Episode 590 – Don’t Blame Me, I Voted for the Other Guy

King Biden continues to pour gasoline on an already over-heated economy as he continues to spend money. But, this time, he doesn’t look like he’s getting a lot of support from his base.

Let’s talk about it.


They Just Can’t Help Themselves

This administration is going to have only four years to push through their crap. That’s because they are going to get their asses wiped out in 2022 and 2024. We might not see another Democrat President until 2036. Sound familiar? That’s what happened after Jimmy Carter was President and, until now, he was the worst President in history.

According to Fox News:

President Joe Biden is today expected to announce a student loan handout plan that would essentially use taxpayer money to pay off up to $10,000 of student debt per borrower making under $125,000 per year.

That means Americans may be footing a nearly $300 billion bill if Biden goes through with the reported plan — plus extends a repayment pause to next year.

The nation’s federal student debt now tops $1.6 trillion after ballooning for years. More than 43 million Americans have federal student debt, with almost a third owing less than $10,000 and more than half owing less than $20,000, according to the latest federal data.

This is such a cynical ploy. This is a campaign stunt for the 2022. This is for his base and to make upper middle class people (especially white people, according to the NAACP).

The article continues:

Many hardworking, play-by-the-rules Americans have diligently paid off their student loans as a matter of personal responsibility. They believe in taking care of their obligations; for them, it was and is the right thing to do.

“In general, I am skeptical of what the government does,” Bruce Paulson of North Carolina told Fox News Digital this week, “and I would be highly skeptical of the government forgiving all or part of a student loan.” 

This is absolutely true. I have a degree. I paid it off. My daughters have degrees and they are paying off their loans. My eldest has already paid her loans off. What about them? What about me? Do we get our $10,000 (it is ours, after all, we pay taxes). Elizabeth Warren answered that question a couple of years ago.

There are so many things wrong with this:

  • Most student debt is from students going for graduate degrees. These people should have a high earning potential. This is a problem solved for the upper class.
  • This does not deal with the problems with colleges charging high tuition for worthless degrees. That should be investigated because it is a root cause to the whole problem.
  • This will cause inflation:
    • Colleges are going to raise their tuitions by $10,000.
    • We’ve already seen this the EVs. Ford and GM  raised the prices of their EVs by the same amount as the government subsidies.

Like I said before, this is a cynical ploy by Joe Biden to buy votes. But it is very possible that it is going to backfire in a really bad way for Democrats.

  • This is early enough that we could see inflation spiral out of control before the elections.
  • Combine this with the Inflation Reduction Act, which they are now calling a climate bill, we could be looking at the start of hyper inflation.
  • The Leftist base is already showing signs that they are not happy about it. They want all debt paid. This will seem as a Band-Aid to the problem.
  • Most people do not support this, especially those that worked hard to pay tuition.
  • This is not going to help minorities. It helps upper middle class white people. Even the NAACP says that.
  • But, worse, this is really bad for society:
    • It means that a contract between parties doesn’t mean crap.
    • What about my car loan? What about my home loan? Why not pay that off.
    •  This teaches future generations that one’s word doesn’t mean anything. The government will take care of it.
    • It also makes this generation and future generations become way too dependent on the government.

We’ll have to hear how this is going to be paid off. I’m wondering how he could do this without Congressional approval. It seems that King Biden can’t just spend $300 billion. I know there are slush funds out there (one from the Inflation Reduction Act).





Episode 584 – It’s Not Zero, Dude

The Trump raid has finally been addressed by Merrick Garland…sort of.

The Democrats want to make the IRS into another police bureaucracy.

And, surprise, a new virus is found in China.



This is the dumbest statement from yesterday and it comes from the dumbest man. Old Joe himself:

Some things:

  • The inflation rate from last month was not zero. It was 8.5% down from 9.2%. That’s good but it’s not zero. Don’t forget, inflation should be between 1.5-2% at most.
  • He says it’s zero because some things, like gas, have gone down while others, like meat and bread, have gone up, zeroing things out. That’s not how economics work.
  • Gas may have gone down about .90 cents but it is still up $2.00 from when he took over as President.

This is a bad thing for us. It means that this administration is never going to admit its policies are causing issues and just changing the policies.

Karin Jean Pierre tweeted the same BS statement:

Don’t expect anything to get better over the next two years.



May God Bless Them

Here is some news:

  • Ann Heche not expected to survive her car accident. She is in a coma and has brain damage according to her rep.
  • Salmon Rushdie, writer of the Satanic Versus and subject of a fatwah put on him by the Ayatollah Khomeini in 1988 was attacked today and stabbed in the neck.



Yesterday I said that the Trump lawyers should release the warrant that was given to them during the raid of the mansion in Mar a Lago. That was wrong. The Trump lawyers were able to read the warrant, but were not permitted to keep a copy of the warrant.

Merrick Garland made a statement today. Here’s what he said:

  • He said he would only to speak for five minutes and would not take any questions.
  • He was over a half hour late.
  • The White House did not know Garland was going to speak (that’s what they say).
  • He admitted he he approved the warrant.
  • He praised the FBI.
  • He said he was going to request that the search warrant be released to the public.

The whole thing took about three minutes and he took no questions. He left us with more questions than answers. So the whole thing was worthless. Hopefully, the warrant is released though the affidavit would be far more useful. That would tell us what they were looking for.

Today, in a report by the Washington Post, it was said that the reason the National Archive wanted the papers is because he had information about nuclear weapons that are classified. I don’t buy this crap for a second.

  • President Trump called it a “hoax”.
  • The Washington Post is one of the most anti-Trump newspapers in the United States.
  • If he did actually take that paperwork, what took the National Archive so long to request these documents? Trump has been giving documents back. Don’t you think these would have been the first ones given back?
  • Would the National Archive even be dealing with this? Seems like this might be handled by the Department of Defense, the CIA, The Department of Homeland Security or something, not the National Archive.
  • Finally, doesn’t material like this justify a raid? Why wouldn’t Garland just say Trump has some papers on classified military equipment? I’d understand.


Still Think the IRS is Not Being Weaponized

According to the New York Post:

An online job posting for special agents within the law enforcement branch of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is causing a stir on social media, as Congress prepares to pass a spending bill that would greatly expand the federal agency.

A link to a job posting for “Criminal Investigation Special Agents” appeared to have been briefly deleted on Wednesday, following online criticism of the posting’s language, though it reappeared back online after a FOX Business inquiry to the agency. 

A “key requirement” for applicants is that they have to be “legally allowed to carry a firearm,” and “major duties” include “Carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force, if necessary” and “Be willing and able to participate in arrests, execution of search warrants, and other dangerous assignments,” according to the job posting.

Here’s what the deleted page said:

As if the IRS isn’t scary enough, now they are to carry guns and will be able to kill people.

When bureaucracies start to become weapons of the government, this tyranny starts. This is exactly what happened in the Soviet Union. When they wanted money, the government would take it. Any resistance was met with force. But there wasn’t much resistance because the government had already taken away everyone’s guns. Sound familiar?



Here We Go Again

Yay! China has a new disease!

According to the New York Post:

Nearly three dozen people have been sickened by a new virus spreading in China — with scientists warning it is too early to tell if it is deadly or spreads among humans.

The Langya henipavirus — or LayV — appears to be jumping from animals in parts of China, nearly three years after the coronavirus pandemic started there.

It belongs to a family of viruses that “are known to infect humans and cause fatal disease,” a Chinese-led team of international scientists wrote in a peer-reviewed study in the New England Journal of Medicine.

That includes the Nipah virus, which spreads from pigs and kills up to 75% of those infected, according to the World Health Organization.

I mean, it’s been almost three months since we’ve had a health emergency. Monkey pox isn’t working out. Even gay men, who are exclusively the ones contracting the virus, don’t seem too worried about catching it.

This is going to be the new normal. We are constantly going to have new diseases to be afraid of and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that they all seem to be coming out of China. Politicians like it because it is such an easy way to control the public. In this country, we made it way too easy to let them control us over the China virus. They like the power. China likes it because they saw how easy it was to get ahead because they were able to shut down the world’s economies.

It’s going to be up to us to put a stop to this crap. We need to be brave and not worry about all these diseases because life needs to go on.

In related news, the New York State Department of Health and the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene has reported that they have found the poliovirus in the waste water.

State Health Commissioner Dr. Mary T. Bassett said in a statement:

“For every one case of paralytic polio identified, hundreds more may be undetected. The detection of poliovirus in wastewater samples in New York City is alarming, but not surprising. Already, the State Health Department – working with local and federal partners – is responding urgently, continuing case investigation and aggressively assessing spread.”

So this isn’t a big deal. A few years ago, they found bubonic plague in San Diego in a dead bat. Polio has basically been eradicated in humans with the vaccine so I don’t think is going to be that big a deal.





Episode 589 – It’s a Rock!

New York has fixed English.

New Yorkers are learning that elections have consequences.

And Dennis Rodman might be better at foreign policy than Joe Biden.


Oh, This Is Important

OK, New York has a couple of issues:

  • They have a governor who was not elected.
  • She replaced a governor who killed the old people because of COVID and could stop grabbing the asses of female police officers.
  • Andrew Cuomo also had nipple rings which is weird.
  • The have a crime rate that is up 40% because of their garbage bail reform policies.
  • They have a homeless problem.
  • They have a drug problem.
  • People will not take public transit for fear of their safety.
  • The taxes are high but no one picks up the trash and everyone craps in the street.
  • So many people have left the lost a representative in the House because people are leaving the state. Bet they wish they were against abortion when that happened.
  • Businesses are leaving or refuse to go there because of the crime, regulations and the taxes. Ask Amazon.
  • And the Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.

But Kathy Hochul, the unelected and stupid governor of New York, has solved all their ills.

According to the New York Post:

Willy Loman is no more, at least in New York state law.

Gov. Kathy Hochul signed legislation Thursday replacing the word “salesman” with “salesperson” — the latest in a series of moves by Albany toward gender-neutral and other woke language.

“Jobs have no gender, but unfortunately, many of our state’s laws still use gendered language when discussing professions that are practiced by people of all genders,” state Sen. Anna Kaplan (D-Nassau) said of the bill she sponsored with Assemblyman Danny O’Donnell (D-Manhattan).

In addition to replacing the word “salesman,” which a summary of the measure deems “antiquated,” the new law replaces instances of “his” or “her” with “their” in relevant statutes affecting the real estate industry.

“We want our workplaces to reflect the diversity of New York, and the best way to achieve that goal is by making sure all realtors feel that they belong and the profession is accessible,” O’Donnell said in a statement.

Thursday’s bill signing is the latest example of New York state government’s nomenclature kick.

How do these people become politicians when they are so stupid? She doesn’t even realize what she says half the time.

“Make women feel like they belong to the profession”? Aren’t they in the profession? Is the word “salesman” keeping women from being realtors?

The article continues:

Other new laws scrap the use of the terms “mentally retarded” and “inmate” in favor of “developmentally disabled” and “incarcerated person.”

“There is no place for the ‘R’ word in our vocabulary and certainly not in our laws,” state Sen. Roxanne Persaud said in a statement celebrating enactment of the former law.

I just want to point out that none of this is constitutional. But, mind you, Kathy Hochul has a habit of breaking the Constitution and gets slapped in the head with it by the Supreme Court on a pretty consistent basis. She actually said she she was infringing of the right to bear arms, which the Constitution says, “…the right to bear arms shall not be infringed…” because of public safety. Though the public is not safe because she wants bail reform. So the criminals do not face punishment and we all get killed by them and all is fine. That is what is happening in New York and other Leftist states. That’s why people are leaving New York and other Leftist states.

Not everyone is buying this. The article continues:

“Welcome to Democrat-controlled New York … Where the ‘incarcerated individuals’ are running the asylum,” Michael Fraser, a spokesman for Republican Assembly Minority Leader William Barclay, quipped earlier this month.

Thursday’s law, which overwhelmingly passed the Assembly and state Senate, was less controversial.

Mr. Fraser should move to Florida. The weather is better and no one will kill him.



That Sounds Fair

There has been a war between the mayor of New York City, Eric Adams and the governor of Texas, Greg Abbott. Greg Abbott continues to send illegal aliens to New York City and Washington DC because they claim to be sanctuary cities. Of course, they are sanctuary cities as long as those dirty brown people stay in Texas and Arizona, sucking their resources. So far, New York City and Washington DC have taken in 5000 illegal aliens. Boy, are those mayors bitching.

  • Muriel Bowser of Washington DC is whining that she doesn’t have the resources and has requested the National Guard be deployed. That hasn’t happened.
  • Eric Adams has requested aid from the federal government because New York City can’t afford to keep these people.
  • Both have gotten about 5000 illegal aliens so far and are bitching about not being able to support them.
  • That’s what Texas gets a day.

Here’s the problem these two have: they have pushed how good illegal immigration is, when they bitch, they appear to be hypocrites. They are all for illegal immigration as long as the illegals stay in Texas and Arizona. They never thought Abbott would start shipping them to their states.

Eric Adams, kind of, got the idea. He started welcoming the illegal aliens and is now giving them all sorts of free stuff through a program called the Open Arms program which targets illegal alien families. They get:

  • Free housing. Some are staying in hotels.
  • Free education for children (or who say they are children) to the school of their choice.
  • Each child gets a backpack filled with school supplies.
  • Prioritized bus routed so the illegal alien children don’t have to walk to school.
  • Free mental health counseling.
  • Free healthcare.
  • They are exempt from the vaccine mandates unlike all the other legal children in New York.

Notice what is missing? Government isn’t giving anyone a job. That’s the biggest complaint from illegals that get there. A lot that do not come with families were expecting job opportunities and help from the government. It’s not there. A lot of them are on the streets.

All this for the quest for diversity. These politicians hate Americans and show it outright. You’d think I’d feel sorry for all the New Yorkers. I don’t. They voted for this. Elections have consequences and they are getting those consequences good and hard.



Oh, Yeah! That Will Fix Everything!

Yeah, this will fix everything.

According to Fox News:

NBA legend Dennis Rodman said Saturday he “got permission” to go to Russia to seek the release of WNBA star Brittney Griner, who was sentenced to nine years in prison on drug charges.

The basketball Hall of Famer, who was at a sneaker convention in Washington, D.C., over the weekend, told NBC News he was looking to head over to Moscow at some point this week.

“I got permission to go to Russia to help that girl. I’m trying to go this week,” he told the outlet, adding he knew Russian President Vladimir Putin “too well.”

He’s at it again. I hope he does better than he did when he went to North Korea. Nothing got accomplished and all his work ended up being nothing more than a photo op for Kin Jun Un. Also, what is Rodman’s thing with dictators?

The State Department was contacted and don’t know anything about it. Not sure where he got the permission. But good luck to him.



These Guys Just Won’t Quit

I have a buddy that thinks the moon landing was faked. He’s a lot younger than I am and it seems a lot of people his age think that it might have been faked. I asked for his evidence and he gives me all the same stories. All that stuff has been debunked and I did it again. Of course, I bring up that for a conspiracy theory like that to work, it would require everyone involved in the space program all be on the same page and never leak that we never went into space.

I also point out that the space program, including the actual moon landings, did not go 100% to the plan. Heck, people died during the space race. None of that can convince him.

Well, there’s a guy who thinks he might have proof from a picture taken during the Apollo 17 mission to the moon. Here what he has to say:

OK, I looked at the picture he is talking about and, guess what, it’s not convincing.

  • Though the picture has pretty good resolution is still is pretty blurry and in black and white.
    • It could be a rock.
    • It could be another astronaut.
    • It could be a piece of equipment.
  • The helmet is curved and the image is in the curve, distorting it further.
  • The outfit this “stage hand” is supposedly wearing is unidentifiable. I can’t tell what he is wearing.

Remember, some years ago, there was a face on Mars? A lot of people thought it was proof that Mars was populated at one time and this was a monument they built. Turned out it was a rock formation that cast shadows that made the formation looked like a face.

Here’s the reality, thousands of picture were taken while we were on the moon. I am sure there are a couple of pictures where there are going to be unidentifiable objects. In fact, I’m wondering why we don’t see more of these pictures. After all, a two hour movie by professionals has dozens of mistakes in them.






Episode 588 – I Thought Walls Were Bad?

The new CEO of the network is gutting it to improve their ratings and he’s warning that he’s not done.

Joe Biden is taking another vacation in Delaware again but he has good reason.

And corruption is corruption no matter who does it.


The News

Here’s some news:

  • Just in: Anthony Fauci, head of the NIH, has announced he is leaving in December of this year. I guess he realizes he’s not going to make much money making bad decisions about monkey pox.
  • A judge ruled that the Department of Justice must release the affidavit.
    • This was the same judge, Judge Bruce Reinhart, who signed the warrant.
    • He said this was a historic, unprecedented action that has national attention and it must be released.
    • The judge will allow the DOJ to redact material.
    • The DOJ must send the sealed and redacted affidavit by Thursday.
    • We might be able to see this thing by next week, depending on the negotiation with the redactions.
  • Finally, Education Secretary, Miguel Cardona, said there would be a decision of student loan forgiveness by the end of the month.
    • Of course, it isn’t loan forgiveness. It’s paying off their loans with tax payer money.
    • This will raise college fees and that’s called inflation.
    • This is not a popular policy because it is seen as providing for the upper class while putting on the backs of the working class.







Goodbye, Good Luck and Good Riddance

CNN is in big trouble. Their viewership is in the toilet. The Home and Garden Network has higher rating than CNN and that’s not an example. One of the reasons they are having so many problems is because they are a slanted news network that has always sold itself as non-partisan news network. They are anything than that.

Next problem they had was Donald Trump. Not because he did anything but because he left office in 2020. It appears fairly obvious that Trump was keeping people listening to the network. With Trump gone, no one cares and no one is watching. In fact, I would bet they are all secretly praying that Trump gets re-elected in 2020.

Finally, the corruption.

  • The Jeffrey Toobin disaster.
  • The lies which were pushed by Jeff Zucker.
  • The problems with Don Lemon grabbing men.
  • The problem of Chris Cuomo working with his brother.
  • Jeff Zucker having sex with coworkers.
  • And, of course, Brian Stelter looking way too much like the Stay Puff Marshmellow Man.

Well, they didn’t help themselves last week.

Gas prices have been going down over the last month. It’s dropped a dollar a gallon, which is something the President has been touting. Mind you, he blames everyone else when something goes wrong, but takes all the credit when things go in the right direction. CNN decided to go with their bot and doubt how everyone is getting a $100 raise or a $100 tax deduction.

Needless to say, this is the dumbest, most partisan thing they could come up with.

  • First off, gas prices were at $2.38 a gallon when Biden took over.
  • Gas prices went up to $5.00 a gallon.
  • Now, they have dropped to $3.53 a gallon. Still a dollar over what we were paying under Trump. Gas prices are still high.
  • In California, gas prices dropped about a dollar but still remain at over $5 a gallon. Some stations are still at $6.20 a gallon. That’s from $2.50 a gallon before Biden took over.
  • Let’s not forget another thing. Break, dairy, meat, energy, rent, cars and housing is all up!
  • That $100 raise or tax deduction doesn’t seem like that much especially since he has decided to raise taxes!

Needless to say, people blasted CNN.

Financial analyst Gordon Johnson tweeted:

“Next time you stop at a gas station remember prices are STILL up ~90% since @POTUS took office, you are paying in after-tax dollars, and the draining of the SPR in the U.S. ends in Oct, just in time for mid-terms, which will contribute to gas prices going RIGHT BACK UP.”

Psychologist Geoffrey Miller responded:

“Next time you read anything @CNN says, think of it as shameless propaganda for the @DNC.”

Ted Cruz tweeted:

“Orwellian. Next, CNN is going to try to convince you that 2+2=5. In the meantime — since truth still matters — gas prices are UP nearly 65% since Biden took office.”

Yep. No one believes this crap. I wonder what CNN is going to say when unemployment goes up within the next couple of months? It’s going to happen. The biggest retailers including Target, Amazon, Walmart and Tesla have all taken losses in the last quarter and have the benefit of an addition 25% tax put on them. What do you think they are going to do? Well, guess what, they think laying off people is the way to handle it too. More on this later

Here’s the thing, CNN doesn’t believe in this crap either.

The new CEO, Chris Licht has been on fire.

  • Jeff Zucker is gone.
  • Chris Cuomo is gone.
  • Jeffry Toobin is gone.
  • It sounds like it is only a matter of weeks before Don Lemon is gone.

Apparently, he’s gone out there and scared and angered everyone at CNN. He has openly said that the station needs to become more non-partisan like it was in the past in order to earn the trust of the viewers.

Apparently he had an all-hands meeting last week. Licht started to evaluate the hyper-partisan so-called “talent” at the network shortly after he joined CNN as he aimed to dial down the extreme partisanship that has plagued the network in recent years.

He said:

“I want to acknowledge that this is a time of significant change, and I know that many of you are unsettled. There will be more changes, and you might not understand it or like it.”

I think this is great. Not because I like CNN but because I used to love CNN. I wanted to know the news, I watched CNN. During 9/11, I watched CNN. I always liked CNN until they became a bunch of partisan hacks who tout for the Democrats. Why is Fox News doubling the ratings of the next competitor, MSNBC? Is it because they are right wing or just that they are more balanced? CNN is not balanced at all. There is one point of view. There are no debates or arguments.

It’s boring.

I also think another station that is more balanced is good for the country and the First Amendment! 



What Does This Guy Give?

It’s been a slow news weekend because old Joe took another trip to Delaware again. This time he had a reason to go. He needed to inspect the new fence the government is building around his Delaware mansion.

The fence will cost $500,000 and is being paid with tax payer money. The excuse is that he’s the President and requires extra security.

I just want to remind you of a few things:

  • President Trump was in office for four years. All the rest of his life he built a business.
  • President Trump donated his entire salary to charity. He didn’t make a dime in the White House.
  • President Trump’s values went from $4 billion to $2 billion while he was President.
  • Joe Biden was first elected to the Senate at the age of 29. He’s going to be 80 years old.
  • He has never run a business, never hired and paid employees with his own money and is worth around $20 million. How’d that happen at $100 thousand a year?
  • Joe Biden does not donate any of his salary to anybody.

Think about that next time he claims to give a crap about anybody but himself.


Corruption Is Corruption

If this is true then it makes sense why this is done. My problem is Los Angeles, and California in general, is so corrupt that nothing would surprise me.

According to the daily Wire:

An exclusive report by RedState found that the campaign to recall Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón was unsuccessful due to the campaign’s negligence and willingness to turn in invalid petition signatures, mislead donors, and allegedly request workers to break the law. 

On August 15, LA County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk (RRCC) Dean Logan announced that the recall campaign had not successfully turned in the necessary amount of signatures. Of the more than 715,000 signatures given to Logan, over 195,000 were found to be invalid. 

“Based on the examination and verification, which conducted in compliance with the statutory and regulatory requirements of the California Government Code, Elections Code, and Code of Regulations, 520,050 signatures were found to be valid and 195,783 were found to be invalid,” Logan’s office said in a news release.

The recall effort needed to submit 566,857 valid petition signatures in order to qualify for the ballot in November. 

Wow. So the invalidated the same number that pushed them over the needed signatures? Interesting.

The article continues:

Cassandra Vandenberg was widely known as the person in charge of the committee, but an anonymous whistleblower told RedState that Vandenberg was aware signatures were being included from people who were located outside of the county or non-voters and told campaign staff to keep them on the petitions “because we need the numbers.”

RedState reportedly spoke to witnesses and examined documents that showed a large number of circulators — the people who collect the signatures — didn’t finish the attestation section correctly. The person who collected the signatures is required to attest to every page of signatures. These mistakes were not noticed by hired validation firms, the firm that collected signatures, or the campaign committee until the petitions were almost ready to be submitted on July 6, according to the report. 

Some things:

  • Red State is not a Left wing outlet. They are a Republican group. If they say there was some funny business, there might have been.
  • Two things can be true at once:
    • The recall effort was corrupt.
    • The government auditors were also corrupt.
    • Unfortunately, two negatives here don’t make a positive.

Listen, none of this is good. George Gascon needs to be recalled. He is terrible in Los Angeles. But if the petitions were corupt, it’s hard to accept that. As a Conservative, I do not buy the “ends justify the means” argument. But I still have a few problems here:

  • George Gascon escapes another recall attempt and remains one of the worst DAs in history.
  • California is still an extremely corrupt state. I still question this report.
  •  Everything is so bad in Los Angeles and, yet, nothing changes.









Episode 587 – Good Riddance!

Minnesota welcomes in racism and discrimination.

We really need to deal with China. We’re just giving away the store to an enemy.

And what would you do it your Lu Lu Lemon yoga pants don’t quite fit right? Well, now we know.


Good Riddance

There were primaries last night in Wyoming and Alaska. The big one I was watching was the one in Wyoming where Liz Cheney was expected to be defeated. It was about 14 seconds after the polls closed that her opponent, Harriet Hageman, was announced as the winner by a huge margin, 66-29%.

Here is her concession speech. It’s amazing that she wonders why she lost:

She is actually comparing herself to Abraham Lincoln. With that level of arrogance, do you really wonder why he lost by 40 points? Well, what she is trying to tell us she is going to run for President in 2024. Here she is on NBC being asked about it:

Yeah, that’s a good idea. Losing by 40 points is a good indication she should run for President. This whole thing just shows how stupid she is.

  • How is she going to run? As a Republican or a Democrat? She has no chance with either party.
  • The media does not like her or her father. They see Dick Cheney as evil. They are just using her to make this anti-Trump January 6th Commission look bi-partisan. They’ll forget her later when they are done with her.

Well, whatever. Good for her and good riddance.



Probably Not Legal

This is incredible and not legal or Constitutional. But since when do the Left care about those things?

According to the New York Post:

Minneapolis public school teachers of color will have additional job protections this upcoming school year under a new contract that would allow them to keep their jobs rather than white instructors with more seniority.

The labor agreement’s intent was to protect “underrepresented populations” and keep the district’s predominantly white staff from becoming more homogenous, a report said Monday.

About 60% of Minneapolis students are non-white compared to 16% of the district’s tenured teachers and 27% of its probationary teachers, according to a June Minneapolis Star Tribune report.

The agreement states that teachers of color “may be exempted from district-wide layoff[s] outside seniority order,” according to Minnesota outlet Alpha News, which published language from the contract Sunday.

So, to be woke, the district will discriminate against white people. This is unconstitutional.

The article continues:

The agreement said that “past discrimination” had made the district’s teaching staff “underrepresented” to the community “and resulted in a lack of diversity of teachers,” according to the article.

The teachers union and the school district “mutually agreed” on the deal, a Minneapolis Public Schools spokesperson reportedly said.

A representative of the Upper Midwest Law Center told Alpha News the agreement was “unconstitutional.”

“The [collective bargaining agreement] … openly discriminates against white teachers based only on the color of their skin, and not their seniority or merit,” James Dickey, senior trial counsel at UMLC, reportedly said.

“Minneapolis teachers and taxpayers who oppose government-sponsored racism like this should stand up against it.”

The contract was one of the first of its kind in the nation, and a “huge move forward for the retention of teachers of color,” union leaders told the Star Tribune.

All this talk about democracy and racism and equality and equity the Left spouts about goes right into the garbage can. These people are so into racism and all the things they do are openly racist or bigoted. I mean, this is Jim Crow stuff.



Been Putting This Off for Too Long

One of the problems I had with Joe Biden is that I think he’s compromised. He made butt loads of money from Ukraine and China. We see how things are going to Ukraine. We are now fighting a proxy war with Russia to protect the “democracy” of Ukraine. By the way, Ukraine is an oligarchy and one of the most corrupt countries in the world. I do not think it has improved that much under President Zelenskyy and, right now, I’m questioning the purity of him. But Joe Biden continues to send money and equipment to Ukraine despite our weakening economy and military without any expectations from Ukraine.

The question I have is this because Hunter Biden made a ton of money from Ukrainian energy companies? I don’t know, but there is the question and a lot of people are asking it.

China is another mess.

  • They are building their military while we let ours shrink.
  • They are openly working to replace the dollar with the yuon as the international reserve currency. They are negotiating with Raussia and Saudi Arabia to be paid in Yuon. The United States has uncontrollable debt, uncontrolled spending and inflation with no sanity in sight.
  • They are threatening Taiwan, the biggest producers of semi-conductors and a real democracy, but we won’t support Taiwan. In fact, the Biden government seems to consider Taiwan part of China like they did with Hong Kong. We saw what happened there.
  • Through their Belt and Road policies, they are establishing infrastructure in countries to make them more dependent on China.
  • The United States, the highest producer in energy in the world, has stopped because of the weather and we are exporting oil from our reserves to Europe and China!
  • Biden has removed tariffs that were in place which was to encourage manufacturing in the United States.
  • China is now buying our farmland and properties, some next to military bases.
  • Their trade policies with the United States are unfair and
  • they spy and steal our technology.

Well, maybe the spying and stealing our technology might slow down now because the United States has decided just o give our technology to China.

According to the Wall Street Journal:

A Commerce Department-led process that reviews U.S. tech exports to China approves almost all requests and has overseen an increase in sales of some particularly important technologies, according to an analysis of trade data.

Of the U.S.’s total $125 billion in exports to China in 2020, officials required a license for less than half a percent, Commerce Department data shows. Of that fraction, the agency approved 94%, or 2,652, applications for technology exports to China, the analysis showed.

For 2021, that approval rate decreased to 88%, the analysis showed, but changes in data compilation methods between the two years make comparisons difficult. The figures omit applications “returned without action,” meaning their outcomes were uncertain.

The result: The U.S. continues to send to China an array of semiconductors, aerospace components, artificial-intelligence technology and other items. Critics say such sales, which have taken place across successive U.S. administrations, could be used to advance Beijing’s military interests

Why isn’t Joe Biden pushing back more on China? Our economy is still much stronger than theirs and our military, though weakened, is still superior. Why is the Biden administration not only not pushing back, but seems to be loosening restrictions on China, increasing trade and even sending them our energy?

Could it be that Joe Biden is compromised because of Hunter’s business deals in China? Business dealings that sound like was sending money to Joe Biden, himself? I don’t know, but the question is out there and people are asking.

By the way, this is why I think Joe Biden will be out by January. Republicans are asking these questions and will have the power to do some investigation in November. I’m pretty sure Democrats don’t want any more bad publicity from this wreck of a President. They would rather have Kamala.



Everything Is Plastic

Apparently, those Lu Lu Lemon yoga pants are not only really expensive, they jack with the female anatomy.

According to the Daily Wire:

U.K.-based plastic surgeon Dr. John Skevofilax is noticing an increase in the number of “designer vagina” surgery requests, a trend he’s credited to the tightness of athleisure clothing and leggings.

The New York Post reported that the doctor has been performing more labiaplasty procedures in 2022 compared to the same time last year. Skevofilax noted that he performed 50 surgeries in 2021, and had already done that many in 2022 by this summer.

The procedure includes shrinking the labia minora, or the outer vagina area, to make it more compact and closer to the body. Labiaplasty can cost more than $4,000.

Skevofilax said since more women have been wearing tight leggings, it’s become painful for some who have larger labia minora to wear their favorite clothing.

Some things:

  • This shows the vanity of today’s society. If the tights are uncomfortable, where something looser.
  • Surgery is surgery. There is risk.
  • The last thing I would do is have my nether region touched by a surgeon simply because I can’t wear the pants I want. I’d adjust.
  • I sure as hell wouldn’t pay $4000 for it.







Episode 586 – Give the Kid a Break!

Bari Weiss makes a claim against the New York Times but is anyone surprised?

You’ll be shocked as to why our children are getting fat. Actually, you probably won’t be.

And the media’s war against Christianity continues.


We Already Know This

Bari Weiss used to work for the New York Times a long time ago so she has had experience with them and knows a lot of people there. Then she said something that is so shocking and yet not really on her podcast last week.

Is this really a shock if it is true? Do you listen to mainstream outlet like MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Reuters, the AP, the New York Times and the Washington Post? They all say the same thing that the White House and the Democrats say, all at the same time. I thought the mainstream media was taking direction from the Democrats.

This might not be a story except that this is all kind of illegal. That’s because a news outlet or a social media outlet cannot be government entities. It violates the First Amendment. There is another guy that is suing Twitter and the United States government because he was suspended and, apparently, he has evidence that Twitter was working with the United States government.

More on all this later. I’d love to hear any evidence.



No, Probably Not the Weather

A new study has found that children are getting fatter. Well, duh. But the study also came up with a reason. That reason is climate change. That’s right! The weather is making our kids fat. This was being pushed by CBS News (what a shock). Listen to this remarkable reporting.

I am, first, going to give this guy a break. He did point out the obvious facts. Technology is a big problem. But it isn’t just the Internet, social media, smart phones and video games.

  • The government locked our kids up for two years.
  • Our education system tells over half of their students that they are bad because of the color of their skin.
  • Our education system is worried about the sexuality of their children and enable any delusions.
  • And, of course, there is the Internet, social media, smart phones and video games.

I know this sounds like the BS story I would read to get a laugh, but it’s not. This is as serious a story as it gets.

  • We are already at a negative population growth rate.
  • We are already at an amazingly high drug overdose deaths.
  • We have a mental health crisis among teens.
  • We have a really high teen suicide rate.
  • That suicide rate is going to be a crisis in ten years, if not sooner.

Here’s the problem, the Left always mixes their ideology with tragedy. Nothing ever gets solved. They’re not solving homelessness, drug addiction, crime, the school system, suicides. All they do is say they can solve it by giving them money and power.

No more.



Attacking the Little Guy…or Girl

Nothing is sacred. According to Fox News:

An 8-year-old girl selling lemonade near an Ohio food festival had her operation shut down by local police after they received a complaint.

Asa Baker was selling lemonade in an alley outside the business where her father works near the Alliance, Ohio Rib and Food Festival last weekend when she says a local police officer asked her to shut down the stand, WJW-TV reported.

Here’s the thing, no one felt good about this. Including the festival that complained.

  • “Well, they were really sad that they had to shut me down but they gave me $20 to try and pay for it,” Baker said, explaining that the officer gave her $20 for her to use to purchase the needed permit.
  • Alliance Police Lieutenant Don Wensel told WJW–TV that police received a complaint from festival organizers who seemed to be conflicted about voicing their concerns but ultimately officers are required to enforce local ordinances.
  • “I could definitely tell he did not want to shut her down, but, I mean, you get a call, he has to do it. He definitely did the right thing, you know, in the situation he was put in,” Katrina Moore, Asa’s mother, told the outlet.
  • “In order to get a food vendors license, it only lasts for five days and its $40 for five days so that’s kind of out of the picture. If she wants to sell on the street, she has to get a street permit. If she sells in front of a business, we have to get a solicitors permit,” Moore said.
  • Baker’s lemonade stand was up and running again on Friday in front of local business owner Eric Strata’s location where police said they would not interfere.  Strata had seen a Facebook post about Baker’s predicament and offered to help with the permit process.
  • “He (the officer) had to do his job, but it just felt so unjust to me because she’s 8, she’s just an innocent little girl that wants to be motivated and wants to do something with herself. Why shut that down?” Strata said.

This is just such a sad story. This little girl is going to go places. She’s not sitting on her smart phone doing TikTok videos and watching Friends. She’s trying to be something.

Here’s the thing, only the government was wrong here. Everyone else is blameless:

  • The little girl isn’t wrong because she practicing capitalism.
  • The police aren’t wrong. They did what they had to do and felt bad about it. In fact, they gave her the money to get the permit.
  • The management at the festival weren’t wrong. They were conflicted about shutting her down.
  • Even the organizers weren’t wrong because they used regulation to squeeze out every penny they could from their event that they invested in. In fact, they were doing the same thing that little girl was doing: practicing capitalism.

The government was wrong here. They set up regulations that made it that this little girl couldn’t compete with the bigger business. Bigger businesses and corporations will always use regulations to shut down the competition. Maybe less regulation causes more business. More innovation. More competition. More competition creates better products and services. Maybe this little girl’s lemonade was better than what they served at the festival.

Government sucks at everything. The police knew it. The festival managers knew it. Big business knows it. Government makes regulations. Government knows nothing about capitalism.

Think about that the next time your taxes are raised, 87,000 more IRS agents are added, more regulations are created and taxes go up so the government can spend more.



The War Against Religion

This is just amazing.

Atlantic contributor Daniel Panneton compared the prayer beads to an AR-15 rifle in his Sunday article entitled, “How Extremist Gun Culture Is Trying to Co-Opt the Rosary.” Let’s read a little of it.

Just as the AR-15 rifle has become a sacred object for Christian nationalists in general, the rosary has acquired a militaristic meaning for radical-traditional (or “rad trad”) Catholics. On this extremist fringe, rosary beads have been woven into a conspiratorial politics and absolutist gun culture. These armed radical traditionalists have taken up a spiritual notion that the rosary can be a weapon in the fight against evil and turned it into something dangerously literal.

I love when people make up terms like “rad trad”. I have never heard of anything like this.

I will also say that I have never had my rosary anywhere near my gun. In fact, I’ll go a step further, most devout Catholics are peaceful no matter the situation. “Turn the other cheek” is taken very seriously by fundamental Catholics.

Their social-media pages are saturated with images of rosaries draped over firearms, warriors in prayer, Deus Vult (“God wills it”) crusader memes, and exhortations for men to rise up and become Church Militants. Influencers on platforms such as Instagram share posts referencing “everyday carry” and “gat check” (gat is slang for “firearm”) that include soldiers’ “battle beads,” handguns, and assault rifles. One artist posts illustrations of his favorite Catholic saints, clergy, and influencers toting AR-15-style rifles labeled sanctum rosarium alongside violently homophobic screeds that are celebrated by social-media accounts with thousands of followers.

I love the way the media conflates one nut to all Catholics. This is just another way to demonize Christianity. By the way, do you ever see the media do this with Islam? Why do they feel the need to do this? That’s because the founding principles of the country are based on Christian concepts and our country is bad, so the concepts must be bad.

The theologian and historian Massimo Faggioli has described a network of conservative Catholic bloggers and commentary organizations as a “Catholic cyber-militia” that actively campaigns against LGBTQ acceptance in the Church. These rad-trad rosary-as-weapon memes represent a social-media diffusion of such messaging, and they work to integrate ultraconservative Catholicism with other aspects of online far-right culture. The phenomenon might be tempting to dismiss as mere trolling or merchandising, and ironical provocations based on traditionalist Catholic symbols do exist, but the far right’s constellations of violent, racist, and homophobic online milieus are well documented for providing a pathway to radicalization and real-world terrorist attacks.

When he talks of militias campaigning against LGBTQ crap, what he means is we disagree with them. Of course, the radicalism of the LGBTQ is never discussed. Trans-ing kids and drag queen shows in kindergarten classrooms is not radical. Personally, I don’t think we do enough to push back against that crap.

By the way, what right wing violence is he talking about? All these guys claim the is so much right wing, white supremacist violence but I never see any actual right wing and white supremacist violence. All the violence I see comes from the Left, mostly in Leftist cities, and it’s on a daily basis.

The rosary—in these hands—is anything but holy. But for millions of believers, the beads, which provide an aide-mémoire for a sequence of devotional prayers, are a widely recognized symbol of Catholicism and a source of strength. And many take genuine sustenance from Catholic theology’s concept of the Church Militant and the tradition of regarding the rosary as a weapon against Satan. As Pope Francis said in a 2020 address, “There is no path to holiness … without spiritual combat,” and Francis is only one of many Church officials who have endorsed the idea of the rosary as an armament in that fight.

What Pope Francis said was rhetorical, not literal.

This guy is an idiot.










Episode 585 – Who Writes This Stuff?

A ton of Kamalaisms were created this weekend. Let’s go through them.

The warrant for Donald Trump’s mansion was released.

And let’s go through some news.



A lot of things are happening and that means the Biden administration has to do some talking to make them appear in charge. That’s a good thing because it gives me more Kamalaisms to play. Heck, it seems that the Biden administration is making so many comments, I should be able to spend an entire episode on Kamalaisms.

The only one in the Biden administration that is not making any comments is Joe Biden himself. He, again, is on vacation, spending time on a private island in South Carolina with his drug addict, criminal son.

Can you feel the leadership?

On with the Kamalaisms. Here is Karin Jean Pierre on ABC being asked about the Inflation Reduction Act not actually reducing inflation. She does, pretty much, what she always does. Lie and not answer the question:

Some things:

  • There’s more in there that shows what?
  • How does making the tax code and spending more money lower inflation?
  • How does raising taxes cure inflation?
  • Of course raising taxes and spending more money doesn’t lower inflation, this bill doesn’t lower inflation, so she doesn’t answer the question.

Here is Pramila Jayapal downplaying inflation by saying it is only a theory. Listen:

Some things:

  • This is evidence of two things:
    • These people are out of touch with the plight of the people.
    • And these people are just really stupid.
  • This is the same thing they did with recession:
    • First, there is no inflation.
    • Second, inflation isn’t that bad.
    • Third, inflation is good.
    • Finally, there is no such thing as inflation.
  • Of course, I forgot to mention they change the definition of inflation which is what Joe Biden did last week, saying that there is zero inflation by his redefinition.
  • The only thing I know is I paid $6 a pound for hamburger last week.

Now, let’s go to the queen of Kamalaisms, Kamala herself.

Here she is at a speech about space exploration. I don’t know who writes her speeches, but he should be fired. I know he can’t be because he’s probably a bipoc trans lesbian and that how it got his/her/their job. Listen to this mess of words:

Her speeches are just clichés and keywords strung together. There is no meaning. Do you have any idea what she is saying? I asked Josie if she had any idea what she was saying and she had no idea.

Here she is concluding the speech. Believe it or not, this was the most intelligent thing she said through the entire speech:

Of course, the only one laughing is her.

Here she is at another speech. She’s wearing the same outfit so I’m thinking this is on the same day. This isn’t so much a Kamalaism, which it is because it’s a circular argument, but it is what the Left believes and it is just completely wrong. Listen:

Some things:

  • Everything she said is wrong but it’s not because she said it badly. It’s because this is the philosophy of the Left and the philosophy is wrong.
  • People do not have the same capacity. I will never write like Shakespeare or play basketball like Michael Jordan. That’s because of my limited capacity.
  • Citing equity, taking from those that have more and giving it to people that have less, as the way to increase one’s capacity is just stupid.
    • Do you really believe that giving me more of a rich person’s money is going to make me a better writer or athlete?
    • That’s what they think.
    • The Green New Deal actually stated that.
  • 11





Here is some news:

  • Ann Heche did pass on Saturday.
    • She was 53.
    • Blood tests showed drugs in her system at the time of the crash.
  • Salman Rushdie is still in serious condition but his chances are high for a recovery.
    • He is awake and off the ventilator.
    • He is speaking and making jokes.
    • It is still not clear of what damage he’s going to have to deal with.
    • The assassin has been charged with attempted murder but charges will probably be added.
    • Iran applauded the attack and still condemns Rushdie.
  • On Sunday, at 4 AM, a man inside a burning car, smashed into a barrier in front of the Capitol building.
    • The man then got out of the car and started shooting at no one in particular.
    • Before the Capitol police could arrive and fire back, he shot himself in the head.
    • There is no motive. Nobody else was hurt or killed.
    • This looks like a suicide by cop thing.
  • We sometimes forget that people killed in terrorist attacks leave a wake of tragedy behind.
    • Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, 20, from Norco, California, was one of 13 American troops killed on Aug. 26, 2021, when a suicide bomber detonated an explosive outside the Kabul airport as crowds of Americans and Afghan allies sought to flee Taliban fighters taking over control of the capital city.
    • A year later, his brother, 28-year-old Dakota Halverson, committed suicide in front of a memorial for lost soldiers on August 9th.
    • I’m sure the Biden administration and the media will completely ignore this story.



Finally Released

The DOJ and Trump lawyers finally released the warrant that was signed by that Obama judge.

Here’s what the warrant ordered:

  • The premises to be searched, 1100 S Ocean Blvd, Palm Beach, FL 33480, is further
    described as a resort, club, and residence located near the intersection of Southern Blvd and S
    Ocean Blvd. It is described as a mansion with approximately 58 bedrooms, 33 bathrooms, on a
    17-acre estate. The locations to be searched include the “45 Office,” all storage rooms, and all
    other rooms or areas within the premises used or available to be used by FPOTUS and his staff
    and in which boxes or documents could be stored, including all structures or buildings on the
    estate. It does not include areas currently (i.e., at the time of the search) being occupied, rented,
    or used by third parties (such as Mar-a-Largo Members) and not otherwise used or available to be
    used by FPOTUS and his staff, such as private guest suites.
  • All physical documents and records constituting evidence, contraband, fruits of crime, or
    other items illegally possessed in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 793, 2071 , or 1519, including the
  • Any physical documents with classification markings, along with any
    containers/boxes (including any other contents) in which such documents are located, as
    well as any other containers/boxes that are collectively stored or found together with the
    aforementioned documents and containers/boxes.
  • Information, including communications in any form, regarding the
    retrieval, storage, or transmission of national defense information or classified material.
  • Any government and/or Presidential Records created between January
    20, 2017, and January 20, 2021.
  • Any evidence of the knowing alteration, destruction, or concealment of
    any government and/or Presidential Records, or of any documents with classification

This is what the inventory found:

1 – Executive Grant of Clemency re: Rog~r Jason Stone, Jr.
lA – Info re: President of France
2 – Leatherbound box of doqJ_ments
2A – Various classified/TS/SCI documents
3 – Potential Presidential Record
5 – Binder of photos
6 – Binder of photos
7 – Handwritten note
8 – Box labeled A-1
9 – Box labeled A-12
10 – Box Labeled A-15
lOA – Miscellaneous Secret Documents
11 – Box Labeled A-16
11A – Miscellanous Top Secret Documents
12 – Box labeled A-17
13 – Box labeled A-18
13A – Miscellaneous Top Secret Documents
14 – Box labeled A-27
14-A – Miscellaneous Confidential Documents
15 – Box Labeled A-28
15A- Miscellaneous Secret Documents
16 – Box labeled A-30
17 – Box labeled A-32
18 – Box labeled A-35
19 – Box labeled A-23
19A – Confidential Document
20 – Box Labeled A-22
21 – Box labeled A-24
22 – Box Labeled A-34
23 – Box Labeled A-39
23A – Miscellaneous Secret Documents
24 – Box labeled A-40
25 – Box Labeled A-41
25A – Miscellaneous Confidential Documents
26 – Box Labeled A-42
26A – Miscellaneous Top Secret Documents
27 – Box Labeled A-71
28 – Box Labeled A-73
28A – Miscellaneous Top Secret documents.

Of course, then there is the napkin thing, the menu thing, the letters from foreign presidents thing. There is searching through the First Lady’s wardrobe. We also learned, from Trump, that the FBI took papers that were protected under client/attorney privilege and took three passports, including one that is expired. This stuff can’t be used legally against Trump, but I’m sure some of the more personal things that might embarrass Trump will be leaked. That’s what the FBI does with political enemies.

And, this is just in, the DOJ has asked the courts to keep the affidavit sealed. That’s important because it gives the justification for the warrant. The warrant doesn’t actually tell us much.

The FBI is a political enemy because they are a bureaucracy. Trump wants to tear down bureaucracies which he calls the “Deep State”. They need to tear him down first. We need to get the affidavit. That will tell us the justification for the warrant.

More on this later.







Episode 583 – The BS is Strong in This One



This is Going to Backfire

This whole Trump raid is turning into a circus and no one from the Biden administration is addressing it. Worst of all for them, it looks like it is going to backfire. This shouldn’t be a shock. Every decision Joe Biden or anyone else in his administration, has made has turned out to be wrong.

Here are some more details of the raid.

  • The raid started at 9 AM and finished at 6:30 PM. That’s 9 1/2 hours.
  • There were 30 agents with a U-Haul truck.
  • Trump lawyers were there but were not allowed in the house during the search.
  • They were told to turn off all security cameras. Trump lawyers did not comply.
  • Trump’s office was “ransacked”.
  • They took over twelves boxes of things including:
    • A letter from Barrack Obama.
    • A letter from Kim Jong-Un.
    • A cocktail napkin.
    • A birthday menu.
  • A professional safe cracker was used to get into a safe Trump had.
  • Melania Trump’s wardrobe was searched. What the hell were they looking for there?

We are also hearing about the judge that signed the search warrant:

  • His name is Judge Bruce Reinhart.
  • Reinhart was elevated to magistrate judge in March 2018 after 10 years in private practice.
  • He donated money to the Barrack Obama Presidential campaign.
  • He worked for Jeffry Epstein. I’m not kidding.
    • He quit his job at the state attorney’s office to help Epstein and two of his employees.
    • He was involved in the negotiation that got Epstein and these two employees off of jail time for sex trafficking minors.
    • He was named in a lawsuit by two of Epstein’s victims.
  • This guy is actually on lists to be a Supreme Court Justice!
  • Yeah, no chance of corruption here.

There is comment from the White House. There is no comment from the Department of Justice. There is no comment from the FBI. The Secret Service has no comment.  We still have not seen the warrant. In other words, we do not know why this was done.

Democrats are pretty much silent about this. Even Chuck Schumer won’t comment on it because he says he doesn’t know anything about it. You know why you don’t see this overwhelming joy by the Left? Because anyone with a brain can see this is a very dangerous and one-sided move. Even CNN is saying this might have consequences, that this may not have been the best of ideas. Now, mind you, that in between all the joy. CNN is now saying that Conservatives are going to start getting violent. Of course, they say that all the time.

Here’s the thing, I don’t think CNN is wrong now. I think people are sick of the extremism of the Left. They are sick of the two-tier justice system where people can riot if it’s for BLM but are jailed if they question the election results. They are sick of the talk of socialism and the implementation of these socialist policies. They are sick of their children being indoctrinated. Now we see that the institutions are being weaponized against a former President. How long will it be before they come after us? Not long I think seeing they are hiring 87,000 IRS enforcement officers. Seeing how they want to take away our gun rights.

People are not going to tolerate this.



It Still Continues

What’s worse, the government is not stopping these Gestapo tactics.

According to Fox News:

Republican Rep. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania says that the FBI has confiscated his cellphone.

Perry, in an exclusive statement, told Fox News on Tuesday that while traveling with his family earlier in the day, he was approached by three FBI agents who handed him a warrant and requested that he turn over his cellphone.

The confiscation of the congressman’s personal phone comes one day after FBI agents searched former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida.

Scott is a huge Trump supporter and also questioned the legitimacy of the 2020 election. He said in a statement:

“This morning, while traveling with my family, 3 FBI agents visited me and seized my cell phone. They made no attempt to contact my lawyer, who would have made arrangements for them to have my phone if that was their wish. I’m outraged — though not surprised — that the FBI under the direction of Merrick Garland’s DOJ, would seize the phone of a sitting Member of Congress. My phone contains info about my legislative and political activities, and personal/private discussions with my wife, family, constituents, and friends. None of this is the government’s business.”

All this talk about about how women should be able to kill their unborn babies because they have a right to privacy, but a Congressman can’t have a private cell phone and a vacation without being harassed by the FBI because he talks to a political enemy all because of a two hour riot by a bunch of idiots. That’s why our rights are being taken away.



Here’s the Good News

I do have some good news here. There is hope. The Biden administration is incompetent and everyone knows it. We can see that in yesterday’s press conference with Karin Jean Pierre. It’s hard to believe she was not prepared for questions about the raid.

This is the first question she was asked by the press after her initial spiel. Her answer was less than satisfying:

You can tell she’s lying. You know how? Her answer is a minute and a half long. That’s right. She’s lying because she’s talking.

Of course they knew this was happening. You mean you want me to believe that the sitting President didn’t know that the President was being raided by his DOJ and FBI. I don’t care what he said two years ago. I care only about what he actually did two days ago and why he did it. Actions speak louder than words and his actions of a couple of days ago kind of negate what he said two years ago. Yes, I’m saying that statement she read was Joe Biden lying.

By the way, Joe is in charge of the FBI and DOJ. If he doesn’t know, doesn’t that show that he is incompetent at managing his administration?

Of course, she does what she always does when she doesn’t want to answer a question. She tells them to go away and talk to someone else. The entire press conference went this way. It was forty minutes of reporters asking her about this raid and why it happened. It just shows that the press didn’t believe her.

Of course, we need to listen to Peter Doocy interrogate her and this was gold. He completely had her trapped and off balance. This poor broad is going to have a stroke one day right at the podium.

Some things:

  • She talks about Trump all the time. This is just a lie and we all know it. They constantly talk about Trump to deflect on their failures and there are a lot.
  • They need to run on something for the November elections and they have chosen to bring Trump into the spotlight. They want to run against him.
  • Doocy just gave the motive for the raid at Mar a Lago.

Now for the real question:

Some things:

  • It is a yes/no question.
  • She won’t answer it.
  • In other words, she won’t say no to weaponizing the institutions.
  • By the way, if they don’t know what’s going on, how do they know it’s a criminal investigation?

In his final question, Doocy closes the circle. At first, it might sound like this has nothing to do with the raid, but it does. Let’s see if you can catch the reason Doocy asks the question:

Some things:

  • What does she not understand about the question? It’s a good question. We’re all asking that question.
  • I hate the IRS and they are hiring 87,000 more of them.
  • Bullshit and she knows it. There aren’t that many people who make $400,000 a year that requires 87,000 agents.
  • There are small businesses that make more than $400,000 a year (though their profit margins are slim, look at restaurants). They are going after them.
  • And they will be going after people that make less than $400,000. Why would you need so many enforcement agents otherwise? Doocy is creating a sound bite for when people complain.

Doocy’s questioning went full circle. They are weaponizing the DOJ and FBI against political enemies and they are weaponizing the IRS against regular people.









Episode 582 – This is Going to Turn Out to be a Mistake

The Biden administration continues to militarize the bureaucracies.

Who knew the French had a sense of humor.

And everything is racist.


This Could Be the Start

The Department of Justice and the FBI are proving that we need to change the way our justice system works. And, with all the talk of revolution and civil war, these kind of things can lead to them.

Yesterday morning, the FBI raided Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, cracked a safe and took out fifteen boxes of paperwork. The grabbed paperwork, indiscriminately which means they possibly grabbed private papers. This is unheard of. It has never happened in the history of the Presidency. Even when Bill and Hilary Clinton stole $28,000 of White House property did the FBI raid the home of a past President.

Hell, they never raided Hilary Clinton’s home when she created a secret, personal server that was holding classified material, giving her the time destroy the servers and zero out the data on the hard drives.

Apparently this raid had nothing to do with January 6th. Trump had some papers that the Presidential Archive wanted back. Nothing is illegal here. Presidents typically take paperwork from the White House if they feel it is not important to the national archive. But when the archive wants the papers back, typically this goes to court. The FBI, through orders of the DOJ, don’t raid the homes of former Presidents.

Trump released a statement:

There are two things we can learn from this.

  • Our bureaucracies are broken. They either need to be eliminated or fixed.
  • This is how revolutions and civil wars are started.

After the raid went public, crowds appeared outside the mansion protesting. People do not like this. It also will probably have the opposite effect. Trump seems more motivated to run than ever and hinted at that yesterday. This going to motivate people to start defying the government. To fight back. And it’s crap like this that got Trump elected in the first place. Combined with the failure of the Biden administration, this will get Trump elected again. It makes him look like a victim and is further proof there is an imbalance when it comes to justice which is what Trump has been saying for years.

Well, I will bet you a dollar that embarrassing stuff will be leaked by the FBI from the papers that they confiscated. The whole goal here is to harass and embarrass Trump so he doesn’t or can’t run in 2024. This stuff is going to be leaked in October before the elections so the Democratic candidates can talk about something and not the mess they have created through their crappy policies.




Of course, there are reactions that all are typical.


The Media

This pretty much sums it up from the media. This is Neal Katyal on MSNBC:


  • I quote Joe Pesci said in My Cousin Vinny: “Everything that guy said is bullshit.”
  • This is not the FBI and DOJ being non-partisan.
  • If they were being non-partisan, they would have done the same thing to Hilary.
  • The rule of law should be dealt out equally. It is not.
  • He seems to be thrilled about the militarization of the FBI. He doesn’t get that he is threatening us.

One reporter asked the main question: Does this mean that Trump can’t run in 2024. That’s what they are concerned with.


The Left

Surprisingly, the Leftist politicians have been rather quiet about this. Nothing from Ilhan Omar or AOC. Probably because they realize that this might not be a move that most Americans won’t agree to this not to mention they hate law enforcement.

But Rep. Pramila Jayapal, (D-Wash.), who is beyond stupid, had something to say. She tweeted:

“That’s what happens when you break the law, try to steal an election, and incite a deadly insurrection. Donald Trump should be in jail. I’m glad to see the FBI taking steps towards accountability.”

Mind you, this is a woman who wants to defund the police. She thinks the law is bad except when she can use it to get rid of her political enemies.

Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.), who is a moderate Democrat, said on MSNBC:

“But look, the FBI doesn’t just go in unless a judge signs off on a search warrant. That means they have some probable evidence about possible wrongdoing. And it’s something that the whole country needs to pay attention to and shows that Justice Garland, Attorney General Garland is setting this up step by step.”

He’s actually right here. We should wait. But, we have seen in the past, the Biden administration and Merrick Garland have not been exactly transparent when it comes to what they do. We will have to see what  happens.



Republicans are screaming about this. They should. They should even make this a campaign issue and run on how dangerous these Leftist Democrats are.

Ron DeSantis tweeted:

“The raid of MAL is another escalation in the weaponization of federal agencies against the Regime’s political opponents, while people like Hunter Biden get treated with kid gloves. Now the Regime is getting another 87k IRS agents to wield against its adversaries? Banana Republic.”

House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy tweeted:

“Attorney General Garland: preserve your documents and clear your calendar.”

This is going to happen.

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem tweeted:

“The FBI raid on President Trump’s home is an unprecedented political weaponization of the Justice Department. They’ve been after President Trump as a candidate, as President, and now as a former President. Using the criminal justice system in this manner is un-American.”

Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel tweeted:

“Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Countless times we have examples of Democrats flouting the law and abusing power with no recourse, including Hunter Biden. Democrats continually weaponize the bureaucracy against Republicans. This raid is outrageous.”

There is a stark difference between the reaction of Democrats and Republicans. I am surprised by the lack of response from Democrats. Probably because they know that the Republicans are right. They would be fools not to use this as a platform for the midterm elections in November.



Shut Up and Dribble

Everything is racist. Even a mountain.

Jalen Rose, a basketball analyst for ESPN, decided to say that Mount Rushmore is racist and triggering for him. Here he is:

Maybe Jalen should learn a little history before he starts talking crap.

  • The land was not “stolen” from the Native Americans”. It was either bought from them, like New York, or they were conquered. That’s how land is usually acquired.
  • The Indian tribe that owned that land had to conquer another Indian tribe to own that land. And another tribe conquered that tribe. Native Americans always warred. Usually, the ended up enslaving or eating those they conquered. Indians were not peaceful.
  • When you think of scalping, what civilization (and I use that term loosely) do you think of? Indians were brutal. They also didn’t give a damn about the environment. Examples of violence and destruction can be pointed to the Aztecs, Mayans and Incas.
  • Smaller Indian tribes actually joined up with the colonists to fight against the more vicious tribes.
  • Finally, people like this idiot always point to how 90% of the Indians were killed by the colonists. They fail to point out that the Indians killed over 30% of the colonists.

This is just some of the trivia about the barbarity of the Indians. I think Jalen should just shut up and dribble and stop talking about things he knows nothing about.



OK, This is Kind of Funny

This is just funny.

According to the New York Post:

Space may be closer than we think — perhaps even sitting on a charcuterie board.

A French scientist has had to apologize for his spicy space prank after he tweeted a picture of a slice of chorizo, claiming it was a distant star captured by the James Webb Space Telescope.

Étienne Klein — a physicist and director at France’s Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission — shared the photo of the slice of cured meat on Twitter last week, gushing over the “level of detail” it provided.

“Picture of Proxima Centauri, the nearest star to the Sun, located 4.2 light years away from us. It was taken by the James Webb Space Telescope,” a translation of the tweet read. “This level of detail… A new world is unveiled everyday.”

He later tweeted an apology and a picture of the real galaxy. He tweeted:

“Well, when it’s cocktail hour, cognitive bias seem to find plenty to enjoy… Beware of it. According to contemporary cosmology, no object related to Spanish charcuterie exists anywhere else other than on Earth.

“In view of some comments, I feel compelled to clarify that this tweet showing an alleged snapshot of Proxima Centauri was a form of amusement,” he said in another tweet. “Let us learn to be wary of arguments from authority as much as of the spontaneous eloquence of certain images.”

I know he’s going to get into trouble, but I think this is funny.





Episode 581 – They Actually Did It

All Senate Democrats show they hate Americans. Thank God no Republicans bought it. Let’s talk about it because we are all screwed and it seems kind of important.



We talked about Nancy Pelosi and her trip to Taiwan last week. I said that, though I respected her for going, I was not sure what she was going for. It didn’t do anything accept make for a great photo shoot and piss off China.

When she got off the plane, she had this to say:

What the fuck is she talk

Listen, she talking about? Does she support Taiwan or feels connected to China?

Listen, she has always been hawkish with China and supportive of Taiwan. I don’t think she said this because she supports China. I think she said this because she’s old and her brains are mush. That’s why we shouldn’t have eighty -year-olds in important positions in government. By the way, I’m bipartisan about this. I don’t think Trump should run again because…well…he’s old.


Fuck You, America!

Well, the Democrats in the Senate flipped the American people the bird.

We talked about this last week, but we learned a little more about this over the weekend. It started with Chuck Schumer trying to breathe some life into Biden’s Build Back Better garbage but Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin were very much against it. So Chuckie decided to have a talk with Joe Manchin and they came up with a deal. Instead of the bill being $5 trillion, they dropped it to $800 billion.

Weird, that used to be a lot of money.

Anyway, one of the things Machin wanted was deficit reduction. So Schumer threw in a little tax increase that would look good on paper when it comes to lowering the deficit (more on that later). Though that was a big deal for Machin, we learned why he was holding out. Turns out he’s just another dirty politician. He made a deal with Schumer that would allow oil pipelines to remain open in West Virginia. That’s why he supported it. Of course, you can’t trust a politician. I think Manchin is going to find that he got duped because taxes are going to go up for everybody, this bill is going to raise inflation, the deficit is going to go up and people are not going to see any benefits but are going to get harassed by 86,000 more IRS agents (more on that later).

The only one left to convince was Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona. She said she had to read the 725 page bill before committing to it which scared the hell out of the Democrats. Out of nowhere, on Saturday, she said she would support the bill.

Now, the Republicans were going to filibuster this which would require 60 votes. Democrats decided to use Reconciliation. That’s weird because this is not a budget bill but a spending bill. In fact, today, the bill is not called the Inflation Reduction Act. It is now referred to as a climate bill. The CBO scores were hidden from the public by Democrats because it was so bad.

So, Reconciliation goes through. The CBO basically calls the bill crap, saying it won’t lower inflation. That starts a vote-a-rama. That’s where everyone adds their own amendment to the bill and each amendment is voted on. This was a chance for Republicans to put some poison pills in the bill. And they did try. Fourteen hours Saturday night and Sunday morning, they worked to add poison pills to this bill. Each amendment failed.

After this was done, they voted and not one Republican voted for it. It was a 50-50 tie. Kamala Harris gets to vote as Vice President and she approves the bill and we are fucked.

I think Senator Chris Murphy really hit the nail on the head. He’s a Democrat from Connecticut and he asked how this bill is going to be helpful:

Some things:

  • Yeah, he doesn’t know. Shouldn’t he know? He’s a Senator that voted for it.
  • The pharma thing is a small portion of this bill and will actually encourage rationing and put a halt to a lot of research and development.
  • We are not in a climate crisis. It’s hot because it’s summer.
  • We are in an inflation crisis and an energy shortage. Shouldn’t we worry about that now?

This is all part of the Great Reset. This is part of the great transition. We have to suffer and it’s going to get worse.

Good news, Democrats are going to suffer for it.


What’s in the Bill

Just a reminder, here’s is what is in the bill:

  • The initial measure, according to numbers released by Senate Democrats, would raise a total of $739 billion in revenue, and spend a total of $433 billion. It would reduce the budget deficit by roughly $300 billion over a decade.
  • The CBO has estimated that elements of the deal that would increase tax enforcement at the Internal Revenue Service would raise an additional $204 billion in revenue over 10 years, but those effects aren’t included in its projections of how the package would affect the deficit.
  • The package would spend roughly $369 billion on climate and energy programs, including tax credits for buying electric and hydrogen vehicles and making energy-efficient home improvements.
  • The deal would dedicate $64 billion to extending for three years the Affordable Care Act subsidies that first kicked in under the 2021 American Rescue Plan. Nearly all of the 13 million people who get federal subsidies under the ACA would be spared from higher health-insurance premiums they would see next year without an extension.
  • It would also cap out-of-pocket drug costs for Medicare beneficiaries at $2,000 a year, beginning in 2025, and starting next year mandate that certain vaccines be free for Medicare enrollees. And it would impose a $35-a-month cap on insulin purchased through Medicare.
  • The proposal would implement a 15% corporate minimum tax, aimed at large companies that report significant profits but pay little or nothing in income taxes, such as Amazon.com Inc.
  • Democrats are also proposing a 1% excise tax on stock buybacks.




Again, not one Republican voted for this because it’s just a spending bill. So you can imagine there was a lot of reaction.

  • Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said: “Democrats will pay the price in November for raising taxes on families during a recession,”
    • News for you, though people think we are not in a recession because politicians changed the definition of what a recession is, they do say we are close to one.
  • In a statement, Ted Cruz said: “The Schumer-Manchin bill will drive up inflation and prices, hammer small businesses and American manufacturing, increase the price of gas, and sic the IRS on Americans, all while raising taxes on Americans in nearly every tax bracket including those who make less than $400,000 a year.”
    • He’s right.
    • If you raise taxes on a business that has a certain profit margin, where are they going to recover that money to meet that profit margin?

Marcia Blackburn tweeted:

Mitch McConnell tweeted:

But the best explanation comes from John Kennedy, Senator from Louisiana:

There is something that might save us. The American Rescue Plan, which spent $1.3 trillion and started inflation, not Republican voted for it. This bloated spending bill, not one Republican voted for it. Democrats completely own this.





