Episode 281 – Prepare to Hunker Down!

Could be a long weekend in Washington DC.

The media continues to “unify”.

Big Tech comes clean.

And I thing Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is a Republican plant.


Could Be a Long Weekend

With a lot of online chatter and the disaster of the attack on Congress last week, police officials are afraid that there may be attacks in Washington DC this weekend all the way to the Inauguration on Wednesday.

Tourist spots like the Washington Monument have been closed due to the threat. There have also been 20,000 – that’s right, 20,000 – National Guard troops. Fencing that is eight feet high is around the White House and the area where the Inauguration will be held.

President Trump, who has been rather quiet lately, released a Twitter video on the Presidential account. Trump said:

“My fellow Americans, I want to speak to you tonight about the troubling events of the past week. As I have said, the incursion of the U.S. Capitol struck at the very heart of our Republic. It angered and appalled millions of Americans across the political spectrum. I want to be very clear: I unequivocally condemn the violence that we saw last week,” Trump began. “Violence and vandalism have absolutely no place in our country and no place in our movement. Making America Great Again has always been about defending the rule of law, supporting the men and women of law enforcement, and upholding our nation’s most sacred traditions and values. Mob violence goes against everything I believe in and everything our movement stands for.”

“No true supporter of mine could ever endorse political violence. No true supporter of mine could ever disrespect law enforcement or our great American flag. No true supporter of mine could ever threaten or harass their fellow Americans. If you do any of these things, you are not supporting our movement. You’re attacking it, and you are attacking our country. We cannot tolerate it,” he continued. “Tragically, over the course of the past year, made so difficult because of COVID-19, we have seen political violence spiral out of control. We have seen too many riots, too many mobs, too many acts of intimidation and destruction. It must stop. Whether you are on the Right, or on the Left, a Democrat or a Republican, there is never a justification for violence. No excuses, no exceptions.”

“America is a nation of laws. Those who engaged in the attacks last week will be brought to justice. Now I am asking everyone who has ever believed in our agenda to be thinking of ways to ease tensions, calm tempers, and help to promote peace in our country,” he continued. “There has been reporting that additional demonstrations are being planned in the coming days, both here in Washington and across the country. I have been briefed by the U.S. Secret Service on the potential threats. Every American deserves to have their voice heard in a respectful and peaceful way. That is your First Amendment right.”

“But I cannot emphasize that there must be no violence, no law-breaking, and no vandalism of any kind. Everyone must follow our laws and obey the instructions of law enforcement. I have directed federal agencies to use all necessary resources to maintain order. In Washington, D.C., we are bringing in thousands of National Guard members to secure the city and ensure that a transition can occur safely and without incident,” he continued. “Like all of you, I was shocked and deeply saddened by the calamity at the Capitol last week. I want to thank the hundreds of millions of incredible American citizens who have responded to this moment with calm, moderation, and grace.”

The president also used the opportunity to address the recent efforts by the political Left and tech companies to censor and cancel people, saying that it was “wrong” and “dangerous” to do so.

“What is needed now is for us to listen to one another, not to silence one another,” he said. “All of us can choose by our actions to rise above the rancor and find common ground and shared purpose. We must focus on advancing the interests of the whole nation, delivering the miracle vaccines, defeating the pandemic, rebuilding the economy, protecting our national security, and upholding the rule of law.”

“Today I am calling on all Americans to overcome the passions of the moment, and join together as one American people,” he concluded. “Let us choose to move forward united, for the good of our families, our communities, and our country. Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America.”

I wish Trump would have made that statement earlier.

More to come. I find it amazing that the Democrats see this as more of a threat than the $2 billion in damage Antifa and BLM did this summer. But now it’s a Democrat that is being threatened and they are way more important than some loser who owns a shoe store.



The Unifying Media

Biden uses that famous “dog whistle” thing they always say Trump uses. You know, he says we should unify but that is code for we are going to do what we want and you should shut the f- up. Well, the media isn’t hiding it. Nor are the hiding the hatred they have for the Conservatives.

CNN, who no longer will be played in airports, by the way, said that anyone who voted for Donald Trump was a Nazi and a KKK member. It did not matter that people like me and you liked Trump’s policies. It is because we are bigoted, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynists, racists who belong to the KKK, Nazis and Proud Boys all at once.

It’s hard to believe the Chris Cuomo is the one trying to calm Don Lemon down here but it’s true. That doesn’t make a Chris Cuomo a hero of Conservatives or anything, but he knows that Lemon is making severely grandiose statement that are very divisive. Listen:

There is so much wrong with what Don Lemon said:

  • People who voted for Trump are not on the side of the Klan. This is a generalization we are going to hear later.
  • People who voted for Trump are not on the side of the Nazis. In fact, the Nazis were fascists and Nazi stands for National Socialist German Workers Party in German. Nazis were Left wingers.
  • Conservatives are principled. We believe in freedom of speech, religion, free press and the ability to protect themselves. We also believe that a baby is a life and don’t want to kill babies.
  • Conservatives don’t believe in concentration camps or slavery. Conservatives ended slavery. because it was wrong. Where were there concentration camps? Germany, the Soviet Union (called Gulags), Cuba and China.
  • Because you like Trump’s policies doesn’t mean you like Trump personally. If someone votes for Trump because they are a KKK member doesn’t mean I voted for Trump because I sympathize with the KKK. I just hate Hilary.
  • I also want to point out.
  • Finally, Richard Spencer, alt-right loon, voted for Joe Biden because Trump wasn’t hard enough on the Jews. Don’t believe me? Look at the link I post.
  • Finally, every Conservative I talked to do not panic about Biden being President and did not support the riots in Congress. We thought it was disgusting just like we saw the BLM and Antifa riots (that caused #2 billion in damage and were encouraged by the Left.


One thing here, I also hate, is the embrace of intersectionality. I want you to remember this because this has happened before and it is dangerous. The Left believes that there is no individual. We are all made up in groups. The break people up into race, sexual orientation, gender (which isn’t a thing), sex, class and, to some extent religion. But anyone on the right has been classified simply as evil, Nazis  white supremacists.

This is the new narrative. All Conservatives are evil, Nazi, racists, white supremacist because they like Trump and there were some mama’s basement dwellers who decided to storm the capital.

We are all evil. So we must be purged. Comforting thought, huh?



At Least They Admit It


Here is the hypocrisy of the week.

There is a Presidential election in Uganda. The government of Uganda is afraid of bad information through social media and that it might effect the election. So they decided to block all social media traffic into the country until after the election. One of the companies was…surprise….Twitter.

Twitter Public Policy account posted a tweet:

“Ahead of the Ugandan election, we’re hearing reports that Internet service providers are being ordered to block social media and messaging apps. We strongly condemn internet shutdowns – they are hugely harmful, violate basic human rights and the principles of the #OpenInternet.”

They ran another tweet a few minutes later:

“Access to information and freedom of expression, including the public conversation on Twitter, is never more important than during democratic processes, particularly elections #UgandaDecides2021 #KeepItOn”

See the irony? This is a company censors material, including an article about a true story about Hunter Biden and closed the President’s account.

Twitter exploded.

What’s good for me is not for thee.

Then Why Did You Do It?

Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter, said that he didn’t want to ban Trump and even thinks it might be dangerous to do so.

In his statement:

“I do not celebrate or feel pride in our having to ban @realDonaldTrump from Twitter, or how we got here. After a clear warning we’d take this action, we made a decision with the best information we had based on threats to physical safety both on and off Twitter. Was this correct? I believe this was the right decision for Twitter. We faced an extraordinary and untenable circumstance, forcing us to focus all of our actions on public safety. Offline harm as a result of online speech is demonstrably real, and what drives our policy and enforcement above all.”

“That said, having to ban an account has real and significant ramifications. While there are clear and obvious exceptions, I feel a ban is a failure of ours ultimately to promote healthy conversation. And a time for us to reflect on our operations and the environment around us. Having to take these actions fragment the public conversation. They divide us. They limit the potential for clarification, redemption, and learning. And sets a precedent I feel is dangerous: the power an individual or corporation has over a part of the global public conversation.”

So what is he saying? He’s saying that they ware responsible for the “healthy conversation” on Twitter. That “health conversation” is that of the Left and nothing else. That’s not really the issue. He said this because the stock for Twitter is dropping like a rock.

This is going to get worse. You know why I know this. Jack Dorsey said it in a private phone conversation obtained by Project Veritas. Listen:

So, there you have it. I am not even going to bother asking you folks to follow me on Twitter anymore. I have lost 300 subscribers in the last week. That doesn’t sound like a lot but I only had a little over 600.

At Least He’s Honest

Head of Instagram Adam Mosseri said what we all knew: there is bias at Facebook. Instagram is owned by Facebook.

Mosseri said:

“We’re not neutral. No platform is neutral, we all have values and those values influence the decisions we make.”

“We try and be apolitical, but that’s increasingly difficult, particularly in the US where people are more and more polarized.”

The Instagram head was responding to a comment from tech writer Will Oremus regarding Facebook’s announcement of Roy Austin, formerly of the Obama administration, to serve as Facebook’s “VP of Civil Rights.”

“Roy Austin Jr. has been named vice president of civil rights with the mandate to oversee Facebook’s accountability on racial hatred and discrimination on its platform,” reported NPR. “He’s slated to start Jan. 19.”

Will Oremus pointed out on Twitter:

“This feels like the kind of move that Facebook could have made 5+ years ago if it hadn’t been so intent at the time on portraying itself as a neutral platform and promoting online connection as an absolute good.”

Though I don’t think it will happen again in the near future, when the tech bros are called in front of Congress, they better not be telling anyone how neutral they are. It could lead to a perjury charge for them.



AOC Always Says What the Left Thinks

You know, I love AOC. I should put her words on more often or subscribe to her Instagram account because she is where the Democratic Left and gives us an indication of what they are thinking. Believe it or not, AOC is the perfect spy for the Republicans. If I was a politician, I would quote her every word from her.

A council for media literacy? Really? What is the purpose of that, I wonder?

No I don’t wonder. It’s exactly what it sounds like. Democrats are toying with an idea to create a council to determine which news agencies are relevant and which are telling “lies”. “Lies” being defined as anything the Alexandria Ocasio Cortez doesn’t agree with. This is extremely dangerous.

  • First create a council.
  • Next, call people to testify and brow beat them. No debate, mind you.
  • Hopefully catch someone in a lie so the can persecute them for perjury.
  • Finally, find cause to condemn and jail people.


Here’s the thing, the government is not allowed to create any laws that abridge or restrict the press. I didn’t make that up, it’s the first amendment of the Constitution (which Democrats see to keep forgetting). A council like this is made to actually restrict the legitimacy of the press. It would be unconstitutional.

Here’s another genius moment from AOC:

There are a bunch of problems with this but the main one is to vilify anyone who supported Donald Trump. Period.

Supporting Donald Trump was not “drinking the poison of white supremacy”. There is absolutely zero evidence that Donald Trump is a white supremacist and a ton of evidence he actually cares about Americans, no matter their color. His policies helped all Americans, not just white people. That is the poison that has been ingested by AOC, Democrats and the younger generation. The lies of the schools, the media, Hollywood and other institutions corrupted by socialism and it’s ideals. I don’t blame her for being poisoned and being dumb, but I do blame her for not having the courage to actually debate someone who knows what he/she is talking about. She is so arrogant and power hungry she cannot risk have her little world rocked by someone like Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Steven Crowder or Laura Ingram that she would rather suppress those ideas than actually deal with them.

Also, notice that she says, “…you have a lot of work to do. Or maybe we have a lot of work to do”? She’s basically saying that I, who is a Trump supporter, needs to change myself or, maybe, she needs to change me. It has to be by force (curtailing right-wing media, censorship, cancel culture or, dare I say it, prosecution). She could change people’s minds on the right by debating her position and proving that her position is superior. Of course, she won’t be able to do that because her position has never actually succeeded in human history.

Yes, AOC, we’ve had socialism and it has failed every time.




