Episode 469 – Well, Duh!

We lost a couple of legends last week.

Joe Biden says what we all knew for over a year then runs off to the beach

And AOC is still an idiot.



Two huge figures passed away last week.

Betty White, known for her work on The Golden Girls, died at the age of 99. She was just 17 days from her hundredth birthday. She was a great actress and comedian and had a firecracker personality. Here is a quick routine from her appearance on SNL when SNL was funny. It’s a longer clip but she was special and this is really funny.

We also lost football coaching great, John Madden. He was the coach that led the Oakland Raiders to the Super Bowl. He then went on Monday Night Football for twenty years or so. Kids know him today because of the video football game that bares his name.

He was energetic and knowledgeable about football and people could not wait to hear his commentary. He main word that everyone loved to hear was, “Boom!”.

Rest in peace to both.


We Thought That for Over a Year

Joe Biden has finally figured out how to handle the China virus. And I’m pretty sure he’s right about this. After saying for the last two years that he would crush the virus, he’s finally thrown up his arms and accepted that there is no federal solution and it will be up to the states to deal with it.

Here he is at a press conference last week:

Of course, Biden didn’t take any questions from the compliant media. One of the people in the conference told Biden’s handlers to clear the room before they continued. The compliant media just walked out of the room without a question being shouted.

The big question is going to be when is Biden, who says only the states can deal with the virus, going to end his mask and vaccine mandates? So far, there doesn’t look like there are any plans to do that. In fact, he is now taking this all the way to the Supreme Court who said they would rule on the vaccine mandates within the month.

This is a huge turn around by the Biden administration. He basically won the presidency by saying he was going to stop the virus. Not only did he not stop it, it has killed more people under his watch than it did under Trump. That’s one of the reasons CNN and MSNBC have dropped their COVID death tickers. Now they have a ticker on the percentage of people being vaxxed.

What’s worse for the Biden administration, the new China virus variant, omicron, is flying around the country. The New York Times reported:

“Wednesday’s seven-day average of new daily cases, 301,000, was also a record, compared with 267,000 the day before. In the past week, more than two million cases have been reported nationally, and 15 states and territories reported more cases than in any other seven-day period.”

OK, now let’s not panic. There is some good news:

  • The virus is far more contagious but not even close to as deadly. It is 80 times less dangerous than delta.
  • Hospitalizations have gone up a bit last week but they are far from being overwhelmed.
  • The death rates have not spiked. They are staying flat.
  • The CDC says we are looking at an additional 44,000 deaths this month but I don’t believe them.
  • South Africa has reported that they are passed the spike and are now leveling off. That’s great. We are not far behind them.
  • As of now, there have only been 19 deaths due to omicron within the United States. Though tragic, that’s not a lot. All those have been reported to have comorbidities.

That is not stopping the panic:

  • New York is arresting anyone who goes into a restaurant without a vax card.
  • Atlanta is going back to remote learning because COVID is so much more dangerous than depression, drugs and socialization for children.
  • Mask mandates are back in most blue states.
  • Testing is now required for students and workers. That’ll be great considering there is a shortage of tests.
  • Israel is now mandating a fourth shot. There is evidence that the shots will lessen the effects of omicron but will not stop someone from getting it.
  • The Netherlands is using attack dogs to quell COVID lockdown policy protestors. That’s awesome.
  • By the way, Florida still remains in the middle of the pack even though they are the oldest state and do not have mask of vax mandates.

I’m sure there will be more mandates in blue cities and states now that the holidays are over. I’m done with the mask and booster thing. Businesses in California are pretty much done with it too. Yes, I carry a mask but I have yet to be told to wear it inside a business. Josie doesn’t wear it either.


Is This a Scandal?

Biden’s war against Florida continues. The surgeon general of the state said that Joe Biden is withholding monoclonal antibody treatments from them (and other states).

Florida Surgeon General Joseph A. Ladopo sent a searing letter to the Biden administration’s Secretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra:

“The federal government is actively preventing the effective distribution of monoclonal antibody treatments in the U.S. The sudden suspension of multiple monoclonal antibody therapy treatments from distribution to Florida removes a health care provider’s ability to decide the best treatment options for their patients in this state. This shortsightedness is especially evident given that the federal government effectively prohibited states from purchasing these monoclonal antibodies and serving their populations directly.”

Hmm. So let’s review:

  • The government is withholding a known, successful treatment for COVID in monoclonal antibodies.
  • They have demonized ivermectin, another treatment that has proven successful, by calling it a “horse dewormer”. Mind you, ivermectin has been used in Africa for decades and saved millions of lives from malaria and other diseases.
  • They are not talking about the new pill Pfizer has created for treating COVID which will be approved by the FDA this week.
  • We still do not know the B and T-cell (memory cells) immunity from the vaccine.
  • They are still pushing vaccine mandates for a vaccine that doesn’t stop the disease. Let’s stop calling it a vaccine. It is a preventative treatment.
  • They refuse to look at the science and statistics for omicron. Omicron has been shown to be worse than a cold but not as bad as the flu.
  • We are locking down again based on a disease that has caused about 100 deaths throughout the world.

Do you guys see what’s happening? The government doesn’t want this to end. They don’t want to shutdown the virus. This is all about control. Don’t believe me? Let’s take a look at how the pro-shutdown folks are acting. The elites.

Enter Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.


How Does Anyone Vote for This Moron?

Last I checked, New York is a mess.

  • They are having a huge COVID spike.
  • The mandated up the butt when it comes to masks and vax status.
  • They have a huge crime problem.
  • It’s cold a hell.

Where does Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez represent? New York.

Now she has a month off. It must be nice to get a month off while making $170K a year and never having held a full time job before. Oh yeah, and she’s stupid.

She’s also huge into China virus mandates, limiting our freedoms and taking all our money. So where does she stay on her break? Did she go back to New York to support her district during some of the toughest times she has ever seen? Does she go to Puerto Rico to support abuela, who lost her home from a storm caused by climate change? Does she go to Texas to stand in unity with the 200,000 illegal aliens that crossed the border and are currently incarcerated during their processing?

Nope. She goes to Miami, Florida to drink margaritas with her boyfriend (who I’m pretty sure is gay and has crappy taste in sandals), maskless.

You know, Florida, the freest state in the country. Florida, that doesn’t have mask and vax mandates. You know, Florida, that doesn’t have any state taxes. You know, Florida, that celebrates free speech and gun rights. You know, Florida, that supports the police and has low crime.

Yeah, that Florida.

Anyway, a reporter saw her, took a picture and posted it on social media where it got an insane response, basically calling AOC a hypocrite for riding Gov. Ron DeSantis and saying how awful Florida is because it won’t do what Leftists want them to do. Seems like a pretty obvious point, right?

Well, AOC had another take about it. She said Republicans weren’t attacking her because of her obvious hypocrisy but because she’s so obviously hot. She tweeted:

“If Republicans are mad they can’t date me they can just say that instead of projecting their sexual frustrations onto my boyfriend’s feet. Ya creepy weirdos.”

She continued:

“It’s starting to get old ignoring the very obvious, strange, and deranged sexual frustrations that underpin the Republican fixation on me, women,& LGBT+ people in general. These people clearly need therapy, won’t do it, and use politics as their outlet instead. It’s really weird.”

I can’t decide whether she’s a narcissist or a sociopath. What would ever possess a person to say something like this? How could she think for a second this isn’t going to be used against her in the future.

But she wasn’t finished. Even though she is vacationing in a state she hates instead of helping her people who are trapped and suffering in her own district, she decided to take a shot at Gov. Ron DeSantis. And it made her look more sociopathic. She tweeted:

“Hasn’t Gov. DeSantis been inexplicably missing for like 2 weeks. If he’s around, I would be happy to say hello. His social media team seems to have been posting old photos for weeks.

“In the meantime, perhaps I could help with local organizing. Folks are quite receptive here.”

If Ron DeSantis was on vacation, it still doesn’t explain why AOC was being a hypocrite by spending time in a state she hates instead of helping her own district.

But DeSatis wasn’t on vacation. He was working and his press corp released a statement with his schedule. He was actually quite busy. He also had something more important to deal with over the holidays.

According to Fox News:

DeSantis’ announced in October that his wife had been diagnosed with breast cancer, telling Fox News at the time that as “the mother of three young children, Casey is the centerpiece of our family and has made an impact on the lives of countless Floridians through her initiatives as first lady.”

That’s right. Ron DeSantis has been with his wife, while working, during her cancer treatment. What a mean, apathetic bitch AOC is.

I was on Twitter when I saw this and I responded with three links to Casey DeSatis’ condition. All the Leftists pointed out my links were from right wing sources and they were lying. Maybe these people should turn of CNN and MSNBC once in a while a get the real news once in a while.

These people are all so out of touch.

DeSantis did respond to this and made everyone laughed their asses off:

By the way, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has not been doing her job. According to the Daily Wire:

In fact, even AOC has been saying the coronavirus is still a problem. Just a little over two weeks ago, AOC informed Congress she could not cast votes or attend official proceedings in person because of the “ongoing public health emergency” and had to have a proxy do her job for her.

She has no problem traveling across the country in a plane and going to a bar without a mask







Episode 333 I Love Talking About Dumb

Sometimes we, as Americans, are so busy worrying about dumb things that we forget there are actually real issues in the world.

Let’s go through some of the news, talk about some of those dumb things and then talk about some of those things we might be missing.


Rest in Peace

Walter Mondale passed away at the age of 93. Most people won’t remember much about him and that’s not a surprise. He wasn’t a really relevant politician in my time.

  • He was born on January 25, 1928 in Minneapolis, MN.
  • He served as a Senator from Minnesota from 1964-1976.
  • He served as Vice President under Jimmie Carter from 1976-1980.
  • He ran for President in 1984 against Ronald Reagan.
  • Mondale chose U.S. Representative Geraldine Ferraro from New York as his running mate, making her the first woman nominated for that position by a major party.
  • He ran on raising taxes to cut the deficit and support the ERA.
  • He lost that election by one of the largest landslides in history, only winning his home state and Washington DC.


What a Dumbass

The judge in the Derrick Chauvin trial had some rather harsh words about Maxine Watters during a request for a mistrial. Judge Peter Cahill said:

Cahill also said that this could be means for overturning a verdict on appeal since it sis sound like Watters was trying to intimidate the jury. The defense council brought up the fact the jury was not sequestered and the news of the trial is everywhere. The judge rejected the defense’s stance saying there was no evidence the jury was not following his orders not to watch the news.



What Happens When Libs Get Extra Money

Los Angeles is $5.1 billion in debt. Now, that’s not the state of California, that only Los Angeles. That will cost each tax payer would have to pay an extra $4000 to dig us out of this debt.

Now, Los Angeles and California will receive money from Joe Biden’s COVID recovery bill, which is something that really turned Republicans off to the law. Actually, it turned off all of the Republicans. So is the mayor of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti, going to used that money to balance his mismanaged budget? Of course. He’s going to spend it.

It has been reported that Eric Garcetti is going to implement a Universal Basic Income trial that will give $1000 a month to 2000 families in Los Angeles below the federal poverty line. This is part of his Equity and Justice budget.

The program is called “BIG: LEAP,” an acronym for Basic Income Guaranteed: L.A. Economic Assistance Pilot. It will cost $24 million.

When asked, Garcetti said:

“We have to end America’s addiction to poverty. For families who can’t think past the next bill, the next shift or the next health problem that they have, we can give them the space to not only dream of a better life, but to actualize it.”


  • So he expects to end poverty by giving away money?
  • What this actually does it put more people under more dependence of the government.
  • Universal Basic Income has been tried over and over again and has failed.
  • It was tried in Stockton, California for about three months. Guess what happened? Stockton ran out of money.
  • It’s these redistribution programs which are killing California and is causing their tax base, like Tesla, to move out of California.
  • I think it would be much better if Mayor Garcetti decided to pay off his debt instead of giving money away and increasing the debt.


Changing of Language

President Joe Biden has banned federal immigration agencies from using terms such as “alien,” “assimilation,” and “illegal alien” in official documents and statements.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) acting director Tae Johnson said:

“In response to the vision set by the Administration, ICE will ensure agency communications use the preferred terminology and inclusive language.”


  • The term, “illegal alien” is a legal term. It has nothing to do with race.
  • Biden is changing the terms to make illegal aliens more legal. I won’t change my usage of the term for this reason.
  • It amazes me that the reason Biden is contacting ICE is to change their terminology. You’d think he’d be more worried about the disaster on the border than the terms they use in their reports.


How Is She an Expert?

Greta Thunberg has come out of her basement and continued to chastise society for not doing what she wants us to do. I think this is great because now she is 18-years-old and now I can make fun of her without being accused of being mean to a child (which I never gave a damn about anyway).

Here she is at a World Health Organization presser discussing how the vaccine distribution is not equitable:

A few things here:

What is she doing at a WHO presser? She just, theoretically, a high school graduate. She has no expertise in anything and is autistic. As far as I’m concerned, this really damages the already rickety credibility of the WHO. And who is she to listen to when in comes to prioritizing who gets vaccinated.

I will also point out that she never actually thinks anything of this up. We already know that her father is running her Twitter account. If you watch the video, one can see she is actually reading a prepared statement. In the past, when she had to speak in front of the press without any preparation, she couldn’t seem to get a word out. She should just have her parents talk to the WHO.

A couple of things she says here are kind of odd:

  • The richer countries are getting vaccinated, and I think she’s specifically speaking of the United States because she hates us, we came up with the vaccine. We pain for the production of the vaccine. If Ghana wants the vaccine, they can invent, produce and distribute it.
  • She also brings up this from the stance of globalism and anti-capitalism. That’s her real thing. She does the same thing with environmentalism. She doesn’t go to China about any of this. She points only to the United States. She detests nationalism which the left always associates with white nationalism or white supremacy.
  • I’m a proud nationalist. You know what other country is? China.


The Real Problems

Remember I said a while back that we have become such a self-centered society we only fight about the stupid things and are missing that there is an entire world out there? By the way, I have two other stupid stories but you’ll have to wait for those till tomorrow.

We, Joe Biden’s weakness is beginning to embolden other countries and is pissing other leaders. Jen Psaki is being asked some question about it and her answer is always to circle-back to it. But we are really looking at some serious conflicts that are probably going to read their heads in the next year and I don’t know if the administration has the leadership to deal with them.

  • Iran is purifying uranium to the highest purity that they ever reached, 60%. I think it might be a little late to rejoin the Iranian Nuclear Agreement.
  • China is running fighter jets over Taiwan. The Taiwanese have asked for more weapons to counter the threat.
  • Russia’s military is building up on the Ukrainian border. The troop counts are as high as they were since the 2014 invasion of Crimea.
  • North Korea has started missile testing again and still refuses to communicate with the Biden administration.
  • The Presidents of El Salvador, Guatemala and  Honduras are blaming the Biden administration for opening the borders and causing mass migrations from their countries. This is an issue for them because they are losing working age males.
  • The President of Mexico is blaming Biden for the open border policy because the cartels are getting rich and more powerful through human trafficking. This is making them hard for the Mexican government to deal with.


We are so busy in this country worrying about race, police, equity and whether a man can compete against women we are missing the big picture.

By the way, did you know the United States flew a drone on Mars yesterday.










Episode 248 – Rest in Peace, Guys

We have been so busy with the election, other news has been put on the back burner. We have lost two major figures in our culture. Considering I made yesterdays podcast long, I think I’ll shorten this one up.

Rest in peace Sean Connery and Alex Trebek. Let’s go over their lives, their greatest moments and one of the greatest comedy sketches involving the two.


There is News

There is some important news out there today.

  • William Barr is starting an investigation into votes fraud and irregularities.
  • A new vaccine by Pzitzer has been found to eliminate 90% of the COVID virus. Trump is wondering why they waited until a week after the election to announce it. The Democrats are trying to take credit for it.
  • Fox News has lost all credibility along with the rest of the mainstream media.
  • Finally, something really interesting. Blaze TV’s Louder with Crowder, an Internet news source…sort of…beat CNN, Fox News and MSNBC on election night. Interesting. I think we talked about this the other day.


More on all of this tomorrow. But first, real news.

Sean Connery

His Life

Let’s take a look at the life of Sean Connery.

  • Was born Thomas Sean Connery on August 25, 1930 in Edinburgh, Scotland.
  • His mother Effie was a cleaning woman and his father Joseph was a factory worker and a lorry (truck) driver.
  • Connery’s first job was delivering milk.
  • At age 16, he joined the Royal Navy. He worked with an anti-aircraft team and was assigned to the HMS Formidable.
  • He was discharged at 19 for a medical for having an ulcer.
  • Afterwards, he returned to the co-op, then worked as, among other things, a lorry driver, a lifeguard at Portobello swimming baths, a labourer, an artist’s model for the Edinburgh College of Art, and after a suggestion by former Mr. Scotland, Archie Brennan, a coffin polisher.
  • Connery was a body builder. Rumors are that he won a tournament in 1953 but the records are sketchy.
  • In 1951, Connery started acting at King’s Theatre in a production of South Pacific.
  • In 1954, he starred in a few production in the theatre of London.
  • In 1957, he starred in his first film role in a movie called No Road Back. 
  • In 1962, Sen Connery hit it big. He was selected to play James Bond.
  • Between 1962-1971 he played in Bond films: Dr. No, From Russia with Love, Goldfinger, Thunderball and You Only Live Twice.
  • He left the Bond series but returned for the movie Diamonds are Forever. His final Bond film was Never Say Never Again.
  • After Bond, he starred in Alfred Hitchcock’s movie Marnie. Hitchcock wanted Connery for North by Northwest and Notorious but Connery refused because he thought he might be typecast.
  • In 1987, Connery won his first and only Oscar for Best Supporting Actor in the movie The Untouchables.
  • In 2006,he received the American Film Institute’s Lifetime Achievement Award. There, he confirmed that he was retiring from acting saying, “Only idiots are now making films in Hollywood.”
  • Connery was married twice. His first wife was Diane Cilento (m. 1962; div. 1973) and his second wife Micheline Roquebrune (m. 1975). He has a son, Jason Connery.
  • Connery died in his sleep on October 31, 2020 in Nassau, Bahamas.


I did not see a lot of Sean Connery’s movies. I was never a James Bond fan. That’s OK, I am also not a Marvel or DC comic book movie fan and people think I’m nuts. But the movies I saw I loved. That includes The Untouchables, Hunt for the Red October and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

He was a first tier actor when he did The Untouchables where he won his one Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor (my favorite move). In the movie, Sean Connery plays Jimmy Malone, a policeman who has ethics and morality and will not take payments from the mob but does not have the courage to go after the mob on his own. When Eliot Ness says he wants to go after Al Capone but doesn’t understand how to do it. Malone knows and tells Ness that he is going to have to go beyond the law in order to accomplish his mission. By the end of the movie, Ness gets it and goes way beyond the law.

In a very powerful scene, Malone is shot and dying. When Ness finds him, Malone is not concerned with himself but with getting Ness the information he needs to capture an important Capone accomplice. In his last breath, Malone says, “What are you willing to do?” Malone was willing to go against his caution and give up his life to get Capone. Ness gets it and does what needs to be done, bloodying his hands.




Alex Trebek

The host of Jeopardy died last week. Let’s talk about his lift. I’m sure it’s going to be shorter than Sean Connery..

  • Trebek was born in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, on July 22, 1940,
  • the son of George Edward Trebek ( Terebeychuk), a chef who had emigrated from Ukraine as a child, and Lucille Lagacé (born April 14, 1921), a Franco-Ontarian.
  •  He grew up in a bilingual French-English household. Trebek’s first job was when he was 13; he was a bellhop at the hotel where his father worked as a chef.
  • Trebek graduated from the University of Ottawa with a degree in philosophy in 1961.
  • While a university student, he was a member of the English Debating Society. At the time, he was interested in a career in broadcast news.
  • Before completing his degree, Trebek began his career in 1961 working for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. According to Trebek, “I went to school in the mornings and worked at nights; I did everything, at one time replacing every announcer in every possible job.] He would eventually read the CBC national radio news and cover a wide range of special events for CBC Radio and CBC Television, including curling] and horse racing.
  • Trebek’s first hosting job was on a Canadian music program called Music Hop in 1963.
  •  In 1966 he hosted a high school quiz show called Reach for the Top.
  • In 1973, Trebek moved to the United States and worked for NBC as host of a new game show, The Wizard of Odds.
  • A year later Trebek hosted the popular Merrill Heatter-Bob Quigley game show High Rollers, which had two incarnations on NBC (1974–76 and 1978–80) and an accompanying syndicated season (1975–76).
  • Trebek hosted the short-lived CBS game show Double Dare
  • For Merv Griffin, he shot two pilots for a revival of Jeopardy! when original host Art Fleming (a friend of Trebek’s) declined to return to the role owing to creative differences. This revival sold; Trebek began hosting it in 1984 and remained the host until his death. His final episode hosting Jeopardy! will air on Christmas Day 2020.
  • Trebek was married twice and has three children.

He died on November 8, 2020 of stage four pancreatic cancer, which he announced he had on air.

I have been watching Jeopardy since I was a kid. It was a favorite with my family. we actually used to keep our own scores (in our heads, of course). If someone got over $0, we were winners. That game was amazingly hard.

Trebek was a stoic, friendly sort. He came across quiet and reserved. He also came out kind of…arrogant. If someone gave a wrong answer, he could tear that person apart with a quip that seems like nothing but everyone knew was an insult. But his fatherly persona always softened the blow.

In this video clip, we here some of Jeopardy’s best moments. Listen and enjoy:

I know, I could have cut this down by a minute and a half by getting rid of the Final Jeopardy music but I thought it would bring back memories.

The next clip is probably the most touching clip in live television history. Trebek announced that he had stage four pancreatic cancer but he was going to beat it and continue doing the show. The news was devastating to a lot of people. A contestant named Dhruv Gaur had no chance of winning. He gave Alex a special message during his Final Jeopardy answer. Alex became very choked up. Listen:

To this day, I still tear up over this. To be loved so much that someone will state it in the middle of a competition, even if he is going to lose, takes a lot of heart. This will be a moment that is celebrated in television history and it only cost $1995.






SNL Accidently Honors Two Great

In one of the greatest coincidences, Saturday Night Live offered the greatest honor to two great men that died within a week of each other. In the long running skit, Will Ferrell would play Alex Trebek and an assorted number of actors would play Sean Connery. In the skits, that were so popular SNL included a skit for their 40th Anniversary, Connery and Trebek hated each other. It was hysterical.

One of the things the skits made fun of was how dumb, either purposely of by accident, Sean Connery is. Watching this video from Austin Kellerman on YouTube, in a tribute to both men from the SNL skit.

The next recurring joke on these skits was the fun that Sean Connery made about his sexual escapes with Trebek’s mother. These were great, especially with Will Ferrell’s stoic response to Connery. Here is a montage from Alex Kellerman.

Finally, and probably the most hysterical, is when Connery would rearrange the words in the topics to create rather dirty topics. Trebek would, frustratingly, correct Connery with the actual topic. I have cleared out any disease in my lungs from any disease because I laughed so hard. This is also from Austin Kellerman.

Final Jeopardy was just as funny. I won’t play any of those because, for the most part, they were sight gags. But anytime Celebrity Jeopardy showed up on SNL, I watched. It really was a tribute to both of the cultural icons of our time.

Our culture lost a couple of icons over the last two weeks. We have been so busy with this election this election mess, we ignored this. I decided that we should talk about them.


