
Episode 244 – We’re in Overtime!

The election last night was a disaster. We still do not know who won the election and there are several discrepancies found in several states. This is the worst nightmare for our democracy.

Let’s talk about it.


What Happened on Election Night

The election started right on time. At 5:00 PST, results began to pour in. Things were going pretty much like we thought. But at 6:00 PM, right when the polls closed in Arizona, Fox News decided to project that Arizona was going to Sleepy Joe. Which was weird because 0.0% of the ballots were counted. This was the first of many concerns, which we will talk about later.

At this point, I went to dinner with my father and went to an election party with my parents. It was a great party. There is nothing like drinking wine with a bunch or right wing conservatives. Let me tell you if you don’t know, but we can party.

The night was going great. Trump was ahead in all the including Pennsylvania, Michigan, North Carolina, Georgia and Florida (which he ended up winning). So feeling good about things and being pretty drunk, we decided to go home because we were tired. When we got home, this is when things appeared to go south.

For some strange reason and something I have never seen before, vote counts stopped for the night. They stopped in Pennsylvania (Philly specifically), Wisconsin and Arizona. None of us could believe it. It was 1:00 AM and we were not going to find out who won the election (which wasn’t much of a surprise) because the ballot counters didn’t want to stay up all night (that was a surprise).

My dad simply said, “They are going to steal this one.”

We just went to bed. We were all really pissed off.


What Happened the Next Morning

Our worst nightmares were realized the next morning.

I woke up and immediately looked to my phone.

Trump was losing in Michigan, Wisconsin and Nevada and Biden had won Arizona and Virginia, which Trump thought he might be able to flip. Trump still had substantial leads in Georgia, North Carolina and Pennsylvania but the leads were narrowing. At least he did win Florida. Trump gained very little ground.

Twitter was on fire. People were screaming that the election was stolen. Trump was Tweeting throughout the day. And Twitter does what it does: suspending conservatives for having hope the election would turn toward Trump. Trump got Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire because he re-tweeted a scenario when Trump had the election stolen from him because Walsh has violated the “policy on disseminating false information.” The funny thing is they never suspended Biden’s account when he put up a meme that said he was going to win. The double standard lives well on Twitter.

But that’s when things started getting really weird with the elections and legitimate question were being asked.


It Ain’t Over

You know, we have been doing this voting thing for 244 years. You’d think we’d have it down by now. Well we don’t. Or, maybe we do and people are just cheating. And the media is a conspirator.

Fox News reported that Biden won Arizona without any ballots were counted.

Arizona reported that they had counted 95% of the ballots. That was wrong. They had only counted 84% of the ballots and those that were not counted were heavily populated by red districts.

There are several districts, including in California and Wisconsin, that are rumored to have more votes than ballots. In California, I’m not surprised by this. This has happened before in California but no one reported it. This is part of the evil that is mail-in balloting and ballot harvesting. Take a look at this:

There is a graph going around that shows the votes for the candidates by hour. The source is an Internet journalist named Derek Duck (that is his name) and, apparently, his information is accurate enough that Twitter suspended him for posting it. What the graphs show is the vote totals per hour. What is curious is, in the middle of the night, votes in Michigan and Wisconsin spiked at around 4 AM on Wednesday. That is odd because a lot of vote counters stopped counting at around that time. Weird, huh?

Donald Trump’s team, as of this writing, has already requested recounts in several states and have will challenge the results in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. The legal challenges are based on votes counted that have no business being counted. That includes votes that did not get in before November 3. If the above graphs are correct, expect them to be used in court.

I don’t think court battles are going to lead to much and I don’t think recounts, especially when down 10 thousand votes are going to make too much of a difference. The reality that any court challenges may get some movement but, like in the 2000 Bush-Gore election, I doubt anything much will come from the Supreme Court.

In certain areas, 100% of the vote went to Joe Biden. That’s weird. That’s not me being a conspiracy theorist pulling stuff out of my ass. The Trump legal team has said that happened.

Republican representatives have not been allowed to watch the counting in votes. In Philly, security actually put up partitions to hide what the vote counters were doing. Doesn’t that make you go “hmm…”

Finally, the election is not over but Trump has some heavy lifting over the next couple of days. Nevada, Pennsylvania, Georgia and North Carolina are still up for grabs. Even Arizona, which has been declared already, is still up in the air. If Trump wins all four states, Trump will win.

So it’s not over and will not be for a few weeks.


The Good News

So far, all I have been focusing on is the bad news. But, in reality, there is some good news. Lots of good news.

  • Republicans are going to win the Senate. Races that were suppose to be close weren’t close. More on that later.
  • Republicans gained seats in the House. Polls said we were suppose to lose seats.
  • Trump was suppose to get blown out, both in the popular vote and in the state vote. That didn’t happen. Trump is down a point and a half in the popular vote and won states he wasn’t suppose to win including Florida.


The most important is the woke crowd got skinned. The black vote went from 7% in 2016 to 15% in 2020. Hispanics voted for Trump at close to 40%. In fact, minorities have voted for Trump in droves. This shows the rejection of intersectionality and identity politics. The term “racist” has been so overused, no one thinks anything of it anymore. So people are going to vote for whoever they want and not care what people think. This is the biggest tell for this election. Even the Left was thinking this was an important point of the election.



Lessons Learned

Here’s what we have learned from this absolute disaster:

  • There must be bipartisan oversight of voting in each state.
  • There must be a standardization of voting procedures throughout every state if they want to participate in a federal election. Not how the states delegate their electors.
  • Mail-in balloting and ballot harvesting are disasters. They must be banned. This has nothing to do with absentee ballots.
  • Voting is a privilege.
  • The polling sucked in every way.
    • They screwed up the Presidential election, both in the popular vote and the state-by-state vote.
    • They screwed up the Senate vote. The Republicans will probably take the Senate.
    • They screwed up the House votes. Republicans gained seats in the House.
  • We have to make a Constitutional amendment that deems the election is on the first Tuesday in November and no votes shall be cast after 8:00 PM local time unless there are unforeseen issues.



Episode 241 – What Could Happen?

Let’s play a game from the Daily Wire. Let’s play the SJW Meltdown Challenge to start the show instead  of the opening song. We should play this because Social Justice Warriors melting down is funny.



This Ain’t Going to End

The Incident

NBC Philadelphia reported yesterday afternoon on the incident that led to the riots. Police were called to neighborhood over reports of a man with a weapon. The man, 27-year-old Walter Wallace, was holding a knife when police arrived.

The report stated:

One video posted on Instagram shows Wallace walking toward the officers while a woman, who a witness identified as Wallace’s mother, tries to stop him. Two armed police officers back away from Wallace and tell him at least twice to “put the knife down” though it’s unclear from the video whether or not Wallace is holding a knife.

As Wallace continues to approach the officers, the camera briefly points downward and the sounds of several gunshots are heard as the police open fire. The camera then rises again, showing Wallace motionless on the ground as his mother runs toward him, screaming hysterically.

Maurice Holloway, a witness, told NBC10 he helped officers place Wallace in the police car that rushed him to the hospital.

Philly Mayor Jim Kenney, a Leftist, said:

“My prayers are with the family and friends of Walter Wallace. I have watched the video of this tragic incident and it presents difficult questions that must be answered. I spoke tonight with Mr. Wallace’s family, and will continue to reach out to hear their concerns first-hand, and to answer their questions to the extent that I am able. The Officer Involved Shooting Investigation Unit of PPD will conduct a full investigation. I look forward to a speedy and transparent resolution for the sake of Mr. Wallace, his family, the officers, and for Philadelphia.”

Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw said:

“I have directed the Officer Involved Shooting Investigation Unit to begin its investigation. I recognize that the video of the incident raises many questions. Residents have my assurance that those questions will be fully addressed by the investigation. While at the scene this evening, I heard and felt the anger of the community. Everyone involved will forever be impacted. I will be leaning on what the investigation gleans to answer the many unanswered questions that exist. I also plan to join the Mayor in meeting with members of the community and members of Mr. Wallace’s family to hear their concerns as soon as it can be scheduled.”

I’m not sure what video these guys saw but this was a completely justified shooting. The police were called in for a domestic disturbance, man with a knife. A video was take with Wallace chasing the police with a knife. Mind you, one of the police officers is a woman. The police backed away. Wallace came within ten feet of the officers. The officers fired. Justified shoot.

I also want to point out that the police officers were being assaulted and yelled  out by the people in the street, all black, and they did nothing but secure the suspect, Wallace.

And I notice that the media and the Left-wing politicians do not refer to Wallace as knife wielding or as a suspect.


The Results

Black Lives Matter decided to wait until the sun went down and have a riot. That is not an exaggeration. They literally waited until the sun went down then started looting and rioting.

Thirty officers were injured from rocks and bottles. One, a 56-year-old police sergeant, a woman, was run over with a truck and ended up with a broken leg.

They also started breaking into businesses and stealing their inventory. The ironic thing is these stores are burning the businesses that are owned and employ people of color. If any of these people truly believed that this shooting of the knife-wielding Wallace was unjustified, they would actually protest instead of stealing and destroying the property of people from their neighborhoods.

It’s disgusting.



What Will Happen

Let’s go over the worst case scenario for these election results. There is a 50% chance Biden becomes President. There is a 75% chance the Senate flips to Democrat. The is like a 94% chance the House stays Democrat. There is a very good chance that Trump could win but lose the Senate and House.

First, let’s talk about Trump winning the Presidency, which I think is likely but losing the Senate. Let’s be clear about this: there are five seats on the Senate that could flip. That would give Democrats a 52-48 advantage. That’s going to be important. Remember it.

So let’s go.

Trump Wins…Sort Of

If Trump wins but loses Congress, we don’t get a tax cut, which is what he wanted to do. At this point, Trump only has a couple of things to do. First off, if Trump has an approval of over 50% and blows out Biden in this election, it is going for Congress to go against Trump. Trump will hold a ton of rallies, blaming Congress for things not getting done and they may be forced to go with him. But don’t expect a lot to get done from Congress for the first two years. Hell, they haven’t done anything for the last four years. Pelosi is not getting crap for not approving COVID relief.

Expect a lot of Executive Orders. If Trump can’t get around anything, he’ll use his pen and let the courts to figure out if his orders are legal. I’m not sure the adding of ACB is going to swing things to Trump’s side. Not sure the 6-3 vote is going to help.

His foreign policy will, not only not be affected, but will be his prize. The Middle East peace path is growing. We haven’t heard from North Korea and China is now strongly behind Biden because Trump has been so rough on him. Oh, yeah, we won’t be in a war for the next four years unless something bazaar happens.

He is going to get, at least, one Supreme Court pick. The Senate, which will be Democratic, will have some decisions to make. I think this could be a good thing if Clarence Thomas decides to retire in the first two years. With a two year wait before midterm election, this could be a disaster for Chuck Schumer and the Senate Democrats.

Finally, Trump will be impeached…again. I think this is really cool to have a single President impeached twice. Never happened before. But like I said before, the Senate will only be 52-48 Democrat. Not enough votes to get Trump out and could be a disaster for Democrats at the polls, especially if the House and Senate did nothing for two years.


What If Biden Wins and the Dems Take Congress

…And makes it through the first four years. More on that in the next section. He won’t make it for the first four years. I’m not even sure he will make it through his first six months.

Taxes will be raised. He said that tax increase would only effect anyone earning over $400K. That’s going to be a lie. If Biden cancels the Trump tax cuts, he cancels them for everyone.

Will the stock market crash? Crash, no. Go way down, yes. Biden is going to implement a ton of business regulations. By the way, when people tell you Trump inherited his awesome economy, that’s a lie. Trump cut all of Obama’s regulations. This is why the economy when from slow growth to flying to the moon. We’re going to see it again with Biden as President.

Biden’s foreign policy is going to be a disaster. He’s going to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord because the Chinese and European Union want him to. He’s going to give billions of dollars to reenter the Iranian Nuclear Deal and will just do what Obama did: Let the next President deal with it.

But, what’s worse, and why I think Biden won’t be around long, is he’s compromised. His son has business interests in China, Ukraine, Russia, Iraq, Omen, Luxembourg and Romania. He has more shit on him than one of Trump’s Russian hookers (which has been debunked). This is huge stuff that’s just coming out but no one wants to talk about because orange-man-bad.

The reality is Joe Biden has made really bad decisions his entire life. He has made decisions that have enriched him and his family. We have proof of it now. Why people think things are going to be different now than they were the past 47 years, I don’t know.


How Long Would Biden Actually Be President?

The Left is evil. They are using an old man who has cognitive decline as a puppet. They have recruited a man who says he is a moderate and then chose a Vice Presidential candidate who is far Left to take over for him. By the way, Joe Biden is not that moderate. That’s a lie.

Let’s get to the point, I think Joe Biden has six months after his Inauguration. I think the Hunter Biden crap is going to be something the Left is going to use after he gets elected to get rid of Old Joe. I think they are going to try and impeach him. I also think Joe is going to hire so many Leftists in his cabinet, his cabinet may try to invoke the 25th Amendment due to his cognitive decline.

Selecting Kamala Harris as his Vice President was a huge mistake. She has no moral base and will do anything to get political power. She screwed Willie Brown for the Lord’s sake to get into politics. She cannot not be trusted to back him. She will do anything to get him out of the way so she can become President. If I were Joe Biden, I would never let her walk behind me or eat with her.

He will be gone.





Episode 240 – The Last Debate



We Have a new Supreme Court Justice

Amy Coney Barrett is now Justice Barrett as she was confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice by the Senate by a tally of 52 to 48. Strictly on party lines. Now the Supreme Court has a 6-3 Conservative makeup.

Of course, the Democrats are flipping out:

  • Chuck Schumer said the Republicans will rue the day.
  • AOC Tweeted, “Pack the Court.”
  • Maise Hirono said, during the vote, loud enough to be heard, “Hell no!”


The Last Debate

Last night was the last debate and Trump needed to make an impact. He did. He won.


  • He was patient. He let Joe talk. He took notes and responded.
  • The longest portion of the debate was about COVID. He was positive. Biden was negative.
  • Trump jumped of every lie that Biden threw out. Every inconsisancy.
  • Trump had zingers.
  • Trump brought up Hunter, gracefully….sort of. He made a mistake on some things. In fact he did this all night. He brought into the debate what he wanted to convey.
  • Trump brought up the economy. Trump brought up foreign policy. The things that no one talks about.



  • Biden was weak. He look old and tired.
  • Though he did not have any serious gaffs, he did stumble and ramble. Trump let him.
  • Biden’s body language is really bad. When He doesn’t know what to say or got caught, he looks down, looks up or looks at his watch. Many debate observers pointed out that he looked at his watch near then end of the debate. It was really weird.
  • He said “come on” nine times. Listen to this clip from Grabien.


  • When Biden says, “come on” he doesn’t have an answer. I do want to point out the Hitler comment. We were never friends with Hitler. That leads us to the next point.
  • Biden lies. Like crazy. Every topic, there was a lie.
  • He said things that are going to be used in future political adds. We are going to talk about that in a few minutes.


Kristen Welker

There was a lot of talk about Kristen Welker being the moderator. She’s a Leftist, She has pre-loaded questions before interviews. Her questions were questions that were leading to Biden and aggressive to Trump.

But I thought she did a good job. She was making some cover for Biden. She did cut off Trump a lot especially when he started hitting Biden. I also didn’t like the questions she came up with. They were the same as the last debate. COVID, the environment, etc.

There were topics that were never brought up. Once again, Biden was not asked to condemn Antifa. Welker never brought up Hunter and the possible corruption. Trump had to bring it up. The economy was not a big subject. Trump had to bring it up. Foreign policy, by far Trump’s strongest efforts, was mentioned for a while. I didn’t hear anything about that historic peace deal between Israel, Bahrain and and the UAE were never brought up. That’s trgic.

But she was far better than Chris Wallace.


The Issues

There were a bunch of exchanges between Trump and Biden that really showed the difference between the two. These exchanges were all very calm. Trump did not interrupt, did not talk over Biden. In fact, it sounded like the moderator did most of the interrupting.

The first topic was, of course, COVID-19. Because we just haven’t talked about the virus enough and it is one of the things democrats can beat Trump on. They really have nothing else. Listen:

Trump is exactly correct here. We keep hearing about the number of cases going up. We are spiking again. This is not a surprise because we are beginning to open the country. He is also correct when he says that people are suffering because they are stuck at home.

There were some things that Trump should have brought up or, at least, hammered it a little more.

  • Though we are spiking in this country, our death rates are way down. In fact, we are now 20th in the world when it comes to death rates. We have therapeutics and are close to a vaccine. We have learned a lot about this virus.
  • The states with the heaviest death rates are in blue states: New York, Michigan, New Jersey, Washington DC, Illinois.
  • Every time Biden says Trump isn’t fixing the problem, he needs to point out that Biden’s plan is the same plan as Trump’s plan. And it would have been implemented later than Trump’s actions.
  • By the way, is it Trump’s fault with the spiking in Italy, Germany, Spain, England or Brazil? The death rates, in those countries, are far higher than in the United States. No one knew how to deal with this thing. But Trump did a pretty damn good job.


Now let’s talk about corruption. Listen:

There were some awesome points here:

  • It seems that everyone has forgotten about Russia, Ukraine and the impeachment, which happened in January of this year.
  • Everyone is ignoring the Russian disinformation from the Steele dossier.
  • Everyone is forgetting, or ignoring, that the Obama administration spied on the incoming Trump administration. This is real. And Biden had a hand on it through his unmasking of Michael Flynn.
  • He pointed out that Biden was corrupt and made a lot of money on it. Biden is worth $9 million and owns two homes. Hmm….
  • I thought this was clever. Trump hit the tax returns thing.
  • Finally, you notice that the moderator started interrupting Trump. She did that all night.


  • Trump really showed the stark contrast between him and Biden. Listen:


Fact check: true. I hate when politicians do this. They reach deep inside of themselves and reach for the emotions of the viewers. And Trump is right. He was talking about China and Hunter Biden when Old Joe went on his tangent. This was a perfect response from Trump.

In this clip, Biden talks about all the things he wants to do and Trump slaps him down again. Listen:

Absolutely correct. Joe Biden was a senator for 39 years and Vice President for eight years. The only thing he has ever done was his 1994 crime bill. This was not a terrible bill. It did lower crime. But, because most of the people thrown in jail over it were people of color, Joe needs to admit it was a mistake. And this is where Trump smashes him. First off, he points out he has done nothing while he was in office. Then, he points out that the only accomplishment Joe has had was a huge mistake. Then Trump points out that he always talks about what he is going to do but Joe has had the chance to fix things, but never did.

The all talk and no action comment was the crescendo to Trump’s little symphony.

This last comment by old Joe may have cost him the election. Listen:

What a disaster for Biden:

  • He finally admitted he wants to end fracking and oil, probably coal too.
  • He wants to end subsidies? Ben Shapiro had a great reason there are subsidies for the oil industry. The oil industry gets subsidies so they can provide energy to the poor who might not be able to afford it.
  • Joe’s comments were so damaging that the moderator jumped in and tried to get him to walk it back by asking, “Why would you do that?” She tried to save Biden further by interrupting Trump, trying to move on to the next question and giving Biden the last word for ten seconds. But Trump got the shots in and they were heavy.


Trump showed restraint, he let Biden talk and the moderator, though biased, was pretty fair. Trump destroyed Biden in this debate. But is it going to have any effect on the election? Probably not much. A lot of people have already voted. The polls are showing that Trump did gain ground. Right now, the polls show that things are exactly like they were in 2016. I do believe that there is a secret Trump crowd out there that lie to pollsters or just don’t get interviewed. I also don’t like polls in the last few weeks before an election either because they tend to be inaccurate because of bias.

I think Trump is in good position.



Dumb Issue of the Night

Listen to this and think about what the problem is that would have Twitter exploding:

Now, there was nothing in that exchange that was bizarre. Trump has always believed in strong border security. And one of the reason is because of the victimization of those who cross.

There are about 536 children that cannot be reunited with their parents. There are two reasons why they can’t be reunited with their parents: Their parents cannot be found or their parents don’t want them back.

It was the term “cayote” that Trump used. Listen to what the idiots were Tweeting:

Karlous Tweeted:

“Since when did coyotes start bringing kids over here?”

Frasier actress, Peri Gilpin Tweeted:

“The children are brought here by coyotes?”

Newsperson, Nicole Schuman

“What does ‘children are brought here by coyotes’ mean?!”

“I thought i was tripping when i heard that,” tweeted Tennessee Titans fullback Khari Blasingame in response to a tweet that said, “‘Children are bought here by coyotes’ -WTF DONALD TRUMP.”

Actor and producer Sendhil Ramamurthy:

“Hot damncoyotes are so much smarter and capable than I ever gave them credit for. I apologize for underestimating you.”

Georgia state Rep. Dar’shun Kendrick wrote:

“Did @realDonaldTrump just say 545 kids they can’t find their parents for came over through “cartels and coyotes“?! How the hell does a coyote bring a whole human across the border?! Lord—–stop talking.”

That last one works as a state representative. Jeez, no wonder government sucks.

A cayote is a person, usually involved in a criminal enterprise in Mexico, who leads people over the border. Cayotes get paid by each person who is trying to cross. They are bad people. But they are not half dog, half wolf that walk on four legs. Children are not riding cayotes over the border.

So dumb.








Episode 231 – He’s Back!

This haiku is going to be a little out there.

Trump has been Released.
In a message, he gave hope.
Critical race theory!


COVID Update

Donald Trump left the hospital on Monday. He looked and felt good and made a statement about having COVID-19. Listen:

This is a great message. It’s not going to get through to the Left. They just want to blame Trump for the virus like he went down in his basement and cooked up the thing. By the way, do you realize no one is even talking about China? I’m not going to call it COVID anymore. I will call it the Wuhan Flu or the China virus because we seem to have forgotten where the damn thing came from.

But I digress. This is a great message. It was not conveyed great but great none the less. We cannot be afraid of this thing. We must live our lives and take care of ourselves and the ones around us. The problem is we think the government should take care of everything like government has all the answers. This pandemic proved that they do not. No government in the world knew what to do. I know the Democrats and the media, but I repeat myself, think that this was all Trump’s fault, but it wasn’t. It just happened and we, as individuals, needed to take care of ourselves and others.

Does that mean wear a mask? Yeah. Does that mean stay away from people when one is sick? Yeah. Should we listen to doctors and scientists? Yeah. And we should open our economy, our schools and our business. Everyone, especially business, knows what we need to do to keep people safe. Keeping everything closed is effecting a lot in our lives. We are:

  • Losing our jobs.
  • Losing our businesses.
  • Our children are not being educated.
  • Our children are growing depressed.
  • Our relationships are suffering.
  • We can’t go to church or synagogue.
  • We have no release and grow frustrated to the point that we accept the riots that we are seeing on the streets right now.


All the President is saying is that all of this has to end. This disease isn’t going anywhere. We are going to have to deal with it. We are all going to get this. And people are going to die. That’s just how the cold or the flu or cancer works. It goes through a population and does what it does. All we can do is try to deal with it until we are all able to handle it and can’t spread it. That’s herd immunity.

Trump’s message: This thing is not worse than anything we face in day to day life. We have to deal with it. We can’t fear. We need to move on. That’s a great message.















Episode 227 – Happy, Happy, Happy!

Trump will make his pick.
NBA could learn something.
Everyone calm down.


On Friday, in the wake of news that President Trump planned to nominate Judge Amy Coney Barrett to fill the vacancy left following the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg last week, a Democrat operative used the opportunity to speculate on the way Barrett’s two adopted Haitian children were adopted—this prompted a barrage of criticism from conservatives who were outraged at the operative for seeming to use Barrett’s children against her.

Dana Houle, who served as Chief of Staff for Democratic New Hampshire Rep. Paul Hodes and campaign manager for Hodes and for Democratic Connecticut Rep. Jim Himes, according to Boston Review, tweeted:

“I would love to know which adoption agency Amy Coney Barrett & her husband used to adopt the two children they brought here from Haiti.”

“So, here’s a Q: does the press even investigate details of Barrett’s adoptions from Haiti? Some adoptions from Haiti were legit. Many were sketchy as hell. And if press learned they were unethical & maybe illegal adoptions, would they report it? Or not bc it involves her children. Would it matter if her kids were scooped up by ultra-religious Americans, or Americans weren’t scrupulous intermediaries & the kids were taken when there was family in Haiti? I dunno. I think it does, but maybe it doesn’t, or shouldn’t.”

“I hope the adoptions were fully legit & ethical. I hope if press investigates that’s whay [sic] find. But if the adoptions were sketchy, reporting it would really screw w the lives of her 2 adopted kids (& maybe the 5 bio kids too).”

The South Bend Tribune reported:

In a 2019 discussion before the Notre Dame Club of Washington, D.C., Barrett said she and Jesse decided to adopt from Haiti because it was an impoverished country and because it was close enough to be able to visit as the kids became older. She and her husband debated over the years whether one should stay home with the children — she described plenty of “soul-searching and anxiety about balancing kids and work — but Jesse’s aunt has helped watch the kids for years, and Jesse took on more home duties after she became a judge. “What greater thing can you do than raise children?” she said. “That’s where you have your greatest impact on the world.[”]

Houle got lambasted. Bethany Mandel, conservative editor, said:

By the way, she calls herself a neo-Nazi and grandma killer. She’s my type of editor. I need to read the Ricochet, the magazine she edits.

Millie Hemmingway, a senior editor for The Federalist, tweeted:

You think? Do you know who doesn’t attack the children of political opponents? Republicans. Remember, the press attacked Donald Trump’s son on election night? Remember that Nick Sandman was being thrown under the bus because he didn’t hide and cower from some fraud playing a drum in front of his face? And realize they are attacking Kyle Rittenhouse for defending himself in Kenosha from three felons. The Left has no scruples.

Finally, Ted Cruz tweeted:

Simple yet right to the point.



Learn a Book

Democrats in the House of Representatives will introduce a bill next week to limit the tenure of U.S. Supreme Court justices, from lifetime appointments — which is outlined in the Constitution — to just an 18-year single term.

Reuters reported on the forthcoming bill, Thursday:

The new bill, seen by Reuters, would allow every president to nominate two justices per four-year term and comes amid heightened political tensions as Republican President Donald Trump prepares to announce his third pick for the Supreme Court after the death on Sept. 18 of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, with just 40 days to go until the Nov. 3 election.

According to Democratic Rep. Ro Khanna (CA), the bill — the “Supreme Court Term Limits and Regular Appointments Act” — is intended to tamp down partisanship.

“It would save the country a lot of agony and help lower the temperature over fights for the court that go to the fault lines of cultural issues and is one of the primary things tearing at our social fabric,” said Khanna.

“The bill seeks to avoid constitutional concerns by exempting current justices from the 18-year rule,” Reuters said. “Those appointed under term limits would become ‘senior’ upon retirement and rotate to lower courts.”

Khanna argued, “That’s perfectly consistent with their judicial independence and having a lifetime salary and a lifetime appointment.”

As noted by News at Northeastern in 2018, Northeastern law professor Michael Meltsner, who specializes in the Supreme Court, said lifetime appointments to the Supreme Court were intended to “insulate justices from partisan politics.”

“That was put into the Constitution to preserve the total independence of the judiciary,” explained Meltsner. “Once a justice is confirmed and takes a seat on the court, they’re not beholden to anybody.”

My thoughts:

  • I believe in term limits. For Everyone. Mark Levin has a great book on this.
  • The 18 year limit and two picks per President won’t work.
  • The Democrats have a great ideas but for the wrong reason.
  • This requires a Constitutional amendment.




The NBA Should Listen to These Guys

Per the Daily Wire:

Former NBA stars Charles Barkley and Shaquille O’Neal pushed back on a lot of the outrage that racial activists have been fomenting in recent days over the death of Breonna Taylor, noting that the case, while tragic, did not belong in the same category as the death of George Floyd.

Barkley said:

“It’s bad the young lady lost her life, but, you know, we do have to take into account that her boyfriend did shoot at the cops and shot a cop. So, like I said, even though I’m really sorry she lost her life, I don’t think that we can just say we can put this in the same situation with George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery, I just don’t believe that.”

O’Neal then reportedly jumped in and agreed with Barkley, highlighting aspects of the case from the law enforcement side of things.

O’Neal said:

“I have to agree with Charles, this one is sort of lumped in. You have to get a warrant signed and some states do allow no-knock warrants. And everyone was asking for murder charges. When you talk about murder, you have to show intent. A homicide occurred and we’re sorry a homicide occurred. When you have a warrant signed by the judge, you are doing your job, and I would imagine that you would fire back.”

Barley replied:

“We have to really be careful on these, you know, I hear these fools on TV talking about ‘defund the police’ and things like that. We need police reform and prison reform and things like that because you know who ain’t going to defund the cops? White neighborhoods and rich neighborhoods.”

“So, that notion they keep saying that, I’m like wait a minute, we’re just going [sic], who are black people supposed to call, Ghostbusters, when we have crime in our neighborhoods? We need police reform, but like I said, white people and especially rich white people, they’re always going to have cops. So, we need to stop that defund and abolish the cops crap.”

As noted by The Daily Wire, the notion that the black community in the United States wants less policing is false.

“A Gallup poll conducted from June 23 to July 6 surveying more than 36,000 U.S. adults found that 61 percent of Black Americans said they’d like police to spend the same amount of time in their community, while 20 percent answered they’d like to see more police, totaling 81 percent. Just 19 percent of those polled said they wanted police to spend less time in their area,” Newsweek reported. “Black Americans’ responses to the question were nearly on par with the national average, in which 67 percent of all U.S. adults said they wanted police presence to remain the same and 19 percent said they wanted it to increase.”

I hated Charles Barkley when I used to watch the NBA. That’s because he was a brutal player and the Lakers couldn’t control him. I don’t know how intelligent Barkley is but he definitely has some common sense and he’s rich enough not to care what people think of  his opinions.

I loved Shaq. I think he is probably my favorite Laker. I’m not surprised he agreed with Barkley. Don’t forget: Shaq was a reservist police officer and he’s funny as hell.

Good for those two and the NBA should be listening to them. Their ratings are down by 50% because of all this social justice warrior bullshit. The reality is 81% of blacks agree with Shaq and Chuck. The NBA better get their heads out of their asses because LeBron, who is an idiot, ain’t selling tickets anymore. The Lakers may win the championship this year but I can guarantee you I won’t be watching it.



People, Relax

I always want to try an end a podcast with a Joe Biden comment. Well, I have one. From 2016. I can’t lie, I have mixed feeling about it. Things like this will always end positively, though you may not like it.

First, here’s sleepy, creepy Joe talking:

There was a time I was in a meeting and I made a joke about beating my wife. It was a joke but inappropriate. I got into trouble, was crucified in HR but dealt with my punishment. Over. This is Joe Biden comment. But there are things I think show us, not about Joe, but about the media.

  • This happened in 2016. Why hasn’t this reported before now? Would Trump get the same consideration?
  • Biden just bitched for an entire Town Hall about how Trump hates the military. Why is this not a thing?


Those are rhetorical questions. i don’t have an answer. Well, I do and so do you.

But here’s the thing that bothers me. And this is a criticism for the Right. Joe Biden made a joke. It was a joke. He’s with a bunch of soldiers, the saltiest human being in the world. They are actually trained to be salty. Trained to be tough. Trained to be hard and insensitive to hard words. These people avoid bullets for a living, watch their friends die for a living, they kill for a living. Do you think any of these people really got offended?

I was in the army. I can guarantee you they didn’t. So why are conservatives getting offended?




Episode 213

Hypocrisy rules.
The elites don’t need the law.
Biden Sounds crazy.


Sleepy Creep Joe Made a Speech

Sleepy, Creepy Joe Hiden (that is a Trump reference) decided to jump out of the basemant and travel to Pittsburgh to hold a press conference. It would have been a great press conference except it was a speech, not a conference, there was no press and he was suppose to be in Kenosha but didn’t show up because he didn’t want to admit that BLM and Antifa caused the riots. It ended up being another basement, scripted speech. But it was a telling speech.

Let’s go over some of the things he said in the first ten minutes of the speech. He did screw up, showing his mental problems, but I won’t point it out. There was only one major one, several small issues, but not worth talking about. Let me just put it this way: Joe Biden still looked senile.

Again, the important stuff we heard in this speech is about his policy and his stance. So, let’s go through the first clip:


  • OK, this is crap. The cities are burning because of Biden supporters. Not Trump supporters. This is going to be a continuing theme.
  • This was an introduction. We need to see where he is going with this. But, again, this whole thing is about Trump being an asshole.


Here’s the next clip:


  • Notice he doesn’t talk about the violence that is actually happening in the street?
  • He brought up Jacob Blake, George Floyd and Brianna Taylor? There were extenuating circumstances on all three. I’ve brought them up before.
  • Finally, notice this would have been the perfect time to point out the BLM and Antifa are the ones burning, rioting and looting?
  • He’s making an emotional plea to people of color, which is extremely dishonest.


Next clip:


  • First, President Trump isn’t fanning the flames. These protests are happening in Democrat cities and states. And he has offered Nation Guard and federal support. This is just a lie.
  • One of the reasons Trump won’t stop the violence, and he can, is because there is a slippery slope to ending this. He ends it with the Insurrection Act and risk being called a dictator or, does what the Constitution dictates and let states and principalities handle it. The Left can’t have it both ways.
  • “Mouthing the words of Law and Order,” weren’t mouthed. He did it. He sent federal officers to Portland to protect a federal court house and it worked. He sent the National Guard to Kenosha, upon request of the mayor, and the rioting stopped. Trump has shown law and order.
  • Again, and I’ll bring this up again, is it really right wing militias and Trump supporters that are causing the violence? There is one person who has burned a building that is a Trump supporter.


Next clip:


  • Biden is trying to make himself into a moderate. He’s proclaiming he’s not a radical. But…
    • He believes in open boarders.
    • Elimination of fracking.
    • He believes all police are racist.
    • Believes in medicare for all.
    • Believes in free college for all.
    • Wants to eliminate the Second Amendment.
    • And picked Kamala Harris as his running mate.
  • This guy ain’t a moderate.
  • Again, Biden hates looting and violence but refuses to name BLM and Antifa.
  • He does name bad cops and Trump…again.



  • With the COVID thing that Biden keeps harping on, the initial estimates, by scientists, was 2 million. I want to point out that Biden didn’t want travel bans from China.
  • Kellyanne Conway said that the continued violence would only help Trump. She did not say Trump wanted it.
  • Finally, as far as Trump rooting from chaos and violence, it’s only Democratic cities that have this. Seattle, New York, Chicago, Portland…really? Trump has offered federal support. No one took it because they are Democrats and hate Trump. Kenosha did, and they are fine right now.


Next clip:


  • “Whether President Trump knows he’s President or not?” Really?
  • Again, he brings up right wing militias, white supremacists and vigilantes. No mention of Antifa and BLM who are actually burning thing down.
  • He’s lying. Worse: he’s a moral coward. The people burning up the cities are his people and he’s too much of a coward to call them out.


The last clip:

  • Jacob Blake and George Floyd were criminals. And the evidence is going to come out, if it hasn’t already. I think what Derrick Chauvin did with George Floyd was wrong. But, looking at all the video, it doesn’t look like Second Degree murder. I am sure all these riots will start up again when Chauvin gets off. They should have charged Chauvin with assault.
  • Blake was a rapist and a domestic abuser who did it again the day the police tried, and failed, to arrest him peaceably. And he had a weapon. Why is Biden even mentioning Black?
  • Finally, I don’t these violent thugs brought to the table.














Happy Independence Day!

Independence Day!
The fireworks lit the sky!
The Media flips!


The Speech

On Friday, Trump held an Independence Day. It was a great speech. It was prepared for him, which usually makes him look really good, albeit dry,

It was an “America is about God, baseball, family and apple pie speech.” It was, quite possibly, the best speech he has given. And he has given a few.

The speech was positive, celebrating our history and our growth (though he did not focus on the historical details so much). Here is the speech:

He had several themes throughout the speech:

  • He celebrated our philosophies: moral reason and reason.
  • He celebrated our history and said he would not permit the Left to destroy our monuments.
  • He bashed social justice and cancel culture.
  • He talked about the protection of America and its citizens from enemies, foreign and domestics.
  • He emphasized the growth of America, including Civil Rights.
  • He talked about the great personalities in history, the great cities in America and the accomplishments throughout history.
  • His conclusion, we must remember this country’s history. He said he is going to create a new monument that will have a statue to the greatest people in American history.


It was a great speech. Very positive. It was the kind of speech that made one proud of being an American and look forward to the wonders of our future achievements.


The Media

Darkness! Despair! Racial division!

Basically, the media has decided to lie about the speech. It was too good. There was nothing they could say if they looked at the speech so the media took cuts out of it and read into those quotes. Here are some headlines about the speech:

  • Trump Fuels Culture Wars from Mt. Rushmore – New York Times
  • Trump Fuels Racial Division at Mt. Rushmore Speech – Time Manazine
  • Trump’s Mt. Rushmore Speech Just as Terrifyingly Bonkers as You’d Expect – Esquire Magazine
  • Eye Opener: Trump Makes Divisive Speech at Mt. Rushmore – CBS News


This speech was far from Divisive or bonkers or what ever. Well, unless you think America is a great place with a great history. But the funniest, most “unbiased” view of the speech from Chris Cillizza of CNN. Let’s read some of it.



Listen, Trump says a lot of dump stuff. And there has not been a shortage of dumb things Trump has said or Tweeted over the last few weeks. But this speech was not one of them. It was a great speech. I tell you, Trump could cure cancer and CNN would find a good reason for cancer.


The People

The people have had enough. Nothing was going to stop them from celebrating Independence Day this year. Not COVID-19, political injustice or Anftifa was going to stop us.

California decided to, basically, cancel Independence Day. There were going to be no organized fireworks displays, personal fireworks are illegal and they have decided to close the beaches throughout California.

Guess what? People had enough. The beaches were packed, though social distancing was being followed. The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department declared they would not be enforcing any of the beach closures.

But, one of the most amazing sites I have seen was while driving through Los Angeles. The sky was lit with illegal, private fireworks.

It was the most amazing fireworks display I had ever seen. It made Los Angeles sound like a war zone.

Are you seeing what I am seeing? Are people sick and tired of being told what they can not do without any explanation or plan to let us be free. We are not China or Russia. There better be an excuse or timeline and it better make sense or people will just do what they want, the law be damned.

Let’s look at Gil Garcetti, the crappy mayor from Los Angeles. He decided to close beached from July 3rd to July 6th. That’s right, he closed the beaches only during the holiday weekend, essentially ruining the holiday for thousands of families during the hot and sticky holiday. His move appeared so obvious, even law enforcement was not going to enforce the law. Heck, law enforcement was not allowed to stop looters from destroying business and running wild on the streets, why enforce a law where people are just doing something fun on the most important national holiday of the year?





Episode 182 Show Notes – More to the Story

News media lies.
Google takes the bait again.
Trump is attacking


Looking More Political by the Second

This Rayshard Brooks thing is going to get bad. I think that the DA of Fulton County, Paul Howard Jr., should probably recuse himself to try to save face.

Information has come out today that really puts a bad light on this case and Paul Howard:

Howard said that a taser is not a deadly weapon and is not justification for deadly force. But two weeks ago, Howard said that the use of a taser by police was using deadly force. He was referring to a incident where police used a taser on a violent woman during an arrest. In that case, which happened on June 2, he charged a police officer.

Howard said that Devin Brosnan, the other police officer on the scene that received a concussion and taser burns from the peaceful Brooks, has no intention of pleading guilty to any charge and no intention of testifying for the state against Officer Rolfe. He said that in front of his client and Brosnan appeared with a battered face.

Finally, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI for short) said they are still continuing their investigation and have not come up with a determination. They also said that Howard never consulted them with his findings and the charges.


What’s also coming out is the life of Rayshard Brooks. And he’s not the jovial loving guy Howard is making him out to be.

  • He blew a .108 in his test. That’s over the drunk driving limit.
  • The charges to which Brooks pleaded guilty and for which he was still on probation dated back to August 2014.
  • He was convicted on four counts – False Imprisonment, Simple Battery/Family, Battery Simple and Felony Cruelty/Cruelty to Children.
  • Brooks had not been in trouble since 2016 until last December when he went to Ohio without informing his probation officer – but the case was dismissed.


Not so jovial and nonviolent.

But Paul Howard has his own problems:

  • He has huge turmoil in the department he is running. According to his competitor for the DA position, he lost 115 lawyers in the last 2 years and his environment is toxic.
  • He is under investigation for sexual harassment by a member of the Human Resources department.
  • The GBI is investigating him for the disappearance of grant money that was sent to his department. That money has been alleged to have added to his salary.
  • He is currently looking at being primaried in the next election in November.


Does this look like a diversion to satisfy his voting base?




It’s About Time

Google has threatened to ban the conservative news and opinion site The Federalist from profiting off online advertising through Google Ads for violating the tech giant’s conditions against “inappropriate content.”

NBC News first reported that Google had banned The Federalist and “far-right” website ZeroHedge for “advertising platform over policy violations found in the comments section of stories about recent Black Lives Matter protests.”

Google told the Daily Wire:

“To be clear, The Federalist is not currently demonetized. We do have strict publisher policies that govern the content ads can run on, which includes comments on the site. This is a longstanding policy.”

Apparently, a spokesman had made the comment to NBC News which led to the story:

“We have strict publisher policies that govern the content ads can run on and explicitly prohibit derogatory content that promotes hatred, intolerance, violence or discrimination based on race from monetizing. When a page or site violates our policies, we take action. In this case, we’ve removed both sites’ ability to monetize with Google.”

Google said this was not the case and walked back the comment. But, apparently, Google lied and had tagged The Federalist with hate content. The Federalist refused to comment.

This is not the first time that Google, and its subsidiaries such as YouTube, have been accused of targeting Conservative content. Steven Crowder of Louder with Crowder has continually had his content banned and demonetized due to hate speech while allowing far Left content such as Vox to continue, unabated.

Last month, two doctors had their content banned from YouTube because their medical opinions of the COVID-19 virus countered the World Health Organization, an organization that has been wrong about the virus from day one but is an avid supporter of the communist Chinese government (where the virus originated).

But Google is not the only social media company that has been targeting Conservatives. Twitter has been known to suspend Conservative Tweeters such as Candace Owens and James Woods. They also fact-check Donald Trump. Yet, Left wing pundants, who have said some pretty atrocious things without getting so much as a warning.

The problem is, as the election gets closer, the suspensions are getting more frequent and more obvious.

The Department of Justice is prepping legislation to roll back protections for big tech companies and make them more accountable for content posted on their sites.

The DOJ is expected to introduce a bill to Congress as soon as Wednesday targeting tech companies and social media platforms’ protections under Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Section 230 protects a wide variety of web services, platforms, and content providers from liability for outside content that passes through their servers. The law, passed in the early days of the internet, is a key legal protection for large social media platforms and internet search engines. Any change in the law’s protections could drastically affect the way those companies operate.

Essentially, these companies are going to be liable in the same way as newspapers that spread libelous material.

It’s about time.



Episode 172 Show Notes – An Election Narrative Has Been Found

You know what a Haiku is? It’s a Japanese poem that is made up of three lines. The first and third line has five syllables and the second line has seven syllables. I started experimenting with them on Twitter a little. I thought this would be the perfect introduction for my podcasts. Let’s start today.

Murder caught on film.
Protests turn to wild mobs.
New narrative found.

Take it easy. I’ll get better.


A Tragic Death

A black man named George Floyd was arrested for handing out a fake $20 bill in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

He was arrested by four Minneapolis police officers.

Supposedly, though there is no video of it, Floyd resisted and he was taken to the ground by a couple of officers. One of those officers was Derek Chauvin.

Video was taken of Chauvin with his knee on Floyd’s throat for close to eight minutes. What was very disturbing is Floyd was complaining he could not breathe, blood was coming out of his nose and it appeared that Chauvin had his entire body weight on Floyd’s throat.


When Chauvin got off of Floyd, Floyd was unconscious and died a few hours later.

This video is horrid and what Chauvin did was terrible. I protect the police as much as I can but this was as bad as that cop in Chicago shooting an unarmed black kid in the back for being stoned.

The four officers were immediately fire. It was found that Chauvin had eighteen prior complaints placed on him during his nineteen year career.

Four days later, On Friday, Chauvin was arrested and charged with 3rd degree murder and manslaughter.

But people were not satisfied that it took so long. I hate to say this, but I don’t blame them.



The reaction was as expected. Protests started rising up. At first, the protests were loud but peaceful. They showed up at the 3rd Precinct Minneapolis Police department.

As the night fell, the protesters became more aggressive, threatening the police station and setting off fireworks. But they were still peaceful.

Later that night, all Hell broke loose.

The protests turned into a riot. Stores were destroyed and all the products were stolen. This happened for three nights and reminded me of the L.A. riots in 1992 over the Rodney King arrest.

On Friday, Protests have broken loose in Minneapolis, Atlanta, Los Angeles, San Jose, New York and Washington D.C. by the White House. Secret Service is guarding the White House. The protests started quietly but have become violent as the sun went down.,

These protests prove Democrats have no leadership. When the protests turned to riots, they pulled the police back, letting businesses fend for themselves. As far as I’m concerned, this really justifies the Second Amendment. We obviously can’t trust the government to protect us from thugs.



The Response: How Typical

Of course, President Trump weighed in on Twitter saying:

Twitter, under pressure from the Left and having an election that will probably re-elect Trump because Sleepy, Creepy Joe is incoherent, has decided to flag that Tweet as “glorifying violence:. Though it was a clumsily worded Tweet, which is a Trump thing, I hardly think it is “glorifying violence”.

But that’s another story I’m not going to get into tonight, though it is a huge story.

The Minneapolis mayor, Lefty Jacob Frey, made a speech and it was the typical Leftist speech. Blacks are dying every day et cetra.

But the real speech came from Andrea Jenkins, the transgender vice president of the Minneapolis City Council. And her/his start of his speech:

How…moving? The only thing I thought of was this is a man, not a woman. That and that he was 6’7″ and had an Adam’s apple the size of a bowling ball.

But let’s us get to the meat of her speech:

He’s a supporter of Jeremiah Wright, huh? If you don’t know who that guy is, he’s the “pastor” who Barrack Obama followed who is hugely antisemitic and was famous for saying, “It’s not God bless America. It’s God damn America.” Yeah, he’s a sweet guy.

So you can see where this guy is going.

This clip is a little long but you will get the idea where he’s coming from:

You get that? “We’ve been racist for four hundred years”? Really? I guess she forgot about the 500,000 people who died in the Civil War to end slavery.

“We feel there is a knee on out collective necks.” A telling statement.

We are a country of institutional racism? Really? I haven’t heard one person justify this killing. In fact, the white officer was arrested and charged with murder, The Department of Justice is investigating and the FBI is investigating. That doesn’t sound like institutional racism.

You can watch the entire press conference below:

Of course the media is doing their usual nang up job. Totally unbiased. Here’s Brooke Baldwin from CNN interviewing Andrea Jenkins and crying after hearing Jenkins singing Amazing Grace.

Hey, Brooke, the song wasn’t that moving.

Here’s Don Lemon from CNN, earning a couple hundred thousand a year and wearing a $2000 suit he didn’t have to pay for, bitching about how much danger he’s in because he’s black. Oh, yeah and he’s with blockhead, Chis Cuomo:

Do you know why I know everything he has said is absolute bullcrap?

  • He is a gay black man on a prime time show on CNN.
  • He has a six figure salary.
  • He’s worth $10 million dollars.


The Kaepernick thing is just stupid. Kapernick was protesting how terrible the United States is. He wore socks with pigs dressed like police. He is also worth about $100 million dollars. How afraid do you think he is to leave the house. I bet not very.

What people don’t understand is that Kapernick and Lemon are examples of why there is no systemic racism in the United States. They have profited from the system Just like Barrack Obama has.

Finally, blacks are not under siege. Blacks being killed by police is very rare. The fact that people can name the victims prove this. Shooting of blacks has gone down consistently since the Civil Acts bill was signed into law.

Do you know what race kills blacks more than cops? Other blacks. Look at Chicago.

Do you know what race gets killed by police shootings? White people. Do you know how Daniel Shaver is? Probably not because his shooting was never really reported. He was killed by police in a hotel while on the ground and begging not to be shot. And it was all recorded. He was white. Look it up.




Of course, the Left wants to use this crisis to their advantage. And the news media just takes the ride and pushed their new (and old) agenda.

Let’s listen to Maxine Waters, the horrid member of congress from one of the poorest, black districts in Los Angeles:

If this woman could not drum up outrage, she wouldn’t have a job because her district, which she does not live in, would have voted her out decades ago. Now, she’ll run around, have speeches, blame Trump for everything, say how evil white people are and get elected for another twenty years.

She’s the woman who called the Los Angeles riots in 1992 an uprising. She’s just terrible.

Then there’s Sleepy Creepy Joe. Listen to his message. I mean, really listen:

Joe initially ran as a moderate. And looking at the other candidates, he was. But now, to get Bernie supporters and the rest of the Left, he feels he needs to pander further to the Left. And their goal is to change the United States socially and economically. They want to rid us of our rights and economy.

The only thing I like about his push to the Left is that he is alienating most of the country. I do believe the Left is a small population. It is growing but let’s just make sure that Trump wins the next election and hope that the younger generations figure things out.




Final Thoughts

Here are my thoughts over this whole thing.

  • What happened to George Floyd is horrid and the cop got what he deserved.
  • Though I don’t agree, I agree with the protests. If you’re pissed off, peaceful protest is a good thing.
  • The riots are not protests. These are not protesters. They are thugs and criminals and should not be celebrated.
  • The media is trying to create a new narrative and Leftist politicians are pushing it. That’s because Joe Biden is a garbage candidate. He’s now pandering like Hilary did in 2016. We saw how that worked out for her.
  • There is no institutional racism. Those that are screaming there is actually prove there isn’t.
  • There are bad people in the world and the United States has had its dark periods. But I don’t think this time is one of them.
  • Collectivism is evil.
  • We need the Second Amendment. The government will not protect you.


There IS Other News

Unfortunately, I have not covered all the news. And it was a big week. I will talk about it tomorrow. But I should, at least, mention it:

  • SpaceX combined with NASA launched the first people into space in ten years. A major accomplishment.
  • President Trump signs an Executive Order removing the protections given to social media because of the censorship of conservative voices on their platforms.
  • And President Trump drops the hammer on China.

Episode 126

China is driving everyone batty. And the Left is destroying law and order.


Frigging Bats are Making Us All Batty

The coronavirus from Wuhan, China has killed 132 so far and those found with the virus are closing in on 10,000.

The city has been quarantined and the United States and other countries are contemplating stopping traveling to and from China.

So far, there have been five reported cases in the United States. All those infected were traveling in China. They have all be quarantined. No deaths have occurred.

A plane filled with Americans trying to escape the disease in China arrived in Riverside, California today. None tested positive for the disease but they will be held in quarantine for, at least, two weeks.

San Francisco has created a quarantine center at their airport for those who come here. They want to be able to handle anyone who is infected with the virus.

There is a shortage of surgical masks throughout the United States and China. Heck, I work in a free clinic and all the medical personnel are wearing them. When I asked if they knew those things didn’t really do anything, they nodded and kept doing their thing.

So, what is the coronavirus? Is it something we should worry about?

From wikipedia.com:

Coronavirusesare a group of viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans, the viruses cause respiratory infections which are typically mild including the common cold but rarer forms like SARS and MERS can be lethal. In cows and pigs they may cause diarrhea, while in chickens they can cause an upper respiratory disease. There are no vaccines or antiviral drugs that are approved for prevention or treatment.

The name “coronavirus” is derived from the Latincorona, meaning crown o rhalo, which refers to the characteristic appearance of the virus particles (virions): they have a fringe reminiscent of a royal crown or of the solar corona.

Do we have something worry about?

We panicked with bird flu. We panicked with SARS. But nobody in the United States died from those diseases. They got sick. And it sucked. But no one died.

My answer is we have nothing to worry about.



Just Sick!

A convicted child molester Joseph Matthew Smith (23) will be released from prison despite sexually abusing up to 15 children, including a 1-year-old. It seems that Smith — now Josie, he calls himself — has begun the process of “transitioning” into a “woman.”

Attorney general spokesman Lynn Hicks informs us that Smith’s hormone treatment render him less of a threat to offend again, thus justifying his release.

“A preliminary report prepared by the state’s expert, Dr. Jeffrey Davis, says Smith molested as many as 15 victims, ranging from ages 1 to 13, before being sentenced to prison in December 2015. The report found the likelihood of re-offending within five years of release exceeded 20% because victims were of both genders, and because Smith was under age 25 and never had a long-term relationship.

“Mr. Smith has not had an intimate relationship. His sexual encounters appear to have primarily involved molestation, including his own molestation by multiple perpetrators, or his victimization of others.”

Smith received transgender treatment for the last two years at Newton Correctional Facility and started using female pronouns.

Iowa AG spokesman Lynn Hicks says:

“We don’t believe we have evidence sufficient to prove Josie Smith has a significant chance of re-offending. Josie Smith will be subject to strict sex-offender reporting required of those who commit the crimes [they] did. [They’ll] be subject to supervision for the rest of [their] life.”

The report recommended Smith be confined at the Cherokee Civil Commitment Unit for Sex Offenders (CCUSO) in Cherokee for an indefinite period.

The question I have is: Has he served his time? Isn’t he in prison to, not only rehabilitate, but to be punished for his crimes?

What about the victims? Isn’t Iowa re-victimizing the victims by releasing him?

Finally, who the hell said that hormone treatment cures someone of being a deviant? This piece of filth molested boys and girls. Chemical castration has proven not to work.

I will take one more step. The fact that this guy wants to go from being a man to a woman just proves that he is still a deviant.

The Left in this country is beginning to dismantle law and order in this country. Let’s look at what they are doing:

  • Open borders and sanctuary cities.
  • Drug legalization.
  • Abortion even after the baby has been born (murder).
  • No more cash bail.
  • The demonetization of the police and the elimination of ICE.
  • The embrace of terrorist groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter.


There is also this embrace of intersectionality and wokeness push this crap. Basically, this Hicks chick believes that he is a victim because he is a person of color and transsexual. Not because he victimized people.

In the past few weeks, I have heard some very scary statements by the Left. We are going to talk about socialism and communism, true tyranny. And I’m going to play those video clips. I’m also going to bring up some books, especially Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. This is a very important book. I am actually thinking of modernizing this book though I don’t think it needs any modernization.

We are heading in that direction. And it’s scaring the hell out of me.


