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Episode 189 – What About the KIDS!

Boo! Did I scare you?
Our kids are not scared.
Instead, find careers!

RIP Charlie Daniels!

Keep Going in This Direction, Joe

Sleepy, Creepy Joe has released his economic policy if he ends up as President:

  • $700 billion spent on new, clean energy and jobs.
  • Free healthcare.
  • Free community college.
  • Free child care.
  • More COVID-19 support for families and small businesses.
  • Raising taxes on corporations and individuals. In other words, rolling back the Trump tax cuts.
  • Raise the Federal minimum wage to $15 an hour.
  • Put a 100 day moratorium on illegal alien deportation.


This “Build Back Better” campaign is called the Biden/Sanders economic plan.

This scares the Hell out of me. Joe Biden will not be President. Bernie Sanders will be. AoC will be. His radical black women VP will be. He is a puppet. Bernie Sanders made that very clear in an interview with MSNBC:

I am going to say something that will make this podcast not good for kids: Trump can win this election with this crazy shit. He needs to stop lowering his poll numbers by stop fucking Tweeting.




When Nancy Speaks…

…three things fly out of her mouth: Dentures, spittle and crap.

Let’s listen:

She doesn’t care about statues. Wow. Forget about our history. That’s one of our leaders.

Here’s what is ironic: a group of people to black out the Black Lives Matter giraffe on the streets in California and were charged with three misdemeanor counts including a hate crime charge. These people are looking at jail time. They were interviewed on Fox News and they just said they do not agree with BLM and did not want it posted in front of their residence.

This is the bravest thing I have ever seen. These two people walk into the middle of the street and start blacking out the grafitti. They were lucky enough only to get confronted by people who were curious about what they were doing, not by some radical with a baseball bat or screw driver. They had to know what they were doing is dangerous, but they didn’t care. They are tired of the state sponsored BS and decided to fight it.


Sounds Like a Career to Me

The Wall Street Journal released an article about teenagers in New York who are able to intern scrubbing tombstones and repairing mausoleums at a Bronx graveyard. Sounds awesome, huh? Actually, it is a lot better than all that. And those that volunteered for the internship are finding that out.

Let me clarify the article a bit so that it does not sound so morbid. Cemeteries are made up of tomb stones and mausoleums. Over time, these become dirty or broken. They need to be fixed. And who fixes them? Masons. Suddenly, that does not sound so bad. These teens work six hours a day on weekdays for ten weeks. They learn how to set up scaffolding, applying mortar, power washing and understanding mausoleum documentation. The interns make $15 an hour. Not bad for an intern.

But what the teens really learn is a skill. Masonry is a centuries old profession and can be applied to many more projects than mausoleum repair (though that can bring in $30-40 an hour). Construction, art repair and home repair all require someone who might require the specialty of a mason. And if a mason has a license and belongs in a union, a well-paying career can be had.

Why did this article come up in this podcast?

Josie has three children. She wants all her children to go to college even though none of them really have an affinity for school and really do not have any plans for the future. I told her that she may want to think of her kids skipping school and learning a skill from a trade school. Trade schools are less expensive, relatively short in time and concentrate on a specific skill. And a skill that is desired and usually pays well.

I use me as an example. I went to college and got my degree in Literature. But, once I received my Bachelor’s Degree, I could not do much with it. I needed, at least, a Master’s Degree even to teach. I started teaching computer applications and soon was promoted to teaching computer networking. Twenty-five years later, I have a career, get paid well and my skills are desired by a lot of companies.

Yes, I still write and read constantly and my degree has helped my career but I could have saved four years of time if I had just concentrated on learning a skill (not to mention a lot of money on tuition). And institutions of higher learning (heck, high school is pretty crappy too) are becoming more worthless than anything. Our kids are not learning anything necessary like we did in the past, are not being hardened to be able to handle the job market successfully and are being indoctrinated into the Leftist view of the world.

Let us talk about our failing institution of education.



The Indoctrination Machine

The educational system is falling apart. From grammar school through Harvard University. Let us take a look at some of the things I am talking about.



I amaze children at restaurants. Not because I can make a quarter disappear with a paper napkin (I can do that). But because I can calculate a 15% tip in my head. I actually had a kid challenge me with a calculator. We bet $5. I had the answer before she even pulled her phone out of her pocket (I never saw that $5). My point? Mathematics and science are completely ignored, even discouraged, in our country.

Math is not even a thing anymore. In fact, there is this push to make math into something racist. This is so stupid, I will not even go into that garbage. I have not even read the stories. I just do not care. Kind of makes sense. If a man can be a real woman why can’t 1+1=6? Forget the fact that a theoretical mathematician who specialized in chaos theory tried to come up with a math system that proved 1+1=6 and he went insane.

Forget that, let us just say kids can not do math. They do not get it and do not see why it is important. They can not add, subtract, multiply or divide. Decimals and fractions are a mystery. Fuck algebra, calculus, physics and trig. That ain’t happening.

Math is the base language for life. It is used in every other discipline including music, art, language, astronomy, science, statistics and logic. Hell, my Haiku in the beginning of this podcast was used to calculate the number of syllables to make it a haiku. Dr. Zuess, who is a racist, defined his poetry off of mathematics. Beethoven, Mozart and even your favorite rapper (which is not music) use mathematics to come up with the perfect word, beat or note.

Maybe that is why our music has gone down hill in the last twenty years.



Men can be women. Natural gas, nuclear energy and fracking are dangerous. Nothing but man is causing global warming. The world will end in ten years. A fetus is not a human being. We need to take a train to Hawaii. All these stupid “scientific” declarations by the Left are based on “science”. And the normal people laugh at this crap because we are “ignoring” science.

Maybe we are not ignoring science. Maybe this is all just bullshit.

Here’s the problem: our kids are learning this crap.

I know a kid, who shall remain nameless, who can not do simple math or knows what an atom is telling me that Greta Thunberg knows more about climate change than I do. What? When I asked her when the last ice age was, she did not know (we are in an ice age now). When I asked her what the wobbling of the earth is (that is when the poles of the earth switch), she did not know. When I told her that two economists that won the Nobel Prize in economics said that we would not face a crisis for another 100 years and then it would only cost 4% of GDP to fix and if she read their paper. She did not.

OK, I did not ask her the last question. But I did tell her I did not take my scientific advice from a 14-year-old with autism and a compulsion disorder. This is what our kids are being taught and who they are getting their information from.

By the way, I do believe in man-made climate change. But I think the United States is far from the main culprit. Heck, the statistics say that.

Our kids are not learning science. They are learning talking points that masquerade as science.


History and Civics

Let’s see:

  • Our youth is tearing down statues of historical figures.
  • They are tearing down statues of Abraham Lincoln and  Ulysses S Grant because they are racists.
  • They tore down a statue of Fredrick Douglass and Junipero Serra, not sure why. Pretty sure they do not know why.
  • George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Theodore Roosevelt and Francis Scott Key are all racists.


Our kids do not know shit about history. Do not believe me? Ask the who Plato is, Aristotle, St. Thomas Aquinas, Thomas Moore, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Mark Twain, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison or Theodore Roosevelt is. They will not know.

Ask them a couple questions about the United States.

  • What are the three branches of government?
  • Who is the Vice President?
  • What are the first 10 amendments of the Constitution called?
  • What are the first three words of the Constitution?
  • Name one right in the 1st Amendment of the Constitution?
  • Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
  • What economic system does the United States use?
  • Who is in the Executive Branch?
  • What month do we vote for President?
  • What is the highest court in the land?


Then ask your kid this:

  • What is the LGBTQ?
  • What is Global Warming?
  • Who is Greta Thunberg?
  • What is a union?
  • What happened in 1619?


Our kids are only learning the history the Left wants them to learn.


Literature and English

Are you kidding? Look at the books that are banned. Look at how your kids write. Look at how your kids speak.

I could spend a day talking about this. Our kids do not know how to speak English anymore.








Episode 188 – The Cat Is Out of the Bag!

The Truth comes to Light.
Evil has become Main Stream.
It is time to fight.



Oh, Jeez…Here They Go!

The Left is on full attack. They beginning to show their true colors. It is no longer about defunding the police, it’s about changing the whole system. Ilhan Omar, who is really making things work for the Right, says something really stupid but really true. Listen:

Oops! There it is!

I find this statement amazing from Omar. She escaped the craphole that is Somalia during their one of many civil wars and ended up in a refugee camp in Kenya. Then, the United States offered her family asylum. She came here, got an education (which sounds like it didn’t take) and became a Representative in the house. I don’t know; that kind of sounds like she found the American Dream she says doesn’t exist. As far as I am concerned, she is an example of why America is great and she sounds a tad unappreciative.

She is also the last person who should be giving moral advice. She illegally married her brother so that he could come into this country and then married her husband. She has violated tax code and is under investigation for multiple ethics violations. Finally, to add the cherry to the sundae, she had an affair with a married man. She denied the affair, the cheaters got a divorce from their spouses and then the two got engaged. Yeah, I’m pretty sure she’s not one I would be listening to about evil.

This whole “defund the police” thing has nothing to do with defending the police. It has to do with ripping the system apart. Getting rid of capitalism for socialism. Eliminating religion for the state. Destroying the family for the collective. That’s what they want to do. The police and the military are the problem that prevents the Left from doing what they want. They will actually block the Left from going crazy like this. But the Left is losing their power.

Why is the Left losing their power? Because people don’t really want anything extreme like Ilhan Omar’s brave vision in the future. Most people like capitalism and George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. They don’t want change. Most people also believe that what happened to George Floyd (remember him?) was an injustice. Most people believe we should have some reforms of the police department. That does not mean we should dismantle the greatest civilization in human history.

I want Ilhan Omar to talk. Heck I want all the Left to exclaim their desires. Their plans. Their goals. Because, as Princess Leia said in Star Wars, the tighter the squeeze, the more people will slip through their fingers.


Dude, Let the Guy Talk!

The Left is getting desperate. Their denizens are not even hiding it. The Leftist media disguises trying to be Classical Liberals but fails in the attempt. The best example is when Terry Crews was interviewed by Don Lemon. Terry Crews basically thought that Black Lives Matter is full of crap and that blacks needed to resist the promises of being given a better life and must earn it. He said in a Tweet:

These are not really bazaar statements. He’s basically saying that black people need to take care of themselves, clean their own yards before overturning the country. We need to be real about the nature of people and see what is happening. People are not dying of evil police but are killing each other. But these thoughts go against Black Lives Matter. Unfortunately, Don Lemon of CNN let the cat out of the bag while he was pontificating over Terry Crews in an interview:

I love Don Lemon. Not his politics. I think those are stupid but he’s so dumb he will let the cat out of the bag. Chris Cuomo does it too. He basically said that BLM is not about black lives. It’s only about police brutality (and there’s not a lot of evidence of that) and social change. Lemon admitted it. It is not all about black lives. It is about certain black lives. Black lives about police brutality. Not about murder of black people through crime. This is stupid. It is about transgender protection, collectivism, Marxism, destroying the nuclear family. It is good that Don Lemon finally admits it.

Also, he gives us a little hint. Crime is way up and blacks are killing other blacks. This is something they are not going to be able to hide anymore. Did you catch it. Bet you did. It is going to turn out to be about gun control. That is a podcast for another day.



Did She Really Say That?

I got into a debate this weekend with my brother-in-law. We are pretty tight and can talk politics even though we are kind of on the opposite sides of the issue. Neither of us won the debate. We just agreed to disagree. But, one of the things that tripped me out was his theory about the “defund the police” movement. He is a former fire fighter (a captain) and told me the defunding thing is not what I thought it was. I told him he did not understand Black Lives Matter.

Well, leave it to Black Lives Matter to prove my point. This is YahNé Ndgo who heads the Philadelphia chapter of Black lLves Matter:

Re there any doubts now? This is pure Marxism. The community will take care of everyone and all their wants and needs. This is literally cut out of the Communist Manifesto. And we need to be clear: Black Lives Matter wants to rid the country of police.Period. Not transfer some money to social programs, or create other sections of the police departments




Episode 186 – Someone’s Gotta Do It

Bid Adieu to CHOP
Law and Order is a must.
No Peace without it.



The City Hall Autonomous Zone, or CHAZ, or CHOP, they never really decided is no more. And it took a threat of violence to the sympathetic mayor for it to go away.

Earlier this week, Black Lives Matter protesters, well, rioters, stood in front of Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan’s $7 million, yelling. That was it! It had to end now that our overlords are being annoyed. The Seattle police and FBI went into CHOP and, for the most part, everyone ran away like rats. Only thirty people were arrested.

Unlike the mayor, I thought the place should have been ripped apart the second someone died. So far two died with two injured in shootings. Shootings that involved roving gangs of CHOP “law enforcement.”

Now New York idiots are trying to start their own CHOP commune. In front of Bill DeBlaso’s workplace, New York’s City Hall.

So, what is the reasonable response to handling lawlessness? Cut the police, of course.

New York City has agreed to cut one billion dollars in budget for the NYPD. This will cut new police recruits for being hire, will cut their plain clothes police force and will cut off overtime. You know what that means? Less cops on the streets. Don’t forget that New York already has a no-bail policy so people do not have to stay in jail after they commit crime.

Los Angeles is going to cut $100 million out of their budget for the police. Because Los Angeles does not have any issues like drugs, crime and homelessness. Oh, wait, they do.

Virginia has decided to lower charges when it comes to violence against the police. What?

The police has been made into villains. And it is not because of what happened to George Floyd. This is about taking over the system. This is about making the capitalist government look evil.


The Destruction of Law and Order

The purpose of the government, whether it be local, state of federal government is made up of only two parts:

  • Protect the people.
  • Provide a civil outlet for monetary or social injustice.


For the federal government, this means protecting the people from foreign attacks and resolve issues involving interstate commerce. That is it. Nothing more. The federal government has expanded through misguided laws and the courts (and that’s a topic for another podcast) but that is it. They do not deal with intrastate commerce or protecting state citizens.

The state government is meant to protect its citizens and resolve commerce conflicts. That is it. Nothing more. Some state governments have expanded their roles through the courts (and that’s a topic for another podcast). They do not answer to the federal government and should not deal with local government.

Local government could be defined as a county, city or town (principality). They are responsible for protecting the people and resolving conflicts in commerce. That is it. Nothing more. Some local governments have expanded their roles through the courts (and that’s a topic for another podcast). They do not answer to the federal government. They do not answer to the state government. But they do answer to the people.

The people have the most responsibility. We have the responsibility to live by moral purpose. We are to be the best people we can be based on nature’s laws (from the Bible). We do not murder or steal or swindle. We are here to be as successful as our capacity will allow while following those natural laws and the laws of our society. We are responsible for using reason to innovate (Plato, Aristotle, Acquines). Innovation that will improve the life of the individual and the lives of society. We are to combine our reason with moral purpose (mostly religious laws which the Founders saw to be natural laws). If, we the people, follow this, our society will become stronger.

As free citizens, we have one more responsibility: Protect ourselves from enemies, both foreign and domestic. And “domestic enemies” really means our own government. It says it in the second amendment:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

So here’s the thing: We have a social contract in this country. We will live following the rules and lead productive lives. If we do not follow this, we will be poor or put in jail. The government will solve our commercial conflicts and protect us. If they do not, we will get our guns, form a militia and replace the government.

Here’s the question: Exactly who it fulfilling their side of the contract right now?


Why Did I Bring This Up?

Did you see the patterns in the above? All governments, including state and local governments, only have three responsibilities: protect us, settle commercial disputes and leave us alone. The Constitution tells us this. The Federalist Papers tell us this. And if the government fails to protect us and our freedoms, we have a right, defined in the Second Amendment, that we can take it upon ourselves to protect ourselves, our families and our property. Nay, the Second Amendment demands it.

Our country is failing us. Last podcast we talked about how the Left wants to tear down the system. The Left exclaims that the police and military are evil and should be thrown out. Then the Left has the audacity to tell us that we do not have the moral capacity to break out our guns and protect all that we have worked hard and is dear to us.

You can imagine what would happen if you were in this poor woman’s situation and you called the government for help. And this is all you got:

That is terrifying. This was a woman in her car with her toddler daughter when a group of “non-violent protesters” blocked her path. Then they started attacking her car. I do not know what happened, but this should never happen. Where were the police? They were told to stand down during these “peaceful” protests.

These thugs are running around and tearing down statues of people they do not even know. And the police are just watching them or not there at all. Why? They are being told to stand down by government officials.

St. John’s Church in Washington D.C. was set on fire. This is a church that every President in the United States visited. Where were the police? The Washington D.C. mayor told the police to stand down.

CHOP or CHAZ had four shootings that left two dead. One shooting was by a 16 year old critically injuring a 14 year old. Where were the police? They were told to stand down by the Seattle mayor, Jenny Durkan.

Contrary to what the Left’s belief system is, most normal Americans do not want statues torn down, churches burned or people assaulted or killed. This is anarchy. This is communism. And this stuff did happen in communist countries. Lenin burned Russian historical sites. In fact, it has happened in all tyrannical regimes. Can you say ISIS?

People are not going to tolerate this garbage in this country. And people are already beginning to respond.


What Do the Stats Say?

There has always been stress between the police and black community. Heck, there has been stress between police and the Left. They have been vilified by the Left. Anything they do is questioned. Anything they do deserves a prison sentence. Anyone the arrest is a victim. With the advent of the camera phone and social media, everything they do is seen and spread, whether it is good they are doing or bad.

Here’s the thing: the police do a very hard job. A job that is dirty and is not always pleasant. And, at times, it can be very violent. Even the episodes of Cops that we always watched in the past was cleaned up for television. But this reaction that all cops are racist just does not float.

According to a database compiled by the Washington Post, no exactly a conservative outlet, in 2019 there were 375 million confrontations involving police. Only a fraction of those led to police using their gun or shooting a suspect. The total number of unarmed black people that were shot was 9. That’s right: only 9 unarmed black people were shot by police. Out of 375 million confrontations! Does not exactly sound like the cops are hunting black people. By the way, there were 19 unarmed white people killed. There were a total of 1004 deaths by cop in 2019. That means .0003% of police confrontations actually led to death by shooting. Not a lot. Of those deaths, 37% were white, 24% were black and 16% were Hispanic. Now, blacks being shot by police is higher than there population (15% of the population is black) but it is not too extreme. Not to mention, the poverty rate, single family homes and education capacity is also a lot higher within the black culture which leads to more crime. That’s not racist, it is just facts.

But one statistic that we do not ever see is how many confrontations between police and blacks were actually because a crime was committed? We do not know. How many of those confrontations were initiated by a call to the police versus the police stumbling on a black person? We do not know.

All this also applies to the justice system. How many by race are in jail or prison because they actually committed a crime? I bet it is around 99.9% (I have to assume there are some innocents in prison). If that is the case, what difference does race have when a person is in jail or prison? A criminal is a criminal.

The Left ignores statistics. Facts just do not jive with their narrative. They just roll out the same old cases and point to them as proof of racism. They like to point to:

  • Trayvon Martin – Who was not shot by a white cop but a Hispanic civilian.
  • Michael Brown – Who was unarmed but committed a strong-armed robbery and assaulted and injured a police officer before he was shot.
  • Breanna Taylor – Who was killed in a botched raid.
  • George Floyd – murdered by police.
  • Philando Castille – Shot by an officer because he was holding a gun.
  • Tamir Rice – Shot because he held a modified toy gun.
  • Eric Gardner – Selling loose cigarettes and resisted, put in a choke hold and had a heart attack.
  • Freddy Gray – Died of a broken neck in police custody. Four officers charged (two being black). All released.
  • Rayshard Brooks – Shot by police after resisting and pointing the policeman taser at the policeman.


Notice something here? The cases have nothing to do with each other. There are no commonalities. Some (Floyd and Taylor) were completely unjustified. Some (Brown, Brooks, Gray and Gardner) were actually committing crimes. Finally others (Castille and Rice) were understandable accidents.

Also, these deaths did not occur in the same year but over the span of several years. It is not like the Left can point to twenty of thirty cases a year. The also ignore the fact that Brown, Floyd, Rice, Gardner, Gray and Brooks were all committing crimes.

To me, it does not seem like the facts justify all the noise the Left is creating.


Overreaction…Sort Of

With the death of George Floyd, which is completely unjustified and the officers should all be fired and spend time in prison, the Left has taken the opportunity to get rid of the police and let anarchy take the streets.

When the protests turned to riots, the mayors and governors decided to tell the police to stand down. This led to violent riots that destroyed hundreds of businesses and private property, injured hundreds of civilians and police and led to the deaths of civilians and police. The media has decided to ignore all this and proclaim that the riots were just “peaceful protests.” One reporter actually had the balls to say this while a building was burning behind him. The cowardly mayors allowed  blocks of destruction and two police precincts in two different cities to be overtaken by rioters.

With no police, there was anarchy. And most of the problems occurred in Leftist cities (Los Angeles, Chicago, Minneapolis, Atlanta, New York City, Seattle, Portland, Washington DC, Dallas, Houston and Baltimore just to name a few). Of course, it was not the crappy policies that were creating these riots, it was the police. Black Lives Matter (a Marxist organization) and Antifa (and anarchist organization) were never blamed for the violence though both admit that violence was needed. They were seen as groups representing the “victims” of the the police.

So what did the Leftists do to calm the violence and crime?

  • Eliminate cash bail.
  • Allow lawlessness including tearing down of statues, burning building, looting and murder without actually arresting anyone.
  • Abandon two police precincts.
  • Allow the formation of Chaz which led to the shooting deaths of two people.
  • Forbid police from responding to calls involving rioters…er…peaceful protesters.


But it is getting worse.

  • New York City has decided to cut $1.5 billion from the police force.
  • Los Angeles has decided to cut $150 million from the police force.
  • The Minneapolis City Council has voted to completely defund the police department.
  • Virginia has a law pending that would lessen the crime for assaulting a police officer.
  • Many cities have banned choke, holds, tasers and tear gas. I guess the police are suppose to use foul language.
  • Congress wants to ban Qualified Immunity so that a cop can get sued for anything.
  • Domestic disturbance, drug and mental health calls should not be handled by police but by unarmed social workers.


There are two goals here by the Left: Get rid of the police or make it that no one wants to be a police officer. Unfortunately, this philosophy is picking up steam and seems to have become mainstream. It’s hard to believe but a Christian straight man that works hard and loves his country is now part of the counter-culture.


Fighting Back…Legally

This is where a civil war within the United States could start. It is when people who stand up for their country and their rights fight back against the Leftist mobs that are trying to tear down our freedom, institutions and history. They burn our flag and want to destroy our monuments.

Gun sales have gone through the roof, up 80%. Gun stores are complaining that they cannot keep up with demand for guns and ammunition. Gun manufacturers cannot produce enough to keep up with demand. Do you know what this mean? Guns have become a commodity. Is this surprising? Of course not. Without cops, people have to fend for themselves. The greatest support for the Second Amendment is the Left’s hatred for police.

This week, Mark McClosky and his wife saw something that scared them. Groups of “non-violent protesters” broke through the wrought iron gate of their private community. The rioters were on there way to another house. They started cursing and threatening the McCloskys. At that point, the wife pulled out a handgun and the husband pulled out an AR-15. Guess what happened? The protesters walked right passed the house. Yeah, they were screaming and stuff but they showed the kind of people they were when confronted: cowards.

The media demonized the McCloskys, of course. But Mark is a lawyer, knows how debate and is a classical liberal. He aligns more with Black Lives Matter than Fox News. He also laid a whooping to Chris Cuomo when he suggested that the destruction of McClosky’s house is less important than the cause. McClosky said he worked hard for 32 years to get where he is and he had a right to protect it since all his calls to 911 were ignored. Cuomo had a tough time responding.

Unbeknownst to the Left, they have actually helped arm America. The average American does not like what he is seeing and is preparing to fight against this lawlessness the Left is propagating. Because they have decided to eliminate police, Americans did not panic. They just decided to take matters into their own hands. In the near future, we are going to see neighborhoods and communities arm and organize to ensure the protection of the community. The Constitution had a term for this in the Second Amendment: an armed militia.



Do our police need better training and be held to a higher level of accountability? Darn right they do. I wanted to hold a podcast talking about the things I would require from police but I will list a few things right now.

  • We need a database of police indiscretions and misconduct. Police misconduct should not be left to the local government but spread throughout the United States.
  • Training needs to be expanded to the point of the training our Special Forces in the military go through. This includes physical, mental and emotional training. This is why the Navy SEALS are so elite and rock butt. The police go through the same rigors and should be trained the same way. Refer to Dan Crenshaw’s book Fortitude.
  • Police should have to go through periodic (monthly) psychological testing. Tests for PTSD, emotional issues and anger issues. Not police are only tested when they go through a tramatic event.


These are just some of the things I would want done. There are more. But all this require more money put into our police, not less. I think we need more police on the streets, not less.

But there are also things that we should expect from our citizens. Things that 75% of the population are already doing. And if those practices are violated, not be surprised by the results. That includes:

  • Treat the police like they are authority. They are.
  • Obey their commands.
  • Treat them respect. They will treat you the same way.
  • Remember that the words or accusations of the police is not the final word. You can fight them in court.
  • Remember that the police have been trained to think you are going to kill them. They want to live more than they want to keep you alive.
  • Remember that the police are people. They are there to protect you. And bitching about a speeding ticket, even if it does not end in violence, makes their job harder and will ruin their day.


We need the police. We need better police. We can have that. The Left’s attempt to rid our country of police will just lead to chaos. We already saw that in Chaz.








Happy Independence Day!

Independence Day!
The fireworks lit the sky!
The Media flips!


The Speech

On Friday, Trump held an Independence Day. It was a great speech. It was prepared for him, which usually makes him look really good, albeit dry,

It was an “America is about God, baseball, family and apple pie speech.” It was, quite possibly, the best speech he has given. And he has given a few.

The speech was positive, celebrating our history and our growth (though he did not focus on the historical details so much). Here is the speech:

He had several themes throughout the speech:

  • He celebrated our philosophies: moral reason and reason.
  • He celebrated our history and said he would not permit the Left to destroy our monuments.
  • He bashed social justice and cancel culture.
  • He talked about the protection of America and its citizens from enemies, foreign and domestics.
  • He emphasized the growth of America, including Civil Rights.
  • He talked about the great personalities in history, the great cities in America and the accomplishments throughout history.
  • His conclusion, we must remember this country’s history. He said he is going to create a new monument that will have a statue to the greatest people in American history.


It was a great speech. Very positive. It was the kind of speech that made one proud of being an American and look forward to the wonders of our future achievements.


The Media

Darkness! Despair! Racial division!

Basically, the media has decided to lie about the speech. It was too good. There was nothing they could say if they looked at the speech so the media took cuts out of it and read into those quotes. Here are some headlines about the speech:

  • Trump Fuels Culture Wars from Mt. Rushmore – New York Times
  • Trump Fuels Racial Division at Mt. Rushmore Speech – Time Manazine
  • Trump’s Mt. Rushmore Speech Just as Terrifyingly Bonkers as You’d Expect – Esquire Magazine
  • Eye Opener: Trump Makes Divisive Speech at Mt. Rushmore – CBS News


This speech was far from Divisive or bonkers or what ever. Well, unless you think America is a great place with a great history. But the funniest, most “unbiased” view of the speech from Chris Cillizza of CNN. Let’s read some of it.



Listen, Trump says a lot of dump stuff. And there has not been a shortage of dumb things Trump has said or Tweeted over the last few weeks. But this speech was not one of them. It was a great speech. I tell you, Trump could cure cancer and CNN would find a good reason for cancer.


The People

The people have had enough. Nothing was going to stop them from celebrating Independence Day this year. Not COVID-19, political injustice or Anftifa was going to stop us.

California decided to, basically, cancel Independence Day. There were going to be no organized fireworks displays, personal fireworks are illegal and they have decided to close the beaches throughout California.

Guess what? People had enough. The beaches were packed, though social distancing was being followed. The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department declared they would not be enforcing any of the beach closures.

But, one of the most amazing sites I have seen was while driving through Los Angeles. The sky was lit with illegal, private fireworks.

It was the most amazing fireworks display I had ever seen. It made Los Angeles sound like a war zone.

Are you seeing what I am seeing? Are people sick and tired of being told what they can not do without any explanation or plan to let us be free. We are not China or Russia. There better be an excuse or timeline and it better make sense or people will just do what they want, the law be damned.

Let’s look at Gil Garcetti, the crappy mayor from Los Angeles. He decided to close beached from July 3rd to July 6th. That’s right, he closed the beaches only during the holiday weekend, essentially ruining the holiday for thousands of families during the hot and sticky holiday. His move appeared so obvious, even law enforcement was not going to enforce the law. Heck, law enforcement was not allowed to stop looters from destroying business and running wild on the streets, why enforce a law where people are just doing something fun on the most important national holiday of the year?





Episode 185 – Race and Sex and Class…Oh, My!

Race, Sex, Creed and Class.
Very, very BAD!


Taylor Swift is on a crusade against the United States government  Injustice has not struck the heart of the United States census and SJW General Swift needs to swoop in and save the world.

The United States government had the audacity to ask if the head of household is a male of female. That’s right! No, transgender, cisgender, non-binary, beastiosexual or any other of the 1800 different genders have been defined. Just male and female.

“I got my census the other day and there were two choices: male and female. And that erasure was so upsetting to me,” the “Lover” singer added.

Swift described the two-gender option as “a really brutal way of dismissing” transgender and nonbinary citizens. “We need to make sure we elect people who care about all communities.” -DailyWire

For years, Taylor Swift has stayed completely out of politics and got crap for it. I thought it was actually quite refreshing. But she received a lot of pressure from Leftist groups about her opinions. She finely caved and I no longer listen to Taylor Swift. I know she doesn’t care. I’m not exactly in her demographic. She came out as the typical dumb Millennial; as Leftist as the day is long. Her specialty seems to be LGBTQ issues but hating Trump is good enough.

This is really. dumb. The government doesn’t care about what people you are attracted too. They only care if you are male or female. If you are a male who has decided to be female, fine. Check the female box. They do not care. I am pretty sure the government does not have the other genders listed because the form would end up being 400 pages longer (it’s long enough as it is) and they do not have enough computing power to calculate the demographics of the 1800 different genders.

Not to mention, no one really cares. I do not fill out the census because I am sure there are three illegal aliens out there that are filling it out for me. That is another thing I find funny: It’s an affront not to add all the different genders but a bad thing to ask one’s immigration status (something that is actually important).

Typical. The Left always has to point out someone is a victim of something. Even check boxes can be bigoted.

But this is a perfect story to lead us into today’s topics: Identity Politics and Intersectionality.




Identity Politics and Intersectionality


I was going to deal with race in this section today because it is such a hot button topic. Black Lives Matter has been heading the protests since the death of George Floyd and you cannot listen to CNN for more than 15 minutes without hearing the words “race”, “racism”, and “white supremacist”. But, then I thought about it and realized race was not really the problem. It is Identity Politics and Intersectionality that are the problems.

Black Lives Matter (a terrorist group as far as I am concerned) whole philosophy is based on Intersectionality. In their manifesto on their website, they say:

“We make our spaces family-friendly and enable parents to fully participate with their children. We dismantle the patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work “double shifts” so that they can mother in private even as they participate in public justice work…

“We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise).

We cultivate an intergenerational and communal network free from ageism. We believe that all people, regardless of age, show up with the capacity to lead and learn.

We embody and practice justice, liberation, and peace in our engagements with one another.” -BlackLivesMatter.com

So, they bond with women, gays, transgenders and the old against the patriarchy which is defined as white straight male led slavery. They are not all about black people. They are about all “oppressed” groups. If one can get through all of the communist crap they are peddling (terms like “collective” and “comrades” are sprinkled throughout the short essay), one can see that BLM is more than just about black lives.

This is the perfect cut over into what is really wrong with this philosophy.


Identity Politics

This is a philosophy that came out in the 1960’s during the Civil Rights Movement and the second wave of feminism. Though the term was not coined until much later, there were studies by professors in the late seventies and early eighties that “proved” that one’s identity (age, race, gender and creed) put one in a category of victimhood.

Identity Politics is defined as:

“The laden phrase “identity politics” has come to signify a wide range of political activity and theorizing founded in the shared experiences of injustice of members of certain social groups. Rather than organizing solely around belief systems, programmatic manifestos, or party affiliation, identity political formations typically aim to secure the political freedom of a specific constituency marginalized within its larger context. Members of that constituency assert or reclaim ways of understanding their distinctiveness that challenge dominant oppressive characterizations, with the goal of greater self-determination.”  -(https://plato.stanford.edu, link below)

So, essentially, if you belong to a group (black, women, gay) you are a victim. When you accept that you are a victim, this will give one greater agency to discover their victimhood and go beyond it.

I know what you are thinking. Just wait for it. There is more to it then we will discuss how dumb this whole thing is.



Identity Politics, unfortunately, does not go far enough. What if you belong to two victim groups? What if you are a black woman?

That’s where Intersectionality comes into play. The term was first used in 1989 by Kimberlé Crenshaw, a civil rights activist and legal scholar. In a paper for the University of Chicago Legal Forum, Crenshaw wrote that traditional feminist ideas and antiracist policies exclude black women because they face overlapping discrimination unique to them. “Because the intersectional experience is greater than the sum of racism and sexism, any analysis that does not take intersectionality into account cannot sufficiently address the particular manner in which Black women are subordinated,” she wrote in the paper. (Emphasis added.) (cjr.org).

It was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2015 and defined as:

“The interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender, regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage; a theoretical approach based on such a premise.”

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defined it as:

“The complex, cumulative way in which the effects of multiple forms of discrimination (such as racism, sexism, and classism) combine, overlap, or intersect especially in the experiences of marginalized individuals or groups.”

The victim groups you belong to will intersect to define the victim you are and the value to society you have. And what you are owed. The less intersections (or none) the less valuable.

The Intersectionality score determines an individual’s value when it comes to: philosophy, what they deserve, temperance that they have from society and economic value.

So there you have it! Let’s review:

  • You are a white woman? You use Identity Politics to emphasize your victimhood as a woman because women couldn’t vote 100 years ago. Society owes you.
  • You are a black woman? You use Intersectionality to state you are more of a victim because you are a woman (women couldn’t vote a 100 years ago) and are black (blacks were slaves and dealt with Jim Crow laws). Society owes you more.
  • You are a Native American trans female lesbian who is Muslim? Jackpot!
  • You are a straight, white, Christian male? Screwed!


The Big Problems with this Philosophy

I reject this philosophy. Not just because I am a straight white male Christian, one who has no victimhood and should be dismissed, but because it is stupid. And its value system, is accepted, forces our civilization to be more stupid. But, what I will talk about later, it is dangerous. Here are five reasons this philosophy fails.

First, it excludes people, even those it champions to protect.

Straight white mail Christians are screwed. As far as intersectionality is concerned, we are the root of patriarchy and all that is evil in our civilization. Fine, whatever. The problem is that there have been some pretty smart white men in our civilization. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, St. Thomas Aquinas, Galileo, DaVinci, Shakespeare, Poe, Jefferson, Washington, Locke, Twain, Franklin, Einstein, Steinbeck. Gates, Jobs, Bezos, Musk and Trump, just to name a very few.

Ok, Trump was a joke but you get where I am going.

There are also very fine white men whose philosophy and reason I would trust far more than some of the victims that Intersectionality deems for its sainthood. Names like Shapiro, Weinstein, Klavan, Harris, Crowder, Peterson, Levin, Pool, Carolla, Rowe, Bongino, Rogan Hannity, Sowell, Mahr, Rubin, Gutfeld and Crenshaw, just to name a few. OK, Dave Rubin is gay and Greg Gutfeld is kind of gay but I trust the reason of these guys over some self-proclaimed victim. But, because these are straight, white men (or, just white men) they have no say about the moral questions of our country. Ben Shapiro has no right to argue about abortion because he is a rich white male. He had something to say about that we he was confronted with that:

Nuff said.

The above debate is another big problem with Intersectionality: It discourages reasonable debate if one of the parties does not belong to a victim group or his victimhood does not match the one he is debating. It is the worst aspect of this cultist philosophy. Anyone who doesn’t agree and is not a member of a victim group is just wrong because he doesn’t understand. Evil, science and reason be damned. When a philosophy refuses to acknowledge these and will reject truth, this is not a philosophy, it is a cult. We know where all cults lead.

Another huge problem with Intersectionality and Identity Politics is that it ignores history, law, capitalism and other social factors for those groups.

We have talked about history in our last podcast. The Left has created a historical vacuum when it comes to the United States. We never escaped slavery even though we fought a Civil War that almost killed 700,000 people. We never ended racism even though we have the 15th and 16th Amendments and have passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (voted on by white men). Women were not able to vote a hundred years ago even though we went through women’s suffrage, passed sexism laws and equal rights laws in the workplace. We are still a bigoted nation against the LGBTQ movement even though we have gay marriage.

The above mentioned some of the laws that were passed that ended discrimination. But here are a couple of laws that no one talks about when they say how systemically racist, sexist and bigoted we are. Murder and lynching are illegal. If done because of an attack on a protected victim group, the hate crime statute is enacted, adding 20 extra years in prison (I hate this). Workplace harassment and discrimination is illegal and can start civil proceedings. So if women actually earned 70 cents per dollar of a male counterpart, she can sue. That goes with any minority. There have been tens-of-thousands of cases through the court system and trillions of dollars of awards. Don’t believe me, learn a newspaper. Stories are brought up daily.

But the Left does not care about history. They want it gone. For them, our history is an inconvenience. It interferes with the narrative. That is why they are trying to destroy any statue, whether it be George Washington or Jesus Christ, to eliminate any reminents of our history.

Let’s face it: If there is anything good about the United States, why tear down the system? Why not build on it? The Left does not want that. They want the system gone.

Capitalism has been demonized by the Left. But capitalism is what has been assuring equality in the workplace. The “women earn 70% of men in the workplace” is complete crap. Here’s the skinny: Capitalism only cares about results. The bottom line. I know the Left thinks this is a bad thing, but it’s not. Capitalism only cares about the bottom line. And if capitalism could save 30% on the bottom line by hiring women or blacks, it would. Capitalism is why Jackie Robinson was the first black man that played in Major League Baseball. He was a great player that could make the the Dodgers a World Series winning team. Because if the Dodgers won the World Series, they would make money. That simple.

If a company makes widgets at at the retail cost of production at $5 per unit with manufacturing, but save $.30 per unit to be manufactured by a woman or save $.50 per unit because a black woman or a black man was hired, why not hire the black man or black women?

If I am a capitalist, why pay $1 for someone if I could pay $.70 for someone else?

Because, in capitalism, companies hire based capacity and ability. And they pay based on capacity and ability. One’s race is irrelevant. Capitalism is color-blind. If I suck at my job, I lose my job or get paid less. If I’m great at my job, I get paid more or get promoted. Period

The “big bosses” don’t know if I’m black or white. They just know what I did. If capitalist companies were racist and sexist, they would lose good workers. Because those great workers would quit and find another company. Likewise, people do not get paid less based on their race or sex. If this happened, again people would leave and go to another company. Thomas Sowell, a black economist, proved this statistically more than thirty years ago.

Everyone thinks capitalism supports the rich. It doesn’t. It supports the productive and the innovative. That includes the advantaged. If one creates, they win. Period. Amazon knew it. Apple knew it. Microsoft knew it. Tesla knew it. Capitalism is not the evil the Left likes to make it out to be. Socialism, on the other hand, is evil. Stealing money and giving to others is nothing short of theft. Just because it is legal does not mean it is not theft.

Finally, this philosophy creates an “us versus them” environment. Because I do not belong in a victim group or am in a lower victim class, my views and life is irrelevant. Do you think I am going to sit easy with that? Nope, I am not and I am going to tell you. Not to mention, I am going to have very little respect for your opinion. That lack of respect will turn to anger, anger turns to hate and hate usually leads to violence.

That’s where we are heading.


Why this Philosophy is Dangerous

Here’s the big problem with Intersectionality and Identity Politics: it’s dangerous. Because the victim classes believe that the sins of the United States never went away, the system is still corrupt. That means that the system needs to be changed. As we have seen with the Black Lives Matter philosophy (and Antifa, for that matter) we know what they want to replace it with: Socialism. The destruction of capitalism, opportunity, freedoms, the Constitution, speech, religion; all gone. The government will control all and we will be at the mercy of its whim.

How close our we to this? Very. The Left is very close to controlling the government. If President Trump does not mellow out on the Tweeting thing, he could very well lose this election. His poll numbers are not looking great and Joe Biden’s strategy of hiding is his basement and not screwing up is working (though I think that is going to end soon).

Finally, the most dangerous aspect of this philosophy is cancel culture. In the beginning, cancel culture was actually kind of funny. People would call for the firing of Conservatives like Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson. Of course, by people who have never seen their shows. They cancelled things like Aunt Jamima and scream that chess is racist. That is a thing because the white pieces always go first (ugh!).

But, right before our eyes, cancel culture is morphing. Looting and domestic terrorism is cancelling businesses by destroying them. Companies like the NFL, NBA, Google, Twitter and Microsoft has bent the knee to these groups and rejected anyone who rejects the radical beliefs of Black Lives Matter. Our statues are being torn down. Our flag is being burned.

This is happening now.

But it is getting worse. People are being silenced on social media because of their beliefs. People are being doxxed and fire from their jobs, ruining their careers. People are being attacked because of the color of their hats, saying the wrong thing or just looking different. Normal, law-abiding citizens are being left unprotected because the police departments are being told to stand down and defunded. This has led to the serious injury and deaths of the innocent. Think I am exaggerating? Look up David Dorn, David McAtee, Chris Beaty, Dorean Murrell, Italia Kelly, Marquis Tousant, Patrick Underwood, Calvin Horton Jr., James Scurlock, Javar Harrell, Barry Perkins III, Jorge Gomez, Jose Gutierrez, Victor Cazares Jr. and Marvin Francois. Just to name a few. I did not mention the hundreds that are getting shot in places like Chicago, New York and Los Angeles simply because the police have been told to stand down.

This is happening now. What could happen in the future?

Could I get into trouble with the law because I say the wrong thing? Use the wrong pronoun? Pray to my God? Complain about the government? Not want to give up my gun? Be able to reason why our government is wrong? Seem far fetched? They are already doing that in countries like China, Russia, North Korea and, to a smaller extent, Germany, Canada, Japan and France. Why don’t we think it could not happen here?

Could I be arrested for my race? Being part of the “privileged class”? Because I reason, pray and see injustice? could I be imprisoned in a work camp? Lose my family, career and life because people do not like what I am saying today? It happened in countries like Russia (Soviet Union), China, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, and Germany.  Why don’t we think it could not happen here?

Folks, this is the endpoint of cancel culture. It has been done before. It never ended well.

This is something I cannot get behind. This is something I will fight against.










Episode 184 – History is Us

History is us
Destroying it destroys us.
Can’t let it happen.


The Destruction of History

I did something weird this week. In fact, I bet I will be put on some FBI watch list after purchases are scanned. I bought Margaret Sanger’s Women and the New Race and Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States. 

Margaret Sanger is a eugenicist, racist, abortionist and founder of Planned Parenthood. She believed that abortion should be required for anyone who would weaken society. That includes babies born with Downs Syndrome, physical disabilities and…wait for it…people of color, especially blacks. That’s not a mistake. She’s considered an American hero to the Left. They, conveniently, left out the fact that she was an ardent Marxist and wanted to breed blacks out of American society. This is an example of the Left’s revisionist history and I wanted to read her own words.

Howard Zinn’s book is being sent to schools as required reading. It has been touted as the history book by Will Hunting from the Oscar winning movie, Good Will Hunting (I like Matt Damon as an actor, by the way). He was also a Marxist and socialist. He said the American Indians were innocent and loving giving Columbus the chance to slaughter them at will. The conflicts with the Soviet Union, Cuba, Korea and Vietnam were because of American imperialism. Our kids are reading this crap. This is an example of the Left’s revisionist history and I wanted to read his own words.

Today, we have a bunch of snot-nosed kids tearing down statues because… not sure. I mean, I get it if they were tearing down statues of Robert E. Lee or of Jefferson Davis or even of John Adams. But Abraham Lincoln, who started a war that led to the death of 700,000 Americans to end slavery and was killed by a… um… Democrat? And Ulysses S. Grant, who was an ardent anti-slavery guy and helped pen the 15th Amendment? And Francis Scot Key, who wrote the poem that ended up being the Star Spangled Banner? Or Theodore Roosevelt, who was the most popular President in U.S. history and really didn’t do anything that could be seen as controversial.

Here’s the thing: the radicals we are seeing in the streets right now, encouraged by the Left, don’t care about what statue they destroy. Their goal is not to destroy Confederate statues, which can be understood a bit. Their goal is to destroy American history. The Left cannot have history in America if they want to change the institution of America.

Here’s the thing: America was a bad place at one time. We fixed it. Are we perfect? No. But this country is as close to perfect than any other country in human history. We had slavery. We had Jim Crow. We didn’t let women vote. We interred Asian Americans during World War II. We had Watergate. We supported terrible regimes. But we saw our sins and we dealt with them. That is our history.

Here’s the problem with the Left: They want complete change of our institutions and philosophy. They want to control the economy, media, art, education and healthcare. They want a all-controlling government that determines every aspect of our lives. They do not want us to think of ourselves as individuals but as a collective, without individual identity and whose value is only based on what he can do for the collective.

They proclaim the need for love and togetherness. They claim that the sins of the United States can be solved by working together. They claim we can all have homes, money, education, healthcare, televisions, Internet and iPhones. Our collective love can solve crime so we will not need those evil police. They claim we can achieve world peace through globalism so that we do not need a military to solve international conflicts.

This sounds great. Heck, it sounds like The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels. I read the pamphlet when I was 20 years old and it made sense. I can see why kids think it is a good philosophy. Heck, in college, I took a class in the different religions and thought all of them were good. It made me question my Christianity.

I can see why there is a push to get rid of our way of life and replace it with a philosophy that promises Utopia.

Here’s the problem: History. World history and the United States history.

There has never been a communist, socialist or marxist country that has not led to tyranny, imprisonment, starvation and death. The Soviet Union, Nazi Germany (which was a socialist country), Italy (which is fascist country), North Korea, China, Venezuela, Vietnam, Cuba and assorted Central American countries have tried to create Marx’s utopia. They all ended up in tyranny and dictatorships, imprisoning or killing anyone who does not comply.

What does the Left do? Revisionist history. I have children in my life. They don’t know what the Soviet Union is. They don’t know what the Cold War was. They don’t know what the Berlin Wall was. They know about Hitler because he was a fascist (they don’t know what that is) because Conservatives have been tagged as fascists (which makes not sense). But they don’t know anything about Lennin, Staling or Mao, each of who have killed far more than Hitler has.

And educators teach about wonderful “socialist” countries like Norway, Switzerland, Sweden and the Netherlands. This is the great lie. These countries are not socialist and never have been. These countries continue to point out they are not socialist. But the Left continues to revise world history in order to push their narrative.

The next big problem the Left has is American history. And this is far more problematic for them. They are attacking the problem revise and eliminate.

The revision of the history of the United States has been going on for decades. Howard Zinn’s book, A People’s History of the United States, was first published in 1980 and took society like a whirl wind. It made the United States out to be an imperialist country that is the cause of all the evil in the world. Zinn is a well-known Marxist but not much of a historian. His book is rife with mistakes and exaggerations. Real historians have debunked the book over and over again. But this book continues to be used in schools and is a reference in colleges. This type of history makes every event, whether good or bad, into something that had evil undertones. Columbus’ discovery was not a great achievement but was to enslave the peaceful American Indians and rape the country of resources. World War II was not to end the tyranny of Japan and the genocide in Germany but was to quench our imperialist appetite. This is all crap, of course, but people are buying it.

The New York Times 1619 Project is another example of revisionist history but it does something a bit different. This Pulitzer Prize winning piece (of crap) decides to ignore history all together. It states the history of the United States started in 1619 with the first black slaves arriving on our shores. Mind you, there was no United States in 1619. It tries to convince people (and is doing a good job) that the United States was founded on slavery and oppression and that we have never left that philosophy. That the country in 2020 is no different than it was in 1619. It ignores the creation Declaration of Independence and Constitution. It ignores the philosophies of the Founding Fathers when it comes to slavery and only focuses on their sins. It ignores the fact that there has been slavery throughout world history (and it remains today) and that slavery is a uniquely American trait. It ignores the 600,000 people that died in the Civil War we had to eliminate slavery. It ignores the Emancipation Proclamation that was supported by most of the country. It ignores the 15th and 16th Amendments that gave blacks freedom and right to vote. It ignores Women’s Suffrage that gave women the right to vote. It ignores the Civil Rights Act that ended the Jim Crow laws.

It does not see the United States as a country that saw evil and transformed and grew. It chooses to see the United States as continually as evil as some of our beliefs back in the 17th century. In fact, it sees us as the arbiters of that evil. In other words, we started it. And the best way to end the world’s evil is to end the system that started it and continues to promulgate it.

This is just crazy. There has always been evil in the world. The United States has spent its entire history fighting the evils in the world and from within. And it has done a great job of it. This series of essays is complete crap. Heck, the New York Times had to run a series of corrections on the historical “facts”. But this did not stop the essay from winning a Pulitzer Prize.

This project is what is leading the youth to destroy statues today. I have more thoughts on this in a later article. This is to destroy our history. That’s because those statues represent the changes that our country has gone through to become the greatest country in world history. Yes, it is in the guise of racist cops and American systemic racism. But, then, why tear down the statues of Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses Grant and Theodore Roosevelt? Because they are symbols of progress in the United States. And the Left cannot allow any knowledge of progress or transformation in this country because it would mean that we have grown as a nation and are not terrible.

The Left wants to destroy us. They use uneducated children to do their deeds. Children that don’t know our history, have accomplished nothing, want everything for free and are filled with the ideas of an unattainable utopia. All so that a few elitist tyrants can gain power.

My advice: Always question interpreted history. Beware of any history that goes to extremes like Howard Zinn’s history does. No country is completely evil. Especially this one.

And do not be silent. We’re passed that now. When someone says something stupid, point out




Episode 183 – It Only Takes That First Shot

No agreement here.
We must agree to disagree,
Or chaos ensues.


Is Civil War in our Future?

I was talking to someone who lived through the turbulent 60s and asked her how it compares today. I was born in 1968 so don’t know anything about the 60s. She said things are far worse today. She said people then were more unhappy about the Vietnam War and government corruption. There was racism and anger about the struggle of implementing the Civil Rights Act.

She said that anger went through the 1970s. Watergate, the oil crisis, the Iranian hostages and an economic recession. It was a mess. And I haven’t even mentioned Disco.

But, throughout this time, there was never a thought that the country was in crisis. There was never a serious thought of overthrowing the government. The news media did not lionize the hippies. Though sympathetic to their cause, the Black Panthers were seen as a criminal group.

There was still a lot that united us. Iran was holding 49 Americans and our people wanted them back. There was the Cold War which gave us a united enemy. And the Soviet Union was evil. I haven’t even mentioned we all agreed disco was evil.

But we got through that. The United States hockey team beat the Soviets in Olympic hockey. Ronald Reagan established American pride. The first space shuttle launched. The economy grew. We became respected militarily. The Soviet Union fell. It was the start of thirty years of relative peace (except for that 9/11 thing but even that we all agreed on).

Today,  we are in trouble. That’s because we have the same distinct groups but we are so far apart that there can not be a center.  What do I mean by that?

Abortion is a great example. In fact, it might be one of the reason we are not so close anymore. There appears to only be one of two choices when it comes to abortion: for or against. I, along with a lot of other people, will argue that an absolute truth is very hard to find. Abortion in no different. There are compelling arguments on both side of the argument. I must point out that the child being “just” a clump of cells is, scientifically, not one of them. It went from a black-and-white issue to a shades-of-gray issue.

And I treat it like that.

Let’s just say in the case of rape. I do not believe abortion is a great idea in the case of rape. It’s not important why I think that now. Maybe we can talk about that later. But, I do see how one can be for abortion in the cases of rape. And that’s fine. This argument is used all the time by the Left. I tell the Lefty that I would vote for abortion for rape victims if he would vote to eliminate abortions of convenience. The answer I receive tells me about whether this person could work with me.

There are always shades-of-gray. But not with the Left and where they want to go. I can’t go for that. That’s really bad. I think this lack of dialog and understanding will lead to a cultural Civil War. And I don’t mean we yell at each other. I mean people are going to die.

Let’s talk about some of the things that there is no agreement on.




Episode 182 Show Notes – More to the Story

News media lies.
Google takes the bait again.
Trump is attacking


Looking More Political by the Second

This Rayshard Brooks thing is going to get bad. I think that the DA of Fulton County, Paul Howard Jr., should probably recuse himself to try to save face.

Information has come out today that really puts a bad light on this case and Paul Howard:

Howard said that a taser is not a deadly weapon and is not justification for deadly force. But two weeks ago, Howard said that the use of a taser by police was using deadly force. He was referring to a incident where police used a taser on a violent woman during an arrest. In that case, which happened on June 2, he charged a police officer.

Howard said that Devin Brosnan, the other police officer on the scene that received a concussion and taser burns from the peaceful Brooks, has no intention of pleading guilty to any charge and no intention of testifying for the state against Officer Rolfe. He said that in front of his client and Brosnan appeared with a battered face.

Finally, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI for short) said they are still continuing their investigation and have not come up with a determination. They also said that Howard never consulted them with his findings and the charges.


What’s also coming out is the life of Rayshard Brooks. And he’s not the jovial loving guy Howard is making him out to be.

  • He blew a .108 in his test. That’s over the drunk driving limit.
  • The charges to which Brooks pleaded guilty and for which he was still on probation dated back to August 2014.
  • He was convicted on four counts – False Imprisonment, Simple Battery/Family, Battery Simple and Felony Cruelty/Cruelty to Children.
  • Brooks had not been in trouble since 2016 until last December when he went to Ohio without informing his probation officer – but the case was dismissed.


Not so jovial and nonviolent.

But Paul Howard has his own problems:

  • He has huge turmoil in the department he is running. According to his competitor for the DA position, he lost 115 lawyers in the last 2 years and his environment is toxic.
  • He is under investigation for sexual harassment by a member of the Human Resources department.
  • The GBI is investigating him for the disappearance of grant money that was sent to his department. That money has been alleged to have added to his salary.
  • He is currently looking at being primaried in the next election in November.


Does this look like a diversion to satisfy his voting base?




It’s About Time

Google has threatened to ban the conservative news and opinion site The Federalist from profiting off online advertising through Google Ads for violating the tech giant’s conditions against “inappropriate content.”

NBC News first reported that Google had banned The Federalist and “far-right” website ZeroHedge for “advertising platform over policy violations found in the comments section of stories about recent Black Lives Matter protests.”

Google told the Daily Wire:

“To be clear, The Federalist is not currently demonetized. We do have strict publisher policies that govern the content ads can run on, which includes comments on the site. This is a longstanding policy.”

Apparently, a spokesman had made the comment to NBC News which led to the story:

“We have strict publisher policies that govern the content ads can run on and explicitly prohibit derogatory content that promotes hatred, intolerance, violence or discrimination based on race from monetizing. When a page or site violates our policies, we take action. In this case, we’ve removed both sites’ ability to monetize with Google.”

Google said this was not the case and walked back the comment. But, apparently, Google lied and had tagged The Federalist with hate content. The Federalist refused to comment.

This is not the first time that Google, and its subsidiaries such as YouTube, have been accused of targeting Conservative content. Steven Crowder of Louder with Crowder has continually had his content banned and demonetized due to hate speech while allowing far Left content such as Vox to continue, unabated.

Last month, two doctors had their content banned from YouTube because their medical opinions of the COVID-19 virus countered the World Health Organization, an organization that has been wrong about the virus from day one but is an avid supporter of the communist Chinese government (where the virus originated).

But Google is not the only social media company that has been targeting Conservatives. Twitter has been known to suspend Conservative Tweeters such as Candace Owens and James Woods. They also fact-check Donald Trump. Yet, Left wing pundants, who have said some pretty atrocious things without getting so much as a warning.

The problem is, as the election gets closer, the suspensions are getting more frequent and more obvious.

The Department of Justice is prepping legislation to roll back protections for big tech companies and make them more accountable for content posted on their sites.

The DOJ is expected to introduce a bill to Congress as soon as Wednesday targeting tech companies and social media platforms’ protections under Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Section 230 protects a wide variety of web services, platforms, and content providers from liability for outside content that passes through their servers. The law, passed in the early days of the internet, is a key legal protection for large social media platforms and internet search engines. Any change in the law’s protections could drastically affect the way those companies operate.

Essentially, these companies are going to be liable in the same way as newspapers that spread libelous material.

It’s about time.



Episode 181 Show Notes – Nothing Like Lawyers that Can’t Read

Asia is a mess.
The Supreme Court botches it.
Trump tries to fix cops.


North Korea is at It Again

North Korean officials blew up an office building on Tuesday that it used as place to work with South Korean officials, a move that experts say is a significant escalation between the two countries. The move comes after North Korea had threatened to invade the demilitarized zone with its military, and now the South has moved its joint chiefs of staff to a “combat control office.”

“South Korean border guards heard an explosion and then saw smoke rising from Kaesong, the North Korean town where the building was located,” The New York Times reported. “The building appeared to be blown completely apart in a blast so powerful that windows in nearby buildings were also shattered, according to video footage from a South Korean surveillance camera on the border.”

“The destruction of a building meant to facilitate dialogue, paid for by South Korea and sitting on North Korean soil, is highly symbolic. It may mark a turning point in relations between two countries that had committed themselves to ‘a new era of peace’ fewer than three years ago,” CNN reported. “North Korea framed its decision to destroy the liaison office as a retaliatory measure after a group of defectors used balloons to send anti-North Korean leaflets north of the DMZ.”

The north-south joint liaison office was completely ruined on Tuesday. The relevant field of the DPRK put into practice the measure of completely destroying the north-south joint liaison office in the Kaesong Industrial Zone in the wake of cutting off all the communication liaison lines between the north and the south, corresponding to the mindset of the enraged people to surely force human scum and those, who have sheltered the scum, to pay dearly for their crimes. At 14:50, the liaison office was tragically ruined with a terrific explosion.

“South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff has moved to a ‘combat control office,’ while the Ministry of National Defense stated it is ready to ‘respond strongly’ to any military provocations from North Korea.”

Earlier in the day, North Korean officials threatened to send its military into the demilitarized zone, which divides the two nations, and said that it was studying “an action plan” for the move.

This should be a surprise to no one. This is North Korea’s schtick.

They are in trouble. Their nation is going down the toilet. Hearing the threatening words of Kim Yo-jong, sister of Kim Jong-un, tells me that Un may not have power anymore. He may be the vegetable we thought he might be after his surgery or he’s dead. Don’t forget, Un pulled the same crap after he took power when his father died.

And their military is not threatening anyone. Their soldiers are starving and they are using the same technology from the Korean War in the 1950s. We can’t even be sure their nuclear program has life after that explosion at their nuclear facility last year.

Lastly, I doubt that China will have anything to do with any conflict, especially involving the United States, to try to help the North Koreans. Outright fights has not been what China has been about and thins could be messy.




So Much for Being a Contextualist

In a 6-3 vote, the Supreme Court ruled Monday that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 includes heretofore unimagined employment protections on the basis of sexual preference and “sexual identity.” Neil Gorsuch, appointed to replace the late originalist Antonin Scalia, wrote the majority opinion, joined by squish John Roberts and the rest of the Court’s liberals. Conservative justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Brett Kavanaugh dissented.

This is, without a doubt, one of the worse rulings of the new “Conservative” Supreme Court to date. And it’s bad because it is simply just wrong.

But this ruling has some major issues.

The first one is that homosexual and trans rights under the Civil Rights Act did not apply. In fact, it was discussed back then but it was left out of the law. There are a couple of reasons:

  • Homosexuality and transsexuals are not seen as a sex but as a behavior. That behavior was not known unless the individual made it public. A man was a man no matter what sex he is attracted to.
  • The second reason is that some institutions see the behavior as abhorrent and against their moral compass. Religious institutions like churches, temples and mosques have argued against the ruling. But there are also other organizations that may have morals issues with it such as Hobby Lobby.


This is what is most disturbing about this ruling. It is making a law that was not there before. This was not stated in the 1964 Civil Rights Bill. It is no where in the Constitution. The Supreme Court has created a law out of thin air.

We have a Congress for that. The Supreme Court’s job is to rule on the Constitutionality of a law, not make law. If the House of Representatives thought this was a thing, they should have come up with a law. It is not the Supreme Court’s job to make law.

What’s worse is what this law does not do. It does not explain what will happen when a gay man or woman or a transsexual goes to a church and tries to push his/her lifestyle as something that needs to be treated equally with the rest of the believers. We already know that the LGBT has attacked bakeries and places like that that have held a more Conservative view of sexuality.

See, what this law does is describe a gay man as a separate sex or gender instead of a behavior and lifestyle choice. In other words, there is a difference between a gay man and a straight man. That gay man cannot control his gayness anymore than a black man can control the amount of melanin in his skin. What’s worse, a gay man has now been defined as a member of a victim group.

This is a very dangerous ruling and it leaves more questions than answers. It also takes the creation of law away from the Congress and makes it a function of the Supreme Court. Suddenly, the Supreme Court has become the All Ruling branch of government.

No one is talking about this.

Another thing is shows is how lousy Republicans are at choosing justices. Chief Justice Roberts hasn’t made a Conservative ruling yet. Justice Goerseche went completely against his contextualist views and voted his “heart.” Even Justice Kavanaugh is kind of iffy with his rulings.

If Trump wins in November, he is going to get two more Supreme Court nominations, possibly three. Breyer is going to retire and Thomas probably will retire. Ginsberg is either going to retire or she’s going to die. I don’t know what’s keeping that gal alive.

Trump needs to get three Constitutional Conservatives. Real ones like Amy Comey Barratt and stop trying to get moderates that will have an easy time getting through the Senate.



It’s a Start

On Tuesday, President Trump signed an Executive Order on Police reform. Listen:

Before the order, he invited many family members who were affected by police violence. This was a closed-door session. No photo op, just a discussion and a way for the people to vent to the most powerful man in the country. This is a really good thing.

The Executive Order hits on several topics:

Sec. 2. Certification and Credentialing. (a) State and local law enforcement agencies must constantly assess and improve their practices and policies to ensure transparent, safe, and accountable delivery of law enforcement services to their communities. Independent credentialing bodies can accelerate these assessments, enhance citizen confidence in law enforcement practices, and allow for the identification and correction of internal deficiencies before those deficiencies result in injury to the public or to law enforcement officers.

(b) The Attorney General shall, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, allocate Department of Justice discretionary grant funding only to those State and local law enforcement agencies that have sought or are in the process of seeking appropriate credentials from a reputable independent credentialing body certified by the Attorney General.

(c) The Attorney General shall certify independent credentialing bodies that meet standards to be set by the Attorney General. Reputable, independent credentialing bodies, eligible for certification by the Attorney General, should address certain topics in their reviews, such as policies and training regarding use–of-force and de-escalation techniques; performance management tools, such as early warning systems that help to identify officers who may require intervention; and best practices regarding community engagement. The Attorney General’s standards for certification shall require independent credentialing bodies to, at a minimum, confirm that:

(ii) the State or local law enforcement agency’s use-of-force policies prohibit the use of chokeholds — a physical maneuver that restricts an individual’s ability to breathe for the purposes of incapacitation — except in those situations where the use of deadly force is allowed by law.

Sec. 3. Information Sharing. (a) The Attorney General shall create a database to coordinate the sharing of information between and among Federal, State, local, tribal, and territorial law enforcement agencies concerning instances of excessive use of force related to law enforcement matters, accounting for applicable privacy and due process rights.

Sec. 4. Mental Health, Homelessness, and Addiction. (a) Since the mid-twentieth century, America has witnessed a reduction in targeted mental health treatment. Ineffective policies have left more individuals with mental health needs on our Nation’s streets, which has expanded the responsibilities of law enforcement officers. As a society, we must take steps to safely and humanely care for those who suffer from mental illness and substance abuse in a manner that addresses such individuals’ needs and the needs of their communities. It is the policy of the United States to promote the use of appropriate social services as the primary response to individuals who suffer from impaired mental health, homelessness, and addiction, recognizing that, because law enforcement officers often encounter such individuals suffering from these conditions in the course of their duties, all officers should be properly trained for such encounters.

Sec. 5. Legislation and Grant Programs. (a) The Attorney General, in consultation with the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, shall develop and propose new legislation to the Congress that could be enacted to enhance the tools and resources available to improve law enforcement practices and build community engagement.

Sec. 6. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:
(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or
(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.
(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
You can read the entire Executive Order in the CNN link below.
It is a good order and should satisfy everyone. The big thing about this is the database that will keep track of instances of police abuse. This is something that has been talked about for years but no one has done anything about.
This order also does not overstep the President’s bounds into reaching into states, cities and communities. The President wants to encourage these smaller governments through grants a resources. This is a very good thing because the President is walking a fine line when it comes to over reach.
I also like what he wants to do with mental illness and drug addiction. I believe the police should be back up for mental health professionals and shouldn’t be the first responders. Maybe even create a separate police force specifically trained to deal with that.

There are somethings that are missing:

  • Police unions have been a disaster. They need to be reformed.
  • A more regimented training should have been pushed. I think our police are terribly under-trained.
  • The review process for determining police abuse or not is not addressed. A lot of local review panels are political in nature. This has led to bad judgments. The Rayshard Brooks incident in Atlanta is an example of this.


But it’s a good start. And it is an attempt by Trump that has been asked for but never been addressed before.

Van Jones, a Left-wing commentator for CNN, agreed:

He’s right. I don’t like the “We are winning,” thing because this is about all of us, not just blacks. I do not see blacks as African American of black. I see them as America. That’s OK. I don’t see myself as a man, white, Irish or cis-gender. I see myself as an American. Period.

Of course, the Democrats hate it. Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden and Jim Clyburn (the House Majority Whip and part of the Congressional Black Caucus) hated it. But I am not going to waste time on them. Let me list the reasons why:

  • Jim Clyburn – Been in the House of Representatives for 27 years. Bitch a lot but did nothing.
  • Nancy Pelosi – Been in the House of Representatives for 34 years, was Speaker twice. Bitched a lot but did nothing.
  • Chuck Schumer – Been in the House of Representatives and the Senate for 39 years. Bitched a lot but did nothing.
  • Joe Biden – Served as a Senator for 36 years and Vice President for 8 years for a total of 44 years. Co-wrote and sponsored a crime bill that he now denies. Served as Vice President to the first black President, bitched a lot and has done nothing.


I really don’t give a damn what these people think. It’s a good executive order.





This is a Political Sacrifice

Just in:

Garrett Rolfe, the Atlanta police officer fired after the killing of Rayshard Brooks last week, now faces charges including felony murder aggravated assault , which could potentially lead to the death penalty, a Georgia district attorney announced Wednesday. Also, Devon Brosnan, the second officer at the scene, was given three charges including aggravated assault. He has agreed to testify for the prosecution against Rolfe.

Included in the charges was a count of aggravated assault because one of his bullets hit an occupied car.

Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard Jr. said at a news conference Wednesday:

“We’ve concluded, at the time Mr. Brooks was shot, that he did not pose an immediate threat of death or serious physical injury to the officer or officers.”

Howard said Brooks did not receive medical attention for more than 2 minutes in his press conference Wednesday.

“Officer Rolfe actually kicked Mr. Brooks while he laid on the ground,” Howard alleged, The officers also allegedly stood on his shoulder as he bled on the ground.”

Rolfe’s attorney said:

“Officer Rolfe heard a sound like a gunshot and saw a flash in front of him. Fearing for his safety, and the safety of the civilians around him, Officer Rolfe dropped his Taser and fired his service weapon.”

Rolfe, they said, rendered aid, called an ambulance and performed CPR on Brooks.

This is a travesty and looks like nothing more than a political charge. There is no way he is going to get a murder charge especially when Rolfe’s attorney gets a hold of the jury.

Remember: 52 cops and the police chief resigned their positions after Rolfe’s firing. Expect a lot more. This is a political rush-to-judgment. This is an overreach in every sense of the word. There wasn’t even a grand jury summoned to see if the evidence matched the crime.

And I think Howard knew it. He looked nervous and unsure of himself. The reaction of the news media (they all let out an “Ooo”) says this might not have been a good decision. But Howard looked like he had no choice. He is up for re-election and he is facing corruption charges. Mix that with the fact the protesters said Mayor Bottoms could be kicked out of office in the next election and this overreach is understandable. And unjust.

It’s a bad thing when we start using justice to virtue signal.




Episode 180 Show Notes – Not the Same Thing

Here we go again.
But far from George Floyd’s killing.
Black Lives Matters grows!


Not Again

Rayshard Brooks, a 27-year-old African American man, was fatally shot by Atlanta police Friday evening after officers were called on-scene due to reports that a man had fallen asleep while parked in the Wendy’s drive-thru, according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigations.

Brooks was transported to the hospital and died after surgery, said the GBI. One of the two officers experienced an injury of unknown severity during the altercation, but was subsequently released from the hospital.


Atlanta City Council Member Antonio Brown said

“This is why people are outraged in this city,. It’s incredibly important that our police, especially now, don’t resort to firing a gun – not unless someone is firing a gun right at you.”

Stacy Abrams Tweeted:

The Atlanta mayor fired the officer who shot Brooks and put the other officer on Administrative Leave.

But this started the firestorm. Protesters started crowding the streets in Atlanta. Of course, protesters turned to rioters. Oh, and they had great reason for their violence.

Here are a couple of protesters in Atlanta. Listen carefully because the audio has a lot of interference:

So, what these guys are saying is that there will be violence if these cops are not arrested immediately. That Brooks was a peaceful guy who was being harassed. He was a father and husband. A loving human being. Another example of an “unarmed” African American whose life was snuffed out by those Nazi white storm troopers of the Georgia police force.

There’s just one problem: The evidence does not show any of this. This just looks like more political grandstanding!

Oops! I smell lawsuits.


The Evidence

There were several views of the incident released. Two by police body cams, one by the Wendy’s security camera and one by a pedestrian’s cell phone.

The police footage was released to today and one can see that the images are consistent with the civilian images. The Wendy’s footage, which was the first video I saw, gave me all the information I needed to see. The body cam footage from the police just confirmed what I saw.

The body cam footage was about forty-five minutes. The shooting was covered in the last minutes and a half. I’ve watched all the footage for you. All hour and a half. Unlike what the Left is pushing, Brooks was not an innocent who the cops decided to pick on because he was  lack.

The police were called to a local Wendy’s restaurant because a man (Brooks) had fallen asleep in the drive thru lane. The police officer showed off and woke him up, telling Brooks to finding a parking space. Brooks, before moving his car, fell back asleep. The police officer woke him up again and had Brooks park his car, which he did. Immediately, he fell asleep.

The police officer went back into his car and could be heard saying, “What do I do now?” He knew what he had to do when he found out the car was a rental car and not his own.

After a few minutes, the officer got out of the car and started questioning Brooks. Brooks admitted that he had a drink or two but could not name when or what he had. The officer told him to stay in his car and he called it in, calling for a DUI specialist. Brooks kept apologizing and wanted to talk. The officer just told him to stay in his car and everything would be OK.

This confrontation lasted for twenty minutes. Brooks was never put against the squad car, never handcuffed and never searched. His keys were not taken and, from what I saw, the officer never even looked in the car.

The officer certified in evaluating DUIs arrived and started the field sobriety test. All the time, there were no threats and both officers were very polite. They even tried to make him feel at ease with his situation.

When the test was complete, the officer told Brooks he was under arrest for DUI and tried to cuff him. That’s when the struggle ensued. You could not see the fight from the body cam but you could see it from a bystander’s cell phone footage and the Wendy’s security cam footage.

Brooks had both officers on the ground and got the best of the. Both officers were on their backs and Brooks was swinging his fist.

One officer tried to taze him but missed. Brooks took the taser and started running. One officer was running after him while the other was trying to get oriented. Brooks turned around and shot the taser at the officer. The officer had his taser and dropped his taser and shot three times. He hit Brooks twice in the back.

Brooks went to the hospital and died after surgery.


What I Think, and It Ain’t Going to be Popular

Dan Bongino said on Fox News:

“The worse option is to let this subject continue to engage in use of force against them [the officers], without stopping the episode.

“Sadly, it resulted in his death, but make no mistake, the use of force was controlled by one person, the individual who resisted arrest, stole the weapon, ran away and then pointed it at the officers, which is clear on the video.”

“Obviously a man died. That’s tragic. Nobody wants to see that, whether it’s on the police side, on the community side, anywhere, we get that. Having said that, I always ask the question when it comes to law enforcement issues for the people who are sadly ignorant of them, many of whom haven’t lived in the shoes of a law enforcement officer themselves: ‘Well, what would you do?’”

He went on to explain the situation.

“You have an individual suspected of being intoxicated… what do you do? You want to just let him go? Get him back in the car and mow down a family on the streets because he’s potentially drunk? So, let’s eliminate that as a really bad idea.”

“Now you’re going to arrest him and the subject clearly does not want to be arrested. OK, so let’s walk through, what do you do?”

“Well again, we can’t let him get back in the car, so we have to arrest him using force. Keep in mind, not force the police officers wanted, they don’t initiate it, the subject did.”

“The bad choice was to have to engage in a use-of-force episode with this individual who pointed a Taser back at a law-enforcement officer he had just punched in the face. It wasn’t a good option to have to engage with your firearm. There were no good options. He’s dead.”

I use the interview of Dan Bongino because Bongino used to be an NYPD officer and a Secret Service officer. He knows better than anybody.

The problem here is that the media is trying to compare the George Floyd killing with Rayshard Brooks. They are not even close. The police were being attacked, one was injured. Brooks took a police weapon and pointed it at an officer. There’s just not a lot of things the officer could have done.

Ericka Shield, the Atlanta Police Chief, resigned saying:

“For more than two decades, I have served alongside some of the finest men and women in the Atlanta Police Department. Out of a deep and abiding love for this City and this department, I offered to step aside as police chief,” said Shields in a statement.

“APD has my full support, and Mayor Bottoms has my support on the future direction of this department. I have faith in the Mayor, and it is time for the city to move forward and build trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve,” she said.

She has no chance in this whole thing and just said screw it. And she probably has it right.

This is what’s scary: cops are given no chance to enforce the law. Listen to what the Brooks attorney said on MSNBC:

They weren’t taking him in because he fell asleep. They were arresting him because he was drunk while driving. That is against the law. And what would have happened if he woke up and started driving home and he ran into a family and killed them? Would the cops have gotten into trouble for letting him go? Of course they would have.

The other question I have is why should they treat him differently? He broke the law. He’s go to jail for a couple of hours and be released. If he was white, should he have been let go?

And this lawyer totally ignores the violence of the situation!

A while back, a police officer, while I was watching a police situation, pulled me over and, at gun point, told me to get my hands up. I didn’t run or attack the cop (I didn’t do anything). I followed his orders. Guess what happened: I didn’t get shot! I’m pretty sure, if I took a swing at the officer, he would have shot me.

Just like Brooks.

What is scary is this is a call to end law. This is bad. It will bring us to the brink of anarchy if we say it is not criminal to commit crime.

The protesters also don’t seem to use reason when they go out and destroy things. That Wendy’s restaurant: It’s gone. Burned to the ground. Why?

Listen to the demands of the protesters:

Yeah, that’s a lie. We saw that in Minneapolis when all the officers were arrested and people continued to protest and loot.

But, what’s worse here, is that this officer, totally justified in his reaction, could and will be arrested and charged. His life ruined. All because he’s a cop and had to do his job. He didn’t look for a black guy to shoot. He was called in. The guy was not an innocent civilian. He was drunk driving, resisted arrest and threatened a cop with a weapon.

And he got shot. Being shot by a white cop does not make him innocent.









