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Episode 160 Show Notes – Creepy Joe Earns His Name

California has decided to go the way of tyranny but does Gov. Gavin Newsome have the stones to enforce anything.

Sweden does something, I don’t know, insane. Because of the Wuhan Flu.

That brings up a point: How stupid has this whole Wuhan Flu thing gotten?

The women’s United States soccer team gets smoked in court.

And Morning Joe roasts Sleepy, Creepy Joe.


Gavin Newsom: Tyrant?

Earlier this week, Gov. Gavin Newsom




Sweden Did What Now?




A Blast to Feminism





Ugh! He May Be Done










Episode 159 Show Notes – No Touchy, Creepy Joe!

Joe Biden’s accuser seems to have quite a bit more circumstantial evidence as a tape shows up showing that Tara Read has been telling people about the alleged assault.

The media keeps making the Wuhan flu into a race thing.

President Trumps is getting sued and the media tries to hide why. I actually have to talk to my immigrant girlfriend to see if I was missing time. All I needed to do was read the rest of the story to answer.

Leave it to Slate to give me a great laugh on a Sunday morning.

And could some I enjoy so much really spread COVID-19?


I Think We Hit the “Credible” Stage

I never really talked about this because these kinds of reports usually come with no evidence. In fact, they do not become news stories for decades and usually have no evidence, so I just ignore them.

But, this story, not becoming a story, has really ticked me off. And, now, it is looking credible. So my big question is: Where is everyone?

Just to catch you up with the story, Tara Reade, an aid to Joe Biden, accused Sleepy, Creepy Joe Biden of sexual assault back in the 1990s. I didn’t talk much about it because I’m tired to 30-year-old accusations being made into a big deal, even if it’s against a guy I don’t like.

But it did tick me off the the media was ignoring it. This wasn’t a groping. This was an actual sexual assault (I won’t go into the details). And, as time has past, it has become more and more credible.

And, here’s to CNN. When Brett Kavanaugh was accused of sexual assault and leading a gang rape ring, with no evidence and no credible witnesses (I do not consider Blaisey Ford a credible witness, never have) and with witnesses who actually countered the accusations, CNN had 700 stories about Kavanaugh. Seven hundred stories!

Up until now, nothing about Sleepy, Creepy Joe.

First, let’s look at Reade’s circumstantial evidence. It is circumstantial. None of this means he’s guilty. In fact, I’m not even accusing Biden of being a perv (he is though). I’m complaining about something else.

  • Reade immediately quit as Biden’s aid.
  • Reade filed a complaint that fell on dead ears.
  • Reade told her husband, mother and family and friends, explaining why she quit.
  • Reade told all these people what happened and that it was Biden.
  • Friends and family of Reade said she told them.
  • Reade still liked Biden and that’s why she never went to the press.


Mind you, this is all circumstantial evidence. Doesn’t mean anything. But CNN never said a word about it. The other press organizations mentioned it but never investigated.

Well, CNN decided to have a report about it on April 25. That’s Saturday. Two weeks after the story came out. Why all of a sudden had CNN found God? Not because of the ethical reporting standards of CNN had become enlightened. But because Reade’s mother called in to the Larry King show…on CNN!

What a shock. CNN waited until it was pointed out that CNN already had the story. They talked about Kavanaugh 700 times. No evidence. Then CNN has evidence from their own network that make Reade’s story valid and they hide it. They wait until day before yesterday and failed to report it until then.

Listen to how the female VP prospect for Biden are reacting:

Hmm. The leading resource on new, huh?



It’s All About Race

So the LATimes reported that blacks and Hispanics are more susceptible to the Wuhan flu.

Kind of amazing. When Trump called the virus the Chinese flu, basing this statement as a condemnation of the government of China, not of the Chinese people. Let’s remember: the Chinese people suffered from the disease and the forced social distancing policies.

Well, they are still suffering. Retail stores were closed again last week. Guess it ain’t over there.

The Los Angeles Times released an article stating that more black and Hispanic people are dying between the ages of 18 and 64.

Recent deaths also reveal the major role that underlying health conditions such as heart disease, obesity, diabetes and asthma play in the amplified suffering of black and brown communities.

“None of us knew what the numbers would look like. But we know that this is going to disproportionately affect communities that have fewer resources, have higher rates of underlying disease,” said Angell. “That’s the reality of inequities in our country. It’s something that we’re working very hard to address. It’s not acceptable. It’s not just.” – Dr. Sonia Angell, director of the California Department of Public Health.

“None of us knew what the numbers would look like. But we know that this is going to disproportionately affect communities that have fewer resources, have higher rates of underlying disease,” said Angell. “That’s the reality of inequities in our country. It’s something that we’re working very hard to address. It’s not acceptable. It’s not just.”

The article goes on to bring up crap like family losing a loved on and bad America and so forth.

But the story kind of glides over a few things. Like pre-existing conditions such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease were kind of skipped.

Here are some questions I would like answered:

  • How are preexisting conditions systemic?
  • Are there cultural issues that are creating these preexisting conditions?
  • Are there social issues causing this disease?
  • Are there cultural issues that are spreading the disease? Social distancing?


None of the questions are answered.




Is This Really a Thing?




Oh Jeez!






Dumb Gets Dumber





Episode 158 Show Notes – Never Let a Good Crisis Stop Socialism

It’s getting cooler in the United States as President Trump drops a deep freeze on immigration.

Kim Jong Un might need to ease up of eating bats and go for a run.

And oil is cheaper than toilet paper! This is the perfect time for AOC to screw up!


Um, What’s the Big Deal

“As we all know, millions of Americans sacrificed their jobs in order to battle the virus and save the lives of our fellow citizens,” said Trump. “We have a solemn duty to ensure these unemployed Americans regain their jobs and their livelihood.”

“In order to protect American workers, I will be issuing a temporary suspension of Immigration into the United States,” said Trump. “By pausing immigration, we’ll help put unemployed Americans first in line for jobs as America re-opens.”

“It would be wrong and unjust for Americans laid off by the virus to be replaced with new immigrant labor flown in from abroad,” said Trump. “We must first take care of the American worker.”

Exceptions include necessary jobs such as healthcare and families that are already here.

Of course, the media is making something that is so uncontroversial into a big deal.

“Since the outbreak, the White House has been using the virus to justify increased restrictions on immigration, they’ve basically been working up to this. A move like this, though, would be absolutely unprecedented and would essentially shut down the legal immigration system. And one thing that’s certain, this is definitely going to be challenged in court, opponents are calling this xenophobic.”said ABC News reporter Cecilia Vega.


Every other country is doing this. Heck, Florida doesn’t want people from New York. Double heck, Michigan doesn’t want people traveling from one home to another home within Michigan.

Trump’s main argument is illegal immigration, not legal immigration.




Good Riddance to Bad Trash

Kin Jong Un is, supposedly, in critical condition after heart surgery.

“Well, these are reports that came out, and we don’t know,” Trump responded. “We don’t know. I’ve had a very good relationship with him. I can only say this: I wish him well, because if he is in the kind of condition that the reports say, that the news is saying, that’s a very serious condition.”

“But I wish him well. We’ve had a good relationship. I’ve said it,” Trump continued. “I’ve said it many times: If somebody else were in this position, we would have been right now at war with North Korea. And we are not at war. We are nowhere close to war with North Korea. I just have to say to Kim Jong Un, I wish him very good luck. Good luck. They came out with a very serious medical reports.”

My opinion? Who cares. He’s garbage and I hope he’s already dead and roasting marsh mellows in hell.



Just a Dumbass

Oil is another commodity that has been taking a beating this week. Oil crashed to a record low of -$37.63 per barrel. That’s right. If I have a barrel of oil and I want to sell it to you, I would have to pay you $37.63.

There are several reasons for this.

  • Contracts in West Texas are ending and the final shipments of oil are being sent to refineries. The refineries do not have enough storage for all the refined oil so the contracts will expire. That means drillers are out of luck and they will have to stop drilling.
  • There is an oil war between Russia and Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has decided to over produce in hopes of lowering the oil prices to the point Russia cannot sell their stock. Since the Russian economy is weaker, Saudi Arabia hopes to wait out the war.
  • Finally, there’s no demand for oil. No one in the world is allowed out of their houses so no one is driving.


There’s good and bad news about this.

First, the good news. Which isn’t that great. Our gas will go down. In certain states, gasoline has gone under $1 a gallon. Of course, no one is going anywhere. So we are not really taking advantage of that.

The bad news is people will lose their jobs. They will lose their jobs from the drilling companies (especially west Texas) and the refinery plants (because companies have no need to refine oil).

Enter the mental giant, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. She released the following Tweet right after the oil crash:

So AOC likes to see the crash of a portion of the economy so that we can implement more expensive forms of the same energy that no one needs. What an idiot.

And she claims that she is for the working person. Really? The drilling companies are going to lay off. The refineries are going to lay off. Tens of thousands are going to be out of work thanks to this oil glut. So much about giving a damn about the worker.

She deleted the Tweet. But then said this:

And that’s her thing. She doesn’t care about people’s lives. She doesn’t care about the workers. She wants everyone unemployed so they will depend on the government and expand government’s power.

Because she’s part of the government, her power will be expanded.

This whole load of crap about her caring about the environment is pure gas lighting. She doesn’t care about the environment. She only cares about power. And the only way she is going to get power is by the people of this country being dependent on the government. In other words, implement socialism. She is such a terrible human being.

And stupid.


How About Some Zep









Episode 157 Show Notes – Good Luck Returning That!

I think this montage from the Daily Wire says it all about what is happening in our country right now.

What path are we going on? How can we stop it?


A Glimpse of Tyranny

There have been a lot of questions about whether or not politicians were going to take the Wuhan virus crisis and try to change our way of life. And it looks like we are getting the answers.

This could not be so obvious as it is in Michigan.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has put in place an order, enforcing stay-at-home orders during the outbreak. Now, normally, I would not say much to this. We should be social distancing and staying in as much as possible. The problem is Whitmer has taken it to a different level.

  • She has ban social gatherings of any kind and enforces this with fines and arrests.
  • She has banned travel of any kind, even within the state. If someone has two houses, he can’t travel between houses or risk a fine.
  • She has banned all “non-essential surgeries including heart and joint replacement surgeries.
  • She has ordered that stores must rope off parts of the stores that sell “non-essential” items such as paint, flooring, plants and seeds.
  • She has ordered the closing of gun stores.


Now, this might be O.K. except for what she allows.

  • The selling of pot and alcohol. I guess those are essential.
  • The exemption of travel for government employees.
  • Abortion is still allowed.


“A woman’s health care, her whole future, her ability to decide if and when she starts a family is not an election, it is a fundamental to her life,” she added. “It is life-sustaining, and it’s something that government should not be getting in the middle of.”

Meanwhile, a cop is arrested for playing catch with his six-year-old at an empty public park.

Am Easter prayer service on church grounds, where all the participants are praying in their cars, is raided by police and broken up.

The people decided they were not going to have any of this and started a protest called Operation Gridlock. This was made up of thousands driving around the capital building, blasting their horns. The message was clear:

The cure cannot be worse than the disease. And they are willing to risk their lives to re-open the country and salvage our freedom.

How did Gov. Whitmer respond to the protest? By saying she may have to put out more restrictions.

But Michigan isn’t the only place that is throwing a fit.

In California, Los Angeles is having trouble keeping people away from the skate parks in Venice Beach. Now, I understand that now being allowed to go to school doesn’t mean running to a skate park. But the city decided to fill the skate park with sand, essentially making it unusable.

In New York, Mayor Bill De Blasio, who already is a communist tyrant, released this chilling message:

That’s right: De Blasio wants you to report on your neighbor so “enforcement” can be contacted and the offender can be educated, or re-educated, on being obedient to the will of the government. All we need are some guys in brown shirts loading the “uneducated” into some cattle cars and shipped off to a gulag.

Here’s the good news: Americans know about what we had to do, the lives that were lost, in order to gain and keep our freedom. We won’t tolerate our government overstepping its bounds and trying to take our freedom away.

This should also make Democrats happen because Donald Trump has proven he is not a fascist. He used the Defense Production Act power to the minimum. From what I’ve heard only four times. He has never declared martial law, mandated anything (only offering suggestions), taken power away from state and local government and wants this thing to end as soon as possible to get life back to normal.

Democrats look like the fascists. They look like the tyrants. And, looking that Donald Trump is up to a 52% approval rating, they are going to get killed in the next election.

Unless they can get what they want. We need to talk about that in the next podcast. Because the Democrats are now trying to steal the next election.




Stupid Montage of the Day from Grabien

Grabien released another awesome montage about how the media reacted to the suspension of funds to the World Health Organization. Listen:

And they keep going.

Steven Colbert, Jimmie Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon are holding the “One World” online special to raise funds for, you guessed it, the World Health Organization.

Now, I already complained about the WHO. It was their incompetence and promoting of Chinese propaganda that caused this mess. In fact, 95% of this mess probably wouldn’t have happened if China and the WHO were honest and attacked this virus.

Here’s the thing: I don’t think we should give up on the WHO. They are smart people. Most are concerned with stopping the contagions in the world. But leadership needs to be replaced. All they have to do is get rid of the leadership and start over.

The World Health Organization needs to be concerned about the world’s health and not Chinese politics.

By the way, the WHO said that wet markets should be allowed to re-open. Yeah, the same markets that they said caused this whole thing should re-open.

There is a caveat. the wet markets need to meet stringent health standards. I’m sure we’ll see the WHO at the Chinese wet markets buying bats dogs and snakes for dinner.

Yeah, we should be giving the WHO $500 million a year.




You Bought It, Now Live with It

This is a refreshing story.

Some idiot in Australia tried to return some stuff at a grocery store and the manager released a viral video saying what happened.

John-Paul Drake from Drake’s Grocery Store told the following story:

“I had my first customer yesterday who said he wanted to get a refund on a 150 packets of 32-pack toilet paper and 150 units of one liter sanitizer!” Drake said. “I told him [shows middle finger] that. That is the sort of person that is causing the problem in the whole country.”

Good for him! Way to be a great American hero even though you are from southern Australia.



Closing Song

Finally, I took the DNA test from Ancestry and made a rather shocking discovery: I am 50% Irish/Scottish/British. almost 40% Irish. They even know what town I originated.

I think I always knew this because I’ve always been partial to American Celtic Punk. One of my favorite bands is the Dropkick Murphys, a band from Boston.

My favorite song might sound familiar. It’s from The Departed, a movie about the Irish mob in Boston. I’m not from Boston, I’m from Chicago. Chicago has a different type of mob. But my Irish grandmother is from Boston. And that’s good enough.

Let’ listen to I’m Shipping Off to Boston by the Dropkick Murphys. The only song where xylophones sound cool.



Episode 156 Show Notes – FREEDOM! Soon Anyway

I don’t know about you but I am feeling the warmth from the light at the end of the tunnel. President Trump releases the plan for opening up the country.

But is it a good idea and is his plan solid?


Oh My Gosh! Normalcy?!

The CDC and FEMA have created a plant to get the country running again. The plan is a phased plan and is not an “open everything” plan.

The President is suppose to make the announcement on Thursday. But, essentially, the plan is already in action and the start of the opening is scheduled for May 1.

The Washington Post got an early copy of the plan:

“CDC and FEMA officials have worked on the public health response for at least the past week, and the resulting document has been discussed at the White House, including by members of the coronavirus task force,” The Washington Post reported. “The version obtained by The Post appears to be an early draft by FEMA and contains granular instructions for a phased reopening of institutions such as schools, child-care facilities, summer camps, parks, faith-based organizations and restaurants.”

The plan places all communities in three catagories:

  • Low Mitigation – communities where significant spread was never observed, can “re-open” soon
  • Moderate Mitigation – former hot spots entering controlled recovery, limited mitigation communities observing increased, but contained transmission
  • Significant Mitigation – current or emerging hot spots, moderate mitigation communities showing signs of strained capacity


Decisions on reopening individual communities – which will be made at the federal, state, and local levels – are contingent on:

  • Confidence that incidence of infection is genuinely low.
  • A surveillance system that is well functioning and capable of promptly detecting any increase in incidence.
  • A public health system that is reacting robustly to all cases of COVID-19 and has surge capacity to react to an increase in incidence.
  • A health system that has the capacity in all respects, including inpatient beds, staffing, an other services, to handle all cases and that is in a position to rapidly scale up to deal with a surge in cases.


“Based on the latest data, our team of experts now agrees that we can begin the next front in our war, which we are calling ‘opening up America again,” Trump said during the White House Coronavirus Task Force press briefing. “We are not opening all at once, but one careful step at a time.”

The administration released the proposed state or regional gating criteria (The following is from the DailyWire.com):

    • Downward trajectory of influenza-like illnesses (ILI) reported within a 14-day period AND Downward trajectory of covid-like syndromic cases reported within a 14-day period.
  • CASES:
    • Downward trajectory of documented cases within a 14-day period OR Downward trajectory of positive tests as a percent of total tests within a 14-day period (flat or increasing volume of tests)
    • Treat all patients without crisis care AND Robust testing program in place for at-risk healthcare workers, including emerging antibody testing.

The plan then breaks out three phases for opening up the country.

  • PHASE ONE: For States And Regions That Satisfy The Gating Criteria:
      • ALL VULNERABLE INDIVIDUALS* should continue to shelter in place. Members of households with vulnerable residents should be aware that by returning to work or other environments where distancing is not practical, they could carry the virus back home. Precautions should be taken to isolate from vulnerable residents.
      • All individuals, WHEN IN PUBLIC (e.g., parks, outdoor recreation areas, shopping areas), should maximize physical distance from others. Social settings of more than 10 people, where appropriate distancing may not be practical, should be avoided unless precautionary measures are observed.
      • Avoid SOCIALIZING in groups of more than 10 people in circumstances that do not readily allow for appropriate physical distancing (e.g., receptions, trade shows)
      • MINIMIZE NON-ESSENTIAL TRAVEL and adhere to CDC guidelines regarding isolation following travel.
      • Continue to ENCOURAGE TELEWORK, whenever possible and feasible with business operations.
      • If possible, RETURN TO WORK IN PHASES.
      • Close COMMON AREAS where personnel are likely to congregate and interact, or enforce strict social distancing protocols.
      • Minimize NON-ESSENTIAL TRAVEL and adhere to CDC guidelines regarding isolation following travel.
      • Strongly consider SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS for personnel who are members of a VULNERABLE POPULATION.
      • SCHOOLS AND ORGANIZED YOUTH ACTIVITIES (e.g., daycare, camp) that are currently closed should remain closed.
      • VISITS TO SENIOR LIVING FACILITIES AND HOSPITALS should be prohibited. Those who do interact with residents and patients must adhere to strict protocols regarding hygiene.
      • LARGE VENUES (e.g., sit-down dining, movie theaters, sporting venues, places of worship) can operate under strict physical distancing protocols.
      • ELECTIVE SURGERIES can resume, as clinically appropriate, on an outpatient basis at facilities that adhere to CMS guidelines.
      • GYMS can open if they adhere to strict physical distancing and sanitation protocols.
      • BARS should remain closed.
  • PHASE TWO: For States And Regions With No Evidence Of A Rebound And That Satisfy The Gating Criteria A Second Time:
      • ALL VULNERABLE INDIVIDUALS should continue to shelter in place. Members of households with vulnerable residents should be aware that by returning to work or other environments where distancing is not practical, they could carry the virus back home. Precautions should be taken to isolate from vulnerable residents.
      • All individuals, WHEN IN PUBLIC (e.g., parks, outdoor recreation areas, shopping areas), should maximize physical distance from others. Social settings of more than 50 people, where appropriate distancing may not be practical, should be avoided unless precautionary measures are observed.
      • NON-ESSENTIAL TRAVEL can resume.
      • Continue to ENCOURAGE TELEWORK, whenever possible and feasible with business operations.
      • Close COMMON AREAS where personnel are likely to congregate and interact, or enforce moderate social distancing protocols.
      • NON-ESSENTIAL TRAVEL can resume.
      • Strongly consider SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS for personnel who are members of a VULNERABLE POPULATION.
      • SCHOOLS AND ORGANIZED YOUTH ACTIVITIES (e.g., daycare, camp) can reopen.
      • VISITS TO SENIOR CARE FACILITIES AND HOSPITALS should be prohibited. Those
        who do interact with residents and patients must adhere to strict protocols regarding hygiene.
      • LARGE VENUES (e.g., sit-down dining, movie theaters, sporting venues, places of worship) can operate under moderate physical distancing protocols.
      • ELECTIVE SURGERIES can resume, as clinically appropriate, on an outpatient and in-patient basis at facilities that adhere to CMS guidelines.
      • GYMS can remain open if they adhere to strict physical distancing and sanitation protocols.
      • BARS may operate with diminished standing-room occupancy, where applicable and appropriate.
  • PHASE THREE: For States And Regions With No Evidence Of A Rebound And That Satisfy The Gating Criteria A Third Time:
      • VULNERABLE INDIVIDUALS can resume public interactions, but should practice physical distancing, minimizing exposure to social settings where distancing may not be practical, unless precautionary measures are observed.
      • LOW-RISK POPULATIONS should consider minimizing time spent in crowded environments.
      • Resume UNRESTRICTED STAFFING of worksites.
      • VISITS TO SENIOR CARE FACILITIES AND HOSPITALS can resume. Those who interact with residents and patients must be diligent regarding hygiene.
      • LARGE VENUES (e.g., sit-down dining, movie theaters, sporting venues, places of worship) can operate under limited physical distancing protocols.
      • GYMS can remain open if they adhere to standard sanitation protocols.
      • BARS may operate with increased standing room occupancy, where applicable.

The plan says that vulnerable individuals include the elderly and those who have “serious underlying health conditions, including high blood pressure, chronic lung disease, diabetes, obesity, asthma, and those whose immune system is compromised such as by chemotherapy for cancer and other conditions requiring such therapy.”




What Do I Think of This?

As far as the plan that I know of based on the reports on Wednesday, it is a good plan. Well, it’s the best plan one can come up with considering the information we have.

It does a couple of things well:

  • It is a phased approach. We’re not going to open everything at the same time.
  • It rates areas of infection. More information would have been better in order to be more accurate in the classification of communities. But it’s something.
  • It looks to classify communities, not just states and cities. It is important to go slow and open pockets of our civilization.
  • It gives states and local governments control the decisions. For some reason, people were fighting whether opening the economy was a federal or state decision. This was a stupid contraversy. Now we see, in the long run, it is going to be a community decision. This is huge.
  • The plan has been set up as scalable. It is defined an macro-phases not micro-phases. The reality is some decisions are not going to work. But this plan allows to take a macro-change and make little changes to perfect it. We’ve never been through anything like this and a plan needs to be written in pencil, not pen.
  • The CDC, FEMA, the Corona Virus task force and the state’s governors are involved. This is not President Trump saying, “Let’s do this now!” He’s letting the professionals make the recommendations and letting the governors help.
  • Finally, it is a plan. The light at the end of the tunnel can be seen. There’s hope.


There are some problems with this plan:

  • This whole thing depends on the models and the numbers being plugged into the statistics. None of which looks good for understanding what this virus is about. Remember that the death toll would be between 100,000 and 240,000. That’s kind of a bad range. But now they’re saying it could be as low as 60,000. Not great stats.
  • Viruses like these have a tendency to be seasonal. The flattening of the curving could be that it’s getting warmer. Could this thing come back in the fall and start all over?
  • What about a second wave? Is that possible?


This is going to be politicized by the Democrats and media But this is to be expected. They want to economy shut down until at least November. Because the economy is going to go back up when it opens again. And Trump is going to look like a hero. If one person dies because he catches the virus while going back to work, Trump is going to have, “blood on his hands.”

We already see some of this from Andrew Cuomo and the rest of the Dems in the northeast states that want to increase the stay-at-home order until May 15th. It’s their states. They can do what they want.

no matter what happens, Trump is going to get crap. Opening up the economy is the best way to handle this mess.













Episode 155 – Show Notes – Screw WHO and Where to Poo!

Sleepy, Creepy Joe finally got something he was wanted since he started his Presidential run. But he got it at a time that e didn’t really need it. But he’s got bigger issues. Thanks God the New York times is there to protect him.

Trump screws the WHO.

And I love left wing sites. There is so much funny stuff to talk about.


It’s About Time

Barrack Obama has finally decided to show some love for Joe Biden. Not really sure Joe really needs it now but OK.

In a statement, the former President said this:

I am not exactly sure what the point of this is right now. Joe could have used the endorsement during the primaries and he was no where to be seen.

This just shows how arrogant and self-centered Barrack Obama is. He doesn’t care about the country or thinks Old Joe is a good candidate. He waited until Joe got the nomination because, if he didn’t, it would have looked bad on what’s left of his legacy. It’s quite cowardly and is not the actions of a good friend like Joe has been peddling on us.

But Joe has a bigger issue that is going to haunt him, no matter how the media tries to spin it.

In two recent interviews with The Associated Press, Tara Reade alleged the assault occurred in the basement of a Capitol Hill office building in the spring of 1993. She filed a police report in Washington on Thursday saying she was the victim of a sexual assault by an unnamed person in 1993, a copy of which was obtained by the AP.

It’s not the first time Reade has made an accusation against the former vice president. Last year, Reade publicly accused Biden of inappropriate touching, but did not allege sexual assault.

“dedicated his public life to changing the culture and the laws around violence against women. He firmly believes that women have a right to be heard — and heard respectfully. Such claims should also be diligently reviewed by an independent press. What is clear about this claim: it is untrue. This absolutely did not happen”
I do not put a lot of faith in 30 year claims of sexual assault but a police report was filed and the claim is credible. Thank God for the New York Times.
The NY Times decided to hold the story and ignore it. This has been a story out there for 30 years. When the editor of the Time, Dean Baquet, he said that he did not thing it was a big story. At the time, which is strange in its own way, only a small news outlet called The Intercept, had reported the incident.
One thing to remember: it was the New York Times that, not only reporting the Brett Kavanaugh had committed sexual assault, but had hidden exculpatory evidence which said he didn’t do it.
When Baquet was asked about that, he said:
“Kavanaugh was already in a public forum in a large way. Kavanaugh’s status as a Supreme Court justice was in question because of a very serious allegation. And when I say in a public way, I don’t mean in the public way of Tara Reade’s. If you ask the average person in America, they didn’t know about the Tara Reade case. So I thought in that case, if The New York Times was going to introduce this to readers, we needed to introduce it with some reporting and perspective. Kavanaugh was in a very different situation. It was a live, ongoing story that had become the biggest political story in the country. It was just a different news judgment moment.”

How about the big difference is that Kavanaugh was a conservative and Biden was not.



The WHO Took It in the Tookus

Last week, we talked about how the World Health Organization was promulgating Chinese propaganda that increased the spread of the Wuhan flu by 95%, killing tens of thousands. This is not an exaggeration. The CDC and other disease control organizations have said that if the WHO had attacked the virus directly or, at least, questioned the Chinese about the virus, it could have been contained in Wuhan.

But the WHO’s loves of China. When China takes over, they want to be the main health organization.

So, when President Trump said he was thinking of suspending payment to the WHO, the director with a name I won’t attempt to pronounce, said this:

Here’s the problem with this jerkoff’s speech: if he or his cronies didn’t kiss China’s butt, there would be a whole lot less body bags filled.

This all started because Taiwan, a staunch opponent of China and heavily under their influence, asked why Taiwan was kicked out of the WHO and if the WHO would consider taking Taiwan back in. The WHO represented hung up on her. You know why? Because Taiwan is RACIST!

That’s right. The WHO director general said:

“When as a community people start to insult us, that’s enough. We cannot tolerate that. But since I don’t have any inferiority complex when I am personally affected or attacked by racial slurs, I don’t care because I am a very proud black person.This attack comes from Taiwan,” he added. “The foreign ministry knows about this campaign and they didn’t disassociate themselves.”

What a jerk. They’re pissed off at China and his decisions. Not because he’s a black guy from Africa.

Well, Trump responded on Tuesday:




Just Dumb

The bidet is a sink that is used for your butthole after one takes a dump. So, I dump in a toilet, then move to another toilet-sink thing and let a fountain of water do its work.

Vox.com asked if, because of the panic over toilet paper, should we bring back the bidet. They seven questions that they decided to answer about the bidet. I read the article but I’m going to answer these questions.

1) What is a bidet?

2) Is it weird to spray water at your butt after you use the toilet?

3) Why don’t Americans customarily use bidets?

4) Are bidets more sanitary than just using toilet paper?

5) Are bidets more environmentally friendly than toilet paper?

6) Are bidets easier to find than toilet paper right now?

7) Even if there wasn’t a toilet paper shortage, would you recommend buying a bidet?

OK, I lied. This is just too stupid so I’m going to quote from Vox:

“Toilet paper shortage or not, Americans should seriously consider the beauty of the bidet. We live in a world full of modern conveniences that would have been unimaginable to our ancestors. We can control lighting from our phones and have robots that vacuum our floors, yet we still wipe our butts with dry paper — just like our ancestors did. Perhaps a toilet paper shortage is the shock to the system Americans need to realize the joys of having a clean, non-irritated, environmentally friendly butt.”



Episode 155 Show Notes – Happy Easter!

Easter is a very special time for Christians like me. This is a special time because of the Wuhan flu. And I don’t think it is a bad thing.

Let’s talk about Easter in the middle of a global pandemic.


An Easter Message

I’m a big fan of Easter. The reason is it is very difficult for the secular commercial industry to put their spin on it that makes it a Hallmark card holiday like they did with other holidays.

I know they tried to make it about bunnies and chocolate eggs. I think that failed because the thought of a rabbit giving kids a chocolate egg is kind of disgusting. It just doesn’t work.

I start my Easter week as I have since I was a kid. I just think of what happened and how it has affected the world. It starts on Good Friday when Jesus was crucified. I get a visual every year by watching Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ. That’s a movie that puts me in my place every year. It forces me to realize the suffering Jesus went through. It’s hard to disconnect the celebration of Easter with the suffering of Jesus. And I don’t want that disconnect. Holy Week, heck, all of Lent, is connected.

Suddenly, when seen this way, the whole bunny and Easter basket thing seems kind of irrelevant and petty. And the greatness that is Jesus really breaks out of the commercialism.

But this Easter is special. Very special.

We are all stuck at home, unable to join our families.

But this is not a bad thing. On this holiday, I think we appreciate what we have and what we are missing. Here’s the thing: though we cannot be with our families today, things could be a lot worse. Think of the families that lost a member and were not able to see that person because of this disease. They die in a hospital, alone. That is happening.

Here’s what I think: Easter could not have come at a better time. I think Easter is the holiday of hope and promise, not of bunnies or colored eggs.

I think Pope Francis in his Easter message said it best. The audio has sound bleed from music and another translator but the point at the end of the minute long clip is what I want to talk about:

His message is clear and powerful. I’m going to ad-lib here. the corona virus is a contagion of the lungs and body. But Jesus is the contagion of the heart. The holidays of Holy Week; Holy Thurday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter are contagions of the heart. We, Christians, are reminded of what Jesus sacrificed to save us.

Suddenly, not spending time with family and eating honey-glazed ham is not so important. A Zoom meeting with my parents, my kids and my grandkids was enough. They’re all health and that should be enough to make me happy.


President Trump’s Easter Message

President Trump had an Easter message for us. Listen:

I won’t lie: President Trump is clumsy with his words. But he said pretty much what I said in only 48 seconds. Have hope. We’re going to get through this and things will get better.


Dr. Anthony Fauci’s Christmas Message

Another strong message came from Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is a realist and not the most positive guy in the world.

He said:

“I think faith means different things to different people. People with a strong foundation in faith, I think it’s very, very important when you go through serious, really terrible ordeals that the country is going through, I think faith helps people through this.”

Fauci’s father was a man who had a lot of faith in God.

“His faith was just extraordinary. I was always in awe of him. I think that there are many, many people that way. So, faith is a good thing.”

Fauci also showed hope for this virus going the way of the Dodo. Though he might have let his optimism take the better of him. We still have to think of second waves and things like that. But I appreciate it.

“It’s started to turn a corner… it’s cautious optimism that we are seeing that decrease. Once you turn that corner, hopefully we will see a very sharp decline. Then you can start thinking about how we can keep it that way and prevent it from re-surging.

“I think it could probably start at least in some ways maybe next month. We are hoping by the end of the month we can look around and say, ‘OK, is there any element here that we can safely and cautiously start pulling back on.’ If so, do it. If not, then just continue to hunker down.”

Don’t know if we’re there yet but one can, and should, hope.



Queen Elizabeth’s Easter Message During the Pandemic

Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain has also been taken out of her element because of the virus. She had to make a State of England speech, which she has only done once before. She is feeling the need to calm her country. And she should.

Boris Johnson is the leader of the country but when he was put in the hospital because of the Wuhan flu and had to put the second in command in charge of the country, the person who could control the country most is Queen Elizabeth.

Her leadership in Great Britain may be ceremonial, but her words have meaning. She also released a powerful Easter message.


That was a beautiful speech and I have more respect for the Queen of England now more than ever.

With Trump could talk like that.



Andrea Bocelli Live from Duomo di Milano













Episode 153 Show Notes

The Democratic Presidential race is down to one after Bernie bows out. But did he have an impact?

Joe Biden may the the Democratic Presidential candidate but his gaffes are being ridiculed by the Right and the Left demands that he stick with Comrade Bernie’s agenda.

The Wuhan flu is costing China as U.S. companies are leaving and Japan is encouraging business to relocate to anywhere but China.

And President Trump lays in to the World Health Organization for their repeated screw ups. Their response is typical.


Ciao, Comrade Bernie

Bernie Sanders has finally yelled, “no mas.” He has suspended his campaign paving the was for Joe Biden to gain the Democratic nomination.

In a speech earlier this week, Bernie said he could not see a path to victory and thought it would be better to pull out.

He said that, even though they lost the elections, they won the ideological war and the generational war. That their ideological fight was just beginning. And because the younger generations are accepting his crap about all the injustice in this country, they will win the war.

I’m thrilled Bernie is out. In this political climate, I was really worried he’ get the nomination. And that means he would have had a chance of winning. Even though it probably would have been a blow out, there was a chance.

But, worst of all, Bernie is right about some things. The ideological war is in his favor. Our youth, right now, has this chip on their shoulder. They like getting things for free, do not believe in personal responsibility and believe the our country is a crappy place.

What’s worse is that moderate liberals and conservatives have society stacked against them. The public schools and colleges teach socialism, the mainstream media confirms what the schools teach and the entertainment industry puts an emotional spin on the socialist ideologies.

The last two generations are so under educated when it comes to reason but are pummeled by ideology. Books like 1984, Animal Farm, The Gulag Archipelago, Fahrenheit 451, Atlas Shrugged, the Constitution and the Bible used to be required reading in high school. Controversial writers like Twain, Locke, Jefferson, Franklin, Sarte, Neithche and Camus, just to name a few, are not in high school curriculum whereas they were when I was in high school. These authors stirred debate. We didn’t all agree. And we students had to use reason to prove our arguments.

And that’s where Bernie has won with help from the education system, the main stream media and the entertainment industry.




Bernie is Out But Sleepy Creepy Joe Has Issues

So Sleepy, Creepy Joe is probably the Democratic nominee for President. Probably. We’ll get into that later.

Bernie is gone. But old Joe has got some issues. The guy is going to have to juggle to get all of the Democratic votes especially from the Left. And the Left is like a woman scorned.

Bernie’s group has issued a list of demand from Biden.

The Washington Free Beacon’s Brent Scher reported Thursday that the groups, calling themselves “leaders from a diverse array of organizations building political power for young people,” sent the letter to Biden just hours after Sanders announced he was dropping out of the race.

The following was read from the Daily Wire courtesy of The Washington Free Beacon’s Brent Scher.

“The letter demanding Biden embrace far-left policies such as the Green New Deal, Medicare for All, and a wealth tax comes from eight groups with diverging policy focuses, from climate change groups such as NextGen America to the anti-Israel IfNotNow Movement. The groups write in the letter to Biden that if their demands are met, they will spend $100 million targeting youth voters and ‘work tirelessly’ to help him defeat President Trump in November.”

“While you are now the presumptive Democratic nominee, it is clear that you were unable to win the votes of the vast majority of voters under 45 years old during the primary. With young people poised to play a critical role deciding the next president, you need to have more young people enthusiastically supporting and campaigning with you to defeat Trump. This division must be reconciled so we can unite the party to defeat Trump.”

“Messaging around a ‘return to normalcy; does not and has not earned the support and trust of voters from our generation. For so many young people, going back to the way things were ‘before Trump’ isn’t a motivating enough reason to cast a ballot in November.”

“If I’m the nominee, I can tell you one thing. I would very much want Bernie to be part of the journey. Not as a vice presidential nominee but just engaging in all the things that he’s worked so hard to do, many of which I agree with.”

Biden is in trouble. He will lose the Left if he doesn’t get crazy but will lose Independents and moderates if he does take on these crazy policies.



That’s Sleepy Creepy Joe’s First Issue

The second issue Biden is going to have is that he’s an idiot. He can’t keep his foot out of his mouth. And he has screwed up this Wuhan flu thing beyond all belief. Everything he suggested Trump do, Trump did before he opened his mouth.

The Daily Wire had a list of seven things Biden suggested that Trump do during the pandemic. Unfortunately, Sleepy, Creepy Joe must have been too busy sniffing the hair of little girls to pay attention to the news to know what Trump has been doing. Let’s go over that list:

  1. Biden called for coronavirus tests to be free 9 days after Trump signed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act
  2. Biden called for coronavirus testing to be available nationwide 12 days after Trump announced that testing was available in all 50 states
  3. Biden called for “cooperation” between the federal government and the states after numerous Democrat governors praised Trump for his work with them


  • On March 27, while talking on CNN about how Trump is supposed to be working with governors, Biden said, “I mean, this is — there’s supposed to be cooperation here. I mean, this has nothing to do with politics. And it really — it really doesn’t. It really doesn’t.”
  • On March 15, New York Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo praised Trump: “I often tell you when I am unhappy with the federal response to this state. The fairness dictates that kudos where kudos are due and here the President and the Vice President responded very quickly. So I want to thank them for that.”
  • On March 19, California Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom praised Trump: “We need more swabs… The president assured me, not only assured me, he was aware of where those swabs are being procured before I even offered my own insight. Not only is he on top of it, but they’re securing and beginning the process of distributing those swabs.”
  • Newsom later said that same day: “Let me conclude by just making a few points to fill in that. We had today, a very important conversation. It was punctuated earlier today by President Trump and his press conference with the CEO of Gilead, it’s a California based company, around treatments. I want to compliment the President in his focus on treatments. It is a focus of positivity as we work to bridge towards a vaccine. It was a very encouraging conversation. … Here’s the good news in the State of California. I was talking to the Vice President and the President today, thanking them for the first national stockpile transfer of assets that we just received, where we received quite literally, hundreds of thousands of gloves and face masks. Not just N95, but also surgical masks.”
  • On March 24, New Jersey Democrat Governor Phil Murphy praised Trump: “I want to thank the President and his Administration. We need hospital beds. So, we’ve got four field hospitals getting erected by the – by FEMA and the Army Corps, will – that will allow us to displace currently cared-for individuals, non-COVID, into those hospitals to free up critical care beds.”


Biden announced support for barring entry into the U.S. for individuals who had been to China 2 months after Trump announced a travel ban on China

Biden called for a CDC team to go into China 50 days after the Trump administration took action

Biden claimed that he called for the Defense Production Act to be used “before anyone,” which came shortly after Trump announced plans to use it

On March 18, Biden said Trump must, “Prioritize and immediately increase domestic production of any critical medical equipment required to respond to this crisis – such as the production of ventilators and associated training to operate – by invoking the Defense Production Act, delegating authority to HHS and FEMA.”

  • On March 18, Trump said during a White House press briefing, “We’ll be invoking the Defense Production Act, just in case we need it. In other words, I think you all know what it is, and it can do a lot of good things if we need it. And we will — we will have it all completed, signing it in just a little while. Right after I’m finished with this conference, I’ll be signing it. It’s prepared to go. So we will be invoking the Defense Production Act.”


Biden called for someone to be put in charge of handling the coronavirus response 5 weeks after Trump tapped Vice President Mike Pence to lead the White House Coronavirus Task Force

On March 31, Biden said, “Who’s in charge, this is not rocket science it is consequential, incredibly consequential that there is certain things that can be done now – should have been done a week ago, three weeks ago, a month ago. The test for me is what does he do from this point on and he has significant responsibility – put somebody in charge. This is a war, you need a general. Put somebody in charge every single day that is accountable. Let people know exactly what is happening. Tell them the truth, they can handle it.”

On February 26, Trump announced that he had selected Vice President Mike Pence to run the White House’s Coronavirus Task Force.









Episode 152 Show Notes – Time to See the Light and Identify the Dark

If someone could figure out how to hold a sporting event, that league would make billions right now. Guess what? All of the major sports are thinking the same thing.

President Trump and Nikki Haley blast China, as they should and the World Health Organization might be taking it in the butt because of it.

And why is the news agency protecting China?


Even a Virus Can’t Hold Down Capitalism

The country is getting antsy. People want to go to the mall, go to a restaurant to eat, go to the beach, go to work, be able to buy toilet paper and stop wearing those stifling masks.

But what they really want is to be able to watch a baseball game, watch the basketball and hockey playoffs and watch big men beat the ever loving crap out of themselves.

Seems to me anyone who gives the public what they want is going to make a load of money.

Good news, our professional sports teams aren’t afraid of the Wuhan flu enough to stop their seasons.

Baseball is looking to allow for regular season games to all be played in Arizona.  There are ten ballparks in Arizona for spring training. The thought is to let the teams play in Arizona when the epidemic enters the safety stage. They released the statement:

The NBA is looking to have their playoffs in Las Vegas.

The NHL is looking to play the hockey playoffs in rinks in Idaho.

In the biggest surprise, the UFC’s Dana White says he is very close to holding UFC 249 on a private island in a secret location. He is so sure it’s going to happen that he is promoting the fight. It’s scheduled for April 18th.



The Real Blame for This Mess Goes to…





World Health Organization Bending the Knee to China

The World Health Organization is an embarrassment. They really screwed this thing up. Trump and his allies are pointing this out.

Now,understand this: I hate any organization that is globalist in nature. That includes the United Nations, NATO, the European Union and the WHO. These organizations are typically run by leaders from countries that have the moral decency strep throat, vote against the United States at every turn, blame the United States for everything but expect the United States to foot the bill for these awful organizations.

Hell, the United Nations building is on prime property in New York and we were the idiots that built. it. As far as I’m concerned, we should build a Starbucks and a Subway on that property and send the United Nations to Brazil. But I digress.

The World Health Organization screwed this up from the beginning. They believed China when China said that the virus was just the flu. We now know it isn’t.

They believed China when they said it could not be transmitted from person to person because China said it couldn’t be transferred that way. We now know that exactly how it was transferred.

They chastised the United States when we banned travel from China, then Asia, then Europe before we really knew anything about the virus. We now know this was the best thing Trump could have done and it helped slow the virus down.

They believed China when they gave their numbers of sick and dead and believed them when they said the epidemic was all but over. We are finding out that the total deaths in China are not just under 4000 but closer to 40,000.

As we get closer to leveling off this virus, the United States is going to look to crap on someone. The WHO is already in the sights of former UN ambassador, Nikki Haley. She said on Twitter:

And that is absolutely correct. It is not the United States or Trump that has caused all this suffering, death and economic collapse. It is China that released and lied about this beast and it was the World Health Organization that was peddling China’s propaganda.

President Trump also had something to say about China (what a shock). Now, you may notice he does not call the Wuhan flu the Chinese virus anymore. That was after a conversation he had with China’s President Xi. I don’t know what they talked about but it had an impact on Trump. We’ll probably find out later.

But he did have something to say. He Tweeted:

What a great question? Why did they give us such crappy information? But here’s a better question: why do we give them so much money?

The United States gives the World Health Organization between $400 to $500 million a year. And that’s the information we get?

You might be asking how much China gives the WHO. Would you be surprised that China only give them $2 million a year?

What the hell is going on?


We Just Ain’t Globalist Enough

The best way to get an idea is to listen to this interview with W.H.O. director, Bruce Aylward, being asked if Taiwan should be a member of the W.H.O. one thing to understand: Taiwan and Hong Kong are considered Chinese territories even though the are free states and have their own governments. Neither Honk Kong nor Taiwan are happy about this because of the oppression of the Chinese. Heck, Hong Kong has been fighting China for the last year.

Listen to this jerk-offs response (or lack there of).

That long pause wasn’t crappy editing by me. Aylward said he couldn’t hear the question. Then, when the reporter asked again, he said skip it and move on. When she asked again, he hung up on her.


But, in this next clip, we learn what Aylward thinks of China’s response to the Wuhan flu. Listen:





Have Some Fun

Here’s another parody song about COVID-19 from the YouTube channel of Mark O’Dea. It’s based off Under the Sea from The Little Mermaid. It’s short and sweet.




Episode 150 Show Notes – Trust But Be Wary

Good news! COVID-19 has allowed me to lift the Dave Rule and go for however long I want! Not sure I’m going to take advantage of it but we’ll see.

There is some good news with the virus. But there is some bad news too.

The media continues to be dumb and change the narrative again.

The World Health Organization continues to spread Chinese propaganda. Remind me again: why are we giving them half a billion dollars a year?

And COVID-19 must also be a brain disease because it is making supposedly smart people really stupid.


The Good News

Dr. Anthony Fauci was interviewed this week and he had some rather hopeful news. This is kind of refreshing because Fauci is the realist and his news usually strikes against what Trump says in his press conferences. This is not a real surprise because Trump is there to give the country hope and Fauci is there to give the country facts. But his words gave us some encouragement.

Auido clip from podcast

Now Fauci’s words are cautious. The fact is, he doesn’t know what exactly is going to happen. None of us do. But if a man like Fauci sees good news, I am going to believe it is good news.

There is more good news:

  • On Tuesday, Trump showed off a device that can test for COVID-19 in five minutes.
  • Russia’s Putin is sending medical supplies after a phone call with President Trump. The supplies include PPEs such as gowns, shields and masks.
  • The is positive signs that we are going to have a blood serum test. This will show whether or not someone actually had the virus without having any symptoms.
  • The My Pillow Company will stop making pillows and make 50,000 masks.
  • GM and Boeing are changing their production lines to make respirators and ventilators.




The Bad News

But there is bad news. And Trump laid it out.

Play audio lip in podcast.

This was a rather somber press conference. The reality is we have not seen the worst of this. San Diego County, where I live, went from about 100 people being affected to close to 800 being affected in two days.

Not this shouldn’t be overdone. The numbers are going to go up simply because we are testing more. But the realities of us seeing a lot of people being affected in now hitting us right in the face. And we are probably going to be seeing the death and hospitalizations are affecting the other cities.

President Trump, to this point, has been positive. And he’s gotten a lot of crap about it. Now he is being realistic. Can’t wait to hear what the media and the Left will come up with now.



We Need to Stay Three Dimensional

In a Tweet, Donald Trump stated that Iran was at it again and was planning an attack on U.S. troops through one of their proxy groups in Iraq. Trump issued a very strong threat that would dwarf the retaliation we had before when Iran attacked our embassy in Iraq.

So, during his COVID-19 press conference, Trump announced that the United States was making its presence known with the drug drug cartels of Mexico and South America. Remember, about two weeks ago, Nicholas Maduro was indicted on a slew of drug trafficking charges.

Or do you remember? Probably not because this COVID-19 thing has been sponging up all the news. And that is a problem. Trump put us on the right path today.

We have to remember that the world has not stopped turning just because we are in the midst of a pandemic. Our enemies see us as weak and might decide to take a shot at us.


The Ugly: The Media

The media continues to act like children. Looking at their ratings, I’m apparently not the only one who thinks this. Let’s take a look at the infuriating Jim Acosta during Tuesday’s COVID-19. I still don’t know why Trump even lets him ask a question.

And that’s exactly what he should be doing. But what is the point of Acosta’s question? What information does that question hope to expel? The question does nothing but tries to make the President look like a dolt. No answer Trump could give would mean to anyone sitting in their home for the past two weeks or who is sitting in a hospital, struggling for breath.

But that’s the point of the press. They aren’t after information. They are out there to make Trump look bad and incompetent. They’re out there to blame Trump for this mess. They don’t blame China for this mess. I bet you could watch CNN all day, and they are doing nothing but talking about COVID-19, will only mention China when saying how great they’ve handled this compared to Trump. It’s disgusting.

Another example of TDS in the media comes via Joe Scarborough of Morning Joe on MSNBC. He said on Wednesday that everyone knew this virus was coming. Everyone except Trump. He was quoted saying:

“They saw this coming even several weeks ago. Doctors I know very well, scientists, health care professionals were saying, “Mr. President, 100,000, 200,000, 500,000 people could die from this virus if you don’t start moving.” The president didn’t want to hear it. This is, after all, a president who talked about one person dying and one person from China, but we’ve got it taken care of, it will be zero. And then soon after that in February, he was talking about, oh, we have 14, 15 people who were infected but we’ve done such a good job it’s going to go down to zero. Then, of course, he said the media was overblowing it, that their coverage was a hoax of the pandemic, that it was going to go away. And then he said that it would go away in April, the sun would come out, it would magically go away.”

Really, Joe? Did everyone know except for Trump? Here’s a clip from Grabien that says differently:

That montage by Grabian were composed by press and Democratic politicians over the last three months. They has no idea what would happen with the virus. Or they didn’t care.

Trump, while in the middle of his impeachment trial, banned travel from China and even mentioned the virus during his State of the Union speech. Joe Biden and the rest of the Left’s sicaphants called Trump a xenophobe.

This is the unfortunate detail the Left has forgotten: we live in an age were everything is recorded.








Just Stupid





