
Episode 440 – Be Happy!

Let’s talk a little politics but a lot of culture today. Hopefully people get a little pissed off.


He Learned A Lot From Obama

The climate summit in Glasgow is over. It was, without a doubt, a disaster for Joe Biden. Nothing about this trip is going to improve his standing in the United States or around the world. He doesn’t look stronger. In fact he looked weak, hypocritical and really, really old.

Here are some of the highlights:

  • Supposedly he pooped his pants in front of the pope. Though this might not be true, it has become a joke on social media which means it’s a joke across the world.
  • He claimed that the pope told him he was a good Catholic and he should continue taking communion even though he is a rabid pro-abortionist. The pope wouldn’t confirm anything (and it’s really not up to the pope).
  • He was questioned in front of all the other leaders about his crashing poll numbers.
  • He appeared to be falling asleep during a climate meeting. He had to be woken up by a staffer.
  • He had to tell the president of France that there was some confusion about the Australia submarine deal, looking more out of control.
  • He traveled in an 85-car caravan because he had 1/3 of his cabinet with him. Not only is Air Force 1 flying, his cabinet is flying private. Looks like a bit of a hypocrite.
  • In the closing picture of the conference with all the leaders, he was at the end and looked alone and lost. It was a terrible picture.
  • China and Russia, two of the largest carbon producers, didn’t bother to show up. India, third highest carbon producer, committed no nothing.

But then Joe Biden, alla Barrack Obama, in a sign of extreme strength, decided to apologize to the world:

This frigging guy.

I hate when Democrats do this. I really don’t give a damn that we pulled out of the Paris climate agreement. It’s a waste. And we have no reason to apologize to anyone, especially anyone in Europe. If it wasn’t for the United States, they’d all be speaking German right now.

He looked very weak.



That’s Not Going To Get Him Elected

The Virginia election for governor is today. The biggest issue for Democrats is education. Critical Race Theory, Critical Gender Theory and corruption within the schools are the biggest issues in that election. But the Democrat candidate, Terry McAuliffe, who is losing according to polls, decides to drink from the same bucket:

That’s right! Too many white teachers. But the schools are not teaching critical race theory. We now need less qualified teachers because of the color of their skin.

Here’s the thing, Democrats have nothing to run on. Their ideas suck. Their philosophies suck. None of what they do or want is popular. McAuliffe is an example of this. He never ran on what he could do for the state. He ran stating that Glenn Youngkin is a Trump guy and a vote for him is a vote for Trump. That didn’t work. He tried to make Youngkin look like a racist to the point that the Left staged fake white supremacists at his rallies. That actually backfired. Now, he’s screaming the system is racist and he can fix it.

I want to ask one question for McAuliffe: He was already governor of Virginia. Why didn’t he fix the system when he was in charge?

Racism is the only thing they have.




Here are two of the greatest race hustlers in America today and that’s saying a lot.

Ibram X. Kendi

Ibram X. Kendi, whose real name is Henry Rogers, is the leading proponent of Critical Race Theory. His garbage book, which I dismissed after all the lies he brought up in the Introduction, called How to be an Anti-Racist basically said there needs to be discrimination against whites to make up for the systemic racism that we have now. You can imagine I was thrilled when he wrote a tweet that basically dismissed his philosophy.

He tweeted:

You see the problem? He’s actually admitting that white students have to lie about being people of color to get into college.

He got bombarded on Twitter and deleted the tweet. But that didn’t stop anyone. You bet that tweet was copied before Kendi realized what he said. Realizing he was not going to get away with this, he released a 14 part tweet that basically calling the system racist and everyone else who criticized him a racist.

Jack Posobiec simply tweeted, “I broke Kendi”.

Guess what Kendi replied:

Same old tired argument. Everything is racist.

I love when this happens. The man may have a doctorate degree but that doesn’t make him smart.


Colin Kaepernick

I am so glad I cancelled my Netflix subscription.

Netflix released a video called Colin in Black and White which follows Colin Kaepernick’s career through high school, the NFL and his fake activism.

Just a reminder, Kaepernick played quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers about five years ago. He took them to the Super Bowl and lost in his first year. He had a very iffy next two years and was finally benched. That’s when he started kneeling for the National Anthem and screaming that America is racist. He was eventually cut. Not because of his kneeling but because he sucked as a quarterback.

Since then, he has whined about not being on a team but refused to tryout. He signed a $35 million deal with Nike and did a couple of commercial and then signed a multimillion dollar deal with Netflix. He is truly insufferable and I thought he had gone away until this Netflix deal.

Anyway, in one scene, he compares the NFL’s Combine to slavery. The Combine is a tryout for NFL rookies. It’s held before the draft.

Here is the clip:

This clip is disgusting and despicable. I will go so far as to say this disrespects and minimizes the suffering and tragedy of slavery and there is no comparison.

  • Slaves did not receive multi-million dollar contracts when drafted.
  • White people also had to go to the Combine. Tom Brady had to tryout at the Combine.
  • The Combine is optional. If one is confident in their skills or are rated high enough with the NFL teams, he doesn’t have to go to the Combine.

By the way, all sports do this. Even children’s sports hold tryouts. And it’s done throughout the world. And these guys are guaranteed millionaires after they get drafted. Colin Kaepernick himself has said he wants back in the NFL.

This racism thing from Kaepernick is not about racism. He’s a bitter, crappy, former quarterback whose bitter that he’s not good enough to get on another team. He’s found another way to make millions of dollars and that’s to claim he’s a victim.

The fact that this ass is worth close to a hundred million dollars disproves everything that he, and Kendi, are professing.



This Convinces No One

One of the things I hate about the Left is they are mean. They don’t care about anybody, only the cause. I’ll get more into that after the audio of this truly terrible thing.

We need a little bit of background here.

Joe Biden has this stupid Build Back Better reconciliation bill. There are two Democratic senators, Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin, that think this is a stupid bill and won’t support it. Truth be told, it looks like the bill is going to die. But the Left wants it and all $3.5 trillion dollars of it. And they will do anything to get these senators to vote for this crappy bill.

Enter the video. Kyrsten Sinema is a minister and she was presiding over a wedding. The same Kyrsten Sinema who I talked about before being accosted by Arizona student, a couple illegal aliens, in a women’s restroom. By the way, if you remember, one of the assailants was a man. In this video, Leftists converged on this wedding and ruined it. The mother of the bride can be heard crying, begging these kooks to let the wedding go on without conflict. It didn’t go well. Listen:


Here’s the problem with communists, they are always pissed off at something for no particular reason. They are miserable and are not happy until everyone is miserable. I am not making that up. Mark Levin pointed this out in his book, American Marxism. It is not a glitch in the philosophy, it is a feature. C.S. Lewis also said that the problem with communism is the leadership always keeps you looking to the future in hopes things will get better. That’s how communist and socialist tyrants keep power. And that’s what today’s politicians keep promising to these morons who make other, normal people’s lives miserable if they don’t do what they want.

Remember this: communists are cynical, miserable, unhappy a-holes. They’re made that way. Conservatives are always happy. That’s why fun phrases like, “Let’s go Brandon” make us smile while it enrages the Left.

I don’t know about you but I like being happy.










Episode 430 – California Dreaming

Gavin Newsom continues to f-up California and I think it’s important to watch its descending into Hell.

Social Justice is getting crazy.

And I think Greg Popovich needs to learn a little about the history of basketball.


California Dreaming

Gavin Newsom is really on fire. Maybe he really wants another recall election because some of the ideas he’s implementing are pretty insane. And we have quite a list.

I do this for two reason: I live in this nutty state and have to deal with all these stupid policies and I want to show the idiotic Leftist policies in a blue state so when this pretty boy decides to run for President, you’ll vote for the other guy.

I also want to show you the direction that Joe Biden wants to take us.


So Long, Elon

Elon Musk is moving Tesla out of California and to Texas. He made the announcement on Thursday of last week. He said the move was for convenience and affordability.

Musk stated:

“To be clear we will be continuing to expand our activities in California. Our intention is to increase output from Fremont and Giga Nevada by 50%. If you go to our Fremont factory it’s jammed.

“It’s tough for people to afford houses, and people have to come in from far away. There’s a limit to how big you can scale in the Bay Area. In Austin our factory is like five minutes from the airport, 15 minutes from Downtown.”

He later tweeted:

“Frankly, this is the final straw. Tesla will now move its HQ and future programs to Texas/Nevada immediately. If we even retain Fremont manufacturing activity at all, it will be dependen [sic] on how Tesla is treated in the future.

“Tesla is the last carmaker left in CA.”

The last part is a shot at Lorena Gonzalez, a Democrat assemblywoman. She is pissed off about the salaries Tesla pays, the fact that she buys into that crap that Musk doesn’t pay his “fair share” and that he receives billions of dollars in subsidies.

She tweeted to Musk:

Fuck Elon Musk!

A very mature response from an assemblywoman. Of course, she just cost California tens of thousands of jobs, a loss of a couple of billion dollars in taxes and the subsidies were approved by Democrats like her because he builds the only successful electric car.

Musk responded to her on his website, tesmania.com:

“Tesla Moved its HQ to Texas Following Explicit Offer from California Assemblywoman. Exactly.”


Always Ask Where This Is Going To Go

California will be the first state, thanks to a law signed by Gavin Newsom, to allow euthanasia. This is the right of a patient to end his own life due to a terminal disease.

According to UCLA Health:

To receive the aid-in-dying drug, a person must:

  • Be 18 years or older and a resident of California
  • Have a terminal disease that cannot be cured or reversed and that is expected to result in
    death within six months
  • Have capacity to make medical decisions and not have impaired judgment due to a mental
  • Have the physical ability to take and ingest the drug

Now I have a mixed thought on euthenasia. I have seen people who are dying of stage 4 cancer. It sucks. I am not a 100% that assisted suicide is an immoral thing unless I apply the Bible here. I don’t like to do that when debating someone who does not share my religious views. But there are a couple of things that bother me about this law as it is written:

  • It violates a doctor’s Hippocratic Oath.
  • It doesn’t allow for the chance of miracles. Beleive it or not, these things do happen. I know this for a fact.

But this is not why I’m against this law. Here is an example of the Give A Mouse A Cookie rule. What could this law lead to? Could it end up like? Is it possible that someone could request assisted suicide because they are simply depressed?

I say no to this law. It could lead to something far worse.


Back to the 1800s

In a bold move, Gavin Newsom signed a bill that would require toy stores to have a row for gender neutral toys. No kidding. This seems like a very important law.

The law reads:

This bill would require a retail department store that is physically located in California that has a total of 500 or more employees across all California retail department store locations that sells childcare items or toys to maintain a gender neutral section or area, to be labeled at the discretion of the retailer, in which a reasonable selection of the items and toys for children that it sells shall be displayed, regardless of whether they have been traditionally marketed for either girls or for boys.

Um, there might be some problems with the law:

  • It’s unconstitutional.
  • It very vague. What is “reasonable selection”?
  • What is considered a gender neutral toy? A ball? Legos?
  • Who is going to decide what is gender neutral?
  • Who is going to monitor and enforce this?
  • I thought there was no sex. Why do we need to worry about keeping things gender neutral.

The law will go into effect in 2024. The first offense will lead to a $250 fine. Each subsequent violation will lead to a $500 fine.

Assemblyman Evan Low (D-CA), who introduced the legislation, said:

Part of it is to make sure if you’re a young girl that you can find a police car, fire truck, a periodic table or a dinosaur. And then similarly, if you’re a boy, if you’re more artistic and want to play with glitter, why not? Why should you feel the stigma of saying, ‘Oh, this should be shamed’ and going to a different location?

Um,  if a girl wants a police car, can’t she just go to the section that has police cars? If a boy wants glitter, can’t he just go to the glitter section? Won’t this be more confusing especially if you put a police car in the gender neutral aisle, people may not find it?


We Need To Get Rid of Grass

Gavin Newsom signed a bill the outlawed the selling of gas powered lawn mowers, leaf blowers and chainsaws. I guess we are going back to manual mowers, water hoses and rakes and hand saws. Welcome back to 1920.

This goes along with the law that bans selling gas powered cars by 2035. There is also a bill that states that generators must be regulated to a certain amount of pollution. Jeez! I’ll get to the irony in a second.

The law states:

Assembly Bill 1346 directs the California Air Resources Board to phase out the sale of small off-road engines by 2024 or as soon as feasible, whichever comes later. The new law also directs the board to identify and make available, where feasible, funding for commercial rebates to go toward the purchase of electric equipment.

State Assemblyman Marc Berman (D-CA), who authored the legislation, said:

It’s amazing how people react when they learn how much this equipment pollutes, and how much smog forming and climate changing emissions that small off-road engine equipment creates. This is a pretty modest approach to trying to limit the massive amounts of pollution that this equipment emits, not to mention the health impact on the workers who are using it constantly.

Now, let me point out the irony here. California is recommending that people do not plug in their electric cars during peak hour because of the obselete power grid.

Who’s this going to hurt? Working class people like gardners and landscapers. It’ll also hurt people like me who does his own lawn and landscaping on those Saturday afternoons. Politicians don’t worry about that. They hire someone to do that for them.


Forget Math Because This Is Important

Forget math, literature, writing, science or computer technology. Who needs that? Ethnic studies is what’s going to get our kids through life.

Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom has signed legislation that makes California the first state to mandate public high school students pass an ethnic studies class as a graduation requirement.

The San Francisco Chronicle reported:

High school students in California will be required to learn about the contributions and oppression of people of color in America, under a measure Gov. Gavin Newsom signed Friday.” According to the outlet, the new law “adds a one-semester ethnic studies course to the state’s high school graduation requirements for public schools, starting with the 2029-30 academic year.”

Newsom said:

America is shaped by our shared history, much of it painful and etched with woeful injustice. Students deserve to see themselves in their studies, and they must understand our nation’s full history if we expect them to one day build a more just society.

Welcome to Critical Race Theory.

Assemblyman Jose Medina said:

The inclusion of ethnic studies in the high school curriculum is long overdue. Students cannot have a full understanding of the history of our state and nation without the inclusion of the contribution and struggles of Native Americans, African Americans, Latinos, and Asian Americans.

I want to acknowledge the countless young people, high school and college students, teachers and professors, who have organized, demonstrated, boycotted classes, and gone on hunger strikes to demand a more equitable and inclusive educational system.

The Chronicle reported:

Some Republican legislators said the course is inappropriate for high school students, arguing it is rooted in critical race theory, a view that racism is ingrained in laws and government institutions.

Proponents say ethnic studies courses are shown to help students of color improve academically because they feel empowered by seeing themselves reflected in textbooks, rather than a “Eurocentric” version of history.

The final version of AB101 includes a provision that discourages school districts from using earlier versions of the model curriculum that included references to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The measure also prohibits schools from using instruction materials that promote bias or discrimination toward any group.

I have big problems with this:

  • This, again, is made to demonize white students and victimize students of color. It creates division.
  • Don’t kid yourself, this is Critical Race Theory.
  • What about Irish, German, British, Nordic and Jewish ethicities? Do they count.
  • This is going to rewrite history to create victimization.



Around the World

We cannot forget what’s happening around the world. At least, I won’t let you forget.



What would the best way to deal with Iran who is only a few weeks to having enough nuclear material to create a nuclear weapon? It doesn’t matter what we think because Joe Biden has a definite idea what to do.

According to The Hill:

The sanctions, targeting the Mammut Industrial Group (Mammut Industries) and its subsidiary Mammut Diesel, were originally imposed by the Trump administration in September 2020 as part of efforts to increase a maximum pressure campaign of sanctions on Tehran over its nuclear activity and actions in the region criticized as malign and destabilizing.

That’s right! Let’s give Iran the money to build missiles! Yay!

It looks like Israel is going to have a busy 2022.



The Taliban has made an announcement on Saturday stating that they alone will handle the terrorist cells in Afghanistan and will not help the United States get terrorists.

Who didn’t see that coming.

The Taliban hates ISIS-K, if it exists, and is actively hunting them down. But ISIS-K is not a concern of the United States. We are hunting al Qaeda because they are the ones that are a major threat (they took down the World Trade Center) and they are allied with al Qaeda.

So much for all that over-the-horizon crap.

How is Joe Biden going to deal with this? How about giving Afghanistan money? Does that sound good?

The United States decided to provide humanitarian aid to the poor. What that means is we are going to give money to the Taliban because they are going to take it and give nothing to the people. Afghanistan is in trouble. They are about to lose power because they have not paid the power companies. Their economy is collapsing because the Taliban can’t run an economy. They are currently working with China and Pakistan to try to get back on their feet. Don’t kid yourself, they are also working with Iran.

Sleepy Creepy Joe did a great job with Afghanistan.



Back to the SJW Crap

We need to always go over some of the insane SJW BS that companies are promoting.



DC comic writer Tom Taylor revealed Monday that the son of Clark Kent and Lois Lane (formerly Superboy) is a bisexual and will have a gay lover by issue 5 of the comic. He said having another “another straight white savior” would be a “real opportunity missed.”

Taylor told IGN:

Over the years in this industry, it probably won’t surprise you to hear I’ve had queer characters and storylines rejected. I felt like I was letting down people I loved every time this happened. But we are in a very different and much more welcome place today than we were ten, or even five years ago. When I was asked if I wanted to write a new Superman with a new #1 for the DC Universe, I knew replacing Clark with another straight white savior could be a real opportunity missed.

OK, some things about this:

  • I don’t read comics, I don’t care about DC or Marvel movies. I just don’t like them. They’re dumb. So I really don’t care about this.
  • The big question here, though, is what opportunity would he miss? Maybe publishing a comic that will sell for the first five issues then not sell at all. That’s what’s going to happen.
  • Contrary to popular belief, comic guys are nerds not social justice worriers. Most of them are straight white men.
  • But I am happy that he’s not making Clark Kent gay. I hate the idea of making 007 a woman. Just create new characters.



Legos has decided to go woke. They have decided to become more gender neutral. In a statement they said:

Ensuring more inclusive play and raising the debate around gender norms is critical, not just for girls but for any child. The LEGO Group knows that boys are also battling prejudice when it comes to creative play and playing with toys that are traditionally seen as being for the opposite sex. 71% of boys vs. 42% of girls say they worry about being made fun of if they play with a toy typically associated for the other gender.

The company is committed to making LEGO play more inclusive and ensuring that children’s creative ambitions – both now in the future – are not limited by gender stereotypes. We know there is work to do which is why from 2021, we will work closely with the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media and UNICEF to ensure LEGO products and marketing are accessible to all and free of gender bias and harmful stereotypes.

Dude, they’re building blocks!

I would rather they continue to do what they’re doing but make them less painful when one steps on them.



Learn a Book

Of course, Columbus Day has gotten a lot of crap. You knew there would be some really stupid people saying some really stupid things.

Here’s rich Lefty, Greg Popovich, the coach for the San Antonio Spurs commenting on Columbus Day:

Some things:

  • Columbus was an explorer, not a colonist. He did not start any genocide. This guy needs to learn a history book.
  • The reason there are Mexicans today is because Spain supported the Spanish marrying the Indians.
  • Slavery was illegal and discouraged by Spain. It happened but not really by Columbus. In fact, Columbus got into trouble for sending slaves back to Spain.
  • Disease, which is what most Native Americans died of, is not genocide. The Aztecs sacrificed 88,000 people in three days.
  • The Aztecs were known for three things: conquest, genocide and basketball.
  • The Nazi comment is just stupid. And when I say that, I mean Popovich is stupid.













Episode 424 – Blah, Blah, Blah!

The reconciliation bill and infrastructure bill are in trouble…Thank God.

Joe Biden continues to show, through his picks, how moderate he is.

Kamala Harris is terrible.

And Greta is back!


Opening Monologue: The Halloween Costume


The Economic Debate

The Debt Ceiling

The debt ceiling has been temporarily suspended. This will allow the government to continue running until December 3rd.

  • The House approved the bill, 254-175.
  • The Senate approved the measure 65-35.
  • President Biden signed the bill on Thursday night.

The thought that this may show that Republicans are as nervous of meeting the debt ceiling as the Democrats and they might negotiate a reconciliation bill. Remember, that same bill they were suppose to vote on tonight?

Yeah, well, no.

The Democrats do have some ideas, though, on getting around the debt ceiling. Yeah, yeah, eliminate the filibuster but that was so three months ago and it’s not going to happen:

The first idea is to create a trillion dollar coin. Newsweek explains:

The idea of minting a trillion-dollar commemorative coin to shore up the nation’s finances comes from an obscure law that gives the U.S. Treasury Secretary the authority to “mint and issue platinum bullion coins and proof platinum coins in accordance with such specifications, designs, varieties, quantities, denominations, and inscriptions as the Secretary, in the Secretary’s discretion, may prescribe from time to time.”

Proponents have picked up on the “denominations” note there, arguing that any amount could be minted at a normal coin size and deposited into the Federal Reserve to prevent a national debt crisis.

The idea is we could pay off our debt with this coin. This is not a new idea. Barrack Obama, during the debt ceiling crisis on his term, thought about it. He said in 2017:

“There was this theory that I had the authority to issue through the mint this massive $1 trillion coin and on that basis we could try to pay off US Treasurys. It was a very realistic possibility that we couldn’t get the votes for that and we couldn’t get those debts rolled over and we would be in a situation where we were technically in default. At that point, you were in uncharted territory.”

There are some problems with this that Barrack Obama knew about:

  • This is not different than just printing money.
  • It also seems to be going back to the gold standard.
  • It is a fake solution. It doesn’t actually address the problem which is over spending.
  • And where are they going to get the money to pay for this coin? Taxes.
  • Finally, this is not who we are. We need to deal with the spending and the debt. Not create an artificial solution.

The other way to deal with this is far more realistic but more devastating. Janet Yellen, the horrible Secretary of the Treasury, has told us she’s in favor of ending the debt ceiling altogether. Now understand, the reason there is a debt ceiling is to control spending. What she is saying is that we should not have a limit on spending and we she just pay debt by adding to the debt.

That’s like having a credit card with a limit of $500 and, when the limit was reached, the limit could be raised so that you could pay off your credit card with the same credit card you’re trying to pay off. Do you see a problem with that?

This will cause:

  • Inflation.
  • High taxes.
  • Austerity.
  • Job loss.
  • Innovation loss.

This has been tried before. Look at Japan. Guess what happened to them. They have been economically stagnant since the 90s.


Reconciliation Bill

The reconciliation bill is in huge trouble. The Democrats, per Bernie Sanders and the Squad, wanted the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill, or budget bill, voted on before the “bipartisan” infrastructure bill. Democratic Senators and Reps said they would not vote for the “bipartisan” infrastructure bill if the reconciliation bill was not passed first. All $3.5 trillion (actually $5.5 trillion).

Democrats may have painted themselves into a corner because they only have a three vote lead in the House and are, as of now, down by four votes in the Senate. Bernie Sanders is looking to undermine the bill by saying he will not vote for the infrastructure bill. He tweeted on Monday:

Here’s the problem he fails to see: Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, who are part of the Democratic caucus, never agreed that this bill was a good idea and were against it from the beginning. Joe Machin wrote an opinion piece for the Wall Street Journal a couple of months ago explaining why it was a bad idea and pointed out that the pandemic proves we need to curtail spending.

So Bernie, last night, went after those two:

This has never been a strategy I’ve understood. Instead of trying to convince these two Senators, let’s just yell at them. That’ll change their minds! Yeah, no.

Also, Bernie is taking the “math is racist” thing and using it for his benefit. It isn’t two Senators that are going to end this bill, it is fifty-two Senators that are going to kill the bill.

So here’s what’s happening at this moment:

  • The infrastructure bill vote, which was suppose to be last night, has been postponed because the reconciliation bill negotiations have stalled.
  • Negotiations continue as of this morning.
  • Joe Manchin says the bill can be around $2 trillion and must include the Hyde Amendment.

I have a feeling this bill will not be voted on until next week…maybe.



She’s Back!

I miss Greta Thunberg. She’s been gone a while. And, since she turned 18, we can say anything about her and we can’t be accused of attacking a child even though, mentally, she is a child because of her mental deficiencies. That might even be controversial if it weren’t for the fact it’s true and she is given so much credibility by the Left.


  • Dumb.
  • Doesn’t understand science.
  • Doesn’t understand climate.
  • Never gives arguments in her speeches.
  • Just yells at us.
  • And, watching her last speech, looks like she needs a shower and should wash her hair with some not-environmentally-friendly shampoo.

Good news for her, though! She doesn’t need to use words anymore to make her point. Listen to her speech at a Youth 4 Climate event in Italy:

Couple of things:






Episode 393 – Cori Who?

Great news for the economy.

Cori Bush is the new face of the Squad.

And businesses just can’t quit the love affair with China.


That’s Good News

Remember when I said on Tuesday that the jobs report was looking to be bad? Well, it turned out to be excellent and was the first report to exceed expectations.

  • 943,000 jobs were created in July.
  • The unemployment rate went from 5.9% to 5.4%
  • June’s report was also revised, adding 88,000 jobs.

That’s great news for Biden.

Many are saying that the job gains are occurring because three more states joined in ending the $300 supplemental unemployment benefits.

That’s not great news for Biden.

The Labor Secretary, Marty Walsh, said there was no evidence that the ending of the supplemental unemployment benefits had anything to do with the great report.

Well, we’ll see. Logically, what Walsh is saying makes no sense. If people are no longer getting all that extra money they are going to have to get it from somewhere. A job seems to be a good place to make up that extra money. Next month, the unemployment benefits end.



She’s a Terrible Person

The Squad has a new leader. That’s right, AOC is no longer the face of the squad. It’s Cori Bush, the Democratic representative from Missouri. She’s louder, more Marxist, dumber and more miserable than Ocasio-Cortez. She had some hot takes this week and, like AOC is wrong about everything.


Defunding the Police

I forgot one other things Cori Bush is: a hypocrite. Here she is saying she needs private security even though she screams about defunding the police:

Some things:

  • Being a hypocrite has nothing to do with want her to die. People don’t want you to die, they want you to be consistent.
  • The self-importance is disgusting. What about the people who depend on the police to protect their bodies. Are they not important?
  • The white supremacist narrative to hide hypocrisy is not going to be embrace by the public.
  • She had also mentioned that there have already been attempts on her life. We know that is BS because we would never hear the end of that.


The McCloskey Pardon

You remember the McCloskeys? During the BLM riots, rioter broke into their private community by breaking down a rot iron gate and walked down the street. The husband and wife armed themselves and stood in front of their property with weapons ready. They were threatened and yelled at. These animals even threatened to kill the family dog.

Nobody was arrested except for the McCloskeys. They had their guns taken away and finally settled on a misdemeanor. That way, they could go out and buy new guns. Republican Gov. Mike Parson, finally, ended this madness and pardoned them.

Cori Bush has some real strong words about the pardon:

Couple of things:

  • She was at the riot. Doesn’t that make her guilty of trespassing.
  • The pardons that she is asking for are for criminals.
  • Non-violent protestors? These were rioters. They tore down a rot iron fence and trespassed onto private property. They caused damage. They threatened the residents.


Squatters Unite

Cori Bush has really been against the end of the rent moratorium. She actually parked her on the steps of the Capitol building in protest to the end of the moratorium. She was trying to show the world what it would be like to be homeless. Of course, all one has to do to see what it’s like to be homeless is walk the Cori Bush’s district.

Here she is

Some things:

  • Maybe she should have waited to be married to have children.
  • Landlords aren’t getting help. There was no plan by the government to allocate that money and Elizabeth Warren admits that.
  • The money is starting to move after a year?


Not Being Embraced

This stuff isn’t working:

  • Over 80% of people do not support the defund the police movement.
  • Democrats are beginning to see the disaster that is the “defund the police” movement because of the high crime and they are getting blamed.
  • Cori Bush keeps talking and pushing this very unpopular policy.
  • She does because she’s a Marxist. She wants:
    • No local police.
    • A national police force which she can control.
    • Supports the rioters such as BLM and Antifa just as Hitler embraced the Brown Shirts.

I say, keep talking. Keep pushing this. She sounds uneducated and she sounds like a tyrant. Her hypocrisy makes her look like she doesn’t care about anyone but herself. Her spitting on the McCloskeys show she doesn’t want any way that people can defend themselves. People cannot have the police nor can they have guns to protect themselves.

The is totalitarian stuff and no one likes it. I bet even her supporters are beginning to question her and her policies.



Apple is Just as Bad

I do not own anything Nike. I run so shoes are a big deal. I do not own a Nike shirt, Nike shorts, Nike socks or Nike jackets. I refuse to buy anything for someone else if its Nike. If Josie wants a pair of Nike shoes, she can pay for them. Her kids want Nike shoes, get a job and pay for them yourselves.

The reason I don’t buy anything Nike is because they make their products using slavery that China endorses and Nike finds no issue with it. Not only does Nike support it, they are one with the Chinese.

Here is Nike’s CEO, John Donahoe, pretty much saying Nike is now a Chinese company:

Notes in this:

  • Companies are amoral. But ignoring the evils of a government because you “sell lots of stuff” to them and can make a $300 pair of shoes for $10 is not amoral. It’s immoral.
  • There are other companies that have decided to work with China because of their slave labor manufacturing. Apple is one. I won’t own and iPhone either.
  • Trump had the right idea. He was going to choke off American companies from manufacturing in China. It was working and was hurting the Chinese economy.
  • The Chinese economy depends on the United States.

But Joe Biden has not only ended of all of Trump’s roadblocks for China. Now, a bunch of businesses have asked the Biden administration to negotiate with China to end all the tariffs.

The trade groups include some of Washington’s most influential big business associations, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Business Roundtable, the National Retail Federation, the American Farm Bureau Federation and the Semiconductor Industry Association.

This country is never going to change until we put ethics in front of the mighty dollar.



Not Luvin It

Ksenia Ovchinnikova is suing McDonald’s after claiming that seeing a mouthwatering cheeseburger commercial made her break her fast during Lent.

The unhappy meal reportedly occurred in April 2019, while the Omsk native was observing Lent, a strict period in which devout Christians are expected to forgo meat, meat by-products, poultry, eggs, and dairy.

She’s decided to sue McDonald’s for the huge sum of $14. The cost of the meal.

I just thought it was funny and you should know about it.



Tik Tok

This is a teacher:






Episode 389 – What A Sham!

The January 6th commission has started their hearing and it is everything we thought it would be. But people seem to want hearings on some other things.


A Schiff Show

This pretty much sums up the Democrats January 6th Commission: Adam Schiff shedding tears. Listen:

Yeah, no. He doesn’t care. But his budging eyes look phenomenal.

Adam Kinzinger, another anti-Trump Republican also shed the crocodile tears:

Couple of things:

  • Anytime a politician cries, it look inauthentic.
  • This guy was never in danger and didn’t see crap.
  • But he does hate Trump.
  • This was not an insurrection. It was bad and ugly but not an insurrection.
  • Nobody is being charged with sedition. Theft, trespassing and destruction of property.
  • This was deadly. A Trump supporter, Ashlii Babbitt was killed. She was the only one killed.
  • We do know what happened. There was a report released. There was not enough security at the capitol and, when requested, Nancy Pelosi froze.

Then you had Liz Cheney and she was awful. Is it any wonder Nancy Pelosi picked these people?

Here’s the story:

  • Not a bipartisan commission.
  • Republicans has no say on who would be on this commission.
  • None of the important questions are going to be asked.
  • The independent report on what happened on January 6th will never be brought up.
  • This is going to be nothing but a show and we haven’t even listened to any of the clips yet of the witnesses.
  • There are thousands of hours of video yet all we are presented with always presents us edited video.

The January 6th Commission went exactly like we thought it would. A partisan fishing expedition that was made to demonize Donald Trump and all other Republicans. I didn’t see it because I think only CNN was running it and I don’t watch CNN except in small doses. But I’m pretty sure no one watched it. Heck, C-SPAN put it on its third channel so…

The committee met for two hours and interviewed four police officers: Michael Fanone, Aquilino Gonell, Danial Hodges and Harry Dunn. According to CNN, there are a few things that the committee is trying to bring out:

  • The police were victims and they were there to protect and serve. There’s a laugh.
  • There were incidence of racism. No evidence was presented but of course there had to be.
  • They presented first hand accounts of violence. Surely there was.
  • This is a bipartisan condemnation of Republicans because two pseudo-Republicans are on the committee.

First, let’s hear from Michael Fanone:

  • These cops always seemed to use rather poor language.
  • I’m sure he’s probably not lying here, but why not use his gun? That’s what he was trained for. With that, I am skeptical.
  • He does admit that some were not only not violent, but were ready to help him.

But that is not the message the Left wants out. Fanone needed to make some things clear. He needed to get back on track with the Left’s narrative:

  • Nice acting job with the fist pounding.
  • No one is denying the events of that day.
  • No one betrayed the oath of office.
  • They just are not buying the narrative that the Left is trying to push which is the demonization of the people he is demonizing now.
  • Finally, who is worse here: the Republicans who think this is a political exploitation by the Left or Nancy Pelosi, probably intentionally, not calling for more security.

Just watching this guy, we can see where this whole thing is going. There is not going to be any objective facts in this whole thing. It is going to be about feeling and fear. There aren’t going to be any questions that try to get to the facts of this case because the guys who would have asked the questions were not allowed to be on the panel.

The next guy is a guy named Aquilino Gonell. Here’s what he had to say:

  • Nice way to ask the question.
  • Trump was talking about the people at the rally, not the protestors so there one of the reason Liz Cheney is a terrible human being. She’s a liar.
  • I also want to point out I don’t really care how he “feels” about anything. This is suppose to be an evidentiary hearing. His subjective feeling about something that wasn’t true is irrelevant.
  • Could this have been ever more scripted? The “hugs and kisses” thing just shows that.
  • He also shows the hatred he has for Trump. The violence that should be done to Trump. This is something Trump has never pushed even on January 6th.
  • I do want to point out Trump is not in charge of “sending the army to the Capitol”. That was Nancy Pelosi’s job.
  • Finally, the demonization of Trump and Trump supporters and, indirectly, all Republicans.

This is why I’m against this commission. The Left wants to make all Republicans evil. This is how gulags are build and genocides start. If your opponent is evil, why would it be bad to kill them?

This question comes from that scum Jamie Raskin to Daniel Hodges. This question could not be anymore leading.

  • No one is being charge with sedition, as I’ve said before. Already his question is bad because it is based in a lie.
  • Tourists? I don’t remember anyone saying they were called tourists. I do remember someone saying that the Capitol police were letting people into the Capitol like they were tourists.
  • Again, very scripted answer. That little joke proved it.
  • See the pattern here? Nobody likes Americans.

Finally, we have to coup de gras of the interviews. This one comes from Harry Dunn. First thing he needed to do was

  • Just an FYI, this guy is a BLM supporter and has been to their protests.
  • The butt kissing is disgusting.
  • He basically is calling for not only the protestors to go to jail but everyone who buys Conservative thought including Donald Trump. By the way, this is a basic Democratic talking point.
  • Again, this has already been investigated.

Then, he dropped a bombshell. I just want to warn you, the language is explicit:

  • Alex, I’ll take that was BS for $500.
  • How did anyone know he voted for Joe Biden?
  • There are thousands of hours of audio and video. Not one clip has been shown someone saying that. I’m sorry, the N-word is just not used much anymore.
  • This was important testimony because it showed that everyone there was a racist. Then Dunn
  • And let’s not forget: He’s a BLM supporter!


Here’s what we learned from this:

  • This is nothing more than a partisan hit job.
  • This is made to demonize anyone who doesn’t agree with the Left.
  • No facts are going to come up from this.
  • Democrats need to do this to deflect from their failures, especially before 2022.
  • I find it funny that the Democrats, especially the defund ones, are suddenly thinking that police are heroes.
  • They are ignoring the actually objective report that blamed the Capitol police leadership and Nancy Pelosi for the attack.
  • There will be no mention of the BLM and Antifa riots of last summer. Most people want the summer riots investigated.
  • By the way, this attack on the Capitol was not the worst in history. There were two bombing of the Capitol building in the 1960s.




This is just hysterical. And all with a ten second video:





Episode 388 – I Remember When Olympians Were Tough

COVID is showing us how much the Left hates us.

They are also trying to keep Conservatives out of civil life.

And we have some Olympic updates.


They Hate You

COVID has become a huge issue today again. Infections are way up. I think I mentioned something about this before, I can’t remember. But infections were way up and deaths are way down. Of course, no talks about the fact that this delta variant actually isn’t killing anyone. New York had an daily 7-day average death rate of 1. Yeah, but this is the need for declaring an emergency.

Today, the CDC has reversed its mask mandate saying that people should wear masks, no matter the vaccination status, should wear masks in areas with a high infection rate. This includes schools. They also mandated vaccines for federal employees. The emergency continues.

I’m sure I’ve said this before: the Left needs a perpetual emergency. They never want this to end. If this pandemic ends, Democrats have to give up their power. They don’t want to give up their power.

Donny Deutsch of MSNBC made this creepy remark. Mandate the vaccine to save them elites from those idiot rubes. Listen to this:


  • There is an idiot population in this world and it is the Leftist elites, like Donny Deutsch , who cannot see that they are power mongers and tyrants.
  • That the power that people like Donny Deutsch don’t understand is things he wants to implement have been done before and they don’t work.
  • And who are these people? They’ve been vaccinated. What are they afraid of?
  • If someone doesn’t want to get vaccinated, that’s their problem. The government should not have a bloody say in what I do, all they should do is give me the options.

What I find amazing about this is that this is something that really cost Hilary Clinton in 2016 when she ran against Trump. She, obviously, is an elitist that thinks she’s above the law, much like Donny Deutsch. To these people, regular people are deplorables and idiots. But the Left is saying this on a daily basis. Joe Biden and Jen Psaki are saying it. Calling people right of Left garbage all the time and being too dumb to live without the great wisdom of the government used to be a bad thing. It was considered one of Hilary’s greatest gaffs for losing the election. Not anymore.

I also am getting tired of the demonization of people the elites don’t agree with. We are ants. We are cockroaches. We are white trash, bigots, racists, homophobes and xenophobes. Good news is people are getting tired of being called names. Joe Biden has lost a lot of popularity. CNN and MSNBC, who are the greatest sinners, have lost a ton of viewers because they spend the entire day calling the right of Left names.

Finally, how wise is the government?

  • They overspend money.
  • Can’t stop crime.
  • Can’t stop the surge on the border, all not being tested for COVID.
  • They think Abe Lincoln was a racist.
  • They think men and women are exactly the same.
  • They think men can magically become women.
  • They are spending $20,000 on a single trash can.

Do these guys sound very wise and capable of running my life? They don’t even know my name.

But the emergency is needed. Enter Gavin Newsom, the garbage governor of California who has, right now, a 50-50 chance of being recalled. He said this about people who are not getting the vaccine:

Couple of things:

  • These people pointing to new cases of infections.
    • They fail to point out people aren’t dying.
    • They fail to understand that masks may be causing harm. A study came out pointing out that teens are five times more likely to commit suicide than catch COVID and that another study pointed out that CO2 levels in children under 12, wearing dirty masks all day, is affecting their physical health.
  • I also want to point out, when we were in the crux of the pandemic and a thousand people were dying a day, Gavin Newsom was eating a $2000 meal at the French Laundry, unmasked with a bunch of doctors.
  • Another problem with his belief that only the Right and Tucker Carlson’s followers are not getting vaccinated is just ridiculous and a lie.
    • Chicago, hardly a Tucker audience or Trump supporters, has less than 50% vaccinated.
    • Blacks have a vaccination rate of 35%.
    • Most blue cities are way below vaccination averages.
  • Finally, comparing not being vaccinated to drunk driving is just idiotic.
    • People use risk/reward to determine whether to get the vaccine or not. If I’m 20 years old, the chances of me getting sick and dying of COVID isn’t worth the risk of an unapproved vaccine that has side affects.
    • I may way in my family and what they need or desire but everyone else in the state is on their own. I’m not responsible for them. They need to take care of themselves.
    • Drunk drivers, on the other hand, do not way in any risk/reward. They are irresponsible and actually have their judgement impaired.

The insults keep on coming and that’s not going to help the Ken doll win his recall vote. His hypocrisy during this pandemic is part of the reason he’s in trouble. Finally, does this guy seem wise and intelligent enough to make decisions for me? I think not.



Time to Start Our Own Economy

USA Today released an article stating that the money trading site Paypal is joining up with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) to find out how extremist and hate groups are funded. Both that organization and PayPal say the results of their research will be shared within the financial industry, policymakers and law enforcement.

In a statement, Paypal said:

“By identifying partners across sectors with common goals and complementary resources, we can make an even greater impact than any of us could do on our own.”

“We have a unique opportunity to further understand how hate spreads and develop key insights that will inform the efforts of the financial industry, law enforcement, and our communities in mitigating extremist threats.”

According to the ADL website:

The initiative with PayPal will be led through ADL’s Center on Extremism, a leading authority on extremism, terrorism and hate. PayPal and ADL will focus on further uncovering and disrupting the financial pipelines that support extremist and hate movements. In addition to extremist and anti-government organizations, the initiative will focus on actors and networks spreading and profiting from all forms of hate and bigotry against any community.

According to ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt:

“All of us, including in the private sector, have a critical role to play in fighting the spread of extremism and hate. With this new initiative, we’re setting a new standard for companies to bring their expertise to critical social issues. We have a unique opportunity to further understand how hate spreads and develop key insights that will inform the efforts of the financial industry, law enforcement, and our communities in mitigating extremist threats.”

This is a scary thing because this is what the Nazis did when Hitler took over. They demonized all those who did not go along with the Nazi propaganda. That includes the Jews and people of color. Once demonized, these people are ostricized from society and being able to work with society. Look at what they did to Trump. He lost his ability to sell his campaign products on one of these sites because he was considered an extremist. He was the President of the United States of Christ’s sake. He is hardly an extremist.

But, remember this line from Trump:

“They don’t hate you because they hate me. They me because they hate you.:

This is exactly it. Extremism is not defined. But I bet it will be defined by groups like BLM and the LGBTQ+ and other Leftist scholars. And guess who they are going to consider an extremist: you and me. And they want us gone. They can’t stick us in gulags yet, though they’ll try. All they are trying to do now is get us banned from civil society. We know they can do it. Look what they did to Trump.

But this might not be a terribly bad thing. Conservatives like the Daily Wire and Blaze TV are actually expanding their platforms to include things like movires, televisions shows and books that the Left has banned. This might be a chance for making a lot more rich people by creating products, services and even our own institutions that will be available for all, not just the Left.

So start thinking of what you want to do. You could be rich and I bet you’ll run it a lot better than any of these cancel culture morons too.



Remember: Give a Mouse a Cookie

Here we go.

  • There is a lawsuit in Minnesota by a father of an autistic boy.
  • The father has joint custody of the child and is suppose to be involved in all medical decisions.
  • At 9, the boy decided he was a girl and the mother, never telling the father, sent him to a gender clinic.
  • The gender clinic, after two years using affirmative therapy, decided it was time to put the boy, at 11,on hormone therapy.
  • The father found out, accidently when he went to his appointment, that his son was being treated. So we now know his father was paying for the kid’s insurance.

Now he is taking the mother and the “medical” center to court and trying to stop all this. That mother should be arrested for child abuse for doing what she did or, at least, the kid should be removed from her. This is a travesty all on the shoulders of political correctness.




Some new updates in the Olympics:

  • The women’s soccer team continues to be mediocre. They tied Australia 0-0 but they do get to move on to the next round. Just one more loss!
  • Simone Biles has pulled out of the women’s team gymnastic competition. She wasn’t injured. She was just depressed. What a hero.
  •  So far, two Arab judo fighters have been eliminated and were sent home because they wouldn’t fight an Israeli fighter. They won’t fight because of the “occupation of Israel in Palestine”. Of course, there is no Palestine so goodbye and good riddance.




Honestly, I just really don’t have too much to say about this TikTok video.

  • You know why she’s femme? Cause her gender is a girl.
  • She uses her gender to get what she wants? She sounds like a woman.
  • She sounds like a sociopath and narcissist but a woman none-the-less.



Episode 381 – That’s Not Going to Work

Inflation is going from bad to worse. Old Joe’s solution seems like it will make it from worse into a disaster.

Iran is not playing well with others and no one cares.

And things in Cuba are getting worse but the colors of the radical Democrats is coming to light.


This Ain’t Even Being Looked At Right Now

According to data released Monday by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the June 2021 “Survey of Consumer Expectations” reveals that median one-year inflation expectations climbed to 4.8% — a 0.8% increase since last month.

In January, February, March, April, and May, one-year expectations were respectively 3.0%, 3.1%, 3.2%, 3.4%, and 4.0% — implying that anticipated inflation has progressively increased since the beginning of the year. Meanwhile, three-year inflation expectations — currently at 3.5% — have remained essentially unchanged since last month, though they have also increased from January levels.

We are looking and expecting to be up to 5.4% by December, the highest inflation since these statistics were recorded in 2013.

To make things more exciting, the three top credit ratings services all believe the United States is about to lose their AAA credit rating in the future. This is due to political instability and soaring national debt mostly caused by the stimulus packages during CONVID. Currently our nations debt is at $28 trillion with a big budget coming up and no plans to curb spending.

Hey, don’t blame me. I voted for the other guy.



Things Are Going To Get Worse

So, what does Biden think will help the economy and lower inflation? How about pushing a $3.5 trillion dollar budget proposal through Congress in a partisan vote using reconciliation. If reconciliation is used then Republicans cannot use the filibuster to stop it.

But the bill does more than that. It actually will offer amnesty to the 11 million illegal aliens in this country (in fact, it is closer to 20 million). Illegal aliens will get visas and green cards and a pathway to citizenship. Though the bill does have some restrictions, such as criminal record, nothing else is off the table.

There’s just one problem with this: We haven’t closed the border. This was tried by Ronal Reagan in the 80’s and we had our borders over run by illegal aliens who knew they would receive amnesty if they got over. The program had to be scrapped.

Democrats have two problems here:

  • Not sure reconciliation will actually allow for this amnesty provision because it is a policy change not a financial change. Reconciliation on deals with financial bills.
  • Joe Manchin (D, W. Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D., AZ) have already shown apprehension about the huge budget and the immigration plans. Illegal immigration is not popular (especially in Arizona) and they are from red states.

Get ready for the fireworks. The elections in 2022 couldn’t come fast enough.




This is a disturbing story that seems to disturb everyone except the Biden administration.

  • Masih Alinejad, who now serves as a producer with Voice of America and is the author of “The Wind in My Hair: My Fight for Freedom in Modern Iran, is an American citizen that has been fighting for the rights of the Iranian people for years.
  • Her goal is to motivate dissidents in Iran to create a grassroots push for change in Iran’s government and laws. She is formerly from Iran.
  • Iran sent four men who joined a fifth man who lived in California.
  • They then went to Alinejad’s home in New York and tried to kidnap her and force her back to Iran, presumably, to be executed.
  • The men were all arrested.
  • When asked about it, Jen Psaki said that American citizens would be protected but this was not a foreign policy issue but a local law enforcement issue.


  • The Biden administration has just allowed Iran to retrieve money that was being held in Asia. What did we get? Nothing.
  • Biden is trying to get Iran to rejoin the Iranian Nuclear Agreement. An agreement that gave Iran a ton of money and economic freedom that they used to attack Israel. What did we get? Nothing.
  • Now they are walking onto US soil, threatening to kidnap our citizens and nothing is going to be done.

This is what happens when you embolden terrorists. Why the Left seems to have a soft spot for totalitarian regimes is beyond me. They’re doing it with Iran, China and Cuba. They’ve done it with Russia and Venezuela. I just don’t get what we are getting by appeasing these people but heartache.




Speaking of Cuba, let’s talk about what is going on over there.

  • People are still being arrested. A YouTube star in Cuba was arrested while she was running a live YouTube video. It was all caught on camera.
  • The Cuba government has cut off the Internet to control the spread of information.
  • Peter Doocy, straight out, asked Jen Psaki if this was a protest against communism. She said it was a fight against repression and a bad economy but refused to say if communism had anything to do with it.

There also appears to be some dissent within the Cuban government itself about the crackdown on protestors. ABC International reported:

Cuban Vice Minister of the Interior Brigadier General Jesús Manuel Burón Tabit has resigned after questioning decision-making within the ministry and the Security Council, as well as the excessive use of police force to repress the demonstrations of July 11 — the day that began the wave of protests that spread throughout the island, as ABC has learned from sources close to the regime. His departure is motivated by disagreements with other commanders — differences with respect to the measures taken during the protests last weekend.

“There is trouble within the Army and differences between the military of the old guard and young generals,” say the sources consulted by this newspaper.

This is not good news for the 60-year-old revolutionary regime. Maybe the younger soldiers are looking for a new revolution. Or maybe they are just tired of killing their own people.

The Black Lives Matter organization has also shown how they are a garbage organization. They said in a statement:

Black Lives Matter condemns the U.S. federal government’s inhumane treatment of Cubans, and urges it to immediately lift the economic embargo. This cruel and inhumane policy, instituted with the explicit intention of destabilizing the country and undermining Cubans’ right to choose their own government, is at the heart of Cuba’s current crisis. Since 1962, the United States has forced pain and suffering on the people of Cuba by cutting off food, medicine and supplies, costing the tiny island nation an estimated $130 billion.

Without that money, it is harder for Cuba to acquire medical equipment needed to develop its own COVID-19 vaccines and equipment for food production. This comes in spite of the country’s strong medical care and history of lending doctors and nurses to disasters around the world. 

The people of Cuba are being punished by the U.S. government because the country has maintained its commitment to sovereignty and self-determination. United States leaders have tried to crush this Revolution for decades.

That’s right! They took the Cuban government’s side because it is the fault of the United States. This is Howard Zinn level stuff and ignores everything that the Cuban government has done in the 60 years they have been in power.

The backlash has been brutal:

  • Dan McLaughlin: “‘Cubans’ right to choose their own government’ has nothing to do with the government that is subject to the embargo. Mozambique? A Marxist government that persecuted churches, plunged the country into a civil war & made a third of the population refugees? That Mozambique?”
  • Mark Hemingway: “So how much of the American establishment last year went to bat for an organization that is quite predictably defending an oppressive communist regime? Also, contra this obscene statement, the Cuban communist regime remains actively racist.”
  • Carlos Curbelo: “Deplorable this organization has chosen to stand with the oppressive dictators who have murdered and enslaved innocent Cubans of all colors since 1959. The people responsible for ALL the death and misery in Cuba are the mostly white men who @Blklivesmatter has now embraced.”
  • Giancarlo Sopo: “Disgusting! Despite the Cuban dictatorship’s murdering and beating of protestors (many of them Black), BLM’s statement on Cuba….condemns the US, praises the Castro regime, and makes no mention of the atrocities being committed by the dictatorship.”

I love the statement and the pushback. BLM has always been a corrupt, garbage organization and now they are showing their true feathers. This just makes CRT look worse also since Conservatives have said that it is nothing more than hate for America. When BLM makes statements like these, it just proves it.

By the way, AOC and Ilhan Omar are big supporters of BLM. They have yet to weigh in on the Cuban protests.




The AP is reporting that, of the 500 people who walked stormed the Capital Building on January 6th, not one has been charged with treason or sedition charges. Most have been charged with trespassing, disorderly conduct and failure to obey.

We already know that the report provided to Congress said that the main problem on January 6th was bad security and not enough security. Remember, there is video of the Capitol Police allowing the protestors into the Capitol building and even taking pictures with them.

By the way, who’s in charge of security for the Capitol Building? Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House.

The question is none of these people has been released from jail. Why not?



Because It’s Systemically Racist

A third judge last week struck down the Biden administration’s multi-billion-dollar farm aid program that expressly excludes whites.

  • The rule is from the $1.9 trillion American Rescue bill.
  • It allows for government grants to be provided for farmer who are black, Latino, Asian, Pacific Islander and American Indian.
  • White farmers could apply for the grants but those would be converted to loans which the famers would have to pay back.
  • A farmer named Robert Holman sued that the section was unconstitutional and racist (this, by the way, is an example of systemic racism).

U.S. District Judge S. Thomas Anderson stated:

“The Court finds that Plaintiff (Holman) has shown a substantial likelihood that he will prevail on his claim that Section 1005 violates his right to equal protection under the law. Absent action by the Court, socially disadvantaged farmers will obtain debt relief, while Plaintiff will suffer the irreparable harm of being excluded from that program solely on the basis of his race.”

Thank God for the judiciary and checks and balances.




Episode 376 – Hide Your Kids!

Hide your kids! The Left is coming for them!

Let’s talk about it.

Yeah, Listen to this Broad

I’ve said this a thousand times before and I’m going to say it again. When I was younger, I was against the LGBT community and gay marriage. Now, I wasn’t really against gay marriage. Truth is I didn’t really care. What I did care about fell under the “give a mouse a cookie” syndrome that a lot of activist groups get when they get what they want. First, it’s gay marriage. Then it opened up into trans acceptance which led to trans people being considered the sex they choose and now men can go into the restrooms of women and compete against women in sports.

We should have seen that this would affect our children. Unfortunately, it is becoming mainstream to indoctrinate our children into the sexual perversion and our parents, who, because of wokeness, are good with it.

There is an article in the Washington Post by a woman named Lauren Rowella. Just to give you an idea how f-ed up this gal is, she is a former prostitute that identifies a gendervague, whatever that means. She is also married to a man who identifies as a woman and is a lesbian.

Got that? Need a program to figure out how f-ed up these people are? The real question should be is why she is writing an article for the Washington Post?

Anyway, she wrote an article called Yes, Kink Belongs at Pride. And I Want My Kids to See It. This article is about how all the perversion found in Pride Parades is not only acceptable but out kids should see it.

Let’s go through a couple of paragraphs:

“Just as we got settled, our elementary-schooler pointed in the direction of oncoming floats, raising an eyebrow at a bare-chested man in dark sunglasses whose black suspenders clipped into a leather thong. …[P]olicing how others show up doesn’t protect or uplift young people. Instead, homogenizing self-expression at Pride will do more harm to our children than good. When my own children caught glimpses of kink culture, they got to see that the queer community encompasses so many more nontraditional ways of being, living, and loving.”

Couple of things:

  • Why does an elementary schooler need to see this?
  • Why is this no illegal? If I walked around with a thong on, I’d think I’d be arrested and put on some sort of sex offender list.
  • How is this not child abuse?

Anti-kink advocates tend to manipulate language about safety and privacy by asserting that attendees are nonconsensually exposed to overt displays of sexuality. The most outrageous claim is that innocent bystanders are forced to participate in kink simply by sharing space with the kink community, as if the presence of kink at Pride is a perverse exhibition that kinksters pursue for their own gratification. But kinksters at Pride are not engaged in sex acts — and we cannot confuse their self-expression with obscenity. Co-opting the language of sexual autonomy only serves to bury that truth and muddies the seriousness of other conversations about consent.

Couple of things:

  • Anti-kink (Conservatives) tend to manipulate language? Is she kidding?
  • If naked guys are walking on the public streets, they are forcing themselves on people non-consensually.
  • Kink is a perverse form of exhibition for self gratification. Exhibition is illegal.
  • Now she does what she accused Conservatives are doing: manipulating language. She’s calling obscenity, self expression. Self expression can also be obscenity.
  • If I expose my penis to a 10-year-old girl, according to Rowella, this is just self expression.

Rowella continues:

“Kink embodies the freedom that Pride stands for, reminding attendees to unapologetically take up space as an act of resistance and celebration — refusing to bend to social pressure that asks us to be presentable. That’s a value I want my children to learn.”

In the movie The Devil’s Advocate, Al Pacino plays Satan and tries to manipulate Keanu Reeves who is his son. He does this by using Reeves own Pride against him because Satan cannot get passed free will. After Reeves life is ruined and reeves is about to do what the devil wants, the devil says, “Vanity is my favorite sin.” He said that because the behavior of the overly proud is so easy because they are always doing things for themselves.

This woman, and all those that push perversion as “normal” are evil. They embrace sins such as pride and lust because they like it. Heck, they even call it the “Pride Parade.” We see that throughout the Left’s world. The seven deadly sins preached by the Bible are now virtues for the Left.

  • Fat shaming encourages gluttony.
  • Equity masks greed and envy.
  • Dependence on government handouts masks sloth.
  • Cancel culture masks wrath.

The result of all this is a loss of freedom and totalitarianism. This is what happens when God and morals are taken out of the culture. It’s been happening for years and we’ve ignored it. The Left has been chipping away at religion since the 60’s. They can’t have religion because a higher power means that government cannot truly rule. The government has to be the higher power.

In short, this woman’s ideas have become mainstream and are dangerous for our way of life.



What Is The End Goal?

Entertainment has had Leftist leanings since the 1940’s but now they’ve become indoctrination machines. Nothing shows this more than televisions shows and cartoon meant for kids pushing the LGBTQ agenda.

In an article from insider.com, entertainment companies such as Disney+, Nicolodian and Public Television are hiring writers based on their LGBTQ advocacy, not their writing styles. Companies are also hiring people by non-traditional means such as through Twitter and Facebook. The reason is these guys are not to be creating stories but expressing their stories about their lives as a non-cis person.

The result of this is that are a lot more gay, lesbian and trans characters than ever before. Right now, non-cis characters make up 23% of the characters on children’s programming but it could be as high as 30% because there are some characters whose gender can’t be determined. I’m not kidding, people are actually analyzing this crap.

The Insider said that not only is the trend going up but their goal is to get 50% of the children shows (for ages 3-12) to have some sort of non-cis education to them.

What’s the moral of this story? Don’t just plop your kid in front of the television and go off with your day. Those shows, no matter how seemingly innocent, are trying to teach our kids something we may not want them to know yet.



Isn’t This an Opinion

The largest teacher union in the country wants to change the history and geography of the Middle East. Their hate for Israel they have they now want to teach your kids.

National Education Association’s (NEA) annual representative meeting was “referred to the appropriate committee” and was crafted by NEA leadership that insists the union “must recognize the existence and sovereignty of Palestine and Palestinian children and families and their human right to access a quality education and live freely.”

They didn’t go all the way to boycott Israel but this is quite a bit.

The goal is to: “educate members and the general public about the history, culture, and struggles of Palestinians, including the detention and abuse of children in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.” 

Needless to say, not everyone agrees with this. Uri Pilocowski, a writer at The Times of Israel, opined that a Palestinian Authority administered state “would pose a danger to Israel’s security.”  She said:

“A government that promotes and turns a blind eye to terror can not be entrusted to run a state. A Palestinian government would have to include Hamas, a terrorist entity that vows to destroy Israel. This would make a Palestinian state a terror organization.” 

He’s right.

Israel isn’t “occupying” anything. They were on that land thousands of years before the Palestinians ever existed. In fact, there has never been a Palestinian country. Ever.

Also, the Palestinian government is made up of Hama, the Islamic Jihad and the Palestinian Authority. All three are terrorist organizations. They don’t want a territory and they have had several chances to get it. They want the elimination of Israel all together. Basically, they want to commit genocide. But our teachers don’t want to point any of this out.

So why? Because Israel, like the United States, runs their government based on the Judeo/Christian philosophy of morality. The Left can’t have that. And they will ignore all history and philosophy to be rid of something as “terrible” as religious morality and the establishment of a higher power. The teacher’s unions will lose their power and money and that’s what it’s all about.



More Changing of History

Speaking of destroying American history.

NEA Will Teach CRT in All 50 States

The NEA has committed to teach Critical Race Theory in over 14,000 districts in all 50 states in the United States, no matter what laws the states pass.

  • The union passed two items that will implement critical race theory into the classroom with the assistance of the union’s Ethnic Minority Affairs Caucuses.
  • They will “share and publicize” “information already available on critical race theory (CRT) — what it is and what it is not.” There will also be a team of staffers dedicated to providing members with information about how to “fight back against anti-CRT rhetoric; and share information with other NEA members as well as their community members.”
  • In what the NEA claims to be the inclusion of “accurate and honest teaching,” it vowed to “oppose attempts to ban critical race theory” and the New York Times’ “1619 Project,” which has been scrutinized by historians as ahistorical.
  • The NEA also vowed to team up with organizations such as Black Lives Matter at School and the Zinn Education Project — named after the anti-American and factually challenged historian Howard Zinn — to call for an October 14 rally in honor of George Floyd’s birthday “as a national day of action to teach lessons about structural racism and oppression.”
  • According to the business items, implementing the newfound critical race theory strategy will cost the union an additional $127,600.

Banning History? Really?

Randi Weingarten (a truly terrible person who hates your kids), president of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), on Sunday shared an article from The Washington Post that also falsely stated what opponents of CRT want.

She wrote:

“Incredibly important piece from [Kimberlé Crenshaw] about why these bans on teaching history and discussing racism in the classroom are so dangerous. Our students deserve to have the freedom to learn and discuss this in school.”

This is the biggest load of horseshit ever written. Anyone who knows anything of American history and the founding documents knows that Critical Race Theory and the 1619 project is crap. None of these promote history, they change it. This “theory” has the goal of implementing Marxism and tearing down the United States system. What’s worse, it doesn’t manipulate history, it changes history.

Here We Go

National Education Association (NEA) adopted a measure last week that attempts to stop the campaign against CRT spreading across the country, as parents learn what is actually being taught to their children is a new form of racism.

They said in a statement:

“NEA will research the organizations attacking educators doing anti-racist work and/or use the research already done and put together a list of resources and recommendations for state affiliates, locals, and individual educators to utilize when they are attacked. The research, resources, and recommendations will be shared with members through NEA’s social media, an article in NEA Today, and a recorded virtual presentation/webinar.”

This is what the Left does and why they are so heavy into Cancel Culture. Here’s the big problem: The Left can’t defend Critical Race Theory. It is based on lies. Lies about history, lies about individuals and lies about our philosophy.

The 1619 Project was based on changing history so that the theory works. Even the New York Times, 7 months after it was released, had to admit the history was wrong. The creator of the project, Nikole Hannah Jones, said that facts were not as important as the message. It’s a lie.

I read you the introduction from How to be an Anti-Racist by Ibram X. Kendi and I showed the whole premise of Critical Race Theory was based on a lie.



The Skinny

It’s impossible to hide your children from the world. I would suggest it as a bad idea because they are going to have to face the real world eventually. But one should monitor what they watch, monitor what the see and monitor what they are taught. One should then teach them the values that have made this country the most successful country in human history.

When they grow up, they’ll get it.











Episode 353 – Now They Get It?

It’s George Floyd Day! Yay!


It’s George Floyd Day!

Happy George Floyd Day!

That’s right. We got rid of:

  • Lincoln’s Birthday
  • Washington’s Birthday
  • Columbus Day

But we must celebrate the day that a drug addicted felon died because of all his death did so much to improve society in just a year. In Minneapolis, Black Lives Matter can see how their philosophy has improved the country by simply looking at the celebration being held at George Floyd square. Watch:

Yep, a shoot out. Minneapolis police showed up right away. Not. Minneapolis has lost a substantial portion of their police force and it wouldn’t matter anyway. They’re not allowed to arrest anyone and, if they have the audacity to arrest someone, that person would be released right away.

Now, we are supposed to celebrate all the great changes that Black Lives Matter has done since the George Floyd’s. I mean, they’re calling it an anniversary. But, I have a question: What has Black Lives Matter done that was good besides make $90 million? I know the damage they’ve done:

  • There was $2-3 billion of damage that was done during riots last year. They’re still happening.
  • Murders and violent crimes are up throughout the country by 20%. Some cities are up over 100%.
  • Police a retiring, going on leave or quitting a record rates. Most police forces are facing a staff shortage.
  • People are not becoming police anymore. New York is down 75% with new recruits.
  • They are ignoring the murders of blacks by other blacks. Chicago, Baltimore and Detroit have a huge black-on-black murder problem.
  • Crime in large, blue cities is no longer being enforced. Felons are being released.
  • Black Lives Matter made $90 million and have given none to society to improve it. But Patrice Cuellors, the founder, did buy three homes.

I don’t know what they’re celebrating. Black Lives Matter has just made things worse.


Oh, Now You Get It

The leadership in a lot of the big blue cities seem absolutely shocked at the major spike in crime. I guess trying to take money away from police departments and condemning every move they make without looking at all the evidence has not worked the way they thought it would.

Jacob Frye, the effeminate mayor of Minneapolis, said:

“The violence needs to stop, its unacceptable. People deserve to feel safe in their neighborhood, they deserve to be able to send their kids out to the sidewalk to play and to recreate without bullets flying by. That’s unacceptable. We should be holding these perpetrators accountable.”

In another press conference, Frye said:

“When you make big, overarching statements that we’re going to defund or abolish and dismantle the police department and get rid of all the officers, there’s an impact to that.”

He has called for federal and state help since violent crime climbed 21% over the last year.

In Los Angeles, the idiot mayor Eric Garcetti cut $150 million from the police. That brilliant move increase violent crime 36%. Murders are at a 10 year high of 350. The city council, reversing themselves, have approved hiring 250 new officers.

In New York City, they experienced a more than 50% jump in the number of shootings over the same time last year. The spike comes after last year when jumped 97% and the murders across the city increased 45% over 2019. The dumbass mayor Bill de Blasio promised to cut $1 billion from the police budget. That was a lie. He didn’t. Now he has approved to build a brand new police precinct.

None of this is actually being covered because most of the media and the Left still want cuts to the police departments. In fact, they want to eliminate the police all together. But that’s the problem when those people are not in leadership. They are not responsible when the consequences for their bad ideas come to fruition. In fact, they twist those consequences and try to make them proof that their ideas are necessary. For example, Jen Psaki was asked about the crime problem and she said that it was a gun problem.

Everything with the Left is about politics and the narrative. It’s never about common sense.


But, What?

So the leaders in Minneapolis have an idea on how to lower crime: innocent citizens should talk about it. No crap.

Minneapolis community leaders held a “take back the block” rally at Shiloh Temple in north Minneapolis last week to kick off a campaign of community pushback to violent crime. On Monday, volunteers took to the streets of Minneapolis in a display meant to signify that criminals do not run the city.

Rev. Brian Herron said at the rally:

“It isn’t an invasion of your block — this is support of your block. We want to see you come out. We want to see you sitting on your stoop.”

Minnesota Commissioner of Public Safety John Harrington tried his little misdirection I talked about in the last story:

“We have to get the guns off the streets. We cannot live with this insanity.”

See the misdirection? Get the cops off the streets, violent crime goes up and it’s the guns, not the criminals, that cause crime.

One of the things police have a hard time with is actually getting witnesses and get help for catching violent felons.

Police Chief Medaria Arradondo said:

“Minneapolis police officers will continue to rush into harm’s way to save lives; however, we need help from community leaders and residents to stand up and speak out.”

I think this is true. I think people are too afraid to report anything to the police. But I also think it is leadership’s fault for not putting away violent felons. Hey, it’s the people living in the neighborhoods that have to deal with the issues when that felon is released, and he will be released. There are no consequences for committing crime in Minneapolis and, therefore, no motivation not to commit crime. Criminals are not usually very smart. All they understand are hard consequences. They cannot be reasoned with.

I also think this is a bad idea because leadership, by asking people to help, is targeted policing, not proactive policing. Criminals need to see that they are going to get caught by a police presence. If I am walking down the street and I am planning to rob a house but I see a cop on the corner, guess what? I won’t rob the house. If I am walking down the street at 2 AM and a cop sees me, stops me and finds that I am carrying a crow bar, a gun and a flashlight, he used to be able to arrest me for carrying robbery tools. Boom, no crime. That is proactive policing.

If I commit a robbery, rape or murder because their were no police around and the cops find our who I am, this is targeted policing. It’s too late. I might have gotten caught had policing been proactive.


When They Say No, They Mean Yes

A couple of weeks ago, there was a meme on Twitter that made fun of Joe Biden’s policies limiting the beef intake of American citizens for climate change. Jen Psaki was asked about it and she said she didn’t know what the reporter was talking about. I did not

An article from Vox called A no-beef diet is great — but only if you don’t replace it with chicken. Let’s not swap one moral disaster for another  b

Most people have heard it by now: Our meat habit is bad for the world. Polling suggests that tens of millions of people are taking this message seriously: One in four Americans said they tried to cut back on meat in the last year, and half of those cited environmental concerns as a major reason. The popular food site Epicurious recently announced they’ve stopped publishing recipes with beef in them, because of beef’s climate impacts, setting off the latest round of discussion on meat’s effects on the environment.

Have you ever met a vegetarian? You know what they always tell you? That they’re a vegetarian.

Now I know it is not all vegetarians. But a lot of them are self-congratulating, condescending prigs. When they found out that, not only is vegetarianism is healthy, they will also scream that it is saving the environment.

Here’s a news flash: Meat is a healthy part of a diet. It has all the major amino acids and complete proteins that one can’t get on a vegetarian or vegan diet. Men, who have more muscle and bone density, require those amino acids and proteins that meat provides. That’s why most vegan men are incredibly thin and frail looking. Now, does that mean men can’t be vegan? No. All it means is that if a man is a vegan, he has to eat a lot more to obtain what a piece of meat could give immediately.

Cutting meat consumption is as smart an idea as advertised. Industrial farming — the source of 99 percent of the meat Americans eat — provides the world with cheap meat, but it does so at a terrible environmental and moral cost.

Where it gets complicated is when people decide which meat, exactly, they’ll be cutting back on. Often, it’s beef that loses out in that calculus. And often, the messaging is that we can save the world by switching out our beef consumption for chicken.

The problem with this message is that switching beef for chicken basically amounts to trading one moral catastrophe for another.

Get that? No meat at all. Sound familiar? Can you say “Green New Deal”.

The environmental reasons for cutting beef from one’s diet are clear. Most of the climate impact of animal agriculture comes from raising cows for beef. Cows produce methane, a greenhouse gas that is a major contributor to global warming; it’s much more potent than carbon dioxide. Transitioning away from eating beef to eating other factory-farmed animal products undoubtedly reduces the carbon impact of a person’s diet.

But the transition away from beef can end up being a Pyrrhic victory if it drives up the world’s rapidly rising chicken consumption. That ends up swapping one disaster — the climate crisis and beef farming’s role in it — for another: the moral disaster of industrial chicken production.

Here’s the good news. This writer is probably a socialist. If socialism comes to this country, none of us will have any food to eat anyway. History kind of tells us that.

To put it simply, it takes many, many more chicken lives than cow lives to feed people. Cows are big, so raising one produces about 500 pounds of beef — and at the rate at which the average American eats beef, it takes about 8.5 years for one person to eat one cow. But chickens are much smaller, producing only a few pounds of meat per bird, with the average American eating about one whole chicken every two weeks. To put it another way, each year we eat about 23 chickens and just over one-tenth of one cow (and about a third of one pig).

The choice to swap beef for chicken is further compounded by the differences in their quality of life. Cows are raised for slaughter on pastures and feedlots — enclosed spaces where they’re fed grain in preparation for slaughter. Most animal well-being experts say that the life of a cow raised for beef is punctuated by traumatic events and cut needlessly short, but it’s not ceaseless torture.

This is a typical PETA article.

On the other hand, factory-farmed chickens — and that’s 99 percent of all chickens we eat — have an awful life from the moment they’re born to the moment they’re slaughtered. The most efficient way to raise chickens is in massive, ammonia-choked, noisy warehouses, where the birds grow so rapidly (due to genetic selection for excessive size) that their legs can’t support their weight. They live about six weeks and then are killed.

So switching from cows to chickens is a way to somewhat reduce carbon emissions — but it comes with a massive increase in animal suffering.

Choosing between the two is a knotty dilemma that tends not to be discussed often. But this tension isn’t inevitable. After all, climate advocates and animal advocates are on the same side: supporting a transition away from industrial agriculture. And most people care about both animals and the environment, so addressing factory farming is a simple win-win.

The solution to factory farming’s many harms can’t be shuffling consumers between chicken and beef depending which of their devastating impacts is on the top of our minds. And consumers shouldn’t accept as inevitable the choice between torturing animals and dramatically worsening global warming. There is a path to a food system that doesn’t force us to choose, but we’re going to need to take much bigger steps, in terms of policy and consumer choice, to get there.

OK, there is a lot more to this article and you can click on the link to read it. It is just more environmental craziness. I want you to notice some things about it:

  • Environmentalism has become a religion, determining now what you are allowed to eat.
  • The article is very loose with the science. Human beings are made to eat meat and have since our appearance on the earth.
  • Now am I against veganism or some of their philosophies? No, I’m not.
    • There are health benefits.
    • Slaughter houses are cruel.
    • Eventually, they will create an artificial meat.
  • This is a part of the Green New Deal. This craziness was never a thing before that stupid proposal AOC came up with.
  • And the article never addressed this: If we all stop eating meat, what do you do with the cows in chicken? Look what’s going on in India.

This environmental crap is all just insane. These people think they have all the answers no matter how crazy they are and everything involves taking away our freedoms. We can’t drive. We can’t fly. We can’t eat meat. We can’t have coal or oil or energy.


Socialism and famine


Episode 333 I Love Talking About Dumb

Sometimes we, as Americans, are so busy worrying about dumb things that we forget there are actually real issues in the world.

Let’s go through some of the news, talk about some of those dumb things and then talk about some of those things we might be missing.


Rest in Peace

Walter Mondale passed away at the age of 93. Most people won’t remember much about him and that’s not a surprise. He wasn’t a really relevant politician in my time.

  • He was born on January 25, 1928 in Minneapolis, MN.
  • He served as a Senator from Minnesota from 1964-1976.
  • He served as Vice President under Jimmie Carter from 1976-1980.
  • He ran for President in 1984 against Ronald Reagan.
  • Mondale chose U.S. Representative Geraldine Ferraro from New York as his running mate, making her the first woman nominated for that position by a major party.
  • He ran on raising taxes to cut the deficit and support the ERA.
  • He lost that election by one of the largest landslides in history, only winning his home state and Washington DC.


What a Dumbass

The judge in the Derrick Chauvin trial had some rather harsh words about Maxine Watters during a request for a mistrial. Judge Peter Cahill said:

Cahill also said that this could be means for overturning a verdict on appeal since it sis sound like Watters was trying to intimidate the jury. The defense council brought up the fact the jury was not sequestered and the news of the trial is everywhere. The judge rejected the defense’s stance saying there was no evidence the jury was not following his orders not to watch the news.




What Happens When Libs Get Extra Money

Los Angeles is $5.1 billion in debt. Now, that’s not the state of California, that only Los Angeles. That will cost each tax payer would have to pay an extra $4000 to dig us out of this debt.

Now, Los Angeles and California will receive money from Joe Biden’s COVID recovery bill, which is something that really turned Republicans off to the law. Actually, it turned off all of the Republicans. So is the mayor of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti, going to used that money to balance his mismanaged budget? Of course. He’s going to spend it.

It has been reported that Eric Garcetti is going to implement a Universal Basic Income trial that will give $1000 a month to 2000 families in Los Angeles below the federal poverty line. This is part of his Equity and Justice budget.

The program is called “BIG: LEAP,” an acronym for Basic Income Guaranteed: L.A. Economic Assistance Pilot. It will cost $24 million.

When asked, Garcetti said:

“We have to end America’s addiction to poverty. For families who can’t think past the next bill, the next shift or the next health problem that they have, we can give them the space to not only dream of a better life, but to actualize it.”


  • So he expects to end poverty by giving away money?
  • What this actually does it put more people under more dependence of the government.
  • Universal Basic Income has been tried over and over again and has failed.
  • It was tried in Stockton, California for about three months. Guess what happened? Stockton ran out of money.
  • It’s these redistribution programs which are killing California and is causing their tax base, like Tesla, to move out of California.
  • I think it would be much better if Mayor Garcetti decided to pay off his debt instead of giving money away and increasing the debt.




Changing of Language

President Joe Biden has banned federal immigration agencies from using terms such as “alien,” “assimilation,” and “illegal alien” in official documents and statements.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) acting director Tae Johnson said:

“In response to the vision set by the Administration, ICE will ensure agency communications use the preferred terminology and inclusive language.”


  • The term, “illegal alien” is a legal term. It has nothing to do with race.
  • Biden is changing the terms to make illegal aliens more legal. I won’t change my usage of the term for this reason.
  • It amazes me that the reason Biden is contacting ICE is to change their terminology. You’d think he’d be more worried about the disaster on the border than the terms they use in their reports.




How Is She an Expert?

Greta Thunberg has come out of her basement and continued to chastise society for not doing what she wants us to do. I think this is great because now she is 18-years-old and now I can make fun of her without being accused of being mean to a child (which I never gave a damn about anyway).

Here she is at a World Health Organization presser discussing how the vaccine distribution is not equitable:

A few things here:

What is she doing at a WHO presser? She just, theoretically, a high school graduate. She has no expertise in anything and is autistic. As far as I’m concerned, this really damages the already rickety credibility of the WHO. And who is she to listen to when in comes to prioritizing who gets vaccinated.

I will also point out that she never actually thinks anything of this up. We already know that her father is running her Twitter account. If you watch the video, one can see she is actually reading a prepared statement. In the past, when she had to speak in front of the press without any preparation, she couldn’t seem to get a word out. She should just have her parents talk to the WHO.

A couple of things she says here are kind of odd:

  • The richer countries are getting vaccinated, and I think she’s specifically speaking of the United States because she hates us, we came up with the vaccine. We pain for the production of the vaccine. If Ghana wants the vaccine, they can invent, produce and distribute it.
  • She also brings up this from the stance of globalism and anti-capitalism. That’s her real thing. She does the same thing with environmentalism. She doesn’t go to China about any of this. She points only to the United States. She detests nationalism which the left always associates with white nationalism or white supremacy.
  • I’m a proud nationalist. You know what other country is? China.



The Real Problems

Remember I said a while back that we have become such a self-centered society we only fight about the stupid things and are missing that there is an entire world out there? By the way, I have two other stupid stories but you’ll have to wait for those till tomorrow.

We, Joe Biden’s weakness is beginning to embolden other countries and is pissing other leaders. Jen Psaki is being asked some question about it and her answer is always to circle-back to it. But we are really looking at some serious conflicts that are probably going to read their heads in the next year and I don’t know if the administration has the leadership to deal with them.

  • Iran is purifying uranium to the highest purity that they ever reached, 60%. I think it might be a little late to rejoin the Iranian Nuclear Agreement.
  • China is running fighter jets over Taiwan. The Taiwanese have asked for more weapons to counter the threat.
  • Russia’s military is building up on the Ukrainian border. The troop counts are as high as they were since the 2014 invasion of Crimea.
  • North Korea has started missile testing again and still refuses to communicate with the Biden administration.
  • The Presidents of El Salvador, Guatemala and  Honduras are blaming the Biden administration for opening the borders and causing mass migrations from their countries. This is an issue for them because they are losing working age males.
  • The President of Mexico is blaming Biden for the open border policy because the cartels are getting rich and more powerful through human trafficking. This is making them hard for the Mexican government to deal with.


We are so busy in this country worrying about race, police, equity and whether a man can compete against women we are missing the big picture.

By the way, did you know the United States flew a drone on Mars yesterday.








