Joe Biden gives a speech in Florida with Ron DeSantis and makes up stories again.
The Supreme Court gives Second Amendment advocates another big win.
And an Unlikely group sues to protect abortion.
He Just Can’t Help Himself
Joe Biden had a press conference yesterday after surveying the damage in Florida. He was with Gov. Ron DeSantis. He just can’t help himself. Politics are always on his mind and he just cannot separate himself from it.
Here he is, trying to convince everyone that he has lived through a natural disaster.
Biden: “We didn’t lose our whole home, but lightning struck and we lost an awful lot of it.”
According to a 2004 AP report, it was "a small fire…contained to the kitchen" that "was under control in 20 minutes."
There was a lightening strike at his house but all it did was short out the house and a toaster caught fire. They did not lose half the house.
Here, Joe Biden is saying that the hurricane was terrible but it proves climate change. As Don Lemon learned, this is not a good, scientific argument. What was hysterical is the look on Ron DeSatis’ face while he was saying this.
Everyone knows that a single weather event is not proof of climate change. Hurricanes, tornados and other weather events have not gotten stronger, more common or weaker in the last hundred years. They happen all the time, some are stronger than others, and they all happen at the same time of year.
This guy just can’t keep politics out of anything.
Why is this a big deal? Because the Left’s policies and messages are beginning to be ignored and condemned by minorities. We already know Hispanics are going red. It is only a matter of time before blacks, who are typically religious and family oriented, start voting red.
Big Win!
The Supreme Court gave a big win for Second Amendment supporters.
According to the New York Post:
The US Supreme Court vacated a Massachusetts gun control law in one of the first orders of its new term following the justices’ June ruling striking down a New York statute that required people to show “proper cause” if they want to carry a concealed firearm in public.
The Massachusetts case — Morin v. Lyver — concerned the plaintiff being denied a new firearm license because he had two out-of-state misdemeanor convictions for weapons possession.
I find it ironic that the Left doesn’t want felons in jail but they want to take away the rights of their opponents over non-violent misdemeanors.
Idaho and Indiana have implemented some of the harshest abortion bans in the country. There was no question they were going to face lawsuits. Remember, the fight begins after Roe versus Wade because abortion is to go by the wayside. The Left won’t let it.
Well, here’s a lawsuit against Idaho and Indiana. According to the Daily Wire:
The Satanic Temple filed lawsuits in federal court against Idaho and Indiana last month over near-total abortion bans in both states, citing a list of accusations surrounding religious rights blocking a woman’s right to engage in the “Satanic Abortion Ritual.”
I would have to question my ideology if the Satanic Temple is on my side.
One of the things the Satanic Temple needs to show the ritual for this even to have a chance. Well, here it is from The Hill:
The Satanic Temple’s religious tenets include beliefs that people should have control over their own bodies, that the freedoms of others should be respected, and that scientific facts shouldn’t be distorted to fit personal beliefs.
The organization also has something it calls a “Satanic abortion ritual,” that includes the process of a person reminding themselves that their body is inviolate, undergoing the abortion and then reciting a personal affirmation.
The Satanic Temple is different than the Church of Satan founded by Anton Levey in the 1960s. The Church of Satan actually was a religion honoring Satan and had a set of real rituals. The Satanic Temple is more of a secular organization. They don’t believe in Satan. They worship themselves. Basically the embrace nihilism and self-fulfillment. That being said, I this case is going to get thrown out because it really isn’t a religion and their “ritual” isn’t really a ritual. By calling it a “personal affirmation” the temple kind of admits that.
This bring me to another point. We all have the freedom to do what we want as long as it doesn’t hurt society. But we don’t have to accept it. We can have standards in our culture and our politics. We should be able to reject things like the Satanic Temple and trans-ing the kids because they go outside of society’s base ideology.
We used to do that. We used to have a set of standards for organizations and our behavior. We don’t have that because the Left has been tearing down our standards. Other countries do. Countries like France and England, two very secular countries, look at us and say, “No way this is happening here!” Why? Because they have standards and they rejects things that go outside those standards.
The Biden administration got some really bad news today. OPEC has decided to lower their oil output by two million barrels a day. This comes as gas prices on the west coast is up about a dollar over the last month. Gas in California is averaging $6.43 a gallon and up to $8.00 in Los Angeles.
Of course, questions came at Karin Jean Pierre over this and whether the Biden administration was going to take any responsibility. How do you think she answered:
Doocy: "You said Biden was responsible for gas prices coming down. Is he responsible for gas prices going up?"
What do you expect from a pig but a grunt. She took a minute to say, “No, we are not going to take responsibility.”
She also said in that press conference that they were not going to take any more oil from the strategic reserve. That turned out to be BS. The Biden administration announced today that they were releasing 10 million barrels of oil from the strategic reserve. You know, this is going to have to be replaced some day with no source of oil. That 10 million barrels is going to last a few days and gas prices are going to rise everywhere right before the election.
Joe Biden is an idiot. He has no foresight whatsoever.
There is a movie called Bros out there. It is considered the first gay romantic comedy. It is about a gay man who decides to stay single and just hook up with men from a dating app. He doesn’t want to be in a relationship until he meets a guy at a gay dance club. Here’s the trailer:
This movie has everything a couple would want to see:
Gay men randomly hooking up for sex on Grindr.
Gay orgies.
A throuple relationship.
Gender reveal gay orgies (I don’t know what that is and am afraid to search it).
Steroids and drug use.
Open relationships.
Child grooming.
The film ends as all romantic comedy ends, with the men getting into an open relationship for three months.
Sound like a movie you want to see? Neither did the rest of the country. It made only $4.8 million dollars at the box office even though it was played in over 3000 theaters. The math was roughly done and it comes out to about 10 people per showing. It cost about $22 million to make but I have heard that marketing the film probably doubled that cost.
The co-writer and star of the movie, Billy Eichner, threw a fit when the numbers came in. So he did what everyone does when pissed, he threw a temper tantrum on Twitter. It’s actually pretty hysterical.
Let me guess, Eichner was not in charge of marketing.
Here’s the thing, men hate rom coms. Only women love them because it’s a fantasy relationship. They see their fantasy relationship as a monogamous relationship between a man and woman, where they get married and have kids and live happily ever after.
Well, OK. If I’m homophobic because I don’t want to see gay orgies, then I’m a homophobe. I’m good with it. Obviously, I’m not the only one who thinks this.
Winter is coming and Europe is going through a huge fuel shortage. I guess creating energy policy based on a mentally compromised 16-year-old who yells a lot was not a good idea.
According to Reuters:
The budget-conscious Dutch, who enjoyed abundant cheap gas for half a century to heat their homes, are turning to more traditional heating methods as cold weather reaches the Netherlands.
Sales of coal, wood and pellets for heating stoves have jumped as consumers seek cheaper energy alternatives to counter sky-rocketing gas bills in the wake of the war in Ukraine.
Energy prices are up 114% in the Netherlands and they are not even the hardest hit. People cannot afford to heat their homes and things are going to get very cold over the next couple of months. So people are now doing what they did in the 1800s, burning coal and wood in stoves. Great Briton, Italy and Germany are all facing the same problem.
Could this problem come to the United States? It’s already here. People are complaining that they can’t afford to drive to work anymore. I see this at the gas stations. People are putting $10 of gas in their tanks. That less than a gallon and a half of gas. But, with inflation being what it is and no relief in sight, people have to start making decisions. Do I go to work? Do I pay my rent? Do I feed my kids? Energy in California is way up. Josie and I are going to live with each other soon just to consolidate our costs.
It’s going to be a long winter and no one in our government seems to care. Joe Biden and our government, including Republicans seem to be more concerned with Ukraine. We sent them another $250 million, by the way.
Female students at a Vermont high school have reportedly been banned from using the girls’ locker room after objecting to a transgender student changing there.
Members of the Randolph Union High School girls volleyball team were banned by school officials from using the locker room pending an investigation after some members objected to a biological male changing with them, WCAX-TV reported.
One of the female students told WCAX-TV that the dispute began when the trans student made an inappropriate comment as the volleyball team was changing in the locker room, triggering an incident between students.
The outlet reported that school officials emailed parents to tell them an investigation into whether the transgender student was harassed has been launched.
Let me clarify this story.
A boy decides to be a girl and is allowed to go into the girls’ locker room.
He has all his parts.
He was caught staring at the girls and has made inappropriate comments.
The girls complained.
The girls got kicked out of the locker room.
The girls are under investigation for harassment.
It gets better. Now, when the girls need to change, they get to use a single stall bathroom while the boy gets to change in the girls’ locker room. Why the boy isn’t being told to change in the single stall bathroom, I don’t know except that he is a “victim”.
Do I really need to comment about this? This is just insane.
Twitter is in an uproar over a clip from the new “Scooby-Doo” movie which seems to indicate that the character Velma is part of the LGBTQ community.
“Trick or Treat Scooby-Doo!” was just released to Prime Video on Tuesday and just as quickly, fans started circulating the scene when Velma encounters Coco Diablo, a female character who is described as, “the head of the notorious costume crime syndicate that colludes The Black Knight, Space Kook and the Ghost Diver.”
Velma, who has always been rumored as gay among fans, has an extreme reaction in the clip that indicates she’s attracted to Coco. Later in the episode, Velma is depicted ogling Diablo in the back of a car. The crush is confirmed when Daphne jokes, “I didn’t know convicted felons were your type.”
These people just can’t leave anything sacred alone. They have to twist everything to their narrative.
I also don’t want to hear that they are not trying to indoctrinate kids. This crap is everywhere now.
This stuff is not innovative anymore.
I remember when Ellen came out as gay in the 90s. That was big. I didn’t see it but that was huge.
This is done everywhere now. It’s not even unexpected.
It’s just so boring.
What’s also boring are the writers.
They have no ideas.
They just keep recycling all the old content and make it woke.
They are doing it with Star Wars.
They are doing it with the DC and Marvel universes. That’s why every other movie is a comic book hero movie.
But I never wondered if Velma was gay. You know what I would wonder? How these kids have a talking dog that can solve crime, yet they’re not rich. That’s what I would wonder.
David Hogg, who’s claim to fame is that he was inside of Stoneman Douglas High School during the mass shooting there and is a rabid gun control freak, made one of the dumbest statements on Twitter this weekend.
I would expect that a guy who is going to Harvard, who shouldn’t be there because he didn’t do that well in school and his SATs weren’t great, would know how to read the two lines of the Constitution that make up the Second Amendment.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Let’s break this up a bit:
A well regulated militia… – This is the quote that gives everyone fits.
What is defined as a militia? Is it federal (no), state (could be yes) or individual groups (could be yes).
In Federalist Papers 29, creating a state run militia is ineffective economically and not practical. People were required to be armed after the American Revolution to form a militia when necessary.
There is no mention of who forms it that militia. State government? Individuals?
There have been dozens of Supreme Court cases on this.
…being necessary to the security of a free State… – This one is obvious.
The Founding Fathers were very afraid that our government could become very tyrannical and try to take away the God-given rights of the First Amendment.
Thomas Jefferson was clear about this. They did not want the federal government to overpower the states’ rights or take our rights away through the force of the federal government’s army.
…the right of the people to keep and bear Arms… – This is a big part of the amendment.
That word, “people” has changed opinions of Supreme Courts.
If the Founding Father had used “militia” instead of “people,” that would have changed the entire definition of the Second Amendment.
By using “people,” that means that the right to bear arms is an individual right.
That was not an accident.
…shall not be infringed. – Very straight forward here.
The government is not allowed to prevent us to own a gun or take guns away.
The government does not owe us a gun.
Some things that the Left is pushing:
The Second Amendment did allow you to buy a cannon. That was taken away.
The Second Amendment did allow you to own an automatic weapon. That was taken away.
The Second Amendment did allow you to have no limits on bullets in the weapon. That was taken away.
The Second Amendment was not written for hunting. It was written for self-protection (which is a God-given right) and to topple tyrannical government. By the way, that right is being taken away.
Chicago, New York and California openly say you don’t have a right to protect yourself.
Canada and Europe have already taken that right away.
So has Cuba, Venezuela, China, Russia and North Korea. Hmm, interesting.
The Founding Fathers had some things to say about this:
“A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined…” – George Washington.
“No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.” – Thomas Jefferson.
“I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.” – Thomas Jefferson.
“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” – Ben Franklin (1759).
“To disarm the people…[i]s the most effectual way to enslave them.” – George Mason (1788).
“Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed, as they are in almost every country in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops.” – Noah Webster (1787).
“Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of.” – James Madison (1788).
The Left always says that this is not what the Founding Fathers meant. Seems to me the Founding Fathers were very clear about what they meant.
So, in conclusion, David Hogg is an idiot that happens to go to Harvard.
Get Rid of the Second Amendment, Huh?
I just spent 15 minutes talking about why the Second Amendment and why it is important. Here is a reason we, as citizens, need to be armed. I know that Joe Biden thinks we don’t a hundred rounds to hunt a deer (though the Second Amendment has nothing to do with hunting).
Over the last couple of years, there has been extensive reporting on how schools and hospitals are sterilizing and mutilating children all for the ideology of the trans community and the affirmation care crap. Matt Walsh reported that Vanderbilt University was mutilating kids so they can make money. He did this by using video the hospital posted on their web site. This led to protests in front of the hospital and a suspected bomb threat. Libs of TikTok cruises the Internet looking for videos people post, supporting trans-ing the kids.
Here’s an example from Libs of TikTok:
Librarian at @schooldist186 promotes the book “Gender Queer” to students on TikTok. This book is in a few schools in the district and contains sexually explicit and pornographic content.
This is good reporting. These people are not commentating, they are reporting. They are using these perverts’ words against themselves and people are pissed about it and becoming very vocal about it.
Well, leave it to the Left to use the weaponized bureaucracies.
The American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatricians and the Children’s Hospital Association wrote a letter to the Department of Justice and Attorney General, Merrick Garland to stop reporting on the trans-ing of the kids. Let’s go through it.
Some things:
Carrying out and coordinating a bomb threat is already illegal.
+–`The word “provoking” is a very ambiguous word.
News reports can always be considered “provoking” violence.
I also want to point out these organizations are extremely Left wing.
They are about money and ideology.
There are a lot of doctors that are trying to create competitive organizations.
“Evidence-based health care” includes men can be women.
There is no evidence about puberty blockers being temporary.
There are studies that dispute that trans-ing kids leads to happy adults.
The suicide rate is at 40% for trans people.
I question the number of threats and acts of violence. We’d be hearing about this day and night for weeks. Look at what the Left has done with January 6th.
The E-mails, the protests, the phone calls. These are all legal and peaceful protests. I have sent E-mails to Vanderbilt University and used choice words. No threats or cussing, but I was harsh. Not illegal.
Paragraph 3 hits it on the nose. Get rid of opposing opinions and shut down free speech.
So, in other words, if my home and/or business are destroyed, I have to wait behind all the people of color, who had their home/business destroyed, because I’m white. This is so terribly racist, I can’t believe no one sees it. Do you wonder why Conservative media is waiting to slow play the aid that is needed in Florida, which is a mess right now. These people do not care about people. Only their political agendas. Suffering does not make one bit of difference if you are he wrong color, which is to say, white.
The lack of empathy from this woman and all these other people is pure evil.
Here is John Fetterman being mentally deficient which he thinks qualifies him to be a Senator.
MSNBC host: “I just wanted to check in and see how you’re doing.”
John Fetterman: “It’s not about kicking balls in the authority or anything.”
Yeah, I don’t know what he is saying either. Neither does the MSNBC host. I’m not even going to try to figure it out.
Overreach But Right
In 2017, a girl named Molly Russell killed herself in London, England. This girl suffered from depression and there are signs she was bullied. The coroner ruled that what cause her death was social media. That is what was listed as the cause of death. Not swallowing poison, overdosing on drugs or slitting her wrists.
The inquest determined:
“The inquest has demonstrated very clearly the significant dangers social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest present in the absence of any effective regulation. This shows that if government and tech platforms take action on the issues raised in the inquest, it will have a positive effect on the mental well-being of young people, which is the key aim of the Molly Rose Foundation.
“For social media, the Wild West era is over.”
The accusations focused on the platforms Instagram and Pinterest. Instagram is owned by Facebook, now called Meta.
Ian Russell, Molly’s father, said:
“Thank you, Molly, for being my daughter. Thank you, We should not be sitting here. This should not happen because it does not need to happen. We told this story in the hope that change would come about.”
Pinterest apologized, admitting that they would promote depression by showing those with depression “depression pins” which could be purchased. They would send the offers via E-mail.
According to Fox News:
Social media and video-sharing platforms contain content showing suicidal ideation, self-harm material and general reflections on depression, according to the U.K.’s National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC). A teenager may view that kind of content on top of more mainstream material featuring videos and images of their peers, as well as influencers and models, which may prompt young users to make flawed comparisons between themselves and the material they view online.
“The ruling should send shockwaves through Silicon Valley – tech companies must expect to be held to account when they put the safety of children second to commercial decisions. The magnitude of this moment for children everywhere cannot be understated,” NSPCC Executive Director Sir Peter Wanless said in a statement. “Molly’s family will forever pay the price of Meta and Pinterest’s abject failure to protect her from content no child should see, but the Online Safety Bill is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reverse this imbalance between families and big tech.”
Couple of things with this:
Good for the government. They finally figured out what social media companies have admitted to doing for the last 20 years. The configure their algorithms to addict people to their platforms.
The platforms do target people and their weaknesses, kind of like predators. We have known this for a while.
The governments will talk a lot but will do nothing about it. In fact, the reason I think they are doing this is to control social media companies. To get them to do what they want them to do. That’s cynical but we already knew all this stuff.
It is also a real stretch for a medical examiner to determine the cause of death as social media.
Finally, let’s not take all the blame off the parents. They allowed her to be on social media, knowing how vile it can be.
The reality is that social media, the Internet and smart phones do not belong in the hands of children. I will bet within the next couple of decades, smart phones and social media will have age limits. Kids need to be protected from the crap that is on the Internet. That includes these cultural icons that push sex, transsexualism, homosexuality and these stupid challenges. I do not think this crap should be banned (free speech is a bitch) but it should be filtered from our kids until they are old enough to make sense of it.
Probably Shouldn’t Have Gotten Rid of All Those Soldiers
This is disturbing news considering the world we are living in.
According to Fox News:
The Army fell about 15,000 soldiers — or 25% — short of its recruitment goal this year, officials confirmed Friday, despite a frantic effort to make up the widely expected gap in a year when all the military services struggled in a tight jobs market to find young people willing and fit to enlist.
While the Army was the only service that didn’t meet its target, all of the others had to dig deep into their pools of delayed entry applicants, which will put them behind as they begin the next recruiting year on Saturday.
The worsening problem stirs debate about whether America’s fighting force should be restructured or reduced in size if the services can’t recruit enough, and could also put added pressure on the National Guard and Reserve to help meet mission requirements.
Another problem the military is having is our embrace of fatphobia. Apparently, the military is having to excuse a lot of would-be soldiers because they are very out of shape. This is especially disturbing news because the military has eased their physical standards. You don’t need to be able to do ten pushups anymore and be able some of the more difficult core exercise for equity. Women can’t handle the physical standards that were in place before.
Wokeness is also killing them. All that Critical Race Theory crap that the military has been pushing the last couple of years is having dire consequences. If you believe in Critical Race Theory, you’ll never join the military because the military is there to defend the Constitution and Anti-Racists want to tear down the systems including the Constitutions.
Conservatives are more likely to join the military, but all these woke policies like CRT and Critical Gender Theory are turning would-be soldiers off. They don’t want to join because Conservatives see this as indoctrination.
What’s more of a turn off is the COVID policies. Don’t forget, after the last two years, the military was kicking soldiers out because they wouldn’t get the China virus jab, including special forces like Navy SEALS. Of course, that did slow down because they were losing too many specialists but it hasn’t stopped.
There are several lawsuits out there by career military suing the Biden administration for getting kicked out of the military over the jab. Suing the government and military is hard and the suits usually do not go through, but these suits have been allowed to go through and these will probably all go to the Supreme Court.
According to Fox News:
The U.S. Army is subjecting unvaccinated soldiers to punishments, including prohibiting off-base travel, halting promotions, and enforcing involuntary terminations from the service, which active-duty service members claim is a strategy to pressure them to abandon their deeply held religious beliefs.
An Army spokesperson confirmed to Fox News Digital that unvaccinated soldiers, including those without an approved religious accommodation exemption, are “subject to certain adverse administrative actions.”
“Soldiers who refuse the order to be vaccinated without an approved or pending exemption request are subject to certain adverse administrative actions, including flags, bars to continued service, and official reprimands (GOMORS),” said the spokesperson.
Would you like to join that military? I can’t see how this is legal and I expect more lawsuits with this crap.
Several members of the Coast Guard made heroic efforts to save people via helicopter after Hurricane Ian passed through Florida. One of those Coast Guards is Technician Second Class Zach Loesch. These guys did such an amazing job that President Biden called them individually.
Here is the transcript to the call to Loesch:
“The President thanked them for saving lives and asked for a report on the work that continues to rescue Floridians. He also asked if they needed any additional support that he can provide to accelerate successful rescues; they indicated they have gotten what they need to execute their vital mission.”
Great! A hero gets a call from the President of the United States. What could be wrong?
Well, apparently, this guy won’t get the COVID jab and his religious objection was denied. He’s set to be discharged in 30 to 60 days.
Gee, and they wonder why their recruitment is down? This guy is flying around in 50 mile an hour winds, rescuing people and putting his own life in danger and our government wants to kick him out because he doesn’t want to take an untested shot. A shot that doesn’t do what it’s suppose to do. Don’t forget, Joe Biden has had around 73 shots and he got COVID twice.
You know, it’s hard enough for any institution to get and keep good people. Someone who is brave and is willing to risk himself for others. To have someone who is good and get rid of him because he will not get a shot is just idiotic.
This is something you are not going to hear about because it goes against the LGBTQRSTUV#@~.
According to Breaking911 News:
A federal grand jury has returned an indictment charging Anna Gabrielian, age 36, and her husband, Jamie Lee Henry, age 39, both of Rockville, Maryland, with conspiracy and for the disclosure of individually identifiable health information (“IIHI”), related to their efforts to assist Russia in connection with the conflict in Ukraine. The indictment was returned on September 28, 2022 and unsealed today upon the arrest of the defendants.
Gabrielian is scheduled to have initial appearance at 11:30 a.m. today, in U.S. District Court in Baltimore before U.S. Magistrate Judge Brendan A. Hurson. Henry is also expected to have an initial appearance today, although a time has not yet been set.
Jamie Lee Henry is the first trans officer in the Army. Mind you, the guy is a transvestite so he just likes wearing women’s clothes. He was a major in the army.
So good job giving this guy a position in the military.
Hurricane Ian may be the deadliest storm in modern history but that doesn’t stop Old Joe from making it political.
Kamala Harris is an idiot and may lead us to World War III with her mouth.
And it looks like Europe is shifting to the right.
Storm Update
Here is what’s going on with the now tropical storm Ian:
It has been downgraded to a tropical storm.
It is expected to pass over the Atlantic and strengthen.
It is headed to South Carolina. They are preparing.
2 million people are without power and it could be a week before it is restored.
Search and rescue has commenced.
Though there aren’t any numbers in, it is expected hundreds are dead.
Joe Biden went to Florida and visited the disaster center there. Of course, he had to take a shot at the oil and gas industry for raising gas prices.
POTUS: "To oil and gas executives: Do not, do not, do not use this storm as an excuse to raise gasoline prices or gouge the American public. […] America is watching and the industry should do the right thing."
The price of oil has gone down a little but the price of gas has gone way up over the last two weeks. My gas station that I use is the cheapest gas in the area and it has gone up $.60. I live on the other side of the country.
Very cynical.
Today, or yesterday, or tomorrow, I don’t get the time zone thing in Korea, Kamala Harris went to the DMZ between the North and South Korean borders. She’s there because North Korea has been shooting missiles into the sea of Japan.
As you can imagine, she made a speech and screwed it up. here she is:
Kamala: "The United States shares a very important relationship, which is an alliance with the Republic of North Korea."
We do not have an alliance with North Korea, we have it with South Korea. North Korea is out enemy. They threaten to blow up the United States on a daily basis. As you can imagine, there will be apologies.
They just need to lock her away somewhere and make sure she doesn’t open her mouth anymore. She’s going to end up starting World War III one day by saying something stupid.
Europe is going Conservative. Poland, Hungry, Sweden and Britain have all elected Conservative governments. Well, Italy has too in the form of their first female Prime Minister named Giorgia Meloni. You can tell she’s Conservative because listen to how the media has been describing her:
The headline would be "First Female Italian Prime Minister"
But since Giorgia Meloni ran on God, country, and family, they have to tear her down
I’ve talked about fascism before and it is not a far right concept. It is a far Left concept. In fact, many Italians back in the 30s and 40s thought that fascism was nothing more than lazy socialism. Don’t forget Hitler was a socialist. It’s in the name Nazi. He switched to fascism because it worked well in Italy. Turns out that private business, even heavily regulated and watched, is better than the government trying to do things.
Fascism is an economic system that allows private business to run while being heavily regulated. With that being said, who is the fascist in this country. Who has regulated business, in this country, to the point oil companies can’t drill for oil or medical professionals can’t work because they didn’t get a shot.
Here’s Meloni’s speech that really set off the Left.
This is Italy’s new Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.
I’ve never heard any politician so perfectly explain what we’re up against and why we fight.
When you watch this video, you’ll quickly realize why the establishment is afraid of her.
So that’s what the media calls fascism: God, country, family. Did you hear anything in that speech that is overtly fascist or is it something you were raised believing while growing up?
Here is what she’s against:
Gay marriage.
Adoptions of same sex couples.
Gender reassignment for people under 18.
Opposes abortion.
Opposes euthanasia.
Wants to control immigration.
She’s a nationalist as opposed to a globalist.
She deeply Christian.
She believes in the need for the nuclear family being defined as a man a woman and children.
That’s what fascism is. It is when someone disagrees with the Left. That’s why all Conservatives and Republicans are fascist, homophobic, xenophobic, sexist, racists. Because we don’t agree with the Left on anything. Guess what, the Left is the true minority but they control all the institutions. People are beginning to vote out all these people. One of the reasons Trump is so popular is because he wants to tear down some of the institutions or at least rebuild them. The IRS, FBI, DOJ, the school system and EPA are institutions that need to be rebuilt because they have been corrupted.
Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister of New Zealand, has always been a little tyrant. During the pandemic, she had the harshest restrictions in the world.
She locked people down.
She closed businesses and schools.
She separated families.
She wouldn’t allow citizens to enter or leave the country. Some were stuck outside their country for two years.
She had camps that held COVID positive people for, what seemed, extended period of time.
She did this for two years and some of it is still being done.
Well, an election is coming up and she’s, surprise, losing. And, apparently, they are saying means things about her online. She has an idea on how to fix that. Listen:
JACINDA ARDERN – There will be only one source of truth and free speech is a “weapon of war”
She calls for your censorship, Citizens who think and speak for themselves are a danger to the new normal.
A major hurricane is hitting Florida and it’s all Ron DeSantis’ fault.
Conservativism is taking over Europe and the media is flipping out about it.
And I guess we have to add another letter to the LGBTQ+ thing. The big question is are we going to have enough letters in the alphabet to keep up with all the identities.
Hurricane Update and Conflict
The Update
Here is the update of Hurricane Ian:
The storm was located about 65 miles west-southwest of Naples, Fla., with maximum sustained winds at 155 miles per hour.
It is a Category 4 but it is building and will probably end up being a Category 5.
A storm surge warning was in effect. It can be 12-16 feet. In some towns, the surge is already happening.
Ian is moving toward the north-northeast near nine mph.
It is expected to produce rainfall of up to 18 inches and tornadoes are possibly through Wednesday evening across central and southern Florida.
Two million people have been told to evacuate. If people did not evacuate, they are told not to try it now. Too late.
The governor is concerned with roads, bridges and power.
This thing is being compared to Hurricane Charley which hit Florida in 2004. That one killed 10 people and caused over $16 billion in damage. The difference is Charley is a lot smaller than Ian and most of the damage from Charley was from wind. This is a very different storm than the one in 2004.
Some politician responses to this have been horrible and this storm is being made completely political. Mind you, not as bad as the media..
Joe Biden has been a complete asshole since this hurricane became an issue but, he has approved everything Governor DeSantis has requested. Don’t forget, DeSantis did declare a state of emergency on Saturday or Sunday. So, everyone is actually doing their jobs. That’s good. But this is a storm. It is going to be a disaster no matter what anyone does. I’d be shocked if billions in damage aren’t done, people are homeless and some will die. I’m watching it now. It looks horrid.
When asked about the hurricane yesterday, Joe Biden probably gave the most overtly political answer, and stupid answer, he could possibly give. Listen:
The COVID vaccine can’t even stop COVID. How is it going to stop a hurricane? I am also sure a twelve foot storm surge, winds at 155 miles per hour, tornadoes and a couple of feet of rain is not going to be complicated further by not taking a vaccine that doesn’t work.
This is just Biden pissing on DeSantis for not forcing vaccine mandates and opening the economy and schools before the federal government “allowed” them to. It had the opposite effect. He looks like a cynical politician that, not only doesn’t care about the people of Florida, but hopes that they suffer for their sins.
But that wasn’t all that Biden sis to show his disgust for DeSantis.
Biden called three Democratic mayors to see how they are doing. Biden held separate calls earlier in the day with Mayor Jane Castor of Tampa, Mayor Ken Welch of St. Petersburg, and Mayor Frank Hibbard of Clearwater. But he did not call the Governor of the state.
Ron DeSantis was asked about this. He gives a very Presidential response:
"I’m happy to brief the President if he’s interested in hearing what we’re doing in Florida… You've got people’s lives at stake…no time for pettiness, we've gotta work together to make sure we’re doing the best job for them. So my phone line is open." @RonDeSantisFL on Biden
— DeSantis War Room 🐊 #FloridaStrong (@DeSantisWarRoom) September 27, 2022
Good response. He has better things to worry about than a senile old man spewing gibberish.
Here is Amy Klobuchar, saying that Democrats and money can prevent hurricanes.
Did Amy Klobuchar just suggest voting for Democrats will stop hurricanes?
"We just did something about climate change for the first time in decades. That's why [Democrats] have to win this as that hurricane bears down on Florida."
The media is just…damn. Good news! Every time they say something they look stupid.
Here is Joy Reid comparing people evacuating the southern part of Florida to illegal aliens leaving their countries to come to the United States:
Some things:
The people in Florida live legally in Florida. She conflates legal citizens running away from a hurricane with illegal aliens who are breaking our laws.
The Floridians who are evacuating, not migrating, will be going back to their homes after the storm is over in a couple of days. Will the illegal aliens be doing that or will they stay in this country, using our resources and taking our jobs.
She is another reason not to send your kids to college. She’s a graduate from Harvard.
Speaking of dumb, here is Don Lemon showing why he got demoted to a morning slot with two other people. He’s talking to the NOAA director, Jamie Rohme. He’s a meteorologist, an actual scientist. He’s on the shore just to talk about the hurricane and some of the odd things this thing is doing. Don Lemon wants to talk about climate change. Listen:
This is amazing. Don Lemon tries to blame Hurricane Ian on climate change. NOAA's hurricane director shuts him down.
Rohme does not want to talk about climate change. He wants to talk about the hurricane. Don Lemon brought up climate change. Twice.
Rohme is pointing out some very important stuff. The double eye of the storm means that the storm is going to weaken quickly. He’s actually excited about that. Lemon ignores it and goes right back to climate change.
Rohme brings up one important argument against climate change. One event does not prove or disprove climate change.
Finally, is Don Lemon a meteorologist? How does he know? What evidence does he have. I have some.
There have been only four Category 5 hurricanes to make landfall in the United States.
They happened in 1935, 1969, 1992, 2018.
Not talking destruction, talking strength. Does this actually prove anything?
As far as hurricane frequency, it’s been the same since we started recording hurricanes way back in 1900.
Here is the media asking DeSantis is he was prepared for this storm and if the government had been prepping appropriately. DeSantis shuts the guy down:
The media can't help themselves – everything must be politicized. No opportunity to smear opponents is too low. This reporter misrepresented FEMA Director's words@RonDeSantisFL won't accept it. He'll always stand up for Florida & our world class emergency response professionals
— DeSantis War Room 🐊 #FloridaStrong (@DeSantisWarRoom) September 27, 2022
When this hurricane was over Puerto Rico last week, DeSantis was already prepping for the hurricane. When the hurricane was over Cuba, he declared a state of emergency and had Joe Biden approve all of the aid they would need.
What they are doing is getting ready to blame DeSantis if there is any flooding or any death. No matter what the circumstances.
I guess we are going to have to add another letter or symbol to the LGBTQ thing.
According to the Daily Wire:
The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) recently published its new Standards of Care guidelines, with a controversial chapter that seeks to include “eunuch” as part of the “transgender umbrella.” WPATH held a live-streamed session with two of the major contributors of the eunuch chapter at their annual conference on Tuesday.
Thomas W. Johnson, a professor emeritus of anthropology at California State University, Chico, and a major contributor to the eunuch chapter, opened the session with a history lesson. “eunuch is the oldest recognized gender outside the binary,” said Johnson.
During the history lesson, Johnson said that enslaved people used to be castrated in a similar way to livestock. “Slaves were just another domestic animal,” said Johnson. “Slaves were treated the same way as domestic animals, you castrate the non-breeding populations.”
Johnson describes eunuchs as an “invisible gender.” He estimates there are eight to ten thousand self-identified voluntary eunuchs in North America today. “Most present publicly as male, they’re indistinguishable from anyone else on the street,” said Johnson. “Sometimes they try to appear androgynous, but there is no other real way they demonstrate publicly that they are other than male.”
First off, eunuchs are not made that way by choice or feeling. They are forced that way because they are slaves. To put this as a gender identity is kind of weird. I would also believe that men who have been castrated by force probably still considered themselves men just incomplete men. They didn’t identify as eunuch as their sexual preference. They were forced.
The other thing I want to point out is that do you notice what all these sexual identities under the LQBTQRSTUV group have something in common? All of them make having children impossible outside of adoption. The normal nuclear family is impossible. Gay men, lesbian women, asexual, intersex and now eunuchs. Weird how this works.
Now is this a dangerous stance? If we add eunuchs under the LGBT whatever umbrella, is there a slippery slope or Give a Mouse a Cookie moment? Sure is. This little finding could, in the end, normalize getting one’s balls cut off because he identifies as being a eunuch. Again, this will be directed at children and young adults because sexuality is so clouded when young. You might be saying this is a real stretch but I would have said cutting the boobs off a 13-year-old girl would be unheard of ten years ago. It’s happening all the time now.
I have become rather cynical with the motivations of our betters.
Albert Pujols joins the elite in baseball history.
Protests are getting violent in Iran, but the Biden administration continues to negotiate with them.
And the FBI continues to prove they are being weaponized.
Some News
Here is some news:
Edward Snowden, the man who gave American secrets to WikiLeaks, has finally been given Russian citizenship by Vlad Putin.
A category 3 hurricane, Ian, is heading to Tampa Bay in Florida.
A state of emergency has been declared due to flooding fears.
Evacuations have been ordered.
The hurricane should hit tomorrow morning.
NASA’s Dart program has successfully crashed into an asteroid.
This program is meant to deflect asteroids that are heading to Earth.
This is the first program of its kind.
A Great Achievement for a Great Guy
Albert Puljos becomes only the fourth player to his 700 career home runs. The other guys on the list are Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron and Barry Bonds (who was on steroids so I don’t like to count him). I have been lucky enough to watch Puljos play when he was a Cardinal and a Dodger. He needed 21 home rums in the beginning of the season. Stat casters said he had a 7% chance to get to 700. He’s 43 and set to retire at the end of the year.
He has been reported to be one of the nicest guys in baseball. There are hundreds of videos of him reaching out to the community and the fans. He talks to everyone and has no issue taking the jersey off his back to give it to a kid. This couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.
Our Kamalaism of the day come courtesy of a 16-year-old climate activist from New Zealand. She is responsible for organizing a school strike to protest the lack of effort the government was having ending climate change. She has some pretty crazy ideas like getting rid of fertilizers and cutting cattle by 50%.
She was being interviewed on a radio program and was asked about when it is appropriate to travel. This unraveled rather quickly.
So there is a mess in Iran that might weaken their presence in the world and weaken their theocratic government.
On September 15, a woman named Mahsa Amini was arrested by Iran morality police for wearing her hijab too loosely. While in jail, the police beat and tortured her and she died. Initially, the government said that she had a heart attack but that was obviously not the case.
Protests have erupted in the country, many fighting for women’s rights. The government has responded like all tyrannical governments do. They are arresting people, shooting people and censoring information. Last week, Iran shout down the Internet. In response, Antoney Blinkin tweeted to Elon Mush to turn on the Starlink system he has to allow the Iranians to have access to Internet information.
Starlink is a low flying satellite system that allows free Internet to areas that require it. It is part of the Space X system. It has been used twice before, during the protests in Cuba and during the war in Ukraine. Elon Musk agreed and has turned on the system.
But the big question over this is what is going to happen to the Iran nuclear deal that Joe Biden desperately want to get back into. You know, the deal which gives Iran everything but we get nothing. The one that isn’t going to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear bomb which they will use on Israel. That deal.
People are pushing back against Biden when it comes to rejoining the deal. Even the Washington Post released an op-ed stating that getting back in the deal would be a bad idea. They didn’t think that when they were sponsoring a proxy war in Yemen, were arming Hezbollah and the Islamic Jihad against Israel, helping the Bashar al-Assad government in Syria and started bombing the Ukrainians to help Russia out.
Oh, did I mention they were allies with Russia and China?
The question came up when Jake Sullivan, a National Security Advisor, was asked by George Stephanopoulos if this was enough reason to drop the Iran Nuclear Agreement. He did what all lying Biden people do. He talked a lot.
That’s a lot of words for, “no”.
The only good news with the nuclear deal is Iran thinks the Biden administration is so week, they are asking for the farm. The reality is Iran may end up talking themselves right out of this thing. Even countries like Germany and France think that Iran is getting a little bit too demanding. I kind of doubt this is going to happen.
Anyway, the United States has condemned the morality police. In a statement, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control said in a statement:
“Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) is designating Iran’s Morality Police for abuse and violence against Iranian women and the violation of the rights of peaceful Iranian protestors. The Morality Police are responsible for the recent death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, who was arrested and detained for allegedly wearing a hijab improperly.
“OFAC is also targeting seven senior leaders of Iran’s security organizations: the Morality Police, Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), the Army’s Ground Forces, Basij Resistance Forces, and Law Enforcement Forces. These officials oversee organizations that routinely employ violence to suppress peaceful protesters and members of Iranian civil society, political dissidents, women’s rights activists, and members of the Iranian Baha’i community.”
Big deal. How about getting out of this deal, stop handing them money and dump a crap-ton of sanctions on them? Maybe that would have a little more impact?
Iran has a society that is very rickety. Believe it or not, most people there have been Westernized. The like the West and our culture. The youth are getting rebellious and are the majority. The theocracy is old and sick. Even the Ayatollah’s health is in question. I’m not sure how much longer this government stays together. The United States should just let it fall instead of continually holding them up.
In another example of the weaponization of the FBI and DOJ, a raid was conducted on the house of pro-live Conservative named Mark Houck. Houck ran a non-profit group that provides sidewalk pregnancy counseling for pregnant women in front of abortion clinics. A couple of years ago, he was working in front of an abortion clinic when a pro-abortion activist started yelling at his 12-year-old son. He ended up pushing the activist to the ground. There were no injuries.
The activist sued Houke and, this summer, the charges and the civil suit were dropped by a judge. For some reason which is unclear, the DOJ got involved and ordered the arrest of Houke.
Instead of just sending the indictment to Houke lawyer or Houke himself, the FBI sent 25 to 30 fully armed and armored FBI agents and slammed on the door. They rushed into the house pointing rifles at him. His seven kids were watching from the second story. His wife asked for the warrant, but they refused to give it to her until she pointed out that they were kidnapping him.
The FBI seemed to calm a little when they saw how upset the children were. Ryan-Marie Houck, Mark’s wife, said the FBI began to ease up when they heard the kids screaming and they actually read the warrant.
Needless to say, this was a huge overreaction by the FBI that might have broken a local law. Might have. What is the DOJ getting involved into something that has been resolved in the courts? Why are they getting involved in a crime that should be local law enforcement anyway? What federal law did Mark Houke violate that justifies this treatment.
This should scare everyone. This guy is not a billionaire or a man of immense power. He’s also not a serial killer. He’s not burning down buildings. He’s a regular guy with the belief that abortion is murder and he’s doing something about it. But that goes against the ideology of the Biden administration and that’s enough to get arrested.
California is at it again. These guys seem to not understand basic economics.
According to the Daily Wire:
Some residents of California are slated to receive inflation relief checks of more than $1,000 in the coming weeks.
Married individuals earning under $150,000 and taking care of a dependent are eligible to receive a check of $1,050, according to a website from the California Franchise Tax Board, with benefits falling by income bracket before reaching $400 for couples who earn between $250,000 and $500,000. Singles earning more than $250,000 or couples earning more than $500,000 are not eligible for relief.
“We enacted the most comprehensive economic stimulus program in the nation last year, getting billions in immediate relief to millions of Californians. But many folks are still struggling, especially with high costs due to inflation, so we’re leveraging this historic surplus to get money back into the pockets of Californians,” Governor Gavin Newsom (D-CA) said in a statement earlier this year. “This inflation relief package will help offset the higher costs that Californians are facing right now and provide support to those still recovering from the pandemic.”
I want to point this out. The reason we are going through inflation is because the government has been handing out money for the last two years during the pandemic. So be prepared to pay $22 for a hamburger, without cheese, in California.
In other California news, according to the Daily Wire:
California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a package of bills related to undocumented residents last week that includes approval of state identification for migrants in the state.
Newsom signed the bill, AB 1766, that directs California’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to issue a restricted identification card to eligible participants by no later than July 1, 2027.
“California is expanding opportunity for everyone, regardless of immigration status,” Newsom said in a statement.
“We’re a state of refuge – a majority-minority state, where 27 percent of us are immigrants. That’s why I’m proud to announce the signing of today’s bills to further support our immigrant community, which makes our state stronger every single day,” he added.
Of course, we know where this is going to lead to. Illegal aliens voting. They are already “accidently” registering illegal aliens who get driver’s licenses at the Department of Motor Vehicles. Now, anyone can get IDs so we’ll see how many get registered to vote. Bet it will be more than 10%.
In other news, California signed into a law a bill that allows a person who has died to be composted. Basically, we can now be buried in a coffin with holes in it. As we start rotting, our body melds into the dirt and we end up feeding the grass or a tree or something. I’m not terribly against this except that this is gross and cannot be terribly sanitary. Let’s face it, we don’t collect road kill and bury it to feed a tree. We burn road kill because it is more sanitary.
I guess, we will just have to watch our steps when walking in a cemetery because we might be walking on Aunt Bea.
It’s the perfect gift for millennials who lack a lot of “Lays.”
If they can’t get it in the sack, they can get it in the snack. A chip company that purports to cater to sex-starved 30-somethings boasts a new flavor that supposedly tastes like a woman’s vajayjay.
“After tasting it, you will remember your wildest love adventures, your first real love, and maybe even lose your oral virginity,” reps for Chazz, the Lithuania-based creators of the private-parroting potato chips, claim on their site.
Dubbed “p—y-flavored potato chips,” the kinky creations are inspired by a purported generation-wide sex drought among millennials, who allegedly prefer perusing social media to getting saucy in the sack.
OK, this is just gross. I kind of skeptical that the taste of this potato chip will achieve the level of catharsis this company is trying to push. I’m sure in America, it will become the next one chip challenge.
The economy is going south and just in time for the elections.
And Stacy Abrams is an idiot.
Stacy Abrams, who’s running for governor of Georgia and is going to get her ass kicked again, made probably the stupidest assertion in support of abortion I have ever heard. Listen:
Stacey Abrams: "There is no such thing as a heartbeat at six weeks. It is a manufactured sound designed to convince people that men have the right to take control of a woman's body."
You can tell she doesn’t have any kids. I guess doctors, stethoscopes and sonograms are all a conspiracy to talk you out of an abortion.
So much science-ing.
That’s Not Quite What You Wanted
Leticia James, the attorney general of New York, has decided to sue the Trump administration. Here’s the story with this:
This is a law suit, not a criminal prosecution. That’s important.
James has led an investigation into Trump and his business for more than three years, which is weird.
When James deposed Trump last month as part of the investigation, the former president pleaded his Fifth Amendment rights hundreds of times.
The lawsuit targets the president, his business, and many associates. In addition to the former president, the lawsuit targets Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, Ivanka Trump, Allen Weisselberg, Jeffrey McConney, The Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust, The Trump Organization, Inc., and others.
James alleges that Trump, with help from his three eldest children and others, “used fraudulent and misleading asset valuations over 200 times in 10 years on his annual financial statements,” she said in a statement on social media after announcing her suit.
The lawsuit seeks to punish the targets with a $250 million penalty and a ban on operating any businesses in New York.
James also seeks to ban Trump and the Trump organization from purchasing any real estate in New York for the next five years.
The New York attorney general is also referring her investigation into Trump to the Department of Justice for criminal charges.
According to the Daily Wire:
One of the allegations in the lawsuit claims that Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s Florida golf resort and his current residence, was valued at $739 million. The resort’s valuation was about ten times greater than what it should have been valued at: roughly $75 million. The higher valuation was “based on the false premise that it was unrestricted property and could be developed for residential use even though Mr. Trump himself signed deeds donating his residential development rights and sharply restricting changes to the property,” the lawsuit says according to ABC News.
There are going to be problems with this:
It’s obviously a very week case because it is not a criminal case which requires proof beyond reasonable doubt.
A civil case just requires just a per ponderous of the evidence.
She’s hoping to load the jury with a bunch of liberal New Yorkers.
Property valuation is very subjective.
Banks who gave the loans, I would assume, actually do some due diligence. They didn’t just hand Trump millions of dollars of loans without checking out Trump’s loan documents.
It was a campaign promise of Leticia James to prosecute Trump. She is up for election in November. Remember this:
Then there was this:
Trump said they are after him. Doesn’t this sound like they’re after him? Do you think those couple of clips and dozens more are not going to find themselves in front of a jury and judge? Do you think these won’t be shown in front of an appellate court.
By the way, all the investigating she’s done, she didn’t find any money laundering or conspiracy or collusion. She’s spent three year investigating nothing while her city is crime ridden. Amazing.
This just looks like malicious prosecution and a cynical election ploy. This is going nowhere.
The Fed has decided to raise interest rates by .75% yesterday. That brings the interest rates to 3% to 3.25%. Before the announcement, the stock market was up over a hundred points. The second he made the announcement, the stock market crashed. It ended up dropping 550 points. So far today, it’s only down 40 points.
I said yesterday that the interest rates are probably going to have to up to between 5% and 6%. Fed Chairman, Jerome Powell, said interest rates could get to between 4% and 5% by December and that will lead to stagnation and job loss which is what Powell is trying to avoid by raising the interest rates slowly. But he warned that it’s going to be very difficult to tame inflation without stagnating the economy and job loss.
So be prepared for the pain. But that’s not it.
It is expected that the third quarter may have a GDP gain of .3%. Usually when I hear the Fed make a prediction like this, I expect it to be lower because I think there are nothing but idiots in the Fed. Call me cynical.
The Fed also said that we could see inflation and stagnation for the next two years, right before the 2024 election. So much for this all being transitory.
Want more bad news for the economy? Oil has gone up. In California, gas prices are up $.20.
Oil went up 3% to $85 a barrel. This is the first increase in 100 days. We still have October to look forward to when the government stop pulling a million barrels of oil out of the reserve. Gas is going back up soon and sharply.
The government continues to make our military stronger and more fearsome.
According to Fox News:
A diversity and inclusion training by the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado instructs cadets to use words that “include all genders” and to refrain from saying things like “mom” and “dad.”
The slide presentation titled, “Diversity & Inclusion: What it is, why we care, & what we can do,” obtained by Fox News Digital, advises cadets to use “person-centered” and gender-neutral language when describing individuals.
“Some families are headed by single parents, grandparents, foster parents, two moms, two dads, etc.: consider ‘parent or caregiver’ instead of ‘mom and dad,'” the presentation states. “Use words that include all genders: ‘Folks’ or ‘Y’all’ instead of ‘guys’; ‘partner’ vs. ‘boyfriend or girlfriend.’”
I’m glad they aren’t teaching them things like military theory, how to kill people and how to blow things up. I think it is really important to not use the terms “mom” and “dad” and “boyfriend” and “girlfriend.
Other things they are going:
There an exercise where they have to write as many animals that start with the letter “G” in one minute. This is to show diversity of thought between people.
It teaches not to be “color blind” but to be “color conscious”. Weird since the military has always tried to take away individuality to make soldiers feel like a team.
It makes the cadets think about their “self-value”.
Wow, the military sure changed since I was in the army. Everything these guys are teaching was discouraged when I was there. Wonder when China is going to implement a program like this.
If your kids are on Tik Tok, getting themselves off of that site might save their lives.
According to the New York Post:
It’s a recipe for disaster — and possibly the hospital.
The US Food and Drug Administration is warning against a social media challenge which involves people coating their poultry in NyQuil.
Called the “NyQuil Chicken Challenge,” users on social media are covering their meat in the over-the-counter medication, which is used to treat flu symptoms, colds and allergies.
Unsurprisingly, the FDA warned it could have very dangerous outcomes — not just if it’s ingested but from the cooking process.
“Boiling a medication can make it much more concentrated and change its properties in other ways,” the FDA explained in a warning, adding that even inhaling the medication’s vapors while cooking could cause high levels of the drugs to enter your body.
Just, wow!
Some things:
TikTok is a Chinese company. You really have to wonder if these stupid “challenges” are pushed by the Chinese government to kill our children.
I fear taking Nyquil when I’m sick. I couldn’t imagine making it stronger.
Well, I guess this is one way to rid ourselves of the stupid.
It’s hard to believe Democrats want to lower the voting age to 16-years-old.
Space Force release their anthem and it’s pretty awesome.
Russia threatens to move the Ukraine war to the next level and Joe Biden responds by screaming about climate change.
And a de-transitiner issues a dire warning right when Tennessee decides to investigate a gender clinic.
She’s back!
Kamala Harris had a speech at Claflin University in South Carolina with Education Secretary Miguel Cardona talking to student leaders. At one point she started talking about how the Biden administration has invested in community banks and got stuck on the word “community.”
Kamala Harris: “We invested an additional $12 billion into community banks, because we know community banks are in the community, and understand the needs and desires of that community as well as the talent and capacity of community.”
This is one of the biggest moves by Trump that has really gone under the radar. We will need to be able to work in space. Missile and laser systems are not going to be terrestrial. They are going to have to be in space to have greater coverage of the earth. Satellites are already being used for intelligence. We have the technology for this type of department. This is already important to China who has declared the moon Chinese land and threatened the United States if we go to the moon (even though China has never been to the moon).
I hope future administrations decide to fund this group and work with contractors in the private sector to develop the technology. Screw NASA, they screw up everything. Get Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Virgin Atlantic involved because they are innovative enough to actually get something into space that works.
The Ukraine war is not going well for Russia. Over the last few weeks, Ukraine has performed a counteroffensive and are beginning to push Russian troops further south, shrinking the territory they were claiming. President Zelenskyy of Ukraine smells the blood in the water and is saying that the Russians need to completely leave now.
For Vlad Putin, this is really bad news. A defeat really is not an option. A loss would mean the end of his rule. He’s already killing people who are close to him. Today, Russian military conscripting reservist civilians for those 35 and under. Men have started to leave the country in order to avoid military service. He said this needed to be done to “protect our homeland, its sovereignty and territorial integrity, to ensure the security of our people and people in the liberated territories.”
But his biggest threat, of course, is the nuclear threat. Today, he said:
“To those who allow themselves such statements regarding Russia, I want to remind you that our country also has various means of destruction, and for separate components and more modern than those of NATO countries, and when the territorial integrity of our country is threatened, to protect Russia and our people, we will certainly use all the means at our disposal.
“It’s not a bluff.”
Do I think this is a real threat? Yes. Putin is not healthy, insane and wants to remain in power. If he does not win this war, he will be killed. Combine that with the West being weak. The only thing that might stop Russian from using nukes is China. I’m not sure China has the stomach to support a country that uses them. Xi and Putin have been tight and Putin might be discouraged from doing something like that. Time will tell as the war moves on. But there is a time limit. Winter is coming and fighting is going to be very difficult for Russia in the frigid temperatures.
This was such a big deal, President Biden decided to address it in front of the United Nations. Why? I don’t know. The UN is under fire right now for being corrupt and inefficient. Yes he talked about Russia and Ukraine and how bad Russia is. But he also talked about climate change, LGBTQ rights, globalist agendas and other social crap like that. It was a weird speech.
After hearing his speech, I realized that this ass doesn’t really take something like nuclear strikes very serious. Maybe a tactical nuclear strike is the kind of shake up he needs.
This Needs to End
I have always said the trans movement is a disaster since they started to go after children. Here’s the big secret the Left never wants released: Most people who actually go through these procedures regret it later.
Here is anti-trans activist Chloe Cole. She is now 17-years-old but when she was 12 she declared herself a boy. She went through a lot of procedures including a double mastectomy. She was outside of Congress and talking about her transition and de-transition and issues a stark warning.
Her story is horrid. I would have played her entire statement but it’s seven minutes long and can get graphic. I did read her statement and it is devastating. What’s more, this girl is probably never going to have children, has lost her breasts, will have health problems for the rest of her life all because she said something at the age of twelve and doctors needed to affirm her and poison her and mutilate her.
And the medical community is doing for a reason. Money. Vanderbilt University has a gender transition clinic. Matt Walsh, a commentator from the Daily Wire decided to go through their website and and visit the clinic. He found that the clinic encouraged gender transitions for children as young as 13 including mastectomies, vaginoplasties and phalloplasties. On their website, they encouraged, on video, the surgeries because they were expensive and there are a lot of follow ups. The clinic director also threatened any doctor that refused to do the surgeries with firing.
Bill Lee, the governor of Tennessee, is now investigating the clinic on Constitutional grounds. The hospital removed their website.
Denver plans to dole out free phones and $12,000 apiece to 140 homeless women and transgender and “non-binary” people over the next year as part of a bigger partnership with a local nonprofit, according to a report.
The money, which totals about $1.7 million, will come out of a $2 million fund from the federal American Rescue Plan Act under a plan the city council approved, according to Axios. The money comes with no strings attached and makes Denver the latest Democratic-run city to experiment with universal basic income.
Some things:
What a way to waste money from the American Rescue Plan.
Universal basic income has been tried about 50 times over the last few years. It has never worked anywhere, ever!
This is simple wealth redistribution.
Also, this is sexist. Only giving it to women and people who are confused about their gender? So homeless men don’t count?
Finally, why no strings? Most of these people on the street have drug issues. Maybe if they got clean they can start taking care of themselves. This has also been tried in San Francisco when it comes to the homeless. It hasn’t worked there either.
Once again, a Leftist city practicing failed policies that have been tried over and over again.
Queen Elizabeth was buried yesterday, but the debate in the media of her immorality because of colonialism continues. The media is demanding that the Royals pay for reparations for slavery. This has been going on for years.
There’s just one problem with this argument: Slavery was ended by the British and they actively patrolled the seas to catch slave traders.
Here is a cringeworthy Don Lemon interview with a history professor. He asked the professor if there should be reparations for slavery. He gets schooled:
Anyone wonder why Don Lemon got demoted from his prime time slot?
Here’s the problem with people have when discussing slavery and reparations. It was done throughout the world by everyone. It was done by Africans in Africa. There are still slaves in Africa and Asia. When you talk to lib about this, they will tell you, you’re wrong and that’s when you should just end the debate.
The media continually rewrites history, especially in Hollywood. The movie, The Woman King is a prime example. This is a story that is about a warrior unit of women called Amazons who belong to a tribe called the Dahomey. That’s about all that was accurate in the film. The film is about the British Empire attacking the Dahomey tribe and them winning. I guess, I won’t watch the film. Guess what? None of that is true.
This is from Wikipedia:
The growth of Dahomey coincided with the growth of the Atlantic slave trade, and it became known to Europeans as a major supplier of slaves.[2] As a highly militaristic kingdom constantly organised for warfare, it captured children, women, and men during wars and raids against neighboring societies, and sold them into the Atlantic slave trade in exchange for European goods such as rifles, gunpowder, fabrics, cowrie shells, tobacco, pipes, and alcohol.[5][6] Other remaining captives became slaves in Dahomey, where they worked on royal plantations and were routinely mass executed in large-scale human sacrifices during the festival celebrations known as the Annual Customs of Dahomey.[7][6] The Annual Customs of Dahomey involved significant collection and distribution of gifts and tribute, religious Vodun ceremonies, military parades, and discussions by dignitaries about the future for the kingdom.
In the 1840s, Dahomey began to face decline with British pressure to abolish the slave trade, which included the British Royal Navy imposing a naval blockade against the kingdom and enforcing anti-slavery patrols near its coast.
The British fought the Dahomey to end the slave trade. That was never mentioned in the movie. Just all about those evil white people. Even Hollywood says the story is fictional though they used real tribes. This is just another attempt to rewrite history.
The Drama Continues
Update on the fun stuff Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott are doing with illegal aliens:
Ron DeSantis sent 50 illegals to Martha’s Vineyard.
Greg Abbott sent a bus load of illegal aliens to Maryland and dropped them off in front of Kamala Harris’ residence.
50 buses from El Paso have been sent to New York. By the way, the El Paso mayor is a Democrat and is begging for the President to close the border.
Here’s the update:
The illegal aliens in Martha’s Vineyard were collected by the National Guard and are being house at a military base. So much for all the diversity.
As we speak, the two planes that carried the aliens to Martha’s Vineyard are now headed to Delaware. Guess who’s house they are going to be dropped off in front of. Too bad DeSantis didn’t wait until Friday to send them because Biden will be home then.
Abbott is send several buses back to Maryland, loaded with illegals.
Gavin Newsom, who is getting ready to run for President, wants the DOJ to investigate DeSantis for human trafficking. Yeah, that’s not a thing.
Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar in Texas says he’s going to start an investigation of Ron DeSantis.
Why is a sheriff from Texas investigating? Because the illegals came from Bexar county. They were jobless and homeless. They volunteered to go to Florida.
The sheriff is an elected Democrat.
He said: “I believe people need to be held accountable for it to the extent possible. At this point, I’m not able to definitively say here’s the statute that they broke either federal, state or local. But what I can tell you is it’s wrong just from a human rights perspective, what was done to these folks is wrong.”
This is what Democrats do. Run an investigation with no idea of a crime. Leticia James did this in New York with Donald Trump.
No crime is broken here. The illegals wanted to go. They signed paperwork.
What Salazar didn’t investigate were the 50 illegals who died in an unconditioned tractor trailer in his county.
Of course, he could also condemn the Biden administration for allowing all this illegal immigration at all.
DeSatis responded yesterday on Fox News:
“Millions of people since Biden has been president illegally coming across the southern border. Did they freak out about that? No. You’ve had migrants die in the Rio Grande. You had 50 die in Texas in a trailer because they were being neglected. Was there a freak out about that? No, there wasn’t.”
“You’ve had criminal aliens get across that southern border, and victimize Americans, killing some, raping some, was there any type of outrage about that? No. And then of course, we know fentanyl deaths are at an all time high. Where’s that fentanyl coming from? It’s coming over the open southern border.”
He’s exactly right. This is a brilliant political stunt. Keep sending the illegals to these sanctuary states. Ted Cruz suggested Nantucket, MA and Palo Alto, CA. I say send them to Malibu and Beverly Hills in California. Send the to Aspen in Colorado. Send them to the North Side in Chicago. Unload them in Vermont. Dump them in every sanctuary state.
I said this would be walked back by the administration because the pandemic means power and control. Well, guess what was said today. Here’s surgeon general Vivek Murthy:
Some things:
The pandemic is over.
He says we made tremendous progress, but we are not out of the wood. Pandemic not over.
400 people a day sounds like a lot and it is but COVID isn’t going anywhere.
Most of the people who die are older and have co-morbidities. We’re going to talk about one of those co-morbidities in a few minutes. In order to get this lower, we are going to need to change behavior.
We are going to have to just deal with this at some point.
More vaccines. I’m done with the vaccine thing. I wonder if they are going to force people to get vaccines again. There is a lot of money in it.
His main point is the pandemic is not over.
Of course what would a walk back of the statements about COVID than the liar from the NIH, Tony Fauci:
They never want to let this go. Good news is people aren’t listening anymore.
Here’s the thing, we are going to have to live with this virus. They are not going to be able to get rid of it. Joe Biden, though an idiot, was right. The pandemic is over and has been for quite a while. People are going to die of this virus just like people are going to die of the flu. The vaccines proved ineffective. Masking didn’t work. Social distancing was arbitrary. We’re just going to have to get on with life.
Speaking of Co-Morbidities
One of the most dangerous co-morbidities for the China virus is obesity. I’ll go a step further, obesity is the most dangerous co-morbidity for just about every disease of any type. In this country, we have taken a very dangerous stance on obesity.
This video clip is a gal who says that she is fat because of white supremacy and colonialism. I do think it is stupid to blame racism on weight but that’s not why I am playing the video. I have a different reason. Listen:
Tiktoker claims the reason she’s fat and can’t lose weight is because of white people
White people bought spices (which were sold by the Indians) proves white people are bad.
East India company establishes a business and improves their economy. White people bad.
She was starving in India, came to America where we have food and she got fat. White people bad.
This proves that, if you dig far enough back and conflate things, anything can be racist.
I can point at that cashew on my counter and, if I do enough research and use enough conflation, I can prove that cashews are a symbol o white supremacy.
Heck, I bet I can prove that hurricanes are caused by white supremacy.
But that’s not why I played the video. She takes no responsibility for herself. She is so willing to be a victim through no fault of her own that she refuses to do anything about her wait. She even acknowledges all the health problems that come with obesity, but white people. Not that she eats too much. Not that she eats crap. Not because she doesn’t get enough exercise because she’s too busy blaming white people for being fat on Tik Tok. All white people.
She probably will die early and no one will learn anything because of the white man.
Here’s another video. In this one, she demonizes thin people. Listen to this one:
Thin people can’t speak when fat people are talking because fat people are marginalized
I have no idea what she’s talking about. Not all thin people do this. And they aren’t doing it because you’re fat.
Again though, by making herself a victim and demonizing her opposite, she never will deal with the real problem which is her being fat. She even brings up the idiotic concept of intersectionality cement her beliefs which shows you how bad intersectionality.
This is why I bring this up. Listen to this crap PSA that is being shown in our schools concerning food:
One of the things you can’t see is how fat these nutritionists are. Food has become the new pot in our society. The new drug. And it must be partaken in and celebrated no matter what it does to one’s body. No responsibility. No self-control. No moderation. Do what you want because there’s always someone else to blame.
By the way, one of the nutritionists is head of nutrition for Sprite which is a subsidiary of Coca-Cola.