No agreement here.
We must agree to disagree,
Or chaos ensues.
Is Civil War in our Future?
I was talking to someone who lived through the turbulent 60s and asked her how it compares today. I was born in 1968 so don’t know anything about the 60s. She said things are far worse today. She said people then were more unhappy about the Vietnam War and government corruption. There was racism and anger about the struggle of implementing the Civil Rights Act.
She said that anger went through the 1970s. Watergate, the oil crisis, the Iranian hostages and an economic recession. It was a mess. And I haven’t even mentioned Disco.
But, throughout this time, there was never a thought that the country was in crisis. There was never a serious thought of overthrowing the government. The news media did not lionize the hippies. Though sympathetic to their cause, the Black Panthers were seen as a criminal group.
There was still a lot that united us. Iran was holding 49 Americans and our people wanted them back. There was the Cold War which gave us a united enemy. And the Soviet Union was evil. I haven’t even mentioned we all agreed disco was evil.
But we got through that. The United States hockey team beat the Soviets in Olympic hockey. Ronald Reagan established American pride. The first space shuttle launched. The economy grew. We became respected militarily. The Soviet Union fell. It was the start of thirty years of relative peace (except for that 9/11 thing but even that we all agreed on).
Today, we are in trouble. That’s because we have the same distinct groups but we are so far apart that there can not be a center. What do I mean by that?
Abortion is a great example. In fact, it might be one of the reason we are not so close anymore. There appears to only be one of two choices when it comes to abortion: for or against. I, along with a lot of other people, will argue that an absolute truth is very hard to find. Abortion in no different. There are compelling arguments on both side of the argument. I must point out that the child being “just” a clump of cells is, scientifically, not one of them. It went from a black-and-white issue to a shades-of-gray issue.
And I treat it like that.
Let’s just say in the case of rape. I do not believe abortion is a great idea in the case of rape. It’s not important why I think that now. Maybe we can talk about that later. But, I do see how one can be for abortion in the cases of rape. And that’s fine. This argument is used all the time by the Left. I tell the Lefty that I would vote for abortion for rape victims if he would vote to eliminate abortions of convenience. The answer I receive tells me about whether this person could work with me.
There are always shades-of-gray. But not with the Left and where they want to go. I can’t go for that. That’s really bad. I think this lack of dialog and understanding will lead to a cultural Civil War. And I don’t mean we yell at each other. I mean people are going to die.
Let’s talk about some of the things that there is no agreement on.
News media lies.
Google takes the bait again.
Trump is attacking
Looking More Political by the Second
This Rayshard Brooks thing is going to get bad. I think that the DA of Fulton County, Paul Howard Jr., should probably recuse himself to try to save face.
Information has come out today that really puts a bad light on this case and Paul Howard:
Howard said that a taser is not a deadly weapon and is not justification for deadly force. But two weeks ago, Howard said that the use of a taser by police was using deadly force. He was referring to a incident where police used a taser on a violent woman during an arrest. In that case, which happened on June 2, he charged a police officer.
Howard said that Devin Brosnan, the other police officer on the scene that received a concussion and taser burns from the peaceful Brooks, has no intention of pleading guilty to any charge and no intention of testifying for the state against Officer Rolfe. He said that in front of his client and Brosnan appeared with a battered face.
Finally, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI for short) said they are still continuing their investigation and have not come up with a determination. They also said that Howard never consulted them with his findings and the charges.
What’s also coming out is the life of Rayshard Brooks. And he’s not the jovial loving guy Howard is making him out to be.
He blew a .108 in his test. That’s over the drunk driving limit.
The charges to which Brooks pleaded guilty and for which he was still on probation dated back to August 2014.
He was convicted on four counts – False Imprisonment, Simple Battery/Family, Battery Simple and Felony Cruelty/Cruelty to Children.
Brooks had not been in trouble since 2016 until last December when he went to Ohio without informing his probation officer – but the case was dismissed.
Not so jovial and nonviolent.
But Paul Howard has his own problems:
He has huge turmoil in the department he is running. According to his competitor for the DA position, he lost 115 lawyers in the last 2 years and his environment is toxic.
He is under investigation for sexual harassment by a member of the Human Resources department.
The GBI is investigating him for the disappearance of grant money that was sent to his department. That money has been alleged to have added to his salary.
He is currently looking at being primaried in the next election in November.
Does this look like a diversion to satisfy his voting base?
Google has threatened to ban the conservative news and opinion site The Federalist from profiting off online advertising through Google Ads for violating the tech giant’s conditions against “inappropriate content.”
NBC News first reported that Google had banned The Federalist and “far-right” website ZeroHedge for “advertising platform over policy violations found in the comments section of stories about recent Black Lives Matter protests.”
Google told the Daily Wire:
“To be clear, The Federalist is not currently demonetized. We do have strict publisher policies that govern the content ads can run on, which includes comments on the site. This is a longstanding policy.”
Apparently, a spokesman had made the comment to NBC News which led to the story:
“We have strict publisher policies that govern the content ads can run on and explicitly prohibit derogatory content that promotes hatred, intolerance, violence or discrimination based on race from monetizing. When a page or site violates our policies, we take action. In this case, we’ve removed both sites’ ability to monetize with Google.”
Google said this was not the case and walked back the comment. But, apparently, Google lied and had tagged The Federalist with hate content. The Federalist refused to comment.
This is not the first time that Google, and its subsidiaries such as YouTube, have been accused of targeting Conservative content. Steven Crowder of Louder with Crowder has continually had his content banned and demonetized due to hate speech while allowing far Left content such as Vox to continue, unabated.
Last month, two doctors had their content banned from YouTube because their medical opinions of the COVID-19 virus countered the World Health Organization, an organization that has been wrong about the virus from day one but is an avid supporter of the communist Chinese government (where the virus originated).
But Google is not the only social media company that has been targeting Conservatives. Twitter has been known to suspend Conservative Tweeters such as Candace Owens and James Woods. They also fact-check Donald Trump. Yet, Left wing pundants, who have said some pretty atrocious things without getting so much as a warning.
The problem is, as the election gets closer, the suspensions are getting more frequent and more obvious.
The Department of Justice is prepping legislation to roll back protections for big tech companies and make them more accountable for content posted on their sites.
The DOJ is expected to introduce a bill to Congress as soon as Wednesday targeting tech companies and social media platforms’ protections under Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act, according to The Wall Street Journal.
Section 230 protects a wide variety of web services, platforms, and content providers from liability for outside content that passes through their servers. The law, passed in the early days of the internet, is a key legal protection for large social media platforms and internet search engines. Any change in the law’s protections could drastically affect the way those companies operate.
Essentially, these companies are going to be liable in the same way as newspapers that spread libelous material.
Asia is a mess.
The Supreme Court botches it.
Trump tries to fix cops.
North Korea is at It Again
North Korean officials blew up an office building on Tuesday that it used as place to work with South Korean officials, a move that experts say is a significant escalation between the two countries. The move comes after North Korea had threatened to invade the demilitarized zone with its military, and now the South has moved its joint chiefs of staff to a “combat control office.”
“South Korean border guards heard an explosion and then saw smoke rising from Kaesong, the North Korean town where the building was located,” The New York Times reported. “The building appeared to be blown completely apart in a blast so powerful that windows in nearby buildings were also shattered, according to video footage from a South Korean surveillance camera on the border.”
“The destruction of a building meant to facilitate dialogue, paid for by South Korea and sitting on North Korean soil, is highly symbolic. It may mark a turning point in relations between two countries that had committed themselves to ‘a new era of peace’ fewer than three years ago,” CNN reported. “North Korea framed its decision to destroy the liaison office as a retaliatory measure after a group of defectors used balloons to send anti-North Korean leaflets north of the DMZ.”
The north-south joint liaison office was completely ruined on Tuesday. The relevant field of the DPRK put into practice the measure of completely destroying the north-south joint liaison office in the Kaesong Industrial Zone in the wake of cutting off all the communication liaison lines between the north and the south, corresponding to the mindset of the enraged people to surely force human scum and those, who have sheltered the scum, to pay dearly for their crimes. At 14:50, the liaison office was tragically ruined with a terrific explosion.
“South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff has moved to a ‘combat control office,’ while the Ministry of National Defense stated it is ready to ‘respond strongly’ to any military provocations from North Korea.”
Earlier in the day, North Korean officials threatened to send its military into the demilitarized zone, which divides the two nations, and said that it was studying “an action plan” for the move.
This should be a surprise to no one. This is North Korea’s schtick.
They are in trouble. Their nation is going down the toilet. Hearing the threatening words of Kim Yo-jong, sister of Kim Jong-un, tells me that Un may not have power anymore. He may be the vegetable we thought he might be after his surgery or he’s dead. Don’t forget, Un pulled the same crap after he took power when his father died.
And their military is not threatening anyone. Their soldiers are starving and they are using the same technology from the Korean War in the 1950s. We can’t even be sure their nuclear program has life after that explosion at their nuclear facility last year.
Lastly, I doubt that China will have anything to do with any conflict, especially involving the United States, to try to help the North Koreans. Outright fights has not been what China has been about and thins could be messy.
In a 6-3 vote, the Supreme Court ruled Monday that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 includes heretofore unimagined employment protections on the basis of sexual preference and “sexual identity.” Neil Gorsuch, appointed to replace the late originalist Antonin Scalia, wrote the majority opinion, joined by squish John Roberts and the rest of the Court’s liberals. Conservative justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Brett Kavanaugh dissented.
This is, without a doubt, one of the worse rulings of the new “Conservative” Supreme Court to date. And it’s bad because it is simply just wrong.
But this ruling has some major issues.
The first one is that homosexual and trans rights under the Civil Rights Act did not apply. In fact, it was discussed back then but it was left out of the law. There are a couple of reasons:
Homosexuality and transsexuals are not seen as a sex but as a behavior. That behavior was not known unless the individual made it public. A man was a man no matter what sex he is attracted to.
The second reason is that some institutions see the behavior as abhorrent and against their moral compass. Religious institutions like churches, temples and mosques have argued against the ruling. But there are also other organizations that may have morals issues with it such as Hobby Lobby.
This is what is most disturbing about this ruling. It is making a law that was not there before. This was not stated in the 1964 Civil Rights Bill. It is no where in the Constitution. The Supreme Court has created a law out of thin air.
We have a Congress for that. The Supreme Court’s job is to rule on the Constitutionality of a law, not make law. If the House of Representatives thought this was a thing, they should have come up with a law. It is not the Supreme Court’s job to make law.
What’s worse is what this law does not do. It does not explain what will happen when a gay man or woman or a transsexual goes to a church and tries to push his/her lifestyle as something that needs to be treated equally with the rest of the believers. We already know that the LGBT has attacked bakeries and places like that that have held a more Conservative view of sexuality.
See, what this law does is describe a gay man as a separate sex or gender instead of a behavior and lifestyle choice. In other words, there is a difference between a gay man and a straight man. That gay man cannot control his gayness anymore than a black man can control the amount of melanin in his skin. What’s worse, a gay man has now been defined as a member of a victim group.
This is a very dangerous ruling and it leaves more questions than answers. It also takes the creation of law away from the Congress and makes it a function of the Supreme Court. Suddenly, the Supreme Court has become the All Ruling branch of government.
No one is talking about this.
Another thing is shows is how lousy Republicans are at choosing justices. Chief Justice Roberts hasn’t made a Conservative ruling yet. Justice Goerseche went completely against his contextualist views and voted his “heart.” Even Justice Kavanaugh is kind of iffy with his rulings.
If Trump wins in November, he is going to get two more Supreme Court nominations, possibly three. Breyer is going to retire and Thomas probably will retire. Ginsberg is either going to retire or she’s going to die. I don’t know what’s keeping that gal alive.
Trump needs to get three Constitutional Conservatives. Real ones like Amy Comey Barratt and stop trying to get moderates that will have an easy time getting through the Senate.
On Tuesday, President Trump signed an Executive Order on Police reform. Listen:
Before the order, he invited many family members who were affected by police violence. This was a closed-door session. No photo op, just a discussion and a way for the people to vent to the most powerful man in the country. This is a really good thing.
The Executive Order hits on several topics:
Sec. 2. Certification and Credentialing. (a) State and local law enforcement agencies must constantly assess and improve their practices and policies to ensure transparent, safe, and accountable delivery of law enforcement services to their communities. Independent credentialing bodies can accelerate these assessments, enhance citizen confidence in law enforcement practices, and allow for the identification and correction of internal deficiencies before those deficiencies result in injury to the public or to law enforcement officers.
(b) The Attorney General shall, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, allocate Department of Justice discretionary grant funding only to those State and local law enforcement agencies that have sought or are in the process of seeking appropriate credentials from a reputable independent credentialing body certified by the Attorney General.
(c) The Attorney General shall certify independent credentialing bodies that meet standards to be set by the Attorney General. Reputable, independent credentialing bodies, eligible for certification by the Attorney General, should address certain topics in their reviews, such as policies and training regarding use–of-force and de-escalation techniques; performance management tools, such as early warning systems that help to identify officers who may require intervention; and best practices regarding community engagement. The Attorney General’s standards for certification shall require independent credentialing bodies to, at a minimum, confirm that:
(ii) the State or local law enforcement agency’s use-of-force policies prohibit the use of chokeholds — a physical maneuver that restricts an individual’s ability to breathe for the purposes of incapacitation — except in those situations where the use of deadly force is allowed by law.
Sec. 3. Information Sharing. (a) The Attorney General shall create a database to coordinate the sharing of information between and among Federal, State, local, tribal, and territorial law enforcement agencies concerning instances of excessive use of force related to law enforcement matters, accounting for applicable privacy and due process rights.
Sec. 4. Mental Health, Homelessness, and Addiction. (a) Since the mid-twentieth century, America has witnessed a reduction in targeted mental health treatment. Ineffective policies have left more individuals with mental health needs on our Nation’s streets, which has expanded the responsibilities of law enforcement officers. As a society, we must take steps to safely and humanely care for those who suffer from mental illness and substance abuse in a manner that addresses such individuals’ needs and the needs of their communities. It is the policy of the United States to promote the use of appropriate social services as the primary response to individuals who suffer from impaired mental health, homelessness, and addiction, recognizing that, because law enforcement officers often encounter such individuals suffering from these conditions in the course of their duties, all officers should be properly trained for such encounters.
Sec. 5. Legislation and Grant Programs. (a) The Attorney General, in consultation with the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, shall develop and propose new legislation to the Congress that could be enacted to enhance the tools and resources available to improve law enforcement practices and build community engagement.
Sec. 6. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:
(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or
(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.
(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
You can read the entire Executive Order in the CNN link below.
It is a good order and should satisfy everyone. The big thing about this is the database that will keep track of instances of police abuse. This is something that has been talked about for years but no one has done anything about.
This order also does not overstep the President’s bounds into reaching into states, cities and communities. The President wants to encourage these smaller governments through grants a resources. This is a very good thing because the President is walking a fine line when it comes to over reach.
I also like what he wants to do with mental illness and drug addiction. I believe the police should be back up for mental health professionals and shouldn’t be the first responders. Maybe even create a separate police force specifically trained to deal with that.
There are somethings that are missing:
Police unions have been a disaster. They need to be reformed.
A more regimented training should have been pushed. I think our police are terribly under-trained.
The review process for determining police abuse or not is not addressed. A lot of local review panels are political in nature. This has led to bad judgments. The Rayshard Brooks incident in Atlanta is an example of this.
But it’s a good start. And it is an attempt by Trump that has been asked for but never been addressed before.
Van Jones, a Left-wing commentator for CNN, agreed:
He’s right. I don’t like the “We are winning,” thing because this is about all of us, not just blacks. I do not see blacks as African American of black. I see them as America. That’s OK. I don’t see myself as a man, white, Irish or cis-gender. I see myself as an American. Period.
Of course, the Democrats hate it. Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden and Jim Clyburn (the House Majority Whip and part of the Congressional Black Caucus) hated it. But I am not going to waste time on them. Let me list the reasons why:
Jim Clyburn – Been in the House of Representatives for 27 years. Bitch a lot but did nothing.
Nancy Pelosi – Been in the House of Representatives for 34 years, was Speaker twice. Bitched a lot but did nothing.
Chuck Schumer – Been in the House of Representatives and the Senate for 39 years. Bitched a lot but did nothing.
Joe Biden – Served as a Senator for 36 years and Vice President for 8 years for a total of 44 years. Co-wrote and sponsored a crime bill that he now denies. Served as Vice President to the first black President, bitched a lot and has done nothing.
I really don’t give a damn what these people think. It’s a good executive order.
Garrett Rolfe, the Atlanta police officer fired after the killing of Rayshard Brooks last week, now faces charges including felony murder aggravated assault , which could potentially lead to the death penalty, a Georgia district attorney announced Wednesday. Also, Devon Brosnan, the second officer at the scene, was given three charges including aggravated assault. He has agreed to testify for the prosecution against Rolfe.
Included in the charges was a count of aggravated assault because one of his bullets hit an occupied car.
Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard Jr. said at a news conference Wednesday:
“We’ve concluded, at the time Mr. Brooks was shot, that he did not pose an immediate threat of death or serious physical injury to the officer or officers.”
Howard said Brooks did not receive medical attention for more than 2 minutes in his press conference Wednesday.
“Officer Rolfe actually kicked Mr. Brooks while he laid on the ground,” Howard alleged, The officers also allegedly stood on his shoulder as he bled on the ground.”
Rolfe’s attorney said:
“Officer Rolfe heard a sound like a gunshot and saw a flash in front of him. Fearing for his safety, and the safety of the civilians around him, Officer Rolfe dropped his Taser and fired his service weapon.”
Rolfe, they said, rendered aid, called an ambulance and performed CPR on Brooks.
This is a travesty and looks like nothing more than a political charge. There is no way he is going to get a murder charge especially when Rolfe’s attorney gets a hold of the jury.
Remember: 52 cops and the police chief resigned their positions after Rolfe’s firing. Expect a lot more. This is a political rush-to-judgment. This is an overreach in every sense of the word. There wasn’t even a grand jury summoned to see if the evidence matched the crime.
And I think Howard knew it. He looked nervous and unsure of himself. The reaction of the news media (they all let out an “Ooo”) says this might not have been a good decision. But Howard looked like he had no choice. He is up for re-election and he is facing corruption charges. Mix that with the fact the protesters said Mayor Bottoms could be kicked out of office in the next election and this overreach is understandable. And unjust.
It’s a bad thing when we start using justice to virtue signal.
Here we go again.
But far from George Floyd’s killing.
Black Lives Matters grows!
Not Again
Rayshard Brooks, a 27-year-old African American man, was fatally shot by Atlanta police Friday evening after officers were called on-scene due to reports that a man had fallen asleep while parked in the Wendy’s drive-thru, according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigations.
Brooks was transported to the hospital and died after surgery, said the GBI. One of the two officers experienced an injury of unknown severity during the altercation, but was subsequently released from the hospital.
GBI released video that shows the moment Rayshard Brooks was shot and killed by an Atlanta Police officer at a Wendys on University Ave last night. Police say Brooks had taken an officer's taser and pointed it at the officer as he ran.
“This is why people are outraged in this city,. It’s incredibly important that our police, especially now, don’t resort to firing a gun – not unless someone is firing a gun right at you.”
Stacy Abrams Tweeted:
The Atlanta mayor fired the officer who shot Brooks and put the other officer on Administrative Leave.
But this started the firestorm. Protesters started crowding the streets in Atlanta. Of course, protesters turned to rioters. Oh, and they had great reason for their violence.
Here are a couple of protesters in Atlanta. Listen carefully because the audio has a lot of interference:
So, what these guys are saying is that there will be violence if these cops are not arrested immediately. That Brooks was a peaceful guy who was being harassed. He was a father and husband. A loving human being. Another example of an “unarmed” African American whose life was snuffed out by those Nazi white storm troopers of the Georgia police force.
There’s just one problem: The evidence does not show any of this. This just looks like more political grandstanding!
Oops! I smell lawsuits.
The Evidence
There were several views of the incident released. Two by police body cams, one by the Wendy’s security camera and one by a pedestrian’s cell phone.
The police footage was released to today and one can see that the images are consistent with the civilian images. The Wendy’s footage, which was the first video I saw, gave me all the information I needed to see. The body cam footage from the police just confirmed what I saw.
The body cam footage was about forty-five minutes. The shooting was covered in the last minutes and a half. I’ve watched all the footage for you. All hour and a half. Unlike what the Left is pushing, Brooks was not an innocent who the cops decided to pick on because he was lack.
The police were called to a local Wendy’s restaurant because a man (Brooks) had fallen asleep in the drive thru lane. The police officer showed off and woke him up, telling Brooks to finding a parking space. Brooks, before moving his car, fell back asleep. The police officer woke him up again and had Brooks park his car, which he did. Immediately, he fell asleep.
The police officer went back into his car and could be heard saying, “What do I do now?” He knew what he had to do when he found out the car was a rental car and not his own.
After a few minutes, the officer got out of the car and started questioning Brooks. Brooks admitted that he had a drink or two but could not name when or what he had. The officer told him to stay in his car and he called it in, calling for a DUI specialist. Brooks kept apologizing and wanted to talk. The officer just told him to stay in his car and everything would be OK.
This confrontation lasted for twenty minutes. Brooks was never put against the squad car, never handcuffed and never searched. His keys were not taken and, from what I saw, the officer never even looked in the car.
The officer certified in evaluating DUIs arrived and started the field sobriety test. All the time, there were no threats and both officers were very polite. They even tried to make him feel at ease with his situation.
When the test was complete, the officer told Brooks he was under arrest for DUI and tried to cuff him. That’s when the struggle ensued. You could not see the fight from the body cam but you could see it from a bystander’s cell phone footage and the Wendy’s security cam footage.
Brooks had both officers on the ground and got the best of the. Both officers were on their backs and Brooks was swinging his fist.
One officer tried to taze him but missed. Brooks took the taser and started running. One officer was running after him while the other was trying to get oriented. Brooks turned around and shot the taser at the officer. The officer had his taser and dropped his taser and shot three times. He hit Brooks twice in the back.
Brooks went to the hospital and died after surgery.
What I Think, and It Ain’t Going to be Popular
Dan Bongino said on Fox News:
“The worse option is to let this subject continue to engage in use of force against them [the officers], without stopping the episode.
“Sadly, it resulted in his death, but make no mistake, the use of force was controlled by one person, the individual who resisted arrest, stole the weapon, ran away and then pointed it at the officers, which is clear on the video.”
“Obviously a man died. That’s tragic. Nobody wants to see that, whether it’s on the police side, on the community side, anywhere, we get that. Having said that, I always ask the question when it comes to law enforcement issues for the people who are sadly ignorant of them, many of whom haven’t lived in the shoes of a law enforcement officer themselves: ‘Well, what would you do?’”
He went on to explain the situation.
“You have an individual suspected of being intoxicated… what do you do? You want to just let him go? Get him back in the car and mow down a family on the streets because he’s potentially drunk? So, let’s eliminate that as a really bad idea.”
“Now you’re going to arrest him and the subject clearly does not want to be arrested. OK, so let’s walk through, what do you do?”
“Well again, we can’t let him get back in the car, so we have to arrest him using force. Keep in mind, not force the police officers wanted, they don’t initiate it, the subject did.”
“The bad choice was to have to engage in a use-of-force episode with this individual who pointed a Taser back at a law-enforcement officer he had just punched in the face. It wasn’t a good option to have to engage with your firearm. There were no good options. He’s dead.”
I use the interview of Dan Bongino because Bongino used to be an NYPD officer and a Secret Service officer. He knows better than anybody.
The problem here is that the media is trying to compare the George Floyd killing with Rayshard Brooks. They are not even close. The police were being attacked, one was injured. Brooks took a police weapon and pointed it at an officer. There’s just not a lot of things the officer could have done.
Ericka Shield, the Atlanta Police Chief, resigned saying:
“For more than two decades, I have served alongside some of the finest men and women in the Atlanta Police Department. Out of a deep and abiding love for this City and this department, I offered to step aside as police chief,” said Shields in a statement.
“APD has my full support, and Mayor Bottoms has my support on the future direction of this department. I have faith in the Mayor, and it is time for the city to move forward and build trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve,” she said.
She has no chance in this whole thing and just said screw it. And she probably has it right.
This is what’s scary: cops are given no chance to enforce the law. Listen to what the Brooks attorney said on MSNBC:
They weren’t taking him in because he fell asleep. They were arresting him because he was drunk while driving. That is against the law. And what would have happened if he woke up and started driving home and he ran into a family and killed them? Would the cops have gotten into trouble for letting him go? Of course they would have.
The other question I have is why should they treat him differently? He broke the law. He’s go to jail for a couple of hours and be released. If he was white, should he have been let go?
And this lawyer totally ignores the violence of the situation!
A while back, a police officer, while I was watching a police situation, pulled me over and, at gun point, told me to get my hands up. I didn’t run or attack the cop (I didn’t do anything). I followed his orders. Guess what happened: I didn’t get shot! I’m pretty sure, if I took a swing at the officer, he would have shot me.
Just like Brooks.
What is scary is this is a call to end law. This is bad. It will bring us to the brink of anarchy if we say it is not criminal to commit crime.
The protesters also don’t seem to use reason when they go out and destroy things. That Wendy’s restaurant: It’s gone. Burned to the ground. Why?
Listen to the demands of the protesters:
Yeah, that’s a lie. We saw that in Minneapolis when all the officers were arrested and people continued to protest and loot.
But, what’s worse here, is that this officer, totally justified in his reaction, could and will be arrested and charged. His life ruined. All because he’s a cop and had to do his job. He didn’t look for a black guy to shoot. He was called in. The guy was not an innocent civilian. He was drunk driving, resisted arrest and threatened a cop with a weapon.
And he got shot. Being shot by a white cop does not make him innocent.
Anarchy ain’t Free.
Communism does not work.
It never has worked.
What Is Wrong with Those People?
Antifa and BLM have gone insane in Seattle.
They have taken a seven block area of Seattle and declared it a separate state called the City Hall Autonomous Zone of the “country of CHAZ.
After a showdown between left-wing rioters and police on Sunday, Democratic Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan announced late Monday an effort to “de-escalate” the situation by ordering the police to pull out of the East Precinct.
“In an effort to proactively de-escalate interactions between protestors and law enforcement outside the East Precinct, Chief Best and [Seattle Police Department] officers have removed barricades surrounding the East Precinct while safely securing the facility. Keeping demonstrations peaceful must be a joint effort between our community members and law enforcement. I am hopeful that tonight, with these operational changes, our city can peacefully move forward together.”
So, essentially, the mayor ordered the police to pull out, something confirmed by the police chief, Carmen Best, who is a black woman. When asked, the governor, Jay Insley, didn’t even know what was going on. That was a lie. He just wanted to ignore it.
What Do These People Want?
So these people came out with a list of demands. I knew this would be good and it turns out to be better than I thought.
Here’s the list:
Abolition of the police and court system.
Abolition of youth jails and free all prisoners.
Investigate past and current cases for police misconduct.
Reparations for victims of police brutality.
Doxing police officers who are accused of police brutality.
Re-trials for all people of color who were already convicted of a crime.
We demand that the City of Seattle and the State Government release any prisoner currently serving time for a marijuana-related offense and expunge the related conviction.
We demand the City of Seattle and State Government release any prisoner currently serving time just for resisting arrest if there are no other related charges, and that those convictions should also be expunged.
We demand that prisoners currently serving time be given the full and unrestricted right to vote, and for Washington State to pass legislation specifically breaking from Federal law that prevents felons from being able to vote.
We demand in replacement of the current criminal justice system the creation of restorative/transformative accountability programs as a replacement for imprisonment.
We demand that the Seattle Police Department, between now and the time of its abolition in the near future, empty its “lost and found” and return property owned by denizens of the city.
Socialized Health and Medicine for the City of Seattle.
Free public housing, because housing is a right, not a privilege.
Public education, to decrease the average class size in city schools and increase teacher salary.
Naturalization services for immigrants to the United States living here undocumented. (We demand they be called “undocumented” because no person is illegal.)
Rent control
Free college
Abolition of “homeless sweeps”.
Employ black doctors to treat black people.
Employ implicit bias training.
Removal of any statues that offend them.
What Do the Politicians and Media Say?
President Trump has said that if Seattle or the governor don’t do anything, he will take care of it. And it will happen fast.
The Mayor of Seattle doesn’t think anything of it. She doesn’t see it as anymore than a street festival. That’s crazy.
The media, at first, was all in on this. CNN and MSNBC made this seem like the greatest party on earth. But they have slowly switched their tune and now they are beginning to focus the Wuhan Flu again and how Trump is killing people.
Why? The optics are not as good as they thought they would be. Let’s talk about what is actually going on in CHAZ.
What is CHAZ Suppose to Be?
The People’s Republic of CHAZ is suppose to be what Karl Marx dreamed a communist Utopia is suppose to be.
It’s suppose to be a commune where people experience pure freedom. They work together in harmony. Grow their own food. Care for each other. Eliminate the nuclear family because it is patriarchal. Eliminate religion because it build walls around the freedom of the collective. All people are equal and all receive the same benefits.
There is no need for police because people are there for each other and love each other. Crime would be unheard of because the is nothing but communal love.
There is no need for economy because everyone works for everyone else. There’s no reason for money because one will be given the food they need, the housing they need and the healthcare they need.
There is no racism, sexism or bigotry. That’s because we are all equal and everyone will accept others for what they are or who they say they are.
So, What IS Happening?
So, things ain’t as grand as all that up there, no matter what the Seattle mayor is saying. In fact, instead of a Marxist Utopia, it is more like the disaster of Orwell’s Animal Farm.
Here’s what’s happening:
They ran out of food…because the homeless people were stealing it. They sent out a message the day after asking for vegan meat substitutes and gatorade.
They asked the city for pants and tents because they didn’t have any.
They were provided port-a-potties because they had no where to relieve themselves.
They started an agriculture spot in the middle of a park. They did this by throwing some dirt in the grass and putting, like, four types of plants on top of it. They didn’t even plant the plants, just threw them on the dirt.
Yeah, the co-op thing ain’t going too well. But what is worse is they are becoming exactly what they think they are fighting against.
Their leader is a rapper named Raz Simone. He has been accused of being more of a warlord than a leader. He has been accused of:
Creating his own police force with members carrying semiautomatic weapons (open carry is legal in Washington). He threatened one protester, saying he was the police and would “blow his head off” if he didn’t cooperate.
Setting up walls and fences to secure the “compound” and added armed security.
Required ID to get into CHAZ.
Extorting businesses for protection for money.
Has been accused of bigotry against gays and transgenders in media posts.
Will not negotiate with Black Lives Matter leadership for negotiation with the police.
Because of his lack of direction, his power has waned. But the mess has continues.
Businesses are suffering. They are being exhorted
There is no food.
There is no shelter.
They have no expertise. They can’t grow or build anything.
Crime is high including robbery, assault and rape.
Police and medical services are still being requested but it takes three times the time for them to reach the victims.
The homeless are stealing from them.
The city is becoming a mess with trash and graffiti.
Though this whole thing was planned, its execution fell short. Or did it? Should we be surprised?
Nope, We Shouldn’t
There has never been a cooperative or commune that has ever been effective or long lasting. Because, in order to have a utopia, you need to have the perfect human beings. There are no human beings. We are petty, jealous, competitive, selfish and greedy. That works in capitalism, for the most part, because one does not have to depend on others.
But in a commune, it is imperative to reject all of the weaknesses of a human being. That’s just not going to happen.
Imagine if we tried to do this with a real country. Oh. that’s right. We have. In the USSR, North Korea, China, Germany, Italy and Venezuela. It’s called Communism and it has failed every time.
That’s what Black Live Matter’s crap is all about: Communism. They want to eliminate capitalism and implement socialism. They want all to be equal. They even use terms on the website like “collective” and “comrade”.
What Do I Think?
The mayor of Seattle and the governor of Washington don’t want to deal with this mess in CHAZ. They are Leftists and like their Marxist philosophy.
Funny thing: when this fails, the media will say that this is communism that wasn’t done right. But it was done just like the implementation in every country. The failure is only determined by population and land mass. There is no difference between the six blocks in Seattle and the millions of square miles in Russia.
Many people don’t know this but the Soviet Union was led by criminals. Lennin, Stalin, Khruschev, Beria and Putin were all involved with organized crime and most served prison time. These jerk-offs in Seattle are no different. They’re just thugs within a city that tries to appease them.
The city can’t appease them because they are criminals and thugs. Give a mouse a cookie…
I know Trump wants to take control of this situation and I know why. He is concerned for the businesses and the innocent citizens who don’t by the BS of the Left. They are victims and will get nothing when this whole thing is over. No one seems to care about them.
As far as Durkan’s response that the President has no right under the Constitution to send troops into CHAZ, she needs to get herself some good attorneys who know something about the Constitution. We fought a civil war that killed 700,000 people because a part of the country wanted to succeed from the United States. If President Trump wants to storm CHAZ with a regiment of Green Berets, he can.
Of course, this isn’t serious. These are a bunch of uneducated children that have never accomplished anything in their lives throwing a temper tantrum.
So let them. Let them sit there for as long as they want and play communists. The leadership doesn’t seem to want to deal with it and are justifying it. The media is justifying it. Antifa and Black Life Matters is justifying it. Democrats are justifying it. So let it go. Let’s see how it turns out. Let’s see what communism has to offer. Let’s see success that only collectivism can create. Let’s see the Utopia!
Heck, we should disconnect the electricity, water and cell phone service so they can develop there own, more perfect technologies…together…as a collective.
A forgotten tale.
The Wuhan Flu is a lie.
It is ALL Trump’s fault.
Why IS This Not Important?
The dominoes have been lined up and the first one has been flicked by the finger of truth. Yeah, I know. The metaphor is kind of think but not by much.
Rod Rosenstein was called by the Senate to discuss the FISA warrants, the scope memos and the appointment of Robert Mueller for the Trump Russia investigation. It did not go well for him.
What is being investigated:
What justification did anyone have to get a FISA warrant on Carter Page, an agent for the CIA?
Why were certain, rather important information, left out of the FISA application such as the Trump dossier, who paid for the dossier and that Carter Page was an agent for the CIA?
Why wasn’t Trump, who wasn’t investigated, not informed by the news?
Who lied?
Who leaked information to the press?
Why did Rosenstein approve the FISA application and expand the scope on such flimsy evidence?
This is a very complicated case. Dan Bongino wrote two books about it and everything he wrote, thought to be a conspiracy theory, turns out to be true. I’m thinking of listening to the books again.
Senator Ted Cruz from Texas came up with the slam of the hearing (from Grabien). Listen:
Everyone talks about the corruption of Richard Nixon. And he was corrupt. But, for the most part, he was corrupt. He committed and encouraged the crimes. And he was bound to get caught.
This is far worse. This is corruption within the system. This involves corruption with the Central Intelligence Agency. This is corruption within the FBI. This is corruption within the Department of Justice. This is corruption within the Obama Administration.
This is serious and really bad.
But it’s worse. It shows corruption within the main stream media.
This is the biggest story of this generation. The Nixon scandal is nothing compared to this. But the media, who has been falling for this Russia narrative for three years, refuses to investigate how they got “duped” for the last three years. You’d think they would want to get to the bottom of it.
The media doesn’t want to get in on it because they are part of this corruption. Luckily, with a 20% trust rate and the lack of ratings, the main stream media has been called out and shown for what they are. People don’t trust them and have stopped listening to what they are saying.
Heck, if it wasn’t for Fox News, no one would know what Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo are saying.
But the cards are down. The Senate is preparing subpoenas for Andrew McCabe and Jim Comey. Someone is going to get caught in a lie here.
As usual, the Left wants to destroy society in order to “fix” the problems with the police. Well, they came up with a doozy. If the police are a problem, let’s just get rid of them?
Ilhan Omar, who is an idiot, made this statement in Minneapolis over the weekend. Listen:
Yeah, that’s a great idea. Get rid of the police and then take everyone’s gun away so they can’t protect themselves. In a nutshell, Omar wants money taken away from the police and given to social programs that are meant to lower crime. Of course, how a social program is going to stop someone from breaking into your house hasn’t been answered but who cares? She doesn’t think it’s criminal to be a criminal either. She’s for no cash bail and prison reform (which means that every criminal should be freed).
This scary call to get rid of cops is be seconded by the worst mayor in the country. Gil Garcetti and Bill De Blasio also want to defund the police.
Here’s the thing: Ilhan Omar is not the leader of anything. She’s a Congressman. She has nothing to do with making decisions that will affect anyone. If the mayor of Minneapolis decides to defund the police and all Hell breaks loose (which is sure to happen), he will get blamed. Not her.
Need proof of that?
The mayor of Minneapolis was confronted with this question. He actually showed up in the middle of a protest and tried to appease these crazy people. And they are crazy people. He was asked, point blank, if he would defund the police. It didn’t work out for him. Listen:
I will give some credit to the girly-man, Jacob Frey. He showed up and did not cross that line. Why didn’t he? Because he knows things will screw more than half the population of Minneapolis. He will definitely lose the election then.
The only thing I would suggest to the mayor the next time he confronts a crowd is not to wear skinny jeans with rolled up cuffs and a skin-tight t-shirt. He looked like a little boy and did not command any respect. Looks matter.
On Monday, the Minneapolis city council voted, 9-5, that the police should be defunded. Again, a member in the city council does not have a leadership position. It is still Jacob Frey that is going to be held responsible. He will be blamed if he defunds the police and a home gets broken into and the family assaulted but there is no 9-1-1 to call.
The fight is not over. The council’s vote has a no-veto override. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.
I’m going to throw something out at you: Black Lives Matters cares about black lives about as much as Antifa cares about being against fascism. Both groups only care about changing our civilization. Nothing more.
This can be shown through the other tragedies throughout the country. Tragedies that are not part of the main stream media
Dave Dorn, a 77-year-old former police captain from Minneapolis, was shot and killed by looters while he was was checking out a pawn shop for a friend.
One person is in custody.
By the way, Dave Dorn is black. No one seems to care.
Last weekend in Chicago, 85 people were shot and 24 died. Of the 85, 74 were black and were shot by other blacks. No one seems to care.
We are still in the middle in the middle of an pandemic. And a virus does not care about race.
For months, public health experts have urged Americans to take every precaution to stop the spread of Covid-19—stay at home, steer clear of friends and extended family, and absolutely avoid large gatherings.
Now some of those experts are broadcasting a new message: It’s time to get out of the house and join the mass protests against racism.
Let me read from Jennifer Nuzzo, a John Hopkins epidemiologist:
“We should always evaluate the risks and benefits of efforts to control the virus. In this moment the public health risks of not protesting to demand an end to systemic racism greatly exceed the harms of the virus.”
Thhis is from Abraar Karan, a Brigham and Woman’s Hospital physician:
“The injustice that’s evident to everyone right now needs to be addressed. While I have voiced concerns that protests risk creating more outbreaks, the status quo wasn’t going to stop #covid19 either.”
In a letter from about 150 physicians addressing the Covid risk with protesting (sic Politico):
Those protests against stay-at-home orders “not only oppose public health interventions, but are also rooted in white nationalism and run contrary to respect for Black lives. Protests against systemic racism, which fosters the disproportionate burden of COVID-19 on Black communities and also perpetuates police violence, must be supported.
“Staying at home, social distancing, and public masking are effective at minimizing the spread of COVID-19. However, as public health advocates, we do not condemn these gatherings as risky for COVID-19 transmission.”
So which is it? Is the Wuhan Flu dangerous or not? Is it dangerous when people protest being stuck at home, unable to work and feed their families and not dangerous while protesting Black Lives Matter and rioting?
You can’t have it both ways. The virus is either dangerous or not. Unless one of these doctors has found that Black Lives Matters and rioting has suddenly cured COVID-19, the virus is going to be dangerous, no matter what.
Or, the virus isn’t dangerous. And the stay-at-home orders were exaggerated to screw with the economy so Trump wouldn’t get elected in November (OK, a little conspiracy theorist).
I think it’s a little bit of both. The three quotes I used are by Left wing organizations and doctors.
And the media keeps spreading this crap and failing, or ignoring, to see the hypocrisy.
Cause they don’t care. It’s only about the movement.
According to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released Sunday, just 15% of voters think matters in the USA are under control and perceptions of the economy are at their worst since the end of President Barack Obama’s first term, when the country was still recovering from a recession.
The sense of chaos and economic pessimism did not have much effect on the job approval rating for President Donald Trump. At 45%, his approval rating remains within the range that NBC/Wall Street Journal polls and other surveys have found since he took office.
But that doesn’t mean the media isn’t blaming Trump. And it doesn’t mean Trump poll numbers are shining. As of now, some polls have Trump down to Biden by 14 points. Mind you, this is based on national polls and it is only June. The political climate changes with the flap of a butterfly’s wings. But it is still not good news for Trump.
Mitt Romney has decided to participate in a Black Lives Matter protest. This is a bit of a surprise who was accused of “putting blacks back in chains” if he won the election by Joe Biden. Mitt Romney is the definition of a RINO (Republican in Name Only).
Colin Powell said on CNN:
“We have a Constitution. And we have to follow that Constitution. And the President has drifted away from it.”
He’s talking about Trump threatening to use the Insurrection Act. Yeah, the same ACT that was used by John F. Kennedy (three times), Lyndon B. Johnson (four times) and George H.W. Bush (twice).
This Act allows the President to use the military to quell riots. It was enacted in 1807 and has been upheld by the Supreme Court.
Did Donald Trump implement it? No, he only threatened to use it. So what is Colin Powell’s problem? He’s a Democrat. He was nominated for Secretary of State by George W. Bush, who was also quite liberal and he supported Barrack Obama. He ain’t exactly a Conservative.
George W. Bush decided to chime in too. In a statement, Bush said:
It remains a shocking failure that many African Americans, especially young African American men, are harassed and threatened in their own country. It is a strength when protesters, protected by responsible law enforcement, march for a better future. This tragedy — in a long series of similar tragedies — raises a long overdue question: How do we end systemic racism in our society? The only way to see ourselves in a true light is to listen to the voices of so many who are hurting and grieving. Those who set out to silence those voices do not understand the meaning of America — or how it becomes a better place.
Many took this to be that Bush doesn’t support Trump. According to a Bush official today, that is not so. But the fact that Bush says that there is systemic racism is telling. Here’s a news flash George: There is no systemic racism and you better hope we don’t have it. Because eight years of your Presidency are also being accused of systemic racism.
Virtue will forgive.
Proclaim your Guilt, hug your Sin!
Mercy is a Dream.
The Virtue Signaling Has Gotten Out of Control
Let me start by saying I wish I never had to send this email.
I wish that the lives of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and countless others weren’t so violently cut short. I wish that institutional racism, and the police violence it gives rise to, didn’t cause their deaths. I wish that all members of our Black community felt safe enough to move around their cities without fear. I wish that I didn’t have to try to find the words to explain all of this to my two young sons.
But I’ve been given hope this week by hundreds of thousands of peaceful protestors demanding change. I am committed to being part of that change.
As a company, we believe that everyone has the right to move freely, no matter where they live or the color of their skin. We’re proud of how Uber has helped improve transportation equity over the last decade. But the reality remains that Black Americans often don’t feel safe to move freely in many places around our country. And they still face enormous barriers that others do not.
This is a reality we should not perpetuate or accept. We must do better.
We know there is no easy solution to the problems we have faced for centuries. We also know that we need to devote our time, energy and resources toward making a difference. That’s why we’re making a number of commitments that we will uphold not just this week, but for years to come:
We are committed to driving lasting change through criminal justice reform. On Sunday, we announced a $1 million donation to the Equal Justice Initiative and Center for Policing Equity to support their important work in making racial justice in America more than just a promise.
We are committed to creating a community that treats everyone equally and with dignity. We do not tolerate discrimination, harrassment or racism on our platform, as outlined in our Community Guidelines. We will hold everyone who uses Uber accountable to these standards of basic respect and human decency. I respectfully ask anyone not willing to abide by these rules to delete Uber.
We are committed to supporting the Black community. As a starting point, we will use Uber Eats to promote Black-owned restaurants while making it easier for you to support them, with no delivery fees for the remainder of the year. And in the coming weeks, we will offer discounted rides to Black-owned small businesses, who have been hit hard by COVID-19, to help in their recovery.
We are committed to making Uber a diverse and inclusive place for people of color to work and thrive. While we have more work to do, we have tied our senior executives’ pay to measurable progress on our diversity goals, and will continue to publish data on our workforce so the public can hold us accountable. We’re also committed to expanding opportunities for drivers and delivery people, including through education opportunities and skills training.
We know this isn’t enough. It won’t be enough until we see true racial justice. But we plan to work day in and day out to improve, learn, and grow as a company.
Lastly, let me speak clearly and unequivocally: Black Lives Matter.
Dara Khosrowshahi
Local School District
Dear Oceanside Unified Families and Staff,
The OUSD Board of Education stands in solidarity with all students, staff, and community members of color.
Like many of you, we are overcome with anger, sadness, and grief as we grapple with the injustices of inequality and racism in all of its forms. All public institutions, including school districts, are responsible for dismantling the barriers of systemic racism in order for our community and nation to heal these deep wounds. That is why our district’s non-discrimination statement clearly states that we will not permit any “discrimination, harassment, intimidation and bullying in educational programs, activities, or employment on the basis of actual or perceived ancestry, age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race or ethnicity, immigration status, religious beliefs or customs, sexual orientation, parental, pregnancy, family or marital status, military status or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.”
We’ve all seen the images of protests and unrest both peaceful and not, across our country in the wake of the terrible killing of yet another Black American. There is very real pain and anguish in our nation that is being felt here in Oceanside as well as in the hearts of your district leaders, teachers, and staff who are dedicated to creating learning environments where all students are safe.
We know that education has the power to make an impact lasting generations. We are proud that with our direction, our district has upheld a commitment to diversity through our culturally proficient educator committee, board policies for Gender Identity & Access and Safe Haven designation, districtwide unconscious bias training, and most recently the approval of our Ethnic Studies course which will arm students with the knowledge and voice to create positive change in their community. But there is still work to be done. Please, partner with us as we work to ensure that all students and staff, including our students and colleagues of color, feel safe and supported by OUSD, where ALL MEANS ALL.
Our students will be seeking understanding and looking for answers during this difficult time. Now is the time for us to lead by example and face the challenge of change together. Our community is one of diversity, compassion, and resilience. No matter your background, your race, your identity, know that you are seen, you are heard, and you are loved. Please do not hesitate to reach out to a principal, counselor, teacher, district administrator, or your board of education if we can answer questions or provide assistance. Additionally you can visit SDCOE’s equity page for resources for your family or classroom.
My Running Shoe Store
Time to stick together.
Looting our store doesn’t change where we stand
I think the last thing many of you want to read or hear is another platitude regarding social justice and facing ingrained prejudice and racism in our country. In some weird way, the outpouring of support and words can seem placating and insincere when all coupled together in your inbox and FB page. However, it is my hope that you recognize that an important step towards adjudication and remediation is to hear from both citizens and businesses of all sizes, backgrounds, and experiences–and in particular–the experience of a business that took a shot to the chin during the protests. As some of you may know, our Downtown store was broken into, looted, and damaged on three straight nights. Our experience is by no means isolated, but it has at times become a contentious subject on where concern and focus should be. It is my aim here to make it very clear where Foot Traffic stands: BLACK LIVES MATTER!
No matter what happened to our downtown store and no matter how personal and damaging the looting and destruction is to our store and our community, NOTHING should distract us from what our focus should be on. We need reform. We need change. And we need it now. We can’t wait. Vote. Donate. Get involved. Speak out.
Our store downtown was walloped by some gratuitous opportunist adrenaline junkies that, in my opinion, were NOT representative of what these protests are all about. In fact, they are distracting and antithetical to what 99% of people protesting are looking to do. Nobody should be OK with looting for that reason alone–not just because it sucks that our store was bashed in, but because it may be further entrenching a schism that exists in our country regarding the urgency of this matter.
I personally spent three straight nights cleaning up and guarding our store and watching and learning about how things were transpiring. I was exhausted, scared and frustrated. But I know that those feelings of fear and anger don’t even hold a torch to what POC experience daily. Having something to lose and a platform for outreach makes me absurdly fortunate. I know that. And with that privilege, I want to leave you with this: We can be saddened by our own deeply personal obstacles facing our store, staff, and family…but we are OUTRAGED at what we have witnessed time and time again against people of color day after day. No more.
RUN ON surely means so much more than it did to start.
Peace, love, and perseverance,
This has gotten stupid.
Legos has removed all advertising for Legos police characters. Really?
This is all virtue signaling. And it’s disgusting. Do these people believe in what they are doing? I don’t know. And I don’t care. They have lost my business because they are perpetuating what I reject.
That’s the awesomeness of capitalism.
\But this stuff is dangerous. It is normalizing hate of our country. It is normalizing hate for people who don’t agree. It is normalizing the elimination of debate.
I do not see these companies as being brave to face…whatever. I see them as cowardly. Afraid to face the mob. Afraid of confronting bad philosophy. It’s easier to submit.
Here’s the problem: These people are justifying violence against those who don’t believe against in the philosophies of Black Lives Matters and Antifa.
“They came first for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up.”
This is not a conspiracy theory. This is a scary time.
Our Politicians Aren’t Helping
Leftist politicians are also sharing in the belief that these rioters are not actually violent (because shooting at cops and burning buildings is not violent) but are actually justified.
This has led Leftist mayors and governors to pull back the police, even from police stations, leaving them to be burned down by the rioters. Governors and mayors have also rejected the offer for National Guardsmen. They did not want to “set off” the rioters (like they needed anything to do that.
But the worst example of bowing down to criminals is that of Gil Garcetti, the mayor of Los Angeles. The first thing he did was, during a protest outside of his house, he walked out and got on his knees, per the demand, and started chanting his fealty to Black Lives Matter.
But, it gets worse. On Thursday he decided that he was going to cut the police the LAPD budget by between $100-150 million dollars, further following the need to bow down to Black Lives Matter, who wants to defund the police throughout the country.
Because, you know what. that’s what Los Angeles needs. Fewer police. That ought to quell the crime, solve the drug problem and ease them through the homeless crisis.
One of the goals of Black Lives Matter is to get white people of today to admit that there is institutional racism, they have white privilege and blacks continue to be victimized today like they were during slavery and Jim Crow.
They also want to shame white people. One way BLM has been doing this is to ask white people to get on their knees and apologize for what has happened in the past and make them promise to teach other “racists” about the evils of their ways. Here’s an example of this:
If you watch the video, these protesters that are capitulating are all white protesters and probably quite liberal. But BLM has gotten others to bend the knee including police, National Guard, Garcetti and Justin Treadau.
This is stupid. And dangerous. And weird.
It is stupid because none of these people had anything to do with slavery or Jim Crow. None of the people they are bending the knee to had anything to do with slavery or Jim Crow. None of these people had anything to do with the death of George Floyd. What are they apologizing for? This is stupid.
It’s dangerous because when a group of people admits to victimizing another group, punishment is justified. That punishment could be through looting, violence of even killing. If that belief sinks into the system, like police, National Guard and politicians start bending the knee, then the punishment named above can become systemic.
Finally this is just weird. It is almost religious in practice. Ben Shapiro and Michael Knowles from the Daily Wire talk about this on their podcast. The Left is atheist in nature. They hate God and religion. Their religion has become environmentalism and racism. This crap of bending the knee and swearing fealty is the Left’s religious ceremony.
But this is not the only example of the Left’s twisted philosophy.
Twitter Ticks off Trump
So long Hong Kong, China’s pawn.
Off to Space we go
I have a feeling I might be writing other types of poetry in the future. This syllable thing is killing me..
Protest and Riot Update
The rioting throughout the country has gotten worse:
In St. Louis, 4 police officers were shot.
In New York City, 1 police officer was run over by and SUV while trying to control rioters.
In Buffalo, 2 police officers were run over by an SUV.
In Washington DC, 50 Secret Service officers protecting the White House were injured with bricks and Molotov cocktails.
A police officer was fired for drawing his gun on a rioter. When the film was analyzed, the rioter had thrown a brick at his supervisor. There’s a lawsuit.
New York City mayor, Bill de Blasio, set a curfew of 11:00 PM!
Bill de Blasio’s daughter was arrested, Chiara, was arrested for unlawful assembly when a mob attacked police.
In New York City, police found Molotov cocktails hidden in bushes. These were laid out by Antifa.
President Trump is considering implementing the Insurrection Act. This will allow Trump to call in the military to quell the riots.
Trump held a speech on Monday proclaiming that the riots needed to end and law and order needs to be restored. If the mayors and governors don’t do it, he will. This is implementing the Insurrection Act.
Of course, if Trump implements it, he’s a dictator. Reality is the Insurrection Act has been implemented a bunch of times. John F. Kennedy implemented it twice. It was used during the Civil Rights march. It was implemented during the Los Angeles riots of 1992. I’m pretty sure
Trump had a little message for the governors on Monday:
Nothing he said was wrong. But the media only concentrate on the fact that Trump said the governors needed to “dominate”. Whatever. It doesn’t look like being cowardly, which is what the governors are doing,
This country seems to be celebrating the victim-hood of a class of people that have been regular citizens since the 60s. These people stealing Nike’s, alcohol and clothing have never been through slavery or Jim Crow? What happened to make these people so entitled?
Well, I have an idea. Dave and I will talk about it tomorrow. That’s right, Dave from the Dave rule! I’m looking forward to have him on.
For the first time in ten years, the United States sent astronauts into space. They lifted off Saturday morning and the launch was perfect.
SpaceX, the company run by Tesla’s Elon Musk, became the first private company to launch men into space. The company partnered with NASA.
They took off in the Dragon Spacecraft power by the Falcon 9 rocket.
Musk, who said he cannot take any credit for the success of the mission but would take all the blame if the mission failed was visibly relieved and emotional when the ship launched.
“I’m really quite overcome with emotion on this day, so it’s kind of hard to talk, frankly. It’s been 18 years working towards this goal, so it’s hard to believe that it’s happened,” Musk said after the launch.
It was a beautiful sight.
Everything looked modern. The ship was streamlined and looked like a spear unlike those bulky rockets of the sixties. The walkway into the ship looked like they were boarding an airplane with carpet and tinted windows. The outfits were sleek and the helmets were smaller and looked more comfortable. The control panel on the dragon was all touchscreen. There weren’t any buttons or switches like in the old command modules and the space shuttles.
Even the take off seemed more modern. instead of a big explosion and smoke filling the air, the rocket let out a quiet hiss and the flame from the engines were sharp and under control. The rocket quickly shot through the air. It was an amazing sight.
Ten minutes later, the falcon rocket separated from the Dragon space ship and landed perfectly on a platform in the middle of the Atlantic.
What I wonder about is why NASA didn’t work with a private company in the first place? There is no heights to the ingenuity of a private company. Their profits and reputation are at stake unlike some government agency. They will build something that works beyond the dreams of the government.
This also shows the power of capitalism. Companies are motivated to be successful and create an awesome product. Socialism is missing that. That’s why the Russians are still using the Soyuz rocket system that has been around since 1966 (it’s set to retire this year). Why would anyone build anything. They get nothing out of it.
Twitter did something they have never done before. They fact-checked President Trump.
The fact-check involved one of Trumps claims about mail-in ballots. Trump sited the problems that California has with mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting (something we discussed last week).
There were a couple of problems with Twitter’s “fact-check”:
They have never fact-checked anyone before. Not the Chinese government, the radical Islamists or any far Left character like Louis Farrakhan.
Their fact check was just wrong. We need studies to find ballot fraud from ballot harvesting or mail-in ballots. People were actually arrested in California for it. California had a vote of 112% of the population.
President Trump had enough. He decided to go after the social media sites and their censorship. Here’s how:
Essentially, what he is doing is letting people sue Twitter.
He’s using the Decency Act, which is kind of a stretch. The Decency Act prevents profane or libelous speech. Newspapers and news outlets are held to this act. Social media avoid this because they are not considered a news outlet and can’t possibly be held responsible for what people say.
Problem is, these platforms are censoring stuff. I have been:
Suspended from Twitter three times.
My podcasts and vlogs on YouTube are impossible to find.
I have had videos suspended on YouTube.
I think this is a good thing. Democrats do to, sort of. Well, they want Trump fact checked. But, now, everyone is going to be fact-checked, including those Democrats or risk a lawsuit.
On Wednesday, The United States opened the door to dropping the hammer on China and the Chinese-sympathetic Honk Kong government:
“Beijing’s disastrous decision is only the latest in a series of actions that fundamentally undermine Hong Kong’s autonomy and freedoms and China’s own promises to the Hong Kong people under the Sino-British Joint Declaration, a U.N.-filed international treaty.
“The State Department is required to assess the territory’s autonomy from China, and…on Wednesday Pompeo certified to Congress that Hong Kong ‘does not continue to warrant treatment under United States laws in the same manner as U.S. laws were applied to Hong Kong before July 1997.
“No reasonable person can assert today that Hong Kong maintains a high degree of autonomy from China, given facts on the ground. Hong Kong is no longer autonomous from China, given facts on the ground.”
The next day, and it wasn’t a secret, Trump made an announcement about China and Hong Kong.
It’s about time.
Students come to this country, earn advanced degrees then take the advanced technology back to China. This is a de facto way of stealing our technology. Let China teach their future professionals technology.
Putting the clamp on Chinese companies within the United States also makes sense. These companies are stealing technology and taking our money for Beijing. They don’t belong here. They do not have good intention and are still under the socialist thumb of China.
As much as I feel for the protesting Hong Kongers who do not want their city state under despot control, the sad truth is they are. Their government is extremely sympathetic to China. And the sprawling Hong Kong economy is a way for China to bypass the sanctions and tariffs placed on China by the United States.
This was bound to happen and needed to happen, especially since China has been put the clamps down on Hong Kong.
The question is going to be what will happen as the United States and other countries begin to pull themselves away from China?
You know what a Haiku is? It’s a Japanese poem that is made up of three lines. The first and third line has five syllables and the second line has seven syllables. I started experimenting with them on Twitter a little. I thought this would be the perfect introduction for my podcasts. Let’s start today.
Murder caught on film.
Protests turn to wild mobs.
New narrative found.
Take it easy. I’ll get better.
A Tragic Death
A black man named George Floyd was arrested for handing out a fake $20 bill in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
He was arrested by four Minneapolis police officers.
Supposedly, though there is no video of it, Floyd resisted and he was taken to the ground by a couple of officers. One of those officers was Derek Chauvin.
Video was taken of Chauvin with his knee on Floyd’s throat for close to eight minutes. What was very disturbing is Floyd was complaining he could not breathe, blood was coming out of his nose and it appeared that Chauvin had his entire body weight on Floyd’s throat.
When Chauvin got off of Floyd, Floyd was unconscious and died a few hours later.
This video is horrid and what Chauvin did was terrible. I protect the police as much as I can but this was as bad as that cop in Chicago shooting an unarmed black kid in the back for being stoned.
The four officers were immediately fire. It was found that Chauvin had eighteen prior complaints placed on him during his nineteen year career.
Four days later, On Friday, Chauvin was arrested and charged with 3rd degree murder and manslaughter.
But people were not satisfied that it took so long. I hate to say this, but I don’t blame them.
The reaction was as expected. Protests started rising up. At first, the protests were loud but peaceful. They showed up at the 3rd Precinct Minneapolis Police department.
As the night fell, the protesters became more aggressive, threatening the police station and setting off fireworks. But they were still peaceful.
Later that night, all Hell broke loose.
The protests turned into a riot. Stores were destroyed and all the products were stolen. This happened for three nights and reminded me of the L.A. riots in 1992 over the Rodney King arrest.
On Friday, Protests have broken loose in Minneapolis, Atlanta, Los Angeles, San Jose, New York and Washington D.C. by the White House. Secret Service is guarding the White House. The protests started quietly but have become violent as the sun went down.,
These protests prove Democrats have no leadership. When the protests turned to riots, they pulled the police back, letting businesses fend for themselves. As far as I’m concerned, this really justifies the Second Amendment. We obviously can’t trust the government to protect us from thugs.
Of course, President Trump weighed in on Twitter saying:
Twitter, under pressure from the Left and having an election that will probably re-elect Trump because Sleepy, Creepy Joe is incoherent, has decided to flag that Tweet as “glorifying violence:. Though it was a clumsily worded Tweet, which is a Trump thing, I hardly think it is “glorifying violence”.
But that’s another story I’m not going to get into tonight, though it is a huge story.
The Minneapolis mayor, Lefty Jacob Frey, made a speech and it was the typical Leftist speech. Blacks are dying every day et cetra.
But the real speech came from Andrea Jenkins, the transgender vice president of the Minneapolis City Council. And her/his start of his speech:
How…moving? The only thing I thought of was this is a man, not a woman. That and that he was 6’7″ and had an Adam’s apple the size of a bowling ball.
But let’s us get to the meat of her speech:
He’s a supporter of Jeremiah Wright, huh? If you don’t know who that guy is, he’s the “pastor” who Barrack Obama followed who is hugely antisemitic and was famous for saying, “It’s not God bless America. It’s God damn America.” Yeah, he’s a sweet guy.
So you can see where this guy is going.
This clip is a little long but you will get the idea where he’s coming from:
You get that? “We’ve been racist for four hundred years”? Really? I guess she forgot about the 500,000 people who died in the Civil War to end slavery.
“We feel there is a knee on out collective necks.” A telling statement.
We are a country of institutional racism? Really? I haven’t heard one person justify this killing. In fact, the white officer was arrested and charged with murder, The Department of Justice is investigating and the FBI is investigating. That doesn’t sound like institutional racism.
You can watch the entire press conference below:
Of course the media is doing their usual nang up job. Totally unbiased. Here’s Brooke Baldwin from CNN interviewing Andrea Jenkins and crying after hearing Jenkins singing Amazing Grace.
Hey, Brooke, the song wasn’t that moving.
Here’s Don Lemon from CNN, earning a couple hundred thousand a year and wearing a $2000 suit he didn’t have to pay for, bitching about how much danger he’s in because he’s black. Oh, yeah and he’s with blockhead, Chis Cuomo:
Do you know why I know everything he has said is absolute bullcrap?
He is a gay black man on a prime time show on CNN.
He has a six figure salary.
He’s worth $10 million dollars.
The Kaepernick thing is just stupid. Kapernick was protesting how terrible the United States is. He wore socks with pigs dressed like police. He is also worth about $100 million dollars. How afraid do you think he is to leave the house. I bet not very.
What people don’t understand is that Kapernick and Lemon are examples of why there is no systemic racism in the United States. They have profited from the system Just like Barrack Obama has.
Finally, blacks are not under siege. Blacks being killed by police is very rare. The fact that people can name the victims prove this. Shooting of blacks has gone down consistently since the Civil Acts bill was signed into law.
Do you know what race kills blacks more than cops? Other blacks. Look at Chicago.
Do you know what race gets killed by police shootings? White people. Do you know how Daniel Shaver is? Probably not because his shooting was never really reported. He was killed by police in a hotel while on the ground and begging not to be shot. And it was all recorded. He was white. Look it up.
Of course, the Left wants to use this crisis to their advantage. And the news media just takes the ride and pushed their new (and old) agenda.
Let’s listen to Maxine Waters, the horrid member of congress from one of the poorest, black districts in Los Angeles:
If this woman could not drum up outrage, she wouldn’t have a job because her district, which she does not live in, would have voted her out decades ago. Now, she’ll run around, have speeches, blame Trump for everything, say how evil white people are and get elected for another twenty years.
She’s the woman who called the Los Angeles riots in 1992 an uprising. She’s just terrible.
Then there’s Sleepy Creepy Joe. Listen to his message. I mean, really listen:
Joe initially ran as a moderate. And looking at the other candidates, he was. But now, to get Bernie supporters and the rest of the Left, he feels he needs to pander further to the Left. And their goal is to change the United States socially and economically. They want to rid us of our rights and economy.
The only thing I like about his push to the Left is that he is alienating most of the country. I do believe the Left is a small population. It is growing but let’s just make sure that Trump wins the next election and hope that the younger generations figure things out.
Final Thoughts
Here are my thoughts over this whole thing.
What happened to George Floyd is horrid and the cop got what he deserved.
Though I don’t agree, I agree with the protests. If you’re pissed off, peaceful protest is a good thing.
The riots are not protests. These are not protesters. They are thugs and criminals and should not be celebrated.
The media is trying to create a new narrative and Leftist politicians are pushing it. That’s because Joe Biden is a garbage candidate. He’s now pandering like Hilary did in 2016. We saw how that worked out for her.
There is no institutional racism. Those that are screaming there is actually prove there isn’t.
There are bad people in the world and the United States has had its dark periods. But I don’t think this time is one of them.
Collectivism is evil.
We need the Second Amendment. The government will not protect you.
There IS Other News
Unfortunately, I have not covered all the news. And it was a big week. I will talk about it tomorrow. But I should, at least, mention it:
SpaceX combined with NASA launched the first people into space in ten years. A major accomplishment.
President Trump signs an Executive Order removing the protections given to social media because of the censorship of conservative voices on their platforms.
I don’t trust politicians. Any of them, from either party. So you can imagine what I think when they try to change the system.
Voting seems like kind of an important system they want to change.
The Problem is Already There
According to Fox News:
South Carolina election ballots reportedly ended up in Maryland this week, after mail-in voting for the Palmetto State’s June 9 primary has already begun, according to local news reports.
South Carolina election officials may cut ties with the company they used, Minnesota printer SeaChange, over the mix-up after about 20 Charleston County absentee ballots were found outside the state, the reports say.
Election officials say this isn’t the first absentee ballot issue they’ve had with the company, which prints and mails ballots for 13 South Carolina counties.
According to the Daily Wire:
United States Attorney William M. McSwain announced on Thursday that Domenick J. DeMuro, a Judge of Elections in Philadelphia, has been charged with and pleaded guilty to stuffing ballot boxes over the course of several years with fraudulent votes for Democrat candidates in federal, state, and local elections.
“During his guilty plea hearing, DeMuro admitted that an unnamed political consultant gave DeMuro directions and paid him money to illegally add votes for certain Democratic candidates,” the Department of Justice said in a statement. “These candidates were individuals running for judicial office whose campaigns had hired the consultant, as well as other candidates for various federal, state, and local elective offices who were preferred by this consultant for a variety of reasons.”
According to there have been almost 1300 criminal convictions for voter fraud. And the number is growing. And it will continue to grow if Democrats have their way.
Democrats have always complained of voter fraud when the elections went against them. Look at Stacy Abrams in Georgia. She lost the election by over 50,000 votes, essentially got killed in the election by Gov. Brian Kemp. She’s been screaming voter fraud since her loss in 2018 (and apparently that qualifies her to be Vice President).
California, through manipulation which we will talk about later, does not have any Republican districts. That’s right: Riverside County, Kern County, San Bernadino County and San Diego County, all Red counties, are Blue. The last Republican was Arnold Swartzeneggar, who won in an emergency election (Dems didn’t have the time to fix it).
The time where election fraud happened in places like Russia and China are over. They are happening here. And this is not a conspiracy theory. And the Democrats want to change the way we have been voting for the last 250 years.
Folks, watch. Listen. Think about it. Learn. Our system is changing in front of our eyes and it has been happening for the last ten years.
Let’s look at the different ways the Left is trying to corrupt our elections. And we need to fight against this.
Why Are They Trying to Change What Has Worked for 200 Years
Let’s look at some of the ways the Left is trying to corrupt our elections.
Mail-In Ballots
Because of the Wuhan Flu, Democrats have decided to desire mail in ballots so that people do not have to go to the polls and spread the virus.
This is such an easy way for voter fraud and it’s already happening. Look at the above stories.
Things can happen:
Ballots can be stolen.
Ballots can end up at the wrong residence.
The ballot may not get the the voter sites in time (either through accident or on purpose).
Multiple ballots can be filled out by one individual.
Combine this with ballot harvesting, we can never know which ballots are getting counted or go missing or who is filling them out.
Ballot Harvesting
Ballot harvesting, also called vote harvesting,[1] is the collecting and submitting of absentee or mail-in voter ballots by volunteers or workers.[2] It occurs in some areas of the U.S. where voting by mail is common, but is illegal in some other states. The practice has been credited with changing the outcomes of certain recent elections.
This is something done in California and it has been a disaster…for Republicans.
The electoral college was created by the founding fathers so that every state would have a say in a national election no matter the population of the state. As I have said before, a national election is not one election by 50 state election. If we did no have the electoral college, states like California and New York would b determining elections. Specifically, cities like Los Angeles and New York City.
Smaller states would have no say and that would discourage people from voting and politicians would do nothing but cater to the big cities.
Democrats hate the electoral college because they are popular in big cities which usually leads to a victory in the popular vote (which means nothing). Hilary Clinton won the popular vote by two million votes in 2016 over Donald Trump but lost the electoral college (we still hear her whining about it). But if California was removed from the election, she would have gotten killed in the popular vote too.
No Voter ID Laws
You have to have identification to:
Go into a bar
Buy alcohol
Buy cigarettes
Ride a plane
Use banking services
Get a hotel room
Rent or lease an apartment
Serve in the military
Get a job
Get a bank account
Pay your taxes
Buy a gun
Buy a car
In fact, you need an ID for just about anything. One used to need it to vote. Not anymore if Democrats have their way.
In a country where we have a tremendous number of illegal aliens and have already had a bunch of dead people voting, I am a little confused why this is so hard to understand.
And it’s not racist to require an ID to vote. You need an ID for just about everything else. When asked, people in the Bronx, New York, a heavily black neighborhood, were asked if they had identification. 99% said they had.
Why is this a thing unless it is to allow for illegal immigrants to vote and other forms of voter fraud?
Automated Voter Registration
This process automatically registers a person to vote when they renew or get a driver’s license or identification card.
This was started in California after illegal immigrants were allowed to get driver’s licenses.
You see the problem?
California promised that the identifications that illegals would get were very different from legal residents. But, when looking at the forms, they were identical and easy to confuse. In fact, two months after the policy was implemented, it was reported that the Department of Motor Vehicles in California had “mistakenly” registered several thousand illegal aliens to vote.
As far as I’m concerned, this is systemic voter fraud not unlike that of tyrannical governments like China, Russia and Venezuela.
In honesty, this is done by both Republicans and Democrats and it only affects local and state elections. But, if you look in California, redistricting has had a major impact of what party gets elected.
Redistricting is when an certain district is expanded or contracted changing the political scope of certain areas.
This is something that is done so that one party can expand into another party’s area. Then, during an election, the opposing party will have a good chance of taking that district.
California has been creeping through traditionally conservative districts with redistricting with great success. The dirty little secret is that California is not a Leftist state. Los Angeles and San Francisco hold a majority of the Left. Kern County, San Bernadino County, Riverside County, Orange County and San Diego County are very conservative spots in California. But redistricting has really had an impact on Republican districts, especially in Orange County. Sn Diego is also seeing some of its affects.
Changing the Laws
Democrats are going out of their way to change laws to sway election their way and change the representation in the federal government.
In California, state elections have killed the primary. Now, if three candidates are running (two Democrats and one Republican, let’s say) the old way would be that the Democrats would run against each other in a primary and meet the Republican in the general election. It doesn’t work like that anymore.
Now, all three run against each other in a primary. The two with he highest vote totals run against each other. That is a perfect scenario for a state that primarily votes Blue. The Republican doesn’t have a chance and, looking at the political breakdown in the state, it is working.
It is a crap policy and makes me not even want to vote in a state election.
Changing the way the United States census works is also for dangerous. The Democrats want the census to count for everyone and that’s fine. But, according to the Left, the United States has no right to ask if someone is in the country legally. Immigration status matters.
The census is important because it will determine the number of Representatives a state send to Congress. If California is allowed to include illegal aliens (tat’s between 5 and 30 million) that could substantially raise the number of representatives and, because California is Blue, increase the power for Democrats.
As far as I’m concerned, this is voter fraud by proxy.
We need to stop them or we are going to become no better than China or Russia.