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Episode 252 – What’s Good for Me, Is Not for Thee

Huge news today concerning the election. Shenanigans are all over the place. Need to be a podcast tomorrow. But the Left is so much fun when it comes to this COVID thing we need to look at that. Seem especially relevant since I just did a podcast on COVID a few days ago.


Funny How That Works

A third batch of missed votes in Georgia has been found and tabulated, narrowing Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s lead over President Donald Trump in the state.

An audit of the election in Georgia uncovered dozens of uncounted votes in the town of Between in Walton County. Election officials found 284 ballots that, once counted, netted Trump another 176 votes and cut slightly into Biden’s lead, according to the Walton Tribune.

Former Vice President Biden still maintains a lead of nearly 13,000 votes over Trump. The batch of uncounted votes found in pro-Trump Walton County is the third such error revealed in the audit of Georgia’s election. Batches of thousands of uncounted votes also turned up in Floyd County and Fayette County. In each case, the uncounted ballots favored Trump and cut into Biden’s lead.

After a batch of more than 2,600 uncounted votes were found on a memory card in Floyd County on Monday, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s office said the oversight appeared to be an isolated incident and blamed “gross incompetence.”

“The Floyd County situation was unfortunate,” Gabriel Sterling, an official with Raffensperger’s office, told The New York Times. “The majority of the counties right now are finding zero deviations from the original number of ballots.”

A second memory card with nearly 2,800 uncounted votes on it was found in Fayette County on Tuesday.

Now is this enough to overturn the election in Georgia. Probably not. But each time we have one of the “irregularities,” they always seem to go against Donald Trump. Trump may not win this election but there will be some real questions. It is looking like this election was fixed and Biden is going to be called an illegitimate President by the Right. I will not call him that but I do think this election was rigged.



The Big Apple is Rotting

New York has decided to suppress their city again. All because they have a spike in COVID. Quality of life in that state is sucking eggs. Let’s take a look and see what those geniuses Andrew Cuomo and Bill De Blasio are doing.

Schools Closing Again

New York City officials announced on Wednesday that they are shutting down the city’s entire public school system tomorrow amid a large coronavirus outbreak in the city.

Chancellor Richard A. Carranza wrote in an email to principals: “As of this morning, November 18, the City has now reached this threshold of test positivity citywide and, as a result, the DOE will temporarily close down all public school buildings for in-person learning, Thursday, November 19.”

Mayor Bill de Blasio said:

“New York City has reached the 3% testing positivity 7-day average threshold. Unfortunately, this means public school buildings will be closed as of tomorrow, Thursday Nov. 19, out an abundance of caution. We must fight back the second wave of COVID-19.”

Here’s the problem, his school system doesn’t have a  3% infection rate. Listen to the Chancellor of the School District of New York City. Let’s see if you catch what he says:

Did you catch that? Did he say that the schools had a 0.19% infection rate? That means 2 out of every thousand people in schools actually get this thing. I thought the threshold for closing anything was a threshold 3% infection rate. I had to look this up and found that the chancellor was right. The latest infection rate is at 0.23%. Even De Blasio said the day before closing the schools that the statistics showed that the stats showed that the infection wasn’t spreading in schools but they should be closed anyway.

I thought the Left was the party of science? Why aren’t they looking at the stats and the science? What about all the other issues the American Pediatric Association said was happening during “remote learning” including depression, abuse, drug use and suicide? What about the facts that kids aren’t learning anything while being locked down?

Andrew Cuomo

I guess Bill De Blasio forgot to let Gov. Andrew Cuomo in on his decision to close the schools. During a press conference, a reporter for the Wall Street Journal asked about the policy of closing the schools. This seemed to take Cuomo by surprise and he started yelling at the reporter. Listen:

Seems to me it is Andrew Cuomo that is confused and he decided to take it out on someone who was asking a very valid question that a lot of people, looking at the science and data, are asking. It just shows how disconnected and tone deaf he is. This guy has jacked up the pandemic since day one. Now that there is a second wave, which was probably caused by the first set of lockdowns postponing the spike, he decides to lockdown again. Guess what’s gong to happen: New York is going to lockdown again for about six weeks and then, when the reopen, the virus is going to spike again. That’s why Texas and Florida on Wednesday are not going to close again. People are going to have to live with this virus instead of trying to “control” or get rid of it.

But I don’t know why Andy is so pissed off. Yeah, people are beginning to blame him for COVID. He is in a huge budget deficit. He doesn’t know what is going on in his state. His tax base is beginning to leave his state. There’s a homeless, drug and crime problem throughout his state and unemployment is doubled the national average.

But he got a raise!

Democratic governor Andrew Cuomo, that’s who. His salary will jump from $225,000 to $250,000. He will be the highest-paid governor in the country.

But while Cuomo will be getting his raise, along with Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul, Attorney General Letitia James and Comptroller Tom DiNapoli — all Democrats — New York legislators, judges and commissioners are not entitled to any such thing, according to a Commission on Legislative, Judicial and Executive Compensation (CLJEC) panel, which decided on Monday that there wasn’t room in the state’s budget for that. That decision can be overturned by the state legislature, but that is considered unlikely.

Cuomo’s raise was approved last year by the state Senate and Assembly.

On Tuesday, Cuomo asked the federal government for more money, stating, “We don’t have a shovel big enough to dig out of [the deficit]. It’s the biggest number in history. We need help from Washington … Biden ran, and I know him and I supported and he’s a good man – he will fund state and local governments and we need that to come even close to balancing the budget.”

It must be nice to be one of the most incompetent governor in the country and still get a huge raise. Good for him.



Go for Me but Not for Thee

The scandal involving California Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom attending a dinner with several other people amid the coronavirus pandemic grew on Wednesday after photos emerged of the event that showed at least two top officials from the California Medical Association attending the dinner.

The group claimed that their dinner did not violate the state’s coronavirus guidelines and claimed that it was held outside, despite a witness saying that sliding glass doors had to be closed because of how loud the group was.

Just last month, Newsom’s office instructed people in his state that they had to wear a mask in between bites of food if they were going out to eat.

He did apologize. Listen:

His apology left a little to be desired. First thing that Newsom does throughout the apology is smile. It just doesn’t look authenticated. He’s getting a ration of crap about this because he basically is shutting down California again and is prohibiting families from getting together during the holidays or congregations from celebrating their religion at church or temple.

Newsom has to pick a senator soon to replace Kamala Harris. There is a thought that he might appoint himself simply because he wants to get out of California and he wants to be President some day.

It just shows the hypocrisy I have been talking about the Left for over a year now.





On Tuesday, the administration of Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf announced a new coronavirus-related crackdown on the citizens of Pennsylvania, which includes a mask mandate for people inside their own homes.

At the behest of Dr. Rachel L. Levine, the Secretary of Health for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, citizens are going to be mandated to mask-up in their homes if people outside of their household are inside.

“Strengthening masking order,” the department posted via Twitter. “Masks are still required. Indoors: masks now required anytime you’re with people outside of your household, even if you’re socially distant. Applies to all indoor facilities + if you have people in your home not part of your household.”



In the “Culture”

Harry Styles, the English singer, songwriter, and actor who rose to stardom as part of the English boy-band “One Direction,” stirred controversy when Vogue announced that he would be starring in their December cover story … while wearing a dress.

Ben Shapiro supported Owens, saying “This is perfectly obvious. Anyone who pretends that it is not a referendum on masculinity for men to don floofy dresses is treating you as a full-on idiot.” Matt Walsh also agreed, summarizing the events as follows: “Candace Owens is trending because a bunch of whiney idiots are mad that she said men who wear dresses aren’t manly.”

Lots of the press and those on social media said that what Styles did was “brave,” “revolutionary,” and “the new image of what masculinity is suppose to look like.”

I have one word for this: bullshit.

I know that being a masculine man is considered toxic, dangerous and evil. But it’s not. As a matter of fact, real masculinity is needed in this world. Now, I am not saying that a man wearing a dress is bad or a man who wants to be a woman is bad. I Couldn’t care less. I believe in freedom to be an individual, whatever that might be and however weird it is to me. But, I do not believe in the re-definition of our states.

Masculinity is not only a desired trait for female mates, it is needed for life in our country. It’s needed in war. It’s needed to be a a good mate. It’s needed to be a father.

What is masculinity:

  • Taking responsibility to provide for your family.
  • Being chivalrous.
  • Being a leader.
  • Being honest and open.
  • Being loving and true.
  • Being a protector.
  • Standing up for the honor of yourself, your mate or your family.
  • Being an educator for your children.
  • Being gentle, caring and compassionate.
  • Being a mentor or counselor.
  • Being brave especially when afraid.


Having these qualities, I don’t know, seems to be a good thing. And this does not mean only straight men are masculine. You can be masculine when gay or transgender. Even as a woman one can have masculine qualities but maintain their femininity. These are great qualities.

You know what isn’t masculine:

  • Being a cheater,
  • Being a wife beater.
  • Being a child abuser.
  • Living on welfare and food stamps for long periods of time.
  • Wearing a dress.


If my girlfriend saw me wearing a dress, she’s be gone. The Left is constantly trying to push us into new “norms.” I never buy their bullshit. Men are men. Women are women. Babies are babies at conception so abortion is murdering babies. By the way, these are all facts proven by science.

So, I’ll tell you what I am going to do tomorrow. I am going to throw on a pair of jeans, a T-shirt and my Chucks. I’m probably not going to wear my pink thong, my mini-skirt and that silk blouse. That’s because I like being masculine. My fiancé likes me being masculine. My kids like me being masculine. I like that my dad is masculine. I would suggest the men out their do the same thing.

Harry Styles, whoever he is, is not the blueprint for what a man is.








Episode 251 – Who’s Going to Unify?

Last week, Sleepy Creepy Joe pledged unity and acceptance for all Americans, including those who did not vote for him. Question: is that a thing?

I think not.


The President of Unity?

Joe Biden made a victory speech last week. In this speech, he preached that the country needs to unify and the Left needs to accept their opponents. Listen to this clip compiled from Sky News, a very Left wing outlet:

Couple of things here:

  • What chance did President Trump have?
  • Time to put away the “horse rhetoric”? Is it because he thinks he won? Biden is the Kentucky Derby winning jockey of “horse rhetoric”. More on that in a second.
  • As far as the demonization of people who he didn’t agree with, he demonized Trump supporters the week before and though out the anemic campaign he ran.
  • Here’s a big problem Biden has: cooperation is a choice. I choose
    • I choose not to support abortion because it’s murder.
    • I choose not to raise my taxes because taxation is legalized theft.
    • I choose to say what I want, even if it pisses people off. Because free speech has been given to me by God.
    • I choose to own a gun. Because protecting myself has been given to me by God.
    • I choose to limit who can come into our great country based on what they can provide our country. And those who come in illegally, in other words, criminals, should be sent back to their country.
    • I choose that our news media be free and unbiased.
    • I choose that I and others can celebrate out religion without oversight.
    • I choose not to be a socialist country.
    • I choose to believe that we are not an evil systemically racist country.
    • I choose to condemn the violence of BLM and Antifa.


Do you think Joe Biden is going to do any of that? I doubt it. He’s about power. If he wasn’t, if he cared for the people, he would not have run because he’s a decrepit, senile old man and knows he cannot lead.

Biden’s done a lot of crooked things. He’s threatened governments, taken money protected criminals. But, one thing he has done throughout his career is plagiarize. It cost him a Presidential election. But he can do it now and the media will ignore it. Listen to this:

That crap was said by Obama. Then, Hilary Clinton said the same thing. He is not his own man. He doesn’t have an original thought in that spongy brain of his.


Don’t Think So

In the same “acceptance” speech, Biden told us why we couldn’t be united. He should fire his speech writers. Listen:

Couple of things to pull from this:

  • This election, if he wins, was not a mandate. He is going to lose the Senate and still may lose the House.
  • He also said that Republicans, the 72 million who voted for Trump, are not decent, fair or believe in science.
  • He ain’t going to control the virus. No one has controlled the virus. We have to learn to live with it.
  • Obamacare, which he wants to re-implement, was a disaster.
  • Most Americans believe there is racial justice and no systemic racism.
    • Biden has been part of the system for 47 years. Doesn’t that make him racist.
    • We have had systemic racism in this country. That is proof we are not systemically racist now.
  • Finally, the climate thing is just old. We are not going to die in 10 to 12 years. The climate is an issue, a small issue, but not enough to spend $93 trillion in the next ten years. And not enough for me to give up hamburgers because cows fart.


But Biden has always been decisive. Listen to this little compilation from Newsweek, a far Left news rag:

Yeah. This is the guy who should represent all of America.



The Left Won’t Have It

Leftist politicians ain’t exactly being open to Old Joe’s unity message. In fact, it sounds like the potential Presidential victory has emboldened them. Let’s take a look at some examples of how Leftist politicians are going to unify us.

Raphael Warnock

Democratic senatorial candidate Raphael Warnock, in a run-off in Georgia in January, said this:

So, 73 million people need to repent because they are worshipping “whiteness”. What does that mean, exactly? You know what it means. If you vote for Trump, you are a racist. Does this guy sound like he is going to be serving Americans in the Senate? Does this type of talk sound like a reach for unity?

By the wy, this is a guy who attended a Fidel Castro speech in Cuba back in 1995.

I actually donated a little money to his opponent, Kelly Loeffler so she could defeat this clown during the runoff in January.

Barrack Obama

Barrack Obama released an 800-page memoir…again. This is the first of two books. The arrogance of this frigging guy is amazing. He did nothing for eight years. What exactly does he have to say for 1600 pages? Not to mention, this is his third memoir. God didn’t have as much to say in the Bible.

Excerpts from former President Barack Obama’s forthcoming memoir “A Promised Land” trashes conservatives as intellectually inferior xenophobes filled with “racial anxieties” and blames former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin for the supposedly mainstreaming bigotry.

He said in his book:

“Through Palin, it seemed as if the dark spirits that had long been lurking on the edges of the modern Republican Party — xenophobia, anti intellectualism, paranoid conspiracy theories, an antipathy toward Black and brown folks — were finding their way to center stage.”

He continues:

“It was as if my very presence in the White House had triggered a deep-seated panic, a sense that the natural order had been disrupted. Which is exactly what Donald Trump understood when he started peddling assertions that I had not been born in the United States and was thus an illegitimate president. For millions of Americans spooked by a Black man in the White House, he promised an elixir for their racial anxiety.”

Just an FYI: Obama was elected twice. I don’t think anyone was “racially anxious” that he was President. I think they were anxious about having a President that didn’t like America. But this is the crap that got Trump elected in the first place.

Does calling 73 million people racist sound like an attempt at unity?

Rashida Tlaib

Rashida Tlaib pushed back on calls for the Left in the Democratic party by the moderates to take it easy on the extreme rhetoric such as pushing the Green New Deal and defunding the police. Moderate Democrats believed they lost a load of House seats because this rhetoric cost them the election. Tlaib said that this is an attempt by the moderates to silence her and her voters.

She said:

“We’re not going to be successful if we’re silencing districts like mine. Me not being able to speak on behalf of many of my neighbors right now, many of which are black neighbors, means me being silenced. I can’t be silent.”

“We are not interested in unity that asks people to sacrifice their freedom and their rights any longer. And if we truly want to unify our country, we have to really respect every single voice. We say that so willingly when we talk about Trump supporters, but we don’t say that willingly for my black and brown neighbors and from LGBTQ neighbors or marginalized people.”

At least Tlaib admits that she doesn’t want unity because she wants to focus her special identity groups.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

Ocasio-Cortez stressed to Politico that Democrats needed to focus on racism or else they will continue to play defense.

She said:

“It’s not just like some moral question about how you confront racism in elections, but it is now an existential crisis for the Democratic Party. Anti-racism plays zero percent of a role in Democratic electoral strategy — zero, explicitly, implicitly. I’m not telling people to virtue signal, but there’s just like no plan for it.”

Is she kidding? Every other word out a Democrat’s mouth is how racist Trump and Trump supporters are. Businesses are now being required to take this “anti-racism” indoctrination. If you don’t know what anti-racism is, it is the belief that all whites are racist and they must be anti-racist to go beyond their own racism. Yeah, I don’t know what it means either.

Ocasio-Cortez continues saying that it was time for Democrats to “take our gloves off with Republicans.”

“We’re always messaging around bipartisanship and how much we love working with Republicans all the time in a lot of these sensitive areas,” she said. “We need to have an unapologetic agenda, have an actual alternative and counter-messaging that is distinct from the Republican Party instead of trying to play to notions of civility. … I just really hope that it gets through to a lot of people that this idea that we can win over white voters on a civility argument is like not a reliable strategy.”

Sound unifying?

She wasn’t finished yet. Just in case you thought she might be still a unifying force, AOC tweeted this:

Folks, that’s a threat. She’s pushing cancel culture. This type of mentality is how gulag are built.

Jim Clyburn

This statement by Rep. Jim Clyburn is just insane. He said this on CNN (duh!) on the Chris Cuomo show:

WTF is this guy talking about?! This is just nuts. There is a huge difference between Trump and Hitler. What has Trump done to make himself into a dictator? Hitler didn’t discredit the news media. He took over the news media. Who controls the news media in this country?  Hitler did banish religion. Who in today’s political world is trying to vilify religion? And he just called the 73 million people who voted for Trump stupid.

Does this sound unifying?


We can see that the Left in Washington D.C. is not going to unify shit. The one thing Biden can do is tell these people to calm down but he won’t do it just like he wouldn’t condemn Antifa or BLM. This mentality is the cornerstone  of the base that got Biden elected (supposedly). He cannot denounce these people and won’t. In fact, they are going to try to pull Biden more to the Left. And he will go there.




The Media Agrees

The media doesn’t sound like they are going to help unify anything. Let’s hear what they are saying.

Jim Acosta

I try to watch CNN. But I can only get through a few minutes before I just roll my eyes and move on to something else life the regional curling championships on ESPN Alternative. The worst guy at CNN, and mean, a really bad human being, is Jim Acosta. He’s the CNN Presidential correspondent. He is known to get called on in a press conference and then grandstanding without asking Trump a question. I think the only reason Trump calls on him is because Acosta is proof of his fake news argument and Acosta just makes an ass out of himself. Listen to what he said on Anderson Coopers show:

What an idiot.

First off, Trump losing the election in not inevitable. Just because CNN says it doesn’t mean its true. The base of the term fake news. Next, Trump will congratulate Biden when Biden has won the election. But wasn’t it Democrats that threw a temper tantrum during Trump’s inauguration by not showing up? Did Acosta say the same thing in 2016? Finally, “The most trusted name in news,” my ass. How biased can these guys be?

Christiana Amanpour

I don’t even know what to say about CNN or understand how people keep their jobs. CNN does it again. This is Christiana Amanpour from CNN in England:

The whole Nazi thing is getting so old.

Jimmie Kimmel

Jimmie Kimmel is the epitome of hypocrisy. He’s a Leftist that have practice chauvinism and worn blackface. But, because he is a Leftist and hates Trump and Republicans, all his sins have been forgive. He was just downright giddy when Trump ended up down in the vote count.

No wonder his ratings suck. He’s not funny and he’s mean. He also is really preachy. I bet Johnny Carson is turning in his grave.


I just want to point out how disrespectful these people are. They are talking about the President of the United States. I hated Barrack Obama and I can’t stand Joe Biden. But I would never treat them with this level of disrespect. I haven’t even gone over the tantrum that Alec Baldwin went through on Twitter. There is no civility in the news media or entertainment. Expect nothing to change from them.



Nothing Will Change on the Streets

Remember how all the riots and violence were going to stop if Biden got elected. Well, it didn’t and it’s not going to.

In Washington D.C., during a the Million MAGA March that hosted tens of thousands of people in support of Donald Trump, Black Lives Matter and Antifa started attacking Trump supporters.

Later that night, Black Lives Matter supporters started throwing fireworks into a crown of Trump supporters that were having dinner at a restaurant.

On Sunday, in Portland, an Antifa group tried to set fire to the house of the Washington State Sheriff.

Here’s the problem: these groups hate Trump but that’s not their thing. They hate the government. They hate capitalism, the Constitution, our history, law and order, religion, the nuclear family and conformity. They want chaos, Marxism, communism and anarchy. These people are not going to stop simply because Biden is President. They will continue to riot, loot and assault people. That’s their nature.




There will be no unity. We are way too far apart on issues. We cannot have any type of dialog. But I do think this is a good thing for the Republican party. Another two years of the Left’s bullshit will cost the Democrats the House and probably increase the lead in the Senate. Then, in 2024, with the economy in shambles and chaos in the streets, President could run again.

I can see his 2024 slogan already: “I told you so!” Yeah, “I-tis” doesn’t have the same grab as MAGA but it’ll be funny.


Episode 250 – Let’s Look at the Science, Shall We?

It was about two weeks ago that I was watching One America News with my parents. They were talking about the problems with the statics concerning COVID-19. This is kind of important but no one seems to want to report anything about this. How do we know? Because states are beginning to set up restrictions for families for the upcoming holidays.

You know what? I think it’s time to talk about the idiocy that is COVID-19 or the China Virus or Wuhan Flu. What ever you want to call it. Maybe when you look at the stats through the lens of the CDC and reason, we will come to the conclusion that this whole thing was really over done.


Some Quick News

HAPPY VETERAN’S DAY!! God bless all our veterans and thank you for your service.

Andy McCabe stood in from of the Senate to answer questions concerning the Trump spying scandal better known as Crossfire Hurricane. He got smoked by Ted Cruz and may have perjured himself. We are going to see how that turns out.

Georgia has announced that they will start hand recounting and auditing ballots. This is the first state to do this but expect others to follow. The media is still screaming that the election is free from all corruption.

The Trump administration has released a list of affidavits of election fraud in Michigan. It is 234 pages long. I am reading the document now. We will talk about it on the next podcast.


More COVID-19 Restrictions

Now that we have had another spike of COVID-19, more restrictions seem to be popping up again in blue states. I live in California so you know we are locking down again.

Joe Biden

What is Joe Biden planning to do now that we are spiking? Listen to the scientists and doctors? Doubt it.

The first thing he said is that he was a national mask mandate. He brought it up again when he announced he was the new President elect. Here’s the problem with that: it’s illegal. He can’t mandate everyone where masks. But, here’s the thing, most people are already wearing masks and we’re still spiking. The reality is we are not sure masks are actually helping. This is because we don’t know how to use them. I’m sure you folks are wearing masks so answer the following questions:

  • Do you switch masks after every use if you have a paper mask?
  • If you have a cloth mask, do you wash it after every use?
  • Do you know how to properly sterilize a reusable mask?
  • Do you wear a neck gaiter? Those are worse than worthless.
  • Do you touch your mask?
  • Do you ever put your mask over your nose?
  • When you sneeze, do you replace your mask?
  • When you sneeze, do you put your mask down to cover your mouth? Not kidding. I’ve seen this.


Doctors and nurses are actually required to take training on wearing PPE including masks. So there is no evidence that masks actually work.

He also mentioned that he would have no problem closing the economy again if the spikes continue. Again, I am not  sure he can legally do it. Governors can but I’m not sure the President can dictate to states. This does not surprise me since he hid himself for the last five months.

Here’s the thing: Biden doesn’t have a plan for COVID. Everything he has said on his website is either rhetoric with no real policy or was done 11 months ago by Trump. When asked, the only thing he has really said is he would mandate masks and lockdowns. Which is the work of a tyrant (thanks God for the Supreme Court).

He did create a task force, though. That’s awesome. The virus will disappear now.

Ezekiel Emanuel, an oncologist and so-called bioethicist, recently joined a handful of other alleged experts on Joe Biden’s COVID-19 Advisory Board. Together they will help shape Biden’s pandemic response, if he does in fact end up becoming president. The selection is highly concerning — though not surprising, coming from the anti-life party — as Emmanuel went on the record in the Atlantic a few years ago declaring that life is not worth living after 75.

Emanuel said in his article:

…A simple truth that many of us seem to resist: living too long is also a loss. It renders many of us, if not disabled, then faltering and declining, a state that may not be worse than death but is nonetheless deprived. It robs us of our creativity and ability to contribute to work, society, the world. It transforms how people experience us, relate to us, and, most important, remember us. We are no longer remembered as vibrant and engaged but as feeble, ineffectual, even pathetic…By the time I reach 75, I will have lived a complete life. I will have loved and been loved. My children will be grown and in the midst of their own rich lives. I will have seen my grandchildren born and beginning their lives. I will have pursued my life’s projects and made whatever contributions, important or not, I am going to make. And hopefully, I will not have too many mental and physical limitations. Dying at 75 will not be a tragedy.

But it gets worse:

What about simple stuff? Flu shots are out. Certainly if there were to be a flu pandemic, a younger person who has yet to live a complete life ought to get the vaccine or any antiviral drugs. A big challenge is antibiotics for pneumonia or skin and urinary infections. Antibiotics are cheap and largely effective in curing infections. It is really hard for us to say no. Indeed, even people who are sure they don’t want life-extending treatments find it hard to refuse antibiotics. But, as Osler reminds us, unlike the decays associated with chronic conditions, death from these infections is quick and relatively painless. So, no to antibiotics.

This is communist stuff. This is death panel stuff. This is the guy who is going to determine who gets COVID-19 vaccines and treatments. Great call, Joe.



What are States Doing?

The blue states have decided to shut everything down again. That includes what you can do during the holidays. The two states I’ll take a look at are New York and California. That’s because they are the worst run states in the country.

New York

I find it amazing that the media make Andrew Cuomo is considered a great mind when it comes to COVID. He has written a book about it. He sold a poster. But his policies put the aged who had COVID-19 into retirement homes, which spread the disease and then lied about the statistics and would take no responsibility! 

This is what he has said on Twitter:

Wow. Ten people, huh? That’s going to work on Chanukah, Thanksgiving and Christmas? By the way, how is he planning to enforce this? Are the police going to come over because you have a holiday party? Can I go to jail for having dinner with my father, children, brothers and sisters?


The other moron governor is California’s Ken-doll, Gavin Newsome. Here are his restrictions:

1.    Attendance

  • Gatherings that include more than 3 households are prohibited. This includes everyone present, including hosts and guests.  Remember, the smaller the number of people, the safer.
  • Keep the households that you interact with stable over time. By spending time with the same people, risk of transmission is reduced. Participating in multiple gatherings with different households or groups is strongly discouraged.
  • The host should collect names of all attendees and contact information in case contact tracing is needed later.

2.    Gather Outdoors

  • Gatherings that occur outdoors are significantly safer than indoor gatherings. All gatherings must be held outside. Attendees may go inside to use restrooms as long as the restrooms are frequently sanitized.
  • Gatherings may occur in outdoor spaces that are covered by umbrellas, canopies, awnings, roofs, and other shade structures provided that at least three sides of the space (or 75%) are open to the outdoors.
  • A gathering of no more than three households is permitted in a public park or other outdoor space, even if unrelated gatherings of other groups up to three households are also occurring in the same park or other outdoor space.  If multiple such gatherings are occurring, mixing between group gatherings is not allowed.  Additionally, multiple gatherings of three households cannot be jointly organized or coordinated to occur in the same public park or other outdoor space at the same time – this would constitute a gathering exceeding the permitted size.


4.    Practice Physical Distancing and Hand Hygiene at Gatherings

  • For any gatherings permitted under this guidance, the space must be large enough so that everyone at a gathering can maintain at least a 6-foot physical distance from others (not including their own household) at all times.
  • Seating must provide at least 6 feet of distance (in all directions—front-to-back and side-to-side) between different households.
  • Everyone at a gathering should frequently wash their hands with soap and water, or use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available. A place to wash hands or hand sanitizer must be available for participants to use.
  • Shared items should not be used during a gathering. As much as possible, any food or beverages at outdoor gatherings must be in single-serve disposable containers. If providing single-serve containers is not possible, food and beverages must be served by a person who washes or sanitizes their hands frequently, and wears a face covering. Self-serve items from communal containers should not be used.

5.   Wear a Face Covering to Keep COVID-19 from Spreading

  • When gathering, face coverings must be worn in accordance with the CDPH Guidance on the Use of Face Coverings (PDF), unless an exemption is applicable.
  • People at gatherings may remove their face coverings briefly to eat or drink as long as they stay at least 6 feet away from everyone outside their own household, and put their face covering back on as soon as they are done with the activity.
  • Face coverings can also be removed to meet urgent medical needs (for example, to use an asthma inhaler, take medication, or if feeling light-headed).

6.   Keep it short

  • Gatherings should be two hours or less.  The longer the duration, the risk of transmission increases.


7.   Rules for Singing, Chanting, and Shouting at Outdoor Gatherings

  • Singing, chanting, shouting, and physical exertion significantly increases the risk of COVID-19 transmission because these activities increase the release of respiratory droplets and fine aerosols into the air. Because of this, singing, chanting, and shouting are strongly discouraged, but if they occur, the following rules and recommendations apply:
    • All people who are singing or chanting should wear a face covering at all times while singing or chanting, including anyone who is leading a song or chant. Because these activities pose a very high risk of COVID-19 transmission, face coverings are essential to reduce the spread of respiratory droplets and fine aerosols;
    • People who are singing, shouting, chanting, or exercising are strongly encouraged to maintain physical distancing beyond 6 feet to further reduce risk.
    • People who are singing or chanting are strongly encouraged to do so quietly (at or below the volume of a normal speaking voice).
  • Instrumental music is allowed as long as the musicians maintain at least 6-foot physical distancing. Musicians must be from one of the three households.  Playing of wind instruments (any instrument played by the mouth, such as a trumpet or clarinet) is strongly discouraged.


All gatherings pose a higher risk of transmission and spread of COVID-19 when people mix from different households and communities. The likelihood of transmission and spread increases with laughing, singing, loud talking and difficulty maintaining physical distance. Limiting attendance at gatherings is a way to reduce the risk of spread as it lowers the number of different people who are interacting. Additionally, by limiting attendance there is an improved ability to perform effective contact tracing if there is a positive case discovered, which can help to slow the spread of COVID-19[5]. People who do choose to attend gatherings should discuss and agree upon the specific group rules before convening together.

And Other

Illinois, Oregon, Virginia, New Jersey are planning to implement the same plans over the next two weeks. Lori Lightfoot, the crappy mayor of Chicago started announcing her restrictions today.

What is going on?



Why Again?

Democrats love pandemics. That’s because they can control our way of life and that what they want: control. But they get more out of control during a pandemic. They also make it that the population begins to become dependent on the government. This is another reason Democrats like pandemics. If the government is depended upon by a majority of the people, the government can then take from those who have and “give” to the have not. The reason I put give in quotes is because the giving is not what the government does. They may start doing it but that will go away. It’ll go away when they have the power they desire.

If we look at the COVID-19 pandemic, we can see the difference between blue and red states. Red states depend on the populations to take care during this crisis and be careful. Florida, Texas and South Dakota, just to name a few red states, never completely shut down. They didn’t do this because the state government trusted the people to make the right decisions. For the most part, those states did pretty well. The disease went through their population, death rates weren’t terribly high (and there’s a reason for that) and their economies never really took a huge hit. Heck, South Dakota’s unemployment never changed.

Blue states, on the other hand, suffered greatly from COVID-19. This happened through mismanagement (sticking COVID positive patients back into rest homes) and lock downs. Their economies tanked. The quality of life dropped to zero. There’s a reason why states like California, New York, New Jersey and Michigan are losing their populations. Then, when their economies start tanking, the governments open up a little creating a second wave. This second wave is not bad in red states because, well, they never really closed and their disease went through their populations. So do blue states do? Close up again.

Is this because blue states are concerned about public health? Democrats care more about the people’s health than then Republicans do? Hardly. It’s about control. They want to control our lives then control us economically. Nancy Pelosi proved this by not releasing another stimulus check without bailing out blue states like California and New York.

They don’t care about us. Only about power.


Facts Don’t Care About Your Feelings

With all the bullshit about Democrats embracing the science, it amazes that they scream about how we are all going to die but fail to address things like, “Do people actually die of this thing?” What we are going to do is take a look at the statistics and how the numbers the CDC is releasing is determining that 240,000 people have died.

  • The government gives hospitals a bonus for every COVID-19 case.
  • People have been added to the COVID death list even if they died of pre-existing conditions:
    • Deaths from heart attacks and heart disease for those who had COVID – 51,000
    • Deaths from pneumonia and influenza – 88,000
    • Deaths by chronic lower respiratory disease – 18,000
    • Deaths by adult respiratory distress syndrome – 26,000
    • Deaths by Hypertensive diseases (high blood pressure) – 44,000
  • According to CDC, only 6% can be solely laid on COVID-19. That means that 94% of deaths involved an underlying medical, some life ending.
  • People who die in car crashes and had COVID listed COVID as cause of death.
  • If someone died within 90 days of being diagnosed with COVID, no matter when or for what reason, the death was listed as COVID.


The media is lying to you. The Democrats are lying to you. These statistics are from the CDC.


Doctors said that 131,000 patients who died of life ending diseases and conditions, including cancer, dementia and renal failure, were placed on the COVID death list because they had COVID when they died.

As of right now, we have 8,228,870 CONVID cases. We have 328,200,000. Mind you, we are spiking in this country. The is a 2.5% chance that, with social distancing and wearing a mask (which I said might be BS), that one will get COVID. We have 240,000 deaths out of 8,228,870 cases. That means there is a 2.9% chance of dying from the virus. Is that high? Yeah. But if you look at the above statistics, one has to wonder how many people actually died of the virus.

But let’s look at the statistics based on age, using the obviously bullshit statistics:

0-19 = 99.997
20-49 = 99.98%
50-69 = 99.5%
70 and above – 95%

Do you know how many deaths there were from COVID between birth and 14 years old? A total of 8. Open the schools.

Survival for those 20-49 is at 99.98% survival rate? Go back to work. Go shopping. Have dinner at a restaurant.

Survival for those from 50-69 at 99.5%? Go to work or enjoy retirement.

For those above 70 years, the virus seems to love you. Most who survive do not have pre-existing conditions. If you are older and have pre-existing conditions, take care of yourself. Be careful. In fact, anyone with pre-existing conditions should take care of themselves.

And that brings us to my last point. Personal responsibility. If one has pre-existing conditions, it is that person’s responsibility to do what he needs to do to care for himself. If one is sick and wants to see his father, it is his responsibility to care for his father more than he does himself. If a store wants you to wear a mask, wear the damn mask. Keep social distance. That’s great. That’s being a responsible individual. We don’t need the government acting like our parents and forcing us to do what we already know we should do.

And I’ll go a step further. I don’t think Joe Biden’s or the Left’s attention are chaste. But we will see. There are now two…that’s right, two…vaccines that are over 90% effective. This is all based on Trump’s policies. Let’s see if Biden takes credit for it.









0=19 = 99.997
20-49 = 99.98%
50-69 = 99.5%

Anyone who tested positive in the last 90 days and dies…even from a car accident…are reported as a COVID death.



Episode 249 – Animal Farm, Chapter 9

Here is chapter 9 of George Orwell’s Animal Farm. This chapter will show us the utter evil of the pigs and their oppression is beginning to become a stark reality for the animals of the farm.

1 – This is a flat out lie as we will see later. There is no lush green pasture for those who are too old to work.

2 – This is a common tragedy in communist countries: starvation and famine. That is because most of the countries are isolated and cannot produce what is necessary for the population. It is also because the population must perform other tasks outside of their normal duties. In this case, the windmill needs to be rebuilt. This takes the animals time away from farming. The pigs are both blind to this and turn the other way. They do not think it is a bad as all that because the pigs are satisfied. Communist countries that have suffered from starvation and famine leading to tens of thousands of deaths include China under Mao, the Soviet Union under Stalin, Cuba under Castro, North Korea under the Kim family and Venezuela under the Chavez/Maduro regimes. By the way, Orwell is specifically talking about communist governments but this is really about tyrannical governments. Mao, Stalin, the Kim family, Castro, Chavez and Maduro were all dictators.

3 – The great lie we are even being told today. When life is dictated by a government, one can never be free. Suffering, risk and hard work are part of freedom. That is how one can rise above their current situation and become successful. That’s capitalism. Socialism promises nothing and gives no rewards for success. We will get that example with Boxer, the hardest worker on the farm, later in the chapter.

4 – This is the creation of the upper and lower class. The pigs were to be segregated from the rest of the population because the rest of the population was below them. What’s worse: the animals now had to work harder to build structures that only benefitted the pigs.

5 – Pure tone-deafness of the pig leadership. Or they just didn’t care. With the animals starving and not enough food being grown, the pigs take up much needed fertile land to grow barley for their luxury of beer.

6 – This is a prime example of military parades. These parades are meant to instill pride with its citizens and instill fear for their enemies. Though the animals did not have a vast army of large missiles to show their strength, the firing of the gun could be that intended intimidation.

7 – Do you ever notice tyrannical governments always refer to themselves as “democracy” or “democratic republics” even though they are clearly dictatorships or totalitarian communists? Union of Soviet Socialist Republic. People’s Republic of North Korea. People’s Republic of China. German Democratic Republic (East Germany under the Soviet Union). None of these countries practiced the political systems of the republic or democracy.

Also, we see the continued erosion of history. This is needed to continue with the “revolution” or “us and them” mentality.

8 – This metaphor is pretty obvious. Moses represents Moses from the Old Testament who led the Jews out slavery from the Egyptians and to the promised land. This could be a rebuke at the rejection of the animals for disavowing their god (God?) for the promises of earthly material things also know as utopia (heaven on earth).

I’m not sure I like that Orwell added this metaphor into this book. As far as I’m concerned, it’s too little, too late and it has not been something brought up since the beginning of the book. Not to mention, it has very little to do with the conclusion of the book. It’s almost as if Orwell wanted to add another page to the chapter.

9 – This is probably the second most powerful scene in the entire book. Boxer was a devout follower, almost a religious follower. This might explain the religious context from the Moses text. But, when his value to the collective ran its course, he was banished and his body, which had three years left, was used to profit the farm, leading to his death. See, the collective only sees people as commodities that are there to serve the collective. When the commodity cannot provide for the collective, it is cast away. To the tyrannical collective; in this case, communism, people are things that can be discarded.

10 – This is a threat. A warning. All dissenters will face the lash, the gulag or the guillotine.

11 – Something I want to conclude with. In this book, Orwell is trying to convey the evils of communism. But I rarely talk about communism. I talk mostly about the tyrant or tyranny. I do this because the country he is referring to, the Soviet Union, was not really a true communist or Marxist country. Neither are many of the “communist” countries. The were dictatorships. They may have started as communist countries but the, eventually turned into dictatorships.

Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Chavez, the Kim family, Maduro, Chavez, Hitler, Mussolini were all dictators that practiced either a socialist or fascist economic system. They were no different the open dictators like Bashar al-Assad, Ferdinand Marcos, Napoleon or Genghis Kahn.

Remember, tyranny is about power, and power can only belong to one. And it must be protected by the tyrant.


Episode 248 – Rest in Peace, Guys

We have been so busy with the election, other news has been put on the back burner. We have lost two major figures in our culture. Considering I made yesterdays podcast long, I think I’ll shorten this one up.

Rest in peace Sean Connery and Alex Trebek. Let’s go over their lives, their greatest moments and one of the greatest comedy sketches involving the two.


There is News

There is some important news out there today.

  • William Barr is starting an investigation into votes fraud and irregularities.
  • A new vaccine by Pzitzer has been found to eliminate 90% of the COVID virus. Trump is wondering why they waited until a week after the election to announce it. The Democrats are trying to take credit for it.
  • Fox News has lost all credibility along with the rest of the mainstream media.
  • Finally, something really interesting. Blaze TV’s Louder with Crowder, an Internet news source…sort of…beat CNN, Fox News and MSNBC on election night. Interesting. I think we talked about this the other day.


More on all of this tomorrow. But first, real news.

Sean Connery

His Life

Let’s take a look at the life of Sean Connery.

  • Was born Thomas Sean Connery on August 25, 1930 in Edinburgh, Scotland.
  • His mother Effie was a cleaning woman and his father Joseph was a factory worker and a lorry (truck) driver.
  • Connery’s first job was delivering milk.
  • At age 16, he joined the Royal Navy. He worked with an anti-aircraft team and was assigned to the HMS Formidable.
  • He was discharged at 19 for a medical for having an ulcer.
  • Afterwards, he returned to the co-op, then worked as, among other things, a lorry driver, a lifeguard at Portobello swimming baths, a labourer, an artist’s model for the Edinburgh College of Art, and after a suggestion by former Mr. Scotland, Archie Brennan, a coffin polisher.
  • Connery was a body builder. Rumors are that he won a tournament in 1953 but the records are sketchy.
  • In 1951, Connery started acting at King’s Theatre in a production of South Pacific.
  • In 1954, he starred in a few production in the theatre of London.
  • In 1957, he starred in his first film role in a movie called No Road Back. 
  • In 1962, Sen Connery hit it big. He was selected to play James Bond.
  • Between 1962-1971 he played in Bond films: Dr. No, From Russia with Love, Goldfinger, Thunderball and You Only Live Twice.
  • He left the Bond series but returned for the movie Diamonds are Forever. His final Bond film was Never Say Never Again.
  • After Bond, he starred in Alfred Hitchcock’s movie Marnie. Hitchcock wanted Connery for North by Northwest and Notorious but Connery refused because he thought he might be typecast.
  • In 1987, Connery won his first and only Oscar for Best Supporting Actor in the movie The Untouchables.
  • In 2006,he received the American Film Institute’s Lifetime Achievement Award. There, he confirmed that he was retiring from acting saying, “Only idiots are now making films in Hollywood.”
  • Connery was married twice. His first wife was Diane Cilento (m. 1962; div. 1973) and his second wife Micheline Roquebrune (m. 1975). He has a son, Jason Connery.
  • Connery died in his sleep on October 31, 2020 in Nassau, Bahamas.


I did not see a lot of Sean Connery’s movies. I was never a James Bond fan. That’s OK, I am also not a Marvel or DC comic book movie fan and people think I’m nuts. But the movies I saw I loved. That includes The Untouchables, Hunt for the Red October and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

He was a first tier actor when he did The Untouchables where he won his one Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor (my favorite move). In the movie, Sean Connery plays Jimmy Malone, a policeman who has ethics and morality and will not take payments from the mob but does not have the courage to go after the mob on his own. When Eliot Ness says he wants to go after Al Capone but doesn’t understand how to do it. Malone knows and tells Ness that he is going to have to go beyond the law in order to accomplish his mission. By the end of the movie, Ness gets it and goes way beyond the law.

In a very powerful scene, Malone is shot and dying. When Ness finds him, Malone is not concerned with himself but with getting Ness the information he needs to capture an important Capone accomplice. In his last breath, Malone says, “What are you willing to do?” Malone was willing to go against his caution and give up his life to get Capone. Ness gets it and does what needs to be done, bloodying his hands.








Alex Trebek

The host of Jeopardy died last week. Let’s talk about his lift. I’m sure it’s going to be shorter than Sean Connery..

  • Trebek was born in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, on July 22, 1940,
  • the son of George Edward Trebek ( Terebeychuk), a chef who had emigrated from Ukraine as a child, and Lucille Lagacé (born April 14, 1921), a Franco-Ontarian.
  •  He grew up in a bilingual French-English household. Trebek’s first job was when he was 13; he was a bellhop at the hotel where his father worked as a chef.
  • Trebek graduated from the University of Ottawa with a degree in philosophy in 1961.
  • While a university student, he was a member of the English Debating Society. At the time, he was interested in a career in broadcast news.
  • Before completing his degree, Trebek began his career in 1961 working for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. According to Trebek, “I went to school in the mornings and worked at nights; I did everything, at one time replacing every announcer in every possible job.] He would eventually read the CBC national radio news and cover a wide range of special events for CBC Radio and CBC Television, including curling] and horse racing.
  • Trebek’s first hosting job was on a Canadian music program called Music Hop in 1963.
  •  In 1966 he hosted a high school quiz show called Reach for the Top.
  • In 1973, Trebek moved to the United States and worked for NBC as host of a new game show, The Wizard of Odds.
  • A year later Trebek hosted the popular Merrill Heatter-Bob Quigley game show High Rollers, which had two incarnations on NBC (1974–76 and 1978–80) and an accompanying syndicated season (1975–76).
  • Trebek hosted the short-lived CBS game show Double Dare
  • For Merv Griffin, he shot two pilots for a revival of Jeopardy! when original host Art Fleming (a friend of Trebek’s) declined to return to the role owing to creative differences. This revival sold; Trebek began hosting it in 1984 and remained the host until his death. His final episode hosting Jeopardy! will air on Christmas Day 2020.
  • Trebek was married twice and has three children.

He died on November 8, 2020 of stage four pancreatic cancer, which he announced he had on air.

I have been watching Jeopardy since I was a kid. It was a favorite with my family. we actually used to keep our own scores (in our heads, of course). If someone got over $0, we were winners. That game was amazingly hard.

Trebek was a stoic, friendly sort. He came across quiet and reserved. He also came out kind of…arrogant. If someone gave a wrong answer, he could tear that person apart with a quip that seems like nothing but everyone knew was an insult. But his fatherly persona always softened the blow.

In this video clip, we here some of Jeopardy’s best moments. Listen and enjoy:

I know, I could have cut this down by a minute and a half by getting rid of the Final Jeopardy music but I thought it would bring back memories.

The next clip is probably the most touching clip in live television history. Trebek announced that he had stage four pancreatic cancer but he was going to beat it and continue doing the show. The news was devastating to a lot of people. A contestant named Dhruv Gaur had no chance of winning. He gave Alex a special message during his Final Jeopardy answer. Alex became very choked up. Listen:

To this day, I still tear up over this. To be loved so much that someone will state it in the middle of a competition, even if he is going to lose, takes a lot of heart. This will be a moment that is celebrated in television history and it only cost $1995.






SNL Accidently Honors Two Great

In one of the greatest coincidences, Saturday Night Live offered the greatest honor to two great men that died within a week of each other. In the long running skit, Will Ferrell would play Alex Trebek and an assorted number of actors would play Sean Connery. In the skits, that were so popular SNL included a skit for their 40th Anniversary, Connery and Trebek hated each other. It was hysterical.

One of the things the skits made fun of was how dumb, either purposely of by accident, Sean Connery is. Watching this video from Austin Kellerman on YouTube, in a tribute to both men from the SNL skit.

The next recurring joke on these skits was the fun that Sean Connery made about his sexual escapes with Trebek’s mother. These were great, especially with Will Ferrell’s stoic response to Connery. Here is a montage from Alex Kellerman.

Finally, and probably the most hysterical, is when Connery would rearrange the words in the topics to create rather dirty topics. Trebek would, frustratingly, correct Connery with the actual topic. I have cleared out any disease in my lungs from any disease because I laughed so hard. This is also from Austin Kellerman.

Final Jeopardy was just as funny. I won’t play any of those because, for the most part, they were sight gags. But anytime Celebrity Jeopardy showed up on SNL, I watched. It really was a tribute to both of the cultural icons of our time.

Our culture lost a couple of icons over the last two weeks. We have been so busy with this election this election mess, we ignored this. I decided that we should talk about them.




Episode 247 – I Call Shenanigans!

The election looks like it’s been called. Well, the media called it. No votes have been certified. There are a bunch of lawsuits happening and there are signs of shenanigans.  So, ignore the media and the coronation of Joe Biden. It’ll probably happen eventually but it’s not here yet.

Let’s talk about what’s going on.


The Results

So, What Happened?

Trump, who had a 600,000 vote lead in Pennsylvania, somehow, in the middle of the night…again…lost Pennsylvania. He also lost Nevada. That gave Biden enough electoral votes to become President.

Trump isn’t lying down about this. He is challenging the vote counts and he may have somewhat of an argument. Stay tuned for that.

Biden accepted that he is going to be President (allegedly). He said in a statement:

“I am honored and humbled by the trust the American people have placed in me and in Vice President-elect Harris. In the face of unprecedented obstacles, a record number of Americans voted. Proving once again, that democracy beats deep in the heart of America.”

“With the campaign over, it’s time to put the anger and the harsh rhetoric behind us and come together as a nation.”

Here is his acceptance speech, though Trump never conceded, he said:

I know it was a little long but it is a historic speech. Couple of things:

  • The campaign is not over.
  • There was no mandate here. This is going to be one of the closest election in history and the Democrats lost everything else.
  • If he believes in systemic racism, he has already given up on unity.
  • He will not control COVID-19.
  • His COVID response will be about “compassion, empathy and concern?” Is that a great way to create policy?


What About These Legal Challenges?

The Trump administration has set up a load of legal challenges. These states include Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada and Arizona. There have been complains of illegal ballots being counted and, in Wisconsin, ballot counters actually “fixing” votes, which is illegal.

We don’t know a lot about his legal challenges. We will this week. Trump’s legal team is going to have some serious evidence to actually make a difference. He might have it. They are confident about it. There’s a ton of video out there. There’s a ton of weird statistics out there.

There are also going to be a bunch of recounts. Georgia has already said there will be a recount. I think Nevada and Arizona will not be far behind. The election was just too close.

Now, do I think anything is going to change? Probably not. Recounts will only change the votes a few hundred votes one way or the other. The courts have a hard time changing election results and usually want to stay out of it. I think even the Supreme Court will be a little jittery about touching this unless there is something really glaring.

We’ll have to see.


Is Biden a Dually Elected President?

Sort of.

If the votes are certified, Sleepy, Creepy Joe will be President and should be President. He will be my President and I hope he does the right things. He won’t. Joe Biden is a fuck up and has been for 47 years. But he will be my President.

The “sort of” part comes with the jacked up election process that the Democrats created to get a Democrat into the Presidency. It stinks to high heaven. I think they destroyed the electoral process because they couldn’t win without the help of cheating. How does a guy who promises to raise all our taxes, promises to end our energy industry, promises to open our borders so anyone can come in, promises to implement the same horrid healthcare system that his predecessor set up, has been wrong on every foreign policy decision is his life, including being against the killing of Osama Bin Laden and hasn’t campaigned in six months because he’s scared of getting the China Virus?

I can almost hear you through the microphone. That wouldn’t happen. But it did. So, what happened?



How Did This Happen

Trump is only losing the popular vote by 2 points and that’s amazing considering the obstacles he has been put in front of him. He suffered from a false narrative of Russian collusion. He had to deal with paying off some stripper he had been sleeping with. He was impeached. Every move he made was demonized. But there are things that really damaged him throughout this campaign.

News Media

The first and most damaging attack on Trump’s campaign has been the media. All the media. All this bullshit about being non-partisan really came out during the election. Just listen to Van Jones on CNN after they projected Trump would be the next President:

“Trusted source of news,” my ass.

What a ham. Everything Van Jones said had nothing to do with Trump. Nor is Trump the devil. Nor is the world going to be a better place now that Joe Biden is President. CNN has been pushing the Russian collusion thing for three years. Then they pushed the Ukraine impeachment for a year. Now it is COVID-19, which no one has controlled. But they failed to ever talk about:

  • Spying on the Trump campaign.
  • The unverified Steele Dossier.
  • The growth of the economy.
  • The unemployment rate including record lows for minorities.
  • They don’t talk about the United States lowering the COVID death rate by 300% or that we do the most testing throughout the world.
  • The corralling of countries like North Korea and Iran.
  • The killing of Solemani and Al Bag Dadi.
  • The destruction of ISIS.
  • Energy independence.
  • The peace deals between Israel, the UAE, Bahrain and, now, the Sudan.
  • The creation of Space Force.
  • The standing up to China.
  • The replenishing of our military.
  • The adding of 300 federal judges and three Supreme Court judges.
  • And, finally, the fact he is the only President who has not taken us to war during his term.


But it is also the questions they did not say or question of Joe Biden:

  • Why is he not campaigning? Why won’t he take questions from the press?
  • What about his mental capacity?
  • He’s always bitching about COVID. What would he have done different?
  • What about Hunter Biden’s laptop? Was he taking money from other countries?
  • If not, how did he get so rich being a career politician?
  • Why won’t he reject Antifa and BLM?
  • Does he support socialism?
  • What happened in Ukraine with Hunter being on the board of Burisma?
  • What are Biden’s policies? Gun control, economics and so fourth.
  • What about the rape and sexual harassments allegations?
  • What about eliminating fracking? Did you lie about that in the past?
  • How about talking about his past statements that show prejudice.


It isn’t just CNN or MSNBC. The curtain was pulled back on them a long time ago. It was also NBC, ABC, CBS, the AP and Reuters. Even Fox News, the Fair and Balanced channel and considered conservative, screwed Trump. That could be seen when they announced Arizona went to Biden by their left-wing poll watcher before one vote was counted. I should have known Fox was going south when they hired Donna Brazile and keep Juan Williams on the payroll.

It has estimated that the media probably cost Trump 10 points in the polls.

Do, what do we do? I think it’s time to really turn to more conservative news outlets. Daily Wire, Blaze TV and One America News (OAN). I can’t get OAN, my dad does. He hates Fox News because he thinks it is completely liberal. I can’t say he is wrong. But I do subscribe to the Daily Wire and Blaze TV. Huge fan of Steven Crowder, Ben Shapiro, Andrew Klavan, Michael Knowles, Candice Owens, Dave Ruben and Jeremy Boring. That doesn’t mean I will not watch liberal television. I will because it’s good to get multiple points of view.

With the behavior of the mainstream media, I have a feeling a lot of people are going to go in the direction of alternative media. After all, people like us are now the counter culture. I look forward to seeing Donald Trump starting his own news network. I’m pretty sure that will be a huge money maker.

Social Media

Social media has been horrid and they got worse as the election drew closer. Even today, President Trump’s Tweets are being censored and flagged for lies.

They are not going to get better either. With the Left in the Presidency, don’t expect to see a lot change. With four more years as President, Trump would have changed article 230 so that social media become publishers instead of platforms. That way, social media can be sued for censorship. Of course, with their craving of power, Democrats might do that on their own. They love regulation.


Polling has always been more art than science. That’s one of the reasons I am not very trusting of it. But, for the most part, polling in the past has been pretty accurate. That is, until 2016. And now, again, in 2020.

The pollsters have all been just wrong. They were wrong about the state district races, wrong about the governor races, wrong about the House race and wrong about the Senate races. Heck, they were wrong about the Presidential race. They never thought Trump would be this close. They keep talking about how Biden has 75 million votes and that’s a record (probably because of the next reason Trump lost) but they don’t talk about 71 million votes Trump got which is a record for a “losing” candidate.

So, why did they screw up so badly? There are three trains of thought on this:

  • Pollsters have become tone deaf.
  • People being polled lie.
  • Pollsters are partisan and want to see a candidate win.


Whichever reason it is, no one will be trusting the polls again. They have been dead wrong for the second Presidential election in a row.

Mail-In Balloting

Mail-in balloting is a fucking disaster.

Here’s the deal: Voting is not a right. It is a privilege. If it was a right, resident immigrants would be able to vote.

Yes, voting in person can be inconvenient. It’s suppose to be inconvenient because people who want to vote know why. And they will wait in line to vote. Those who don’t care will not vote. And they shouldn’t vote. That’s because they don’t care and don’t know about any of the issues anyway. They shouldn’t be voting. Mail-in ballots make voting way too easy for those who don’t know crap.

The other problem is that the chain of custody is broken. When I am at a polling place to vote, I vote, walk up to the clerks and put my ballot in a box. With mail-in voting, you’re putting it in the mail and hoping it gets to the destination. This is a good thing. This is why we hear postal workers dumping ballots into a dumpsters. Yes, that did happen.

Finally, we never know who is actually getting a ballot. California just sent out requests. They didn’t ask for any identification except for a signature then they sent me the ballot. What if I moved? What if the request wasn’t me? What if someone stole my ballot from the mail? See the problem?

Corrupt Elections

There is some evidence of corruption in this election. I take it back, there is a lot of evidence of corruption. Some include:

  • Dead people voting
  • Batches of votes turning up in the middle of the night, all for Biden. Thousands of votes.
  • Votes were subtracted from Trump.
  • Film of vote counters filling out ballots.
  • Vote counters pre-dating ballots so they would count.
  • Vote counters throwing away ballots.
  • Republican vote watchers not being allowed to watch the vote counters.
  • Illegal votes being counted. Legal votes not being counted because they are from a Trump county.


Now, does this mean Trump won the election? Not necessarily. But it does lower the trust I and a lot of people in the country have in our voting system. Because, as technology has grown, the stability of the voting process has gone down. We used to know who won an election on election night. It’s been a week and we still don’t know who won the election.

A lot of trust has been eroded.

Trump Himself

This statement I am going to make is not going to be popular: Trump ran a bad campaign. He did the exact opposite of what he should have done. That includes:

  • He put himself in the spotlight. He should have let Biden take the spotlight.
  • His Tweets were out of control and were negative. Every Tweet, throughout his Presidency, should have been positive.
  • His first debate performance was terrible.
  • He did not extenuate his accomplishments. Everything out of his mouth should have been about his accomplishments.
  • His rallies were great but he always said something controversial.


Trump did not help himself in this election.


Light at the End of the Tunnel

Republicans Lost the Presidency but Won Everything Else

Republicans did very well.

  • They won every state legislature.
  • They won a governorship.
  • They gained 15 seats in the House of Representatives.
  • They are probably going to keep the Senate.
  • Trump was a lot closer to Biden than anyone thought. This was not a mandate on Joe Biden.


This election was a positive for Republicans and has really dampened any extreme policies the President Kamala…er…President Joe can implement. The next two years are going to be a lame duck session.

The Republican Party has been Remade

Forget about Trump’s personality quirks because Trump is going to be the most influential one- term President in United States history. He has done more than George Bush and Barrack Obama did combined. He has remade a broken Republican party. He has toughened them up. Look at Lindsey Graham into a man. Republicans like Nikki Haley and Dan Crenshaw are becoming serious threats to make huge runs for conservatives.

There is now some fight in Republicans. RINOs like Mitt Romney and John McCain are no longer heroes of the Republican party. The media has been called out for what it is. The Left has been called out for what it is…socialism. The United States has been called out for what it is…exceptional and great.

But, more so, he brought back patriotism in a way that the U.S. hockey team did by winning the 1980 winter Olympics over the Soviet Union during the Reagan era.

The Democratic Party is in Shambles

The Democratic party is a mess. There are three types of Democrat:

  • The liberal – Kyrsten Sinema.
  • The Progressive – Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer.
  • The Leftists – Kamala Harris, AOC, Ilhan Omar.


The problem is that the Left, which is actually not very high in numbers, is pushing the liberals and progressives toward the socialist belief system. Liberals refuse to go in this direction. They are being cancelled or simply going to the Republican party.

Progressives are having trouble dealing with Leftists. They know that their policies are so extreme and will not be embraced by most of the public. But, Leftism (socialism) has become the base of the Democratic party. That spells disaster for the Democrats in 2022.

This was a Rejection of Leftist Values

This election was an outright rejection of Leftist values which includes:

  • Socialism.
  • The Green New Deal.
  • Cancel culture.
  • Intersectionality and identity politics.
  • Institutional racism.
  • Anti-racism.
  • That America is an evil country.


Leftists are too stupid to see this. They just keep doubling down on it. Progressives see this is a losing strategy.

The Next Two Years Could Be Fun

We are going to have fun over the next two years:

  • Biden will be out of the Presidency within six months.
  • But, before he’s out of office, Biden’s gaffs are going to be hysterical.
  • We are going to see a big difference between the free market capitalist policies of Trump and the socialist policies of Biden.
  • Trump ain’t going away. But, this time, there will be no restraint on him. Can’t wait to see what he is going to say.




Episode 245 – Still Nothing



Prematurely Calling the President

Decision Desk HQ has declared Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden the winner in the 2020 presidential election, the first major outlet to make a call in the race. A handful of battleground states remain hotly contested and other outlets have yet to make a final call in the presidential race.

Once again, in the middle of the night, Biden took the leads in Georgia and Pennsylvania. These states are not called. There is a lawsuits in both states. Georgia still has to count military ballots which should go mostly to Trump.

According to the Daily Wire:

According to CBS Atlanta, with 100% of precincts reporting and the vast majority of the ballots counted in the state of Georgia, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has amassed 2,449, 377 votes, giving him a 917 vote lead over President Trump, who has amassed 2,448, 454 votes, Libertarian candidate Jo Jorgensen gathered 61,380 votes. Both Trump and Biden received 49.4% of the vote.

According to the office of Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger at 8:15 a.m. on Friday, approximately 8,197 ballots remained to be counted, dispersed this way: Floyd County: 444; Gwinnett County: 4,800: Laurens County: 1,797, and Taylor County: 456. The office added, “An additional approximately 8,900 military and overseas absentee ballots have been sent out to requesters but not yet returned. Such ballots, if postmarked by Election Day, can be accepted within three days of Election Day.”


The Vote Marches On

Trump Gets a Win

The Trump campaign notched a second win in a Pennsylvania court on Thursday after a judge ruled that some ballots lacking identifying voter information should be set aside and not yet counted.

The decision from Mary Hannah Leavitt, the president judge on the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania, came through on Thursday afternoon. She ordered that all ballots received between Nov. 9-12 that lack voter information on them should be separated out and not counted pending further instruction of the court.

“The county boards of elections shall segregate ballots for which identification is received and verified on November 10, 11, and 12, 2020, from ballots for which identification is received and verified on or before November 9, 2020,” the court order says. “The segregation for which identification is received and verified on November 10, 11, and 12, 2020, shall not be counted until further order of this court.”

That’s good. And that’s how it should be. It will definitely be a useful judgement if Pennsylvania needs to do a recount. But it also leaves open the fact that, if Biden ends up losing the state, a challenge can be made by the Biden campaign. This is going to be a long one.

It Ain’t Over in Arizona

President Donald Trump is “still in line” to overtake Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in what may be a crucial win in the battleground state of Arizona. On MSNBC,

Arizona election officials are continuing to tabulate outstanding ballots, which the Trump campaign has said should cut in favor of Trump and give the president the boost he needs to overcome his deficit to Biden. If Trump can get the votes he needs to overtake Biden and secure Arizona’s 11 electoral votes, Trump’s pathway to reelection is on much steadier footing, though still likely an outside shot.

Arizona officials were continuing to release data on ballot counts early into the morning on Thursday. After the last dump of counted ballots, the Phoenix-based data analytics and survey research firm Data Orbital said that Trump was still on track with their model to overtake Biden. The data firm released numbers coming from several counties in Arizona with comments on how the updated vote count aligned with the firm’s projections.

In a Twitter thread beginning early in the evening on Wednesday and ending early Thursday morning, Data Orbital said:

Pima County – 5,614 ballots 50.8/47.3 Trump to Biden. Overall, this is a strong County for Biden. Good sign for Trump.

Maricopa County 74,547 ballots. 57.6/40.7 Trump to Biden. President nets 12,644. A bit below our 14,000 projection but good progress for the President. #AZ

Garrett Archer, a data journalist for ABC 15 Arizona, backed up Data Orbital’s read of the data, saying that the fresh data puts Trump on track to overtake Biden’s lead, though narrowly. Arizona is still either side’s state to take, he noted.

“While on the surface good, this drop is a ‘tread water’ for what Trump would need to flip the state. As we get closer to the end, the ballots get less friendly (ballot drop off uni will have a lot more Independents in them),” Archer noted after the latest drop of data early Thursday morning.

“Trump now needs 68,390 to catch Biden. There are approximately 430k or so ballots left in the state,” Archer said, providing a rough overview of the state of Arizona’s outstanding ballot count.




Nothing Like Getting Information From a Racist

I love hearing crap from a race-baiter like Al Sharpton. I also love that these people, who really got killed in the House and Senate races, still doesn’t get it  when it comes to race.

On MSNBC, Sharpton acknowledged that the Republicans did very well in this election.

“He has done better than, in my judgment, he should have with black men and Hispanics, which means that we’ve got to really look in the civil rights community, both on the Latino and the African American side, on a real conversation in our communities on what it is to be different in terms of being entrepreneurial aspirants and being fair in terms of how we look from the whole.”

“I think he appealed to some that wanted to feel that they had to be a certain kind of way to be aspirational and that you can be that and still be centrists.”

“I think that a lot of them bought into the false view they were putting out on Joe Biden with the crime bill rather than dealing with the fact that Joe Biden was going along with the majority of people, even in the Black leadership with the Black crime bill.”

Going forward, Sharpton said that Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) are going to have to work to capture those communities if they win the White House.

“I really believe there is going to be a lot of work in those areas. If we ignore it, or act like it doesn’t matter, I think is not wise and I think if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, if they’re successful, are going to have to really work.”

Charles Blow of The New York Times was distraught over Trump’s gains with minorities, Tweeted:

“This is so personally devastating to me: the Black male vote for Trump INCREASED from 13% in 2016 to 18% this year. The Black female vote for Trump doubled from 4% in 2016 to 8% this year. Also, once again, exit polls show a majority of White women voting for Trump.”

“Also, the percentage of LGBT voting for Trump doubled from 2016. DOUBLED!!! This is why LGBT people of color don’t really trust the White gays. Yes, I said what I said. Period,” he continued. “Also, the percentage of Latinos and Asians voting for Trump INCREASED from 2016, according to exit polls. Yet more evidence that we can’t depend on the “browning of America” to dismantle White supremacy and erase anti-Blackness.”

Here’s the problem with these guys: They are doubling down on the same narrative that cost them 15 seats in the House and allowed the Republicans to keep the Senate. They don’t get that calling anyone who doesn’t agree with them a racist, homophobe, xenophobe, sexist or misogynist is a way to convince them of their policy and social views. People don’t want to hear how terrible our country is and will always be. People of color see this stuff and are beginning to reject it. The Democrats do not understand that they have to change their philosophy but they won’t do it.

Republicans had the same problems before. Donald Trump, who the Republicans hated, won the election because of his message. Then, as President, his message got through most of the Republicans in Congress and people who did not vote for him in 2016 embraced his message. What was his message?

  • The United States is the greatest country in world history.
  • We are individuals with a set of freedoms given to us by God.
  • Our country should be protected by a strong military, border security and securing our technology.
  • Socialism is bad.
  • Capitalism has created prosperity throughout the world.
  • The media is slanted.
  • He works for the people.


This is a message that permeates. This message brings pride to people. It is positive. It makes people who love this country and want to fight for it.

Democrats don’t get that this is what wins elections. This is why Democrats lost 30% of the House seats and lost the Senate. And they may have lost the Presidency, we don’t know. Doesn’t look good but there are still a lot of questions about the election. Instead of looking inside themselves, they have decided to double down.

Claire McCaskill, a Democrat from Missouri, lost her election. She said said it is because Democrats are becoming tone deaf. She said:

Let me make things simple. I hope the Democrats keep following AOC. The 30 year old dunce whose only job outside of being a congressman was a part time bar tender. After 2022, the Republicans will be running the government for 20 years. McCaskill is right. The Democrats have picked and chose certain platforms that have nothing to do with 98% of Americans and think they will win.

The Democratic party is fractured. The Republican party is united. President Trump did it. Whether he wins or loses, he has already had an impact that will reverberate throughout history. History will find that Trump will be the most influential one term President in history.



These Guys Don’t Get It

ABC News’ “The View” co-host Sunny Hostin feels that over 68 million Americans who voted for President Trump are “selfish” because they voted for someone who she says is racist, misogynistic and homophobic.

The hosts on The View are not exactly rocket scientists. In fact, they know nothing about politics. In fact, all these people are just celebrities. They are not journalists. Whoopie Goldberg starred in a movie where she played a criminal, lounge singing nun. But I want you to listen to this because I have a point. But there is more.

Actress, Janelle Monae (never heard of her) Tweeted:

“F**k Donald Tromp [sic] and every American citizen, celebrity, white woman, black man, ETC who supported him burnnnnnnnnnn.”

She deleted the Tweet but it was captured. Funny thing is, she included a pic of her doing some sort of finger sign with spandex showing how sexy she is in her 2800 square foot bathroom. That’s a great political argument and not tone-deaf at all.

She then Tweeted, and deleted, another Tweet:

“I’m not going down the list for y’all you do the research and see who gave him millions of votes.”

That’s a threat. She’s encouraging doxing. Twitter never suspended her.

Actor John Leguizamo Tweeted:

“Florida is dead to me! Let the lemmings drive their golf carts into the ocean!”

These actors don’t understand how they talk down to people. So anyone who voted for Trump is an arctic and colorful rodent? This is unifying? Or is it just condescending? I find this amazing coming from a guy who hasn’t done a straight-to-DVD movie in ten years.

Finally, to prove my point, we have Kathy Griffin, who blocked me from her Twitter account because I debated her and she didn’t like it. Do you remember when she Tweeted a picture of her holding the severed head of Donald Trump (alla ISIS)? By the way, she was never banned for that and the Tweet was deleted by her. Well, she decided to re-release it. It was really tacky. She has lost all of the attention she got when she released it the first time. She’s not getting a lot of attention now with the re-release of that picture.

Should you be pissed off about all this crap? If you heard my podcast, you might say, “no.” If you didn’t, you probably are saying, “yes.”

Here’s the thing we learned this election: People aren’t buying the Left’s BS. We see that with the black, Hispanic and female vote. We see that with the popular vote that said Trump would be down 10 points. Hell, gays are voting for Trump. The Left is saying that the reason Trump and the Republicans did so well is the rejection of intersectionality and identity politics. The Left is so arrogant, or just stupid, they don’t realize it.

Here’s the thing: Let them go crazy. Let them call everyone who doesn’t agree with them racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, bigoted and a misogynist. The Left doesn’t get that these viscous attacks are becoming…boring. I’ve been called a racist on Twitter dozens of times. I don’t troll on Twitter, I debate. It doesn’t mean anything to me. Well, I’m not the only one who thinks that.













Episode 244 – We’re in Overtime!

The election last night was a disaster. We still do not know who won the election and there are several discrepancies found in several states. This is the worst nightmare for our democracy.

Let’s talk about it.


What Happened on Election Night

The election started right on time. At 5:00 PST, results began to pour in. Things were going pretty much like we thought. But at 6:00 PM, right when the polls closed in Arizona, Fox News decided to project that Arizona was going to Sleepy Joe. Which was weird because 0.0% of the ballots were counted. This was the first of many concerns, which we will talk about later.

At this point, I went to dinner with my father and went to an election party with my parents. It was a great party. There is nothing like drinking wine with a bunch or right wing conservatives. Let me tell you if you don’t know, but we can party.

The night was going great. Trump was ahead in all the including Pennsylvania, Michigan, North Carolina, Georgia and Florida (which he ended up winning). So feeling good about things and being pretty drunk, we decided to go home because we were tired. When we got home, this is when things appeared to go south.

For some strange reason and something I have never seen before, vote counts stopped for the night. They stopped in Pennsylvania (Philly specifically), Wisconsin and Arizona. None of us could believe it. It was 1:00 AM and we were not going to find out who won the election (which wasn’t much of a surprise) because the ballot counters didn’t want to stay up all night (that was a surprise).

My dad simply said, “They are going to steal this one.”

We just went to bed. We were all really pissed off.


What Happened the Next Morning

Our worst nightmares were realized the next morning.

I woke up and immediately looked to my phone.

Trump was losing in Michigan, Wisconsin and Nevada and Biden had won Arizona and Virginia, which Trump thought he might be able to flip. Trump still had substantial leads in Georgia, North Carolina and Pennsylvania but the leads were narrowing. At least he did win Florida. Trump gained very little ground.

Twitter was on fire. People were screaming that the election was stolen. Trump was Tweeting throughout the day. And Twitter does what it does: suspending conservatives for having hope the election would turn toward Trump. Trump got Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire because he re-tweeted a scenario when Trump had the election stolen from him because Walsh has violated the “policy on disseminating false information.” The funny thing is they never suspended Biden’s account when he put up a meme that said he was going to win. The double standard lives well on Twitter.

But that’s when things started getting really weird with the elections and legitimate question were being asked.


It Ain’t Over

You know, we have been doing this voting thing for 244 years. You’d think we’d have it down by now. Well we don’t. Or, maybe we do and people are just cheating. And the media is a conspirator.

Fox News reported that Biden won Arizona without any ballots were counted.

Arizona reported that they had counted 95% of the ballots. That was wrong. They had only counted 84% of the ballots and those that were not counted were heavily populated by red districts.

There are several districts, including in California and Wisconsin, that are rumored to have more votes than ballots. In California, I’m not surprised by this. This has happened before in California but no one reported it. This is part of the evil that is mail-in balloting and ballot harvesting. Take a look at this:

There is a graph going around that shows the votes for the candidates by hour. The source is an Internet journalist named Derek Duck (that is his name) and, apparently, his information is accurate enough that Twitter suspended him for posting it. What the graphs show is the vote totals per hour. What is curious is, in the middle of the night, votes in Michigan and Wisconsin spiked at around 4 AM on Wednesday. That is odd because a lot of vote counters stopped counting at around that time. Weird, huh?

Donald Trump’s team, as of this writing, has already requested recounts in several states and have will challenge the results in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. The legal challenges are based on votes counted that have no business being counted. That includes votes that did not get in before November 3. If the above graphs are correct, expect them to be used in court.

I don’t think court battles are going to lead to much and I don’t think recounts, especially when down 10 thousand votes are going to make too much of a difference. The reality that any court challenges may get some movement but, like in the 2000 Bush-Gore election, I doubt anything much will come from the Supreme Court.

In certain areas, 100% of the vote went to Joe Biden. That’s weird. That’s not me being a conspiracy theorist pulling stuff out of my ass. The Trump legal team has said that happened.

Republican representatives have not been allowed to watch the counting in votes. In Philly, security actually put up partitions to hide what the vote counters were doing. Doesn’t that make you go “hmm…”

Finally, the election is not over but Trump has some heavy lifting over the next couple of days. Nevada, Pennsylvania, Georgia and North Carolina are still up for grabs. Even Arizona, which has been declared already, is still up in the air. If Trump wins all four states, Trump will win.

So it’s not over and will not be for a few weeks.


The Good News

So far, all I have been focusing on is the bad news. But, in reality, there is some good news. Lots of good news.

  • Republicans are going to win the Senate. Races that were suppose to be close weren’t close. More on that later.
  • Republicans gained seats in the House. Polls said we were suppose to lose seats.
  • Trump was suppose to get blown out, both in the popular vote and in the state vote. That didn’t happen. Trump is down a point and a half in the popular vote and won states he wasn’t suppose to win including Florida.


The most important is the woke crowd got skinned. The black vote went from 7% in 2016 to 15% in 2020. Hispanics voted for Trump at close to 40%. In fact, minorities have voted for Trump in droves. This shows the rejection of intersectionality and identity politics. The term “racist” has been so overused, no one thinks anything of it anymore. So people are going to vote for whoever they want and not care what people think. This is the biggest tell for this election. Even the Left was thinking this was an important point of the election.



Lessons Learned

Here’s what we have learned from this absolute disaster:

  • There must be bipartisan oversight of voting in each state.
  • There must be a standardization of voting procedures throughout every state if they want to participate in a federal election. Not how the states delegate their electors.
  • Mail-in balloting and ballot harvesting are disasters. They must be banned. This has nothing to do with absentee ballots.
  • Voting is a privilege.
  • The polling sucked in every way.
    • They screwed up the Presidential election, both in the popular vote and the state-by-state vote.
    • They screwed up the Senate vote. The Republicans will probably take the Senate.
    • They screwed up the House votes. Republicans gained seats in the House.
  • We have to make a Constitutional amendment that deems the election is on the first Tuesday in November and no votes shall be cast after 8:00 PM local time unless there are unforeseen issues.



Episode 241 – What Could Happen?

Let’s play a game from the Daily Wire. Let’s play the SJW Meltdown Challenge to start the show instead  of the opening song. We should play this because Social Justice Warriors melting down is funny.



This Ain’t Going to End

The Incident

NBC Philadelphia reported yesterday afternoon on the incident that led to the riots. Police were called to neighborhood over reports of a man with a weapon. The man, 27-year-old Walter Wallace, was holding a knife when police arrived.

The report stated:

One video posted on Instagram shows Wallace walking toward the officers while a woman, who a witness identified as Wallace’s mother, tries to stop him. Two armed police officers back away from Wallace and tell him at least twice to “put the knife down” though it’s unclear from the video whether or not Wallace is holding a knife.

As Wallace continues to approach the officers, the camera briefly points downward and the sounds of several gunshots are heard as the police open fire. The camera then rises again, showing Wallace motionless on the ground as his mother runs toward him, screaming hysterically.

Maurice Holloway, a witness, told NBC10 he helped officers place Wallace in the police car that rushed him to the hospital.

Philly Mayor Jim Kenney, a Leftist, said:

“My prayers are with the family and friends of Walter Wallace. I have watched the video of this tragic incident and it presents difficult questions that must be answered. I spoke tonight with Mr. Wallace’s family, and will continue to reach out to hear their concerns first-hand, and to answer their questions to the extent that I am able. The Officer Involved Shooting Investigation Unit of PPD will conduct a full investigation. I look forward to a speedy and transparent resolution for the sake of Mr. Wallace, his family, the officers, and for Philadelphia.”

Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw said:

“I have directed the Officer Involved Shooting Investigation Unit to begin its investigation. I recognize that the video of the incident raises many questions. Residents have my assurance that those questions will be fully addressed by the investigation. While at the scene this evening, I heard and felt the anger of the community. Everyone involved will forever be impacted. I will be leaning on what the investigation gleans to answer the many unanswered questions that exist. I also plan to join the Mayor in meeting with members of the community and members of Mr. Wallace’s family to hear their concerns as soon as it can be scheduled.”

I’m not sure what video these guys saw but this was a completely justified shooting. The police were called in for a domestic disturbance, man with a knife. A video was take with Wallace chasing the police with a knife. Mind you, one of the police officers is a woman. The police backed away. Wallace came within ten feet of the officers. The officers fired. Justified shoot.

I also want to point out that the police officers were being assaulted and yelled  out by the people in the street, all black, and they did nothing but secure the suspect, Wallace.

And I notice that the media and the Left-wing politicians do not refer to Wallace as knife wielding or as a suspect.


The Results

Black Lives Matter decided to wait until the sun went down and have a riot. That is not an exaggeration. They literally waited until the sun went down then started looting and rioting.

Thirty officers were injured from rocks and bottles. One, a 56-year-old police sergeant, a woman, was run over with a truck and ended up with a broken leg.

They also started breaking into businesses and stealing their inventory. The ironic thing is these stores are burning the businesses that are owned and employ people of color. If any of these people truly believed that this shooting of the knife-wielding Wallace was unjustified, they would actually protest instead of stealing and destroying the property of people from their neighborhoods.

It’s disgusting.



What Will Happen

Let’s go over the worst case scenario for these election results. There is a 50% chance Biden becomes President. There is a 75% chance the Senate flips to Democrat. The is like a 94% chance the House stays Democrat. There is a very good chance that Trump could win but lose the Senate and House.

First, let’s talk about Trump winning the Presidency, which I think is likely but losing the Senate. Let’s be clear about this: there are five seats on the Senate that could flip. That would give Democrats a 52-48 advantage. That’s going to be important. Remember it.

So let’s go.

Trump Wins…Sort Of

If Trump wins but loses Congress, we don’t get a tax cut, which is what he wanted to do. At this point, Trump only has a couple of things to do. First off, if Trump has an approval of over 50% and blows out Biden in this election, it is going for Congress to go against Trump. Trump will hold a ton of rallies, blaming Congress for things not getting done and they may be forced to go with him. But don’t expect a lot to get done from Congress for the first two years. Hell, they haven’t done anything for the last four years. Pelosi is not getting crap for not approving COVID relief.

Expect a lot of Executive Orders. If Trump can’t get around anything, he’ll use his pen and let the courts to figure out if his orders are legal. I’m not sure the adding of ACB is going to swing things to Trump’s side. Not sure the 6-3 vote is going to help.

His foreign policy will, not only not be affected, but will be his prize. The Middle East peace path is growing. We haven’t heard from North Korea and China is now strongly behind Biden because Trump has been so rough on him. Oh, yeah, we won’t be in a war for the next four years unless something bazaar happens.

He is going to get, at least, one Supreme Court pick. The Senate, which will be Democratic, will have some decisions to make. I think this could be a good thing if Clarence Thomas decides to retire in the first two years. With a two year wait before midterm election, this could be a disaster for Chuck Schumer and the Senate Democrats.

Finally, Trump will be impeached…again. I think this is really cool to have a single President impeached twice. Never happened before. But like I said before, the Senate will only be 52-48 Democrat. Not enough votes to get Trump out and could be a disaster for Democrats at the polls, especially if the House and Senate did nothing for two years.


What If Biden Wins and the Dems Take Congress

…And makes it through the first four years. More on that in the next section. He won’t make it for the first four years. I’m not even sure he will make it through his first six months.

Taxes will be raised. He said that tax increase would only effect anyone earning over $400K. That’s going to be a lie. If Biden cancels the Trump tax cuts, he cancels them for everyone.

Will the stock market crash? Crash, no. Go way down, yes. Biden is going to implement a ton of business regulations. By the way, when people tell you Trump inherited his awesome economy, that’s a lie. Trump cut all of Obama’s regulations. This is why the economy when from slow growth to flying to the moon. We’re going to see it again with Biden as President.

Biden’s foreign policy is going to be a disaster. He’s going to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord because the Chinese and European Union want him to. He’s going to give billions of dollars to reenter the Iranian Nuclear Deal and will just do what Obama did: Let the next President deal with it.

But, what’s worse, and why I think Biden won’t be around long, is he’s compromised. His son has business interests in China, Ukraine, Russia, Iraq, Omen, Luxembourg and Romania. He has more shit on him than one of Trump’s Russian hookers (which has been debunked). This is huge stuff that’s just coming out but no one wants to talk about because orange-man-bad.

The reality is Joe Biden has made really bad decisions his entire life. He has made decisions that have enriched him and his family. We have proof of it now. Why people think things are going to be different now than they were the past 47 years, I don’t know.


How Long Would Biden Actually Be President?

The Left is evil. They are using an old man who has cognitive decline as a puppet. They have recruited a man who says he is a moderate and then chose a Vice Presidential candidate who is far Left to take over for him. By the way, Joe Biden is not that moderate. That’s a lie.

Let’s get to the point, I think Joe Biden has six months after his Inauguration. I think the Hunter Biden crap is going to be something the Left is going to use after he gets elected to get rid of Old Joe. I think they are going to try and impeach him. I also think Joe is going to hire so many Leftists in his cabinet, his cabinet may try to invoke the 25th Amendment due to his cognitive decline.

Selecting Kamala Harris as his Vice President was a huge mistake. She has no moral base and will do anything to get political power. She screwed Willie Brown for the Lord’s sake to get into politics. She cannot not be trusted to back him. She will do anything to get him out of the way so she can become President. If I were Joe Biden, I would never let her walk behind me or eat with her.

He will be gone.





Episode 240 – The Last Debate



We Have a new Supreme Court Justice

Amy Coney Barrett is now Justice Barrett as she was confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice by the Senate by a tally of 52 to 48. Strictly on party lines. Now the Supreme Court has a 6-3 Conservative makeup.

Of course, the Democrats are flipping out:

  • Chuck Schumer said the Republicans will rue the day.
  • AOC Tweeted, “Pack the Court.”
  • Maise Hirono said, during the vote, loud enough to be heard, “Hell no!”


The Last Debate

Last night was the last debate and Trump needed to make an impact. He did. He won.


  • He was patient. He let Joe talk. He took notes and responded.
  • The longest portion of the debate was about COVID. He was positive. Biden was negative.
  • Trump jumped of every lie that Biden threw out. Every inconsisancy.
  • Trump had zingers.
  • Trump brought up Hunter, gracefully….sort of. He made a mistake on some things. In fact he did this all night. He brought into the debate what he wanted to convey.
  • Trump brought up the economy. Trump brought up foreign policy. The things that no one talks about.



  • Biden was weak. He look old and tired.
  • Though he did not have any serious gaffs, he did stumble and ramble. Trump let him.
  • Biden’s body language is really bad. When He doesn’t know what to say or got caught, he looks down, looks up or looks at his watch. Many debate observers pointed out that he looked at his watch near then end of the debate. It was really weird.
  • He said “come on” nine times. Listen to this clip from Grabien.


  • When Biden says, “come on” he doesn’t have an answer. I do want to point out the Hitler comment. We were never friends with Hitler. That leads us to the next point.
  • Biden lies. Like crazy. Every topic, there was a lie.
  • He said things that are going to be used in future political adds. We are going to talk about that in a few minutes.


Kristen Welker

There was a lot of talk about Kristen Welker being the moderator. She’s a Leftist, She has pre-loaded questions before interviews. Her questions were questions that were leading to Biden and aggressive to Trump.

But I thought she did a good job. She was making some cover for Biden. She did cut off Trump a lot especially when he started hitting Biden. I also didn’t like the questions she came up with. They were the same as the last debate. COVID, the environment, etc.

There were topics that were never brought up. Once again, Biden was not asked to condemn Antifa. Welker never brought up Hunter and the possible corruption. Trump had to bring it up. The economy was not a big subject. Trump had to bring it up. Foreign policy, by far Trump’s strongest efforts, was mentioned for a while. I didn’t hear anything about that historic peace deal between Israel, Bahrain and and the UAE were never brought up. That’s trgic.

But she was far better than Chris Wallace.


The Issues

There were a bunch of exchanges between Trump and Biden that really showed the difference between the two. These exchanges were all very calm. Trump did not interrupt, did not talk over Biden. In fact, it sounded like the moderator did most of the interrupting.

The first topic was, of course, COVID-19. Because we just haven’t talked about the virus enough and it is one of the things democrats can beat Trump on. They really have nothing else. Listen:

Trump is exactly correct here. We keep hearing about the number of cases going up. We are spiking again. This is not a surprise because we are beginning to open the country. He is also correct when he says that people are suffering because they are stuck at home.

There were some things that Trump should have brought up or, at least, hammered it a little more.

  • Though we are spiking in this country, our death rates are way down. In fact, we are now 20th in the world when it comes to death rates. We have therapeutics and are close to a vaccine. We have learned a lot about this virus.
  • The states with the heaviest death rates are in blue states: New York, Michigan, New Jersey, Washington DC, Illinois.
  • Every time Biden says Trump isn’t fixing the problem, he needs to point out that Biden’s plan is the same plan as Trump’s plan. And it would have been implemented later than Trump’s actions.
  • By the way, is it Trump’s fault with the spiking in Italy, Germany, Spain, England or Brazil? The death rates, in those countries, are far higher than in the United States. No one knew how to deal with this thing. But Trump did a pretty damn good job.


Now let’s talk about corruption. Listen:

There were some awesome points here:

  • It seems that everyone has forgotten about Russia, Ukraine and the impeachment, which happened in January of this year.
  • Everyone is ignoring the Russian disinformation from the Steele dossier.
  • Everyone is forgetting, or ignoring, that the Obama administration spied on the incoming Trump administration. This is real. And Biden had a hand on it through his unmasking of Michael Flynn.
  • He pointed out that Biden was corrupt and made a lot of money on it. Biden is worth $9 million and owns two homes. Hmm….
  • I thought this was clever. Trump hit the tax returns thing.
  • Finally, you notice that the moderator started interrupting Trump. She did that all night.


  • Trump really showed the stark contrast between him and Biden. Listen:


Fact check: true. I hate when politicians do this. They reach deep inside of themselves and reach for the emotions of the viewers. And Trump is right. He was talking about China and Hunter Biden when Old Joe went on his tangent. This was a perfect response from Trump.

In this clip, Biden talks about all the things he wants to do and Trump slaps him down again. Listen:

Absolutely correct. Joe Biden was a senator for 39 years and Vice President for eight years. The only thing he has ever done was his 1994 crime bill. This was not a terrible bill. It did lower crime. But, because most of the people thrown in jail over it were people of color, Joe needs to admit it was a mistake. And this is where Trump smashes him. First off, he points out he has done nothing while he was in office. Then, he points out that the only accomplishment Joe has had was a huge mistake. Then Trump points out that he always talks about what he is going to do but Joe has had the chance to fix things, but never did.

The all talk and no action comment was the crescendo to Trump’s little symphony.

This last comment by old Joe may have cost him the election. Listen:

What a disaster for Biden:

  • He finally admitted he wants to end fracking and oil, probably coal too.
  • He wants to end subsidies? Ben Shapiro had a great reason there are subsidies for the oil industry. The oil industry gets subsidies so they can provide energy to the poor who might not be able to afford it.
  • Joe’s comments were so damaging that the moderator jumped in and tried to get him to walk it back by asking, “Why would you do that?” She tried to save Biden further by interrupting Trump, trying to move on to the next question and giving Biden the last word for ten seconds. But Trump got the shots in and they were heavy.


Trump showed restraint, he let Biden talk and the moderator, though biased, was pretty fair. Trump destroyed Biden in this debate. But is it going to have any effect on the election? Probably not much. A lot of people have already voted. The polls are showing that Trump did gain ground. Right now, the polls show that things are exactly like they were in 2016. I do believe that there is a secret Trump crowd out there that lie to pollsters or just don’t get interviewed. I also don’t like polls in the last few weeks before an election either because they tend to be inaccurate because of bias.

I think Trump is in good position.



Dumb Issue of the Night

Listen to this and think about what the problem is that would have Twitter exploding:

Now, there was nothing in that exchange that was bizarre. Trump has always believed in strong border security. And one of the reason is because of the victimization of those who cross.

There are about 536 children that cannot be reunited with their parents. There are two reasons why they can’t be reunited with their parents: Their parents cannot be found or their parents don’t want them back.

It was the term “cayote” that Trump used. Listen to what the idiots were Tweeting:

Karlous Tweeted:

“Since when did coyotes start bringing kids over here?”

Frasier actress, Peri Gilpin Tweeted:

“The children are brought here by coyotes?”

Newsperson, Nicole Schuman

“What does ‘children are brought here by coyotes’ mean?!”

“I thought i was tripping when i heard that,” tweeted Tennessee Titans fullback Khari Blasingame in response to a tweet that said, “‘Children are bought here by coyotes’ -WTF DONALD TRUMP.”

Actor and producer Sendhil Ramamurthy:

“Hot damncoyotes are so much smarter and capable than I ever gave them credit for. I apologize for underestimating you.”

Georgia state Rep. Dar’shun Kendrick wrote:

“Did @realDonaldTrump just say 545 kids they can’t find their parents for came over through “cartels and coyotes“?! How the hell does a coyote bring a whole human across the border?! Lord—–stop talking.”

That last one works as a state representative. Jeez, no wonder government sucks.

A cayote is a person, usually involved in a criminal enterprise in Mexico, who leads people over the border. Cayotes get paid by each person who is trying to cross. They are bad people. But they are not half dog, half wolf that walk on four legs. Children are not riding cayotes over the border.

So dumb.






