About qezzit

Episode 220 – Perverts Unite!

Cuties ain’t so cute.
Is it time to leave Netflix?
Many say it is.


I Told You So

Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill into law last week that would allow a young adult who has gay sex with a minor to escape registering as a sex offender in some cases, based on a judge’s discretion.

SB145, which was first introduced into the California State Legislature in January 2019 by state Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), finally passed the 40-member state Senate by a vote of 23-10, as The Daily Wire reported.

Proponents of the legislation such as Wiener claim the law, which provides a judge more leeway in statutory rape cases involving non-vaginal forms of sex, rectifies California’s historical discrimination against the LGBTQ community. Under SB145, if a young adult has gay sex with a minor 14 or older who is less than 10 years younger, a judge will have the discretion whether to place the individual on the sex offender registry.

As the San Francisco Chronicle explained, “Under current law, a judge can decide whether to place a man who has vaginal intercourse with an underage teenage girl on the sex offender registry based on the facts of the case. But if anal or oral sex, or vaginal penetration with anything other than a penis is involved, the adult must register as a sex offender[.]”

Scott Weiner said:

“I am so grateful that Governor Newsom — one of the LGBTQ community’s strongest allies ever — once again has shown that he’s willing to support our community when it’s hard. And make no mistake: the politics here are hard, with the massive Trump, QAnon and MAGA misinformation campaign against the legislation. The facts are clear: SB 145 simply ends anti-LGBTQ discrimination. Today, California took yet another step toward an equitable society.”

Wiener said, who also introduced the 2017 bill that made knowingly exposing a partner to HIV no longer a felony.

Weiner has before blamed alleged QAnon conspiracy theorists for sending many of the threats against him and accusing him of trying to legalize pedophilia. “I’ve been the subject of death threats and personal attacks, threatening to decapitate me and send my head to my mother,” Wiener said during an online news conference last month. “This kind of slander, not just against me but against my community, is outrageous and we have to speak out against it.”

Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego) said, “I cannot in my mind as a mother understand how sex between a 24-year-old and a 14-year-old could ever be consensual, how it could ever not be a registrable offense. We should never give up on this idea that children should be in no way subject to a predator.”




So I started the show with California normalizing pedophilia. It seemed like a great segway into a new movie released by Netflix called Cuties. Netflix got into trouble by their poster of four girls, about 11 years old, who were barely dressed and were posed provocatively. Netflix pulled the ad.

The movie was shown at the Sundance Film Festival and won an award. It was produced and shot in France. When watching, one could tell it was dubbed in English. It was directed by an African woman named Maimouna Doucoure. That’s an important detail we will go into a little later.

What is It About?

  • A little girl from Sudan, I think, lives in France. She is a Muslim girl that wears the head scarf and the whole thing.
  • Her father goes back to his home country to bring back a second wife to the dismay of his first wife. You never see the father and, rarely, the mother.
  • The little girl goes to school and decides to shed her Muslim garb. Mind you, she never gets into trouble at home for this.
  • She meets four other girls and shows them some of her dance moves. She learned those moves by watching them on her phone from the Internet.
  • The girls start practicing their dance moves. The Muslim girl, Amy I think, teaches them how to be sexy. This is actually the longest part of the movie.
  • The girls join a dance contest.
  • Amy, upset about her parents and exploring her sexuality, sends a pick of her poon on a social media platform.
  • The other girls, upset about the poon pic, kick her off the teen for another chick, who is far less talented.
  • Amy tricks the girl who replaced her to miss the competition and competes with her former friends.
  • During the competition, at the end of their performance,  Amy stops and runs off the stage, crying.
  • That’s the end of the movie.


That’s the hour and a half movie in a nutshell.


The Controversy

On Rottentomatoes, critics gave it a 90% approval. The viewers score was a little less at 6%. That should tell you something.

Ben Shapiro of the Daily Wire, on his podcast, thought the message of the film was good but the execution was bad. Shapiro said that the message of children being hooked to screens and social media, which is what the director announced, was absolutely true. But the exploitation of the children, and all those who had a screen test, could not be denied.

Matt Walsh, also from the Daily Wire said in his piece:

“This is not a “commentary” on child sexual exploitation — it is child sexual exploitation, clear as day, in all its sadism.

With these horrific scenes now publicly available, it seems almost pointless to engage with the plainly absurd notion that the filmmakers had 11-year-old children writhe around and gyrate while barely clothed as some kind of protest against the sexualization of children. It would be like a slasher film, featuring several scenes of various screaming victims being disemboweled for our amusement, claiming in its defense that it only meant to comment on the problem of graphic violence in film. Indeed, that actually is the defense often offered for slasher flicks, and it’s as weak in that case as it is here. The guy who made “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” may have told himself that he had nobler intentions, but the fact remains that most people who watch “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” just want to see, well, a Texas chainsaw massacre.

No filmmaker wants to come out and admit that they have produced gratuitous garbage for a lowest common denominator audience. But many filmmakers do produce that sort of material for that sort of audience, whether they admit it or not. And “Cuties” belongs on that heap. Buried somewhere deep underneath it, hopefully, where it cannot be seen.”

Yeah, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t like the film.

 Ted Cruz is pretty pissed off. He posted on Twitter:


Tulsi Gabbard Tweeted:

.@netflix child porn “Cuties” will certainly whet the appetite of pedophiles & help fuel the child sex trafficking trade. 1 in 4 victims of trafficking are children. It happened to my friend’s 13 year old daughter. Netflix, you are now complicit. #CancelNetflix pic.twitter.com/GI8KFH7LFq

The director of Cuties, Maïmouna Doucouré stated that her film was actually a feminist film. She said:

“It’s because I saw so many things and so many issues around me lived by young girls, that I decided to make this film and sound an alarm and say, ‘We need to protect our children. It’s bold, its feminist, but it’s so important and necessary to create debate and try to find solutions, for me as an artist, for politicians and parents. It’s a real issue.It’s important to see someone like you on the screen, and to grow up with a lot of possibilities. So, of course, diversity and inclusion have to be the keys to progress in our cinema.”

What I Think

I saw the movie. Let me give you a quick synopsis: it sucked. It just wasn’t a good movie. It was boring like every dance film.

The sexualization of the little girls was over the top.

I do question how many kids were actually exploited during the screen shots.

The “message” that the writer and director wanted to show were only visible at the very beginning and the very end. Though I do think the use of social media and its importance to our children was very well portrayed. But the message was lost due to the hyper-sexualization of the children.



Biden Boofs










Episode 218 – What? Again?

The cops are targets
Newsome is an idiot.
NFL busts out.


Another Cowardly Attack

Two deputies with the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department were hospitalized Saturday evening after a male gunman approached their patrol vehicle, fired multiple shots inside in an ambush attack, and then fled on foot, according to officials and video surveillance.

One of the deputies is a 31-year-old mother of a 6-year-old boy, and the other is a 24-year-old male, revealed Sheriff Alex Villanueva in a press conference Saturday evening. He did not disclose their condition.

“This is just a somber reminder: It’s a dangerous job,” said Villanueva during the press conference. “Actions — words — have consequences, and our job does not get any easier because people don’t like law enforcement.”

“The two deputies were doing their job, minding their own business, watching out for the safety of the people on the train, and seeing somebody just walk up and just start shooting on them — it pisses me off, it dismays me at the same time,” he said later in the press conference. “There’s no pretty way to say it.”

A surveillance video was released showing the piece of shit shooting into the car and running away like a pussy. It is only about 9 seconds long though the police say they have a longer video that has not been released.

Both are in serious condition but made it through surgery.

Just to show how much human garbage belongs to BLM and how they needed to be treated like the terrorists they are. They walked to St. Francis Hospital where the policemen are being treated, unfurled a BLM flag and this is how they dealt with security and L.A. Sheriff. It’s explicit. You’ve been warned:

These people are just pure filth. Human garbage. If they died and were sent to Hell tomorrow, no one would care. Anyone who wishes people to die are just garbage. I don’t hope they die and I hate these pieces of shit about as much as another human can hate anyone but I would not want to kill them. They’ll get theirs later. Probably from someone from their own race.

But the media is complicit too.

A Los Angeles National Public Radio reporter was arrested early Sunday, Los Angeles County Sheriffs said, after she “interfered” with police trying to prevent alleged Black Lives Matter protesters from storming the hospital where two severely wounded L.A. County Sheriffs deputies were taken following a horrific ambush attack.

A number of people on Twitter lashed out at the L.A. Sheriffs Department for arresting Huang, arguing that her press credentials can be seen hanging around her neck in the ABC footage. The Sheriff’s Department, though, later tweeted that Huang admitted that she was not properly identified.

“After deputies issued a dispersal order for the unlawful assembly of a group of protesters blocking the hospital emergency entrance & exits, a male adult protester refused to comply & cooperate,” L.A. County Sheriffs tweeted, explaining why Huang was detained. “During his arrest, a struggle ensued at which time a female adult ran towards the deputies, ignored repeated commands to stay back as they struggled with the male and interfered with the arrest.”

So that’s awesome. I have a few thoughts about this:

  • This is a situation where BLM rioters are storming a hospital and police are trying to stop them. Then, this reporter, with no proper identification, interferes and gets arrested. And NPR says she’s a victim. No.
  • Why do we have National Public Radio? You know, news that is financed by the government? They are slanted and have been for years. I don’t want any of my taxes going to them. That also includes PBS. Fuck Big Bird and Elmo.


The Rhetoric Continues

This is a story about two rail road police watching trains. That’s it. And they were shot for no reason outside of their uniform.

But no one cares. I thought Black Lives Matter was about black lives mattering? Now I know it is only about black lives mattering. That means my life doesn’t matter. Because I’m white. Could that be considered…I don’t know…racist?

According to NAACP chapter president Bishop Talbert Swan, there is “no such thing as Blue Lives” because police choose to do their jobs whereas black people do not choose the color of their skin.

In a Twitter post on Saturday, the NAACP Greater Springfield president said that while the death or murder of a police officer is a terrible tragedy, it does not have the same implication as a black person being gunned down by police.

“There’s no such thing as BLUE LIVES… Stop comparing your JOB with my LIFE… Your CAREER is a choice, my BLACKNESS isn’t. #BlackLivesMatter  #BlueLivesMatter,” he tweeted.

“No one deserves to be unjustly murdered, police or citizens. If you’re expressing outrage over the shooting of two sheriff’s deputies, but we’re [sic] defending #KyleRittenhouse murdering two protesters in #Kenosha only days ago, you need to shut up and have a seat.”

This is the height of racism and prejudice. One’s race doesn’t matter. It’s the uniform you wear.




Is This Guy Kidding??

If you have been living under a rock, or just don’t care about California, you will know that California has had a bunch of brush and forest fire. I live in San Diego, where there really aren’t any forest fores and the skies are orange. It makes for great sunsets but I can hardly breathe in the mornings. In San Francisco, which is already a shit hole because of the homeless and drugs, the smoke is so think you can’t see the Golden Gate Bridge. In Los Angeles, which is already a shit hole because of the homeless and drugs, it looks like it did in the 1970s.

But Gavin Newsom knows what’s going on.

Like I have said before a hundred times, I live in California. The air is a mess because of the fires. But we also have a major drug problem, homeless problem, we have rolling blackouts because our infrastructure sucks and we are constantly short of water. We also have the highest tax rates in the country. I’m thinking there probably is something other than climate that is causing the fires, like mismanagement of the forests. Why do I think that? This state, one of the biggest economies in the world, mismanages everything. We have the highest taxes and are $1.2 trillion in debt.

Now, I know the climate change argument. I do believe humans influence climate. That is common sense. We have more cars than people in this country (that’s probably not true but you get what I mean) and each spews carbon monoxide. But are we creating an environment that will be gone in ten years as Gavin Newsom seems to talk about.

I look at the way Los Angeles looked like when I was 14 years old. It looks like it does now. I couldn’t go to the school I wanted to because I had such bad allergies. Guess what happened? We did the right thing and the skies over L.A. We lowered emissions, drove less and did what needed to do to clean up our city.

There is nothing we can do about these fires. They are caused by nature left unchecked in a crowded environment. Let’s look at what is happening in California:

  • Droughts – California is a desert. We have always had droughts.
  • Discontinuation of controlled burns.
  • Discontinuation of removing brush from private property.
  • Discontinuation of the clearing of forests of brush and dead plant life.
  • Discontinuation of logging.
  • The temperature in July through October.
  • Santa Ana winds.


The last point here is that California is the future of the country? Does the California Ken doll believe that climate stops at the Californian border?

There was a map on Twitter showing all the locations of the fires throughout California, Oregon and Washington. There are no fires in Mexico or Canada. Does this mean there are no fires in Canada. Yes, there are no fires in Canada. Why? Because they actually log throughout their country and control the brush growth because they have had forest fire too.


A Good Try but Still a Fail

The football season started last week. I know that there was a lot of talk about how football would react to this whole BLM thing.

On Thursday, the Kansas City Chiefs played the Houston Texans. I have to say, it wasn’t as bad as what was reported. During the game anyway. Here’s what happened:

  • The Chiefs stayed on the field during the National Anthem but the Texans stayed in the locker room.
  • The teams joined arms right before the kick off.
  • Al Michaels and Chris Collinsworth, the commentators, made their comments about the BLM movement but said that they were there to commentate a game and would do so.
  • There was a “End Racism” in the back of the end zone but it was conveniently not viewable.
  • The players has some sort of social justice message on the back of their helmet, but it was conveniently not viewable.
  • The commercials were filled with virtue signaling, including a commercial produced by the NFL.


Many are complaining about the social justice messaging than me. I do find it annoying but I can live with it. I think I am going to have to since social justice has inundated every inch of our culture. We cannot get away from it. Does that mean I am going to tolerate it forever? Probably not. But I will for now. At least so I can watch some football games. I am already turned off by basketball and baseball.

Let’s get into that.



Part of the Culture

Social justice is not inundated all of culture. It’s annoying but it is something the Left has wanted to do for a very long time. We are seeing it in the media, the arts, in entertainment, even at work. That’s right, even work. Don’t have the right opinion or go against someone else’s “truth” and you will be cancelled (fired).

Right now, the police have been made into villains. We have been hearing about that for years. We are being told our systems are racist. Mostly by rich white people. No one can show, statistically, why the police are bad or what systems are racist. That’s what people like me are here to point out. That our police are not corrupt. Our systems are not racist. I have chosen to believe this and will spend the time I have left to prove this. I will fight. Not beat anyone up or join the Proud Boys or anything. I will just defend this system because it is the best system in human history and I think those that try to tear it up have no idea what is out there.

So this is something I want to do. Talk about the idiocy of the culture. This is how I will fight.



Episode 217 – Police Are Becoming an Endangered Species

Nobel Prize for who?
This mask thing is getting dumb.
Police are leaving.


Well Deserved

Donald Trump has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize!

The nomination submitted by Christian Tybring-Gjedde, a member of the Norwegian Parliament, lauded Trump for his efforts toward resolving protracted conflicts worldwide.

Tybring-Giedde said:

“For his merit, I think he has done more trying to create peace between nations than most other Peace Prize nominees. As it is expected other Middle Eastern countries will follow in the footsteps of the UAE, this agreement could be a game changer that will turn the Middle East into a region of cooperation and prosperity.”

Also cited in the letter was the president’s “key role in facilitating contact between conflicting parties and … creating new dynamics in other protracted conflicts, such as the Kashmir border dispute between India and Pakistan, and the conflict between North and South Korea, as well as dealing with the nuclear capabilities of North Korea.”

Tybring-Gjedde, further, praised Trump for withdrawing a large number of troops from the Middle East. “Indeed, Trump has broken a 39-year-old streak of American Presidents either starting a war or bringing the United States into an international armed conflict. The last president to avoid doing so was Peace Prize laureate Jimmy Carter,” he wrote.

“I’m not a big Trump supporter,” he said. “The committee should look at the facts and judge him on the facts – not on the way he behaves sometimes. The people who have received the Peace Prize in recent years have done much less than Donald Trump. For example, Barack Obama did nothing.”

So, let’s take a look what Trump has done:

  • He brokered peach between Israel and the UAE.
  • He has brokered a peace deal between Kosovo and Serbia.
  • He has settled tensions with North Korea.
  • He destroyed ISIS.
  • He has neutered the terrorist country of Iran.
  • He has killed two major terrorists in al Semanni and al Bagdadi.
  • He has brokered the release of several American hostages in other countries.
  • He is the first President since Jimmy Carter that has not started a war.
  • He has pulled troops from the Middle East.


I don’t think there is a doubt he deserves it. But he won’t get it. The Nobel Peace Prize is shit. Hell, Barrack Obama won it because he was a Leftist and the first black to become President.



Time to End This Mask Thing

This mask thing is getting stupid and sports aren’t helping a thing.

The general manager for the Washington Nationals was kicked out of a game this week. Not for arguing balls and strikes or throwing a base at the umpire, Joe West. But for not wearing a mask. While sitting on the third deck. By himself. Outside. In the sun.

No shit.

The following clip is from Bob Menery, considered the golden voice of comedy, gave a sportscaster commentary of the situation:





This COVID-19 thing has gone way overboard. The guy was by himself, three decks up from the field. But he didn’t follow the rules. Joe West needs to retire. He is the worst umpire in the league.

Is This Guy Kidding?

Andrew Cuomo, probably…no, definitely, the worst governor in the United States, had an opinion about why COVID-19 hit New York and killed 35,000 people. Here’s what he had to say:

This guy isn’t just a lousy governor, he’s a bad human being. Let’s look at some facts:

  • New York had the highest total of infections and the second highest total of deaths.
  • Cuomo ordered that the elderly with COVID should be returned to old folks homes. This infected and killed thousands more.
  • The DOJ is investigating Cuomo’s handling of the pandemic in his state. Is it a shock he is pissing on Trump.
  • The DOJ found that New York lied about their death numbers and, when it was pointed out, stated they lost them.
  • Trump banned travel from Europe before we even knew there were two strains.
  • New York did not want to close when the virus hit!
  • Finally, Andrew Cuomo actually thanked Donald Trump for his response. This includes sending New York PPEs, ventilators and a U.S. Navy hospital ship. Which he never used.


Andrew Cuomo is an incompetent and he, himself, has killed thousands of people through his policies. Is he a murderer? No. He made mistakes. So did Trump. So did every leader in every country that had this thing. Now he is being investigated and he’s panicking and trying to blame Trump. Problem is, unless Trump knowingly had COVID and walked the streets of New York, spitting in people’s mouths, it really isn’t Trump’s fault.

I also want to point out that Cuomo made it clear that this was the European strain and not the Chinese strain. Why do Leftists feel the need to protect China? There would not be a European strain if the Chinese strain wasn’t let out of China.




If You Can’t Beat Them, Fuck Them Until They Quit

Back in March, a man named Daniel Prude was arrested and died in police custody in Rochester New York. I will get into the details of Prude’s death in a few minutes. For some reason, rioters decided to riot in Rochester this past weekend. The rioters wanted the resignation of the police chief, La’Ron Singletary, and Democratic mayor of Rochester, Lovely Warren, and, of course, defund the police.

So this week, the entire Rochester police leadership team either quit or took a demotion. This team included:

Chief LaRon Singletary said  in a statement:

“As a man of integrity, I will not sit idly by while outside entities attempt to destroy my character. The events over the past week are an attempt to destroy my character and integrity. The members of the Rochester Police Department and the Greater Rochester Community know my reputation and know what I stand for. The mischaracterization and the politicization of the actions that I took after being informed of Mr. Prude’s death is not based on facts, and is not what I stand for.

“I would like to thank the men and women of the Rochester Police Department, as well as the Rochester Community for allowing me the honor of serving as your Chief and fulfilling a lifelong dream. I look forward to continuing to serve our community in my next chapter.”

By the way, Singletary is black.

So, here’s what happened to Daniel Prude and you tell me if these police officers conduct has anything to do with what happened to Prude being dead:

  • The police were called twice. Once by Prude’s brother saying he was missing and another by a citizen saying their was a disturbance.
  • The police showed up and found Prude nude and high. It was snowing. He had been trying to break into houses.
  • Police got him to the ground and handcuffed him. A supervisor showed up.
  • Prude started spitting at police officers and telling then he had COVID-19. The supervisor requested a spit mask be put on him. Prude continued to try to spit through the spit mask.
  • Prude tried to get up and was restrained for about two minutes until an ambulance arrived.
  • Apparently Prude threw up in his spit mask and lost consciousness. He was revived on the way to the hospital but had suffered brain damage.
  • A week later, life support was removed.


According to Daily Wire:

An autopsy report from the Monroe County Medical Examiner’s Office, according to WXXI News, listed Prude’s cause of death as “complications of asphyxia in the setting of physical restraint due to excited delirium due to acute phencyclidine intoxication,’ an indication that Prude might have been high on PCP.”

Did it seem like the police did anything wrong? They never pulled their guns on him. They didn’t taze him. They didn’t tackle or punch him. One police officer did have to put his hands on his face but that’s because they had to control his head due to the fact he was spitting at them. But, Prude’s brother said this was a “lynching.”

No, he was:

  • High on PCP.
  • Was running naked in snow.
  • Assaulting police officers (spitting).
  • He threw up in his mask and choked to the point of brain damage.


This wasn’t a “lynching.” It was a guy who was out of his mind because of drugs and depression. He died by his own hand. But that doesn’t matter to the radical Left. It’s an excuse. Details don’t matter. And now, great police officers and chiefs are retiring because they don’t want their names sullied or feel helpless to fix these problem. A lot of them are minorities. A short list cities whose police chiefs have retired:

  • Portland, OR-D
  • Atlanta, GA-D
  • Richmond, VA-D
  • Menlo Park, CA-D
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL-D
  • Alameda, CA-D
  • Fort Worth, TX-R
  • San Jose, CA-D
  • Nashville, TN-D
  • Milwaukee, WI-D
  • Seattle, WA-D
  • Dallas, TX-D
  • Rochester, NY-D


You see the pattern?




Biden Talks

I decided it’s time to create a new special called Biden Talks. These sound bites are from Grabien and they’re just funny. And the press never pushes him on anything.

So let’s listen to the first clip:

Wow. He lost his script. If you see the video from Grabien on YouTube or my site, he looks confused.

Here’s the next clip:

The worst thing one can do right now is cough or sneeze. But, I want to point out, he’s doing it without a mask and he is covering his mouth with his hand.

Last clip:

This is a bad place to go for Sleepy, Creepy Joe.

  • Trump has always been for defunding the police.
  • Trump has offered federal help to support the local police in ending the violence throughout the country.
  • Sleepy, Creepy Joe refuses to condemn Antifa and BLM who are causing most of the violence.
  • Bad, bad move.


Does this guy look like he’s ready for a debate?


Do These Guys Ever Learn






Good Thing I Hate Comic Books





Episode 214 – Privilege Doesn’t Have a Color

Hypocrisy rules.
The elites don’t need the law.
Biden Sounds crazy.


Some are More Equal than Others

This is something I don’t like to talk about because I do not like the concept of an elite class in this country. This is something that Tucker Carlson point to a lot. How the elite of this country control and crave power and don’t need to follow the same rules that all us “little people” have to follow.

But, over the last four months since the lockdown, we normalies have had to hide ourselves, lose our jobs, lose our economy and have to find skin friendly leaves to wipe out butts because we cannot find any toilet paper. It’s been miserable. We can’t go to restaurants, movies or even go on hikes because we could get the COVID. We have to wear masks everywhere we go. They are hinting they want us to wear masks outside now. Our kids are all stuck inside. They can’t go to school, they can’t go the park, they can’t go out and swim in the beach.

The weight of this change in our lives is taking its toll.

  • Teenage suicide is up 50%.
  • Children, who have only had online school, are showing they are not learning anything.
  • Child abuse is up dramatically.
  • Domestic abuse is up dramatically.
  • Divorces and separations are up by almost 60%.
  • Businesses are closing and people will permanently be losing their jobs.
  • Finally, do you think the lockdowns might have something to do with the riots we’re having.


But, meanwhile, our elites, who are preaching that we must continue to shut our schools and keep our businesses, seem to think they are on a different plane than the rest of us. They can’t get COVID like the rest of us. So they can live their lives as they always have and force businesses to violate our elites own laws in order to accommodate the elites. Coincidentally, those elites also happen to be Leftist Democrats:

Let’s look at some examples over the past few months:

  • Bill DeBlasio decided to go to a gym right after he shut down all the gyms in the city.
  • Lori Lightfoot decided to get her hair styled when she had closed all the hair salons and barber shops.
  • By the way, Lori Lightfoot had no issues with the protests in Chicago. Until the rioters came to her neighborhood. That’s because she is a high level target and her family was threatened. Wow.
  • Gretchen Whitmar, the governor of Michigan, waved off her husband’s name-dropping when he wanted to have his boat put into one of the lakes, even though Whitmar closed the lakes.
  • Chris Cuomo, brother of New York governor Andrew Cuomo, got into an argument with a guy because he publicly admitted he had COVID and the guy called him out.
  • Recently, Nancy Pelosi, who won’t help anyone during this pandemic, was recorded getting a hairdo in a salon that was closed because of the shutdown.
  • On Wednesday, Portland mayor said he was moving from his $800,000 condo because Antifa and BLM thugs, who apparently do not exist, because of his and the other tenants safety.


“Do as I say, don’t do as I do.”

“All animals are created equal.
But some are more equal than others.”

That was an Animal Farm reference. We’ll talk more about that later as we go through Animal Farm.

Here are some questions that will never be answered:

  • Why do you people set up laws and edicts but don’t feel you should follow them?
  • Is COVID really a thing anymore? Nancy Pelosi is 80 years old and at the highest risk for COVID. If she isn’t afraid of it, why should we?
  • Why does Nancy, and the others, blame small businesses that are closed? Why can’t she just say, “I’m sorry”?
  • When are you people going to allow people to come out of their houses and live?
  • If you’re seem to be lying about COVID, why trust you on anything else you people are pushing?


That’s it. The best way to handle problems is to ask questions. Plato did this. Socrates did this. Aristotle did this. Trey Gowdy wrote a book about this.

I’m done.



White Privilege

This reminds me of another thing the elites are doing which is pretty disgusting: accusing everyone of white privilege. I was going to talk about this earlier because of a discussion I had with Josie, my fiance.

First off, what is white privilege? Wikipedia, where the Left defines pretty much everything, defines it:

White privilege (or white skin privilege) is the societal privilege that benefits white people over non-white people in some societies, particularly if they are otherwise under the same social, political, or economic circumstances.

In other words, because I am white, I am privileged. Everything good that has happened to me is because I am white. I am treated better because I am white. And we are told this by the elite or those who are elitist. It’s kind of disgusting.

Listen to the most elite, privileged person in the world, Chelsea Clinton

What a way to raise you kids. She is basically telling them that they are stained because they are white. I think, personally, this is shitty parenting. It’s indoctrination into a bullshit belief system.

Even someone like Chelsea Clinton is not privileged because she’s white. She’s privileged because she’s the daughter of a President. She has the same privilege as the daughters of Barrack Obama. Their privilege has nothing to do with race.

There are a couple of things that annoy the crap out of me when it comes to this.

  • A lot of the good things that happen to an individual are actually through talent and hard work. Not race.
  • It ignores the bad things that an individual must go through.
  • It ignores privilege of those who are people of color. How did they get their privilege?

My fiance and I got into a debate. She said that there was white privilege. I thought this was funny but I didn’t laugh in her face. I wanted to debate. I asked her some questions:

  • If I have so much “white privilege,” why have I been unemployed 4 times?
  • Why has my bank account been overdrawn and could depend on no one to fill it?
  • Why do I live where I live and she lives in a two bedroom apartment with a gym and swimming pool?


Now, am I privileged. Damn right I am. I had a supportive family. I have great parents and great kids. All they wanted was the best for me. I never had to worry about being homeless. I have had problems that kept me up at night but knew I could get through them on my own. But I worked my way through college while raising a family, being a sports coach and stuff like that. I got a divorce and had financial struggles. I have my own place though it looks like something somebody camps in instead of lives in.

I have had some good luck. Have had some bad luck. Am I privileged? Yeah. Is it because of my race? Not at all. Neither is Chelsea Clinton’s privilege.








Episode 213

Hypocrisy rules.
The elites don’t need the law.
Biden Sounds crazy.


Sleepy Creep Joe Made a Speech

Sleepy, Creepy Joe Hiden (that is a Trump reference) decided to jump out of the basemant and travel to Pittsburgh to hold a press conference. It would have been a great press conference except it was a speech, not a conference, there was no press and he was suppose to be in Kenosha but didn’t show up because he didn’t want to admit that BLM and Antifa caused the riots. It ended up being another basement, scripted speech. But it was a telling speech.

Let’s go over some of the things he said in the first ten minutes of the speech. He did screw up, showing his mental problems, but I won’t point it out. There was only one major one, several small issues, but not worth talking about. Let me just put it this way: Joe Biden still looked senile.

Again, the important stuff we heard in this speech is about his policy and his stance. So, let’s go through the first clip:


  • OK, this is crap. The cities are burning because of Biden supporters. Not Trump supporters. This is going to be a continuing theme.
  • This was an introduction. We need to see where he is going with this. But, again, this whole thing is about Trump being an asshole.


Here’s the next clip:


  • Notice he doesn’t talk about the violence that is actually happening in the street?
  • He brought up Jacob Blake, George Floyd and Brianna Taylor? There were extenuating circumstances on all three. I’ve brought them up before.
  • Finally, notice this would have been the perfect time to point out the BLM and Antifa are the ones burning, rioting and looting?
  • He’s making an emotional plea to people of color, which is extremely dishonest.


Next clip:


  • First, President Trump isn’t fanning the flames. These protests are happening in Democrat cities and states. And he has offered Nation Guard and federal support. This is just a lie.
  • One of the reasons Trump won’t stop the violence, and he can, is because there is a slippery slope to ending this. He ends it with the Insurrection Act and risk being called a dictator or, does what the Constitution dictates and let states and principalities handle it. The Left can’t have it both ways.
  • “Mouthing the words of Law and Order,” weren’t mouthed. He did it. He sent federal officers to Portland to protect a federal court house and it worked. He sent the National Guard to Kenosha, upon request of the mayor, and the rioting stopped. Trump has shown law and order.
  • Again, and I’ll bring this up again, is it really right wing militias and Trump supporters that are causing the violence? There is one person who has burned a building that is a Trump supporter.


Next clip:


  • Biden is trying to make himself into a moderate. He’s proclaiming he’s not a radical. But…
    • He believes in open boarders.
    • Elimination of fracking.
    • He believes all police are racist.
    • Believes in medicare for all.
    • Believes in free college for all.
    • Wants to eliminate the Second Amendment.
    • And picked Kamala Harris as his running mate.
  • This guy ain’t a moderate.
  • Again, Biden hates looting and violence but refuses to name BLM and Antifa.
  • He does name bad cops and Trump…again.



  • With the COVID thing that Biden keeps harping on, the initial estimates, by scientists, was 2 million. I want to point out that Biden didn’t want travel bans from China.
  • Kellyanne Conway said that the continued violence would only help Trump. She did not say Trump wanted it.
  • Finally, as far as Trump rooting from chaos and violence, it’s only Democratic cities that have this. Seattle, New York, Chicago, Portland…really? Trump has offered federal support. No one took it because they are Democrats and hate Trump. Kenosha did, and they are fine right now.


Next clip:


  • “Whether President Trump knows he’s President or not?” Really?
  • Again, he brings up right wing militias, white supremacists and vigilantes. No mention of Antifa and BLM who are actually burning thing down.
  • He’s lying. Worse: he’s a moral coward. The people burning up the cities are his people and he’s too much of a coward to call them out.


The last clip:

  • Jacob Blake and George Floyd were criminals. And the evidence is going to come out, if it hasn’t already. I think what Derrick Chauvin did with George Floyd was wrong. But, looking at all the video, it doesn’t look like Second Degree murder. I am sure all these riots will start up again when Chauvin gets off. They should have charged Chauvin with assault.
  • Blake was a rapist and a domestic abuser who did it again the day the police tried, and failed, to arrest him peaceably. And he had a weapon. Why is Biden even mentioning Black?
  • Finally, I don’t these violent thugs brought to the table.














Episode 212 – Things are Escalating!

Violence has hit.
Three people dead from riots.
It is all Trump’s fault.


We are 95 days into the riots in Portland and things are escalating.

Last week, President Trump offered the city of Portland the National Guard to suppress the ongoing rioting, rooting and violence. The crappy mayor of Portland, Ted Wheeler:

Yet again, you said you offered to aid Portland by sending in federal law enforcement to our city.

On behalf of the City of Portland: No thanks.

We don’t need your politics of division and demagoguery. Portlanders are onto you. We have already seen your reckless disregard for human life in your bumbling response to the COVID pandemic. And we know you’ve reached the conclusion that images of violence or vandalism are your only ticket to reelection.

There is no place for looting, arson, or vandalism in our city. There is no room here for racist violence or those who wish to bring their ideology of hate into our community. Those who commit criminal acts will be apprehended and prosecuted under the law.

Tens of thousands of Portlanders have peacefully protested and marched for the noble cause of fixing our broken criminal justice system. They are part of the proud progressive tradition of Portlanders fighting for justice – from racial justice to economic justice to environmental justice.

When you sent the Feds to Portland last month, you made the situation far worse. Your offer to repeat that disaster is a cynical attempt to stoke fear and distract us from the real work of our city.

In Portland, we are focused on coming together as a community to solve the serious challenges we face due to systemic racism, a global pandemic and an economic recession.

Stay away, please.

On Saturday night, a group of pro-Trump right wingers decided to drive their trucks through Portland streets where the Antifa and BLM rioter were. The trucks were covered with Trump, Blue Lives Matter and American flags. The group was called the Patriot Prayer group. They are a right wing group (not white nationalists). They had planned to drive through the riots and keep rioters at bay with mace cannons and paintball guns.

Understand something: this was stupid. This is asking for trouble. This is looking for trouble.

A member of the Patriots Pray group was walking on the street and was confronted by an armed Antifa member. From point black range, the man shoots twice and kills the man. Here’s a clip. Notice the yelling of “Here’s a Trumper” by one of the rioters right before the shooting:

According the the New York Post:

An ex-military man who calls himself “100% ANTIFA” and ready for “war” is being investigated over the deadly shooting of a President Trump supporter in Portland, according to a report.

Michael Forest Reinoehl, 48, is being investigated over the death of Aaron Danielson, a “supporter” of the right-wing Patriot Prayer group who was part of a caravan of Trump supporters who flooded the city Saturday, police sources told The Oregonian.

He was identified in part by a distinctive tattoo on his neck of a “black power” fist — as well as a call from his estranged sister who recognized him in video and photos of the deadly attack, the paper said.

The 36-year-old sister — whom The Oregonian agreed not to name — was first alerted after a threatening call that woke her at 8 a.m. Sunday warning that “our whole family was in danger unless we turned him over.”

“We reached out to police and confirmed that we recognized Michael in the screenshots” from the shooting, she told the paper.

The father of two is estranged from most of his family — including his parents — after stealing from them, the sister said.

“On the one hand, this whole thing surprises the daylights out of us, because we always thought he is a lot of bark, not a lot of bite,” she said. “But he’s also been very impulsive and irrational.”

She decried the shooting as “not the solution” to the nation’s problems.

This wasn’t the only incident.

In Los Angeles, the same pro-Trump-type of parade was also rolling through the streets. Someone from an apartment building started shooting. Those people were eventually arrested but it took SWAT to get those people out.

These protests are no longer peaceful. There is now a war of ideologies. A war that is just going to get worse and no one seems to be doing anything about.

I understand that Trump doesn’t want to  implement the Insurrection Act. If he did, he’d get blasted for it for being a tyrant or dictator (though it was implemented multiple times including by JFK and Lyndon Johnson). But I think it is time to wrestle these cities back from the thugs and give it back to the citizens that actually contribute something to society. I think Trump is going to do it. He has a legal right to fix what Ted Wheeler refuses to. He has offered to send the National Guard to Seattle, Chicago, New York, Portland and Kenosha. They refused, simply because the hate Trump and actually like the philosophy of the rioters. All these mayors and governors, all Democrat Leftists, think there is systemic racism and a general rottenness of the United States.

Every election year, there is an October Surprise. In 2016, in Jim Comey saying he was reopening the investigation into Hilary’s E-mails. He thought Hilary couldn’t lose. I am going to predict something: The October Surprise is going to be in mid September. President Trump is going to invoke the Insurrection Act and shut down these riots.

Biden better be wearing his Depends when Trump does that because his numbers will crater.



Other News

  • Biden went to Pennsylvania to make a 24 minute speech, not answer any questions from the press and went back home to his basement. And it was a bad speech.
  • Trump went to Kenosha, to the dismay of the governor, and gave a pep talk to law enforcement. It was a very positive round table.
  • President Trump did not visit the family of Jacob Blake. This is a good thing. More news is out on that piece of shit. I just wished Trump and McKeieny would have been a little more assertive about it and explained why.

Episode 211 – Let’s Get Ready to Rumble!

The match up is set.
RNC comes to a close.
Trump is our main man.


The Republican Convention Comes to a Close

The Republican National Convention came to a close on Thursday night. It was lucky to happen on Thursday because of the destruction in Texas and Louisiana cause by hurricane Laura. But Trump was advised it can go forward and he would visit the hard hit areas over the weekend.

Here is what I pulled out of the convention:

  • Though the speeches were scripted, they were live. This did make them interesting and a little awkward. Kimberly Gilfoyle’s speech comes to mind.
  • President Trump appeared each day through group discussions with people who benefited from his policies. This included the hostages he helped free and the COVID first responders.
  • It was a very pro-America production. About how great America is versus the Democrats pho-patriotism.
  • The Trump policies were on display which was missing from the DNC.
    • Law and order.
    • The evils of socialism.
    • The success of the COVID response.
    • The greatness of capitalism.
    • School Choice.
    • The power small business.
  • Things that Trump should done earlier like show how the Democrats first responded to COVID.
  • President Trump allowed others to tout the great job he did. This made him look less self-centered.
  • The RNC showed the diversity of the Republican Party by bringing plenty of people of color such as Senator Tim Scott, Ja’Ron Smith (Deputy Assistant to the President), Hershal Walker (friend of the President) and Alice Johnson (the woman his prison reform law freed) and Maximo Alvarez (a Cuban exile).


It was well produced and moving. Unlike the DNC, it was very positive and pro-America. Unlike the DNC, there was little talk about how bad Biden is and all about the great things Trump did.

There were some very good speeches.

  • Senator Tim Scott (South Carolina) – Slavery to Senator in one lifetime as seen by his father.
  • Ambassador Nikki Haley – An American success story. Born to two Indian parents. Faced racism. Succeeded.
  • Abby Johnson – anti-abortion activist.
  • Nicholas Sandmann
  • Melania Trump
  • Burgess Owens
  • Hershel Walker
  • Maximo Alvarez – The evils of communism.
















Episode 210 – Time to Double Down

No haiku tonight. I’m too pissed.


Mob Rules

Things are getting really hot across the country.:

  • We are in the third day of riots in Kenosha. We are in the in the 80th day of riots in Portland.
  • A sixty to seventy year old man was knocked unconscious by a rioter for using a fire extinguisher to scare off looters of his business.
  • In Kenosha, three people were shot, two are dead. More on that later.
  • On Twitter, BLM activists are filmed harassing people in restaurants, forcing them to raise a fist in support. Those that refuse are screamed at by the mob. One person that refused to comply was a BLM activist. Two others actually were mentally challenged.



The Media Lies

The main stream media is about narrative. And you can tell by how the media is covering this stuff.

  • They continue to say that the rioters are protesters.
  • They do not show the damage caused by the riots.
  • They say the protests are “mostly” peaceful.
  • They do not talk about it.


The Jacob Blake case is an example of “proof” of racism before anyone knew anything. Now, more information is coming out. And this is pretty serious information:

  • Jacob Blake was not breaking up a domestic dispute. He was in the middle of the domestic dispute. He stole the car keys of the woman, who is also black, who called the police. The call was recorded and released.
  • A new video was released showing that Blake was fighting the police and had broken free of them, violently, before walking around the car.
  • Blake had a warrant for domestic violence and third degree sexual assault on a 15 year old.
  • His three kids were in the car but it is not clear if the car was actually his (possibly his former partner).


Here’s the thing: the media is lying about the actual cases that they are putting on a pedestal as an example of systemic racism and police brutality.

  • George Floyd had a heart condition and died of a fentynal over dose. He was also screaming he couldn’t breathe before he was brought to the ground. This does not justify what Derrick Chauvin did but Second Degree Murder?
  • Michael Brown committed a strong armed robbery 15 minutes before he assaulted the police officer who shot him.
  • A report was released in the Brianna Taylor case this week and no one will hear about it.
    • The drug dealer was first reported not to be in the house. He was.
    • It was believed that the cops broke into the house unannounced (this was a no-knock warrant). The police did announce themselves.
    • It was reported the police broke in a started shooting. That is not true. Taylor’s boyfriend started shooting first and the police shot back, killing Taylor.
    • There is evidence, during the undercover investigation, which includes audio, video and telephone conversations that, not only did Taylor know about the drug dealing, but she was directly involved.
    • The Louisville mayor dismissed the report.


And that’s the tip of the iceberg. We could talk about all of the cases the media uses as “evidence” of systemic racism. There are, literally, only about twenty controversial cases over the last ten years.

The main stream media is about narrative. Facts are not a thing for them if they go against their narrative. Statistics are not a thing for them if they go against their narrative. Their narrative is that this country is racist, sexist, homophobic and xenophobic. The police and the system are racist. They ignore facts and history. They treat us like we are stupid. They ignore the violence in the street and, when they don’t, they say the violence is not only justified, but is proof that the system is racist.

That’s right! The looting, the harassment of innocent citizens, the destruction of private property and businesses, the injuring of over 900 police officers and the murders by rioters are proof of systemic racism.

How can the system win when the violence caused by the fascism of Marxist and anarchist group is proof of how bad this country is?

The Democrats are No Where to be Seen

Where are the Democrats during all this violence? They talk about criminals getting shot by the police, and you will have to show me an unjustified death. Heck, I thought Derrick Chauvin’s behavior was over the top but it is not looking like he is an incompetent and not necessarily a racist. In fact, I don’t think they are going to get second degree murder.

  • Tony Evers, the Democratic governor of Wisconsin, has condemned the police without knowing anything about the police and has only asked the rioters not to be violent. He sent only a quarter of the National Guard that the Kenosha police requested and rejected federal help.
  • Jenny Durkin, the Democratic mayor of Seattle, has rejected and condemned federal help to quell the riots in Seattle. She even called the riots a “big street party”.
  • Jay Inslee, the Democratic governor of Washington State and a former Presidential candidate, didn’t even know there were riots in Seattle for two weeks. Either he was lying or he’s incompetent.
  • Lori Lightfoot, the Democratic mayor of Chicago, is more concerned about the shooting in Kenosha, WI than the 66 black people shot in her own city. People who were shot by other black people.
  • Mayors Bill DeBlasio (D.-NY) and Murial Bowser (D.-Wash D.C.) are more worried about painting “Black Lives Matter” on their street than the fact that crime has gone up by 200% in their cities.
  • Violent crime, drug addiction and homelessness are out of control in San Francisco and Los Angeles but Gov. Gavin Newsome (a Democratic) and mayors Eric Garcetti (D.- Los Angeles) and London Breed (D. – San Francisco) are more interested in preventing its citizens from going to church than about anything else.
  • By the way, Gavin Newsom’s stupid policies have caused the state to burn with brush fires and are causing rolling black outs during a heat wave. Some cities haven’t had power for three days. But he wants to raise the state income taxes by 4% and kill Prop 13 so he can collect more property taxes.
  • I did not mention Baltimore, Boston, Atlanta, Houston, Austin or Denver (all run by Democrats).
  • There was not one mention of the riots during the Democratic National Convention.
  • Kamala Harris, the de facto Presidential candidate, never mentioned the riots in her speech. She has yet to take a question from the press.
  • Joe Biden is still in his basement. He has condemned the violence during the protests…once. The last time he took a question from the press was July 8th and I do not count the interview with Cardi B, the intellectual of the Democratic party.

Here’s the big story: the Democrats don’t care. They like this. They don’t care whose lives and businesses are ruined. They don’t care who dies. As long as their narrative is met. Their narrative:

  • Trump is bad.
  • Trump is orange.
  • Trump is chaos.
  • The country is in chaos.
  • Vote for Democrats to end the chaos.


We are being held hostage. The Democrats are telling us that all this shit will stop if they are elected, though I doubt that. I doubt it because the people that are rioting are extremists and want to fundamentally change the country. They want fascism and tyranny.


Civil War, Anyone?

There are three reason we can have a civil war:

  • Ideological – A groups of people do not believe in the same philosophy. An example of this would be the Bolshivick revolution in Russia/Soviet Union. Lenin believed in Marx’s philosophy though he believed that it could not be implemented gracefully or naturally. His Bolshivicks needed to implemented it by force.
  • Territorial – One group wants more territory than they have. The American Civil War could be seen as partially territorial. Partially.
  • Cultural – The culture of one generation has taken new values that the older generation. Kind of what’s happening now.


By the way, I am making this shit up. I didn’t read about this. You are actually hearing my philosophy.

Here’s the thing: none of these works by itself. It is about a combination of two or all three.

We are, officially, in a civil war. The reasons?

  • Culture – Our culture, right now, is about collectivism. This has been around since the sixties. But, like the pigs thought in Animal Farm, they thought it would take a long time. So the Left took over the major institutions of our civilization over the last 50 years: education, media, education, art and entertainment. The institutions that accept individuality and personal freedom and capitalism; religion and business, are being cancelled if they do not comply. This wasn’t a thing ten years ago.
  • Ideology – The United States was founded on individuality and predetermined, inalienable rights. Life, liberty and the pursuit of property (happiness). We have natural rights. Those rights include speech, religion, peaceful protest, right to vote and the ability to protect those rights and overthrow a government that has become tyrannical. The Fore Fathers thought that this was human nature and absolute. That these rights proceeded government. The Left does not believe in personal freedom. The believe that rights should be given by the government and that human nature is malleable.


See the difference? There can be no middle ground between the Left and the rest of us. Ben Shapiro, in his latest book, How to Destroy America in Three Easy Steps, called the Left Disintegrationists and the classical liberals Unionists. There is no middle ground. There is no negotiation. Right now, in this country, it’s one against the other.

On Tuesday, a seventeen year old boy vowed to protect the business of Kenosha, WI. It was caught in an interview. He was carrying a rifle. Should a 17-year-old be carrying a rifle in the middle of a riot. Probably not. No matter what his intentions. Because seventeen year olds are stupid. All children are stupid. Here’s what happened:

  • There were shots. Apparently, this 17-year-old was involved. One was killed.
  • He ran away and was chased by the mob.
  • He was attacked, thrown to the ground and beaten by…whoever. No one cares about that.
  • He turned, with his rifle, and shot.
  • He shot one in the head and another one in the gut. One of the assailants died.
  • Though the rioters were in striking distance, he didn’t shoot again. In fact, one assailant was within seven feet. He didn’t shoot.
  • He walked away without firing another shot.


This is how revolution starts. We now have three sides.

  • The Left.
  • The alt-Right.
  • The militia.











Episode 209 – Ding-Jong the Witch is Dead!

This will never end.
Problems in North Korea.
RNC starts up.


Here We Go Again

On Sunday, police were called to a domestic dispute in Kenosha Wisconsin. The dispute, apparently, was between two women. There was a man, Jacob Blake, who was trying to break up the fight. For some reason, police interest turned to Blake.

According to Heavy.com:

According to Wisconsin Circuit Court Access online records, a Jacob S. Blake, same age and with an address in the same exact block where the shooting occurred, had a warrant issued for him on July 7 on pending accusations of misdemeanor criminal trespass to a dwelling with domestic abuse as a modifier; felony third-degree sexual assault with domestic abuse as a modifier; and misdemeanor disorderly conduct with domestic abuse as a modifier. A support action was dismissed, and the only other case that comes up is for not having a driver’s license.

A 2015 story in Racine Eye described how “Racine police say K9 Dozer had to help officers take a man into custody when the man refused to go quietly into custody after he pulled a gun at a local bar.” The man was described as Jacob Blake, 24, of Racine, which makes him the same age as the man shot by police on August 23. The Racine Eye story says he was charged with “one felony count of resisting arrest causing a soft tissue injury to a police officer and one misdemeanor count each of carrying a concealed weapon, carrying a firearm while intoxicated, endangering safety-use of a dangerous weapon, and disorderly conduct.” Those charges don’t show up on the circuit court website though.

So, if this is the same guy, it makes sense that the police had some interest in getting this guy off the street.

On a cell phone video caught part of the incident. Here’s what we see:

  • Three officers are talking to Blake. They are next to Blake’s car.
  • Blake, distraught, walked away from the police and headed around the car. The police were ordering him to stop and get to the ground, guns drawn.
  • Blake opened the driver side door. Police told him to stop. He appeared to be reaching for something.
  • Police started firing.
  • Blake was shot about 7 times in the back. He went through surgery and is now in serious but stable condition.


That’s it. Nothing more. Here’s what we don’t know:

  • Was Blake armed?
  • What was he reaching for in his car?
  • Is this the same Jacob Blake that heavy.com believes?
  • What started this whole thing?
  • Did the cops have body cameras?
  • Why were the cops there and what happened?


Here’s the thing: this should be a non-story. We have base information, shouldn’t be surprised that he got shot since he is a felon and he ignored orders of the police. That was on the video. Hell, the people in the neighborhood were yelling at him to stop and get down. As far as I’m concerned, looking at his history, this was a justified shooting.

But that’s not what the Leftists are saying. This is obviously another example of systemic racism and police brutality. The videos made their way through social media and everyone made their judgments without having any information. Not sure having information would have made any difference anyway. So Black Lives Matter and Antifa decided to hold riots in Kenosha. They burned building and car lots. I would have been transfixed by the carnage but it has been happening in Portland for two and a half months.

So what should a good politician do? How about say You don’t know what happened and you should wait until the investigation is done? Of course not.

Democratic governor of Wisconsin, Tony Evers said:

“Tonight, Jacob Blake was shot in the back multiple times, in broad daylight, in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Kathy and I join his family, friends, and neighbors in hoping earnestly that he will not succumb to his injuries. While we do not have all of the details yet, what we know for certain is that he is not the first Black man or person to have been shot or injured or mercilessly killed at the hands of individuals in law enforcement in our state or our country.”

“And we stand against excessive use of force and immediate escalation when engaging with Black Wisconsinites. I have said all along that although we must offer our empathy, equally important is our action. In the coming days, we will demand just that of elected officials in our state who have failed to recognize the racism in our state and our country for far too long.”

Wow, that’s not going to inflame anything. By the way, he doesn’t know anymore than anyone else. He just admitted it.

Lori Lightfoot, mayor of Chicago said:

“Yesterday in Wisconsin, a police officer shot Jacob Blake, an unarmed Black man, a father, 7 times in the backI am deeply disturbed by the video capturing part of the incident. I urge civil & criminal authorities to pursue an immediate & thorough investigation of the shooting.”

Oh, goodie! Mayor Lightfoot urges an investigation. And she’s going to monitor the situation. Maybe she should not worry about another city and worry why 66 people were shot in her city this past weekend.

But it wasn’t just local politicians that commented. Nancy Pelosi Tweeted:

Finally, Joe Biden had a comment:

Yesterday in Kenosha, Wisconsin, Jacob Blake was shot seven times in the back as police attempted to restrain him from getting into his car. His children watched from inside the car and bystanders watched in disbelief. And this morning, the nation wakes up yet again with grief and outrage that yet another Black American is a victim of excessive force. This calls for an immediate, full and transparent investigation and the officers must be held accountable.

These shots pierce the soul of our nation. Jill and I pray for Jacob’s recovery and for his children.

Equal justice has not been real for Black Americans and so many others. We are at an inflection point. We must dismantle systemic racism. It is the urgent task before us. We must fight to honor the ideals laid in the original American promise, which we are yet to attain: That all men and women are created equal, but more importantly that they must be treated equally.

Here are some observations:

  • I saw the video. The shooting was justified based on that video. But we don’t have enough information. Maybe the cops are racist bastards. Maybe Blake had a gun and the shooting was justified.
  • But here’s the thing: Don’t ignore cops. They are assuming you want to kill them. There is a 1000% chance if you listen to a cop, you will be alive and probably not in jail fro very long.
  • Democrats only care about the narrative. And what they are saying is dangerous. A police officer was knocked unconscious by a brick. But no one cares about that.
  • Social media is a fucking disaster.




Ding-Jong, the Bitch is Dead

According to the Mirror, Chang Song-min, who served as an aide to former South Korean President Kim Dae-jung, told South Korean media of the 36-year-old Kim Jong Un, “I assess him to be in a coma, but his life has not ended.”

Song-min maintained that Kim’s sister, Kim Yo Jong, is assuming the mantle of leadership in her brother’s absence. “A complete succession structure has not been formed, so Kim Yo Jong is being brought to the fore as the vacuum cannot be maintained for a prolonged period,” he said, adding that Kim’s death “could spell disaster for the country.”

Senator Lindsey Graham said:

“Well, it’s a closed society, I don’t know anything directly. But I’d be shocked if he’s not dead or in some incapacitated state because you don’t let rumors like this go forever or go unanswered in a closed society, which is really a cult, not a country, called North Korea.

“So I pretty well believe he is dead or incapacitated. And I hope the long-suffering North Korean people will get some relief if he is dead, and President Trump’s willing to do business with North Korea in a win-win fashion. So, if this guy is dead, I hope the next person who takes over will work with President Trump to make North Korea a better place for everybody.”














Episode 207 – Finally, It’s Done!

Bannon was Trouble
Dust off your thumb cause Lyft’s gone.
DNC is done.


Couldn’t Have Happened to a Better Guy…Allegedly

Steve Bannon is in big trouble. The former

Prosecutors say Bannon and the others used the nonprofit and a shell company to hide the payments to Kolfage “by using fake invoices and sham ‘vendor’ arrangements” as well as other means of keeping the payments quiet. The indictment stated that in order to raise funds, Kolfage and Bannon “repeatedly and falsely” told the public that Kolfage would “not take a penny” in compensation.

According to prosecutors, Kolfage instructed payments to be made out to his spouse, and this was reflected in a 1099 form the nonprofit issued, saying the payment was for “media.”






I Told You So

In a story that keeps going topsy turvy, which is should, Lyft has fired the first shot in allowing California to make the lives of the citizens worse, ruin companies and destroy jobs. But, I digress. I like when I’m right and get excited when I can point it out.

Here is what happened:

  • Earlier this year, California passed a law that eliminated the status of independent contractor. This meant that people who would for gig jobs like Lyft, Uber, Doordash and Uber Eats could no longer be considered contractors but employees. This would force these companies to give their contractors benefits.
  • On Thursday, Lyft said it would cease operations in California at midnight Friday.
  • An appeals court put a stay on the law, stating it might be unconstitutional.
  • I have not seen whether Lyft is still running.


This is a problem with Leftist governments. The things they are trying to do to help the workers is actually costing them. It costs them in jobs and services. Minimum wage is an example.






Democratic National Convention – What a Mess

I watched the convention and Biden’s speech through the coverage on Louder with Crowder of which I am a member. Let’s go over what we learned.

Donald Trump is a bad orange man. That’s it.

  • This was a completely scripted event. No one said something off teleprompter. This was an eight hour infomercial. It was horribly boring.
  • Pho patriotism.
  • I don’t understand their fixation with celebrities:
    • They brought out several celebs including Eva Longoria, Tracee Ellis Ross, Kerry Washington, and Julia Louis-Dreyfus. They were terrible.
    • Billie Eilish sang a nice song but, when giving her message about the environment, looked stoned and depressed. Her green and black hair made her look like a parakeet.
    • Billie Porter and Stephan Sills did a bazaar rendition of Buffalo Springfield’s “For What It’s Worth.”
  • There were no policies. No platforms.
  • They blamed Trump for everything including COVID deaths and the economy but no one said how they would have done anything differently.
  • There was no mention of the riots or the defunding of the police.
  • They used children:
    • They interviewed children about the environment.
    • They showed speeches by the radical children of Stoneman Douglas high school.
    • Billie Ellish made a speech about Trump ignoring climate change.


There were a ton of speeches. Most were boring but some stood out:

  • Andrew Cuomo
  • Hilary Clinton
  • Barrack Obama
  • Kamala Harris
  • Joe Biden


Ben Shapiro summed up Biden’s speech in a Tweet:





