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Podcast #64 Show Notes: Yummy

Donald Trump cancels a secret meeting with the Taliban. Ahead of 9-11. Oops. A Swedish scientist has a not-so-insane way to end the climate “crisis.” Pierce Brosnon, a former James Bond, says it might be time for a female James Bond. And the gun control debate is still going hot and heavy. Let’s talk about “red flag” laws and the idiotic terms like “weapons of war” and “assault weapons.”

Baseball season is coming to a close and football season starts up. Love this time of year!


Trump and the Taliban

Donald Trump might have stepped in it last week. He was planning to hold a summit at Camp David. Who was he going to try to make peace with? Negotiators from the Taliban. That’s right. The same Taliban that ran a fascist regime in Afghanistan, participated in the planning of the 9-11 terror attacks and hid the mastermind of the attacks, Osama Bin Laden.

The meeting was meant to be secret, probably because it was not going to be a very popular meeting. Unlike North Korea, China and Russia, the Taliban has been directly involved in terrorism that has killed Americans and are guilty of massive human rights violations. It was announced yesterday that the talks were cancelled because of a bombing in Afghanistan that the Taliban took credit for. That bombing killed an American soldier. Here is Trump making that announcement:

Well, I guess Trump was able to bring us together in his way. Trump was condemned by the left and left wing media but his judgement was also questioned by the right wing media. The below stories are from one left wing publication (USA Today) and the other from the New York Post (traditionally right wing).



The stories are similar. And they should be. There were sixteen soldiers killed in Afghanistan this year. The Taliban was responsible for all of them. They are our true enemy. They are still ruling parts of Afghanistan with an iron fist, committing all sorts of atrocities. The other problem is that the meeting and any agreement would give the terrorist organization validity, not unlike what Obama did with Iran. This could cause the legitimate government, led by Ashraf Ghani, problems in the future.

Listen, I know why Trump was trying to do this. I get why he treats China, North Korea and Russia with respect (that is until they don’t do what he wants). But this is a group of barbaric thugs that should be wiped off the face of the earth. Everything they do is for power and they will lie to get it.


Does Everything Have to Be Political?

The Huffington Post reports that Pierce Brosnon said, “I think we’ve watched the guys do it for the last 40 years, get out of the way, guys, and put a woman up there…I think it would be exhilarating, it would be exciting.”


I don’t know why we can’t just leave our cultural icons alone. Why do we need a gay couple in a Disney cartoon? They have been doing cartoons for decades and no one cared before. Why do we need a gay couple in one of the Star Wars films? Sexuality has never been an issue in the Star Wars films before. Why do Captain America and Ghostbusters have to be remade with an all female cast? Why do DC and Marvel feel the need to add gay characters? Isn’t the asexuality of super heroes is what gives them their invulnerability to time and flaws of humanity as described by Umberto Eco in his article, “The Myth of Superman?”

Why can’t they just make offshoots of these films with new, female characters? Why does anyone need to be gay or trans?


San Francisco Just Blew It for Red Flag Laws

With the onset of several mass shootings over the past year, there has been a real push for some sort of gun control laws that limit those who may have mental problems cannot get a hold of a gun or would have guns already owned by a mentally unstable individual taken away until an evaluation is done on this individual. Even Donald Trump, who is a strong supporter for the Second Amendment, is open to some out-of-the-box solutions for monitoring those with mental health problems. This is a voluntary program and would using existing technology to monitor these people. You can read about the proposal below.


This proposal goes a little short of the “red flag” laws that the left has been pushing over the past few months. In case you’re wondering, red flag laws would allow people to report people who may be acting erratically. It is then that the authorities can confiscate guns or prevent the purchase of guns by these individuals.

This has had a luke warm response from pro Second Amendment folks. And after what the San Francisco city council did, any warmth for the idea got a lot colder. The San Francisco city council voted to declare the National Rifle Association a domestic terrorist group and is requesting that the federal government do the same.


Yeah, suddenly I’m going to be real supportive of red flag laws. looking at the aggression of the city of San Francisco, I’m sure they will not abuse the red flag laws and take away guns from law abiding citizens.

The reality is we need to stop attacking the tools of the mentally ill but focus on the mentally ill themselves. I’ve talked about this in a past podcast. But there is no way to implement gun control and there is no way taking guns away from law abiding citizens is going to end mass shootings. All it is going to do is take away their ability to protect themselves.


Maybe They Should Worry More About This

The “leaders” of California are really running this state into the ground and they seem to be doing nothing about it. We have banned straws, banned plastic bags, call manholes “peopleholes,” call felons “justice involved individuals,” have gas prices that are $2 higher than any other state to protect us from climate change and have declared the NRA a terror group.

But we seem to ignore the homeless problem, the drug problem and the diseases that come from it. We already have had bouts of typhus and hepatitis to deal with. Well, we now might have a new problem, leprosy. That’s right, a disease that is only in the worst countries and has been all but eliminated for over a hundred years in the modern world.

According to Dr. Drew Pinsky, we are very close to a bubonic plague outbreak if it has not already out there. Listen to Drew Pinsky:

So, good job California. Keep up the good work.



One of the More Insane Stories of the Week

I had to actually look this story up to verify it wasn’t a joke. And it’s not. It’s just another example of a radical professor and social justice warrior being absolutely insane.

The professor is Magnus Soderlund, an economics professor from the Stockholm School of Economics. He said in a conference last week that there is one way that we could combat climate change: cannibalism. Yep, no kidding. Now, he didn’t mean we should actually go out and kill people. Not that…not yet anyway. He meant we should eat the dead.

He said “conservative” taboos against cannibalism can change over time if people simply tried eating human flesh. Then we could just kill all the cows and their farts will not pollute the air. OK, I made that up because the article did not exactly say why eating dead people would save the earth.

When asked if he would eat human flesh he said, “I feel somewhat hesitant but to not appear overly conservative … I’d have to say … I’d be open to at least tasting it.”

Well, if I had any liberal in me before it’s all gone at the thought I am closed off because I won’t eat a dead person. I won’t eat dog either.

But one can tell that this is an economics professor and not a medical doctor. Apparently there is a protein in human flesh that can kill you. A tribe in Papua New Guinea actually stopped being cannibals because of a disease called Kuru, also known as Laughing Death.

Maybe Prof. SJW should talk to the really educated before he comes up with something insane like that again.






Movie Review: John Wick 3: Parabellum

I have been looking forward to this movie since it was released from theaters. I actually bought tickets for my girlfriend (well, former girlfriend) and I. But we never went. She always found a reason not to go even though I knew she liked action films, loved the first two films and she knew this one was probably going to be awesome based on the reviews.

Well, we never saw it. And that has been a sore point of our relationship (no, I’m serious). I finally got to see it. It was awesome! Here’s the preview:


What a great movie. Yes, the action was over the top. John Wick should have died six times and broken his legs at least twice. No handgun holds 28 rounds. But it was stylish and awesome. It was like combining the Matirx and The Bourne Identity.

This is a very violent movie. Over the top violence. But if you like action movies, you’ll love this one.


OK, I’ve Waited a Week on Epstein

It’s been a week since Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide or whatever. I mentioned it last Monday but didn’t think much about it. But it’s been a week and the weirdness has had some time to ferment s let’s talk about it now. After all, it has been a rather slow news weekend.


The Story

Last week, Jeffrey Epstein, the pedophile billionaire from New York who was on trial for trafficking underage girls to the world’s elite, committed suicide in jail last Sunday.  Epstein had a checkered past that seemed to have been helped on by his billions.

He was first in trouble in 2005 when a 14-year-old was found to be in his Florida home, giving Epstein several massages. Though sex did not seem to be the issue, the girl still performed the massage on the naked Epstein in nothing more than her underwear…ew.

The FBI started a 13-month investigation during which they found multiple witnesses, 17 cases of sex with a minor, hidden cameras, child pornography and videos of elite people, presumably to be used for blackmail. One of those men was, presumably, the Prince Andrew, Duke of New York…oops.

Charges were filed and a grand jury was convened. But, U.S. attorney, Alex Acosta struck a deal with Epstein’s attorney. That deal stated that Epstein would plead guilty to solicitation of prostitution, register as a sex offender and pay restitution to the 30-sum-odd victims.

Basically he walked. The deal was so bad that it eventually cost Alex Acosta his job as Labor Secretary under President Trump. But you can bet once Epstein got a taste for this and felt he would never get prosecuted, you could bet he wasn’t going to stop. And he didn’t.

In July of 2019, Epstein was arrested and charged with child trafficking. If convicted, the 66-year-old could face 45 years in prison. In other words, the rest of his life. On August 10, 2019, Epstein was found unresponsive in his cell at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York. He was rushed to a hospital and was pronounced dead.

OK, so what. A perv offs himself. Big deal. Well, it kind of is. Over the last week, every conspiracy theory from both sides of the aisle have blown up. But also  a load of the weirdest stories I have heard in a long time. I really didn’t think this was going to be as big a deal as it turned out to be. I am so glad I waited a week.


The Conspiracy Theory

There are a lot of people who do not think Epstein killed himself but think he was murdered. Epstein had a lot of enemies and was connected enough that both political parties could turn this into an advantage. After all, That’s what we do today. But first, let’s go over the suspicious death itself before we get into the reasoning behind the conspiracies.

The death itself was very suspicious. Epstein was in one of the most secure jails in the country. Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, the Mexican drug kingpin, was held there during his trial. Each cell has a camera, prisoners who require it can be held on 24-hour suicide watch and prisoners are kept with bunk mates to make sure that there is someone in the cell just in case one of the cellmates decides to commit suicide. Also, if a prisoner is thought to be suicidal, he is given paper sheets so that hanging is impossible.

Sounds like a pretty good set up for a high risk prisoner, right? Well, things didn’t quite workout that way.

First the camera for the cell Epstein was in didn’t work. Weird. The they took him off of suicide watch a month after he has attempted suicide a month prior. Weird.

He was taken off of suicide watch even though he had attempted suicide by hanging last month at the request of defense council. Very weird.

Next, a few hours before he killed himself, the administration removed his roommate for not apparent reason (word has it they were getting along) which goes against jail policy. Incredibly weird.

Next, apparently, he was in a cell with a bunk bed and cloth sheets. Extremely weird.

Finally, the two jail guards, who were not really guards but were “jail employees,” were suppose to check Epstein every fifteen minutes but did not check him for three hours because the “fell asleep.” That’s right, they both fell asleep and forged the check in forms. Weird beyond all understanding.

Then there is the autopsy. The medical examiner said it was suicide by hanging and the independent medical examiner agreed. This isn’t that big a deal and I believe it. But what was strange was that Epstein had broken his neck. He didn’t hang himself from high enough to actually snap his neck. Now, I will give them the suicide because two medical examiners agreed and Epstein was 69 years old so he may have had brittle bones. But it is odd.


The Conspiracy Theory

As you may have guessed, not a lot of people like the story of Epstein’s death. I love the story because Epstein was a pedophile piece of crap and his suffering just started in Hell. But I’m in the minority. People who do not like the narrative will do two things to a story like this: Politicize it and come up with a conspiracy that will confirm that political view. And that’s what happened.

The right exclaimed that this was another killing by Bill and Hilary. My side (not me) thinks that Epstein had something on Bill. Let’s face it, Bill does like the young stuff. And how could he give in to anonymous sex with a teen on an island that is owned by his host? Let’s face it, there are a trail of bodies along the corrupt trails of the Clinton’s. Um, OK. I don’y buy it. Bill did lie about being with Epstein as much as he was. He was on the island (more on that later) and traveled extensively with Epstein around the world. Bill also lied about how often he traveled with Epstein. He said he only went on a couple of trips when, it turned out, manifests showed he went on twenty-seven trips. Bill also lied about always being with Secret Service, who could vouch for him. Turns out, they weren’t. Is it possible Bill slept with young gals while with Epstein? Most definitely. Do I think he and Hilary killed him? No, I don’t.

The left claims that Donald Trump, who was an acquaintance of Epstein, was involved along with his “lackey” Bill Barr. They point out that there were a lot of people on the right that were accused of messing around with kids including Alan Dershowitz, Epsteins first attorney. I don’t buy the Trump story for a few reasons: 1. The Russia collusion story (which was proved not to be true) 2. Trump seemed to like twenty-something models and 3. He kicked Epstein out of Marot-Lago because Epstein was hitting on underage girls. Not buying it. Bill Barr is a straight-shooter, doesn’t need to be Attorney General and would quit before attempting to cover-up corruption. Not buying that. Everything else, I’m not sure of.

Conspiracies are stupid. I would prefer to believe that the guards were just incompetent and a man who was looking at 45 years in prison on a sex crime against children did not want to face the suffering he was going to go through in prison. There were circumstances that gave him an opportunity and he took it. This wasn’t about conspiracy. I believe the Japanese navy attacked Pearly Harbor and the United States didn’t know about it. I believe Kennedy was killed by a lone gunman and Oswald was killed by a Kennedy supporter. I believe we landed on the moon.

It may be my filter on reality, and we all have one, let’s me accept things that may not be true. But I think this is all just circumstance.


Pedophile Island

Jeffrey Epstein owned one of the Virgin Islands. It had a couple of nicknames: Pedophile Island or Orgy Island. The employees of the island were required to sign a non-disclosure agreement and were brought in, daily, from the other islands. Being interviewed, the employees said nothing (that we know of). So the FBI took things into their own hands and searched the island.

There were some stories that have not been confirmed completely. Hopefully they were true. If they are, were going to get a lot more answers.

First, there were reports that there was a safe hidden within Epstein’s compound (or, mansion). The FBI was filmed with a lot of stuff in their arms. hopefully, that was from some of the stuff located within that safe. Many testified, anonymously, that the safe held no money but pictures from the hidden cameras throughout the compound. Pictures of sex-acts that could be used for blackmail. Who knows. We’ll see.

Next, it was reported that Epstein, just a couple of weeks before his arrest, ordered a cement mixer from another island. He transported the mixer on his own transports (which nullified insurance) and had it on his island the next day. In total, it cost him $100,000 to get that device to his island. No questions were asked and he paid by cash and no one knows why. Very interesting.

A lot of people think that his secrets died with him. Well, I trust the FBI. Anything hidden will be found. I think we are going to learn a lot more before this whole thing is over.



One of Epstein’s bodyguards was interviewed about Epstein’s behavior a while back, when Epstein was alive. His tone changed when Epstein was dead.

Former Russian UFC fighter Igor Zinoviev, Epstein’s bodyguard, said he never talked to Epstein about his en-devours and never saw anything. After Epstein was dead, his tone changed.

In an interview in 2015, Zinoviev said there was nothing happening. But when interviewed recently, he said, “So many time I tried to stop him. I try to tell tell him my opinion about that. He don’t listen to me. That’s the reason why I’m not working for him no more. I make him do that — to let me go.”

Yeah, he saw crap. As a bodyguard, his first responsibility is to protect his man. I don’t blame him for doing his job. But he knows more than he wants to proclaim. I actually feel sorry for this poor bastard.


Say It Ain’t So, Bill

In probably the second weirdest story, Bill Clinton has some explaining to do. Take a look at it.

This “painting” was found hanging in Epstein’s $56 million mansion. WTF?!

Apparently, the picture is Bill Clinton wearing Monica Lewinsky’s blur dress. What weirder is the painting was painted by a high school girl who had no idea that Epstein bought it.

Just f-ing creep!


The Creepiest of All

This was reported today and is almost, but not quite as creepy as the last story.

There’s not much I can say here. While Epstein was in prison, he bought, “small women’s underwear.”

This is while he served time for his first sex-crime in 2008. I’m not sure why he was allowed to have two pairs of small women’s panties as a sex offender but, whatever. He was kind of sick.



I won’t lie: this is kind of fun! We have a real mystery going.

Now, this is probably a lot less of a big deal than it is. Conspiracy is usually not as interesting as real life. But, sometimes, real-life is really awesome. Like, Oscar winning movies fifty-years-from-now awesome.

We’ll just have to wait.










Podcast #62 Show Notes: Here We Go Again…

We now know a lot more about the the Odessa/Midland shooter and it does not follow the leftist narrative. That doesn’t matter, let’s have gun control. Couple of leftist actors call out supporters of Trump in Hollywood and conservatives are defended from an unlikely source. And we need to end a worldwide injustice: chicken rape.


The Shooting in Odessa, Texas

Here is what happened during the shooting in Odessa, Texas.The whole story was a little strange. We also learned about the shooter (who shall remain nameless on this blog). The information about the shooter really will throw a wrench in the leftwong media’s narrative.



Calls for Gun Confiscation

It took all of fifteen minutes for the media, politicians and the presidential candidates to weigh in about the gun crisis. The media took the oppertunity to point out that President Trump only offers prayers (attack against God) and no solutions (gun control). We didn’t even know if there was one or multiple shooters, what weapon was used or what the motivation was before the Democrats started screaming about the need for gun control or gun by-back (confiscation) programs. Robert “Beto” O’Rourke even started cussing. I guess that’s a thing on CNN.





There are a few problems that no one is talking about. There were a ton of red flags on this guy including him calling the police the day of the attack, several complaints about him threatening neighbors, previous arrests and that he never qualified to own a gun because of his mental impairment, yet he had one. Is Robert and Joe telling me that I should give up my right to protect myself because I should trust the same government who already failed to catch this guy? That’s not even the only example. Ugh!

Further Reaction

Walmart has informed the world that it will now not sell ammunition in order to appease to woke-scolds. This is probably not going to work out for them. First, where there is a demand people will work to fill that demand. Next, Walmarts are huge in rural, middle class areas. I’m not sure their sudden capitulation is going to be embraced the way they think it will. But this brings up something much scarier.


The San Francisco city council has decided to deem the NRA a domestic terrorist organization. I guess I am as much as a terrorist as ISIS. What a waste of time.



Foot Enter Mouth

Debra Messing and Eric McCormick are ticked. Apparently, President Trump is holding a fundraiser is Beverly Hills. Attending will be some A-list actors, directors, writers and producers who support him. I don’t really get why Hollywood hates Trump. He has always supported them, has been a proponent of gay rights and is a A-lister himself through his work on The Apprentice. Heck, he was a democrat and Clinton supporter in the early 2000s.

But they’re pissed. They want to know who is going to attend and want a list of people who were going to attend so these two peons could pick and choose who they are going to work for. So much for diversity.

But Whoopi Goldberg, on The View, would not have any of it. She puts it out there so well. I can’t say it any better.


Stupid, Meet Insane

I had to check this story. I couldn’t believe it was real. It was and there’s a video.



Let’s Nuke’em!!

Trump is getting some great news from Asia. The news media wants your retirement to go away just to get rid of Trump. There are a couple of really dumb stories that the twisted news media is pushing and people are making fun of them.


China Blinks

On Friday, Trump applied another round of tariffs on China. China responded by applying more tariffs on U.S. products. Well, the Chinese economy did not take that well. The Chinese currency, the Yuan, crashed to its weakest since 2008. China’s equity market fell 3%. A lot of these issues involve the trade war and the protests in Honk Kong. Hong Kong’s economy,  China’s largest trade partner, is also tanking.

In response, China’s leading trade negotiator, Chinese Vice Premier Liu He, said he would like to start negotiations with the United States again. President Trump, in a Twitter post, continued to hammer away at China stating:

Trump is doubling-down on China. He’s telling them that, not only will the war continue and ratcheted up, but he will put pressure on American companies to stop dealing with China or suffer the consequences (though I am a fan of the “order you” language).

China can’t win this war. Their economy is not strong enough and they depend on this country. But, I will say it again, we will suffer. Trump is not wrong in fighting this trade war. He’s right that it should have been done years, possibly decades, ago. But he needs to tell the people what China is about. They steal hundreds of millions of dollars of our intellectual property per year. They enslave and kill their citizen not unlike what the Soviet Union did in the last century. They restrict speech of their citizens and openly monitor them.

China is not a business partner. They are an adversary. They want to dominate us. They want to dominate the world. President Trump needs to tell the American people this and justify the pain we might go through in the future. Trump needs to stop always painting a rosy picture. He needs to tell us what is going to happen and why. A lot of people in this country do not understand tariffs or the economics. Last thing he should want is to surprise people before an election.


Good Start at the G7

Trump announced that the U.S. and Japan have come to a trade agreement that would allow the United States to export agriculture and meat. The main commodities are corn and pork (Japan imports 25% of the U.S. pork). The deal has been agreed upon and will be signed tomorrow. Though the deal will leave existing tariffs on things such as cars, no new tariffs will be applied.

This is a big win for the United States especially because it is the agriculture industry that is taking the biggest hit from the trade war with China. This is great news for the United States and Trump should really push this since the media will not.

That being said, let’s get into some of the awesome news stories from the media.



This leads us to the question of recession. We have not been in a recession since about 2008. This country goes through a recession every nine to ten years. We are due for one. Combine that with the instability of Asia and the Middle East, this is a possibility. But the recession will be different. As we talked about China is struggling economically and a lot of Europe is beginning to see an economic downturn. The economy has become a global event, not just in the United States. And the United States is better equipped than anyone else to handle a recession.

But I do not think that a recession is going to be as bad in this country as it was in 2008. Remember, the 2008 recession was caused by a corrupt banking system that gave loans to people who could not afford to pay them off, creating an upside down real estate market. People were losing their homes. We were in the middle of two wars that cost trillions. We were ripe for a heavy recession.

What is really messed up is the left seems to look forward to a recession. Why does the left want us to lose all our retirement and wealth? Because a recession will be unpopular and Trump won’t win the election in 2020, of course. Bill Mahr has said this more than once.

This is what disturbs me more than we might end up in a recession. These elites hate Trump o much, they want the economy to tank. That will cost us little people our jobs and retirement. But, hey, that doesn’t matter because at least Trump is out of office. See, I like Bill Mahr. I like him because he tells the truth (he’s wrong about everything). He’s honest. He really doesn’t care about the people but, at least, he admits it (and in this case he did it twice.

It’s the same reason I don’t mind MSNBC. They are not like CNN and act like they are unbiased journalists. They are left wing journalists and that’s it. So I don’t care that they want a recession to get Trump out of the White House.

It’s the other people I can’t stand that hide. AoC cost her district 20,000 jobs, something that would have helped their economy and creating jobs. Because she hates capitalism. Bernie Sanders said that the bread lines in Cuba was a good thing and show the compassion of socialists. That’s because he hates capitalism and thinks nothing about the quality of life of the “little people.” Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris want to take away the insurance of a 150 million people and replace it with a crappy public plan. Why? Because the don’t care about what you want and think they know what you need better than you do. They don’t tell you that. They come back with some nonsensical math that must have been calculated on a five thousand year old abacus that is missing several beads. They don’t care about what people want because it is about the collective not the individual. And they do not have enough respect for us to tell us the truth.

At least Bill Mahr was honest.


And Mao and Stalin and Hitler…Oh My!

The news media is so lost and confused. I almost feel bad for them. OK, no I don’t.

On CNN’s Reliable Resource, Brian Stelter brought on a psychologist said that there was no difference between Trump and Stalin, Hitler and Mao when it come to sanity. He also said that calling Trump crazy is an insult to crazy people who might be good people but crazy. Listen to this.


There are couple of things to unpack here. First off, this guy ain’t much of a psychologist or psychiatrist or whatever. He doesn’t give any diagnostic reason why Trump is nuts, he just says he is for political reason. But his political reasons are crap too. Last I checked, there are no gulags, people aren’t being arrested for going against the government (you better believe Mao would have locked him up for this), he’s lowered taxes, lowered regulations, created prison reform and has created a great economy. Mao, Hitler and Stalin didn’t exactly do any of that.

There’s also a little something he forgot. Hitler killed 12 million, Mao killed between 25 and 40 million and Stalin killed up to 70 million. Trump didn’t kill or jail anyone but he does say a lot of bad things. So what? What was embarrassing is not the hatred this “healer” showed but how Stelter didn’t push back at all or even question. So much journalisming at CNN. Stelter was asked to apologize but, of course, CNN said he didn’t have to. Any wonder why they are last in the ratings.

But there is a bigger reason to have this idiot on their show. The leftist media is fishing for a new narrative and they can’t come up with anything original. They started with racism, then went on to the 25th amendment and Trump being crazy. Then came Russia. Now that’s gone and they went back to racism. That doesn’t seem to be embraced. Now back to Trump being nuts and the 25th Amendment. Keep it up, guys!

But that wasn’t the funniest story of the day. The Huffington Post had an article that, for some reason, picked up a little steam. Citing anonymous sources (which really points to the story having a lot of validity), the Post reported that, to the shock of his cabinet, he asked why the United States wasn’t nuking hurricanes before they came to the shores of the United States, preventing them from causing damage.

This is such a stupid story that I won’t even comment. I’ll just let Trump’s Tweet about the story speak for itself:

Well, I do have to give the media credit here. This story is original.





News of the Week!

The New York is showing its true colors. Donald Trump wants to make a real estate investment and that seems to send Rachael Maddow off the deep end. Rashida Tlaib hates her grandma. And AoC wants to blow up the Constitution again.

A lot of awesome stuff to talk about. None of it is really life-changing but it is interesting.


The New York Times Takes a Stand

One has to be completely head-in-sand to believe that the New York Times is an unbiased. Just a couple of weeks ago, the Times ran a headline when Trumo commented abut the El Paso attack. At first, the headline was “Trump Urges Unity Vs. Racism.” Oh this wasn’t good. Twitter was all a fire with condemnation of the New York Times actual reporting. That’s right, the headline was pretty accurate. The leftists flipped. A few hours later, the times rewrote their headline, stating, “Assailing Hate But Not Guns.”

Wow. It only took a couple of Tweets from the left for the New York Times to run away with tail between its legs and change from actual journalism to the sensationalism that the left expects.

But it get worse for them. Apparently, Slate leaked a statement from executive editor Dean Baquet stating that the Times depended on the Mueller investigation. But that was over and Trump is innocent. So not the Times needs to find another narrative. And they did. Want to guess what it is? That’s right: RACISM!

“We built our newsroom to cover one story, and we did it truly well. Now we have to regroup, and shift resources and emphasis to take on a different story,” said Baquet. His “vision” for how to cover Trump for “the rest of the next two years”: How America has “become so divided by Donald Trump,” particularly when it comes to race.

So, the the NY Times has decided to call out what the “news” would be for the next two years. Nice. And they started with a bang.

The New York Times Magazine just released a piece made up of several essays called “The 1619 Project.” This crap-show is a group of essays by New York Times writers that say the country did not start in 1776 with the implementation of the Declaration of Independence but started in 1619 when he first slaves were brought to the country. The purpose of this project is to “celebrate” the 400 year anniversary of the first slaves being brought to the United States. Throughout the essays, the writers discuss how all aspects of American society, from capitalism to imprisonment to healthcare, were created from the sweat and suffering of African slaves. It also explains how the system in this country is still against black people. Below is a video released by the NY Times. It’s really long so read by blog first then you can watch this:

I agree that we should acknowledge slavery. It was a dark point in our history and it should never be forgotten. But slavery happened long before the United States was established and was not the basis for this country by any stretch. In fact, it was the founding of this country that ended slavery. You know, that little spat called the Civil War. A war started and fought by white men to end slavery. I understand that the New York Times needs to create another narrative to defeat Trump next year. But this is garbage. Our country did not start because of slavery. The capitalist economy is not on the back of slavery. In fact, slavery proves America is great because we ended slavery and systemic racism.

This country is the greatest in human history. We discovered the Internet, cell phone and computing but all the media can do is talk about our past. It’s infuriating.



President Trump found out that he had the power to buy Greenland. This was something that, apparently, came out in a meeting. Because Greenland is in a strategically good area and is rich in resources and Denmark, which holds Greenland, is spending vast amounts of money to keep the territory afloat, Trump thought it might be worth holding a meeting with the Prime Minister to discuss buying it.

Now, this is nothing new. The United States has always wanted Greenland and has made offers before. And it’s not like we haven’t bought territory from the Danes before. The Virgin Islands was purchased from Denmark in 1917. So this shouldn’t be that big a deal. If Denmark wants to give away Greenland, great. If they don’t, great. But why not ask.

Rachael Maddow at MSNBC thought it was a big deal. This broad has been a dime short of a dollar for years. But listen to this meltdown.

Poor thing. We need to start another Russia conspiracy to give her life more purpose because she is obviously losing it. Trump, who probably wasn’t really all-in on pushing for a Greenland deal posted an awesome meme on his Twitter account when he saw that this story was becoming “controversial” (not really sure why but whatever).

Fun stuff. Anyway, Denmark said no (and not in the most polite way) and Trump got pissed. He cancelled a trip to Denmark that was scheduled for next month. Now Denmark is ticked. The media is calling it an “international incident.” I’m not exactly sure why. What are they going to do? Throw tulips at us? Stop exporting those wooden shoes to the United States? I have to laugh because this is Trump trollery at it’s finest.


The Squad

And they’re back!

Last week, we talked about how Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar were not allowed in Israel because their itinerary said they were visiting “Palestine” and now Israel (there is no Palestine, by the way), they supported the anti-Semitic BDS movement, they were being funded by a group that were openly anti-Semitic and supporters of terrorism and had no intention of meeting with anyone in the Israeli government but instead were going to meet a bunch of pro-Palestinian groups. Basically this trip was going to be for tearing into Israel. So Israel said, “no.” Makes sense. We would, and have, done the same thing with people who meant nothing but the worst for this country. Israel has a right, maybe even an obligation to its people, to keep these people out.

But Tlaib wasn’t finished. She put in another request to go to Israel. This time to visit her 90-year-old mother. Israel took the request and approved it with the condition that Tlaib not bash Israel while she was there. Well, she couldn’t do that. So she decided not to go. And, with crocodile tears, she explained why during a news conference.

That’s right. She hates Israel more than she hates her mom. Nice! But we always knew she was that kind of quality person.

Of course, how can we talk about the squad without talking about old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? While taking a trip across an empty rural area, she sarcastically told her followers to look at the electoral college. Take a look.

I didn’t play the whole video but you get the idea. She believes the electoral college is a scam and, of course, racist. She says,

“The Electoral College has a racial injustice breakdown. Due to severe racial disparities in certain states, the electoral college effectively weights white voters over voters of color, as opposed to a ‘one person, one vote’ system where all are counted equally.”

She doesn’t believe such sparsely populated areas like the Midwest states should not have as much influence in the election and the elections should be based on the popular vote. Unfortunately, a lot of people take this position, especially on the left. The Founding Fathers knew what they were doing. That means a lot more than what some thirty year old moron thinks. They wanted to make sure that the entire country, even the states with sparse populations, would be represented.

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Ok, It’s Getting Serious

The news cycle is getting hot and it’s not all good news. Protests in Hong Kong are heating up and the Chinese military might be preparing to stifle it. The stock market plummets on Tuesday and the reason why might be very bad news for President Trump. And the heated Rhetoric about ICE has prompted another attack on an ICE facility in San Antonio.

We are fighting a war on two fronts: a civil war pitting two unyielding ideologies and a cold war against China. Not good.


The True China is Beginning to Show Itself

Here’s the story. Hong Kong started as a British settlement for 150 years. In 1997, Britain handed Hong Kong back over to China. Since then, Hong Kong has maintained its own legal system, based on the British system, its own currency and Constitution which is called Basic Law. China said that they would allow Hong Kong to run their own government’s basic law for fifty years after the transfer. But China has begun to infringe on Hong Kong sovereignty twenty years before China’s fifty year promise. One of the ways that China has infringed, and one of the main reasons for the protests, is China’s assertion that China has “complete jurisdiction” over Hong Kong. This means that laws would be settled in Chinese courts and not courts in Hong Kong. Because China has been known to be a little short on human rights, Hong Kong does not want its people tried for crimes, including political crimes, in China.

That was declared by China a few months ago and that’s when the protests began. To this point the protests have been huge but peaceful and it did not interfere with the day-to-day life of its citizens. But on Sunday, the protests intensified. Protesters decided to shutdown the Hong Kong airport, one of the busiest and most profitable in Asia. The Hong Kong airport makes up about 5% of Hong Kong’s GDP. And they got violent. Windows were broken and police clashed with protesters.

Both the governments of China and Hong Kong condemn the protests along with the business elite in Hong Kong. The protests are disrupting business. China is Hong Kong’s biggest trade partner and trade has been significantly affected. That probably explains why the government and the wealthy businessman are condemning the protests: because they are risking very little. The average citizen in Hong Kong sees what is happening and do not want to lose what they have. And what they have is freedom. The ability to make something of themselves. That’s probably why a lot of them are waving the flag of the freest country in the world. That’s right, they’re waving the flag of the United States. And they’re not even burning it.

China, who is already struggling economically because of the Trump tariffs, does not need this crap. They’ve decided, “OK, we own this place. It’s time to put them in line.” That’s not a quote. I made that up. I’m pretty sure the entire country of China said this.

That’s right! China is deploying their military on the border of Hong Kong. There are major fears, right now, that China is going to suppress this protest by the only way they know: through force. There are many memories of the Tienanmen Square massacre invading the memories of those who were alive. Hong Kong police are sympathetic to their citizens protest to the point that one officer was attacked and all he did was pull his gun and threaten the protesters until he could be pulled away. Good for him. I suspect the Chinese military will not be so sympathetic.

Of course, President Trump weighed in, as he should. His first Tweet was kind of annoying but I understand it. The president of China, Xi Jinping, blamed the United States for these protests. Well, he’s actually the dictator of China. And he’s right. The Unites States is to blame.

We have free markets, defined human rights in our Constitution and freedom. The Hong Kongers, as they refer to themselves, see this and want this to continue. They don’t want a totalitarian government controlling their every movement as China does to their own people. So that was a message to the Chinese “President” and not necessarily the leftist press in this country.

But later he gave Xi Jinping another message. And this one could be taken as a little more of a threat.

This might be more of a threat. It could be Trump’s way of drawing a red line. The key word in that statement is “should.” Trump is clumsy with his language, but this might be directed to Xi telling him not to challenge the United States.

I have a feeling not a lot is going to happen here. But, if one person does, things could go south very quickly.


Welcome to the New Cold War

The stock market dropped 800 point yesterday. This happened because the bond yield was projected to invert in the near future. What does that mean? It means that the return from binds is expected to drop after two years on a ten year bond. So if I buy a ten-year bond at a 10% yield, that 10% may drop to 9% in the future. That’s bad. The last time the bond yield inverted was in 2007, right before the Great Recession. So this is not good news ahead of the 2020 election.Let’s take a look at what could be causing this.

I was born in 1968. At the time, at least a decade before I was born, the United States was in a cold war with the Soviet Union. For those who don’t know, a cold war is defined as “a state of political hostility between countries characterized by threats, propaganda, and other measures short of open warfare” (Google Dictionary). The Cold War started between 1945 to 1949 and ended in 1989. It was terrible. We worried about nuclear war and a ground war. It never happened. But I remember diving under my desk during nuclear attack drills. It was something we did a few times a year. I remember reading Time and Newsweek articles that compared Soviet nuclear weapons with the of the United States. I also remember debating in high school that we couldn’t give up our weapons due to “mutual assured destruction.” What that means is that they won’t launch their missiles because we will launch ours and both countries will be in shambles. I won the debate. Everyone said I won the debate. But my teacher was an anti-war paciest who believed in disarmament. I got a “D” on the debate. Sound familiar?

We ended up winning the Cold War. Turns out Soviet communism does not do well, economically, against capitalism. The Soviet Union couldn’t afford to keep up the Cold War. And I have talked about Reagan’s awesome “tear down your wall” speech. China and the United States are now in a cold war. We are not threatening each other with war. This is an economic cold war.

Over the last year, China and the United States have been trying to negotiate a trade deal. That deal, for the most part, involved more fair trade practice on the part of China and limit China from stealing our technology. China, as they have always done, has cow-towed to our demands and continued business as usual. So Donald Trump did something he has always threatened to do and placed tariffs on $650 billion dollars on Chinese goods. Likewise, China decided to put tariffs on about $250 billion on our exports, mostly on agricultural goods like soy.

I am not a big fan of tariffs. They are just a tax on the people. When a tariff is placed on an import, that tariff raises the price of the product and that is passed on to the buyer. The idea behind tariffs is that we will collect the tariff that we can use within our economy and that raising the price of foreign goods will make US goods more competitive. All it really does is raise the cost of all goods and could lead to a recession as consumer confidence drops.

Listen, China has been hosing us for years. Something had to be done. They were never going to negotiate. Though I am not a fan of tariffs, they may have been the only way to get China to cooperate. We do have a much stronger economy than China and the tariffs are definitely having an affect. Companies are moving out of China, exports are down and they are looking like they are heading to recession. There are two incidents that indicate this. The crackdown on Hong Kong, which has one of the strongest economies in Asia, looks much like what Russia did with Crimea. They need Hong Kong to be successful and crushing the resistance might be the only way to keep it going. China also weekend their dollar. This would make their exports cheaper, countering the tariffs. Of course, this really shows the world what China thinks about their people. China basically raised the prices on their own people to allow for cheaper exports to other country. Finally, reports this week state that the Chinese GDP is the lowest it’s been in decades. I’m not sure how long China can hold out.

But the United States is also feeling the pain, though not to the extent China is. Along with bond yields being inverted, the stock market has been very unstable and we are finally seeing higher prices on goods including large goods like cars. But who’s really feeling it is agriculture. The United States exported a lot of grain and soy to China. Now, with Chinese tariffs on agriculture goods and the weakening of their currency, less is being exported. This is taking a toll on the farmers. But they are still supporting the president, for the most part and think that China will cave in the near future.

For the most part, I think this trade war is necessary. Like I said, China has been screwing us for years.I just wish President Trump would have been realistic about it instead of saying how great things are going to be. He should have said that there was going to be some pain from the beginning. He should have played up our economic strength and and extenuated the brittleness of the Chinese economy. He needed to tell us that our economy would take a hit and recession was not out of the question. He actually showed this earlier this week by delaying tariffs on products such as smart phones, televisions and video game consoles so that people would not suffer from higher prices over the holidays. That’s great and all, but it all shows what happens with tariffs. He has done a great job before. He should ride in on that and be honest about what he is doing and how it is going to affect the country.


The Civil War Has Begun

Another ICE facility was attacked this week in San Antonio. Some nut-job decided to shoot at a building holding ICE officials. The FBI is investigating. And the news media’s reaction. Yep, nothing. The democrats don’t seem to care or want to talk about it. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez doubled-down on her “concentration camp” crap.

I guess we’re just going to have to wait until an ICE agent is shot and killed before anyone on the left will tone down their hateful rhetoric.

You know, I always question some of the things I have said in previous podcasts. That includes saying that we are close to a civil war. Well, let’s see. A white supremacist shoots up a Walmart in El Paso. A socialist shoots up a bar district in Dayton. An ICE facility is shot up in San Antonio. Antifa is planning to close Portland this weekend and the white nationalist Proud Boys are planning to counter protest. The left is calling everyone a racist. The right is bitching about movies.

We are a mess. The temperature is high. It is only a matter of time before something pops.


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The Unknown News of the Week

California and Oregon have decided to damn the Constitution of the United States. Because they’re stupid. A new law is going to make it harder for freeloaders to get their Green Cards and the left is throwing a fit. And Hollywood pulls the movie, The Hunt, because it is about a bunch of white, elitist liberals hunting conservative “deplorables” from the south. That is a huge mistake. And Campus Reform is at it again, making our colleges’ Social Justice Warriors look stupid.

Let’s get back to some of the mundane stories of the week.


If at First You Don’t Succeed, Cheat!

The Huffington Post is reporting that the governor of Oregon wants to sign into a law that would ban Presidential candidates from appearing on the ballot if they do not release their tax returns. Gov. Kate Brown said she would definitely sign a bill stating, “We have to hold our elected officials accountable. I think this is just one way of doing it.”

This comes on the heels of  Gov. Gavin Newsom, the idiot governor from California, signing a law that would require the release of tax returns in order to be put on the ballot in California. It took about eight minutes for two lawsuits to be filed and against the state for the law and there is very little chance that this law is going to go anywhere. In fact, leftist former California governor Jerry Brown vetoed the same law in 2017 because he did not think it had a chance of holding up in court.

And it doesn’t. There is nothing in the Constitution that allows a state governor to manipulate a ballot against someone he doesn’t like. This law is going to be overturned and overturned big. If this gets to the Supreme Court, this will probably be a unanimous ruling. But I think it is something more than just overzealous governors that will do anything to be gnats in the face of President Trump, annoying him.

This is just another way to cheat the system and make sure there is never another republican politician becoming President again. Don’t forget, democrats have introduced lots of policies that would affect republican votes. The democrats want felons to vote, even if they are still in prison. Mind you, it’s against the Constitution but why worry about that. They give illegal aliens IDs and drivers licenses. That’s bad enough, but they also auto-enroll “citizens to vote. This is what’s happening in California. You think there might be a paperwork snafu that would allow illegal aliens to vote? Noooo.

Then there are the voter ID laws. Democrats don’t want it because it ts…wait for it…racist. In New York, you have to have seventeen different types of identification (I’m not kidding here) to register for a gun. But we don’t need ID to vote? What crap. Then there are the states, democratically controlled, that want districts to pick up ballots for voters. Gee, nothing corrupt could come of that.

Democrats want power. Nothing more. They will do whatever they can to win.They don’t care how they do it, don’t care about ethics and have no trouble cheating. Remember: “the end justify the means.” This was a quote used by AoC when asked about why she has not been honest a lot of the time.


It Is a Privilege to be Here

The Huffington Post reports that the Trump administration is changing the rules when applying or renewing a green card or visas. This law would make changes to something known as the “public charge” rule. Basically, what this rule states that if a person is on a visa or green charge and is a public charge (which is someone who is on some monetary assistance, that can be considered when renewing the visa or green card. The Department of Homeland Security has decided that they wanted to add non-monetary service such as Medicaid and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) programs.

So, basically, the government thinks that, if you are here as immigrant, you should not have access to these programs. I don’t see a problem with this. But the Huffington Post does.

They first point out that medicaid and SNAP programs are non-monetary programs that should not be bundled up into the welfare programs. They also say that these also are weighed along with English proficiency, income and health conditions. They also state that 8.3 million children, who depend on these programs and are American citizens might be affected and lose their benefits. Of course, the fail to mention why.

Of course the article goes on with nonsensical reasons. Somehow, only the rich would get visas and green cards and those applying might withdraw their applications. The economy will tank and, of course, it’s racist.

I read the article and knew it would be infuriating. And I’ll say it again: I wish the United States would take the immigration policy from the Mexican Constitution, convert it to English and make it the 28th Amendment to the Constitution. Listen, if someone comes to our country, they should acclimate to our country, its values and its language. And you should come into this country with something to offer us. No foreigner has a “right” to be here. It’s a privilege. And we, like every other country in the world, have the right to chose who lives here. Mexico has that exact law in their Constitution. So does most of Central and South America.

And that also goes with governmental benefits. Illegal aliens cost this country between $140 and $200 billion a year. We’re not even sure how much it costs because we don’t know how many illegal aliens we have. I don’t think it’s unreasonable that someone comes to this country should be self-sufficient and not need to take our resources that are reserved for our populace. Now, I’m not saying that someone with a green card and has been working for ten years, loses his job and shouldn’t expect help from the government. I’m talking about the people that come to this country, do the minimum and then go on every form of political assistance. Those leaches need their visas and green cards pulled away and sent back.


I Would Have Seen it

There was a movie released that had all the conservatives going crazy. It was an ultra-violent film about a group of rich leftists that kidnap a bunch of southern, working class “deplorables.” The movie was sold as a satire to the political climate of today. Needless to say, the right went nuts and spent all week last week whining about how terrible the media is to the right. They mentioned that this is another language about the incitful language of the left. Here’s the trailer:


OK, everyone calm down. It’s a movie and not even the first of its kind. Hell, it’s not the first of its kind this decade. Does anyone remember The Hunger Games? Pretty sure the premise was pretty much the same. The other thing that kind of trips me out is that this seems like the kind of movie that leans on he conservative side. This movie isn’t complicated. The heros are probably going to be successful and these “deplorables” are easy to sympathize with while the bad guys look like evil sociopaths. I actually wanted to see the movie.

This is what the left does: ruin things for everyone else. I hope the right doesn’t go down the same road.


I Love It When Stupid Is On Purpose

The group, Campus Reform, just released a video showing just how our college students have been indoctrinated into the SJW belief system. For those who do not know who Campus Reform is, they are a conservative student organization that has committed to fighting the left wing policies that our colleges are pushing on to our youth.

One of the things Campus Reform will do is confront our college SJW students with satirical questions. They have been known to say they are quoting Barrack Obama and then we find it is Donald Trump quoted. The when the students find out what was said came from Trump instead of Obama, their reaction is typically priceless. You can watch their videos on YouTube and I suggest you do. Some of them are hysterical.

In this bit, the Campus Reform student asked students and faculty of George Washington University, one of the most liberal universities in the country, asking to replace the white male that is used in the walk/don’t walk signs at street corners. He had a picture suggesting twelve different victim group to replace the white man including a man in a rainbow pattern, a woman, a brown person and a handicap person. Watch the video below:

At the end of the video, there were only two that really said this was not doable. One said it would be really expensive, but signed the petition anyway. The other just waved the guy off and said he was interested in this garbage. But Campus Reform reported that most of the students and one faculty member actually signed the petitions.

So, good job to our universities in teaching our students.


The News is Going South

Tomorrow we are going to need to talk about a couple things that are not good. First, China is having a big problem with Hong Kong. Apparently the citizens of Hong Kong do not like being oppressed by China. So far, the protests have been warm as far as the violence goes but things are beginning to ratchet up.

The U.S. economy got some real bad news today. Could we be heading toward a recession? Wall Street believes so.

Finally, another ICE facility was attacked last night. Nobody was hurt but officials are sure that ICE officials were being targeted. All this is because Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s comments about ICE facilities being concentration camps. In an interview, AoC doubled down and held to her statement that the facilities were concentration camps. I wonder how the media is going to react when an ICE officer is actually killed because the left supports these attacks.

Folks, this is what a modern civil war is going to look like in this country and it is only getting worse.


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And the Pendulum Swings

I read an article today. It discussed the Pillars of Society and how they are being controlled by a certain political group of people (conservative or liberal in ideology. I will not say which). He believed that if these pillars were controlled by that group of people, it could mean the end of our democratic society (we are actually a democratic republic, which kind of protects us from what he is talking about, but it does not matter. His article was a little off, as far as I am concerned).

Now, I did not agree with this guy. I thought his hypothesis was right on but his argument was way off. I will not say where he leans and where I lean. I just hope that this article will make you think. I want you to determine where you society is swinging, if it is swinging at all. My opinion is set and does not really matter.

I heard about the Pillars of Society in college. I cannot remember the origins but I believe it was a philosophy from way back. The Pillars are the buttresses that determine our morality and how we interact and behave with others through day to day life. Though they are absolute, their importance and meaning can be influenced, weakening or strengthening their influence. To create a visualization, imagine a pillar that is embedded into the ground. The pillar may be on hard, solid ground, easily able to hold up the roof of the structure. But, on the other hand, it might be built on sand, making it sink and unable to hold the roof. Eventually, the roof collapses.

Time to complete the image. The ground represents the the belief system of the people. How the people feel about the importance of the pillar (I know, the ground does not have a belief system. Just go with it). The roof represents society.

Society being the roof is an important metaphor. Dictionary.com defines society as “an organized group of persons associated together for religious,benevolent, cultural, scientific, political, patriotic, or other purposes”. The purpose people live together is to feel safe much in the same way that a roof protects you from the elements. The larger the society, the safer the group of people feel. Protected from other societies and from the rogue element within their own society (crime). 

But the strength of society depends on the strength of those pillars. If (I should say “when” as all societies eventually decline) those pillars deteriorate either through a breakdown in the pillar or a rejection of that system all together, it can make one see the decline of that particular society (or civilization).

As an example, the family is considered a pillar. At one point in our civilization, the family unit was very important (that does not mean there was no dysfunction). If you got pregnant, you got married. Families rarely divorced. There was a patriarch who was responsible for bringing home the money and there was a homemaker who took care of the children and home. Today, most children are born out of wedlock. Divorce is common and an absent father is not unheard of. Some see this as the destruction of the family unit and a collapse of the family pillar.

Again, I am not going to give my opinion. My goal is only to inform you of the major aspects of a society. It is up to you to determine how those pillars are being effected by the things that are happening. In my next article I will write about the Pillars of Society: Government, Family, Business, Media, Education, Religion and Arts & Entertainment.

As I have brought up in my last post, there are seven pillars for society. Every news story you hear (true or not) effects one or more of those pillars. When the influence of politics becomes corrupted or unbalanced that is when the pillars weaken.

Again, I am not here to tell you what is happening to them. You want to know, ask in the comments. The reality is that the political affiliation you hold may make you see the corruption or strengthening of the pillars whereas someone of the opposite affiliation may see something completely different. The fact is, we really will not know what the future holds. But, be aware, someone is right. If I believe that the pillars are weakening and you believe they are strengthening because you hold different political beliefs, one of us is right.

Also, issues that arise may effect multiple pillars, not just one. For example, the separation of church and state (one of the most misread quotes in history. It is not in the Constitution) effects multiple pillars.

So here we go.


Government is also known as the Law. Government is commonly used because it creates the law. Our government is easy. According to the Constitution, states have precedence over federal law. The only time federal law overrides is in times of war and interstate disputes. Law should not be confused with morality. The law states what is acceptable for our society, not what is moral. The big questions when it comes to government is the amount of participation (or interference) the federal government should have over state rights? Also, who should create law or regulation (congress or bureaucratic agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency)? The Affordable Care Act and Common Core are typically seen as governmental issues.


Family is defined as “a group consisting of parent(s) and children living together in a household” (Google dictionary). The family’s main purpose is to have children and raise them to be able to fit in to society. The family is also a moral compass. It is suppose to teach the children how, not only to live according to society’s rules, but also to learn right from wrong. Political issues effecting the family would be crime, abortion, drug abuse, child abuse and gay marriage.


Business is also known as the economy. Economy is defined as “the production, distribution, or trade, and consumption of goods and services by different agents in a given geographical location” (Google dictionary). This determines how much money we earn and from where (work or social programs) and where our jobs come from (service or manufacturing). Issues regarding business include environmental protection and regulation, tax reform, welfare reform, trade deals, the decline of the middle class, unemployment, the Affordable Care Act and illegal immigration.


Media has become far more complicated. It used to be where we got our news. In the old days, this came from television and radio news, newspapers and magazines. But now it comes from social media sites, cable news, main stream web sites and fringe websites. In the old days, news was neutral (this happen to who and when). Not so much anymore. News of both sides has become very partisan and is used to bring people to a particular political conclusion (MSNBC and Fox News are examples). The media effects all of the pillars depending on that source’s political agenda. I feel this is a scary pillar.


Education is “the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university” (Google dictionary). When we send our kids to school, we expect our kids to learn the basics (at least I do) such as math, reading and science. But we also expect our children to develop their belief systems and. preferably, with their own thoughts through the process of reasoning. Education is also suppose to make our children productive members of society who also understand how to meld into society. Issues Common Core, Charter Schools, voucher programs, crime, drug use, race, poverty and partisan (union or tenured) teachers.


Karl Marx said of religion:

“Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people”

But, in society, it is the moral compass. Murder is wrong. Adultery is wrong. Children are the reason of marriage and they must be raised with the same belief system. Law is what is socially acceptable in society. Religion is what is morally acceptable to be a human being. Religion touches all the pillars. Issues involving religion include “separation of church and state,” abortion and gay marriage.

 Arts & Entertainment

Arts and entertainment is also known as the culture of the society. That includes art, literature, music, stage, movies and television shows. Though most stories you may hear do not involve the Arts and Entertainment pillar, this pillar has become very influential and there are not many actors that so not use their celebrity to express their opinions. With a lot of the population embracing Pop Culture (especially in the cities), this pillar has become very influential (and you really see that during the elections). This pillar can effect all of the other pillars through influence.

 When watching the news or thinking about the direction of our civilization, think about these pillars. News stories can can confusing and random and their effects may not be clear. That goes also for the true state of our society. With this model, one can actually see how and what part of society is effected  and reason can be used to come up with a conclusion


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No, Not Good

There were to mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio. This follows the attempted mass shooting in Gilroy, California. The two shootings prove one thing and really washes out all of the reasoning that the media and the left try to establish. Let’s talk about the stories and perpetrators, the media and political reactions and, finally, what the hell is going on in this country?


El Paso, Texas

The first shooting occurred at the Cielo Vista Mall. It started in the parking lot and ended up finishing in a Walmart. The 21-year-old male used an AK-47 (or a version of it). At the time of this, 22 people have been killed and 26 have been injured. Because this kid was interested in being famous, which most of these people want, I won’t use his name. You can look it up elsewhere.

He did leave a manifesto and I did read it. I do believe in reading manifestos. I think it is important to know what was going through the minds of these people. One doesn’t have to believe in what they’re saying, after all. I also think it’s important to be able to shuffle through the BS being spewed by the media both on the left and the right. It was really out there. He is a white supremacist who believes that illegal immigration will create a political coupe in Texas, making it a democratic state. He also believes illegal immigrants have advantages over U.S. citizens. Right now, they take low paying jobs but in the future, through programs like Title IX, they will be able to get better educated and get higher paying jobs. He also believed that illegal immigration would lead to the bankruptcy of social services that will be needed when services, which are human-based now, will be automated. The social services include Universal Basic Income. He also believed that the environment is important. The more illegals who come in, the more damage to the environment is done. He blamed democrats and republicans. Democrats for the open borders and republicans for supporting low wages for corporations.

So what’s the story about this kid? He’s an alt-right, white supremacist. I’ve heard the term from right-wing news outlets that he is an eco-fascist. I’n not sure about that. I recall he only mentioned the environment once. He did mention the video game, Call of Duty, which is something people did address as part of his problem. Yeah, I doubt it. Sounds like he’s just a hateful coward. When he was looking down the wrong side of a gun barrel, he gave up right away.But he is alt-right and probably a Trump supporter.


Dayton, Ohio

At 1 AM on Sunday morning, the shooter, his sister and a mutual friend arrived at the Oregon District. This area was a street lined with bars and a lot of nightlife. So it was a pretty crowded place. At some point, the shooter got separated from his group. A few minutes later, the gunman appears and starts shooting. In the end, 9 were dead and 27 were injured. Among the dead was the shooter’s sister.

Believe it or not, this could have been a whole lot worse. The shooter was heading into a crowded bar when he faced police. The whole incident took about thirty seconds. The shooter had an “AK-47” type .223 caliber rifle with a modified ammo drum. The rifle itself was purchased legally but the ammo drum was illegal. He was also wearing body armor, a mask and ear protection proving that this was a planned event.

Information about the shooter is kind of trickling in. What we know is that he has been in trouble a few times. He was suspended from his high school for having a “kill” and “rape” list. There were friends who said they had little doubt that he was planning to shoot up the school. He was also once pulled from a school bus because there were suspicions about what he might carry out in school that day. There was another incident, while at a camp, that he had an altercation with a friend and he started choking her. The incident left bruises on her neck.

Though this is something the media won’t bring up much, he was a strong supporter of the radical left, including being an Elizabeth Warren fan. On social media, he would frequently berate conservatives and spew left wing propaganda. He was no lover of the right.


So, What About These Guys

Apparently, both had troubled upbringings. Both came from broken homes. Though nothing could be substantiated, both seemed to experience and be the cause of bullying. Both had been n trouble with the law when they were juveniles. But we need more information than is available. Both planned this and both used weapons that were not exactly legal. The AK-47 type weapon that the El Paso shooter used was banned federally in 1989. The weapon the Dayton shooter was using was purchased legally but was using an ammunition drum that held way over the legal limt (some saying close to a hundred rounds). Breaking the law was not an issue with both.

The last thing they had in common was that both are absolutely insane. Both showed no feeling during the killings and looked to have no remorse. What is interesting and something we should all learn from is that these two were also on the opposite sides of the political spectrum. The El Paso shooter was an alt-right white supremacist with climate change sympathies (left wing, yes, though I’m not sure I buy this) and the Dayton shooter was a radical leftist socialist (though I cannot be sure politics had anything to do with his attack).

Politics was brought into this way too quickly. In fact, I would say we are still calling it too early. We aren’t sure why the Dayton shooter went off at all yet. Politics, though, was irrelevant. These two were insane and these instances would have never been prevented. It was going to happen no matter what the politics were. As the El Paso shooter said he felt this long before Trump was in the White House.


After All, This Is A Presidential Race

The media and our politicians have gone overboard in politicizing these shootings, and all the other shootings. They see this as the narrative to damn Trump and the Second Amendment. The first one to do this, unsurprisingly, is Robert “Beto” O’Rourke. He holds a little more influence to the media. Not only is he a democratic Presidential candidate but he was also a representative from that district. Let listen to to Beto’s initial response:

What crap. He’s, indirectly, playing victim for the entire El Paso community. He’s trying to convince to world that Trump is the problem. And he’s doing it for political gain. What I’m not showing you in this article is doubled down and started cussing when questioned. Listen to me podcast. You’ll hear it.

Booker also chimed in. Lesten:

Is it a coincidence that the two presidential candidates that are going nowhere are the first to jump on every news station and start blaming Trump for the shooting? Don’t get me wrong. All the candidates are blaming Trump! It’s crap.

Conservatives didn’t blame Bernie Sanders for the Republican softball shooting that almost killed Steve Scalise. Conservatives didn’t blame Elizabeth Warren for the shooting in Dayton, Ohio that killed nine. Conservatives didn’t blame Barrack Obama for the mass police shooting in Dallas, Texas by the Black Lives Matter sympathizer. You know why conservatives didn’t blame these people and their rhetoric? Because they had nothing to do with it and never told anyone to shoot anyone!

All this garbage, politicizing something that isn’t political, is deflecting us from addressing the true problem.



When we blame politics on tragedies like this, we ignore the real problem. The reality, gun violence has gone up. Mass killings are not the only violence that are being committed. Chicago, Baltimore and Washington DC have dozens of shootings and killings. Most committed by our youth and most black on black crimes. No one seems to care. Suicides are way up with our youth.

What’s going on? Is it bad politics? Is it Trump? Is it the republicans?

No, it’s society. Our society is sick. The foundation of our culture is cracked and crumbling. I think it is time to talk about it. But first we need to talk about what makes up society. In the next article, I will sift through the archive of my last blog and we will look at the seven pillars that make up a society. Then we will look how the damage is effecting our youth. Finally, how we can fix it.



