Joe Biden short circuits during an interview on Friday.
A professor gets fired for teaching a hard course.
And we are all going to die.
Here’s some news:
- The January 6th committee has voted to subpeona Donald Trump to testify.
- Good luck with this.
- The committee ordered Trump to produce the sought records by 10 a.m. on November 4, 2022, and ordered him to testify at a deposition on November 14, 2022.
- They sent a letter to Trump: “As demonstrated in our hearings, we have assembled overwhelming evidence, including from dozens of your former appointees and staff, that you personally orchestrated and oversaw a multi-part effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election and to obstruct the peaceful transition of power.”
- This thing has no teeth. It’s not going to happen.
- This is suppose to be their October Surprise. It’s not all that surprising.
- The best thing Trump can do is roll his eyes and say nothing.
- Justin Trudeau has decided to freeze handgun sales in Canada.
- She, I mean he, said: ”
“We have frozen the market for handguns in this country.”
“As we see gun violence continue to rise … we have an obligation to take action. Today our national handgun freeze is coming into force.”
“Our government is taking Canada’s most significant action on gun violence in a generation. We made a commitment to Canadians that we would act — and we are. The national freeze will tackle the alarming role of handguns in crime, gender-based violence, and more.”
- Or he’s just a tyrant and wants to be the dictator of Canada.
- Watch this closely. It will be attempted here. Luckily, we have a Constitution.
- More on Canada later. They really are going head over heels nuts.
Imagine hearing, and seeing, this crap:
This is a drag performance.
Now, imagine this is being done in frone of six-year-olds.
That’s what happened in Plano, Texas.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton called for prosecution over a sexually explicit drag performance in front of at least one young child in exclusive comments to the Daily Caller News Foundation.
This is nothing short of sexual abuse. If this guy had done this outside to a little kid, he would be in jail. Everyone should be prosecuted here, even the parents that allowed their kids to see this crap.
- Finally, Xi Jinping has won his third term as President of China, which means he has appointed himself dictator.
- To celebrate, he had his predessessor, Hu Jintao, hauled out of a Communist China celebration with no explanation in fron of all the cameras to see.
- Though there was no explanation it is obvious Jintao was not thrilled with Xi and may have said smething to the press, but that’s just speculation.
- We can expect never to see Jintao again. He’ll be shot with a missile or eaten by dogs or something.
- The Chinese are our biggest threat. Forget the Russians.
I would say this is a Kamalaism, but this is too sad and happening to someone who is too important.
Joe Biden’s brain has short-circuited before. He shakes hands with no one, walks in the wrong directions, goes off on tangents. But, when he is in a one-on-one interview, and has one of these brain reboots, it’s time to do something. Especially when the interviewer has to snap him out of it.
It looks worse than it sounds.
I know this is going to be answered today as Joe was trying to craft and answer, but one could tell, this was edited to make the brain freeze appear like he came out of it instantly. He didn’t. He had no idea who Dr. Biden was. Hint: it’s his wife and she isn’t a real doctor.
Republicans are calling for a cognitive test. Republicans are threatening to make a cognitive required for the President, and all future President, as part of law when thewin the House and Senate in November. By the way, Republicans are going to win the House and have a 50-50 chance to win the Senate. That’s up from only having a 35% chance last month.
This should be the first thing they do when they take over in January. Of course, as I’ve said a hundred times, it won’t matter. Biden is going to pardon his son and resign by then.
Calling it!
Toughen Up, Buttercup!
According to Fox News:
The New York University professor who was fired from his job after students complained that his class was too hard is now speaking out and saying that colleges need to “apply a little tough love” to students.
Maitland Jones Jr., 84, a former chemistry professor at New York University, was fired from the university in August following a petition from students complaining that his course was too hard.
The petition said:
“We are very concerned about our scores, and find that they are not an accurate reflection of the time and effort put into this class.”
“We urge you to realize… that a class with such a high percentage of withdrawals and low grades has failed to make students’ learning and well-being a priority and reflects poorly on the chemistry department as well as the institution as a whole.”
Here are some things about this whole case:
- This professor is 84 years old.
- He held tenure and an endowed chair at Princeton University.
- He was the head of research at Princeton!
- He developed a teaching regimin and plan that was accepted by Princeton staff and certified by Princeton students!
- He took that same plan to New York University and the children there couldn’t handle it.
This guy is retired and doesn’t care. It’s not going to hurt his reputation at all. He was doing New York University a favor. He wrote and op-ed for the New York Times. This what he said:
“They weren’t coming to class, that’s for sure, because I can count the house. They weren’t watching the videos, and they weren’t able to answer the questions.
“Critically, the growing number of administrators, major and minor, who are often without any expertise in a given subject matter, need to learn to stand back from purely academic matters and to support the faculty,” Jones said. “Deans must learn to not coddle students for the sake of tuition and apply a little tough love. They must join the community in times of conflict to generate those teachable moments.
“Even before COVID-19 disrupted classrooms, there were signs of trouble. I came to New York University in 2007 after 43 years of teaching and research at Princeton, where I had both tenure and an endowed chair. I wanted to see if the technique I had introduced at Princeton, in which the talking-head lecture was deemphasized in favor of small-group problem solving, was transferable to another university.
“All went well at first as students prospered in the problem-solving setting and younger faculty began to adopt it. But about 10 years ago, I noticed that students were increasingly misreading exam questions.
“Exams that should have yielded a B average dropped to C- or worse. Single digit scores became common and we even had zeros on exams, something that had never happened before. In his opinion piece, Malesic speculates on causes (screen time, COVID-induced remote “learning”) and suggests that we do no one a favor by continuing to dumb down our courses. I completely agree, although I must admit that I was guilty of some grade inflation.”
Let’s make something clear, chemistry sucks. It is hard. It is objectively hard. It takes a lot of work and one needs talent for it. I suck at chemistry and that’s a good thing that I realize it. Do you want me to be your doctor, prescribing you drugs when I don’t know how they are going to affect you because I don’t know the chemistry? Do you want me designing drugs when I feel this chemical combination should work but don’t reasonably know?
New York University should have told these children to f-off. Better yeat, tell these students they’re not kids and start putting more effort into their work.
This is what happens when feeling are more important than reality.
Some Great News
This is awesome because it fits into a podcast we talked about last week.
According to the New York Post:
Nouriel Roubini is seriously reconsidering whether he wants to continue living in New York. Mostly because, well, he wants to survive.
“There’s a scenario in which, in the next twelve months, Russia uses tactical nuclear weapons against Ukraine and then they attack NATO and we start a conventional war with Russia. The first nuclear weapon is gonna go to New York,” said the 64-year-old NYU economics professor and CEO of Roubini Macro Associates. “Being in New York City is not safe.”
Wow, what a coincidence. He’s from New York University too but they celebrate this guy.
Even if Manhattan manages to avoid nuclear annihilation, there’s still the possibility of a natural disaster, like Hurricane Sandy that flooded New York in 2012, but “much, much worse,” Roubini told The Post. ”In the next 20 years, most of downtown New York is gonna be underwater.”
A recent $52 billion proposal from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which promises to build sea barriers to protect the city from another storm surge, are impractical, he added, because “Who’s gonna pay for that? They don’t even know if it’s gonna work. It’ll take twenty-five years to build and even if we save Manhattan, all of the Jersey Shore and Long Island will get flooded because that water needs to go somewhere.”
Ugh, haven’t we heard this crap before? I wonder if he has any morivation?
You don’t have to talk with Roubini for very long to realize why he earned the nickname “Dr. Doom” — a moniker that, along with his Page Six reputation for partying with models at hot-tub soirées, has always given him a sort of supervillain sheen.
He first came to prominence 16 years ago, correctly predicting the collapse of the housing market and the emergence of a worldwide recession. And now he’s back with a new book, “MegaThreats: Ten Dangerous Trends That Imperil Our Future, And How to Survive Them” (Little, Brown), which doubles down on his grim forecasts.
Done with the article. This guy does this crap to sell books, keep tenured and get laid. But New York University wants to get rid of an 84-year-old chemistry professor who tested his teaching method for 43 years at Princetoon University.
I’m pretty sure this is toxic masculinity.
Good job, New York University.
Something Else We Need to Give Up
To save the world from climate change, the Left has said:
- We are not allowed to travel.
- We are not allowed to have art work.
- We’re not allowed to drive.
- We can’t eat meat. We need to eat bugs.
- We can’t have capitalism.
- We can’t be white, straight or rich.
- We can’t have heat.
- We can’t have light.
- We can’t have air conditioning.
- Can’t have refrigerators, microwave, stoves or ovens.
- Or we will all die in 10 years…again.
Sigh, according to Fox News:
A CNN climate piece arguing that pets and their “meat-heavy diet” are major contributors to climate change was shared online this week.
The piece offered ways that owners can reduce their beloved animals’ “carbon pawprint.”
It suggested pet owners re-assess their pet’s diet, offering “lab-grown meat” and “insect-based pet foods” as a potential option for them. The article also recommended making sure that pet products, such as leashes, bags, toys and bowls are recyclable, and also advised that potential owners maybe adopt smaller breeds to minimize climate impact.
OK, I’ve heard this crap before. We all fart and, therefore, are contribuating to climate change. We fart because we eat meat. Of course, cows fart and they don’t eat mean. But I’m getting ahead of myself. So we need to eat grass, bugs and trees and we will all stop farting. Of course trees and grass fart so we are eating what is saving our environment. But they don’t talk about that.
Let’s forget about the fact that dogs and cats are carnvores and require meat to survive. they don’t want to talk about that.
Bugs do not offer the protein we need to survive and, most of the time, can be toxic because they contain enzymes that are poisonous, but we won’t talk about that.
But, what I do want to talk about, what are we going to do with all those animals that are f-ing up our environment. All those cows, chickens, pigs, cats and dogs that are farting. Though they don’t want to talk about this, what do we do with them? Kill them? (slippery slope falicy).
Hey, while we are at it, what about the lions and tiger, and bears. They all eat meat and fart. Do we kill them. (Slippery slope falicy).
What about those f-ing polar bears who Al Gore said proved global warming, then climate change, then the climate crisis? They only eat meat (not a lot of soy in the north pole), do we nuke them? (Slippery slope falicy).
Who determines what s a dog that is too big? Who determines what pet is acceptable?
This is all crap. It’s about control. Well, f-you. I’ll keep my German Sheperd and you can go suck a rock. And he’s going to eat the food he needs to which is a meat-based food.