Last week, Georgia passed a heartbeat bill, restricting abortion severely restricting abortions. On Tuesday, Alabama banned abortions including with pregnancies caused by rape and incest. Next week, Missouri is voting on their own anti-abortion bill. I guess we are going to talk about abortion.
The Laws
Some laws have been passed in a couple of states that are going to challenge Roe vs. Wade, the ruling that legalized abortion. The first law in known as the Heartbeat Bill in Georgia. This bill will ban abortion once the heartbeat of the fetus can be detected which can be as early as six weeks. Opponents of the bill are already threatening to take the state to court. The bill was signed by Gov. Brian Kemp. Anyone breaking the law would be subject to one to ten year prison sentence. The bill does not expressly say who would actually be prosecuted for abortions (whether it be the woman, the doctor or both) leaving many to speculate. Rape and incest victims are exempt from the law. This was the strongest anti-abortion bill in the United States. Until yesterday afternoon.
Yesterday, Gov. Kay Ivey of Alabama signed a bill that outlawed abortion outright. Even rape and incest are not exceptions. With this law, women would not be prosecuted for abortions, only the abortion doctors. The penalty for breaking the law could be up to 99 years in prison. Ivey said this bill will surely be challenged and the bill will probably be “unenforceable” in the short term. Expectations are that this will go all the way to the Supreme Court.
The media reaction is pretty much what we all would expect it to be. They’re hysterical. Tucker Carlson summed it up best on his show last night:
So everyone is righteously outraged. And when people get outraged on the Left, they don’t debate and do something about it. They go to Twitter and angry-Tweet about it. Bernie Sanders says:

I may be way off but murder has always been a crime. And the government doesn’t want to control the bodies of women. They don’t want women to kill the separate body that is growing within them. Finally, murder is a private decision and that’s illegal too.
Here’s one from Ilhan Omar:

She’s not exactly saying anything controversial or different from anyone else. I just want to point out that I have lived with a Muslim family. A very orthodox Muslim family. And, guess what? Muslims are also very against abortion. Just as much as Catholics or Jews.
Finally, we have the reaction of the intellectual powerhouse of the Left, AoC:

There’s a lot in this Tweet. That’s why she’s loved by the Left. She’s made women into victims, she demonized religion and she got it all wrong. No one is controlling women’s sexuality. Being held responsible isn’t controlling anything. People can go out and get birth control at any time. And, again, birth control is cheap. Finally, Religion doesn’t want to outlaw sex. They want their members to have sex and have children (within marriage). It’s in the vows during a religious wedding for Christ sake.
In the end, the media and the Left (but I repeat myself) are acting exactly like their expected. With outrage, victim hood and blame on religion and the patriarchy.
The Case Against Abortion
There are a bunch of reasons that seem to be always be used by the Left to justify abortion. Let’s go through them.
First, the baby is part of the woman’s body and, therefore, she can do what she wants with her own body. It’s as if the growing baby is like her appendix or something. I have heard a baby being referred to as “a glob of cells” and “a cancer”. This is the furthest from the truth. Even at conception. The newly conceived child a seperate and developing human being and not because the Bible says so. Science does.
During conception, the zygote already has the DNA of the mother and father but does not match either of them. In other words, the zygote is a separate being. We know this because of the discovery of test tube babies way back in 1978. The combined sperm of a man and with the ovum of a woman and let the conception happen for six days before the implanting of of the zygote into a woman. If you took a lung out of a woman, it would stop breathing. Why? Because it is part of a woman. But a fertilized ovum does not need the woman because it is independent of the woman. At two weeks, the zygote has a heart, though undetectable and organs and brain are developing. Buds for arms and legs appear. At six weeks, when most women discover they are pregnant, The baby has a detectable heartbeat, arms, legs, a brain (though still developing) and and internal organs. At thirteen weeks, the fetus has passed the miscarriage stage, has fingers and toes, starts to move a lot, has a formed brain and organs. At about 22 to 24 weeks, it is possible for it to survive outside the womb (though with much difficulty and risk). The child is separate and that has been acknowledge by every major medical association around the world.
Now, all this stuff is known. The Left, which is so into science when it comes to the environment, basically ignores science when it comes to biology so they can hold their narrative. This probably shouldn’t be too surprising since these are people who think men can be women and women can be men. Be this is more dangerous to abortion. Because if you buy the science, the same science that every major medical association in the world accepts, then there is no other arguments for abortion.
First, let’s talk about the reason abortion is legal today and that is from Roe versus Wade. The seven judges that ruled laws banning abortion were unconstitutional believed that the right to privacy (the fourteenth amendment) extended to the fetus/unborn child. The judges never considered the unborn child a separate and distinct human being but as an appendage to a woman. An appendage much like one’s appendix. If you accept that an unborn child is a separate human being, this is a horrid ruling. This law actually justifies the killing of babies outside the womb because of botched abortions and the killing of babies, not fetuses at this point but babies, while in the birth canal. Even liberal legal experts admit Roe versus Wade is a terrible ruling and will be overturned eventually.
The other really weak argument is that abortion is a Constitutional right. No kidding. Well, it’s not. No where in the Constitution mentions abortions. Bad argument. Going to move on.
Then there’s the argument of sentience. The unborn is not sentient so the baby is not human and I should be able to get rid of it. Crap argument. An unborn baby feels pain, reacts to stimulus and has brain activity. Because the baby can’t say, “Don’t kill me,” doesn’t mean it isn’t a human. Also, a thirty week fetus is as sentient as a five-day-old baby. I know this because my second daughter was born after thirty weeks. There are other people that don’t have sentience: people in a coma, people who have Alzheimer’s disease, people who sleep deeply. Can we kill them? Stupid argument. Moving on.
Finally, the worst and most horrific argument is the economic argument. This argument basically dismisses the life for money. What’s worse: it dismisses life for lifestyle. This argument ignores the fact the an unborn child is a child. It’s money that matters. But this brings up more and brutal arguments. I’m not ready for a child. The dad is not someone I’m not sure I should be with. I’m not sure I’ll be a good mother or he’ll be a good father. I haven’t finished school so I can’t accomplish my goals. This will ruin my career. These are all putting lifestyle above a human being. It’s disgusting. It’s lazy. It’s selfish. And all of these can be said after the baby is born. Can we kill it then?
Rape and Incest
I love when people justify abortion by bringing this up. I guarantee you that is you have an abortion debate, this will be the Left’s “gotcha” statement. And it’s so dumb.
Abortions from rape and incest make up less than 1% of abortions. Not even statistically relevant. Now, I have sympathy for these victims. I really do. As a matter of fact this really hung me up for a while. To the point maybe these people should have the opportunity to have an abortion. So I will tell someone, sure, let’s allow abortions abortions to rape and incest victims but ban them for everything else. Always crickets. The Left always uses the worst case scenarios when it comes to proving their point. And scenarios are really bad but also really rare.
But there’s a bigger point. Does a circumstance actually change a situation? Does the fact that a woman gets pregnant because of rape or incest change the fact that there is another human being in the picture. That’s a tough call. But here’s the thing, something I learned in school: it may not be my fault but it’s my responsibility. I had to deal with that with my divorce. I had to deal with that when my son died.
Here’s the thing: sometimes stuff is going to happen to us that we have to carry for the rest of our lives. It’s not our fault. We didn’t deserve it. But it is now our responsibility to deal with it and embrace the responsibility.
Or not. If someone called me and said she got pregnant because she was raped and she didn’t want the baby, I would hug her. Not debate her. And support her.
So What Happens Now
Probably not a lot.
All these cases are going to be challenged in the courts. Those courts are going to make their decisions. Then it will go to the Supreme Court.
The Alabama Law is going to be a big question mark. It’s a pretty extreme law and may not be accepted by the more moderate conservatives justices. Those being John Roberts and Brett Kavanaugh. These two respect the Constitution but also respect past Supreme Court precedence, no matter how crappy it is.
This is what I think is going to happen. I think the Alabama law is going to be struck down by lower courts. When it gets to the Supreme Court, those two justices are not going to be comfortable with going against precedence and will not want to hear the case. That would make it six-to-three. Anti-abortion loses.
Where things get interesting is with the proposed Missouri law. That one, it’s not out yet, is more restrictive than the Georgia law but more flexible than the Alabama law. This one will also be challenged and struck down by the lower courts. But I believe the Supreme Court will hear this case. It will strike down portions of it but will agree to other portions.
In the end, abortion laws will be stricter in the states that desire so. Unfortunately, abortion will flourish in the states that wish to keep it and loosen restrictions. It’s just sad that states like New York and California can’t seem to follow the science and find the morality to do the right thing.
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