Episode 621 – There Are How Many Bullets in a Round?

Amazingly, a new Illinois law will make Chicago worse.

Apparently keeping kids out of school for two years was a bad idea.

And everything is racist.


Some News

Here’s some news:

  • Joe Biden gets another COVID booster. I thinks this makes it 14 or something like that.
  • The New York Supreme Court ruled that those who were fired for not getting vaxxed need to be reinstated and will receive backpay.
    • Ouch!
    • 1400 employees were fired in New York City alone.
  • Brittany Griner, the WNBA player who brought drugs into Russia and got caught, had her 9 year sentence upheld in Russia. At least she won’t have to listen to the Star Spangled Banner for a decade.
  • Something you won’t hear in the mainstream media, a Marco Rubio canvasser was beaten up while working in Hialeah, Florida.
    • Marco Rubio tweeted: “Last night one of our canvassers wearing my T-shirt and a Desantis hat was brutally attacked by 4 animals who told him Republicans weren’t allowed in their neighborhood in #Hialeah #Florida. He suffered internal bleeding, a broken jaw & will need facial reconstructive surgery.”
    • I guess this is another example of all this right-wing violence. By that I mean violence done to the right-wing.





Poor Karin Jean Pierre had a rough day yesterday.

Here, she is being asked about the border crisis and the 2.4 million people that have crossed:

When human being breathe out, we release carbon dioxide which, we have been told, damages the environment. How much damage did Jean Pierre do to the environment with that long winded answer?

She could have saved the minute and forty-five second, and maybe a polar bear or two, by just saying, “We are not going to do anything about it.”


Some things:

  • Trump, Trump, Trump.
  • The reality, Biden hasn’t created one job. We just got to pre-pandemic levels and the unemployment rate, though good, is still higher than it was under Trump.
  • What does Trump’s tax cuts have to do with the question?
  • The American Rescue plan was rejected by Republicans because the pandemic was over and blowing $1.4 trillion into the economy would cause inflation. Oh, yeah, it did cause inflation.

Here’s Joe Biden being Joe Biden:

What? Last I heard, a bullet and a round are the same thing. Glad he’s in charge of gun control policy.

Ted Cruz, the Senator from Texas, has released a new book. So he is doing his rounds with the media. One show he went on was The View. This takes balls, but Cruz knows that the combined IQ of The View is like eight.

This clip just shows the hypocrisy of Leftist thought:

Some things:

  • Notice, he’s always interrupted. That’s what these people do. They don’t want the message to get out.
  • Cruz is telling them that Democrats have been bitching about how the 2016 election was stolen and Whoopie yells, “It was!”
  • She doesn’t know what an Antifa riot is? She should just walk through Portland. They are still causing problems.



It’s Going to Get Worse?!

Chicago had fifty shooting this past weekend and a bunch of deaths. Just when you thought that city could not get more dangerous, in comes the state government.

Last year, Gov. JB. Pritzker signed into law the SAFE-T Act (the Safety, Accountability, Fairness and Equity-Today Act). This bill is the same type of justice reform that is implemented in New York.

Kareem Butler, pretrial justice fellow of the Chicago Appleseed Center for Fair Courts, said of the bill:

“We’d be ending wealth-based jailing and restoring the presumption of innocence in the courtroom, which is something that is really under fire and it is not valued under our current system.”

Some of the things it does:

  • Elimination of cash bail.
    • Very vague.
    • This constitutes a narrowly defined “danger standard.”
    • But the bill’s language also appears to enumerate a subset of crimes for which only a risk of flight can be used to deny release. Those crimes include aggravated battery, robbery, burglary, aggravated DUI, kidnapping, vehicular homicide, and all drug offenses.
    • SAFE-T Act has removed the danger standard and precluded judges’ discretion.
    • Either way, the decision to release someone on bail requires a formal hearing within 48 hours of arrest—far too soon for prosecutors to gather the necessary evidence to prove either danger or a risk of flight.
  • requirement for police body cameras
    • outlines a complex set of rules for when officers must have bodycams turned on or off. Law-enforcement sources claim that the rules are too convoluted to work on the street, setting up criminal-court challenges over footage that will inevitably be deemed “missing.”
  • mandates that detainees be allowed to make three phone calls from each location at which they are held.
    • This is going to be a logistical nightmare.
  • Downgrade crimes. For example, trespassing is no longer an arrestable offense. You’d only get a ticket.

Needless to say, law enforcement, judges and prosecutors are pissing on this 800-page bill, but politicians have no idea what they thing. Or just don’t care. This bill was never debated or open to argument from the public. It was presented and voted on almost immediately.

It’s going to become the wild west in states like Illinois, California and New York because people are going to start protecting themselves.







Episode 620 – Mr. President? You There?

Joe Biden short circuits during an interview on Friday.

A professor gets fired for teaching a hard course.

And we are all going to die.



Here’s some news:

  • The January 6th committee has voted to subpeona Donald Trump to testify.
    • Good luck with this.
    • The committee ordered Trump to produce the sought records by 10 a.m. on November 4, 2022, and ordered him to testify at a deposition on November 14, 2022.
    • They sent a letter to Trump: “As demonstrated in our hearings, we have assembled overwhelming evidence, including from dozens of your former appointees and staff, that you personally orchestrated and oversaw a multi-part effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election and to obstruct the peaceful transition of power.”
    • This thing has no teeth. It’s not going to happen.
    • This is suppose to be their October Surprise.  It’s not all that surprising.
    • The best thing Trump can do is roll his eyes and say nothing.
  • Justin Trudeau has decided to freeze handgun sales in Canada.
    • She, I mean he, said: ”

      “We have frozen the market for handguns in this country.”

      “As we see gun violence continue to rise … we have an obligation to take action. Today our national handgun freeze is coming into force.”

      “Our government is taking Canada’s most significant action on gun violence in a generation. We made a commitment to Canadians that we would act — and we are. The national freeze will tackle the alarming role of handguns in crime, gender-based violence, and more.”

    • Or he’s just a tyrant and wants to be the dictator of Canada.
    • Watch this closely. It will be attempted here. Luckily, we have a Constitution.
    • More on Canada later. They really are going head over heels nuts.

Imagine hearing, and seeing, this crap:

This is a drag performance.

Now, imagine this is being done in frone of six-year-olds.

That’s what happened in Plano, Texas.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton called for prosecution over a sexually explicit drag performance in front of at least one young child in exclusive comments to the Daily Caller News Foundation.

This is nothing short of sexual abuse. If this guy had done this outside to a little kid, he would be in jail. Everyone should be prosecuted here, even the parents that allowed their kids to see this crap.

  • Finally, Xi Jinping has won his third term as President of China, which means he has appointed himself dictator.
    • To celebrate, he had his predessessor, Hu Jintao, hauled out of a Communist China celebration with no explanation in fron of all the cameras to see.
    • Though there was no explanation it is obvious Jintao was not thrilled with Xi and may have said smething to the press, but that’s just speculation.
    • We can expect never to see Jintao again. He’ll be shot with a missile or eaten by dogs or something.
    • The Chinese are our biggest threat. Forget the Russians.




I would say this is a Kamalaism, but this is too sad and happening to someone who is too important.

Joe Biden’s brain has short-circuited before. He shakes hands with no one, walks in the wrong directions, goes off on tangents. But, when he is in a one-on-one interview, and has one of these brain reboots, it’s time to do something. Especially when the interviewer has to snap him out of it.


It looks worse than it sounds.

I know this is going to be answered today as Joe was trying to craft and answer, but one could tell, this was edited to make the brain freeze appear like he came out of it instantly. He didn’t. He had no idea who Dr. Biden was. Hint: it’s his wife and she isn’t a real doctor.

Republicans are calling for a cognitive test. Republicans are threatening to make a cognitive required for the President, and all future President, as part of law when thewin the House and Senate in November. By the way, Republicans are going to win the House and have a 50-50 chance to win the Senate. That’s up from only having a 35% chance last month.

This should be the first thing they do when they take over in January. Of course, as I’ve said a hundred times, it won’t matter. Biden is going to pardon his son and resign by then.

Calling it!



Toughen Up, Buttercup!

According to Fox News:

The New York University professor who was fired from his job after students complained that his class was too hard is now speaking out and saying that colleges need to “apply a little tough love” to students.

Maitland Jones Jr., 84, a former chemistry professor at New York University, was fired from the university in August following a petition from students complaining that his course was too hard.

The petition said:

“We are very concerned about our scores, and find that they are not an accurate reflection of the time and effort put into this class.”

“We urge you to realize… that a class with such a high percentage of withdrawals and low grades has failed to make students’ learning and well-being a priority and reflects poorly on the chemistry department as well as the institution as a whole.”

Here are some things about this whole case:

  • This professor is 84 years old.
  • He held tenure and an endowed chair at Princeton University.
  • He was the head of research at Princeton!
  • He developed a teaching regimin and plan that was accepted by Princeton staff and certified by Princeton students!
  • He took that same plan to New York University and the children there couldn’t handle it.

This guy is retired and doesn’t care. It’s not going to hurt his reputation at all. He was doing New York University a favor. He wrote and op-ed for the New York Times. This what he said:

“They weren’t coming to class, that’s for sure, because I can count the house. They weren’t watching the videos, and they weren’t able to answer the questions.

“Critically, the growing number of administrators, major and minor, who are often without any expertise in a given subject matter, need to learn to stand back from purely academic matters and to support the faculty,” Jones said. “Deans must learn to not coddle students for the sake of tuition and apply a little tough love. They must join the community in times of conflict to generate those teachable moments.

“Even before COVID-19 disrupted classrooms, there were signs of trouble. I came to New York University in 2007 after 43 years of teaching and research at Princeton, where I had both tenure and an endowed chair. I wanted to see if the technique I had introduced at Princeton, in which the talking-head lecture was deemphasized in favor of small-group problem solving, was transferable to another university.

“All went well at first as students prospered in the problem-solving setting and younger faculty began to adopt it. But about 10 years ago, I noticed that students were increasingly misreading exam questions.

“Exams that should have yielded a B average dropped to C- or worse. Single digit scores became common and we even had zeros on exams, something that had never happened before. In his opinion piece, Malesic speculates on causes (screen time, COVID-induced remote “learning”) and suggests that we do no one a favor by continuing to dumb down our courses. I completely agree, although I must admit that I was guilty of some grade inflation.”

Let’s make something clear, chemistry sucks. It is hard. It is objectively hard. It takes a lot of work and one needs talent for it. I suck at chemistry and that’s a good thing that I realize it. Do you want me to be your doctor, prescribing you drugs when I don’t know how they are going to affect you because I don’t know the chemistry? Do you want me designing drugs when I feel this chemical combination should work but don’t reasonably know?

New York University should have told these children to f-off. Better yeat, tell these students they’re not kids and start putting more effort into their work.

This is what happens when feeling are more important than reality.



Some Great News

This is awesome because it fits into a podcast we talked about last week.

According to the New York Post:

Nouriel Roubini is seriously reconsidering whether he wants to continue living in New York. Mostly because, well, he wants to survive.

“There’s a scenario in which, in the next twelve months, Russia uses tactical nuclear weapons against Ukraine and then they attack NATO and we start a conventional war with Russia. The first nuclear weapon is gonna go to New York,” said the 64-year-old NYU economics professor and CEO of Roubini Macro Associates. “Being in New York City is not safe.”

Wow, what a coincidence. He’s from New York University too but they celebrate this guy.

Even if Manhattan manages to avoid nuclear annihilation, there’s still the possibility of a natural disaster, like Hurricane Sandy that flooded New York in 2012, but “much, much worse,” Roubini told The Post. ”In the next 20 years, most of downtown New York is gonna be underwater.”

A recent $52 billion proposal from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which promises to build sea barriers to protect the city from another storm surge, are impractical, he added, because “Who’s gonna pay for that? They don’t even know if it’s gonna work. It’ll take twenty-five years to build and even if we save Manhattan, all of the Jersey Shore and Long Island will get flooded because that water needs to go somewhere.”

Ugh, haven’t we heard this crap before? I wonder if he has any morivation?

You don’t have to talk with Roubini for very long to realize why he earned the nickname “Dr. Doom” — a moniker that, along with his Page Six reputation for partying with models at hot-tub soirées, has always given him a sort of supervillain sheen.

He first came to prominence 16 years ago, correctly predicting the collapse of the housing market and the emergence of a worldwide recession. And now he’s back with a new book, “MegaThreats: Ten Dangerous Trends That Imperil Our Future, And How to Survive Them” (Little, Brown), which doubles down on his grim forecasts.

Done with the article. This guy does this crap to sell books, keep tenured and get laid. But New York University wants to get rid of an 84-year-old chemistry professor who tested his teaching method for 43 years at Princetoon University.

I’m pretty sure this is toxic masculinity.

Good job, New York University.



Something Else We Need to Give Up

To save the world from climate change, the Left has said:

  • We are not allowed to travel.
  • We are not allowed to have art work.
  • We’re not allowed to drive.
  • We can’t eat meat. We need to eat bugs.
  • We can’t have capitalism.
  • We can’t be white, straight or rich.
  • We can’t have heat.
  • We can’t have light.
  • We can’t have air conditioning.
  • Can’t have refrigerators, microwave, stoves or ovens.
  • Or we will all die in 10 years…again.

Sigh, according to Fox News:

A CNN climate piece arguing that pets and their “meat-heavy diet” are major contributors to climate change was shared online this week. 

The piece offered ways that owners can reduce their beloved animals’ “carbon pawprint.”

It suggested pet owners re-assess their pet’s diet, offering “lab-grown meat” and “insect-based pet foods” as a potential option for them. The article also recommended making sure that pet products, such as leashes, bags, toys and bowls are recyclable, and also advised that potential owners maybe adopt smaller breeds to minimize climate impact.

OK, I’ve heard this crap before. We all fart and, therefore, are contribuating to climate change. We fart because we eat meat. Of course, cows fart and they don’t eat mean. But I’m getting ahead of myself. So we need to eat grass, bugs and trees and we will all stop farting. Of course trees and grass fart so we are eating what is saving our environment. But they don’t talk about that.

Let’s forget about the fact that dogs and cats are carnvores and require meat to survive. they don’t want to talk about that.

Bugs do not offer the protein we need to survive and, most of the time, can be toxic because they contain enzymes that are poisonous, but we won’t talk about that.

But, what I do want to talk about, what are we going to do with all those animals that are f-ing up our environment. All those cows, chickens, pigs, cats and dogs that are farting. Though they don’t want to talk about this, what do we do with them? Kill them? (slippery slope falicy).

Hey, while we are at it, what about the lions and tiger, and bears. They all eat meat and fart. Do we kill them. (Slippery slope falicy).

What about those f-ing polar bears who Al Gore said proved global warming, then climate change, then the climate crisis? They only eat meat (not a lot of soy in the north pole), do we nuke them? (Slippery slope falicy).

Who determines what s a dog that is too big? Who determines what pet is acceptable?

This is all crap. It’s about control. Well, f-you. I’ll keep my German Sheperd and you can go suck a rock. And he’s going to eat the food he needs to which is a meat-based food.






Episode 619 – Dems Own This!

A new horror movie may have made an inadvertent commentary about the TikTok generation.

It takes men to explain about how to be a woman.

And somebody has some explaining to do at Boston University.


A Surprisingly Good Movie

I’m a big horror guy. There is a movie out on Amazon called Bodies Bodies Bodies. I didn’t have high expectations for this movie because it starred Pete Davidson and I think he’s kind of a jerk. Luckily, he dies really early in the movie.

It’s about a bunch of kids from the TikTok generation getting together to party at a remote mansion. Yes, they’re all rich and living off of mommy and daddy’s money. They decide to play a game called “Bodies Bodies Bodies” which is a game where someone touches someone on the back and that person “dies”. Then the rest need to figure out who killed that person.

Well, it doesn’t work out. They are all drinking and are on drugs and all that ends up happening is Pete Davidson’s character gets into a fight with the other male character. Game over.

Turns out not. Pete Davidson’s character turns out to have his throat slit and now the other character have to figure out who “killed” him.

That’s all you have to know about the movie.

What got me about this movie was not the clever dialog or gripping plot. What got me was the social commentary that came with it. I don’t know if this was done on purpose and, reading the writer’s commentary, I doubt it was, but it was there.

Basically, the movie shows all the flaws of the TikTok generation, better known as Gen Z (born 1996-2010). Everyone gives Millennials the short end of the stick but it is actually Gen Z which are the big criers.

So, what did this movie show?

  • Loose sexual morality.
    • Bisexuality.
    • Sleeping around.
    • Ease of discussing sex and expressing their desires.
  • The terminology of wokeness is all over this movie.
    • Ablism.
    • Sexism.
    • Racism.
    • But this stuff was over the top to the point it looked to be commentary, not woke.
  • Perception and feelings over reason and reality.
  • They are all really dumb.
  • There is an addiction to the Internet and social media. In fact, the main character died while doing something stupid for a TikTok video.
  • The final scene sums it up. The last words in the movie, when the owner of the house shows up, the kid doesn’t explain what happened but simply says, “I have reception” when her phone starts buzzing.

It really is sad to think these people are going to be in charge in a few years.


Living in a Fantasy

If you saw my video on Rumble, you met a guy named Dylan Mulvaney. He is a TikTok influencer who decided to become a woman and record every day that he was a woman. Here’s a little reminder of him.

You need to see the video and how ridiculous this guy looks.

Well, for those who saw that video, here’s a new clip. Here he’s talking about his trip to the store and buying tampons for his period. He must admit his lack of knowledge:

Well, this guy, who has been a woman for less than a year, was one of the speakers for the Forbes Women’s Summit, explaining how to be a successful woman in the business sphere. He got a lot of attention, though not the kind of attention that one would think is good. But Ulta Beauty thought it was good.

Ulta Beauty, a retailer for makeup and other beauty products, decided to do an interview with Mulvaney with another trans guy named David Lopez. The two were talking about beauty and how great it is to be girls. Here’s a little clip of the hour long video.

Some things:

  • He is never going to be a mother. It is physically impossible.
  • Those things will never accessible to him

Needless to say, there was a huge backlash from women. Here is just one clip that sums up what women are saying on social media about this:

She’s absolutely correct here.

Ulta responded to the backlash with a tweet:

Why do they deserve our respect? These two men are clowns, make up and all, and are making a mockery of women. I do not see any of this as deserving of my respect.

Remember a while back, Gillette, the men’s razor company, came out with a campaign telling men to not be so toxic? Remember what happened to them? They got a lot of praise for this by the Left, which is what they were looking for. What they also got was declining sales because, it turns out, insulting your customer base has repercussions.

Here’s the thing, the backlash is here. People aren’t tolerating this crap anymore.



This is just f-ing incredible.

According to the Daily Wire:

Last Friday, Boston University’s National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories released data claiming that it had combined the original strain of COVID with the omicron variant, resulting in a new strain of COVID that killed 80% of mice in the trial.

The new strain, while less deadly to mice than the original, is more deadly than the omicron variant, according to BU research. The lab denies that it was conducting controversial gain of function experiments.

The alpha virus wasn’t transmissible enough so they added an omicron spike protein to it to make the COVID virus more transmissible. And this is all funded by the government, which, we were told, they were not doing.

The question is why? What is the reason to do this? There needs to be an investigation into this because, if that virus gets out, it could turn this country upside down again. Also, we were told they were not doing this.



Joe Biden is at It Again

Joe Biden had a press conference yesterday describing his new plans to lower gas prices. Let’s listen to some of it.

Problem here is gas prices went up over a dollar. These price decreases were inevitable with him dumping oil from the strategic reserve. I also notice he’s taking credit for the pennies prices have gone down since August. I wonder if he’s going to take responsibility for them going up in the first place and every month since he took office.

Some things:

  • Putin’s price hike. The first person to blame.
  • I am so tired of him making himself out as an ordinary guy. This jerk has been in politics since he was 29.

Some things:

  • Why through December? Maybe because the elections are in November.
  • The strategic oil reserves are not for lowering gas prices.
  • Biden has decreased the reserves to 50% capacity.
  • Maybe he should lift regulations and approve drilling.

Some things:

  • Every oil and gas company in the world disagrees with Biden. Him not preventing oil companies from drilling is just a lie.
  • Oil is selling at $87.50 a barrel. The reason it is so high is because of regulations and the lack of permits. When, exactly, does he think it is ever going to get down to $70 a barrel?

Some things:

  • First, it’s Putin’s fault, now it is the oil company’s fault.
  • Those profits are going up because oil is going up. Oil is going up because drilling is not happening. Drilling is not happening because of Joe Biden’s policies and regulations.
  • The oil industry has explained this.
  • This is the big question I have whenever these idiots talk about the greed of the oil industry. Where was this greed when Trump was in office when gas was half of what it was?

Some things:

  • Oil going down does not mean gas prices instantly go down. Oil needs to be refined before it is sent to gas stations. The Biden administration is preventing the upgrading and building of refineries.
  • It typically takes weeks before gas drops. This is just basic business.

Some things:

  • Oil companies shouldn’t do this while a “war is raging”? Here’s my question, why are we even involved in this war?
  • We don’t get our oil from Russia or Ukraine.

Some things:

  • That a great idea.
  • Lets speed up the production of less efficient, more expensive energy sources.
  • By the way, most of that stuff is made in China.

Some things:

  • Let’s see. He’s blamed:
    • Putin.
    • Oil companies.
    • The refiners.
    • Gas retailers.
    • And now Trump.
  • He takes all the credit and takes none of the blame.

No one’s buying any of this crap. Even the media sees this as an overt political stunt right before an election.

The question is where has he been for the last two years? Democrats own the House, the Senate and the Presidency. Republicans can’t do anything, they have had no power for the last two years. It’s his policies that caused this mess in the economy.




Episode 618 – Not a Great Platform

As the election approaches and the Democrats look to get trounced, Democrats pull out an old subject to use as their platform.

Eric Swalwell, the guy who likes screwing Chinese spies, releases a horrid campaign ad.

And a study finds our military ain’t doing so good.



Democrats look like they are going to get pummeled in November. They are saying anything to try to convince people what is important and that things just aren’t that bad.

Here’s Karin Jean Pierre saying that people are now saving money compared to June of 2022:

God, she’s bad.

  • I’m not sure why the media accepts that the administration changes the standard to June of 2022.
    • Sure gas has gone down since June but it’s still up by $1.50 since Biden took office.
    • That should be the standard.
  • He is also looking to buy millions of barrels of oil to refill the oil reserves which is down 50% since he took office.
  • Biden also released another 15 million barrels of oil today because gas prices still remain incredibly high.

Another problem the Democrats are having is finding a platform. They can’t use the economy, foreign policy, crime, the border, homelessness or drug use. All they have is all Republicans are fascists and abortion. And they push this at every point.

Here’s Stacey Abrams, whose running for governor in Georgia and is going to get her ass kicked, talking about how abortion will lower inflation.


Some things:

  • This is simply evil.
  • The reason she says abortion will lower inflation is because they have no idea how to lower inflation.
  • But abortion has to be their platform. They have nothing else.



In order to push the abortion platform as the the main platform for Democrats, Eric Swalwell released a video of a woman being arrested because she had an abortion. It is just an awful commercial and is the definition of gaslighting. Here it is:

Some things:

  • First off, this guy is from California.
    • California is not going to outlaw abortion.
    • California is expanding abortion, according to some interpretations of the law, up to 30 days after the child is born.
    • California is trying to push laws to pay for abortions for people out of state.
  • No one is going after the women who have abortions. They are going after the doctors.
  • No one is going after women who get an abortion out of state. That’s unconstitutional.
  • This is pure gaslighting. Pure hyperbolae. But what can we expect from a guy who was screwing a Chinese spy for years.

Here’s the reality that Swalwell and Abrams don’t understand: No one cares about abortion except the far Left. Only 5% of those interviewed said it was their top issue. The economy, gas prices and crime are the top issues which the Democrats don’t want to address and those issues are way ahead of abortion.



This What Going Woke Gets You

This should put some fear into all of us.

According to the Daily Wire:

The Heritage Foundation’s Index of U.S. Military Strength assessed a wide range of areas, including threats to the U.S., the condition of the U.S. military, U.S. alliances, and more.

The Wall Street Journal’s Editorial Board noted that the assessment’s “weak” rating of the U.S. military was the first time it has ever received the score in the index’s nine-year history.

While the assessment found that the global operating environment from the U.S. perspective was largely favorable across the board, threats to the U.S. are rapidly increasing, with numerous nations posing a “high” threat against U.S. interests. The chief threats come from China and Russia, with Iran, North Korea, and others lagging behind.

Does the world seem more stable or less stable than it was before Biden took office? Should we keep up our military a little better at this moment? Well, we are not and we keep shipping our weapons to Ukraine.

Here is what the study finds:

  • U.S. Army — “Marginal”
    • “The Army is aging faster than it is modernizing. It remains ‘weak’ in capacity with only 62 percent of the force it should have. However, 25 of its 31 Regular Army BCTs are at the highest state of readiness, thus earning a readiness score of ‘very strong’ and conveying the sense that the service knows what it needs to do to prepare for the next major conflict.”
  • U.S. Navy — “Weak”
    • “This worrisome score, a drop from ‘marginal’ assessed in the 2022 Index, is driven by problems in capacity (‘very weak’) and readiness (‘weak’). This Index assesses that the Navy needs a battle force of 400 manned ships to do what is expected of it today. The Navy’s current battle force fleet of 298 ships and intensified operational tempo combine to reveal a service that is much too small relative to its tasks.”
  • U.S. Air Force — “Very Weak”
    • “The Air Force has been downgraded once again, the second time in the past two years. The Air Force was assessed as ‘marginal’ in the 2021 Index but, with public reporting of the mission readiness and physical location of combat aircraft implying that it would have a difficult time responding rapidly to a crisis, fell to a score of ‘weak’ in the 2022 Index. During FY 2022, the year assessed for this Index, problems with pilot production and retention, an extraordinarily small amount of time in the cockpit for pilots, and a fleet of aircraft that continues to age compounded challenges even more, leading to the current score of ‘very weak.’”
  • U.S. Marine Corps — “Strong”
    • “The score for the Marine Corps was raised to ‘strong’ from ‘marginal’ in the 2022 Index and remains ‘strong’ in this edition for two reasons: (1) because the 2021 Index changed the threshold for capacity, lowering it from 36 infantry battalions to 30 battalions in acknowledgment of the Corps’ argument that it is a one-war force that also stands ready for a broad range of smaller crisis-response tasks, and (2) because of the Corps’ extraordinary, sustained efforts to modernize (which improves capability) and enhance its readiness during the assessed year. Of the five services, the Corps is the only one that has a compelling story for change, has a credible and practical plan for change, and is effectively implementing its plan to change.”
    • I do want to point out the Marines never bought into any of this woke crap.
  • U.S. Space Force — “Weak”
    • “The mission sets, space assets, and personnel that have transitioned to the Space Force from the other services since its establishment in December 2019 and that have been added over the past two years have enabled the service to sustain its support to the Joint Force. However, there is little evidence that the USSF has improved its readiness to provide nearly real-time support to operational and tactical levels of force operations or that it is ready in any way to execute defensive and offensive counterspace operations to the degree envisioned by Congress when it authorized the creation of the Space Force.”
  • U.S. Nuclear Capabilities — “Strong”
    • “The scoring for U.S. nuclear weapons must be considered in the context of a threat environment that is significantly more dangerous than it was in previous years. Until recently, U.S. nuclear forces needed to address one nuclear peer rather than two. Given senior leaders’ reassurances with respect to the readiness and reliability of U.S. nuclear forces, as well as the strong bipartisan commitment to modernization of the entire nuclear enterprise, this year’s Index retains its grade of ‘strong,’ but only for now. U.S. nuclear forces face many risks that, without a continued commitment to a strong deterrent, could warrant a decline to an overall score of ‘marginal’ or ‘weak.’”




Episode 617 – What Would You Do?

The institutions and the government are now cancelling those who disagree.

A woman get lambasted for pointing out facts.

And it’s all about the science until it’s not.


This Is Dangerous

We have some wild crap happening that is affecting our institutions, thanks to orders from  the government.

  • Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed California Assembly Bill 2098, making it the first state to attempt to censor what physicians can say about COVID-19 to their patients. This is a dangerous, and likely unconstitutional, effort that other states must resist.
    • The statute instructs that “It shall constitute unprofessional conduct for a physician and surgeon to disseminate misinformation or disinformation related to COVID-19, including false or misleading information regarding the nature and risks of the virus, its prevention and treatment; and the development, safety, and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.”
    • California law requires the Medical Board of California to take action — up to and including license revocation — against any licensed physician charged with unprofessional conduct.
    • This is unconstitutional.
  • PayPal recently introduced a $2,500 fine for anyone involved in “the sending, posting, or publication of any messages, content, or materials” that — in “PayPal’s sole discretion” — “promote misinformation.”
    • After a firestorm of criticism, PayPal withdrew the policy, claiming the whole thing was a misunderstanding and was not official policy — hardly a convincing explanation from a site with a history of banning those it considers politically incorrect.
  • JPMorgan Chase bank was ending its banking relationship with West.
    • This comes after Kanye West made some anti-Sematic comments and admitted to supporting Donald Trump.
    • It also comes after he was at a French fashion show wearing a “White Lives Matter” T-shirt with Conservative black woman, Candace Owens.
    • JPMorgan stated:“We are sending this letter to confirm our recent discussion with [redacted] that JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A (the ‘Bank’) has decided to end its banking relationship with Yeezy, LLC and its affiliated entities (collectively, the ‘Company’),” the bank said in an email to West. “To provide the Company with sufficient time to transition to another financial institution, we will continue to maintain the accounts (attached as Exhibit A), including all related products and services, until November 21, 2022.”“To avoid any transaction delays, we suggest that you stop processing Company transactions and/or using any products associated with the accounts five business days before the scheduled closure date set forth above,” the statement continued. “After that date, the Bank will close any open accounts, and after deduction of any permissible service charges and pending transactions, remit all remaining funds in the form of a check delivered to the Company at the address of record.”
    • West is worth $2 billion but somehow I think he’ll survive, He will just become part of a Conservative seller and will be fine.
    • But what about those that aren’t worth $2 billion but have differing opinions from our banking institutions?
    • We are next.
  • Alex Jones has been ordered to pay $1 billion to the families.
    • I don’t like Alex Jones, he’s nuts.
    • What he said was terrible and did lead to some harassment of the parents.
    • But $1 billion?
    • This is a free speech issue.



Imagine What She’s Going Through

Sometimes the truth is cruel and can hurt.

According to the New York Post:

Dr. Sydney Watson, who claims to be an American-Australian political commentator, took to Twitter last month in an unruly campaign arguing, “If you need a seat belt extender, you are TOO FAT TO BE ON A PLANE”.

Her offensive comments came after she sat between obese siblings on the short-haul American Airlines flight she said someone else had paid for.

She also tweeted:

“I am currently – literally – WEDGED between two OBESE people on my flight. This is absolutely NOT acceptable or okay. If fat people want to be fat, fine. But it is something else entirely when I’m stuck between you, with your arm rolls on my body, for 3 hours.”

These are terrible comments but, guess what, she’s right. I would have the same reaction if I were in her position.

  • She pays big money for a seat on the plane.
  • They stick her in between two morbidly obese women.
    • I mean morbidly obese.
    • Like 300 pounds each.
    • These women couldn’t even fit her seat
  • And she needs to sit there for three frigging hours like this?

Watson should, not only get an apology, but she should get vouchers for free flights. This is ridiculous. Here’s the thing, these two fat asses should have had to pay for two seats each. I know, they would have thrown a fit and accused American Airlines of fatphobia, whatever that is.

Here’s the thing: these two women are violating Watson’s personal space and her rights. No one seems to think anything about that.

So, if you think I’m cruel for saying these fat chicks are fat and that American Airlines is being victimized by Dr. Sydney Watson, but yourself in her shoes sitting in between two sweaty, morbidly obese women for three hours. I would have been in the bathroom for the entire flight.



It’s All Crap

Here is an article by Bjorn Lomborg, who is the president of the Copenhagen Consensus and visiting fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. He wrote an article called, Suppressing good news is scaring our kids witless. It talks about all the bad news we hear about the environment from the media but none of the good news.

Let’s go through it:

It’s easy to believe life on Earth is getting ever worse. The media constantly highlight one catastrophe after another and make terrifying predictions. With the never-ending torrent of doom and gloom about climate change and the environment, it’s understandable why many people — especially the young — genuinely believe the world is about to end. But the fact is that though problems remain the world is getting better. We just rarely hear about it.

We are incessantly told about disasters, whether it is the latest heat wave, flood, wildfire or storm. Yet the data overwhelmingly show that over the past century people have become much, much safer from all these weather events. In the 1920s, around half a million people were killed by weather disasters, whereas in the last decade the death toll averaged around 18,000. This year, like both 2020 and 2021, is tracking below that. Why? Because when people get richer, they get more resilient.

This is the big thing you never hear from climate activists. Man is better to adapting to the climate than trying to prevent climate change from happening. The statistics prove that. People like Lomborg and Michael Shellenberger (who are climate activists) constantly point out.

Weather-fixated television news would make us think disasters are all getting worse. They’re not. Around 1900, about 4.5 percent of the land area of the world burned every year. Over the last century, this declined to about 3.2 percent. In the last two decades, satellites show even further decline: in 2021 just 2.5 percent burned. This has happened mostly because richer societies prevent fires. Models show that by the end of the century, despite climate change, human adaptation will mean even less burning.

And despite what you may have heard about record-breaking costs from weather disasters — mainly because wealthier populations build more expensive houses along coastlines — damage costs are actually declining, not increasing, as a per cent of GDP.

But it’s not only weather disasters that are getting less damaging despite dire predictions. A decade ago, environmentalists loudly declared that Australia’s magnificent Great Barrier Reef was nearly dead, killed by bleaching caused by climate change. The Guardian newspaper even published an obituary. This year, scientists revealed that two-thirds of the Great Barrier Reef shows the highest coral cover seen since records began in 1985. The good-news report got a fraction of the attention the bad news did.

This is true. The Great Barrier reef hasn’t gotten better over the last two years. It’s been getting better over the last twenty years. What is more important to realize is that no one is talking about it. We kept hearing about the Great Barrier Reef all through school, then nothing.

Not long ago, environmentalists constantly used pictures of polar bears to highlight the dangers of climate change. Polar bears even featured in Al Gore’s terrifying movie An Inconvenient Truth. But the reality is that polar bear numbers have been increasing — from somewhere between five and 10,000 polar bears in the 1960s up to around 26,000 today. We don’t hear this news, however. Instead, campaigners just quietly stopped using polar bears in their activism.

That movie was nothing but gaslighting and exaggerated. The polar bears that he showed in that “documentary” had just come out of hibernation. The bear hadn’t eaten in three months.

There are so many bad-news stories that we seldom stop to consider that on the most important indicators, life is getting much better. Human life expectancy has doubled over the past century, from 36 years in 1920 to more than 72 years today. A hundred years ago, three-quarters of the world’s population lived in extreme poverty. Today, less than one-tenth does. The deadliest environmental problem, air pollution, was four times more likely to kill you in 1920 than it is today, mostly because a century ago people in poverty cooked and heated with dung and wood.

This is why we need to get back to oil, natural gas and nuclear power until some renewable power comes along that’s efficient. It will come but it might take time. And let’s face it, nuclear power is very clean. There’s no reason we don’t run that now.

But these climate nuts don’t want to. They want to eliminate oil, natural gas and nuclear all together. No, Europe is starting up coal power plants. People are storing coal, wood and wood pellets. Heck, they are fighting over it now. Does that sound like progress?

Despite COVID-related setbacks, humanity has become better and better off. Yet doom-mongers will keep telling you the end is nigh. This is great for their fundraising but the costs to society are sky-high: we make poor, expensive policy choices and our kids are scared witless.

We also end up ignoring much bigger problems. Consider all the attention devoted to heat waves. In the United States and many other parts of the world heat deaths are actually declining, because access to air conditioning helps much more than rising temperatures hurt. Almost everywhere, however, cold quietly kills many more people than heat does. In the U.S., about 20,000 people die from heat every year, but 170,000 die from cold — something we rarely focus on. Moreover, cold deaths are rising in the U.S. and our incessant focus on climate change is exacerbating this trend because politicians have introduced green laws that make energy more expensive, meaning fewer people can afford to keep warm. Lacking perspective means we don’t focus first on where we can help most.

They want to end all fossil fuels which heat our homes, but they have no solutions to replace them and cold is what really kills.

On a broader scale, global warming prompts celebrities and politicians to fly around the world in private jets lecturing the rest of us, while we spend less on problems like hunger, infectious diseases and a lack of basic schooling. When did politicians and movie stars ever meet for an important cause like de-worming children?

There’s a news flash. Hunger kills more people than the environment. COVID was not the first, nor will it be the last, pandemic and we didn’t handle that too well (mostly because of politics). And what about education? It’s been going straight to hell over the past couple of generations. How are future generations going to innovate efficient, renewable energy if our children can’t add because math is racist?

We need balance in our news, but that doesn’t mean ignoring global warming: it is a real problem humanity has caused. We just need perspective. To know what to expect from a warming planet, we can look at the damage estimates from the economic models used by the Biden and Obama administrations, which reveal that the entire, global cost of climate change — not just to economies, but in every sense — will be equivalent to less than a four per cent hit to global GDP by the end of the century.

Humanity is getting more prosperous every day. The United Nations estimates that without global warming the average person in 2100 would be 450 per cent better off than today. Global warming means people will only be 434 per cent richer instead. That is not a disaster.

Climate change fear is causing life-changing anxiety. You might be hearing nothing but bad news but you aren’t hearing the full story.

The media, Hollywood, politicians and the education system is trying to panic the kids. This will lead to despair and suicides. We will see this in a few years.




Episode 616 – The Bomb is Ticking!

Joe Biden travels the west coast this weekend and makes some really awful and weird comments.

“Family friendly” drag shows are coming to a school district near you and people are pissed off about it.

And when are our school boards going to realize some of their students are ticking time bombs?


Biden Bumbles

Joe Biden had a hell of a weekend, saying one stupid thing after another. It didn’t help that he was traveling the West Coast and his spongy mind was also jet lagged. He went to Orange County, California then went to Los Angeles. After that, he traveled to Portland Oregon to help out the flailing governor there.

In Los Angeles, Biden was asked about gas prices while he was picking up a couple of quesadillas.

“The inflation report is out. Have you seen gas prices around here in LA? It’s 7 bucks a gallon almost,” a reporter asked.

Biden responded

“Well, that’s always been the case here.

“You know, it’s not — what — nationwide, they came down about $1.35, and they’re still down over a dollar. But we’re going to work on — housing is the big — is the most important thing we have to do in terms of that.”

Yeah, no. This is a guy who acts like he never has to go to the pump and pay for gas. Oh, yeah, he is a guy that never has to go to the pump and pay for gas.

Los Angeles is more expensive than other cities, but it was never $7.00 a gallon. It was in the high $2.00 range. So, no, it has not “always been like this.”

Then, he’s in an ice cream shop in Portland.

A couple of things:

  • He is the President of the United States, not of the world. He should only worry about the United States and not worry about everyone else. This is pure globalist mentality.
  • It doesn’t matter that there is inflation around. It matters that it’s here.
  • This is crappy language because it means he’s going to continue doing what he’s doing because he doesn’t think he’s doing anything wrong.
  • Everyone knows this is BS.
  • Now, as far as the economy is concerned.
    • Go over the statistics from above.
    • The economy was at 1.3% when Biden took office.
    • It is at 8.5% right now.
    • In some areas, it is over 10%.

He’s a f-ing disaster and is ignoring it.

Now this video is just weird, and kind of creepy. He’s talking to a 13-year-old girl. He reaches over, grabs her shoulders and says the weirdest thing. Listen:

The cringe factor here is through the roof. The little girl looks like she is standing in front of a serial killer. Mind you, this is after he was caught on camera trying to sniff another little girl’s hair but the parent stopped him.

There are now excerpts from Biden’s daughter’s diary cruising he Internet. They include how she would shower late at night because she didn’t want to shower with her father.

There are hundreds of creepy videos like this showing Joe Biden doing this stuff, but no one says anything. No one investigates. If Trump did any of this crap, there would be investigation after investigation. Reporters would be beating him on all this. Heck, they couldn’t even use the stuff Trump did they had to make shit up about him. But no one cares when it comes to Biden. He’s their boy.



Just Down the Street

This drag queen story hour thing is hitting home locally. The Encinitas Union School Board sent out invitations for a “family friendly drag show”. By the way, there is no such thing as a family friendly drag show.

This mom from Encinitas has had enough and went off on the board. Listen:

By the way, this little perverts “family event” is being sponsored by a gender transition clinic and a 21+ gay bar. I know we are not allowed to say this anymore but isn’t this grooming. A gender transition clinic and a gay bar are sponsoring this. Does that sound like it’s going to be a wholesome event?

Here is a book that parents in a North Carolina school district want removed from a seventh grade classroom. Notice I didn’t say banned. That because they don’t want the book banned, just not readily available in a classroom. This book is also isn’t on the elementary school’s recommended reading list. Listen to this mother arguing in front of a hostile school board that doesn’t want her speak.

Some things:

  • They didn’t want to hear anything from this gal. They were going to cut her time short and would not relent. But this gal talked to these people the way they should be spoken to, as employees of the community.
  • Of course, they cut her off the second her two minutes were up.
  • This is a book that is being pushed in elementary school children. It is on a recommended reading list. Does this sound like something a seventh grader should be reading?
  • Should parents have a say on what their children are exposed to?
  • This parent is right. Our kids no how to give hand jobs and perform oral sex but they can’t read, write add, or subtract. Most of our kids can’t do math or read at grade level.
  • Banning books is not a thing here. The book is readily available on Amazon. But it will be up to the parents whether or not their child reads this trash.
  • Finally, what an arrogant bitch. She’s not up for election in November so she doesn’t have to give a damn what the parents want? That’s going to look great when she has to run a campaign.

Folks, I have some bad news for you. This crap is coming to a town near you. It’s come to a town near me. We are going to have a choice. Either fight this crap or pull our kids out of school and home school them. There are plenty of ways to do it and there is a not of support out there. We need to get our kids out of the system.


Speaking of Perverts

We are living in a world where our children are in despair. We are seeing examples of it day in and day out. The adults don’t seem to see the suffering and don’t want to do anything about it.

According to the Daily Wire:

California superintendent defended a 7th-grade boy allegedly caught masturbating in front of his classmates, insisting to shocked parents that it was normal.

The superintendent, Mark McLaughlin of the Conejo Valley Unified School District (CVUSD), admonished parents for bringing up the issue during a school board meeting last month. McLaughlin disclosed that similar offenses occur at least once a year in their district, which he said normalized the incident.

This is what he said:

I just want to point something out, I didn’t nor anyone else I know, masterbated in class. I will even go on a limb and say I didn’t even know how to do it in the seventh grade. This kid can practice perversion while in class and he will be excused.

But there is something more important here. This kid has an anti-social behavior disorder. There’s something wrong with him that could make him dangerous in the near future. He could be your next rapist or school shooter. This type of behavior should be a waning sign and it’s just being ignored because he has rights.

Don’t tell me these people in these school systems care about kids. They don’t care about the suture victims and they don’t care about the kid that is crying for help. But, when something happens, they will surely throw around the blame to other people.

The fact that no one is going to help this kid leads to what the kid could become in our next story.

According to the Daily Wire:

A self-described “incel” is facing life in prison after he pleaded guilty in federal court today for attempting to murder 3,000 women.

The Department of Justice said in a statement that Tres Genco, 22, of Hillsboro, Ohio, admitted to targeting and surveilling women at an Ohio university in 2020. He was arrested by federal law enforcement officers last year and has remained in custody ever since.

An “incel,” short for “involuntary celibate,” refers to a small group of men who harbor extreme anger and rage at women for what they believe in their minds as being rejected by them for romantic or sexual relationships.

You will not hear anything about this story.

What could make a 22-year-old so terribly miserable that he would want to kill 3000 women? Could it be that he has spent all his school years being emasculated and said he was unworthy? Could it be he had mental issues and no one took the care to notice and do something about it?











Episode 615 – I Expect an Apology from Someone

The economy continues to give the Biden administration and Democrats bad news.

That money they take out of your check for social security is beginning to look more like a tax.

And can’t believe we heard this admission from Big Pharma.



Joe Biden is a liar. We can’t even blame some of his lies on his senility. Here he is, talking about his son, Beau, who died in 2015…again.

The guy just lies.

  • His son died of Brain cancer in 2015, after we were out of Iraq.
  • He died in Maryland, not Iraq.

This guy uses his dead son as much as he uses a teleprompter. He also said his son died of caner because of burn pits. He was trying to pass another spending bill at the time. He just make this up.

The Washington Post and the New York Times “fact checkers” continue to do a stellar job. They say he was exaggerating and not really lying. Awesome.

He was lying. Call it what it is.



Up, Up and Away

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose 8.2% between September 2021 and September 2022, according to a Thursday report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The month-to-month increase of 0.4% exceeded analysts’ forecasts, while core inflation — which factors out the more volatile food and energy categories — reached 0.6% against an estimate of 0.4%. Despite energy costs falling in some categories, a 0.8% surge in food prices and a 0.7% increase in shelter prices contributed to the headline number.

Essentially, inflation has not changed at all since it was at 9.1%. It has hovered around 8.1-8.5% over the last few months. This is despite the Fed raising interest rates about 2% this year. Rumor has it they are going to get together again and raise the interests rates another .75% within the next couple of weeks.

Combine this with the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) expected to be negative again and a rather weak jobs report (only 265,000 jobs created, dropping the unemployment rate to 3.5%) and even Joe Biden is admitting we are going to be in a recession even though he says it will be “weak and short”. We are already in a recession but the White House said we are not in one be cause of…I don’t know. Well, they can’t hide it anymore.

Listen, all this stuff can be fixed. We know what needs to be done.

  • Cut regulations.
  • Start drilling for oil and natural gas.
  • Cut taxes.
  • Cut the minimum wage.
  • The government needs to stop spending money.
  • The Fed will need to raise interest rates to 5-10%

There is no soft landing here. There is going to be pain:

  • There will be job loss.
  • There will be a housing crash.
  • Businesses will suffer or close.
  • Prices will be high.

But in the long run, things will go back to normal. We saw it in the eighties.



It’s Just a Tax Now

According to Fox News:

Social Security benefits are set to rise by 8.7% in 2023, the biggest bump in four decades as stubbornly high inflation erodes the buying power of retired Americans, the Social Security Administration said on Thursday. 

The increase, known as a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA), is the biggest since 1981, when recipients saw an 11.2% jump. It will increase the average monthly benefit by about $140. 

Social security has always been a scam. It’s a legalized Ponzi scheme. One generation always pays off the previous generation. When I pay in social security, it is going to my father. Nothing is being saved. The bigger problem is we are having negative population growth between generations for at least seventy years. Gen Z has fewer people than Gen X. They’re not going to be able to pay for my social security.

I am 54 years old. I won’t qualify for social security for, at least, eleven years. I doubt I’m going to see a dime. I say we scrap this system, let us keep that money and figure out how to invest ourselves through 401Ks and the like. Let the private sector deal with it because the government screws up everything.



He Doesn’t Care

We talked about OPEC lower oil production by 2 million barrels of oil a day, which screwed the Biden administration by keeping gas prices high.

The Democrats and Old Joe are pissed and are thinking of taking it out on the Saudis. They are threatening to without military equipment from the Saudis if they don’t up the production of oil. Ben Shapiro pointed something out. Military aid to the Saudis was allocated by Congress. Now, Biden is going to withhold aid unless the Saudis unless they drill more? Does that sound like a quid pro quo? Wasn’t Trump impeached for a quid pro quo with Ukraine? Hmm…

Well, the Saudis responded. They said that Biden told them in their meeting in Saudi Arabia a couple of months ago that it would be good if they could continue drilling until November before cutting their production. Hmm…what happens in November. That’s right! The elections!

Joe Biden will do anything to keep power including hurting citizens of the United States. He just cares about keeping Congress so that he can push his crappy policies.




This should be the biggest story out there today, but it will not be.

Janine Small Pfizer’s president of international developed markets is testifying before the European Union Parliament. She is being asked a very straight forward and important question by Dutch MEP Rob Roos. Her answer should be on every news report in the United States and should be addressed by the Biden administration.


Let me get this straight, they release a vaccine that was not tested to prevent the transmission of COVID? Can we assume then:

  • They didn’t test for side effects.
  • They didn’t test for prevention.
  • They didn’t test to make the disease less dangerous.

Can we assume all this?

For the last two years, those who have not gotten the shots have been shamed. Need a reminder? Here Keith Olbermann after he got his seventeenth booster saying what he believes about those who didn’t get vaxxed.

He just released that video. No wonder he’s irrelevant today. He’s nothing but a shrieking, whiney Karen.

Here’s what we do know about the vaccines:

  • They don’t prevent you from getting the China virus.
  • They don’t prevent you from spreading the virus.
  • They have side effects:
    • Can cause blood clots.
    • Can cause myocarditis in the heart.
    • Can alter the reproductive system in both men and women.
  • We don’t know if it makes the virus less dangerous when you catch it. That’s all a guess.
  • We don’t know what the long term side effects are.

We also know that Pfizer, Johnson and Johnson, and have made billions of dollars, all coming from taxpayers, to spread this crap.

We also know a couple of other things:

  • People have been censored for saying anything against the narrative.
  • Children have been told they can’t go to school if not vaxxed.
  • People have been kicked out of college if they were not vaxxed.
  • People have been fired for not being vaxxed.
  • Soldier have been kicked out of the military if they were not vaxxed.
  • Doctors, medical professional and first responders, who were expected to work during the pandemic, were fired after the pandemic ended because they refused to get vaxxed.
  • That does not include that we shut down our economy for a year.
  • That does not include that we shut down schools for two years and the teacher’s unions still want them closed.

I think an investigation, reparations and an apology is in order from big pharma and our government is in order.










Episode 614 – That’s One Way to Hide Out

Climate change invites the creation of a lot of stupid laws.

A movie is made celebrating pedophilia.

And a non-binary division is created for the Chicago marathon and trans people are still pissed off.


Stupid Laws for the Environment

The quest to destroy the country in order to save the environment continues.

  • Gavin Newsom just signed a bill (SB 1046) banning plastic bags that people put their fruit in.
    • The bags must be made of paper or be made of compostable material.
    • Goes into affect in 2025.
    • This is a state that has already banned:
      • Plastic straws.
      • Charges $0.10 per grocery bag.
      • Banned single serving creamer for your coffee.
      • And is banning gas powered cars by 2035.
  • California has gone too far, even for the Biden administration.
    • Prop 18 puts huge regulations on the pork industry.
    • They put those regulations on any pork manufacturer including those from other states.
    • The Justice department says California is not in charge of interstate commerce so they can’t do that.
    • This is being heard by the Supreme Court right now.
    • I can deal with the high cost of live, the high taxes, the homelessness, the drug use, the illegal aliens and the crime, but if I have to pay $120 for a pack of bacon, I’m out.
  • As crazy as California is, New Zealand has upped the ante.
    • They have decided to levy a tax on farmer for the amount of methane gas created on farms that raise livestock like cows, pigs and chickens.
    • They say that the urine and farts from those animals is going to end the world.
    • Remember when AOC, in 2017, her Green New Deal said we needed to get rid of cows because their farts were destroying the environment?
      • She was so heavily mocked, she removed that from her document.
      • Now look what’s happening.

These guys are doing this, not to save the environment, but for control. The best way to control us is make us miserable and regulate us to the point we can’t do anything.



They’re Are Coming After the Kids

This is a pretty disturbing story.

According to the British-based paper, The Independent:

sci-fi film depicting a sexualised relationship between an adult man and an android that looks like a 10-year-old girl has prompted outrage and walkouts at festival screenings.

Titled Trouble With Being Born, the film is programmed as part of Berlinale 2020, the annual film festival held in Berlin, Germany.

In the film, the child-like android, played by Lena Watson, 10, is seen calling her owner “Daddy”.

While most of the sexual abuse is implied rather than explicit, according to reports, the film leaves little doubt that the man, played by Dominik Warta has a sexual relationship with the child robot. The film also contains multiple nude scenes, which were created using CGI.

Really, pedophilia is now considered entertainment. What the story doesn’t mention is that the little girl robot looks like a little girl he had known before.

Now, I am going to show you the story line the IMDB and Wikipedia put in as a synopsis of the movie. I wonder if you can see what is missing.

The film explores the topos of the artificial human, presented here in an unusual way with a focus on the emotional level.[6] Elli is an android, a machine, in the shape of a girl, as well as a sex robot.[6] Elli lives with Georg, whom she calls “Papa”.[6][7] They drift through a summer, swimming in the pool during the day and in the evening he takes her to bed with him.[7] Georg created Elli from a personal memory, to make himself happy.[7] A memory that means nothing to her and everything to him.[7] For Elli, it is merely the programming she follows.[7] When she later meets her real-life role model, an odyssey develops that increasingly brings the audience to Elli’s perspective.[6] The dystopian film portrays “the story of a machine and the ghosts we all carry within us”.[7]

Nothing about pedophilia. They guy was a sicko.

The only good news is that no one wanted to see the movie, but how long is that going to last before Hollywood and the artistic elites see pedophilia as just another sexual preference? IMDb and Wikipedia see it as a drama. There is no mention of a man having sex with a child or that a child starred in the movie or that CGI is used to show the little girl nude (which should be child porn in itself).

I don’t want to hear anymore that Hollywood isn’t trying to sexualize kids or they are not trying to make pedophilia normal or acceptable.



Because No One Cares

These people get what they demand and then get pissed off because no one cares.

According to Fox News:

Some Chicago Marathon runners are feeling a little blue heading into this weekend’s race.

One of the biggest events of the year for the sport followed Boston and London with the creation of a nonbinary division for runners who don’t identify as male or female. The lack of hype around the new inclusive division left some of those who identify as such with a bad taste in their mouths.

According to the Chicago Sun-Times, there was no major announcement to coincide with the division.

“Personally, it feels hurtful because it feels performative, or brushed under the rug, because it really is a big deal,” Cal Calamia told the newspaper, adding they were “excited” to compete in their hometown.

The Boston Marathon made its announcement of a nonbinary division last month. The division will compete in 2023. London also announced the creation of a nonbinary division for 2023.

The New York City Marathon did it last year. The Philadelphia Distance Run was the first large race in the U.S. to establish a nonbinary division and offer equal prize money. The event did that last year.

So let me get this straight, these weirdos get what they want, their own division and they are still not happy because no one is paying attention to them? Well, of course no one is. These people are not elite athletes. If a man who says he’s a women beats all the elite women (which he won’t), no one cares. If a woman competes as a man, she won’t be in the top 200 runners. No one cares. This is why men who say they are women compete against women. Not only do they win, they get attention.

By the way, notice that women who say they are men never compete against men. Because those women will get their asses kicked because they are women and men and women are different.

This is why having a third gender division will never placate anyone. It’s about the attention and narrative.



These Guys Would Have Gotten Sanctuary

Hypocrisy is a word that has been overused. Not because it is misused but because it is pointed out all the time. And it is justly used.

There is also that thing called the Replacement Theory. That is a far right theory that says that the Left is trying to replace the white race with people of color so the Left can keep power. We do see that the media does promote a type replacement theory. In a way. But it kind of depends on the people of color that try to get in this country. Turns out there are some Democrats will just send away even if they have an actual claim of asylum.

According to the New York Post:

The US Coast Guard sent 55 Cubans found off the coast of Florida back to their home country on Wednesday.

In a news release, the USCG said the crew of USCGC William Trump made the repatriations after the following interdictions off Florida’s coast over the past week:

– Customs and Border Protection Air and Marine Operations aircrew alerted Sector Key West watchstanders of a “rustic vessel” approximately 50 miles south of Boca Chica around 12:10 p.m. Saturday, October 1.

– USCGC William Flores’ crew alerted Sector Key West of a migrant vessel approximately 10 miles south of Long Key around 6 a.m. Monday, October 3.

– Coast Guard Air Station Miami HC-144 Ocean Sentry airplane crew alerted Sector Key West to a “rustic vessel” taking on water approximately 30 miles south of Islamorada on Monday, October 3.

– Coast Guard Air Station Miami HC-144 Ocean Sentry airplane crew alerted Sector Key West to a “rustic vessel” approximately 40 miles south of Plantation Key around 8:20 a.m. Monday, October 3.

Once on board a ship, the Coast Guard said, all migrants receive food, water, shelter and basic medical attention.

Hurricane season is not over and more storms are brewing,” said Lt. Connor Ives of USCG District Seven. “Our air and surface crews are patrolling and are on the lookout to save lives and prevent illegal, unsafe ventures.”

The USCG reported crews have interdicted 66 Cuban migrants since the start of the new fiscal year, October 1.

During the 2021-2022 fiscal year, the Coast Guard said, a total of 6,182 Cuban migrants were interdicted and sent back to Cuba.

Aren’t those refugees escaping the prosecution of a tyrannical government? Don’t they have the same rights to asylum?

Of course not. They are escaping a communist government in Cuba. They will do anything to stop communism, including voting Republican. It is amazing that the border is closed for illegal aliens from communist countries like Cuba and Venezuela but everywhere else, including terrorist countries, that’s fine.

Kind of makes you go, “Hmm…”



Can’t Beat’em, Join’Em

I just can’t make this crap up.

According to the New York Post:

She closed at least one case — her own!

A fugitive wanted for fraud was busted when she walked into a New Jersey sheriff’s office and asked to be hired, according to police.

Zyeama Johnson, 27, a former Postal Service worker from Jersey City, was on the run for the crime in Monroe County, Pennsylvania, when she applied to work at the Hudson County Sheriff’s Office, according to the Jersey Journal.

She sent in paperwork to be a security guard at the law enforcement agency. She was called into the station under the guise of a job interview and arrested Tuesday, county Sheriff Frank Schillari told the outlet.

After the alleged foolhardy fraudster was busted, the officers allegedly discovered two stolen credit cards and she was also hit with credit card theft charges, Schillari said.

Prior to applying for the job, she was also wanted on 10 bench warrants for failure to appear in court on traffic charges in Jersey City.

The only thing I can comment on about this story is that this woman really believed she would never be caught or get in trouble, even with these serious charges (remember, this is New Jersey). Criminals just think they can live like the innocent and not experience any consequences for their crimes.

Or maybe she’s just stupid.





Episode 613 – Maybe She Should Stop Talking

For some reason, the Biden administration just won’t stop Kamala Harris from talking.

And Columbus Day was yesterday and it broke Twitter.



Kamala Harris was on one of those late shows.


Here she is talking about illegal border crossings.

Some things:

  • She is claiming what Abbott and DeSantis is a dereliction of duty?
    • Isn’t she the border czar in charge of stopping the 2.2 million illegals from crossing the border?
    • Has she even been to the border?
    • hat is she doing about it?
  • “Participate in a solution”? Haven’t border state governors been begging the government to do their jobs and close that border? All she did was travel to Central America.
  • Trump caused 7000 people to cross per day? Last I heard, only 36,000 a month were crossing and then the administration cancelled all his policies that discouraged illegal crossings.
  • Finally, you cannot offer a pathway to citizenship until you close the border. Doing so first will just encourage illegal immigration.

I can’t believe they are still letting her talk.


Columbus Day

It was Columbus day yesterday. As you can imagine, Twitter was going crazy.

The Left has demanded that the day be called “Indigenous People’s Day” instead. Yeah, nope. Not gonna do that. But Twitter was fun yesterday.

Elizabeth Warren, who claimed to be an American Indian to get into Harvard and even even published a recipe in a book called Pow Wow Chow. Then she took a DNA test and was found to be 1/1024th indigenous. person. That’s less than 1% and she was thrilled with the result, posting a video. To give you an example of how stupid that claim is, I am white as the driven I am 2% indigenous person according to my DNA test. I would never claim to be an indigenous person.

She tweeted:

Yeah, she got roasted. She probably should have taken the day off Twitter.

Self-described “Award-winning multi-media journalist” David Leavitt got into a spat with Virginia State Senate Candidate, Tina Ramirez. How did the fight start? The single mother of two children, including a black child, Ramirez said, “Happy Columbus Day”.

Leavitt posted in response:


By the way, if Leavitt had added genocide, war human sacrifice and cannibalism, he would have been describing the the Native Americans. Couple of things about the Indians:

  • The word “Cannibal” comes from Columbus.
    • It was used when he discovered the Taino Caniba tribe in the Caribbean.
    • They used to capture people and eat them, which scared the crap out of the other tribes and the Spaniards.
    • This tribe was known for having babies for the sole purpose of eating them.
    • This wasn’t the only tribe that did this.
  • Most Indians died of disease, not war.
    • In fact, the wars against the Indians when the Europeans came here were supported by the smaller, victimized Indian tribes.
    • Columbus had nothing to do anything against the Indians.
    • That’s because Queen Isabella wanted to integrate the Indians with the Spanish. Many of the Spanish married Indians.
    • The Spanish were white, the Indians were brown. The result is the modern day Mexican since most Indians were in Mexico.
    • There were only about 1.5-8 million Indians in the United States and most historians believe that the statistics were closer to 1.5 million.
  • That brings us to the other facts that no one wants to talk about. The populations of the Indians in South America, Central America and North America were falling well before Columbus arrived.
    • Diseases such as herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, the plague were all here and they didn’t know how to treat.
    • Genocide. The Aztecs sacrificed 84,000 people in four days during one of their festivals.
    • War.
    • Starvation. A lot of the tribes in North America were nomads. They didn’t know how to grow crops or domesticate animals.
  • Wars against the Indians in the 1800s went both ways.
    • The Indians were trading and making treaties with the settlers until they thought they were being taken advantage of.
      • Sometimes they were being taken advantage of.
      • But sometimes, like purchasing of New York, the Indians simply changed their mind and wanted the land back.
      • By the way, that’s where the term, “Indian-giver” comes from.
      • Yes, war killed 90% of the Indians. But the Indians killed 30%.
      • Basically, the Indians got into a war with the Europeans and the settlers and got their asses kicked. They got conquered.
      • Sorry, that just history.
    • Even some of the bad things that happened, like the Trail of Tears, actually were done with good intentions.
      • Andrew Jackson wanted to move the Indians to their own territory so they would be safe from racism
      • The problem is Jackson did not supply them enough for the journey, they were mistreated by the leaders and they went north during the winter.
      • This was bad planning.
      • And before you condemn Andrew Jackson as a racist, he adopted an Indian child and treated him like a son.

I made this way longer than is should have been. Let’s get back to the story.

So Ramirez and Leavitt are fighting. Leavitt responded to Ramirez:

Yep, he wants people to call Child Protective Service because Ramirez is going to teach her daughter about Columbus. But he goes a step further. He calls CPS and is annoyed that he had to wait 10 minutes to get a hold of someone.

The fight continued:

She’s absolutely right. What she doesn’t bring up is that the Left thinks law enforcement will do something about it. In fact, there are a lot of times law enforcement will do something about it.





Episode 612 – Yeah, They Are Coming for Your Kids!

Joe Biden embraces crime crisis by releasing thousands of felons.

New York demands that the federal government do something about the border as they are inundated by illegal aliens.

And they’re coming for your kids.



Joe Biden is doing it again. He is so senile now, he can’t count. Here he is pushing bringing manufacturing back to America. Though I am for the message, but the conveying of the message makes me think he won’t be able to do anything. Listen:

Yeah, there are three words in, “made in America”.

Here is Stacey Abrams being interviewed about abortion. The gal interviewing her is Shannon Bream of Fox News. Shannon Bream is a journalist that is extremely religious and anti-abortion. I wish I could have heard the entire interview because I think Bream would have pushed back, but it isn’t in this clip. Listen:

This is what’s wrong with the pro-abortion movement.

  • She’s just wrong here, which isn’t a shock. She thinks that a baby’s heartbeat in the womb is a conspiracy theory. Science already know when a new entity is conceived.
  • But let’s say we don’t know.
    • Shouldn’t we stop abortions because, if proven wrong, we spent the last 50 years committing genocide?
    • We don’t know if pot affects driving (though we should) but driving under the influence of pot is still considered illegal. Why? Because we don’t know but don’t want to risk anyone else’s life.
  • Who is making viability arbitrary is the Left.
  • Women have always had the ability to control their body. Don’t get pregnant. Abortion is not about the woman’s health. It’s about the body of the child within her.

There’s a reason no Democratic candidate wants to debate abortion with a Republican. Heck, they don’t want to debate at all. It’s because it’s a loser. Your feelings and convenience don’t mean you should be able to kill a baby.



This is a Bad Idea

Last week, Joe Biden decided he needed something that was going to help the Democrats during the midterms. Mind you, closing the border, lowering inflation, ending the energy crisis and solving the crime problem is not what he had in mind. He decided to pardon criminals.

This what the White House released in a statement:

  Acting pursuant to the grant of authority in Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution of the United States, I, Joseph R. Biden Jr., do hereby grant a full, complete, and unconditional pardon to (1) all current United States citizens and lawful permanent residents who committed the offense of simple possession of marijuana in violation of the Controlled Substances Act, as currently codified at 21 U.S.C. 844 and as previously codified elsewhere in the United States Code, or in violation of D.C. Code 48–904.01(d)(1), on or before the date of this proclamation, regardless of whether they have been charged with or prosecuted for this offense on or before the date of this proclamation; and (2) all current United States citizens and lawful permanent residents who have been convicted of the offense of simple possession of marijuana in violation of the Controlled Substances Act, as currently codified at 21 U.S.C. 844 and as previously codified elsewhere in the United States Code, or in violation of D.C. Code 48–904.01(d)(1); which pardon shall restore to them full political, civil, and other rights. 

Basically, he’s going to solve crime by letting out a bunch of criminals. But, let me explain myself.

  • Pot is addictive unlike what the narrative is.
  • It is a gateway drug.
  • It doesn’t affect everyone the same way but it is what it is which is why I’m against it.
  • Anyone who is in prison for minor possession pled down from more serious charges.
    • Possession with intent to sell.
    • Trafficking.
    • Or possession when in possession of a gun.
    • All these are felonies.
    • There is no one in prison that is there for simple possession.
  • There are victims of these crimes.
  • When these people committed their crimes, it was illegal. Why be forgiven now?
  • Both Republicans and Democrats are guilty of this type of prison reform.

Why does Biden do this now? Another cynical way of buying votes. My understanding is this is not going to be implemented immediately. This is going to be researched by the Justice Department through a committee. No one is being released tomorrow for simple pot possession.




The political stunt by Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis might be working.

New York, a sanctuary state, is having some issues. They have received 17,000 illegal aliens from Texas, Arizona and Florida over the last year. The mayor of New York City decided to try to build a tent city in the Bronx. Needless to say, this is a bad look. Residents were wondering why they build a tent city in a poorer area of New York City and not build a tent city in the less populated, richer part of the city, like the Hamptons. Even Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez complained about it.

Adams, always the pussy, decided to move the tent city, though I am not sure where they are going to put it.

On Friday, Mayor Eric Adams declared a state of emergency. He stated in a new conference:

“This is a humanitarian crisis that started with violence and instability in South America and is being accelerated by American political dynamics. Thousands of asylum seekers have been bused into New York City and simply dropped off, without notice, coordination, or care — and more are arriving every day.”

He didn’t do it directly, but he blamed Texas governor Gregg Abbott for the problem they are having. He said:

“This crisis is not of our own making but one that will affect everyone in this city, now and in the months ahead. “New Yorkers deserve to know why this is happening and what we plan to do.”

No mention of Old Joe, of course. He should probably run down to Texas and ask Texans who is responsible for this. I’m sure they have an answer.

The governor of New York, Kathy Hochul, says the federal government needs to get involved. She said:

“We have been working almost hourly with the city of New York since the migrants started arriving. And it’s something that we’re working first of all to say human beings should not used as political pawns. Once they come here, they need a place to stay, a transitional time, usually upwards of a week in order to get their feet on the ground and to find a place to live. This is just a temporary situation but absolutely, we’re working with the federal government as well, I’ve raised this with the White House and this calls for a federal solution.”

“Let’s look at federal facilities, federal staff to help supplement the city and the state,” she continued, noting she does not want the problem getting “out of control.”

Yeah, not exactly the kind of involvement I was thinking of.

  • She still blames the governors of Arizona, Texas and Florida. That’s what the political pawns thing comes from.
  • She just wants more money and support from the federal government. Tax payer money.
  • She never blames the Biden administration or says we need to close the border.

Democrats refuse to take responsibility for this stuff. Hochul is in big trouble this election. She is running against Lee Zeldin, who was down by 20 points at one time. He is now in a statistical tie.

Is it possible could have a Republican governor? Well, I don’t know what New Yorkers are thinking. The taxes are high, cost of living is high, crime of high, quality of life is in the toilet. If New Yorkers vote for this dumb bitch (and she is dumb), they get what they deserve.

Arizona, Texas and Florida should pack 747s filled with illegal aliens and send them to New York.



Yeah, No Grooming Here

This is an amazing story you will not hear about on CNN.

According to the Daily Wire:

A top leader in a national school psychologists’ association is participating in a group that funds efforts to rehome gay youth to new parents, internal materials obtained by The Daily Wire reveal.

Amy Cannava, chair of the National Association Of School Psychologists’ (NASP) LGBTQI2-S Committee, participated in discussions on the internal message board for the Pride Liberation Project (PLP). The group’s “Resources For Outed Students” section advised “students who are facing familial rejection or need to leave their home for another reason” to “[r]each out to Amy (she/her) immediately. They work with Safe Space NOVA, are an adult, and can provide you with much more information. They are also confidential.”

This is a woman who is part of a national medical association that is, basically, pushing the kidnapping of children.

The section went on to say that PLP could rehome students who did not like their parents, as well as pay them money and have an adult pick them up to take them to their new lives. It also said the group could provide false documentation to hide children’s whereabouts while they participated in gay activities. “In the event of you needing to leave your home, we can provide you with emergency housing from a supportive, Queer friendly adult,” it said. It added: “We will work with other supportive adult organizations in the region to find you someone who can provide you a kind and affirming home.”

OK, let me get this straight. If a kid doesn’t like his/her parents, this group will give the kid money and send him/her to a gay person. Oh, I forgot about the falsification of documentation which includes the faking of a parent’s signature.

PLP was the subject of glowing national media attention September 27 when it claimed that it got 12,000 students to walk out of class to protest draft guidance from Virginia’s Department of Education that said schools should not hide a student’s gender transition for parents, and that schools should accommodate a student’s gender transition, but do so only with the permission of parents.

That happened last week. It didn’t have the effect to group hoped for. When interviewed, most kids said they walked out just to get out of school without getting onto trouble.

That same day, NASP published a blog post by Cannava describing her efforts to undermine the state initiative, which she described as “horrific.”

“This generation of youth is more politically informed and aware than I can wrap my head around. These kids know their basic human rights have been challenged by the state department of education, and even worse, the state has used fancy words which make the policy reversal seem like it’s in the best interest of ‘all’ children and families,” she wrote. She demanded that school districts shield staff members who ignore the guidance, asking administrators, “How will you defend staff who continue to act in the best interest of students, who are consistent with professional ethics but now in violation of impending policy?”

This is the problem with the Left. The entire state of Virginia went red because of this issue. But the ideology is more important than what most people voted for. So the Left must ignore the laws. Greg Youngkin is governor because of this stuff. The Left does the same thing when the Supreme Court makes a ruling.

Cannava, who works as a counselor at Wakefield High School in Arlington, Virginia, told The Daily Wire: “School staff are not at liberty to speak to the press.”

So she works directly with kids. She should be fired.

But she has spoken freely in other public forums. In a September 2020 podcast called “Out, What Now?” she said, “There comes a point unfortunately for many of these kids where they have to make a choice between their life and their family. And it shouldn’t be that way, but I want to see a kid in a home with food and shelter and insurance and support, but I also don’t want to lose kids to death.”

“I will not deny the fact that I have put parents in their place in my office or at school. And people around me go, ‘can you do that?’ And I go, ‘I don’t know but I just did. If I’m not here tomorrow, you know that I can’t,’” she continued. “You have to sometimes break rules to do good for kids.”

“I had a record day where five kids came out to me. I said ‘this is amazing and exhausting all at the same time.’ … Most of the time it’s like, ‘I think I’m trans,’ which really means ‘I am trans,’” she said.

Who does this broad think she is? She has no responsibility to these kids. She isn’t a parent. She doesn’t feed them. She never took care of them s they were growing up. She never dealt with any of the issues that parents deal with while they growing up. She doesn’t love them. She is using them as political pawns for her religious ideology.

I bet she can’t name one kid under her care.

If your kids are in public school, pull them out. They don’t care about them. Home school them.






