The World Economic Forum is holding their yearly conference. Their boss, a bond villain by the name of Klaus Schwab, is responsible for defining and trying to implement the Great Reset. You can imagine there was a lot said this week.
Let’s go over some of the insane crap that these people are saying.
The Introduction
Many people, including myself, thought that this concept of the Great Reset was more of a conspiracy theory than reality. I just had a hard time embracing the thought that a bunch of billionaires were in a room somewhere planning to take over the world.
Well, there are a bunch of billionaires getting together. They are called the World Economic Forum. They are meeting in a room. It’s in Davos, Switzerland. And they are trying to take over the world. They just need to figure out how to do it.
Here is the leader of the WEF, Klaus Schwab, opening the conference:
What he’s basically saying is they need to control the world’s economy and human behavior, but they have to, first, they have to shutdown those who don’t agree with them.
The head of the European Union, Ursula von De Leyon, saying what the WEF main goal is going to be.
Here’s the question I have for her. Who’s going to create this technology? It ain’t going to be the European Union. All of Europe is stagnating. It ain’t going to be China. They steal their technology from us and they are stagnating.
Finally, John Kerry. He was not involved in the introduction but he says exactly what these people think of themselves.
The arrogance of these people. He truly believes those people at that conference are going to save the world. I’m not sure where he gets the idea he’ll be able to solve anything. He’s rich because he married a ketchup heiress. He has been in politics all his life. He’s accomplished nothing in politics. He’s never owned or run a business. Never employed anyone. I have more experience in life than he does.
This is the problem, these elitists think they can control and rule everything.
Globalism is a world without borders and a single, centralized government. They want to take money from rich countries and give it to poor countries. The people at the WEF are the elitists that think they should control everything. There has been plenty of globalist talk. By the way, this is why nationalism is considered evil. Globalists don’t believe in patriotism to a single country.
Here is the head of the European Union, Ursula von der Leyen talking about how it is the world’s responsibility for rebuilding Ukraine.
By the way, when she says the world should help in the reconstruction of Ukraine, she means the United States. China ain’t going to do it and neither is the European Union.
By the way, these people love war because war is crisis and crisis means they can take more money and power.
Here is Klaus Schwab talking about a “global collaboration village” or some sort of crap. Listen:
How about, “no”. I don’t want this Bond villain controlling my country. I like my country. I don’t like what they are doing in China or Europe. I think those people are miserable. Not to mention, how well have these people done when they are in power? How’s Joe Biden, who is a firm supporter of the WEF, doing?
By the way, it is this crap that the Founding Fathers feared. This is why there is a Second Amendment. This is why they defined our rights. Other countries don’t believe in human rights bestowed on us by God.
Here is Maria Salazar, a Republican Congresswoman, saying illegal aliens deserve respect:
I used to like this women. She has a lot of energy and she’s really Conservative when it comes to a lot of policies. But, when it comes to illegal aliens, she has a really Leftist soft spot. She thinks we should shut the border down, that’s good. But then she says we should legalize everyone else illegally in the country. Uh, no.
I do believe we’re going to have to do something, but to automatically legalize every one? No. There are people who have been in this country illegally for years but they need to be sent back for whatever reason. Maybe they are criminals. Maybe they are sucking benefits from the government. Maybe (probably) they haven’t paid any taxes. What Salazar is talking about is a globalist perspective.
Climate Change
Of course, the crisis that the WEF is using to take power is climate change. The pandemic, which is what kicked off the Great Reset, showed the WEF that people, even in the United States, could be controlled. They could be forced to where masks, get stuck in their homes and get untested shots via mandate.
Now it is time to do it again but use the obscure crisis of climate change. When I say obscure, I mean there doesn’t seem to be much proof the climate is going to destroy the world.
During the first “debates”, here are two dolts saying that we need to handle the “planetary crisis” because we need “justice” or some crap. Listen:
There is no science saying we are all going to die because of the climate. If it gets warmer and the seas rise, guess what will happen? We will build levies or we will move. My God, we are looking at populating Mars and the Moon. I’m pretty sure those spots might be considered uninhabitable.
Speaking of uninhabitable, the broad says uninhabitable zone are growing. Question, where? Las Vegas is the #1 tourist spot in the United States. It can get to 125 degrees in the summer and snow in the winter. They have monsoons. It’s very inhabitable. Why? Technology and innovation created by capitalism. We’ll get to the evils of capitalism later.
Here is the greatest climate grifter is American history, Al Gore. Remember, he made a movie about how we would all drown when the glaciers melted and all the polar bears would die. Well, the glaciers didn’t melt and the polar bears didn’t die and his crappy movie was completely debunked. Of course, the Left always fails up and he won a Nobel Prize and an Oscar.
Let’s listen to this dolt screaming, literally, at the clouds:
The rise of authoritarianism? Isn’t he suggesting that we need to give authority to these numbskulls to save all our lives? Xenophobia? What does that have to do with climate change? One billion climate refugees? What does that even mean?
Finally, he said the same crap twenty years ago and none of it came true. I guess we need to wait another ten years.
Here is climate research expert Alan Dangour, talking about how climate change is causing a mental health crisis (another crisis) for our children.
Can this moron conceive that he and his compadres are causing the mental health crisis with their constant fear mongering? Look at Greta Thunberg. She thought that the world was going to end but never tried to prove it. Kids listened to this broad (she’s 20 now so I can say that). Now she seems to be having the time of her life and is making a ton of money.
That’s another thing. Greta just wrote a book. She’s a little mentally off, so I doubt she actually wrote it. It’s all socialist and communist propaganda. This is probably why she never throws temper tantrums in China, who produces twice the pollution of the United States. She hates capitalism but enjoys the rewards of capitalism when she can exploit it.
With that, let’s talk about their thoughts about capitalism. That evil economic system that created the heater, the air conditioner, that created nuclear energy, that created the ability to create more food, that is launching us into space, the created air travel and a bunch of other things.
Oh, yeah, they hate capitalism in Davos. Here is Columbian President, Petro Urrego talking about how the evils of capitalism created climate change:
Tis guy is a socialist and an authoritarian. He was also a former guerilla fighter. He took over as President of Columbia last year. A country that main export is drugs to the United States. I hardly take him as a serious subject on the evils of capitalism.
Free speech is a huge problem for the Leftists at Davos and they had plenty to say about it.
Here is UN Secretary General, Antonio Uterres thinks the legal systems should hold social media companies accountable for information the WEF doesn’t want on air:
The United Nations is a crap organization. They should tear it down, send it to China and build a Starbucks on the salted ground. This is why globalist groups like the UN, WHO and WEF hate America. We have free speech. In fact, I think we are one of the only countries in the world that has free speech. Ideas that they don’t like must be filtered and people who throw out those ideas should be held legally responsible. That Second Amendment thing is a bit of a problem for them too.
Notice they never have a problem with China.
Here is Rep. Seth Moulton (D. Mass.) talking about “misinformation”.
This is the dumbest argument. No where in law does it say you can’t run fire in a crowded theater. This was just a glib comment made by a Supreme Court justice when ruling on free speech. But it is commonly used when politicians are talking about “misinformation”.
Here is the current FBI director, Christopher Wray (why he’s there, I have no idea) talking about how the FBI is dealing with social media companies and other companies and they are making strides in curtailing “disinformation”.
This guy should be fired. The FBI has said, concerning social media, that the FBI is not working with anyone. Well, we found out that was an absolute lie with the release of the Twitter Files. Not only are they working with social media companies, they are paying them.
Free speech is a major issue for the elites. Schwab talks about it in his book. The Left must have complete cooperation from the masses for this to work. This includes controlling speech and controlling arms. They definitely can’t have an armed public.
The food market has grown a lot of conspiracy theories. Over the last few years, there have been a lot of food processing plants that have mysteriously destroyed. Over the summer, an untold number of cattle have mysteriously died. We have also had shortages in everything from baby formula to meat to, now, eggs (eggs are up 65% right now). Combine that with the media pushing us to go vegan, eat bugs and settle for a more streamlined diet (eat less and like it). People can’t help but think there is an attack on our food to mold our behavior.
The WEF doesn’t at all quell the fear of these conspiracies. Here is Klaus Schwab talking about how everything has been affected by the move to globalize the world.
So, when people say that all this crap telling Americans to deal with food shortages and energy shortages, is it a wonder why people think Joe Biden and the media is doing this crap on purpose? The evil bastards at the WEF are saying it. I also want to bet that Klaus Schwab will be having steak and lobster all week for dinner.
Here is the CEO for Siemens telling the conference that if they could get a billion people to stop eating meat, we could have a major affect on climate change.
A billion people are not going to quit eating meat. Meat is a cheap source of protein. This is not a thing.
All of the meat substitutes not only don’t taste as good, also don’t have the 16 amino acids within the proteins that meat has. If you are a weight lifter who doesn’t use steroids, the proteins in meats are what repair your muscles. You will not see any weight lifters or body builders that are vegans.
I have no issues if they come up with food products that taste great and are meant to replace meat. But, here’s the thing, why can’t I have both. Maybe I don’t want to just give up steak or chicken, no matter how good the meat substitutes are.
Finally, what are these people going to do with all the cows in the world? Kill them? Me going vegan doesn’t stop the cows from farting. No one has answered that.
Finally, here is a gal that says what the real problem is. It’s not the big food manufacturers, it’s the small local farmers that are preventing them from implementing their plans to shaping their food production plans.
Basically, they can control food production by manipulating the big food production companies (probably through ESG standards), but they need to control those small farms out there too. These people are terrible.
As usual, the Leftists at Davos need something the