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Episode 166 Show Notes – What Would Lance Do?

Remember Lance Ito? He was the judge in the OJ Simpson trial. What if he did what Judge Emmett Sullivan did to the innocent General Michael Flynn?

Let’s talk about it.


What’s This Whole Thing About?

President Trump has previously floated a “full pardon” of Flynn, who pleaded guilty as part of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe to making false statements to FBI agents during his Jan. 24, 2017, interview about his conversations with former Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, after the Justice Department said in a court filing that they had lost the initial FBI 302 from that interview.


Jan. 24, 2017

Flynn, who at the time was national security adviser to Trump, was approached by a pair of FBI agents for an interview at the White House. They wanted to discuss his communications with then-Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak regarding sanctions in December 2016, which unbeknownst to Flynn had been picked up in wiretapped discussions. This interview would later form the basis for a false-statement charge and guilty plea.

Feb. 13, 2017

Flynn resigned from his White House post. The resignation came as he was accused of misleading Vice President Pence and other senior White House officials about those same communications with Kislyak. Pence, after being briefed by Flynn, had said in television interviews that Flynn did not discuss sanctions with the ambassador.

May 17, 2017 

Special Counsel Robert Mueller was appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to take over the investigation of Russian meddling and possible collusion with Trump associates in the 2016 election.

Dec. 1, 2017

As part of the Mueller investigation, Flynn pleaded guilty to making false statements in his FBI interview regarding his talks with Kislyak. Flynn was charged with lying to federal investigators about whether he had talked to Kislyak about limiting the Russian government’s response to former President Barack Obama’s sanctions for election meddling.

His plea deal involved his full cooperation with investigators in the special counsel’s office.

According to the charging document, the false statements were that:

“On or about Dec. 29, 2016, FLYNN did not ask the Government of Russia’s Ambassador to the United States…to refrain from escalating the situation in response to sanctions that the United States had imposed against Russia that same day; and FLYNN did not recall the Russian Ambassador subsequently telling him that Russia had chosen to moderate its response to those sanctions as a result of his request.”

“On or about Dec. 22, 2016, FLYNN did not ask the Russian Ambassador to delay the vote on or defeat a pending United Nations Security Council resolution; and that the Russia Ambassador subsequently never described to FLYNN Russia’s response to his request.”

Feb. 1, 2018

Two months after Flynn initially pleaded guilty, Mueller and Flynn’s attorneys filed a “joint status report” to Judge Emmet G. Sullivan requesting more time.

“Due to the status of the special counsel’s investigation, the parties do not believe that this matter is ready to be scheduled for a sentencing hearing at this time,” the filing from Mueller and Flynn attorneys Robert Kelner and Stephen Anthony read. “The parties shall file a joint status report by no later than May, 2018, stating whether the matter should be scheduled for sentencing or whether a deadline should be set for filing another joint status report.”

April-May 2018 

A Republican-authored House Intelligence Committee report on the Russia probe was released. The eventually unredacted report said FBI agents did not believe that Flynn intentionally lied about talks with Russia’s ambassador.

“Director [James] Comey testified to the Committee that ‘the agents…discerned no physical indications of deception,” the report said. “They saw nothing that indicated to them that he knew he was lying to them.’”

After several continuance by the Mueller team (about 9 months):

Dec. 4, 2018

Mueller filed a memorandum recommending a lenient sentence, with the possibility of no prison time, for Flynn, stating that he has offered “substantial” help to investigators about “several ongoing investigations.”

“Given the defendant’s substantial assistance and other considerations set forth below, a sentence at the low end of the guideline range, including a sentence that does not impose a term of incarceration—is appropriate and warranted,” the memo said.

Dec. 9, 2018

In a panel appearance with MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace, former FBI Director Comey was asked how FBI agents ended up at the White House on Jan. 24, 2017, to interview Flynn. Comey’s response provided new details about the circumstances that fueled criticism of the bureau’s conduct:

“I sent them,” Comey said, adding that it was “something I probably wouldn’t have done or maybe gotten away with in a more … organized administration.”

The interview was arranged directly with Flynn, which was not typical protocol.

“If the FBI wanted to send agents into the White House itself to interview a senior official, you would work through the White House counsel, and there would be discussions and approvals of who would be there,” Comey said, describing how things normally would work.

Regarding his decision to bypass those steps, he said: “I thought: ‘It’s early enough, let’s just send a couple guys over.’”

Now what is not brought up i this timeline is that Flynn was already bankrupt and the FBI was threatening to throw his son n jail. He lost his house. A man who served for over 30 years has to have his life ruined.

Over nothing.





Uh..The Judge Did What?

Judge Emmet Sullivan‘s decision to allow third parties to submit amicus curiae (“friend of the court”) briefs in former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s case after the Justice Department moved to dismiss it has struck legal experts as “unusual,” if not “outrageous,” while Flynn’s own counsel argues that it should not be allowed in the first place.

“This is an outrageous decision by a judge who’s now placed himself into that, you know, awful category of an activist who’s willing to set aside rules, set aside ethics, set aside precedent, and just go in a direction because he is politically motivated to do so,” former Utah U.S. Attorney Brett Tolman told “Fox & Friends” Wednesday morning.

Sidney Powell, Mike Flynn’s attorney said:

“A criminal case is a dispute between the United States and a criminal defendant. There is no place for third parties to meddle in the dispute, and certainly not to usurp the role of the government’s counsel,” Powell wrote.

Judge Sullivan himself acknowledged that the local criminal procedure rules do not provide for third parties to file amicus briefs in criminal matters, but he claimed that the local rules governing civil cases — which do allow for amicus briefs — “govern all proceedings in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia.”

This is adding salt to the wound.

Flynn was accused of lying to the FBI and he pleaded guilty of it, even though the investigators said he didn’t lie, not once but twice. This is something you’ll hear from MSNBC, CNN and all the other lame-stream media. What they won’t tell you is that he was bankrupt due to attorney’s fees and, second time, the FBI threatened to throw his son in prison. I’d plead guilty too.

Now he has to pay more money to attorneys, taking this to the appellate court to get it overturned.

Amicus briefs are usually only used in civil cases, not criminal cases. Can you imagine Judge Ito dismissing the “Not Guilty” verdict in the OJ Simpson case? Or the Family being allowed to speak of Charlie Manson’s innocence after the Manson trial? That’s what’s happening here.

Judge Sullivan is a Left wing hack appointed by President Clinton. This move is just to ruin General Flynn.

Well, the Obama administration might be in some trouble. Especially Sleepy, Creepy Joe. The DoJ released the list of people who requested the unmasking of General Flynn while the FBI was spying on him.

I’m not going to talk about this today. There’s just too much and I want a day to digest this whole thing. But unmasking an American citizen that was being spied on is illegal and carries a 10 year prison sentence.

Suddenly, this doesn’t seem to be a right wing conspiracy anymore.



It Just Gets Worse

From FoxNews:

Sixteen former Watergate prosecutors have notified Emmet Sullivan, a judge for the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, that they intend to file an “amicus curiae” (“friend of the court”) brief in the case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn after the Department of Justice (DOJ) moved to dismiss the charges against him.

But who are these people trying to destroy a real American hero?

Nick Akerman – Akerman, the first name on the list, is currently a partner at a New York City area law firm, according to his Linkedin account.

But that is not what the former Watergate prosecutor is famous for.

Rather, Akerman is an MSNBC contributor with a long history of criticizing Trump and a Twitter account filled with broadsides against the president.

He Tweeted:

Trump and AG Barr are masters of the “Art of the Coverup” as to Russian interference in the 2016 election — first they ensure Flynn is back in the fold by dismissing his criminal case and now they have let Manafort out of prison for “home confinement.”

Richard Ben-Veniste – Ben-Veniste is a partner at the D.C. law firm Mayer Brown for which he handles civil and white-collar criminal cases.

He does not have the kind of ubiquitous Twitter presence that Akerman has, but was a CNN legal analyst from 2017 to 2019.

In a 2019 appearance on the network, Ben-Veniste called the content of the House of Representatives’ impeachment hearings into Trump’s handling of security funding for Ukraine “extraordinarily disturbing.”

He also saw the Ukraine thing as legitimate.

Ben-Veniste also has a long history working in government outside of the Watergate prosecution. He was the chief counsel for the Democrats in the Senate Whitewater Committee in the 1990s and served on the 9/11 Commission, among several other roles, according to his biography on Mayer Brown’s website.

Ben-Veniste donated $1,000 each to Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., and Chris Murphy, D-Conn., in 2017. He gave Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign $2,700.

Richard J. Davis – Davis has donated thousands of dollars to Democrats since 2019, including $2,800 to Joe Biden in April 2019.

Carl B. Feldbaum – Feldbaum is currently on the board of directors for BIO Ventures for Global Health (BVGH), a health-oriented nonprofit. Besides his Watergate service, Feldbaum was previously the chief of staff for late Sen. Arlen Specter, D-Pa., according to his BVGH bio, and wrote the book “Looking the Tiger in the Eye: Confronting the Nuclear Threat.”

Feldbaum gave $2,800 to Joe Biden’s presidential campaign in January, $100 to the Democratic National Committee in 2018, and donated to Obama’s campaign on multiple occasions.

George T. Frampton, Jr. – Frampton is the founder and CEO of the environmental nonprofit Partnership for Responsible Growth. Frampton also served in several roles within the Clinton administration, specifically as the chairman of the White House Council on Environmental Quality and as the deputy director and chief of staff for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s probe of the nuclear incident on Three Mile Island, according to his bio on the Partnership for Responsible Growth website.

Frampton has donated thousands of dollars to Democratic candidates since 2018, including $150 to Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., in 2020 and $250 to Sen. Michael Bennet, D-Colo., in 2019.

Kenneth S.Geller –

He is also the father of Politico reporter Eric Geller and co-wrote a 2019 op-ed in the Washington Post, along with 16 other Watergate prosecutors, advocating for Trump’s impeachment.

Geller donated $200 to Joe Biden in March of this year and $100 to Biden in April of last year.

Gerald Goldman – Goldman, according to his byline on a 2018 opinion piece for NBC News, served as a volunteer attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council, an environmental organization that has been sharply critical of President Trump. He is also a former clerk for Supreme Court Justice William Brennan.

Jill Wine-Banks – She Tweeted: Meanwhile, he’s trying to undermine DOJ, FBI and our rule of law and justice by having Barr dismiss Flynn charges after guilty plea and lowering Stone sentencing recommendation. Dangerous. If reelected, nothing will stop him.

Do you see where I’m going with this?



Not a Conspiracy Any More










Episode 165 Show Notes – It’s Only Money

We are the richest country in the world. And we happen to be racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobic and miserable. But we’re rich. Let’s use it!

And the game changes in a month when the temperature goes to 100 degrees in Los Angeles. And the community activist bureaucrat is not going to have a say. Wait, this is Los Angeles which is in California. Maybe she will.


Money, Money, Money…Money!

From the DailyWire:

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and other House Democrats unveiled a shocking $3 trillion relief bill, nicknamed the “HEROES Act” — the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act — Tuesday, designed to serve as a fourth coronavirus relief package, The Hill reports.

  •  $375 billion bailout for states and cities — even those whose debt problems predate the novel coronavirus and affiliated lockdowns.
  • It also allocates $25 billion to the United States Postal Service.
  •  the HEROES Act splashes out $1.5 billion on “broadband hotspots,”
  • $175 billion to reimburse public health and social services organizations” for health care related expenses or lost revenue attributable to the coronavirus, as well as to support testing and contact tracing to effectively monitor and suppress COVID-19,”
  • $3.6 billion to states for “contingency planning, preparation, and resilience of elections for Federal office” — likely code for a national vote-by-mail program.
  • It adds $100 billion for healthcare providers, on top of the billions issued as part of the third coronavirus relief package, the CARES Act.
  • provides $75 billion to “states, territories, and tribes to address the ongoing needs of homeowners struggling to afford their housing due directly or indirectly to the impacts of the pandemic by providing direct assistance with mortgage payments, property taxes, property insurance, utilities, and other housing related costs.”
  • the House is giving $5 million to itself to buy “House imaged laptops due to COVID-19. In addition, this funding will support an increase in inventory of satellite phone, Mobile Wi-Fi Hotspots, and updated satellite bandwidth technologies to meet escalating demand of District Offices during COVID-19,”
  •  it continues the $1,200 monthly payments to individual taxpayers for at least three additional months
  • Pelosi’s bill gives an estimated $2.5 million to biofuel producers and $250 million to biodiesel.
  • Buried in the law are a few odd provisions that don’t require earmarks, including the ordered release of thousands of Federal prisoners and a suspension of cash bail requirements for those being held pending trial and marijuana subsidies (weed is mentioned 68 times in the bill while workers are only mention 20 times!).
  • cancels student loan debt for around 16 million borrowers and reduces payments for 9 million more
  •  the bill provides around $90 billion to states for K-12 education and $10 billion to higher education, including public universities, in a fund they can access directly.
  • The bill also includes a suspension of the SALT caps, which prohibited high-income taxpayers from deducting large amounts of their state and local taxes from their Federal income tax. These were included in the Trump tax cuts.


The bill is meant to be voted on in the House this Friday. It should barely pass. But it is dead when it hits the Senate.

What is wrong with these people?






Yeah, This is Going to Work

According to the LATimes:

Los Angeles County’s stay-at-home orders will “with all certainty” be extended for the next three months, county Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer acknowledged during a Board of Supervisors meeting Tuesday.

I had to do the math. That means this is going to be going on all the way through August.

“We are being guided by science and data that will safely move us forward along the road to recovery in a measured way—one that allows us to ensure that effective distancing and infection control measures are in place,” Ferrer said, adding that the county is counting on the public’s compliance with the orders to be able to relax restrictions.

“Our hope is that by using the data, we’d be able to slowly lift restrictions over the next three months.”

“I am eager to reopen more of L.A. County as soon as it’s safe to do so, in collaboration with our health experts, community leaders, businesses and residents, with best practices in place to ensure our overall health and well-being. These decisions will be guided by the latest science and data collected,” she said in a statement.”I’m confident that the more our communities continue to comply, the sooner we can resume normalcy.”

“We’re not moving past COVID-19, we’re learning to live with it — and we will keep taking measured steps toward a new, safer reality in the days and weeks ahead,” he said in a statement.

Gavin Newsom allowed this crap. I don’t blame him. This is how government is suppose to work. He said that counties should make the decisions. But, this is nuts.

So who is this broad that is making this decision.

Well, she’s the director of public health for the county of Los Angeles. That makes he a bureaucrat. Which means she was appointed, not voted for by the public.

Her education:

Ph.D. in Social Welfare from Brandeis University

Master of Arts in Public Health from Boston University

Master of Arts in Education from the University of Massachusetts, Boston

Bachelor of Arts in Community Studies from the University of California, Santa Cruz.

WTF?! Who is this person to determine policy? She’s a bureaucrat with no science degree or experience.

Here’s what going to happen:

  • The economy of Los Angeles will crash and the states economy is already crashing. This ain’t going to happen because Newsom will stop it. It won’t be right away, but not three months.
  • Small and medium businesses are going to open and practice the governmental standards.
  • People are not going to receive those $3000 checks in a month and they are going to want to work.
  • Domestic violence, drug abuse, alcohol abuse and crime are all going to go straight through the roof, overloading law enforcement (who can’t keep people in jail anyway because of the no-bail policy). Citizens will become victims. But the state doesn’t care.
  • Those with money will leave Los Angeles and, probably, the state. There go the tax payers.
  • It’ll be 95 degrees in Los Angeles by July. People are going to say, “F-it,” and go to the beach.


This is what is going to happen. This thing will not get that far.







Episode 164 Show Notes – Science So Sucks!

Remember this: It’s science until the science interferes with the science that proves one, greater victim group is oppressing another another, lesser victim group. Especially if the greater victim group is Black and the lesser victim group is white. Got it? Neither do a couple of attorneys in Connecticut.

We may be able to watch some live sports on television soon. But, of course, money is getting in the way.

And what is the media going to do when Trump is gone?


Apples and Oranges…Unless it’s Not Politically Correct

Three high school girls in Connecticut are embroiled in a legal dispute over the state’s decision to allow males who identify as “transgender” to compete on girls’ sports teams. Two boys in particular, Andraya Yearwood and Terry Miller, have been dominating the female circuit for a couple of years. Although they would be middling athletes if they competed against other boys, against the girls they have raked in the wins, together taking the first and second place trophies in some races. The lawsuit filed by Selina Soule, Alanna Smith, and Chelsea Mitchell — real girls, all — seeks to put a stop to this abject madness. But just as the track races are rigged against them, so, it seems, is the courtroom.

District Judge Robert Chatigny said:

“What I’m saying is you must refer to them as “transgender females” rather than as “males.” Again, that’s the more accurate terminology, and I think that it fully protects your client’s legitimate interests. Referring to these individuals as “transgender females” is consistent with science, common practice and perhaps human decency. To refer to them as “males,” period, is not accurate, certainly not as accurate, and I think it’s needlessly provocative. I don’t think that you surrender any legitimate interest or position if you refer to them as transgender females. That is what the case is about. This isn’t a case involving males who have decided that they want to run in girls’ events. This is a case about girls who say that transgender girls should not be allowed to run in girls’ events. So going forward, we will not refer to the proposed intervenors as “males”; understood?”

The lawyers are now calling for Chatigny to recuse himself, correctly pointing out that the judge had “destroyed the appearance of impartiality in this proceeding.”

This just shows how partisan this judge is. How can the plaintiffs argue that these boys, who still have male genitalia, have the unfair advantage of being male if the plaintiffs can’t claim they’re male?

What science is this judge talking about?

And what does common decency have to do with this? Isn’t it the decent thing to do is not compete against people that have an obvious physical disadvantage?

This insanity has to stop.



Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Major League Baseball has drafted a plan to restart the season in July as long as the teams can sell it to the players’ union on Tuesday.

Team owners are proposing to hold a truncated 82-game season.

Games will be played in team stadiums without fans, unless local rules prevent teams from using their home arenas, in which case teams will be allowed to move games to their practice and spring training facilities, instead.

Travel will be limited and teams will play within their geographic area.

Some rules will be changed, such as the National League’s prohibition against a designated hitter, to create a more uniform system of play since teams will largely be playing within their own divisions. Before every game, players and staff will be tested for the coronavirus, and team rosters will be expanded to 50 players with about 30 players active for each game.

The proposal would link player’s salaries for the 2020 season to the amount of revenue generated this year. In March, the union agreed to cut player salaries on a prorated game-by-game basis, but says the direct tie to league revenues is effectively the salary cap system that union officials have fought against for years.

“We lose money on every single game (without fans),” one league official told The Athletic. “We have to propose that they take something less than they already negotiated. We thought the most persuasive way to make that proposal was to explain: here’s what we’re going to make in revenue and we’ll split it with you and here’s how it turns into player salaries.”

Players’ union executive director Tony Clark said:

“A system that restricts player pay based on revenues is a salary cap, period. This is not the first salary cap proposal our union has received. It probably won’t be the last. None of this is beneficial to the process of finding a way for us to safely get back on the field and resume the 2020 season — which continues to be our sole focus.”

Leave it to the player’s union to worry about money. Maybe they should realize they are in a unique position and go with the flow a little.

I have already said that the first profession league that opens up is going to be the league that makes the most money. Maybe not with fans showing up to the stadiums but with television and advertising. I know I will be watching baseball because I’m tired of watching re-runs of football games.

Looks like the NFL and the UFC have the lead now.




Enough is Enough!

According to Vox:

After Trump prematurely declared victory over the coronavirus, lied about US testing capacity, and misled people about how America’s response stacks up to other countries in the world, Monday’s news conference ended with a bang.

His meltdown began when Weijia Jiang of CBS asked him to explain why he seems to be fixated on competing with other countries while 2,000 or so Americans continue to lose their lives each day from the coronavirus. Trump fired back by telling her to “ask China.”

“Don’t ask me — ask China that question,” Trump said.

Jiang, who is Asian American and who previously said that a White House official referred to the coronavirus as the “Kung-Flu” to her face, followed up by asking Trump, “Sir, why are you saying that to me, specifically?”

“I’m telling you,” Trump said, “I’m not saying it specifically to anybody. I’m saying it to anybody who would ask a nasty question like that.”

Trump followed that seconds later up by throwing a tantrum when Kaitlan Collins of CNN tried to ask him a question, then storming away.

In sum, Trump’s performance featured a baseless conspiracy about America’s first black president, incendiary comments toward an Asian American journalist, and then a press conference-ending fit. This shtick may have served him well at times, but in the context of the pandemic, one can see why his advisers reportedly concluded weeks ago that these press conferences are doing him no favors.


Yeah… no. Here’s the actual confrontation.

So here’s what happened:

  • Weijia Jiang asked a nasty question. Probably because Trump was right about the U.S. response and wanted to throw him off. His answer was appropriate. The U.S. didn’t start this and it wasn’t Trump’s fault that the virus is here. It’s the Chinese Virus that killed Americans, not Trump’s response.
  • It takes Jiang a couple of seconds to come up with a race thing and she starts giving him crap. Trump ignores her and calls Kaitlan Collins of CNN, who doesn’t say anything and lets Jiang chirp away.
  • Trump calls on another reporter and Collins starts chirping that she was being passed over. Trump rightly says she had a chance to ask a question and didn’t respond. Trump continues to point at another reporter and Collins keeps bitching.
  • Trump says thank you twice and walks away.


It didn’t look like Trump threw any type of fit. He just got tired of getting yelled at and walked away. As he should do in every press conference. Nice guys finish last and there’s nothing he can do to win with these people. He could cure cancer and solve world hunger in the same day and they would still accuse him of something.

But what gets me is the nastiness of the article.




Little More Little Richard

Tutti Fruiti by Little Richard (1956).


Episode 163 – It’s Time to Get Serious

I knew this would happen. I’m just surprised it took three days.

We will be killing grandma if we carefully open the country according to the Left. But what ideas do they have?

Even the liberals in California have had enough.

And there is nothing like politicizing the death of a great singer.


That Only Took Three Days

According to Fox News:

Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms said

“It’s 2020 and this was a lynching of an African-American man. My heart goes out to the family. With the rhetoric we hear coming out of the White House, many who are prone to being racist are given permission to do it in an overt way we wouldn’t see in 2020.”

I would ask a few questions with this stupid statement.

  • How does rhetoric promote murder?
  • And what rhetoric did Trump use?


We already know that the “rhetoric” she is referencing is about Charlottesville, which has been already been proven to be edited in a way that changed the speech. Outside of that speech, I am not aware of any rhetoric Trump has said that would support this type of violence against African Americans.

Rev. James Woodall, state president of the Georgia NAACP said:

“The modern-day lynching of Mr. Arbery is yet another reminder of the vile and wicked racism that persists in parts of our country. The slothfulness and inaction of the judicial system, in this case, is a gross testament to the blatant white racial privileges that permeates throughout our country and our institutions.”

So there will be a riot in Georgia. Because people cannot just calm their jets until we find out what’s going on.



So What’s Your Idea?

This is from Vox.com

But is the public health situation really all that different than when lockdowns began in March? According to epidemiologists, no. Although the situation varies from place to place, now, in general, doesn’t appear to be the best time for Americans to return to close proximity to one another.

There are four main reasons:

Nationally, the outbreak has either peaked or plateaued. But there is a lot of infection still out there.

While the toll of the pandemic has been immense — there have been more than 76,000 recorded deaths in the United States as of May 8 — the vast majority of the population still has not been infected, has no immunity, and is fully susceptible.

This virus is fundamentally very contagious, sneaky, and deadly. That’s as true as ever.

The US has wasted lockdown time: It needs more testing, more contact tracing, targeted isolation of infected people, and the quarantining of their contacts. It also needs more research into social distancing to know what relaxed measures are safe.

This lays out the question: If everyone else’s idea is bad, what is your idea? This is a major thing with the Left, and Vox is as Leftist as it gets. Don’t just point out the problems but bring solutions. Anyone can just regurgitate problems.

Also, the Left’s motives are a bit iffy at best. They seem (sic) to want to keep the economy closed for a boat load of reasons

  • The Trump economy was killing the Left and there chances. Keeping the economy closed will ruin the economy and they can blame Trump. This can backfire.
  • The Left wants to expand the government. They hope that the “temporary” changes can become permanent.
  • The Left wants to change the system. They want the Green New Deal, Medicare for all, universal basic income, free college just to name a few changes.
  • The Left wants to replace capitalism, which they see as the cause of this mess, with socialism. This is why the United States has to be the worst while Europe and China are way ahead of us in dealing with this thing (which they are not).


I think articles like this are irresponsible, worthless and dangerous.




Even the Liberals in California are Fed Up

Josie and I went to Newport Beach this weekend. We got sick and tired of being at home. It was awesome!

  • We had a great conversation while driving.
  • There was no traffic. Unheard of on the 5 and 405 on a weekend.
  • We couldn’t find parking and never had so much fun with it. We laughed at all the spaces being marked off by the city to limit the number of people there. It didn’t work.
  • No one had a mask on but everyone was social distancing. In fact, we got lectured by a guy who told us masks were stupid.
  • Cops were everywhere and the beach and boardwalk were packed. Weird because the beach was officially closed.
  • Every store was opened but restaurants had no seating.


Of course, this is California. We saw a guy taking a dump in a bag at a bus stop and wiping his butt with his hand then dump the bag in a trash can. There were also a ton of homeless people, which was surprising. This is a very rich area.

But it isn’t just Newport Beach that is flipping out.

According to the DailyWire:

The Professional Beauty Federation of California will file a lawsuit against Governor Gavin Newsom (D-CA) in an effort to speed up the reopening timeline for the barber and salon industry, which has been categorized as a phase three high-risk businesses, along with gyms and movie theaters.

“The PBFC has decided to sue Governor Newsom to force him to reopen our salons much sooner than his vowed ‘months not weeks’ timeline,” said the organization in a statement on Thursday, in reference to comments the governor made last month about stage three and four being “months, not weeks” away.

Newsom has since distanced himself, at least partially, from his nail salon comments, observing on Friday that he has a “deep reverence for those entrepreneurs” and that phase three “may not even be a month away,” according to the LA Times.

“We’re trying to do everything we can to accommodate the needs of every industry, including the nail salon industry, to make sure we do it in a safe and responsible way,” said Newsom.

According to The Daily Beast, the federation has already made up its mind about challenging the governor, and plans to file a lawsuit on Monday

“We were 100 percent behind the lockdown, so that we would not overwhelm our hospitals,” Jones told The Daily Beast. “However, after two months of the lockdown, in which, by Gov. Newsom’s own admission, we have succeeded — we have checked the mark, we have flattened the curve.”

“A lot of our stylists are on the brink of starvation in order to make their leases and make ends meet,” said Jones.


The following is courtesy of CNN:

Tesla filed suit Saturday night against Alameda County, California, after local officials there refused to let the company reopen its Fremont factory.

Elon Musk Tweeted:

“Frankly, this is the final straw. Tesla will now move its HQ and future programs to Texas/Nevada immediately.”

The automaker had planned to allow a fraction of its factory workers to return to work by Friday, but was warned by the Alameda County Health Department in a livestreamed town hall on Friday that such a move would be violating the county’s rules.

“This has been a collaborative, good faith effort to develop and implement a safety plan that allows for reopening while protecting the health and well-being of the thousands of employees who travel to and from work at Tesla’s factory,” the Alameda Health Department responded on Saturday in a statement to CNN Business. “The team at Tesla has been responsive to our guidance and recommendations, and we look forward to coming to an agreement on an appropriate safety plan very soon.”

California Gov. Gavin Newsom had issued new guidance Thursday allowing manufacturing companies to reopen, which allowed individual counties to enforce stricter rules. Alameda County’s shelter-in-place rule ends on May 31.

Musk Tweeted:

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas tweeted Saturday, “Come to Texas! We would welcome Tesla HQ in Texas. We love jobs & Texans very much want to open up & get back to work (while still staying safe & following sound science). We make lots of cars & trucks in Texas, and we’d love more!!”




RIP Little Richard

From Tom Scocca at Slate entitled Little Richard’s Music was Dangerous, But So is Freedom

” The contemporary pop charts were extremely queer and extremely closeted, to a degree that’s probably impossible to convey to anyone who grew up on the 21st century—such a degree that even if you were personally oriented toward heterosexuality and cis identity, it was impossible to shake the sense that everything the popular culture was saying about meaning and desire was confounding bullshit, meant to conceal. The story rock and roll tells and retells about itself, in corny self-important tones, is about liberation and rebellion, but by the time I was out of middle school, that story was being told by Kenny Loggins or the retro-counter-appropriationist guitar freakout of a time-traveling Michael J. Fox. The youth culture had grown up to inflict Reaganism and hair metal on the people behind them. The most dangerous thing would have been not to have heard Little Richard.”

“Little Richard had already heard and lived the contradictions everyone was busily trying to ignore. He was joyously black under white tyranny, flamboyantly queer under straight tyranny, deeply God-troubled under the tyranny of secular commercial fame. It all came clattering and swaggering back out in fury and delight, in well under three minutes, if not two. It seemed self-evident, but nothing ever was (I dubbed the LP onto a cassette and tried popping it into the tape deck in a car full of other guys, and it got replaced with U2 in very short order). ”

Wow! Maybe Little Richard was just a great singer and showed passion when singing because he loved what he was doing.

And, if he was gay, so what (he said he was bisexual)? Why does everything have to be made into some political statement? This guy had to worry about civil rights and Dred Scott and things like that. Was being gay even a thing back then?

Richard Wayne Penniman (December 5, 1932 – May 9, 2020), better known as Little Richard, was an American singer, songwriter, and musician. He was an influential figure in popular music and culture for seven decades.



Episode 162 Show Notes – The Truth is Coming to the Surface

A video is released showing the killing of a black man in a small Georgian town. Is the outrage warranted?

Former New Jersey governor, Chris Christy, gets a victory from the Supreme Court based on the Bridge-gate scandal.

A Texas salon owner, jailed for opening her store, is released from jail and prompts the the Texas governor to ban jail for those opening their businesses. This brings us to the real question: What is a necessary job? My girlfriend and I had a big fight over this one.

And the Michael Flynn drama is finally over. The media is flipping out.


At First Sight

Back in February, a 25-year old black man named Ahmaud Arbery was jogging through a coastal town neighborhood in Georgia.

He was stopped by three people in two cars and accused of burglury. A struggle ensued and Arbery she shot and killed. The case was investigated and, amazingly, forgotten. It was never in the news. The men were father Greg McMichael and his son, Travis McMichael.

The entire time, Arbery’s mother had claimed that her son was innocent and was murdered.

This week, a video was released of the shooting. The video shows Arbery running with a truck stopped in front of him In the bed of the truck is an older man with a handgun and the driver out of the car with a shotgun.

Arbery tried to run around the passenger side of the truck then a struggle ensued with the man wit the shot gun. Arbery ended up shot twice. The video was taken by one of the people who were there to confront Arbery.

Here is a quick look at the facts:

  • One of the men was a detective and investigator for the DA of the county.
  • The men claimed there were two shots when the video showed that there were three shots.
  • The men claimed that they were on the side of the road when Arbery was shot when, in fact, the truck was stopped in the middle of the street, blocking Arbery’s way.
  • They said they suspected Arbery in a string of burgleries in the neighborhood. According to records, there weren’t any string of robberies in the neighborhood.



This looks bad. And now that the video came out, two district attornies have recused themselves and a DA from another county has called for a grand jury. This is going to trial.

Of course, the media is making this into a race thing. It might be but we don’t know. What we do know is that the kid was running through a construction site. So what? That not a crime. I run through a lot of places when I run. And what is he going to steal?

There’s going to be more to come on this one. I have a feeling that there might be a protest or two coming in the near future as more information comes out.

As I am talking about this, the father and son who killed Arbery have been arrested and charged with murder. I guess I should have enacted to Bongino rule and waited a day.



Do You Even Remember This?

On Thursday, the Supreme Court unanimously agreed to overturn federal convictions in the infamous “Bridgegate scandal” from 2013, where two toll lanes on the George Washington Bridge were inexplicably closed, resulting in a massive traffic pile-up. Later, it was revealed that several of then-Governor Chris Christie’s allies were involved in the closure, which was allegedly enacted as a political retaliation against Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich for not endorsing Christie for governor.

According to Fox News, former New Jersey officials Bridget Kelly and Bill Baroni were acquitted by the Supreme Court on federal charges of fraud for closing the George Washington Bridge. Though the court acknowledged that the lane closure was enacted for political purposes against the Fort Lee mayor, the action was not tantamount to criminal fraud in light of the fact that they were not out to obtain money or property.

“The question presented is whether the defendants committed property fraud. The evidence the jury heard no doubt shows wrongdoing – deception, corruption, abuse of power,” Justice Elena Kagan wrote in the court’s unanimous opinion. “But the federal fraud statutes at issue do not criminalize all such conduct.”

Of course, Chris Christy is calling this a major victory and an absolution of the sins of his people. It wasn’t. It was unethical and probably happened just the way it was claimed but we can’t call it fraud or corruption because mney wasn’t involved.

Who cares. New Jersey is a crappy state anyway.




Why Is Every Tyrant a Democrat?

Shelley Luther was sentenced Tuesday to a week in jail and a $7,000 fine for opening her salon in defiance of state orders, The Daily Wire reported.

Republican Governor Greg Abbott of Texas has since amended his executive orders so Texans who attempt to work against state orders will not be subject to confinement.

Eric Moye is a Left-wing hack.




Finally Over

General Mike Flynn has had charges dropped by the Department of Justice.




Episode 161 Show Notes – Hey, That’s a Nice Suit!

Trump releases an ad that makes CNN look bad.

California tries to eliminate more sources of income.

Tyranny is showing its ugly face in Chicago and other places.

And let’s look at when virtue signaling goes wrong.


Was It That Bad?

The Trump campaign released another video. It was heavily devastating against those who think Trump has bungled this entire Wuhan flu thing.

I don’t think he did. A lot of people think he did a good job. The polls show it.

But, CNN was not so impressed. Watch:

So CNN, which was about 5 seconds of the video, and probably will viewed by more people than their news cast is viewed by decided to sue the Trump campaign based on manipulated video and a manipulated message. They issued the following statement:

“A lawyer for CNN’s parent company WarnerMedia has written a cease-and-desist letter to President Trump’s re-election campaign over the misleading contents of a new campaign ad. WarnerMedia says the Trump ad is misusing CNN news coverage in a way that’s ‘false, misleading and deceptive.’”

But, as CNN‘s Brian Stelter explains, the network maintains that the framing and the editing of that exchange is “misleading,” giving the impression that Blitzer and Gupta are specifically referencing Trump’s travel ban rather than the broader social distancing measures recommended by his administration. Stelter reports:

The ad takes a segment from CNN’s “The Situation Room” out of context. On March 30, anchor Wolf Blitzer asked Dr. Sanjay Gupta, “Well, is it accurate that if these steps had not been put in place, the stay at home orders, the social distancing orders, as the President said yesterday, it could have been 2 million people down here in the United States?”

Gupta responded, “I mean, you know, these are all models, Wolf. It’s a little tough to say, but, you know, if you talk about something that is spreading, you know, very robustly throughout a community. You know, two to three times more contagious than flu, and up to 10 times, perhaps even more than that, more deadly than flu, then yes.”

Blitzer’s question was about “stay at home orders” and social distancing, but in the campaign ad, that portion of his question was omitted. After Blitzer and Gupta are shown on screen, the ad cuts to taped video that invokes Trump’s restrictions on travel from China, like an airport screen showing cancelled flights.

OK. Trump issued stay-at-home recommendations. He also closed the borders. What, exactly, is CNN bitching about? The stay-at-home orders, that he never issued but recommended? Really? That’s the argument?

That portion of the add was, maybe, five seconds in that minute add. And Trump should fight it. And he should point out the lawsuit. And embarrass CNN, hardly a news organization, more.

I have watch Gupta during interviews. He’s not a black-and-white guy. Blitzer asked him balck-and-white questions which Gupta didn’t answer and even became confused about. Finally, Blitzer asked a black-and-white question Gupta could answer. And he did. Done.

Here’s the thing: the other 55 seconds of the video, made up of clips from Democratic governors, is undisputed. This temper-tantrum of a lawsuit just shows the bias of CNN.



I Guess I’m Walking

Uber and Lyft were hit with a fresh lawsuit on Tuesday by California Attorney General Xavier Becerra and a coalition of city attorneys who allege the companies are misclassifying their workers in violation of a new state law.

Under the California law, which went into effect on January 1 and is known as Assembly Bill 5 or AB-5, companies must prove workers are free from company control and perform work outside the usual course of business in order classify workers as independent contractors rather than employees.
The lawsuit, filed in San Francisco County Superior Court, accuses Uber and Lyft of depriving workers of protections, including a minimum wage, overtime, paid sick leave, and unemployment insurance, that they would be entitled to as employees.
“Californians who drive for Uber and Lyft lack basic worker protections — from paid sick leave to the right to overtime pay. Uber and Lyft claim their drivers aren’t engaged in the companies’ core mission and cannot qualify for benefits,” said Becerra in a statement. “Sometimes it takes a pandemic to shake us into realizing what that really means and who suffers the consequences.”
The lawsuit seeks restitution for the workers as well as civil penalties that, taken together, could amount to hundreds of millions of dollars.



By the Way, How Many Were Shot This Weekend









Ease Off the Creatine, Chris





Actress Gabrielle Union

This past February, Union and her husband, former NBA star Dwayne Wade, revealed that their 12-year-old son now identifies as a female. Appearing on the Ellen DeGeneres show on Monday, Union said that she deserves no recognition for supporting her son’s transition because all parents should love that. Ellen praised Union for having such unconditional love.

“I know this is silly to say because, you know, who doesn’t love their children unconditionally, but I guess a lot of people don’t. But it’s so amazing how supportive you’ve both been,” said Ellen, as reported by Newsbusters.

“I mean, to us, it’s a little odd to get any kind of recognition for doing what, you know, you are supposed to do, which is love and accept and embrace your kids. So it’s odd to get recognition for that,” responded Union. “But unfortunately there are so many people who just don’t. They just don’t. And so many people who really truly feel like their kids are disposable. If they’re not perfect images of them, they aren’t interested. And it’s heartbreaking. So for us, we are just doing what’s natural to us and loving her. There she is! There is our girl. Yeah, we just want happy, healthy, you know, compassionate kids.”

“Zaya is very, very lucky to have both of you as parents and it is unfortunate that a lot of people have children thinking they can mold them and make them who they want them to be and have a certain idea of what they are supposed to turn out like. But they all turn out different,” said Ellen.

“We are proud, when I say proud, we are proud parents of a child in the LGBTQ+ community, and we are proud allies, as well,” Wade said on the show.

“I think going forward I’m ready to live my truth,” Wade recalled his son telling him upon coming out as transgender. “I wanna be referenced as ‘she’ and ‘her’ and I would love for you guys to call me Zaya.”

“I watched my son, from day one, become into who she now eventually come into,” he told the “All the Smoke” podcast. “And for me … nothing changes in my love. Nothing changes in my responsibilities. So, all I had to do now is get smarter educate myself more. And that’s my job,” he continued, noting, “You want to talk about strength and courage, my 12-year-old has way more than I have. You can learn something from your kids.”


There’s More

Next week, a prime-time special version of the iconic game show “The Price Is Right” will air featuring drag queen RuPaul playing to raise money for Planned Parenthood.

Broadway World reported, “Since 2009, RuPaul has executive produced and hosted the reality competition series ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race,’ which airs on VH1, for which he received six Primetime Emmy Awards in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. RuPaul is the most commercially successful drag queen of all time, and in 2017 he was included in the annual Time 100 list of the most influential people in the world.”

Deadline added, “CBS aired two The Price Is Right at Night specials in December which proved to be ratings winners. David Boreanaz, Max Thieriot, Neil Brown Jr., AJ Buckley, Toni Trucks, Justin Melnick and Dita the dog from the CBS action drama SEAL Team appeared on the special and became the most-watched entertainment program of its night wile Seth Rogen was chosen to ‘come on down’ and his episode became the top broadcast of the night in viewers and all key demos.”

RuPaul  told Marie Claire magazine that his mother used to work at Planned Parenthood, stating, “Women in our culture have been so marginalized and so really beaten down. We live in a masculine-dominated culture. How dare some man tell a woman what to do with her body. That is outrageous! Outrageous. As a human, that is a big issue for me that really strikes a chord.”






Episode 160 Show Notes – Creepy Joe Earns His Name

California has decided to go the way of tyranny but does Gov. Gavin Newsome have the stones to enforce anything.

Sweden does something, I don’t know, insane. Because of the Wuhan Flu.

That brings up a point: How stupid has this whole Wuhan Flu thing gotten?

The women’s United States soccer team gets smoked in court.

And Morning Joe roasts Sleepy, Creepy Joe.


Gavin Newsom: Tyrant?

Earlier this week, Gov. Gavin Newsom




Sweden Did What Now?




A Blast to Feminism





Ugh! He May Be Done










Episode 159 Show Notes – No Touchy, Creepy Joe!

Joe Biden’s accuser seems to have quite a bit more circumstantial evidence as a tape shows up showing that Tara Read has been telling people about the alleged assault.

The media keeps making the Wuhan flu into a race thing.

President Trumps is getting sued and the media tries to hide why. I actually have to talk to my immigrant girlfriend to see if I was missing time. All I needed to do was read the rest of the story to answer.

Leave it to Slate to give me a great laugh on a Sunday morning.

And could some I enjoy so much really spread COVID-19?


I Think We Hit the “Credible” Stage

I never really talked about this because these kinds of reports usually come with no evidence. In fact, they do not become news stories for decades and usually have no evidence, so I just ignore them.

But, this story, not becoming a story, has really ticked me off. And, now, it is looking credible. So my big question is: Where is everyone?

Just to catch you up with the story, Tara Reade, an aid to Joe Biden, accused Sleepy, Creepy Joe Biden of sexual assault back in the 1990s. I didn’t talk much about it because I’m tired to 30-year-old accusations being made into a big deal, even if it’s against a guy I don’t like.

But it did tick me off the the media was ignoring it. This wasn’t a groping. This was an actual sexual assault (I won’t go into the details). And, as time has past, it has become more and more credible.

And, here’s to CNN. When Brett Kavanaugh was accused of sexual assault and leading a gang rape ring, with no evidence and no credible witnesses (I do not consider Blaisey Ford a credible witness, never have) and with witnesses who actually countered the accusations, CNN had 700 stories about Kavanaugh. Seven hundred stories!

Up until now, nothing about Sleepy, Creepy Joe.

First, let’s look at Reade’s circumstantial evidence. It is circumstantial. None of this means he’s guilty. In fact, I’m not even accusing Biden of being a perv (he is though). I’m complaining about something else.

  • Reade immediately quit as Biden’s aid.
  • Reade filed a complaint that fell on dead ears.
  • Reade told her husband, mother and family and friends, explaining why she quit.
  • Reade told all these people what happened and that it was Biden.
  • Friends and family of Reade said she told them.
  • Reade still liked Biden and that’s why she never went to the press.


Mind you, this is all circumstantial evidence. Doesn’t mean anything. But CNN never said a word about it. The other press organizations mentioned it but never investigated.

Well, CNN decided to have a report about it on April 25. That’s Saturday. Two weeks after the story came out. Why all of a sudden had CNN found God? Not because of the ethical reporting standards of CNN had become enlightened. But because Reade’s mother called in to the Larry King show…on CNN!

What a shock. CNN waited until it was pointed out that CNN already had the story. They talked about Kavanaugh 700 times. No evidence. Then CNN has evidence from their own network that make Reade’s story valid and they hide it. They wait until day before yesterday and failed to report it until then.

Listen to how the female VP prospect for Biden are reacting:

Hmm. The leading resource on new, huh?



It’s All About Race

So the LATimes reported that blacks and Hispanics are more susceptible to the Wuhan flu.

Kind of amazing. When Trump called the virus the Chinese flu, basing this statement as a condemnation of the government of China, not of the Chinese people. Let’s remember: the Chinese people suffered from the disease and the forced social distancing policies.

Well, they are still suffering. Retail stores were closed again last week. Guess it ain’t over there.

The Los Angeles Times released an article stating that more black and Hispanic people are dying between the ages of 18 and 64.

Recent deaths also reveal the major role that underlying health conditions such as heart disease, obesity, diabetes and asthma play in the amplified suffering of black and brown communities.

“None of us knew what the numbers would look like. But we know that this is going to disproportionately affect communities that have fewer resources, have higher rates of underlying disease,” said Angell. “That’s the reality of inequities in our country. It’s something that we’re working very hard to address. It’s not acceptable. It’s not just.” – Dr. Sonia Angell, director of the California Department of Public Health.

“None of us knew what the numbers would look like. But we know that this is going to disproportionately affect communities that have fewer resources, have higher rates of underlying disease,” said Angell. “That’s the reality of inequities in our country. It’s something that we’re working very hard to address. It’s not acceptable. It’s not just.”

The article goes on to bring up crap like family losing a loved on and bad America and so forth.

But the story kind of glides over a few things. Like pre-existing conditions such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease were kind of skipped.

Here are some questions I would like answered:

  • How are preexisting conditions systemic?
  • Are there cultural issues that are creating these preexisting conditions?
  • Are there social issues causing this disease?
  • Are there cultural issues that are spreading the disease? Social distancing?


None of the questions are answered.




Is This Really a Thing?




Oh Jeez!






Dumb Gets Dumber





Episode 158 Show Notes – Never Let a Good Crisis Stop Socialism

It’s getting cooler in the United States as President Trump drops a deep freeze on immigration.

Kim Jong Un might need to ease up of eating bats and go for a run.

And oil is cheaper than toilet paper! This is the perfect time for AOC to screw up!


Um, What’s the Big Deal

“As we all know, millions of Americans sacrificed their jobs in order to battle the virus and save the lives of our fellow citizens,” said Trump. “We have a solemn duty to ensure these unemployed Americans regain their jobs and their livelihood.”

“In order to protect American workers, I will be issuing a temporary suspension of Immigration into the United States,” said Trump. “By pausing immigration, we’ll help put unemployed Americans first in line for jobs as America re-opens.”

“It would be wrong and unjust for Americans laid off by the virus to be replaced with new immigrant labor flown in from abroad,” said Trump. “We must first take care of the American worker.”

Exceptions include necessary jobs such as healthcare and families that are already here.

Of course, the media is making something that is so uncontroversial into a big deal.

“Since the outbreak, the White House has been using the virus to justify increased restrictions on immigration, they’ve basically been working up to this. A move like this, though, would be absolutely unprecedented and would essentially shut down the legal immigration system. And one thing that’s certain, this is definitely going to be challenged in court, opponents are calling this xenophobic.”said ABC News reporter Cecilia Vega.


Every other country is doing this. Heck, Florida doesn’t want people from New York. Double heck, Michigan doesn’t want people traveling from one home to another home within Michigan.

Trump’s main argument is illegal immigration, not legal immigration.




Good Riddance to Bad Trash

Kin Jong Un is, supposedly, in critical condition after heart surgery.

“Well, these are reports that came out, and we don’t know,” Trump responded. “We don’t know. I’ve had a very good relationship with him. I can only say this: I wish him well, because if he is in the kind of condition that the reports say, that the news is saying, that’s a very serious condition.”

“But I wish him well. We’ve had a good relationship. I’ve said it,” Trump continued. “I’ve said it many times: If somebody else were in this position, we would have been right now at war with North Korea. And we are not at war. We are nowhere close to war with North Korea. I just have to say to Kim Jong Un, I wish him very good luck. Good luck. They came out with a very serious medical reports.”

My opinion? Who cares. He’s garbage and I hope he’s already dead and roasting marsh mellows in hell.



Just a Dumbass

Oil is another commodity that has been taking a beating this week. Oil crashed to a record low of -$37.63 per barrel. That’s right. If I have a barrel of oil and I want to sell it to you, I would have to pay you $37.63.

There are several reasons for this.

  • Contracts in West Texas are ending and the final shipments of oil are being sent to refineries. The refineries do not have enough storage for all the refined oil so the contracts will expire. That means drillers are out of luck and they will have to stop drilling.
  • There is an oil war between Russia and Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has decided to over produce in hopes of lowering the oil prices to the point Russia cannot sell their stock. Since the Russian economy is weaker, Saudi Arabia hopes to wait out the war.
  • Finally, there’s no demand for oil. No one in the world is allowed out of their houses so no one is driving.


There’s good and bad news about this.

First, the good news. Which isn’t that great. Our gas will go down. In certain states, gasoline has gone under $1 a gallon. Of course, no one is going anywhere. So we are not really taking advantage of that.

The bad news is people will lose their jobs. They will lose their jobs from the drilling companies (especially west Texas) and the refinery plants (because companies have no need to refine oil).

Enter the mental giant, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. She released the following Tweet right after the oil crash:

So AOC likes to see the crash of a portion of the economy so that we can implement more expensive forms of the same energy that no one needs. What an idiot.

And she claims that she is for the working person. Really? The drilling companies are going to lay off. The refineries are going to lay off. Tens of thousands are going to be out of work thanks to this oil glut. So much about giving a damn about the worker.

She deleted the Tweet. But then said this:

And that’s her thing. She doesn’t care about people’s lives. She doesn’t care about the workers. She wants everyone unemployed so they will depend on the government and expand government’s power.

Because she’s part of the government, her power will be expanded.

This whole load of crap about her caring about the environment is pure gas lighting. She doesn’t care about the environment. She only cares about power. And the only way she is going to get power is by the people of this country being dependent on the government. In other words, implement socialism. She is such a terrible human being.

And stupid.


How About Some Zep









Episode 157 Show Notes – Good Luck Returning That!

I think this montage from the Daily Wire says it all about what is happening in our country right now.

What path are we going on? How can we stop it?


A Glimpse of Tyranny

There have been a lot of questions about whether or not politicians were going to take the Wuhan virus crisis and try to change our way of life. And it looks like we are getting the answers.

This could not be so obvious as it is in Michigan.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has put in place an order, enforcing stay-at-home orders during the outbreak. Now, normally, I would not say much to this. We should be social distancing and staying in as much as possible. The problem is Whitmer has taken it to a different level.

  • She has ban social gatherings of any kind and enforces this with fines and arrests.
  • She has banned travel of any kind, even within the state. If someone has two houses, he can’t travel between houses or risk a fine.
  • She has banned all “non-essential surgeries including heart and joint replacement surgeries.
  • She has ordered that stores must rope off parts of the stores that sell “non-essential” items such as paint, flooring, plants and seeds.
  • She has ordered the closing of gun stores.


Now, this might be O.K. except for what she allows.

  • The selling of pot and alcohol. I guess those are essential.
  • The exemption of travel for government employees.
  • Abortion is still allowed.


“A woman’s health care, her whole future, her ability to decide if and when she starts a family is not an election, it is a fundamental to her life,” she added. “It is life-sustaining, and it’s something that government should not be getting in the middle of.”

Meanwhile, a cop is arrested for playing catch with his six-year-old at an empty public park.

Am Easter prayer service on church grounds, where all the participants are praying in their cars, is raided by police and broken up.

The people decided they were not going to have any of this and started a protest called Operation Gridlock. This was made up of thousands driving around the capital building, blasting their horns. The message was clear:

The cure cannot be worse than the disease. And they are willing to risk their lives to re-open the country and salvage our freedom.

How did Gov. Whitmer respond to the protest? By saying she may have to put out more restrictions.

But Michigan isn’t the only place that is throwing a fit.

In California, Los Angeles is having trouble keeping people away from the skate parks in Venice Beach. Now, I understand that now being allowed to go to school doesn’t mean running to a skate park. But the city decided to fill the skate park with sand, essentially making it unusable.

In New York, Mayor Bill De Blasio, who already is a communist tyrant, released this chilling message:

That’s right: De Blasio wants you to report on your neighbor so “enforcement” can be contacted and the offender can be educated, or re-educated, on being obedient to the will of the government. All we need are some guys in brown shirts loading the “uneducated” into some cattle cars and shipped off to a gulag.

Here’s the good news: Americans know about what we had to do, the lives that were lost, in order to gain and keep our freedom. We won’t tolerate our government overstepping its bounds and trying to take our freedom away.

This should also make Democrats happen because Donald Trump has proven he is not a fascist. He used the Defense Production Act power to the minimum. From what I’ve heard only four times. He has never declared martial law, mandated anything (only offering suggestions), taken power away from state and local government and wants this thing to end as soon as possible to get life back to normal.

Democrats look like the fascists. They look like the tyrants. And, looking that Donald Trump is up to a 52% approval rating, they are going to get killed in the next election.

Unless they can get what they want. We need to talk about that in the next podcast. Because the Democrats are now trying to steal the next election.




Stupid Montage of the Day from Grabien

Grabien released another awesome montage about how the media reacted to the suspension of funds to the World Health Organization. Listen:

And they keep going.

Steven Colbert, Jimmie Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon are holding the “One World” online special to raise funds for, you guessed it, the World Health Organization.

Now, I already complained about the WHO. It was their incompetence and promoting of Chinese propaganda that caused this mess. In fact, 95% of this mess probably wouldn’t have happened if China and the WHO were honest and attacked this virus.

Here’s the thing: I don’t think we should give up on the WHO. They are smart people. Most are concerned with stopping the contagions in the world. But leadership needs to be replaced. All they have to do is get rid of the leadership and start over.

The World Health Organization needs to be concerned about the world’s health and not Chinese politics.

By the way, the WHO said that wet markets should be allowed to re-open. Yeah, the same markets that they said caused this whole thing should re-open.

There is a caveat. the wet markets need to meet stringent health standards. I’m sure we’ll see the WHO at the Chinese wet markets buying bats dogs and snakes for dinner.

Yeah, we should be giving the WHO $500 million a year.




You Bought It, Now Live with It

This is a refreshing story.

Some idiot in Australia tried to return some stuff at a grocery store and the manager released a viral video saying what happened.

John-Paul Drake from Drake’s Grocery Store told the following story:

“I had my first customer yesterday who said he wanted to get a refund on a 150 packets of 32-pack toilet paper and 150 units of one liter sanitizer!” Drake said. “I told him [shows middle finger] that. That is the sort of person that is causing the problem in the whole country.”

Good for him! Way to be a great American hero even though you are from southern Australia.



Closing Song

Finally, I took the DNA test from Ancestry and made a rather shocking discovery: I am 50% Irish/Scottish/British. almost 40% Irish. They even know what town I originated.

I think I always knew this because I’ve always been partial to American Celtic Punk. One of my favorite bands is the Dropkick Murphys, a band from Boston.

My favorite song might sound familiar. It’s from The Departed, a movie about the Irish mob in Boston. I’m not from Boston, I’m from Chicago. Chicago has a different type of mob. But my Irish grandmother is from Boston. And that’s good enough.

Let’ listen to I’m Shipping Off to Boston by the Dropkick Murphys. The only song where xylophones sound cool.

