Bannon was Trouble
Dust off your thumb cause Lyft’s gone.
DNC is done.
Couldn’t Have Happened to a Better Guy…Allegedly
Steve Bannon is in big trouble. The former
Prosecutors say Bannon and the others used the nonprofit and a shell company to hide the payments to Kolfage “by using fake invoices and sham ‘vendor’ arrangements” as well as other means of keeping the payments quiet. The indictment stated that in order to raise funds, Kolfage and Bannon “repeatedly and falsely” told the public that Kolfage would “not take a penny” in compensation.
According to prosecutors, Kolfage instructed payments to be made out to his spouse, and this was reflected in a 1099 form the nonprofit issued, saying the payment was for “media.”
In a story that keeps going topsy turvy, which is should, Lyft has fired the first shot in allowing California to make the lives of the citizens worse, ruin companies and destroy jobs. But, I digress. I like when I’m right and get excited when I can point it out.
Here is what happened:
Earlier this year, California passed a law that eliminated the status of independent contractor. This meant that people who would for gig jobs like Lyft, Uber, Doordash and Uber Eats could no longer be considered contractors but employees. This would force these companies to give their contractors benefits.
On Thursday, Lyft said it would cease operations in California at midnight Friday.
An appeals court put a stay on the law, stating it might be unconstitutional.
I have not seen whether Lyft is still running.
This is a problem with Leftist governments. The things they are trying to do to help the workers is actually costing them. It costs them in jobs and services. Minimum wage is an example.
I watched the convention and Biden’s speech through the coverage on Louder with Crowder of which I am a member. Let’s go over what we learned.
Donald Trump is a bad orange man. That’s it.
This was a completely scripted event. No one said something off teleprompter. This was an eight hour infomercial. It was horribly boring.
Pho patriotism.
I don’t understand their fixation with celebrities:
They brought out several celebs including Eva Longoria, Tracee Ellis Ross, Kerry Washington, and Julia Louis-Dreyfus. They were terrible.
Billie Eilish sang a nice song but, when giving her message about the environment, looked stoned and depressed. Her green and black hair made her look like a parakeet.
Billie Porter and Stephan Sills did a bazaar rendition of Buffalo Springfield’s “For What It’s Worth.”
There were no policies. No platforms.
They blamed Trump for everything including COVID deaths and the economy but no one said how they would have done anything differently.
There was no mention of the riots or the defunding of the police.
They used children:
They interviewed children about the environment.
They showed speeches by the radical children of Stoneman Douglas high school.
Billie Ellish made a speech about Trump ignoring climate change.
There were a ton of speeches. Most were boring but some stood out:
I have no Haiku today. Too much to talk about. Let’s get at it.
The Democratic National Convention
I only have four words for the virtual Democratic National Convention:
What a shit show.
I watched it sporadically. I was just really annoyed by it. I didn’t learn anything from it and that is a tragedy. It was a tragedy because it was, like, eight hours long. I am not going to play any clips. That’s because there wasn’t much to play and all the people said the same. I also want to talk about the post office thing.
So here is the skinny:
There was a lot of push to emotion. No reason. Michelle Obama’s speech showed that more than any other. It’s about empathy and love and lives and blah, blah blah. I was going to have a cut from her speech, but I am going to save it for another podcast.
There was no platform. it was all that Trump was bad.
There was no mention of Biden except that he’s better than Trump.
There was no mention of Kamala Harris except that criticizing her is racist and sexist. Such an old argument.
It was really staged. Some of these speeches happened two weeks to a month ago.
The pho-patriotism is just disgusting. The singing of the National Anthem and the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance was just disgusting considering:
Democrats think we should kneel for the National Anthem.
Democrats want to eliminate the Pledge of Allegiance from schools.
Democrats want to remove the reference to God in the Pledge of Allegiance.
And then there was the gas lighting:
Andrew Cuomo, governor of the state that had the second most COVID-19 deaths because Gov. Cuomo allowed elderly with corona virus were sent back into old folks homes to spread the disease to other old folk. Then lied about the statistics.
Post Office Mess
Speaking of Trump saying stupid thing, Trump said that he would be for defunding the postal service so that universal mail in voting cannot be done. Ugh! I wish he would just stop talking and creating controversies and scandals.
Let’s take a look at the postal service thing because, for whatever reason, this seems to be more important.
Mail-In Voting
So what is the story with this mail in balloting thing? What will happen and is happening is states are sending out applications for ballots. You confirm your address and sign it. No other identification and send it back (I did have to add a stamp). In two to three weeks, you will receive your ballot. Fill out the ballot making sure to follow all the instructions or the ballot will not be valid. Put the ballot in the mail and, hopefully, it will get to where it needs to go and be counted.
Republicans do not want mail in balloting and the Democrats want mail in ballots.
Republicans see several problems including:
Corruption. Ballot harvesting.
Non-citizens voting.
Accidental loss of ballots.
Lack of identification of where the ballots are going.
Someone voting multiple times.
Ballots being delivered to the wrong address because of citizen movement.
Delays in election results.
Uncounted ballots.
Speed of the postal system. People needing to vote way before the election.
Democrats say:
No evidence of corruption.
Avoids voter suppression. Convenient.
Absentee ballots work.
I think this is a disaster waiting to happen. The Democrats are lying if they say that there is no evidence of corruption. California is completely Democrat including in Red areas such as San Diego, Orange and Riverside counties because they practice mail in voting and ballot harvesting. There is video in New Jersey of a postman throwing ballots in the trash (party affiliation was on the envelope for whatever reason). There is corruption.
I don’t understand why we can’t just go to the voting place (they’re all closed in California so you can only do mail in voting).
The biggest problem here, according to the Democrats, is the post office. They may not have the capacity to handle all those ballots (130-140 million) in such a short period of time.
What the Democrats are Doing
The Democrats are doing everything to try to give more funding to the post office which is weird. The post office has a budget and still has plenty of money for the year. Probably more money than the government has to spend. Don’t forget: we have spent almost $8 trillion this year. But money isn’t a thing for Democrats.
In the Heroes Act, which was meant to replace the expiring Cares Act, the put in $25 billion for the post office.
This week, they have introduced a separate bill that would only fund the post office $25 billion.
Both bills were rejected by the Senate and would have been vetoed by Trump
Since the post office is not going to get any extra money, the Democrats, of course, are saying that Trump is trying to suppress the vote. Trump, on the other hand, said that the post office needs to be fixed (more on that in a second) and does not need any more money. They still have money. Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader, said the United States needs to spend money wisely and not waste it.
You know what happens when they don’t get they’re way. They get nasty. They say that not only is Trump trying to weaken the post office but he is physically trying to damage the post office. Some idiot decided to Tweet a picture of a flatbed truck filled with mailboxes being picked up. Another Tweet showed that there were mailboxes with locks on them. All this on Trumps orders to suppress the vote.
Um, there were a couple of problems with these observations. Trump didn’t say this, the post office actually did.
Mailboxes are moved around according to use.
Mailboxes are removed and replaced when they get old and need maintenance.
Locks are put on mailboxes and access is restricted to people of that community. That’s because people steal mail. Only people in that community have the keys. I have that in my community. I have to borrow a key to send mail.
The post office has been doing this since 2009.
So you can see, this is all bullshit. More on that in my closing.
Financial and Capacity Problems with the Post Office
The post office is a mess. And they know it.
The post office has lost $74 billion in the last 10 years. This is because of bad deals with the unions on retirement programs.
Mail takes an average of five days to get from point A to point B. They believe that, during the election, mail could be delayed by three weeks! They are actually recommending you send in you ballot three weeks before the election.
This seems weird that the USPS is having so much trouble making money.
No company can compete with the USPS.
No company can make postage cheaper than the USPS.
No company can undercut the USPS first class postage.
The USPS is a monopoly but run crappily.
The Postmaster General has plans to fix things. This pissed off Democrats. Why fix things before an election when we can just throw money at it?
Well, the Postmaster General made a couple of announcements:
There will be no changes to the post office until after the election.
The Postmaster General will appear in front of Congress. Cause he has a lot of time to waste and we need to hear more grandstanding from Democrats.
Listen to this:
What a waste of fucking time.
I have a some questions:
Why is this story more important than the peace deal between Israel and the UAE?
The USPS has been fucked up for decades. Why is this a thing now?
Why are we changing the way we vote?
If you are afraid to vote because of COVID-19, Why not request an absentee ballot?
Why was this not a thing four month ago?
There are reasons:
Mail in voting is corrupt and Joe Biden has not chance if thing ran fairly.
The Democrats need to deflect from the accomplishment of the Middle East peace deal which is truly historic.
Democrats need another made up scandal. The other ones didn’t work.
They have no platform that will be accepted by the normal person. So make Trump look bad.
They need to make an excuse just in case Biden loses.
Peace is a good thing.
So let’s ignore it completely.
Harris is horrid!
One Step Closer
A historic peace agreement has been made between Israel and the United Arab Emeritus. This is big because it is the first peace agreement between Israel and any of the Arab states in 25 years.
According to Fox News:
The president, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed released a joint statement Thursday, after the three spoke “and agreed to the full normalization of relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates.” The statement said that the “diplomatic breakthrough” was at “the request of President Trump,” and that Israel will “suspend declaring sovereignty over areas outlined in the President’s Vision for Peace and focus its efforts now on expanding ties with other countries in the Arab and Muslim world.”
President Trump Tweeted:
“HUGE breakthrough today! Historic Peace Agreement between our two GREAT friends, Israel and the United Arab Emirates!”
According to Fox News:
The president, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed released a joint statement Thursday, after the three spoke “and agreed to the full normalization of relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates.” The statement said that the “diplomatic breakthrough” was at “the request of President Trump,” and that Israel will “suspend declaring sovereignty over areas outlined in the President’s Vision for Peace and focus its efforts now on expanding ties with other countries in the Arab and Muslim world.”
This is a huge victory for President Trump right before the election. This agreement has been worked on for the last three and a half years…quietly. Benjamin Netanyahu said it is an important agreement because he believes other Arab nations will begin to negotiate normalizing relations. This will put pressure on terrorist states like Iran.
The two countries will sign a treaty normalizing their relationship. They will negotiate things like trade, investment, tourism, direct flights, security, telecommunications, technology, energy, healthcare, culture, the environment, the establishment of reciprocal embassies, and other areas of mutual benefit.
This is just awesome. Of course, Iran and the Palestinians are pissed off about it and the media is trying to ignore it. There just aren’t any bad things to say about it. The war monger President is creating peace agreements in the Middle East? This is a bad thing. This won’t be a story by Friday.
I know that the peace deal between the UAE and Israel is far more important thatn Kamala Harris’ speech, but we have gotten stupid in this country and the media is ignoring the peace deal. So let’s look at what Kamala said during her introductory speech with Joe Biden:
Some things to point out:
This was not worse than the Great Depression or even comparable. The Great Depression lasted for 10 years and there is proof that this recession is already recovering. Economists are saying that we are not going to have a U-shaped recovery but there is evidence we are going to have a V-shape recovery, just like Trump said would happen.Notice that the stock market has been going up?
We went from 4% unemployment to 20% unemployment when the pandemic hit, to 15% unemployment last month, to 10% unemployment this month. Doesn’t sound like a slow recovery but an exponential recovery.
Finally, and the worst, people are in the streets because of injustice. I hate this because this is not an unjust country. But this might be a peek into the psyche of Kamala Harris. We are a bad country.
Here’s more:
This is not a good look for her. I could hear the balls of the anarchist Bernie Bros and Antifa twist. One of the things that Kamala’s record that the Left doesn’t like is that she put a lot of people in jail. But, as time goes by, they will forgive her.. She is corrupt. She used prisons to further her agenda. Let’s take a look at what she has done:
She withheld evidence that would have let an “innocent” go. She was rebuked for this.
She extended the sentences of criminals so that they could complete their menial, low-paying jobs. Tulsi Gabbard brought that one up and practically killed her Presidential run.
She threatened to incarcerate parents, and children, if the kids were truant. So much for rehabilitation.
What’s worse, she was ineffective as a prosecutor of a District Attorney. Crime never went down in San Francisco. It went up.
At best, we can say she was ineffective. At worst we can say the was corrupt. I choose the latter. Don’t forget, she got her job because she was “dating” the future Mayor of San Francisco, the married Willie Brown. Oh, yeah, and she threatened him when her career took off because that relationship would be inconvenient.
Got a feeling Trump might mention this.
Here’s the next Harris trope:
This is just dishonest. Never in her speech did she mention where the virus came from: China. It’s all Trump. This is an emotional plea.
Some things we need to remember here:
States shut down the economy. Not the federal government.
States determine whether kids go back to school. Not Trump or the federal government. Trump recommended children go back to school.
Homelessness and drugs were always a problem. Not because of the pandemic. They were a problem, and still are, in cities like Chicago, New York, Oakland, San Francisco and Los Angeles. All Democratically controlled cities.
She’s just very cynical and it’s going to get worse.. When her policies get questioned and her true face comes out, expect this same line of attack. That’s because she has nothing.
Just dumb.
Ebola was an outbreak, not a pandemic. And it was really contained to West Africa.
Ebola is far deadlier than COVID-19 but transmission is through bodily fluids only. So it is difficult to get ebola.
And I notice she didn’t mention bird flu or H1N1. The Obama administration really screwed those up, especially H1N1.
Finally, after dealing with three epidemics, Obama never restocked the federal reserve of PPEs, ventilators or respirators. H1N1 and bird flu were corona viruses that attacked the respiratory system. The reason we were short of all these things is because Obama didn’t bother refilling the inventory after everything was used.
As far as how our country is worse than any other wealthy country in the world, that’s just not true. The United States is tenth on the deaths per million list, behind Italy, England, Belgium, Peru and Sweden (and probably China because you know they are lying about their deaths.
I also remember when they were wasting their time with an impeachment (yeah, that was this year) Trump was stopping travel from China (something everyone called him a xenophobe for). He also thought it was important enough to include COVID-19 in his State of the Union address.
Who didn’t take it seriously? Remember Nancy Pelosi and Bill DeBlasio telling everyone should go to Chinatown for the Chinese New Year because we had nothing to fear from COVID-19?
I seem to remember that Trump got the unemployment rate down to 4% whereas Obama’s crap policies kept unemployment between 8-10%. I remember that black unemployment was down, under Trump, to 5%, the lowest since the 1960s. In fact, Hispanic, youth and female unemployment were all down around 5%. Trump did not lose jobs for people, COVID-19 did. A black swan event from China that no one could have predicted.
Oh teah, and as of July, unemployment has fallen 4.5% to 10.5%. That’s down from 20% two months ago. That seems like a pretty positive recovery.
And I love when they say that the reason that the economy was so good was because of the eight years of Obama. There are just a few problems with this.:
The Obama recovery was the second slowest recovery in history, behind the Great Depression.
Trump thought Obama’s policies inhibited business. He overturned a boat load of Obama’s regulation on business including lowering the payroll tax.
The GDP under the Obama administration never had a quarter where it went over 2%. Trump has had one quarter where is has not gone over 3% (until the virus hit).
Trump gave us a tax cut which stimulated the economy. Consumer confidence was way up. In fact, it’s going up now.
Chicago, a mess.
Portland, New York are a mess.
Keep defunding cops.
This Broad is SO Nasty
In a press conference discussing the riots in Chicago this past weekend, the police chief was asked if the reason crime has gone straight through the roof because of the lack of arrests and sentencing. The police chief was about to answer when the crap mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot, decided to light up the reporter who asked the question.
She is such a terrible person. This was a very valid question. But Lightfoot couldn’t let the police chief answer. He was going to agree with the reporter and that just can’t happen. The world can’t know that it was Lightfoot’s and every other Democrat mayor before her, crappy policies that is causing this mess.
And she is just an example.
San Francisco has made it an infraction to break into a car. You get a ticket.
Philly raised the burglary total from $300 to $1000. Basically making it shoplifting if someone steals $999 worth of stuff.
Drugs use on the streets of New York, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Denver are being ignored.
Cash bail has been banned in California and New York.
Criminals are being released from jails and prisons; yes, prisons, in California and New York.
All Democratic cities are citing rioters and looters and letting them go.
With all this legalizing of illegal behavior, these idiot mayors and continue to defund and cut police forces.
Last week, the Baltimore City Council approved a $22.4 million budget cut for the police department.
The Portland City Council cut $15 million from its police budget earlier this month. $5 million of that would be put toward a new program that sends unarmed first responders to answer homelessness calls.
Philadelphia cancelled a planned $19 million increase for the police department and shifted $14 million of the police budget elsewhere — including affordable housing.
The city council in Hartford, Connecticut voted to cut or reallocate $2 million of its police budget.
In Seattle, every department budget is being trimmed by around 10%, Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan told Axios’ Dan Primack on the Re:Cap podcast. “We have to reallocate parts of the budget to take things out of the police department that shouldn’t be there … We have to rethink what remains in the police department,” Durkan said.
Other cities where officials are calling for changes, according to Local Progress, include San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, Oakland, Milwaukee, Denver, Durham, Winston-Salem, Chicago, New York City and D.C.
In a big story, Seattle has slashed millions out of their police budget. This will lead to the elimination of jobs, the freeze of hiring new police officers and cutting out training that officers could use.
Carmen Best, the police chief and the city’s first black female police chief had her salary cut 40%. She resigned today.
Has anyone been to Seattle lately? It’s a mess. Rioting and violence is a daily thing there.
There are some things politicians and the news media are not saying:
81% of black Americans believe that we need more police not fewer.
Police shot and killed a total of 1004 people in 2019. 235 were black, 370 were white.
Minorities make up a majority of the officers in police departments. This includes Baltimore, New York, Los Angeles, Seattle and Chicago.
Violent crime is up 170% in New York and 130% in Chicago. On average, cities screaming about defunding police has had crimp go up about 150% including cities like Los Angeles, Boston, Baltimore, San Francisco, Seattle, Portland and Washington D.C.
What have we learned here?
Most blacks are not criminals and fear them. They see police as a good thing.
Police are not systemically killing black people.
By defunding police, we are laying off minorities and ending their careers.
When cops aren’t on the street, crime goes up, especially violent crime.
This is all stupid. It is all factually incorrect.
Joe Biden, or his handlers, picked his running mate. It was a bit of a shock.
He Picked…Who?
Joe Biden has finally picked his Vice Presidential candidate and I think it might cost him the election. He decided on, for whatever reason, Senator Kamala Harris. She is a disaster and the two hate each other.
But her record is what’s going to kill her:
She had an affair with the former San Francisco Willie Brown. He set her up with a spot in the district attorneys office which started her political career. Yeah, that’s corruption.
By the way, Willie Brown was married at the time. She has some morality issues.
She has a voting record that can be used by the Republicans. Some of her record may turn off moderate voters.
Her record as a prosecutor is not going to be embraced by the Left or Bernie Bros.
She’s unlikable.
She flip-flops and appears inauthentic.
Her experience is 4 years as a Senator. Not a lot.
She says some weird things and has a creepy laugh.
Now, there are a couple of things that will help Biden:
She is a black woman. That’s what the Left wanted.
She’s pretty. I wouldn’t date her but she is.
She’s liberal, but moderate. She appears uncomfortable with some of the Leftist policies.
She has been vetted. There should be no surprises once people start digging into her past.
But Sleepy, Creepy Joe has some issues. He can’t trust her as far as he can throw her. I would hire a food taster because she does want to be President and I think she will do anything to get it. I’m pretty sure he did not make this pick.
Gosh, It’s Like the Media Knew It was Coming Today
A group of Democratic women wrote a letter to the major news outlets screaming not to be sexist and racist by criticizing her. Wow.
The letter states:
“We are reaching out now because we are about to embark on a historic moment – once again – having a woman on a Presidential Campaign ticket. While you have already done significant reporting on the process, we know you are actively preparing for coverage about the specific Democratic Vice Presidential nominee.
“Given how few women have reached this point, the sometimes disappointing coverage of the process to date and the double standards we’ve seen in the public and media expectations of women leaders over the years – and even more so for Black and Brown women leaders – we wanted to respectfully share some thoughts with you about the media’s role in the scrutiny and coverage of women and women of color candidates in general, and the vice-presidential candidate in particular.”
More of the letter from the DailyWire:
Specifically, the women warn journalists to avoid “sexism” and “racism” by avoiding commentary on Biden’s running mate’s “ambition,” her relationships with partners and staff, her likability, her looks (including her weight, style of dress, attractiveness, and “tone of voice”), whether the candidate is “likable” or electable, and any reporting “on the heritage of Black women or women of color” that “perpetuates a misunderstanding about who is legitimately American.”
This is what the Democrats do. If you didn’t like Barrack Obama, you were a racist. Well, this gal has a lot of problems and they are going to be focused on.
Another screw up.
New York is at it again.
Jesus, they’re puppets.
Oh..This Guy!
Biden…damn. Listen:
Imagine if Trump had said that. Hispanics are the most diverse and are what’s going to change the election? Blacks aren’t diverse? Whites aren’t diverse? Only Hispanics? Really?
How does he get away with this shit? This is an everyday thing. He asked a black guy, yesterday, if he got tested for cocaine…yesterday. He said you couldn’t walk in a 7-11 without hearing a person with an accent. He said that Barrack Obama was “smart and clean”. He said that poor kids were as smart as white kids.He eulogized Robert Byrd, a former KKK Grand Dragon. Jesus, what if Trump said or did any of that?
Do I think Biden is a racist? No, just really prejudiced. In fact, I think his comments were probably just not well articulated. I think had another point. But it shows a few things:
The mainstream media does not care about racism or prejudice. It’s just a narrative.
That Democrats don’t care race or prejudice. They only care about the narrative and using it for power.
Biden is getting worse. His cognitive abilities appear done. He can’t articulate a thing.
I understand why Biden’s handlers are allowing him to do interviews. Trump is on television every day, showing that he knows what is going on with the virus. Fox News
More Attacks on the Second Amendment
New York Attorney General Letitia James announced Thursday that the state is suing the National Rifle Association (NRA) and several of its high-profile leaders, and looking to “dissolve” the organization over alleged financial irregularities.
James said on Twitter;
“I filed a lawsuit to dissolve the National Rifle Association for years of self-dealing and illegal conduct. The @NRA is fraught with fraud and abuse. No organization is above the law.”
“We are seeking to dissolve the NRA for years of self-dealing and illegal conduct that violate New York’s charities laws and undermine its own mission. The NRA diverted millions of dollars away from its charitable mission for personal use by senior leadership. Our lawsuit charges the NRA as a whole and four senior leaders, including Wayne LaPierre, with failing to manage the NRA’s funds and failing to follow numerous state and federal laws. These actions contributed to the loss of more than $64 million in just three years for the NRA.”
She accuses the executives of:
Using NRA funds for private travel, vacations and restaurants.
Awarding companies contracts based on family members.
The NRA responded:
“The NRA has full confidence in its accounting practices and commitment to good governance. The association’s financials are audited and its tax filings are verified by one of the most reputable firms in the world. Internally, the association has an appropriate conflict of interest policy, which provides that all potential conflicts are reviewed and scrutinized by the audit committee.”
This is all probably true. Fact is, the NRA has to be audits because of its non-profit status and any weird accounting would probably be caught. Also, if there is some illegal activity, why not fire the people who are doing the funny business? Why does this gal find the need to dissolve the entire organization (which I don’t think she can legally do). The reasoning is simple: they want to get rid of the NRA. The Left sees them as an evil organization and in their way of the ultimate goal: getting rid of the second amendment.
James is also a piece of work (well, piece of shit). She’s the gal who said she was going to investigate Trump to find a crime. By the way, that is illegal. You don’t investigate a person to find a crime, you investigate a crime that a person possibly committed. All this shows is that she is a political animal and will target her enemies or the enemies of the Left.
By the way, I think she has more important things to worry about. The murder rate in New York is up about 170%. I hardly think that’s the NRA’s fault. Sounds to me that is the fault of that shitty, gopher killing mayor, De Blasio and an ineffective New York justice department led by James herself.
The NRA didn’t just roll their eyes and sit on their hands. They filed a law suit against against the city for defamation and violating their rights to free speech. Good for them and they probably have a better case.
In their complaint, the NRA said:
“Despite hopes that playing by the rules would procure a just outcome, the NRA has not been treated fairly by James’s office. The New York Democratic Party political machine seeks to harass, defund, and dismantle the NRA because of what it believes and what it says.”
“James boasted that she would strike foul blows against the NRA and pound the NRA into submission. She vowed that she would use the NYAG’s investigative and enforcement powers for the precise purpose of stanching political speech (‘deadly propaganda). She has begun to deliver on her campaign promises to retaliate against the NRA for constitutionally protected speech on issues that James opposes. As NYAG, James has regrettably succumbed to ‘individual passions, and individual malevolence.’”
President Trump stated:
“I think the NRA should move to Texas and lead a very good and beautiful life. And I’ve told them that for a long time. I think they should move to Texas – Texas would be a great state or to another state of their choosing – but I would say that Texas would be a great place and an appropriate place for the NRA.”
He’s probably right but I can understand why the NRA would want to stay in New York. It is closer to Washington DC, a lot of their members live on the east coast, and what better place to attempt to influence than a city with the most restrictive gun control laws in the country.
In the long run, this law suit is not going to go anywhere. There is a lot of conflict within the NRA’s hierarchy and there probably was some questionable dealings like in all companies. Someone will probably lose his job. But the aggressiveness of James may get the best of her. She does have to show some cause. You can just go investigate someone hoping to find a crime. So, the NRA is in a strong standing with the counter suit.
I love the culture. Especially since the Left took over the culture. The things they do is so stupid it is funny. There are two web sites I love to read about culture. and Slate is especially insane. They have a advice column that is just weird. It’s a great site. You should visit. Well, they have an article that is patently insane. It is titled It’s Time for the Muppets to Give a Different Couple the Spotlight. It actually analyzes the relationship between Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy.
No kidding.
It said:
They are a terrible couple and Disney should not be beating their drum.
They are anatomically incompatible. Unlike gay men, women and transsexuals who Slate constantly touts.
Kermit is a nudist whereas Miss Piggy dresses extravagantly.
Miss Piggy is a domestic abuser.
They’re emotionally incompatible. One is a closed-off, neurotic commitment-phobe, the other a clingy, psychopathic narcissist.
“According to three relationship counselors interviewed earlier this year by Mel magazine, the pairing has long been in crisis. “If there’s that level of conflict, they need professional help,” said clinical psychologist Farrah Hauke. “They’d need to work with a couples counselor and do their individual work to identify their role in the conflict, as well as their partner’s role in the conflict.” This is, of course, ludicrous, as Miss Piggy would simply karate-chop the therapist.”
“Recently, it seemed the minders of the Muppets might realize that the central romance of the franchise no longer had currency. On the short-lived ABC series The Muppets, Kermit got a new girlfriend, also a pig, named Denise—the subject of the memorable Jezebel headline “I’m Sorry, But Who the Fuck Does This Homewrecking Pig Think She Is?” (Byline: “Definitely Not Miss Piggy.”) But by series’ end, the characters once again fell into familiar patterns, as the finale focused entirely on the will-they-or-won’t-they question—including other Muppets writing PRO and CON lists on a whiteboard as Kermit tried to decide. The episode ended on a cliffhanger of sorts, with Kermit professing his love for Piggy in a last-ditch romantic gesture.”
The article ends with:
“Call it what you will: Friggy, Permit, Hogwarts. Where it was once entertaining to watch a lovesick pig beat the crap out of a diffident frog, now it’s simply exhausting. It is well past time to retire this ship.”
Now, I hope this is an article written to be funny. After reading a bunch of Slate’s other articles, I can’t be sure. But there are a few things we should be aware of before we criticize the turbulent relationship of Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog:
This show was not meant to be a children’s show. It was meant for adults. There is a ton of adult humor and sexual innuendo that proves that.
Miss Piggy was not a physical abuser. It was cartoon like violence. Just like the Coyote would be blown up by the Acme explosives he used to try to stop the roadrunner.
Kermit was not a nudist. He was a frog. Frogs don’t wear clothes.
Kermit and Piggy did have an incompatible relationship. But not because Kermit is a frog and Piggy is a pig but because they are fucking puppets!
It is an adult comedy show! They’re puppets! It’s meant to be funny, not a serious look at relationships! And they’re puppets! Kermit is not a neurotic, commitment-phobe, nudist! Miss Piggy is not a clingy, narcissistic, domestic abuser. Kermit is a frog. Miss Piggy is…wait for it…a pig. They don’t need a psychologist to analyze their relationship. Do you know why? Because they are fucking puppets! Miss Piggy’s voice isn’t even done by a woman. It’s a man. Fuck!
Video shows more.
Prepare for the second wave.
Trump…damn! Shut up! Ugh!
This Ain’t Good
Body cam footage was leaked by the Daily Mail this week. And it shows a really different story than the one we have been told for the last couple of months. Here is a short clip:
They charge officer Derrick Chauvin with Second Degree Murder. I thought that was kind of an overreach then. Looking at this video, I definitely think it is an overreach now. This is what we learned from the video:
Floyd was not cooperative.
Floyd, like his autopsy said, looked high.
The police officers were not rough with him and only pulled their guns when Floyd would not show his hands.
There were other people in the car. Nothing happened to them. Sounds familiar (hint: Rodney King).
He was yelling that he was going to die and could not breath before he was put on the ground.
The police tried to calm him before sticking him in the police car.
It was actually a really pathetic display by Floyd. Now, none of this clears Chauvin. What he did was a bad thing. It was definitely negligent. But is it Second Degree Murder level negligent? You know, Chauvin went out and said he was going to kill this guy?
I do not think so. Put that with the fact that he was on drugs, had a heart condition, had a criminal record including a home invasion and the medical examiner said he died of a heart attack (this was contradicted by a private M.E.).
This is bad folks and the media knows it. They have decided to ignore the whole thing or, as CNN did, just sugar coat it.
Again, there is no but excuse for kneeling on a man’s neck for nine minutes but can anyone prove intent which is what is required for second degree murder? I don’t think so. Chauvin should go to jail but I think there is going to be a chance that he gets off completely because that idiot attorney general, Keith Ellison, way over charged.
Prepare for the riots to come up again (if they actually ever stop). Because this guy is not going to get the sentence we all hope he gets.
Here is where my conspiracy urge begins to bubble up. I am trying to suppress it but it is not working. It is also very cynical of me. I think Ellison and the Dems in Minneapolis over charged on purpose.
If they charged correctly, the Left would have flipped.
If Chauvin gets off, more riots and Eliison could blame the racist system. And Trump.
Joe Biden continues to act like a dead person. His latest interview turned out to be a disaster again. Here he is asked about if he ever took the cognitive test. His response was precious:
Couple of things here. First, Biden already said he had taken the cognitive test. Now he says he does not need one? He cannot even get through the sentence without fumbling through the sentence.
Next, what is with the cocaine crack? To a black reporter? If Trump did this, what would happen?
Three debates have been scheduled and they will start in September. Here’s what’s fucked up: the first debate will be after voting starts. Mail-in voting starts on August 29th. Do not get me started on the fact that voting starts two and a half months before the election.
Biden, well his team, has really been controlling all aspects of the election season. He does not go out and campaign. He picks and chooses who interviews him. All the questions he gets are known before hand. He is setting when the debates are going to be and how many. He is never asked about his crazy policies.
He is lucky that Trump’s campaign team seems to be incompetent and not doing anything to push back. Biden is also lucky that President Trump has Twitter and has no fear talking to reporters. He should be afraid. Very afraid.
Last week, Trump Tweeted that it might be necessary to postpone the election. Ugh! That is a tad bit unconstitutional. Only Congress can change the date of the election.
Then, he had an interview with Jonathan Snow from Axios on HBO. Why would he do this? Axios is a Left wing media organization being produced on HBO, a Left wing platform. He sounded terrible.
Listen to this first clip:
This was terrible. If you are going to reference someone or a publication, you better know the name of the person or the book. Do not ever reference something or someone without being ready to issue a name. It is a crappy way to debate. That is why I do not listen to the news media. Whenever I hear a story from an “anonymous resource” I think it is probably bullshit. He just did what the news media does all the time. He loses all credibility.
Next, know your stats. The problem with statistics, you can prove anything. Use the stats that help your case. Or he could have simply said with more cases there will be more death. Do not act surprised by it and actually look sad about it. “Yep, there is more death and it is sad. We are working hard to curve this.” That is all that needs to be said. Done.
Finally, he needs to stop being so casual about things. When asked about the rise in the number of deaths, “it is what it is” is the correct, reasonable belief, but you cannot say that to a media that is looking to roast you. You know Biden is going to use this.
Then there was this:
This is a real non-story that Trump should have killed immediately. I never talked about this because it was a non-story. Even the Orange Man Bad media held it for about three days and never talked about it again.
Intelligence received information about Russians paying Afghans and Iraqis to kill American soldiers.
The Intelligence community could confirm nothing and never told the administration.
Trump knew nothing about it.
This is what I would have said: “The intelligence community did not trust the information so they never reported it to me. There was nothing to talk about.” PERIOD. Next question.
But he argues and his answer is there but muddled. Any push back by Snow could have been rebutted with, “You want me to accuse another country of a moral crime based on rumor?” Done. Mic drop. Next question.
Trump vomits words. Either verbally or on Twitter. His point gets lost because he is vomiting words. He needs to stop doing this.This is why people do not like him and he could lose the election.
Then, the worst is this:
John Lewis fought for civil rights for blacks and got a broken skull for it. He believed in the American Dream and believed it should be achieved through peace and not violence unlike the Black Panthers or the Nation of Islam. He was the right-hand man of Martin Luther King. After Jim Crow, he became a state representative in the House for over twenty years. Yeah, he did not like Trump.
How about this for an answer: “He was an impressive man with an impressive history.” Done.
The other thing that is just a turn off is the arrogance and self-promotion. Who cares that Lewis did not go to your inauguration. Who cares? Why bring it up? He is dead! Throw him a bone!
It got worse. He stated that he has done more for blacks than every President except Abraham Lincoln. When Snow pointed out that LBJ signed the Civil Rights bill, Trump did not have an answer. Then Snow kept pushing for Trump to say that the Civil Rights bill was important, which Trump did not do.
Here is what I would have done.
Lewis, good man.
I would never say I did more for blacks than any other President except for Lincoln.
If I suffered from a stroke and did say that I did more for blacks except for President Lincoln, I would point out that LBJ was an ardent racist and did not want to sign the Civil Rights bill but MLK blackmailed him into signing it.
This is so stupid. This is the problem when one has a bunch of yes-men around him. I know that is sexist. Is it yes-person. Fuck it. Do not care. Someone needs to tell Trump to “shut the fuck up, sir” so he can win the election. He is running against a corpse. This next election should be a landslide. Trump is making it close.
Beirut Explosion Death Toll Skyrockets As Thousands Injured, 300,000+ Left Homeless
New York is now setting up check points to test for COVID for tourists.
Ruth Bader Ginsberg waited for four months before she told the country she had cancer again. God, if she dies…
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is declaring racism a public health crisis and pursuing initiatives to “eradicate and prevent discrimination and racial inequity” — including making all state employees undergo “implicit bias training,” her office announced Wednesday.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo urged wealthy New Yorkers to return to Manhattan as the coronavirus is now “under control,” to assist the city with the financial burden caused by the pandemic.
Biden’s getting worse.
Barr lights up the Dems again.
Not fat but curvy.
Just for Fun
There’s your next President. He doesn’t even know where he is.
What a Waste of Time
There is a big push by the Democrats to try to impeach Attorney General William Barr. They are doing this because….um…they don’t know. Democrats always play darts. They have five darts and a board and each dart is a reason. The reason that gets closest to the bullseye, which is an analogy for the support of the public, they go for that.
To continue the analogy, they were throwing some real darts and they were flying all over the place. But I am pretty sure, not on, came close to the dart board.
John Lewis
The first thing the Dems did was invoke Rep. John Lewis. I have no problem with that. John Lewis was a great man, suffered through the Civil Rights movement, became a member of Congress and was liked by everybody, Democrat or Republican. But this was a pandering moment. This was bringing emotion into something that should have only been about reason. The Dems want to impeach Barr. This should be an exercise in reason. Impeachment is serious. But the Dems are not serious.
Barr, in his opening statement, mentioned John Lewis in an honorable way. Rep. Cedric Richmond did not appreciate that.
Richmond said:
“You started your testimony with eloquent words about the life and legacy of John Lewis fighting systematic racism. When you all came here and brought your top staff, you brought no Black people. That, sir, is systematic racism. That is exactly what John Lewis spent his life fighting. And so I would just suggest that actions speak louder than words and you really should keep the name of the honorable John Lewis out of the Justice Department’s mouth.”
What bullshit. You know who would have said that is bullshit? John Lewis. Though John Lewis was quite liberal, his best friend was a conservative on his committee and he would defend him, even from people in his own party.
This is something the Dems always try to do. They try to say that Republicans do not deserve to show respect for good people because Republicans are no good. They said that Mitch McConnell had no business to speak at Lewis’ funeral ceremony.
Just is just another way to vilify Republicans.
Law and Order? No!
The big argument is about the Justice Department’s use of federal marshals in cities during the riots. Dems claim that this is a violation of the Constitution. That seems kind of rich because they do not seem to care much for the Constitution.
Republicans say that what Trump and the DOJ are doing is not only legal, but part of their jobs. Barr made very clear what he thought:
This is just a dumb argument. Of course the President can take control of these cities. The local governments are doing nothing.
Demonizing the Police
Of course, the police are bad. Barr had an answer to those questions:
“Unfortunately, some have chosen to respond to George Floyd’s death in a far less productive way – by demonizing the police, promoting slogans like ACAB (All Cops Are Bastards), and making grossly irresponsible proposals to defund the police. The demonization of police is not only unfair and inconsistent with the principle that all people should be treated as individuals, but gravely injurious to our inner city communities. There is no harder job in America today than being a police officer.”
He also did something really bad. He said there is no systemic racism. When one congresswoman started lecturing him about systemic racism, Barr said there wasn’t any. When she continued, he asked the question we should all ask: “What institutions?” Of course, she did not answer and just kept rambling.
The Bad Orange Man!
Of course, everything that Barr did was to bend the knee to Trump.
Laws he enforced and other policies were to appease and be a photo op for Trump.
Roger Stone was because of Trump.
General Michael Flynn was because of Trump.
The “stormtroopers” were in preparation for Trump’s loss in November.
What would he do if Trump would not leave the White House
Barr Kicking Ass
William Barr destroyed these people. Here’s the thing: he is a lawyer and a good one. The Congresspeople are alwyers and suck at being lawyers so they became politicians.
This first cut is delicious. Rep Jamie Raskin (D, MD) who is a really creepy looking guy asked Barr about the response to the federal action on the incident at the St. John Episcopal Church.
That church has been around for a couple of hundred years and has been attended by every President in history and those BLM and Antifa assholes tried to burn it down. Raskin never mentioned that in his question.
I learned a new term. “I am reclaiming my time.” It is an official way of saying “Shut the fuck up.” If the Dems cannot deal with Barr’s questions, just lecture. Barr pointed this out a couple of times. Listen:
This was the entire hearing. Just a waste of Barr’s time and a platform for Dems to pontificate. It was terrible for the Dems. I am sure this was not a good look for them.
William Barr busted some ass. There is a great montage by the Daily Caller from Twitter that summed everything up, I probably could have saved twenty minutes of discussion by just playing this but…whatever.
This is a montage where William Barr plays a Scottish bagpipe at some police function. Mixed in are some of the awesome moments of his testimony. Listen:
Yep, that’s how it went. Barr dominated this hearing. He does not need this job. I hope he sticks with it. has been around for a coupefederal-courthouse
Bet They Never Thought That Would Happen
More than 100 law enforcement agencies have reportedly pulled out of security agreements to send personnel to help with security at the Democratic National Convention next month in part because they are concerned about recent efforts to limit law enforcement’s use of tear gas and pepper spray in responding to violent riots.
Franklin, Wisconsin Police Chief Rick Oliva said:
“It is apparent there is a lack of commitment to provide the Milwaukee Police Department with the resources it needs to ensure the safety of peaceful protesters, attendees, citizens and police personnel. I can not send personnel if they are not properly equipped or will not be allowed to engage in appropriate actions which would ensure their safety.”
Waukesha Police Chief Daniel Thompson said:
“I understand that use of chemical irritants and pepper spray is serious and those are to be used only when legally justified. But when you take that out of the continuum that doesn’t leave the officers much other than getting harmed or using deadly force and that’s not good for any officer or the public.”
Sports Illustrated has decided to go woke again and have hired the “curviest” model ever for their swimsuit issue this year. Why is this woke? Because round has a curve. She is pretty fat.
Hunter McGrady, who is 5’11” and weighs about 220 pounds will be featured in Sports Illustrated.
McGrady said of the opportunity:
“I have been so excited for this shoot to be released,” she said. “This trip was life changing and was so special to experience with the most special team. Sports Illustrated has given me so much and created so many incredible opportunities for me and I will forever be grateful.”
That’s great. She should be happy. when asked about modeling while being her size, she said:
“I think a lot of people think that [plus-sized models] are able to eat whatever they want,” she explained. “They don’t work out. They just sit at home and lounge around. That is absolutely not the case. I work out with my trainer and I train daily. People for so long have equated a larger size to be unhealthy. The truth of the matter is that I’m more healthy now than I’ve ever been in my life. It’s a stigma that needs to change.”
Good for her. She is not really an issue here. Here are my issues with normalizing “curvy” women:
Heart disease
High LDL cholesterol
High blood pressure (hypertesion)
Body pain (knees, hips, back)
Sleep apnea and breathing problems
Mental illness such as clinical depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders
Many forms of cancer
Now, McGrady sounds like she is active and just heavy because that is her body type. That is fine. And she is a good looking woman. But a lot of these heavy people,who scream about being proud to be fat, Do not take care of themselves.
Riots are working.
The media gets lit up.
AOC is dumb.
Big Win!
Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann announced on Friday that his legal team has settled its $250 million defamation lawsuit with The Washington Post.
The lawsuit centered around false coverage of an interaction that Sandmann had with Omaha tribe elder Nathan Phillips that portrayed Sandmann as an aggressor.
Acting Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Ken Cuccinelli said Friday that federal law enforcement agents may be able to bring libel claims against Democrats who have called them “Nazis” or “stormtroopers.”
Security Ken Cuccinelli said on Laura Ingram:
“When you see such libelous, slanderous comments from people who know better — Let’s not kid ourselves, the speaker of the House knows that she is using Nazi allusions to refer to correct, professional law enforcement officers. If I was a CBP agent or ICE agent, or FBI agent — and if I was an FPS agent — I might sue for libel.”
Pelosi tweeted on July 17:
“Unidentified stormtroopers. Unmarked cars. Kidnapping protesters and causing severe injuries in response to graffiti. These are not the actions of a democratic republic. @DHSgov’s actions in Portland undermine its mission. Trump & his stormtroopers must be stopped.
“First Amendment speech should never be met with one-sided violence from federal agents acting as Trump’s secret police, especially when unidentified. This is disgraceful behavior we would expect from a banana republic — not the government of the United States.”
Slander is slander. People in high places should be able to sue, especially if people are being targeted.
Seattle and Portland are falling apart. This week saw sixty days of riots. Now I am not saying peaceful protest but actual rioting. And the garbage mayors and governors are not doing anything about it. Trump, trying to quell the violence, especially against federal buildings, has sent a bunch of federal agents (DHS and Border Patrol) to arrest the , mostly Antifa, rioters. And they have been met with less than peaceful protest.
Businesses are still being burned.
Three federal agents are being checked for sight loss because of heavy-duty lasers (there is video).
Rioters have police and agents held hostage in a federal courthouse in Portland and the Antifa rioters are trying to break in.
Rioters are using rocks, bottles of water, canned goods, lasers, commercial grade fireworks and mortars…yes, mortars…against police and federal agents.
In Seattle, a bunch of jerk offs were actually dropping cinder blocks off the roofs of businesses.
Peaceful, huh?
The local governments, all Democrats, are doing nothing.
Lori Lightfoot, mayor of Chicago, keeps saying she wants Trump’s “troops” out but has secretly mad a deal to have them come in to help with the crime epidemic (Chicago averages 50 shootings a weekend).
Jenny Durkin of Seattle also rejects Trump’s agents. The police chief said that citizens should not call police if there is a crime. Police are out.
Seattle tried to ban pepper spray and impact balls. What are the police suppose to use? Foul language? A court overruled that.
Ted Wheeler of Portland has also rejected trump’s agents.
Federal agents were required to wear identification. The DoJ said they did not have to because of doxxing. A court overruled that.
Portland sued to get rid of federal agents. They lost in court…again. You know why? Because it is not illegal what they are doing.
Trump does not care. He sent them to Seattle and Portland anyway because of the attack on federal buildings.
The Democrats do not care or just want this to be forgotten. The media is worse.
Jerry Nadlar summed it up when he was questioned about the violence in Portland by Austen Fleccas of the YouTube channel, Fleccas Talks.
This whole thing has been blamed on Trump. If he does something, it is his fault. If he does not do something, it is his fault.
This is mob politics. The Left wants their way and they will burn and destroy everything until they get it. This is where a civil war will start. Because, eventually, we are going to get tired of this. And, by we, I mean normal people, not just Conservatives, and we are going to fight back.
Have you ever gotten into a fight with a co-worker and, when there was not going to be a resolution, just turn and said, under your breath, called that person a bad name? Heck, I have done that eight times today and twice while saying this.
Well, that is what happened between Rep. Ted Yoho and AoC.
Tell you what, let us listen to to AOC’s version of the story. I will not play Ted Yoho’s version of the story because I already believe him and AOC’s side makes her look worse. Let us listen:
Sports used to be fun
Too many rich jocks bitching.
A cold war rising.
An almost depressing haiku. But at least I will have the UFC.
At Least I Can Watch the UFC
Football has decided to go woke.
When the season starts on September 10th, rumors are swirling that the NFL players are going to be able to don messages of social justice and police brutality on their helmets.
Front Office Sports reported:
“The NFL’s 1,700-plus players will likely be invited to wear helmet decals bearing the names or initials of police violence victims and systemic racism, sources told Front Office Sports. The league office is working with the NFL Players Association to compile a list of names in time for the start of the regular seasons, which is currently scheduled to begin on September 10, said sources. The players will provide the names.”
For years, the NFL has been kind of touchy about letting teams change the uniforms. Outside of small decals that represent the deaths of certain people, the uniforms have remained unchanged. In 2016, the Dallas Cowboys wanted to wear special uniforms in honor of the five police officers who were murdered in Dallas during a mass shooting (coincidentally, by a woke BLM terrorist) during training camp. The NFL refused to let them.
Rumor has it that teams can choose one insignia that all wear for each player or each player can wear one of their choosing (there could be as many as fifteen different designs).
When Colin Kapernick decided to start kneeling for the National Anthem, I was turned off by all the political bullshit. I actually stopped watching. I wasn’t protesting or boycotting or anything like that. I was just pissed off. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one. The attendance and viewership for the NFL dropped by 20%.
Several players and coaches for the San Francisco Giants (probably shouldn’t be much of a surprise) decided to kneel during the National Anthem.
According to MLB Reports:
“Several Giants, including manager Gabe Kapler, first-base coach Antoan Richardson, hitting coach Justin Viele and outfielders Jaylin Davis, Mike Yastrzemski, and Austin Slater, took a knee during the national anthem before Monday’s exhibition game in Oakland. Shortstop Brandon Crawford stood between Davis and Richardson and put his hand on their shoulders in a show of support.”
Gabe Kapler, who is a vocal supporter of Black Lives Matter, stated:
“I did that because I wanted them to know I wasn’t pleased with the way our country has handled police brutality. I told them I wanted to amplify their voices, and I wanted to amplify the voices of the Black community and marginalized communities as well.”
This brought a wave of protests from fans on Twitter:
And, of course, President Trump weighed in:
The MLB never responded. Hopefully, this will be a wake up call for the MLB. I really like baseball and will miss it if the MLB doesn’t have the courage to force its players, who are paid very well, to keep politics out of entertainment.
I haven’t watched basketball since Shaq and Kobe won their five championships. You know why? Because the game has been changed to the point a foul is called every time someone coughs, the players whiny and showboats and the Lakers have sucked for so long.
Well, now I have another reason not to watch.
Disney will write Black Lives Matter on the playing surface in their two arenas. The NBA will be playing in those arenas during the Wuhan flu epidemic. Notice I didn’t call it COVID-19. There’s a reason I wanted to point out the virus is from China. Just wait.
The NBA has decided to let the players replace the names on the back of their jerseys with social justice phrases.
Black Lives Matter
Say Their Names
I Can’t Breathe
Power to the People
Justice Now
Say Her Name
Sí Se Puede (Yes We Can)
See Us
Hear Us
Respect Us
Love Us
Listen to Us
Stand Up
I Am A Man
Speak Up
How Many More
Group Economics
Education Reform
Yeah, this is going to work great for people who do not want politics in sports. You will not know the name of the player you are watching but you will know that he cannot breathe.
You know what one phrase the NBA will not allow on the back of their jerseys? Free Hong Kong. That is because the NBA gets a lot of their money from China. Same with Nike and Apple. That is why I will never go to an NBA game, wear Nikes or own an iPhone. China is probably one of the most evil civilizations in human history. Well their evil is coming to light.
The DOJ has charged Chinese hackers of trying to steal COVID-19 vaccine information. This shows:
China cannot create anything.
China probably does not have the virus under control.
They cannot be trusted.
The United States not trusting China came to a head when Secretary Pompeo ordered the closure of the Chinese consulate in Houston. He said that China had been running an intelligence gathering ring from the consulate and it had nothing to do with diplomacy. They were given 72 hours to clear the building and leave the country. The Chinese responded by starting to burn all their paperwork, pretty much showing that they had some things to hide. The fires were so large, the Houston fire department was closed.
The State Department stated:
“The United States will not tolerate the PRC’s (People Republic of China) violations of our sovereignty and intimidation of our people, just as we have not tolerated the PRC’s unfair trade practices, theft of American jobs, and other egregious behavior. We have directed the closure of PRC Consulate General Houston, in order to protect American intellectual property and American’s [sic] private information.”
Senator Marco Rubio said:
“China’s Houston consulate is a massive spy center, forcing it to close is long overdue. China’s consulate in Houston is not a diplomatic facility. It is the central node of the Communist Party’s vast network of spies & influence operations in the United States. Now that building must close & the spies have 72 hours to leave or face arrest. This needed to happen.”
China has promised that there would be consequences for this.
China has also not been great with human rights:
Thousands of Hong Kongers are being arrested and sent to China for trial and punishment (actually, re-education).
China appears to be preparing for an invasion against the democracy of Taiwan. Why not?
Uighurs, Chinese Muslims, are being arrested, having their heads shaved and being placed in cattle cars to be sent to re-education camps. (play video)
Does this sound familiar? Nazi Germany did this. The Soviet Union did this. Cuba does this. North Korea does this. Venezuela does this.
Ain’t socialism grand. No wonder the NBA supports China but will piss on the United States any chance they get.
The United States and China are entering a cold war. When we start closing consulates, it is pretty much a done deal. I don’t think this is a bad idea. China depends on the United States for survival and have gotten too cocky to remember that. Trump has already threatened to cut off all trade with China, which will make them more aggressive militarily and kill their economy.
Now, when I saw busy militarily, I don’t mean they will fight us. We are too far away and way ahead of them technologically. Heck, half their military technology is ours. But countries like Hong Kong, Taiwan, India and South Korea do have to worry. Why?
Because socialism does not allow for innovation or production because there is not incentive system. What I make in China belongs to the government. I get nothing. So why would I bother creating anything. How do socialist countries get what they need? They take it from some other country or force their people, under threat, to create (which never works, Chernobyl is proof of that). Can Xi Jinping has become the most powerful Chinese leader since Mao. They need to be broken like the United States broke the Soviet Union.
Does that mean China is not dangerous? Not at all. The COVID-19 virus, which may or may not have been purposely released, shows the power of a biological weapon. The Chinese government, who do not care about their people, did profit from this for the short term. They were selling PPE and crappy tests (85% accurate). They, quietly because it was under-covered, took over Hong Kong, imprisoned Uighurs and threatening Taiwan. This is why they need to be isolated.
But China can be toppled and I think a lot faster than the Soviet Union. A lot of people have said so. Someone just has to have the balls to do it.