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Episode 241 – What Could Happen?

Let’s play a game from the Daily Wire. Let’s play the SJW Meltdown Challenge to start the show instead  of the opening song. We should play this because Social Justice Warriors melting down is funny.



This Ain’t Going to End

The Incident

NBC Philadelphia reported yesterday afternoon on the incident that led to the riots. Police were called to neighborhood over reports of a man with a weapon. The man, 27-year-old Walter Wallace, was holding a knife when police arrived.

The report stated:

One video posted on Instagram shows Wallace walking toward the officers while a woman, who a witness identified as Wallace’s mother, tries to stop him. Two armed police officers back away from Wallace and tell him at least twice to “put the knife down” though it’s unclear from the video whether or not Wallace is holding a knife.

As Wallace continues to approach the officers, the camera briefly points downward and the sounds of several gunshots are heard as the police open fire. The camera then rises again, showing Wallace motionless on the ground as his mother runs toward him, screaming hysterically.

Maurice Holloway, a witness, told NBC10 he helped officers place Wallace in the police car that rushed him to the hospital.

Philly Mayor Jim Kenney, a Leftist, said:

“My prayers are with the family and friends of Walter Wallace. I have watched the video of this tragic incident and it presents difficult questions that must be answered. I spoke tonight with Mr. Wallace’s family, and will continue to reach out to hear their concerns first-hand, and to answer their questions to the extent that I am able. The Officer Involved Shooting Investigation Unit of PPD will conduct a full investigation. I look forward to a speedy and transparent resolution for the sake of Mr. Wallace, his family, the officers, and for Philadelphia.”

Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw said:

“I have directed the Officer Involved Shooting Investigation Unit to begin its investigation. I recognize that the video of the incident raises many questions. Residents have my assurance that those questions will be fully addressed by the investigation. While at the scene this evening, I heard and felt the anger of the community. Everyone involved will forever be impacted. I will be leaning on what the investigation gleans to answer the many unanswered questions that exist. I also plan to join the Mayor in meeting with members of the community and members of Mr. Wallace’s family to hear their concerns as soon as it can be scheduled.”

I’m not sure what video these guys saw but this was a completely justified shooting. The police were called in for a domestic disturbance, man with a knife. A video was take with Wallace chasing the police with a knife. Mind you, one of the police officers is a woman. The police backed away. Wallace came within ten feet of the officers. The officers fired. Justified shoot.

I also want to point out that the police officers were being assaulted and yelled  out by the people in the street, all black, and they did nothing but secure the suspect, Wallace.

And I notice that the media and the Left-wing politicians do not refer to Wallace as knife wielding or as a suspect.


The Results

Black Lives Matter decided to wait until the sun went down and have a riot. That is not an exaggeration. They literally waited until the sun went down then started looting and rioting.

Thirty officers were injured from rocks and bottles. One, a 56-year-old police sergeant, a woman, was run over with a truck and ended up with a broken leg.

They also started breaking into businesses and stealing their inventory. The ironic thing is these stores are burning the businesses that are owned and employ people of color. If any of these people truly believed that this shooting of the knife-wielding Wallace was unjustified, they would actually protest instead of stealing and destroying the property of people from their neighborhoods.

It’s disgusting.



What Will Happen

Let’s go over the worst case scenario for these election results. There is a 50% chance Biden becomes President. There is a 75% chance the Senate flips to Democrat. The is like a 94% chance the House stays Democrat. There is a very good chance that Trump could win but lose the Senate and House.

First, let’s talk about Trump winning the Presidency, which I think is likely but losing the Senate. Let’s be clear about this: there are five seats on the Senate that could flip. That would give Democrats a 52-48 advantage. That’s going to be important. Remember it.

So let’s go.

Trump Wins…Sort Of

If Trump wins but loses Congress, we don’t get a tax cut, which is what he wanted to do. At this point, Trump only has a couple of things to do. First off, if Trump has an approval of over 50% and blows out Biden in this election, it is going for Congress to go against Trump. Trump will hold a ton of rallies, blaming Congress for things not getting done and they may be forced to go with him. But don’t expect a lot to get done from Congress for the first two years. Hell, they haven’t done anything for the last four years. Pelosi is not getting crap for not approving COVID relief.

Expect a lot of Executive Orders. If Trump can’t get around anything, he’ll use his pen and let the courts to figure out if his orders are legal. I’m not sure the adding of ACB is going to swing things to Trump’s side. Not sure the 6-3 vote is going to help.

His foreign policy will, not only not be affected, but will be his prize. The Middle East peace path is growing. We haven’t heard from North Korea and China is now strongly behind Biden because Trump has been so rough on him. Oh, yeah, we won’t be in a war for the next four years unless something bazaar happens.

He is going to get, at least, one Supreme Court pick. The Senate, which will be Democratic, will have some decisions to make. I think this could be a good thing if Clarence Thomas decides to retire in the first two years. With a two year wait before midterm election, this could be a disaster for Chuck Schumer and the Senate Democrats.

Finally, Trump will be impeached…again. I think this is really cool to have a single President impeached twice. Never happened before. But like I said before, the Senate will only be 52-48 Democrat. Not enough votes to get Trump out and could be a disaster for Democrats at the polls, especially if the House and Senate did nothing for two years.


What If Biden Wins and the Dems Take Congress

…And makes it through the first four years. More on that in the next section. He won’t make it for the first four years. I’m not even sure he will make it through his first six months.

Taxes will be raised. He said that tax increase would only effect anyone earning over $400K. That’s going to be a lie. If Biden cancels the Trump tax cuts, he cancels them for everyone.

Will the stock market crash? Crash, no. Go way down, yes. Biden is going to implement a ton of business regulations. By the way, when people tell you Trump inherited his awesome economy, that’s a lie. Trump cut all of Obama’s regulations. This is why the economy when from slow growth to flying to the moon. We’re going to see it again with Biden as President.

Biden’s foreign policy is going to be a disaster. He’s going to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord because the Chinese and European Union want him to. He’s going to give billions of dollars to reenter the Iranian Nuclear Deal and will just do what Obama did: Let the next President deal with it.

But, what’s worse, and why I think Biden won’t be around long, is he’s compromised. His son has business interests in China, Ukraine, Russia, Iraq, Omen, Luxembourg and Romania. He has more shit on him than one of Trump’s Russian hookers (which has been debunked). This is huge stuff that’s just coming out but no one wants to talk about because orange-man-bad.

The reality is Joe Biden has made really bad decisions his entire life. He has made decisions that have enriched him and his family. We have proof of it now. Why people think things are going to be different now than they were the past 47 years, I don’t know.


How Long Would Biden Actually Be President?

The Left is evil. They are using an old man who has cognitive decline as a puppet. They have recruited a man who says he is a moderate and then chose a Vice Presidential candidate who is far Left to take over for him. By the way, Joe Biden is not that moderate. That’s a lie.

Let’s get to the point, I think Joe Biden has six months after his Inauguration. I think the Hunter Biden crap is going to be something the Left is going to use after he gets elected to get rid of Old Joe. I think they are going to try and impeach him. I also think Joe is going to hire so many Leftists in his cabinet, his cabinet may try to invoke the 25th Amendment due to his cognitive decline.

Selecting Kamala Harris as his Vice President was a huge mistake. She has no moral base and will do anything to get political power. She screwed Willie Brown for the Lord’s sake to get into politics. She cannot not be trusted to back him. She will do anything to get him out of the way so she can become President. If I were Joe Biden, I would never let her walk behind me or eat with her.

He will be gone.





Episode 240 – The Last Debate



We Have a new Supreme Court Justice

Amy Coney Barrett is now Justice Barrett as she was confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice by the Senate by a tally of 52 to 48. Strictly on party lines. Now the Supreme Court has a 6-3 Conservative makeup.

Of course, the Democrats are flipping out:

  • Chuck Schumer said the Republicans will rue the day.
  • AOC Tweeted, “Pack the Court.”
  • Maise Hirono said, during the vote, loud enough to be heard, “Hell no!”


The Last Debate

Last night was the last debate and Trump needed to make an impact. He did. He won.


  • He was patient. He let Joe talk. He took notes and responded.
  • The longest portion of the debate was about COVID. He was positive. Biden was negative.
  • Trump jumped of every lie that Biden threw out. Every inconsisancy.
  • Trump had zingers.
  • Trump brought up Hunter, gracefully….sort of. He made a mistake on some things. In fact he did this all night. He brought into the debate what he wanted to convey.
  • Trump brought up the economy. Trump brought up foreign policy. The things that no one talks about.



  • Biden was weak. He look old and tired.
  • Though he did not have any serious gaffs, he did stumble and ramble. Trump let him.
  • Biden’s body language is really bad. When He doesn’t know what to say or got caught, he looks down, looks up or looks at his watch. Many debate observers pointed out that he looked at his watch near then end of the debate. It was really weird.
  • He said “come on” nine times. Listen to this clip from Grabien.


  • When Biden says, “come on” he doesn’t have an answer. I do want to point out the Hitler comment. We were never friends with Hitler. That leads us to the next point.
  • Biden lies. Like crazy. Every topic, there was a lie.
  • He said things that are going to be used in future political adds. We are going to talk about that in a few minutes.


Kristen Welker

There was a lot of talk about Kristen Welker being the moderator. She’s a Leftist, She has pre-loaded questions before interviews. Her questions were questions that were leading to Biden and aggressive to Trump.

But I thought she did a good job. She was making some cover for Biden. She did cut off Trump a lot especially when he started hitting Biden. I also didn’t like the questions she came up with. They were the same as the last debate. COVID, the environment, etc.

There were topics that were never brought up. Once again, Biden was not asked to condemn Antifa. Welker never brought up Hunter and the possible corruption. Trump had to bring it up. The economy was not a big subject. Trump had to bring it up. Foreign policy, by far Trump’s strongest efforts, was mentioned for a while. I didn’t hear anything about that historic peace deal between Israel, Bahrain and and the UAE were never brought up. That’s trgic.

But she was far better than Chris Wallace.


The Issues

There were a bunch of exchanges between Trump and Biden that really showed the difference between the two. These exchanges were all very calm. Trump did not interrupt, did not talk over Biden. In fact, it sounded like the moderator did most of the interrupting.

The first topic was, of course, COVID-19. Because we just haven’t talked about the virus enough and it is one of the things democrats can beat Trump on. They really have nothing else. Listen:

Trump is exactly correct here. We keep hearing about the number of cases going up. We are spiking again. This is not a surprise because we are beginning to open the country. He is also correct when he says that people are suffering because they are stuck at home.

There were some things that Trump should have brought up or, at least, hammered it a little more.

  • Though we are spiking in this country, our death rates are way down. In fact, we are now 20th in the world when it comes to death rates. We have therapeutics and are close to a vaccine. We have learned a lot about this virus.
  • The states with the heaviest death rates are in blue states: New York, Michigan, New Jersey, Washington DC, Illinois.
  • Every time Biden says Trump isn’t fixing the problem, he needs to point out that Biden’s plan is the same plan as Trump’s plan. And it would have been implemented later than Trump’s actions.
  • By the way, is it Trump’s fault with the spiking in Italy, Germany, Spain, England or Brazil? The death rates, in those countries, are far higher than in the United States. No one knew how to deal with this thing. But Trump did a pretty damn good job.


Now let’s talk about corruption. Listen:

There were some awesome points here:

  • It seems that everyone has forgotten about Russia, Ukraine and the impeachment, which happened in January of this year.
  • Everyone is ignoring the Russian disinformation from the Steele dossier.
  • Everyone is forgetting, or ignoring, that the Obama administration spied on the incoming Trump administration. This is real. And Biden had a hand on it through his unmasking of Michael Flynn.
  • He pointed out that Biden was corrupt and made a lot of money on it. Biden is worth $9 million and owns two homes. Hmm….
  • I thought this was clever. Trump hit the tax returns thing.
  • Finally, you notice that the moderator started interrupting Trump. She did that all night.


  • Trump really showed the stark contrast between him and Biden. Listen:


Fact check: true. I hate when politicians do this. They reach deep inside of themselves and reach for the emotions of the viewers. And Trump is right. He was talking about China and Hunter Biden when Old Joe went on his tangent. This was a perfect response from Trump.

In this clip, Biden talks about all the things he wants to do and Trump slaps him down again. Listen:

Absolutely correct. Joe Biden was a senator for 39 years and Vice President for eight years. The only thing he has ever done was his 1994 crime bill. This was not a terrible bill. It did lower crime. But, because most of the people thrown in jail over it were people of color, Joe needs to admit it was a mistake. And this is where Trump smashes him. First off, he points out he has done nothing while he was in office. Then, he points out that the only accomplishment Joe has had was a huge mistake. Then Trump points out that he always talks about what he is going to do but Joe has had the chance to fix things, but never did.

The all talk and no action comment was the crescendo to Trump’s little symphony.

This last comment by old Joe may have cost him the election. Listen:

What a disaster for Biden:

  • He finally admitted he wants to end fracking and oil, probably coal too.
  • He wants to end subsidies? Ben Shapiro had a great reason there are subsidies for the oil industry. The oil industry gets subsidies so they can provide energy to the poor who might not be able to afford it.
  • Joe’s comments were so damaging that the moderator jumped in and tried to get him to walk it back by asking, “Why would you do that?” She tried to save Biden further by interrupting Trump, trying to move on to the next question and giving Biden the last word for ten seconds. But Trump got the shots in and they were heavy.


Trump showed restraint, he let Biden talk and the moderator, though biased, was pretty fair. Trump destroyed Biden in this debate. But is it going to have any effect on the election? Probably not much. A lot of people have already voted. The polls are showing that Trump did gain ground. Right now, the polls show that things are exactly like they were in 2016. I do believe that there is a secret Trump crowd out there that lie to pollsters or just don’t get interviewed. I also don’t like polls in the last few weeks before an election either because they tend to be inaccurate because of bias.

I think Trump is in good position.



Dumb Issue of the Night

Listen to this and think about what the problem is that would have Twitter exploding:

Now, there was nothing in that exchange that was bizarre. Trump has always believed in strong border security. And one of the reason is because of the victimization of those who cross.

There are about 536 children that cannot be reunited with their parents. There are two reasons why they can’t be reunited with their parents: Their parents cannot be found or their parents don’t want them back.

It was the term “cayote” that Trump used. Listen to what the idiots were Tweeting:

Karlous Tweeted:

“Since when did coyotes start bringing kids over here?”

Frasier actress, Peri Gilpin Tweeted:

“The children are brought here by coyotes?”

Newsperson, Nicole Schuman

“What does ‘children are brought here by coyotes’ mean?!”

“I thought i was tripping when i heard that,” tweeted Tennessee Titans fullback Khari Blasingame in response to a tweet that said, “‘Children are bought here by coyotes’ -WTF DONALD TRUMP.”

Actor and producer Sendhil Ramamurthy:

“Hot damncoyotes are so much smarter and capable than I ever gave them credit for. I apologize for underestimating you.”

Georgia state Rep. Dar’shun Kendrick wrote:

“Did @realDonaldTrump just say 545 kids they can’t find their parents for came over through “cartels and coyotes“?! How the hell does a coyote bring a whole human across the border?! Lord—–stop talking.”

That last one works as a state representative. Jeez, no wonder government sucks.

A cayote is a person, usually involved in a criminal enterprise in Mexico, who leads people over the border. Cayotes get paid by each person who is trying to cross. They are bad people. But they are not half dog, half wolf that walk on four legs. Children are not riding cayotes over the border.

So dumb.








Episode 239 – IT’S HALLOWEEN!!



The Daily Wire released a list of the most influential horror movies of all time. I think this is a great list. I love horror movies. They can be scary, violent, funny, it doesn’t matter. I especially love horror movies during Halloween. Josie and I will be watching them all week.

So, I decided to go through this list. I agree with most of these but I think it is missing some movies which I’ll talk about when I get through the list. I will then talk about a few of my favorite horror movies.

Here we go.



From the Daily Wire:

Alfred Hitchcock defied conventional wisdom with 1960’s “Psycho” in more ways than one. Respected auteurs weren’t prone to the horror genre, and that’s being generous. Plus, the unwritten production codes of the era prohibited filmmakers from dabbling in blood, gore and other horror movie essentials.

Hitchcock clung to the era’s limitations and still left us clutching our arm rests.

The iconic shower scene alone stunned audiences, and for all the right reasons. A signature score that’s synonymous with horror. Implied violence, but nothing grotesque. Black and white blood circling the drain, more chilling that gallons of red liquid oozing from any “Friday the 13th” victim. And a comely heroine checking out long before the end credits. That decision alone makes “Psycho” a one-of-a-kind thriller.

Psycho is a one-of-a-kind movie. The music, the lighting, the shot angles even the cameo by Alfred Hitchcock himself were all revolutionary in movies. The biggest accomplishment of this movie was the shock value at the end of the movie. This has been attempted to be duplicated by hundreds of other movies. But none of those movies have ever come close.

Movies like it would be Identity, Rosemary’s Baby and Split.


Night of the Living Dead

The Daily Wire states:

George A. Romero kickstarted his career on Pittsburgh’s iconic kiddie show “Mister Rogers Neighborhood.” Yes, really. Years later, Romero created the template for the modern zombie movie. Talk about range.

His 1968 feature film debut, originally dubbed “Night of the Flesh Eaters,” cemented his status as a go-to shock auteur. Only “Dead” didn’t immediately launch our current zombie craze. It took time, two “Dead” sequels from Romero himself and a culture obsessed with dystopian stories to make that happen. Romero simply lit the flame on that slow-burning fuse. Directors, and a certain AMC series, have been tracing his template ever since.

This is the movie that introduced us to all the zombie movies and one pretty good television show. Now, something I want to point out with zombie movies, it is not about the zombies. Night of the Living Dead was actually about the relationships between the characters and how they interact while with the fear of being eaten. They’re all like that. When one gets eaten, one feels bad for that character unlike other violent slasher or exploitation films. The thing is, some people are turned off by zombie films because there is only so much psychological analysis that can be done. That’s why I am not a big fan of The Walking Dead. Because it’s the same thing over and over again.

Some writers have made zombie rather humorous. Movies like the 90’s version of Dawn of the Dead, Return of the Night of the Living Dead, Shaun of the Dead and Zombieland have made watching zombie movies tolerable.



The Daily Wire says:

It’s the movie that mainstreamed the “slasher” sub-genre, for better and certainly worse.

Director John Carpenter, who also created the film’s unforgettable score, told the tale of a young man who does his dirty work on All Hallows Eve.

Everything clicked for Carpenter, from a game “final girl” (Jamie Lee Curtis) to choreographed scares that endure after multiple viewings. It’s a master class in suspense, tension and pacing.

That signature mask – crafted from William Shatner’s inimitable mug – did the rest.

“Halloween” made Carpenter a Hollywood legend, even if his subsequent films ranged from inspired (“The Thing”) to insipid (“Ghosts of Mars”).

Halloween  is the first of the serial killer/slasher movies. These movies do not have a plot, no one can act, no character development, no dialog and no one likes the characters. Oh, yeah, the victims make bad decisions, the murders are completely unrealistic and the only character that has any sympathy from the audience is the virgin female. Oh, I forgot. And all the teenage chicks are naked.

I have never been a huge fan of slasher flicks. Just way too out there. I love the first two movies of Halloween. I loved the Rob Zombie’s version of Halloween. I liked Nightmare on Elm Street and Scream. Never liked Friday the 13th.



According to the Dailywire:

In space, no one can hear you scream. It’s the perfect tag line for a perfect sci-fi/horror mashup.

Director Ridley Scott’s masterpiece launched a massive movie franchise and one of the best film sequels of all time (1986’s “Aliens”). The original film remains a pristine shocker, deftly blending character beats, claustrophobic sets and a heroine as good as any in the modern era – Sigourney Weaver’s Ripley.

The film also left us with arguably the greatest movie monster of all time. And, year after year, horror films copy that xenomorph critter with poor to middling results. Films as recent as this year’s “Sputnik” attempted to upgrade the “Alien” model.

This was the first real sci-fi horror. I personally liked Aliens better. Other movies would be The Thing, which I think is a better movie and Life.


The Silence of the Lambs

The Dailywire says:

Why does Jonathan Demme’s film matter? Let’s start with Oscar. The film swept the major Academy Award categories for the year, including Best Picture, Best Actress (Jodie Foster) and Best Actor (Anthony Hopkins, although his modest screen time suggests a Best Supporting Actor was more appropriate).

I’d agree with that. But the movies roots were from Hitchcock’s Psycho. Even the bad guy is based on the same killer, Ed Gein. So, not a fan of this pick though I understand why they picked it.


The Blair Witch Project

The Dailywire states:

Hate found footage movies? Abhor films that create faux online campaigns meant to boost their credibility? Blame this absurdly profitable shocker, one of the biggest Hollywood curveballs ever thrown, for both brief trends.

Three young, clueless filmmakers head to the woods to learn the truth behind an urban legend, and they get a crash course in the old saw, “be careful what you wish for…”

The low budget film used the main characters’ cameras to chart the action, meaning the filmmakers leaned on cheap, grainy footage without a hint of FX treats to keep us off guard.

The film’s production budget? An absurdly low $60,000. Its global box office tally? $248 million. For that we got a giddy sense of the unknown, and the growing horror felt by the filmmakers.

Great movie. There has been a movie like it since except for Paranormal Activity. I like these films. I watch them all the time, even if the critics suck. It makes one think they are actually there.

I do have a question. It’s a rhetorical question so answer in your own head. If you are in the woods, alone, with a chick, who’s crying and vulnerable, and you’re going to die because there a vindictive witch: would you have fucked the chick?

Just asking. Because I would have.


28 Days Later

Romero is the godfather of the zombie film, but Danny Boyle deserves credit for fanning the undead flames. The director’s thriller took zombies seriously, and introduced a new wrinkle to the genre. These zombie could run.

The British film gave the sleeping zombie movement a wake-up call, paving the way for everything from a solid “Dawn of the Dead” remake (2004) to Max Brooks’ influential book “World War Z” (2006) and one of the horror comedy’s best mashups – 2004’s “Shaun of the Dead.”

I hate this pick. It’s just another zombie film.



The Dailywire says:

Director James Wan’s feature film debut sparked one of the genre’s shortest trends to date, and thank goodness for that. Enter the Torture Porn era.

The genre leaned heavily on practical FX and our lust for blood, gore and more. While some horror films practiced restraint with the killings, these films zoomed in on that mayhem. You couldn’t look away.

The 2004 film “Saw” hit it big at the box office, sparking a never-ending franchise which returns in a new form next year with Chris Rock’s “Spiral.”

This is the start of the exploitation film/torture porn era. Now, mind you, there were a ton of movies before this but they never had an impact. Movies like Last House on the Left, The Hills Have Eyes and I Spit on Your Grave were around 30 years earlier. But the Saw movies made exploitation films fashionable.

What is the difference between torture porn and a slasher film. The violence. That’s it. Rape is not off the table. Killing of children is not off the table. Unlike slasher movies, the violence is extreme and realistic. A lot of these movies are actually banned. They are really hard to watch. Best torture porn movie since Saw is Hostel.


Get Out

What is a sketch comic like Jordan Peele doing in the horror genre? Reminding us that socially conscious horror movies can still make us scream. Peele’s film boasts a left-of-center thesis – woke liberals are capably of horribly racist acts. The film doesn’t coast on its progressive laurels, though. “Get Out” grabs us from the opening scene, and smartly deployed reveals keep our attention to the very end.

The film makes progressive horror hip again, and we’ll see how far the trend stretches. The recent “Antebellum” shows the “Get Out” formula isn’t easy to follow, and that’s being kind.

I thought this was a great movie. It was fun. Should it be on this list? No. If you watch this movie, it’s just another zombie movie with a message. How the black people became zombies is the message. Who cares. I think this was not an influential movie and I have in my library.



Movies the Dailywire Missed

The Exorcist

How in the Hell does one miss The Exorcist? This was the first movie that analyzed evil from the devil himself?


Texas Chainsaw Massacre

This is the real first slasher film. And it made a ton in the box office. Screw Halloween.


Final Destination

You know what makes a good horror film? A ton of sequels that still make money. This movie is about a battle with mortality and how we can escape it. The killing are violent and really original. And one watching is kept completely off balance because something that looks threatening is death’s feint.

I remember one line in the first movie where the main character put everything threatening in a closet. A bunch of weird shit happened, the closet ended up opening and a rusty fishing hook almost cut him. The character smiled and said, “Tetanus. I get it.”



Again, must have been a great idea because they made like nine sequels and all of them made money.

No other form of entertainment has actually taken on to Hell to deal with bad things. Probably since Dante. Let’s face it: what’s more awesome then being chased by demons, through Hell. I can’t think of anything. And if you’re caught, things go down hill. Badly.

Now, mind you, I liked the first and second Hellraiser movies. Didn’t care for any of the others.


Pulse/ Unfriend Me

I’m a parent. The Internet is evil. Smart phones are evil. Facebook is evil. Why not make come up with a way to make a horror movie that points that out?

Pulse sucked. But it showed the evils of smart phones. Yeah, these guys could have thrown their phones, gotten rid of their batteries, left where they were. They didn’t. So, screw them.

Unfriend Me shows the evils of social media and how a victim of it can start to haunt it. It’s a dumb, but fun, movie with a real message.



This is actually a slasher film. But this movie did something different. It was comedic and made fun of slasher movies. The violence was way over the top and the deaths seemed implausible but that what was funny about it. But that what was great about it. It made fun of the implausibility of slasher movies.

Another great movie like this is Cabin in the Woods.


Evil Dead

Just an absolute classic. A mix of horror and comedy with over-the-top violence. This movie mixed all of the horror genres. It’s like The Exorcist, Night of the Living Dead and Hellraiser with a sprinkle of Blair Witch Project mixed all into one. I’m not talking about the new version. I’m talking about the 80’s version. The remake sucked.




Movies I Loved


A horror, mystery, suspense movie with a messed up twist at the end. All gore, little violence. It starred Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman and Kevin Spacey (before we knew he was harassing under-age boys). Brad Pitt’s best performance.


Trick R’ Treat

This is a short story based movie much like Creepshow (which is also a great comedy horror). The violence is heavy but it is so over-the-top that it is funny. And there are some twists.

It Follows

A conservative film that is extremely creepy. The point: don’t have sex with someone you don’t love.


The Re-Animator

A horror comedy that has violence that is so over-the-top that I watched it with my five year old (that’s a lie). Just a really fun movie.



Clowns suck. It does not matter how you ingest the story: via Stephen King’s book, the 1980’s version or the newest version. It is creepy and disturbing. The new version, which is closer to Stephen King’s book, actually made my fiancé pee her pants. Great movie



Horror movies are so much fun. They make me laugh, they get the dopemine running and/or I just have fun. And it’s Halloween! It’s time to let go and let the imagination go.




Episode 238 – They’ve Asked for It!



Hunter Biden Update

OK, we are a day from my last report on Hunter Biden’s laptop. Here’s what we know:

  • The laptop is real. The FBI has it.
  • Hunter Biden, himself, did drop off the laptop. His signature on the receipt has been confirmed.
  • An attorney for Hunter Biden asked to get the laptop back from the laptop repair store.
  • The laptop is being reviewed by a pedophile investigator at the FBI.
  • The DNI John Ratcliff released the information that there was no Russian disinformation because of the media, not because they thought there was Russian disinformation.


More to come. This story is big.


Social Media Censorship

Twitter and Facebook are in some trouble.

Last week, when the New York Post released their article about Hunter Biden’s laptop, Twitter decided to block the article. Then, as the link started to be passed around, either through Tweet or DM, Twitter made sure that the link was inaccessible. but, the Tweet still was making its rounds. Finally, Twitter went out and started suspending accounts. That included Trump’s Campaign account and the account of Kaylee McKineyne.

Needless to say, this has blown up on Twitter from the right wing Tweeters and from Republicans in Congress and the President.

Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter, said, once again, it was a mistake. In a Tweet conversation between Jack Dorsey and Vijaya Gadde

Couple problems here:

  • They allowed the links from Trump’s tax records to be accessible, even though Trump said they weren’t real.
  • Trump’s tax records were illegally disseminated. Which is worse than hacking, which might have been done.
  • Hunter Biden’s E-mails weren’t hacked. It is real. We have a signed receipt from Hunter. No one has denied the E-mails are real, including the Biden campaign.
  • With all this being said, the New York Post’s Twitter account is still suspended.
  • You still cannot post the link. They’re lying. This is censorship.


I do, also, want to point out that all the mistakes Twitter makes, and everyone makes mistakes, go in one direction. It’s always the Right that gets censored. It does not look like censorship and Jack Dorsey is lying.

So President Trump said he wants a review of U.S. Code 47, section 230. The Senate agrees. First thing we should do is look at Section 230 and see what it actually says.

This is from eff.org and there is a link to the entire law. I am going to quote the first couple of paragraphs of the article:

Tucked inside the Communications Decency Act (CDA) of 1996 is one of the most valuable tools for protecting freedom of expression and innovation on the Internet: Section 230.

This comes somewhat as a surprise, since the original purpose of the legislation was to restrict free speech on the Internet. The Internet community as a whole objected strongly to the Communications Decency Act, and with EFF’s help, the anti-free speech provisions were struck down by the Supreme Court. But thankfully, CDA 230 remains and in the years since has far outshone the rest of the law.

Section 230 says that “No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider” (47 U.S.C. § 230).

So what they are trying to define is a platform versus a publisher. A publisher is when there is a company sponsored individual provides content, he and the company is responsible for that content. They are subject to slander laws.

A platform is not controlled by the company. Facebook, Twitter, Yelp, YouTube and any comments sections on the Internet are considered platforms. They are not subject to any slander laws.

So let me get you an example. If you are writer for the New York Times and you call me an asshole, you are subject to slander laws and I can sue you. That’s because you work for a publisher that is edited by other agents of that company. You have to be able to prove I’m an asshole. This is why Nick Sandman won a crap load of money by suing CNN and MSNBC. That’s because these companies are publishers.

If you are on Twitter and you call me an asshole, I have no case. Even if you have no proof. That’s because a platform allows for free discussion. Free speech. You can say anything about me outside of killing me. I have to deal with it or make an argument. I have no problem with this. If I don’t like it, I get off the platform. That simple.

The problem is these platforms are acting like publishers. They, especially Twitter, are picking and choosing who can say what. Then the suspend, block or warn accounts that post something that go against the terms of use. The problem with their terms of use is that they are vague. I could post a picture of a puppy and that could be construed as “violent content” according to their terms of use.

This might not be a big problem but the banning of certain things is always one-sided. It is all conservative groups. You dead-name a traitor, you’re suspended. You post an article on how an abortion is performed, you’re suspended. You are a doctor that says that masks and closing the economy, you’re suspended. The President of the United States has been suspended because he posted something about children going back to school.

The Senate, the Department of Justice and the President have had enough.

Though wavering right now, Congress has decided to vote on whether of not to subpoena the CEOs of Twitter and Facebook, Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg respectively, to answer questions about their bias towards conservatives. I don’t blame them from wavering on issuing subpoenas because our Senate knows nothing about technology and they usually look stupid. Outside Ted Cruz and Ben Sasse, everyone sounds stupid and nothing gets accomplished.

What’s really funny? Twitter doubled the viewership of that article by creating this controversy.

In the biggest news, and I need to read a bit more about this, the DOJ has decided to start an investigation of Google for monopoly practices. This is huge and Google is going to have a real problem dealing with this. Google deals with the search engine, YouTube and Android operating system on most of our phones. They have been in bed with China. They have fired people for having right wing views on hiring and Title IX.

They might be in some trouble much like Microsoft was in the 90’s.

What I Think

I am a Libertarian. I do not like the federal government making business decisions for private companies and forcing them to break up. I did not believe this in the 90’s when they did it to Microsoft. I thought Microsoft created a great product that everyone wanted and that did not result in a monopoly. It resulted in other companies trying to create a better product. It turned out the break up did not hurt Microsoft once because Bill Gates is really smart.

But Google, which my life is completely immersed in, is stepping over the line. Now, how do I love Google?

  • I search everything with Google.
  • I have a premium YouTube account.
  • This podcast is published on YouTube.
  • I have an Android phone and love it.
  • I subscribe to YouTube TV instead of cable.
  • I have a Google Chromecast.
  • I have a Google Nest.


Yeah, I’m a Google fan. I’m going to keep being a Google fan. That does not mean I can’t change or thing what they are doing is a good thing. They hate my philosophy so much, maybe they should be investigated.

As far as Twitter and Facebook, they are publishers. I have to worry about every Tweet I send and that’s not because I’m sending a pic of my taint. I think Section 230 needs to exclude Twitter and Facebook. They are no different than the New York Times or the Washington Post. Which, by the way, is no different from the New York Post except they tend to be conservative.



Biden Would Be a Disaster

The Biden tax plan. This is going to be a mess.

Top Rates in Each State Under Joe Biden’s Tax Plan


Episode 237 – The Rubber Hits the Road

Senate votes on Thursday.
New York Post launches a bomb!
Twitter backs Biden.


It’s Happening, Get Over It

Amy Coney Barrett had her hearing in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. It did not go well for Democrats. She ran circles around them. They actually looked really ill prepared. They acted nasty and complained that this process was “a sham and unconstitutional.” Barrett would answer no questions on precedent which really pissed them off. Kicker is, she is not suppose to answer precedent. This is based on something called the Ginsberg Rule. The future justices are not suppose to answer anything about cases that may come in front of them. It was first started during Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s hearings.

They tried to trap her several times by using analogies and hypotheticals. Of course, ACB is a fantastic lawyer and debater. She is not going to answer anything that is hypothetical because that’s just dumb. Remember when you debate: hypotheticals and analogies can always be manipulated. Usually people who do not have facts use analogies. Never answer an analogy and point it out. My girlfriend uses analogies with me all the time when we are in an argument. Guess what? She never wins those argument.

The Republicans have set the vote for Thursday October 22. She is going to get confirmed. Even the never-Trumpers like Mit Romney said he was going to vote yes. They all should. She’s brilliant. Here’s her exchange with Senator Cornyn. This just shows you how smart she is.

Democrats are still playing nasty. Chuck Schumer is trying to delay the vote by throwing a wrench into the procedure. He has promised not to supply a quorum for the nomination. I’ll tell you what a quorum is because I didn’t know.

According to Fox News:

A quorum is the minimum number of members present for a committee or the full Senate to conduct business and hold votes. The quorum in the full Senate is 51 members and the quorum of the Judiciary Committee is nine members including two in the minority party. This means that if one or fewer Democrats show up to the planned Oct. 22 meeting where the Judiciary Committee plans to vote on the Barrett confirmation then they could prevent the committee from reporting the nomination to the Senate.

This is a threat but a week one. If all the Democrats didn’t show up and all the Republicans do,  they have a quorum unless I am missing something in this definition.

The Dems are also threatening to pack the court. Chris Coons along with a bunch of other Democrats are threatening to pack the courts. Nothing but threats and obstruction. It’s really sad and very infuriating. She is going to get a vote and she is going to get confirmed. Deal with it.



Ooo, Not Good

So Hunter Biden is in some trouble. In turn, Hiden’ Biden is in some trouble.

From the New York Post

The computer was dropped off at a repair shop in Biden’s home state of Delaware in April 2019, according to the store’s owner.

Other material extracted from the computer includes a raunchy, 12-minute video that appears to show Hunter, who’s admitted struggling with addiction problems, smoking crack while engaged in a sex act with an unidentified woman, as well as numerous other sexually explicit images.

The customer who brought in the water-damaged MacBook Pro for repair never paid for the service or retrieved it or a hard drive on which its contents were stored, according to the shop owner, who said he tried repeatedly to contact the client.

The shop owner couldn’t positively identify the customer as Hunter Biden, but said the laptop bore a sticker from the Beau Biden Foundation, named after Hunter’s late brother and former Delaware attorney general.

Photos of a Delaware federal subpoena given to The Post show that both the computer and hard drive were seized by the FBI in December, after the shop’s owner says he alerted the feds to their existence.

A few things that are not mentioned in the story:

  • The guy who owns the store is completely blind.
  • The guy is an ardent Trump supporter.
  • The guy is a bit of a conspiracy theorist. This brings the question of why Rudy G.’s personal attorney.
  • Also, his stories, during interviews, seem to be inconsistent. .
  • There is even a question whether the FBI has the laptop.


But, here’s what we know right now: the Emails have been verified by Fox News. So have the pictures. And the way Twitter and Facebook are handling this, I believe it. So let’s go over the stories of these Emails.

All this is from the New York Post article.

Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company, according to emails obtained by The Post.

The never-before-revealed meeting is mentioned in a message of appreciation that Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to the board of Burisma, allegedly sent Hunter Biden on April 17, 2015, about a year after Hunter joined the Burisma board at a reported salary of up to $50,000 a month.

“Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together. It’s realty [sic] an honor and pleasure,” the email reads.

An earlier email from May 2014 also shows Pozharskyi, reportedly Burisma’s No. 3 exec, asking Hunter for “advice on how you could use your influence” on the company’s behalf.

The blockbuster correspondence — which flies in the face of Joe Biden’s claim that he’s “never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings” — is contained in a massive trove of data recovered from a laptop computer.

But before turning over the gear, the shop owner says, he made a copy of the hard drive and later gave it to former Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer, Robert Costello.

Steve Bannon, former adviser to President Trump, told The Post about the existence of the hard drive in late September and Giuliani provided The Post with a copy of it on Sunday.

Less than eight months after Pozharskyi thanked Hunter Biden for the introduction to his dad, the then-vice president admittedly pressured Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk into getting rid of Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin by threatening to withhold a $1 billion US loan guarantee during a December 2015 trip to Kiev.

“I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,” Biden infamously bragged to the Council on Foreign Relations in 2018.

“Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.”

Shokin has said that at the time of his firing, in March 2016, he’d made “specific plans” to investigate Burisma that “included interrogations and other crime-investigation procedures into all members of the executive board, including Hunter Biden.”

Joe Biden has insisted that the US wanted Shokin removed over corruption concerns, which were shared by the European Union.

Meanwhile, an email dated May 12, 2014 — shortly after Hunter Biden joined the Burisma board — shows Pozharskyi attempting to get him to use his political leverage to help the company.

The message had the subject line “urgent issue” and was also sent to Hunter Biden’s business partner, Devon Archer, who also sat on the Burisma board at the time.

Pozharskyi said that “the representatives of new authorities in power tend to quite aggressively approach N. Z. unofficially with the aim to obtain cash from him.”

N.Z. isn’t identified in the email but appears to be a reference to Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky, whose first name is a Ukrainian version of “Nicholas.”

When the alleged shakedown failed, “they proceeded with concrete actions” in the form of “one or more pretrial proceedings,” Pozharskyi wrote.

“We urgently need your advice on how you could use your influence to convey a message / signal, etc .to stop what we consider to be politically motivated actions,” he added.

Hunter Biden responded by saying he was with Archer in Doha, Qatar, and asked for more information about “the formal (if any) accusations being made against Burisma.”

“Who is ultimately behind these attacks on the company? Who in the current interim government could put an end to such attacks?” he added.

The exchange came the same day that Burisma announced it had expanded its board of directors by adding Hunter Biden, who was put in charge of its “legal unit and will provide support for the Company among international organizations,” according to a news release that’s since been scrubbed from Burisma’s website.

Hunter Biden actually joined the board in April 2014, according to multiple reports.

His lawyer said last year that Hunter was “not a member of the management team,” adding, “At no time was Hunter in charge of the company’s legal affairs.”

About four months after Hunter Biden’s correspondence with Pozharskyi, Archer forwarded Hunter Biden an email chain with the subject line “tax raise impact on Burisma production,” which included Pozharskyi saying that the Ukrainian cabinet had submitted new tax legislation to the country’s parliament.

“If enacted, this law would kill the entire private gas production sector in the bud,” Pozharskyi wrote.

In the Sept. 24, 2014, email, Pozharskyi also said he was “going to share this information with the US embassy here in Kyiv, as well as the office of Mr Amos Hochstein in the States.”

At the time, Hochstein was the State Department’s newly appointed special envoy and coordinator for international energy ­affairs.

In December 2017, the Naftogaz Group, Ukraine’s state-owned energy company, announced that Hochstein had joined the company as an independent director, but on Monday he announced his ­resignation.

“The company has been forced to spend endless amounts of time combating political pressure and efforts by oligarchs to enrich themselves through questionable transactions,” Hochstein wrote in an op-ed published by the Kyiv Post.

In addition to denying that’s he’s spoken to Hunter Biden about his overseas business dealings, Joe Biden has repeatedly denied any conflict of interest or wrongdoing by either of them involving ­Burisma.

Last February, he got testy during an appearance on NBC’s “Today” show when co-host Savannah Guthrie questioned whether it was “wrong for [Hunter] to take that position, knowing that it was really because that company wanted access to you.”

“Well, that’s not true. You’re saying things you do not know what you’re talking about,” the elder Biden responded.

Last December, Joe Biden also lashed out during a Democratic primary town hall event in Iowa, where a man accused him of sending Hunter to Ukraine “to get a job and work for a gas company, he had no experience with gas or nothing, in order to get access to . . . the president.”

“You’re a damn liar, man. That’s not true and no one has ever said that,” Biden fumed.

Biden then continued berating the man as he stepped forward, called the man “fat” and challenged him to “do push-ups together, man.”

The FBI referred questions about its seizure of the laptop and hard drive to the Delaware US Attorney’s Office, where a spokesperson said, “My office can neither confirm nor deny the existence of an investigation.”

Hunter Biden’s lawyer refused to comment on the specifics but instead attacked Giuliani.

“He has been pushing widely discredited conspiracy theories about the Biden family, openly relying on actors tied to Russian intelligence,” the lawyer, George R. Mesires, said of Giuliani.

Pozharskyi and the Joe Biden campaign did not return requests for comment. Hochstein could not be reached.



What Do We Know

Not a tremendous amount. But here’s what we know:

  • The computer and Emails are legit.
  • The FBI does have the computer.
  • The elder Biden does not deny any of this. He just will tell at people that bring this up.
  • Democrats really suck at using technology.


What we need to know:

  • Is this true?
  • What is on that hard drive? We know there was bad Emails and porn. There are rumors of kiddie-porn. There are rumors of that.
  • What did Slow Joe know? He won’t deny or confirm anything.
  • Why is the media ignoring this?
  • Why is social media blocking all this?


This can’t be ignored or suppressed like everyone is doing. There are going to need to be some answers here.

In the latest news today:

  • The DNI John Ratcliff said that Hunter Biden was not involved in Russian disinformation.
  • The FBI does have the laptop  and are sifting through the Emails.
  • There are text messages with Hunter talking about holding money for the “big guy” and one text telling his daughter that he will not be holding “her salary like he is for her grandfather.”
  • Is this stuff real? Don’t know.


Tomorrow, we are going to talk about Twitter’s response to this. They started banning accounts for posting the New York Post article including the Trump Campaign account and press secretary Kayla McKaneny.


Sure, Why Not?

From the Daily Wire:

This year has been beyond bizarre. A month into 2020, House Democrats impeached the president. Then, a pandemic arrived and, like a crummy household guest, it never left. Then NBA legend Kobe Bryant died (followed, in a bizarre PR stunt, by Mr. Peanut). Then the U.K. pulled out of the European Union and a prince and his royal wife moved to Hollywood. Then race riots erupted in cities across America after black men died at the hands of white police.

And then, murder hornets arrived — like the virus, from Asia.

That was all by June.

So it makes perfect sense that the day before Election Day, a refrigerator-sized space rock could strike Earth. That’s what astrophysicist and celebrity scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson says.

Sounds about right for 2020.

The space rock, known only as 2018VP1, is currently racing toward Earth at 25,000 miles per hour and could clip the planet. Still, Tyson was optimistic.

“It may buzz-cut Earth on Nov. 2, the day before the Presidential Election,” he wrote on Instagram. “But it’s not big enough to cause harm. So if the World ends in 2020, it won’t be the fault of the Universe.”

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) offers even better news, putting its chance of  even entering Earth’s atmosphere at less than half of 1%.




The Amy Coney Barrett Announcement- My Thoughts

So much fun this week.
Barrett’s hearings start today.
There will be bullshit.


The Supreme Court Fight Starts

ACB’s Opening Statement Leaked

Amy Coney Barret is starting her testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee today. This should be absolute fun. I am planning to see sweating, screaming, gnashing of teeth and probably some cussing. I can’t wait. On Sunday, part of the Notorious ACB (and I say this because it pisses off liberals) released part of her opening statement.

Judge Amy Coney Barrett will praise her mentor, the late Justice Antonin Scalia, and honor the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in a brief series of remarks to open her Senate confirmation hearings Monday morning.

The four-page statement, issued to most major media outlets on Sunday, has Barrett focusing intently on her judicial qualifications and her theory of interpreting the law, rather than her background, family, or religion — something left-leaning and progressive activists have focused intently on over the past several weeks.

Instead, Barrett will address Democrats’ concerns that she will issue proclamations from the bench and “make law” with judicial rulings.

“Courts have a vital responsibility to enforce the rule of law, which is critical to a free society,” the statement reads. “But courts are not designed to solve every problem or right every wrong in our public life. The policy decisions and value judgments of government must be made by the political branches elected by and accountable to the People.”

ACB was a clerk for Antonin Scalia. She said:

“Justice Scalia taught me more than just law. He was devoted to his family, resolute in his beliefs, and fearless of criticism. And as I embarked on my own legal career, I resolved to maintain that same perspective. There is a tendency in our profession to treat the practice of law as all-consuming while losing sight of everything else. But that makes for a shallow and unfulfilling life.”

Her statement continues:

“When I was 21 years old and just beginning my career, Ruth Bader Ginsburg sat in this seat. She told the Committee, ‘What has become of me could only happen in America.’ I have been nominated to fill Justice Ginsburg’s seat, but no one will ever take her place. I will be forever grateful for the path she marked and the life she led.”

Politico called the statement “bland” and had nothing to do with any issues. Well, it’s an opening statement.

Democrats have said they might no attack her as much as we first thought. Her record is way too good. Her experience is way to heavy. And she has been through Senate confirmation process before. Anything the Dems can come up with now would seem desperate because it would have been brought up two years ago.

Senator Ted Cruz from Texas doesn’t think the Dems will back off. He said on Meet the Press:

“I hope we don’t see Senate Democrats turning it into a political circus. I think we’re going to see, by the way, some more procedural games and shenanigans. I don’t know what they’re going to do, whether it’s try to boycott meetings or try to impeach the president.”

“The delay tactics of the Democrats aren’t going to work. I think they are looking for anything to delay things even a day or two or three. We’ve managed to have hearings for months.”

“I believe we have the votes and I believe Judge Barrett on the merits is going to be confirmed and confirmed by the end of the month before Election Day.”



These Guys Need to Learn a Book

CNN host Jake Tapper repeatedly backed Biden campaign spokesperson Kate Bedingfield into a corner on Sunday morning over the Biden campaign’s recent remarks, or lack thereof, on the issue of court-packing.

Tapper played comments from Biden where the Democratic presidential candidate falsely claimed that what the Senate was doing by moving to confirm Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett was “not constitutional.”

Let’s listen to this idiot when she talks about putting a Supreme Court Justice before an election:

What the fuck is she talking about? The popularity of a law has nothing to do with the law. And, in this case, it is the law of the land. It is the supreme law. Do we know why the process to confirm Amy Coney Barrett is Constitutional? Because a Democrat would sue and try to take this to the Supreme Court. But they would lose in federal court. Because it’s Constitutional!!

  • Even if Trump loses the election, he is still the President until January. He is President for four years. Not three and a half.
  • Next, the Senate was elected, even expanded in 2018. The Senate wants this person in the Supreme Court, the Senate can vote on it. If the Senate doesn’t, they won’t. This same situation has happened 19 times in the past. It’s not unprecedented.
  • Polls do not change the Constitution. This is where Tapper really hammered her.


But it gets better. This gal refused to answer anything about Biden packing the Supreme Court. Listen:

OK, here’s the question: Is Biden going to pack the court? Yes or no?

He has not answered that question fifteen times this week. That’s a lie. It’s also, correctly pointed out by Tapper, that Republicans and Trump do this throughout history. That is a lie. The last President who wanted to pack the court was Mr. New Deal, FDR. A Democrat.

Now, I want you to notice some thing:

  • Jake Tapper really blew her out. he is, I hope, a classical liberal. He’s no Trump fan. His questions were very valid.
  • Notice that Democrats just have diarrhea when they’re asked a question they don’t want to answer? A good Journalist calls them on it.


Here’s a news flash: Biden is going to pack the court, or try. There’s no guarantee that would happen.

  • But this isn’t even the dumbest story. It’s just the story of a dumb person. Well, the next story is by a dumb person but he’s a Senator.


“The only court-packing that’s going on right now is going on with Republicans,” Biden insisted.

Court-packing, of course, has a very specific definition. As the Daily Wire noted Sunday, the practice, which originated with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt through the Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937, involves appointing “up to six additional justices to the Supreme Court for every justice older than 70 years, 6 months, who had served 10 years or more.”

“The U.S. Constitution set up America’s high court but did not establish how many justices should serve, leaving that up to Congress,” the Daily Wire’s Joseph Curl noted. “The Judiciary Act of 1789 put the number at six; that number rose to seven in 1807 and to nine in 1837. The number rose to 10 in 1863, then dropped back down to seven in 1866. In 1869, Congress raised the number of justices to nine, where it has stood ever since.”

But Democrats are now pressing the line that confirming judges to open seats — particularly conservative judges — constitutes “court-packing,” and the memo has gone out not only to competing politicos but also to left-leaning activists and sympathetic media figures.


  1. https://www.dailywire.com/news/cnns-jake-tapper-wrecks-clueless-biden-spokesperson-thats-not-what-the-word-constitutional-means


No Scruples

The Washington Post targeted the children of Supreme Court Justice nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett on Friday, running a headline that suggests the children spread COVID-19 within their school, though the children have no ties to the three positive tests and have tested negative themselves.

Beth Reinhard, co-author of the article, posted on Twitter:

“Two students and teacher at school attended by SCOTUS nom Amy Coney Barrett’s kids test positive for coronavirus, two weeks after ‘superspreader’ White House event for ACB (Amy Coney Barrett). Parents are freaked out though no proven link.”

Beth Reinhard wrote the article with Tom Hamburger. They wrote:

“A private school in South Bend, Ind., attended by some children of President Trump’s nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett, notified parents late Thursday that two students and a teacher had tested positive for the novel coronavirus.”

Of course, in the next paragraph, the two said:

“The emails from the Trinity School principal came less than two weeks after the Barrett family was honored at a White House event attended by several people who subsequently tested positive for the virus, including President Trump. The principal’s announcement alarmed some school families, though there is no evidence linking the school infections to the White House event.”

And the coup d’tat of the article, which should have made this story completely irrelevant:

“A White House official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive health matters said Barrett’s children have tested negative, never showed symptoms and were kept out of school after revelations that some who attended the White House ceremonies had tested positive. The official did not specify how long the children stayed home but said the school approved their return to the classroom.”

Twitter went insane. The Washington Post and the two authors of the articles got absolutely roasted. The obvious problem is there is no proof, whatsoever, that the spread was because of Barrett’s children or Barrett or Trump. They said it in the article!


A noted attorney and popular Twitter account said:

Matt Whitlock said:

Mollie Hemingway from the Federalist said:

Another Twitter user bitched:

This is typical and expect more of this especially as Barrett gets confirmed. And she is going to get confirmed.

What really is annoying is how stupid the media thinks we are. This article literally said there was no evidence that the teachers and students got infected because of the Trump announcement of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.












The Barrett Confirmation Hearings

Let’s talk about the hearings for the Supreme Court nominee, Amy Coney Barrett.

And Away We Go!

So the Amy Coney Barrett started her confirmation hearings yesterday. Not too interesting. Just a lot of people saying that Barrett is awesome. Barrett made a statement, praising Atonin Scalia, Ruth Bader Ginsberg and stating that she’s a textualist. It was a good statement. The dean of law at Notre Dame said she had surpassed during her tenure. Professors who did not believe in ACB’s philosophy said she was awesome.

But Democrats have a different idea. Here’s Pat Leahy, a Democrat from Vermont:

There are a couple of things here:

  • He didn’t say it but he thinks that this whole thing is unconstitutional. It’s not.
  • He said that she would eliminate healthcare. No evidence of that and there is no case about Obamacare that is going to appear in front of the Supreme Court. Or any other court. Trump wanted the individual mandate gone and it is.
  • He talks about Roe vs. Wade. That’s stupid.
  • That she will blow out environmental protections, voting rights, LGBTQ rights, workers right, blah, blah, blah. This is fear mongering.
  • Finally, it’s about what the people want. This is just stupid. The people wanted a majority of senators. The people wanted President Trump. Trump has a fur year term. All Senators will be in office until 2021. That’s because they were voted in for full terms.


What’s ironic about this whole thing, which probably is not ironic, is the Democrats, four years ago, said the Senate should vote for an Obama justice right before an election. Listen:

This is annoying. The Democrats keeps saying that Republicans have no right to do this and this whole thing is unprecedented. But, in fact, this has happened about 29 times before. Of those 29 times, 17 jurists were confirmed. Don’t buy the Democrat lies.

So that the first day. The second day start with Democrats going full out. Barret was asked:

  • If she was a racist.
  • She was asked if she hated gay people.
  • She was asked if she had ever sexually harassed someone.
  • Whether or not she would end Roe vs. Wade.
  • Whether she would end Obamacare and kill people.
  • They talked about “dark money.” weird. Ted Cruz had a mic-drop moment.
  • One guy, I think it was Dick Durbin, had so many graphics, he didn’t ask a single question of Barrett.
  • Was she in league with Trump on…whatever.


I love this one by Maise Hirono of Hawaii, who is an idiot:

OK, using the term “sexual preference” is not anti-LGBTQ. It’s just a term. A term that has been around for decades. A term that many Democrats have used many times in the not too recent past. She is the one who asked ACB if she actually ever sexually assaulted someone. If you look at the video, ACB’s face is just hysterical. One can tell she wonders if these people are nuts.

Finally, I’m not sure I believe in what Hirono thinks. Where are the scientific facts that say one is born gay? I haven’t seen any. So, this is kind of an assumption. And what’s the big deal anyway? You are a man and prefer to be with a woman, good for you. I prefer to be with a woman. Good for me. Bisexuals prefer to be with both men and women. That’s makes getting lucky at a bar really east. Good for them. All three are just fine. Doesn’t matter.

Now, what’s really disturbing about this is, within an hour of question by Hirono, Webster’s dictionary changed the meaning of “sexual preference.”  Now, the definition is:

See what the problem is? I will continue to use “sexual preference” because I was raised that way and I do not see how it is offensive. There is no scientific facts, and it has been researched, that proves what Hirono is claiming. And it ain’t exactly in the realm of the n-word.


OK, back to the confirmation hearing. Last but not least, Sen. John Cornyn really made Barrett look brilliant and it was all peaches and cream after that:

That’s right. All those idiots had to read from scripts for their speeches. All crafted and practiced. This brilliant woman walked in, listened and answered. She was a maestro. She blew all the Democrats out of the water and it looked so easy for her.

  • When someone asked her about law, she answered succinctly.
  • When someone threw precedence at her, she said she could not judge the judgement of others. Only the law based what’s in front of her at the time.
  • When someone brought up an analogy to trip her up, she called it an analogy and refused to answer.
  • When she was lectured, she remained silent and attentive.
  • When someone tried to trap her, she pointed it out and refuse to answer.
  • She answered the most insulting questions with grace.


She’s brilliant. She will get confirmed. Democrats have very little ammunition.


We’re All Going to Die!!

You know why I think Republicans are better than Democrats? Because I am tired of hearing how I am going to die all the time. I’m going to die because of climate change. I’m going to die because of the ACA being being replaced. We’re going to die because of racism. We’ll die because we can’t have an abortion.

Here’s a video from Grabien. Let me give you some context because it is a video that you’re not going to see in the podcast.

  • It starts with a South Park episode where P-Diddy tells Kyle, an 8-year-old, that he needs to vote or he’s going to kill him.
  • In between scenes, you have Democrats saying we’re all going to die if we don’t vote for Biden.
  • The video ends with Kyle saying he will vote, even though it would be illegal for Kyle to vote because he’s only 8-years-old.


Little FYI: This is South Park, there is language. Turn this off now if your 2-year-old is listening. Here it is:

Just a funny video.





Episode 234 – RIP Eddie


  • Nancy needs to read.
  • Whitmer is an idiot
  • Actors are so dumb.


If You Can’t Impeach, Say He’s Sick

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Friday announced legislation to create a commission that would allow Congress to oust a president from office, using the 25th Amendment, a day after she accused President Trump of being “in an altered state” from his coronavirus treatment.

Pelosi said:

“This is not about President Trump. He will face the judgment of the voters. But he shows the need for us to create a process for future presidents.”

Trump responded on Twitter:

“Crazy Nancy Pelosi is looking at the 25th Amendment in order to replace Joe Biden with Kamala Harris,” Trump tweeted. “The Dems want that to happen fast because Sleepy Joe is out of it!!!”

Pelosi was joined at the Capitol by bill author Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., who said the coronavirus crisis has further shown the need for a succession plan in the event the president is incapacitated.

“We need to act. In times of chaos, we must hold fast to our Constitution. The 25th amendment is all about the stability of the presidency and the continuity of the office.”

So, essentially what Nancy wants to do is create a commission in the House of representatives that can determine if the President is capable of performing the duties of his office. If they determine he cannot, the 25th Amendment should be implemented.

First thing we should do is read the 25th Amendment. Once we read it, we can determine whether or not Crazy Nancy can do what she wants to do. Hint: I called her crazy. That should give all you need to know about whether she can do what she wants.

The 25th Amendment was written in 1789 and has been invoked several times including the death of JFK, the shooting of Ronald Reagan and during a coloscopy George Bush had in 2002. So it’s used. It’s made up of four sections. Let’s go over them:

Section 1

In case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President.

Section 2

Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.

Section 3

Whenever the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and until he transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President.

Section 4

Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.

So we read it. Notice something? The House of Representatives has no say in any of this. They just have to be informed. Definitely, no where in the Constitution says that the House can make a commission to determine the 25th Amendment. This just irritates the shit out of me. Here’s why:

  • Bureaucracy- I hate bureaucracy with a passion. The EPA, created by Richard Nixon, is an example.
  • Let me guess, every one of the members of this commission will be Democrats.
  • The 25th Amendment is less than a page long. Have any of these people read the Constitution? The only way she can do this with any validity is to create a 28th Amendment editing the 25th Amendment.

Now, there could be two reasons she’s doing this:

  • She thinks Trump is going to win and needs a way to harass him. Impeachment was a huge failure and may have cost the Democrats the House.
  • She thinks Biden is going to win and wants an easy way to get him out.


I think it is the former because the 25th Amendment will be easy to obtain if Joe Biden is President. He’s barely alive right now. But we’ll see in 24 days.



This Broad is Such a Tyrant

Five Michigan men and a man from Delaware have been arrested for allegedly plotting to kidnap Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) from her vacation home, authorities said Thursday afternoon.

According to the criminal complaint, Adam Fox of Michigan, and Barry Croft of Delaware, were among a group of individuals who the FBI identified in early 2020 as wanting to take violent action against state governments in the name of the U.S. Constitution. The two were later joined by Ty Garbin, a leader of a Michigan-based militia group, which allegedly was already on the radar of law enforcement after a concerned member reported to police that he believed members were intent on killing officers.

U.S. Attorney Matthew Schneider, of the Eastern District of Michigan, said:

“All of us can disagree about politics, but those disagreements should never, ever result in violence. The allegations in this complaint are deeply disturbing. We owe our thanks to the men and women of law enforcement who uncovered this plot and have worked so hard to protect Governor Whitmer.”

I agree. I think Whitmer is a tyrant. I also think she’s a sociopath committed to her own power. One can see that by watching her speak. She needs to be voted out of office. Not killed or kidnapped.

According to the complaint:

The conspirators often communicate via encrypted online platforms and use “code words” or phrases to describe their plans in a self-proclaimed effort to avoid law-enforcement detection. For example, on July 24, 2020, [Confidential Human Source 2] and GARBIN contacted FOX by telephone. The call was recorded by CHS-2. FOX said he had researched the Governor’s office online, and he believed that the Governor kept only a ceremonial office in Lansing. FOX wondered aloud whether the group just needed to “party it out, make a cake and send it,” in what CHS-2 believed was a coded reference to sending a bomb to the Governor. FOX discussed the need to train for the next three months to be ready to engage. FOX stated, “In all honesty right now . . . I just wanna make the world glow, dude. I’m not even fuckin’ kidding. I just wanna make it all glow dude. I don’t fuckin’ care anymore, I’m just so sick of it. That’s what it’s gonna take for us to take it back, we’re just gonna have to everything’s gonna have to be annihilated man. We’re gonna topple it all, dude. It’s what great frickin’ conquerors, man, we’re just gonna conquer every fuckin’ thing man.” FOX and GARBIN further discussed the need for the government to collapse because it has become so tyrannical.

After arriving back at GARBIN’s property, [Confidential Human Source 2] asked, “Everybody down with what’s going on?” and someone stated, “If you’re not down with the thought of kidnapping, don’t sit here.” GARBIN replied, “Oh no, we’re not kidnapping, that’s not what we’re doing,” which sparked general laughter. Amidst the laughter, another voice said, “No children!” and a voice added, “We’re adult napping.” FRANKS stated, “Kidnapping, arson, death. I don’t care.” The group then started discussing destroying the vacation home.

Of course, Whitmer and the media did what they usually do, they blamed Trump:

Everything is Trump’s fault. If Trump cured cancer, he would be blamed for killing a disease that brought money into the healthcare system. With her logic, it was Bernie Sanders’ fault for the congressional softball shooting that almost killed Steve Scalise.

And Trump has been condemning white supremacy for the last four years! 

Trump responded:

Can any credit be given to the Trump administration? If she wasn’t so busy defunding the police and releasing criminals, her administration might have caught these people.

This is an evil group. 99.9% of Americans think it is an evil group. The are not a white supremacists’ group. They are an antigovernmental group. They want an overthrow of the entire government. They picked Whitmer because she is a tyrant. But guess who else they think is a tyrant. Let’s listen to the leader of this group:

He hates Trump. What a shock. He and his group hates all government. Maybe now the Democrats will like him.






Keep Doing This Guys

I love when celebrities do this shit.

A bunch of celebrities got together and decided to do a video naked to encourage people to vote.

Damn. Just listen:

This is just dumb. In fact, it’s a turn off for conservative and independent voters. These people think we all want to see them naked and we will be encouraged to vote then. How arrogant is that? Why would I want to see Amy Schumer, Chelsea Handler, Chris Ruffalo and Chris Rock naked? I mean, I’d like to see Sarah Silverman naked cause she’s hot. But this is all stupid.

Nobody who is into politics listens to celebrities. They have had no impact on any election.

  • Celebrities hated Trump. He won.
  • Barrack Obama won because he was popular.
  • Celebrities hate George Bush and he won. Twice.
  • Bill Clinton won because he was popular. It had nothing to do with Chelsea Handler sticking her boobs in a camera.


Just…so dumb.




  • The October debates are cancelled. Sleepy Creepy Joe must be pissing in his diaper in joy.
  • Whitey Ford, the famous Yankee pitcher died at 91.
  • Eddie Van Halen, the famous guitarist for Van Halen died at 65 due to cancer.



Episode 233 – What a Route!

Let’s talk about the Vice Presidential debate!


The Vice Presidential Debate

I saw the Vice Presidential debate twice. I saw it live on CNN and I saw it on the Louder with Crowder. It was a disaster for Kamala Harris. She got absolutely killed. I am not sure if it is because Mike Pence is a great debater or Kamala Harris is a crappy debater. Let’s look at the debate.

Mike Pence

  • Mike Pence was calm, controlled and steady. Disciplined.
  • There was a split screen. Pence never looked down or look away. He shook his head a few times but his demeanor never changed.
  • He was the anti-Trump. Even though the media says he interrupted constantly, he didn’t.
  • He brought out policies. He said what the Trump administration has done and what they are going to do.
  • He defended the China virus policy brilliantly.
  • He provided facts including statistics. These were not arguable.
  • He let her talk herself into a corner.
  • He ran long on a lot of questions. I would have shortened my answers and used my time for her to answer questions.
  • He wasn’t entertaining. He seemed boring.


There was a instant that a fly landed on his head and stayed there for two minutes. For some reason, this became a thing for the media. We will get into that later. But the fly seems to be a thing.


Kamala Harris

She was terrible.

  • She refused to answer about court packing. She was asked three times.
  • She did not say she would end the filibuster.
  • She never condemned Antifa.
  • She never talked about the Biden policies.
  • Orange man bad.
  • She lied like crazy.
    • She lied about the China virus.
    • She lied about the Charleston comments. All that was debunked.
    • She lied about Trump’s comments about the military from The Atlantic. All that has been debunked.
  • She could not counter any of Pence’s arguments.
  • Her facial reactions were telling.



The Moderator

Susan Page was the moderator of the debate. She’s the Washington Bureau Chief for USA Today. So I expected this to be really biased against Pence. And it was. But she wasn’t terrible.

  • She reminded everyone that there was not going to be any interruptions after every question. That’s good.
  • She had a ton of leading questions. Pence dealt with that.
  • She seemed to constantly cut off Pence. Though the time seemed equal, it didn’t seem like it.
  • No follow up questions. Especially about court packing.
  • She wrote the questions, definitely controlled the debate better than Chris Wallace, but the questions were skewed. No talk of Middle East Pease, the destruction of ISIS or the economy before the Chinese virus. Just Leftist talking points.


She could’ve been worse. She did keep herself, more or less, out of the debate.

The Media

I got bad news for you but Mike Pence kicked the shit out of fucking Kamala Harris. The media showed this bu calling Pence a racist and sexist.

There’s also something else: China broadcast this debate. When Pence talked about China, his words were blocked. When Kamala talked, her words weren’t blocked. So who is the evil dictatorship of China rooting for? This is from the Ben Shapiro show.

CNN also had a poll before the debate and after the debate on who would win. They were identical though Pence gained ground. It was a garbage poll from a garbage network. They knew who they were going to declare as winner. Problem is Kamala got killed and they had to come up with something. And the tried and true “sexist” thing is what they came up with.

Listen to this from Grabien:

OK, man-splainging.

And, the fly. Wow. That fly meant he was full of shit. That fly meant he was a piece of shit. That fly meant he is evil. That fly meant he is Satan.

Ugh! This is so stupid and a coward’s way out of not admitting Kamala Harris lost the debate. She lost the debate. She lost it big. And Mike Pence is not Satan.


What Questions Weren’t Asked?

There were a few questions that weren’t asked that I think should have been asked. Let’s go over them:

  • Kamala, talk about you relationship with Willie Brown and how those appointments he gave you weren’t corrupt.
  • Kamala, you called your running mate a racist and sexist, no, rapist.. What happened?
  • Kamala, will you pack the Supreme Court? Yes or no.
  • Kamala, will you end support for the filibuster? Yes or no.
  • Kamala, do you support the Green New Deal? Yes or no.
  • Kamala, are you against fracking?  Yes or no.
  • Kamala, did you over step your bounds as a state attorney and put people in prison for non-violent crimes? Yes or no.
















Episode 232 – Is This the Big Surprise?

Advantage for Trump.
October surprise is here.
Dems fight the Second.


This is Getting Uglier and Uglier

President Trump on Tuesday said he has “fully authorized the total Declassification of any & all documents” related to the Russia investigation and the FBI’s investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.

Trump Tweeted:

“I have fully authorized the total Declassification of any & all documents pertaining to the single greatest political CRIME in American History, the Russia Hoax. Likewise, the Hillary Clinton Email Scandal. No redactions!”

“All Russia Hoax Scandal information was Declassified by me long ago,” Trump tweeted. “Unfortunately for our Country, people have acted very slowly, especially since it is perhaps the biggest political crime in the history of our Country.”


The president’s tweets come after Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe declassified documents that revealed former CIA Director John Brennan briefed former President Obama on Hillary Clinton’s purported “plan” to tie then-candidate Donald Trump to Russia as “a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server” ahead of the 2016 presidential election.

The notes stated:

“We’re getting additional insight into Russian activities from [REDACTED]. CITE [summarizing] alleged approved by Hillary Clinton a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisers to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security service.”

A referral was sent to James Comey and then-Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence Peter Strzok. That memo stated:

“The following information is provided for the exclusive use of your bureau for background investigative action or lead purposes as appropriate.”

“This memorandum contains sensitive information that could be source revealing. It should be handled with particular attention to compartmentation and need-to-know. To avoid the possible compromise of the source, any investigative action taken in response to the information below should be coordinated in advance with Chief Counterintelligence Mission Center, Legal. It may not be used in any legal proceeding—including FISA applications—without prior approval…”

“Per FBI verbal request, CIA provides the below examples of information the CROSSFIRE HURRICANE fusion cell has gleaned to date. An exchange [REDACTED] discussing US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s approval of a plan concerning US presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russian hackers hampering US elections as a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server.”

Jim Comey was interviewed by the Senate last week. Of course, he didn’t remember anything. How convenient. This whole thing has been a disaster. It has ruined the entire first term of Trump. Wasted tens of millions on an investigation that everyone knew was bullshit. And what was it for? It was to keep power and hide corruption.

This is another reason Biden can’t be President. If Biden becomes President, this investigation will end, especially since Biden and Obama were involved, and there will be no justice. Here’s the reality: someone needs to go to jail for this.



There’s Justice for You

Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the St. Louis couple that stood in front of their home over the summer holding firearms as a large group of demonstrators marched by, were indicted on Tuesday on felony weapons and evidence tampering charges.

“Lawyer Joel Schwartz said he was told a grand jury indicted his clients on felony counts of unlawful use of a weapon and evidence tampering,” the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported. “He said he had no details. A St. Louis court clerk said the indictment was filed Tuesday but that she was not authorized to provide a copy.”

Schwartz said, “I am not surprised that the grand jury indicted them but I’ll certainly be interested in what was presented to the grand jury.”

The couple was each charged by Democrat Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner in July with one felony count of brandishing a firearm.

“The government chooses to persecute us for doing no more than exercising our right to defend ourselves, our home, our property and our family and now we’re getting drug here time after time after time and for what?” Mark McCloskey said on Tuesday. “We didn’t fire a shot. People were violently protesting in front of our house and screaming death threats and threats of rape and threats of arson. Nobody gets charged but we get charged.”

Let’s review the story. The McCloskeys live in a gated community. They had the misfortune to live in the same community as the mayor of St. Louis. So the protestors broke down the gates of the community and started walking to the mayor’s house. At this point, the protestors became rioters. The McCloskeys, afraid of what these people were about, armed themselves and stood outside their house. They were very clumsy with their weapons but they were protecting themselves. The rioters had just pulled out a wrought iron fence (illegal), burned down the city and some were armed. Oh, yeah. And they threatened to enter their house, burn down their house, kill them and kill their dogs. These are charming people.

This couple, who supported Black Lives Matter, now faces four years in prison and the loss of their law licenses. Yes, both the McCloskeys are lawyers. Seems like kind of a steep punishment for just holding their guns against a bunch of rioters.

Now let’s face the fact: these people are not going to get convicted. It’s possible this won’t even see the inside of a court room. This is an unjustifiable prosecution by a partisan prosecutor on a charge that, quite possible, could be unconstitutional. But, that’s the point, isn’t it? Our right don’t matter to the Left. The Second Amendment is part of a system the Left wants to destroy. The McCloskeys are the casualties. Here’s the problem we all need to worry about: we’ll all end up being casualties. It is time to fight this crap. If the McCloskeys put up a donation site, I would donate. So should you.



A Great Opinion Piece

