
Episode 563 – Compassion is Pity in the Right Place

There are other things are happening that are way more important than the overturning of Roe versus Wade, which is why the media is focusing on Roe versus Wade.

Kamala Harris makes an ass out of herself again.

And the border and the drug crisis hits everyone.


These Guys Don’t Get It

So, yesterday, it was ruled that a football coach, prayed after games and was joined by players, could not be fired based on the fact he was praying.

The Left, who really is trying to figure out how to argue against any of these decisions, came out screaming that this decision would be different if the plaintiff was Jewish or Muslim. It just proves that these guys do not read the actual opinions. Neil Gorsuch specifically referred to a Muslim case as to why this coach shouldn’t have been fired.

In the opinion, Gorsuch said:

Teachers and coaches often serve as vital role models. But this argument commits the error of positing an “excessively broad job  descriptio[n]” by treating everything teachers and coaches say in the workplace as government speech subject to government control. Garcetti, 547 U. S., at 424. On this understanding, a school could fire a Muslim teacher for wearing a headscarf in the classroom or prohibit a Christian aide from praying quietly over her lunch in the cafeteria.

This shows a few problems with the Left:

  • They don’t know how to read. They just flip out.
  • They assume that Conservatives are like them. That we split people up into race and sex. We don’t Conservatives and Republicans are the most diverse people around.
  • We actually aren’t racist, bigoted and homophobes. Most of us are live and let live.
  • The above is probably why we are happier, more entertaining and funnier than anyone on the Left. We enjoy life and don’t want any restrictions on what we can say and hear.

Living a moral life is a happy life and it makes for happier people.

  • Kids are good. They’re hard but fulfilling.
  • The family is good. Protecting, caring, raising a family is good. It’s hard but it’s fulfilling.
  • Believing in God, with whatever religion, gives hope. Following His laws is hard but it is fulfilling.
  • Our country is good. Yes, we have a difficult and immoral history. It is hard to come to terms with that but we have. Living in a country where most of us have a common goal is fulfilling.

I pity the hopelessness of the Left and understand why the do things like this:



Kamala has been chosen to be the abortion czar. This is great for a couple of reasons:

  • Nothing gets accomplished when she leads anything.
  • She needs to talk to the media and she’s really funny.

She did an interview with Dana Bash of CNN. This was absolutely the disaster we thought it would be.

In this first question, she’s asked why the Democrats, who control the House, Senate and Presidency, didn’t do anything to codify Roe. Her response is actually funny but true. Listen:

I know this was a flub and she just didn’t listen to the question, but she was right. Do what? They couldn’t have done anything. Any law that Congress passed when it comes to abortion will be struck down by the Supreme Court.

And she can want that Congress should do something but that train has left the station. There is nothing Congress can do now.

Here is Kamala being asked about eliminating the filibuster. This is kind of a cowardly response:

She is such a coward and a lousy speaker and she just looped the answer back to Bash. The follow up question should have been, “What are you pursuing?”

Joe Biden has not left any doors open. Just a few days ago, he said he was not in favor of packing the court and he has made clear he is not for eliminating the filibuster.

Here is Kamala being asked about gas prices and what can be done about it. This is a true Kamalaism:

Her answer to what they can do about gas prices is that they have to do something. Really?

This is a horrid answer because it shows the Biden administration has no idea what to do about gas prices without going against their ideology. To lower prices, there needs to be drilling which the administration doesn’t want to do. Even the president of France, Emmanuel Macron told Biden at the G-7 that no one has capacity to create more oil and that the U.S. needed to start drilling. It fell on deaf ears.

Here is Kamala being asked about the high inflation:

This is her answer for everything: the border crisis, inflation and gas prices. Everything is a top priority but nothing gets done.

Notice she doesn’t answer the question? That’s because the answer is, “Yes, there is going to be a recession.” That is going to be the only way to get inflation down.

The reason a recession is inevitable is because the government needs to control demand. The way to control demand is for people to lose jobs so they have no money to buy things. Recession is the logical next step for the government to control demand. Hopefully, supply will rise.

This was the worst response Kamala had. She is talking about abortion and this response shows what the Democratic party thinks society should truly be like. This is straight out of Huxley’s Brave New World:

This is an embrace of hedonism. Our sons should be able to f- anyone they want with no responsibilities or consequences. We should also teach them this through the public schools.


We Can’t Forget About This

Last week, we talked about how there was a record 240,000 illegal alien confrontations in May. To give you an example of how bad that is, in all of 2020, there were a total of 400,000 apprehensions.

With the border so wide open, there are huge problems that come with illegal aliens coming across unfettered. Not only for the people of the United States, but also for those who are crossing.

Yesterday, a tractor trailer was found in San Antonio, Texas.

  • In that truck, at 60 illegal aliens were found with at least 50 found dead or died at the scene.
  • This was the largest death toll from human smuggling. The weather was around 90 degrees.
  • There was no air conditioning or water in the trailer.
  • Most of the victims were from Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala.
  • 16 were taken to a local hospital.
  • Three people were arrested.

This is something the media ignores. This is far more common than is being portrayed.

  • Children are being left alone by the cayotes and are dying in the desert (there’s film).
  • People are drowning in the Rio Grande River (there’s film).
  • People are dying from exposure while hiding in the bushes (there’s film).
  • People are being killed by the cartels if they cannot pay (there is film).

This is not compassion.

But there’s more but this time it is us that are in danger from illegal trafficking. This time with drugs.

Jose Zendejas, 25, and Benito Madrigal, 19, both from Washington, were arrested during a traffic stop-turned-drug bust in Tulare on Friday. Here are the detals:

  • They had over 150,000 fentanyl pills.
  • Investigators seized 150 packages with 1,000 fentanyl pills in each – enough to potentially kill several million people. Officials aid each pill sells for about $5 – meaning the bust netted about $750,000 worth of deadly drugs.
  • They were booked into the Tulare County Pre-Trial Facility on charges of possession, transportation and selling of illegal drugs, officials said.

These two, dealing with drugs that has killed over a 100,000 people last year, were released from jail on the own recognizance. They weren’t even giver bail. Those guys are gone.

We know where these drugs are coming from. We know who’s making them. We do nothing about it. I believe it is time to declare a clear and present danger against Mexico and China. I think it is time for military action against Mexico and China.

But no one in the government cares.

But it doesn’t just stop there. People are crossing the border that want to physically kill us.

According to the Washington Times:

Border Patrol agents nabbed 15 people at the southern border in May who were on the FBI’s terrorist screening database, showing the free-for-all along the U.S.-Mexico boundary is unabated.

The number of people on the terrorist watch list caught crossing the border is a record for any month, equaling all of 2021 and more than the Border Patrol found from 2017 to 2020 combined.

That goes with the 47 other that were caught this year. By the way, head of DHS doesn’t know where those people are. in the United States pending trial.

Is there any question that having an open border is a problem?




Episode 560 – A Good Call!

There is so much news today. Great news too.

The Supreme Court is making historic ruling and they ain’t done yet to the disappointment of the Left.

Joe Biden has decided that the best way to gain our love is take stuff we love away.

And Biden has decided to import baby formula from a common sense source.



Big Ruling

In a case called New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen, the Supreme Court ruled the New York’s regulations for a citizen to get a concealed carry permit were too strict and must be changed. This is a huge decision.

Currently the law requires you to prove you need a permit and then the decision is still up to a New York official to decide whether that reason is justified. You can’t just say my neighborhood is dangerous.

Justice Clarence Thomas wrote the majority opinion and said:

“In this case, petitioners and respondents agree that ordinary, law-abiding citizens have a similar right to carry handguns publicly for their self-defense. We too agree, and now hold, consistent with Heller and McDonald, that the Second and Fourteenth Amendments protect an individual’s right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home. Because the State of New York issues public-carry licenses only when an applicant demonstrates a special need for self-defense, we conclude that the State’s licensing regime violates the Constitution.”

The governor of New York, Kathy Hochul, who was not ever elected, was extremely disappointed with the ruling. She came out with a prepared statement in a press conference:

Some things:

  • “We are not going to cede our rights so easily”?
    • This is an amazing statement!
    • Who’s rights, exactly, is the Supreme Court ceding? The government’s rights?
    • The government has no rights. Citizens do through the Constitution.
    • She says this twice in the speech.
  • She admits her law is an infringement! She said the word “infringement”! It’s just justified. The Second Amendment is absolute!
  • The “you can’t yell fire in a crowded theater” is a stupid argument for the there are limits on free speech thing.
    • There is no case law that says you can’t yell fire in a crowded theater!
    • There are no limits to free speech! You can say whatever you want.
    • The 1st Amendment is so important, The Founding Fathers created the Second Amendment to Protect the First Amendment. From who? The government. It says so in the Second Amendment!
  • A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
  • This women and most Leftists are tyrants. But they know they cannot limit the First Amendment until the get rid of the Second Amendment. And that’s what they are trying to do.

This broad made it that you couldn’t carry a gun unless some government bureaucrat says you can carry a gun. That’s a direct violation of the Second Amendment and how the Second Amendment protects us from governmental tyranny.

This statement was prepared. She knew she was going to lose. This was the best statement the could come up with?



Why Do They Always Take Away

The Biden administration has decided that taking away thing Americans love is a good way to stay in office. They’ve decided to target nicotine by restricting cigarettes and e-cigarettes. Yeah, that’ll make him more popular! Piss off 13% of the population.





The Ruling Isn’t Even In Yet















Episode 562 – And the Fun Begins!



Another Victory




All Those Sweet Leftist Tears








Of course, celebrities got into it.

  • Samuel L. Jackson called Thomas, “Uncle Clarence”.
  • The lead singer of Green Day said he was going to renounce his U.S. citizenship and move to England.
  • P!nk said that anti-abortionists should not listen to her music.











But there might be some with rational thoughts. This gal hit it out of the park:

She is wrong about one thing. The Supreme Court did make the right decision but she was right about Leftist extremism being a real problem.


What Are They Going to Do Now

Democrats are really behind an eight ball. They really don’t have much the can do. So they have gone to the same old well.

  • Impeach the Justices.
  • Pack the court.
  • Eliminate the filibuster.
  • Codify the law.
  • Demonize the system.
  • Fear monger to get people to vote for them.
    • They say SCOTUS will end gay marriage.
    • They say SCOTUS will end interracial marriage.
    • They say SCOTUS will end contraception.
    • None of these things will be done even though they are also based on bad precedence.

Here’s the thing, this is going to go away in a couple of weeks. This is just not an important topic. Even people who are pro-abortion


The Riots

We were expecting a “night of rage” on this weekend. There were protests, some violent, but, for the most part, there really wasn’t much happening. There were some violent protests in Washington, Oregon, California, New York, Washington DC and Massachusetts. Notice something (you should, I said this would happen). Most of the most violent protests occurred in cities and states that are not banning abortion. There weren’t any riots in Idaho, South Dakota, North Dakota, Utah or Mississippi. Those states are banning abortion. But the people of those states want to ban abortion.

  • In Los Angeles, a man was charged with attempted murder of a police officer by using a makeshift flamethrower.
  • In Colorado, a pregnancy center was firebombed.

There were two semi-riots in one red state and one purple state.

In Austin, Texas, they had some scrums. But, understand something, Austin is a blue city within a red state. Texas has come under the scourge of blue big cities. Dallas, Houston and Austin are pretty blue so it is not a surprise to see some protests.

In Phoenix, Arizona, we probably had the most violent riot. A bunch of droogs decided to riot around a city council building, trapping the lawmakers inside. There was some damage and it was a scary moment but it was pretty tame. Either way, wouldn’t this be considered an insurrection?  Again Phoenix is a conservative, purple state that is, for the most part, anti-abortion. But the big cities, like Phoenix, tend to be more liberal.

The fact that there were very few violent riots is good and bad news for Democrats.

  • Good news is if there were riots, the January 6th committee might as well dissolve (though the temper tantrum of the idiots may be enough for that already).
    • AOC and Maxine Waters specifically called for people to go on the streets. Would they have been investigated? Should they be investigated?
    • The hypocrisy would be too much if they did not investigate riots in Washington DC.
    • It might be too late though because people are wondering about the leaked draft and why people weren’t arrested when protesting in front of the judges’ homes.
  • Bad news is that this does not look like it is going to be an important platform for the November elections which is what they are pushing for right now.
    • Most people do want restrictions put on abortion and the Left has gone way too radical.
    • Abortion is not affecting most people’s daily lives.
    • We have way too many more important problems like inflation, gas prices and the war in Ukraine.

But we’ll wait for it. It’s still early in the summer. Maybe Antifa will be able to rally more people when it get hotter.


They Won’t Learn

Companies are back at it. They seem really upset about abortion being banned. So they have all decided to support women who are in states that ban abortion by sending them to states that aren’t banning abortion.

Those companies are:

  • Disney
  • Dick’s Sporting Goods
  • Netflix
  • Comcast
  • Paramount Pictures
  • JP Morgan
  • Pay Pal
  • Just to name a few.
  • Apple
  • Tesla
  • Meta

Question for you, is this an attempt to be woke or do these companies have an ulterior motive? The reality is it is cheaper for a corporation to pay for an abortion than it is to pay for a pregnancy. So let’s be careful with the woke thing. I think this might be only about greed.




Episode 551 – It’s Up to You, Parents

Let’s take a look at some news because there’s a lot of it.

And let’s listen to a story of a brave Uvalde mother saving her kids. You probably won’t hear much of this from the mainstream media.


Here is Karin Jean-Pierre again, asked about the economy. She shows out-of-touch this administration is.

Again, she better come out with better answers than that in the future because there is no doubt she’s going to be asked this question soon. Like, today.

Here’s a statement by Sen. Debbie Stabenow about she doesn’t care about how high gas prices go because she finally got an electric car:

Some things:

  • She hates you, folks. She is completely apathetic to the people she serves.
  • Most of us can’t afford a $100K car.
  • This is why politicians should not get paid to serve. They should serve because they want to. They weren’t paid in the past. That’s why the Founding Fathers did not implement any term limits.
  • I guess she has forgotten that there is a power shortage and the will be rolling blackouts. Especially in Michigan.



Let’s go over some news:

  • A California man was arrested trying to sneak on the property of Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
    • He was in his mid-20s but no name was released.
    • He was carrying a gun and a knife.
    • He had a history of threatening Kavanaugh.
    • He told police he had come to kill Kavanaugh.
    • He probably is already out of jail.
    • When are they going to release this opinion? This is immoral to this point.
    • Democrats own this.
  • The Biden administration seems to think bringing in celebrities is the way to get people like them.
    • Last week, the Biden administration brought in a K-Pop band to talk about anti-Asian hate. No one cared.
    • Yesterday, the administration brought in actor Matthew McConaughey to talk about gun control.
    • McConaughey is a Democrat and has political ambition.
    • He pushed for gun control but also for re-establishment of the family, hardening of schools and bring back of American ideas patriotism.
    • Later, on the Brett Beir show, he said that control could not be implemented as an all-or-nothing strategy but be limited in slices.
    • Be honest with you, I saw the thing and it looked like an acting job and McConaughey is a much better actor than that.
  • Democrats are in for a drubbing in November.
    • Chesa Boudin, the San Francisco DA who is the son of two Weather Underground terrorists and a huge proponent of prison reform has been recalled and is out of office.
    • After the election, he said: “People are angry, they’re frustrated, and I want to be very clear about what happened tonight: The right-wing billionaires outspent us three to one, they exploited an environment in which people are appropriately upset, and they created an electoral dynamic where we were literally shadowboxing. Voters were not given an opportunity to choose between criminal justice reform and something else. They were given an opportunity to voice their frustrations and their outrage and they took that opportunity.”
    • First, let’s not forget this guy was supported by George Soros so he had money.
    • And he seems to forget that San Francisco has a crime problem, a drug problem, a homelessness problem, a mental health problem and business are leaving the city because people keep stealing their inventory. But that has nothing to do with why he lost.
    • 60% voters wanted him ousted.
    • Up next: George Gascon in Los Angeles.
  • There is a 15K caravan coming up from Mexico.
    • Evidence shows this caravan is being supported by the United Nations.
    • Kamala Harris, in response, wants to send another $2 billion to Central American countries.
    • She seems to forget that half the issues the people are having involves government corruption.
  • Joe Biden hasn’t done an interview in over 3 months. In his first sit-down interview since February, he has decided to sit down with Jimmie Kimmel.
  • The January 6th Commission has decided to hold a prime time spectacular promising to release new material and excite people to vote for Democrats in November.
    • It is being produced by the same guy who did the ABC News, Nightline and Good Morning America.
    • All networks will show this extravaganza except Fox News which means they are going to have the highest ratings tomorrow.




This is Important

I haven’t talked too much about the massacre in Uvalde because there hasn’t been much to talk about because the police down there have been lying. We now know that things did not go down as the police said.

  • The shooter was outside the school for a full twelve minutes before entering the school.
  • The police were at the scene.
  • The police said that the shooter was confronted by a resource officer. He was not.
  • Then we found out the police lied about going in to face the shooter. They waited over an hour until a border patrol agent said, “screw it” and went in to kill the shooter and get shot.
  • The police also lied about the confrontations between police (who didn’t want to go in to save children) and the parents (who did want to go save their kids).

There was a story done by CBS about a woman who ran into the school and saved her two children. I had heard this but wasn’t sure how true it was. Well, here’s the interview with that woman. It was true. Watch:

This interview will be cut out of the report. It goes completely against the Leftist narrative.

  • The government doesn’t care about your kids.
  • The government won’t protect you.
  • If this woman had a gun or the other parents had guns, they would have taken care of this kid almost immediately.




Episode 546 – Here’s What They Had to Say

Last week, we talked about the Fourth Industrial Revolution also known as the Great Reset. We talked about it because the purveyors of the Great Reset are meeting in Davos, Switzerland last week. Knowing their end goals seemed important before playing what they said.

With that, let’s talk about the World Economic Forum’s Conference.



Klaus Schwab

This is a creepy statement and not just because he says it in a creepy German accent. This is Klaus Schwab, the founder and head of the World Economic Forum and the designer of the Great Reset. Here is his opening statement for the conference:

Some things:

  • The future is built by the people in that room. Why? Who elected them?
  • Who said the future needed to be rebuilt? I think the United States (who Schwab sees as the biggest blockade to the Great Reset because of that pesky Constitution) is fine. We just need to cure our social ills and bring back things we have lost.
  • This is the stakeholder versus shareholder capitalism.
    • There is no such thing as stakeholder capitalism. That is just fascism.
    • Profits become secondary.
    • This has been tried everywhere.

Here’s what’s scary, Schwab already has a blueprint on what makes a solid economy. A blueprint where the government subsidizes businesses if the business follows the WEF’s regulations and requirements:

Some things:

  • China created the virus.
  • China lied about their statistics.
  • China uses slave labor.
  • China has unfair trade practices.
  • China has concentration camps.
  • China is in a recession because of their fascistic economy.
  • This guy thinks China’s economy and social system is what should run the world.
  • That should be scary.


Helen Clarke

Then there’s Helen Clarke, the former prime minister of New Zealand:

Some things:

  • Schwab admits this too. COVID is a chance to implement this form of global fascism.
  • New Zealand is notorious for their lockdown policies during the China virus, arresting people and putting people into internment camps.
  • They are also implementing stringent gun control laws and a gun buy back.


J. Michael Evans

J. Michael Evens is the CEO of the Alibaba Group. This company is a huge E-commerce source. He brings up something else that is already implemented in China and Klaus Schwab spent a lot of time about in his book. That is tracking the public:

Some things:

  • Nothing to see here, right?
  • By the way, you’re being tracked now. Your cell phone is always tracking you.
  • Klaus Schwab is his book said this was going to be the hardest thing to implement because people don’t want it.
  • He specifically says this is going to hard in the United States.


Speaking of Tracking the Plebes

Pfizer CEO, Albert Bourla, says they are trying to invent a more inventive way to track people, especially when it comes to vaccine requirements.

Some things:

  • Do you see any self-interest here?
  • Basically, you’re too stupid to make a decision on your own do the government needs to make it for you and the government needs to verify you’re being a good global citizen.
  • by the way, this guy was bitching that Pfizer has billions of dollars in vaccines no one is taking.
  • Don’t kid yourself that these companies don’t care about money.


Inman Grant

Here is Australia’s eSafety Commisioner, Inman Grant. I get the impression she let out a little more than she intended:

Some things:

  • First off, does she sound Australian? Sounds like an American to me.
  • In Australia and New Zealand, who is causing a lot of the conflict? Could the government be doing through the heavy-handed regulation?
  • This is what this is all about. How is the global community going to take away human rights so they can control people and make them do what they want.
  • I think she let the “control speech” thing slip.


John Kerry

Not only were the worst people in the global community was there (Xi Jinping and George Soros were there) but American sent its elitists too. That includes Bill Gates and John Kerry. Here’s John Kerry talking about, what else, climate change:

Some things:

  • Just an FYI, John Kerry, and all the other elitists, flew to Davos on a private jet.
  • He is pushing a global economy, a utopia.
  • We rubes created this mess. Those elites will fix it.


How Powerful are These Guys?



















Episode 535 – Look at the Shiny Bauble!

Biden continues to spend money but in all the wrong places and for the wrong reasons.

The LGBTQ Nation releases an article about a man who thinks he’s a woman not being allowed to go into a women’s prison in North Carolina. They conveniently left something important out of the article.

And a guest on MSNBC has a weird take on the Supreme Court draft leak.


Worry About HERE!

The Ukraine/Russia war continues to rage on and there doesn’t look like an end in sight. The reality is Russia can’t lose this war so they are going to fight till the end. I see this war going for years.

Joe Biden is going all in on this war.

  • The Biden administration has already spent about $30 billion in arms, supplies and money on Ukraine.
  • Two weeks ago, the Biden administration released another $33 billion dollars to Ukraine.
  • Yesterday, Joe Biden asked for an additional $39 billion for Ukraine.
    • Does this look like we are fighting a proxy war with Russia?
    • Europe isn’t spending this type of money.
  • The $39 billion is being held up because Biden included another $10 billion in the bill for COVID relief.
    • When is this administration going to realize the pandemic is over?
    • When is this government going to realize he more money they spend the higher inflation goes?

I have some real thoughts about this:

  • First and foremost, I think what Russia is doing is bad and they do need to be deterred.
    • Economic sanctions did not work because not everyone is following through because they can’t Russia’s economy is back to where it was before.
    • Putin doesn’t care about the economy much because he’s not personally affected. He’s worth billions and won’t miss a meal. He doesn’t care about the people who are the real ones suffering.
  • I don’t mind militarily supporting Ukraine. But I do have some reservation about it that the military and the public has:
    • What about our military? Are we replenishing the weapons we give to Ukraine? The military says no.
    • Do we know what Ukraine is doing with the money we are giving them?
      • Don’t forget, Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world.
      • Ukraine is not a democracy. It’s still an oligarchy.
    • Are we running a proxy war through Ukraine with Russia?
    • Seems we are. Reports have us giving intelligence to Ukraine to that led to the sinking of a Russian missile ships.

Joe Biden wanted a victory in Ukraine to be a big win for him going into the 2022 elections. Here’s the problem: most people don’t care about Ukraine. It is not the biggest problem for Americans. In fact, it’s only number 4 biggest problems since March. It has dropped even further. And it looks like there is not going to be a all out victory for Ukraine. Russia will probably take quarter of the country.

It is not going to being a Democratic selling point in November. That’s why abortion has taken center stage. Abortion isn’t a great platform either.

But that’s the problem with this administration. It is completely out of touch. Here’s Merrick Garland of the Justice Department explaining a new department he is opening up:

This is with crime, illegal drugs, human trafficking and illegal immigration at all time highs. In that list, the environment is ranked 14th with the biggest problems in the United States.



The Real Problems

Everything is falling apart in this country and the Biden administration is not doing anything about.

  • Today, gas prices hit record highs. It is going back to $6 a gallon in California.
  • There is a huge baby formula shortage.
  • There is a shortage of product at grocery stores in general. Have you tried to buy pasta lately.
  • The stock market is crashing. It has lost 5000 points since Biden took office. The people that are being hit here are retirees.
  • The rise in interest rates is making homes unaffordable which is crashing home prices. People are finding themselves underwater with the home values.
  • The GDP is down 1.4% for the first time since the pandemic started.
  • Though Biden has said that the deficit is going down be a trillion dollars, the Washington Post gave the claim 3 Pinocchio’s.
  • The Consumer Price Index is going to be released tomorrow. Though its not going to be shocking, it is still going to have inflation over 8%.
  • Finally, there is about a 50% chance we are going to end up in a recession within the next 2 years.

All this is happening. People are suffering. People are openly saying they are suffering. But the Biden administration is worried about Ukraine and abortion.

Democrats are going to get killed in November.



What’s Missing Here?

LGBTQ Nation release an article about a man who says he’s a woman is being harassed in a men prison in North Carolina. The ACLU is now suing the Department of Corrections for not putting him in a women’s prison and not paying for his sex change operation.

I’m going to read this story and I want you to see if you can find what’s missing from this story:

The North Carolina ACLU filed a complaint at the end of April on behalf of Kanautica Zayre-Brown, a transgender woman being held in a North Carolina facility. 

Zayre-Brown is incarcerated at Anson Correctional Institution and has allegedly been denied gender-affirming care. In addition, she was held in a male facility for two years before being transferred to Anson. 

He’s being held in a male prison because he is a male. He also looks like a pretty big male.

In a release, the ACLU said the North Carolina DPS’s refusal of care for Zayre-Brown constituted a violation of the US and North Carolina constitutions as well as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The legal action “seeks damages and an injunction requiring DPS to provide Mrs. Zayre-Brown with necessary medical care and accommodations for her gender dysphoria, including the use of gender-consistent terminology, consistent hormone therapy maintenance, and gender-affirming surgery.”

ACLU of North Carolina attorney Jaclyn Maffetore said, “DPS’s denial of treatment is not only discriminatory – it is inhumane. By refusing to treat her gender dysphoria, DPS subjects Mrs. Zayre-Brown to needless suffering and places her life at risk.”

Couple of things:

  • Not using someone’s “preferred pronouns” is now considered discriminatory and inhumane. The DPS needs to be punished for it.
  • The ACLU might have stepped in it with this one. Are they saying that being trans is a disability? Well, of course it is because it is a mental illness.

Transgender people in carceral institutions statistically face higher degrees of violence than many other groups, including but not limited to violence from lack of gender-affirming care. In December 2021, a federal court ordered the Federal Bureau of Prisons to evaluate a transgender prisoner for gender-affirming care. This marked the first instance of such an action by the courts. 

The lawsuit points out that DPS was aware from the beginning of Zayre-Brown’s imprisonment that she had gender dysphoria but placed her nonetheless in a male facility.

Where were they going to stick him? In a women’s prison?

Hey, not everybody buys this crap and DPS has more than just this guy to worry about. They have to worry about the women in the women’s prison too.

“Being a transgender woman in a male facility exacerbated Mrs. Zayre-Brown’s gender dysphoria, caused her extreme mental and psychological distress, placed her at grave risk of physical… and sexual assault, and led to Mrs. Zayre-Brown being placed on suicide-watch.”

By the way, he’s in prison with other criminals. Maybe if he’s worried about being abused by the other dregs that have been taken out of society, as he has been, he should not have gone into prison in the first place.

Taylor Brown, staff attorney for the LGBTQ & HIV Rights Project at the ACLU was also quoted in the official release about the complaint and said it will hold the North Carolina DPS accountable for their actions regarding Zayre-Brown.

“The North Carolina Department of Public Safety will now have to answer for their unlawful and discriminatory behavior, as we fight to get Mrs. Zayre-Brown the health care that she requires and is constitutionally due,” Brown said. “The ACLU and our affiliate partners across the country will continue to hold prisons accountable for violations and deprivations of the rights of incarcerated transgender people.”

OK, there you have it. That’s the entire article. Do you notice something missing in the article? How about why he’s in prison and how long does he have to serve?

I had to go through six article, all saying about the same thing, before I found out what he did.


In 2017, Zayre-Brown went to prison as a habitual felon, convicted of insurance fraud and obtaining property by false pretenses. In others words he is serving life in prison for identity theft including home title fraud. This man has ruined lives. Obviously he still has a lot of money from his crimes because he’s willing to pay the $100,000 for his sex change operation. But that’s not what the ACLU wants him to do, they want the state to pay for the operation. Not only does the state have to pay to house this bastard, using taxpayer money from the productive and honest participants in society, they want the state to pay for his perversion with taxpayer money from the productive and honest participants in society.

Why am I paying taxes? To support this?



Just Listen to This

This is just such an amazing clip from a news from some guest on MSNBC. They are talking about the leaking of the Supreme Court draft by Justice Alito:

Some things:

  • Can you think of a more vile thing to say?
  • There is nothing she can say from here on out that will make anyone take her serious.
  • By the way, that’s the new Leftist talking point: a Conservative leaked the draft. That makes no sense whatsoever.
  • That’s because the leak is not being looked at in a bright light and it will hurt Democrats if any violence is done to any of the justices.







Episode 532 – It’s Just a Draft!

Let’s take a look at the leak of Samuel Alito’s draft abortion ruling.

Let’s look at the media reactions.

Finally, let’s get back on track of what’s important.


The Leak

This ruling wasn’t suppose to come out until next month. This was a draft ruling. It’s not finished or voted on. How in the hell did this thing get out? In my 54 years, I have never heard of this happening with the Supreme Court.

More than likely, the leaker was some Lefty activist in Sotomayor’s office. I do not think Sotomayor herself would leak it or encourage one of her minions to leak it. But she is the most leftist activist on the court and Ketanji Brown Jackson isn’t on the court yet.

It is very bad that ruling get released. There are a few reasons:

  • The decision hasn’t been voted on. It’s only a draft. We cannot count that this is the decision.
  • Public opinion could affect the actual decision (though unlikely).
  • There could be threats made against the justices to force them to change their minds.
  • There could be violence against the justices.

The legal and political communities is absolutely flipping out.

  • SCOTUSblog: “It’s impossible to overstate the earthquake this will cause inside the Court, in terms of the destruction of trust among the Justices and staff. This leak is the gravest, most unforgivable sin.”
  • Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL): “The next time you hear the far left preaching about how they are fighting to preserve our Republic’s institutions & norms remember how they leaked a Supreme Court opinion in an attempt to intimidate the justices on abortion.”
  • Shannon Bream, Fox News: “Never seen anything even CLOSE to this in my 15 years covering #SCOTUS. Urge plenty of caution until an official opinion is eventually released.”
  • Andy McCarthy, former federal prosecutor: “If this story is true, the Court should issue its opinion right away. Otherwise the disgraceful leak wins. I would say that if my side lost. If we lose the integrity of the Court’s process, we lose the Court. That should be intolerable to all of us who live the country.”
  • Jonathan Turley, Shapiro Chair of Public Interest Law at George Washington University: “The alleged leak of the opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization is nothing short of breathtaking. It would constitute one of the greatest breaches of security in the history of the Court. The article represents the greatest crisis that Chief Justice John Roberts has faced in his tenure on the Court. It is a breach of the most fundamental obligations and traditions of the Court. If this is a true copy of the draft opinion it is hard not to view this as a malicious act. What is the motivation of releasing such a decision? The only intent of such a leak is to trigger a response from outside of the Court. This draft is from February and the majority can shift on such opinions. However, the act of leaking such a draft opinion ranks as an original sin for judicial ethics. The most likely motivation is obviously to pressure the Court and push the legislation in Congress on a federal abortion law before the midterm elections. It will also likely renew the call for court packing.”

Chief Justice John Roberts released a statement today. He said:

“Justices circulate draft opinions internally as a routine and essential part of the Court’s confidential deliberative work. Although the document described in yesterday’s reports is authentic, it does not represent a decision by the Court or the final position of any member on the issues in the case.

“To the extent this betrayal of the confidences of the Court was intended to undermine the
integrity of our operations, it will not succeed. The work of the Court will not be affected
in any way.

“We at the Court are blessed to have a workforce – permanent employees and law clerks
alike – intensely loyal to the institution and dedicated to the rule of law,” he said. “Court employees have an exemplary and important tradition of respecting the confidentiality of the judicial process and upholding the trust of the Court. This was a singular and egregious breach of that trust that is an affront to the Court and the community of public servants who work

So he’s going to have the court marshal investigate the leak.

Good! Whoever did this needs to be found, prosecuted and thrown in jail. This person should be treated as a traitor. This is one of the most unethical, immoral and illegal things someone could do.


Whining and Crying and Gnashing of Teeth

What’s fun about the Left being mad is they say some really insane things. I like to exploit this so let’s listen to the insanity that has been circulating the news and social media. Politicians are a bit meaner. We will cover them in a bit more detail.

For the media, let’s play a game. The DC Shorts on YouTube released a compilation of media insanity. Now, usually, I like to introduce each clip and give a thoughtful commentary but there are just too many. But let’s make this a game. I play the clip and give two to three short comments. That way we can get through this within two hours.

Here’s the first:

Some things:

  • No one is going after anything. Alito said that three times.
  • Why would any justice go after Brown versus the Board of Education, the law that ended segregation? Because all Conservatives are racist, of course.
  • The Supreme Court never eroded voting rights. They stated that certain states were violating the state constitutions in federal election.
  • I like the fascism the Supreme Court is pushing because, if states have to vote and debate abortion, it looks like Democracy.
  • Finally, Joy Behardt is an idiot.


Don’t cry. Be brave. Be a man. Though we don’t know what that is suppose to mean anymore.


Some things:

  • Liz considers it extremist that justices read the actual Constitution that she has sworn an oath to protect.
  • There we go! Destroy the system and cheat.
  • You know what I was mad about? Liz Warren pretending to be a Native American to get into Harvard.


Yes because Roe versus Wade and Casey versus Planned Parenthood were crappy rulings. He spent 98 pages telling us why. Maybe she should have read a little of it.


Some things:

  • The federal government was already in control but you liked the results.
  • Now, the federal government might have to release the control and give the decision to the people. This is Federalism which the Founding Fathers believed in.
  • Federalism is the fundamental and cultural base of this country. The Left has been picking away at it for the last century.


Some things:

  • Abortion isn’t taken away. It’s just being allowed to be voted on by individual states.
  • And it was the same stroke of a pen that allowed abortion again.

Next are two clips. They say pretty much the same thing:


Some things:

  • I want to point out that Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood was a racist and eugenicist.
  • She built Planned Parenthood clinics in black areas to limit the black populations. She wrote about it. She lectured about it.
  • 57% of black women who get pregnant, have abortions.
  • Technically, anti-abortionists want the black population to grow.


We have been in the dark ages of the United states for the last 15 years. It has peaked since about 2015.


Some things:

  • That statistic is misleading. That 70% don’t know what Roe does. They think abortion will be completely banned. It won’t be.
  • Most people just want abortion banned in the third trimester, heavily regulated in the second trimester and not much regulation in the first trimester.
  • And I love this but a precedent is not necessarily constitutional. That would mean Dred Scott was constitutional.


Roe versus Wade was a bad decision. We might finally have a court that calls it out for what it is.


Some things:

  • Again, if Roe versus Wade is overturned, abortion is not ended but this is what the media wants.
  • By the way, the wire hanger abortions in bathroom was all a lie. The guy who said it is not anti-abortion and he said it was propaganda campaign.

Finally, the crème-de-la-crème from Whoopie Goldberg:

Some things:

  • “Me, my doctor and my child”? Huh?
  • Again with the public bathroom thing.
  • Abortion is not safe for the child or the woman.
  • It is a human issue. The baby is also a human.
  • This is a woman that wants to force everyone to wear a face diaper and get government approved shots for the rest of our live.

Politicians got into the act and threw out a lot of faux outrage. You already heard Liz Warren.

Here’s Pramila Jayapal. She is open and proud to tell everyone that she had an abortion in the past:

Some things:

  • I love when people use this argument because my answer is simple. There are lots of ways not to get pregnant.
  • I love when she talks about the future for the woman getting the abortion. What about the child’s future?
  • Roe versus Wade is not a law. It’s a precedent and a bad one.
  • It’s not a right for them to to determine and create precedents, it’s their job. That’s why they are there.

Here’s Chuck Schumer also throwing a fit:

Some things:

  • I love when he does this because it’s so fake.
  • You know what I’m outraged about? The Democrats in 1973 legalized abortion, made it so commonplace women think they have to have an abortion to be women.
  • And, as far as the millions and millions of women thing, I just want to point out that over 60 million babies have been aborted.

Finally, Old Joe had some words about it:

Some things:

  • He can’t seem to remember any questions.
  • Robert Bork was a textualist. He didn’t believe the government gave rights, he believed God gave rights.
  • Him saying he’s a child of God is just ironic.

Notice, not one comment, from anything we listened to, mentioned the historic event of leaking a Supreme Court draft.


Keeping Our Eyes on the Ball

The fed, today, rose the interest rate another 0.5% to try to control the wild fire that is inflation. This is going to raise rates on big ticket items like car and home loans. It’s business loans more difficult to obtain and afford. It’s going to hit the employment rate.

You might be asking why I am bringing this up after this entire article being about abortion reaction. That’s because abortion is going to be the Democrats new narrative, their platform for the election in November. They’ve fucked up everything else.

  • The economy is a disaster.
  • Gas prices are a disaster.
  • The border is a disaster.
  • Afghanistan was a disaster.
  • Our foreign policy is a disaster.
  • We have high crime, drug abuse a huge homeless problem.

Everything the Democrats have touched has been a disaster. They have decided to rally people around abortion. There’s a problem with that. Democrats have a tough time when confronted about abortion. Listen to this little clip from California that came out about a year and a half ago. It kind of proves my point:

This is why abortion is not going to be a great platform that is going to unite the Democrat party in the elections in November. When they have to explain their policies, they are horrific and people just won’t buy it.



Episode 507 – He’s Back!

The biggest scandal, so far, from the Biden administration hits. It’s bigger than Afghanistan.

Tony Fauci just won’t go away.

And Joe Biden’s foreign policy is backfiring hours after he implements them.


It Was All a Lie

The New York Times finally admitted what we already knew.

  • In October 2020, the New York Post released an article stating that it had the hard drives from the Apple computers owned by Hunter Biden.
    • The computers were turned into a repair shop, fixed and were never picked up.
    • The store went through the laptops in order to clean them and resell them to get their money back from the unpaid services.
    • The employees found very disturbing content including:
      • Pornography with involving Hunter Biden.
      • Drug use involving Hunter Biden.
      • Child Pornography.
      • E-mails dealing with business dealings with Ukraine and China.
      • Text messages between Hunter Biden and other business associates.
    • What is most disturbing is there was reference to Joe Biden receiving money from Hunter’s business dealings.
  • The FBI was contacted by the business and the hard drives were not immediately collected.
  • Rudy Giuliani was contacted and he received copies of the hard drives.
  • The New York Post was contacted and released a story about the Hunter Biden hard drives in October 2020, three weeks before the election.
  • The news and social media got the memo:
    • All links to the news stories were censored by Big Tech. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snap Chat, YouTube all banned the posting of the story, even through DMs.
    • The media ignored the story.
    • The intelligence and justice departments said the story was “Russian disinformation”.
  • It worked. The story was suppressed.
    • 12% of voters said they would not have voted for Bien if they knew about the story.
    • 50% of Democrats said they would not have voted for Biden if they knew about the story.
    • Everyone is wondering how Joe Biden owns 2 homes with 6000+ square footage on a politician and teacher’s salaries.
    • Everyone wonders how Joe Biden is worth $10 million as a career politician.

Does it sound like the 2020 election might have been manipulated?

The New York Times article, a rather long one and that was probably done on purpose, didn’t get to the laptop not being Russian disinformation until the 24th paragraph. And they still tried to make Hunter look like an intelligent man who just got into some tax issues that he took care of. The article was covering the investigation of Hunter Biden and his possible FARA violations over his Burisma holding Ukraine. Of course they never brought up Hunter’s Chinese issues and he has plenty of those.

But what is important about this story is the acknowledgement of the laptop that was covered up, rather sloppily, before the elections and I find this very disturbing.

This shows:

  • Social media companies are colluding with each other. They are censoring information they do not like and could hurt candidates they do like. You never heard of them censoring the Steele Dossier for the four years during Trump’s Presidency and that was actual Russian disinformation.
  • It shows the media bias. This was a story that should have been investigated, not ignored.
  • It shows that all of the corruption involving the Biden family is true. There was a ton of information in there:
    • Pornography.
    • Child pornography.
    • Drug use.
    • Dealings with Ukraine.
    • Dealings with China including specific named government officials.
    • Arranged meeting with Joe Biden as Vice President.
    • Money from these deals being funneled to Joe Biden.
  • But, worst of all, it shows the elections were actually stolen.

So, is anyone going to apologize about this? Nope. In fact, the media is doing what it does best. They are ignoring the story. If one only watches CNN or MSNBC they will have no idea what is going on.

The White House refuses to deal with this. Here’s Jenn Psaki being asked about the conflict of interest be Hunter taking $3.5 million from a Chinese oligarch:

Actually, that is a good question. One the President needs to answer. It is a conflict of interest, a sign of corruption, and collusion with a foreign government for personal profit.

By the way, this is impeachable and could, very well, make 2023 really interesting when Republicans take the House and Senate.




He’s Like a Rash that Won’t Go Away

Like not needing to wear a mask anymore? That could very well change soon.

  • There is a new variant of the China virus called Omicron-1A.
    • It is said to be about 25% of the new cases.
    • It does not appear to be any more dangerous than the original omicron.
  • It is currently spreading through China.
    • China is shutting down again.
    • Be prepared for more supply chain issues.

Tony Fauci has disappeared from the scene. The pandemic is over and the war in Ukraine has taken the spotlight. He is also one of the most unpopular person in government right now.

But, with the new variant, he is making his rounds on the television again. But the questions appear to be a little different. He was asked by George Stephanopoulos if he planned to retire. He is like 300 years old. Here’s his answer:

  • This guy is never going to retire.
  • I don’t blame him because he makes almost a million dollars a year.
  • But we don’t have a way to go for this pandemic. I feel very comfortable to say the pandemic is over.

Now, here’s George asking Fauci if we are out of the woods as far as the China virus is concerned.

  • These guys don’t want this to end.
  • 65% are boosted but more than that have natural immunity.
  • The vaccines don’t really work. I’m proof of that.
  • The virus shouldn’t be fooling these guys. It does what all viruses do.

Listen, the war in Ukraine isn’t going to last forever and the Democrats are going to need another “crisis”.





Episode 493 – Friday Dumb



Dumb Quote of the Week!

Here’s Joe Biden talking about what he did with a dead dog when he was on the city council in the beginning of his career.

Yeah, I don’t know why he said any of this or what was the genesis of this story. He does seem to think it’s funny so we’ll just give it to him.



This Probably Was A Close Second

Hudson Mayor Craig Shubert resigned Monday, less than a week after drawing international attention and ridicule to the upscale Summit County community. That sounds terrible. What did this poor bastard say?

Yeah. He didn’t think they should have ice fishing shanties on the lake because there could be an increase in prostitution. I’ve been ice fishing before and all got to do was drink. Maybe if I knew it could be more exciting I would have done it again.

Shubert, realizing the idiocy of his statement during the meeting, released another statement:

“My comment about ice fishing, the permitting of shanties on lakes, and prostitution stems from my experience as a former television news reporter covering law enforcement agencies, which have made arrests for acts of prostitution in ice fishing shanties. When discussing proposed legislation, it is wise to discuss the potential for unintended consequences. My statement was to enlighten council that the future permitting of ice shanties may lead to other issues.”

What he should said is if the council did not listen, it would lead to herpes. You know what would have been better? If he just said it was a stupid thing to say. Or, at least give us a little more racy information on what he does in ice shanties.

In his resignation letter he was kind of all over the place:

“My comments at Tuesday’s workshop were made out of concern for our community; what could become of unintended consequences of new legislation, based on my prior television news reporting experience. My attempt to inject a bit of dry humor to make a point about this, in the midst of a cold, snowy February, was grossly misunderstood.

“Some in our community saw this as an opportunity to engage in the politics of personal destruction by means of character assassination, blaming me for the negative international press they helped to promote.

“Since the passing of my wife, First Lady Sherri Moyer, I have given considerable thought to the next stage of my life. Retirement is on the near horizon. With the recent changes on city council, where six of seven seats have turned over, City Hall is entering a new era. My role as a change agent is complete.”

Yeah, he’s kind of all over the place. It was a joke but he did see it when a reporter. He’s quitting because his dies and because his job is done. Listen, I’m sorry the guy’s wife died but, hearing what he’s been talking about, I bet he wasn’t much of a mayor.


OK, That’s a Weird Story

According to Fox News:

Migrants on Mexico’s southern border sewed their mouths shut on Tuesday in a gruesome bid to convince the Mexican government to let them in, so they can then travel north and try to get into the United States.

Reuters reports that about a dozen migrants, mainly from Central and South America, sewed their lips with needle and plastic thread, leaving a small space to drink liquids. They also used alcohol to wipe away the blood from the stitches.

The protest took place in Tapachula, a border city with Guatemala, where thousands of migrants are waiting for permission to enter the country and cross over to the United States, the outlet reported.

“We hope that the National Migration Institute can see that they are bleeding, that they are human beings,” Irineo Mujica, an activist at the demonstration, told Reuters. 

I do want to point out these people are also on a hunger strike.

Now, there are two ways I look at this. The funny way and the right way. Let’s do the funny way first.

I think Joe Biden should send a plane to southern Mexico and pick those twelve or so people up and bring them to the United States and make them citizens immediately. Why? Because if these sick bastards are willing to sew closed their orifices to get to the United States. I bet if they had to make a deal not to go on public assistance or take public healthcare to become citizens, they would. I can’t get Josie to take a test where they will ask her 5 questions to get her citizenship much less sew her mouth shut.

Wait…sorry. Was daydreaming.

In all seriousness, do we really want these people in our country? These people are sick. This is not a normal thing to do. They think they are justified is crossing two countries illegally. This “act of protest” is sick. What will they do when they get to this country…illegally? This is why we should be able to do background checks on these people before they come into our country.

And what kind of crap is Joe Biden letting in this country? I guarantee you he is never going to have to deal with any of these people at one of his five mansions. No, we will have to deal with them.

By the way, I think they will need the free healthcare in this country to deal with the infections they are going to have when they get to this country.



These Guys Need Jobs

What is a Super Bowl without someone bitching about the commercials. Now, unfortunately for terminable miserable, all of the commercials were woke. Heck, there was one commercial for an Apple phone that stated that cameras are racist because the pictures of black people comes out too dark. Of course, I’m so white as to glow. I always come out too white-washed.

But that’s how the commercials really went. I noticed the era of the funny Super Bowl commercials are over. Even Budweiser is not putting up commercials anymore except a couple of throwback commercials in black and white about the horse.

There was one commercial that set some folks off. It was one with no words but CGI animals getting the hold of Doritos Flamin’ Hot potato chips.

Here it is and it is a video commercial, no words so I’ll describe it on the podcast.

Most people liked the ad. But some were critical of the ad, arguing that despite the warning, it could inspire people to unintentionally give animals something that could cause them harm.

New York Times reporter Stuart Elliott tweeted:

“Don’t feed Doritos to animals, says spot that shows animals eating Doritos. Ugh.”

Arizona-based sports reporter Kellan Olson tweeted:

“Please do not feed animals Doritos or put VR headsets on them.”

Phillip Michaels tweeted:

“Doritos: Our snack food gives animals psychotic fits. But… uh.. it’s probably OK for humans to eat.”

Alana Campos added:

“What a terrible @Doritos commercial. Like giving highly processed foods to animals was cool. ? DON’T FEED THE ANIMALS.”

And the creme de la creme of the tweets goes to YouTube star, Brett Kollmann. He begged:

“@POTUS please sanction the hell out of flamin hot Doritos for what they all just put us through.”

Three things here:

  • How stupid are these people?
  • How stupid do these people think we are?
  • And can anything funny be allowed?



How About Just Dad?

Van Jones of CNN is a father again. Or, whatever he’s calling it. That’s why it’s in the dumbest things of the week.

He decided to talk about it with People magazine:

“After the COVID lockdown, I got clear that I wanted another kid. I discovered that my friend Noemi also wanted a baby. So we decided to join forces and become conscious co-parents. It’s a concept that I hope more people will explore and consider.”

“This month we welcomed to Earth a baby girl, whom we will raise as co-parenting partners. This is a special time for our families. I feel grateful, joyful and blessed. As we create a safe and loving environment for this blessed young soul, I respectfully ask for privacy. Thank you for all the love and support.”

This is an example of one of the tenants of communism, the destruction of the nuclear family and this is how Van Jones is adding to this. Mind you, Van Jones is trying to teach you how good not being a father is to his child. He also doesn’t have to put that stigma of being a male parent by using the terms “father” or “mother”. It also gives him a way to not take full responsibility for his child since parenting is a 50-50 prospect.

This is how the Left and communism destroys all that is good. I prescribe parenting and family is the most fulfilling experience in one’s life. I even tried to stay married to keep my family together even though I was married to an evil harlot. Being a parent, no being a father, takes 100%. And giving my 100% is only half of what a child needs. The mother needs to give 100% just to fulfill what is missing from my efforts. And those little accomplishments, like graduating from high school, fulfills the parents. Why do you think parents feel empty when their children leave the home to live their lives.

Great movie starring Steve Martin that shows this is Father of the Bride. To this day, I still cry when I see this movie.

So, good luck to Van Jones and the half of the child he’s responsible for.



Finally, Something Fun At Disney World

Finally, something that might make me want to go to Disneyland.

According to the New York Post:

A “Jerry Springer”-style brawl broke out at Disney World between a pair of drunken, naked sisters, culminating in the duo tussling in the bushes after one slipped on the other’s vomit, according to court papers.

The ill-fated evening started out with the sisters, who were tourists from New Jersey, grabbing dinner at Disney Springs at a steakhouse and then hitting an Irish pub for drinks, according to details recently revealed in Florida circuit court papers.

Here’s what happened:

  • They went to dinner and got drunk.
  • They tried to get an Uber but their cell phones dies.
  • A security guard called an Uber.
  • They were so drunk, the Uber driver refused to take them.
  • The guard called a taxi.
  • While waiting for the taxi, the pair began arguing.
  • The older sister called the younger sister a “bad mom” and slapped her, according to court papers. In return, the younger sister allegedly threatened to punch her.
  • Police from the Orlando County Sheriff’s Office arrived around 12:40 a.m. to find the younger sister screaming and crying near Cirque du Soleil, steps from the Watermelon and Mango parking lots. She was stripped down to only her underwear and sandals, court papers said.
  • The two were reunited by security and started fighting again. When they were broken up again, one slipped on vomit and landed in the bushes.
  • They were both arrested.

Disney said they didn’t have a video of the incident. I call BS on that one. Disney is like a Chinese concentration camp and has cameras everywhere. My bet is this video is going to be better than any of their last ten movies and they are trying to figure out a way to edit it.




This story is just too weird and sick to come narrate myself. This is from the U.S. Sun:

Cynthia Perkins, 36, faces 41 years in prison after taking a plea deal on Monday in exchange for testifying against her now ex-husband, Dennis.

He was working as a Livingston Parish sheriff’s deputy at the time of his arrest.

The Louisiana woman initially protested her innocence to 72 charges for various sex crimes.

Yet this week pleaded guilty to producing child pornography, second-degree rape, and mingling harmful substances.

The charge about harmful substances allegedly refers to an incident in which she used Dennis’ sperm to “season” pastries for Westside Junior High Schools kids.

“These three we thought was representative of what she had done and by agreeing to the facts as we put them out on the record she prepared herself to testify against Dennis Perkins,” Assistant Louisiana Attorney General Barry Milligan said on Monday.

Cynthia and Dennis were arrested in October 2019 and faced 150 felony charges including rape, child pornography, sexual battery of a child, and video voyeurism.

Just to give you an idea of how hick this paper is, they spelled Louisiana wrong.

But back to the issue at hand, who thinks it’s a turn on to jizz in in cupcake batter and feed it to kids you don’t know? What’s wrong with these people?

What’s more weird is this could be seen as no big deal in the future. And what the f- is wrong with teachers today?

This gal is looking at 41 years in prison and that’s with the deal! I wish they could throw her in a men’s prison.

Former Louisiana Teacher Pleads Guilty to Lacing Students’ Cupcakes with Ex-Husband’s Sperm, ‘Horrific’ Sex Crimes



She Could Have Used PTO

According to the New York Post:

A former Georgia official faked being pregnant so she could take paid maternity leave — but her scheme came apart when a co-worker noticed her baby bump was bogus, officials said.

Robin Folsom, 43, also allegedly made up a fake baby daddy to send an email to her bosses that said she was under doctor’s orders for several weeks of bed rest after giving birth in May 2021, the Georgia Office of the Inspector General announced this week.

The birth-that-wasn’t came two months after a co-worker at the state’s Vocational Rehabilitation Agency allegedly saw part of Folsom’s fake pregnancy stomach “come away” from her body, according to a news release from the IG’s office.

Folsom, director of external affairs for the agency, sent her co-workers photos of her supposed newborn, but they “depicted children with varying skin tones,” the release stated.

Let’s get this straight:

  • This gal made up that she was pregnant because he wanted to take parental leave.
  • She faked a baby bump.
  • She faked a father (who turned out to be a fictional African).
  • She faked a second pregnancy.
  • She faked a birth.
  • People got suspicious when her baby bump would disappear or move and the pictures of her kids weren’t the right skin tone.

Needless to say, she lost her job and she’s looking at a bunch of years in prison for lying and fraud. The question is begged, what made her think she was going to get away with this? And what exactly took the government so long to figure this out? She faked two pregnancies.




Episode 485 – They Are Showing What They’re About

Joe Biden is looking to solve crime by taking down a Constitutional right.

And China’s message may not be getting through during the Olympics.


Gun Control

Joe Biden went to New York last week to talk about crime. It turned out Old Joe didn’t want to talk about crime but about guns. He wanted to talk about how guns were committing most of the crimes in the world and getting rid of guns would solve the world’s problems. Of course, he didn’t worry about crimes that did not involve guns (which is actually most crimes). You burglary, theft, child abuse, drug use and dealing, car theft and rape. All crimes revolve around guns.

And it’s not people that commit crime. It is only guns. The gun wakes up in the morning, has a cup of coffee, watches the morning news. Then the gun decides to go out and kills someone. Usually the gun decides to kill a black person. Even though most guns are black or blue steel, the are white supremacists.

Damn racist guns. They are also homophobic, transphobic and bigots.

That’s the line of thinking Joe Biden and the Left have. Or maybe their line of thinking is their religious ideology must be imposed on all people, even if they don’t believe in this sick ideology. And people should not have the ability to rebel against this ideology. People with guns can create a formidable resistance against the Left.

Here’s the problem for Joe Biden and the Left. The Constitution. They believe they’re above it. They believe the Constitution is just an old piece of paper that can be changed with some white out and a sharpie.

Listen to old Joe make that very clear in New York last week:

First off, Joe can’t seem to get through a sentence without fumbling through his words. He’s reading this statement and still stutters his way through the statement.

The cities that he speaks about have always had crime and everything has gotten worse since the defund the police movement. Gun crime did not go up because there are more guns. It has gone up because there are less police and prosecutors refuse to prosecute criminals. There have always been a lot of guns.

As far as rogue gun dealers, I’m for getting rid of them. But Joe’s Gun Shop down the street doesn’t sell guns illegally. Big 5 doesn’t sell guns illegally. Turner’s Sporting Goods doesn’t sell guns illegally. I know tis for a fact. It is street punks who are already committing the crimes that sell gun illegally and they, when caught, they are not being prosecuted because they are victims of a systemically racist system.

The last part of this statement is the big one. “No Amendment is absolute.” That statement is wrong.

The Constitution is absolute. It is the law of the land. How do we know this? It’s in the Constitution. If you want to change the Constitution, it’s in the Fifth Amendment. And, guess what, it is not the President or Supreme Court that changes the Constitution. In fact, they have no say in the process. It’s up to the Senate, the House and the States.

The last statement Biden made was the most egregious. Even the Washington Post said it was not true. That’s when he said it wasn’t legal to own a canon. There were no limits to the weapons a person could own. There were no limits tot he number of weapons a person could own. In fact, in the 18th and 19th centuries, there was fear of foreign powers and it was required to own a gun.

The Second Amendment is really straight forward:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

There are no limitations here. It doesn’t say the right the bear Arms shall not be infringed except for…”

Here’s the kicker. When I was a kid (and that was a long time ago), a person could own a Howitzer canon. He could own a fully automatic AK-47. He could own a fully automatic Chinese SKS assault rifle. He could own an automatic Uzi. He could own a SPAS Street Sweeper automatic shotgun. You could buy them at any Big 5.

The government slowly took away guns. They started with automatic rifles. Then military guns. Then attachments. The certain types of ammo. Now they are going after ghost guns and magazines sizes. The evolution has been so slow that no one noticed what was available to us at one point.

Yet the Second Amendment says we can own whatever we need with no fixed quantity. That was some on purpose. The reason: it is “necessary for a free state”. The words from the Second Amendment.

We’ve seen how taking away gun rights has gone in other countries. We saw it in China, the Soviet Union and Germany in the 20th century. We see how it went in Venezuela in in the 21st century. We are watching what happens to freedoms right now in Canada and Australia.

This is what the Left wants. They want to take away our rights to fight fr our country.







The Olympics

Speaking of China, the Winter of Olympics are happening and no one cares. The Olympics have had their ratings fall consistently for the last 20 years. This Olympics is taking it completely in the teeth. NBC’s viewership is down 69% from the Summer Olympics of last year and are at the lowest in Olympic history.

That’s just awesome. I know I’m not watching this propaganda event.

Some of the media is also questioning why the Olympics are being held there at all. The New York Times, which has been pretty critical of China. They complained that Beijing doesn’t have any actual snow. It’s kind of like Los Angeles in the winter. All the competitions in the Winter Olympics are being held on man-made snow. Of course, The New York Times bitched that man-made snow was bad for climate change. The question I would have asked is why the International Olympic Committee (IOC) would hold the Winter Olympics in a place that doesn’t have any snow.

Pictures are also coming out of China. There is one picture that shows what looks like the ski jump venue. The venue is nice but the surrounding area is a hellscape. Grey buildings, a nuclear power plant and a dirty city in the background.

I am sure we are going to have a lot of stories about China when the athletes return to their countries (though we are getting a lot of information now).

But it is also the tyranny.

On live television, a reporter from, I think, the Netherlands was roughly removed from in front of the televisions camera because he was standing in front of the wrong building. He was asked politely or anything. A police officer grabbed him and shoved him off camera.

Even the propaganda they are pushing is not being embraced. When the Chinese had a Uyghur light the Olympic Caldron, the mainstream media, including CNN, was doubtful that this was anything more than propaganda.

But there is more.


Why Didn’t She Say This Before

Nancy Pelosi made the following controversial comments last week:

Some things:

  • Why didn’t she say this before? Why didn’t anyone say this before?
  • Why are our athletes over there?
  • Why is a United States politician, the third most powerful person in the government and in line to be President, showing her fear of the Chinese government?
  • And what would our government do if China did take action against a U.S. athlete who said something China didn’t like?

This is the type of weakness that the Biden administration and the Democrats have shown for China for decades. She is basically saying that our athletes are in danger because of the Chinese government and there is nothing the United States government can do about it.

Well, the horrors of the Chinese government are coming out and it has only been a couple of days since the opening ceremonies.

Russian biathlete, Valeria Vasnetsova, was put into isolation because of COVID. She complained about the food being awful and there being no way she could train. She also released a picture of her meals that she received three times a day,

The meals were made up of a raw chicken breast, plain noodles, some red sauce of some kind, four or five small potatoes and charred meat of some kind.

She had lost a lot of weight and, of course, she lost her ability to compete.

She said:

“[M]y bones are already sticking out,” the Olympian said. Vasnetsova said she had survived on the small pasta serving for several days because it was “impossible” to eat the rest of the food, “but today I ate all the fat they serve instead of meat because I was very hungry.”

Eventually, the Russian government complained enough that the Chinese started to give her real food while she was confined.

Another athlete, Belgium Kim Meylemans, also has a nightmare story. She was confined for 14 days because of the China virus, all alone. When she was released, she was put in a van. She thought she was going back to the Olympic village. Nope. She was being transferred to another containment facility.

Here she is, in tears on Instagram, distraught that she was being put away again for an additional 7 days:

So, why is China doing this? Remember, they are saying that they only had 5,500 deaths due to their virus. They shouldn’t have any issues with the virus since the handled it so beautifully.

There are three reasons:

  • They lied. The virus is still an issue and they did not have 5,500 deaths. They probably had hundreds of thousands of deaths. We already have pictures of the urns of the dead from the China virus and it’s more than 5,500.
  • They want to manipulate the games. All their COVID requirements were to mess with the athletes’ training regimen. They want the most medals and they will do anything to achieve that goal.
  • Finally, the China virus is just the excuse they are using for pushing their tyranny.


The Media Pushes the Propaganda

The media shows us that they have a very unhealthy respect and love for China. Now, to be clear, most of the mainstream media thinks this Olympics is just a Chinese propaganda scheme. China has been criticized by Leftist news organizations like CNN, The Washington Post and The New York Times. So China is not completely getting a free pass.

But here is NBC, who is televising the games, during the opening ceremonies:

Is this guy kidding?

They have concentration camps where they are systematically committing geocide. They imprison people for saying things they don’t like. They disappear people. They had a one-child policy that forced abortions and sterilization.

And let’s not over appreciate what China is doing in other countries. They are doing this for a reason. They will help no country without getting something in return. Either money, land, resources or influence. They are an example of the colonial empire that Leftists accuse the United States of doing.

I can kind of understand why NBC is doing this. They paid a ton of money into getting the rights to the Olympics and they want to shine a light on China to try to take the stain away from the games. But ESPN, a sports network owned by ABC doesn’t have that kind of excuse (well, ABC is owned by Disney). ESPN is suppose to be only about sports though that has eroded over the years. Here the are on a show called Around the Horn:

That’s right! The United States is just as bad as a country that is systemically killing people in concentration camps because people in Georgia need to show an ID to vote.

Simply disgusting.


