About qezzit

Here We Go Again

The problem at the border went from problem to crisis to, I hate to say it, a national emergency.

Since October of 2018, the arrests for illegal crossing at the border has been going up slowly. From October to January, the arrests at the border held at about 60,000 illegal aliens. That should sound like a lot and it is. But what is more disturbing, according to the Department of Homeland Security, only one in three actually get caught at the border. So, conservatively, multiply the people going over the border by three.

But it’s getting worse.

On Tuesday of last week, four thousand were arrested at the border. At that pace, we are looking at over a million illegal aliens being detained at the border this year. The border patrol stated that we are in a state of emergency. They can’t hold all these people. There were pictures from the detention center in El Paso where overflow of illegal aliens were being held in the parking lot. Of course, the pictures were twisted depending on the side of the aisle you happen to be. If one is a Republican, this proves there is a crisis. If one is a Democrat, it prove the inhumanity of DHS and ICE.

But it gets worse.

There is another caravan on its way from Central America. This one could be twenty thousand strong. Of course, Mexico just let them in and are letting them travel through the country. I’m pretty sure this will overwhelm our border. How do I know? The border patrol says so.

The Trump administration has not sat on their hands. Last week, Trump said he would close the border. He also received $1 billion dollars from the defense department. That will allow him to build about fifty-seven miles of wall. But, in his biggest move, he took away all aid for the three countries that were the biggest offender: Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. But he wasn’t done. He is now threatening to pull all aid to Mexico because they keep letting these people through their country.

It is getting so bad, even CNN and MSNBC have admitted that this is a crisis.

So Trump has decided to take action. Last week, Trump withdrew all aid to the countries of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. He also told Mexico, who has some of the strongest immigration laws in the world, he would pull aid from Mexico. This, apparently, isn’t going well with the Mexican government. They started arresting and deporting people who has crossed their southern border. By the way, Mexico deports illegal aliens immediately. No waiting for a trial or free medical check ups. They stick them back on a bus and send them back.

Trump has also threatened to shut the border down. Sort of. Since the border patrol has reported that they are completely overrun and people are crossing the border where there is no wall! So, it sounds like Trump is thinking of shutting down the ports of entry so the border patrol can cover the unguarded parts of the border. This can be a very tough hit on out economy. We get a lot of stuff from Mexico. But they get a lot of stuff from us. I bet closing the border will hurt Mexico far more than it will hurt the United States.

But, according to his staff, he has other ideas. He is, apparently, contemplating implementing an Executive Order to end birth right citizenship and chain migration. A lot of people from both sides of the aisle already believe in this and this could curve a lot of illegal immigration.

This story is going to get bigger. Stay tuned!

Follow me on Twitter @RunninFewl



It’s Been an Awesome Week

Donald J. Trump has had a pretty awesome week.

We already talked about the Mueller report being released. And it has been so entertaining. I have never seen the media so confused, Hollywood so apoplectic and the Democrats so shaken. I love it. I think I should spend an entire article on the subject but I’m not ready to do that. That’s because I believe this is going to get a lot more exciting. With Lindsey Graham 2.0 and Cocaine Mitch finally seeming to embrace the President, it looks like all the slimy, back alley deals are going to be brought to light. Combine that with the whole Mueller report being release in a couple of weeks (or however long it takes to make it legal) and that Trump wants to declassify the FISA warrant applications, stuff is going to get really tricky for the Dems.

Oh, it’s going to be so exciting.

But, it’s just going to get better. Michael Avennati was arrested for not paying taxes this century and trying to strong-arm twenty million dollars from Nike. What’s better, the FBI have him on tape, not once, but twice trying to extort Nike. So sweet. He’s done. In case you don’t remember, and you might not because he kind of disappeared, Avennati was the lawyer for Stormy Daniels, the porn star who did unmentionable things with Donald Trump then tried to make a little more money off of him. This guy is an example of what’s wrong with our news media. He was put on such a pedestal (he appeared a few hundred times on CNN and MSNBC) that he decided to run an exploratory committee for a run for president.

I hate this guy. That’s probably too strong a word, but he was a real piece of crap. Anytime he posted something on Twitter, it was stupid and I responded to it. Usually pointing out his hypocrisy. He blocked me. I’m proud of that. Well, I won’t have to worry about being blocked by him on Twitter. He’s going to be breaking big ones into little ones for the next twenty years. Good luck with that!

But it get’s better!

CNN and MSNBC have had their ratings tank! For the last two years, the mainstream cable news have been riding this collusion thing for two years. Well, not that collusion (and obstruction, more on that later) have been debunked, they have nothing to talk about. In fact, they need to find another narrative. And they did. They’re back to health care and the damage Trump could cause by decimating Obamacare. Um, pretty boring stuff. And people have stopped watching.

But Trump’s week got better!

Cocaine Mitch (that’s Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority leader, decided to have a vote on the Green New Deal. That’s the socialist doctrine that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortex veiled as a way to save the Earth and all our lives from climate change. The vote happened and, uh, it didn’t go well for the pretty, stupid and vicious Ocasio-Cortez. The vote went 0-57 with 43 citing present.

She got skunked. And she was pissed. Watching this video. Just a warning though: don’t let her flailing arms reach out of YouTube and smack you:

She wants to yell at the Republicans but no one on her side of the aisle voted for her bill. Heck, there were a handful that voted against it. What’s she pissed off about? Her idea is stupid. It goes completely against what the United States is about. Everyone knows it. And the farting cows are protected for one more year.

Trump also acknowledged, officially, that the Golan Heights in Israel is Israeli territory. I think this is just awesome. We need to support our true allies. And we need an ally in the Middle East. Everyone hates us over there. And Israel is the country that will bring democracy to the Middle East. Because once people see it from other countries, they’ll want it. And they’ll fight for it.

But there’s more!

Mitch McConnel decided to light the left up by forcing a vote on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal. This really enraged the Dems. They demanded time for debate but Cocaine Mitch told them that debate was not necessary. So a vote was taken. And the proposal got skunked! The vote was 0-57, all Republicans voted “no,” 43 Dems voted “Present” and 4 Dems voted “No.” Of course, the news media flipped. Many thought the Dems should have “called McConnel’s bluff” and vote for the deal. Of course, these idiots don’t realize that’s what McConnel wants them to do! If Dems vote “no” then the Green New Deal is garbage and the Dems know it. If they vote “Yes,” that will be used by a Republican during the next election.

But, none of that is what made things interesting. It was AOC. She flipped out and railed against Republicans for popping her bubble without a “debate” (as if that would have changed anything). Here it is, but be aware: those flailing arms may smack you right through the computer screen:

So funny. She’s so stupid. Mitch McConnell is such a genius. When she brought up the lack of debate, Cocaine Mitch said he didn’t have any problem with hosting debates. But, they won’t. The idea is stupid and unachievable. In the next ten years, this dumb idea would cost $92 trillion dollars. We’d all be poor and the socialists would control. Then we’d have our “saviors” in the government controlling everything. We’d be Venezuela.

It gets better! Then I’ll be done.

The largest glacier in Greenland, one that has been shrinking for years, is getting bigger. And has been for a few years. I’m sure you haven’t heard about this (it goes against the narrative). But this contradicts all of AOC’s arguments. That doesn’t mean it’s going to keep getting better but this definitely proves that the climate is unpredictable. Of course, if anyone says that, he is accused of being a “climate-denier”.

So, one of the largest glaciers in the world get bigger. Why isn’t that reported? Could it be because it got bigger under Trump’s watch? Could it be that Donald Trump is fixing climate change? No, I don’t believe that either. But it does show how unpredictable climate is. We probably won’t all be dead in twelve years.

It’s been a really good week for the President. Now, it’s time not to gloat too much and get back to the other problems we are facing. That’ll be next week.




Gosh, Read a Book!

I listen to the news and peruse Twitter a lot. It just amazes me how much vile garbage spews out of everyone’s mouth and keyboard. I decided to write a little education material for those idiots out there to understand what they are talking about and why what they are saying is wrong. Well, I really decided to write this article because I got banned from Twitter for calling a trans traitor by his given name. So I have twelve hours to write this before I can actually post to Twitter again.

But this is really this is about a book I just read by Dinesh D’Souza called The Big Lie. It is about how the Left has twisted the meaning of being a Nazi and a fascist to be Right wing concepts. The book is great because it talks about the two concepts, compares them to what the Left did and proves his theory with historical facts that are very easy to look up and confirm. I would suggest reading this book. But that’s going to all for the review for now. I am actually going to listen to the audio book again because it is so thick with information.

Over the past week, with the illegal immigrant caravan and the sort, I have heard a lot of people throwing around words at people (well, Trump) because they do not like their policies. Not only do I think this is stupid but I think the people throwing around these terms are stupid. So I just typically reply with a “LOL” or turn the channel (I only average about seven minutes on CNN per day). So, let’s go through those terms.

Apparently, being a nationalist is a bad thing these days. One step from being a Nazi. Funny thing is, you never really hear of the opposite term, which is globalist. In themselves, neither term is bad but the media seems to think that being a nationalist is really bad. Nazis were nationalist (of course, people seem to forget the “Nationalist” is Nazi is only the “N” part of the name especially Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez). A nationalist is just a person who puts his country’s well-being and citizens first. That person is proud of their country and does not care about what other countries think. There are lots of countries who are nationalist but claim they are not. One of whom is France. They are so nationalist, they will reject you if you simply speak another language (no driving tests in English over in France). This is not a bad thing. But globalists, those who do not believe in borders and believe in a single world economy, like to point out that the Nazis were nationalists. And they were. But being a nationalist doesn’t make one a racist, anti-Semitic bigot. It can also mean you think your country is number one and that’s it. I am a nationalist. Always have been and always will be.

Next, there seems to be some real confusion about what a Nazi is. For some reason, it has been associated with the alt-right which means most right wing conservatives are Nazis. The are anti-Semitic, racist, bigoted assholes. Here’s the problem: conservatives on the right are far from Nazis. And the “alt-right” that the left wing media keeps talking about are not conservative by any stretch and are just anti-Semitic, racist, bigoted assholes. The reality, Nazism is a Left wing model. It stands for Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party. That’s right, it is a socialist economy and government. Socialist just like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. They just hated Jews too. The government controlled all the pillars of society (education, media, art, etc.) and took control of all business just like communism, Marxism and just like what neo-socialists in our own government. This is completely the opposite of what conservatives believe in. So, if you belong to the Left, be careful when throwing around the term to an educated conservative.

Fascism is the same thing with two slight differences. Fascism does not have a racial or bigoted attribute to it. Benito Mussolini, the dictator of Italy during World War II, did not have any feeling toward the Jews until he paired up with Germany. People who refer to racists as fascists don’t know what their talking about. Second, fascism was really an economic system. Socialism believed that there should be no private business, everything should be controlled by the government. Fascism, on the other hand, believed that private business should exist but be heavily influenced by government regulation. Because the economy of Italy seemed to be stronger than that of Germany, Hitler adopted the fascist economic philosophy. Hitler did not start as a fascist but as a socialist.

What do all of these systems have in common? Big government and, in the end, totalitarian. It’s not hard to see when looking back. The Soviet Union ended up communist (socialism is the economic system). Germany (socialist), Italy (fascist), Cuba (socialist), North Korea (socialist) and Venezuela (socialist) all ended up to be dictatorships. China is the most recent country to start as a socialist country that went on to be a communist country and finally, this year, is a dictatorship when the president, Xi Jinping, announced that he would be president for life.

Capitalism, our economic system, is very different. It is meant to be free of, at least very limited from, government regulation. Donald Trump, though quite liberal in his economic policies, is a capitalist and has cut a lot of government regulation. To keep referring to him as a fascist or Nazi just shows the limited intellect of the name caller.

I think Barrack Obama, Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez should probably read a book before they start throwing out names targeting Donald Trump.


Time for a Reset

This whole immigration thing has gotten out of hand and I think it is time to press the reset button. President Trump is about to order the closure of the southern border due to this migrant caravan coming through Mexico from Honduras. Well, that’s not right. The caravan, which is the media’s word, is actually a mob. And they are not coming over and begging for asylum. They are storming the border and throwing rocks at border patrol. Just the kind of people we want in our country!

Anyway, the illegal aliens, which they are, attempted to force their way over the border near San Diego. The border patrol, trying to break up the riot, shot tear gas into the crowd. Some did get through and they were quickly arrested.

Now, as one would expect, the media had a field day with this. They pointed out that it was against international law to use tear gas during war and here was Trump, using it against those poor immigrants.A picture of a woman fleeing the tear gas with child in hand was post and went viral on Twitter, showing her running away from the tear gas. Another woman was interviewed saying that men, women and children were fainting because of the tear gas. Donald Trump, in response to the violence, closed the border and threatened to close it permanently.

Sigh, I think it is time to put all this into a little bit of perspective. If we do something as dangerous as use a little reason, we might see that this was not so bad and is all necessary. And then we might see Trump’s idea of closing the border (though not permanently) might not be such a bad idea.

First, this “caravan” is an organized political stunt. That isn’t conspiracy theory, that is fact. It was organized by Left wing globalists to influence the midterm elections and make Trump and those heartless Republicans look cruel and brutal. What’s more, the Mexican government (a substantial portion of Mexico’s income comes from U.S. money sent to it from illegal aliens in the United States). How do I know it was organized? Well, they made it through Mexico, illegally, to the border in about three weeks (Mexico hates illegal immigrants into their country). They had food, water and transportation. Someone had to pay for that. So to sit there and think this was not a concerted effort to usurp our laws and is just naive.

The news media, once again, has blown this whole thing completely out of proportion. We are using tear gas on these poor people, something we are not allowed to do during war. People are passing out from the tear gas all because they want to claim asylum. But that racist, bigoted, misogynist, puppy-kicking Donald Trump won’t let them in.

But the biggest problem is the media ignored that this was a problem in the first place – per their talking points for the last two years. They said this caravan was not large and would not be here for weeks. It started arriving a few days after that. They said that it was made of families so there were a lot of women and children. Turns out it is between 80% to 90% (conservatively) are men. They said that these people were fleeing war-torn countries to get asylum in the United States. There is no war that anyone is aware of, in Guatemala or Honduras. Most left to find work and refused asylum in Mexico, which, legally speaking, is what they are suppose to be doing. They said there were no criminals. The Mexican government admitted there were, at least 500 with felony records including murder. The lies go on and on.

Hey, I love immigrants. My father is an immigrant from Germany. My girlfriend is an immigrant from Mexico. I think most people love immigrants. But to call illegal aliens immigrants is very misleading. It is a cliche by now but it bears repeating: a country without borders and laws protecting those borders is not a country. We have a right as citizens and the government has the responsibility to vet anyone coming into this country to verify they deserve to be here and will help this country. No one from a foreign country has a “right” to be here, just like I don’t have a right to be in any other country without permission.

So, what do I think about a bunch of people that want to barge into our country and assault our border patrol being hit with a little tear gas. Screw them. And God bless the people that are putting their lives on the line to keep these people out of our country.

And, as far as the woman in the picture above? No one questions what kind of mother she is for putting her children in that type of danger. People like this are exactly the type of people I don’t want in this country.


And Away We Go!

It is  just after noon and Josie, my girlfriend, is at work. I felt it was time to get this website and podcast off the ground. I have recorded the first podcast last week and it was rough. But I am going to post it anyway because I think it will be neat to see how I have changed as I have gotten more comfortable.

So, what is this about? This is a water cooler political talk show. At first, I will probably be doing this show myself until I can convince my cohorts to join in. Josie won”t be difficult because she lives with me. Jon will be a little more of a challenge because he doesn’t drink and goes to bed really early. But I am sure I will be able  get him to bite pretty soon. Once he does, he’ll have a ball.

So a little bit about us. Jon is a, borderline, evangelical conservative with some more moderate social politics. Josie, a legal resident from Mexico who will not take the citizenship exam, is a pure moderate. Yep, right down the middle. Some things she’s really conservative about and others she’s insanely Left Wing about.

Me? Well, since I’m writing this post, let me get more into me. I am fifty years old and live in San Diego. I work for a non-profit health clinic as a Systems Security Administrator. That means I fix viruses for those who don’t know how. I have a degree in English Literature from Cal State Northridge. Not sure how I ended up a Conservative after that. Probably because CSUN actually taught me how to reason. This was before education became a way to indoctrinate kids. I actually learned the John F. Kennedy was an ineffectual president. No shit.

Following the logical course an English Degree will pave, I began working with computers. But I do love all I learned in college. I still am and avid reader and writer. I have just finished my first health and fitness book and post to two blogs. I love it.

I am also a fitness whore. I am an ultra runner, having finished five 100 mile runs. Though old, I still have the dream to do a handstand and a one-armed pull up. You won’t hear much about this here. Go to ReallySoreFeet.com to read about that stuff.

Well, that’s about all about me and pretty much concludes my introduction. I hope you enjoy the show.

You can follow us on Twitter @RunninFewl

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