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The Abortion Debate Takes the Stand

Last week, Georgia passed a heartbeat bill, restricting abortion severely restricting abortions. On Tuesday, Alabama banned abortions including with pregnancies caused by rape and incest. Next week, Missouri is voting on their own anti-abortion bill. I guess we are going to talk about abortion.

The Laws

Some laws have been passed in a couple of states that are going to challenge Roe vs. Wade, the ruling that legalized abortion. The first law in known as the Heartbeat Bill in Georgia. This bill will ban abortion once the heartbeat of the fetus can be detected which can be as early as six weeks. Opponents of the bill are already threatening to take the state to court. The bill was signed by Gov. Brian Kemp. Anyone breaking the law would be subject to one to ten year prison sentence. The bill does not expressly say who would actually be prosecuted for abortions (whether it be the woman, the doctor or both) leaving many to speculate. Rape and incest victims are exempt from the law. This was the strongest anti-abortion bill in the United States. Until yesterday afternoon.

Yesterday, Gov. Kay Ivey of Alabama signed a bill that outlawed abortion outright. Even rape and incest are not exceptions. With this law, women would not be prosecuted for abortions, only the abortion doctors. The penalty for breaking the law could be up to 99 years in prison. Ivey said this bill will surely be challenged and the bill will probably be “unenforceable” in the short term. Expectations are that this will go all the way to the Supreme Court.


The media reaction is pretty much what we all would expect it to be. They’re hysterical. Tucker Carlson summed it up best on his show last night:

So everyone is righteously outraged. And when people get outraged on the Left, they don’t debate and do something about it. They go to Twitter and angry-Tweet about it. Bernie Sanders says:

I may be way off but murder has always been a crime. And the government doesn’t want to control the bodies of women. They don’t want women to kill the separate body that is growing within them. Finally, murder is a private decision and that’s illegal too.

Here’s one from Ilhan Omar:

She’s not exactly saying anything controversial or different from anyone else. I just want to point out that I have lived with a Muslim family. A very orthodox Muslim family. And, guess what? Muslims are also very against abortion. Just as much as Catholics or Jews.

Finally, we have the reaction of the intellectual powerhouse of the Left, AoC:

There’s a lot in this Tweet. That’s why she’s loved by the Left. She’s made women into victims, she demonized religion and she got it all wrong. No one is controlling women’s sexuality. Being held responsible isn’t controlling anything. People can go out and get birth control at any time. And, again, birth control is cheap. Finally, Religion doesn’t want to outlaw sex. They want their members to have sex and have children (within marriage). It’s in the vows during a religious wedding for Christ sake.

In the end, the media and the Left (but I repeat myself) are acting exactly like their expected. With outrage, victim hood and blame on religion and the patriarchy.

The Case Against Abortion

There are a bunch of reasons that seem to be always be used by the Left to justify abortion. Let’s go through them.

First, the baby is part of the woman’s body and, therefore, she can do what she wants with her own body. It’s as if the growing baby is like her appendix or something. I have heard a baby being referred to as “a glob of cells” and “a cancer”. This is the furthest from the truth. Even at conception. The newly conceived child a seperate and developing human being and not because the Bible says so. Science does.

During conception, the zygote already has the DNA of the mother and father but does not match either of them. In other words, the zygote is a separate being. We know this because of the discovery of test tube babies way back in 1978. The combined sperm of a man and with the ovum of a woman and let the conception happen for six days before the implanting of of the zygote into a woman. If you took a lung out of a woman, it would stop breathing. Why? Because it is part of a woman. But a fertilized ovum does not need the woman because it is independent of the woman. At two weeks, the zygote has a heart, though undetectable and organs and brain are developing. Buds for arms and legs appear. At six weeks, when most women discover they are pregnant, The baby has a detectable heartbeat, arms, legs, a brain (though still developing) and and internal organs. At thirteen weeks, the fetus has passed the miscarriage stage, has fingers and toes, starts to move a lot, has a formed brain and organs. At about 22 to 24 weeks, it is possible for it to survive outside the womb (though with much difficulty and risk). The child is separate and that has been acknowledge by every major medical association around the world.

Now, all this stuff is known. The Left, which is so into science when it comes to the environment, basically ignores science when it comes to biology so they can hold their narrative. This probably shouldn’t be too surprising since these are people who think men can be women and women can be men. Be this is more dangerous to abortion. Because if you buy the science, the same science that every major medical association in the world accepts, then there is no other arguments for abortion.

First, let’s talk about the reason abortion is legal today and that is from Roe versus Wade. The seven judges that ruled laws banning abortion were unconstitutional believed that the right to privacy (the fourteenth amendment) extended to the fetus/unborn child. The judges never considered the unborn child a separate and distinct human being but as an appendage to a woman. An appendage much like one’s appendix. If you accept that an unborn child is a separate human being, this is a horrid ruling. This law actually justifies the killing of babies outside the womb because of botched abortions and the killing of babies, not fetuses at this point but babies, while in the birth canal. Even liberal legal experts admit Roe versus Wade is a terrible ruling and will be overturned eventually.

The other really weak argument is that abortion is a Constitutional right. No kidding. Well, it’s not. No where in the Constitution mentions abortions. Bad argument. Going to move on.

Then there’s the argument of sentience. The unborn is not sentient so the baby is not human and I should be able to get rid of it. Crap argument. An unborn baby feels pain, reacts to stimulus and has brain activity. Because the baby can’t say, “Don’t kill me,” doesn’t mean it isn’t a human. Also, a thirty week fetus is as sentient as a five-day-old baby. I know this because my second daughter was born after thirty weeks. There are other people that don’t have sentience: people in a coma, people who have Alzheimer’s disease, people who sleep deeply. Can we kill them? Stupid argument. Moving on.

Finally, the worst and most horrific argument is the economic argument. This argument basically dismisses the life for money. What’s worse: it dismisses life for lifestyle. This argument ignores the fact the an unborn child is a child. It’s money that matters. But this brings up more and brutal arguments. I’m not ready for a child. The dad is not someone I’m not sure I should be with. I’m not sure I’ll be a good mother or he’ll be a good father. I haven’t finished school so I can’t accomplish my goals. This will ruin my career. These are all putting lifestyle above a human being. It’s disgusting. It’s lazy. It’s selfish. And all of these can be said after the baby is born. Can we kill it then?

Rape and Incest

I love when people justify abortion by bringing this up. I guarantee you that is you have an abortion debate, this will be the Left’s “gotcha” statement. And it’s so dumb.

Abortions from rape and incest make up less than 1% of abortions. Not even statistically relevant. Now, I have sympathy for these victims. I really do. As a matter of fact this really hung me up for a while. To the point maybe these people should have the opportunity to have an abortion. So I will tell someone, sure, let’s allow abortions abortions to rape and incest victims but ban them for everything else. Always crickets. The Left always uses the worst case scenarios when it comes to proving their point. And scenarios are really bad but also really rare.

But there’s a bigger point. Does a circumstance actually change a situation? Does the fact that a woman gets pregnant because of rape or incest change the fact that there is another human being in the picture. That’s a tough call. But here’s the thing, something I learned in school: it may not be my fault but it’s my responsibility. I had to deal with that with my divorce. I had to deal with that when my son died.

Here’s the thing: sometimes stuff is going to happen to us that we have to carry for the rest of our lives. It’s not our fault. We didn’t deserve it. But it is now our responsibility to deal with it and embrace the responsibility.

Or not. If someone called me and said she got pregnant because she was raped and she didn’t want the baby, I would hug her. Not debate her. And support her.

So What Happens Now

Probably not a lot.

All these cases are going to be challenged in the courts. Those courts are going to make their decisions. Then it will go to the Supreme Court.

The Alabama Law is going to be a big question mark. It’s a pretty extreme law and may not be accepted by the more moderate conservatives justices. Those being John Roberts and Brett Kavanaugh. These two respect the Constitution but also respect past Supreme Court precedence, no matter how crappy it is.

This is what I think is going to happen. I think the Alabama law is going to be struck down by lower courts. When it gets to the Supreme Court, those two justices are not going to be comfortable with going against precedence and will not want to hear the case. That would make it six-to-three. Anti-abortion loses.

Where things get interesting is with the proposed Missouri law. That one, it’s not out yet, is more restrictive than the Georgia law but more flexible than the Alabama law. This one will also be challenged and struck down by the lower courts. But I believe the Supreme Court will hear this case. It will strike down portions of it but will agree to other portions.

In the end, abortion laws will be stricter in the states that desire so. Unfortunately, abortion will flourish in the states that wish to keep it and loosen restrictions. It’s just sad that states like New York and California can’t seem to follow the science and find the morality to do the right thing.

Follow me on Twitter @RunninFewl
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The Clash of Imbeciles

Trump asserts executive privilege over the Mueller Report while William Barr gets held in contempt. Some of Trump’s tax returns get released and, for some reason, the media is surprised. And the most important story of the week that has been virtually ignore.

William Barr in Contempt

The stupid continues. I guess there must not be anything else happening in the world or in this country.

Oh, yeah. There is. But we are still going to focus on the non-crime.

Last week, Attorney General William Barr refused to testify in front of the House Judiciary committee last week over the format of the interview. Rep. Nadler (D.-NY), the chair, then requested the Mueller Report fully un-redacted. That includes Grand Jury testimony, information hidden for national security and information to protect witnesses. In all, less than 10% of the report was redacted.

Of course Barr is not going to do that. He can’t. What was redacted is required to be redacted by law. But that did not stop Nadler for threatening Barr with a Contempt of Congress charge. Barr went to Trump and requested he assert Executive Privilege to block Congress’ attempt to find Barr in contempt. And that’s what Trump did this morning.

But that didn’t stop Congress. The Judiciary Committee voted to find Barr in contempt. It will now go to the rest of Congress where the Democrats have a majority.

So what does this mean? Executive Privilege is actually a very vague term. That’s why it is not used very often. Basically, it protects the President in a few ways. Attorney client privilege and state secrets fall under the act. Also, conversations between advisers and foreign countries is protected. But we really don’t know if this is protected because we don’t know what is in the redacted portions of the report.

It is also unclear what will happen with the contempt charge. Barr never lied and the redactions were not done on his own or with the President. Mueller and Rosenstein, no fans of the President, had input on what was to be redacted. So did the FBI, CIA and other agencies. The redactions are legitimate.

This whole thing is going to end up in court. And it is a waste of time and money. There’s nothing going to be in the hidden material that is going to change the overall findings in the report. Dems are just wasting time because they have no other leads to impeachment.

But they are doing exactly what everyone thought they would do: Finding any way to keep the narrative alive. Listen, Trump wasn’t perfect. There’s a lot of embarrassing stuff in that report. But Barr didn’t hide anything except what was mandated by the law.

Absolutely nothing is going to come of this.

The Leaks Continue

I’m not sure what’s worse: the fact that Donald Trump lost a lot of money in the 1980s or that the media is so contemptible that they violate the privacy of another American citizen.

The New York Times released an article, declaring that they had the 1040 tax returns of Donald Trump from the year 1985 to 1994. In those tax returns, Trumps businesses had lost $1.7 billion in that decade. The media is absolutely amazed by this. And they are really being vicious about it.

This reaction from the media is probably half the reason Trump doesn’t want to and shouldn’t release his tax records. No matter what is in them, he is going to get blasted. If he makes money, he is part of the 1% and a bad man and shouldn’t be President. If he loses money, which is what we have here, he is incompetent and shouldn’t be President. If he is not worth as much as people thing, the media will just make fun of him. It’s a no win situation.

The media and the democrats keep saying they want to see his tax records because they want to make sure he has not done anything illegal, mind you, without any evidence. Of course, that is a stupid reason to want to see them. It is not the job of Congress to see if Trump broke any laws. That’s the job of the IRS. And Trump has been in business since the 1970s and has never been in trouble with the IRS. So all this is is a way for Democrats to look for more dirt so they can dig up another reason for impeachment.

I’m also a little surprised by everyone being shocked that Trump lost money in the 1980s and 90s. I knew that he lost a lot of money throughout his career. He went bankrupt four times. Everyone knew this. Trump, himself, said he had lost a lot of money. This was all public record. But he media and the Democrats act like this is some big huge surprise. His financial distresses were the reason I did not vote for him in 2016. I was sure his cowboy-style business sense would translate well when running our economy.

I really don’t care if Trump releases his taxes. I don’t think it would be a bad thing because it would be nice to know as much as possible about the country’s President. But I would vote for him in 2020 anyway. I think the reason that Trump is not releasing his tax records is, not because he is doing anything shady, but because of ego. I have a feeling he is not as rich as he makes himself to be. That’s important to Trump. It’s part of the image he has tried to establish for decades.

But I don’t blame him for not releasing them. Look at the mockery he received with the little information.

The Real Story of the Week

It looks like the trade war with China is picking up steam.

The President raised existing tariffs on $250 billion worth of Chinese goods to 25% percent across the board, up from 10% in most cases, and began the process of placing 25% tariffs on a further $325 billion worth of goods. The idea is to even the playing field with China, which has taken advantage of our current trade deals.

For the last couple of days, the Chinese and United States have been negotiating a way to end the trade war. Some assume that the new round of tariffs are to force the Chinese to work harder during the negotiating. But, if that’s the case, it backfired. Chine responded by saying they “deeply regret” the U.S. move and would respond.

President Trump went to Twitter to give his two cents:

So, apparently, Trump is not afraid of going to the mattresses with China. And I can see why. China’s economy is not as strong as ours by any stretch of the imagination. When the United States struggled during the Great Recession at the end of the George Bush term in 2009, China economy fell into a depression. See, the United States is the biggest importer from China. When we are in recession, their economy suffers exponentially. Trump’s thought is, if we use tariffs, we will raise prices on Chinese products, forcing U.S. business and citizens to buy American. This could work but there are still some risks.

First off, tariffs are not as great as President Trump makes them sound. In fact, one could say they are just a tax on all except the industry that it benefits. Let me give you an example. I own a business that builds widgets. Each widget needs a pound of steel. The United States sells steel for $10 a pound but China sells it for $5 a pound. Trump puts a tariff, raising Chinese steel to $15 a pound. Now I have a choice. Do I pay $10 a pound and pass the extra cost onto those who buy my widgets or do I move my factory to Mexico where there are no tariffs and I can get my steel for $5 a pound? Harley Davidson was faced with the same issue. When Trump put a tariff on steel from Canada, Mexico and the EU, Harley Davidson moved their factory to Europe. And Trump was pissed.

The other problem is that China owns 28% of our nation debt, which is never a good thing. We owe China $4.01 trillion of our $22 trillion. That’s a mighty chunk of change. I’d be a little wary to tick off the country that we owe so much money to.

I would rather see Trump fix us instead of attacking China. We need to make our industry stronger and more competitive. First, kill unions. Unions are driving wages way above the value of the work being done and the additional costs are being passed on to the customer. Unions had their place when kids were losing their hand in machines but they have lost their value and have become too powerful.

Next, lower taxes on manufacturers. The less that manufacturers have to pay in taxes, the less it costs to make the product. That leads to reinvestment into the company which leads to jobs. It also lowers the cost of the product. With that, ease unnecessary regulations. Regulations cost businesses money to maintain compliance and some of the things they have to do are really unnecessary.

Along the lines of regulation, let the business control the cost of their labor. Raising minimum wage is a terrible idea. One philosophy of economics I learned in college is that, in a free market system, the worker cannot work for what they’re worth. I can’t remember who said that. But the idea is business will pay a worker a fair wage, which is based on the market. If a business tries to underpay their workers, they will either get a lower quality worker or no workers at all. It’s in the business’ best interest to pay an employee a fair wage. Government shouldn’t be making this determination.

Finally, the United States need to control the debt. And, by that, I mean our real debt. I mentioned this before, but our debt is actually in the vicinity of between $70 and $80 trillion. That’s due to college debt, social security medicare and other expenses. How do we control our debt? Stop spending, especially on programs that just hand money to people. It’s stupid and we will pay for it in the future. I’d hate to see us end up like Greece one day.

Well that was far more on the trade war with China than I thought I would actually right. But it is an important issue.

Follow me on Twitter @RunninFewl





The Bad and the Stupid

Israel and Hamas declare a cease fire after Hamas launches a huge missile attack. The United States sends an aircraft carrier to the Middle East. Venezuela mulls asking for military support from the United States. And the Left continues to have their priorities all lined up.

Cease Fire Declared

This weekend, brutal fighting has occurred between Israel and the terrorist organization Hamas. In all, Hamas fired 640 missiles, 320 hitting their targets. Four Israelis were killed.

In response, Israel continued it’s policy of “targeted killing” of militant leaders and launched attacks on hundred of targets. It was reported that 24 Palestinians were killed including civilians. One killed was a terrorist who transferred money between the terrorists and Iran.

Egyptian mediators finally negotiated a cease fire between Hamas and Israel. Many Israelis are not happy about this. They believe any cease fire just allows Hamas to recover and regroup. Many believe not enough is being done to eradicate Hamas and other terrorist organizations within the Gaza Strip.

Benjamin Netanyahu refused to confirm the cease fire and has said that operations are ongoing saying, “The campaign is not over and requires patience. We are preparing to continue.”

Israel has been under constant attack by these animals on the Gaza Strip. Of course the media and the Left put the blame squarely on Israel. Israel did not start this weekends violence and their response, though massive, targeted terrorists and their infrastructure including bases, communication centers and weapon depots.

The Palestinians made it clear that a bunch of civilians were killed including two pregnant women, two babies and a toddler. I kind of doubt that. Hamas has been saying that Israel has been killing innocents for years. They do that to stir sympathy from the West. And it works. Especially the the anti-Semitic members of Congress. Look at what the genius Ilhan Omar said:

As usual, she forgot to mention that the Palestinians started it by lobbing nearly 700 missiles this weekend. But she hates Israel and all Jews, so her reaction is hardly surprising. Then there is this genius, Rashida Talib:

Well, I’ll answer her first question: When Hamas decides to get out of the Gaza Strip. The reality is it is Hamas that is suppressing the Palestinians, not the Israelis. In fact, Muslims in Israel are treated with respect and have the same freedoms that the Jewish population has. So this is a stupid statement.

We’ll have to see what happens over the next few days and see if this cease fire holds. But Israel has the right to defend itself and I think they have showed great restraint.

Speak Quietly and Carry a Big Stick

The U.S. is sending an aircraft carrier strike group and bomber task force to the Middle East because of intelligence information about Iran planning attacks on U.S. interests and forces in the area.

The National Security Adviser, John Bolton said the deployments are meant to, “send a clear unmistakable message to the Iranian regime that any attack on the United States interests or those of our allies will be met with unrelenting force.”

The force was already being deployed to the area but the deployment was being expedited.

So that’s awesome. But, at least, we have an administration who will confront terror threats with the threat of force. Iran is run by a bunch of cowards. They won’t face the United States directly. You know why? Because they’d get their butts kick and they know it. So, like a fly to a gorilla, the buzz around and annoy us. They perform cowardly terror attacks with their weak-minded followers. The wage war through other countries like they are doing on the Gaza Strip and in Yemen. They are a terrible country that wants to rule the world.

That’s what make Talib’s and Omar’s Tweets so galling. They keep telling us the United States is the terror state while ignoring the actions and continually supporting regimes like these. Well, the President doesn’t give a damn what they think. He hardly even acknowledges the opinions of these idiots.

In the end, we need condemn and show our power. The United States does not have a lot of friends, especially within the country itself. Heck, we have politicians who run with the promise to make the country better but, in the next breath, say they hate it or have allegiances to other countries. It’s good to see that this country is taking a stand against all that threaten our well-being.


Last week, the people of Venezuela, headed by the president-elect Juan Guaido, started their quest for overthrowing the evil socialist dictator,
Nicolás Maduro. Hundreds of thousands of people took to the street to take back their government.

Guaido, who is seen as the legitimate president by over 50 countries including the United States, was backed further by some defections from the military and Maduro’s government. According to the U.S., Maduro was ready to leave to country for Cuba but was convinced to stay by Vladimir Putin.

This is going to be a very dangerous time for Guaido and other dissidents. Though there were some defections, there were not a lot. Guaido needs the help of the military since the population has been disarmed by the Chavez regime. His people are going up against armed soldiers and tanks. If this uprising fails to be successful, they never have another chance again. Guaido must know this because he has requested military assistance from the United States.

Though all options are on the table for how to help Guaido, the administration has always been a little gun shy when it comes to using the military. Wars may be popular when they start but people get tired of dealing with if the war goes on for too long. Also, whenever we enter a war it always ends up being our responsibility to clean up the mess. That includes helping the country rebuild the government, infrastructure and military. We are at $22 trillion in debt and really can’t afford the extra expenses. Another problem is Juan Guaido himself. He’s to a right wing capitalist. He’s also a socialist. I’m not sure replacing a socialist dictator with another socialist is a recipe for going through this whole thing again in another ten years.

There are reasons to to help, though. The first is the humanitarian crisis down there. People are dying of sickness, starvation and crime. The average Venezuelan has lost 24 pounds. Maduro is also dealing with other Evil regimes like Cuba, Russia and Iran. We should not want those countries involved with any country within the hemisphere. Finally, Venezuela was a rich country until Hugo Chavez got his claws into it. Helping that country could be very good for trade. That is, if we can stomach a socialist as president.

But, only time will tell. The uprising has been going for a week. People have died. Maduro is in hiding. And the people keep filling the streets.

Mueller Report

So, we have Israel being bombed, Iran threatening us to the point of sending the military and people in Venezuela, apparently sick of eating dogs, have decided to overthrow the illegitimate socialist dictator.

So what are we talking about here? Take a look:

Thanks to Foxnews!

This is such an unnecessary story and the Dems behavior has just become asinine. I have been avoiding this whole thing because it is just so stupid. Hell, I’m not even going to waste a lot of time on it now. Here’s the story in only a few lines.

  1. Mueller got more than two years investigating Trump.
  2. Mueller have the report to Attorney General William Barr.
  3. Barr wrote a four page summary. He asked Mueller to read it and Mueller said, “No”.
  4. Mueller wrote a letter saying he wanted Barr to release the two executive summaries from the report. Barr said, “No,” because he was going to release the entire report.
  5. Barr read his summary.
  6. Two weeks later, Barr releases the report with less than 10% redaction. He leaves an un-redacted report with Congress (no one read it).
  7. He appears in front of Congress and the Dems accuse him of lying and not being transparent.
  8. Now, he’s being threatened with jail.

What the hell?? This has been the most transparent process in political history. How was he lying about his summary or about the Mueller letter if he released the report? How is he a lackey for a guilty President if he released the report? How is covering up the guilt of the President when he… wait for it… released the report?!

This is just stupid. I mean, a congressman showed up with a glass chicken and a bucket of KFC as a metaphor that Barr is scared to be interviewed by the House. Look at this:

What a frigging joke. If it weren’t for the fact they could damage the fantastic and honorable career of a two-time Attorney General, I’d laugh.

Listen, this whole thing is just deflection. The Left is in trouble. Trump was spied on. The FBI showed political bias during the Trump and Clinton investigation and he’s investigating it. The FISA court is being investigated. That means the Obama White House probably started the investigation. Of course we’ll know next month when the Horowitz investigation is completed. Pretty sure that report will be release too.

That’s all I have to say about that. This is real Deep State crap.

Follow me on Twitter @RunninFewl






News Can Be Fun!

Dan Crenshaw scorches a heckler at a TPUSA event. There’s some scratching being done at the Coachella Music Festival. Drug dealing is for the birds in Brazil. And new San Francisco 49er, Dre Greenlaw, reeks of toxic masculinity and there is a woman out there that’s thrilled about it. Let’s have some fun with the news today!

Crenshaw Rocks

Dan Crenshaw, a Republican congressman from Texas, has had quite a life. He was a Navy Seal for 10 years, served in Afghanistan where he lost his eye to an improvised explosive device and was heavily decorated. On a whim, he decided to run for congress and won. You can imagine, after the experiences he has had in his life, he doesn’t take a lot of guff. Especially from some privileged, snot-nosed college brat. Well, at a Turning Point USA conference, he proved just that:

Crenshaw has always been really laid back when it comes to getting razzed by people. He just takes it in stride and doesn’t let anything bother him. Probably has something to do with the hard work becoming a Navy SEAL, experiencing the terror of war and losing his eye, and almost his life, while serving. Little things like getting called a Nazi by a college kid probably ain’t going to phase this guy much.

This isn’t the first time he had to put up with garbage and he handled it like a true gentleman. When SNL’s Pete Davidson dismissed his war injury as, “getting blown up or something,” the outrage against Davidson was brutal. Crenshaw took it in stride. Annoyed that his service and the service of all his comrades was dismissed but it didn’t matter much. When SNL invited Crenshaw to join Davidson for a skit so Davidson could apologize, he graciously accepted. Not only was the skit funny (funniest that SNL has had in a long time) the apology and Crenshaw’s speech at the end was touching. Watch:


This is a good guy. He’s what people should be like. This is the man who should get the attention instead of garbage like Ilhan Omar or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. He doesn’t take life too seriously. Heck, this is a guy who showed off his Capt. America glass eye.

But he knows what’s important. And he thinks he can make a difference. Don’t be too surprised if he ends up being a Presidential candidate in the near future.


This story really got me curious because I live in San Diego and love music. The Coachella Music Festival always sounded like a good time. But, every time I mentioned it to someone, I got the same answer. Don’t do, it’s very sketchy. Well, this story pretty much proves that point.

Apparently, there’s an app that you can download called HerpAlert. This app will allow the user to report the disease. Once reported, the app will assign you to a doctor to get checked for a low price. The app with then log the recorded case and keep statistics. Apparently, the area with the Coachella Music Festival has seen a little bump in cases reported: 250 reported cases per day! At most, an area may have 12 cases reported per day. Before this, the most cases were reported in Los Angeles the day after the Oscars (there’s a shock). That was only 60 a day.

Apparently, they must play a lot of Al Green at the Coachella Music Festival.

This Ain’t No Stool Pigeon

In Brazil, police went to raid the house of suspected drug dealers. But their pet bird started screaming, “Mama, police” alerting the dealers. It did little good, the police caught a man and a teenage girl. They also recovered several bags of crack cocaine. The bird can be seen below at the police station.


There are some who doubt the story though. Apparently the bird has been silent since being picked up. A veterinarian also said that the police have walked by the house many times and the bird said nothing. The bird will be sent to the local zoo and be trained to fly

This may be a shock but it is not the first time animal-alert systems have been used. In Columbia, a parrot was taken in for screaming, “Run, run” when the police approached another home suspected in drug dealing.

What It Is to Be a Man- And It Ain’t Toxic

This is a great story. Dre Greenlaw was picked 148th overall by the San Francisco 49ers. He played for the Arkansas Razorbacks and had a pretty decent career playing linebacker.

But that’s not the story.

Greenlaw was at a party where alcohol was being served. He was under age at the time and probably shouldn’t have been there, but there are a couple of people who are glad he was. A girl was drinking and a stranger spiked her drink. She became incapacitated. As the stranger was leading her out of the house, Greenlaw blocked his way and told the man, “She’s not going anywhere.”

The appreciative father posted this on Twitter after Greenlaw was drafted:

This is an awesome story and shows what true masculinity is. You can bet I will be following this kids career and rooting for him.

Follow me on Twitter @RunninFewl








Another senseless shooting at a synagogue on the last day of Passover in Poway, California. Attorney General William Barr might refuse to testify in front of Congress while the Left cannot get away from their dead narrative. And a sad, heroic story that should inspire all of us to be more selfless.

Chabad of Poway

A man entered the Chabad of Poway on Saturday as the congregation was celebrating the last day of Password. The man, who I will not identify because he deserves to be forgotten, walked into the synagogue at about 11:30 AM and started cursing and firing with a rifle. One woman was killed and three were injured.

The suspect was a nineteen year old man. He had a history of racist behavior and had threatened. Reportedly, he had said on 8chan, an alt-Right website, that he wanted to live stream a mass shooting like the nutjob at Christchurch in New Zealand. He is also being looked at as a suspect at another synagogue. There, someone attempted to burn down that synagogue. It is nine miles from Chabad of Poway.

The shooter was confronted by an unarmed war vet, Oscar Stewart, dropping his gun and running out of the synagogue. Stewart continued to chase but the shooter locked himself in his car. Stewart continue pounding on the car, trying to get in when the shooter grabbed another rifle. At this point, an off-duty border patrol agent was given a gun and yelled for Stewart to get down. He started shooting at the car.

The shooter drove away. But as he was driving, a police officer, called to the scene, recognized the suspects car and pulled him over. The suspect got out of the car, hands in the air, and surrendered peacefully.

I hate to get political but I’m going to anyway. The reason I am going to politicize this because it shouldn’t be politicized at all. People always take a tragedy, from both sides of the aisle, take the tragedy and make it part of their narrative. The Left will say this proves that we need gun control and that we are a country of white supremacy. The Right will point to the armed border patrol agent and say that guns prevented more deaths. Those are narratives. They twist facts. And, you know what, they don’t bring back the dead person.

What should be done here is mourning the fact that places of worship now have to worry about being vulnerable to attack. We should be mourning the dead woman and praying for the injured. We should be celebrating Oscar Stewart and the unidentified Border Patrol agents for the heroes they are. Without them, this could have been a lot worse.

But what really pisses me off is the initial reactions of our “fresh faces” in congress. The irony is almost intolerable. Let’s take a look from the Tweet from Ilhan Omar:

That’s rich! This woman couldn’t care less about those people being attacked. She hates Jews and is very sympathetic to to terrorists. She does not see a difference between Al-Qaeda and the U.S. military. She refers to the biggest radical Islamist attack on U.S. soil as “some people did some things.” She says the Jews have mesmerized the world. She thinks the Jews are buying political allies. Oh, there’s more. She’s a terrible human being and hates Jews. Period.

Then there was the intellectual democratic socialist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She had no trouble Tweeting this:

She’s disgusting for a few reasons. Again, she doesn’t give a damn that someone was killed. She’s just happy it was a white supremacist that did it. If she really gave a damn about peace and human life, she would have said something about the Muslim terrorists that killed over 300 Christians on Easter in Sri Lanka.

But she goes for more than the love and peace BS. She brings up the HR8 bill. That’s the bill the requires background checks for all gun sales. It’s a worthless bill. There are universal background checks! She’s bringing this crap up before we even know what weapon he used or how he got it. But details aren’t important. And she’ll spin them if they do not turn out to meet her narrative.

I just wish this stuff would stop happening.

Will This Thing Just Go Away?

The Senate Democrats and Bill Barr are going at it again.

Barr is supposed to testify in front of congress on Thursday. About what who knows? Barr said he would honor the request even though he has nothing factual he can even testify about. But Jerry Nadler, the Dem that really wants to impeach Trump, decided to throw a curve ball and wants to change the format of the interview. Instead of the congresspeople asking questions of Barr, Nadler wants to allow the support staff from the congressmen to be able to ask questions of Barr, not just the congressmen themselves.

Now, this is not wholly unprecedented. You will remember the the Republicans hired a prosecuting attorney to interview Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who accused Matt Kavanaugh of rape. They did this because she would know how to interview a victim and would have the expertise to determine Kavanaugh’s innocence or guilt.

But things are different here. Barr does not want to have a bunch of lawyers interview him and said he would not show up if Nadler’s format is used.

But this is more than just another investigation. This just shows how much the Left cannot let this whole thing go. Collusion has been the narrative for over two years and, in just a week, it has been destroyed. But the Left does not have any new narrative and have not clue where to go with this. So they keep this up. The narrative of collusion and obstruction is still alive and well and it is still being used as an excuse for impeachment.

Listen to Adam Schiff while being interviewed on the Bill Maher show:

There are two parts to this interview that are important to point out. First, everything Schiff said was wrong. The Trump campaign had nothing to do with Russia. They even put sanctions on Russia when it was confirmed that Russia did hack and try to influence the elections. They did not “build” the Russian influence into the campaign, lie, cover up or obstruct. It’s in the report. Schiff is changing what is in the report to keep his narrative alive (albeit on life support).

But what’s interesting is what he leaves out. When all this stuff was supposedly happening, President Trump was not elected! All this that was supposedly done was while Obama was the President. Trump had no power to control anything. It was the Obama administration that did not do anything until Hilary lost the election.

But that’s not the real story here and Democrats don’t realize that Maher’s opinion is the opinion of most American’s including Democrats and Independents. People got the answers and want to move on. Now, it just looks like Trump is being harassed and “stalked”. It’s going to be a real turn off for regular voters. Because, here’s the reality: The far Left is a minority still. They are not going to be the majority by the next election or even the election after. Though they want impeachment, collusion and obstruction to be the narrative, most people from both sides don’t. We got Mueller’s report, we got the answers and people want to move on.

This stuff ain’t going to play well for the Democrats in 2020 if they try keeping all this up for the next year and a half. Let’s hope they do!


Dana Scatton and her newborn baby, Aries.

This is a sad story but one that must be celebrated. There is so much cynicism and narcissism is the world today that when we see an act of selflessness even when that person faces death.

Dana Scatton was 17 years old and pregnant. She belongs to a Christian family so abortion was not an option. Seven months into her pregnancy, it was discovered she had a cancerous brain tumor. The tumor was, most likely, terminal. She was given the option to extend her life by going through radiation. But she refused because the treatment would, most likely, harm her baby.

In January, a few days before her 18th birthday, she gave birth to a healthy baby girl name Aries.

Dana died today. Her family left the following post on Facebook:

This morning shortly before 4am, Dana left us to be with the lord.
We may never have the right things to say to truly honor the amazing,
smart, loving, caring, passionate, incredibly beautiful and free spirited mother, daughter, niece, sister, cousin, friend and independent woman Dana was every day.

(She) inspired us all to be better than who we are and to keep God in our focus at every moment
She faced the greatest fear of all, death, and smiled back with a grin only God can instill. She fought harder than the toughest warriors known to man and did it with grace and valor.

The post ended the Dana’s favorite Biblical quote from Isiah 41:10:

So do not fear, for I am your God;

Do not be dismayed, for I am with you,

I will strengthen you and help you;

I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

This is a very sad story. But it is also a very happy one. Her strength and courage guaranteed that her memory to live on through the life of that beautiful little girl.

Follow me on Twitter @RunninFewl






The Economy Keeps Rolling On!

Today was a busy day. We got some really good news about our economy and some kind of scary news. The warning is coming about our economy. New York has finally found the solution for climate.

The Economy

There’s good news and bad news about the economy. The good news is we had 3.2% GDP for the first quarter of 2019. The Gross Domestic Product measures the value of economic activity within a country. Strictly defined,GDP is the sum of the market values, or prices, of all final goods and services produced in an economy during a period of time (Sparknotes.com). This is huge. Right now, the Trump economy is averaging over 3% for each of the two years of his presidency. To make a comparison, Barack Obama never averaged 3% and I’m not sure his economy even reached 3%.

Now one of the big arguments is that this growth is was from the repairs that Barack Obama made when he took office. He did inherit a crappy economy (he told us every chance he could) and the economy could only go up. It did but very slowly. Usually between 1.5% and 2.5%. This didn’t even keep up with inflation. The thought that the economy is flying because of Obama is horse-pucky. Trump made active changes to the economy including lowering taxes and eliminating regulations that allowed for job growth. His America first attitude also encouraged people to buy American and he has been re-writing trade deal with Mexico and Canada along with going into a trade war with China (though I still hate tariffs).

That’s the good news. But there is some bad news. We are heading toward a debt cliff. We all know that our national debt is at about $21 trillion dollars. But, according to an article on TheHill.com by Shiva Rajgopal, the real national debt is between $70 and $80 trillion. That’s because nanny state programs like social security, Medicade, Medicare and student loans are not calculated in the national debt we know. This is bad. That needs to be paid back.

I cannot remember the last President, including Reagan and Trump, that has taken spending seriously. Trump’s spending is very high also. We need to start becoming fiscally responsible before we end up like Greece did a few years ago. It will change everything about this country.

New York Does It Again

Hey, New York is really trying to embrace this Green New Deal thing. You know, that garbage program that was dreamed up by that hot but really dumb congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Bill “Einstein” de Blasio decided to ban any processed meat including sausage and hot dogs.

No kidding.

They have already banned bags, straws and soda. They are losing almost 200 people a day because of the highest taxes in the country and the heaviest regulations, choking off business. They are planning to ban buildings made of steel and glass because they aren’t climate friendly and want to force land owners to retrofit before 2030. Now they are banning food.

The mayor believes that the banning of processed food will improve air quality by eliminating the carbon from the processing process and eliminating the carbon from grilling the food. Awesome! If grilling causes carbon, that means non-processed food like steak and chicken will be on the list next. or worse, you won’t be allowed to grill at all!

OK, OK…I’m leaving a little something out. They are only banning processed meat with government programs such as schools. They already have “Meatless Mondays” for the “health” of the kids. Now, the kids can’t even have a frigging hot dog on the other days. But de Blasio says if he doesn’t see an improvement in the carbon output, he will expand his ban. Considering one will see a hot dog vendor every fifteen feet on New York City streets, I’m sure that’s going to go over well.

This is so f-ing stupid, I can’t even believe it.

First off, the carbon from food processing and grilling is so little, expansion of de Blasio’s stupid program is inevitable. Next, does anyone already see the problem with the Green New Deal? Our freedoms are being taken away. Now the government is telling me what I can and cannot eat? I don’t need the government telling me what to eat. I understand when I get fat, I should take care of myself. If others don’t, not my problem. Those people should learn a book.

Finally, and most important, there’s another country that banned food. I bet socialist Venezuela probably has great air.



Follow me on Twitter @RunninFewl


Biden Is In

In probably the least surprising development in the Presidential race, Joe Biden has made his announcement that he is going to be a candidate. He made the announcement through a video that he released today. You can watch it below.

Of course, President Trump had his own thoughts about Biden joining in. He Tweeted nice and early this morning:

Initial polls look a little scary for Trump. As of now, Biden is shown to be 8 points ahead of Trump if the election were to take place today. Biden is a moderate Democrat and I think that could be embraced by a lot of Democrats and Independents.

He also has a lot of experience. He’s been a senator from 1973 through 2009 and served as the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He served as Vice President under Barack Obama from 2009 to 2017. He has run for President, and lost, in 1988 and 2008.

He comes across as a regular guy which has always made him popular with blue collar workers and he is very popular with the unions.

But, with that being said, he definitely has some challenges. And that might be why he doesn’t make it past the primaries.

First off, Joe Biden can’t seem to get out of his own way whenever he runs for anything. He’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer and will say some of the most insensitive, crude and just stupid things. Watch a little video on some of his more prolific gaffes:

He’s been making stupid statements since he got into politics and I find it hard to believe that he will stop over the next couple of years. This is going to lead to a lot of apologies. Heck, it’s even started before he even joined the race. He has already apologized for his stance on the Anita Hill testimony against Clarence Thomas, about his support for the crime bill in 1994 and for his creepy conduct around women (more on that in a second). But he also had to apologize for just saying that Mike Pence was a “decent guy”.

I have a hard believing that all this stuff isn’t going to dog him throughout his campaign. The Washington Examiner has a great article about Biden’s “apology tour” over the last few months. I posted the link below. All those gaffes are going to be used against him by all his opponents, both Republican and Democrat. And his apologies are going to get old.

The other challenge is going to be his #MeToo gaffes. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, Joe Biden has a history of getting too cozy with people. He’s been like this for years and this is nothing new. Take a look at the video below:

Listen, I don’t think he is a sexual predator or harasser. I just think he’s a touchy-feely guy. I am too. But I have learned to change with the times. He hasn’t. And this is going to be a problem. He doesn’t understand about the new rules that men have to follow in society. He shouldn’t feel bad about it. I don’t think anybody knows about the new rules because they change so often. There is no standard for behavior anymore. But he problem is that, in his apology for this, he had to admit he did not understand and he had to change with the times. This may not be something the Left will tolerate. Watch his apology video below:

Another problem Biden has is that he is not squeaky clean. He has a checkered past. He lied about his standing at law school. He said he was at the top of his class when, in reality, he was at the bottom. He actually had to end his 1988 Presidential bid because he plagiarized a speech. I don’t think the law school thing is a big deal but the plagiarism could be a bit of a problem. But he has much bigger problems than that.

In April of 2014, Biden went to the Ukraine for a negotiation of some kind. After he left, that very same month, his son was named to the board of a Ukrainian natural gas company. No wait, it gets better. Money was being funneled to his son’s company. Ukraine started investigating the transactions and Creepy Uncle Joe came to the rescue. He went to Ukraine and threatened to pull $1 billion in U.S. loans to Ukraine. The investigating Ukrainian prosecutor was fired. How do we know any of this is true? Because Biden admitted it in 2016. Don’t believe me? Watch this:

Oops. That is definitely going to come up during this election cycle.

Finally, Biden’s biggest challenge is going to be from the Left. Joe Biden is a moderate. He is going to remain a moderate. I believe he does not embrace all that crazy stuff the Left wing socialists are peddling. He has 45 years of past records that are going to show this. And the Left knows it. Here’s a Tweet sent out by Justice Democrats reminding people of Biden’s past record.

The question will be: What is he going to say? What is he going to do? Is he going to try to bring some sanity to the Democratic party and stay moderate, trying to explain his positions or is he going to move further Left to satisfy the crazy and loud Left by adopting these same crazy positions? If he decides to do the latter, it will look disingenuous and his run will be a short one.

Listen, I thought the video was good. The same platform as every other person running, but good. His point that this country is not what the Trump administration is about is right on. Trump has moral and ethical issues. He’s crude and brash. And he doesn’t seem all that smart. That’s not what the United States is about. That’s why he’s a very unpopular President. Also, adding all of the stock video of the history of the United States was very effective. It showed the the United States was and is a great country. It was a really good video.

But it also showed some things that will not work and may hurt him. The video never said anything about how he was going to fix the country. Nothing about why people should vote for him. And this is ungood for what people care about. If Biden is going to ride on the Trump-sucks-so-go-with-me platform, he’s not getting through the primary.

He’s an old, straight, moderate, white guy. He doesn’t have a chance. As Ben Shapiro said, “Today is going to be his best day.” But, gosh, wouldn’t watching a Presidential debate between Trump and Biden be pure comedy?





The Insanity Continues

So the Democrats continue all their insanity. I can’t decide whether this stuff is scary or just really funny. It’s scary for two reasons. The first is that these people want to completely remake this country. They want to eliminate the electoral college, kill babies after they are born, have open borders, nationalize the economy, allow 16-year-olds to vote, allow criminals to vote, ignore terrorists, restrict speech and decriminalize just about everything accept conservative thought. And I know I have missed far more. The second reason this stuff is really scary is that the young people today actually believe this stuff. They believe in suppressing speech and getting free stuff from the government.

Though the above is really scary, they say such stupid things. It’s hard to take them seriously and believe that most people in the country would take them seriously. In fact, I hope they keep it up because I know that President Trump will win in a landslide in 2020.

Ant Trump is playing this pretty well so far. He’s keeping quiet and letting the nut jobs talk. The attention is not on him. He just needs to keep it up for the next year and a half and let the Democrats bury themselves. Let’s take a look at some of the insanity that’s been coming up this week.

Bernie Sanders

Stupid ideas and Bernie Sanders go hand-in-hand. And he really hit one out of the park with this answer during CNN’s Town Hall. The question was asked by a Harvard law student about allowing terrorists and rapists vote while still in jail.

This is so insane, I can barely believe it.

Criminals are institutionalized. Their crimes have forfeited their rights including their freedom. They have no rights when in prison. They gave them up when they committed their crimes. They are not part of society. So why should they have a word in the direction it goes?

Also, they are in jail for making bad decisions. Do we really want this person making decisions about our society? Are they going to make political decisions on what’s best for the country or just for themselves?

Listen, I think there could be a date letting a felon vote after he has gotten out of prison (though I still don’t think they shouldn’t). They have served their time and paid the price they owed for society. But while in prison? And letting terrorists vote? Don’t terrorists are try to harm this country? Why give them a say on the direction we go?

Well, we know the answers. They will vote Democrat because the Dems want to legalize everything, hate the cops and hate the justice system (even though it is the best in the world).

Bernie had lots of awesome things to say during this town hall. I suggest watching it. It was hysterical.

Bill de Blasio

Bill de Blasio, the mayor of New York City, is really worried about climate change. Now, he is thinking of becoming the 637th Democrat to join the presidential race, so it is going to be important for him to stand out. He needs to come up with an idea that will stir the base. Something will drive a conversation with the Left. Well he has. And he’s got a definite answer on how to end climate change. Listen to what he said on MSNBC’s Morning Joe:

One word: Idiot.

This is another pipe dream over this over reaction to climate change. He wants to retrofit every building in a cirt that is nothing but tall buildings. And he is not going to fund it. He’s making make the building owners do it. Can you imagine the owners of the Empire State building having to retrofit a building that is almost a 100 years old and is a 120 stories high?

Yeah, good luck with that. I’m pretty sure any law he gets passed will be found unconstitutional. But, he will raise some eyes. Might be what he needs to encourage him to run for President.

Ilhan Omar

Freshman Representative Ilhan Omar is in trouble again. No she didn’t say she hated Jews. No she didn’t say something anti-Semitic. No, she didn’t dismiss the 9/11 terrorist attacks. No she didn’t say that America was built on genocide.

This time, she compared the soldiers who participated in the Black Hawk Down raid in Mogadishu, Somalia to terrorists. She Tweeted the following some years ago (this was not a recent Tweet):

Let’s go over the Battle of Mogadishu. First, this was not an attack on Somalia. This was a a humanitarian mission. The country was not a nation but broken up into factions led by warlords that were constantly at battle. The warlords controlled their areas through violence, threats and starvation. The worst of of these warlords was Gen. Mohammed Farah Aidid . When supplies arrived, Aidid confiscated it from the people, even killing the starving citizens who tried to get something. He was an animal and his soul is in Hell now. To this point, the United States soldiers watched these massacres but could not do anything.

Finally, President Clinton decided to do something about it. He learned about a meeting with Aidid’s top advisors and decided capture them.

But things went wrong. This is the reasons politicians should not be creating military plans. The politicians decided the attack should be done during the day instead of at night which is when exercises are usually done. Aidid was alerted and was able to prepare for the battle. Two Blackhawk helicopters were shot down and there was no real plan to get out of the hostile and well-armed city. Nineteen soldiers died and 73 were wounded. One of the most horrific scene was when these animals were dragging around one of the dead U.S. soldiers through the streets.

These people are animals. They care nothing for human life. And neither does Ilhan Omar. These soldiers were there and dying for her piece of shit country. It couldn’t have been that great for her there. She lied and said she was married to her brother to get him into the country. She became a citizen, became political and is not a congressman. Hopefully a one time congressman.

By the way, thousands weren’t killed by the soldiers. Though no one can really know how many were killed, the Somalis said about 130 troops were killed.

This gal is a terrible human being. She hates the United States even though it’s philosophies gave her a very successful life. I have never hoped for bad things to happen to someone as much as I hope bad things happen to her. She’s an unappreciative, hateful human being.

Ugh! Getting worked up but there have been so many reasons to.

Follow me on Twitter @RunninFewl.




A Big Nothingburger

The Mueller report was released on Thursday and I have been struggling with how to present this. Guess what? I give up. I read the thing. Just finished tonight (Saturday) and don’t think a lot of it. At first I was going to actually go through the bloody thing line by line and give my opinion.

Guess what? That’s been done by everyone and a lot better than I could ever do. Ben Shapiro looks at it from a legal perspective and it all makes sense. Dan Bongino looks at it from the “deep state” perspective. That may sound like a conspiracy theorist, but I have read his book and listen to his podcast and he has yet to be wrong. I suspect he’s not going to be wrong about what’s coming. Finally, the news media, depending on the channel, gives the listener whatever he wants to here (sorry, my litereature degree taught me to use “he” when no gender is defined on the subject).

I just can’t live up to that because I already have my opinions, which I think you want to hear, and my analysis would be limited to what I am interested in. So I’m going to give out the basics about the report, the arguements, the media reaction and my opinion will be left to the end. So here we go.

The Report

I have read all 480 pages of the report. I did not read the footnotes (I learned that was a mistake) but I read the body. The report is broken up into two volumes. The first addresses collusion or conspiracy. This section addresses the Russians attempts at influencing the elections through social media and hacking, their work with Wikileaks and Julian Assange. It also addresses the “crimes” of Paul Manafort, George Popadopoulos and Michael Flynn.

This was not the most exciting part of the report. It was interesting. It showed that Robert Mueller really did investigate this. One learned how the Russians hacked the DNC computers and how they propagated the information. But that’s about it. Their social media infiltration seemed very flimsey. It looked like they barely tried. Spending a $100K in advertisements and posting 86,000 memes doesn’t seem to me like a lot of effort. It just wasn’t that interesting. But there was one thing that 194 pages made clear: there was not collusion or conspiracy.

OK, that’s awesome. Our President isn’t a Russian agent (or so you’d think).

The second volume of the report dealt with obstruction by Donald Trump. This was part of the report where Donald Trump may face a few issues. Apparently there were several instances when Trump told his advisors to do things that would really change the direction of the investigation. It was mentioned in the report that a lot of the demands were ignored by the advisors to no interfere in the investigation and were done because Trump was angry at being investigated. It was even pointed out that Trump said, “F***, this is going to be the end of my Presidency (sic)”. This is going to be important later.

I have to admit, I did not think any of this was obstruction. Especially because there was no crime. But it does look like he was trying to make things difficult for the Mueller probe to do its job. For me, this looks like he was trying to interfere with the probe. Even if there was no crime, could Trump still be legally obstructing the investigation?

Luckily, I’m not a lawyer. Mueller did not reach a conclusion. He said that he did not find any evidence of obstruction but he could not exonerate the President of obstruction. Ugh!

The report is very easy to read and the redactions were minimal. I don’t think I lost a lot because of the redactions. The one thing I would need to do is actually read the footnotes. Mueller really showed his bias in the footnotes. Not for what he said but for what he did not say.

What’s Going on Legally?

As far as Trump being a Russian agent, something that the media has been living on for the last two years, that’s done. He did not collude or conspire. That’s over. No reason to talk about it anymore. Trump has been exonerated. Period.

Obstruction, that’s a different story.

I always thought there needed to be a crime for someone to obstruct. It didn’t make sense that he was guilty of obstructing a crime that didn’t happen. But the law doesn’t always make sense. Now I’m not going to quote laws or anything. I’m not a lawyer. Listen to Ben Shapiro’s podcast on April 19th and he’ll give you the laws. And he’ll explain the scope of the laws in ways I cannot. What I mean by that is there are several different definitions of obstruction. Apparently, Bob Mueller used the most liberal definition of obstruction (we’ll get into that later or just listen to Ben Shapiro’s podcast.

Here is the definition according to 18 U.S.C. § 1503:

…an act that “corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice.”

The big word here is “corruptly.” That word means that Trump had to have some intent to obstruct the investigation because he was guilty. That’s what it means. Let me say that again: Trump obstructed because, and only because, he was guilty of conspiracy with Russia.

This is where stuff gets really muddy. Trump was pissed off. His presidency was in peril over a long investigation. He did not feel it was fair because he was innocent. He told people to do things that would have stalled or halted the investigation. None of his orders were followed for fear that there might be another Saturday Night Massacre (a term used during the Nixon administration’s Watergate debacle).

Though nothing happened and Bob Mueller was able to continue his investigation, were Trump’s ignored orders still evidence he obstructed?

Mueller concluded his second volume by saying there was not enough evidence to conclude that Trump obstructed justice but there was enough evidence that Mueller could not exonerate him. This leaves a big question. Did Trump obstruct or not. We have no answers.

Here’s the question: why don’t we know? After two years and thirty million dollars, Mueller’s best answer is, “I don’t know? You figure it out.” What the f***?!

Let’s get to the conspiracy portion. A lot of things cleared this up for me.

Putting on My Tin Foil Hat

The report had a lot in it that really did not need to be said. It could have been shortened by quite a bit simply by leaving out things that really were irrelevant. Here are a few examples of this.

Trump was not happy that Jeff Sessions recused himself. He told Jeff Sessions not to recuse himself. He had several advisers talk to Sessions about not recusing. When Sessions did recuse himself, Trump tried to get him to un-recuse himself. He did this directly, through social media and with his staff. Sessions never reversed his recusal until he resigned. There are several paragraphs about this. Yes, Sessions recusing himself hurt Trump but this is not illegal and not obstruction. It does make Trump look unethical and kind of weak, but that’s it. Why is this even in the report.

Another example was when Trump told Dan McGahn to tell the Justice Department to fire Mueller. McGahn decided to ignore the order stating that sometimes Trump, “thinks out loud.” At the time, Trump was angry that his presidency was under siege by the investigation. When asked if he relayed the information, McGahn said no and he would resign if he was asked to do so. The message never got relayed to the Justice Department. Again, no obstruction (nothing happened) and no intent to stop the investigation because he was guilty. So why is this even in the report?

But not only do I question what was in the report, I have big questions as to what was not in the report. There was no mention of Christopher Steele, the FISA warrants and Fusion GPS. The Steele Dossier, the document that started the whole investigation, was only mentioned twice in the 480 page report. What? Why not?

Could it be that Russian collusion, which was soundly disproved, was not what Mueller was going for? Is it possible Mueller was hired to protect the FBI and the Hilary Clinton’s bad behavior? The dossier is a killer for Clinton and the FBI.

Clinton paid for the dossier which was assembled by Christopher Steele. Where did Steele get the information? Mostly from Russian spies. You see the problem? It was actually Clinton and the DNC that were colluding with the Russians and the dossier is proof of that.

The FBI is in bigger trouble. Well, certain members and former members are. Christopher Steele got the dossier then leaked it to Yahoo news. When the FBI received it, they used the dossier to get a FISA warrant against Carter Page. The FBI used the leaked Yahoo article as proof that the dossier was valid evidence. And it turned out the dossier was crap. And looks like the FBI was trying to pull a fast one to get a warrant to spy on an American citizen. This is ugly stuff.

So, What Do I Think?

This report is a whole lot of nothing. Something most people thought for a long time. And it only took $25 million dollars to have all our thoughts confirmed.

As far as the collusion, or conspiracy, that was a big zero. Not only did Trump not collude with Russia or Wikileaks, Wikileaks did not even know that they were working with the Russians. When Julian Assange said that he had nothing to do with Trump or the Russians, he meant it. The Russians were so good at hiding their identities that they tricked everybody.

Obstruction seems to be a different story. Though there was no crime, Trump could still obstruct the investigation and be prosecuted. But it is very hard to prove obstruction. Remember: intent matters here. Trump had to have wanted the investigation to end because he was guilty. His intent needs to be proven. Mueller knew he couldn’t prove intent, so he said that. But he also said that he couldn’t prove Trump didn’t try to obstruct.

Listen, Trump is not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree. He’s brash, self-centered and clumsy with his language. Just looking at his Twitter feed will tell one that he doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut. He’s also extremely emotional and wants to control everything. But is he the modern day Nixon?

Not at all.

Volume 2 of Mueller’s report was bullshit. He accused Trump of attempting to end his investigation but the investigation never ended. Trump could have fired Mueller at anytime. He can do that. He wanted others to do it. They didn’t. Why? Because he has a good cabinet and they know what is good for him. He was never guilty. He was pissed. Being pissed does not mean he had the intent to end the investigation because he was guilty of a crime. He wanted to end the investigation because it was f-ing up his presidency. Period. That’s not corruption. It’s stupid, but not corrupt.

This is going to keep going. The media is all hot and bothered by the obstruction portion of the report. The radical Democrats want impeachment proceedings started based on the obstruction. Though it is going to be very difficult to prove because they have to prove corrupt intent, a lot want to get it started anyway.

It ain’t over yet.


I Got Away with It

I was cruising through Twitter yesterday and I came across this Tweet from the ACLU.

Now, I thought this was probably the dumbest Tweet. I could tell this one was not written by one of the ACLU’s lawyers. Heck, I wasn’t the only one who saw it. Can you see it?

I wanted to respond but was a little afraid. I have been suspended on Twitter for twelve hours for calling the traitor Bradley Manning (aka Chelsea) a “him” instead of a “her” (which he’s not). I decided I’b be brave and risk it. I replied:

“Boys who say they’re girls are still boys because they CAN’T HAVE PERIODS.”

Well, good news: I didn’t get suspended (though my Tweet was deleted). And there were dozens of replies saying pretty much the same thing. I’m pretty sure the Tweet got ratioed (that’s where there are more replies than Likes). But, considering I was suspended in the past, why would I risk getting suspended again?

Because, a long time ago, I was against gay marriage and changed my mind. My reasoning for being against gay marriage was not because I hated gays and was a bigot. I have gay people in my family and a very close family member is getting married. I was against gay marriage because I was detested the militancy of the LGBT community. These people were forcing us to believe that it is “normal” to want to sleep with one of the same sex. I didn’t want to live in a world like that.

But I found my belief was very negative. I didn’t really care if gay people got married. I am religious and think it’s a sin. But they can’t get married in most religious institutions so it’s more of a civil union than a marriage. So when the Supreme Court allowed gay marriage, I just shrugged my shoulders and said, “whatever.”

But the militancy I feared has gone so far off the rails, if I had known, I would have remained against gay marriage. Because, it wasn’t just gays and lesbians, but, eventually, transvestites and transsexuals. This is disturbing in itself only because I worry that, one day, pedophilia will just be seen as another “gender” and could be another protected class. This may seem a bit far-fetched but it’s already being talked about.

But what really gets me is how people, who are supposedly intelligent, think that gender and sex is a cultural norm and not a scientific fact. Watch this stupid video that was released this week by Teen Vogue:

What in the… are they talking about? No, no, no! I understand these people may be intersex but that is very rare. Sex is biological. It is scientific. If you are a man and mutilate your penis so that is looks like a vagina, you are a man with a mutilated penis. The “vagina” on a transsexual woman needs to be cared for because it is considered a wound.

But let’s go deeper. No surgery out there is going to change one’s DNA. If you are a man, you will have an XY chromosome. If you are a woman, you will have an XX chromosome. Mutilating one’s genitalia is not going to change that.

But it gets worse! We are so intimidated by the crazy Leftist ideas that we are not raising our hands when craziness can actually hurt people. Now, men are able to compete against women in sporting event at the collegiate, Olympic and professional levels. Including mixed martial arts and boxing. Look at this:

Why aren’t feminists upset about this? You have a boy who is beating the garbage out of women. That’s OK? Fallon Fox, a transgender woman, is an MMA fighter. He broke a woman’s skull during a match. That’s OK?

Listen, I don’t care if you’re gay, straight or trans. It doesn’t bother me. But don’t try to change nature and and force me to believe in something that just isn’t true. There are biological differences between men and women. That’s the real fact.

Follow me on Twitter @RunninFewl
