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Episode 265 – Trump’s Hail Mary

Trump’s Hail Mary to the Supreme Court goes for naught.

The Electoral College meets and will vote today.

The vaccine is being handed out starting today but some of the decisions on who gets them is a little strange.

And California continues to run the race for stupidest state in the Union.


Hail Mary

On December 8th, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a lawsuit against the battleground states of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin in the United States Supreme Court. According to Paxton’s official government website, he believes that these four states “exploited the COVID-19 pandemic to justify ignoring federal and state election laws and unlawfully enacting last-minute changes,” and that these last-minute changes were responsible for “skewing” the results of the presidential election on November 3rd.

Continuing, the post claims that Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin — states which are crucial to Biden’s presumed victory — had “flooded their people with unlawful ballot applications and ballots while ignoring statutory requirements as to how they were received, evaluated and counted.”

The lawsuit is being described by critics as a “Hail Mary play for President Donald Trump,” with Sen. Ben Sasse calling the lawsuit a “PR stunt.” However, over 100 GOP members of the House of Representatives disagree, filing an amicus brief supporting Texas’ case. Among these Republicans are Ohio’s Rep. Jim Jordan, Texas’ Rep. Dan Crenshaw, and Florida’s Matt Gaetz.

On Wednesday, seventeen states “filed documents with the Supreme Court,” as Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, and West Virginia joined with Missouri to file an amicus brief supporting Texas.

The next day, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and Utah “formally joined Texas in its Supreme Court suit.”

In response, the attorneys general for Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin have asked the Supreme Court to reject the lawsuit with “blistering language,” calling the attempt “an affront to democracy and the rule of law.” According to the New York Times, “legal experts” have criticized the basis of the suit, citing that the case relies on the claim that “Texas can dictate how other states run their elections because voting irregularities elsewhere harm the rights of Texans.”

On Friday night, the Supreme Court refused to hear the case



The Electoral College

Today, Monday, the Electoral college gets together. By tonight, Joe Biden will be named President. This is what is going to happen:

  • The electors from each state will get together and vote based on the popular vote in that state. The winner will get all the electors.
  • Several states will have a split vote based on the the voting percentages. Nebraska and Maine are states that will give voted to both Biden and Trump.
  • Seventeen states will have faithless electors. These people vote for the candidate they feel should have been chosen. How states treat faithless electors is dependent on the state.


Trump vows that he will continue to fight even if he loses the electoral college. That doesn’t mean much. The window is closing for Trump and, so far, he has lost all but one court battle (out of 49) and the Supreme Court will not take up any of the cases.


A Big Victory

The Debate Continues

The FDA has approved Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine through an emergency use authorization, clearing the way for Americans to receive inoculations against COVID-19 for the first time since the pandemic was declared in March, according to multiple reports.

The first vaccines should be released on Monday. Frontline workers and the elderly will be the first to receive the vaccine. This is a huge victory for Donald Trump. He created laws that allowed a vaccine that should have taken 5 to 10 years to create in less than a year. Joe Biden is going to receive the fruits of this victory and he deserves none of it. Especially since his running mate said she would not trust the vaccine since it came out if this White House, like Trump was actually producing the vaccine in the White House basement.

This brings up the debate: Should we take the vaccine?

I was talking to Josie, my fiancé, who works in a clinic as a medical assistant. Needless to say, she is a front line worker. She said she would not take the vaccine even if it was a requirement for her to work there. We had a nice long talk about it on Saturday night. Here’s what we came up with:

  • Risk versus Reward: Is the virus more dangerous than taking a vaccine? I don’t think so.
  • Has the vaccine been suitably tested? I think so. I doubt companies are going to release something that will kill people.


I do not have a problem with vaccines but I also don’t like sticking crap into my body unless there is a real reason. I usually don’t take aspirin when I get a headache (unless it’s really bad). My job requires me to take a flu shot every year. And I do without argument. That doesn’t mean I like it.

Though I doubt there are any side effects from the vaccine, I just don’t think it’s worth it because I am in the age group that is not a threat. I have a 99.8% survival rate if I contract the China virus. It’s not like it’s polio or the measles or anything. Yes, it’s easier to contract and deadly than the flu but I have more of a chance dyeing in a car accident than by the China virus.

I do think those who are older and those that have pre-existing conditions should take the vaccine. For them, this virus is deadly. I would never recommend that someone who is in danger of dying should avoid the vaccine. I’m just not sure it’s necessary for someone like me.

The Media Gets Skunked Again

When Trump announced in August that there would be a vaccine by the end of the year, the media made asses of themselves.

NBC actually fact-checked the President:

“Fact check: Coronavirus vaccine could come this year, Trump says. Experts say he needs a ‘miracle’ to be right.”

I guess Trump is a miracle worker.

NPR said that Trump, “contradicting the CDC,” said a COVID-19 vaccine could be ready by the end of 2020.

The next day, another NPR article featured the transcript of one of its programs knocking Trump for suggesting the vaccine would be ready by the end of the year. The outlet used testimony from CDC Director Robert Redfield before a Senate panel that month, in which he said the vaccine would not be ready until the spring or summer of 2021.

CNBC said:

“President Trump says Covid-19 vaccine will be coming by the end of the year, despite contrary evidence.” The article featured footage from the presidential debate between Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden in which NBC News’ Kristen Welker noted Trump administration health experts saying a vaccine wouldn’t be ready until 2021 and asking Trump if his predictions were “realistic.”

Well, we have a vaccine. Is anyone going to apologize? Of course not. The media is now trying to find a way to give credit to Joe Biden. Kind of hard to do since all Old Joe can think of is that everyone should wear a mask.

Only in California

The Los Angeles Times reports, “the move came in response to a lawsuit filed in April by the American Civil Liberties Union against Orange County Sheriff Don Barnes, seeking the release of medically vulnerable and disabled inmates as well as necessary measures to protect those remaining in the jails from the coronavirus.”

According to Judge Peter Wilson:

“The uncontested facts found here include that conditions in the jail do not permit proper social distancing, there is no mandatory testing of staff or asymptomatic detainees after intake, and no strictly enforced policy of requiring masks for all staff interaction with inmates.”

Sheriff Don Barnes said:

“If the order stands, it will result in the release of more than 1,800 inmates. Many of these inmates are in pre-trial status for, or have been convicted of, violent crimes and will be released back into the community. This order puts our community at substantial risk and does not take into account the impact on the victims of these crimes.”

As the Los Angeles Times reported:

The judge ordered Barnes to reduce the population in all congregated living areas by 50%, including all dormitory and barracks-style housing and multi-person cells. He also instructed Barnes to provide a release plan by Dec. 31 that lists all medically vulnerable inmates, and to identify measures to protect all people in that category who won’t be released or transferred from jail.

He ordered Barnes to maintain the reductions “until the current COVID-19 emergency is declared terminated” and to impose a strict policy for staff members to wear face masks anytime they are within six feet of an inmate.

Is there ever going to be anything that makes being a felon a person that needs to be punished? A strong flu is now going to release felons?





Episode 264 – So Much Unity!

Democrats keep pushing that message of unity.

Communists hate religion.

And let’s do stupid on a Friday.


So Much Unity

Former President Barack Obama blamed Fox News and conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh on Tuesday for losing the “connection” he claims he had with conservatives before he was president.

Obama said during a virtual gala:

“I ended up getting enormous support in these pretty conservative, rural, largely white communities when I was a senator, and that success was repeated when I ran for president in the first race in Iowa.”

“By my second year in office, I’m not sure if I could make that same connection, because now those same people are filtering me through Fox News and Rush Limbaugh and an entire right-wing or conservative media infrastructure that was characterizing me in a way that suggested I looked down on those folks or had nothing in common with them.”

Here’s the fact. Obama was one of the most divisive Presidents in U.S. history.

Anytime someone questioned his policies, he would claim racism.

He said that conservatives just wanted to “cling to guns or religion.”

He demonized the police at every turn. During the Michael Brown shooting, Obama did not cool the temperature in St. Louis. He raised it by saying that blacks must face police violence on a daily basis even though all evidence showed that the Brown shooting was justified.

He pushed the racist thing with Trayvon Martin by saying he could be “his son.”

Obama never negotiated with Republicans during his tenure. He either pushed his policies through executive order or by midnight votes by a Democratic Congress.

But what is most annoying is that he never takes responsibility for his words and actions. It’s always the fault of racist, bigoted, homophobe, sexist conservatives. It isn’t him that is divisive. It’s everybody else who doesn’t believe in him or his policies.

He also ignores what his own supporters and party is saying about conservatives and Trump supporters.

Listen to this rambling threat from Democratic state representative, Cynthia Jones:

I had to really hunt for this clip. YouTube and other platforms have actually deleted the video. Probably because it makes Democrats look nasty, not because it is a direct threat.

This is just a terrible thing to say and I cannot believe that she was not condemned for saying this. But it also shows us that there can be no unity.



We’re Going to See More of This

Democratic New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio warned an ultra-Orthodox synagogue in Brooklyn on Tuesday that he will shut them down “once and for all” if they continue to flout his lockdown orders.

During a Tuesday press conference, de Blasio was asked about a large indoor funeral held Monday by Congregation Yetev Lev D’Satmar, a prominent synagogue in Williamsburg that was also recently fined $15,000 for secretly conducting a large indoor wedding in November.

De Blasio said to the Gothamist:

“If we see another confirmed situation in which an inappropriate event is happening in that same building, then we’re going to have to move to shut down the building once and for all. That would be the next step if we see non-compliance.”

“I do think there’s an ideological factor that’s making things a lot harder.”

De Blasio has pissed  on churches and synagogues since the pandemic started. He Tweeted in April when the pandemic started:

“My message to the Jewish community, and all communities, is this simple: the time for warnings has passed. I have instructed the NYPD to proceed immediately to summons or even arrest those who gather in large groups. This is about stopping this disease and saving lives. Period.”

Bill de Blasio is a communist and has always hated religion. He has done everything he can to make life hard on religion, especially Jews,

His city has the highest levels of anti-Semitism of any city in the country.

He is using this pandemic to get rid of religion. He’s not the only one. This is happening in Illinois, Michigan, Virginia and California.

Listen to Virginia Democratic governor, Ralph Northem talk about church services:

This is what Democrats don’t get. It is not about praying. It’s about community. It’s support for one another.



Now, to the Stupid

At Least It’s Not a Nobel Prize

TIME Magazine faced widespread backlash online after the left-leaning publication selected Democrats Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as their “person of the year,” which prompted calls even from the political left for the recognition to go to doctors and scientists.

Time released a statement:

“Person of the Year is not an award — it is a marker. It is history as it’s written, whether good or bad.”

  • Writer Kyle Smith: “Wow the media are so ready for the Harris Era. Hire a food taster, Uncle Joe, they’re already done with you.”
  • Commentator Pat Condell: “Ha ha. On the credibility scale, this is right up there with Obama’s phoney peace prize. Time magazine is a laughing stock.”
  • Journalist Curtis Houck: “Time doesn’t care about you, the people. It’s all about THEM. It’s all about their circles in D.C., LA, and New York. It’s all partisanship for them. Cloaked in ‘unity’ and ‘equality,’ they have nothing but venom for people who aren’t Democrats or on the side of the mob.”
  • Columnist Eli Lake: “I get that the magazine is trying to seem hip and appeal to zoomers and millennials, but this is such obvious pandering.”
  • Economist Brian Riedl: “With all due respect, Biden spent much of the year in a basement and won what was a referendum on the other guy. Harris was even less visible as a VP nominee after badly losing the primary. It clearly should have been health care workers, or those working on the COVID vaccine.”


This is typical. Obama got a Nobel prize though, to his credit, he did not know why. Trump, who has:

  • Inked four Middle East peace deals.
  • Had unemployment down to record lows for all groups.
  • Got rid of ISIS.
  • Was the only modern President not involved in a war.
  • Lowered tensions with North Korea.
  • Killed two terrorist leaders.
  • Pushed for a COVID vaccine faster than any in history.
  • Lowered taxes.
  • Has put China on notice.
  • Created Space Force.


Has never been made person of the year. Yeah, I’m probably a little bitter about it.


Why Actors Don’t Make Policy

Actor Chris Rock believes that Joe Biden would do the world a favor if he created a “Supreme Court of Science” to decide matters related to public health and the environment.

This intellectual giant said:

“I would hope that Mr. Biden institutes some scientific department — like, the Supreme Court of Science, just for the lack of a better name — that would be in charge of anything medical or environmental. Basically, I would hope that the government instills a mechanism, so that if there’s ever anything environmental or medical, this mechanism would take over — thus, eliminating politics out of a life-and-death situation.”

“Because we didn’t just experience a pandemic. You know, Donald Trump did this thing… Like, when security companies build new locks or security systems, they hire crooks to show you the weaknesses of the system. Well, Donald Trump showed us the weakness of our government. Now, it’s up to Joe Biden and Congress and the Senate to get rid of those weaknesses — to instill safeguards that actually protect us from unqualified mad men and mad women, so that we never have to be at the mercy of a person that does not exhibit empathy and competence.”

Yeah, Trump messed it up. He just held the virus to 10% of deaths compared to the estimates and developed a vaccine in 9 months as opposed to 5 years (which is average).

When talking about Joe Biden being elected, Rock said:

“I don’t know. When Biden won, I wasn’t jumping for joy. I was like Tom Hanks in ‘Cast Away’; I just wanted to hug Helen Hunt. You know, he’s not jumping for joy when he sees the ship. He’s just like, ‘Where’s Helen Hunt, man? I’ve been eating coconuts for years. Can I just f***ing hold Helen Hunt?’”

“How do I feel? I mean, I’m kind of optimistic. I just hope that all that’s happened, that this whole year was not in vain, and that people and the government doesn’t just go back to business as usual.”

Notice how actors always compare things to movies and other actors. That’s because they have no concept of reality. They sit back and live in their pampered little world and forget that there is real life out there. Or they just don’t know what real life is. This thought is cemented by his next statement:

“Like, basically, there’s a 9/11 everyday. 3,000 people died in 9/11. Somehow, we got the Department of Homeland Security, and no one questioned that. But now, we have a situation where, whatever — 300,000, a half-a-million people are going to die. Right? So, what I hope is that we do something.”

First off, 9-11 was a terrorist attack. The virus is a contagion that developed naturally, supposedly. There’s no correlation to the two.

And we have done something. We developed a vaccine and therapeutics to counter the infection. Josie’s 90-year old grandfather actually survived the virus because doctors now know how to deal with it. To do this in such a short period of time is actually quite amazing.

He finishes by saying that he used all his free time to look within himself and deal with his daughters:

“You know, with this pandemic, it’s like, what are you going to do with this free time? I wanted to make the most of the free time, and I just thought working on me would be the best use of it, especially having teenage daughters. Anybody that has teenagers will tell you, you’re going to lose them at some point. It’s going to be hard at some point. So, you know, I went through some stuff with my kids, and you learn it’s not just about lashing out. It’s about looking in.”

Let’s see: people are losing their jobs, their homes and their businesses. Domestic violence, drug use, crime and suicide are way up.

How tone deaf do you have to be? Chris Rock, or any other actor, hasn’t gone through any of this.


The Olympics Just Keep Going Downhill

Seeking to attract younger viewers for the international games — ratings have flagged of late — the International Olympic Committee (IOC) on Monday announced that breakdancing has been added as a sport for the 2024 games being held in Paris.

In a statement, the IOC stated:

“The WDSF could not be prouder to have breaking included at Paris 2024, and we thank everyone who helped make it possible: the executive board of the IOC, the Paris 2024 organizers, the WDSF staff and, most importantly, the breaking community itself,” he said, according to CNN. “It was a true team effort to get to this moment and we will redouble our efforts in the lead-up to the Olympic Games to make sure the breaking competition at Paris 2024 will be unforgettable.”






Episode 263 – The Spy Who Loved Me

Donald Trump just continues to win and win and win.

The Swalwell scandal is being pushed to the back burner…unsuccessfully.

Hunter Biden is being investigated. Um, is that really news.

And remember this: The Left will eat their own.

He’s Just Winning Too Much

President Donald Trump announced Thursday that his administration helped secure a fourth peace deal between Israel and an Arab nation.

“Morocco is the fourth Arab country to move toward normalization with Israel in the last four months as part of the Trump administration’s ‘Abraham Accords’ initiative,” Axios reported. “The Moroccan decision comes as part of a deal that includes U.S. recognition of the disputed territory of Western Sahara as part of Morocco.”

Trump Tweeted:

The Trump administration has secured peace deals between Israel and three other Arab nations, including Sudan, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates.

Jared Kushner, with the backing of President Trump, has normalized Middle East relations with Israel and four countries. In the last 60 years, relations have been normalized between only two countries.

This is huge.



Pigs Only Grunt

Reactions to Eric Swalwell nailing a Chinese spy (allegedly) is coming out. Here’s Nancy Pelosi commenting on the, I think, rather important story. Listen:

This broad can barely speak anymore. What should be really scary is that she is third in line for the Presidency.

But Eric Swalwell also had something to say about this. And. of course, it is Donald Trump’s fault.

Rep. Eric Swalwell lashed out at President Donald Trump in an interview with Politico Tuesday, accusing Trump of leaking the explosive allegations to Axios because Swalwell remains one of Trump’s most vocal critics.

Swalwell said to Politico:

“I’ve been a critic of the president. I’ve spoken out against him. I was on both committees that worked to impeach him. The timing feels like that should be looked at.”

“What it appears though that this person — as the story reports — was unsuccessful in whatever they were trying to do. But if intelligence officials are trying to weaponize someone’s cooperation, they are essentially seeking to do what this person was not able to do, which is to try and discredit someone.”

Dude, there is audio evidence of him screwing a Chinese spy. We should know about this!



This is a Deeper Problem

Hunter Biden, the son of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, is under investigation for “tax affairs,” Hunter Biden confirmed to CNBC.

“I learned yesterday for the first time that the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware advised my legal counsel, also yesterday, that they are investigating my tax affairs. I take this matter very seriously but I am confident that a professional and objective review of these matters will demonstrate that I handled my affairs legally and appropriately, including with the benefit of professional tax advisors.”

Biden’s administration responded to the interview:

“President-elect Biden is deeply proud of his son, who has fought through difficult challenges, including the vicious personal attacks of recent months, only to emerge stronger.”

Notice no one talked about this until after the election? This isn’t a new story.



Here We Go

According the Daily Wire:

The Democrat-controlled Minneapolis City Council voted unanimously on Thursday to cut millions of dollars in funding from the Minneapolis Police Department’s budget next year after failing to abolish the police department altogether earlier this year following the death of George Floyd.

The Minneapolis City Council voted to “shift nearly $8 million from next year’s police budget to other city services as part of an effort to ‘transform’ public safety in the city,” The Washington Post reported. “The controversial plan was approved unanimously as part of the city’s 2021 budget.”

Democrat Mayor Jacob Frey had reportedly threatened to veto the “irresponsible” bill but backed off his threat and praised the city council “for removing language that would have permanently shrunk the size of the force by about 130 officers in what he described as a ‘defining moment for our city,’” The Post added. “Under the budget approved Thursday, the council would divert $7.7 million from law enforcement to fund alternatives to policing, including mental health crisis teams and additional staffers in the city’s office of violence prevention.”

  • Basically the city council has thrown the mayor, Jacob Frey, under the bus.
  • The crime rate in Mediapolis is going through the roof. And it is violent crime.
  • George Floyd was no innocent.








Episode 262 – Let’s Talk About “The Stupid”

Big things might be coming in the election fight. You know how I know it’s big? Because no one in the news media is talking about it.

Corruption and spycraft is invading the Democratic party. Prepare for more in this in the next four years.

And I don’t talk enough about “the stupid” in politics. Let’s spend a lot of this show just talking about “the stupid.”


God Bless Texas

Texas has filed a lawsuit against swing states stating that those states used the China virus as an excuse to break their state laws and fix the elections. This is an important lawsuit because it can only be heard in front of the Supreme Court since it is an interstate dispute.

On Tuesday, four other states had announced they would be joining the suit with four other states saying they were thinking of joining. This is important because it is going to be hard for the Supreme Court to ignore this suit if many states are complaining about the same thing.

This is also an excellent point to argue because we don’t need to prove that a ton of votes were fraudulent but that fraud was systemic and something needs to be done about it. This is huge.

Also, to make things far more exciting, Ted Cruz, who has argued in front of the Supreme Court many times and is a master at debate (I won’t say master-debater for obvious reasons).

Here’s our Kraken. This could get very interesting and could actually launch us into a Constitutional crisis.


Corruption Is the New Normal

Ilhan Got Some Spainin To Do

Ilhan Omar has had some issues since she took office two years ago.

  • She has been accused of tax fraud.
  • Was married to her brother to get him into the country. Or maybe that was because of tax fraud.
  • Married someone else even though she was married to her brother.
  • She had an affair with the owner of a company she used. She was still married and so was he.
  • She denied the affair, then married the guy after they both got a quick divorce.
  • She has been accused of misusing campaign funds.
  • She has tried to free terrorists.
  • She minimized the 9-11 attacks.
  • She’s anti-Semitic.
  • And, before you say she is religious, she’s pro-abortions, anti-police and is under investigation for voter fraud.


She’s adorable. Well, she’s in trouble again.

“Public records show that E Street Group, co-owned by Omar’s husband, Tim Mynett, received nearly $135,000 in Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans and $500,000 in Economic Injury Disaster loans,” Fox News reported. “Campaign finance filings also show that the firm raked in millions during the 2020 campaign from Omar.”

Omar “has paid nearly $2.8 million to her husband’s political consulting firm so far in the 2019-2020 election cycle, including nearly 70% of her third-quarter disbursements,” Fox News reported separately. “Federal Election Commission data shows that Omar’s campaign sent $1.6 million to E Street Group LLC, which is owned by her husband Tim Mynett, from the start of 2019 through Jul. 22, 2020. After that, she reported an additional $1.1 million in the third quarter and $27,000 in the following weeks. That $1.1 million constituted nearly 70% of the $1.6 million that Omar’s campaign spent that quarter.”

Poontang Over Common Sense

Apparently there was a bit of an issue in the Eric Swalwell administration. The Californian Democrat has been working with a Chinese spy.

Axios reported:

The alleged spy, Chinese national Christine Fang, “targeted up-and-coming local politicians in the Bay Area and across the country who had the potential to make it big on the national stage” through “campaign fundraising, extensive networking, personal charisma, and romantic or sexual relationships. Even though U.S. officials do not believe Fang received or passed on classified information, the case ‘was a big deal, because there were some really, really sensitive people that were caught up’ in the intelligence network, a current senior U.S. intelligence official said.”

Fang’s ties to Swalwell began when he was a councilmember for Dublin City, California, which is part of China’s long-term strategy of getting in with people before they make it big on the national stage. Fang met Swalwell through a Chinese student organization and by 2014 had quickly “developed close ties to Swalwell’s office” and she helped him bring in big donors.

“Amid a widening counterintelligence probe, federal investigators became so alarmed by Fang’s behavior and activities that around 2015 they alerted Swalwell to their concerns — giving him what is known as a defensive briefing,” Axios reported. “Swalwell immediately cut off all ties to Fang, according to a current U.S. intelligence official, and he has not been accused of any wrongdoing.”

The report said that Fang had “at least two sexual interactions with elected officials” that were recorded by FBI electronic surveillance.

Swalwell’s office said in a statement to Axios: “Rep. Swalwell, long ago, provided information about this person — whom he met more than eight years ago, and whom he hasn’t seen in nearly six years — to the FBI. To protect information that might be classified, he will not participate in your story.”

Political operative Arthur Schwartz noted the potential national security issues raised, writing: “This story makes it clear that the Chinese spy, who was also a fundraiser for @RepSwalwell , had ‘sexual relationships’ with elected officials. Swalwell, who is married and therefore a blackmail risk, must answer whether he was one of the officials that slept with the Chinese spy.”

What is hypocritical about this is that Swalwell was going on any television show and call Trump a traitor for dealing with the Russians. I also find this disturbing that he is on the House Intelligence Committee and that Swalwell needed to be told about this. Now, we do not know if he was sleeping with this chick, though she did sleep with others. By the way, Swalwell is married.

An investigation should be launched and it should be determined the level of contact that Swalwell had with Feng. But this won’t happen. Just like this story broke and no one in the media has brought anything up.



Can’t Even Trust Santa Anymore




Take a Pill






Once a Dumbass Always a Dumbass

Goya Foods president and CEO Bob Unanue revealed that after Rep. Alexandria Cortez (D-NY) echoed a call for a boycott of Goya products back in July because Unanue supported President Trump, his company named her “Employee of the Month” because sales rose so dramatically.

Unanue had visited the White House, where he stated, “We’re all truly blessed at the same time to have a leader like President Trump, who is a builder.”

That prompted Julian Castro, former Housing and Urban Development secretary in the Obama administration, to tweet that Goya Foods “has been a staple of so many Latino households for generations. Now their CEO, Bob Unanue, is praising a president who villainizes and maliciously attacks Latinos for political gain. Americans should think twice before buying their products.”

The deal with Unanue is anti-communist and supports President Trump because he’s anti-communist. AOC didn’t like that so she tried to set up a boycott of Goya. That didn’t work. The company, in the last quarter when through the roof. That’s when Unanue made the comment when asked about AOC’s comments:

“We still have to chat with AOC; I love her. She was actually our Employee of the Month; I don’t know if you know about this, but when she boycotted us, our sales actually increased 1,000%. So we gave her an honorary — we never were able to hand it to her but she got Employee of the Month for bringing attention to GOYA and our adobo. Actually our sales of adobo did very well after she said ‘Make your own Adobo.’ She’s our hero. She helped boost sales tremendously.”

AOC responded as she usually does, by Tweet. She was asked if she actually called for a boycott of Goya, she Tweeted:

AOC responded by writing, “No, I just googled how to make my own adobo.”

“But of course Fox would rather indulge their made up fantasies than acknowledge that in the Trump admin’s catastrophic response to COVID, millions of people rushed to buy canned goods which then had to be rationed at grocery stores,” she claimed. “We know that neither ‘acknowledging science’ nor ‘food rationing under crony capitalism’ works in their understanding of reality so they’re gonna go with ‘food staples sold out because of a tweet once.’”









Episode 261 – The Truth is Out There…

The fight for the vote continues. The Trump administration does score a victory in court but could it be too little, too late?

Trump is going to make it so that Americans get the China virus vaccine before the citizens in other countries. This is much to the chagrin of the Biden administration.

We need a law that says we have to be alive to vote? Yep, that’s a thing.

And the little green men made me talk about this.


RIP Chuck Yeager

Chuck Yeager, famed pilot, died at 97 years old.

Became the first person to ever break the sound barrier when he flew the Bell X-1 rocket 700 mph in October 1947.

Awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1985.

Yeager enlisted in the Army Air Corps in 1941 as a mechanic and, within two years, was flying combat missions in England against Nazi Germany.

In 1944, Yeager was shot down over France and, while in the country, he aided the French Resistance. Also in 1944, Yeager was credited with shooting down four planes in one day on two separate occasions.

Yeager, who also flew combat missions in both the Korean and Vietnam Wars.

Godspeed to a true American hero whose work prepared us to get into space.



A Small Win But the Window is Closing

A Michigan judge is allowing a forensic investigation of 22 Dominion vote tabulation machines in rural Antrim County amid claims that votes there were compromised.

Jenna Ellis, a Trump campaign attorney, said:

“Our team is going to be able to go in this morning at about 8:30 and will be there for about eight hours to conduct that forensic examination and we’ll have the results in about 48 hours, and that’ll tell us a lot about these machines,” attorney Jenna Ellis said on “Fox & Friends”.

Rudi G. Tweeted:

The order from Judge Kevin Elsenheimer stems from a challenge made by voter William Bailey, who alleges that ballots were damaged during a recounting of ballots in a village marijuana proposal that narrowly passed.

Elsenheimer’s order does not mention the presidential race. The county did, however, draw controversy after an error initially showed that President-elect Joe Biden won, even though Trump was later shown to have won by several thousand votes.

Now, this is not a direct victory for the Trump campaign. Heck, it doesn’t even deal with the Presidential campaign. But this order will look at the machines that Sydney Powell has been bitching about since Trump’s supposed loss. We might get some answers here.

Listen, I don’t know if Trump’s legal team is going to be able to pull this off. My mind tells me that they won’t. There is too much to prove in too many places. Evidence that we should have seen last week is finally being released. It is damning. It shows real fraud. It shows this past election was compromised. It shows Joe Biden was handed this election. A lot of people, including a lot of Democrats, think his election was fixed.

How do we know this is true? Because the media is telling us how clean this election is. And because there is a lot of evidence.



He’s President for Another Six Weeks

I know that President Trump has been telling people that he will win the Presidency even though he seems to be down by a lot. But he is taking steps to deal with some of the important things before he smoothly transitions out of office. Both of these steps are really going to give Joe Biden a headache when he jumps into office.

The first thing Trump did is sign an executive order that states that any China virus vaccine that was made in the United States must be made available to Americans first before being shipped out of country.

A Trump official said:

“The priority is to make sure we distribute these vaccines to Americans before we start shipping them around the world to get international access.”

The executive order comes in contrast to what Biden coronavirus adviser Dr. Zeke Emanuel has proposed doing which is to give the vaccine to other nations before all Americans have an opportunity to receive it.

Fox News reported:

“Emanuel, who served as a key architect of the Affordable Care Act under the Obama administration, co-authored a paper in September in which he encouraged officials to follow the ‘Fair Priority Model,’ which calls for a ‘fair international distribution of vaccine,’ rather than what he and his co-authors characterized as ‘vaccine nationalism. The model allows the country that produces the vaccine to hold onto enough of a supply to keep the transmission rate below 1%, but says that beyond that, the vaccine should be distributed internationally. That means giving away or selling doses of the vaccine before it’s available to every citizen in that country, Emanuel explained to Scientific American.”

Now I do want to make sure you remember. Zeke Emanuel is the one that said no one over 75 (or was it 70) should be provided anything because those folks have nothing more to provide society. How very Marxist of him.

This also puts Biden in an uncomfortable position. Contrary to what people think, Biden is not a lover of the United States. He is a globalist and has directly said that several times in his criticism of Trump. He worries about what other countries think of us and not about the people of this country. The media really screwed us up on this. A “nationalist” is considered a racist (confusing it with “white nationalist”) instead of being seen as an “America first” philosophy. A globalist is seen as a peacemaker though it is closer to a communist. Other countries don’t give a shit about us. Trump pointed this out and put other countries in their places. Biden is going to appease other countries like he did with China and he will do by joining the Paris Climate Accord.

Professor Jonathan Turley, no friend of Trump, said the decision to revoke Trump’s executive order could be a disaster:

“Biden would need to rescind the executive order, which would present serious political issues. The issue could also play badly for Democrats in the Georgia races. Like the special counsel appointment, this could prove positively Machiavellian. The order could also raise some interesting legal issues as these companies take foreign orders. There are transnational companies with cooperative agreements. This could present conflicts if the U.S demands not just an ‘America First’ position in distribution but production.”

But Trump went a step further.

You heard me mention, last week, that the federal government had loosened the ways the death penalty could be implemented. That included lethal gas, electrocution and even firing squad (my favorite as a way to die quickly).

The Trump administration has recently accelerated the pace of federal executions, planning to put five inmates to death before Inauguration Day.

According to the Associated Press, if each case moves forward as scheduled, President Donald J. Trump would “cement” his “legacy as the most prolific execution president in over 130 years.”

I’m pretty sure Trump will be remembered as more than an execution President but whatever.

According to the Daily Wire:

Biden said he would push to eliminate federal executions if elected and create incentives for states to do the same. He has expressed regret for a 1994 crime bill he co-authored that, in part, expanded the types of crimes eligible for the death sentence to include offenses like kidnappings and carjackings.

AG Bill Barr said to the AP:

“I think the way to stop the death penalty is to repeal the death penalty. But if you ask juries to impose and juries impose it, then it should be carried out.”

What?! But that means Congress would have to do their jobs!

He’s absolutely correct. The death penalty has been around for hundreds of years. A person should know that if you kill a pregnant woman and stab her corpse in the abdomen to verify the fetus is dead, that is a crime that could get you a needle. By the way, that is a real crime committed by Lisa Montgomery who is scheduled to be terminated before January 20th.

According to Barr, and me, the death penalty is not a moral issue. It is a legal issue. It is a legal punishment for really bad people. Law and morality have nothing to do with each other.



This is Just Fun

In Vermont:

It’s illegal in Vermont to prohibit clotheslines. The law forbids regulations that prohibit “clotheslines, or other energy devices based on renewable resources.”

In Tennessee:

According to the Tennessee Constitution, it’s illegal to hold public office if a person does any of the following: “fight a duel, or knowingly be the bearer of a challenge to fight a duel, or send or accept a challenge for that purpose, or be an aider or abettor in fighting a duel.”

How about this one. From the state of New Jersey:

If you’re planning to commit a serious crime in New Jersey, leave your bulletproof vest at home. According to state law, it’s a third-degree crime to wear a body vest while “engaged in the commission of, or an attempt to commit, or flight after committing or attempting to commit murder, manslaughter, robbery, sexual assault, burglary, kidnapping, criminal escape or assault.”

I want to thank USA Today for this crazy list. It’s amazing the stupid laws we come up with.

The reason stupid laws are created is because someone did something really weird. Here’s a law that we don’t have in any state throughout the country: You need to be alive to vote. Ahh but we could be on the precipice of fixing this.

According to the Daily Wire:

Rep. Brian Babin (R-TX) last week proposed a new bill — the “You Must Be Alive to Vote Act” (let’s call it YMBAVA).

YMBAVA’s intent is simple: “To require States to obtain information from Social Security Administration on deaths for purposes of voter registration list maintenance, and for other purposes.”

“The right to vote is one of the most vital pillars of our democracy, the foundations of which are election integrity and confidence in our democratic processes. The ease with which someone is able to steal the ballot of a deceased person and cast an illegitimate vote should disturb, alarm, and outrage every American citizen, no matter what side of the aisle they sit on. To protect our democratic process and Americans’ faith in our elections, we must ensure that deceased individuals are not allowed to remain on state voter rolls.”

“My bill will prevent any funds from the U.S. Departments of Transportation or Education, with the exception of those going toward law enforcement agency grants, from going to counties of any state that do not annually check their voter lists against the Social Security Administration’s most recent death records in order to purge them of any individuals found to be deceased. All elected officials, from your local city council member to your U.S. President, have an obligation to obey the law and prevent fraud in our elections, and Congress should not be awarding taxpayer dollars to any counties or states that refuse to do the job they swore to do.”

I’m not sure where this law goes. Who are we going to convict when Abe Lincoln votes in the next election? It’s insanity that this has to be made a law and I’m not sure how this is going to work.

God, we are getting dumber and dumber as a civilization. Do you know what’s really dumb? This law could actually be declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. Let’s face it, no where in the Constitution does it say you have to be alive to vote. Only that you need to be an American citizen and be over 18 years of age.

Just think about that.



Could This Be A Thing?

The chariots of the gods are really whooping those ponies in the last month.

First, the Serious

There are still 24 days left in 2020, so of course there’s time for something that hasn’t occurred in nearly 800 years.

Jupiter and Saturn, the two largest planets in the solar system, will soon line up and look like a double planet, a sight not seen since the Middle Ages.

The rare celestial event will occur after sunset on Dec. 21, 2020, the start of the winter solstice.

Rice University astronomer Patrick Hartigan said in a statement:

“Alignments between these two planets are rather rare, occurring once every 20 years or so, but this conjunction is exceptionally rare because of how close the planets will appear to one another. You’d have to go all the way back to just before dawn on March 4, 1226, to see a closer alignment between these objects visible in the night sky.”

“On the evening of closest approach on Dec 21 they will look like a double planet, separated by only 1/5th the diameter of the full moon. For most telescope viewers, each planet and several of their largest moons will be visible in the same field of view that evening.”

I love astronomy. This is a big event. If you don’t have a telescope, no problem. Regular binoculars will work. I have astronomy binoculars with a tripod. So I’ll get a good look at the planets and their moons though I do not have a light filter so viewing may prove too bright.

But one doesn’t need anything to see it. Just look in the sky at dusk towards the southwest, hopefully it will be clear, and the brightest star(s) you see will be Jupiter and Saturn. They will be very bright.

Go look, it’ll be awesome.


Hmm, Alien Mystery?

over the past couple of month, two triangular-shaped monoliths, each about 10 feet high and about 200 pounds have been found in the woods of Utah and California.

The one in Utah was the first found. Non one knows how it got there and there were no clues as to what it is meant to be. The police did look at it and did a little investigation. It remained a mystery until it, as quickly as it appeared, it disappeared. In its place was left a profane message. A witness does claim he saw four men drag the monolith off.

The other, located on top of Pine Mountain, California.

Atascadero News reported:

“The object was welded together at each corner, with rivets attaching the side panels to a likely steel frame inside. The top of the monument did not show any weld marks, and it appears to be hollow at the top, and possibly bottom,” the paper wrote, estimating that it weighs 200 pounds.

“The City of Atascadero was made aware of the object, and there is no current information about the future of the monument. Being that the obelisk is hundreds of pounds and not attached to the ground, it is possible to fall if pushed and The Atascadero News cautions hikers when near the object,” wrote the News.

This one doesn’t sound like a real alien artifact. I’m pretty sure E.T. wouldn’t need to weld anything or use bolts. I also know that E.T. is kind of a caring guy and wouldn’t want his space antenna to land on Eliot. So, I’m pretty sure that this was dropped off by a couple of guys. But people love this stuff and love the mystery.

And that brings us to the last story.

They’re Out There

According to the Daily Wire:

Retired Israeli Gen. and current professor Haim Eshed told a newspaper in Israel that not only are aliens real, but that the U.S. and Israeli governments have been working with them and President Donald Trump was recently on the verge of confirming their existence.

Eshed, who retired in 2011 as the head of the Defense Ministry’s Space Division, “served as the head of Israel’s space security program for nearly 30 years and is a three-time recipient of the Israel Security Award,” The Jerusalem Post reported. He “explained that Israel and the US have both been dealing with aliens for years.”

Eshed reportedly told Yediot Aharonot:

The UFOs have asked not to publish that they are here, humanity is not ready yet. Trump was on the verge of revealing, but the aliens in the Galactic Federation are saying: Wait, let people calm down first. They don’t want to start mass hysteria. They want to first make us sane and understanding.

Wow. I mean, just wow. This guy is 87-years old and had no evidence. It comes right after Trump declassified some documents that discussed Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs)

Trump was asked about UFOs by Fox News. He said:

“Well I’m gonna have to check on that. I mean, I’ve heard that. I heard that two days ago, so I’ll check on that. I’ll take a good, strong look at that.”

“I will tell you this. We now have created a military, the likes of which we’ve never had before in terms of equipment. The equipment that we have, the weapons that we have — and hopefully, hope to God we never have to use them.”

What I get out of that is we have a lot of technology and what people are probably seeing is our new defense technology. Some other politicians are concerned about UFOs but not for fear of little green men. They fear this could be technology foreign and it is a national security issue for these things being in the air and we don’t know what they are.

What do I get out of this? We probably don’t have to worry about war of the worlds.








Episode 260 – The Truth Always Come to Light

Sigh! This China virus thing just won’t go away.


Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti issued an order for residents to stay at home, warning that the city is approaching a “devastating tipping point” in its fight against COVID-19 that would overwhelm the hospital system.

He made it clear that if we do not cancel everything, we are all going to die. Listen:

So, what does this mean? What does, “cancel everything” mean. Well, it means cancel everything. What things does he want to cancel?

  • Cancel all dining; indoor and outdoor.
  • Banning walking.
  • Banning running and jogging.
  • Banning driving.
  • Banning riding a bike.
  • Banning public transportation.
  • Banning riding motorcycles and scooters.


What was not banned:

  • Activities like golf and tennis. I wonder why.
  • Grocery stores and markets.
  • Healthcare facilities.
  • Faith-based, outside services (per the Supreme Court, this would have been banned otherwise).
  • Liquor stores and pot dispensaries because these are considered “essential services”.


Anyone over the age of 16 traveling into L.A. must complete an online form upon arrival to acknowledge they’ve read and understood a California travel advisory. Failure to submit the form is punishable by a fine of up to $500.

Gee, this isn’t tyranny. This is coming from people who do what they want.

You cannot go to barber shops or salons. But what if they need a haircut? They go to a barber shop and salon (ones they closed).

They tell you not to eat out. But what if they want to go out for dinner? They go to a restaurant. Usually one that is $400 a plate with no masks, inside and with other politicians and lobbyists.

You want to drive your car at 10:05 PM? You can’t without looking at a $500 fine. But a governor’s husband can use his sway to get his boat put on the lake so he can take a boating trip (thanks, Gretchen Whitmer).

They tell you not to travel and their are going to be restrictions if you do. But what if they want to travel? They do. And will lecture you via a Zoom post while sitting in their hotel rooms.

That last one is a thing. Let’s listen to Steve Adler, the Democratic mayor of Austin, Texas. He decided it was important to tell his subjects that they needed to stay inside and do no traveling. He even released a pre-recorded video telling us to stay at home, skip the holidays and don’t travel.

What a caring man. What a wise man. There’s a problem. He was in Cabo San Lucas attending a wedding with a couple of dozen people and probably not wearing a mask. The wedding would be less romantic that way. He made that announcement while in his hotel room. Ugh!

Here’s What’s Frustrating

People are beginning to see this for what it is. Control and power. Tyranny. They see this as a chance for the elites to take control of the population. And all of the people in power and creating the shutdowns are Democrats. All those who are being hypocrites are Democrats. You don’t see this from Republicans.

Rick Desantis, Republican governor of Florida, was caught having dinner at a restaurant. No controversy.

Kristi Noem, Republican governor of South Dakota, was pictured with fans in front of Mount Rushmore. No one wearing masks. No controversy.

Gregg Abbott, Republican governor of Texas was running around in his wheelchair in public with no mask. No controversy.

Why? Is it because the media loves Republicans? No. They never closed their economies. Businesses are able to continue. People are able to work and spend their money. All have the individual rights and choices to deal with the Wuhan Flu in the way they see fit. And each of these states have the lowest infection and death rates in the country.

Each of these states has not suffered the economic collapse that other states have suffered through extreme lockdowns like New York, New Jersey, Michigan, California and Illinois. All Democratic states. Hell, they are Leftist states.

Here’s the thing: citizens are fed up and are beginning to fight back.

  • Newport Beach, in California, held a huge rally, protesting the lockdowns.
  • Also in California, the Ventura, Riverside, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Bernardino and Orange County Sheriff’s department have stated they will not enforce lockdowns because they are unconstitutional.
  • New York is having rallies involving hundreds to thousands of people supporting the continuing of businesses of bars and restaurants. The owners face arrests and extreme fines.
  • Gyms in Michigan are refusing to close. The owners face arrests and extreme fines.
  • Churches have gone to the Supreme Court to allow themselves to stay open. And won.


Listen to this guy. He owns a café. His entire family works there. He has been shut down for six months. Opened up and is being shut down again in Michigan. He found a reporter and went off:

Good for him. This is what its going to take. We need to fight. We need to be brave and push back because, if we don’t, our lives can get a lot worse.

The Left is taking away our First Amendment Rights. They want to take away our Second Amendment rights. If we let them, what is to stop them from taking everything else.

Kind of sounds familiar, right? Isn’t that what Cuba, the Soviet Union, China, North Korea and Venezuela did?

Listen, the socialists of the Left aren’t talking about the “socialist” countries of Norway, Sweden and Switzerland. Those countries do not have socialist economies. Our socialists like Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Bernie Sanders and Rashida Tlaib are talking about the bad kinds of socialism presented by the above mentioned countries. So are Gavin Newsom, Eric Garcetti, Gretchen Whitmer, Andrew Cuomo, Bill De Blasio, Lori Lightfoot, Kamala Harris and Sleepy, Creepy Joe.

It’s all about power. Only oppression guarantees power.



China Lied, People Died

Remember about 11 months ago when we said China’s incompetence and disregard for its citizens and the world led to this pandemic burning through the populations of the world? Remember that, when calling is the China virus or Wuhan flu, one was being a racist? Remember when Trump closed our borders to China, Trump was being a xenophobe?

Guess what? CNN has received to classified Chinese documents that discuss how terrible the Chinese did when the virus was accidently released. These documents, I think, kind of confirm that the virus was released from a lab, by accident, and spread to Wuhan. The original leaked story is that a woman working at a lab accidently caught the China virus and then went to Wuhan where she spread the disease. A few plane trips later, the virus spread throughout the world.

We know that China has been lying about this thing from day one:

  • They said they only have had 5000 deaths. We know that is crap because the have closed their economy three times and yet have not seen another death since the beginning of the pandemic. There have been pictures of pallets of funeral urns, up to 35,000 of them. So, a couple more people than 5000 died.
  • Several doctors who tried to alert the world and China of the danger of the virus have “disappeared.”
  • They said the virus, which was confirmed by the WHO, was not transmissible person to person.


Now, with the documents CNN got, we know that:

  • Chinese officials gave the world more optimistic data than they had access to internally. China’s bureaucracy was a real problem here.
  • China’s system took on average 23 days to diagnose confirmed patients, and testing failures meant most received negative results until January 10. This led to more spread, bad contact tracing and more deaths. The United States was never that bad.
  • A history of underfunding, understaffing, poor morale and bureaucratic models of governance hampered China’s early warning system, internal audits found. We have seen this before where bureaucracy led by incompetents can cause a terrible disaster. Remember Chernobyl.
  • A large and previously undisclosed outbreak of influenza happened in early December in Hubei province. This caused the Chinese to disregard the Wuhan flu as just the normal seasonal flu.
  • It is possible this disease has been in the United States since December and, maybe, earlier. The disease started in China in September or October.


Of course, this is CNN. They had to throw Trump under the bus somehow even though they had proof in their hands that China lied and were incompetent. Here’s what they included in the article which was a quote from health experts when they found out China screwed up. This is from Yanzhong Huang, a senior fellow for global health at the Council on Foreign Relations, who has written extensively on public health in China:

“It was clear they did make mistakes — and not just mistakes that happen when you’re dealing with a novel virus — also bureaucratic and politically-motivated errors in how they handled it. These had global consequences. You can never guarantee 100% transparency. It’s not just about any intentional cover-up, you are also constrained with by technology and other issues with a novel virus. But even if they had been 100% transparent, that would not stop the Trump administration downplaying the seriousness of it. It would probably not have stopped this developing into a pandemic.”

They just have to blame Trump on everything even though it was defined as a screw up in China, by their government, health industry and propaganda department.

Just typical. I also want to point out that not even CNN is broadcasting this. I had to search for the article. But what do you expect from a pig but a grunt.



Speaking of Pigs and Grunting

So our supposed leader, Sleepy Creepy Joe did a short interview and was asked about the vaccine. He then threw out an idea that would stop the virus in his first hundred days.  Listen:

Couple of things here:

  • First, Tony Fauci is a doctor in name only. He is not an epidemiologist. He has flip-flopped about everything from school openings to mask wearing. He would not know a good vaccine if it stuck him in the ass.
  • This is still an anti-Trump thing. The fact we have three vaccines under the Trump administration. This is a big win for Trump and Biden doesn’t want to admit that.
  • Finally, someone show me one study that show masks work. There was one study in Sweden that said masks preventing spread is up in the air. There is a mask mandate throughout Europe and they have a huge spike in infections.


It seems to me that masks might not be a thing. Do I wear one? All the time. It is only logical to wear one. But saying that a mask is what will suppress the virus is naïve and dumb.

So we can see that the government isn’t doing anything to help businesses last almost a year after they have been shut down. Nancy Pelosi still hasn’t come up with a bill for a stimulus package and refuses to negotiate with anyone. Of course, the Democrats are blaming Mitch McConnell, probably because they don’t know how our government works. The lower house is suppose to come up with a bill and the upper house is suppose to approve it or manipulate the bill to their liking. Then the two houses negotiate. I can’t remember the last time this happened.

The problem is that Nancy’s bill will cost $2.4 trillion and will fund museums, colleges and Democratic run cities who are fiscally irresponsible and are in debt because they lost their tax base by either shutting businesses down or because people are leaving the state. Mitch McConnell of the Senate want a $900 billion stimulus bill where the money goes to small business and people who are suffering. Trump has pushed it to $1.4 trillion. But no one wants to negotiate.

But Nancy has been working. She has two bills on the House floor this week.

  • The main bill on the House floor this week is a measure to end a federal ban on marijuana and require courts to expunge prior marijuana convictions.
  • Lawmakers will also take up the Big Cat Public Safety Act, which would ban the ownership of big cats like lions and tigers — a bill spurred by the popular Netflix docuseries “Tiger King.”


Oh my God, really? These are Nancy’s priorities?

Kevin McCarthy, the House Minority Leader, blew a gasket. He said:

“The speaker of this House has denied the ability to [get] help to the American public, simply because she wanted to determine something would happen in the election, to harm President Trump and him getting re-elected. But what has happened is American people are hurting. That has got to stop.”

  • “Democrats have focused on cats and cannabis, but not on COVID. You’d think after a humiliating defeat in the ballot box this year … that Democrats would get the picture that Americans are demanding some action on these issues.”


“For months, Speaker Pelosi has done nothing to help Americans who are hurting. For more than 40 times Republicans have brought on the floor COVID relief votes that the Democrats have voted against.”

Well today, Friday, Pelosi decided to accept a smaller stimulus bill. A reporter asked her why.

She said:

“Perhaps you missed what I said earlier. Joe Biden committed to ending and crushing the virus and had a build better America initiative, build back better. A vaccine, answer to our prayers. An answer to our prayers of 95% effectiveness in terms of Pfizer and Moderna and there maybe others coming forward. That is a total game changer, a new president and a vaccine.”

“This has simplicity. It’s what we’ve had in our bills It’s for a shorter period of time, but that’s okay now, because we have a new president. A president who recognizes that we need to depend on science to stop the virus. A president who understands that America’s working families need to have money in their pockets in a way that takes them into the future, without any of the contraptions of any of the other bills that the administration was associating itself with [inaudible] before.”

So, Trump was President and that’s why she would not approve a bill that is meant to help citizens and small businesses.

Democrats do not care about you. They do not care about us. They are worried about animals and keeping us stoned. If we are stoned, we won’t complain. The problem is we are out of money and can’t afford pot right now.










Episode 259 – Raising the Barr

Attorney General Bill Barr is going to make Sleepy Creepy Joe’s life miserable.

The Left might be losing an American Hero.

And let’s point out the hypocrisy of Leftist logic.


Protecting the Investigation

Attorney General William Barr has appointed U.S. Attorney John Durham to be special counsel in the criminal investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe.

Appointing Durham gives him “extra protection” to continue the investigation as a transition in presidential administrations is likely to take place in a little under two months. Barr’s move will make it harder for the incoming Biden administration to fire Durham and end the probe.

Barr said:

“Although I had expected Mr. Durham to complete his work by the summer of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as additional information he uncovered, prevented him from doing so. In advance of the presidential election, I decided to appoint Mr. Durham as a Special Counsel to provide him and his team with the assurance that they could complete their work, without regard to the outcome of the election.”

Catherine Herridge from CBS news Tweeted:

“Special Counsel Durham scope is broad + encompasses recently declassified docs. This may set up interesting dynamic with nexus to then VP Biden. Declassified records include unmasking @GenFlynn + Jan 2017 WH meeting where, according to notes, ‘VP’ raised Logan Act.”

This is a good thing, sort of. I think this investigation needs to continue or finish quickly because Sleepy Creepy Joe is not going to happy about it. Especially since he was directly involved in the unmasking of Michael Flynn and probably was involved in spying of the Trump campaign. This could also bring up a whole lot of stuff Biden doesn’t want investigated like the Steele Dossier, involvement by the Obama administration in Russia and Ukraine (which Biden was directly involved in and possible perjury charges for John Brennen, Peter Strozk, Jim Comey and Andrew McCabe. This is not the way Biden is going to want to start his Presidency like this.

Biden does have an option. He can wait until his Attorney General gets confirmed, which will take some time, and have that person fire Durham and end the investigation. This should look bad on Biden. But it won’t except for the Conservative counter culture. The legacy media will ignore anything that Biden does. How do I know?

This was pretty serious news. Barr believes this investigation is going somewhere and is afraid the Biden administration will scrap it. As information comes out, people are going to get thrown under the bus including Biden and probably a bunch of his staff since they were all part of the Obama administration. ABC, CBS and NBC all ignored the story. CNN and MSNBC mentioned it but didn’t think it was a big deal.

But I will tell you one thing: the day Biden cans Durham we will have our first Biden scandal.



Hero No More

On a podcast called Good Luck, America host Peter Hamby asked Barrack Obama an interesting question:

“If you’re a young activist today and you believe really passionately in a slogan, like Defund the Police, what is your advice to that activist? Knowing that a lot of politicians won’t go near that phrase, even if the nuts and bolts of the idea might be popular.”

Obama answered:

“If you believe, as I do, that we should be able to reform the criminal justice system so that it’s not biased and treats everybody fairly, I guess you can use a snappy slogan, like ‘Defund the Police,’ but, you know, you lost a big audience the minute you say it, which makes it a lot less likely that you’re actually going to get the changes you want done.”

“But if you instead say, Hey, you know what? Let’s reform the police department so that everybody’s being treated fairly. And not just in policing, but in sentencing, how can we divert young people from getting into crime? And if there was a homeless guy, can maybe we send a mental health worker there instead of an armed unit that could end up resulting in a tragedy?”

“You know, suddenly a whole bunch of folks who might not otherwise listen to you are listening to you. So the key is deciding, do you want to actually get something done, or do you want to feel good among the people you already agree with? And if you want to get something done in a democracy, in a country as big and diverse as ours, then you’ve got to be able to meet people where they are.”

I don’t agree with Obama on practically anything but he’s right here. Using the extreme language of the Left is alienating most of the country including people of color. This is why people are voting for Republicans in mass numbers including people of color. Trump received the highest number of the black vote this election in 50 years at almost 20%. He received the highest number of the Hispanic vote in 50 years at over 30% and I think closer to 40%. Because people of color depend on the police for protection against…wait for it…criminals.

We have talked about all of the criminals that have been made into heroes including George Floyd and Breanna Taylor. I am not going to justify what happened with George Floyd. I think Darren Chauvin was wrong in what he did. It this a sign of systemic racism? Is this a sign a racism? To me, it looks like a bad cop. And he’s in jail, right at this moment, for it. To use the every iffy confrontations between police and criminals is not reason enough to just take money away from the police. And most of the people in this country don’t want that.

But we are talking about the Left. And they don’t admit they are wrong. They just double down.

Ilhan Omar Tweeted:

“We lose people in the hands of police. It’s not a slogan but a policy demand. And centering the demand for equitable investments and budgets for communities across the country gets us progress and safety.”

Rashida Tlaib said:

“Rosa Parks was vilified & attacked for her civil disobedience. She was targeted. It’s hard seeing the same people who uplift her courage, attack the movement for Black lives that want us to prioritize health, funding of schools & ending poverty, rather than racist police systems.”

Ayanna Pressley Tweeted:

“The murders of generations of unarmed Black folks by police have been horrific. Lives are at stake daily so I’m out of patience with critiques of the language of activists. Whatever a grieving family says is their truth. And I’ll never stop fighting for their justice & healing.”

Missouri Democrat, Cori Bush Tweeted:

“With all due respect, Mr. President—let’s talk about losing people. We lost Michael Brown Jr. We lost Breonna Taylor. We’re losing our loved ones to police violence. It’s not a slogan. It’s a mandate for keeping our people alive. Defund the police.”

This is where the the Democratic party is going to have a really hard time in 2022. It’s because the Left cannot stop being insane and hate 75% of the country. Nothing reasonably said, even from one of their own, that goes against the Leftist narrative, can be accepted. It’s already cost the Democrats seats in the House and probably the Senate. I can’t wait until Biden says something they don’t agree with.



OK, Who Cares…But…

“Juno” star Ellen Page announced a transgender identity, new pronouns, and a name change to “Elliot” on Tuesday, for which many congratulated the Academy Award nominee, including some companies.

I don’t care about any of this. I think it’s simply virtue signaling. But let me go into a different direction. The direction the Left wants everyone to go to. I’m good with it.

Intersectionality believes that groups define your victim class. If one is part of a certain group: black, gay, transgender, etc. They are a victim in some way. An example is that a black lesbian woman belongs to three victim groups and she has more grievances and moral authority than me because I am only a straight, white male. But they also want us to accept that men can be women and women can be men. OK, I’ll go with that.

So, let’s play logic and skip science. It’s funny but the Left will use science to make themselves victims but will skip science for everything else.

  • Ellen Page was a white, lesbian woman. She meets two categories of victim: woman and lesbian.
  • She has decided to be a man. That makes her a transgender male…lesbian? If we accept this, she…sorry, he…belongs to three victim groups: lesbian, woman and transgender.
  • Oh wait! Gender is mailable. It can change. So a man can be a woman and a woman can be a man. So she is not a she because she said she is a he so he is a he.
  • Eliot likes women, so he’s not gay. And, because he’s a man, he’s straight.
  • Eliot is white so he’s not a person of color.
  • That makes Eliot a straight white male that belongs to no victim group in the eyes of identity politics and intersectionality.
  • He can’t say he is transgender because a man can be a woman and a woman can be a man. Being transgender assumes that a transgender male was a female. But we are led to believe that is not a thing by the Left.


This is the problem with the Left, intersectionality and identity politics. One has to ignore reason and science for this to work. That’s because Ellen Page:

  • Is and will always be a woman.
  • Likes women.
  • And decided to call herself a man, which she isn’t.


Do you see the problem with the thinking of the Left?









Episode 258 – Historic?

The Left has already started eating each other and Biden isn’t even President yet.

We are heading in the right direction but the death penalty still won’t work in the United States.

And, historic? Really?


Eating Their Own

Dr. Melina Abdullah, lead organizer of BLM’s Los Angeles chapter, said:

Joe Biden, “capitalized on our efforts to defund the police, and then tried to condemn the words at the same time.”

“We want to be very clear that as we happily usher out the Trump regime, we will not accept liberal white supremacy in the White House in the form of Joe Biden. It doesn’t matter to me that Kamala Harris is your vice president if you’re using her black woman body to usher in oppressive systems and oppressive people like Eric Garcetti.”

“We know that we had to protest Donald Trump, we had to get Donald Trump out. We have to protest blatant white supremacy, but we have to remember that there’s a lot of liberal white supremacists.”

Here is where Biden is going to have a lot of problems in the future. His Leftist base is going to go after him if he does not do exactly what he wants them to do. This is what the Left does: they eat their own. The have to. The Right and liberal Democrats just don’t care anymore. I think it is a badge of honor to have a Leftist call me a racist, sexist, xenophobic, bigoted, homophobe. Oh, yeah and a misogynist. It usually means I said something that can’t be argued with. People on the Right and liberal Democrats don’t care what people call them. That’s because we think it’s stupid.

But this is a major issue for Leftists and Progressives. They know their base and know they need to go radical, no matter what reason tells them. That’s the problem Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are facing. Reason says the radicalism of the Leftist base is not reasonable. The rest of the country won’t accept it. But they don’t have the courage (in other words, they are cowards) to buck against BS like socialism, anti-racism and defunding any of the institutions that were made to protect society, putting the Leftist radicals, who are a minority, in their places.

And that’s the other thing. This anti-racism BS has to go. It is stupid, illogical looking at the history of the United States and racist. That shit just needs to be stopped and condemned.



And Why Not?

Beginning on December 24, 2020, the Department of Justice will allow the Bureau of Prisons to execute inmates on federal death row by means other than lethal injection.

Methods that can be used include electrocution or lethal gas. But the law states that some states allow the condemned to choose their form of execution. For example, Utah will allow firing squad. If I had the choice to die, I think the firing squad would have been the fastest way to go. I’m not sure why they got rid of it.

The reasons these options are being allowed is because of the lack of drugs need for lethal injection. Some states still want to rid the world of the pieces of garbage that gave up their right to live.

Three people on death row may get the opportunity to take advantage of this awesome ruling:

  • Cory Johnson – convicted in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia for killing seven people in a 1992 drug trafficking-related killing spree.
  • Dustin John Higgs – convicted of kidnapping three women — Tamika Black, Tanji Jackson, and Mishann Chinn — under the pretense of offering them a ride home from a gathering he had hosted earlier in the evening, according to officials. He then drove the women to a secluded area, handed a gun to a friend, and ordered the friend to execute the women.
  • Lisa Montgomery – Montgomery, 52, the only woman on federal death row, has been scheduled for January 12, 2021, after her original date for December 8 was postponed on account that two of her attorneys contracted serious cases of COVID-19. She was convicted in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Missouri back in 2007 for the murder of Bobbie Jo Stinnett, a 23-year-old pregnant woman. Montgomery had traveled to Stinett’s home under the pretense of wanting to adopt a puppy, but after she arrived, she strangled Stinnett and butchered her abdomen with a knife in order to kidnap her unborn child and raise the baby as her own.


They all sound like special little angels of society, don’t they? Can you think of any three people who deserve mercy?

That doesn’t mean I don’t have issues with the death penalty. I do. I don’t think it works. At least not on this country. So why does it work in other countries like Saudi Arabia and in the Indonesian countries? There are three reason why the death penalty is lacking deterrence in the United States.

  • Performed often.
  • Performed quickly.
  • Performed in public.


When I hear a defense attorney or an anti-death penalty activist say that it does not deter murder, I point to those three reasons that those same defense attorneys and activists created to avoid the death penalty.

Listen, if one commits a first degree, intentional murder, that person deserves death for several reason:

  • They have forfeited their humanity.
  • They have forfeited their right to live in a civilized society.
  • They will do it again.
  • They do not deserve to live on the backs of productive members of society as a life sentence would allow.
  • They need to be punished. And that punishment should be an example to all.
  • Those who are affected by the death of a loved one deserve justice.


I know there are degrees of killing. They’re not all equal. I am talking about people who intentionally kill with no guilt.

Listen to this from a man, Luis Enriquez Bracamontes, who was convicted of intentionally killing two sheriff deputies. Tell me if he deserves mercy.

By the way, Bracamontes was an illegal alien. I wonder if that’s going to come up in a Biden campaign commercial on illegal immigration.

Notice that the judge sent the jury out of the room? Why? Notice that his defense attorney trying to get a mental health hearing? Is he getting found not guilty by mental defect ever going to make him safe to be released back into society? Probably not. Does this narcissistic sociopath who is illegally in this country and brazenly killed two of our citizens deserve to be supported by American tax payers for the rest of his life? I think not.



Professional Troll

In response to a report claiming President Trump is planning to announce a 2024 run for the White House on Jan. 20, 2021 — which just happens to be Inauguration Day — a lawyer representing the Trump campaign and the president said the claim is more “fake news” designed to feed the narrative that he’s “given up the fight for election integrity.”

The Daily Beast, a far Left rag, reported:

“According to three people familiar with the conversations, the president, who refuses to acknowledge he lost the 2020 election as he clearly did, has not just talked to close advisers and confidants about a potential 2024 run to reclaim the White House but about the specifics of a campaign launch.”

“The conversations have explored, among other things, how Trump could best time his announcement so as to keep the Republican Party behind him for the next four years. Two of these knowledgeable sources said the president has, in the past two weeks, even floated the idea of doing a 2024-related event during Biden’s inauguration week, possibly on Inauguration Day, if his legal effort to steal the 2020 election ultimately fails.”

Jenna Ellis, Trump 2020 senior legal adviser and attorney to President Trump said what is probably true:

“Fake news media continues to frame the fake news narrative that President Trump has given up the fight for election integrity. This is completely false. I speak with the President daily and he is focused on saving our great Republic now, not four years from now.”

This comes right after when Trump said it is going to be very to concede if the electoral college votes him out on December 14.

Question for you: Is this Trump trolling the media, Biden and the Left? I’d say yes.

The Daily Beast wrote:

The Daily Beast also cited “two sources with direct knowledge of the matter,” claiming that the president “has privately bragged that he’d still remain in the spotlight, even if Biden is in the Oval Office, in part because the news media will keep regularly covering him since — as Trump has assessed — he gets the news outlets ratings and those same outlets find Biden ‘boring.’”

What does this say? Trump is under the media’s skin. Like a serial killer, they can’t stop the hate and they will not stop. The love for Biden is not going to quench their blood lust and showing love for the retard Biden is going to get boring, fast. The legacy media ratings are going to suck eggs with all the love they are going to show for Biden.

The media needs Trump. Trump also needs the hatred of the media. Be prepared to be hearing from Trump a lot in the next four years. And he’ll be there with a shit-eating grin and that spiffy little dance he does.



American Hero?

The SEC named soccer goalkeeper and fill-in Vanderbilt kicker Sarah Fuller the special teams “player of the week,” an honor she’s sharing with Kadarius Toney from the University of Florida.

This is social justice, political correctness, woke culture and intersectionality all brought out together.

Upon the announcement that she would win the honor, the SEC released a statement:

“Fuller made history Saturday, becoming the first woman ever to officially take the field during a football game in a major conference football game. She took the opening kickoff of the second half against the Tigers, as her perfectly-executed kick sailed 30 yards and was downed at the Missouri 35-yard line. She joined the likes of New Mexico’s Katie Hnida and Kent State’s April Goss as the only females to appear in a Football Bowl Subdivision contest.”

Vanderbilt head coach, Derek Mason, said:

“You can look at the roster and see who wasn’t here today and have a pretty good idea of what transpired. What I can tell you is we did look at our roster. We looked at guys that were available who had kicked before. … Nobody who had as much experience at practice or the natural capability of Sarah. Whether it was kicking off or whether it was field goals, she happened to be our best option today.”

I saw this kick. She could not kick off a tee, she had to have someone hold the football. The ball got, maybe, 30 feet into the air, got 30 yards and was caught before the ball went out of bounds which would have been a penalty. She then ran off the field before the play was over, not covering like a real kicker is suppose to do. The coach, who got fired after the game, said it was a perfect “squib” kick.


Why in the hell would she kick a squib kick and give the opponent great field position on the first play of the second half when her team is down by 21 points? Also, squib kicks are typically sent through the middle of the field, not the sideline. Here’s what I think, she missed the kick probably because she’s used to kicking a round soccer ball and not a football.

Also, why is she running off the field before the play is done?

But none of this matters. It’s all about the narrative and the supposed “glass ceiling.” I guess it only took a 20 yard kick to break that ceiling.

This was Sarah Fuller’s response after the game to be calling immortal and historic:

It got worse. She actually have a speech at halftime. The balls on this chick! What f-ing football team allows the kicker, who has never played a single down, make a speech at halftime? How about none. From pee-wee to the NFL the kicker is suppose to say and do nothing besides know where his f-ing tee is.

Then she had the balls to bitch about her teammates. I’m not kidding. She was ticked at them because the were not all cheerleading on the sidelines.

She said:

“If I’m going to be honest, I was a little pissed off at how quiet everybody was on the sideline. We made a first down, and I was the only one cheering and I was like – what the heck? What’s going on? And I tried to get them pumped up, and I was like, ‘You guys need to start [cheering] your team on.’”

“My main thing was during the SEC tournament, my entire team was cheering the entire time. It didn’t matter if we were in the locker room or if they were on the sidelines, I think that’s what won it for us. Everybody was cheering non-stop.”

“I just went in there, and I said exactly what I was thinking. I was like, ‘We need to be cheering each other on. This is how you win games. This is how you get better, by calling each other out for stuff, and I’m going to call you guys out.’”

The arrogance is absolutely disgusting. This team was 0-7 on the way to 0-8 and are down 21-0. And this publicity stunt has the balls to talk shit about her teammates when she has not played a single down?

This whole thing was:

  • A publicity stunt based on woke culture. No one would have known anything about this game if it weren’t for her kicking 25 yards.
  • This does not further promote equality. In fact, it had the opposite effect.
  • This whole thing showed the differences between men and women. Football is a sport designed for men. That’s not sexist, that’s just the way it is. Football is a meritocracy. Only the best play. Women do not have the capacity to lay football. And that’s OK, I don’t either. Women do a lot of things better than men. Football isn’t one of them.
  • Simone Biles, the gymnast, can do things that no men can do. There are events in women’s gymnastics that are not in the men’s competition (balance beam). That’s because men can’t do it.


The need to make women totally equal to men is stupid and unnecessary. No history was made here.










Episode 257 – What is Wrong with These People?!

Busy weekend. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. I, on the other hand, committed a felony by going to a Thanksgiving feast at my father’s house. But the Los Angeles SWAT team didn’t bust through the windows and arrest any of us. So good for us.



  • The Supreme Court, in a 5-4 ruling, ordered that New York could not place restrictions on church services without treating other business in the same way. Why this wasn’t 9-0 I have no idea. The media is blaming Amy Coney Barret, of course.
  • The head of the Iranian nuclear program was killed in Iran this weekend. The Iranians blame Israel (which is a pretty good accusation). The Biden administration, which is going to hate Israel, is pissed because this might hurt any chance of creating another Iran Nuclear Agreement.


John Brennan, who should be in jail for lying to Congress and supported the Obama Iran nuclear deal, had some harsh words. He Tweeted:




And they are Voting…Why?

A survey conducted of 1,750 Biden voters in seven swing states between November 9-18 found that the news media’s suppression of stories that would have hurt former Vice President Joe Biden’s electoral chances had such a significant effect that the suppression could have swung the election away from President Trump.

As Newsbusters reports, the Media Research Center asked The Polling Company to survey voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, all states that were called for Biden, except North Carolina. The survey asked respondents what they knew about eight specific issues or stories that MRC felt the media had not adequately covered. The survey found that 17% of the Biden voters surveyed said they would not have voted for him had they known about at least one of the stories.

Tara Reide’s Sexual Assault Claim

  • 35.4% say they did not know about the accusation.
  • 8.9% said they would have voted for someone else.


The Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal

  • 45.1% did not know about it.
  • 9.4% would have voted for someone else.


Kamala Harris’ Radical Views and Her Past

  • 25.3% knew about them.
  • 4.1% would have changed their vote.


Pre-Elections Jobs Report

This is one that really surprised me. I thought that getting the economy down to 6.4% unemployment.. Well, people would have thought the same thing if the legacy media had said something.

  • 39.4% unaware.
  • 5.4% would have changed their vote.


Only 5.4% changing their vote is a curiosity.

Huge Spike in Economic Growth

This would have surprised me if people knew what Gross Domestic Product is. GDP is the rise in value of good and services. The more demand, the higher people sell them and the higher the GDP. Trump, in the last quarter, during COVID, had a jump in GDP of over 30%. This is something the Biden administration will benefit from when this COVID thing ends. It will be interesting to compare Trump’s results with Biden’s results (though I think the media will cover for Biden when the jump isn’t as dramatic).

  • 49% unaware.
  • 5.6% would have changed their votes.


Again, I’m surprised that the economy isn’t that important to respondants.

Historic Peace Agreements in the Middle East

There will be three to four huge peace deals before Trump leaves office. The UAE and Bahrain have signed deals with Israel, Sudan is about to sign one and Saudi Arabia is meeting with Israel to negotiate one. Never has something like this ever happened. Completely ignored by the media.

  • 43.5% unaware.
  • 5% would have switched.


Energy Independence for the United States

  • 50.5% unaware.
  • 5.8% would have switched.


The Success of Operation Warp Speed

  • 36.1% of Biden voters unaware of administration’s role.
  • 5.3% would have abandoned Biden.


Not only did the people not know that the reason we have three vaccines and a bunch of therapeutics and the death rate from COVID is one of the lowest in the world is because the news media and the Democrats have been blaming Trump for the virus from day one.


Why is there such a disparity in Biden voters? What does this tell us?

  • The media’s lies and the Democrats bashing (and lies) have taken their toll.
  • The media never asking questions of Biden helped.
  • No more mail-in ballots. A lot of people that shouldn’t have voted, did.
  • No more early balloting. Too much came out after a load of people voted. That included:
    • The second debate which Biden got murdered.
    • The Hunter Biden laptop.
    • The recent economic numbers.
    • The discovery of the vaccines.


The media was the killer here but so was how we ran the election. The reality is if you did not hear about all of the above, you probably shouldn’t have voted anyway. This also tells us the we need to rid the world of the mainstream, legacy media. We need to find our news from other sources like The Blaze, Daily Wire, One America News and News Max so that we get more honest information. Yes, these publications are slanted also but they admit it and will give both sides of the story.



What About His Plans?

From the Washington Examiner:

President-elect Joe Biden gave his first post-election interview on Tuesday. Discussing his plans with NBC News, he ran through a strategy to handle coronavirus that sounded remarkably like a continuation of what the Trump administration is already doing. Plus, Biden will benefit from the introduction of vaccines — plural — created as a result of President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed program. The Biden plan might be called — not by Democrats, of course — Continue What Trump Started.

The order in which he listed his priorities would be revealing. And the first thing he said was: Immigration.

Biden said:

“Some of it’s going to depend on the kind of cooperation I can or cannot get from the United States Congress. But I am going to make a commitment in the first 100 days, I will send an immigration bill to the United States Senate with a pathway to citizenship for over 11 million undocumented people in America.”

Awesome. So, during a pandemic, with millions of Americans and legal immigrants out of work in this country, Joe Biden is going to make being illegal legal. So much for Sleepy, Creepy Joe being a law-and-order President.

Biden will also likely institute a 100-day freeze on deportations. There is no good policy reason to do so, but it was a popular pledge on the Democratic campaign trail, and Biden committed to it back in March. Also, the Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force, the effort to reconcile Biden’s programs with rival Bernie Sanders’ at the end of the Democratic campaign, committed to a 100-day deportation moratorium.

That’s great!

Trump failed in his effort to end DACA, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, begun by President Obama. Even though Obama instituted the program using only his executive authority, courts stopped Trump from using his executive authority to end it, arguing that the Trump administration had not done all the paperwork, had not dotted all the i’s and crossed all the t’s, to get it done. That was clearly an act of judicial activism, but it has kept DACA alive for the next Democratic administration to revive. The Biden team has said it will reinstate the full DACA “on day one” of the new administration.

Listen, and this is something Josie and I disagree on, but I do not have a problem with DACA other than it  The problem I have is that this is a law created by executive order and does not have any due process built into it. The Trump administration thought the same thing. That’s why he wanted it overturned. He wanted Congress to come up with a plan and he would sign it. The Obama executive order just said that no one under a certain age could be deported. That’s a really loose interpretation of the law. Laws also should not be created by the President.

Then there is the wall, What happens now? During the Democratic primaries, some candidates vowed to tear down the wall. But Biden has said he will not do that. Instead, he plans to stop the project cold. “There will not be another foot of wall construction in my administration,” he told the Dallas Morning News last August. Biden plans to say what opponents of a physical barrier have always said — that he wants to emphasize high-tech surveillance measures — a “virtual wall” — to stop illegal crossings. It won’t work, but it is sure to get support in Congress.

This virtual wall is nothing. It’s double-speak for putting up cameras and letting Border Patrol track down the illegal aliens. Funny thing is is his base wants to eliminate Border Patrol and ICE so calling it a virtual wall is just stupid. We’ll have a lot of cameras seeing the illegals cross but no one to pick them up.

Biden pledges to do all that, and more, to dismantle Trump’s immigration program. Republicans believe, with good reason, that Biden’s arrival in the White House will likely lead to a “surge” of people trying to cross illegally into the United States. The countdown is on.

This is all true and we have seen it before. I find it ironic that the Left says how aweful this country is yet they tell everyone one from every other country to come on in. They do that for two reasons. First, the Democrats get a brand new bunch of voters. Don’t forget: they also want illegal immigrants to be able to vote. Second, they are trying to turn the United States into a third world country. The more people, the less work. The less work, the more the government is depended on by the people. More dependence by the people on the government, the more power the government gets.

Sorry to tell you but the formula is that simple and too many are too dumb or brainwashed to see it.



The Paris Climate Accord

Stephen Moore, Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Project for Economic Growth, at The Heritage Foundation, slammed Joe Biden during an interview on Thanksgiving, saying that Biden’s policies, specifically his desire to rejoin the Paris Climate Accords, are going to harm American workers.

Listen to what Moore said about rejoining the Paris Climate Accord on Fox News on Thanksgiving:

I have nothing more to add. The Paris Climate Accord is a way to level the playing field with the United States. Economically. The United States is the most powerful country in history economically. No other country, including China, can keep up with us. This agreement does nothing but force the United States to implement regulations on businesses. No one else in the agreement has to do that.

Not to mention, all of the restrictions on carbon release is made up by the country themselves and it is non-binding with no consequences. For example, and don’t quote me on this, but Obama said that the United States would lower carbon emissions by 33% over the next ten years while China, the biggest polluters by far, would only lower by 15%.

Question: Why join something that does not restrict our competitors but puts heavy restrictions on us?

The Paris Climate Accord is this globalist lovefest the Left wants to be part of. The United States isn’t a great country and probably shouldn’t be a country at all. Obama believed that. That’s why he was cruising around Europe, apologizing for the United States kicking ass against tyranny during World War I and II.



Let the Lovefest Begin

So, Sleepy, Creepy Joe has decided to abandon his two German Shepherds in place of a cat. And the media is all wet over it. I am not kidding. This was considered “exclusive news.”

From the Daily Wire:

Many of us love animals, including those that go to the White House to live with presidents, but media fawning over the announcement that Joe Biden would get a cat for his administration shows exactly what kind of coverage we can expect of the Biden administration over the next four years. CBS Sunday Morning tweeted Friday evening that not only would the Bidens bring their two German shepherds to the White House, but that the family “tell us exclusively that soon they’ll be joined by a cat.”

This shows us what we can expect for the next four years. No one is talking about the policies I just discussed. They are talking about a fucking cat. The reason I bring this story up is because there are a lot of moral lessons we can unravel with this.

First , Joe Biden is abandoning his dogs? And they’re German Shepherds, which are awesome. What a dick! Nothing like earning the love of a couple of awesome dogs and then saying, “screw them, I’m getting a cat” to show one’s humanity.

Next, cats suck. Their crap smells…well…like crap. They play with you when you don’t want to play and won’t play with you when you want to play with them. Their tongues are made out of sandpaper. They claw everything. They swing on the curtains when your father-in-law comes for a visit. OK, I have owned cats, I know what they are like. I’m allergic to them too.

The only redeeming factor about having a cat is when they piss you off, you can open the door and there is a good chance they’ll run away and never come back. I hate cats.

Finally, this is our media. They will always find the silver lining whenever Joe Biden makes a crappy decision like allowing illegals to come into the country, continuing DACA, suspending deportations, rejoining the Paris Climate Accord and, yes, getting a cat.

The next four years are going to be a rocky ride.





Episode 256 – The Rise of the Swamp!

Let’s go over what is happening with the Trump legal fight and why it’s not looking good. Joe Biden is picking out his team and…well…same old, same old. And perversion is becoming mainstream.


It’s Starting…

The Trump administration will begin the formal transition process for the incoming administration of Democrat Joe Biden, according to a letter from the administration.

The announcement from General Services Administration (GSA) Administrator Emily W. Murphy comes after House Democrats demanded earlier in the day to be briefed on why the process had not already started.

In a letter addressed to Biden, Murphy wrote:

As the Administrator of the U.S. General Services Administration, I have the ability under the Presidential Transition Act of 1963, as amended, to make certain post-election resources and services available to assist in the event of a presidential transition. See 3 U.S.C. § 102 note (the “Act”). I take this role seriously and, because of recent developments involving legal challenges and certifications of election results, am transmitting this letter today to make those resources and services available to you.

I have dedicated much of my adult life to public service, and I have always strived to do what is right. Please know that I came to my decision independently, based on the law and available facts. I was never directly or indirectly pressured by any Executive Branch official- including those who work at the White House or GSA- with regard to the substance or timing of my decision. To be clear, I did not receive any direction to delay my determination. I did, however, receive threats online, by phone, and by mail directed at my safety, my family, my staff, and even my pets in an effort to coerce me into making this determination prematurely. Even in the face of thousands of threats, I always remained committed to upholding the law.

Contrary to media reports and insinuations, my decision was not made out of fear or favoritism. Instead, I strongly believe that the statute requires that the GSA Administrator ascertain, not impose, the apparent president-elect. Unfortunately, the statute provides no procedures or standards for this process, so I looked to precedent from prior elections involving legal challenges and incomplete counts. GSA does not dictate the outcome of legal disputes and recounts, nor does it determine whether such proceedings are reasonable or justified. These are issues that the Constitution, federal laws, and state laws leave to the election certification process and decisions by courts of competent jurisdiction. I do not think that an agency charged with improving federal procurement and property management should place itself above the constitutionally-based election process. I strongly urge Congress to consider amendments to the Act.

As you know, the GSA Administrator does not pick or certify the winner of a presidential election. Instead, the GSA Administrator’s role under the Act is extremely narrow: to make resources and services available in connection with a presidential transition. As stated, because of recent developments involving legal challenges and certifications of election results, I have determined that you may access the post-election resources and services described in Section 3 of the Act upon request. The actual winner of the presidential election will be determined by the electoral process detailed in the Constitution.

Section 7 of the Act and Public Law 116-159, dated October 1, 2020, which provides continuing appropriations until December 11 , 2020, makes $6,300,000 available to you to carry out the provisions of Section 3 of the Act. In addition, $1,000,000 is authorized, pursuant to Public Law 116-159, to provide appointee orientation sessions and a transition directory. I remind you that Section 6 of the Act imposes reporting requirements on you as a condition for receiving services and funds from GSA.

If there is anything we can do to assist you, please contact Ms. Mary D. Gibert, the Federal Transition Coordinator.

This allowing of transition is not President Trump surrendering. He is just allowing some high level transition work start because it may tale a little longer to complete. She’s just making plans on furniture and appointee orientation. Later, you will see none of these people really need an orientation. They’ve all been there before.

What I am still amazed at is the media is still acting like Donald Trump is going to lock himself in the Oval Office and the military is going to have to storm in and drag Trump out and hang him in the Rose Garden. None of that crap is going to happen. If he loses, he’s going to leave office, make a news network and make another billion dollars.



…And This is Why

Michigan’s election board voted three in favor with one abstention to certify the state’s election results on Monday following GOP calls to delay certification until an audit could be completed.

No reason to panic yet. The lawsuits have not stopped. We knew this was going to happen. If Trump wins a suit, the certification can be overturned.

The problem is the evidence is not being presented. Sydney Powell’s “Kraken” seems to be more of a minnow. Rudy has basically lost every hearing he’s presented and claiming each loss is actually a good thing. In other words, he is spinning losses as hope.

It ain’t looking good. If something huge does not happen by next week, nothing is going to happen. Whether it is from Rudy or Sydney Powell, time is running out.



So Who Is Going to Advise Biden?

CNN, this morning, said that a “new era” was dawning with the picks Joe Biden is making within his cabinet. Really? Let’s take a look at his picks.

Ron Klain (Chief of Staff)

  • Joined the Clinton-Gore campaign in 1992.
  • Worked with the Gore campaign in 1999.
  • Was a lobbyist for Fannie Mae until 2005.
  • Heavily involved in the John Kerry campaign in 2004.
  • Was Chief of Staff for Joe Biden from 2005 to 2015.
  • Supported the Iran Nuclear Deal and think it was a mistake to pull out of it.
  • Supported Obama on the invasion of Crimea


Antoney Bilken (Secretary of State)

  • Served on the National Security Council under Clinton from 1994 to 2001.
  • Was appointed to the US Senate Foreign Relations committee in 2008 while Bush was President.
  • Worked on Biden’s Presidential campaign in 2008.
  • Worked for the Obama transition team in 2008.
  • Was a National Security Advisor for Joe Biden from 2009 to 2013.
  • He supported the invasion of Iraq in 2003.
  • Helped craft the Iranian nuclear program.
  • Advised Obama on the Russian invasion of Crimea.
  • Supported the invasion of Libya.
  • Supported the Saudi-intervention of Yemen.
  • Very influential in Europe, supports relations with China. He a Globalist.


John Kerry (Climate Czar)

  • John Kerry has been in politics since 1972.
  • Served as Secretary of State under Obama from 2013 to 2017.
  • Supported the Iraq War in 2003.
  • Supported the operation in Libya in 2011.
  • Support the Iran Nuclear Deal.
  • Supported military force in Syrian civil war.
  • Supported the Paris Climate Accord.
  • Did not support moving the US consulate to Jerusalem.
  • Did not believe there could ever be peace in the Middle East unless Palestinian issues were resolved.


John Kerry has been wrong about every foreign policy decision while Secretary of State.

Jake Sullivan (lead for the National Security Council)

  • Director of Policy Planning from 2011 to 2013 under Obama.
  • National Security Advisor for Joe Biden from 2013 to 2014.
  • Worked on the Hilary Clinton campaign in 2013.
  • Very pro-Iran Nuclear Deal.
  • Pro-Paris climate accord.


Janet Yellen (Treasury Secretary)

  • 18th Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors under Clinton from 1997-1999.
  • President of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco from 2004-2010.
  • Member of the Federal Reserve Board of governors under Obama from 2010-2018.
  • Vice Chair of the Federal Reserve under Obama 2010-2014.
  • 15th Chair of the Federal Reserve under Obama from 2014-2018.
  • She believes in injected federal money to stabilize economies despite inflation and is not a fan of adjusting interest rates.


Alejandro Mayorkas (DHS Head)

  • United States Attorney for the Central District of California under Clinton from 1998-2001.
  • Director of United States Citizenship and Immigration Services under Obama from 2008-2013.
  • 6th United States Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security under Obama from 2013-2016.
  • While serving as Deputy Secretary of DHS, was investigated for expediating visa for foreign workers for corporations that supported the Democratic party. He was found not to have committed a crime.


There’s More

Other advisors that will be advising Biden are lobbyists from…get this…the medical industry, Silicon Valley, social media, pharma and the car industry.

So, question for you: What “new era” is CNN talking about? These career bureaucrats who all served under the Obama administration f-ing up the economy and foreign policy. What is Biden doing? He’s bring back the swamp.

Is everyone of the Left thrilled with this? Nope. They’re pretty pissed off about it.  Though no one in the short list I have compiled is a moderate Democrat, none are pure Leftists.

Trust me, the fun is just beginning. Wait till BLM and the Squad begin to weigh in on things.



Perversion is Alive and Well

This is from Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire:

On Monday, a disturbing clip from a recently released HBO documentary went viral. In the scene, congregants at a unitarian universalist church are invited by the female pastor to “proclaim their identity publicly as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or questioning, intersex, pansexual, asexual, or any category I’ve left out.”

A mother then pulls her young son (four years old, it turns out) onto the stage to announce that he’s really a girl. But the poor child appears to have no interest in being paraded around like his mother’s show pony. He hands the microphone back. “I don’t want to do it,” he protests. The mother takes it upon herself to come out on her son’s behalf, informing the audience that her boy, Phoenix, “would like you to know that she’s a girl and she prefers she and her pronouns.”

This is sick. I thought this was a joke. I did not know it was real and that HBO was making a documentary out of it. Not only is this being celebrated by HBO but they are making perversion into a religious rite. This kid is four years old. He doesn’t know what it is to be a girl. He doesn’t know what it is to be a boy.

But this sick presentation took some indoctrination. It didn’t happen naturally but this is not natural for a four-year-old. Listen to this, all caught on video and presented in a documentary on HBO.

It is disturbing to see how our society is embracing perversion. I said this years ago when I said that the LGB community looked like it was getting militant. Hey, I don’t care about what adults do in their lives. They want to mutilate their genitals and call himself a woman. Whatever. But this stuff is no longer about adults.

We see “trans” kids dancing in gay strip clubs. Trans adults twerking in front of preschool kids while reading fairy tales to them. Now parents are telling their pre-pubescent children that they are not the sex they are. There are groups out there right now who believe pedophilia is natural and should be part of the LGBTQ+ community. How long before



