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Episode 231 – He’s Back!

This haiku is going to be a little out there.

Trump has been Released.
In a message, he gave hope.
Critical race theory!


COVID Update

Donald Trump left the hospital on Monday. He looked and felt good and made a statement about having COVID-19. Listen:

This is a great message. It’s not going to get through to the Left. They just want to blame Trump for the virus like he went down in his basement and cooked up the thing. By the way, do you realize no one is even talking about China? I’m not going to call it COVID anymore. I will call it the Wuhan Flu or the China virus because we seem to have forgotten where the damn thing came from.

But I digress. This is a great message. It was not conveyed great but great none the less. We cannot be afraid of this thing. We must live our lives and take care of ourselves and the ones around us. The problem is we think the government should take care of everything like government has all the answers. This pandemic proved that they do not. No government in the world knew what to do. I know the Democrats and the media, but I repeat myself, think that this was all Trump’s fault, but it wasn’t. It just happened and we, as individuals, needed to take care of ourselves and others.

Does that mean wear a mask? Yeah. Does that mean stay away from people when one is sick? Yeah. Should we listen to doctors and scientists? Yeah. And we should open our economy, our schools and our business. Everyone, especially business, knows what we need to do to keep people safe. Keeping everything closed is effecting a lot in our lives. We are:

  • Losing our jobs.
  • Losing our businesses.
  • Our children are not being educated.
  • Our children are growing depressed.
  • Our relationships are suffering.
  • We can’t go to church or synagogue.
  • We have no release and grow frustrated to the point that we accept the riots that we are seeing on the streets right now.


All the President is saying is that all of this has to end. This disease isn’t going anywhere. We are going to have to deal with it. We are all going to get this. And people are going to die. That’s just how the cold or the flu or cancer works. It goes through a population and does what it does. All we can do is try to deal with it until we are all able to handle it and can’t spread it. That’s herd immunity.

Trump’s message: This thing is not worse than anything we face in day to day life. We have to deal with it. We can’t fear. We need to move on. That’s a great message.















Episode 230 – He’s Back!

Trump is coming home!
The media flips again.
Joe’s got some issues.


COVID Update

Here’s an update on President Trump’s COVID-19 situation. This come from White House physician, Sean Conely:

“President Trump continues to do well, having made substantial progress since diagnosis. This evening he completed his second dose of Remdesivir without complication. He remains fever-free and off supplemental oxygen with a saturation level between 96 and 98% all day.”

“He spent most of the afternoon conducting business, and has been up and moving about the medical suite without difficulty. While not yet out of the woods, the team remains cautiously optimistic. The plan for tomorrow is to continue observation in between doses of Remdesivir, closely monitoring his clinical status while fully supporting his conduct of presidential duties.”

There was a little concern on Friday. It was reported:

  • Trump was fatigued.
  • His temp was rising.
  • He was having shortness of breath and his pulseox had dropped to concerning levels.
  • There was never a thought of implementing the 25th Amendment.


We can’t really know the condition of the President. Only what they are telling us. But, right now, he could be released as early as Monday.

So the media is being completely awesome. The Daily Wire reported:

According to The New York Times’ Ben Smith, top reporters at three of the major newspapers in the nation, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Los Angeles Times, have been assigned to update President Donald Trump’s obituary.

Those reporters include Peter Baker at The New York Times, Marc Fisher at The Washington Post and Mark Z. Barabak at The Los Angeles Times, Smith claimed people from the various papers confirmed to him.

Smith noted of the “reporters arrayed at Walter Reed military hospital on Sunday” that “the White House press corps is working with admirable aggression and openness. We need to know who is in charge of the government, and to understand the outcome of President Trump’s long evasion of the coronavirus crisis as Americans begin to vote.”

Earlier this weekend, it was pointed out that Trump, while taking a picture signing a document, was signing a blank document. I saw it but I didn’t think anything of it. Maybe he was, maybe he was signing a document that only had a few words in it and they could not be viewed. Maybe the White House edited the picture because he was signing something that was classified. Question for you: who cares?

Then, there was another story that said that the pictures taken, showing Trump throughout the weekend working, were actually taken all at the same time. He was using a photo-op to make him look like he was working hard from the hospital.

Come on guys. Do these guys really have to assholes all the time.



An Uh-Oh for Creepy Joe

On Saturday, the day after it was revealed that President Trump had contracted the coronavirus, a new poll from John Zogby Strategies was taken, and it showed something startling: former Vice President Joe Biden was leading President Trump by only two points, 49%-47%.

Zogby’s July 8 poll found Biden leading Trump by seven points, 49% to 42%, while their August 29th poll found Biden leading by six points (48% to 42%).

The poll, which surveyed 1,006 “likely voters” across the nation, stated that Biden “is leading among Democrats 91%-8%, voters 18-29 years of age (60%-35%) and those 30-49 (50%-45%), as well as among women (56%-41%), Progressives (85%-15%), Liberals (85%-14%) and Moderates (58%-36%). He also leads among Hispanics … 61%-34% and Blacks (87%-11%).”

Zogby wrote:

Contrary to my own observations, it looks like the President has not been hurt by his debate performance nor his hospitalization. His 47% performance is actually one point higher than his vote percentage in 2016. For now, he appears to have consolidated his base of Whites, parents, conservatives, men, and his own party’s voters. Joe Biden looks as if he is on his way to doing the same with his base. His numbers among Hispanics are respectable but not quite at the 66%-67% he really needs. The same with Blacks. His 86% is better than our last poll but he needs to hit 90%, especially in those key battleground states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, and Georgia. His 60%-35% lead among young voters is about where he needs to be … Our last poll had Mr. Biden leading strongly among independents but now the two candidates are tied with 12% still undecided.

Zogby has been pretty accurate. In 2008, got 49 of 50 correct.

In 2016, a statement was released by Zogby after the election:

Zogby’s 2016 prediction:

Three weeks before the election, despite Hillary Clinton’s double-digit leads in most polls at the time, he declared, “I can’t tell you who’s really going to win. Tell me who will vote, and I’ll tell you who will win. If we get around 132 million votes, as we did in 2008 and 2012, Hillary wins. If we get 121 million, as we did in 2004, Trump wins.”

We actually got around 126 million, giving Clinton about a 2 million vote lead. Shortly after Election Day, with 122 million votes counted, her lead was closer to 200,000. Several million non-voters, particularly Democratic-leaning people in the north central states, helped tip those states to Trump. So Zogby’s assessment looks quite accurate.

Zogby continued on his procedure:

Zogby did not poll the horse race after two weeks before the election, though our last poll had Clinton leading by 2 points. With that said, I think it was more a combination of a misunderstanding of how to read polls and a media that really wanted Donald Trump to lose — so much that they screened out any other possibility.

As for the inability to read polls, I think our expectations are too high. Even a poll the day before the election cannot capture the last minute decision-makers, and there are many that do not make up their minds until the day of the election. Polls are samples and have a margin of error we cannot forget. But I correctly read the trend-lines. The race was clearly tightening over the last week, especially in the battleground states. Thus, in New Hampshire, HRC had a 10-point lead 10 days before the election and that evaporated down to a tie just before the election. The same for North Carolina, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Florida. The trend lines suggested either a tightening race or Trump momentum.

Here’s the problem with polls:

  • Their sample sizes are too small.
  • The organization who take the poll may be biased.
  • The questions may not give pollsters the right direction.
  • Likely voters versus eligible voters.
  • Finally, people lie or refuse to answer.




They Are Sooo Predictable

Never let a good crisis go to waste. I seem to be saying that a lot lately. Makes me wish I came up with it.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) called on Republicans, again, to delay the Supreme Court confirmation hearings for Judge Amy Coney Barrett, saying it wasn’t possible to hold the committee proceedings safely at this time.

Schumer said:

“It makes no sense. If it’s not safe for the Senate to meet in session, it’s not safe for the hearings to go forward.”

“For Mitch McConnell to go ahead with the hearing endangers the safety not only of senators, but of staff who work diligently on the Hill, and they ought to be delayed. There is no reason on God’s green earth why these shouldn’t be delayed other than an effort to rush a witness through in an inadequate hearing where people can’t even see the witness face to face. So we are demanding today, along with millions of Americans and many, many groups, that the hearings be postponed.”

Mitch McConnell said, no way. The hearings would go on.

“A virtual hearing is virtually no hearing at all. You need to be with the witness, and have direct cross-questions and back and forth with them.”

Here’s the problem: They have been having virtual hearings for months. Suddenly, they don’t work?

This is just a temper tantrum that is not going to lead anywhere. Amy Coney Barrett is:

  • Going in front to the Senate Judiciary.
  • The Senate Judiciary IS going to recommend a confirmation vote.
  • The Senate is going to vote.
  • The Senate is going to vote to confirm.
  • President Trump will swear her in.
  • She will get that snazzy little black dress thing.
  • She will be a Supreme Court justice.


It’s a done deal. There’s nothing Democrats can do about it. And you know what’s going to happen in the legal world? Probably not much. Abortion will still be legal. Obamacare ain’t going anywhere. Gays can still get married. Jim Crow is not going to be reinstated. And no one is going to die of the Wuhan Flu because of the confirmation hearings.

The Left is being so dumb about this.

  • https://www.dailywire.com/news/schumer-no-reason-on-gods-green-earth-scotus-hearings-shouldnt-be-delayed



The Gloves are Off!

Let’s take a look at last week’s Presidential debate.


The Debates

So the Presidential debate was on Tuesday and I had to see it twice. The first time I watched it was on the Louder with Crowder. I like the show because the debates are boring and Steven Crowder and his brood are funnier than all hell. The problem is they talk over the debates. So I watched it again on Wednesday and listen to a few podcasts to get the highlights because I think I fell asleep half way through it.

So I’m not going to play any sound bites from the debate. The big bites (and there weren’t many) have been played over and over and I have more stories for today. What I am going to talk about is the performance of all the actors: Biden, Trump and Chris Wallace, the moderator. Then I will give my opinion about who won.

Sleepy, Creepy Joe

Here are Biden’s highlights:

First look, Joe looked terrible. I don’t know if he was sick or tired or whatever but he actually didn’t look well. He was pale, slow and his eyes looked a bit glassy.

Joe’s mental acuity seemed pretty good. He did stumble several times and sometimes he ran on in several different directions. There were a few times one had no idea what the hell he was talking about.

Once again, Biden doesn’t seem to have much in the way of policies. He seems confused about the Green New Deal and the Biden Green Deal. He actually rejected the Green New Deal and then supported the Green New Deal within 35 seconds. That was weird and shows that he is compromised in some way. Either because his mind is going south or he is a puppet of the Left. I think it was a little bit of both.

He still did not condemn Antifa or BLM even when pressed on it. He said that Antifa is not a group but an idea. Well, if a bunch of people in uniforms, a flag and have U-Haul trucks with weapons from the leadership then that’s a group. I also want to point out out that these thugs are getting plane tickets so they can riot in other cities.

Whenever Biden was attacked and had no answers, he looked down or chuckled or looked in a different direction. Whenever someone has no answers, they begin to look at their notes or look away or just look down. They don’t look into the camera or look at their debate partner. Kamala Harris and Hilary Clinton do this.

Biden lied a ton, especially about COVID. He made it out that Trump botched the COVID response and was responsible for all 200,000 deaths. Believe it or not, this was Trump’s best moment. He put Biden in his place saying Biden would have screwed the whole thing up. He also pointed out that the estimates put the death toll at 1.5 to 2 million.

Biden said that he thinks that all the systems in the United States are systemically racist. This is an egregious statement. He said that the police are systemically racist but there are good cops. And it was a serious opportunity missed by Trump (though Wallace did help). If I were Trump, I would have asked three questions:

  • What systems are racist?
  • How can there be good police when the system is racist? Aren’t any new cops racist because the want to be cops?
  • Finally, if all the systems are racist, and you, Joe, have been part of the system for 47 years, doesn’t that make you a racist?


Another big mistake that Trump didn’t take advantage of: his taxes. The New York Times released a shitty report about how Trump “cheated” the government on taxes, “paying less than a nurse would pay.” This was another missed opportunity.

  • This is just a lie. And the release of his records is illegal. Trump paid millions the year the New York Times pointed out.
  • How many people has Joe Biden employed? Donald Trump has employed tens of thousands. Business is business.
  • I would have pointed out that Joe Biden used the tax laws to save himself $500,000 in federal income taxes.
  • Finally, who created the tax laws? Trump didn’t violate laws. Biden was a senator for 39 years and voted on laws.


No policies. Just orange man bad.

Biden was terrible. But Trump missed a ton of opportunities to bury him.

Trump Fucked it Up

Trump did not help himself.

He definitely had the better performance. He looked strong and confident and not as orange as he usually is. He showed the usual energy. That would be a problem. But he was like a honey badger. He attacked and attacked and attacked and never let Biden talk, which is what Biden didn’t want to do. The more Biden talks, the more people how doddering he is and how he has no policies.

Trump’s continued arguing was very annoying and made him look like a bully. I think he even pissed off the moderator, Chris Wallace.. We’ll have more on Wallace later. He did not do a great job and I like Chris Wallace.

Trump was not prepared for this debate. He did not have a lot of facts. Facts that would have buried Biden. There was not one question in the debate that Trump would not beat Biden on.

Trump should have gone after Hunter Biden right at the start. It would have thrown Biden off his game in the beginning. Pissed him off. But Trump waited until forty minutes into the debate to bring it up. By then, most people had already turned the thing off.

Trump is very clumsy with his words. Clumsy to the point that he does not get his answer across in the most absolute way. Then, the media jumps all over him. When he was asked if he would condemn white supremacy, the answer should have been, “absolutely” and story over. Then he could go after Biden about the violence by Antifa and BLM. I actually thought this was a crappy question.

Trump needed to let Biden talk. He needed to ask a question and let Biden answer. When he did this, Biden stumbled, Biden refused to answer or just looked in all directions. He would look really bad.

Moderator or Debater

Chris Wallace did not do a good job. I was surprised. I thought he was one of the best journalists on Fox News. He is hard hitting, he doesn’t care who he interviews, his questions are probing and he knows how to ask follow up questions. My dad told me that he did not like Chris Wallace. He thought he is a liberal. I called my dad on Wednesday and agreed whole-heartily. I hate having to admit I’m wrong.

Now, I am not going to flip out completely on Wallace. I think Trump’s interruptions and badgering probably angered Wallace and Wallace held it against him for the rest of the debate. But as a journalist and moderator, he needs to be bigger than that. Even the broadcasters on Fox News said that Wallace did not do a good job and appeared biased.

Biden never answered any questions. Wallace never followed up on them.

Wallace cut off Trump when Trump was scoring points on Biden. When Trump brought up Hunter and Antifa, Wallace cut the questioning, essentially bailing Biden out.

The white supremacy question was just idiotic. Trump has been condemning white supremacy for four years and his social life involves tons of minorities. Remember Hershel Walker? Remember Don King? Remember Mike Tyson? He had relationships with all those people. What was more insulting is he did not push Biden on condemning Antifa or BLM.

He didn’t do a great job.


It was a draw.

I like Trump and Biden didn’t seem too coherent so I think Trump won. But that because I like Trump’s policies and philosophy. I don’t think the United States is evil. I hate critical race theory. I don’t think we are systemically racist or the police are evil. I don’t like socialism. The think the Green New Deal is trash. I think Biden will resign in the first year and that he has dementia. I believe in the free market system. I believe Antifa and BLM are evil, terrorist groups. I don’t think we should defund the police.

I’m listening to an audio book now called America Crusade by Pete Hegseth. It really is an inspiring book. He says that most Americans are “squishy” Americans or 50% Americans. What that means is that we love to country, culture, history and philosophy of the United States. Why we are “squishy” or 50% American is because, when faced with people or groups who may not agree with us, we hold our beliefs back as not to insult someone. Here’s the problem: There is no middle ground anymore. We actually have to fight for this country now.

Per Hegsseth, civilizations last between 235 and 270 years before they collapse. The United States is 245 years old. People are beginning to forget. They are rejecting our Judeo-Christian moral purpose and Greek reason. People ignore, or don’t know, the history of a growing country. No one understands how capitalism works or what a democratic republic is. No one considers that socialism and communism has never worked in world history.

Well, I do. And I wear my Donald Trump mask. I will be a 100% American. That’s because this country is worth fighting for. That’s why I think Trump won. He’s fighting for what our founding fathers fought a war for. He believes in what they created. Biden just wants to overturn the country and apply policies that will affect my children and grandchildren. They may never know why this country is the greatest country in human history.

So, my advice to you: wear your MAGA hat. Slap that bumper sticker on your car. Put that “Trump 2020” mask on your face. Don’t be afraid. Be 100% American. By the way, I didn’t make that up. That was from Hegseth’s book too.






Episode 228 – The Biden Boondoggle!

Since the debate is tonight, let’s take a peak at Sleepy, Creepy Joe’s policies. You know, the one he wrote with comrade Bernie Sanders.

The Wall Street Journal has a great article about it.


On the Heels of the First Debate, Let’s Talk Biden

From the Wall Street Journal, there is an article called The Biden-Sanders Manifesto by Phil Gramm. Great article basically giving an overview of the Biden policies which were based on Bernie Sanders belief system. I think it might be important to go over some of Biden’s policies because of the debate tomorrow. And it’s kind of a slow news day.

Now, one thing to remember is that we are coming off record unemployment lows for all races and genders, the highest stock market numbers and the highest consumer confidence which includes housing. It was this virus from China that put us where we are today, not Trump.

Gramm said:

“Yet after he won the nomination as the only “moderate” in the race, the new world of the coronavirus shutdown revealed a new candidate who wants “not just to rebuild the economy, but to transform it,” as Mr. Biden said in a May address… Mr. Biden’s dramatic political transformation has exposed what many have always suspected: Moderate Democrats aren’t socialists unless they think they can adopt socialist policies and survive politically.”

This is true. Remember, the goal of Democrats is power. They want it everywhere. They lose a Presidential election, eliminate the Electoral College. The Supreme Court is 6-3 conservative? Pack the court. Democrats don’t vote like Republicans? Send them a ballot or two and then harvest the ballots. It’s about power and they will blow up any system that keeps them from power.

Joe Biden wants power, even if its for only a couple of months. He will do anything to get it including adopting socialist policies one moment and rejecting socialist policies the next. He’s a con artist. A con artist with dementia.

Gramm continues:

“The Biden-Sanders “Unity” manifesto envisions the socialism of an all-encompassing welfare state, with virtually every need a right, and every right guaranteed by taxpayer funding.”

Yep. Let’s talk about needs versus rights. The article talks about housing, health care and education. Here’s the thing: those aren’t rights. They have never been rights. Those are services. People have never been entitled to them. Heck, people have never been entitled to food and water. You know what I have a right to? Pray to the God I want. Say whatever I want. Protest my government. Protect myself. All this without fear of going to prison. Healthcare is not a right. I do not have the right to tell a doctor, who has been in school for twelve years, that he has to help me for free.

Gramm continues:

“On health care, Mr. Biden bought Mr. Sanders’s “Medicare for All” scheme—though on an installment plan. First health care becomes a right where “no one pays more than 8.5 percent of their income.” Mr. Biden’s planned public option is heavily subsidized, with no deductibles and low copayments. Like current Medicare, this “Medicare option” would further inflate the cost of private plans by making them pay more to compensate for government’s underpayment to hospitals and doctors. The inevitable result would be that the Medicare option would quickly “compete” private plans out of business. Commercial banking would be similarly threatened by new publicly backed post-office banks along with the Federal Reserve, which Mr. Biden wants to grant permanent authority to lend to businesses.”

Universal health care is scary because it does what Gramm says it’s going to do. It is going to spread to the different institutions. That’s the goal. Here, it’s attacking the banking system. It will, eventually, attack the education system.

Gramm continues:

“A President Biden would implement a version of the Sanders Green New Deal, only in 15 years instead of 10. Mr. Biden’s plan uses mandates and subsidies to dictate what kind of energy is produced, remaking the world’s most efficient energy industry in the image of Solyndra.”

I love this. You know what “mandates and subsidies” is? It’s taxes and regulation.

Gramm continues, his passion coming out:

In all things, the government would direct, regulate and mandate with armies of the “best and brightest,” organized as a caring corps of subsidized health-, child- and elder-care workers, plus a climate corps of environmental regulators. Government employees would enjoy the “highest labor standards” for pay and benefits. A new right to strike for all workers would include secondary strikes like those that recently paralyzed France.

With government for, of and by government, all public servants would benefit, except the police. Police are to be more closely tracked and exposed, and federal law-enforcement would be hampered with a New York-style arrest-and-release program. Disorder awaits. Since Mr. Biden believes “substance use disorders are diseases, not crimes” and “no one should be in prison solely because they use drugs,” American neighborhoods may soon resemble the streets of San Francisco.

Yes, yes and yes!

Gramm continues:

“This month he pledged to end the “era of shareholder capitalism.” That era began with the Great Economic Awakening that followed the Enlightenment. By rejecting shareholder capitalism and making private wealth subject to public demands, the Biden administration would take America back to the medieval world, where labor and capital were forced to pay fealty to the crown, guild, church and village, which leeched the lifeblood out of the incentives to work and save.”

Love the language.

More from Gramm:

“The final pillar of the Biden program is racial justice. Ironically, the vice president to the first black president believes that America is systemically racist. His “Unity” program declares that virtually every significant gap—in wealth, health care, housing, policing, education—can be blamed on racism. The cure is a massive transformation of every aspect of American life, using a reparations commission, wealth transfers, subsidies, employment and promotion preferences, quotas, and even a new mandate to the Federal Reserve to seek racial equity. Every action that displaces merit with preference will reduce American efficiency and competitiveness. Tilting the system in the name of correcting old injustices will create new ones.”

What Biden, Sanders and supporters of the Green New Deal is the equality of outcome whereas capitalism is about quality of opportunity.




Calling Them Out

According the The Federalist:

Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) gave a passionate speech to the House of Representatives floor Monday outlining examples of times that Democrat Senators attacked judges during their confirmation hearings for simply being conservative. His speech comes just two days after President Donald Trump nominated federal judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court to replace the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Roy, who served as a lawyer on the Senate Judiciary Committee for five years, claimed that the confirmation hearings of federal and Supreme Court judges Janice Rogers Brown, Priscilla Owen, Clarence Thomas, Miguel Estrada, Robert Bork,  Samuel Alito, and Brett Kavanaugh were “complete horror shows” and an “utter disgrace.”









Episode 227 – Happy, Happy, Happy!

Trump will make his pick.
NBA could learn something.
Everyone calm down.


On Friday, in the wake of news that President Trump planned to nominate Judge Amy Coney Barrett to fill the vacancy left following the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg last week, a Democrat operative used the opportunity to speculate on the way Barrett’s two adopted Haitian children were adopted—this prompted a barrage of criticism from conservatives who were outraged at the operative for seeming to use Barrett’s children against her.

Dana Houle, who served as Chief of Staff for Democratic New Hampshire Rep. Paul Hodes and campaign manager for Hodes and for Democratic Connecticut Rep. Jim Himes, according to Boston Review, tweeted:

“I would love to know which adoption agency Amy Coney Barrett & her husband used to adopt the two children they brought here from Haiti.”

“So, here’s a Q: does the press even investigate details of Barrett’s adoptions from Haiti? Some adoptions from Haiti were legit. Many were sketchy as hell. And if press learned they were unethical & maybe illegal adoptions, would they report it? Or not bc it involves her children. Would it matter if her kids were scooped up by ultra-religious Americans, or Americans weren’t scrupulous intermediaries & the kids were taken when there was family in Haiti? I dunno. I think it does, but maybe it doesn’t, or shouldn’t.”

“I hope the adoptions were fully legit & ethical. I hope if press investigates that’s whay [sic] find. But if the adoptions were sketchy, reporting it would really screw w the lives of her 2 adopted kids (& maybe the 5 bio kids too).”

The South Bend Tribune reported:

In a 2019 discussion before the Notre Dame Club of Washington, D.C., Barrett said she and Jesse decided to adopt from Haiti because it was an impoverished country and because it was close enough to be able to visit as the kids became older. She and her husband debated over the years whether one should stay home with the children — she described plenty of “soul-searching and anxiety about balancing kids and work — but Jesse’s aunt has helped watch the kids for years, and Jesse took on more home duties after she became a judge. “What greater thing can you do than raise children?” she said. “That’s where you have your greatest impact on the world.[”]

Houle got lambasted. Bethany Mandel, conservative editor, said:

By the way, she calls herself a neo-Nazi and grandma killer. She’s my type of editor. I need to read the Ricochet, the magazine she edits.

Millie Hemmingway, a senior editor for The Federalist, tweeted:

You think? Do you know who doesn’t attack the children of political opponents? Republicans. Remember, the press attacked Donald Trump’s son on election night? Remember that Nick Sandman was being thrown under the bus because he didn’t hide and cower from some fraud playing a drum in front of his face? And realize they are attacking Kyle Rittenhouse for defending himself in Kenosha from three felons. The Left has no scruples.

Finally, Ted Cruz tweeted:

Simple yet right to the point.



Learn a Book

Democrats in the House of Representatives will introduce a bill next week to limit the tenure of U.S. Supreme Court justices, from lifetime appointments — which is outlined in the Constitution — to just an 18-year single term.

Reuters reported on the forthcoming bill, Thursday:

The new bill, seen by Reuters, would allow every president to nominate two justices per four-year term and comes amid heightened political tensions as Republican President Donald Trump prepares to announce his third pick for the Supreme Court after the death on Sept. 18 of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, with just 40 days to go until the Nov. 3 election.

According to Democratic Rep. Ro Khanna (CA), the bill — the “Supreme Court Term Limits and Regular Appointments Act” — is intended to tamp down partisanship.

“It would save the country a lot of agony and help lower the temperature over fights for the court that go to the fault lines of cultural issues and is one of the primary things tearing at our social fabric,” said Khanna.

“The bill seeks to avoid constitutional concerns by exempting current justices from the 18-year rule,” Reuters said. “Those appointed under term limits would become ‘senior’ upon retirement and rotate to lower courts.”

Khanna argued, “That’s perfectly consistent with their judicial independence and having a lifetime salary and a lifetime appointment.”

As noted by News at Northeastern in 2018, Northeastern law professor Michael Meltsner, who specializes in the Supreme Court, said lifetime appointments to the Supreme Court were intended to “insulate justices from partisan politics.”

“That was put into the Constitution to preserve the total independence of the judiciary,” explained Meltsner. “Once a justice is confirmed and takes a seat on the court, they’re not beholden to anybody.”

My thoughts:

  • I believe in term limits. For Everyone. Mark Levin has a great book on this.
  • The 18 year limit and two picks per President won’t work.
  • The Democrats have a great ideas but for the wrong reason.
  • This requires a Constitutional amendment.




The NBA Should Listen to These Guys

Per the Daily Wire:

Former NBA stars Charles Barkley and Shaquille O’Neal pushed back on a lot of the outrage that racial activists have been fomenting in recent days over the death of Breonna Taylor, noting that the case, while tragic, did not belong in the same category as the death of George Floyd.

Barkley said:

“It’s bad the young lady lost her life, but, you know, we do have to take into account that her boyfriend did shoot at the cops and shot a cop. So, like I said, even though I’m really sorry she lost her life, I don’t think that we can just say we can put this in the same situation with George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery, I just don’t believe that.”

O’Neal then reportedly jumped in and agreed with Barkley, highlighting aspects of the case from the law enforcement side of things.

O’Neal said:

“I have to agree with Charles, this one is sort of lumped in. You have to get a warrant signed and some states do allow no-knock warrants. And everyone was asking for murder charges. When you talk about murder, you have to show intent. A homicide occurred and we’re sorry a homicide occurred. When you have a warrant signed by the judge, you are doing your job, and I would imagine that you would fire back.”

Barley replied:

“We have to really be careful on these, you know, I hear these fools on TV talking about ‘defund the police’ and things like that. We need police reform and prison reform and things like that because you know who ain’t going to defund the cops? White neighborhoods and rich neighborhoods.”

“So, that notion they keep saying that, I’m like wait a minute, we’re just going [sic], who are black people supposed to call, Ghostbusters, when we have crime in our neighborhoods? We need police reform, but like I said, white people and especially rich white people, they’re always going to have cops. So, we need to stop that defund and abolish the cops crap.”

As noted by The Daily Wire, the notion that the black community in the United States wants less policing is false.

“A Gallup poll conducted from June 23 to July 6 surveying more than 36,000 U.S. adults found that 61 percent of Black Americans said they’d like police to spend the same amount of time in their community, while 20 percent answered they’d like to see more police, totaling 81 percent. Just 19 percent of those polled said they wanted police to spend less time in their area,” Newsweek reported. “Black Americans’ responses to the question were nearly on par with the national average, in which 67 percent of all U.S. adults said they wanted police presence to remain the same and 19 percent said they wanted it to increase.”

I hated Charles Barkley when I used to watch the NBA. That’s because he was a brutal player and the Lakers couldn’t control him. I don’t know how intelligent Barkley is but he definitely has some common sense and he’s rich enough not to care what people think of  his opinions.

I loved Shaq. I think he is probably my favorite Laker. I’m not surprised he agreed with Barkley. Don’t forget: Shaq was a reservist police officer and he’s funny as hell.

Good for those two and the NBA should be listening to them. Their ratings are down by 50% because of all this social justice warrior bullshit. The reality is 81% of blacks agree with Shaq and Chuck. The NBA better get their heads out of their asses because LeBron, who is an idiot, ain’t selling tickets anymore. The Lakers may win the championship this year but I can guarantee you I won’t be watching it.



People, Relax

I always want to try an end a podcast with a Joe Biden comment. Well, I have one. From 2016. I can’t lie, I have mixed feeling about it. Things like this will always end positively, though you may not like it.

First, here’s sleepy, creepy Joe talking:

There was a time I was in a meeting and I made a joke about beating my wife. It was a joke but inappropriate. I got into trouble, was crucified in HR but dealt with my punishment. Over. This is Joe Biden comment. But there are things I think show us, not about Joe, but about the media.

  • This happened in 2016. Why hasn’t this reported before now? Would Trump get the same consideration?
  • Biden just bitched for an entire Town Hall about how Trump hates the military. Why is this not a thing?


Those are rhetorical questions. i don’t have an answer. Well, I do and so do you.

But here’s the thing that bothers me. And this is a criticism for the Right. Joe Biden made a joke. It was a joke. He’s with a bunch of soldiers, the saltiest human being in the world. They are actually trained to be salty. Trained to be tough. Trained to be hard and insensitive to hard words. These people avoid bullets for a living, watch their friends die for a living, they kill for a living. Do you think any of these people really got offended?

I was in the army. I can guarantee you they didn’t. So why are conservatives getting offended?




Episode 225

Didn’t have time to write a Haiku because I am so late with this podcast.

The charges were dropped in the Breonna Taylor case. BLM wasn’t quite thrilled with the results.

Christianity is under attack again thanks to Amy Coney Barrett.

And Hunter Biden and sleepy, creepy Joe got some splaining to do.



Ugh, Is This Ever Going to End?

One of three police officers involved in the Louisville, Ky., drug operation that led to the death of Breonna Taylor in March 2020 was indicted Wednesday on criminal charges.

Officer Brett Hankison, who was fired in June, was indicted on three counts of wanton endangerment in the first degree, a Jefferson County grand jury decided Wednesday. Neither the grand jury nor the presiding judge elaborated on the charges.

A warrant has been issued for Hankison’s arrest and a bond is set at $15,000 cash.

No charges were announced against the two other officers involved in the raid — Myles Cosgrove and Sgt. Johnathan Mattingly, who was shot in the leg and underwent surgery after the police operation that resulted in Taylor’s death.

Hankinson faces up to five years on each of three counts if convicted, Cameron said.

Danial Cameron, DA of Kentucky said:

“The decision before my office as the special prosecutor, in this case, was not to decide if the loss of Ms. Taylor’s life was a tragedy. The answer to that is unequivocally, ‘yes,'” Cameron said. “I understand that Breonna Taylor’s death is part of a national story, but the facts and evidence in this case are different than others…

“If we simply act on emotion or outrage, there is no justice,” Cameron said. “Mob justice is not justice. Justice sought by violence is not justice. It just becomes revenge.”

“I believe that the public deserves this information,” Beshear said. “So I previously made what I would call a suggestion to the attorney general, and now I’m making the request that he post online all the information, evidence and facts that he can release without impacting the three felony counts in the indictment issued today.”

He noted that other jurisdictions had similarly released details about high-profile cases.

“Everyone can and should be informed,” he said. “And those that are currently feeling frustration, feeling hurt, they deserve to know more.”

Cameron said Mattingly and Cosgrove were justified under Kentucky law in their use of force after being fired upon by Walker and his office will not pursue criminal charges against them.

“According to Kentucky law, the use of force by Mattingly and Cosgrove was justified to protect themselves. This justification bars us from pursuing criminal charges in Miss Breonna Taylor’s death,” Cameron said.

But Hankison is accused of “blindly” firing his gun, without a threat within line of sight, according to a pretermination letter the police department sent to him in June.

So, with that, let the Tweeting to start riots commence. Linda Sarsour started it off. She hates this country. She wants this country to be destroyed. But the Democrats love her. She Tweeted.

Yeah, that’s inflammatory. She just wants violence to destroy the country. Nothing more. The evidence shows, presented by the black DA, that this was a justified shooting. How do I know? A police officer was actually shot.

Bernice King, daughter of MLK, said:

I actually like this Tweet because it’s true. I mean, no one knew this gal until she was killed. It shows the insensitivity of social media.

Ben Crump, the attorney for the Taylor family and who makes Al Sharpton look like a racial healer Tweeted:

Yeah, those are probably the right charges. A police officer was shot. The police announced their presence even though it was a no-knock warrant. Taylor’s boyfriend shot first. Again, no “justice,” no peace.

Lonita Baker, an attorney for the Taylor family, said:

As the family’s attorney, I’m not surprised she doesn’t understand. The Grand jury heard the evidence. They came up with the charges. No one mentions that a cop was shot. No one mentions that Brianna Taylor was, possibly, involved in drug trafficking with her ex-boyfriend. No one mentions that the black, Democratic, and honest, prosecutor said that this was a justified shooting. Let’s just tear shit up and burn it down.

I watching the news now. In a couple of hours, I’m sure Louisville will be on fire. No one is going to care about the fact, only the narrative.


Here We Go

Newsweek magazine has issued a major correction to an article smearing potential Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett, accusing the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals judge of belonging to a Catholic sect that “inspired” the novel “The Handmaid’s Tale.”

Initially, Newsweek claimed that “People of Praise,” a charismatic Catholic group to which Barrett reportedly belongs, “served as inspiration for Margaret Atwood’s dystopian novel, The Handmaid’s Tale,” adding that female members are forced to report to spiritual superiors known as “handmaids” and that the group stresses that “men have authority over their wives.”

“Members of People of Praise are assigned to personal advisers of the same sex — called a ‘head’ for men and ‘handmaid’ for women, until the rise in popularity of Atwood’s novel and the television series based on it forced a change in the latter,” the outlet reported.  “Atwood herself has indicated that the group’s existence motivated her to write The Handmaid’s Tale, set in the fictional Gilead, where women’s bodies are governed and treated as the property of the state under a theocratic regime.”

The problem:

The People of Praise group are actually just spiritual advisors. It’s not a religion or a cult. It’s like going to a Bible study group.

National Review Online’s David Harsanyi points out, Barrett’s partner’s “authority” must be severely limited, given that her “knuckle-dragging misogynistic religious fanatic husband has only let the poor woman out of the house twice. Once, to serve a 15-year stint as a law professor at a highly prestigious university,” and the other to serve on the 7th Circuit.

Newsweek offered a correction but too little, too late. The story went viral. The correction went as so:

“Correction: This article’s headline originally stated that People of Praise inspired ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’. The book’s author, Margaret Atwood, has never specifically mentioned the group as being the inspiration for her work,” the note read. “A New Yorker profile of the author from 2017 mentions a newspaper clipping as part of her research for the book of a different charismatic Catholic group, People of Hope. Newsweek regrets the error.”

“The clipping includes a spokesperson for the People of Hope sect based in Newark, New Jersey saying, ‘We’re all Roman Catholics. We differ in the sense that we are a Charismatic group, which would mean that we have prayer meetings, during which there is raising of hands, singing and speaking in tongues,’” the outlet notes. “People of Praise has never had a presence in the state of New Jersey.”

Actress Patricia Heaton, an actress and a Catholic, Tweeted:


Democratic Senator, Joe Machin from West Virginia also stated the same thing on Fox News. He said:

“I’m Catholic, OK. And religion should not enter into it. It sure doesn’t with me. The freedom of religion is one of the basic rights we all have as an American citizen. Whether you’re Catholic, whether you’re Protestant, whether you’re Jewish, evangelical, whatever it may be, God bless you. You worship who you want and you worship how you want. You worship the same God. All of us do.”

This attack on someone because of their religion is disgusting. And notice it is only Christianity and Judaism that are attacked? No one attacks Islam, right? No one says anything to Rashida Talib and Ilhan Omar who are both ardently anti-Semitic. The reason is because these are the main religions in the country and they typically love the United States and all its principles. Hell, the principles of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence are from Judeo-Christian teachings. Islam is based on hate for infidels. Now I’m not saying all Muslims believe in this. I used to live with Muslims and they were very fine people. They even voted for Trump over Clinton. But most terrorism across the world is done by radical Islamic terrorists. The Left sees them as heroes because the hate America and Israel.

The Left also embraces Marxism and communism. Marx called religion, “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people”. The ideologies require that the people see the government as god (North Korea is an example of that). Religion gets in the way. It gets in the way because if people have faith that there is something beyond this world, the government becomes less important and fallible because the religious know government is run by people. Religion also establishes individuality and community instead of zombie collectivism (I am talking about Judeo-Christian religions specifically, not Islam). It encourages the use of reason and promotes individual rights. Marxism and communism can have none of that.

Finally, the Left will attack her religion for the simplest of reasons: they have nothing else on Barrett or Barbara Logoa for that matter.



Uh-Oh! This Ain’t Gonna Be Good for Sleepy, Creepy Joe!

This story is from Fox News.

The Senate Homeland Security and Finance Committees on Wednesday released an interim report on their months long joint investigation into Hunter Biden’s role on the board of Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma Holdings and his alleged “extensive and complex financial transactions.”

Homeland Security Committee Chairman Ron Johnson, R-Wis., and Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, said their investigation has “faced many obstacles” from Democrats on their committees and that executive agencies “failed to comply with document requests.”

So this was what was found in the report:

Obama administration officials “knew” that Hunter Biden’s position on the board of Burisma was “problematic” and that it interfered “in the efficient execution of policy with respect to Ukraine.”

“This investigation has illustrated the extent to which officials within the Obama administration ignored the glaring warning signs when the vice president’s son joined the board of a company owned by a corrupt Ukrainian oligarch,” the report’s executive summary stated.

Ironically, Hunter Biden’s job was to clean up corruption from the company. Of course, he knew nothing about energy adn couldn’t speak the language. Then his father bragged about getting the attorney, who was investigating Burisma, fired. Ukraine did because they wanted a billion dollars in U.S. aid.

The Senate committees also revealed in the report that they obtained records from the U.S. Treasury Department, which “show potential criminal activity relating to transactions among and between Hunter Biden, his family, and his associates with Ukrainian, Russian, Kazakh and Chinese nationals.”

The committees stated that they received records that Hunter Biden “sent thousands of dollars” to individuals who have “either been involved in transactions consistent with possible human trafficking; an association with the adult entertainment industry; or potential association with prostitution.”

“Some recipients of those funds are Ukrainian or Russian citizens,” the report states, adding that “the records note that it is a documented fact that Hunter Biden has sent funds to non-resident alien women in the United States who are citizens of Russia and Ukraine and who have subsequently wired funds they have received from Hunter Biden to individuals located in Russia and Ukraine.”

“The records also note that some of these transactions are linked to what ‘appears to be an Eastern European prostitution or human trafficking ring,’” the report stated.

Oops! This is a big deal and shows that some of Hunter’s indiscretions over the years (you know; smoking crack, attending strips clubs, getting a hooker pregnant) is habitual.

The report states that Senate investigators found millions of dollars in “questionable financial transactions” between Hunter Biden and his associates and foreign individuals, including the wife of the former mayor of Moscow as well as individuals with ties to the Chinese Communist Party.

According to the report, an investment firm co-founded by Hunter Biden, Rosemont Seneca Thornton, “received $3.5 million in a wire transfer” from Elena Baturina, the wife of the former mayor of the Russian capital.

Wow! This is huge. And it’s Trump that’s in cahoots with Russia? Just a little reminder: We had two had a two year investigation on Trump-Russia collusion because Russia post $100,000 in ads on Facebook and Twitter. Meanwhile, the son of the Vice President, Joe Biden, is getting $3.5 million from the wife of the mayor of Moscow. The hunter must have some awesome equipment to get all this money from these women.

The report goes further and alleges that not just Hunter Biden but other members of the Biden family “were involved in a vast financial network that connected them to foreign nationals and foreign governments across the globe.”

In one instance, the report stated that Hunter Biden “opened a bank account” with a Chinese national linked to China’s communist government, which “financed a $100,000 global spending spree” for the former vice president’s brother, James Biden, and his wife, Sara Biden.

Biden campaign spokesman Andrew Bates on Wednesday blasted the investigation, and Johnson directly, for pursuing a “conspiracy theory.”

“As the coronavirus death toll climbs and Wisconsinites struggle with joblessness, Ron Johnson has wasted months diverting the Senate Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee away from any oversight of the catastrophically botched federal response to the pandemic, a threat Sen. Johnson has dismissed by saying that ‘death is an unavoidable part of life.’ Why? To subsidize a foreign attack against the sovereignty of our elections with taxpayer dollars — an attack founded on a long-disproven, hardcore rightwing conspiracy theory that hinges on Sen. Johnson himself being corrupt and that the Senator has now explicitly stated he is attempting to exploit to bail out Donald Trump’s re-election campaign.”

As usual, it’s Trump’s fault. This bullshit narrative is done. This is going to come up in a debate. Hunter is going to come up. Biden’s 47 years of service with nothing accomplished is going to come up. Joe’s weird behavior with little girls is going to come up. And Joe ain’t going to have a teleprompter.



Episode 224 – Done Deal

Trump is getting another Supreme Court justice.

The Left is flipping out about it.

People are not thinking this election is going to be legit…what a surprise.

And Bill Barr continues to be a stud.


The Path is Open

Sen. Mitt Romney said on Tuesday that he supports the Senate in moving forward with a Supreme Court nominee from President Trump ahead of the presidential election, further tipping the nomination math in favor of Republicans who want to replace the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg with a conservative.

“My decision regarding a Supreme Court nomination is not the result of a subjective test of ‘fairness’ which, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. It is based on the immutable fairness of following the law, which in this case is the Constitution and precedent. The historical precedent of election year nominations is that the Senate generally does not confirm an opposing party’s nominee but does confirm a nominee of its own.”

“The Constitution gives the President the power to nominate and the Senate the authority to provide advice and consent on Supreme Court nominees. Accordingly, I intend to follow the Constitution and precedent in considering the President’s nominee. If the nominee reaches the Senate floor, I intend to vote based upon their qualifications.”

“We may have a court that has a more conservative bent. But my liberal friends have over many decades gotten used to the idea of having a liberal court. And that’s not written in the stars.”

“It’s also appropriate for a nation that’s if you will center-right to have a court which reflects center-right points of view. Which again are not changing the law from what it states but instead following the law and following the Constitution.”

Romney was a big question. He voted this year…yes, this year…voted to remove Trump on one of the impeachment charges and has shown to have a very iffy relationship with President Trump (though he has voted for the President’s policies over 90% of the time). He has also been seen protesting (not rioting) with the BLM movement earlier this year. I’m not sure why he does the things he does. When he ran against Obama in 2012, sleepy, creepy Joe Biden told a black audience that Romney would “put them back in chains.”

Chuck Grassley also said he would vote for the Trump nominee. He was kind of on the fence because he said, earlier, that he did not think it was a good idea to nominate a justice before an election. He got over it. When someone pointed out what he said, he just waved it off. This should be a lesson to us all: Don’t say things that may require you to do the opposite when the tables are turned. Just be quiet or do not say “never” to anything. Or, be a politician and just change your mind.

With Romney and Grassley going with the President, there are now enough votes to confirm Trump’s Supreme Court nominee.



The Quiet Part Out Loud

I don’t know when CNN is going to admit they are nothing more than opinion TV like Fox News and MSNBC. They really are fooling themselves in believing they are neutral.

With the clarity that the Supreme Court seat is going to be filled by a Trump pick, Don Lemon flipped out and said what we all knew he thought but never said before. It was such a rant that Chris Cuomo, who’s probably not going to be on CNN much longer, seemed very uncomfortable, actually disagreeing with him.


Let’s unpack a little of Don’s temper tantrum.

  • Blowing up the system is what the Left has always intended. It’s already happening.
  • The electoral college has nothing to do with minority rule. It’s there to make sure that the majority doesn’t become tyrannical. It’s to make sure that states that don’t have a population like California and New York don’t control the country. In other words, states like Wyoming have a say in our government.
  • Cuomo is right. Can’t believe I said that. It requires a Constitutional amendment and that’s not going to happen.
  • Stacking the courts is also difficult. It require the House to come up with a law, the Senate to ratify it and the President to sign it into law. Good luck with that.
  • The Left is trying to destroy the country to keep and never lose power. They cheat.



This Says Something

According to Yahoo News:

Just 22 percent of Americans believe this year’s presidential election will be “free and fair,” according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll — a disturbing loss of confidence in the democratic process that could foreshadow a catastrophic post-election period with millions of partisans refusing to accept the legitimacy of the results.

The survey, which was conducted from Sept. 15 to 17, found that both Republicans and Democrats harbor grave and growing doubts about whether the upcoming election will accurately reflect the will of the people.

Half of Trump supporters (50 percent) say the election will not be free and fair; more than a third of Biden supporters (37 percent) agree. Overall, the number of Americans who say the election will not be free and fair (46 percent) is more than twice the number who say the opposite. Another third (32 percent) say they’re not sure what to expect.





He’s the Man…Again!

The Department of Justice (DOJ) on Monday identified New York City, Portland and Seattle as “local governments that are permitting anarchy, violence, and destruction in American cities,” a move that comes as the federal government continues to take a tough stance against localized rioting in some areas of the country.

President Trump earlier this month targeted those three cities in a memo to Attorney General William Barr and the Office of Management and Budget asking for a review of federal funding to “anarchist” jurisdictions. The DOJ memo Monday essentially serves as notice that New York City, Portland and Seattle meet the criteria Trump set out for potential defunding.

It’s unclear whether and how much funding may eventually be withdrawn from the cities and if such a move would be legal, as it would likely be challenged in the courts.

William Barr is quoted as saying:

“When state and local leaders impede their own law enforcement officers and agencies from doing their jobs, it endangers innocent citizens who deserve to be protected, including those who are trying to peacefully assemble and protest. We cannot allow federal tax dollars to be wasted when the safety of the citizenry hangs in the balance. It is my hope that the cities identified by the Department of Justice today will reverse course and become serious about performing the basic function of government and start protecting their own citizens.”

In a joint statement, Mayors Bill de Blasio of New York, Jenny Durkan of Seattle and Wheeler called threats to revoke federal funding “thoroughly political and unconstitutional.”

A quote from the statement:

“The President is playing cheap political games with Congressionally directed funds. Our cities are bringing communities together; our cities are pushing forward after fighting back a pandemic and facing the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, all despite recklessness and partisanship from the White House. What the Trump Administration is engaging in now is more of what we’ve seen all along: shirking responsibility and placing blame elsewhere to cover its failure.”

Now, I think this is a good move but there are a lot of legal hurdles. First, are the finance the federal government giving the cities required or discretionary? If the money is discretionary, then the cities have no say. The money has not been given through law or edict and the federal government can just say “no.” If it is money that is distributed through law, then the DOJ cannot just stop payments being given. This is where things get kind of sticky for the federal government.

I find it funny that Leftists like Wheeler De Blasio and Durkan keep yelling “unconstitutional” when they don’t get their way. The reality is that this is not unconstitutional. It might be against the law but the federal government has no constitutional commitment to finance states or cities. I find it amazing that the people who want to destroy the Constitution are the ones that scream “unconstitutional” every time they don’t get their way. Here’s an idea: these guys should actually read the Constitution. Their behavior tells me they know nothing about it.

Another thing that kicks my cat is that these cities have run themselves into the ground and depend on federal funds. When the local or state government does not do all that it needs to protect citizens and property and actually lowers safety and quality of life, why should the federal government give anything? The government only has two things to do: protect citizens rights and protect the citizens themselves. If a city or state refuses to do that, they should get nothing.

Finally, why just New York City, Seattle and Portland? How about Baltimore, Chicago and Los Angeles? How about Detroit, Washington DC, Minneapolis and Atlanta? I’m pretty sure the DOJ could have found one or two more cities that are having serious issues with law enforcement.



Biden Boofs




Episode 223 – And the Winners Is…

The Dems call for war.
A new justice is coming.
The top picks are great.


It’s Coming

President Trump said he would nominate a Supreme Court pick on Friday or Saturday and has five women under consideration, as Senate Republicans lined up behind him and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) and rejected Democrats’ calls to let the winner of the presidential election make the pick.

He said that he would wait until the end of the week out of respect for Ruth Bader Ginsberg. But he would nominate one and it would be quick.

Trump said of Fox and Friends on Monday:

“We won the election and elections have consequences. We have plenty of time.”

He is absolutely correct. Here’s the thing: Trump is President for four years not three and a half. He is expected to do what his voters expect him to do and fight for it. One of the things his voters expect him to do is put in place judges including Supreme Court judges. This goes the same for Mitch McConnell. His voters trust him to do the right thing and that includes fighting for what they want. There’s a reason he has been in the Senate for a thousand years. What he did in 2015 with Merrick Garland and is doing now is not hypocrisy. It’s politics. Unlike a lot of Republicans, McConnell is following the law and fighting politically.

Do you know why we know he is following the law? People are threatening his life and are rioting. The Supreme Court justice that Trump picks is going to get confirmed. And the Left is already flipping.



This Ain’t the First Time

The Democrats are screaming that this is hypocrisy and an outrage and evil and the end of democracy and whatever. The Wall Street Journal said that the confirmation of Supreme Court ran into issues because of what the Democrats have done in the last twenty years.

Let’s look at some of the things they have done:

In 1987, Robert Bork was a qualified nominee for the Supreme Court. The Ted Kennedy, a drunk, sexist and a murderer, called Bork a murderer who would force “back ally abortions” and would make blacks “sit at segregated lunch counters.” Robert Bork was not confirmed. That’s when the term “borked” came into play. That is when a justice is undermined as not to be confirmed.

Clarence Thomas, the day before his confirmation vote, was accused of sexual harassment. This guy was a judge for twenty years. And it seemed that Anita Hill actually sexually harassed him. He didn’t put up with it and fought it. Listen:

Clarence Thomas is a black man. So, apparently, race is not an issue with the Democrats. It’s philosophy. Wait till Trump selects Amy Coney Barret.

Samuel Alito was accused of being a sexist and racist because of some fraternity he belonged to at Princeton.

We won’t even talk about the gang rapist, Brett Kavanaugh, which you probably know about.

Democrats have also filibustered and blocked appellate nominees by Republican Presidents such as:

  • Miguel Estrada
  • Priscilla Owen
  • Janice Rogers Brown
  • Charles Pickering Sr.
  • Henry Saad
  • Carolyn Kuhl
  • William Pryor
  • David McKeague
  • Richard Griffin
  • William Meyeres
  • Amoung others


This was something unheard of thirty years ago and all of it is by Democrats.

In 2013,

Democrats rewrote Senate rules in mid-Congress, on a party-line vote, to add three seats to the D.C. Circuit. The goal was to stack that court with liberals who would rubber stamp Mr. Obama’s “pen” and “phone” regulatory diktats.

None of this stuff happened to Democratic appointees:

  • Elena Kagan, who was far Left, got 60% of the Senate votes.
  • Sonia Sotomayor, who is far Left, got over 60% of the Senate votes.
  • Ruth Bader Ginsberg, who was far Left, won the vote 93-3!


Is it a surprise that now, that Democrats have no options, they are threatening violence? Here’s the thing: we cannot assume that the Democrats have any good attentions. We have to assume they are there to tear the government apart and rebuild it so that there is no oversight and they can do what they want.

Is it a coincidence they are the party of:

  • Mail-in balloting.
  • Eliminating the electoral college.
  • No voter ID.
  • Allow 16-year-olds to vote.
  • Allow criminals to vote.
  • Packing the Supreme and appellate courts.
  • Ending the filibuster.
  • Adding states to the Union.
  • Impeachment
  • Refusing to to condemn rioting and domestic terrorist groups like Antifa and BLM.


So why shouldn’t Republicans man-up and nominate someone? It is time to start fighting. I don’t mean through violence but we shouldn’t be afraid of that either. The Second Amendment is exactly for this.

I’m sure this is going to come up again later.



So, Who Are the Top Picks?

The lead candidate for the Supreme Court seat is Amy Coney Barrett but she is closely followed by another judge, Barbara Lagoa. I, personally, would like to see Amy Coney Barrett though Logoa would be a solid pick too. I just think Barrett holds the same family and religious values. I must confess, though, I don’t know much about Barbara Logoa.

So let’s take a look at the two. First, let’s talk about Amy Coney Barrett:

  • Amy Coney Barrett was born on January 28, 1972. Hoe depressing, she’s younger than me.
  • She is the oldest of seven children. Her father was an attorney and her mother was a homemaker.
  • In 1994, she graduated magna cum laude with a BA in English from Rhodes College. That’s my degree.
  • She received a full scholarship to Notre Dame Law School and was the executive editor of the Notre Dame Law Review publication.
  • In 1997, she graduated first in her class.
  • After graduating from law school, Barrett served as a law clerk to Judge Laurence Silberman of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.[14] She then spent a year as a clerk to Associate Justice Antonin Scalia of the Supreme Court of the United States.[14] During both clerkships, she was the only female law clerk.
  • From 1999 to 2002, she practiced law at Miller, Cassidy, Larroca & Lewin in Washington, D.C.
  • Barrett served as a visiting associate professor and John M. Olin Fellow in Law at the George Washington University Law School for a year before returning to her alma mater, Notre Dame Law School.
  • In 2002, Barrett returned to Notre Dame Law School to teach federal courts, constitutional law, and statutory interpretation. Barrett was named a Professor of Law in 2010, and from 2014 to 2017 held the Diane and M.O. Miller Research Chair of Law.[17] Her scholarship focuses on constitutional law, originalism, statutory interpretation, and stare decisis.
  • While a full-time faculty member at Notre Dame, Barrett was affiliated with Faculty for Life, a pro-life group at the school. In 2015, she signed a joint letter to Catholic bishops that affirmed the Church’s teachings, including “the value of human life from conception to natural death”, and that family and marriage are “founded on the indissoluble commitment of a man and a woman”.
  • President Donald Trump nominated Barrett on May 8, 2017, to serve as a United States Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit.
  • A hearing on Barrett’s nomination before the Senate Judiciary Committee was held on September 6, 2017.[27] During Barrett’s hearing, Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein questioned Barrett about whether her Catholic faith would influence her decision-making on the court, because in 1998 Barrett wrote an article in which she argued that Catholic judges should in some cases recuse themselves from death penalty cases due to their moral objections to the death penalty.[28] Worried that Barrett would not uphold Roe v. Wade given her Catholic beliefs, Feinstein followed Barrett’s response by saying, “the dogma lives loudly within you, and that is a concern.”
  • On October 5, 2017, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted 11–9 on party lines to recommend Barrett and report her nomination to the full Senate.[41][42] On October 30, the Senate invoked cloture by a vote of 54–42.[43] The Senate confirmed her by a vote of 55–43 on October 31, with three Democrats—Joe DonnellyTim Kaine, and Joe Manchin—voting for her.[11] She received her commission on November 2.
  • She is married to Jesse Barrett, also a lawyer.
  • She has seven kids: 5 of her own and two adopted from Haiti. Her youngest child has special needs.
  • She is a Roman Catholic.


I like her. And my feelings are confirmed when Dianne Feinstein and Dick Durbin don’t like her. By the way, her religion is the only line of attack the Democrats have on her. This ain’t going to be a great attack.

Now, let’s look at Barbara Logoa:


So these ladies are pretty awesome. There are differences though. Let’s look at them:

  • Amy Coney Barrett and Barbara Logoa are both Catholics but Barrett belongs to some rather orthodox Catholic organizations. This could be a problem for her.
  • Logoa is a Cuban American. Barrett is white but she does have two adopted Haitian kids. Logoa will reach for the Hispanic community, especially in Florida, while Barrett will get props from the black community.
  • Logoa is far more experienced as a judge but also has written some controversial opinions in Florida including about the criminal voting laws. Barrett not so much.
  • Barrett is more likely to overturn Roe v. Wade. Logoa is anti-communist and is likely to vote for big government.
  • They are both textualists.
  • Neither probably ran a rape ring. So there’s that.


They are both extremely qualified to be a Supreme Court justice. Neither should have an issue being confirmed. Neither is going to be a big impact on Roe v. Wade. I think both would be fantastic. Barbara Logoa though might have a bigger impact on preventing the expansion of government.












Episode 222 – Rest in Peace, RBG!

Can you think of something worse that could happen in 2020 that might cause more violence and a possible civil war?

Can you think of something else that would flip the media out?

Can you think of something else that could get Donald Trump impeached again before the election in November?

Well, I can. Ruth Bader Ginsberg died, opening up a seat on the Supreme Court. And Trump plans to fill it with a conservative before the election. That should do it.

Let’s talk about the notorious RBG, her life and the reaction to her death…and the Left’s overreaction.


Her Life

  • Born on March 15, 1933 in Brooklyn, New York as Joan Ruth Bader.
  • She had a sister who died when she was a baby a her mother died when she was 17.
  • She received a bachelor’s degree from Cornell University.
  • She married Martin Ginsberg before attending Harvard Law School.
  • She transferred to Columbia Law School where she graduated first in her class.
  • She was a professor at Rutgers Law School and Columbia Law School.
  • Ginsburg spent a considerable part of her legal career as an advocate for gender equality and women’s rights, winning multiple arguments before the Supreme Court.
  • She advocated as a volunteer attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union and was a member of its board of directors and one of its general counsels in the 1970s.
  • In 1980, President Jimmy Carter appointed her to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, where she served until her appointment to the Supreme Court.
  • President Bill Clinton nominated Ginsburg as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court on June 14, 1993, to fill the seat vacated by retiring Justice Byron White.
  • Her hisband died in 2010.
  • She has two children, James and Jane.
  • She has struggled with cancer. She has had colon cancer, a cancerous tumor in her lungs and pancreatic cancer (which she could not beat).


I do not like her politics but neither did Anthony Scalia. But they were best friends in the court going to lunches and operas together.


Trump found out about Ginsberg’s death before he took a flight back to Washington from a campaign rally. His reaction was classy. Listen:

He also released a statement:

“Today, our Nation mourns the loss of a titan of the law. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg served more than 27 years as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States—notably just the second woman to be appointed to the Court. She was a loving wife to her late husband, Martin, and a dedicated mother to her two children.

Renowned for her brilliant mind and her powerful dissents at the Supreme Court, Justice Ginsburg demonstrated that one can disagree without being disagreeable toward one’s colleagues or different points of view. Her opinions, including well-known decisions regarding the legal equality of women and the disabled, have inspired all Americans, and generations of great legal minds.

A fighter to the end, Justice Ginsburg battled cancer, and other very long odds, throughout her remarkable life. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Ginsburg family and their loved ones during this difficult time. May her memory be a great and magnificent blessing to the world.”

Joe Biden also made a statement:

Not real classy. She just died and Biden is already politicizing this. But he isn’t the only one.

Mitch McConnell said he would waste no time getting a nominee through the Senate.

Chuck Schumer Tweeted:

Maisy Hirono of Hawaii Tweeted:

Senator Chris Murphy Tweeted:

And, of course, media -whore AoC had to stick her nose in it:

I’m not really sure what AoC means by this. She is a Congressman and really has no say in the vote for a Justice of the Supreme Court. Sounds kind of like a threat. Either way, it doesn’t seem very honoring of a hero to the Left.




How is the Left reacting?

Crazy. That’s how they are reacting. Listen to this from the YouTube channel, Mr. Reagan:

Yep, that happened. If you think the audio is funny, watch the video. It’s ridiculous. The commentary is pretty good too. But Not all of the reaction from the Left is as funny as this. Some of it is just plain scary.

Reza Azlan Tweeted:

Laura Bassett Tweeted:

Katie Herzog Tweeted:

Emmett MacFarlane Tweeted:

Dr. Jessie Christiansen Tweeted.

I guess the doc here has been hiding her head in sand for the last four months because every one has been rioting.

Beau Willimon Tweeted:

Amy Brown Tweeted:

There were many more with the same vitriol. Now I do want to point out that none of these people has been suspended or flagged for what are obvious threats of violence. Trump Tweets a video about a doctor saying that hydroxy chloroquine and his account is suspended.

These people have been protesting and for four years. Nothing Trump does is going to be accepted by the Leftist nut jobs. We had lowest unemployment and the fastest rising economy in history. Trump ended ISIS and killed two of the most viscous terrorists in the Middle East. He brought Iran and North Korea to heel and had a major peace deal between Israel, Baharian and the UAE with more countries ready to join the table.

So why should Trump care if he does something else that’s going to piss off the Left.



What I Think

I have some thought about this:

The media and their brood are saying that this is hypocrisy since McConnell wouldn’t give a vote for Merrick Garland, an Obama appointee. It isn’t hypocrisy, it’s politics. And McConnell had every right to do it.

Forty-five days might not seem like a very long time to push this pick through but it isn’t. Especially if Trump picks who I think he’s going to pick.

And who do I think he is going to pick? Amy Comey Barratt. She is a brilliant jurist, conservative, religious and only 40 years old. Also, it is unlikely anybody is going to accuse her of being a gang rapist.

The riots will continue and get worse. The violence will build. People will die. Anyone with a MAGA hat on or whose politics are right of Left will be threatened. This is why Trump and McConnell shouldn’t give a damn about what these people think. They’re crazy and the crazy isn’t going to go away just because he delays the pick.

Ted Cruz also made a very important point. This is going to be a contentious election. Having a split Supreme Court (there are only eight now) is probably not a great idea.



Episode 221 – Barr’s the Man!

Barr sticks his neck out.
Our children don’t know what?
Rioters should fear.



Get That Guy Out There

Sounds like Attorney General William Barr, who is normally very soft-spoken, has finally had enough.

When asked about whether or not President Trump would leave the White House if he loses the election, Barr snapped:

“You know liberals project. You know the president is going to stay in office and seize power and all that s—? I’ve never heard of that crap. I mean, I’m the attorney general. I would think I would have heard about it.”

Barr also showed his concern about the country heading to a “mob rules” type of governance, saying:

“Increasingly, the message of the Democrats appears to be ‘Biden or no peace’. As an attorney general, I’m not supposed to get into politics. But…I think we are getting into a position where we’re going to find ourselves irrevocably committed to a socialist path. And I think if Trump loses this election — that will be the case.”

Barr also expressed concern with the way the election may go, saying:

“Just think about the way we vote now. You have a precinct, your name is on a list, you go in and say who you are, you go behind a curtain, no one is allowed to go in there to influence you, and no one can tell how you voted. All of that is gone with mail-in voting.

“There’s no more secret vote with mail-in vote. A secret vote prevents selling and buying votes. So now we’re back in the business of selling and buying votes. And the capricious distribution of ballots means harvesting, undue influence, outright coercion, paying off a postman, here’s a few hundred dollars, give me some of your ballots.”

When asked about Democrats accuse Trump of trying to manipulate the vote, couldn’t have disagreed more. He said it was the Democrats who were actually manipulating the vote and election night could be a disaster.

“They’re creating an incendiary situation where there will be loss of confidence in the vote,” Barr claimed. “It’ll be a close vote. People will say the president just won Nevada. ‘Oh, wait a minute! We just discovered 100,000 ballots! Every vote will be counted!’ Yeah, but we don’t know where these freaking votes came from.”

I like when Barr does these interviews. He is so soft spoken, calm and controlling of what he says, he brings calm to a chaotic administration. If I were Trump and the Trump campaign, I would send Barr out to organizations like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and like because he is the best salesman for Trump without actually looking like a cheer leader.



This is Disturbing

According to the Daily Wire:

A surprisingly high number of young Americans polled nationwide displayed profound ignorance about the Holocaust, with a sizable percentage even believing that Jewish people were responsible for it, according to the results of a survey released on Wednesday.

In the first-ever survey of young people between 18 and 39 in all 50 states about the topic, the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany discovered that nearly two-thirds of those polled did not know that 6 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust. Nearly half could not name a single concentration camp or ghetto. Almost a quarter either did not believe the Holocaust happened, that it was exaggerated, or were unsure. About 12% had not heard about the Holocaust at all, or were unsure if they had.

Do you know what today is? It is the 233rd birthday of the Constitution. Should be kind of big deal, right?

The fact is our children know nothing about the civics of this country, world or U.S. history. Heck, most can’t do math or read at their grade level. Parents are beginning to see this now that their kids are at home, taking Zoom classes. They see what kids are being taught. They see that they know more about climate change than the Constitution. They know more about tolerance and diversity than they know about math. They know more about the LGBTQ than they know about U.S. history. Why do you think there is such a push to get kids out of public schools and into charter schools.

The Leftists have taken the educational institutions and are creating a future population of Antifa and BLM activists.





A Kappa Delta sorority sister at Pennsylvania’s Franklin & Marshall College found herself behind bars with bail set at $1 million after engaging in alleged criminal protesting.

Kathryn Patterson, 20, joined demonstrations in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, over the fatal police shooting of 27-year-old Ricardo Munoz, who, according to body-cam footage, charged an officer while wielding a knife.

The undergrad was charged with arson, among other felony charges.

In total, 12 other alleged criminal rioters were also charged, with nine of them slapped with a $1 million bail, including Patterson.

Speaking to The Associated Press, Patterson’s father Chip Patterson called the $1 million bail “obscene.”

“Everything that I know so far, which is not a lot, indicates that Kat is not guilty of those charges. But then again, we’ll have to wait and see. I cannot tell you how long this night has been. I think regardless of what these people did or didn’t do, the bail amount is just outrageous and clearly against the Eighth Amendment.”

Yeah, I wonder what amendment protects the owner of the store she burned down? Oh, that’s right. It was in the Declaration of Independence:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Her rights shouldn’t count when she deprived someone else of his rights. Anyway, her bail was dropped to $50,000.


This Could Be Our October Surprise

The Department of Justice is looking into whether federal charges can be brought against Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan over her failure to crack down on a so-called “autonomous zone” controlled for weeks by rioters.

Attorney General William Barr has tasked the DOJ’s civil rights division with investigating whether charges can be brought against Durkan, The New York Times reported on Wednesday evening citing two people familiar with the discussions. Barr has also asked federal prosecutors to consider charging rioters with sedition and insurrection against the United States government, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Barr’s reported push to charge rioters with federal crimes emphasizes the Trump administration’s push to reestablish law and order across America’s major cities, which have together been rocked by record amounts of damage. Insurance companies may shell out a record $2 billion to businesses and individuals because of riot-related destruction.

The DoJ is looking at charging do-nothing politicians with sedition. According to FindLaw.com:

Sedition is a serious felony punishable by fines and up to 20 years in prison and it refers to the act of inciting revolt or violence against a lawful authority with the goal of destroying or overthrowing it.

The Wall Street Journal says that charging politicians with sedition may be a stretch:

To bring a sedition case, prosecutors would have to prove there was a conspiracy to attack government agents or officials that posed an imminent danger, legal experts said. They added that there is a fine line between the expression of antigovernment sentiment, which could be protected speech under the First Amendment even if it included discussions of violence, and a plot that presented an imminent danger and could justify a charge of sedition.

The DoJ is also going after rioters on charges that could include sedition, conspiracy and RICO charges. In case you don’t know, RICO laws target those who cross state lines in order to commit crimes. So if Antifa member, Blake Smallschlong, decides to barrow mom’s car and drive from San Francisco to Portland and sets a building on fire, that is a federal crime and can fall under RICO.

I personally think that President Trump is getting closer to implementing the Insurrection Act. This is the act that allows the President to send in National Guard troops into cities and states to calm insurrections not matter what the mayor or governor want. I think he should have done this a week after the riots started. He still might do it. But I also understand the reason Trump doesn’t want to use it though it has been used several times in the past. The Presidents who have used the Insurrection Act include:

  • Herbert Hoover
  • Woodrow Wilson
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • Swight D. Eisenhower
  • John F. Kennedy
  • Lyndon B. Johnson
  • George W. Bush


The reason Trump doesn’t want to use it is because it is something that so goes against the Constitution and the rights of states and municipalities, even temporarily. I agree. But if the states and municipalities are blowing this so badly that law abiding citizens are getting hurt or their property destroyed, something needs to be done. That is mentioned in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution too.









