Episode 701 – Is This Prophecy?

Am I being a conspiracy theorist or am I just observant. I don’t know, let’s talk about it.

The Biden administration gets caught lying…again!

And Donald Trump get indicted.



Here is some news:

  • The Chinese spy balloon apparently was a lot more useful than the Biden administration admitted.
    • The things was controllable by the folks in China.
    • The thing was doing figure eights around military sites and nuclear silos.
    • Real-time electronic information was being sent back to China.
    • What this basically means is a Chinese spy balloon was collecting information about our military, was allowed to cross the entire United States and then the Biden administration lied about the effectiveness of this balloon.
  • As our dollar loses its benchmark standard as the reserve currency, Joe Biden has decided to send another $1.5 billion to Ukraine. I don’t know when this is going to end.
  • This is becoming so common, it is not even its own story. Dylan Mulvaney is now a sponsor for Nike. He’s modeling sports bras.
    • I am not at all surprise since virtue signaling has become a mainstay for Nike marketing.
    • Let’s not forget that they are selling to fat people.
  • Last week, the Las Vegas shooter who killed 60 and injured hundreds while taking pot shots at a country music concert has remained a mystery for six years.
    • Stephen Paddock, a degenerate gambler, rented a room at Mandalay Bay, broke the window of the room and started shooting.
    • The motive was never found until now.
    • The FBI found a motive through interviews with other degenerate gamblers. Apparently, he bought all those guns, killed sixty and injured hundreds and committed suicide because he was angry about how the Las Vegas hotels were treating high roller gamblers.
    • So let me get this straight, this guy killed 60 people because he wasn’t getting enough free drinks.
    • Yeah, bullshit. This is obviously a mystery we were never meant to hear.
  • I have always said that these last couple of years have looked like it did during the Carter administration. Well it looks more so now and that could be a good thing.
    • Robert F. Kennedy, son of Robert Kennedy and nephew of JFK, is running against Biden for President.
    • He’s not going to win and this shouldn’t be news but…
    • …the last time a Kennedy ran was Ted Kennedy in 1980 against Jimmie Carter. Carter got smoked in the general.
  • Speaking of degenerates, that trans chick in Nashville is probably another mystery we are never going to hear about.
    • Her home was searched and more guns and ammunition was found.
    • Bunch of year books from the Coventry School were found.
    • A suicide note was found. The contents of the note were not released.
    • Multiple laptops and cell phones were found.
    • Journals were found. Those journals indicate she had been planning this massacre for months.
    • The FBI is still analyzing the contents of her manifesto. In other words, though we all know why she did it, we will never have an official motive.

A Lutheran pastor made one of the most insane homilies I have ever heard in a church. Here’s a little secret, the pastor is also a trans guy or woman or whatever. Listen:

You got that? The trans-man who murder six people, including 3 children, was persecuted like Jesus Christ and the guns killed the kids, not her.

That’s the narrative. It also is the reason Lutheranism is not a real religion.



The Indictment is Out

Donald Trump has officially been arrested. He went to court and all the drama. Well, there wasn’t any drama. The whole thing took like an hour.

Here is the summary of the charges:

“During the election, TRUMP and others employed a ‘catch and kill’ scheme to identify, purchase, and bury negative information about him and boost his electoral prospects. TRUMP then went to great lengths to hide this conduct, causing dozens of false entries in business records to conceal criminal activity, including attempts to violate state and federal election laws.

Trump reimbursed Cohen through a series of monthly checks “first from the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust – created in New York to hold the Trump Organization’s assets during TRUMP’s presidency – and later from TRUMP’s bank account. In total, 11 checks were issued for a phony purpose.”

“Nine of those checks were signed by TRUMP. Each check was processed by the Trump Organization and illegally disguised as a payment for legal services rendered pursuant to a non-existent retainer agreement.”

“In total, 34 false entries were made in New York business records to conceal the initial covert $130,000 payment. … Further, participants in the scheme took steps that mischaracterized, for tax purposes, the true nature of the reimbursements.”

Now, let’s take a look at the first charge. Once you’ve heard the first, you’ve heard all 34.

THE GRAND JURY OF THE COUNTY OF NEW YORK, by this indictment, accuses the defendant of the crime of FALSIFYING BUSINESS RECORDS IN THE FIRST DEGREE, in violation of Penal Law §175.10, committed as follows:

The defendant, in the County of New York and elsewhere, on or about February 14, 2017, with intent to defraud and intent to commit another crime and aid and conceal the commission thereof, made and caused a false entry in the business records of an enterprise, to wit, an invoice from Michael Cohen dated February 14, 2017, marked as a record of the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust, and kept and maintained by the Trump Organization.

Everyone and their mother, that means CNN and MSNBC, knows that this prosecution is wildly irrelevant. But the prosecution has some advantages. The judge is a Lefty. The jury is going to be Leftist


Just What Is Needed

I am not a Lizzo fan. Her music sucks, she’s fat and proud of it and cries every time she is told she’s fat. But, worst of all, she pushes that being fat is a good thing. I looked this up. Lizzo is 5’10” and 308 pounds. In all her videos, she wears things. I am surprised that some activist group does not protest her cruelty to spandex. It also very common that she will be eating something in her music videos.

Well, she’s decided to virtue signal on the Trans Day of Visibility. According to CNN:

It is no secret that Lizzo is a passionate advocate for self-love. Alongside her confidence-boosting music — which includes tracks “Good as Hell,” “2 Be Loved (Am I Ready)” and the Grammy-Award winning “About Damn Time” — the singer launched shapewear brand Yitty in 2022 with a goal of helping women of all body types “feel unapologetically good about themselves.”
On Thursday, ahead of International Transgender Day of Visibility, the brand announced that it will offer gender-affirming shapewear for the first time.
Titled “Your Skin,” the collection features a binder top and tucking thong that have been two years in the making, according to an announcement posted on the brand’s Instagram page. These garments — which are often used by trans or gender-diverse people — are designed to allow for a visibly flat contour to the chest or crotch areas.
“I can only speak from my own experiences but I often feel lost in my body,” wrote non-binary model Shaheem Anderson, who features in the “Your Skin” campaign, on Instagram. “I have ALWAYS looked to clothing to express who I am inwardly… but there are still some challenges with specific silhouettes. How cool that FINALLY a mainstream brand like Yitty will be selling BINDERS and TUCKING BOTTOMS!!
“It’s one thing to be included in a campaign but included in a campaign that could potentially make a difference in someone’s life and affirm how they feel on the inside means the (world).”
I thought she was disgusting before. Now she wants to sell confused teens chest binders and penis tucking gear. By the way, that crap is painful. It is also known to damn the organs they are suppressing. She is basically condoning this evil crap.
I would give this no talent, ugly, fat bitch more crap for pushing these torture devices, but I won’t. She has diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, certain cancers and an early death to deal with because of her weight problem. I don’t want to pile on.
Anyway, she’s still a bitch.



They’ll Probably Win

When you have a society and culture that has no norms and limits, we get crap like this.

According to Fox News:

A Pennsylvania school district faces a lawsuit from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) for allegedly prohibiting an After-School Satan Club initially approved by school officials.

The lawsuit, filed Thursday, alleges the Saucon Valley School District originally approved the club, citing that they could not discriminate against The Satanic Temple (TST), which sponsors the ASSC, for requesting access to district facilities. The district later rescinded the access after uproar from others, alleging the club sponsor had violated a policy requiring that outside groups’ school facility use should not “interfere with the educational program of the schools.”

The ACLU of Pennsylvania claims the walk back violates the First Amendment’s Free Speech Clause.

“The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, alleges that the SVSD’s refusal to grant the ASSC equal access to school facilities give a “heckler’s veto” to those who dislike the group’s religious viewpoint, even though the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment prohibits the government from censoring speech based on the objections or reactions of others,” an ACLU press release from March 30 reads. 

Sara Rose, deputy legal director for The ACLU of Pennsylvania, alleges the district’s actions set a “dangerous precedent” for refusing to protect controversial opinions from censorship.

The ACLU also points out that there are Christian clubs at the school. That is a really weak argument that has been argued before and the Satanic Temple lost. The Satanic Temple is not really deemed a religion as much as they are deemed a humanist or atheist  group. They don’t actually worship Satan. They worship the self.

Five years ago, I would have said this is going nowhere. The Satanic Temple has always been outside our standards. But we don’t have standards anymore. We’re not allowed to have standards anymore.



Terrible People Saying Terrible Things






Episode 700 – The Big Day!

The Big Day is here!

Bud Light goes woke.

And the elites just can’t escape their ideology.


Dumbest Quote of the Day!

Trump goes in front of a judge today. Here are some updates.

  • There was a leak of the indictment.
    • If this came from the Alvin Bragg office, this is a felony and people are calling for Bragg to be indicted.
    • There are 34 felonies for bad business entries.
    • These felonies were upgraded to the federal statute. This stuff is not going to play well.
  • Trump will not be cuffed and there may not even be photos.
  • He will plead not guilty through his lawyers.
  • Cameras will not be allowed in the courtroom.
  • A gag order will probably not be put in place, mainly because it is unconstitutional.
  • Trump will hold a rally at Mar a Lago after the appearance.
  • Marjorie Taylor Green will show up at New York in support of Trump. Eric Adams made a statement that appeared the most tone deaf statement ever made.


Go Woke, Go Broke

Here’s the thing, most people don’t believe in this crap. This doesn’t seem to stop companies from virtue signaling.

The next sucker company is Anheuser-Busch. They decided they needed they needed a news spokesman and they found him. Dylan Mulvaney, who decided to become a woman a little over a year ago and has made some outrages videos and made a lot of money doing it.

Here he is in one of the commercials Bud Light has released:

That’s right. They actually put his picture on a can.

Anheuser-Busch is getting a lot of crap for this, as they should. They released a statement on Monday:

“Anheuser-Busch works with hundreds of influencers across our brands as one of many ways to authentically connect with audiences across various demographics and passion points. From time to time, we produce unique commemorative cans for fans and for brand influencers, like Dylan Mulvaney. This commemorative can was a gift to celebrate a personal milestone and is not for sale to the general public.”

This is really going to backfire on Anheuser-Busch. Here’s why:

  • Men drink Bud. Men don’t like the trans-thing because they hate men.
  • Conservatives drink Bud because Bud, till now, has been the beer of America.
    • Leftist men and women drink White Claws and Trulys.

Within a week, watch Anheuser-Busch back off of this. This is not going to play well. You can’t insult your customers and think it will not affect sales. Ask Mars Candy, Gillette, McDonald’s, Disney and Netflix.



They Just Can’t Escape the Ideology

One of the things Dennis Pragar wrote in The Rational Bible: Exodus is that one god that man seems to honor these days is education. If someone has a degree, they believe they are seen as experts in whatever and elites. This being said, no one without a degree is considered uneducated and their words are irrelevant.

Another problem is when the elitist with their worthless degrees try to pander to ideology, they make foolish statements. Such foolish statements that, sometimes, lesser people can’t stop from laughing at them.

Here, Reilly Gaines, they female swimmer who lost to Lia Thomas, a man who wanted a swimming championship so badly he competed with the women, talks about the obvious differences between men and women to an anthropology professor from the University of Pennsylvania. The professor’s name is Gabby Yearwood. I tell you that name so your kids avoid this “professor”.

Gaines asks a simple question that he should be able to easily answer. But ideology has his tongue and he makes a fool out of himself. Listen:

No bad for a gal that only has a BS in Health Science. She just blew out a doctor of anthropology.

Here’s the problem with the elites, they can say anything an we, plebes, just have to believe them because they are just so smart. It works the same way with politicians. I used to think their ideas couldn’t be that bad because he or she was a politician or a professor. Over the years, I’ve learned differently. There can be some really stupid smart people out there.

Let me rephrase that. They can be so smart, they become stupid. That’s why things like sidewalks can end up racist. They’re creative enough to make crap up and make it work for their own minds. Their problem is a person with an IQ over 33 knows their full of crap.

But these people live in an echo chamber. They all say the same thing and confirm each other.



Probably Not Going to Work

Let’s give a little reminder about the feud between Disney and the Florida government.

  • Florida passed the Parents Right in Education Act or what the media calls the “Don’t Say Gay” bill.
  • Disney employees, like 100 of them, threw a fit about the law and wanted Disney to protest.
  • Disney, letting the Indians run the tribe, complained about the bill and Gov. Ron DeSantis.
  • Disney is allowed by the government of Florida to run their own area. They have their own police force, pay less in taxes and don’t need permits for any construction.
  • DeSantis, pissed off, pulled Disney’s rights.
  • The state Senate agreed.

Now, Disney is panicking. They may have discovered a little technicality that dates back to 1692.

According to Fox News:

The Walt Disney Co., amid its feud with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, invoked King Charles III in its attempt to stifle efforts by the Republican governor to strip the company of its self-governance power in the state.

In February, after nearly a year of lawmakers working to dissolve Disney’s special tax district, DeSantis signed a bill into law that ends Disney’s self-governing power and puts the media giant under the control of a state board. The same month, in the hours before the Florida House of Representatives approved a state takeover, the board — still under control of Disney-allied appointees at the time — transferred many duties of the special district over to Disney’s control.

According to developer agreements signed into effect Feb. 8, the same day the Florida House passed legislation to control aspects of Disney’s land, the Reedy Creek Improvement District transferred most of its power to Disney for the next 30 years.

The agreement — which gives Disney the ability to no longer seek board approval to construct complex projects or buildings at certain heights, as well as sell or assign development rights — used a royal clause dating back to 1692 in Great Britain.

“[This] Declaration shall continue in effect until 21 years after the death of the last survivor of the descendants of King Charles III, King of England, living as of the date of this declaration,” the document stated, referencing language used most often in the United Kingdom.

“So, as long as one of those grandchildren makes it 80, this clause would be there for 100 years,” said Robert Lord, senior advisor on tax policy at progressive group Patriotic Millionaires, according to NBC News.

Yeah, that’s a stretch.

I’m pretty sure that little thing called the Revolutionary War might have void that agreement. That one was in 1776. This is obviously not going to work but I do give them an A+ for originality.








Episode 699 – Just in Time for Driving Season

Happy Super Straight White Male Day of Visibility! I didn’t make this up and it’s not a real day but I thought it was funny so I went with it!

Gas is going to go sky high very soon.

And the fallout from the mass shooting at a Christian school in Nashville continues.



Here is some news:

  • Joe Biden continues to throw out regulations that are just costing the regular person money.
    • On August 1st, 2023, the Biden administration will ban the use of incandescent light bulb.
    • Retailers will be required to sell LCD light bulbs only.
    • Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said: “The lighting industry is already embracing more energy efficient products, and this measure will accelerate progress to deliver the best products to American consumers and build a better and brighter future.”
    • LED lights are far superior. They burn brighter, use less electricity and last longer.
    • Here’s the problem, not all households are compatible with LED and replacing fixtures to support LED can be very expensive.
    • According to Fox News: According to the survey data, LEDs are also far more popular in higher-income households, meaning the energy regulations will particularly impact lower-income Americans. While 54% of households with an income of more than $100,000 per year used LEDs, just 39% of households with an income of $20,000 or less used LEDs.
    • Once again, the Biden administration supporting the poor. Only the rich appear to be able to comply.
  • Donald Trump has been indicted by a Manhattan grand jury on 34 counts relating to paying off Stormy Daniels back in 2016 from an affair he had with her in 2006.
    • There appears to be, at least, one felony.
    • The rest are misdemeanors and have surpassed the statute of limitations.
    • We will not have the indictment until Trump turns himself in on Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 PM est.
    • It’s a garbage indictment and will lead to real doubts about our justice system.
    • This indictment comes from Alvin Bragg, a very Left wing DA.
      • To show you how messed up Bragg is, this week, he released a rapist with no bail and that rapist when on the attack five other people.
      • But he is going to perp walk Donald Trump.
  •  In more banana republic crap, Douglass Mackey has been convicted of election interference and now faces 10 years.
    • What did he do? He posted memes on social media. I am not kidding.
    • He is a big Trump supporter.
    • The Justice Department said that Mackey had worked with other influential Twitter users between September 2016 and November 2016 to “disseminate fraudulent messages” which persuaded voters for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to cast their ballots via phone or social media. One image depicted a black woman standing in front of an “African Americans for Hillary” sign and said “Avoid the Line. Vote from Home,” “Text ‘Hillary’ to 59925.”
    • It was a joke.
    • United States Attorney Breon Peace remarked in the statement: “Mackey has been found guilty by a jury of his peers of attempting to deprive individuals from exercising their sacred right to vote for the candidate of their choice in the 2016 Presidential Election. Today’s verdict proves that the defendant’s fraudulent actions crossed a line into criminality and flatly rejects his cynical attempt to use the constitutional right of free speech as a shield for his scheme to subvert the ballot box and suppress the vote.”
    • It was a joke. The numbers didn’t lead anywhere. They didn’t stop anyone from voting. In fact, if people followed these memes and didn’t vote, they shouldn’t have been voting anyway because they are too stupid to have the right to vote.
    • He was arrested and charged right after Joe Biden took the presidency.
    • This is a political prisoner. We should all worry about this.
  • Jacob Chansley, better known as the QAnon Shaman from January 6th fame, has been released early from prison.
    • He was in prison for two years before going to trial.
    • He was convicted and sentence to four years in jail.
    • The media and Democrats made him out to be a madman and a violent insurrectionist.
    • Tucker Carlson of Fox News showed video of the police walking Chansley around and never arresting him. He even said a prayer for the police when he was in the Senate chamber.
    • Chansley’s defense attorneys said they never received and of the videos Tucker had. This is a serious no-no for the prosecution. So they let him go.
    • Maybe there is still some justice in the country.
  • Finally, be prepared for gas prices to go up.
    • The Saudis have just alerted everyone that they are going to cut oil production by 500,000 barrels a day.
    • This is just in time for us to run out of oil released from the strategic reserve back in January.
    • We don’t have anymore oil to release from the reserve so be prepared.
    • The Biden administration is going to be spitting excuse after excuse for the next few months.

None of this is good stuff. This is going to start an all out political war. If you think Republicans aren’t going to do this stuff, you’re way off.


Saudis To Cut Oil Production By 500,000 Barrels Per Day


The Election is Coming


You Don’t Say?

Here is something we all know is true but no one wants to research it further. Mostly because the transgender activists will start slinging insults at people doing the research.

According to the Post Millennial:

A new study examining the recent epidemic of teenagers and young adults identifying as transgender has been published and the findings strongly indicate that social contagion is a factor in this new phenomenon.

The study by Drs. Michael J. Bailey and Suzanna Diaz, published in the Archives of Sexual Behaviour, examined a survey of 1655 parent reports to further investigate the Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD) hypothesis first put forward by Dr. Lisa Littman in 2018. Activists at the time accused Littman of transphobia and claimed her study was invalid, but evidence to support her hypothesis has only grown in the intervening years and this latest study indicates that, at least for some, ROGD is a disturbing reality.

The study is much larger than any attempt that has been made to study this cohort to date, and consists of parent reports from an online survey on the website Parents of ROGD Kids. The authors acknowledge the possible bias of their sample, but state that research on “children’s development in many domains has long depended on parent reports.”

My question is why has no one done a bigger study to research this? We went from less that three percent of kids identifying as LGBTQ to twenty percent identifying as LGBTQ. We also have a majority of those children reporting this from blue cities like Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco while red cities do not have a high incidence of this. Nobody in the media is reporting these facts but they are facts.

The article continues:

Notable findings in line with past studies show that adolescent-onset gender dysphoria disproportionately affects females, with the sample showing 75 percent females versus 25 percent males.

These young people had high rates of coexisting mental health issues, with 42 percent having a formal mental health diagnosis. The parents reported that, on average, the child’s mental health issues had started nearly 4 years before the onset of gender dysphoria. The most common issues were depression, anxiety, self harm, and “difficulty” socializing with peers.”

Youth with mental health issues were observed to be far more likely to have socially or medically transitioned, which Bailey and Diaz state “is concerning because youth with mental health issues may be especially likely to lack judgment necessary to make these important, and in the case of medical transition permanent, decisions.”

55.4 percent of the parents responded “yes” when asked if their child had friends who “came out as transgender around the same time,” and that response was significantly higher for natal females (60.9 percent) than natal males (38.7 percent).

Folks, this isn’t a secret. We’ve known this. It is only happening in certain parts of the country. It has become trendy to be trans.



What Took So Long?

The shooting in Nashville by a trans person is really stirring up a lot of emotions. The Left has decided that a trans person doing the killing is not the problem. It is the guns. The Right is saying that the guns have nothing to do with it. It’s the trans person and the fact that our schools are too wide open to terrorists like this sick person.

Guess which side I fall on.

Bill Lee, the governor of Tennessee has decided it is the problem with security it schools also. It’s not that we have too many gun. It’s that we don’t have enough guns in the right place with the right people.

According to the Daily Wire:

Every Tennessee private and public school will have the resources necessary to hire an armed guard if Governor Bill Lee (R-TN) gets his plan through a Republican-led legislature.

Next week, Lee will propose a plan to funnel millions of dollars to public and private schools to beef up security following the mass shooting at a Nashville Christian elementary school on Monday. Lee’s plan would place an armed school resource officer (SRO) in every public school and provide funding for private schools to hire armed guards with the same level of training as those in public schools. Private schools would not be forced to join in on the program, The Tennessean reported.

“I think we all understand when people are fearful, when people are angry, when people lash out. I have those same emotions myself, we all do,” Lee said. “We have an obligation, I have an obligation, to do what I can and work together with leaders across this community to address people’s concerns and to protect our kids in whatever way we can.”

Why wasn’t this done after the Columbine school shooting?

Many people say that we need to take all the guns off the street. Of course, that’s impossible and would have never stopped the shooting. This gal wanted to kill people and she would have. But the fact that the Covenant school wasn’t her first choice and that security was too tight where she wanted to attack says a lot.

Matt Walsh brought up a good point. Look at the places where we have armed guards. Jewelry stores, banks and museums. Our politicians and movie stars have armed security. Shouldn’t our kids have security? Aren’t they more important than money or jewelry or politicians? I think yes. So, let’s protect them more than we protect those things (yes, politicians are things).



They Can’t Let Go

The Left continues to put on a pedestal men and women who think they are the opposite sex even though one of the ilk killed six people at a school last week.

It started with with Karin Jean Pierre making the most tone deaf comment I have heard her say and that saying a lot.

Joe Biden, who is just senile, also made a comment on Sunday, celebrating the Tans Day of Visibility. He said:

“Transgender Day of Visibility celebrates the joy, strength, and absolute courage of some of the bravest people I know — people who have too often had to put their jobs, relationships, and lives on the line just to be their true selves. Today, we show millions of transgender and nonbinary Americans that we see them, they belong, and they should be treated with dignity and respect. Their courage has given countless others strength, but no one should have to be brave just to be themselves.”

Notice what the two have yet to talk about…at all? They have yet to talk about the trans murderer who killed 6 people, 3 of which were children, at a Christian school. Anytime they are asked about it, they say they don’t know what happened and prefer to wait until they have all the information. Wow, they didn’t wait long to blame guns, right?

Then there’s Rep. Jamaal Bowman. He’s decided to ignore the facts of the case altogether and just blame guns. Here he is, throwing a fit about guns just outside the House chamber. He’s confronted by Rep. Thomas Massie who basically comes up with the sane argument. We need armed teachers and guards in schools and nothing is going to stop insane people from doing insane things. Bowman does what every Leftist does and just shouts slogans at him. Listen:

Did you hear one valis argument from Bowman? Of course not. He doesn’t have any. Just slogans and yelling. He eventually runs away like a little bitch.

But it isn’t just the politicians that are acting like jerks. The culture is doing a great job of it also.

CBS has banned all staffers from referring to the shooter as a trans person. They are just calling her a shooter. Gee, that doesn’t sound like the news media is manipulating the narrative of anything.

Madonna, the has-been singer who is dying for attention, is going to have a concert in Nashville. Mind you, not for the three adults and three children who were killed by a tranny. She is going to have a concert to celebrate the trans community. We can see her priorities are well in focus.

The Trans Day of Visibility was also called the Trans Day of Vengeance. Guess what, there was a lot of violence.

  • In Canada, a man was assaulted by several trans people while participating in an interview. This was caught on tape. The police did nothing because, in Canada, violence is OK if it’s against the right people.
  • A crowd of pro-trans people stormed the Kentucky capitol, wanting more gun control and for us to forget that a trans person killed all those people. Some might call this an insurrection. But the right group of people so, of course, it is not.
  • A bunch of trans people, including one dressed in devil’s horns, stormed the capital of Tennessee to fight “trans bigotry”. That means laws that disallow drugging and mutilating kids. Some might call this an insurrection. But the right group of people so, of course, it is not.
  • Trans people were blocking traffic and harassing drivers in Los Angeles. Some were abusing reporters.
  • Of course, the media didn’t report on any of this.

Isn’t it weird that all these people are under such a threat that they are running around all over the country causing problems? For some reason, they’re not that afraid. Mind you, there have been no reports of violence against trans people either. I wonder why considering they are constantly under threat.

Here’s the problem the Left is having, they want this story to go away. It’s not. That’s because the Right won’t allow it. We want to see the manifesto. We want to know why this happened. We want the Left to admit that one of their own can be prone to this level of violence. We want the Left to get to the reason why these people feel the need to do this.

We aren’t going to let this go.






Episode 698 – Uh, No!

If you think gas prices are high in California, Gavin Newsom has decided to sign into law an oil shortage.

CNN continues to search for controversy and the delve into the same old well.

And eating bugs is one thing but eating 50,000 year old wooly mammoths?



Here is some news:

  •  Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall has given a dire warning about China, one that we seem to be ignoring.
    • He said in front of the House Appropriations Committee: “I don’t think I’ve seen anything more disturbing in my career than the Chinese ongoing expansion of their nuclear force. For decades, they were quite comfortable with an arsenal of a few hundred nuclear weapons, which was fairly clearly a second-strike capability to act as a deterrent. That expansion that they’re undertaking puts us into a new world that we’ve never lived in before, where you have three powers — three great powers, essentially — with large arsenals of nuclear weapons.”
    • China plans to triple their nuclear arsenal by 2035, to 1500 nuclear warheads.
    • They are working with Russia, which is already a nuclear power.
    • They have made a financial deal with Brazil yesterday. This could open up South America to Chinese weapons.
    • They are also working with a bunch of countries in Africa.
    • And Joe Biden is going to ignore it.
  • Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) signed a bill on Tuesday that prohibits oil companies from “price gouging,” contending that the new law would protect the state’s climate and lower prices.
    • The legislation, introduced by State Sen. Nancy Skinner (D-CA) at the end of last year, forces oil companies to reduce their profits in order to avoid a civil penalty from the California Energy Commission.
    • Newsom endorsed the bill with the support of various climate groups and activists.
    • Newsom said: “With this legislation, we’re ending the oil industry’s days of operating in the shadows. California took on Big Oil and won. We’re not only protecting families, we’re also loosening the vice grip Big Oil has had on our politics.”
    • The new law will permit the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission to create a maximum gross gasoline refining margin and establish a penalty for any refineries in the state which exceed the margin.
    • Western States Petroleum Association CEO Catherine Reheis-Boyd said in a statement:  “Price caps, taxes, and tax-like penalties do not increase supply or reduce prices, but instead can have the opposite effect: less investment, less gasoline supply, and ultimately higher costs for Californians. With this politicized process behind us, it’s time for serious discussion about what it will take to ensure an affordable, reliable and safe fuel supply for the years ahead.”
    • So be prepared for gas and oil shortages in California.
  • The grand jury that is suppose to rule on indicting Donald Trump on a misdemeanor is taking off for a month.
    • This was pre-planned.
    • I have a feeling that Alvin Bragg didn’t get what he wanted and he just wants this to go away.
  • Pope Francis will be staying overnight in a Rome hospital.
    • At first, the Vatican said it was just for tests. But people wondered why he would be staying overnight for some tests.
    • The Vatican eventually said that the Pope was in the hospital for a respiratory infection and will be in the hospital for a few days.
    • The Pope is 86 years old and has had multiple health issues.
    • Francis had part of a lung removed when he was a young man due to a respiratory infection.
    • I am not a fan of this Pope, but I will be praying for him anyway. He still is the leader of my church.



CNN is Falling Apart

CNN has decided to jump into the racist conversation. They, too, are searching for anything to be racist. The problem they have is no one pays attention to them. When they do, like they did with this story, they just look stupid.

According to CNN:

Maybe you shared that viral video of Kimberly “Sweet Brown” Wilkins telling a reporter after narrowly escaping an apartment fire, “Ain’t nobody got time for that!”

Perhaps you posted that meme of supermodel Tyra Banks exploding in anger on “America’s Next Top Model” (“I was rooting for you! We were all rooting for you!”). Or maybe you’ve simply posted popular GIFs, such as the one of NBA great Michael Jordan crying, or of drag queen RuPaul declaring, “Guuuurl…”

If you’re Black and you’ve shared such images online, you get a pass. But if you’re White, you may have inadvertently perpetuated one of the most insidious forms of contemporary racism.

Mind you, if you’re black, you get a pass. If a black person sends a meme of a white person, no problem because they’re victims or whatever.

The article continues:

If you’re still not sure how to define digital blackface, Jackson offers a guide. She says it “includes displays of emotion stereotyped as excessive: so happy, so sassy, so ghetto, so loud… our dial is on 10 all the time — rarely are black characters afforded subtle traits or feelings.”

Many White people choose images of Black people when it comes to expressing exaggerated emotions on social media – a burden that Black people didn’t ask for, she says.

“We are your sass, your nonchalance, your fury, your delight, your annoyance, your happy dance, your diva, your shade, your ‘yaas’ moments,” Jackson writes. “The weight of reaction GIFing, period, rests on our shoulders.”

That the f- is she talking about? Could it be possible that the gifs people use are just appropriate for that specific situation and people do not post a gif with race in mind? I also want to point out that the gifs these people are talking about I have never seen before.

This guy wrote about a 5000 word essay on this crap and CNN is wondering why their site has no traffic, their digital service had no subscribers and no one watches their station. Here’s the problem CNN is having, they thrive on sparking controversy and division. This is one of the reason they and MSNBC went in the tank when Trump lost in 2020. They need the controversy.

Last week, MSNBC actually got a boost in the ratings. Why? Because Trump was suppose to be arrested. I would have watched CNN and MSNBC if Trump was arrested because it would have been entertaining. Now that Trump is not being arrested, no one cares and their ratings will go straight back into the tank.

It’s just really pathetic how these people will reach into the bottom of the barrel to find any type of controversy.



Uh, No…

First they want us to eat grass, then bugs and now…mammoths?

According to the AP News:

Throw another mammoth on the barbie?

An Australian company on Tuesday lifted the glass cloche on a meatball made of lab-grown cultured meat using the genetic sequence from the long-extinct pachyderm, saying it was meant to fire up public debate about the hi-tech treat.

The launch in an Amsterdam science museum came just days before April 1 so there was an elephant in the room: Is this for real?

“This is not an April Fools joke,” said Tim Noakesmith, founder of Australian startup Vow. “This is a real innovation.”

Cultivated meat — also called cultured or cell-based meat — is made from animal cells. Livestock doesn’t need to be killed to produce it, which advocates say is better not just for the animals but also for the environment.

Vow used publicly available genetic information from the mammoth, filled missing parts with genetic data from its closest living relative, the African elephant, and inserted it into a sheep cell, Noakesmith said. Given the right conditions in a lab, the cells multiplied until there were enough to roll up into the meatball.

OK, no.

Couple of things about this:

  • We don’t eat elephants now. Why would I want to eat a mammoth that is 20,000 years old?
  • The meatball looks like a ball of crap. It looks disgusting.
  • I saw Jurassic Park. I know what could happen. I don’t want to choke on a tusk because these scientists f-up the genetic sequence.
  • Finally, something no one talked about, no one actually tried to eat this thing. Apparently the scientists are afraid to try it because they don’t know how their bodies will react to eating a 5000 year old protein.

The environmental cult says that this brings hope to the alternative meat crowd. I’m glad they’re happy about it. I’ll stick to steak which is cow. I never had interest in eating elephant. They’re way too cute.



What a Shock

I love NHL hockey. Always have. It is a fun sport full of action and fights. The goals are exciting. The players are amazing. Another reason I like it is because they always stayed out of controversy. They just do their thing.

That’s why I was amazed when the NHL decided to celebrate gay pride night and making the players wear rainbow crap. The NHL had a couple of problems with this. A lot of players said, “no” and didn’t give a rat’s ass what ESPN had to say and ESPN had a lot to say:

This moron wants the NHL to be inclusive by excluding the beliefs of the actual players. He wants to fine teams a million dollars? What’s worse, he is comparing the United States military to guys who dress like chicks? He doesn’t, at all, see a difference between the two? This is

The only thing I hate that the players do is give the excuse that it is against the player’s religion. What they should say is that he doesn’t want to do it. Period.

Anyway, the NHL has run into a problem. According to the Post Millennial:

In response to an increasing number of players engaging in silent protests against the NHL’s Pride Nights, a new report claims the league is re-evaluating the events which may lead to them being canceled.

Currently, all of the teams in the NHL hold Pride nights, however some now do so without the themed jerseys as the events are planned by the individual teams, not the league.

League commissioner Gary Bettman said in an interview with CTV News when asked about the players that have refused to wear Pride-themed jerseys this season, “This is the first time we’ve experienced that, and I think it’s something that we’re going to have to evaluate in the offseason.”

Citing religious beliefs, several players have declined to participate in pre-game warmups while wearing Pride-themed jerseys.

Here’s the reality, hockey is a Conservative sport. You will not see a lot of trans people at a game. I think the diversity department at the NHL main office is going to have a lot of kickback from the teams, coaches and players when it comes to this crap. I think this also could lead the NHL, which is not a really big sport, down the path of Disney. They should resist this.

It also shows you how a diversity department in a company can really screw up a company. Here’s a hint to Gary Bettman and the NHL’s Board of Governors, get rid of your diversity department.



It’s About Time

There are a few things that irritate the hell out of me. People who end their sentences with a preposition, man buns and kids who go to school in their pajama bottoms. If a kid does not have the respect for school enough to roll out of bed 20 minutes early and put on some pants, how is she going to have enough respect for the education teachers are trying to give them.

According to Fox News:

Virginia’s Fairfax County Public Schools is considering revising its dress code by including a ban on students wearing pajamas or sleepwear to class, as well as any garment that exposes underwear.

Proposed changes to the Students Rights and Responsibilities handbook, which is reviewed annually, would also prohibit students from wearing jackets with hoods up during class or between classes, according to WTOP.

Michelle Boyd, who serves as assistant superintendent for special services, disclosed to parents during a Zoom meeting last week that in addition to the dress code, the proposed changes to the guidelines also touch on topics such as substance misuse, harassment, hazing and bullying.

The proposed changes to the dress code specify that certain garments such as “pajamas or sleepwear” cannot be worn to school except during Spirit Week or pajama day, though they provide no details on what constitutes pajamas or sleepwear.

Really? Someone doesn’t know what would be defined as sleep wear? How about if the kid went to bed wearing something and tries to go to school wearing the same thing, that’s sleep wear. That’s what those kids are doing. They are getting up without changing and going to school.

Fairfax County Public Schools‘ current dress code makes no mention of pajamas, though anyone who violates it is potentially subject to disciplinary action.

I don’t know what took so long for someone to do this. I don’t know why this isn’t be done throughout the country.

Bunches of studies have shown that children who dress well when they go to school have higher self-esteem, higher pride in themselves and do better in school.

I also question the parents that let their kids leave the house looking like that. This was not an option when I was a kid or when my kids were in school. Hell, we used to force our kids to change when they had a stain on their shirts.

You know what would take care of this stupidity and make the lives of children so much better? Uniforms.





Episode 697 – They Want Us Silent or Else!

We have more information about the Nashville shooter.

Democrats respond to a hearing of weaponizing the bureaucracies by weaponizing the bureaucracies.

And Everything is racist.


More Information

More information is coming out of that killing spree. Here’s what we have right now:

  • It is a trans man. So it’s a woman who thinks she’s a man.
  • She had mental problems, was seeing a doctor, was prescribed medication but was never hospitalized and the doctor never contacted the authorities. The police never knew who she was.
  • She had a gun before but her family forced her to sell it because of her mental problems.
  • She went to five different gun stores and legally bought seven guns.
  • She was going to attack another school but changed her mind when she saw the level of security and chose the Catholic school.
  • The motive still has not been reported.
  • She sent talked to a friend about wanting to die and the friend would hear about what she was going to do on the news. The friend called the police but it was too late.
  • Body cam footage was released. It showed the cops were frigging heroes. They put themselves right in harm’s way.
  • The motive or the manifesto have been hinted at but have not been released.

The Trans Resistance Network (TRN), a far-left transgender “collective,” released an inflammatory statement on Monday in the wake of the shooting.

So, they are making the shooter a victim and giving her a ton of excuses.

Here’s the reality, groups like this support this type of violence, especially against faiths that do not support their twisted ideology. If you did not know this, groups like this are calling for a Day of Vengeance. This is suppose to happen on the Day of Transgender Visibility. Does this sound like a peaceful group of people? I’m pretty sure they don’t mean the peaceful type of vengeance. I do want to point out there have been a bunch of mass shooting within the last year committed by trans-activists. Benny Johnson pointed this out in a tweet:

Newsweek knew this was all true but they tried to excuse the trans-activists by saying the shooter in Nashville was mentally ill and that can’t be overlooked. Question for Newsweek, when a straight white man commits a mass shooting, is is mental illness discussed or is racism, sexism, homophobia and toxic masculinity discussed? It’s a rhetorical question. We know the answer.

Here’s the reality, this trans thing is a religion. You either believe in their religion or you are to be silenced. I will guess there is a reason this school was attacked. It’s because these were Catholics and we do not in this twisted, narcissistic ideology. Being a former student from that school, the shooter knew that.



This is Scary

I haven’t talked about this in a while so let me give you a little reminder.

Elon Musk bought Twitter and decided to release messages, E-mails and policies between the government and Twitter before Musk bought it. The goal was to show how the government has weaponized social media and manipulated the information of such things as the Russia collusion scandal, the Hunter Biden laptop story and COVID information.

The information was given to three journalists: Bari Weiss, Matt Taibbi and Michael Schellenberger. Each one would do their research and release a Twitter thread called The Twitter Files.

Republicans have been watching this and decided to hold a hearing on the weaponization of government agencies such as the DoJ, FBI and IRS. This hearing revealed a lot and showed that these bureaucracies were being weaponized.

The Democrats on the panel couldn’t say much because there was a ton of evidence. They spent most of their time just insulting the three journalists and making very stupid comments that mad them look like they didn’t know what they were talking about.

Well, leave it to Democrats to prove the point of Republicans.

According to the Wallstreet Journal:

Democrats are denouncing the House GOP investigation into the weaponization of government, but maybe that’s because Republicans are getting somewhere. That includes new evidence that the Internal Revenue Service may be targeting a journalist who testified before the weaponization committee.

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan sent a letter Monday to IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen seeking an explanation for why journalist Matt Taibbi received an unannounced home visit from an IRS agent. We’ve seen the letter, and both the circumstances and timing of the IRS focus on this journalist raise serious questions.

Mr. Taibbi has provoked the ire of Democrats and other journalists for his role in researching Twitter records and then releasing internal communications from the social-media giant that expose its censorship and its contacts with government officials. This effort has already inspired government bullying, with Chair Lina Khan’s Federal Trade Commission targeting new Twitter owner Elon Musk and demanding the company “identify all journalists” granted access to the Twitter files.

Now Mr. Taibbi has told Mr. Jordan’s committee that an IRS agent showed up at his personal residence in New Jersey on March 9. That happens to be the same day Mr. Taibbi testified before the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government about what he learned about Twitter. The taxman left a note instructing Mr. Taibbi to call the IRS four days later. Mr. Taibbi was told in a call with the agent that both his 2018 and 2021 tax returns had been rejected owing to concerns over identity theft.

Mr. Taibbi has provided the committee with documentation showing his 2018 return had been electronically accepted, and he says the IRS never notified him or his accountants of a problem after he filed that 2018 return more than four-and-a-half years ago.

This isn’t the first time the IRS has been used by Democrats to target political enemies. In 2013, the Obama administration used the IRS to target Conservative non-profit organizations by threatening to take away their  Section 501(c)(4) status which made them tax exempt. This was one of the scandals that the Obama administration said they never had.

Jim Jordan, head of the judiciary committee, sent a letter to the IRS head, Daniel Werfel and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen asking for election. So far, crickets.

There is weaponization of these bureaucracies. It is obvious. Hell, they’re not hiding it anymore. The only way I see this gets fixed is a Constitutional Convention and we put an Amendment in the Constitution that gives these worthless organizations an expiration date. A bureaucracy should have to prove they are worth something to continue. That includes the IRS. Don’t forget, the IRS is about 100 years old. Most of our history did not have an IRS. And the EPA? Forget about it.

We should also give the President, not only to fire the bureaucratic heads, but also middle management. A lot of this crap is coming from middle management. Let’s face it, some of these bureaucracies are necessary, but they need management to be wiped clean and started over. The FBI is one of those agencies.



Pantry Porn

The Left is really having trouble finding things that are racist. I think what these people are doing is going around their houses and finding things they can call racist. Here’s one that a college professor found.

According to the Post Millennial:

A Loyola University professor has claimed that cleanliness and tidiness, tied to the latest “pantry porn” trend on social media is connected to racism, as well as classism and sexism.

Loyola associate professor of marketing Dr. Jenna Drenten made the claims in a Tuesday piece for The Conversation, titled “‘Pantry porn’ on TikTok and Instagram makes obsessively organized kitchens a new status symbol.”

Here’s what she said:

“Storing spices in coordinated glass jars and color-coordinating dozens of sprinkles containers may seem trivial. But tidiness is tangled up with status, and messiness is loaded with assumptions about personal responsibility and respectability.

“Cleanliness has historically been used as a cultural gatekeeping mechanism to reinforce status distinctions based on a vague understanding of ‘niceness’: nice people, with nice yards, in nice houses, make for nice neighborhoods.

“What lies beneath the surface of this anti-messiness, pro-niceness stance is a history of classist, racist, and sexist social structures.”

So if you want to be a nice person with a nice house, a nice yard and living in a  nice neighborhood, you must be white. That’s because blacks people are not nice people and want to live in crappy houses with crappy yards and love living in crappy neighborhoods. Or maybe she’s saying that all black people are crappy people that live in crappy houses and live in crappy neighborhoods and have to have crappy pantries so they can’t find the cereal in the morning.

This is the bigotry of low expectations and is racist.



Terrible People





Episode 696 – Digging Deep for that New Narrative

More details about the tragedy in Tennessee and the Democrats have a bit of n issue on their hands.

Because the story in Tennessee bucks the narrative, the Left jumps on it.

And Greta joins the elite class.


The Skinny

Yesterday, we talked about the attack on Covenant School in Nashville that left 3 kids and 3 adults dead. The shooter was identified as a woman. To give you an idea of how rare this is, this is only the fifth female mass shooter in history. Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire tweeted his surprise that a woman would do this.

Well, surprise, surprise.

So, a trans-woman, which is a man, walks into a Catholic school and kills six people. He left a manifesto which says he was nuts. He targeted the school, with maps and a schedule. Finally he probably did it because of trans ideology. You can assume that because the cop said it is probably something like that. He would not have said that if it wasn’t true.

Now, for you information, I do not know if this was a guy or gal. It could be a trans man and the police captain just got confused like most of us are. I saw him and he looked like a chick and he was wearing a suit. But from here on, I will call him a him because the cop said so.

Democrats reacted immediately. They had to. They needed to establish whatever narrative they needed to come up with. There’s a reason that Democrats automatically went to the gun control narrative. Remember the rules:

  • If a black man kills a bunch of people, the narrative is gun control.
  • If a women kills a bunch of people, the narrative is gun control.
  • If a trans person kills a bunch of people, the narrative is gun control.
  • If a white man kills a bunch of people, the narrative is white supremacy.

A trans woman kills a bunch of people so it must be gun control.

About an hour after this whole thing was reported, Karin Jean-Pierre went out and started about Republicans not approving a ban on “assault” rifles, whatever those are:

You know what would have saved those kids? Someone with a gun. Do you know who did make it so there weren’t more deaths? Police with guns.

Here’s another reality, I bet we are going to hear that this guy had mental problems. That there were people who complained about it. Yet he was able to go out an buy guns because the government sucks at red flag laws and background checks. Heck, a couple of these guns were probably legal but we’re not even sure of that yet.

Then Joe Biden held a press conference where he addressed the issue. His opening remarks showed how serious he takes the situation and how serious he takes the loss of six people, including three kids:

Six people are dead, three kids and he’s going to make a joke about Chocolate chip ice cream before he comments on it.

Question, if six trans people were killed by a right winger, would he make a joke about it or would he be serious as all sin because the trans people are on his side.

Then he talks about gun control. Seriously, how serious can you take a guy that likes to joke about ice cream before he addresses such a serious subject?

This guy is so full of crap, it’s coming out of his ears.

First off, this soul of American crap is getting old. He doesn’t care about the “soul of America”. He likes the divisiveness. He’s perpetuating it.

Next, he doesn’t want to turn our schools into prisons. What he means is he doesn’t want to harden school security such as adding metal detectors and armed guards. Here’s a news flash, just about every Jewish school in the country has metal detectors and armed guards because of the security threats. They turn out to be the safest schools in the country.

He is not do any favors to our children by ignoring the realities of today. Worse, this whole story is probably going to show that he and his policies are perpetuating the violence against Christian schools. Don’t forget, not only does he say that all trans people are under threat, he demonizes Christianity.

Finally, he’s so old and senile, he constantly lets his narcissism out. He continually brings up his son, Beau, anytime something like this happens so that he can make a connection with the families of the victims. He makes it out that his son died violently in Iraq. Well, he didn’t. He died of brain cancer about six years ago. Politicizing his dead son is disgusting.



She Is Officially and Elite

The University of Helsinki in Finland has soiled themselves pretty seriously this week. I will let Hot Air, a conservative outlet explain it because they do it really well.

Climate Change is a religion. We all know that.

The University of Helsinki has decided to make that official by giving Greta Thunberg an honorary Doctorate of Theology at the ripe old age of 20.

Pretty sure she hasn’t graduated from High School, but maybe I am wrong. I thought she dropped out to become a climate change activist. Now that she is Dr. Thunberg she can glue herself to Volkswagens or something. Isn’t that what activists with Ph. D.s do these days?

I am pretty sure that the University of Helsinki is supposed to be a serious institution. They don’t send degrees in the mail after you send them $99 or something like that. It is the oldest and largest university in Finland, and as far as I know, isn’t run by complete morons.

At least I used to assume that. Now I have to revise my assessment.

The reason I wanted to read this was because the writer by the name of David Strom hit it pretty much right on the head.

  • Climate change is not a science. It is a religion. A religion that has been around from the 50s.
    • It has its own holidays.
    • It has its own belief system or faith. But the fatalistic much like the faiths of Jim Jones or David Koresh.
    • It has its own inquisitions. Extinction Rebellion and Antifa and those crazy groups that throw paint at paintings are soldiers of this climate inquisition.
  • Greta Thunberg is the High Priestess of this religion. She, herself, proves it is not a science.
    • She never offers any support for her arguments.
    • She never offers any science.
    • She just screams at us to have faith.
    • If we don’t have faith, we must be shunned. There all no alternatives.
  • Greta Thunberg is a dolt.
    • She never graduated high school.
    • She was pulled from high school to travel the world in her father’s boat and make speeches. We can assume she is making money off of this.
    • Her mother is a singer, her father is an actor and her grandfather was an actor and director so we can see where she gets her drama from.
    • She has  Asperger syndromeobsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), and selective mutism.
    • She just wrote a book about climate change and I hear the book is nothing about the need to destroy capitalism. Apparently capitalism is the main cause of climate change. This is probably one of the reasons she doesn’t go to China (who pumps 3 times the crap in the air than we do) and starts yelling at them. She’s a little communist.
    • By the way, her parents probably wrote the book. We know they run her Twitter account.

The University of Helsinki just lost any credibility it might have had.



Everything is Racist

It’s been over a week since we’ve talked about this and this is mostly because I’ve been gove a week. so let’s get to it.

Everything is racist.


This is an awesome from a site called Afru. Let’s go through some of it.

If you’re a person of color, you know what I’m talking about. You walk into a new coffee shop and your senses are overwhelmed with whiteness and you get the glare from the Karens. The white hipster barista lines herself up between you and the bathrooms, ready to tell you non-customers aren’t welcome.

I maybe off here but I’m pretty sure people of color are also coffee and baristas. In fact, you can’t go into a Starbucks without seeing a pronouns pin.

By the way, Karen is a racist term for white women. No one seems a problem with this.

If you have a white coffee drinking friend, he or she may have even let you in on the old coffee joke white coffee drinkers share when PoC aren’t around: “there are three things that are necessary in order to make a cup of coffee, and they are: first, a black man to roast the coffee; second, a yellow man to grind it; and third, a white man to drink it.”

Well, I’m here to validate your lived experience; coffee is in fact horribly racist, and there’s data to back it up.

Every facet of the coffee industry, in fact, is rooted in racism. From the moment the whites viciously stole coffee from Black and Brown People to the present-day Karen sipping her morning cup of white supremacy, whites have been able to drink the fruits of our labor and our culture with impunity.

Here are her arguments:

  • Coffee is picked by people of color.
    • Here’s the problem she has. Most coffee comes from countries that are made up of people of color like Brazil, Columbia or Ethiopia. If these countries are still using slave labor, how does that prove white supremacy in the United States?
    • Only California and Hawaii export coffee and neither of them ever had slavery.
    • She doesn’t talk about any of this.
    • We do import the most coffee in the world. Solution: don’t import it. Get it from France and Switzerland.

Then these folks go through how coffee in gentrification and racism. Let’s read:

Now that it’s been established that, historically, coffee is deeply rooted in colonialism and racism, you might be wondering what the next steps are. Aren’t we all addicted to the stuff? What do we do with our horrible knowledge?

They make an assumption here. Her evidence does not show that.

If you think coffee culture can find refuge in specialty coffee, think again. This might be obvious to some, but I’ll spell it out for the folks in the back: the bourgeois notion of “specialty coffee” is explicitly rooted in classism, which is directly linked to racism (a whole other, and very long, topic).

It’s not just that Black folks cannot afford specialty coffee, but the very acceptance of the term “specialty coffee” suggests that some coffee is somehow superior to others, an idea that is rooted in whiteness. Values like “hard work creates better products” is an white supremacist idea that is constantly forced upon people of color and justifies stereotypes like the myth of “laziness” in people of color.

Classism, meaning all white people are rich all black people are poor. It also assumes people of color do not drink specialty coffees because they are all broke. The bigotry of low expectations. I’m pretty sure people of color drink specialty coffees too. That’s because I’m not a racist and think black people can afford good coffee.

The “hard work” thing being white supremacist is typical Critical Race Theory crap. This is also bigotry. According to these people, blacks are incapable of working hard.

Finally, I want to point out

If you can’t turn to specialty coffee, at least you can support your local coffee shop, right? Again, hold on. The number one sign of gentrification of Black spaces and Black places is a new chic coffee shop. According to Bitterroot Magazine: “These shops seem to sprout on the corner of every neighborhood just as it’s beginning to gentrify — a phenomenon researchers are beginning to notice, too.”

So, these writers believe in segregation. The question is why would coffee houses build in black neighborhoods? Could it be to sell to black people? That the business thinks black people might like the coffee because black people do drink coffee.

And let’s not forget that so-called progressive coffee shops fail to pay a living wage. The average salary for a barista in Portland, OR is a measly $23,000. To put it short: think twice before entering your local anti-capitalist coffee shop. Despite their anarchist demagoguery, they’re trying to exploit people of color just like the 19th century colonialists.

This is the typical of the argument. It’s a communist argument. The reason baristas are not paid $50,000 a year is because they are working in a manual labor job. Sorry for the reality I’m going to throw at you, but making a half-caf/half-decalf chocolate macchiato is not a work of engineering. I could train a monkey to do that job.

This living wage for jobs meant for teenagers is stupid.

That’s not to mention big retail coffee and coffee chains, which are just as bad as crypto-racist coffee shops in gentrified areas. At least white liberals pretend to be tolerant of us — Black folks are not even allowed to use restrooms in big coffee chains, as I’m sure you’ll remember from this tragic 2018 Starbucks story:

Two Black men who had not yet ordered anything were denied the code to use the bathroom and then were asked to leave the store. They did not, the manager called the police, and at the end of it all two black men were handcuffed and detained for several hours.

This is an argument that just lies to the readers.

Two black guys went into a Starbucks and didn’t buy anything. They just sat at a table in the crowded Starbucks. They were asked to buy something or leave because other paying customers needed the table. They said no. Then they wanted to use the restroom and the manager said no. The two threw a fit and the police were called. The news argued with the police and refused to leave. They were detained and released when Starbucks refused to prosecute.

They were trespassing. They were squatting.

She concludes the article by saying all coffee shops should boycotted a divested from coffee imports and coffee shops. She concludes the article with this:

But ultimately, and I know this will hurt, a proper commitment to doing antiracist direct action requires that we give up coffee altogether. Unless you’re Ethiopian.

There it is! Ibram X. Kendi antiracist BS! It was such a dumb article, I had to read it to you. These people should all move back to wherever they think is perfect and leave my coffee alone.





Episode 695 – Men Rock!

There is a mess outside this country that deals with the realities of the world. Something this country seems to forget-reality.

John Kerry says the quiet part out loud because he’s stupid.

And men continue to prove they are better than women.



Here is some news:

  • An Iranian proxy group in Syria fired at Americans stationed in Syria.
    • Many did not know we had anyone in Syria but we have since 2015.
    • One military contractor was killed.
    • Twenty missiles were launched and eight hit the target.
    • The United States responded by firing a drone strike against the group.
    • The Iranian proxy group fired another volley of missiles, injuring some soldiers.
    • This is what happens when you have no strength in the region.
    • China, an ally to Iran, must have known about these attacks.
  •  R.M. chocolate factory in Berks County, Pennsylvania exploded out of nowhere.
    • So far, seven people have been killed with ten people missing.
    • An investigation into what caused the disaster is under investigation.
  • A tornado ripped through Mississippi on Friday night.
    • The tornado, which was around a mile wide and traveled for over 100 miles, devastated the small towns of Rolling Fork, Anguilla, and Silver Creek.
    • It has been reported the 25 were killed.
    • At least 24 reports of tornadoes, stretching from western Mississippi into Alabama, were issued to the National Weather Service on Friday night and into Saturday morning by storm chasers and observers.
    • The towns were small so it looks like the rest of the people have been accounted for.
    • President Biden has declared a state of emergency.
  •  Portland is one step closer to the utopia they wish to create.
    • The restaurant Cracker Barrel has said they will be leaving Portland.
      • Mind you, Rite Aid and Walmart have also said they would be leaving the city. They left, primarily because of the crime.
      • Cracker Barrel is leaving because of the restrictions placed on the citizens during the pandemic.
      •  In a statement, they said:“As a standard course of business, we continually evaluate the performance of our stores, using various criteria to ensure we are meeting the needs of our guests and our business. With that, we are saddened that we have been unable to overcome the impact the pandemic had on our business and have made the difficult decision to close the Beaverton, Tualatin, and Bend locations on March 20. The decision to close a store is never one we take lightly, and our focus right now is in assisting our impacted employees during this transition.”
      • This comes in the wake of a renewed push for eastern Oregon to succeed from the state and join Idaho.
      • Good job Oregon!
  • TikTok CEO, Shou Zi Chew, stood in front of Congress to defend TikToc from being banned in the United States. It didn’t go well.
    • He tried to state that the Chinese government did not have access to information. That was shot down.
    • He could not answer if China had access to data within the United States.
    • Congress passed the bill to ban TikToc.



Might As Well Stick With the Subject

We might have continue with the perversion. The institutions continue to wipe out the female sex.

According to Fox News:

USA Today honored a transgender lawmaker from Minnesota on its annual “Women of the Year” list.

Democratic State Rep. Leigh Finke is the first openly transgender person to be elected to and serve in the Minnesota legislature. Finke was named “Woman of the Year” for Minnesota despite serving in office for less than three months.

Here’s the reality, Finke can’t actually defends his own stances. Here he is, trying to defend his stance on drugging children because they think they are the opposite sex when questioned by Republican, Mary Fransen:

There is no argument to be made. He can’t defend his stance.

Guess what? This guys looks and talks like a guy.

Another win for the patriarchy!



The Patriarchy Always Wins

The patriarchy continues to kick ass and take numbers against those pansy women.

A transgender female appeared to finish in first place at a New York City cycling event on Sunday.

A social media post from NYC Cycling News showed Tiffany Thomas standing in between two biological females as the first-place winner of Randall’s Island Criteriums on Sunday. Thomas is a transgender woman who rides for LA Sweat.

Thomas is 46 years old and over six feet tall. He was competing against women twenty years younger and six inches shorter than he was. He started cycling in 2018, so he has years and years of experience racing.

But that isn’t the only sports story that shows men can kick the ass of any woman in sports.

Lia Thomas, the gay guy that calls himself a woman and may not have his balls anymore, was celebrated as a featured woman on ESPN during a special on Women’s History Month. By the way, Thomas’ real name is William or Will.

Here’s the piece:

Yeah, he sure sounds like a woman. By the way, he was ranked 200th as a man before being ranked number one as a woman.

Way to go, boys! Kick those women’s asses!



Keep Screwing Us

The Inflation Reduction Act, which has very little to do with inflation reduction and more to do with a climate change wish list, is expected to reduce carbon emissions by 40% by 2050.

Here’s the problem, Biden promised to lower the emissions by 50%. So, how is he going to gain that last 10%. Why, through presidential fiat, of course.

John Kerry was interviewed by Yahoo! News. He said:

“Well, we’re doing a lot more than just the IRA. The IRA is a package that in and of itself can get the 40%. But in addition to that, the president is issuing executive orders. There’ll be changes on automobile, on light truck, heavy truck, heavy duty, a number of initiatives that are being taken by states, subnational, cities…”

He says those executive orders is going to change how we, in the United States, live. And we have no choice.

He said other things too. Good news, he’s so stupid and elitist, he says what these people actually think.

Here he is being questioned about how the people in Davos, during the World Economic Forum, can bitch about the climate but all travel via private plane. He has an excuse for that.

Here he is, admitting that what the Biden administration is doing is extreme and that no other administration could get away with what they are doing.

Finally, China is the greatest polluter in the world, bar none. They are producing three time the carbon we are and are building two coal plants a week to provide energy. But they are worried about the climate and we should follow their lead.

This is the standard World Economic Forum talking points. They all believe this. They like the way China does things.





Episode 694 – The Fat Lady Might Be Warming Up Her Pipes!

I need to talk about something that should scare all of us.


Deep Thought

I was watching The View yesterday. OK, I know, but I was bored, just finished listening to Ben Shapiro and wanted to see the what all these women and feminine men saw in this show. Let’s just say I must have lost a few dozen IQ points.

Their first story was about Fox News lying when it comes to the Dominion voting machines and the lawsuit by Dominion. Apparently there was an ex-Fox News worker that reported, on Fox News, that lawyers told her to run a narrative about how the Dominion voting machines interfered with the 2020 elections. This gal also accused Fox News of being sexist and anti-Semitic.

Of course, the old harpies started going off on Fox News and all their passed issues, how the elections were not stolen and how Fox News is not a news outlet. They went off on Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson on pushing disinformation.

At the very end of their rant, twenty seconds until the end of the segment, they read a press release from Fox News stating that the lady who brought the charges is wrong, they are prepared to defend that and she was also a problem employee that was going to be let go.

I do need to point out that Dominion voting machines have not been proven innocent. Mike Lindell of MyPillow was also sued by Dominion but they quickly dropped their lawsuit when Lindell said he would prove the machines were vulnerable. It was also proven that these machines were illegally connected to the Internet.

It’s amazing that these broads have the audacity to say Fox News isn’t a news outlet when they talk about a news story and leave out a rather big part. I got bored and watched Law & Order.


They’re All In!

Let’s just kick this off with the Pentagon Press Secretary, John Kirby, talking about the country of Uganda. Apparently, they are going to do something that is a threat to the United States. Listen:

That’s right! According to the media and the White House, Africans not accepting the LGBTQ crap are a threat to the United States.

The story comes from Ghana which has a law that is going to be voted on that involves making illegal being gay or dressing like a chick or whatever. But don’t worry. If the law passes, the White House will put some pressure on Ghana to force them to take on this ideology. Listen to Kirby address this.

First off, this is what this administration is watching closely and will deal with. I think this administration is the most unserious administration of all time.

Notice what he said about the type sanctions he’s talking about. Help assistance. This sick administration is thinking of holding back medicines including AIDS assistance, medical supplies and food. In other words, this administration will allow poor people in a poor country to die because they will not embrace LGBTQIXYZ+ ideology. But that OK, it’s not like Ghana is a Muslim country or anything. They are a Christian country so screw them.

Question: I wonder if Black Lives Matter will start screaming about the Biden administration being racist? The country is 99% black.



The media is going all in on this trans thing. They support it and openly think that sexualized drag shows and trans-ing the kids is all good and fine. Not only that, it should be in the curriculum in schools and what happens to the kids in school should not be reported to kids. It reminds me of the song that was released by the San Francisco Gay Men’s Choir a little over a year ago. Let me remind you:


Remember, when these people sang this song, they said it was just a joke and no one was going after our children. Not only do we know that’s not true, Leftists are not outright saying it.

Here is Billy Porter, a trans actor of some type, talking to the broads on The View about trans-ing the kids and drag shows.

You f-ing pervert.

Do you realize he never made an argument? He only said that trans-people and drag shows are being attacked. That they are victims. He doesn’t talk about the man wearing a thong and fake tits dancing provocatively in front of kids in a “family friendly” drag event. DeSantis didn’t ban drag shows, he banned drag shows in front of kids. DeSantis didn’t ban all gentil mutilations and hormone therapy, he only banned it for kids.

Kids aren’t allowed to go to XXX movie theaters. They’re not allowed in strip clubs. I’m not allowed to walk provocatively dressed at a school. At least that’s what it used to be.

Perversion has become the new norm.

Here’s the problem for the Left, parents are going to fight back against this and fight back hard. That’s because this BS affects more than the child. It affects all those around the child.

Here’s an example. This clip is from the Dr. Phil Show. I hate shows like this, especially surprise shows. I don’t know why a guy would put him in this position. What’s happening here is a guy is being interviewed by Dr. Phil and the guy’s son comes up dressed like a chick. His reaction is heartbreaking.

This guy looked like he was going to die.

Why do these perverts need to go after kids? Because kids are little narcissists. This trans and drag thing is pure narcissism. In order for this perversion to keep going and grow, it is important to make the kids realize it’s good to be a narcissist. They teach that everything is about you, even biology. Kids are not saying they are wolves and shit. This isn’t going to end with man or woman.

And, all the while, they destroy families and lives. And they don’t care. They are “living their truth”. We have become of society of nihilists. We are godless, immoral, corrupt and evil. We have become Sodom and Gomorrah.

This was not the foundation of this country.


Perversion Sponsored by the Institutions

Where does all this perversion lead? Let’s listen to Rachel Hope Cleves, who is a historian and writer specializing, apparently, in understanding sexual deviants. She has a book on understanding homosexuality and pedophilia.

Notice the terms that out of elites in the intelligentsia have been using when talking about pedophiles? “Minor attracted persons” or MAPS. She uses the term intergenerational sex. Pedophiles are not criminals (of the worst sort) they are just another gender. Heck, there is a push to add a color for that on that ugly flag the LGBTQ flag. What once was considered perversion is now considered acceptable. What once are norms are becoming overturned and destroyed.

One of the guys she tried to justify was writer Norman Douglas. Let me read you what Wikipedia said about Norman Douglas:

Douglas was accused on numerous occasions of pederasty and child rape. In 1916, British prosecutors charged Douglas with sexually assaulting a sixteen-year-old boy, and in 1917 he was charged with indecent assault of two boys, one a 10-year-old and the other aged 12. Douglas was granted bail and fled the country for Capri, Italy. He was also forced to flee Florence in 1937 following allegations that he raped a 10-year-old girl.

He’s not a predator or sexual deviant. Those kids he raped are not victims. That’s pretty sick.

What is sad is civilizations throughout history have fallen when they have lost their morality. It happened to Greece, Rome and Germany. France, which was one of the pinnacles of Wester Civilization, has has been rotting under secularism and perversion. Now they produce nothing.

The only hope we have is that the majority overturns this crap. Again, Leftism is a minority and this is not a Democrat/Republican thing. This is not a political thing, it is a cultural thing. Those who love this country and love what the Founding Father built, even if they had slaves, will need to infect the cultural to the point the institutions need to bend and we can’t be nice about it. We’ve ignored this way too long.
















Episode 693 – Can You Just Leave Great Alone?

Joe Biden can’t seem to win a fight with the teleprompter.

Investments are becoming tough to come by. California has given me an idea on what to invest in.

And Star Wars gets a reboot.


He’s Getting Worse

Joe Biden is getting worse. Good news for him is that this might get him elected.

Here he, announcing the opening of a new national monument. Problem, it has a Native American name. This is a tough one.

Gee, I wonder why he doesn’t take any questions from the press.

Here’s Joe Biden struggling with reading. Why does the President of the United States need to be able to read anyway? What’s worse, it’s a poem. Here we go:

Yeah, he’s senile. Yeah, he messed up Afghanistan. Yeah, he’s screwing up with China, Russia, Ukraine, Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia and North Korea. Yeah, we have a border crisis, a debt crisis, a crime crisis, a homelessness crisis, a banking crisis, an inflationary spiral, are facing a recession and fentanyl crisis. But this old man could hide in the basement and win the 2024 election.

The deader Joe Biden appears, the more people will like him. They still are seeing this guy as harmless. That’s why he is still leading in polling against Trump and DeSantis.

Listen, if Republicans want to win, they are going to have to stop attacking each other and start attacking Joe Biden and his failures. Everything he’s done has been a failure.


Invest in U-Haul

The economy is very unstable right now, so you may be looking into investing in something. California has given us something to invest in: U-Haul.

The city that is most unstable is, of course, San Francisco. The good news with San Francisco, outside I don’t live there, is the city council spends more time virtue signaling than passing laws that would actually fix things like their high taxes, cost-of-living, homelessness, crime, homelessness and drug use.

Here’s what’s going on up there:

  • I should have talked about this last week but I wanted to hear if the crazy city council would pass it first. That is slavery reparations.
    • Here’s what this will do:
      • Every eligible Black adult in San Francisco would receive payments of $5 million.
      • Elimination of personal debt and tax burdens.
      • A guaranteed annual income of at least $97,000 for 250 years.
      • The ability to purchase a home in San Francisco for only $1.
    • The bill would cost trillions of dollars. That would cost each non-black family 600,000. Why is the most common race in San Francisco? Asian, not white.
    • California was never a slave state.
    • They also never designed a way to what qualifies a person for this program.
    • The city council said it wasn’t their responsibility to find the money so this is a virtue signal. It will never happen.
  • According to Fox News: The Bay Area Air Quality Management District, which oversees air pollution and emissions regulations for the nine counties surrounding San Francisco, greenlighted amendments to regulations Wednesday evening related to eliminating nitrogen oxide emissions from natural gas furnaces and water heaters in the region. The action requires all commercial and residential furnaces and water heaters to be electric by 2027.
  • Crime is a huge problem in San Francisco. Do you think the media might cover the real problem? CNN might start.
    • Correspondent Kyung Lah was in town to report on rampant street crime when she discovered that her rental car had been broken into – even with security reportedly on hand to watch the vehicle.
    • She tweeted: “Got robbed. Again, @jasonkCNN & I were at city hall in San Francisco to do an interview for @CNN. We had security to watch our rental car + crew car. Thieves did this in under 4 seconds. Security stopped the jerks from stealing other bags. But seriously- this is ridiculous.”

San Francisco, a once beautiful city, is becoming unlivable. Be prepared for California to lose more reps after the next census.


CNN Reporter’s Car Robbed While Reporting On Crime In San Francisco


Can You Just Leave Great Alone?

There are a few problems with Leftist entertainment.

First, they have nothing new. Hollywood has no more ideas. That’s why companies like Disney just rehash the same crap they had 70 years ago. They create nothing.

One of the reasons they create nothing new is because it is very hard to create art if your hands are tied. Wokeness makes everything sterile. That is, except if you’re going to try to pervert a beloved and moral story. Apparently, theater has the same problem, but they would much rather corrupt than recreate.

According to the New York Post:

Let the flesh be with you.

A sexy “Star Wars”-themed show is stripteasing its way to a galaxy near you.

The Empire Strips Back: A Burlesque Parody” opens on May 10 at the Orpheum Theater in the East Village. It’s based on characters from the franchise and features “Sultry Stormtroopers, a dangerously enticing Boba Fett, and a lady-like Skywalker.” 

“We have scantily clad droids. We have a female feminine Darth Vader,” publicist Victoria Westbrook told The Post.

“It’s a night of pure fun … This is a show that’s really for all ‘Star Wars’ lovers. We call it the gathering of the clan, a place for nerds to come and have the best night ever.”

The production is the brainchild of Russall S. Beattie, who first launched the show in his native Australia in 2011. It came to the States as a one-night-only performance in California in 2018 and in 2019 played at the PlayStation Theater on Broadway.

“The costumes … the set pieces are super detailed. So for the most nerdy ‘Star Wars’ nerd there is a clear reference for the work we are parodying,” said producer David Foster.

Maybe I am being a little hard on them because it does sound kind of cool.

My only problem with it is it perverts something that has been past down for the last three generations because of its wholesome themes. It’s kind of like painting the image of the Virgin Mary using crap and putting in a museum, using the Madonna as the model. It was not made for the sake of art, it was made to shock.








Episode 692 – It’s Only a Statue!

Joe Biden uses the veto for the first time in his Presidency.

And, better late than never, let’s talk about some of the controversy of the Oscars.



Here is some news:

  • Joe Biden struck his first veto of his Presidency.
    • Biden tweeted: “I just vetoed my first bill. This bill would risk your retirement savings by making it illegal to consider risk factors MAGA House Republicans don’t like. Your plan manager should be able to protect your hard-earned savings — whether Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene likes it or not.”
    • The bill was sent by the House and banned the government for investing in only companies that follow the ESG standard.
    • Republicans said that the government should invest in companies that will make money for the 401Ks of government employees and not invest in weaker companies because they follow a woke standard.
  • President Joe Biden announced this week that he will be declassifying intelligence related to the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, just days after Congress unanimously passed legislation forcing the issue.
    • Both houses in Congress passed the request unanimously. This would have been a bad look if he didn’t sign the bill.
    • But Old Joe doesn’t want to bite the hand the feeds him. He delayed this for three weeks.
  • Xi Jinping went to visit Vlad Putin of Russia yesterday.
    •  Vladimir Putin hosted his “dear friend” Xi Jinping for dinner at the Kremlin on Monday.
    • The White House said the affection between the two is fake.
    • Some think Xi is trying to get a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine, putting China in the role of peacemaker. Xi is set to visit Ukraine right after his trip to Russia.
    • Some think Vlad is requesting weapons from China.
    • Either way, this alliance is not good news for the U.S. and the rest of Europe.
  • 35,000 teachers in Los Angeles voted to go on strike for three days next week.
    • They want, wait for it, more money.
    • LAUSD has one of the worst educations systems in the country.
    • They care so much about the kids, have received billions of dollars from the pandemic and had two years off of teaching.
  • Apparently, Donald Trump will not be indicted this week so we’ll have to wait until next week for the perp walk.



Just Leave the Country

The Oscars were last weak. I didn’t talk about any of it because I only saw one more. That was Top Gun: Maverick. It was the only more that interested me. I thought it was pretty awesome. I’ve seen at three times. I wasn’t the only one who liked it. It was the second highest earning mouses of the year.

There is a guy from MSNBC named Zeeshan Aleem who thinks that Top Guns Maverick is a real problem. You’ll never guess why. Let’s take a little look at his article.

“Top Gun: Maverick,” an action flick, a summer blockbuster and a sequel, is not the kind of movie that tends to win accolades at award shows. Yet it’s received six Oscar nominations, including, remarkably, best picture. “Top Gun” has secured an air of gravitas, and could be poised to become canonized as a highly decorated film. 

The unusual cultural cachet of “Top Gun” is tied to how it fulfills a certain yearning felt across the world of film lovers. In a cinematic climate in which superhero and CGI-animated films have saturated the silver screen, it was a breath of fresh air to see dazzling live-action aerial combat scenes involving real actors (trained to withstand G forces by real pilots) and (mostly) real planes. Although movie theaters are dying and streaming is thriving, this old school thrill attracted huge crowds of all ages to the theaters to make “Top Gun” the second-highest grossing film in 2022 behind James Cameron’s “Avatar: the Way of Water.” 

Alright, not so bad so far. Let’s continue.

But “Top Gun” is as insidious as it is entertaining. It does not merely revive a forgotten human-centered spectacle; it also beckons for a return to accepting the American war machine as a beacon of virtue and excitement. It’s a poisonous kind of nostalgia, one that smuggles love of endless war into a celebration of live action.

The United State military is a beacon of virtue and excitement. Ask Afghanistan.

“Top Gun” is literal propaganda: In exchange for access to military aircraft, the producers of the movie agreed to allow the Defense Department to include its own “key talking points” in the script. Perhaps equally important, the script had to be written in a manner that flatters the military in order to secure the buy-in of the Pentagon. (Even then, defense officials requested “revisions” to the characters and their actions.) This collaboration in jingoism is evident throughout the script. The minor rebellions of Pete “Maverick” Mitchell, played by Cruise, against his higher-ups in the military are minor diversions from his obedience to the logic of empire. It should be no surprise that just like with the first “Top Gun” movie, released in 1986, the military viewed the sequel as a promising recruitment tool, and ran U.S. Air Force ads before showings of the movie with imperialistic lines like “the entire sky belongs to us.” While the first movie helped rehab the military’s poor reputation in the wake of the Vietnam War, this one diverts from the failed war on terror, and comes as defense officials eye the rise of China.

Yeah, and so it goes. The rather long article continued to destroy the concept of American being a good country and the military being a good thing. In this rather long article, Aleem also added:

  • The movies was “piming Americans for war” against China.
    • There won’t be a war if China doesn’t attack anyone.
    • There wouldn’t have been a proxy war with Russia if Biden was strong and Russia didn’t attack Ukraine.
  • He points out that the military industrial complex has a bloated budget and is testing weapons that we don’t need.
    • He doesn’t mention anything about the enemy at the end of the movie having more advanced aircraft protecting the nuclear development complex of a tyrannical country.
  • He defends Iran’s sovereignty since the movie is mostly based on Iran’s nuclear research program
    • That’s right, the United States is bad for destroying the nuclear program of a country that wants to wipe another country completely off the face of the Earth.
    • Oh, yeah, and us too.
  • He continues to push the Iran Nuclear Agreement, which would have not stopped Iran from making a nuclear bomb.
  • He says: War is portrayed purely as a source of glory and camaraderie for Maverick and his colleagues, who are all attractive people and manage to pull off their daring mission with zero casualties.
    • It’s a feel-good movie with a happy ending!
    • It’s the way movies used to be made. Exciting, patriotic and with happy ending.

He concludes the article:

Back in 1990, four years after the first “Top Gun” came out, Playboy magazine grilled Cruise by challenging him on whether the original “Top Gun” movie was dangerous war propaganda. Playboy’s interviewer described the movie as “war by Nintendo game and a paean to blind patriotism.” Cruise defended the movie as a “an amusement park ride, a fun film with a PG-13 rating that was not supposed to be reality.” But he also seemed to acknowledge that there were still dangers to using a war movie as a form of mindless entertainment. He continued: “That’s why I didn’t go on and make Top Gun II and III and IV and V. That would have been irresponsible.”

Here’s the thing with guys like this, nothing about America can be good. Our country is bad, our military is bad and all our intentions are bad. We are a bad country. Iran, good country and we should let them do what they want. China, good country and we should let them do what they want. He does not consider, for one second, that these other countries that he mentions may have insideous intentions and are being a lot more agressive than us.

Finally, to hear MSNBC talk about this film being propaganda for the military industrial complex is rich. MSNBC is known for being part of the press wing for the Democratic party, supporting Black Lives Matter and Antifa, stoking racial division and pushing doctors to drugging and mutilating kids through gender affirming care.

What do you expect from a pig but a grunt.



Just Cringe-Worthy

Speaking of stupid Hollywood stories, here’s Jamie Lee Curtis.

Now, she’s a strange bird. She has a son who became a girl. So there’s that. She also won an Oscar for some movie a couple of weeks ago. Here she is, on a Zoom call, introducing her Oscar:

That’s right, her Oscar has they/them pronouns.

How tiring this whole thing is.


