembered thinking.

Cuomo’s plan was to have hospitals deal with the vaccination, something his advisors quickly advised against. They believed the vaccinations should be handled by the local governments. This is because hospitals could not manage it because…they were busy.

Guess what happened? The hospitals could not keep up.

Andy Cuomo stated:

“When I say ‘experts’ in air quotes, it sounds like I’m saying I don’t really trust the experts. Because I don’t. Because I don’t.”

Man of science.



These Guys Must Be Kidding

The Nobel Peace Prize list of nominees for 2021 have been released. Some make sense others will just make you go, “hmm”.

These Guys Make Sense

Jared Kushner – Kushner, who is Trump’s son-in-law, and Berkowitz, who was the Middle East envoy, were key figures in negotiating deals between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco.

Donald Trump – Duh. Signed the Middle East Peace deals. Defeated the terrorist organization, ISIS. Was the only President in, forever, not to start a new foreign war. Oh, yeah, and he never started a nuclear war.

Alexei Navalny – Man who is running the Opposition to Russian President Vlad Putin.


Black Live Matter. What?

Norwegian Member of Parliament Petter Eide (a socialist) writes:

“I find that one of the key challenges we have seen in America, but also in Europe and Asia, is the kind of increasing conflict based on inequality. Black Lives Matter has become a very important worldwide movement to fight racial injustice. They have had a tremendous achievement in raising global awareness and consciousness about racial injustice. They have been able to mobilize people from all groups of society, not just African-Americans, not just oppressed people, it has been a broad movement, in a way which has been different from their predecessors.”

Politifact reported:

Officers injured: The New York Post reported on June 8, citing the U.S. Justice Department, that more than 700 law enforcement officers were injured on the job during nationwide protests over Floyd’s death.

People killed: In early June, news accounts reported the number of people killed during the Floyd protests at roughly a dozen, or as many as 19. The victims include a 77-year-old man who was a retired St. Louis police captain and a 22-year-old woman from Davenport, Iowa.

Damage caused: In late June, Fox News reported that according to insurance experts and city officials, the Floyd protests could eclipse the 1992 Los Angeles riots to become the most expensive civil disturbance in U.S. history. The 1992 riots, which followed the acquittal of four police officers in the beating of Rodney King, cost $1.4 billion in 2020 dollars, according to the report, which did not give a specific damage estimate for the Floyd protests. A spokeswoman for the Insurance Information Institute told Scripps National News that “most likely” the Floyd protest “would lead to higher losses,” but did not provide an estimate either.

Black Lives Matter didn’t respond to our requests for comment.

They also support what most Nobel voters support:

  • Socialism.
  • Hatred of the United States.
  • Breaking up of the family.
  • Anti-religion
  • Anti-capitalism.


Stacey Abrams. This is the person who lost the governor election in Georgia but thinks she’s still governor of Georgia.

NBC reported:

Abrams, who played a critical role in helping to register thousands of voters for the 2020 presidential election and Senate runoff election in Georgia, is being nominated for her work to “promote nonviolent change via the ballot box.”

“Abrams’ work follows in Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s footsteps in the fight for equality before the law and for civil rights,” Lars Haltbrekken, a Socialist Party member of Norway’s parliament, said.

Abrams has done absolutely nothing in her career except bitch that she lost the gubernatorial election in Georgia. I’ll go a step further: her bitching about having had the election stolen from her (she lost by 50K votes) was a self-centered pitch to make her more relevant in the next election.

The media loves her and Europe can’t get enough of her. That’s because she’s a socialist.

Greta Thunberg is back. Who cares.

The environmental activist has done nothing except travel around the world in a boat, missing school, yelling at adults for ruining her life. I don’t know.

At least she turned 18 and we can not fuck with her without being accused of being closeted pedophiles.

The World Health Organization. Wow.

Let’s see:

  • They were wrong about how COVID was spread.
  • They were wrong about how transmissible it was.
  • They did not press China to let them analyze it.
  • They lied about how China was handling the disease.
  • They were wrong about how deadly it is.
  • They were lied about how many people died in China.
  • They did not acknowledge that this virus was developed in a lab and not a natural outgrowth.
  • They called travel restrictions xenophobic.
  • They spread the Chinese talking point about COVIS. And SARS. and Swine flu. And Bird flu. And they were all lies.
  • They ignore the enemies of China including Hong Kong and Taiwan.


Yeah, they did such a great job on the Wuhan flu.

Do you guys see something with the Nobel Peace Price? Yeah, it’s bullshit. It’s such bullshit, I would question whether Jarod Kushner or Donald Trump were closeted communists.



The Culture

Last week, Josie and I watched a Netflix miniseries called Night Stalker: The Hunt for a Serial Killer. Actually, I saw it twice because Josie fell asleep once and had to leave my place once. I finished it because I was transfixed.

Now I remember this case. I was 17 years old at the time and lived in Los Angeles. Josie was only 6 years old and lived in San Diego. I wasn’t into news at the time but I followed this one. I remember that we would lock all our door and windows. I remember that there were hourly reports on the case. I remember that the news, only daily at the time, spent 15 to 20 minutes out of an hour on the murders. And there were a lot of murders. One every few days.

The documentary, which I recommend if you are into true crime stories, was excellent. There were a lot of things that were skipped probably because of censorship reasons. Richard Ramirez, who ended up being the Night Stalker, was a seriously twisted…human being? No, he was an animal. Filth. But, outside of that, the story was pretty accurate.

But the Left wing news outlet, Vox, had a problem with it. one could tell by there title, Night Stalker Review: Netflix misguided Night Stalker series treats cops like gods. The bad grammar on the title is theirs.

It said:

Falzon describes this moment with relish almost four decades later. In his recounting, the friend — who’d originally contacted police himself with a tip about the Night Stalker’s identity — balked when Falzon asked him to reveal the Night Stalker’s full name. So Falzon forcibly dragged the friend-turned-informant into his police car, threatened him, and punched him in the face.

“It wasn’t my best punch, but it definitely wasn’t my worst,” Falzon says. After further threats, Falzon says, he lunged toward the informant, who cringed away from him, “threw his hands up in a cross,” and stammered out: “Richard Ramirez. Richard Ramirez. Richard Ramirez.”

As Falzon repeated the name, the music swelled and grew more ominous. The episode cut to the docuseries’ cliffhanger end credits. And all I could think was how terrified this person must have been of the police.

Um, he should have been terrified of the police. He was hiding the name of a serial killer, rapist and child rapist. A man who had victimized over 20 people that the police knew of.

On the one hand, the production must have felt it would be satisfying to deprive Ramirez of some of that notoriety. To some extent, it is satisfying. In particular, it’s inspiring to hear from Ramirez’s survivors, including one couple who narrowly escaped their brush with Ramirez, and one victim who was assaulted by Ramirez when she was a child. Seeing her declare with certainty that she’s fine feels like the ultimate victory over Ramirez.

But Ramirez’s life arguably fits into a conversation about the cyclical nature of abuse and the cyclical horror of war — each a form of trauma. Likewise, a more thorough examination of Ramirez’s actions in the context of Satanic Panic could have made for a fascinating discussion within the series, had it been handled well. To what extent was Ramirez responding to the Satanic Panic of the era, and to what extent was he acting independent of it, but still becoming a part of the larger societal hysteria? These are all themes I’d have loved to see explored.

So, what this is saying, is that the film unjustly made the police into heroes for capturing a serial killer who left few clues and was completely random in his crimes. Instead, the documentary should have showed how a rapist, serial killer who kidnapped children and raped them was a victim. Nice.

The absence of Ramirez from his own story wasn’t that confusing to me because I could see what Night Stalker was trying to do. But it was confusing to other viewers I’ve spoken with, many of whom were totally unfamiliar with Ramirez’s story and naturally expected to learn about the titular serial killer.

There’s an obvious argument to be made that “understanding the mind of a serial killer” is too often used to justify overblown, glorified serial killer narratives. Sure. But we also need to understand the minds of serial killers, as well as the societal and personal circumstances that can lead to criminal behavior, if we’re ever going to fully understand criminality and attempt to rehabilitate potential offenders before it’s too late.

The only thing that would have confused me is why the writers didn’t say all that Richard Ramirez did. A lot of that was cut out because of the shear brutality of his crimes. There was more than enough as far as the timeline goes and pictures and videos of the crime scenes. In fact, other critics said that the documentary was too violent.

Perhaps it was. Carrillo and Salerno seemed to do good police work, even if the clue that led to the killer came from a Northern California citizen who apparently got punched in the face for his good deed. We need dedicated police officers who have positive relationships with their communities. Whenever cops do good work — work that truly serves the public — that moment feels like a victory. It comes with deep relief and pride in the justice system for functioning as it should.

But herein lies the difficulty of being a true crime fan: We have to recognize that police officers as a group perpetuate an inherently flawed and racist system of justice that fails people of color and marginalized communities far more often than it serves them. We can never lose sight of the reality that for every moment when the cops and the community are in harmony, there are countless others when the police force is the oppressor. And cases like Ramirez’s are often used as excuses for police to crack down and enact violence on people who aren’t serial killers.

Night Stalker doesn’t acknowledge this paradox at all. Instead, it treats Carrillo and Salerno like demigods. It approvingly lets a cop talk about punching an informant in the face and edits it like a pivotal, satisfying moment of triumph rather than a horrifying example of police brutality. And that strange omission — I mean, it’s dealing with the LAPD in the ’80s, perhaps the most notoriously racist police force to exist outside of the LAPD in the ’90s! — undermines Night Stalker’s effort to excise the bad seed at the heart of its story. Especially given the racial tensions between the police and their communities that erupted across the nation in 2020, I’m wondering if the production team ever stopped to think about how their approach to the police might be perceived.



Night Stalker is a reminder that building a true crime story around the non-criminals isn’t enough. You need balance — and more crucially, context — for every narrative beat, especially because these are real crimes, still sending ramifications and echoes throughout society decades later.

Those echoes are clear, just from the fact that so many people who witnessed and lived through the Ramirez story are still around to talk about it nearly four decades later. History is living and walking — and very occasionally still stalking — among us. In the case of Night Stalker, that history deserved more careful attention.



Episode 288 – The 1619 Project

One thing I hate about our society, specifically on the Left, is how we are changing everything.

We have changed language. We have normalized in correct language like using “at” at the end of the sentence. We have changed definitions like how we did with the term “gender.” We have even changed the way we use pronouns referring to an individual as “they.”

We are trying to change science because of political correctness. A man wanting to be a woman means that he is a woman, no matter what his DNA says. Gender dysphoria is no longer a mental disorder. We are assigned gender, not born with it. And the world is going to end in 10 years because of weather.

But the worse thing we are doing is changing the history of the United States without adding context to the history of the world. The revision of our history is enunciating our dark moments without acknowledging our successes. The goal of this is to emphasize the failure of the United States and all its systems.

Enter the 1619 Project.


What is the 1619 Project?

There is a huge push to revise history within the United States. This revisionist push is not something that just happened in the last ten years. It has been around for almost a century. People like Howard Zinn have written histories that make the United States look like an imperialistic tyranny instead of a country that celebrates freedoms that have been given to us by God, not government.

In Howard Zinn’s People’s History of the United States, a book that was touted by Matt Damon who played a genius in Good Will Hunting, blamed all evils in history on the United States. Slavery, the Native American crisis, the Civil War, World Wars I and II, Vietnam, the wars in the Middle East, even terrorism was all because of the imperialism of the United States. Many of Zinn’s findings were actually debunked by real historians. In fact, there is an entire book written that destroys all of Zinn’s arguments. But this doesn’t matter to the Leftists. The book is being touted as a legitimate history of the United States and has found its way into out high schools and colleges as mandatory reading.

In 2019, another document that tries to revise American history was released: The 1619 Project. According to Wikipedia.com:

The 1619 Project is a long-form journalism project developed by Nikole Hannah-Jones, writers from The New York Times, and The New York Times Magazine which “aims to reframe the country’s history by placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of the United States‘ national narrative”.[1] The project was first published in August 2019 for the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the first enslaved Africans in the Virginia colony.[2] The project later included a broadsheet article, live events, and a podcast.


It is not a year that most Americans know as a notable date in our country’s history. Those who do are at most a tiny fraction of those who can tell you that 1776 is the year of our nation’s birth. What if, however, we were to tell you that this fact, which is taught in our schools and unanimously celebrated every Fourth of July, is wrong, and that the country’s true birth date, the moment that its defining contradictions first came into the world, was in late August of 1619? Though the exact date has been lost to history (it has come to be observed on Aug. 20), that was when a ship arrived at Point Comfort in the British colony of Virginia, bearing a cargo of 20 to 30 enslaved Africans. Their arrival inaugurated a barbaric system of chattel slavery that would last for the next 250 years. This is sometimes referred to as the country’s original sin, but it is more than that: It is the country’s very origin.

Out of slavery — and the anti-black racism it required — grew nearly everything that has truly made America exceptional: its economic might, its industrial power, its electoral system, diet and popular music, the inequities of its public health and education, its astonishing penchant for violence, its income inequality, the example it sets for the world as a land of freedom and equality, its slang, its legal system and the endemic racial fears and hatreds that continue to plague it to this day. The seeds of all that were planted long before our official birth date, in 1776, when the men known as our founders formally declared independence from Britain.

The goal of The 1619 Project, a major initiative from The New York Times that this issue of the magazine inaugurates, is to reframe American history by considering what it would mean to regard 1619 as our nation’s birth year.  Doing so requires us to place the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of the story we tell ourselves about who we are as a country. Perhaps you need some persuading. The issue contains essays on different aspects of contemporary American life, from mass incarceration to rush-hour traffic, that have their roots in slavery and its aftermath.

Each essay takes up a modern phenomenon, familiar to all, and reveals its history. The first, by the staff writer Nikole Hannah- Jones (from whose mind this project sprang), provides the intellectual framework for the project and can be read as an introduction. Alongside the essays, you will find 17 literary works that bring to life key moments in African-American history. These works are all original compositions by contemporary black writers who were asked to choose events on a timeline of the past 400 years. The poetry and fiction they created is arranged chronologically throughout the issue, and each work is introduced by the history to which the author is responding. A word of warning: There is gruesome material in these pages, material that readers will find disturbing. That is, unfortunately, as it must be. American history cannot be told truthfully without a clear vision of how inhuman and immoral the treatment of black Americans has been. By acknowledging this shameful history, by trying hard to understand its powerful influence on the present, perhaps we can prepare ourselves for a more just future. That is the hope of this project.

The Goals of the Project


This is a complete rewrite of American history. Its goal is to:


  • Become the new education tool of American history.
  • Change the way our children think about America. They will be our leaders one day. The goal is to change the culture so the future generations will change it politically. Politics is always down stream of culture.
  • Blame America for slavery. Slavery has been around forever and still exists.
  • Make it only that blacks made America what it is today and ignore what we did as a nation.
  • America is evil and must be changed. That includes eliminating our philosophy, accomplishments and successes.
  • Ignore our real history and the struggles we went through to become the successful country we are.
  • Makes racism systemic. It’s not.
  • It ignores the struggles this country went through, black and white, to get where we are today.
  • It ignores how far we’ve come.
  • Demonize an entire race; the white race. This is a document on black supremacy. This is dangerous. When you demonize a skin color, you end up with slavery, gulags and holocausts. Isn’t this what they are fighting against?
  • Ignore that whites are diverse. We are English, Irish, Scottish, Italian, Russian, German and many others.
  • Ignore the sins of other civilizations including African and Muslim civilizations.


This is some really dangerous stuff. This is changing U.S. history in order to demonize a country, its citizens and the system:

  • Justifies cancel culture. This will kill the economy, kill innovation and kill national pride.
  • Promotes a complete change to the system of the most successful country in world history.
  • Justifies the persecution of those who don’t agree.
  • Creates race superiority.
  • Justifies policies that will hurt the economy of this country, further pushing the need for socialism. Socialism leads to tyranny.


Oops! It Ain’t that Accurate



According to the Wall Street Journal article by Elliot Kaufman:

‘So wrong in so many ways” is how Gordon Wood, the Pulitzer Prize-winning historian of the American Revolution, characterized the New York Times’s “1619 Project.” James McPherson, dean of Civil War historians and another Pulitzer winner, said the Times presented an “unbalanced, one-sided account” that “left most of the history out.” Even more surprising than the criticism from these generally liberal historians was where the interviews appeared: on the World Socialist Web Site, run by the Trotskyist Socialist Equality Party.

A September essay for the World Socialist Web Site called the project a “racialist falsification” of history. That didn’t get much attention, but in November the interviews with the historians went viral. “I wish my books would have this kind of reaction,” Mr. Wood says in an email. “It still strikes me as amazing why the NY Times would put its authority behind a project that has such weak scholarly support.” He adds that fellow historians have privately expressed their agreement. Mr. McPherson coolly describes the project’s “implicit position that there have never been any good white people, thereby ignoring white radicals and even liberals who have supported racial equality.”

The project’s creator, Nikole Hannah-Jones, is proud that it “decenters whiteness” and disdains its critics as “old, white male historians.” She tweeted of Mr. McPherson: “Who considers him preeminent? I don’t.” Her own qualifications are an undergraduate degree in history and African-American studies and a master’s in journalism. She says the project goes beyond Mr. McPherson’s expertise, the Civil War. “For the most part,” she writes in its lead essay, “black Americans fought back alone” against racism. No wonder she’d rather not talk about the Civil War.

When called out by the socialist organization, Nicole Hannah-Jones doubled-down using race as her justification:

To the Trotskyists, Ms. Hannah-Jones writes: “You all have truly revealed yourselves for the anti-black folks you really are.” She calls them “white men claiming to be socialists.” Perhaps they’re guilty of being white men, but they’re definitely socialists. Their faction, called the Workers League until 1995, was “one of the most strident and rigid Marxist groups in America” during the Cold War, says Harvey Klehr, a leading historian of American communism.

“Ours is not a patriotic, flag-waving kind of perspective,” says Thomas Mackaman, the World Socialist Web Site’s interviewer and a history professor at King’s College in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. He simply recognizes that the arrival of 20 slaves in 1619 wasn’t a “world-altering event.” Slavery had existed across the world for millennia, and there were already slaves elsewhere in what would become the U.S. before 1619.

But “even if you want to make slavery the central story of American history,” he says, the Times gets it backward. The American Revolution didn’t found a “slavocracy,” as Ms. Hannah-Jones puts it. Instead, in Mr. Mackaman’s telling, it “brought slavery in for questioning in a way that had never been done before” by “raising universal human equality as a fundamental principle.” Nor was protecting slavery “one of the primary reasons” the colonists declared independence, as Ms. Hannah-Jones claims. It’s no coincidence the abolitionists rapidly won votes to end slavery in five of the original 13 states, along with Vermont and the new states of the Midwest.

Ms. Hannah-Jones insists “anti-black racism runs in the very DNA of this country.” Mr. Mackaman calls that claim “anti-historical.” Proving it requires her to belittle the most progressive declaration of modern history: “that all men are created equal.” Ms. Hannah-Jones calls this a “lie” and claims its drafters didn’t even believe it. The abolitionists disagreed. So did Martin Luther King Jr: He saw it as a “promissory note.”

Other things that the 1619 Project gets wrong:

  • Sociologist Matthew Desmond marshals substantially discredited research to tar the whole of American capitalism as a legacy of slavery.
  • Legal activist Bryan Stevenson presents the war on drugs and broken-windows policing as successors to lynching, the Black Codes and other white “strategies of racial control.”
  • Joseph Kishore, the Socialist Equality Party’s national secretary, says the “1619 Project” is aimed at legitimizing the politics of the Democratic Party and at “dividing workers” by race.


Other issues about the 1619 Project come from The Atlantic, far from a right-wing publication. They did try to ease the conflict but pointed out that the conflict was started by real historians who had issue with the layman’s history created by the doocument:

Several weeks ago, the Princeton historian Sean Wilentz, who had criticized the 1619 Project’s “cynicism”in a lecture in November, began quietly circulating a letter objecting to the project, and some of Hannah-Jones’s work in particular. The letter acquired four signatories—James McPherson, Gordon Wood, Victoria Bynum, and James Oakes, all leading scholars in their field. They sent their letter to three top Times editors and the publisher, A. G. Sulzberger, on December 4. A version of that letter was published on Friday, along with a detailed rebuttal from Jake Silverstein, the editor of the Times Magazine.

  • The letter sent to the Timessays, “We applaud all efforts to address the foundational centrality of slavery and racism to our history,” but then veers into harsh criticism of the 1619 Project. The letter refers to “matters of verifiable fact” that “cannot be described as interpretation or ‘framing’” and says the project reflected “a displacement of historical understanding by ideology.” Wilentz and his fellow signatories didn’t just dispute the Times Magazine’s interpretation of past events, but demanded corrections.

The letter is rooted in a vision of American history as a slow, uncertain march toward a more perfect union. The 1619 Project, and Hannah-Jones’s introductory essay in particular, offer a darker vision of the nation, in which Americans have made less progress than they think, and in which black people continue to struggle indefinitely for rights they may never fully realize. Inherent in that vision is a kind of pessimism, not about black struggle but about the sincerity and viability of white anti-racism. It is a harsh verdict, and one of the reasons the 1619 Project has provoked pointed criticism alongside praise.

Americans need to believe that, as Martin Luther King Jr. said, the arc of history bends toward justice. And they are rarely kind to those who question whether it does.


What Does This Document Ignore?

This document ignores a lot of things.

  • From a history standpoint, the Africans brought over in 1619 weren’t slaves, they were indentured servants. That sucked too. But, after a time, they were freed and given land. Some of those same blacks brought over in 1619, owned land as freeman and owned slaves. Chattel slavery did not really start until later in the century.
  • It ignores that the English Puritans and Spanish colonists did not support any type of slavery. Christopher Columbus got into trouble with Queen Isabella for sending 500 Haitian slaves back to Spain. He was arrested and the slaves were immediately freed and sent home.
  • The Founding Fathers did debate ending slavery with the new Constitution. George Washington actually freed his slaves. Slavery is mentioned in the Federalist Papers. But, because the south depended on slavery and the Union needed to remain unified, the Founding Fathers decided to deal with slavery later.
  • The abolition movement in the United States started right after the Revolutionary War and picked up steam in the early 1800s, well before the Civil War.
  • It ignores the individual and puts individuals into groups based on race. This is evil. This racist. This was done during slavery and Jim Crow. It was also done in Nazi Germany, done in Cuba by the Leftist-revered Che Guevara and is currently being done in China with the Uyghers.
  • Likewise, it groups whites as a single race and all with the same privilege. This is racist. It doesn’t acknowledge that whites also were in their own little castes within the United States. Germans, Irish and Italians are all white ethnicities but were seen as lower class compared to the northern European races. They were treated pretty badly. Jews, also white, were treated with disdain. But none of that matters, they’re all white.
  • It ignores individual’s capacity. If a black man can only get a job as a ditch digger, it is because of racial inequity. If a white man is a ditch digger, it is ignored. There is never an acknowledgement that each have their own abilities.
  • If there is systemic racism in the United States, where is it? What evidence is there? We were systemically racist before the Civil Rights Act but where is it now?
  • It ignores that times have changed and that history is flat within the United States. According to the 1619 Project, blacks have it just as bad today than they did during slavery and Jim Crow which is just ridiculous.
  • It states that all technology and feats achieved by the United States have been abled by slavery, giving blacks credit in areas that just are not true. The light bulb, electricity, space flight, the Internet, computing, cars, television, astrophysics, the plane and jets and other forms of technology are all because of slavery. None of this stuff has anything to do with slavery.
  • The document has no problem stating what America has done wrong but ignores what America has done right throughout history to fix their sins. The Civil War, Women’s Suffrage, reparations for the Japanese interned during World War II and the Civil Rights Act. These never happened and, if acknowledged as significant times in American history, would make America a country that acknowledges its sins.
  • It also brings up the rich black culture and how it affected American culture. Now this is true. Blacks have a great culture that I embrace including dance, blues and jazz music and literature. But American culture seems to be forgotten. Whites had some culture also. Mark Twain, Edgar Allen Poe, John Wayne and Elvis might have a say about that.
  • It ignores the success that blacks have had in this country. Ophra Winfrey is worth billions of dollars. Would she have done that in another country? LeBron James, who is no genius and continually bitches about equity, is worth a billion dollars. Everyone who added to the 1619 Project has a degree is black and from Harvard or Princeton. Does it sound like these people are being oppressed? Stop it.
  • Didn’t mankind have slavery throughout its history? Weren’t the pyramids of Egypt built from slave labor? Weren’t the pyramids of Mexico and South America built on slave labor? Doesn’t China still have slave labor? Not sure? Where the hell do you think your f-ing iPhone came from?
  • Finally, why is there an equity problem in the black community? Why are blacks not earning as much as whites (or Asians)? Why are blacks jailed in disproportionate numbers than any other races including Hispanics? Because of systemic white racism? Then why aren’t there more Asians and Hispanics in jails? Why are white men still the majority in jails and prisons? And what are the examples of unjust imprisonment? None of this is answered. It’s just stated and that’s it.


What is the Goal of this Document?

Not sure who said it but some said, outside of 2+2=4, that math can be manipulated to show whatever you want to show. Physics, with the math in the right places, can prove that an elephant can hang off a cliff with its tail tied around a daisy. Well, so it is with history.

This is pure revisionist history. The document admits it. It is revising history to teach the truth. Problem with revisionist history is it adds what “historians” want you to know and leaves out what they want you to forget. The problems with the 1619 Project: It adds stuff that, flat out, isn’t true and leaves out most of true American history. I think it is a good idea to go through all of the history of the New World and the United States. I think U.S. history starts well before the discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus.

This document is to change our culture. It is to teach our children the fallacy that the United States is evil, always has been and always will be. The United States is systemically racist. The Left wants that philosophy bled into the institutions: the news media, entertainment and, especially, the education system. Once in the culture, it is a short trip to politics.

Once in politics the system can be changed.


What Do We Do?

The Left wants to “counter” systemic racism by, you got it, implementing systemic racism. But the racism will go in a different direction. Let’s listen to Joe Biden, who, in this statement, is promoting systemic racism:

That is promoting systemic racism. Help everyone except white people. Maybe the government will help white women.

When the government will benefit one race over another, that is systemic racism.

When the government supports the change of history to demonize a race, that is systemic racism.

When the government condemns and prosecutes white rioters at the capital building but ignores the $3 billion in damage by BLM and Antifa because of “racial justice,” that is systemic racism.

So what do we do who are concerned with this very disturbing turn of events:

  • Read the Bible and go to church. Many of our philosophies are based on the Judeo-Christian philosophy. Our rights came from God, not government. You might as well know what God said. Include your children. They will need a moral base because they are not going to get it from public school.
  • Read the Declaration of Independence. This document defines who we are as a nation. It is never changing. We are to be in 2021 that we were defined to be in 1776. Make sure your children know about it. Teach them. They won’t get it in public school.
  • Read the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and all the Amendments. This document is the law of the land and gives us the exact process to lead us to be what is defined in the Declaration of Independence. Know that was not defined in the Constitution is a state’s right. Abortion: Not a Constitutional right. Make sure your children know about it. Teach them. They won’t get it in public school.
  • Devour history books. Read history from all sides. I have read Howard Zinn’s The People’s History of the United States. It was crappy and filled with lies, but that’s what your children are learning in school. I like Larry Schweikart and Michael Allen’s A Patriot’s History of the United States because it is a far more detailed history of America, both positive and negative, and will counter the Leftist narrative on history. Talk to your children about American history. Learn what they are learning and teach them how to be critical of what they learn. They won’t get any counter arguments in public school.
  • Home schooling is not a thing for everyone. It’s just not possible. But talk to your children. Teach them. Teach them morality, religion, history, math and English. They ain’t learning it is public school. Make them read Mark Twain, John Steinbeck and JD Salinger. Their books are banned in public school.

We need to take over the culture. The only way we do it is teach our children.



Episode 287 – Rolling Those Dice

The stock market is all a-buzz over the shares of GameStop soaring over 1700% in the last week. Looks like a bunch of kids in social media set Wall Street on fire.

I had to really brush up on my economics to figure this one out. Because I think that the Democrats will make a big stink out of this (indeed, it’s already happening), we should talk about it.


How Does the Stock Market Work

So a bunch of Reddit users decided to mess with the stick market, targeting their ire on the hedge fund managers on Wall Street. Regular folks who do not know much about the stock market are celebrating this. I thought it was kind of funny and wasn’t sure how it was legal until I listened to Tucker Carlson and the Ben Shapiro Show (you should subscribe).

The stock market is there so that people can invest in a public company. What’s nice about this is an individual can actually own part of a company and the company is able to raise funds to reinvest into the company. If a company has a good strategy and is well run, they have a good chance at making a profit making the company more desirable, raising the stock price. Likewise, a company with crappy management and no strategy will force the stock price to go down. Basically, the stock market is good because it gives an actual value to a company.

Sometimes a company will not have the correct value. It will either be priced to low of priced to high. If the price of a stock costs too much, people who know the value of a company will buy the stock, raising the price of the stock until it reaches the appropriate price. If a stock is priced to high, well, enter the hedge fund manager.

This is how it works:

  • A hedge fund manager will “borrow” a stock for a certain amount of time with the promise to return the stock plus a fee. Let’s say I borrow a stock that is overpriced at $100. I promise that, in a week, I will return the stock plus give the guy $10.
  • The hedge fund manager sells the stock, getting $100.
  • The stock corrects to $20.
  • The hedge fund manager buys the stock for $20.
  • He returns the stock to the original owner plus the $10. The hedge fund manager makes $70 profit on the stock.
  • This is called a “shorting a stock.”

Now, things can go wrong and this is where there is a lot of issues people have with hedge fund managers. Lets say that stock doesn’t go down but goes up to $300 a share. Then the hedge fund manager gets screwed because he has to buy it at $300 to return the stock and still has to pay the $10. This is called a “short squeeze.” What people hate about this is the government will usually bail out the hedge fund manager but will not usually bail out the regular guy.

I understand why people get mad at the government for doing this but I don’t know why people blame the hedge fund managers. It’s like people playing with the tax laws to pay less taxes. It’s the government’s fault.


Now enter Game Stop

Game Stop is a video game store. They sell game new and used consoles, new and used video games and collectibles. It is an expensive store and cannot compete with companies like Amazon. It is not particularly profitable. The stock price was $17.25 a share in January.

A bunch of Reddit users decided to screw with the market. What they did was get together and all of them started buying the Game Stop stock. This raised the price incredibly. One Reddit user bought 50,000 shares of the stock worth about $56,000. Hedge fund managers saw that the stock was inflated and thought they could make a killing (the stock doubled) so they went out to short sell the stock. But the Reddit users had different ideas.

Instead of selling their stocks, the Reddit users bought more. The stock ended up going to a little over $347 a share. That is over a 2000% increase in price! The hedge fund managers were screwed. I am not kidding when I say this: the hedge fund managers took billions of dollars in losses.

Today, the stock is dropping like a rock but the damage is done. As of this morning, shares of GameStop were down 44% and I’m sure it is going to be down by a lot more. The government is going to have to bail out those that lost their shirts and is very concerned about the situation.

Is this a good thing? Not really. It can be funny how the experts were completely fooled but it can also be true that this is not a good thing. It shows how easily the stock market can be manipulated. Don’t be surprised that this situation does not come up by the Left as showing how bad capitalism is. They will say it is an unstable system absent of any morality and that it needs to be changed.

So let’s get into that. First thing we need to take a look at is if this whole thing was legal.


Was This Legal?

The first thing I wondered was whether this was legal. Did these Reddit users break insider trading laws? The answer is no. Let me explain.

If Martha owns 1000 shares of the widget stock that is already at the market price, say, $10 a share. She may not make any money. She may decide that this isn’t good. So she calls all her friends and says that widgets are going to go straight up and they should buy as soon as possible before the stock soars. Her friends contact their friends and all start buying the stock. The stock begins to rise artificially based on Martha’s lie about the strength of the stock. When the stock hits $30 a share, Martha sells making a 200% profit. This is illegal. She artificially inflated the stock by lying to other buyers of the stock. This is fraud.

Insider trading violations can also occur in the opposite direction. If you didn’t know, I was talking about Marth Stewart, who served some time in jail for insider trading. She did not make a profit on those stocks but got a tip that her stocks would go down. She sold her stocks in order not to lose money. I think she ended up still losing $50,000.

But, in this case, the Reddit users did not hide anything. They said they were going to experiment with manipulating the stock market and screw the hedge fund managers. There was no lying and no fraud. So there were no laws broken. All it did was show the weakness of the stock market. These guys just made a lot of money while others lost their shirts.


Is This Unethical?

I had a conversation with a friend who lives with me. He wanted to know what this whole thing was about. That’s why I looked this up and learned what happened. We had the conversation about whether this was legal and I explained based of my understanding of this. But, then, he asked whether or not I thought this was ethical or moral. This is a great question and I had to think about it. I came up with an analogy.

One decides to go to a casino to gamble. Everyone knows that the goal of a casino is to take all your money so they can make a profit. Most people know that the slot machines are manipulated in order to payoff a certain amount. If I put in a dollar, I can expect the machine to payoff a certain amount to keep me playing. Every once in a while, the machine will payoff a jackpot. The casinos are not hiding this. They tell you, “These machines have the highest payouts.” Gamblers also know that once a machines hits a jackpot, he might as well find another machine because that machine will not payout anytime soon. In the old days, a winner would perform one more spin just so that other gamblers would not know the machine hit a jackpot, luring other gamblers to it.

Is the casino unethical for setting machines to only win at certain times? No because people already know or suspect this is happening.

Is the player that takes a spin unethical for taking a spin after winning a jackpot so other players will play the slot? No. He wants the machine to restart the count to another jackpot so he can play the machine later.

It might sound like a weird analogy but it’s not. The stock market is the casino of capitalism. Even the most professional stockbrokers know they could lose money at any time.

I’ll go a step further: I don’t blame the Reddit users for screwing around with the stock market, I blame the hedge fund managers for not doing their research. One would think that if a stock goes up 200% maybe one would ask why that is happening. Maybe, the hedge fund managers should have did a little more research before dumping billions of dollars into a stock without knowing what was happening with the stock. If one of those guys had jus read a Reddit post, they would have known what is going on. Or maybe they shouldn’t have just jumped on to this stock, right away, and waited to see what was happening.

So, no, I don’t think this is unethical. It is the risk one takes in the stock market. There is also a chance that the Reddit users could have failed and lost money also.


Was This Immoral?

I never like mixing morality with the stock market. That’s alright, I don’t mix morality with gambling (unless someone has a real problem). But I was asked if what the Reddit users did was moral and right.

I’d have to say no but maybe. Here’s why.

First thing I do is look at the motivation of the Reddit users.

First motivation, they wanted to experiment with manipulating the stock market. They were making an experiment. This, in itself, is not immoral. But remember this line from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet: “The road to Hell is paved with good intentions” (OK, I know it wasn’t really Shakespeare who said this). They did not really research who would be hurt with this manipulation. I’m just not sure this makes what they did immoral based on my gambling analogy.

Second motivation was to screw hedge fund managers. I think this is immoral. They went out to hurt a specific group of people. I think that’s immoral no matter how rich they thought these people were. But, what’s worse, is the hedge fund managers aren’t going to get hurt as much as the casual, uneducated investors. The little guy is going to be the one holding the bucket. The hedge fund managers will get out in time and get a government bailout. It’s the individual that is going to lose their money. Screwing the average Joe, even the professional, I think is immoral.

Finally, they wanted to make money. The Reddit users took a risk, invested money on an experiment and succeeded. I see nothing immoral about this.

The question is if one motivation immoral does this make the entire action immoral? That’s a good question. But, again, I return to my casino analogy. The stock market is a game and it is gambling. One better be ready to deal with the losses. I lost nothing. That’s because I don’t gamble in the stock market. My 401K did not take a nosedive because I invest in preferred stocks. So, in the long run, I don’t think this was immoral. It is just about the motivations of the individual Reddit investor.


Was This a Good Thing for the United States or Capitalism

Two things can be true at once. I think this experiment was really funny and good for these folks for proving a point while working the system to make a ton of money. I do not hold any ill will against people who are clever.

That being said, I don’t think this was a great exercise for capitalism or Wall Street.

  • This screwed to little man. In screwed the casual, uneducated investor who has lost a lot of money.
  • It shows that the stock market has its vulnerabilities. This is inviting governmental regulations on the stock markets.
  • It shows the “evil” and “greed” of capitalism. Watch the Left say this is going to use this to “prove” that they need to change the system.
  • This is another excuse by Big Tech, supported by Democrats, to ban people. Already, that Reedit group was banned. A bunch of online trading apps have banned the trading of GameStop, Blackberry and AMC Theaters, all of which these Reddit users invested in. What was the reason? The group fomented hate speech and violence. What? This is bad. This the excuse Democrats and the Big Tech Bros will always use to limit the freedoms of people.

The last point is an important point. I even heard on Fox News’ The Five, mostly run by Conservatives that this could have been a Right Wing bucking of the system. Maybe, but usually the simple answer is the most accurate. Maybe it was a bunch of millennials with technical and economic experience that just wanted to mess around. Maybe this had nothing to do with overthrowing the system. Maybe these guys just wanted to experiment with the Stock Market.

Not everything, good or bad, must be political. It seems that even Conservatives forget that.

More reaction is coming.



Episode 285 – All That For So Few

This impeachment thing is looking like a sham.

Biden has already pissed off the unions, blue collar workers and women. Now he goes to piss off the military. All for .6% of the population.

Not all Democrats are embracing a complete system overhaul.

And some of the dumber stories out there already this week.

Let’s listen to how Jen Psaki answers touch questions from the media about the hypocrisy of Joe Biden:

WTF is she talking about. Not only did she make a mistake and lie but she danced around that question like a ballerina. So much transparency.


This Is Looking Less Legit by the Second

Unlike the first Senate impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump, over which Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts presided, the second Senate impeachment trial, which is scheduled to commence on February 8, will not see Roberts presiding — Vermont Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy, who is the Senate President Pro Tempore, will preside.

On Monday, Leahy, who voted to impeach Trump in the first impeachment trial, said he would administer “impartial justice,” according to The Hill.

Leahy said in a statement:

The president pro tempore has historically presided over Senate impeachment trials of non-presidents.  When presiding over an impeachment trial, the president pro tempore takes an additional special oath to do impartial justice according to the Constitution and the laws.  It is an oath that I take extraordinarily seriously. 

I consider holding the office of the president pro tempore and the responsibilities that come with it to be one of the highest honors and most serious responsibilities of my career.  When I preside over the impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump, I will not waver from my constitutional and sworn obligations to administer the trial with fairness, in accordance with the Constitution and the laws.

John Corkyn of Texas said:

The Constitution requires that the chief justice preside over the impeachment trial of a president but that’s not what we’re doing. To me that’s indicative of the fact that we’re in uncharted waters. I just think it looks very petty and vindictive and I understand there are a lot of people who are mad but the process itself already looks like a railroad job.

In the midst of Trump’s first impeachment trial, New York Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer asked Roberts if he would break a tie vote if there were one. Roberts answered, “If the members of this body, elected by the people and accountable to them, divide equally on a motion, the normal rule is that the motion fails. I think it would be inappropriate for me, an unelected official from a different branch of government, to assert the power to change that result so that the motion would succeed.”

Chief Justice John Roberts is not a Conservative but he has always said he was not going to allow his position to become political. This sham is nothing but political and he knows it. He wants nothing to do with it. The fact that they put Pat Leahy (we’ll get into that in a second) as the judge of the impeachment trial says it all.

Leahy hates Trump and all Republicans. He is the definition of a partisan. His words of being impartial means absolutely nothing to me or any Conservatives or Republicans.

Finally, this sham has lost all its legitimacy. Even if a bunch of Republicans do decide to convict Trump, the entire thing is unconstitutional.

You can’t convict a former President. If they think he did anything illegal, they can convict him in the legal system. If convicted, he can’t take office again and will face punishment. The Constitution is actually quite clear about this. Impeachment only works with a sitting President.

The Constitution is also very clear on who can preside over the impeachment trial: the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Period. There is no mention of the Senate President or, worse, the Senate President Pro Temp.

It’s all a show to embarrass the Trump, stain his legacy and take the attention off of Biden’s crappy policies.



Sure Making a Lot of Effort

Speaking of crappy policies:

President Joe Biden repealed a Trump-era executive order barring people who identify as transgender from serving in the military in most cases, as well as preventing military funding from paying for sex reassignment surgeries.

Biden’s executive order, which the White House announced on Monday morning, rescinds one Trump issued in 2017 and implemented in 2019.

The White House said in a statement:

“Allowing all qualified Americans to serve their country in uniform is better for the military and better for the country because an inclusive force is a more effective force. Simply put, it’s the right thing to do and is in our national interest.”

Ian Thompson of the ACLU told Axios:

“Repealing the military ban sends a powerful message that transgender people belong in our country.” Biden’s new order “is the first of many essential steps to not only rollback the many discriminatory policies from the Trump administration but go farther than any previous administration in fully recognizing transgender and non-binary people.”

I love this:

  • Sleepy, Creepy Joe has now pissed off workers, the unions and women. All for .6% of the population. Now he’s going to piss off the military. I hope he keeps doing it.
  • The military does not ban transgenders because they hate them but because it is seen as a mental deficiency that is unneeded when at war. The is based on psychology’s DSM-5 when defining Gender Dysphoria.
  • People are going to get tired of paying taxes so soldiers can get tax payer money to have their penises mutilated. That’s going to go over real well in the South and Midwest.




That’s One Bullet Dodged

Per the Daily Wire:

On Monday, The Washington Post reported that there is another Democrat who is not willing to eliminate the filibuster besides Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV); Arizona Senator Krysten Sinema.

The Post reported:

Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.) has been the most outspoken Democratic opponent of changing Senate rules and has sought to assemble a bipartisan cadre of centrist senators willing to hammer out deals across the aisle. But other Democrats are similarly resistant. A spokeswoman for Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (Ariz.) said the senator is “against eliminating the filibuster, and she is not open to changing her mind about eliminating the filibuster.”

Because of the filibuster, a minimum of 60 votes is needed to advance legislation; most Democratic proposals would require at least 10 GOP senators to agree in order for them to be passed. Eliminating the legislative filibuster would enable the Democrats to pass legislation with a simple majority vote.

The way the filibuster works is this: the minority party can keep debate open on a legislative issue until the Senate votes to close the issue, but to close the vote takes 60 votes. There are limitations on the filibuster: it cannot be used for certain budget bills, federal executive branch appointees and judicial appointments, including Supreme Court nominees.

This gives me some hope. There are sane people out there even if they are Democrats.

The filibuster is a safe guard against majority rule. In other words it is meant to avoid the majority becoming tyrannical. There are two things the Democrats want to destroy when it comes to the system: kill the filibuster and pack the Supreme Court and Federal Courts. If the filibuster remain intact, it will be almost impossible to pack the courts.

This is great news and means we may be able to survive Joe Biden’s Presidency for the next two years.



Dumb Stories of the Day

This Will Fix It

Chicago is suffering through an “epidemic” of carjackings — nearly 200 reported in the space of a single month — and city officials are now putting a plan into action to curb juvenile vehicle crime: free snacks and educational movies at select Chicago Police Department-run locations.

CWB Chicago reports that the program, called the “Criminal Trespass To Vehicle Workshops,” allows suspected juvenile offenders arrested in connection with the theft of a motor vehicle, to endure an afternoon of “video interviews” with full snack and beverage service instead of more aggressive punitive measures.

“According to CPD, the workshop is a ‘video interview series’ with victims and volunteers who talk about vehicular hijacking, motor vehicle theft, possession of a stolen motor vehicle, and criminal trespass to vehicles,” the outlet reported Monday, adding that CPD’s Facebook post about the initiative “features a photo of three participants watching a video — with snacks and beverage service, of course. And, boy, do the youngsters look attentive!”

Frigging Disney

Disney is censoring four of their classic films from the Disney+ accounts of children under age seven, citing what they described as the “negative depictions and/or mistreatment of people or cultures.”

“Dumbo,” “Peter Pan,” “Swiss Family Robinson,” and “The Aristocats” are no longer available for young users of the streaming account service, according to The Mail on Sunday.

On a website called Stories Matter, they stated:

“As part of our ongoing commitment to diversity and inclusion, we are in the process of reviewing our library and adding advisories to content that includes negative depictions or mistreatment of people or cultures. We can’t change the past, but we can acknowledge it, learn from it and move forward together to create a tomorrow that today can only dream of.”

“This program includes negative depictions and/or mistreatment of people or cultures. These stereotypes were wrong then and are wrong now. Rather than remove this content, we want to acknowledge its harmful impact, learn from it and spark conversation to create a more inclusive future together. Disney is committed to creating stories with inspirational and aspirational themes that reflect the rich diversity of the human experience around the globe.”

So, what’s wrong with these movies?

Dumbo (1941)

“The crows and musical number pay homage to racist minstrel shows, where white performers with blackened faces and tattered clothing imitated and ridiculed enslaved Africans on Southern plantations. The leader of the group in Dumbo is Jim Crow, which shares the name of laws that enforced racial segregation in the Southern United States. In ‘The Song of the Roustabouts,’ faceless Black workers toil away to offensive lyrics like ‘When we get our pay, we throw our money all away.’”

Peter Pan (1953)

“The film portrays Native people in a stereotypical manner that reflects neither the diversity of Native peoples nor their authentic cultural traditions. It shows them speaking in an unintelligible language and repeatedly refers to them as ‘redskins,’ an offensive term. Peter and the Lost Boys engage in dancing, wearing headdresses and other exaggerated tropes, a form of mockery and appropriation of Native peoples’ culture and imagery.”

Swiss Family Robinson (1960)

“The pirates who antagonize the Robinson family are portrayed as a stereotypical foreign menace. Many appear in ‘yellow face’ or ‘brown face’ and are costumed in an exaggerated and inaccurate manner with top knot hairstyles, queues, robes and overdone facial make-up and jewelry, reinforcing their barbarism and ‘otherness.’ They speak in an indecipherable language, presenting a singular and racist representation of Asian and Middle Eastern peoples.”

The Aristocats (1970)

“The cat is depicted as a racist caricature of East Asian peoples with exaggerated stereotypical traits such as slanted eyes and buck teeth. He sings in poorly accented English voiced by a white actor and plays the piano with chopsticks. This portrayal reinforces the ‘perpetual foreigner’ stereotype, while the film also features lyrics that mock the Chinese language and culture such as ‘Shanghai, Hong Kong, Egg Foo Young. Fortune cookie always wrong.’”









Episode 284 – You Feeling the Unity?

Globalism is hot and heavy with the Biden administration.

Those diabetics are going to pay more for their medication. And they deserve it!

California thinks we’re too stupid to understand numbers.

And Texas is going to the mat with Biden’s new immigration policies.

This could be a really exciting impeachment trial.


Money is Going Out

President Joe Biden will roll back a Trump administration policy that bans taxpayers’ dollars from going to foreign non-governmental organizations (NGO) that perform or actively promote abortion as a method of family planning, Dr. Anthony Fauci said on Thursday.

Fauci said:

“It will be our policy to support women’s and girls’ sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights in the United States, as well as globally. To that end, President Biden will be revoking the Mexico City Policy in the coming days, as part of his broader commitment to protect women’s health and advance gender equality at home and around the world.”

This and his immigration policies are part of this globalist movement that has been pushed since the sixties. The difference is the globalist movement was always fringe. Now it has become mainstream.

With the globalist movement, we are one world. There are no countries. There is also no individuality and religion. John Lennon’s Imagine celebrated this type of globalism. We are all to live together, share our profits and sing kumbaya. We must spread our beliefs on everyone and make them accept the belief system that we have no matter the morality of the individual. And the individual must accept that belief system. Problem is that belief system also doesn’t believe in a divine power which usually instills that morality system on the individual.

All the crap you hear about the United States being an imperialist country is set with irony. When we push our belief systems on another country, that is imperialism. The United States, specifically the Democrats and Left, are trying to force our belief system on other countries’ culture. The Left is trying to infect other cultures with our immorality. This is imperialism. The superior country is promoting and pushing an ideology so that country will go with the program.

Another problem with this is I don’t want the taxes I pay go to another country to pay for something that I think is abhorrent. Abortion is murder. Period. We have problems in our own country. Use that money to fix the problems here. Forget other countries. What they want to do is their issue.

But this is just the start. If we can start using tax money to support abortions in other countries why not do it in the United States. We do have a law, called the Hyde Amendment, that prevents tax payer money going to abortions in the United States. This was a law that Joe Biden supported for decades up until about six months ago. What’s going to happen now?

Here’s the thing, if you think that abortion is killing of babies then one can never be for it in any way. It’s like waffling on whether the Holocaust was completely terrible. “Well, I’m generally against killing Jews but maybe I just don’t completely understand Hitler’s point of view so I’ll just ignore it.”

Yeah, that’s not a thing. So much for unity.



Prices Going Up

President Joe Biden’s United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on Thursday stopped executive orders from his predecessor designed to significantly lower prescription drug prices for Americans, including insulin and epinephrine.

Bloomberg Law reported Thursday:

“The HHS Thursday froze the former Trump administration’s December drug policy that requires community health centers to pass on all their insulin and epinephrine discount savings to patients. Centers that don’t pass on the savings wouldn’t qualify for federal grants.”

“This freeze is part of the Biden administration’s large-scale effort announced this week that will scrutinize the Trump administration’s health policies. If the previous administration’s policies raise ‘fact, law, or policy’ concerns, the Biden HHS will delay them and consult with the Office of Management and Budget about other actions.”

The report from Bloomberg Government stated:

Biden enters the presidency with at least a dozen lawsuits waiting over Trump-era moves to lower drug prices, an issue the new administration will likely tackle in its own way. The Department of Health and Human Services under Biden inherits challenges to rules that tie drug reimbursement to cheaper foreign drug prices and allow medication imports from Canada. It also faces complaints over Trump’s push for drugmakers to ship discounted drugs bought by low-income health centers to commercial contract pharmacies.

What Trump did is he fought with the pharmaceutical companies because they would charge America one price and then sell the same medication to another country at a lower price. Trump believed the prices should be made equal instead of the citizens of the United States paying for medication for other countries. Trump gave approval for governors to buy medications from other countries, like Canada, and sell the medications at a lower price to its citizens. This put pressure on the pharmaceutical companies to lower prices within the United States.

Makes sense, right? It did piss off big pharma. They hated Trump and put all their money into the Biden campaign.

There was no reason for Biden to do this other than hate for Trump. Yes, he can actually analyze the policy and make decisions on the policy after they know what’s going on, but, instead, he decided just to get rid of the policy raising prices on those pesky diabetic people.

Here’s the thing, Democrats may demonize big business and corporations but they depend on them. It’s all a show. Democrats will screw people like diabetics and make them pay for medications while other countries get the same medication, cheaper.

What’s that called? Globalism. The United States is a rich, evil country while every other country is good and blessed. Therefore, the United States should have to pay for it.



We’re Just Too Stupid, Got That?

When the coronavirus pandemic first began, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) claimed his decisions would be based on science and data, which would be shared with Californians to ensure transparency.

The Associated Press reported, however, that Newsom’s administration has been hiding COVID-19 data, saying that data is too complex for Californians to understand. The hidden data relates to how the California government projects intensive care unit (ICU) capacity. Just days before President Joe Biden was inaugurated, California’s daily updated map of ICU capacity showed that the state’s stay-at-home order wouldn’t be lifted any time soon, yet just a day later, the AP reported, suddenly the order was lifted for the Greater Sacramento area.

The AP reported:

“Suddenly, outdoor dining and worship services were OK again, hair and nail salons and other businesses could reopen, and retailers were allowed more shoppers inside. Local officials and businesses were caught off guard. State officials did not describe their reasoning other than to say it was based on a projection for ICU capacity. State health officials relied on a complex formula to project that while the Sacramento region’s intensive care capacity was below 10%, it would climb above 15% within four weeks. On Friday, it was 9%, roughly the same as when the order was lifted.”

California Health and Human Services Agency spokeswoman Kate Folmar said:

“These fluid, on-the-ground conditions cannot be boiled down to a single data point — and to do so would mislead and create greater uncertainty for Californians.”

The AP reported:

First Amendment Coalition Executive Director David Snyder urged the state to change course.

“The state is wielding extraordinary power these days — power to close businesses, to directly impact people’s livelihoods and even lives — and so it owes it to Californians to disclose how and why it makes those decisions,” said Snyder, whose California public interest organization fights for greater government openness.

“Secrecy,” he said, “is exactly the wrong approach here and will only breed further mistrust, confusion and contempt for the crucial role of government in bringing us out of this crisis.”

Restaurants, among other businesses, would benefit by being able to watch trends toward reopening so they could start ordering supplies and rehiring workers, California Restaurant Association president and CEO Jot Condie said.

So why hide the numbers even if we, rubes, won’t understand them?

On Monday, today, Gavin Newsome decided to start the tiered opening of California. Less than a week after Biden becomes President. Seems like this whole thing has been made pretty political by Newsome, especially since California is still being smashed by the China virus. I believe that the reason we are not allowed to see the statistics is because we will be able to understand them and we will be asking Newsome why we are being stuck inside our homes and all businesses are closed.

We might also ask Gov. Newsome why he waited until now to open businesses even though the pandemic is still hitting us hard. Remember, Gavin Newsome, the Ken-doll of politics, is facing a recall effort that looks like is going to lead to a vote. It looks like enough people signed the petition.

People are beginning to figure out that this virus has been made into a political issue. Finally.



This is the Way To Fight

The state of Texas on Friday sued the Biden administration over a memorandum suspending the deportations of illegal aliens.

The lawsuit (pdf), filed in a federal district court in Texas, stated:

“On its first day in office, the Biden Administration cast aside congressionally enacted immigration laws and suspended the removal of illegal aliens whose removal is compelled by those very laws. In doing so, it ignored basic constitutional principles and violated its written pledge to work cooperatively with the State of Texas to address shared immigration enforcement concerns. This unlawful reversal will cause Texas immediate and irreparable harm if it is not enjoined.”

President Joe Biden’s Acting DHS Secretary David Pekoske issued a memo (pdf) on Jan. 20:

“directing an immediate pause on removals of any noncitizen with a final order of removal (except as noted below) for 100 days.”

The exceptions to the order include illegal aliens who have either engaged in or are suspected of terrorism or espionage.”

The lawsuit, filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, asks the federal court to declare Pekoske’s memo unlawful and to block the defendants from executing the order. Paxton stated:

“In one of its first of dozens of steps that harm Texas and the nation as a whole, the Biden administration directed DHS to violate federal immigration law and breach an agreement to consult and cooperate with Texas on that law. Our state defends the largest section of the southern border in the nation. Failure to properly enforce the law will directly and immediately endanger our citizens and law enforcement personnel. DHS itself has previously acknowledged that such a freeze on deportations will cause concrete injuries to Texas. I am confident that these unlawful and perilous actions cannot stand.”

This is what is going to have to happen for the next two to four years. These policies that Biden is implementing are poisonous. They are going to destroy economies and send us to third world country status.

We need to make noise. Say this is wrong and keep repeating it. Say why it is wrong. And beg for someone to debate us. If they don’t, take these people to court and tell us why their policies, which are probably illegal to do via an executive order because these policies were defined by Congress, and tell us the justification for doing what Old Joe is doing.

And this brings up the big issue: is this actually legal? Can Joe Biden just change an change a law that Congress passed and another President instituted into law and has been around for over ten years.



Dumb Tweets

Let’s see:

  • Cruz is for deregulation. Let businesses and people do what they want.
  • Cruz is for the First Amendment. In fact, he’s being told to shut up.
  • Cruz is for the Second Amendment.
  • Cruz is for a small federal government.
  • Cruz believes in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution where the human rights are given by God and cannot be altered by man or government.


Does Seth Rogan believe in any of this stuff? Not looking at his tweets. Who’s is really the fascist? I bet he, like all millennials, he doesn’t even know what a fascist is.


What the f- is he talking about?

  • There is no evidence that Trump financed anything.
  • There is evidence that Trump did not support a charge into Congress. It’s was his speech. He supported, “peaceful and patriotic protest”. Those were his words.
  • There is evidence that this riot was in the making and planned well beyond Trump’s speech.
  • There is a ton of evidence that George Soros and other globalists financed Antifa and BLM while they were causing $3 billion in damage throughout the country. Rob never had a thing to say about that.




Episode 283 – Here We Go!

Joe Biden becomes the 46th President of the United States and Kamala Harris becomes the first female Vice President. Yay.

Biden goes on to sign seventeen executive orders. We shall go over them and then we’ll talk about what they have in common.

Finally, we can expect the hard hitting questioning of the Biden administration by the press. Tough queries like this one:

Sigh…it’s going to be a long four years.


Let the Disaster Begin

Let’s go over a bunch of these executive orders Biden signed on Wednesday. All the talk of unity was just thrown into the garbage heap.


The first is a sex or gender discrimination order. It states:

Every person should be treated with respect and dignity and should be able to live without fear, no matter who they are or whom they love. Children should be able to learn without worrying about whether they will be denied access to the restroom, the locker room, or school sports. Adults should be able to earn a living and pursue a vocation knowing that they will not be fired, demoted, or mistreated because of whom they go home to or because how they dress does not conform to sex-based stereotypes. People should be able to access healthcare and secure a roof over their heads without being subjected to sex discrimination.  All persons should receive equal treatment under the law, no matter their gender identity or sexual orientation.

What does this mean:

  • Boys can walk into girls’ restrooms.
  • Biological males can compete in girls’ or women’s sports.
  • People who are hired based on their gender (strippers, Hooters girls) and change their gender, they cannot be fired.


Who wins here: men. Well, men who think or call themselves women. Women lose.


Paris Climate Accord

Biden signed another order that would lead the United States back into the Paris Climate Accord. This is another disaster. Some of the problems with the accord are as follows:

  •  Requires the United States to lower our CO2 standards while developing do not need to lower their standards within the length of the accord.
  • Developing countries include China.
  • The United States must give money to the developing countries.
  • This will raise the cost of energy like gas and electricity in the United States.
  • This could cost a family of four, between taxes and energy costs, an additional $20K a year.
  • This will cost jobs because energy companies are going to be so regulated, layoffs will occur.


Heritage Foundation Senior Advisor Mike Howell, who wrote:

That will be cheered by environmental alarmists and those who envision a world with the United States subservient to international organizations as their preferred model. 

The Paris agreement was—and always has been—a sham. And it’s an expensive sham for Americans, projected to cost 400,000 jobs, an average income loss of more than $20,000 for families of four, and a $2.5 trillion hit to the nation’s gross domestic product.

Who wins here: China. They are the already the greatest CO2 polluters in the world by a lot. The United States, on the other hand, has dropped its CO2 levels in the last ten years.

Keystone XL Pipeline

  • Biden also axed the Keystone XL pipeline, an energy project that was beneficial for the United States and quickly triggered negative reactions from Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who said that he was “disappointed.”


There are major issues with doing this:

  • 65,000 people are working on this program. Gone.
  • We achieved energy independence last year. Gone.
  • Prepare for gas and energy prices to go up. $5 a gallon for gas anyone?
  • Here we go, back to depending on OPEC and Russia for oil.


Winners: oil producers in the Middle East and Russia.


Patriotism Sucks

Biden also canceled the Trump administration’s 1776 Commission, which sought to undue damage in from propaganda like The New York Times’ flawed “1619 Project” and to promote patriotism.

Victor Davis Hanson, who was on the commission, wrote the following about it:

The unanimously approved conclusions focused on the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the historical challenges to these founding documents, and the need for civic renewal. The 16-member commission was diverse in the widest sense of the word. It included historians, lawyers, academics, scholars, authors, former elected officials, and former public servants.

Whether because the report was issued by a Donald Trump-appointed commission, or because the conclusions questioned the controversial and flawed New York Times-sponsored 1619 Project, the Left almost immediately criticized it.

We are going to go over this. I have read the 1619 Project, which even I know is mostly crap, but have not read the 1776 Commission Report. This is going to be a different podcast.

Welcome Terrorists!

Biden issued an executive order to end the Trump “Muslim ban”. This wasn’t actually a Muslim ban. It was a terrorist ban that included non-Muslim countries like Venezuela and North Korea.

Winners: Terrorists.


He signed a bunch of executive orders on immigration:

  • Ended the travel ban.
  • Stopped construction of the border wall.
  • Stopped deportations except for the most violent of criminals.
  • Stopped immigration enforcement within the United States.
  • Provided protections for DACA recipients.
  • Allowed non-citizens to be counted in the census.


Winners: Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.

What’s with this Guy and Masks?

CNN noted that Biden also launched a 100-day mask mandate that requires people to wear masks on federal property, which is something that Biden appeared to violate last night while at the Lincoln Memorial.


Biden also stopped the U.S. from withdrawing from the World Health Organization after the Trump administration moved to leave the WHO last year following its highly controversial handling of the coronavirus pandemic.


Biden also extended a pause on student loan payments and extended a moratorium on evictions and foreclosures until at least March 31.

Ethics Pledge? Really?

CNN added that Biden also signed a Executive Order that “requires executive branch appointees to sign an ethics pledge barring them from acting in personal interest and requiring them to uphold the independence of the Department of Justice.” The order comes as Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, is under federal criminal investigation over his business dealings.



So, What About This?

Police officers in Portland, Oregon, made eight arrests on Jan. 20 as agitators smashed windows and vandalized the offices of the state’s Democratic Party during rioting that took place just hours after the inauguration of President Joe Biden.

At least 150 people, some of whom were seen carrying the flag of the far-left, anarcho-communist group Antifa, gathered and participated in events “punctuated by violence and destruction” that began about two hours after Biden took the oath of office to become the 46th president of the United States, according to the Portland Police Bureau.

The crowd, mainly dressed in Antifa’s characteristic black, first gathered at Revolution Hall in southeast Portland, where they were met by police officers on bikes. They then marched to the Democratic Party headquarters and began smashing windows, applying graffiti, and later moving dumpsters in the street, lighting the contents of one on fire, police said in a statement.




The Cancel Culture Continues








Episode 282 – New President, Same Garbage

Joe Biden is getting ready to screw up the country.

But first, let’s listen to Captain Unity:


Old Joe, Same Crap

Old Joe is coming out with his policies…finally. And they are the same old thing. Well, I mean, he’s saying what his policies are going to be without actually giving us any information on them or what they are going to do to the country or what we are going to have to do to meet these policies.

Which is fine. The media doesn’t care. His policies will work because the magic policy fairy who hated Trump because he is a racist, homophobe, xenophobe, white, straight guy will come to Biden and make it all work.

Biden said there are going to be four major “emergencies” that he is going to pay attention to. I’m sorry, not emergencies but “crisis”. Here they are:

  • According to the Daily Wire:
  • Incoming White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain vowed Saturday that President-elect Joe Biden will take “decisive action” on four different crises affecting the country during his first ten days in office.In a memo to incoming senior White House staff, Klain identified the four crises as “the COVID-19 crisis, the resulting economic crisis, the climate crisis, and a racial equity crisis,” and promised Biden would take executive actions to address them.

Um, ok. Let’s take a look at this.

  • The China virus crisis- already handled. What else is Old Joe going to do?
  • The economic crisis because of the China virus- Trump already took care of that. Florida, Texas, Idaho and other states that ignored the panicking news media are doing great. Chicago, New York and other Lefty cities and states want to now open their economies. Um, that will fix the economy and he won’t have to do much of anything but it will look really political.
  • The climate crisis- in other words…weather. He’s going to change the weather? We won’t have a hurricane again? or tornadoes? It won’t be hot or cold again? There will not be droughts or fires in California again? Good luck with that.
  • The racial equity crisis- This is just taxes, redistribution and socialism. That’s all it is. Trust me, people of color won’t see a dime of the evil rich white men. Once the government gets money, it doesn’t give it up.


Sleepy, Creepy Joe has said he was going to use his executive orders to overturn a bunch of Trump’s executive orders. I’m sure liberal lawyers will appear in front of liberal judges to get those executive orders blocked like what happened when Trump tried to overwrite the the DACA executive order under Obama because its, supposedly not easy to overwrite executive orders. Oops, they did cancel Trump’s executive order overwriting Obama’s executive orders.

Anyway, here are the executive orders Old Joe is going to overwrite:

  • Biden is expected to sign more COVID-19-related executive actions to order schools and businesses reopened under new federal health guidelines. More federal government control.
  • Biden will announce a plan to reunite families separated by federal law enforcement at the U.S.-Mexico border. This is a weird one. Does that mean Biden will send the kids back to their families in Mexico or bring the families into the United States? Yeah, no possible disaster here.
  • Unveil criminal justice reform proposals. Not sure how Biden will do better on this from his point of view.
  • Announce new strategies to battle climate change. In other words, he wants more regulation that will stifle businesses. No more fracking (which would be a campaign promise that was a lie), closing all drilling in federal lands that made us energy independent because we need to save the horney toad squirrel and lower CO2 levels from all business and citizens. Basically stick us back in the 1700s when it comes to technology and standard of living.


One of the big things Biden wants to to is raise the minimum at the federal level to $15.00 an hour. That’s a great idea when businesses are closed and wondering where they are going to get their income to put more crap on them by making him pay workers double what he has to pay them not.

I hate minimum wage. In fact, I think the minimum wage should be $0.00. The market should be what determines the value of labor not the government. The government doesn’t have any skin in the game when it comes to a person’s business. But an employer will pay for good workers. The better the employee, the more he will be willing to pay. If the employer doesn’t pay the worker for what he deserves than the employee will quit and find a job that will pay.

Here’s the cold hard truth: If an employee cannot negotiate a $15.00 an hour wage, that employee probably doesn’t deserve $15:00 an hour. Period done.

But raising the minimum wage has huge economic issues:

  • Cost of products and services will go up. This will slow economic growth.
  • Businesses will cut jobs to meet their budget. Raising unemployment.
  • Employees in specialized jobs, such as my fiancé, will demand a higher wage. This will raise inflation.
  • Many businesses will close because they require a specific number of employees but their profit margin is so razor thin they cannot maintain the business. This is a common issue restaurants have.
  • People thinking about starting new businesses will be less likely to do so with such a high starting cost.


I find it amazing that this is an issue when unemployment is up because the country is shut down because of the China virus. We might actually see the unemployment rate actually go up when the economy is re-opened. We are currently at about 7% unemployment but businesses are going to be struggling even if they re-open. Remember, there is a lot that goes into a business that has been closed. It’s almost like these businesses have to start from fresh. There’s:

  • Inventory that needs to be replenished which requires money.
  • Delivery of that inventory.
  • New marketing strategy.
  • New regulations for the China virus that need to be met.
  • The hiring of new or former employees.


Now business owners have to worry about paying low-skilled workers twice what they were earning before? Washington and Oregon already have a $15.00 an hour wage. Their economies were decimated. What I’m saying is we have seen this movie before.

  • This is part of the Democratic plan.


They like sticking it to small businesses. They love corporations. Big corporations pay big money, do what they want and support mass regulations. They want small business to die. Less competition.

Democrats want unemployment. They want the people to suffer and depend on the government to survive. That way, people become subservient to big government and will do whatever those in power want to do including raising taxes and accepting the loss of our freedoms.

This is how socialism works. Margaret Thatcher, the former Prime Minister in England, said, “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.” The minimum wage is going to damage the economy. People will lost their jobs. They will go on government assistance and get decent money. A bunch will not even go back to work. Unemployment will go up, more people will go on assistance. The government will have to raise taxes. Raising taxes will cause businesses to lay off more people to keep their profit margins. Or the business will close altogether. More unemployment. More people depend on the government. More tax raises.

Eventually the government can’t get more taxes. The rich leave the country or they are no longer rich. The rich who do not embrace the government, much like Donald Trump, will have their wealth taken or, worse, prosecuted and condemned. When the government can’t tax, they take. They take wealth and commandeer business, making it property of the state. This will cause lack of production and lack of innovation making the economy stagnant. The only thing that moves in a socialist economy is unemployment, GDP, innovation and misery. Only the government’s power grows.

When the government has no more money, they discard all the benefits they promised. People begin to have problems getting basic necessities. Inflation makes prices go through the roof. Store can’t afford inventory. People will begin to lose their patience. They will begin to revolt. Those revolting will not be armed (remember, Democrats don’t want the 2nd Amendment). Those protestors will be seen as traitors, be arrested, prosecuted and thrown in jails and prisons.

This is an abbreviated synopsis. Though not by much. It usually takes about five years for it to be implemented and all things go south.

This process happened under Mao in China. It happened under Mussolini in Italy. It happened in Germany under Hitler. It happened in North Korea under Kim. It happened under Lenin and Stalin in the Soviet Union. It happened under Castro in Cuba. It happened under Chavez and, now, Maduro in Venezuela.

Setting a high minimum wage isn’t all that creates the mess that I mentioned about. Other things include:

  • Government controlled, socialized healthcare.
  • Control of institutions such as media, education, entertainment, business and the economy.
  • Making it so the population cannot be armed.
  • Ending of free speech and censorship.
  • Condemning those that do not fall in line with the government line (cancel culture).
  • Encouraging people to tattle with each other. Separate people into groups. Create discord.
  • Demonize and eliminate the opposition.
  • Eliminating religion. Government has to be God.
  • Heavily regulating or government ownership of business (fascism).
  • Control of the courts.
  • Eliminating minority rights.


Do any of these things sound familiar?

I do not look at the raising of the middle wage as just bad economic policy, though it is. I see it as a way to, slowly, take over the population through dependence and increase government control. It’s a very bad thing that might not look so dangerous on its own. But when added to the other Leftist policies, it sounds horrifying.











Episode 281 – Prepare to Hunker Down!

Could be a long weekend in Washington DC.

The media continues to “unify”.

Big Tech comes clean.

And I thing Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is a Republican plant.


Could Be a Long Weekend

With a lot of online chatter and the disaster of the attack on Congress last week, police officials are afraid that there may be attacks in Washington DC this weekend all the way to the Inauguration on Wednesday.

Tourist spots like the Washington Monument have been closed due to the threat. There have also been 20,000 – that’s right, 20,000 – National Guard troops. Fencing that is eight feet high is around the White House and the area where the Inauguration will be held.

President Trump, who has been rather quiet lately, released a Twitter video on the Presidential account. Trump said:

“My fellow Americans, I want to speak to you tonight about the troubling events of the past week. As I have said, the incursion of the U.S. Capitol struck at the very heart of our Republic. It angered and appalled millions of Americans across the political spectrum. I want to be very clear: I unequivocally condemn the violence that we saw last week,” Trump began. “Violence and vandalism have absolutely no place in our country and no place in our movement. Making America Great Again has always been about defending the rule of law, supporting the men and women of law enforcement, and upholding our nation’s most sacred traditions and values. Mob violence goes against everything I believe in and everything our movement stands for.”

“No true supporter of mine could ever endorse political violence. No true supporter of mine could ever disrespect law enforcement or our great American flag. No true supporter of mine could ever threaten or harass their fellow Americans. If you do any of these things, you are not supporting our movement. You’re attacking it, and you are attacking our country. We cannot tolerate it,” he continued. “Tragically, over the course of the past year, made so difficult because of COVID-19, we have seen political violence spiral out of control. We have seen too many riots, too many mobs, too many acts of intimidation and destruction. It must stop. Whether you are on the Right, or on the Left, a Democrat or a Republican, there is never a justification for violence. No excuses, no exceptions.”

“America is a nation of laws. Those who engaged in the attacks last week will be brought to justice. Now I am asking everyone who has ever believed in our agenda to be thinking of ways to ease tensions, calm tempers, and help to promote peace in our country,” he continued. “There has been reporting that additional demonstrations are being planned in the coming days, both here in Washington and across the country. I have been briefed by the U.S. Secret Service on the potential threats. Every American deserves to have their voice heard in a respectful and peaceful way. That is your First Amendment right.”

“But I cannot emphasize that there must be no violence, no law-breaking, and no vandalism of any kind. Everyone must follow our laws and obey the instructions of law enforcement. I have directed federal agencies to use all necessary resources to maintain order. In Washington, D.C., we are bringing in thousands of National Guard members to secure the city and ensure that a transition can occur safely and without incident,” he continued. “Like all of you, I was shocked and deeply saddened by the calamity at the Capitol last week. I want to thank the hundreds of millions of incredible American citizens who have responded to this moment with calm, moderation, and grace.”

The president also used the opportunity to address the recent efforts by the political Left and tech companies to censor and cancel people, saying that it was “wrong” and “dangerous” to do so.

“What is needed now is for us to listen to one another, not to silence one another,” he said. “All of us can choose by our actions to rise above the rancor and find common ground and shared purpose. We must focus on advancing the interests of the whole nation, delivering the miracle vaccines, defeating the pandemic, rebuilding the economy, protecting our national security, and upholding the rule of law.”

“Today I am calling on all Americans to overcome the passions of the moment, and join together as one American people,” he concluded. “Let us choose to move forward united, for the good of our families, our communities, and our country. Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America.”

I wish Trump would have made that statement earlier.

More to come. I find it amazing that the Democrats see this as more of a threat than the $2 billion in damage Antifa and BLM did this summer. But now it’s a Democrat that is being threatened and they are way more important than some loser who owns a shoe store.



The Unifying Media

Biden uses that famous “dog whistle” thing they always say Trump uses. You know, he says we should unify but that is code for we are going to do what we want and you should shut the f- up. Well, the media isn’t hiding it. Nor are the hiding the hatred they have for the Conservatives.

CNN, who no longer will be played in airports, by the way, said that anyone who voted for Donald Trump was a Nazi and a KKK member. It did not matter that people like me and you liked Trump’s policies. It is because we are bigoted, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynists, racists who belong to the KKK, Nazis and Proud Boys all at once.

It’s hard to believe the Chris Cuomo is the one trying to calm Don Lemon down here but it’s true. That doesn’t make a Chris Cuomo a hero of Conservatives or anything, but he knows that Lemon is making severely grandiose statement that are very divisive. Listen:

There is so much wrong with what Don Lemon said:

  • People who voted for Trump are not on the side of the Klan. This is a generalization we are going to hear later.
  • People who voted for Trump are not on the side of the Nazis. In fact, the Nazis were fascists and Nazi stands for National Socialist German Workers Party in German. Nazis were Left wingers.
  • Conservatives are principled. We believe in freedom of speech, religion, free press and the ability to protect themselves. We also believe that a baby is a life and don’t want to kill babies.
  • Conservatives don’t believe in concentration camps or slavery. Conservatives ended slavery. because it was wrong. Where were there concentration camps? Germany, the Soviet Union (called Gulags), Cuba and China.
  • Because you like Trump’s policies doesn’t mean you like Trump personally. If someone votes for Trump because they are a KKK member doesn’t mean I voted for Trump because I sympathize with the KKK. I just hate Hilary.
  • I also want to point out.
  • Finally, Richard Spencer, alt-right loon, voted for Joe Biden because Trump wasn’t hard enough on the Jews. Don’t believe me? Look at the link I post.
  • Finally, every Conservative I talked to do not panic about Biden being President and did not support the riots in Congress. We thought it was disgusting just like we saw the BLM and Antifa riots (that caused #2 billion in damage and were encouraged by the Left.


One thing here, I also hate, is the embrace of intersectionality. I want you to remember this because this has happened before and it is dangerous. The Left believes that there is no individual. We are all made up in groups. The break people up into race, sexual orientation, gender (which isn’t a thing), sex, class and, to some extent religion. But anyone on the right has been classified simply as evil, Nazis  white supremacists.

This is the new narrative. All Conservatives are evil, Nazi, racists, white supremacist because they like Trump and there were some mama’s basement dwellers who decided to storm the capital.

We are all evil. So we must be purged. Comforting thought, huh?



At Least They Admit It


Here is the hypocrisy of the week.

There is a Presidential election in Uganda. The government of Uganda is afraid of bad information through social media and that it might effect the election. So they decided to block all social media traffic into the country until after the election. One of the companies was…surprise….Twitter.

Twitter Public Policy account posted a tweet:

“Ahead of the Ugandan election, we’re hearing reports that Internet service providers are being ordered to block social media and messaging apps. We strongly condemn internet shutdowns – they are hugely harmful, violate basic human rights and the principles of the #OpenInternet.”

They ran another tweet a few minutes later:

“Access to information and freedom of expression, including the public conversation on Twitter, is never more important than during democratic processes, particularly elections #UgandaDecides2021 #KeepItOn”

See the irony? This is a company censors material, including an article about a true story about Hunter Biden and closed the President’s account.

Twitter exploded.

What’s good for me is not for thee.

Then Why Did You Do It?

Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter, said that he didn’t want to ban Trump and even thinks it might be dangerous to do so.

In his statement:

“I do not celebrate or feel pride in our having to ban @realDonaldTrump from Twitter, or how we got here. After a clear warning we’d take this action, we made a decision with the best information we had based on threats to physical safety both on and off Twitter. Was this correct? I believe this was the right decision for Twitter. We faced an extraordinary and untenable circumstance, forcing us to focus all of our actions on public safety. Offline harm as a result of online speech is demonstrably real, and what drives our policy and enforcement above all.”

“That said, having to ban an account has real and significant ramifications. While there are clear and obvious exceptions, I feel a ban is a failure of ours ultimately to promote healthy conversation. And a time for us to reflect on our operations and the environment around us. Having to take these actions fragment the public conversation. They divide us. They limit the potential for clarification, redemption, and learning. And sets a precedent I feel is dangerous: the power an individual or corporation has over a part of the global public conversation.”

So what is he saying? He’s saying that they ware responsible for the “healthy conversation” on Twitter. That “health conversation” is that of the Left and nothing else. That’s not really the issue. He said this because the stock for Twitter is dropping like a rock.

This is going to get worse. You know why I know this. Jack Dorsey said it in a private phone conversation obtained by Project Veritas. Listen:

So, there you have it. I am not even going to bother asking you folks to follow me on Twitter anymore. I have lost 300 subscribers in the last week. That doesn’t sound like a lot but I only had a little over 600.

At Least He’s Honest

Head of Instagram Adam Mosseri said what we all knew: there is bias at Facebook. Instagram is owned by Facebook.

Mosseri said:

“We’re not neutral. No platform is neutral, we all have values and those values influence the decisions we make.”

“We try and be apolitical, but that’s increasingly difficult, particularly in the US where people are more and more polarized.”

The Instagram head was responding to a comment from tech writer Will Oremus regarding Facebook’s announcement of Roy Austin, formerly of the Obama administration, to serve as Facebook’s “VP of Civil Rights.”

“Roy Austin Jr. has been named vice president of civil rights with the mandate to oversee Facebook’s accountability on racial hatred and discrimination on its platform,” reported NPR. “He’s slated to start Jan. 19.”

Will Oremus pointed out on Twitter:

“This feels like the kind of move that Facebook could have made 5+ years ago if it hadn’t been so intent at the time on portraying itself as a neutral platform and promoting online connection as an absolute good.”

Though I don’t think it will happen again in the near future, when the tech bros are called in front of Congress, they better not be telling anyone how neutral they are. It could lead to a perjury charge for them.



AOC Always Says What the Left Thinks

You know, I love AOC. I should put her words on more often or subscribe to her Instagram account because she is where the Democratic Left and gives us an indication of what they are thinking. Believe it or not, AOC is the perfect spy for the Republicans. If I was a politician, I would quote her every word from her.

A council for media literacy? Really? What is the purpose of that, I wonder?

No I don’t wonder. It’s exactly what it sounds like. Democrats are toying with an idea to create a council to determine which news agencies are relevant and which are telling “lies”. “Lies” being defined as anything the Alexandria Ocasio Cortez doesn’t agree with. This is extremely dangerous.

  • First create a council.
  • Next, call people to testify and brow beat them. No debate, mind you.
  • Hopefully catch someone in a lie so the can persecute them for perjury.
  • Finally, find cause to condemn and jail people.


Here’s the thing, the government is not allowed to create any laws that abridge or restrict the press. I didn’t make that up, it’s the first amendment of the Constitution (which Democrats see to keep forgetting). A council like this is made to actually restrict the legitimacy of the press. It would be unconstitutional.

Here’s another genius moment from AOC:

There are a bunch of problems with this but the main one is to vilify anyone who supported Donald Trump. Period.

Supporting Donald Trump was not “drinking the poison of white supremacy”. There is absolutely zero evidence that Donald Trump is a white supremacist and a ton of evidence he actually cares about Americans, no matter their color. His policies helped all Americans, not just white people. That is the poison that has been ingested by AOC, Democrats and the younger generation. The lies of the schools, the media, Hollywood and other institutions corrupted by socialism and it’s ideals. I don’t blame her for being poisoned and being dumb, but I do blame her for not having the courage to actually debate someone who knows what he/she is talking about. She is so arrogant and power hungry she cannot risk have her little world rocked by someone like Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Steven Crowder or Laura Ingram that she would rather suppress those ideas than actually deal with them.

Also, notice that she says, “…you have a lot of work to do. Or maybe we have a lot of work to do”? She’s basically saying that I, who is a Trump supporter, needs to change myself or, maybe, she needs to change me. It has to be by force (curtailing right-wing media, censorship, cancel culture or, dare I say it, prosecution). She could change people’s minds on the right by debating her position and proving that her position is superior. Of course, she won’t be able to do that because her position has never actually succeeded in human history.

Yes, AOC, we’ve had socialism and it has failed every time.









Episode 280 – History Made!

Nancy gets a bill approved but that failed.

History is going to be made today but this is not a good thing.

And Congress shows how irrelevant it is.


Well, So Much for That

Nancy Pelosi and Congress have passed a bill giving Mike Pence 24 hours to implement the 25th Amendment. She said that if Mike Pence does not implement the 25th Amendment impeachment proceedings will begin.

Guess what? Mike Pence told Nancy to kick rocks and Nancy has started the impeachment process. It’s happening as I write this.

Now, there are a couple of problems here:

First off, Nancy Pelosi and Congress have nothing to do with the 25th Amendment. Only the President and his cabinet can implement the 25th Amendment. The only responsibility of Congress is to be informed about it. Period. So that bill she got passed on Monday was worthless.

Again, it amazes me that she has time to pass a worthless bill but took six months to pass COVID relief. Incredible.

Next, this impeachment is probably worthless. The Senate is not in session and will not meet until after Trump is no longer President. The Democrats have said they may wait 100 days before sending the impeachment to the Senate because they want to pass Biden’s Left wing agenda.

Again, the Constitution might get in the way. Can you remove someone from office when he is not in office? Probably not. Impeachment is a political tool not a legal one. If they wanted to go after Trump, they may have to do it through the criminal system. If convicted of a crime for, whatever, he cannot run again.

Again, it amazes me that she has time to go through a worthless impeachment but took six months to pass COVID relief. Incredible.

Why are Democrats doing this? They are doing this for two reasons:

  • They want to make this the last thing Americans remember about Trump.
  • They want to stain his legacy historically.
  • They want to make sure he never runs for President again.
  • They want to give themselves the moral high ground.


This is a very cynical ploy. It’s nothing more than a show. What’s worse, all this is going to lead to nothing that the Democrats are going for.

Is Impeachment Even a Thing?

Here’s what the Democrats and some Republicans are saying: President Trump created and insurrection with his words during a rally while the certification of votes was taking place in the Senate. That insurrection led to the deaths of two police officers and three rioters.

Here’s the problem for Democrats: They decided to rush this impeachment before any real investigation was done and they ignore what Trump actually said in his speech.

Now, before I get into that, let me talk about Trump’s behavior since he lost the election. It has been terrible. He has been complaining that there was wide spread fraud. I believe he is probably right. I believe that this election was stolen. But, the problem is that one has to prove it. Trump had two months to prove it, which might not have been enough time, and couldn’t.

  • With that, he should have just kept positive but he didn’t.
  • He should have ensured a smooth transition, but he didn’t.
  • He should have talked about his successes, but he didn’t.


He whined and complained. I don’t blame him for his fighting to get the election overturned, the riot or the objections by those in the Senate. He just acted like a child that had his favorite toy away. This I do blame him for. I think he would have gotten a lot more sympathy if he had just accepted the loss and looked to the future.

With that being said, outside of his bad behavior, Trump did nothing wrong to deserve being impeached and deserves, much less, to be out of office.

  • In his speech, he did say the protesters should go to Congress but he said they should “peaceable protest and be patriots.”
  • He never told the people to be violent. Nothing in his speech preached violence.
  • He did pit his anger at the Congress including Vice President Pence. He was confrontational. This isn’t a crime and happens all the time in politics.


Simply put, there isn’t a crime committed by Trump.

The other problem that this impeachment has been fast tracked with no investigation information available to the Senate or House. That is a very bad thing for the House and makes this whole thing look really politically and not motivated by a crime.

See, here’s the thing, The FBI is not reporting that this was a planned assault. The rioters had bombs, Molotov cocktails, weapons and zip ties. This was not, for the most part, a spontaneous riot. This may have been planned. That would be evidence that what Trump would have said would have nothing to do with this attack.

We are also finding out information about those being arrested. A lot of them have some severe mental and social problems. They were radical. They were already susceptible to violence.

Finally, the FBI is not even sure these individuals were at the rally.

So this is going nowhere, especially as the evidence comes out from the FBI.

Are the Dems Going to Gain Anything Over This?

Everything done by the Democrats is going to fail. In fact, it could be a disaster politically.

Trump is not getting impeached. He did not commit a crime and he will not be in office before the Senate can hold a trial. In fact, he will be on a golf course in Scotland before the Senate even gets the articles.

Politically, this is a disaster for the Democrats. In a poll released today, 76% of those polled think this is a bad idea and a waste of time. That includes Democrats, Republicans and Independents. Again, six months to get a COVID relief bill and one week to get the President impeached…again.

What could be worse is that Nancy picked her impeachment managers already, before the impeachment had happened. The managers will be led by Jamie Raskin. The good news is, according to the New York Times:

“The managers come from across the country and represent different ideological wings of the party. Of the nine, seven are people of color, L.G.B.T.Q. or women.”

One individual, Eric Swalwell, will also be a manager. This could make a trial real interesting. Eric Swalwell is the Congressman who was having a tryst with a Chinese spy. I can’t wait for the President’s lawyers, if this thing even happens, get a hold of him when he makes remarks.

Finally, this is not going to tarnish President Trump’s legacy as much as the Democrats want to believe. Yes, Trump’s behavior in the past couple of month wasn’t great but his accomplishments were many and great.

  • His economy had an average quarterly GDP growth of around 2.5% including several quarters over 3%. Obama averaged less than 2% his entire eight years.
  • The stock market hit record levels.
  • Manufacturing returned to America and factories were being built.
  • He replaced NAFTA with the USMCA.
  • He lowered unemployment rates to under 5%. Lowest since the 60’s. Obama barely got it under 7% and had it as high as 15%.
  • Implemented prison reform.
  • He rebuilt the military and added Space Force, which is a big deal.
  • He destroyed ISIS.
  • He killed the ISIS leader and one of the worst terrorist in Iran.
  • He got the NATO allies to put in more money for defense.
  • He weakened started a trade war with China.
  • He weakened Iran and North Korea.
  • He moved the embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
  • He had four peace deals between Israel and other Arab countries.
  • He implemented Operation Warp Speed that motivated the private sector to create three vaccines for COVID in nine months. This is an unheard of period of time.


All this within four years, with a hostel Congress, a hostile media, under investigation about a false Russia investigation and being impeached over a ten minute phone call. Oh yeah, and he donated his entire Presidential salary to charity.

President Trump had a great domestic policy, a great economic policy and a great foreign policy. He did a great job. History is going to remember that.



