The House of Representatives finally finds a speaker and he’s a good one.
Jamaal Bowman faces the long are of justice…or not.
And fat people are ringing in their demands for restaurants.
Some News
Here is some news:
- There was a mass shooter in Maine last night.
- The shooter’s name was Robert Card.
- Card was a shooting instructor and Army reservist.
- He also had a history of mental illness. He was hearing voices and was hospitalized for two weeks over the summer, so he was in the system.
- He went to a bar then went to a bowling ally.
- So far, he has killed 18 and injured 13.
- Maine is on lockdown while they look for this guy.
- Flags are at half staff.
- The new House speaker is Mike Johnson.
- He is very conservative.
- Democrats so not like him and started in on him immediately about him supporting Donald Trump and supporting lawsuits over the elections.
- None of this matters.
- “Squad” Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman of New York pleaded guilty in D.C. Superior Court on charges that he illegally pulled a House office building fire alarm.
- He did this last month to stop the vote on the raising of the debt ceiling.
- Of course, he said this was an accident.
- This incident stopped the vote for two hours, so it was an insurrection and he should get 17 years in prison. I mean, this was a felony (local and federal) and January 6th delayed the election certification for the same amount of time.
- He will get a $1000 fine and be on probation for three months.
Dumbass of the Day
How Is That Working Out?
The Washington Post released an opinion piece called America does not need more God. It needs more Atheists. by a broad named Kate Cohen. It is all that is wrong with our culture in so many ways. Let’s go through some of that opinion piece.
I like to say that my kids made me an atheist. But really what they did was make me honest.
I was raised Jewish — with Sabbath prayers and religious school, a bat mitzvah and a Jewish wedding. But I don’t remember ever truly believing that God was out there listening to me sing songs of praise.
I thought of God as a human invention: a character, a concept, a carry-over from an ancient time.
I thought of him as a fiction.
Right off the bat, we have some problems.
First, she actually credits her kids with being an atheist. It did the kids become the font of all wisdom? I was raised to believe kids were stupid and that I needed to get educated before I would be able to understand the world. I wasn’t raising my parents, they were raising me.
It’s ironic too that, as our kids get stupider, we are suppose to put more weight into their opinions. Hell, half our kids can’t read and don’t know who Abraham Lincoln is but they should be listened to about economies and wars.
Next, she’s no Jew. She’s always been atheist. She admits it right smack dab in the beginning of the article.
Today I realize that means I’m an atheist. It’s not complicated. My (non)belief derives naturally from a few basic observations:
- The Greek myths are obviously stories. The Norse myths are obviously stories. L. Ron Hubbard obviously made that stuff up. Extrapolate. (Who made these guys religious scholars?)
- The holy books underpinning some of the bigger theistic religions are riddled with “facts” now disproved by science and “morality” now disavowed by modern adherents. Extrapolate. (Texts such as the Bible, Torah and Koran are not science books. They are about human nature and natural law.
- Life is confusing and death is scary. Naturally, humans want to believe that someone capable is in charge and that we continue to live after we die. But wanting doesn’t make it so. (This isn’t even an argument and this doesn’t change a thing. Most people who are religious still think death is scary.)
- Child rape. War. Etc.
And yet, when I was younger, I would never have called myself an atheist — not on a survey, not to my family, not even to myself.
So far, she ain’t making much of an argument. She’s, at best, non-religious and her arguments are from a Cracker Jack box that have been debunked 500 years.
Being an “atheist,” at least according to popular culture, seems to require so much work. You have to complain to the school board about the Pledge of Allegiance, stamp over “In God We Trust” on all your paper money and convince Grandma not to go to church. You have to be PhD-from-Oxford smart, irritated by Christmas and shruggingly unmoved by Michelangelo’s “Pietà.” That isn’t me — but those are the stereotypes.
And then there are the data. Studies have shown that many, many Americans don’t trust atheists. They don’t want to vote for atheists, and they don’t want their children to marry atheists. Researchers have found that even atheists presume serial killers are more likely to be atheist than not.
Given all this, it’s not hard to see why atheists often prefer to keep quiet about it. Why I kept quiet. I wanted to be liked!
Um, what?
No one would care if you are an atheist. The problem in that atheists never shut up about being an atheist!
Some things they’ve done:
- Removed Bible from the classroom.
- Removed God from the oath.
- Remove God from money.
- Remove nativity scenes.
- Remove all religious symbols from public buildings including the Ten Commandments from court houses.
- Ban Christian reading groups in schools (including colleges).
- Remove God from Christian universities.
She even admits this in the section of the article.
Here’s the thing, human beings need religion to make sense of life (not just death). Atheism is a religion. The problem with atheism is it doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t answer any questions. It’s a dead end.
But when I had children — when it hit me that I was responsible for teaching my children everything — I wanted, above all, to tell them the truth.
Their first atheist lesson was completely impromptu. Noah was 5, Jesse was 3, and we were sitting on the couch before bed reading from “D’Aulaires’ Book of Greek Myths,” a holdover from my childhood bookshelf. One of the boys asked what a “myth” was, and I told them it was a story about how the world works. People used to believe that these gods were in charge of what happened on Earth, and these stories helped explain things they didn’t understand, like winter or stars or thunder. “See” — I flipped ahead and found a picture — “Zeus has a thunderbolt.”
“They don’t believe them anymore?” No, I said. That’s why they call it “myth.” When people still believe it, they call it “religion.” Like the stories about God and Moses that we read at Passover or the ones about Jesus and Christmas.
The little pajama-clad bodies nodded, and on we read.
That was it — the big moment. It was probably also the easiest moment.
I would say that if this were her big moment in discovering that atheism is a life truth, she never really thought too much about it before.
A little something about Greek mythology, it isn’t the Bible (Greek gods were known to rape women). The Greeks were very secular. The Greeks were very amoral back then. It wasn’t until Aristotle wrote Ethics that there was a question over the existence of morality, be it natural or religious.
Before one son became preoccupied with death. Before the other son had to decide whether to be bar mitzvahed. Before my daughter looked up from her math homework one day to ask, “How do we know there’s no God?”
Religion offers ready-made answers to our most difficult questions. It gives people ways to mark time, celebrate and mourn. Once I vowed not to teach my children anything I did not personally believe, I had to come up with new answers. But I discovered as I went what most parents discover: You can figure it out as you go.
Actually, that’s not true. We’ve been debating the Bible for centuries. There are no straight answers in the Bible. Even straight statements like, “Thou shalt not kill” have been debated for centuries, including in front of the Supreme Court.
Jesus, in the New Testament of the Bible, spoke in parables and rarely gave meaningful answers to them. Some of His stories are way out there.
The Bible, the Torah, the Koran are philosophy books on human nature, the meaning of life, natural law and the afterlife. The answers are all there but we need to figure them out.
Establishing a habit of honesty did not sap the delight from my children’s lives or destroy their moral compass. I suspect it made my family closer than we would have been had my husband and I pretended to our children that we believed in things we did not. We sowed honesty and reaped trust — along with intellectual challenge, emotional sustenance and joy.
Those are all personal rewards. But there are political rewards as well.
My children know how to distinguish fact from fiction — which is harder for children raised religious. They don’t assume conventional wisdom is true and they do expect arguments to be based on evidence. Which means they have the skills to be engaged, informed and savvy citizens.
We need citizens like that.
This is an insane statement and in completely incorrect.
- Human beings need a moral base. Without it, there is anarchy.
- Neichze and Dostoyevsky, both living in secular societies, bemoaned the loss of religion and God.
- Children “living honestly” is not the goal of a parent. It is raising the child to become a civilized member of society.
- Finally, since when did happiness become the main goal of religion?
- It takes work to be happy. Religion teaches you that.
- Atheism is lazy. Happiness should just pop inside you one day. That doesn’t happen. That hasn’t happened.
- How can an atheist be happy when they live knowing that there is no purpose to life and then you die.
Lies, lying and disinformation suffuse mainstream politics as never before. A recent Washington Post-ABC News poll found that 29 percent of Americans believe that President Biden was not legitimately elected, a total composed of those who think there is solid evidence of fraud (22 percent) and those who think there isn’t (7 percent). I don’t know which is worse: believing there to be evidence of fraud when even the Trump campaign can’t find any or asserting the election was stolen even though you know there’s no proof.
Meanwhile, we are just beginning to grasp that artificial intelligence could develop an almost limitless power to deceive — threatening the ability of even the most alert citizen to discern what’s real.
We need Americans who demand — as atheists do — that truth claims be tethered to fact. We need Americans who understand — as atheists do — that the future of the world is in our hands. And in this particular political moment, we need Americans to stand up to Christian nationalists who are using their growing political and judicial power to take away our rights. Atheists can do that.
Fortunately, there are a lot of atheists in the United States — probably far more than you think.
What? Atheists are tethered to facts?
Men can have periods and get pregnant is a fact? We are all going to die because its warm outside is a fact? Having a six year old wear a mask and not go to school will prevent a cold is a fact? A baby in the womb is not a baby in the womb is a fact? Are these the facts she’s talking about?
The truth is, yes. That’s exactly what she’s talking about. These “truths” ate the types of stuff religion fights against because it creates chaos, despair and death.
Some people say they believe in God, but not the kind favored by monotheistic religions — a conscious supreme being with powers of intercession or creation. When they say “God,” they mean cosmic oneness or astonishing coincidences. They mean that sense of smallness-within-largeness they’ve felt while standing on the shore of the ocean or holding a newborn baby or hearing the final measures of Chopin’s “Fantaisie-Impromptu.”
So, why do those people use the word “God” at all? The philosopher Daniel C. Dennett argues in “Breaking the Spell”that since we know we’re supposed to believe in God, when we don’t believe in a supernatural being we give the name instead to things we do believe in, such as transcendent moments of human connection.
She doesn’t have an understanding of what religion. This is not what Christianity, Judaism and Islam are about. She says she’s Jewish, has she ever read the Torah?
Then she does what everyone does and she throws statistic out. What these statistics show is the United States is increasingly becoming atheistic.
According to the Daily Wire:
A woman who was pumped with testosterone and underwent hormone therapy when she was a young teenager is suing both her doctors and the American Academy of Pediatrics, which her lawyers say has knowingly lied about the impact of the radical sex-change treatments it recommends, according to a copy of the lawsuit obtained exclusively by The Daily Wire.
Isabelle Ayala, now a twenty-year-old woman, had just turned fourteen when she was committed to the hospital for suicidal thoughts, according to the lawsuit. It was during this hospital stay that she met with Dr. Jason Rafferty, who during his first brief meeting with Ayala determined that she “meets criteria to consider hormonal transition,” with the only stated obstacle being parental consent. The lawsuit states that Rafferty and other doctors sent Ayala down the “path of ‘gender-affirming’ medicalization” rather than addressing the true roots of her mental health problems — six months into her testosterone treatments, Ayala tried to commit suicide.
The treatments, however, continued, until Ayala moved away from Rhode Island and decided to quit them “cold-turkey.” Now comfortable with her gender, she regrets what the doctors did to her, the lawsuit says.
“Isabelle is now twenty years old and longs for what could have been and to have her healthy, female body back,” it says. “The changes the testosterone have had on her body are a constant reminder that she needed an unbiased medical expert willing to evaluate her mental health and provide her the care she needed, rather than a group of ideologues set on promoting their own agenda and furthering a broader conspiracy at her expense.”
“Isabelle is now twenty years old and longs for what could have been and to have her healthy, female body back,” it says. “The changes the testosterone have had on her body are a constant reminder that she needed an unbiased medical expert willing to evaluate her mental health and provide her the care she needed, rather than a group of ideologues set on promoting their own agenda and furthering a broader conspiracy at her expense.”
“Defendants have doubled- and tripled-down on their commitment to the policy statement and its ‘affirmative model’ of treatment, while continuing to promote and profit off it,” the lawsuit states, alleging that Ayala and other children are “victims of a conspiracy entered into and perpetuated to the present day by certain ideologically captured individuals in positions of power at the American Academy of Pediatrics.”
The lawsuit states:
“Isabelle has suffered from vaginal atrophy from the extensive use of testosterone; she deals with excess facial and body hair; she struggles with compromised bone structure; she is unsure whether her fertility has been irreversibly compromised; she still has mental health issues and deals with episodes of anxiety and depression, further compounded by a sense of regret; and she has since contracted an autoimmune disease that only the males in her family have a history of.”
Those being sued are Dr. Jason Rafferty, Dr. Michelle Forcier, and the American Pediatric Association.
This is the death knell of the trans industry when it comes to kids. All the kids that were being manipulated are growing up and realizing how they were victimized. A lot of money will be going their way.
Keep Winning!
According to the Post Millennial:
A trans-identified male runner has led his team to win a Washington cross-country championship.
Aspen Hoffman, a junior at Seattle Academy, placed fourth in the Women’s 5,000 meter race at the Wesco/Emerald Sound Cross Country Championships on Saturday with a time of 20:10.70.
Despite two female runners from King’s Christian High School taking first and second, Seattle Academy came out in first place with a score of 65, three points lower than King’s. Cross country meets rank teams by the lowest score, meaning the higher the finish for the runner, the lower the points.
Former University of Kentucky swimmer Riley Gaines, who competed against former UPenn swimmer and biological male Lia Thomas, wrote on X, “He held the team trophy up and started kissing it. He acted like it was solely his forgetting to share it with the girls. Revolting.”
“Girls were warned not to say anything/act up on the podium or else they would be suspended ruining their chances of going to State. Parents were warned not to wear political shirts. A coach got suspended for yelling ‘fair sports for girls,’” Gaines added, giving congratulations to the “rightful championship team,” Kings.
Hoffman competed as a male in the 2021 season as a freshman, finishing the season overall in 72nd place, according to Fox News.
Some things:
- This guy stands about a foot taller than any of the girls.
- He was a crappy runner. That’s why he left the men’s cross country team.
- He’s not even a good female runner.
Until the women stand up to the shit, this is going to happen by men who want to win but can’t compete in the men’s sports. It turns out there are a lot of men out there that will do anything to win.
Nope, It’s Not Them That’s the Problem
According to the Daily Wire:
Dozens of U.S. states filed a lawsuit against Meta and its Instagram social media platform on Tuesday, accusing the multinational technology conglomerate of contributing to the mental health crisis in American youth by making them addicted to its products.
Attorneys general from 33 states, including California and New York, filed the complaint in the Northern District of California federal court, claiming Meta violated federal children’s online privacy and state consumer protection laws.
“Meta has harnessed powerful and unprecedented technologies to entice, engage, and ultimately ensnare youth and teens,” according to the 233-page complaint. “Its motive is profit.”
The lawsuit alleges that Meta has misled the public about the “substantial dangers” of its social media platforms by concealing its practices to make its “most vulnerable” consumers — teenagers and children — into addictive and compulsive social media users.
Capitalism Always Takes Care of Business
According to the Post Millennial:
A handyman employed through TaskRabbit in northern New Jersey has said that he will not accept any more Jewish clients “to express my solidarity with the Palestinian People.”
Melquisedec Francis, who is labeled as an “elite tasker” on the handyman hiring platform, posted to LinkedIn on Tuesday, “I am expressing my solidarity with the Palestinian People until the war in Gaza is resolved. And as a result, I am currently not offering my services to the Jewish Community.”
Francis posted a screenshot of a message he received from a Jewish LinkedIn user who noted the change in Francis’ profile regarding not taking Jewish clients which said, “If this is you, your career is basically over. Just a heads up.”
Francis’ Tuesday post continued, “That being said, If I have, in some way, shape or form, offended you, your country, or your people, my dear Jewish Community, that was and is not my intention. If I have, let me apologize. I am sorry.”
“If, somehow, my dear Jewish Community, still feel that no one else, no other human being in the world, but me, must provide the Jewish Community with the service that it so desires, that it must find ways to attack me and to terminate my career, in utter, absolute protest, then let me say this to my dear Jewish Community: God be with you all.”
TaskRabbit was made aware of Francis’ post, and said in a post to X that Francis’ account had been deactivated.