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Donald Trump has found a new target for his ire. And though I am not a huge fan of the President’s rage Tweeting, this time, I think he hit it right on the head. Let’s talk about the story and then take a look how democrats are destroying our once great cities and states.

The Story

Elijah Cummings, the democratic representative of Maryland who chairs the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, had the Acting Homeland Security Secretary, Kevin McAleenan in front of Congress to discuss the crisis on the border. Well, he didn’t actually want to discuss anything. He just started yell at him. Watch:

I don’t know how any of this can be seen as anything other than abuse. And it is all completely wrong. Kids are not crapping into foil blankets nor are women drinking out of toilets. These are all lies. What’s more, this guy shouldn’t be angry at McAleenan. He didn’t make the laws. He’s in charge of enforcing them. Congress, specifically the House of Representatives is in charge of making laws. That’s where Cummings has been serving for the last 24 years.

I am sick and tired of hearing about these poor people that break our laws being “mistreated.” Well, I know they’re not being mistreated. If they were, people would stop streaming over the border. And I am especially sick and tired of hearing the moralizing from blowhards like this. Nothing but talk, no action.

Well, it took Trump a bit to respond but he eventually did. And he hit a nerve.The media did a spectacular job answering the President. You guessed it. He’s a racist. the media compared Trump’s claim that the city is rat infested by claiming that Trump also thinks (didn’t say, mind you) Congress is infested with “brown people.” I’m not kidding, watch:

Should we really be surprised about this? Of course not. The reason is that President Trump is correct. There is no argument. Baltimore is a crap hole and Cummings is a lousy leader who has been in office for 24 years. Baltimore isn’t all of Cummings fault. He’s a congressman and most of the issues are caused by the local politicians but he has done nothing to help.

Let’s look at Baltimore. It has the second highest murder rate behind St. Louis and only trails Chicago with the total number of murders (there were 1000 murders in Baltimore last year). According to Orkin research, it has the ninth highest rat population in the country. Fifty percent live in extreme poverty and have experienced homelessness. The homeless problem is growing. This place has a lot of problems. Pointing it out does not make Trump anymore racist than him saying grass is green (though they may find a way to make that racist too).

Democratic run cities have always had problems. The top ten big cities with the worst homicide rates are: 1. St. Louis, 2. Baltimore, 3. Detroit, 4. New Orleans, 5. Kansas City, 6. Cleveland, 7. Memphis, 8. Newark, 9. Chicago and 10. Cincinnati. Mind you, this is murder rate per ca pita. Chicago has the largest number of murder at 1300 with Baltimore second with 1000 murders. All ten cities have democratic mayors and governments.

The top ten big cities with the highest homeless population are: 1. New York City, 2. Los Angeles, 3. Seattle, 4. San Diego, 5. San Jose, 6. Washington DC, 7. San Francisco, 8. Phoenix, 9. Boston and 10. Las Vegas. Nine of the ten cities are run by democrats. San Diego is the exception but it is under the control of an extremely leftist state in California.

Rat population, which indicate a large amount of pollution and potential for disease. This are also indicators of quality of life. According to Orkin to top ten rat infested (I’m sorry about my racism) big cities are: 1. Chicago, 2. Los Angeles, 3. New York, 4. Washington DC, 5. San Francisco, 6. Detroit, 7. Philadelphia, 8. Cleveland, 9. Baltimore and 10. Denver. Again, each of the top ten is run by a democratic mayor and senate.

Is this a coincidence? Absolutely not! It is democratic policies the cripple economies and promote crime.



For years, democrats have manipulated laws to make victims of those that are criminals. Something that was illegal at one time is not illegal anymore. Though this may lower crime rates it does nothing about crime itself and, therefore, lowers the quality of life. In California, weed is legal and this forces drug dealers, many of whom are violent, to look as though they were victimized by the racist system (most incarcerated are people of color). In San Francisco, breaking into a car or shop lifting are addressed with a citation. That’s right, you can get a ticket for breaking into a car.  The judicial system, which is also very blue, are giving light and lighter sentences for some very serious crimes. This is all based on very liberal laws.

Leftist states also have the nasty habit of demonizing the police. They are seen as racist white supremacists for arresting so many people of color. It totally escapes politicians that people of color are committing most of the crimes and that 50% of the police forces in California and New York are people of color. Sure, there are some bad apples but they are few and far between.

Finally, leftist cities and states have a nasty habit of disarming there citizens. The make it very difficult for citizens to own guns to defend themselves. This makes everyone vulnerable to crime. Notice there are no cities in Texas with a high murder rate? That’s because everyone in Texas owns a gun and most actually carry them throughout the day. Only an idiot would try to rob someone in Texas.


The Left and the Economy

Since most leftists are socialists or communists, it is easy to believe that they are not fans of free markets. Leftist states and cities are heavily regulated. That means it is very expensive for small business. The businesses have to get permits, face inspections, high rent, payroll taxes and follow signage laws (you know, like the ones that say, “people smoke here” and crap like that). Each of these cost money that the owner has to pay. Then they raise minimum wage to $15 and hour which causes cost of living to go up and will also create job loss. Employers also have to give benefits that are required by the state. All of this creates a toxic atmosphere for small business. When small business is hurting the economy hurts because most people are employed by small business.

Big business also has a tough time in leftist cities and states. Property taxes, payroll taxes, minimum wage laws and benefits requirements are really scaring big business from opening or staying in leftist states. The final acts, which is forcing corporations to stay out of leftist states or move out of them is the continual attack on big corporations. These politicians seem to forget that big corporations higher thousands of people. Companies like Charles Schwab, Jamba Juice, Lyft, McKesson, Pandora and even the Oakland Raiders football team have left California to avoid paying the exonerate tax rates.


It’s About the Collective, Not the Individual, Stupid!

Tax rates are what is killing the average person too. I’ll just talk from my experience. I pay 26% taxes and that did go down from 28% because of the Trump tax cut. Unlike what everyone tells us, I did see the cuts. Gas prices are between $3.50-$4.00 a gallon. Gas prices went up because it is summer and California has a “special blend” for summer, whatever that means. I am also required to have driver’s insurance which is also overpriced. If I get a parking ticket, my insurance goes up. I have a one bedroom apartment and I spend $1600 a month. I spend $40 a month on electricity and $120 a month on water and trash. Mind you, I live alone.

I’d love to buy a house. But the average house in California is $600,000. That’s about $2400 a month mortgage. Then I’d have to add in homeowner’s insurance, including earthquake insurance, property taxes (about $6000 a year) and pay whatever communist neighborhood group I have to pay so they can tell me I’m not allowed to get that panda bear mailbox I’ve always wanted or need an edict from God to plant a tree.

Oh, and I almost forgot about the taxes. Property tax, income tax, sales tax, gas tax, inheritance tax, tax on cooked foods, tax to get a grocery bags, tobacco tax, cell phone tax, using too much water tax, city tax and capital gains tax. Did I mention gas tax. I know I did but they doubled it last year and that doesn’t include the sales tax on top of it. We are taxed to death in this state. And now, the state wants to add $100 million a year to the budget deficit (which is $2 trillion dollars) and give illegal aliens healthcare. Nice.



I want to thank Dan Bongino for this because I always knew it but forgot about it.

Democrats hate family. Family is the faith that mom and dad know best. Family requires a mom, dad and kids. Typically, at least in my family, that meant we needed a moral base. That moral base was is religion. For us, that religion is Catholicism. Let’s look at that for a second.

Having a mom and dad means they are, together, raising the kids. Have you ever heard of “shotgun weddings?” That’s when some guy got some gal pregnant and he had to take responsibility for the gal and the child. He did that because he believed in God and knew what was right. She did too. And she married him even if she wasn’t sure. Responsibility.

Religion is important. The man knows why he needs to marry his pregnant girlfriend. Because it’s right. Why? Because we are a monogamous animal and it would just be wrong to disappear. The Judaeo-Christian reminds us of this. It doesn’t tell us this. We already know. That same Judaeo-Christian belief system tells us to raise our children in the same way. In other words, take responsibility, That is the same responsibility Christians embrace when contemplating abortion. It’s just wrong. Kids are good. Responsibility.

So, what does the left do? Well, let’s kill the family through toxic masculinity. Let’s kill motherhood through feminism. And let’s kill the value of life through “pro-choice.”

How about we just kill responsibility. It’s easier.



This is such garbage and nothing ever gets fixed. It’s time to say the dog has fleas and not worry about the dog’s feelings. One of the things I wish Trump would do is marry his ideas with the tragedies. In other words, I think his Tweets would have a lot more impact if he told us how to fix Baltimore and, through consequence, all democratic cities. Because, here’s the thing: all democratic cities, which, in turn, means failing cities, have the same problem. That is democratic, of leftist, ideals. Those leftist ideals are socialist ideals and they have never worked. Except to keep the leftists in power.






Despite recent violence, Chicago is far from the U.S. ‘murder capital’





It’s Mueller Time (I Know It’s A Cliche)

The news media is all excited about Robert Mueller testifying about the report but it doesn’t work out well. New York City police are humiliated and the guy in charge want to be President. A trans-female lesbian wants his balls waxed by a female stranger in Canada and, surprise, she won’t do it. And he files a human rights complaint. Ilhan Omar and AOC continue to stay stupid crap. And something fun!

And I’m not even going to talk about the fake hate crime.

It’s Mueller Time

I’m not going to pollute this blog with that garbage that was the Mueller hearing in front of Congress. All I’ll say that it was bad. Mueller looked old, confused, non-cooperative and not the author of his report. Let’s take a look at the problems.

First, Mueller did not see to know what was in his report. This could have been because it’s a 448 page report and he didn’t remember anything from it. Half the time, he seemed surprised by the questions. I am thinking he didn’t answer some of his questions because he didn’t know the answers. He was asked one question about Glen Simpson and Fusion GPS, the company the created the Steele Dossier. He said he did not know what that was. It was in the report! How can he not know?

Then there was Mueller not being able to exonerate Trump. This was a bad moment for Mueller,

Absolutely correct. A defendant is innocent until proven guilty. A prosecutor is there to determine if there is evidence to convict. If there is, that person is indicted and will stand trial. If not, that person is innocent. End of story. Mueller didn’t have the evidence so- wait for it- Trump is innocent.

This was really bad for democrats. It’s over. No impeachment. Let’s move on. You might think I didn’t spend enough time on this but I think I spent too much time on it. I watched three hours of this debacle and I felt my IQ drop. Terrible. Over.


In Brooklyn and Harlem, police officers were assaulted with water. One actually got hit in the head with a bucket. And what did the cops do? Well watch:

This is shameful and it has been coming. All these people should be arrested and charged with felony assault on a police officer. I am sick and tired of hearing about how awful the police are (or any law enforcement for that matter) when we see crap like this. The reality is cops take this garbage on a daily basis. They are not appreciated and their job sucks. I used to teach computer networking at a vocational school and you should have seen the number of cops that took my classes. When I asked why they quit the police force they told me that the politics were terrible and they got tired of of getting crap from everyone.

The situation is New York is a top down problem. The mayor, Bill de Blasio (the groundhog killer), has been demonizing the NYPD for years. He has said that his son, being half black, will need to learn how to deal with the police so he doesn’t get shot. Hey, here’s how not to get shot by police: Don’t commit crimes where getting shot is a possibility! The NYPD condemns his comments, even turning their backs on him during a funeral procession for an officer that was killed.

De Blasio is a disaster. Violent crime is up (laws have been changed so what was a crime isn’t anymore so don’t be fooled), the homeless problem has exploded (highest in the country), cost of living is through the roof, the rat population (therefore disease) and the quality of life is in the toilet. And this guy, for some reason, continues to have a job. But, hey, they banned straws!


And They Keep Talking

Like I said, these “fresh faces” of the democratic party are such idiots we could talk about them every day. And they continue to prove me right. Here. Ilhan Omar tells Al Jazeera it is not radical Islam that the United States should worry about, it’s white men.

Can you imagine if I said that it isn’t white people you need to worry about it’s Muslims? Yeah, I would be rightly called a racist. Good news is most of the country is already calling her a racist even though the media holds her on a pedestal. Also, when I say we need to worry about radical Islam and and not white men, I am closer to the truth. I guess she forgot about 9/11, the massacre at the Pulse Nightclub or the killings at Fort Hood. Listen, white nationalists are bad and need to be rid of but there are very few of them. Radical Islam, and I’m not talking about the average Muslim, is far more prevalent and far more aggressive than white nationalists.

And then there is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Seriously, does she actually write down what she’s going to say before she says it or does she wing this stuff. Because if she is winging it, she really needs to stop. Because she just sounds so stupid. She does not sound philosophical or like a deep thinker. Listen to this word vomit.

I’m not sure but I think Aristotle said the same thing in Ethics. I didn’t actually read that yet so I can’t be sure.

Migration is “liberation?” The “freedom to be?” WTF is she talking about? Hey, illegal aliens can be “free to be” in their own crap-hole countries. God, she’s dumb and completely illiterate. I think she needs to go back to that crappy college she went to and get her money back.


Dude, Make Up Your Mind!

This is a great story because it shows two problems. But first, the story.

There is this trans-female named Jessica Yaniv up in Canada. Now for those who do not keep notes, a trans-female is a guy who thinks he’s a chick. He walks into a beauty salon and asks for a Brazilian bikini wax. Here’s the thing: Yaniv still has his junk. The gal in the shop said that she can’t do that because: a. She’s not trained in waxing men and b. She’s grossed out by it. Well, Yaniv decided to take this to Canada’s Human Rights division and file a complaint. Now it looks like that beautician will be out of business.

Yaniv is a piece of work. And when I say that I mean he’s a piece of shit. He calls himself a transsexual lesbian. There’s a problem here: he still has his twig and berries. Seeing this, doesn’t that mean he’s a straight guy who likes to wear women’s clothes? He’s just a transvestite? We are also finding out he’s a bit of a pervert. Apparently, he not only likes women but he likes really young women. He was going to host a Youth All-Bodies Swim pool party. What is that? Apparently if is a skinny dipping event for LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ for girls 12-24 years of age.

Oh, I forgot. No parents allowed. Yeah, nothing can go wrong with that. Needless to say, this little event was shut down.

What is disgusting here is how women’s rights are not that important when someone who is in a higher victim class wants something. This gal doesn’t want to touch some guy’s junk. I bet if I walked into a place and demanded the same thing, I would be refused and called a pervert. This is the pitfall of intersectionality. The other problem this shows is that we need to lie about what this guy really is. He’s a pervert. He’s sick. He’s not a transsexual woman. He’s a man who wears dresses and likes pre-pubescent girls. When we lie about who people really are, we have stories like this and people’s lives get ruined. The Canadian government should look at who this guy really is and reject this guy’s claim.


Just for Fun

This story is just funny. This is a video of a bunch of con control fanatics being taken to a gun range. There, the shoot hand guns, rifles and shot guns. Their reactions are hysterical. Watch:


Priceless. Well, the good news is if we ever have a civil war with the left, it won’t last long because all they’ll be able to do is throw their tofu at us. I love the Second Amendment.






The Modern Civil War

Antifa is no longer a hate group. They have now stepped over into domestic terrorism. But, for some reason, the reactions to the last couple of weeks seems to be ignored by the left and the mainstream media (which actually are the same thing). But this brings up a bigger question: are we heading to a civil war? What would one these days look like? Let’s talk about it.


The Escalation of Domestic Terrorism

On Friday evening, anti-ICE protesters gathered at an ICE facility in Aurora, Colorado, one that held illegal aliens. The protest was held to protest on the ICE raids that were suppose to go into affect that weekend. At first, it started out peaceful enough. But as the protest continued, another set of protesters joined the group and started trouble. The Light of Liberty organization had no intention of doing anything more than chant in protest. But the other group had something else in mind.

The other set of protesters passed through the tape that was meant to prevent them from entering the facility and replaced the US flag with a Mexican flag. They then defaced the American flag with the words “Abolish ICE” and raised the flag upside down. Take a look at the news story below.


A couple of things about this. I am not against allowing for flag burning. We have the right to free speech and I think it should be allowed. That doesn’t mean I support it. Anyone burns a flag in front of me better be ready for a bit of a tussle. But this situation is not exercising free speech. This occurred on government property and those flags were owned, not by ICE, but by the citizens of the United States. What these people were doing is a crime. And these radicals walked right up to a facility filled with armed guards and vandalized government property. Can you imagine the balls on these people? What would have happened if ICE decided to enforce the law and arrest these people? Unfortunately, they didn’t. They just let them blow off steam until they left.

Imagine celebrating a country whose primary export is human trafficking and its second biggest export is drugs. A country whose main commodities in human suffering. Now, imagine another country, the one who is at the crap end of the stick in this deal, has citizens that celebrate this crap hole country by raising this country’s flag, replacing their own flag. Then, desecrating our flag and raising it upside down. That’s what happened. Mexico deals in human trafficking and drugs. It is one of the most violent countries in the world, surpassing Iraq and Afghanistan. It is one of the most corrupt countries, allowing drug dealers like El Chapo escape from a high security prison and turning their backs when he is dealing drugs and killing its citizens.

It’s disgusting. But I do need to give the Light of Liberty organization credit. They saw what was happening and left because a mob they were not. I may not believe in anything the Life of Liberty organization believes in but I will party with them anytime. That is a class organization embracing their First Amendment rights.


Domestic Terror Attack

On Saturday, a radical anarchist and Antifa member walked up to and ICE detention center in Tacoma, Washington at four in the morning. He was armed with a rifle, Molotov cocktails and flares. He started throwing the Molotov cocktails over the fence at the ICE facility. He caused some damage. But the Tacoma police department was alerted. They showed up and engaged the subject. He was shot and killed. No law enforcement officers were hurt and there was minimal damage. Well, unless it was your car that was damaged.

The domestic terrorist was 69-year-old Willem Van Spronsen. He had been in a protest the day before and his attack came before another protest later in the morning. He had an arrest record, including assaulting a police officer in an Antifa protest. Apparently, while the officer was breaking a fight up, he grabbed the officer by the throat. Below is a news report about the incident.

This is not a good guy. It may seem callous but I’m glad he’s dead. But what’s disturbing about this is that Antifa, which is short for anti-fascist, is becoming more violent. It was just a week and a half ago that the same Antifa protest, which included  Van Spronsen, seriously injured journalist Andy Ngo (who is Asian and gay). You may remember the video but here it is again so one can see the brutality of this group:

This was not a reactionary or spontaneous attack. Ngo heard that he was going to be a target but went anyway. He did that because that’s what journalists do. He was punched and kicked. They threw milk shakes at him, which is the new thing. One of the milk shakes was filled with liquefied cement. He suffered from a brain bleed and had to be hospitalized for several days. The police were told to stand down by the liberal mayor because he was afraid the police would escalate the tension. I guess the police were needed for Antifa to escalate the violence.

I also pointed out that Ngo was Asian and gay and I did that for a reason. Notice all the masked cowards are white. This is a big deal because, though they scream about minority rights, they have no problem attacking a minority if he goes against their belief system.

Notice I am not making fun of this? There is nothing funny about this. In fact, this is kind of scary.



So far, the reaction to this domestic terrorist attack has been disgusting. There has been absolutely no mention of this attack from the leftist media. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC all ignored the story. As far as CNN, I’m not surprised. CNN has always given Antifa a pass as I have said before. And I know why they do not want to talk about this attack. When Omar Mateen attacked the Pulse nightclub, they had no problem calling out the bigoted attack on gays by an American citizen for three weeks, though Mateen was an ISIS sympathizer that had patronized the club on multiple occasions (he was a closet gay!). They could spin the Pulse nightclub terrorist attack. They can’t spin this one.

W. Kamau Bell of CNN did a documentary where he showed admiration for a viscous Antifa member. He even admired what she did and the weapons she carries. He asked her question, she answered and he never pushed back. This was a propaganda film. Needless to say, CNN got things wrong (again) and they could not report the truth for fear of showing their true colors. Take a look at a snippet of the “documentary.” I wanted to publish the entire documentary, the one I saw, but couldn’t find it. I’m not surprised. Because Willem Van Spronsen was pictured in it. He belonged to the same group that the crazy chick Bell interviewed. In fact, Van Spronsen was actually filmed in the documentary. Below is a clip of Bell interviewing one of the Antifa leaders. In this clip, Bell is amazed at the weapons this nut-job carries with her on a daily basis. Watch:

Is it a wonder why CNN won’t report on this? Listen to the language Bell uses. He he calls this chick “legendary” and he actually has nothing but respect for her. And what the hell is an anarcho-communist? They are two totally conflicting ideologies. Also, fascism is not a right-wing ideology. It is closer to communism than anything the right has. The right (not the alt-right, they are fascists) believes in free enterprise and human rights. Communism doesn’t.

But this is the hypocrisy of Bell. If Antifa was only attacking the alt-right idiots, I probably wouldn’t care. But they don’t. They attack anyone who doesn’t agree with them. Andy Ngo is an gay Asian. He’s hardly alt-right. But he’s a conservative and does not agree with the philosophy of Antifa.

Bell is a communist. He does believe in what Antifa does. So his love affair with them is not surprising. But CNN is filled with people who believe Antifa is on the right side of history. Listen to Don Lemon justify Antifa:

What an idiot! Just because I say I am six foot four doesn’t mean I’m six foot four (I’m actually short). This is the dumbest reason to justify Antifa. Chris Cuomo says the same thing. Is it a wonder why these stations do not report an instance of domestic terrorism that involved Antifa?

But what about our politicians? For sure they will condemn domestic terrorism, even the far leftists who hate ICE must say something, right? Let’s watch a journalist from Rebel Media ask the leftist members of Congress if they condemn Antifa:

Crickets. I will say that AoC did condemn the attack later when asked by the Daily Mail but it took her a while. I don’t understand why it is so hard for these people just to condemn a terrorist attack. No, that’s not true. I completely understand.

Two weeks ago, I made a rather bold statement. In fact, I wasn’t sure I should back away from the statement because it seemed a bit extreme. I called Antifa the Brown Shirts of the left. For those who don’t remember, the Brown Shirts were Hitler’s personal police force and were charged with enforcing Hitler’s policies and doing away with his enemies and detractors. I stated that Antifa was there to promote the radical beliefs of AoC and her minions in any way, including violence. The left’s rejection to condemn Antifa’s terror shows that I may not be far off in my theory.”

Antifa also had a statement about the attack. They called Van Spronsen a “comrade” and a “martyr.”  But, what is scarier, is that they have called for more action like the one Van Spronsen took. I’m not really sure how he Southern Poverty Law Center sees ICE as a hate group but refuses to acknowledge these cowardly thugs.

The future of this country could be very dark.


Civil War?

There has been a lot of talk about the United States heading toward another civil war. I hate to say it but it looks like that might be the case.

Our political climate does not allow for debate. We do not discuss the issues. Instead we call each other names. Indeed, some issues are very hard to find common ground. Abortion is an example of this. An anti-abortionist, such as myself, will have a hard time accepting the left’s premise that one can kill a baby to the point that the baby is in the birth canal. Likewise, a pro-abortionist will never surrender to the idea that abortion is killing a child. There is not middle ground. The two sides are way too polarized. Unfortunately, it’s not just abortion. Illegal immigration, religion, gender, medicare for all, socialism, economic equality and climate change are just a few policies where the opposite sides are so polarized that there is no discussion. As passions grow so does anger. It starts with arguing, then yelling, then mob violence and, finally, domestic terrorism against one’s “enemies.”

So, could we be heading to civil war? We might already be there. A civil war today will not be geographic like it was during the first Civil War from 1861-1865. It will be ideological. There will be more protests and those protests will get violent. People may die. There will be domestic terror attacks. People who voice opinions that counter those who are radical, whether that be on the right or left, will be attacked. The alt-left and alt-right will grow because the extreme ideas and threats of violence will attract people who want to express their ideas but also want the protections of a mob. Alt-right groups like the Proud Boys will grow and as Antifa joins these protests, the Proud Boys will also show up. Riots will commence like the one in Charlottesville and people will get hurt and die.

Good news is, this war will not affect most people who do not participate in these protests. You know, most of the people who actually have jobs. But we will have to worry about what we wear. We will have to worry about what we say in public. We might even have to worry about what we can’t control. To Antifa, being white, male, wealthy or religious is considered part of the capitalist hierarchy. No kidding. How many videos are on the Internet where someone is assaulted because he’s wearing a red hat?

Well, I don’t know what’s going to happen but I’m sure glad we have the Second Amendment.


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Just Delicious!

Oh, last week was a tough week for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. First, she unloads on Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House and it does not go well for her. Then her chief-of-staff brain farts and spills the beans about the Green New Deal. Finally, she tries to nail a former ICE Director and he lights her up.

This broad screws up so much, we could almost have weekly, hour-long podcasts. But this really shows us something about the democratic party.


Implosion Has Commenced

Nancy Pelosi has had it tough. Yes, she became Speaker of the House again but she also picked up four of the toughest new congressman the United States has ever seen. She is a progressive politician (after all, she is from San Francisco). But her leadership has been put in jeopardy by four new congressman: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Talib Ayanna  Pressley and Ilhan Omar. We talked about Ilhan Omar yesterday. Today, let’s go over the de facto leader of the democratic party, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. We talk about her a lot, but she has really stuck her foot in it last week.

Speaker Pelosi does have some generational issues. She older, been in Congress since 1791 and has a hard time relating to this generation. She does not understand how to use social media and has a lot of trouble creating excitement for any the democratic ideas. So she is having real issues relating to the later generations. She also is old, has real trouble speaking her points in a coherent fashion and can’t seem the keep the dentures in place. But she is very experienced and knows how to get things done. She is also able to work with the opposite side of the aisle (which has been severely warped since Trump entered office). Though she looks frail and weak because of her slight frame, she is tough as a pit bull. Now, don’t get me wrong here. I hate her as a politician and a person. I think her ideas suck and cringe at the thought she is third in line to the presidency. I also think she amoral. But these are all ideological differences.

Ocasio-Cortez is the complete opposite. She is young, pretty and vicious. She is the queen of social media with five million followers. She speaks authoritatively as to motivate her followers and she can relate to the younger generations. That’s about it. She has a couple of things that leave her a little off. She is really stupid and naive. I tell you, anything that comes out her mouth is illogical, exaggerated and shows she does not know stuff. And she lies. Climate change is not going to end the world in twelve years nor is it worse than World War II. Detention Centers on the borders are not like concentration camps and women in them are not drinking out of the toilet. Her following loves it and will defend her to death (I know, I constantly criticize her on Twitter and you should hear the responses). She also sounds very uneducated though she does have a college degree. Constantly using “like” and “whatever” in sentences make her sound like she wasted a lot of money and time in college. Makes me wonder what she was doing there (probably dancing a lot). She has no experience (this is her first full time job). But, worst of all, she thinks she is right about everything. There is no debate or compromise with her. She will only speak in front of friendly crowds and anyone who does not believe in her ideas is a racist, sexist, homophobe, bigot. It is no wonder she has accomplished nothing since she took her seat.

Ocasio-Cortez, with all her flaws, has an energy that is infectious. Her ideas, though insane, has been embraced by the democratic party. Other congressman, senators and democratic presidential candidates have embraced her ideas and are running on them. Though most don’t believe in them (with the exception of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren), these people know it is the only way to get the attention of the leftist base. And this is where Pelosi has had problems. She has lost control of the party. She understands that Ocasio-Cortez’s ideas are a dead end and knows that if the House does not do something outside of investigating Trump, the democrats will lose the presidency and House. Pelosi’s goal is to wrest the power back to her. She did this by minimizing Ocasio-Cortez’s primary win. This clip is from Fox News:

Pelosi is absolutely correct. She primaried a white guy in a Hispanic neighborhood. She won with only 15,000 votes. Her win was not the huge avalanche of an upset that she makes it out to be. Pelosi later pointed out that her social media presence is not as relevant as Ocasio-Cortez makes it out to be. None of the 5 million followers actually had anything to do with getting her elected.

Pelosi also minimized the policies of the left and the level of support from Congress for those policies. Listen to Pelosi say that the leftist congresswoman is not as powerful as everyone thinks they are.


Pelosi is right except there are only three, maybe four leftists in congress that have any type of influence (Ayanna Pressley is really in the shadows). I also want to point out, though Pelosi’s words seem very cutting, she still is very awkward and clumsy when she speaks. This is part of the reason she is going to have a hard time winning this war with AoC. She’s just not very…motivating and convincing. She does not speak from strength but from reason and the left is not about reason, they are about emotion. But that’s my commentary. I will continue with the story.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is not one who is going to take Pelosi’s garbage. So she hit back in an interview with the Washington Post:

“When these comments first started, I kind of thought that she was keeping the progressive flank at more of an arm’s distance in order to protect more moderate members, which I understood. But the persistent singling out . . . it got to a point where it was just outright disrespectful . . . the explicit singling out of newly elected women of color.”

Um, huh? Did she just call Nancy Pelosi, one of the most progressive Speakers of the House in history, a racist? Well…sort of…maybe…not really…but… Listen to this from a short interview while walking through the halls of the House. See, Nancy isn’t a racist, but she is calling her out for singling out the four people who are getting a lot of death threats.


The balls on this gal. She will do anything to make her and her minions victims. You would think she would stop, that people just aren’t buying her crap. But she is not that bright. She kept on about how Nancy Pelosi was assigning her to a bunch of committees. In an interview last week, she said:

“The last time I kind of spoke to her one on one was when she asked me to join the Select Committee on Climate Change. I was assigned to some of the busiest committees and four subcommittees. So my hands are full. And sometimes I wonder if they’re trying to keep me busy.”

Yeah, Alex, that’s what it must be. You are such a threat to Nancy Pelosi, the two-time Speaker of the House. Or maybe this is your first full time job and you are just not used to working to earn your $175,000 annual salary.

We are going to need to to wait a bit to see what the fallout of this little feud will be. Things are just coming in. But one guy has chimed in. And what President Trump is truly surprising and shoes that this guy has some class.

You know, Nancy Pelosi has called Trump a racist, sexist, cruel and a fascist. Of course, she does not believe in any of that stuff. It is all for the camera and serve her agenda. For the first time, Trump could have spit in her face and he did not. That is class.

But this hot mess shows us a few things. First, the democrats always go to the race card (or sexist, or bigot, or Nazi) whenever they don’t get what they want or someone calls them out. Pelosi is not innocent of this. Pelosi is not a racist, and neither are most of the people accused,  but now they are in the sights of the people of their own allies because they are not following their agenda. You’ll recall, Biden was called a racist during the democratic presidential debates by Kamala Harris. Pelosi deserves it and I cannot wait to hear her responses next week.

The next thing we see is that the democratic party is in shambles. There are three subsets of the party: the liberals (Biden), the progressives (Pelosi) and the far left (AoC). They can’t live with each other because each thinks they are right. There is no room for debate.

Stay tuned. This ain’t over. It’s going to be so much fun to watch.


Loose Lips Sink Ships

If you have read the Green New Deal, you know that this is nothing but socialism disguised as a way to solve the supposed “climate crisis”. Knowing how dumb AoC is, people could believe that she really thinks overturning the government and economic systems would actually solve any climate crisis.

Ocasio-Cortez’s chief-of-staff, and supposedly the brains of AoC’s policies, Saikat Chakrabarti made a rather large boo-boo. He admitted to Sam Ricketts, climate director for Washington State’s Gov. Jay Inslee (D) and a Washington Post reporter that the Green New Deal really had nothing to do with climate. The goal of the deal was to transform the government. According to Washington Post, Chakrabarti said:

“The interesting thing about the Green New Deal is it wasn’t originally a climate thing at all. Do you guys think of it as a climate thing? Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.”

Oh…My…God! This could not have been on purpose!

Conservatives and most democrats thought this policy was nothing more than a socialist take over. Heck, the policy was skunked in the Senate. It received zero votes in the senate. But this revelation is going to have serious consequences on Ocasio-Cortez’s credibility. There is already calls to have Chakrabarti head and democrats are attacking the policy. This is going to grow. Just wait for it.


Putting In Her Place

For some reason, Congress decided to have an inquiry into the border crisis. Last I heard everybody and their mother’s cousin has gone down to the border and saw what is happening. So I’m not sure what this hearing is all about and I’m pretty sure it is not going to accomplish anything. Just more of a waste of time. It was awesome though. It shows how dumb AoC (and a bunch of the other democrats) is and what happens whenever she is challenged with someone who has the intelligence and experience in the real world.

In this clip, AoC is questioning Thomas Homan, the outspoken former Director of ICE. He is being questioned about a memo he signed enforcing the “Zero Tolerance” policy. This is the policy that will detain illegal aliens as if they are, well, criminals of the United States, which they are. But the only thing AoC can focus on is that when an illegal alien gets arrested while with a child, the child is taken away from the criminal. In her words, child separation. This is so awesome.


Thomas Homan has been in law enforcement for thirty-four years including time on the New York City police force. This is one tough cookie and is not going to take guff from some 29-year-old, dumb-as-a-rock bar tender. And did you see AoC’s face? You could tell she was going through a butt-pucker moment because she had absolutely no answer. Just priceless.



Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had a really bad week last week. Remember we talked about how she is one we have to watch because she is the future and is dangerous? Yeah, she just got knocked down a couple of pegs. And I did not even bring everything up for the week. I did not include the latest Axios poll stating that 76% of people recognize her and only 22% have a favorable view of her. Or that a democrat and a republican are suing her for blocking them on her Twitter feed. Or that she testified in front of Congress, demanding that she be put under oath even though she did not need to be, about her visit to the ICE detention center and what she witnessed. And she may have lied about it. Oops. I’m pretty sure perjury in front of Congress is frowned upon.

The news cycle is going crazy right now. I can’t keep up. The stupid is seeping into this week. I almost skipped this article because of what happened yesterday involving the self-proclaimed “Squad”. This is the Fantastic Four of the communist faction of the democratic party: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Talib, Ilhan Omar and Ayanna Pressley. Trump made a, I think, rather inadvisable and clumsy Tweet. I understood what he said but it could be, and was, misconstrued into being something racist or, at least, xenophobic. Leave it to these four idiots, they hold a press conference and completely exonerate Trump.

Yeah, I think I’ll hold off on that one. I have a feeling the reaction that is coming in will be interesting.


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Oops! The Left Just Got Called Out!

It has been a tough week for the fresh faces of the democratic party. The chinks in their armor are beginning to show. Alright, it is not a chink, they are beginning to implode. But we are going to look at one incident today. That is the fight between Tucker Carlson of Fox News and Ilhan Omar, the democratic congressman from Minnesota. It was a short-lived war which I thought it would be. That’s because Tucker’s monologues bring up much deeper problems that we conservatives are being forced to face and deal. These problems are not new. They have been around since the thirties.

Tucker Carson’s monologue started out positive enough. He talked about the virtues of this country. How this country is unconditionally generous with other countries especially during disasters. He also talked about the American Dream. How this country takes in more immigrants than any other country. About how these immigrants are able to assimilate and take the advantages of all of the benefits of this country and become successful. The American Dream does not care about race, gender or creed. We are all equal when it comes to the opportunities of this country.

Then he gives us an example of the American Dream. About a six year old girl who lived in the war-torn country country of Somalia. The family left Somalia and ended of in a refugee camp in Kenya. Four years later, when the little girl was ten, the family was granted asylum to the United States. The family moved to Minnesota where the father was a taxi cab driver at first but soon ended up working for the government as a postal worker. The little girl went through the education system and was very successful. She entered local politics and climbed the ranks. Finally, at the age of thirty-six, this little became one of the most watched congressman in the House of Representatives. This awesome story is that of Ilhan Omar.

But would Omar show any appreciation for a country and love the opportunities it gives a million of legal immigrants a year? Let’s listen to Tucker’s take:


Omar did not exactly appreciate being called out by Tucker did exactly what Tucker said they would do. They Tweeted that he was a racist, xenophobe and a white supremacist. Here are a couple of Omar’s Tweets:

No, that’s not what he said. He believed we needed more vetting because this country does not need immigrants that hate our country. People like this form discord and can actually hurt the country from within which can be worse than any terrorist. And Ilhan Omar is exactly what Tucker is talking about. She is an anti-Semite, hates America and is a terrorist sympathizer. This is a woman who fought for leniency for nine convicted ISIS-converted terrorists in Minnesota because they were marginalized. Heck, she said what she thought about terrorist organizations in an interview with, I believe, Al Jazeera:


Not exactly sure how one compares Al Qaeda and Hezbollah with the United States Army. But, whatever.


Notice in these Tweets, she doesn’t have anything substantial to say or an argument. She just slings insults. Also, she does not call into Fox News and try to respond or debate on air. I would bet my left arm Tucker will have her on. She just attempts to mark it as “hate speech” (whatever that is) and calls for Fox News sponsors to boycott the station. In other words, she wants her critics silenced.

See, debate is something the left does not do because they cannot do it. If they try, they will lose every time. See, here’s the thing: Tucker was not wrong about any of this. Everything he said was true and can be proven either by Tweets Omar has written or through her own words during speeches.

Let’s go back to Tucker because you know he had a response and it silenced the opposition. This clip actually references the previous clip, so you may want to fast forward through some of it.

Tucker is exactly correct. This has nothing to do with racism on the right. The right’s embrace of people like Ayaan Hirsi Ali is just one example of that. There are many others including Candace Owens (black), Dave Rubin (gay and Jewish), Ben Shapiro (Jewish) and Josefina Orozco (Hispanic and my girlfriend). All these people, except for Josie who no one knows, are hated by the left even though they meet some requirements of intersectionality and identity politics.

But I think Tucker hit on something really important. Something that he may need a book to express. At least he couldn’t express it in a six minute segment. Whether or not he meant to, I had thoughts that went way beyond his commentary. And, yes, it’s probably racist and xenophobic too.

Mikhail Khrushchev, the premier of the Soviet Union in the 1960s, said that the Soviet Union would win the Cold War against the United States without firing a single shot. Of course, he would be proven wrong but he gave away how totalitarian governments come to be. What he meant was communism would eat at the foundation of our democracy from within. If one reads the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, this is no secret. Unenlightened ideas and misinformation are the enemies of our government. That is why President Trump calling the mainstream media “enemies of the people” is not exactly incorrect. Lies, identity politics, intersectionality, suppression of speech, the wiping out of our history and the indoctrination to leftist idea within our schools are the rot that is damaging the foundation of our democratic republic. It will slowly transform the United States into a leftist “utopia”. But their “utopia” involves the elite taking and holding power at any cost. The citizens are only commodities for holding that power.

Tucker was right. Omar, Talib and Ocasio-Cotez are a “hustle”. They are a small minority and are really dumb, but they are loud, extreme, young and vicious. Their ideas are poison for our country and any reasonable person, which makes up the vast majority of the country, knows it.

The problem we have is that the younger generations are leaning to the totalitarian concepts that are being pushed. The schools teach it, the media confirms it and the entertainment industry makes it an emotional cause. Judaeo Christian values and religion are being demonized and attacked. Schools are indoctrinating children, as young as preschool age, to leftist concepts instead of teaching math, science and how to reason. History is being rewritten. Laws are being ignored. The Constitution is being dismissed because it was written by racist, white men who only tried to create an unjust patriarchy.

Though this trash that is being pushed is still considered fringe, it is making its way to the mainstream. Look at the democratic debates with the 482 candidates. These “mainstream” candidates are embracing far left, nation-changing concepts. Even the candidates that are considered moderate are beginning to promote these concepts because they know they cannot win the primary if they do not.

Like in the 50’s and 60’s, we need to be aware of this attack. Though Joseph MacCarthy was insane, he was not wrong when exclaiming that there is a Red Scare. The poison we are fighting today was already there sixty years ago in our media and entertainment industry. The Red Scare, for those who do not know, was a movement led by Joseph McCarthy. Its purpose was to weed out and ruin all communist sympathizers in the country. And it did. But it also ruined a lot of people that were innocent or just did not believe in democracy or capitalism. It was much like the attack on free speech that we are experiencing today from the left. It was not a good time in our history.

We do not have to violate the Constitutional rights of people as McCarthy did. We just have to know what is happening and bravely point it out. I see bravely because one wrong word can cost one his job or get him beaten up in the streets. That is what Tucker did. He knew he would be called lots of names and there were going to be calls to shut Fox News down. He said it was going to happen. But he was right. If he were wrong, leftists would not have called him a racist, xenophobe and white supremacist.

We all need to learn from that.


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Forget the Debate, What About the Issues?

I saw both debates last week and I did not talk too much about them. That is because everyone else did. I think it is more important to talk about the subject matter of the debates. The actual issues. You guys have to love me after this. I actually had to watch six hours of the most boring, irrelevant crap again. But I’m trying to be a pod-caster so I got to do what I got to do.

Let’s have some fun!



I watched the debates last week and then watched them again this week so I could do this article. I have no interest in rehashing the debate. I do not see the point since everybody seemed to have been doing it. Not to mention, I do not think much of any debate right now because of the sheer number of candidates. There are around fifteen hundred candidates and I want to see the stragglers disappear first. I also know that, right now, these people are just trying to get votes from left’s base. None of them, right now, are worried about winning a general election. Centrists on both sides of the aisle never vote in primaries. All these people are pander bears and are just trying to get nominated. Once nominated, they will go wildly centrist to appease independents and never-Trumpers (which will probably not go well with the left’s base).

So let us not look at the candidates. To be honest, I do not know half of them. Let us look at the issues. Because I think that is going to determine who is going to win in November of 2020.


Climate Change

I was a little surprised here. The talk of climate change was very moderate. I think some did not even bring it up and the moderators never really pushed it. It was brought up by the candidates but all they said was that there is a problem but offered no solutions. All everyone basically said, to standing applause is, “…and we need to address climate change!” There were a couple of mentions about the Green New Deal, but no one really committed to it. They said they liked some of it but would not commit to any part of it.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez really screwed her party for 2020. Nancy Pelosi might as well pack up the rest of her dentures and leave Washington D.C because she is no longer relevant in politics. That is a bad thing. These dem candidates are going to have to take a stand on the Green New Deal. If they do not, they will get killed in a general election. Unfortunately for them, science and economics are on the side of Trump when it comes to climate change. According to NASA, the average temperature have gone up .8 degrees in the last hundred years. We need to go up by two to three degrees before we have to worry about this.

Economists Paul Romer and William Nordhaus won the Nobel Prize is economics this year. They wrote a paper called Integrating Innovation and Climate with Economic Growth. I guess if you just put “climate” in a paper you will be up for Nobel Prize and loved by the media. Unfortunately, when someone read the paper, which I did, things are not as disastrous as they were made out to be. According to the paper, climate trends point that we will not have an issue until 2100 and it would only cost 4% of GDP from each country to correct the the problem. Of course, that is only if we blame everything on man-made climate change. We would have to ignore the Earth wobbling and we would have to ignore some astrophysics that this is normal Earth.

And then there is this thing that is always ignore and seems pretty scientific. We probably have 150 years of climate history out of millions years of actual climate history and they are making absolute claims about it. I just am not sure spending trillions of dollars for something we do not even know about is something the voters are going to go for. Especially when China, India, Mexico and a bunch of African countries are doing nothing to curb their emissions.

Oh, yeah. The Green New Deal will cost $93 trillion over ten years. That is going to require a huge increase in taxes. Good luck with that.


Medicare for All

This is also going to be a real tough sell for voters.

The democrats, especially Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, want to replace all private health insurance that people get from work. Instead, we are all going to get stuck with federally funded solution. Which means we are not going to have any healthcare. This is a bad system and it has never really worked. It is going to cost trillions of dollars and will destroy the healthcare industry. Doctors are going to get stuck with a standardized fee. This will discourage well qualified people from trying to become doctors and patients will be seen by less qualified people like nurse practitioners and physician’s assistants, which means healthcare will be rationed like it is in other federally funded healthcare..

Here is the thing about universal healthcare or any government run service. It does not work. That is because the government sucks at everything. And they are going to suck at healthcare. Look at how the government messed up the VA hospitals. People were dying because they could not see a doctor in a timely fashion. In Canada, the universal healthcare program is rationed. You will not get to see a doctor right away when one is needed and the service is bad. The public administrators will even recommend to patients that they get some sort of supplemental insurance, which Canada allows, and see a private doctor. Steven Crowder, who was born in Canada, did an undercover investigation about the Canadian healthcare system. Take a look:

The left will point to Sweden and Norway, stating that these countries have universal healthcare and it works and works well. And they would be kind of right. Kind of. But not completely. They have panels in Sweden and Norway that will approve certain treatments and procedures. So if one has a rare form of cancer and his life depends on a non approved treatment. Good luck. These are better known as death panels. Kind of an extreme term but it does exist. The other issue that explains why these countries kind of succeed is there population. Sweden has just under 10 million people and Norway has just over 5 million. The United States has 330 million citizens and anywhere between 15 and 40 million illegal aliens. And that does matter with universal healthcare.

Oh, yeah. It will cost about $7 trillion a year. That is going to require a tax increase.



No, no, no. Not going to happen.

No one wants socialism except for the left. It has never succeeded and it has always lead to poverty, suffering, death and tyranny. Democrats want to lose the next election, keep pushing socialism.


Gun Control/Confiscation

This is going to be a tougher one for republicans. Not only do leftists support gun control but so do liberals. A lot of left-of-center liberals believe our gun laws are too loose. And, with electronic media plaguing the world, we hear about every bit of violence, no matter what the story is or if we even have the story, and go on social media and politicize the story immediately. There are morons like Swalwell and Warren that want to confiscate our guns, limit the number of rounds one can buy and raise the gun age to twenty-one. So a soldier can shoot a weapon in the army at eighteen but cannot buy a gun. Oh, yeah! And we have to have background checks, even if a father wants to give a son a gun.

There are going to be some huge problems for democrats. First off, most in the country do not believe in gun control. Even some of the liberal states like Vermont, Massachusetts and Colorado are against gun limits or some heavy-handed gun control. In fact, 38 of the 50 states believe in gun rights. That’s why the Second Amendment has never been seriously challenged with repeal. We already do have stringent background checks and waiting period for handguns. Those background checks check military history (dishonorable discharge is disqualifying), criminal record (domestic violence is disqualifying), citizenship and mental capacity. To sit back and say that gun regulations are non-existent is just untrue. And, by the way, if we make it criminal to have a gun, only criminals will have guns. It’s a cliche, I know. But it’s true. I would even go so far as to say these gun-free zones is basically inviting criminals. I think schools should allow teachers who want to be armed to be armed. I guards should be armed and very trained. They should expect someone to attack and always be prepared. Not like that garbage at Marjory Stoneman  Douglas High School in Florida last year.

But here’s the kicker and will guarantee nothing will be done to overthrow these rights: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” That is the Second Amendment. I know a lot of people come of with many different reasons to make the amendment seem outdated. Only the government can create a militia (that’s garbage, the revolutionaries were not soldiers). The Second Amendment to apply to assault rifles. Dumb argument. There is no definition of an assault rifle or weapons of war. But I will go a step further: the amendment does protect your right to have an “assault” rifle. The amendment wants you to have a rifle to defend from the tyranny of an overbearing government, not for hunting. Damn, the muskets of the 18th century were weapons of war!

This is a bad policy for democrats to stand on.


Illegal Immigration/Healthcare off Illegal Aliens

This is a loser for democrats. The country, or at least the sane branch of it, does not want open borders. They do not want illegal aliens getting free healthcare, food stamps, low income housing and a pathway to citizenship. Most people do not care that these people are put in a jail from breaking the law and that those jails may suck. Jails suck, don’t break the law, you won’t end up in jail.

This is a loser for democrats and we are going to see them turn. This is an issue that show the true nature of the democrat party. Right, democrats have to pander to the Antifa and Ocasio-Cortez left to get through a primary. But this policy is suicide in a general election. If the democratic candidate actually went and backed these policies, I would say Trump wins 45 states, maybe 48. California, Washington State, Oregon and New York and they are getting killed with poverty, homelessness, disease and high taxes. And they want to support want to support people who are now allowed to be here?

Yeah, good luck with that.



If I am spending some time on Twitter and I am not called a sexist, bigot, homophobe, misogynist, alt-right, xenophobe that hates children, I lost the debate I was having. I mean, misogynist is a clinical term of hate. Anything that ends with -phobe means you have a mental problem.

These terms have been overused and I hold a badge of honor because it tells me I won the debate. Well, you know that already. Spent an entire podcast on how to debate.



This has become another hot point for the democrats. And they are burying themselves over it. It all started over this statement by Ralph Northam, governor for Virginia.

This statement launched the infanticide debate where some people and the left has embraced it. Now, all the democratic candidates are embracing abortion up until the moment of birth. I am not exactly sure how we got from, “legal, safe and rare” led to abortion when the baby is fully developed.

The is a disaster for the democrats. Their position, which was tolerated by the right, is now seen for what it is: genocide. The anti-abortion push has been extreme. More people today are against abortion than ever before. And, what’s worse, there does not seem to be any limits. I do not see the difference between killing a baby three days before a baby is born and killing a baby three days after it’s born. I think that’s the problem a lot of people who are neutral when it comes to abortion are having a problem with. This is just too much and where is the limit? This extreme will get a candidate past the primary but sticking to this will not get someone elected in a general election.

I have a podcast on my thoughts on abortion if you want to check it out.


Free College

I was pretty smart. I wanted to go to college at UCLA or UC Berkley. I didn’t. Cause I couldn’t afford it. I went to Cal State Northridge. After I graduated, I wanted to go to law school. I didn’t. Because I had two kids and a wife that couldn’t work and I couldn’t afford the $200,000 tuition. I took a job teaching computer networking, got paid well, sharpened my skill and have a career. I worked full time and am proud of my degree even if I did not use it. I bought my books, paid off my moderate loans, worked hard and have a degree I never used until now.

She is so stupid. This speech, by itself, proves she should not be a government official. Bad language alert: Fuck you, AoC.

Let me point a couple of things out in this little diatribe of hers. She told a 17-year-old to take out $250,000 in student loans? I hope she was going to be a doctor and not study Lesbian Dance Theory because she will never be able to pay that off otherwise. AoC might as well told her to buy that Rolls Royce she always wanted! This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard! College taught my fiscal responsibility, logic and the value of hard work. For a degree I do not use!

But the big thing in her little speech is that she has student loan debt she’s having trouble paying! She is a United States congressman (no I didn’t say congresswoman or congressperson) earning $175,000 a year and she can’t pay her school debt? And I’m suppose to trust this broad to create laws that will determine the course of our economy? Fuck that! She should be kicked out of Congress just because of that stupid speech. She’s fiscally irresponsible. Her Green New Deal proves that.

Listen, just to kill college debt today will cost $4 trillion dollars. It’s not sustainable and college is not a right. We should spend more time teaching our kids to be fiscally responsible and there are consequences. Not to mention, this could open the flood gates for far worse decisions such as paying off credit card debt, car payments and mortgages. Just a really bad idea.



Ben Shapiro said it best. All democrats have to to do is not be crazy. I am paraphrasing it, that’s why I’m not quoting it. Well, there was some crazy on that stage.

Let look at with Robert Francis, I mean, Beto:

He spend a minute and nine seconds answering that question, forty-five of it in Spanish, and he never answered the question! In fact, the moderators even pointed out he did not answer the question. Beto is done.

But, crazy of the night came from “writer” Marianne Williamson. She had like three questions all night, this was the most awesome, but it was not the only awesome question. The chick is absolutely crazy!

This gal is awesome! I hope she wins the nomination. Can you imagine her debating Trump? And the funny nicknames he’d come up with? Sanitarium Mary, Mad Mary, Mental Case Mary, Weird Williamson. I could not find a lot of synonyms for crazy that started with a “W” but I’m sure Donald T. will figure something out.

Such fun stuff!


Who Won?

Trump won. I think Fox News sums it up really well.

These people looked insane. Sorry, they did. The democratic base has gone so far left, 75% is like, what the fuck? Here is the problem they are going to have, especially because there are going to be, at least, two more debates: They are going to have to commit to weird stuff and people are going to hear it. If they decide to stick with those positions, 75% of the population is going to think they are crazy and will not vote for them. If they decide to back off those positions, they are going to be seen as inauthentic and lying. And they will lose big.

This is going to be so much fun!






The Lesson

The alt-Left group, Antifa, and the alt-Right group, the Proud Boys clash in Portland this weekend. And, as usual, the innocent are the ones that get hurt. Conservative journalist, Andy Ngo, was assaulted and hospitalized when he was reporting from the protest. Three Antifa rioters were arrested.

Andy Ngo

The Proud Boys are an alt-Right racist group. Their founder, Gavin McInnes, is a well known racist and fascist. There is no question that this group is bad and should be rejected by civilized society. They are a terrible group. The media pushes this image of the groups and they should.

But Antifa is a different story. For some reason, the news media refuses to condemn this violent group that has done nothing but disrupt daily life and assault those they do not agree with while pushing to try to overturn the United States government. Most of Antifa hold the same basic beliefs: the United States a a racist, sexist and unfair government that needs to be shut down. People who say things they do not agree with must be shut down at any cost, including through violence if necessary. What is ironic is that, though they accuse everyone else of racist,including blacks like Candace Owens, most members are twenty-something white people.

So, why does the media defend them? Let’s listen to dumbass Don Lemon give a stupid reason to defend Antifa:

This stupidity is exactly what CNN has been peddling. Chris Cuomo said the same thing. Well, Antifa is a hate group, terror organization and promotes fascism. But I think we need to know what fascism is and how it compares to communism and socialism. Are Trump, his supporters and conservatives really fascists?

Political vs. Economic System

One thing I want to go over is the difference between a political system and an economic system. A political system is how a government is run. Our government is a democratic republic. That mean we have the ability to vote for representatives in the House, Senate and for President (that’s the democracy part) and those representatives create and vote on laws (that’s the republic part). Contrary to popular belief we are not a pure democracy. Our economic system is capitalism. Capitalism is basically a free market of lightly regulated economy. So we are a democratic republic with a capitalist economy.

So why do I bring this up? For two reasons. First, because all my definitions define each of these as an economic and political system. That’s just not true. When we talk about Hitler and refer to him as a fascist, that does not mean he ran a fascist government (i’m not sure there is such a thing as a fascist political system). Nazi Germany was a dictatorship with a fascist economic system. It’s important to see the difference. The next reason is because it will clarify terms that are being thrown around like “democratic socialist”. Basically, a democratic socialist believes that the government should have a democratic political system, where people vote, and a socialist economic system, where the government controls the means of production and all business.



Vocabulary.com defined fascism as, “Fascism is a way of ruling that advocates total control of the people.” Fascist governments believe in the collective over the individual and are typically dictatorships. Speech is suppressed, they are typically atheist and are militaristic. Those that do not fall in line face imprisonment or worse. What is different about fascist governments from socialist governments is that the economics system still remains private but heavily regulated. Also, race may or may not be a factor. Germany was a fascist country that was heavily racist but Italy did not persecute other races or religions until after it had allied with the Nazis.

It was mistakenly believed that Nazi Germany was the first fascist. Government. But that’s just not true. Germany was a socialist country that became fascist. Italy was the first fascist country under dictator Benito Mussolini. In his book, The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left, Dinesh D’Souza describe Mussolini as “half-assed” when it came to implementing a socialist system. Mussolini was a socialist but thought that nationalizing business in Italy would be way too hard to do and way too unpopular to stay in power. So he decided just to allow businesses to be privately run and just placed heavy regulation.

Hitler was a socialist. He wanted to nationalize business so they were all government run. But he saw how well the fascist regime in Italy was doing and decided to do the same thing. The United States under Franklin D. Roosevelt also leaned toward fascism. One of the agencies established by the New Deal was the National Recovery Administration (NRA). The goal if this was to eliminate the “vicious” competition of capitalism. It was suppose to set codes of “fair practices” (regulations) and set prices. Companies that abide by the regulations and set prices were made a member of the NRA and could put a sticker in their windows. Businesses that were members of the NRA were sponsored by the government and citizens were suppose to be encouraged to frequent those businesses. This is a prime example of a fascist policy. The U.S. Supreme Court thought so to. They unanimously found to be unconstitutional in 1935 because the declared the government infringed on the separation of powers.

In conclusion, fascism is an economic system that allows for private industry that is heavily regulated by the government.



Merriam-Webster.com defines socialism as, “any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods. 2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property.” Essentially, socialism does away with private business and the concept of the individual. The collective or the community is what owns and controls business (whatever that means).

Essentially, all business is controlled by the government as a proxy to the people. In a true socialist economy (impossible), money is collected from the businesses run by the central government and then being redistributed in the form of money and services. No one in a socialist economy is, theoretically, above anyone else (we know that’s not true). There are only a few truly socialist economies in the world and they are not healthy. Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea are the main examples that come to mind. And we see just how terrible those places are.

Socialism is a great idea on paper but can never work. Why? Because of people. Human beings aren’t robots. People are competitive animals that want to be rewarded when they succeed. Socialism takes the competition away. That’s socialist economies do not innovate. They create nothing and what they do create is trash. Look at the disaster that was the Soviet Union. The economy, even with all the resources it had, was not much richer than Italy. That’s why the United States was able to choke them out and force their collapse. The Nordic countries that lefties point to as socialist models are actually not socialist. Countries like Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands are actually free markets with distributive (socialist) policies. But even those countries are beginning to feel the bite of the nanny state and are dialing back on re-distribution. China, which for the longest time was a socialist economy when Mao took over, has started embracing private industry since the 70’s and 80’s. Private companies open factories their and sell to the Chinese. You can find a McDonald’s, a KFC, Taco Bell and other United States businesses operating in China. The remaining socialist’s policies still make the country far weaker economically than the United States.

In conclusion, socialism is an economic system where the means of production and business is controlled by the government. The government controls distribution of wealth, market prices and production.



Quora.com defined communism as, “a political and economic system in which the major productive resources in a society—such as mines, factories, and farms—are owned by the public or the state, and wealth is divided among citizens equally or according to individual need.” Sounds familiar, right? When some asks the difference between communism and socialism, the common answer is a firing squad. And that’s what it is.

Communism is a totalitarian government. People own nothing and any property, from land to a bike is property of the government and can be taken for whatever reason. Those that resist in any way including talking bad about the government, religion or even reading the wrong book can lead to arrest, imprisonment, torture or worse. The citizens are not seen as people but as commodities that can be assigned tasks which must be completed. If those tasks are not completed as expected, you can be sure a punishment is on the horizon.

In conclusion, communism is a political and economic system that in totalitarian in nature. The government controls all production and can seize, forcibly if necessary, all property for the good of the state.


So What’s This Got to Do With Antifa?

Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin did not do it alone. That had a strong, violent force. Hitler had the Brown Shirts. Mussolini had the Black Shirts. Stalin had the NKVD. These secret and personal police worked outside the local police and the army. They were the strong arms of these tyrants. These people would imprison, torture and kill any dissenters, whether they were guilty or not. They would break up any protests with extreme violence.

The left has the same force: Antifa. And it’s in the guise of being an anti-fascist group. Well, it’s not. The discourage debate. They shout down opposition. And they are militant and violent. They are the left’s Black Shirts. They are the left’s Brown Shirts. The are the left’s NKVD. And they are being encouraged to continue. In Seattle and Portland, Antifa is not restrained in any way for fear police intervention will increase tensions and violence. Well, let’s look at what happened to Andy Ngo and ask ourselves if police would have made things worse.

But we continually see this. At UC Berkeley, Antifa disrupted a speech by Milo Yiannopoulos. The police were told to stand down and Antifa did a $1 million in damage. And as usual, the media throw half-hearted condemnation and then, in the same sentence, justify the violence as a counter to “hate speech”. Listen to another video by Fleccas talking to a bunch of Antifa and you’ll get an idea of the thought process of these people.

Not only do these people want to shut down speech and thought and want to eliminate opposing idea through violence, the cease to be a group that protests. They are now a fascist hate group trying to control their opponents through fear.


So, Is Trump a Nazi or Fascist?

Nope. He’s not.

He can’t be a fascist because he’s a capitalist. He doesn’t control the media (Obama did). They can say whatever they want and they do. He doesn’t regulate business. In fact, he’s cut regulation and government interference in business (democrats increased regulation). He doesn’t jail his foes (Obama did).

Is Trump a Nazi? Well, Nazis were socialists that became fascists. So no for the same reasons as above.

This is a bigger problem. It means that the political left and the moderate right is growing farther apart. This means less discourse. Less reason. We are now talking about open boarders, medicare for illegal aliens, socialism, gun confiscation, the destruction of religion, the addition of infinite pronouns and abortion to the moment of birth and beyond. Donald Trump is only going to be President for another six years but this fight is going to be here for much longer. And we need to hold our ground. Because we are on the right side.


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Better Late Than Never, I Guess

A picture released by the New York Times may have finally woken the media and democrats into believing there actually is a crisis on the border. And AOC cries in front of border holding center but, then, refuses to fund a company which would give kids in these border centers beds.

How many of you are going to watch the Democratic Presidential debate tonight?



The New York Times released a front page story this week with a gruesome picture of a father and daughter, face down in the Rio Grande River in Texas.

When I saw this picture, I was shocked. This picture and story hit all news outlets and went viral on Twitter. It’s a heart-breaking picture because the daughter had her arm around her father’s neck. Finally the media is realizing there is a crisis on the border. But there narrative on the subject is following their hatred on Trump and not the facts.

But first, let’s go over the story because that seems to be glossed over by the media. After all, if they told the truth, they couldn’t blame Trump.

The father is Oscar Alberto Martínez and the daughter is Angie Valeria, 23 months old. Martinez, Valeria and his wife, Tania, were from El Salvador. Oscar used to work at a Papa John’s back in his native country that earned him $350 a month. Tania, who used to work at a Chinese restaurant, had to quit her job in order to take care of Angie. Their finances got so strapped that they had to live on $10 a day.

Something important to realize is their status in El Salvador. According to the family, “…They were not fleeing violence, Tania’s mother has since said, but were in desperate search of a life where they could earn more.” Their plan was to come to the United States for a few years, save up money and then move back to El Salvador. So they started their journey.

They traveled through Guatemala and Mexico with the Central American caravans and finally arrived at the United States border. At first, they tried to claim asylum at one of the border entry points but they were far too crowded. So they decided to cross the border and turn themselves in at the first border patrol agent. That’s where the tragedy started.

The decided they were going to cross at the Rio Grande River. Once they got to the far shore, they would be able to turn themselves in to border patrol. So Oscar, first, traveled with Angie across the river. Then, he left his 23-month old daughter on the shore and started back across the river to get Tania. Of course, Angie, being 23-months old, follows dad back into the river. Oscar, seeing his daughter, turns around to save her from drowning. The current picks up and they are pulled under and drown. That’s the story.

The Reaction

Finally, the democrats and the media have acknowledged that there is a crisis at the border. For the last year, dems have been saying that this problems at the border were a “manufactured crisis” and Trump was lying. So, does that mean that everyone will declare Trump was right all along and now they will cooperate with him? Not quite.

Of course, now let’s look at the media. Of course, it’s America’s fault these two are dead. Listen to Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo discuss the photo and the tragedy.

I’ve had enough of these damn idiots. All of them.

First off, I believe they should not be here. They could have gone to a border crossing and asked for asylum. They would have immediately been rejected because they don’t qualify for asylum. Asylum requires that the person is under the threat of death due to persecution. These people were coming to this country to make money and were going to return home when they did so. So, they decide to cross our border and just give up because they knew they would not be sent back and there was a possibility they’d be released. If I illegally cross over to Mexico, I’m going to be picked up as a criminal, not immigrant, and sent back.

I do not feel any remorse that these people died. I feel bad for them but they were killed while committing a crime. Trump nor anyone who believes the we should have a strong border are not at fault for this. Well, that’s not true. America didn’t kill these people. The father killed himself and his daughter. Crossing a river and just leaving a two-year-old on the shore, not expecting her to follow is the epitome of foolishness and irresponsibility. What I’m not hearing from anyone in the mainstream media or the left is how this father is responsible at all. In fact, the mainstream media doesn’t even seem to convey the story correctly in order to hide the father’s irresponsibility. And this is how most immigrants die. Starvation, dehydration, disease, heat stroke, wild life and drowning is what kills them. The border patrol doesn’t kill nor is responsible for the deaths of anyone. The journey from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras is extremely dangerous.

Finally, these people were killed. killed by left wing democrats who refused to build a wall. There would have been a wall along this section of the border since it is so commonly used to cross. The wall would have been a deterrent and this would have never happened.


Idiocy and Hypocrisy: Big Week for AOC

Let’s start with the idiocy. Mind you, this comes after her calling the detainment centers on the southern border “concentration camps” (and has since doubled-down on it fives times). This time, AOC decided to visit a child containment center in El Paso. Dressed in white and not knowing what to expect, she went there, her close friends with her, holding hands. The photos were powerful.

She starts dejected. Probably the shock of what she’s seeing hasn’t set in yet.

The shock of what she’s seeing has finally taken hold of her.

Her anguish makes her want to go through that fence and reach out.

Finally, she turns to a constituent, who comforts her in her pain.

Then they all turn around and look longingly at the all but empty parking lot. They were no where near the facility! This whole drama was just a photo op to show AOC’s people how “tortured” she is over the border crisis. She never actually went in and saw it. Her acting was so bad, though, even her fans said it looked bad. But, when the pictures came out that they were standing in front of a parking lot, the jokes and memes starting slowing like water.

Now, this whole thing should be funny to me and it is. But there’s something else here. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a sociopath. She doesn’t care about anyone, much less the kids in these detention centers. There isn’t an empathetic bone in her body. She’s all about power. She wants control, and, right now, she has it. She is the leader of the democratic party. She knows, being from a democratic district, that the more illegal Hispanics in this country, the more democrats will become elected. The more democrats that are elected the more power they have and they can finally be able to transform our country into a socialist country where she will control.

But here’s the good news: she’s stupid. She may be pretty, she may be stupid but she’s a sociopath and vicious. What’s worse, she’s power hungry. And she has some very aggressive followers. This might seem like a bit of an extreme. She’s a sociopath who only cares for power? Aren’t I exaggerating a bit?

Her hypocrisy proves this.

On Tuesday, the House of Representatives voted on a bill that would provide $4.5 billion in emergency border funding. This funding was to be used to support the detention facilities including medical help and bedding. There were four democrats and three republicans that did not vote for the bill.

And AOC was one them. She seems to care about the children until she has to vote for a bill that will allow ICE and border patrol to care for the children. But she was not finished. She supported a protest of Wayfair, a furniture manufacturing company. Why? Because they provided bedroom furniture to the detention centers. That’s right! She’s protesting them because they are selling beds to the detention centers so the children have beds to sleep on instead of the floor.

This gal is incredible and she does not hide it. This just proves that she does not care about anyone. She wants them miserable because the more they are miserable, the more likely they will be released. Once released and with the loosening of our election laws, it is only going to be a matter of time before they will be voting.

See, AOC reminds me of a quote from Paradise Lost when Satan stated he “…would rather rule in Hell than serve in Heaven.” AOC wants power and she has it. She would have no power if the country remained the way it is today. She needs poor people to take over the country so she can tell them about the injustices in this country and how they all are victims and only she can dig them out of it. Each speech she makes will bring her more power.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is not only a socialist and sociopath. She’s evil, she’s a liar and she wants to destroy this country so she can gain wealth and power. Don’t underestimate her. Always watch and listen. Never believe without verification. If she comes into power, this country will experience tyranny, poverty and misery.

You need proof of that? Just look south to Venezuela.




Ocasio-Cortez Supports Wayfair Walkout Over Furnishing Migrant Camps





The Media Searches for a New Narrative

Trump is accused of sexual assaulted but the accuser is a little iffy. The democratic presidential candidates are going way left in preparation for the debates. And the Chicago Police department is really laying in to Jussie Smollett.

And I’m not even going to bring up the immigration crisis. Lots of stuff going on.


Another Trump Accusation

E.Jean Carroll is an advice columnist and author. She is also the latest woman to claim to have been sexually assaulted by President Trump in the mid-90s. Now, here’s what’s funny: this was a big deal on Friday. This gal went to several news outlets telling her story.

I am very skeptical about this whole story. Here’s the CNN interview with Carroll. It is graphic but I think you’ll see where I’m coming from one you listen to this woman.

I don’t know what’s worse: This woman’s really strange story, her woke-ness or the interview with CNN’s anchor Alisyn Camerota. Camerota never pushed back, never questioned why she didn’t go to the police, never asked her why she doesn’t go to the police now (we’ll get into that later) and called Trump a rapist without any proof being offered up. She didn’t even ask for proof. Awesome journalisming!

Like I said before, I do not put a lot of stock in this woman or her story. Matt Walsh from the Daily Wire (subscribe) had a great article about why this gal has no credibility. I’ll talk about his talking points and then throw in a couple of other things.

First, the description of the scene is completely implausible. They’re in a department store and go into a dressing room. But no one sees anything. Cameras do not catch anything. It’s a sexual assault. There’s noise and struggling but no one heard or saw anything before, during and after? Also, why would she go into a dressing room with a man she didn’t know? The story makes no sense.

Next, she never reported it to police and doesn’t want an investigation opened. In New York, there is no statute of limitations for rape and she says she still has the dress she was wearing that day (weird). There could be DNA evidence. But she doesn’t want the police to open an investigation. What’s her reasoning? Well, she gave an answer: “I would find it disrespectful to the women who are down on the border who are being raped around the clock down there without any protection. The women have very little protection there. It would just be disrespectful.” Yeah, OK.

So why even bring this up? To sell books. That’s the only reason to bring up after twenty years and still not want an investigation being done. She needs to generate some excitement for her book. Give people a reason to want to read it. Because she’s trashing Trump and making her rounds though the left wing media outlets, she’s sure to see a few copies. Very few looking at CNN’s ratings.

But I also have a theory. Listen to this short clip of her on Anderson Cooper’s show on CNN and you might get where I’m going with this:

Hello? She’s nuts! I’m not talking about her being slightly loopy, I mean sitting-in-a-bathtub-filled-with-jello crazy. She doesn’t want the police to investigate because of the border crisis? She thinks rape is kind of sexy? I might read her book because God only knows what she is going to say.

Well, the media tried to get this brush fire started but it turned out to be raining out. I know the media needs a new narrative but this story died fast. It was released on Friday and, by Monday, it was dead.


The Must Be A Debate Coming

The first democratic debates are Wednesday and Thursday and that means that the candidates have been going crazy to get attention. And it’s all so delicious.

Bernie Sanders says that he wants the government to tax Wall Street with a transaction tax. Then, take the $2.2 trillion and pay off all the student debt. Of course he’s forgetting about people currently in college so the number is closer to $4 trillion. While he’s at it, he should pay off my car loan and mortgage.

Reparations for blacks because of slavery is so last week. Elizabeth Warren says we should pay reparations to gay people. No kidding. She says that since gay people were not allowed to be married they should be able to get tax breaks from years before for having a partner. Yeah, that has about as much chance of working than slavery reparations.

When asked if he would meet with the anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, Cory “Spartacus” Booker said he wouldn’t mind meeting with him to hear what Farrakhan had to say. Mind you, this is after he lambasted Joe Biden for saying that he used to have to negotiate with segregationists back in the 1970’s to get things done. I guess being anti-Semitic is not the same as being a racist.

Pete Buttigieg isn’t saying much of anything but he is sure to get torn up in the debates. He had to go back to South Bend, Indiana, where he is mayor, because of an officer involved shooting of a black man. He had a town hall event to try to calm the racial tension. It didn’t go well for him:

He looked weak and uncertain. Not a good look for a man who wants to hold the most powerful position in the world. He asked the government to do a special investigation of the police and the shooting. So not only did he piss off the black people but now he pissed off law enforcement and those who support him. This guy can’t even run South Bend, how in the heck is he going to run the country.

The debates are going to be an absolute riot! I think we’re just seeing the tip of crazy. Can’t wait to see what is going to be promised.


Speaking of Crazy

Jussie Smollett really ticked off the Chicago Police Department.

This week, along with all of the other evidence against him, they released the body cam video from the officers who first met Smollett after his “attack”. You remember the attack? The one where he paid two of his buddies to rough him up, put a noose around his head while yelling “this is MAGA country” while wearing red hats. Take a look at the video.

I thought him getting attacked at 2:30 in the morning while getting a Subway sandwich by two white guys who loved Trump in Chicago was dumb enough. There are no Trump supporters in Chicago. But this video is so ridiculous I had to show it off.


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Flash Podcast: Ilhan Has Got Some Splaining To Do!

Uh-oh! Ilhan Omar is in some trouble. And, this time. I’m not sure she will be able to get away with this.



Ilhan Omar has been busy in the last twenty years, She had two “husbands”. I use that term loosely because I’m not sure what they are. The first one is Ahmed Abdisalan Hirsi who she is married to right now. The other guy is Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, who people allege is her brother. I’m not sure if that’s true but documents are being released and the picture is becoming clearer. So let us look at the timeline.

  • 2002 – Omar marries Hirsi in a faith ceremony (whatever that is) but the marriage was never legal.
  • 2008: Omar and Hirsi “ decided to end our relationship in our faith tradition” (Whatever that means).
  • Early 2009: Omar legally married Elmi.
  • 2011: Omar and Elmi religiously divorced.
  • 2011: Omar and Hirsi reconciled.
  • 2017: Omar and Elmi belatedly obtained a legal divorce.
  • 2018: Omar and Hirsi legally married.

Here’s the problem. Apparently she was really living with Hirsi when she was actually (per her taxes) living with Elmi. What the ….!

This is, to say the least, confusing as all hell. But it is serious. Ilhan Omar committed several crimes if any of it is true. And, apparently, someone in her camp decided to make a statement by Jeremy Slevin:

“Since before she was elected to office, Ilhan has been the subject of conspiracy theories and false accusations about her personal life. Emboldened by a president who openly treats immigrants, refugees and Muslims as invaders, these attacks often stem from the presumption that Ilhan — like others who share those identities — is somehow illegitimate or not fully American. Ilhan has shared more than most public officials ever do about the details of her personal life — even when it is personally painful. Whether by colluding with right-wing outlets to go after Muslim elected officials or hounding family members, legitimate media outlets have a responsibility not to fan the flames of hate. Continuing to do so is not only demeaning to Ilhan, but to her entire family.”

She’s in trouble. She already had to pay four thousand dollars in tax and campaign finance violations.

But it gets worse! She may have lied in court when she said she did not live with Hirsi, her current and kind-of husband while she was married to Elmi. Oh, this is bad and it couldn’t have happened to a better person.

But it gets worse for her. She talked about this crap on social media! They have her words. She said who she was with on Facebook and Twitter. She’s so stupid. I’m married to my brother (which is still up in the air right now) because I want to get him into this country but I have my real husband. I paid taxes based off my bro, but i’m living with someone else.

The fresh new face in Congress is about to get the crap slapped out of her.

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