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Episode 104 – Show Notes

Things are coming to a head in Washington. Articles of impeachment have been submitted by Jerry Nadler. The IG report by Michael Horowitz was also released on Monday and the media is trying to spin it.And the Democrats, trying to save face from this impeachment farce. has given Trump a big win. But did we win?



At Least These Articles Are More Entertaining Than Anything the NY Times Has

Here we go:

Notice that something is missing here? Where’s the bribery? Where’s the extortion? Abuse of power? Really?

Let’s look at these two articles because I know you guys aren’t dumb enough to read them. So let me explain.

The first article, abuse of power, shows that the Democrats are hosed. Abusing power is what leads one to commit crimes. In itself, abuse of power is not a crime.

If I am your boss and I sexually harass you, I am abusing my power leading me to do a criminal act. The criminal act is the sexual harassment.

In the impeachment case, they can say that Trump abused power by committing the crime or crimes of bribery and/or extortion. Bribery and extortion have legal structure and definition. Abuse of power has no structure or definition. It’s a concept. Intent, which is important here, is impossible to prove or deny. It’s a perception. It’s an opinion.

What do I mean by that. I’ll give you two examples: one really simple and one that hits closer to this. I walk up to you and exclaim I’m tall. You, who stand about a foot taller than me, and that probably true, say I am not. That I’m short. I tell you, no, I’m tall, you’re just taller.

Let me give something a little closer to this scenario. My boss tells me something. I don’t like him. He’s always telling me what to do. I point at him and scream, “Abuse of power!” What crime did he commit? Who knows? That wasn’t part of the dialog. I didn’t say.

Walk up to your boss and, when he says something, accuse him of abusing power. I guarantee he will ask what he did. Because abuse is power is not a crime and they can’t prove extortion or bribery.

Believe it or not, the second article of impeachment, obstruction of Congress, is even thinner. Congress can subpoena anyone want. But that doesn’t mean they have to go. I can ignore a subpoena. But, if Congress really want to see me, they will have to take me to court. Maybe they are calling me because they don’t like me and want to embarrass me.

That’s why they are three branches of government. Separation of powers. If the Congress does go to court, they order I have to testify and I still say, “no” then I’m obstructing justice. Obstruction of Congress in this case? No, not a thing.

I am going to hold my position: I think impeachment, to my chagrin, is not going to happen. I think Pelosi knows it.

Purple and Red state Democrats are kind of stand-offish and there is a request for censure on the floor of the House. To late for that. Some Republicans might have gone for that before but, seeing the case, not anymore.

I don’t think impeachment is a slam dunk and I’m going against a lot of smarter guys than me.



The IG Report

The media is thrilled with the release of the IG Report written and investigated bi Michael Horowitz. Listen to Chris Cuomo fawn over the report:

Well, here’s the problem for CNN, MSNBC, the New York Time, the Washington Post and all the other Democratic media outlets: The report does not get the FBI off the hook.

Though the report said there was no evidence of political bias, the investigation did not really analyze motive or go deep into the possibility of bias. Basically, Horowitz asked if they had any animus against Trump and if they said no, good enough. This was more of a report on process than intent.

The report says there were grave mistakes during the FISA process to get a warrant on Carter Page. Seventeen to be exact. They include:

  • The omission that Carter Page served and a governmental agent from 2008 to 2016. He worked for them.
  • The overstatement of the significance of the Steele Dossier.
  • That the Steele Dossier was corroborated.
  • Said that Steele did not give the dossier to the press when, in fact, he gave it to Yahoo News.
  • Never mentioned that  Papadopoulos denied that the Trump campaigned was working with the Russians.
  • Omitted Page’s contention that he never met Manafort. This is important because he was accused of working with Manafort to contact the Russians.


This is just to name a few. I don’t know about you, but this seems pretty damning. Either these guys were after Trump or they are the most incompetent agency if the U.S government.

I prefer the former. My reasoning: all these “errors” always went against Trump. Weird, huh?

William Barr had a couple of things to say about this, especially the rather thin explanation of no partisanship in the investigation.

John Durham added:

“I have the utmost respect for the mission of the Office of Inspector General and the comprehensive work that went into the report prepared by Mr. Horowitz and his staff. However, our investigation is not limited to developing information from within component parts of the Justice Department. Our investigation has included developing information from other persons and entities, both in the U.S. and outside of the U.S.  Based on the evidence collected to date, and while our investigation is ongoing, last month we advised the Inspector General that we do not agree with some of the report’s conclusions as to predication and how the FBI case was opened.”

Don’t forget: Durham is on a criminal investigation, not a process investigation. This ain’t over yet.





Episode 103 – Geronimo!

The impeachment circus continues. I had about fifty other stories but things have blown up this week. And some of it was really funny. So let’s talk about the public hearing held by the House Judiciary Committee and what will happen next.


Impeachment Crap

The House Judiciary Committee decided to have their public hearings for impeachment. This is after Adam “I-don’t-give-a” Schiff decided to release his report recommending impeachment.

Now, I am bored by this and I didn’t watch most of it. Basically, the inquiry was made up of four college law professors telling us why Trump is a jerk. The problem is: Trump is a jerk and I’m good with it.

Seriously, there was nothing factual about this. The three anti-Trump witnesses chosen by the Democrats said we need to impeach right away because Trump is a jerk. The one ant-Trump witness chosen by the Republicans said, “Whoa, slow down”and could not support impeachment because there was no evidence for this (more on that later).

Of course, the Democrats interviewed the first three witnesses who were chosen by the Democrats. And the Republicans interviewed the last witness who was chosen by the Republicans. It was really boring and didn’t really enlighten anyone.

The one that stood out was Stanford law professor Pamela Karlen. Right off the bat, one could tell she didn’t like Trump. And that became especially clear when she went after Trump through his son Barron.

Melania Trump Tweeted her displeasure but it was Matt Gaetz who blew up Karlen. Not only he expose her bias (which was never really well hidden he told her she was a mean spirit. It’s a little long but worth it. Watch:

Eventually, Karlen apologized, sort of.

But it was Jonathan Turley, a liberal democrat and the witness for the Republicans that really hit it on the head. Turley is a law professor at George Washington University. He said this impeachment inquiry with no evidence of a crime is a dangerous path for the Democrats to go on.

He is exactly right. He even pointed out earlier that it was the Democrats that were abusing their power, not Trump.

All in all, this accomplished absolutely nothing. Just three people who hated Trump and one guy that didn’t see any reason to go after him. None of them brought anymore evidence.

And it was really boring.


This Guy Needs to Go Away

But it was Al Green that was able to define why the hearings didn’t go well and he was upset about it.

This guy is such a moron. He’s the same Al Green that said the Democrats had to impeach Trump or he was going to win another four years. This is the same Al Green



Nancy Pelosi had a meeting with her caucus on Wednesday. In that meeting, she asked, “Are you ready?” After the meeting, she did not answer any questions about what transpired. She did receive Adam Schiff’s 300-page report about his opinions about the impeachment inquiry.

It took less than 24 hours to get her reaction. Watch:

Nancy just jumped the shark. I really though she was a smarter politician than this but I underestimated the hate she had for Trump.

One thing I never see as these press conferences with her is any push back. Well, she got it this time from a reporter who asked her if she was doing this because she hated Trump. She went into a complete tizzy.

Hands and dentures were flying around. Four reporters suffered minor injuries when they were pelted by cracked dentures, dried Poligrip and fake finger nails.

Whatever. This trips me out about Nancy Pelosi. Every time someone says anything critical of her views of the President, she brings up that she’s a Catholic and she prays for him every night. That’s a crock. She doesn’t pray for him any more than he prays for her.

And then calling him a coward because he won’t support climate change, DACA and gun control is not the best way to show her unconditional, platonic love she has for him.

By the way, she is Speaker of the House of Representatives. Do you know what the House of Representatives does? They make law! Make laws. But they can’t because they’re too busy working on this stupid impeachment thing.

Finally, the Catholic thing is the most annoying. She supports gay marriage. She supports the re-defining of gender. She supports abortion to the moment of birth. She ain’t much of a Catholic. Heck, I’m not sure she would get Communion if she ever went to church unless she spent about four months in a confessional.


Final Thoughts

There are three articles that seem to be in play based on some of the graphics shown on Wednesday:

  1. Abuse of power and bribery.
  2. Obstruction of justice.
  3. Obstruction of Congress.


There are some real problems here.

  1. There’s no proof of any crime. They had no witnesses.
  2. These are intent crimes. One also has to prove intent. That’s difficult.
  3. There’s no obstruction of justice or Congress because people ignored subpoenas.


There are several things to look for which are going to make 2020 a very interesting year:

  1. What’s going to the Democratic Presidential Candidates? Warren, Sanders, Klobachar and Booker are Senators.
  2. Who are the Republicans going to call to the stand?
  3. What is going to happen after this sham is over? Will these people get to work (finally) or will they just bitch for the six months before the elections?
  4. Will the Democrats keep up the investigations?
  5. What is going to happen to the Democrats during the 2020 elections?


Here’s what I think is going to happen:

  1. The Republicans are not going to rush this.
  2. We are going to hear about real corruption.
  3. Trump will not be removed from office.
  4. Biden gets smeared in the impeachment trial and falls flat (Hilary?).
  5. Either Hilary Clinton or Elizabeth Warren captures the nomination. If Clinton enters the race, it will be late and it will be a contested convention (that will be fun).
  6. Trump wins the 2020 election.
  7. Republicans take the House.
  8. Republicans take the Senate.


It’s going to be bad for the Democrats. And we haven’t even seen the IG report yet.



Episode 102 Show Notes – Tis the Season

So much stupid after the holidays. It must be the tryptophan.


Only 1500 Candidates Left

We lost three candidates this week. Two of them I doubt you’ve heard of. Heck, I didn’t even know they were running.

Gov. Steve Bullock of Montana dropped out. He polled at 1% for a week before he crashed out at 0%.

Joe Sestak also pulled out. He never went above 0% and was only able to raise $500,000 during his entire campaign. He was a former Navy Admiral. He blamed the press of course.

The biggest surprise was Kamala Harris pulling out of the race. Though she never really got any traction, I thought she’s stick in there waiting for a second wind. Let’s face it: the other candidates are such garbage.

Harris said, “I’ve taken stock and looked at this from every angle, and over the last few days have come to one of the hardest decisions of my life. My campaign for the presidency simply doesn’t have the financial resources we need to continue.”

Of course, everyone blamed racism and sexism. They also pointed out how everyone in the field is white (I guess Booker changed his race recently). Here are some colorful Tweets.

“Kamala Harris officially ended her campaign today, which means that all of the candidates who currently qualify for the December Democratic debate are white (Sanders, Warren, Biden, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, and Steyer). White supremacy is not just a Fox News problem, folks,” tweeted journalist Lauren Duca.

“Kamala Harris’ campaign was historic — a black and South Asian female candidate whose potential seemed sky high early on. Her dropping out means that every candidate that’s qualified so far for the next debate is white: Biden, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, Sanders, Steyer, and Warren,” tweeted CNN correspondent MJ Lee. 

“Kamala Harris dropping out of the race while only white candidates qualify for the next presidential debate shows that white privilege and white supremacy cut across party lines. It’s not just Trump. We have a racism problem in all of the United States of America, and it sucks,” tweeted SJW activist Dr. Eugene Gu.





No, no, no.

Joe Biden started his “No Malarkey” tour and it’s not going well. Not only is he getting killed with his own words, people don’t see interested. There is a picture of him in a diner trying to converse with a patron who wants nothing to do with him. Take a look below:

That’s what you get when you bust some guy’s ass during Sunday Night Football.


Terror Attack in London

A convicted terrorist used a knife to kill two people and seriously injure three more. Now, stay with me, this gets really weird.

The main hero worked at a museum and was attacked by the terrorist. He was cut in the hand. That’s when he grabbed a Narwhal tusk hanging on the wall. If you don’t know what a Narwhal is, it’s a whale that has a unicorn tusk.

Another guy grabbed a fire extinguisher and started spraying the terrorist.

A third man joined the fray and grabbed the knife from the terrorist.

The police showed up and shot the terrorist dead.



The terrorist was already convicted of being a terrorist for wanting to blow up a building and was sentenced to 16 years in prison. But he was released for good behavior.

This is the problem with a society that is run by Leftist ideology.

The story gets weirder.

One of the “heroes” was convicted of strangling and slitting the throat of his girlfriend. He was on a work-release program. Oh, by the way, she was mentally disabled.


And not this guy is probably going to get off of his murder because he did something during this attack (we don’t know what).

Auntie of his victim is pissed. She did not know he was on a work release from a 15-year sentence.

“He is not a hero. He is a murderer out on day release, which us as a family didn’t know anything about. He murdered a disabled girl. He is not a hero, absolutely not. The police liaison officer called me saying he was on the TV. I am so angry. They let him out without even telling us. Any of my family could have been in London and just bumped into him.”

Good job, England!



Gee, Why is He Not on a Football Team?

Colin Kaepernick showed up at an American Indian event called un-Thanksgiving Day where Americans Indians protest the “stealing 1.5 billion acres of land from Indigenous people.”

“And that struggle has continued for that 50 years. It’s our responsibility to honor our ancestors and honor our elders by carrying on that struggle. Don’t let their sacrifices be in vain.

“That’s why it’s important for all of us to be here today – to show that we’re together, that we’re unified, that we have that solidarity. And I hope to spend many more of these with you.”

He later Tweeted:

This year marks the 50th anniversary of when Native Americans took and held Alcatraz Island in San Francisco to protest the “loss” of their lands. The former prison was decommissioned in 1963 so there were a whole lot of tourists that were inconvenienced.

Two things are at point here: the United States is bad and Native Americans are victims. Neither is right. Things to know about the Native Americans:

  • Thanksgiving did happen. There is documentation that even named who attended.
  • Native Americans and the settlers were at peace for fifty years after the original Thanksgiving, trading goods and land. Only after conflicts over land deals did they start fighting (Manhattan is an example).
  • This was not a genocide. Yes, the settlers killed 50% of the Native American population but the Native American population killed 30% of the settler population. This was a war.
  • We forget that the Native Americans were also warring with each other and committing atrocities such as enslavement, rape, cannibalism, scalping and human sacrifice. Watch Mel Gibson’s Apocolypto. That movie was pretty accurate.
  • The Native Americans did not have this love for the land everyone is talking about. They were responsible for the endangerment of the local animals through hunting.
  • The American Indians were way behind technologically. They had not discovered the wheel and did not domesticate animals such as the horse. The settlers showed them this.
  • The settlers did not purposefully infect the the Native Americans with disease. They did not give them blankets infected with small pox. In fact, they knew little about how disease was transferred.
  • The settlers did not steal the Native American land. They traded land for lumber, metals and technology. And the Native Americans were not under paid. Land was also claimed when the Native Americans lost the war.
  • The United States, when acknowledging their faults, and they were at fault on a lot of things, tried to make amends through the reservation system, lower or no taxes and reparations. The Native Americans never acknowledged their atrocities.


The United States did what every other civilization has done throughout human history: take over land. In other words, migrate. You think American Indians (South and North) didn’t do that? You think the Incas, Mayans and Aztecs did not claim land through violence?

And that goes with slavery too. The New York Times wanted everyone to believe that slavery began in 1619 when 20 African slaves were brought to America. That’s a lie.

Here’s the thing: slavery and death are common when it comes to human migration. It’s still happening throughout the world. The United States didn’t discover this. It’s still happening today. But the Left only wants to blame the United States. Even though we have done more than any other country to make up for it.

I think that is why we are going through this today. The United States has taken responsibility for its actions but the Left needs to keep beating on it.



Tis the Season to Hate America

Jan Williams of Black Lives Matter said:

“Part of the Black Xmas campaign is to educate black folks about what we’re doing, about the importance of holding back our dollars during this holiday season.”

Dr. Melina Abdullah said Christmas is, “frenzy of consumerism that’s rooted in white capitalism.”

From the Daily Wire:

According to BLM’s Black Xmas website, the seasonal exercise “is not a call to replace White capitalism with Black capitalism, but to engage in ‘cooperative economics’ (the Kwanzaa principle of Ujamaa).”

Of course, There has to be a comment about Donald Trump:

“Donald Trump embodies White capitalism. If you are anti-Trump, you should hold back your resources from him and the like.”

It her Op-Ed from the L.A. Sentinel, Dr. Abdullah states about “police violence”:

“In addition to investing in our own communities, #BlackXmas and the emerging economic empowerment work of Black Lives Matter is intended as a divestment from White corporations that contribute to the murder, death, abuse, and exploitation of Black people in real terms. We assert that White capitalism is killing our people in very real terms, most starkly through its utilization of a violent, racist, police force to protect its quest for profit. …

“Black people, we must be radical in our approach, daring to get to the root of it all. White capitalism requires racist, violent policing to protect it. In order to eliminate police violence, and the killings of our people at their hands, we must also target the economic systems that built it and rely on it.”

This is getting so old. No wonder Black Lives Matter has become irrelevant.



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Episode 101 Show Notes – What a Great Week!

You know, it’s the week of Thanksgiving which starts a wonderful season for all religious people. That’s a double-edged sword because the secular and the Left try to make this season into proof that our country and the religious are evil. But I don’t care about that today.

Let’s do some news and hope for the best. But let’s talk about Thanksgiving and happy things. Something we can talk about at the dinner table. Things that are political but not.



I need to hit on some news.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg has been hospitalized again with flu-like symptoms. This is after she missed a session of the Supreme Court last week. She stayed, got some liquids and was released. I am not a fan of the 87-year-old and I do want her to retire. But not die. I wish her the best and hope she is feeling better.

The impeachment thing moves on to the second phase. The House Judiciary Committee under Jerry Nadler, will hold public hearings next week.Some Democrats from purple states are getting nervous about voting for impeachment so I think that a vote may not be as much a slam dunk as they thought.

We finally know why Trump withheld aid: Because Trump was ticked that no one else was paying aid to Ukraine. This came from close-door testimony from Mark Sandy, an official from the White House Office of Management and Budget. This probably should have been brought up in the first place.



Animals are Great, Animal are Great!

Here are some great stories.

Conan, the dog that chased al-Baghdadi has finally made it to the White House. There, he was awarded a medal and a plaque and was then brought out to the Rose Garden for a quick press conference.

Conan, who is a five-year-old male Belgian Malinois, seemed very sweet. Vice President Pence couldn’t keep his hands off of her and she seems to love it. He is going to go back to the Middle East right after his visit to the White House.

Many say that the dog should be able to receive a Purple Heart because he was injured. The government banned dogs getting any official medal back in the 1940s. I think is would be awesome if President Trump would sign an Executive Order allowing animals to get medals.I’d love to see the Resistance take that Executive Order to court.

President Trump also pardoned two turkeys for Thanksgiving. The turkeys’ names are Bread and Butter. Cute, huh? During his speech, he needed to take a swipe at Democrats and the impeachment hearings.

The two turkeys will be taken to the University of Virginia where they will be retired and cared for. Those birds are going to have a better life than me.


Great Advice!

I usually go to the Huffington Post to get stories that are so woke their stupid. But I found this article and it actually changed the tone of this podcast today. It is a great article and I’ll probably spend most of the article. The article by Lindsay Holmes is titled 10 Things Grateful People Do Differently. Let’s go over those ten steps.

  1. Write in a journal.
  2. Don’t avoid the negative.
  3. Spend time with loved ones.
  4. Tell your loved ones you love them.
  5. Use social media mindfully.
  6. Know the value of the little things.
  7. Help people know the value of the little things.
  8. Volunteer.
  9. Get moving (exercise).
  10. Love Yourself.


Ten Things I’m Grateful For

It’s been a really hard couple of years for me. But, the reality is, I have a great life and I have a lot to be grateful for. Here are some things I am going to be talking about and celebrating on Thursday.

  1. God.
  2. My family.
  3. Josie.
  4. My friends- Dave, Chad, Nick, Dean, Nate, Yesenia, Lissette, Teresa just to name a few.
  5. My career and the employers.
  6. My health.
  7. My God-given drive to try new things.
  8. A roof over me head.
  9. My country.
  10. The next day.


Even the bad things are good.











Episode 100 – This Is Getting Old



Impeachment Inquiry

Garbage. Schiff is going to move on to impeach Trump.

The lead witness Gordon Sondland, who actually spoke to Trump, admitted that all his testimony was from his perception. That’s right, his opinion.

In fact, no witness had any direct knowledge of what is a quid pro quo. But we do know some things:

  • The witnesses did not like Trump’s foreign policy with Ukraine (not impeachable).
  • Some of the witnesses do not like the way Trump let Amb. Yovanovich go (too bad, not impeachable).
  • The evidence is second hand, all the way to sixth hand (hearsay is evidence but usually only supporting).
  • No one really knew if or why Trump held the aid to Ukraine (Investigate Biden, Ukrainian corruption, Trump didn’t trust Solinsky, Trump doesn’t like giving out foreign aid?).
  • Trump doesn’t like giving out foreign aid.
  • Sondland was told, directly by Trump, “I want nothing. I want them to do the right thing.”
  • That all of these witnesses were career bureaucrats that were never elected and thought they knew more than Trump.
  • None had ever said anything about bribery, which Schiff named in his new narrative, in their prior testimony.
  • None could name a crime Trump committed. Apparently they are all smarter than Trump on implementing crappy policies but aren’t smart enough to know any simple law.
  • Trump did far more for Ukraine than Obama did.


This whole thing is crap.Not one Republican mind will be changed.

Schiff is now working on a summary document which are the articles of impeachment recommendation. And Democrats are still riding the wave of impeachment, though…

And this is where I come in. There was no evidence. Here are a few questions:

  • What s the difference between a quid pro quo and negotiation? Democrats don’t know. That’s why they’re throwing out bribery?
  • Was Trump investigating 2016 corruption, whether Trump didn’t trust Solinsky, whether Trump didn’t want to give aid, or wanted the son of a political rival investigated? Intent matters here.
  • If this was bribery, what did we get out of it?
  • Where’s the intent?
  • Why are these career bureaucrats more trustworthy than a duly elected President?
  • Where’s the proof?


The fact is: none of these questions are going to be answered. Because this is the Deep State, a term I hated, versus and outsider. The Deep State doesn’t see it. They see themselves as the government, meant to uphold the status quo, no matter the results. As long as the Deep State isn’t questioned and is able to keep power.

Amb. Yovanovich has been in public service, an un-elected position, for 33 years. She did not like Trump, the outsider. She said so much many times while in Ukraine. She did not stop the corruption in Ukraine and the Republicans showed that during her testimony.

President Trumps biggest mistake was that he did not raze the establishment. Fire everyone. Put his own people in. I wonder if that level of compassion will be acknowledged by the Democrats.

Obama fired everyone.


The Democratic Debate

Right after the Impeachment Inquiry was complete, the fourth Democratic debate took place. What a crap show. It was so boring. I watched about 45 minutes before I realized I had other things to do. There are certain themes that were taken from this debate because of the Trump impeachment inquiry:

  • Koom Bye Ya – Yeah, I didn’t spell it correctly but you get it. The Democrats need to show unity. Tearing each other apart is counter-productive. But it made it very boring.
  • Some of the candidates are beginning to realize they need to be more moderate (Biden, Butt-gig, Booker) if they have a chance to win the general election.


But the candidates are beginning to separate themselves. Let’s look at each of them and how they are going to run. I’m going to base this on the relevant candidates and forget the others.:

  • Biden- Will get the nomination. Moderate, comfortable and old. Still gaffing left and right. But the Democrat base will vote for him. He just needs to get through the primaries which are being run by the Left.
  • Butt-gig- Intelligent, well-spoken and naive. He’s pretending to be a victim and seem disingenuous. But he avoided attack.
  • Warren- Done. She’s a liar and it shows with her “policies.” She has too much hate for successful people as can be seen with her “billionaire tears” mug she’s selling. Hate is never a good thing to run on. Not to mention the tax thing.
  • Bernie- Communist. No.
  • Booker- Better performance because he tried to make himself look more moderate. He looks Presidential. but he seems to try too hard.
  • Harris- Her laugh is creepy and her positions jump all over the place. No
  • Klobuchar-She’s the best candidate. She did really well. But she’s mean and that has already turned people off. She also has that weird voice. And what’s with the eating salad with a comb thing?
  • Yang- I like Yang and his ideas are truly progressive. His ideas are something we need to think about in the future as technology advances. I think he’s a better 2028 candidate.
  • Gabbard- A true moderate which is why she gets two questions per debate. She would beat Trump but she’s done.
  • Anyone not mentioned- Done.


This debate was a crap show. The MSNBC moderators really sucked and were highly partisan. This was truly a love fest. The Democrats are going to have some problems.



The FISA court report is being release. In it is being named an FBI lawyer that is named as being one who manipulated the warrants.

On December 11, We’re going to learn some things. And this impeachment thing is going to die.

More to come!


The Heat is Rising in Iran

I have always said that the Iranian citizen are for more progressive than their fundamentalist government. And it looks like those progressives are getting annoyed.

The Trump sanctions, limits on freedom and three proxy wars are beginning to weigh heavily on Iran and their citizens.But, worse, the Mullahs, who are in charge, shut down the Internet

No Instagram? Oh, crap.

The protests are throughout the country and Amnesty International has reported that about 200 people through 21 cities have been killed by the Revolutionary Guard.

The government has said that all the protests have been quelled and that there have been security forces killed also. But videos posted on social media show that the protests are continuing and are extremely including citizens being shot by snipers. There’s the reason why social media has been cut off.

The reason prices are going up is because the government is running out of money and the wealth gap is getting wider. In order to keep social programs running. Working citizens are doing more and getting less but have to pay more. And they’re pissed off.

Of course the media is not reporting this. The also are not reporting the centrifuges they are spinning in preparation for creating a nuclear weapon. That’s because it will go against St. Obama’s narrative.



Hong Kong, Like the United States, is Going Red

Just like Iran, there is chaos in China. And, no, the media is not reporting it.

Over the past couple of weeks, pro-Hong Kong protesters and Chinese sympathizers have been clashing. A couple of protesters were shot while scuffling with security forces. A pro-government sympathizer was set on fire by protesters.

Now, about 100 protesters took over the Hong Kong Polytechnic College and kept it under siege with crude weapons and lighting fires. Police, advised by the Chinese government, surrounded the building and the siege lasted for three days. That is when 1000 protesters approached the college a fought with the police and tried to help those in the college escape.

The Hong Kong government arrested over a 1000 protesters including 300 minors. Unsurprisingly, no injuries or deaths were reported by the pro-Chinese Hong Kong government.

The protests started because China, who was given the city-state by England in the 90s and has promised to let the city be independent until 2047, has changed the laws making it that criminals, mostly political prisoners, are tried in mainland China. Many of those political prisoners have just disappeared and never heard from again.

Gotta love communism.



Episode 99 Show Notes – Dude Can’t Throw!

The third witness appears in the public impeachment inquiry and President Trump does not help himself. How innocent is the death row inmate in Texas all these celebrities are trying to save. Hint: not very. Huge ruling from a judge that gives Trump another big win. And Colin is getting a second chance. Good for him.



The second day of the public impeachment inquiry took place yesterday.  The former ambassador for Ukraine,  Marie Yovanovitch went in front of the House Intelligence Committee. This interview pretty much sums up her testimony:

That’s pretty much all the Republicans did. This woman was fired from her job in the Trumpian way and she was bitter. That bitterness came out in her opening. She felt mistreated and said that Rudy Guiliani had started spreading rumors about her and that was why she thought she was fired. It was very emotional. In fact, the Democratic counsel asked her how she felt over ten times.

Then she complained about the U.S. policy with Ukraine. She believed we are not doing enough.

That’s all the Democrats had with this gal. Nothing. Republicans just pointed out that Yovanovitch was fired before the phone call with Ukranian President Zelensky, she never talked to Zelensky and that President Trump can fire her for no reason at all. Chris Stewart (UT-R) pointed this out:

Stewart: “I would now feel compelled to ask you, Madam Ambassador, as you sit here before us, very simply and directly, do you have any information regarding the president of the United States accepting any bribes?”

Yovanovitch: “No.”

Stewart: “Do you have any information regarding any criminal activity that the president of the United States has been involved with at all?”

Yovanovitch: “No.”

Here’s the problem: Trump doesn’t help himself. During the testimony, he got the brilliant idea to Tweet:

Mr. President, with all due respect, shut the f- up! 

All he has to do is stop talking. The Dems look bad and this “witness” looks bad. They will use and manipulate anything he says. Adam “I-don’t-give-a” Schiff used that Tweet to probably add another article of impeachment.

Crap! He wasn’t threatening her. She’s not intimidated. But the point is not to put himself in that position.Ukraine, Somalia; none of that is her fault. Those countries were already screwed up. The Democrats are crazy on their own. Trump needs to stop out-crazing them.

There was a fourth witness. I did not watch his testimony. I have a life. This is from a Fox News article.

David Holmes, the political counsel at the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, said that he heard Gordon Sondland, ambassador to the European Union, talk to Trump on the phone about investigations. That’s it. Why Sondland would talk to the President of the United States on an unsecured line in a foreign? Sounds like BS.

Supposedly, Sondland told the President that Zelensky “loves his ass” and the investigations were assured.

This is so stupid. First off, this isn’t even believable. Next, even if Sondland testifies, he can use Presidential Privledge and not answer any questions. Finally, what investigation? Into corruption or Biden (which, by the way, is the same thing)? Holmes doesn’t answer any of that.

We’ve had four witnesses. None of them know anything. All don’t like Trump or his policies with Ukraine even though his policies are stronger than the ones under Obama.

When did the Ukraine become such a vital resource for American national security? They were under Soviet rule for, what, 50 years and we did fine. In fact, we toppled the Soviets. Ukraine didn’t help.



Good Riddance

Finally, the courts made the right decision.

The daughter of a Yemeni diplomat, Hoda Muthana, decided to join ISIS. What a shock, right? Well, she was born in New Jersey while the diplomat was working here.

While in Syria, she participated in terrorist activities and tried to encourage terrorist activities in the United States by stating, “Go on drive-bys and spill all of their blood.” Sounds like a sweetheart, huh?

She also was married to three different ISIS fighters and has some kids. All three of her husbands were killed.

Apparently, Syria is not the vacation spot would be and she wanted to come back to the United States. She said she regretted everything she did. Wah.

The Trump administration pretty much said f-you. Mike Pompeo said:

“Ms. Hoda Muthana is not a U.S. citizen and will not be admitted into the United States. She does not have any legal basis, no valid U.S. passport, no right to a passport, nor any visa to travel to the United States. We continue to strongly advise all U.S. citizens not to travel to Syria.”

Soon after, President Trump Tweeted:

“I have instructed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and he fully agrees, not to allow Hoda Muthana back into the Country!”

Here the thing, if one is born from a diplomat who is immune to the United States laws, that child is not a citizen. That is literal. There is precedence.

A Judge Reggie Walton made a ruling today that really screwed Muthana. He ruled:

“…there was sufficient evidence that Muthana had been born while her father, who once represented Yemen in the United Nations, still had diplomatic status in the US. Federal regulations and international law state that children of foreign diplomats born in the US are not subject to the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, which guarantees birthright citizenship, because they are born under the jurisdiction of another country.”

I am happy. I hope Hoda likes sand and goats.



Dude Can’t Throw








Episode 98 Show Notes – Fail!

The public impeachment hearings started today and I, like a good host, watched most of them. Thank God I was at work or I would have wasted a lot of time.


To Impeach or Not to Impeach

The public hearing for the impeachment inquiry started today. What a hot mess. Two people were interviewed today:  ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor and George Kent, a Ukraine expert and analyst. I wish they had started playing this at 8 PM instead of 10 AM. I could have used the sleep.

It was terrible and I can’t believe these two bozos were actually Adam Schiff’s star witnesses. I was going to throw some clips out about what these guys said but their opening statements were so long. Each were about 40 minutes long and I didn’t have the stomach to listen to it again to get the clips. Essentially, these guys did not hear the call, saw the transcript and didn’t like the foreign policy when it came to Ukraine.

So I sat and listened to the Democrats interview these guys. The time was broken up into opening statements, forty-five minutes for the Democrats, forty-five minutes for the Republicans and, finally, five minutes for each Congressman. Trust me, this took forever.

The Democrats went first and things seemed to look good for these witnesses. In fact, things were going so good, Lou Dobbs of Fox News said this is real bad news for Trump if the Republicans couldn’t crack these too. I love Lou, but he was wrong. Not liking the President’s policies is not an impeachable offense and that’s what these guys were pushing.

Republicans tore them up. A watcher could tell the two were uncomfortable. Taylor was stuttering along and, for some reason, his hearing was going bad. Kent maybe said four words during the Republican questions. But we did find out some important facts:

  • They never talked to the President. Heck, one of them never even met him.
  • Neither were in the room during the call. Their information came from other people or the transcript.
  • Ambassador Taylor met with the Ukrainian President three times and the quid pro quo was never mentioned by the Ukrainian President.
  • The President of Ukraine did not know for a month that the $400 million was being withheld and had not intention of starting an investigation.
  • Taylor could not answer, definitively, if the Investigation Trump wanted was for investigating Biden or just investigating corruption in general.
  • Finally, one of the reasons this Taylor thought made it clear what Trump wanted came from another ambassador named Sondeland. Guess what, Sondeland not only contradicted Taylor, he did it in writing and gave it to the Republicans.
  • Finally, the Trump administration did more than the Obama administration in helping Ukraine. Obama only gave Ukraine blankets and MREs (Meals Ready to Eat) while Trump gave them weapons to fight the Russians.


They were a mess. And these two were supposed to be the Democrats star witnesses. They are interviewing an ambassador tomorrow who was fired by Trump. Yeah, she doesn’t have an ax to grind. This is big trouble for the Democrats. They have had two months of underground testimony. Testimony that is highly hidden, strictly controlled by Adam Schiff who picks all of the witnesses and has denied all of the requests for witnesses by the Republicans. This whole thing looked like a sham. Not that it’s in public, it looks like a sham run by an incompetent.

If things continue like this, should the Democrats move on to a vote and allow a trial to go on in the Senate? That might be the million dollar question. Let’s take a look at that.


Once in the Senate, It’s a Whole New Ball Game

David Marcus from The Federalist released an article called 5 Reasons A Senate Trial Would Be A Nightmare For Democrats. This article really made clear that voting for impeachment, along party lines, could be a disaster when it gets to the Senate.

The first issue is the Democrats lose control of the process. Right now, the Democrats have control. They can call witness, reject Republican witnesses, control what questions are asked and control the forum. It won’t be like that in the Senate. This leads us to number 2.

Remember the confidentiality of the whistleblower Adam Schiff is so worried about? Gone. Senate will call him. They will also call Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Adam Schiff, Jim Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strock, Lisa Paige and anyone else that had anything to do with Russia and Ukraine. That might include Hilary Clinton and Barrack Obama.

I’ve got a little surprise for you at the conclusion. Not good for Democrats.

The third reason is that you have a few Senators who are on the campaign trail. That includes Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and Amy Klobuchar. If this get approved by Christmas, the trial could be held in the middle of the Iowa primary. Oops.

Fourth reason, if this gets to the Senate and the Senate starts searching for the facts that will get to the truth, it is going to look like the House was being political and not legal or moral. This will unify the Republican, get Trump re-elected and probably raise the numbers in the Senate.

Finally, the chance of Trump being removed from office with what has been presented so far is null. It will be a loss for the Democrats. And the Republicans will point out the House did nothing for four months but waste time and money. No work on DACA, no work on health care and no work on infrastructure. Again, it might waste the Democrats in the House come the 2020 election.




Democrats have some real problems. Not only is their impeachment inquiry not going well. Not only if impeachment gets through the House, it could be a disaster for Democrats in the Senate. Not only can it kill the Democrats for the elections in 2020.

But there are rumors that a report about the Trump spying thing might be released next week. I am not sure which report it is but it is sure to mess up the web the Democrats have spun. They need to rush it to declassify so I doubt it will be next week but that will be bad for Democrats. Happy Thanksgiving!

Democrats look like they are panicking right now and that includes Nancy Pelosi. Their Presidential candidate suck and have no chance at beating Trump in 2020. Hell, Hilary Clinton is thinking of jumping back into the 2020 race. And why wouldn’t she? Look at what she’d be running against.

I think the only person who can beat Trump is Trump himself. He needs to be less crazy than the Democrats. That shouldn’t be hard but he seems to be competing with him pretty hard.

This is what he needs to do:

Tweet positive. Call this a witch hunt because it is. But drop it. Today, the Dow Jones went up another 100 points. It’s up 10,000 points since he took over. Push the positive.

Push the negative of the policies of the Democratic candidates. Make them look crazier. It should be pretty easy.

Stop cussing. It’s a turn off.

He needs to think before he talks. That call was not perfect. The reason: he said Biden. If he had said Burisma, the would have been no problem. He’s not a politician, which is why people love him. But he does need to think about what he says before he talks and that’s what started this whole mess.

Finally, fire no one.






Episode 97 Show Notes – Big Brother (or Sister) is Watching!

Happy Veteran’s Day! I wish all the veterans out their the best and give you all my thanks.

The Supreme Court has a huge case tomorrow and it should be a slam dunk win for Trump. A big oops foe ABC and CBS. Kamala Harris not only jailed everyone when she was attorney general of California but now she wants to jail your kids. Guess if she can’t throw criminals in jail, why not kids?

Finally, San Francisco is using Orwell’s greatest anti-hero to control their people. I’ll let you guess what the subject is.

To the Supreme Court

Finally, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) will be heard by the Supreme Court on Tuesday.

DACA was an executive order implemented by Barrack Obama in 2012 and gave legal status to 700,000 illegal aliens who came over before the age of 16. The Obama administration tried to justify it by as a ” policy of nonenforcement for so-called Dreamers as an exercise of prosecutorial discretion.” That’s an important statement.

Trump, as an election promise, said he would end programs like this and signed an Executive Order doing so. This would make it illegal to be in this country illegally. Yeah, I just said that. The statuses of the “Dreamers” would be changed back to their illegal status.

I have several thoughts here.

The first is that what Obama did do was illegal and really overstepped his authority. Congress made the immigration laws. King Obama, with his pen and on his own authority, decided to tell law enforcement to ignore the laws created by Congress during the Bush administration.

Also, Trump has every right to cancel an Executive Order by another President. In fact, he’s been doing it since he got elected.

This should be a 9-0 vote by the Supreme Court. It won’t be. It’ll probably be a 6-3, maybe 5-4.

Here’s what’s weird and always forgotten: Trump and most Republicans want DACA.

No one wants to send a child back to Mexico when’s he’s been in this country for most of his life and the only things he did was be dragged here by his parents. Most of these people do work, get educations and are productive in society.

But it’s got to be done legally and through Congress.



A Big Oops for ABC and CBS

The identity of the “whistleblower” who exposed that ABC knew about the Jeffrey Epstein story and then conspired with CBS to have her fired spoke out. Ashley Biaco, interview by Megyn Kelly, was adamant that she had nothing to do with the leak.

Have you ever heard that it is almost impossible to prove that you didn’t do something? Guess what? The proof of her innocence just wrote a letter to Project Veritas explaining himself.

Oh, yeah, it’s a man and he still works at ABC.

To my fellow man:

I came forward with this information bearing no motives other than to have this information public. I did not and do not seek any personal gain from this information whether it be financial or otherwise and will always decline. When I became aware of this moment, I had the same reaction as many of you did. Anger, confusion and sadness. I care not about petty political quarrels and only hope for the best in all of us.

To my fellow ABC News employees:

I’ve walked the halls experiencing similar feelings we are all having right now. All of you regardless of your own personal differences in one form or another do an outstanding job. I sincerely enjoy working with each and every one of you and will continue to do so throughout our careers.

To those wrongfully accused:

It is terrible that you have been lashed out at by the company. I know some may put the burden of guilt on me, but my conscience is clear. The actions of the company towards you are the result of their own and not anyone else. The public outcry, from coast to coast, of all people, creeds, and political affiliations, is clear. I have not one doubt that there will always be support for you, and you will have prosperous careers. For neither you, nor I, have done anything wrong.

To Amy Robach:

You are the only person deserving of an apology. I am most certainly sorry. Not for my actions or for this to center around you, but for what is clear to have happened. When I first stumbled across this, my initial reaction was outrage. But this soon turned towards empathy. I can not imagine doing all the hard work to only have it shelved. If the past few years have taught us anything, it is the truth that some of us have endured many hardships in this industry. From the spiking of stories regarding prominent and powerful people in this world, and to yours. I believe you are an outstanding reporter and have done such tremendous work in the community as well.

To ABC News:

I sit right here with you all in complete shock. I, like many, are at a loss for words on how this has been handled. Instead of addressing this head-on like the company has in the past, it has spun into a mission of seek-and-destroy. Innocent people that have absolutely nothing to do with this are being hunted down as if we are all a sport. I challenge all of you to actually look inwards and remember why this company engages in journalism. We all hold the First Amendment at the foundation of this company, yet forget its history,  its purpose, and its reasoning for even coming into existence to begin with. How lost we are… yearning to be found. I went to Project Veritas for the sole reason that any other media outlet else would have probably shelved this as well. I thank all of them, and James, for seeking truth.

We are all human and mortal, creatures of mistakes and redemption.

The road to redemption favors no soul.



Biaco should sue the living hell out of ABC and CBS. She’s 22 years old and her career is over before it even got started.



Book’em, Danno

Kamala Harris, who you may not know is running for President, is trying to get attention. So what better idea than to come up with another bad, albeit original, idea.

Harris wants to extend the school day for children from 8-3 PM to 8-6 PM. She wants to do this to help working parents who require finding child care so they can do their jobs.

According to the Houghington Pose, the Family Friendly School Act would create a pilot program distributing up to $5 million in funding to 500 elementary schools over five years to provide “enrichment” activities to students that extend past the normal school hours. That program would then evaluate the success and begin to expand the program after.

The program, unsurprisingly, is supported by the American Federation of Teachers union and the National Women’s Law Center.

Kamala Tweeted:

The key words in this is “justice for students.” What does that even mean? Making stay in school for an additional three hours is “justice?” I guess our kids don’t hate school enough. Let’s give them more. Personally, I think if we want to provide “justice”for the kids, we should have to home school them, give them choice and opportunity through charter schools and abolish the teach’s unions so we can fire the crappy teachers and replace them with honest teachers. Our kids in the public school cannot read, write, do math or understand science. That’s justice.

There’s one thing our children are getting enough of it’s social justice, a sense of entitlement and the lack of discipline that people need in order to survive in the real world. I doubt the “education” the children get through these “enrichment” programs is nothing more than more indoctrination.

I know kids in public school (not naming names). These kids understand climate change and gender differences than they know about how to construct an understandable sentence. Here’s some homework for you. Don’t worry, It’s not hard. Listen to people when they speak, and count how many people end their sentences with ‘at,” “with” or “for.” The worst part of common speech today is one who end his sentence with a preposition. That’s because I spent high school and college learning not to do it.

How about math? Next time, at a restaurant and before ordering, ask your kids to listen to the orders of the family and guess the amount of the bill (by the way, “of” is a preposition). And play with them. Bet you win. That’s not good, they should be able to add faster than you. At the end, exclude tax, and see who comes closest to the subtotal.

For an extra exercise, have them calculate a 15% tip from the total. That’s called being a parent. It’s hard and you will beat your kids. That’s fine, forget about their self-esteem. What builds self-esteem is accomplishment. It’s not something that’s given. Failure is part of life and it’s a good thing. It’s how we learn.

By the way, helping your kid through failure so that he learns is being a parent.



Big Brother is Watching

I’m going to quote this from Emily Zanotti from the Daily Wire because she sums it up best:

“A massive mural of teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg is going up on a building in downtown San Francisco in an effort to force citizens of the Bay Area to think critically about their contribution to global climate change.”

I’m going to say things about a 16 year old that may not be popular. I don’t care. She’s vile, insulting, uneducated and arrogant. Deal with it. I will give her this: she’s emotionally abused and probably believes everything she is saying. Her cowardly, over dramatic, pseudo-parents have indoctrinated her and are probably making a mint off of her so maybe my criticism is directed at them.

First off, this little girl is not normal. She suffers from autism and OCD. So her eyes are not developed and her lips look to be in a droop, even when she smiles. But this 60 by 30 foot mural really makes her look creepy. Because it is so realistic.

But, creepier still, is the stare of the mural. It is reminiscent of the movie released in 1084 called, you guessed it, 1984, based on the book by George Orwell. Big Brother, or, in this case, Little Sister, is watching you.

San Francisco is lost. Not only are the putting up an effigy of Big Brother for the same reason Orwell created awe inspiring image to scare us from totalitarianism, but they used a 16 year old, mentally deficient  icon from another country. That’s because the youth is the future and we should feel guilty. That’s because, being deficient makes her a victim that we need to listen to her. And Europe is so much awesome than the United States.

I do have a question though. The guy of painted the mural is from Argentina (what a shock). Did he think maybe this Big Brother thing would have had more of an impact in India, where they can land planes due to the thickness of the smog.




Great Article:




Episode 93 Show Notes – Such A Good Doggie!

Just finished a pretty good book and it has relevance for today’s subject. A meme about the dog who tried to eat al-Baghdadi gets fact-checked, which is insane. We need to take a deeper look at this. That will lead me to a great book I read and haven’t rated yet about the corruption of the media.


Unfreedom of the Press

I just finished a book by great orator Mark Levin called Unfreedom of the Press. The book covers the history of the press corps and its history in politics and with politicians. There was a great article you can read after you read the book that gives five points that the book makes.






The book was filled with information which I loved. But it did read like a text book, which is why I like to listened to these books on Audible. Mark Levin, as you may know if you listen to his podcast, is long-winded and and dry.

I have read his book, The Liberty Amendments which I also thought had some amazing ideas and was filled with information but is also really dry.



The Dreaded Meme!

The Daily Wire released a meme showing President Trump awarding the Medal of Pawner to the dog that tried to eat the ISIS terrorist and all-around-asshole al-Baghdadi. It was a cute meme and was re-Tweeted by President Trump.

The media went insane.

Jim Acosta, the journalism hero from CNN, decided it was time to do some journalisming. And he journalismed everywhere. The walls, mirrors the bed sheets. It was disgusting.

He Tweeted, “A WH official said ‘the dog is not at the WH’”

Awesome journalisming. He’s probably going to need a cigarette.

Voice of America’s Steve Herman Tweeted, “I’ve requested details from the @WhiteHouse on this photo. There was no such canine event on today’s @POTUS schedule but there is a Medal of Honor ceremony set here for later today for an active duty Green Beret.”

USA Today called it a “doctored image.”

Not to be out shined, the New York Times assigned two reporters…two…and they determined that the picture was a faked photo.

The Huffington Post said, “Fine, just the president of the United States disseminating a doctored image created by a right-wing propaganda site.”

Finally, the Washington Post, not to be outdone, came up with the best, “Trump tweeted a photo of a Medal of Honor recipient — who was edited out and replaced by Conan the dog.”

That’s good but that’s not why the Washington Post won. It’s the E-mail correspondence with Jeremy Boring, the co-founder and COO of the Daily Wire. Let me read it to you.

Um, Boreing responded. But the post published that Boreing refused the respond. BECAUSE IT WAS A JOKE!

Ugh. Listen to Ben.



Connecting the Dots

There are two things to take away from the above story and the idiocy of the media is not one of them.

The mainstream media is trying to control the narrative. And they can’t do it with the very powerful conservative voices on the Internet and cable news. Conservatives look at stupid things like this, and it’s always against conservative outlets and think it is a big joke. The media knows this and aren’t trying to convince that base. They are trying to make the conservative outlets look like “fake news.” But that’s only the start.

The real goal is to silence these outlets. Ban them. And there is a real push for that now.

I did not get this until I listen to Ben Shapiro talk about it on his Thursday show.


Attacking Social Media

This week, Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter said he would not allow the publication of political ads. He encouraged Facebook to do the same thing. He stated:

“We’ve made the decision to stop all political advertising on Twitter globally. We believe political message reach should be earned, not bought … This isn’t about free expression. This is about paying for reach.”

In fact, all democrats stated that Facebook should ban advertising.

Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO for Facebook, has been defending free speech. Weird. He said:

“I believe strongly — and I believe that history supports — that free expression has been important for driving progress and building more inclusive societies around the world…I think we also need to be careful about adopting more and more rules that restrict the way that people can speak and what they can say. In a democracy, I don’t think it’s right for private companies to censor politicians or the news.”

Zuckerberg, a liberal, is right and Dorsey, a liberal, is wrong. When we start banning things, it is only a manner of time before we start banning more.

Studies show that 40% of the population gets its news from social media. This isn’t good. And I admit, I do get some of my news from social media. But, when I hear my favorite celebrity is dead, I act like an adult and look it up. I don’t trust social media. I also don’t need Jack Dorsey controlling what I see. I’m pretty smart. I can figure it out.




We live in a If-you-give-a-mouse-a-cookie culture. Somebody who listens to this podcast about what I mean about that. It is a child’s parable showing what adults go through with children. Let me give you a bit of it:

  • If you give a mouse a cookie, it will ask for a glass of milk.
  • If you give a mouse a glass of milk, it will ask for a straw.
  • If you give a mouse a straw, it will ask for a napkin.
  • If you give a mouse a napkin, it will ask for a mirror to see if he has a mild mustache.
  • If you give a mouse a mirror, he will see his fur is long and will want a haircut.
  • If you give a mouse a haircut, it will want a broom to clean the hair.


Get the point? We need to stop giving in to the children because they will always demand more. Unfortunately the children, here, are fifty-year-old newscasters and twenty-five year old college graduates that are still living in their parents’ basements. Let me give you an example.

  • Gays ask for equal rights, then the ask for gay marriage.
  • We give them gay marriage, then they ask for trans rights.
  • We give trans rights, then they ask to ignore biology and call them their desired sex.
  • We can him a her or whatever, then they ask to allow kids to determine whether they are a he or she.
  • You allow the child to determine if it is a he or she, then they ask to be allowed to have sex with the child because he’s mature enough to be able to determine his own sex so he should be able to consent.


Folk, this is what’s happening. It’s happening to free speech.







Episode 95 Show Notes

It’s time for a status update on the Democratic Presidential candidates. Trump loses a law suit in New York. There’s a shock. ABC and CBS collude to fire a whistleblower. Irony is thick on that one. Iran is not behaving and their citizens are getting a little fed up about it. Shocking that the main stream media isn’t bringing it up. And I wonder is we are going to see Greta “How Dare You!” Thunberg is going to go to India and yell at them. I doubt it.


Texas Update

We talked about a little boy whose mom said he identified as a girl and was going to go through hormone therapy? Well, there’s a new update. It went to court because moms didn’t want dad to have any say. The judge ended up siding with dad, stopping it all.

He was given the choice to go to school as a girl and a boy. He chose boy and he, apparently, had a good day.

The school reported:

“and James and Jude’s teachers had reported that there was zero stress or disruptions in the classroom today. Just another day in school  Prayers answered,”

That’s awesome.



Democratic Presidential Candidate Update

Good news! The next Democratic debate may be one light.

Julian Castro has just laid off his laid off half his staff in some of the primary states. That is a clear indication that he is probably going to pull out of the race soon.

I don’t know why he’d want to quit. He’s almost polling at 1%.

This is kind of a sad thing because, with Beto gone, who’s going to speak Spanish during the debate, which I find really funny? I mean, nothing makes me feel candidates care about me and my country like speaking the language of another country.

But, it’s not all good news. Think to yourself: what does the Democratic party need right now for a Presidential candidate? How about an old, straight, white billionaire? Oh, yeah, and he’s Jewish. Because we know how Democrats love Jews.

That’s right! The former New York Mayor and moderate Democrat, Michael Bloomberg. He has no chance.

At least Tulsi will be at the next debate. She’s hot and will wreck anyone in her way. That’s always fun.



What a Shock

Well, President Trump is moving to Mar La Go Florida because he thought the government of New York was treating him badly. This story proves him right.

Trump was sued by the former attorney general of New York, Barbara Underwood. The judge found that Trump and his children used the funds of his charitable foundation, the Trump Foundation, for using money for campaign reasons.

Listen, New York politicians have a boner for nailing Trump on something. The current attorney general of New York, Letitia James, said she was going to investigate Trump and find a crime. That’s not Constitutional or ethical. An attorney is suppose to investigate crimes, not people. One is not suppose to assume someone is guilty of something without knowing what. This is not a shock, not a big deal. Trump would just need to pull out his wallet and pay it. He doesn’t think he did anything wrong and wouldn’t settle. This is going to be appealed and will probably just go away.

This is a garbage story because the Left-wing media outlets are not reporting it. Nothing to see here, move on.



Really? Seriously?

Let me see if I understand this correctly.

  • President Trump went through two and a half years of colluding with Russia to affect the elections of 2016.
  • Trump slept with Stormy Daniels. No one doubts this. He paid her off.
  • A special council was hired and the investigation found no collusion but they found obstruction of justice for a crime that didn’t happens. The obstruction charge died.
  1. Brett Kavanaugh was accused of being serial rapist, rape ring leader and alcoholic.
  2. Trump is involved in a quid pro quo with Ukraine because of a whistleblower. One whose identity must be protected at all cost


The media is doing everything it can to protect the people who do the accusations.

But when a sound bite from a hot mic is released, by a whistleblower, from a reporter who knew, had evidence and had a commitment for an interview with a victim, ABC news needs to get even.

When Amy Robach was caught on a hot mic complaining about ABC quashing a story about Jeffrey Epstein three years earlier, the world went insane.

Yet, no one reported it and the story seems dead in the water on CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Huffington Post just to name a few.

Such hypocrisy. Any wonder why the news media isn’t trusted anymore? When did the news stop reporting what is news?

A bigger question: how little girls could ABC prevented being raped if ABC had started and investigation? Where are the woke feminists?

This story is getting better. The “whistleblower” said to Megyn Kelly that she had nothing to do with it. Sounds like ABC has gone on a search-and-destroy mission.

I smell lawsuits.



Iran Being Iran

So much for that Iran nuclear agreement.

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani announced that Iran is injecting uranium gas into 1,400 centrifuges.This is not for creating clean energy but to create nuclear weapons.

I am sick and tired of hearing how the United States can’t be trusted because we left the nuclear deal. Iran is still in the nuclear deal and they are violating it.

With Iran being a fundamentalist state and constantly threatening to annihilate Israel, I’m having a hard time believing that a conflict isn’t on the horizon. I also can’t believe that Obama trusted these pieces of crap enough to sign a deal and give them billions (or is it millions) of dollars.

And I do believe Iran has the technology to pull this off.

Iran is having problems with their people. In order to suppress anti-government news, Iran decided to block Internet access. Yeah, this isn’t going well. Protests have broken out and three people have been killed in clashes with government forces.

The citizens of Iran are progressive. They don’t agree with the fundamentalism of the Rouhani government.

You know what’s going to save military conflict with the United States and Iran? The Iranians. The Iranian citizens are closer to the U.S. citizens, and, ironically, Israeli citizens than they are to their fundamentalist government.

The U.S. should stay out of it. civil war is on the horizon.



Oh, God

Greta “How Dare You” Thunberg has decided to come to North Carolina for another youth climate change protest.

Here’s the question I have: Why isn’t she taking a shorter trip to New Delhi and yelling at them?

Apparently the smog in the Indian capital is so think, Indian citizens can’t even breath the air without even getting sick. In fact, the smog is so thick, planes can’t land at the airport because the smog prevents the pilot’s visibility.

Time to stop the child abuse. Greta obviously has issues. Her parents need to deal with her. Let her be a kid.





