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We Need A Little More of This

The whole “Trump is corrupt” garbage in this “impeachment inquiry” is falling apart. Looks like the democrats are the ones guilty of corruption. Is it possible Michelle or Hilary? I don’t know. There was one of the most epic court I have ever seen. It made the judge cry and the baliffs smile warmly. And this was for a murder trial. But leave it to a left wing organization to mess it up. And the movie Joker is being released tonight and I might  not have time to talk about it.

I’m not even going to be able to talk about Rashida Tlaib and Alexandria Cortez. Looks like I might be doing a podcast Saturday or Sunday.


We Need More of This

In September of 2018, Amber Guyger was coming home after her shift as a Dallas police officer. She walked into what she thought was her apartment and saw a Black man lying on the couch with a some ice cream. She thought the man was an intruder and shot him. When she realized she was not in her apartment but in the one above her apartment and that she had just killed an innocent man, she immediately called her partner.

The man turned out to be an accountant named Botham Jean. He was just in his apartment, eating ice cream and watching television. Guyger was arrested and charged with murder. She looking at 2-99 years in prison. Of course, there was the race thing being played. But, it turned out, she did get convicted of murder and was sentenced to ten years in prison. Well under the max and what the prosecuter wanted which was 28 years (which is the age of Jean).

I never talked about the case for a few reasons. First, it was murder and she was going to get convicted. I had absolutely no doubt about this. Second, this was just a tragedy because I’m sure it was an accident. She had just gotten home from a 12-hour shift, there were no drugs in her system and I have missed a floor n my apartment building. This does not excuse what she did but it looks like an accident. Finally, this story became big because a white officer “breaks” into a black man’s house and this proves systemic racism in our police agencies. And I don’t believe that all. So I do not believe the controversy that made this a national story.

Where this became a story for me was when the younger brother of Jean made is statement after Guyger was sentenced. Listen to what Brandt Jean says to Guyger:

We seriously need more of this in the world. Jean had no idea what the reaction to his proclaiming forgiveness would create, not even from his family. The bravery and faith in his convictions. We can all learn from this act that is Christ-like. Even the judge was crying. The judge, Judge Tammy Kemp, left the courtroom, brought back her Bible and read the verse from John 3:16:

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.”

Kemp then walked from her perch and also hugged Guyger. It was unprecedented and moving though I am sure the bailiffs were probably flipping out.

Of course, we can’t have beautiful moments like this. The Freedom from Religion Foundation, an atheist group filed a complaint against Judge Tammy Kemp.

“This is wrong on several levels, not the least of which is using a public office to promote her personal religion to someone who she is sentencing,” complained Freedom From Religion Foundation attorney Andrew Seidel. “It’s unconstitutional and wildly inappropriate for a judge. She should know better. And all that’s only one level.”

“[Freedom From Religion Foundation] is filing a judicial complaint about this unconstitutional proselytizing,” he added. “We need more compassion in our criminal justice system, but here, compassion crossed the line into coercion. Judges cannot impose their personal religion on others.”

“FFRF is urging the commission to investigate Kemp’s actions at the close of the trial: gifting a bible, instructing a convicted criminal on how to read the bible and which passages to pay attention to, and proselytizing and witnessing to that convicted murderer. These judicial actions were inappropriate and unconstitutional, FFRF contends.”

Two words for these bozos: Fuck you! The judge never imporsed her religion on anyone until after she sentenced Guyger. Same with Jean’s speech. Everything was finished. And a real judge is supposed to feel compassion and she did. Compassion is part of her job!

Religion is not unconstitutional. The First Amendment says you have the freedom of religion, not the freedom from religion. And that crap they like to throw out, “the separation of church and state,” is not in the Constitution. That was in a letter from Thomas Jefferson to the Baptists in Connecticut explaining why the federal government could not stop the state of Connecticut from establishing an official religion. In other words, according to Jefferson’s letter, California could declare their official religion to be devil worship and the state (which is the federal government) can do nothing about it! It is one of the most midread quotes in United States history.

I just want to say to the Freedom from Religion Foundation: You folks better hope you’re right and the only thing you guys are going to do when you die is end up a worm feast. If you’re wrong and there is a Hell (I don’t believe that, by the way), I hear it really sucks this time of year. Which is every day of the year.

Hmm, maybe Hell is where global warming really hooked?




It’s nice to see Saturday Night Live be a little bit more even

Last Saturday, they held a skit about the impeachment opinions in the format of a Town Hall debate. It was pretty funny.

Just thought we should end the podcast on something fun.


When Am I Going to Learn to Spell Tlaib?

The House Oversight Committee holds a debate on the dangers of vaping and Rashida Tlaib makes an absolute fool of herself. The Huffington Post thinks fat is sexy and I think this is the wrong the way to look at things. And the woke scolds go after the Joker.

Let’s take a break from the Ukraine mess.


The Vaping Controversy

The Center for Disease Control found that many people using electronic cigarettes have sustained “lung injury” from those devices. According the the CDC, over 800 people have suffered from this “lung injury” and 16 have died. For those who don’t know what an E-cigarette is, according to the CDC, “E-cigarettes work by heating a liquid to produce an aerosol that users inhale into their lungs (CDC).” They may contain “nicotine, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabinoid (CBD) oils, and other substances and additives. THC is the psychoactive mind-altering compound of marijuana that produces the ‘high’ (CDC).”

The CDC does have some interesting statistics. They found that 77% were using newly legalized THC products and 36% of those injured used E-cigarettes exclusively for THC products. But what is scary is what they don’t know. They find no correlation between the injuries and there really is just not enough data in and there is no specific brand that is linked to these injuries.

Of course, the democrats are going to do what they always do and take action without knowing what the hell is going on. They are trying to ban E-cigarettes no matter what anyone says. Most doctors say, without push back from anyone, are bad for the lungs. Which I believe is true. But Vicki Porter, after having to listen to fifteen doctors say how bad it was, believed vaping got her off of cigarettes and may have save her life. The following video is very long but I suggest listening to it. She makes a very good argument.

I mean, that’s a great argument. Here’s a little personal information: I chew tobacco. I have actually vaped to lower my need for nicotine. It worked, for the most part. I’ve gone five months without chewing, thanks to vaping. What’s more, I never had any problems with my lungs. Heck, I was running and I didn’t have any problems with my lungs.

But Porter’s argument doesn’t go with the narrative that this vaping thing has started. And Rashida Tlaib wanted to make sure that everyone knew it. The problem with Tlaib’s is that she’s an idiot. This is why Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, the leader of the squad and the de facto Speaker of the House, is the leader of the “squad.” Because the other three are not only unattractive, but they’re dumber!

I’m going to break this audio snippet down because there is so much idiot in this that no one, including me can keep up. Seriously, the video is two minutes long and I couldn’t keep up with the stupid. So here we go. I present to you… Rashida Tlaib.

Listen to my podcast for the breakdown of this speech. She’s so dumb.

I’m not a doctor and I’m sure that putting anything into one’s lungs that is chemical based and heated is not good for you. But I want to point out that e-cigarettes have been around for a while and this hasn’t happened before. Could it be the THC and CBD oils that are now legal? Could it be that those oils probably burn hotter?

I don’t think the government has any right to start banning things that may have nothing to do with the actual problem. E-cigarettes do get people off smoking. I have met many people who have actually quit smoking because of them. I hate when the government outlaws things because they are “bad for us.” Everyone knows that smoking is bad and there may be consequences. That my personal choice to smoke (I don’t) and risk those consequences. Because here’s the thing: I don’t want the government limiting other things I like that are bad for me like hamburgers, french fries and sodas.



Fat Is Sexy

I was reading the Huffington Post because the news cycle has been rather tunnel-visions and HuffPo always has something really left wing and weird. This story was by a self described “fat slut” named Alison Stevenson. This girl is on Instagram and post semi-nude photos of herself. OK, big deal, most of Instagram is like that. Except this girl is obese.

In the piece, she talks about how she is confident heavy woman who is proud of her body. I have some thoughts about this.

I think it is awesome that someone who is overweight still feels confident and sexy. Our society does not promote that.

Reality is: most people do not have the perfect body and will never have it. Being proud of what you have is a great thing.

But there is a reality: health is an issue. Sometimes pride can get in the way.








Podcast #73 Show Notes: Those Damn Russians!

I was working with chemistry this weekend, helping someone get through biology. It was pretty interesting. The body is made up of organs that are groups of cells that provide a certain function, like the pancreas. The pancreas is made to take fatty foods and break them down. The cells of the pancreas are alerted that there is fat and that pancreas produces molecules that are made to break down the fat. But how does that molecule become attracted to the fat? The molecule is made up of atoms, the building blocks to all matter. The atom is made up of neutrons, protons and electron. Neutrons and protons make up the core of the atom and orbiting them is the smallest particle in the universe, the electron. It’s much like the planet orbiting the sun. The electron is responsible for joining other atoms and creating the chemical reactions. The electron is so small that it cannot be detected by man.

The size of the electron is about the same size as my interest in the Trump/Ukraine conspiracy. But Trump is going to get impeached and the government will stop until it’s done, so we might as well talk about it.


The Story

Back in late July, President Trump, had a phone conversation with the Ukrainian President Zelenskyy. I don’t know his first name because I just don’t care. I few weeks later, a whistleblower complaint against Trump was made by someone in the intelligence community. Nothing was known. All that was known was it involved the phone call between Trump and Zelenskyy. Three things could have been an issue: a quid pro quo request which is bribery, Trump releases some type of classified material of, of course, conspiracy (collusion).

Trump said he was going to release the whistleblower complaint and the transcript. Without any information or waiting for the release of the documents , Nancy Pelosi held a meeting with her caucus. That night she makes this statement:

The transcript was released the next day and the complaint was released the day after. Chaos has ensued since. Upon the release of the documents, democrats found they were not on solid ground. Now there is talk the Pelosi went too quickly and may attempt to walk back the impeachment inquiry.

Let’s take a look at the evidence and try to hypothesize what will happen next.


The Transcript

There are several things that the transcript shows:

  1. Zelenskyy was really kissing Trump’s butt.
  2. President Trump does get clumsy with his language. But Zelenskyy either didn’t get it or didn’t feel pressured because he just passed through the comment and continued talking how Europe was not helping Ukraine and goes into getting Javelin missile systems. Trump never pushed him to investigate. In fact…
  3. Zelensky is the one who bring up meeting with Rudy Giuliani. He wanted help for their investigations and it is Zelensky that seems interested in getting information from the Trump Administration about what they new of the corruption.
  4. Biden’s son was only mentioned once and Joe Biden was never mentioned at all. In fact, the first time corruption was even mentioned was over the Crowdstrike server (which supposedly holds Clinton’s emails). The language was clumsy but he didn’t sound like there was any pressure.


There’s nothing in there. As usual, Trump speaks clumsily and he can’t get off how his Presidency has been tarnished by all these democratic attacks during his candidacy. But he also talked about how Europe wasn’t doing anything about helping Ukraine and the corruption of Ukraine in general including the Ukrainian Ambassador (who was fired by Zelensky for corruption).


The Whistleblower Complaint

I shouldn’t need to read the whistleblower complaint because we have the transcripts of the conversation. Read it twice for this podcast and find that it reads like a CNN news article. A ton of speculation, he-said-she-said and references to news media outlets. But not a lot meat when it comes to evidence or truth and no witness testimony of any kind.

Here’s what I came up with:

  1. The first two bullet points sum up the entire document. This guy saw nothing but strung along a lot of theory of what might be happening. Without any corroborating evidence, this is just a conspiracy theory.
  2. He said “I don’t know” twenty times. The document is nine pages including an appendix. He admits to not knowing something over two times per page.
  3. He said “he heard” or “learned” of something a whopping 43 times (that’s an average of 5 per page)! He learned through internal sources (which no one has ever been cited never been cited for corroboration) or news resources including Fox News, Politico, The Hill, The New York Times, Bloomberg and the investigative geniuses at The Babel. Not one piece of his theory was through direct knowledge or anything that he witnessed.
  4. Finally, this thing reads like a legal brief with footnotes and an appendix. It was written by lawyers.

My verdict? It’s crap! This is a setup in the long running list of setups including the pee tape, the Steele Dossier, the Russia probe, the Mueller report, Stormy Daniels, Donald Trump Jr. and the Trump Organization, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, George Popadopoulos, Carter Page, Brett Kavanaugh and Michael Avenatti. Trump has deflected all of it.

This is why people are getting sick of this. It’s never ending. And once this “scandal” is debunked, another one will pop up.



The democrats are committed. The left wing base has painted Nancy Pelosi into a corner and she took the bait. But Trump threw them a knuckleball and released both the complaint and the transcript. The was an “Oh crap!” moment for the democrats because there was nothing in either. But they have to go for it or it will never be on the table again.

So how do the democrats make this work so it doesn’t look like sour grapes by the party that lost in 2016? How about lie about what the transcript actually said. A specialty of Adam Schiff (D, CA) the Chair of the House Intelligence Committee:

Yeah, someone forgot to tell Adam that they released the transcript, it is easy to read and is only four pages in length. None of what he said was true. Later, Schiff said he was joking. Awesome.

But this isn’t the first time Schiff lied. He said since 2016 that he had evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians. He had a pop tent outside of CNN headquarters and was interviewed daily. He never had it. In fact, the only one who appeared to be colluding with the Russians was Adam Schiff. Two Russian comedians called Adam Schiff and prank called him, saying they had naked pictures of Donald Trump. Schiff didn’t go to the FBI right away. Instead he wanted a meeting. Listen.

I don’t know what’s worse: he’s an immoral, unethical hypocrite, he’s frigging delusional (just look at his eyes) or he’s an idiot for getting fooled yet still pulls down a big check.

This is what’s going to happen: Nancy Pelosi has already been caught with her pant down, she has to go forward. She will rush to get a vote for impeachment. She will do this in order to get this done well before the election. She wants to give this time to cool when it fails. They will impeach before Christmas probably by Thanksgiving. Trump will be acquitted by the Senate and democrats will point to the Senate and say how corrupt they are.

This whole thing is going to fire up the republican base and be a turn off to a lot of independents. Trump, if he can stay Twitter and not be crazy, will win the 2020 election by a landslide and the republicans will take back the House.

Now, I’m done talking about this!





Podcast #71 Show Notes: Stop Screaming!

Nothing is going to make me embrace climate change like having kids yelling at me. Oh wait, no it won’t.


The Climate Strike

About two hundred kids got together in Washington DC this past weekend and had a climate strike. What is a climate strike? Not sure. It’s the weekend and the kids obviously don’t have jobs so I’m not sure what they are striking. But after watching the children and their speeches, I think the climate strike is a series of speeches where the little whipper-snappers just start yelling into the microphone and hating adults. Here a clip from some of the speeches courtesy of the Daily Caller:

There are a few things to get out of this.

First it’s all the fault of their parents and other adults. You know, the ones who but their food, give them shelter and keep them clothed. They are also blaming the previous generations that gave the iPhone that they are taking their selfies with. And the one that gave them Facebook, Twitter and Instagram so they could post those selfies. And the Internet that allowed them to look up all the overblown BS that they are spouting. And text messaging that allows them to send each other messages bitching about how bad their lives are.

Next, they gave nothing. All they did was scream and yell and stamp their feet and blame their parents. They didn’t talk about the science. Probably because they don’t really know what the science is. They didn’t give any solutions. They told us they would fix this mess but have no ideas on how they’re going to fix it. They did mention the Green New Deal but that doesn’t explain how it’s going to fix anything. They didn’t use reason. They restated the problem (which doesn’t help anything) and used emotion. Which should be expected because they’re kids!

Finally, why these kids in Washington DC? Go to China. Go to India. They are currently beating the United States. China by three times. Because the United States has cut its emissions. China and India, on the other hand, has doubles their C)2 emissions. Oh, I know why they don’t go. First they’ll have to fly next because they’ll be thrown in jail being accused of being spies.

OK, so there are a few things that we’ve learned from this:

  1. Kids are dumb. Their prefrontal cortexes are not developed which is why they are so emotional and can’t reason for crap. Heck, if we based voting on their prefrontal cortex, they wouldn’t be voting until 25.
  2. They shouldn’t be voting. See above.
  3. They do not have any idea how good they have it. These kids, who probably have a thousand dollar iPhone with a cracked screen in their back pocket, appreciate nothing.I have a tough life but I appreciate all I have.
  4. Finally, our kids are brainwashed. Our public schools are indoctrinating them. Our news media is confirming the indoctrination. And Hollywood is bringing emotional confirmation. Ugh!


But that wasn’t the idiocy of the week. Let’s talk about Greta Thunberg.


Greta Thunberg

This is the biggest load of crap I’ve heard all week. And I’m going to tear this up, line by line, because this little girl, who is a high-functioning autistic with OCD, is about to win a Nobel Peace Prize. I might be violating the Dave Rule tonight.






Podcast #70 Shownotes

A whistle blower files a report against Donald Trump about a conversation he had with the President of Ukraine. This could be the death knell for the Biden campaign (hint: things ain’t going well for Biden in Iowa). And the democrats finally pull the trigger (sort of).


Trump and Ukraine

This story broke last week but we didn’t know much about it. Guess what? We still don’t know much about it. The story involves a whistle blower complaint that Donald Trump was speaking to the newly elected President of Ukraine. We’re still guessing as to what may have happened but there are two things that could have happened: Trump divulged classified data to a foriegn leader or Trump made a quid pro quo (you know, you scratch my back and I’ll scratech yours) offer to the President.

Of course, President Trump vehemently denies the allegation. He says that it was only a congratulatory call to the Ukrainian president for winning his election. He said there are transcripts, witnesses and recordings and he is looking into releasing them along with the actual complaint. Trump dismisses it as another attempt at his enemies trying to drum up a new narrative. Trump did admit to talking about Biden because of the scandal that is going to dog Biden from here on out. But that doesn’t matter. Dems are now screaming for impeachment…again.

Trump is going on the offensive. He has decided to attack Joe Biden about his own little indiscretions with Ukraine.

This one could be big. It might be the final blow to knock Biden out of the race. But let’s finish this story first.

This is really a non-story. Trump is President of the United States. He’s going to talk to other leaders. He has to talk to other leaders. He’s constatntly with people and being monitored. His calls are recorded. Trump may not be smart but he’s not stupid. He’s not going to say anything that’s going to get him into trouble especially since it is one investiggation after another.

But here’s the other thing: the vitriol of the left is just so expected. No one know what’s in this complaint (an anonymous complaint at that). And then we find out tonight that the guy who issues the complaints wasn’t even present during the conversation. Trump says he’ll release whatever he has to but he shouldn’t. His conversations with other leaders should be private and he should not cowtow to the complaints from a groups of people that are always going to complain.

The democrats want to impeach, go for it.


Biden’s Problems Might Be A Bigger Issue

I knew this was going to come out. I heard about it from Dan Bongino about a year ago. Listen to his podcast and read his books, they are extremely informative. His books Spygate and his latest, Exonerated are so packed with information about this Trump conspiracy mess that it might take a couple of readings to understand.

This story has been around for a long time. Back in 2014, Hunter Biden got put on the board of a gas company called Burisma. He was earning $50,000 a month. He had no experience with energy much less gas. An attorney there started investigating Burisma for corruption.  Joe Biden, who was dealing with a loan of $1.4 billion to Ukraine, said he would not release the money unless this attorney doing the investigating was fired. Ukraine fired the attorney.

Now, this is kind of open news. This wasn’t something covered up. If fact, here’s Biden at a press conference bragging about having the attorney fired:


Is this a sign of a quid pro quo deal between Biden and Ukraine? Who knows? The attorney in Ukraine was known for corruption and many believed he should have been fired. Maybe Biden wanted a corrupt politician fired, not for a conflict of interest, but because he didn’t want to drop $1.4 billion on a corrupt country. It’s possible.

Where there needs to be an investigation is to find out where the smoke is coming from. This wasn’t the first time Hunter, who could never hold a job and was kicked out of the Navy because of drugs, got some high level position. He also got a high paying “job” in China. Coincidentally, Joe Sleepy, Creepy Joe was also  working with the Chinese at the same time. It’s definitely very suspicious.


What Do I Think?

Trump shoots his mouth up. He ain’t the most professional speaker. I bet a dollar he also shot his mouth talking to the newly elected President of Ukraine. Was it a quid pro quo: a Biden investigation for $400 million dollars? I doubt it. Why? a few reasons. The anonymous whistleblower wasn’t even in the room when the conversation took place. Sounds like swamp politics to me. Trump is willing to release the transcripts of the conversation with the President of the Ukraine. He’s not hiding anything. Finally, the democrats don’t want to see the transcripts (which is what I want to see) they want to see the complaint. Why would they not want to see transcripts? Because accusations are far more important to democrats than evidence. Especially evidence that doesn’t lead to anything.

To gain proof that Trump is being targeted, he’s bringing up Biden’s malthisians. And it’s hitting the target. Biden is stressing out. And He’ll have a lot to answer for in the next debate.

As far as Biden goes, there is, again, no evidence he did anything. There’s a lot of smoke and a lot of coincidences. But no evidence. Should we investigate? Probably, he’s running for President. If he wasn’t I wouldn’t care less. But this is going to kill Presidential bid whether he’s innocent or not. His gafs are one thing but the image of him being corrupt might be the final straw. As of this week, Elizabeth Warren is winning in the polls in Iowa. I think Biden’s run is done and Elizabeth Warren will be the nominee.


Democrats Do What The Democrats Do

Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, just dropped a MOAB of the democrats chances of winning the presidency for 2020. Listen.

Yep, they’re starting an inquiry of impeachment. It was kind of hard to understand because Nancy’s dentures kept rolling around. Nancy got together with all the other House democrats and they decided to go for it.

Sort of.

What an impeachment inquiry means is they are going to do a bunch of investigations (which will take six months to a year) where they are doing nothing else. Then, they will see if they have enough votes for impeachment (which, as of now, they don’t). Once that’s done, they’ll send this to the House Judiciary Committee which will vote. They will hold more hearings and vote. If it gets through that, it will then voted on the floor of the House. If it passes the House vote (only a majority is needed) it will go to the Senate for a trial. The senate won’t convict because the trial would be crap.

The House is wasting time and are doing nothing during all these investigations. They will lose the House, Senate and Presidency in 2020. By a landslide.

And that may mean there might not be another democratic President for twenty years because Mike Pence will run and win. He’s smart and likable. Then Nikki Halley will win because she’s smart and likable. I we still have Ben Crenshaw.

This is going to be a disaster for democrats.











Podcast #69 Show Notes:

Justin Trudeau has some splaining to do. Sean Spicer, the former Press Secretary under Donald Trump, committed the mortal sin of being on Dancing of the Stars. And his dancing sucked too. And Merrium Websters gets woke and changes the meaning of the word, “they.”


Oh, Canada

Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, has gotten himself into some trouble. He went to an Arabian Nights costume event in 2001 a dressed in brown face. Even his hands were painted. This is a real problem for Trudeau because he is up for reelection and the race is tight. When the picture hit the news, Trudeau offered an apology:

During the interview, he was asked if that was the only instance of him wearing black face. He never answered. If that’s not a red flag I don’t know what is. Sure enough, two more photos were dug up.

I find this hysterical because it shows the hypocrisy of the woke left. This is a guy is constantly looking down at the little people from his perch. Telling us how we should act and how we should speak. He is part of the reason Canada is such a mess and people like Jessica Yaniv, the trans woman who is a lesbian (which means he’s a man), are able to raise such havoc through the legal system. He is responsible for promoting the change of language that could ultimately destroy Western Civilization. Listen to this clip of him admonishing a young lady asking him a question just because she did not use the right wording.

Isn’t he man-splainiing?

Wearing black face at that time was not a big deal and I do not think Justin Trudeau is a racist or should lose his job. But I also think the right would be making a mistake by not pointing out the hypocrasy. We should point it out and keep pointing it out because the left wing media will just try to let it go like they did with Ralph Northam.



He”s Just Dancing…

There has been tons of controversy about Sean Spicer being accepted into the Dancing with the Stars competition on Fox. Sean Spicer was Trump’s Press Secretary for less than a year at the beginning of his tenure.  Let’s take a look at his performance.


Oh, God it hurts to watch. But he was having fun and that’s all that counts. He ended up with a score of 12 out of 30 which is the second worst score of the competition. But one thing people should have gotten out of this, just like with all of Trump’s appearances over the decades, is that Sean Spicer is just a human being who likes the same things as regular people.

Yes he can’t dance and he wasn’t a great Press Secretary. But he’s a nice guy and completely likable.

Vox, a far left website, published a three thousand word essay about the evils of Sean Spicer, why there is so much contraversy about him being on Dancing with the Stars and of course, how the orange man is bad. They published Tweets from all the celebrities complaining about Spicer as a Trump Press Secretary, not about whether the guy cold dance or not. There were two paragraphs about his performance and about twenty-five about how bad he is, how bad the Trump administration and how they needed to win the culture war.

This bring us two things we need to talk about: the culture war and cancel culture.

Things we will talk about with the culture war is how anyone on the right, even moderate conservatives, are being pushed out of culture by the left. Things like Dancing with the Stars actually makes conservatives look human. The left can’t have that. The want demonization of the right at all times. At one point I didn’t care about the culture war. That’s why conservatives are pushed out of Hollywood and blacklisted. That’s because the purpose of Hollywood is to bring an emotional perspective to the narrative that is indoctrinated through the education system and “confirmed” through the left wing media.

The culture war also fosters extremists groups like Black Lives Matter, Antifa, The Women’s March and the Proud Boys. This is really the scary part about the war because there is no dialog or debate with these groups. There is only violence.

Cancel culture means we must eliminate the “evil” of culture through boycotts and harrassment. I hate this. I think Nike and Apple are not only unethical companies but also immoral. I won’t boycott or try to have those companies destroyed. I just won’t buy their shoes or phones. Individuals have power. The collective doesn’t. How do I prove that? Boycotts never work.



Ain’t Buying It

Merriam Webster has decided to get woke. They have decided to add a definition to the word “they.” That other definition is:

used to refer to a single person whose gender identity is nonbinary (see NONBINARY sense c)I knew certain things about … the person I was interviewing.… They had adopted their gender-neutral name a few years ago, when they began to consciously identify as nonbinary — that is, neither male nor female. They were in their late 20s, working as an event planner, applying to graduate school.— Amy Harmon

No, no, no.

I am not going to change the English language because some idiot has decided to appease some people. There are several reasons for my stand.

  1. When we start changing the language, we create confusion. “They went to the beach,” suddenly take two meaning. Did an individual go or did a group go to the beach? This is an effort to muddle language and English is a very exact language which already makes it hard. Don’t even get me started when someone ends his sentence with a preposition like, “Where are you at?”
  2. Once we start normalizing bad or illogical language, we make great writing of the past bad language and therefore irrelevant. Homer, Plato, Aristotle, Aqineas, the Bible, Shakespeare, The Constitution and a plethora of other great works become irrelevent because the saw “they” as a genderless plural pronoun. And that leads us to the third point:
  3. This attack on the English language needs to be seen for what it is: an attack on the English language. This is a militant take over. It is an acceptance that language is violence. And it will get worse. It’s already happening in Europe and Canada. We are a step from being fined, sued, jailed simply for not using someone’s subjective view of their pronoun. I fear I will lose my job because I say, “he” to a man when he identifies of a woman. Then I go to court and sue the company that fired me only to lose because Merriam Webster got woke and decided to change the language.

I can’t emphasize this enough: this is dangerous territory. These kind of changes lead to tyranny. We’ve seen it before in China, Russia, Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela and now, Canada and all of Europe.



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Podcast #68 Show Notes: It’s All Falling Apart

The Brett Kavanaugh thing is falling apart and the Dems seem to be getting quieter. Iran makes a bold move but Trump thinks patience is the key.


Brett Kavanaugh’s Saga Continues

The Brett Kavanaugh New York Times debacle continues. I probably should have given this a couple of days before publishing this story. It’s getting juicer. Just as a reminder, the New York Times published an article last Saturday that stated that there was another accuser. Remember? Someone push Kavanaugh’s junk into some woman’s hand. The accuser, Max Stier, who I said was a Clinton supporter, was actually on Clinton’s legal team during Clinton’s impeachment hearings.

You notice that all the accusers are heavy democrat supporters? Hmm.

Not only did the New York Times not point that out, they forgot to mention that no one at the party remembered the event, including the “victim.” The “victim” refuses to be interviewed.

They have been getting a plethora of crap from everyone including the left wing media.

CNN’s Oliver Darcy writes:

“It was the latest in a series of high-profile blunders that has caused embarrassment to James Bennet since he was appointed in 2016 as the editor overseeing The Times’ Opinion section. Bennet’s tenure has been marked with several mishaps that have generated controversy, drawn criticism, and spurred at least one lawsuit … While the Opinion section has unquestionably produced strong work in the years since Bennet took over, it has also been culpable for some of the biggest journalistic black eyes at The Times during that period.”

CNN’s Brian Steltzer said:

“Times turmoil take disciplinary action in the wake of this embarrassing episode.”

The Washington Post’s Erik Wemple said:

“The roar from the Internet left the New York Times with some explaining to do. How did this piece land in the Sunday Review section? What was going on here?”

Further, it has been reported that the Washington Post and the New York news division refused to run the story because it was unverified. What I didn’t know was that the story was run in the Review section of the New York Times.

Well, the authors,  Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly, in attempt at saving a little face, when on The View and did what all left wingers do: throw someone else under the bus. Watch:

Of course Trump is going to sat something. And, you know something, what he said pretty much follows the democratic model: Cancel Culture. This is when someone screws up, there’s outrage, he apologizes, the outrage grows, then he’s either fired or resigns in disgrace. This happens all the time now. Trump says we should do the same thing:

Yep, that should happen. There should be consequences for bad reporting. These people should be fired and Brett Kavanaugh should sue the New York Times. But it’s not going to happen. But, what is happening is the left’s attempt to influence the a judge’s decisions, especially when it comes to that crappy law of Roe vs. Wade. I’ve talked about Roe vs. Wade in a previous podcast so I won’t bring that back up again. But, as a reminder, privacy is not more important than a human life.

But the real news story that is not being brought up by the media is the fact that this whole thing with Kavanaugh was a political hit job. No one; not CNN or MSNBC or CBS of ABC or NBC brought this up.


That’s right! The whole Brett Kavanaugh-thing was crap. We shouldn’t be surprised. If they can kill babies, is it a shock they would kill the reputation of an honored judge? Why are they doing this? Because they are trying to shame Kavanaugh into doing what they want. It’s horrific.

But there’s more. Blasry Ford’s best friend, Leland Keyser, reportedly did not believe Blasey Ford! She refused to testify. She says she was threatened to have her reputation ruined if she didn’t testify. And it’s in the book that the times based this story from! And the NY Times ignored it! This book that tried to throw Kavanaugh under the bus just proved that Kavanaugh was targeted.

And none of the left wing media reported it. I hate the term “fake news,” but it fits. Our news media has an agenda.
















Podcast #67 Show Notes: NY Times Is At It Again

It was a busy weekend in the news. Brett Kavanaugh is accused of sexual assault… again. I have to shorten my podcast because someone told me it was too long.

Thanks, Dave!

They’re After Brett Kavanaugh Again

The left just can’t deal with Brett Kavanaugh and they keep coming up with garbage to bury him. And I mean literally garbage. Hot, stinking garbage.

On Saturday, the New York Times published a report that accused Brett Kavanaugh of another sexual assault. This gets a little confusing so stay with me. A guy named Max Stier said he was at a party at Yale, everyone was drunk and Brett Kavanaugh pulled his stuff out of his pants. Then, some guy grabbed Kavanaugh’s stuff and stuck it in the hand of the “victim.” Apparently Stier gave an interview to two reporters who were writing a book about the Kavanaugh accusers. This accusation closely mimicked the accusation by Debra Ramiriez. The FBI knew about the accusation during Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing but, apparently, “failed to investigate it.”

There are a few things that stink to high heaven here. First off, Max Stier is a left winger that supported Bill Clinton. His ex-wife was nominated to a federal court by Barrack Obama. The people at the party don’t remember anything like that happening. In fact, the “victim” doesn’t remembering anything like that happening. The victim would not be interviewed by the press or law enforcement. The book where this incident  is based on even said there was no witness testimony or proof that this ever happened. Kavanaugh’s friend said that Kavanaugh was popular and, if this ever happened, it would have been all over the Yale campus.

But it also doesn’t make sense logically. Brett Kavanaugh graduated with honor from Yale…YALE. I’m pretty sure he was busy most of the time. He was never accused of anything then or through his time as a federal judge. He didn’t get accused until he was going to be a Supreme Court Justice. If this guy was the serial rapist everyone is making him out to be, why did he stop? If he is this insane, he won’t stop raping women. Oh, yeah: all these accusations come thirty years later!

Well, the New York Times had to make a revision on Suday stating that no one, including the victim, could substastiate the story. Oops.

The democratic presidential candidates, even with the New York Times revision still did what they do: make asses out of themselves. Is it a wonder that the democrats are represented by the mule mascot? Their reactions, even after the New York Times revision, were priceless and expected.

I couldn’t find Beto O’Rourke’s comments on Kavanagh but, who cares. He’s an idiot.

Vox.com had three stories on how Kavanaugh is Satan. Again, a day after the New York Times said the f-ed up. Yeah, they’re not biased at all.

Of course, President Trump weighs in.

Listen, Brett Kavanaugh doesn’t seem that conservative. So why does the left do




Podcast #66: Please, Please Leave the Penguins Alone!

California is working very hard to screw itself completely to Hell. There are gay penguins in a London zoo and the zoo has decided to be diverse. And Monopoly has decided to correct its original patriarchal board game.

Oh, and there was another democratic debate.


California Is On Fire!

California continues to screw its citizens by implementing the dumbest laws while ignoring the real problems.

The first law is AB 5 which states that companies can no longer “misclassify” workers as independent contractors has passed the California senate and is expected to be signed into law by Gov. Gavin Newsome. This law will mostly effect companies like Uber and Lyft. Employers will now be on the hook for overtime, health insurance and retirement benefits.  This will also allow employees who have been “misclassified” will have the ability to unionize.

Tyranny is alive and well in California. But I’m happy about that this law will just make things worse in California. Then, maybe, people of this state will begin to see the incompetence of the left in California and vote them out. This law s going to make California worse.

Uber and Lyft, which were the companies targeted, will simply stop service in California. This will cost the citizens the loss of a great service which is very affordable. It will also cost thousands of people who are in between jobs or need extra money to lose that easy opportunity to drive and make a few extra bucks.

This is just a crappy law.



In another ingenious move to try to create housing for the homeless, the state legislature passed a bill that would allow a statewide rent control. This law would limit rent increases to 5% after inflation. It also disallows evictions without cause which is what Newsome believes is the problem with the homeless.

I have three problems with this. First, the cities and state already regulate the hell out of landlords. That’s why rent is expensive. My family used to own apartment buildings that were under rent control. They never made any money because they were bled by the bureaucracy. They couldn’t wait to get rid of the apartments but, because everyone knew about it, had a hard time selling.

Second, this will have the reverse issue and will cause a greater housing crisis. People are not going to build apartments if they cannot be profitable.

And finally, the state is assuming that the reason people are on the streets because they cannot find a place to live. That’s just not the case. Most, not all, are living on the street because they are unable to function well enough to be able to afford an apartment. They are drug addicts. They are mentally ill. Or they just don’t want to hold a job and want to live on the street. Even if the theory would work and people build more apartments, for whatever reasons, these people will still be on the street.

This is another way that California is avoiding the problem.



California has one of the worst education systems in the United States. Kids that come out of California schools don’t know how to read, or write, or science, or math. They learn about climate change, diversity, the 63 different pronouns and how to have anal sex. Well, they may not be able to get in a college and get good jobs but at least they’re entitled.

I am on Twitter all the time (@RunninFewl) and, almost every day, and there is always a video of some brat yelling at a teacher because he’s not allowed to play Angry Birds on his iPhone X. At that point, at least the teacher could kick him out. Now they can’t.

Our kids are way too entitled and not at all disciplined. Oh, and I forgot uneducated, have no work ethic and are completely unprepared, not only for getting a job, but also for facing the difficulties of day-to-day life.

Good job, California!



Gay Penguins?

A London aquarium has announced that two lesbian penguins will resist traditional sexual stereotypes while raising their adopted chick. Four-month-old baby Gentoo will be “the world’s first penguin to not have its gender assigned,” Sea Life London exulted.

General Manager Graham McGrath said, “While the decision may ruffle a few feathers, gender neutrality in humans has only recently become a widespread topic of conversation, however, it is completely natural for penguins to develop genderless identities as they grow into mature adults.”

The Sea Life London announcement recalls a similar episode 15 years ago, when The New York Times fêted two allegedly homosexual penguins at the Central Park Zoo. “Roy and Silo, two chinstrap penguins at the Central Park Zoo in Manhattan, are completely devoted to each other,” wrote the Gray Lady. “For nearly six years now, they have been inseparable. They … have sex. Silo and Roy are, to anthropomorphize a bit, gay penguins. When offered female companionship, they have adamantly refused it.” The zoo even went so far as to take an egg from a normal penguin couple and let the “gay penguins raise it. The baby penguin was born and taken care of but the story had a sad ending. Roy and Silo hooked up with female penguins. And no one saw the two ever have sex as was reported. Oops.

Have we gotten so stupid? This isn’t a study. These idiots are trying to raise a “gender neutral” penguin chick. This reminds me of when biologists in Santa Monica, California were given a grant to find out how many gay seagulls there were. They dsaid that up to 60% of the seagulls could be gay. I never heard what happened with the report. What a waste of money.



Monopoly Got Woke!

Hasbro has decided to go woke with their next version of Monopoly! They are making a Monopoly game that will pay women more when they pass Go because of the “historical” gender wage gap.

“Unlike the classic game, women will collect 240 Monopoly bucks when they pass ‘go,’ while male players will collect the usual 200. The idea is to create a game where women make more than men, the first game to do so, according to Hasbro,” CNN reports.

It’s “a fun new take on the game that creates a world where women have an advantage often enjoyed by men,” the company said in a statement emailed to major news organizations.

This is so stupid it’s awesome. I want to buy this game. I want to play a woman. It might be the first time I play monopoly and have fun with the game. I’m not sure who said it on a Daily Wire podcast (subscribe) but men have nothing to lose when they play Monopoly. I hate Monopoly when it’s fair because I always lose on an even field (well, not always). If I play Ms. Monopoly, I’m suppose to lose. But, if I win, I am superior. Nice! I wish they’d do something like that wish chess.


Far More News

This week, we had the democratic debates. I watched a couple of hours. Biden won but he sounded old and he needs to get better denture adhesive. He tried to be a moderate but appeared a tad dishonest when asked a tough question.

Bernie came in second but he looks crazy so he might have lost.

Elizabeth Warren sis not answer one question and her dishonesty will cost her. But she got third.

In forth…who cares. The rest are done.

Beto and Julian Castro came in last. Beto wants to break into our houses and steal our guns. Castro is a meanie to old people.

And now we are down to three.



I Know I Will Never Forget

It is the 18th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack. Every year I blog about this and I am going to do it again. Let’s talk about what I was doing that day. Let’s talk about other major events I had the honor and horror to experience in my lifetime and the disturbing trends I see with our kids today. And finally, as 9/11 becomes a historical event for our youth is it possible we could actually forget?

Where Was I?

It is six in the morning west coast time. I am a computer networking instructor that starts his class at 8 AM. I like to get to my classroom 30 to 45 minutes early just to check on things before the class starts.  It only takes me twenty minutes to get ready and be on the road. I lived in Thousand Oaks, California at the time with my ex-wife and three children and I worked in Oxnard, which was about thirty minutes away.

During the drive, there is a very steep grade that can be a tad dangerous. It is very easy to go from 55 Miles an hour to 90 without even touching the accelerator. So you can imagine I really paid attention to my driving. It was at the bottom of that hill that I received a call from my ex-wife.

“A plane flew into the World Trade Center!” she said breathlessly.


“The building is on fire!”

I didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t even formulate a question. How could a plane run into a building? It didn’t make sense.

“Oh my God!” my ex-wife screamed. “Another plane just crashed into the other building!”

“What? When?”

“Now! Just now!”

“Both buildings are on fire?”


I don’t know what she said then. I had goose bumps and really could not understand what was happening at the time. The United States had not really gone through a serious terror attack so that was the furthest from my mind at the moment. In fact, I’m not really sure when I did realize this was an attack.

Timeline for me gets really fuzzy. I got to work and was sitting in front of my computer, reading through the story on CNN.com. Now, mind you, the Internet then was not the Internet today. There was no YouTube and streaming video was very difficult. All I could do was refresh the web page and see if there was any more news.

That’s when the phone rang again.

“They’re gone. They fell,” my ex-wife says without so much as a greeting.

“What do you mean?” I ask her, not understanding.

“The buildings fell. They’re gone.”

I had a training in Philadelphia a few years before. When we completed, our training, my partner and I had a full day before our light. We decided to drive to New York because we’ve never been there before. We stopped off in Atlantic City and played a couple of games in Trump’s hotel. Weird how things change. We got to New York and parked on the edge of Manhattan. Parking and traffic were horrid. We took the subway to the edge of Manhattan. We were greeted by the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center (I didn’t know, at the time, that there was more to the Center than those two buildings.

They were huge. One building must have taken up ten square blocks. I practically put a crick in my neck looking at how tall they were. They were amazing. I could not conceive of what my ex-wife was telling me. They were way too big.

“How much of them fell?”

Looking back at the destruction, I must have sounded like an idiot.

“They are gone. Completely gone.”

I hung up. He words were confirmed when I refreshed the CNN page and a picture on the home page showed that iconic image of the rickety skeleton of what was left of the World Trade Center.


It Was Just One

The September 11th attack was a turning point in life. It was a realization that life as we know it had changed. After the terrorist attack, I knew we were in a world of terrorism and were going to be in a war that would probably last my entire lifetime, whether we had boots on the ground in a foreign country or just needing to protect our borders. But this wasn’t the only epic event through my life that made me. I wasn’t sentient during the moon landing or the Watergate scandal. But there were some heavy things that changed the direction of my life. Let’s talk about that.

The release of Star Wars. I know it sounds kind of dumb but Star Wars made me understand the core meaning of life: good vs. evil. Things are that simple. One can either be on the good side or bad side of life. I learned that controlling fear and anger are very important and I have been fighting that till this day.

The United States hockey team winning the 1980 Olympics and the election of Ronald Reagan. Those are the moments I became a patriot. I remember the U.S. beating the heavily favored Soviets and I could not keep my feet on the ground. And it wasn’t just me. Funny: I saw the game on a ten inch, black and white television in the kitchen of our house. I don’t even know who they beat to actually win the gold (the Soviet game was the semi-final) but I do remember the countdown. I’m getting chills just thinking about it.

Ronald Reagan was such a powerful figure. All he talked about was how great our country is. He did something no one did much at the time. When he won, I knew I wasn’t the only one who felt pride about being an American.

Ronald Reagan getting shot. I was at school when we heard the Reagan was shot and it was on video. This was when I learned that our President was no more than a human being. I also learned how people can be so hateful of others simply because of their politics. See, Donald Trump wasn’t the first who was hated by democrats and the media. They hated Reagan too. A lot of people don’t realize that the same things they say about Trump, they said about Reagan.

The breakup of the Challenger Space Shuttle. To that point, the space shuttle program was just going. It wasn’t even something exciting anymore. The shuttle launched, flew around the earth a few hundred times and landed. In short, no one cared. When that ship blew up, I realized how dangerous space travel is. I also realized why we stopped going to the moon. It is way too expensive and way too dangerous. I’ve come to realize that danger comes with the territory and there are always heroes. We should honor their bravery and continue moving forward. I prayed our space program would continue and advance. It did and is.

The fall of the Berlin Wall, the fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. For me, this is sad. People today don’t realize what we went through during the Cold War. There was always the threat of nuclear war. I even had to have a debate as to why the United States should continue its nuclear build up during the Cold War. What did I learn? The power of capitalism, the vulnerabilities of socialism and communism and what “mutual assured destruction” is.

The Rodney King Riots in Los Angeles. This was my first real view of racism. At the time I didn’t know what happened. But I did learn. And I was concerned and angry because things didn’t seem to be covered correctly by the media.

The Northridge Earthquake. I had been through several earthquakes in the past. None ever scared me like that one. Heck, I was 200 miles away when it hit. But it changed my view on survival. No matter how much fun I make of my friend from Tennessee, whose scared of earthquakes, he’s right. I have ten gallons of water, dry goods, guns, a medical kit and a survival kit. The next big one is coming.

The OJ Simpson Trial. It became very clear to me that race was more important than a horrific crime. Even when reason and evidence left no doubt. I heard the verdict at Cal State Northridge while in class. The reaction was disgusting. All the black student yelled in joy and everyone else just looked in shock. We thought (and I talked with people about it) being black was more important than justice. Forget that his wife was white. Forget the huge amount of evidence. Racism is back.

The election of Barack Obama. I didn’t want him to win. But he did. He was my President and I supported him. He, needless to say, disappointed me. I knew, with him being elected twice, racism was a talking point. There was no “systemic racism,” I started thinking for myself.

Last, but not least: the Iran-Contra Scandal and The Monica Lewinsky Scandal. I simply learned that our politicians are corrupt. I trust non of them now.

There’s been a lot of stuff that’s happened during my life that made me what I am today. The September 11th attacks were huge but it was only a drop in the bucket.

I do want to point one thing out. The U.S. hockey team winning the gold medal in the Olympics and the election of Ronald Reagan really shifted me to be a patriot. Ask yourself something: What have the millennial and Gen-Z had that shifted their beliefs to being patriotic? I had some great things. Things I didn’t even mention here. That included the first launch of the space shuttle Columbia (forgot about that one).

But that topic is for another podcast.


Are We Forgetting?

I will never forget. Probably anyone my age or older won’t forget either.

I’m not going to harsh your mellow here but for millennial and Gen-Z folk, this is history. They only know of 9/11 based off the teachings in school (and we know how the education system works). I have tons of sound clips that came out today to prove this event was not that important. I won’t play them because I want to keep this positive.

What’s important is that we teach it. Everything about the terrorist attacks even if that means  contradicting the twenty-something teachers that are educating out kids.

Do not forget and make it your responsibility that your kids don’t forget.


