Episode 300 – The Saga Continues


The media is blowing up on a Ted Cruz error while ignoring everything else.

The Gorilla Glue Girl saga continues.

And AOC gives up…something for Lent? Wait, what?


What a Disaster This Guy Is

Joe Biden and CNN held a town hall on Tuesday. As expected, there were hard hitting questions like this one by moderator Anderson Cooper:

Yep, I didn’t bother watching it all. But the summary of it won’t be too surprising. Biden continued to look old and his answers were rambling. Some of the time, I thought he forgot the question in the middle of the answer.

Anderson Cooper did not ask hard hitting questions. They continued to blame the Trump administration for all the world ills. Be prepared for that to continue as Biden begins to mess up COVID, opening the schools and the economy and the inflation rate begins to go up. Cooper never pushed back, never asked the tough questions and avoided bringing up anything controversial like the Andrew Cuomo scandal.

But, we did learn some things. And they were not good. Here is something that can be seen as a gaff but I am not sure about that. Listen and then I’ll explain.

There are two things about this statement.

The first is what he said about getting the injections into the arms of the people. This is a consistent talking point of the Biden administration that the Trump administration did not have a plan for vaccinations. In fact, the Trump administration did have a plan. The plan got to 1 million vaccinations through the country per day. Biden and Harris didn’t seem to know that. They said they were going to get 100 million vaccinations in his first 100 days. That’s 1 million vaccinations a day. They had to walk that one back.

The second problem here is the “gaff” he made about there being no vaccine available when he took office. Now, it could be a gaff but with the revisionist history going on in America, do not be surprised if, a couple of years from now, Biden gets full credit for the vaccine creation. That may be paranoid, but I am going to reserve calling this one a gaff.

Anderson Cooper asked Joe about when the country could get back to normal. He talked a little about herd immunity and the vaccine. It took him almost four minutes to get to the point. Here is his point:

A year?! A year?! This guy ran on the China virus being eliminated and now he’s talking about wearing two to fifteen masks for a year?! That ain’t going to cut it. Our kids are getting fat, depressed and killing themselves. They need school. My relationship with my fiancé is suffering because we have nothing to do. We go on hikes or to the casino because they are on Indian reservations and ignore California regulations. But I don’t gamble!

This is insane. It’s not going to happen. We are not going to keep ourselves locked away for a year. As a matter of fact, there are doctors at John Hopkins that are saying we should  be at herd immunity by April or May, not December. I plan to go to a baseball game this year. I plan to sit in a restaurant to eat dinner this year. I plan to go out without a mask and give a friend a hug and shake hands again.

But that wasn’t the craziest thing Biden said. Listen to this about China:

Before I talk about how insane what Biden said is, listen to a short clip from a recent CNN story about the sexual abuse and torture of Uyghur women in concentration camps in China.

This is what is happening in China:

  • Concentration camps.
  • Torture.
  • Executions.
  • Forced sterilizations.
  • The One Child policy.
  • Imprisonment with no due process.
  • Slave labor (your iPhone and Nikes).
  • Confiscation of property.
  • Theft of intellectual property.
  • Starvation.
  • Military occupation of Hong Kong.
  • Threats of invasion of Taiwan and, more recently, India.
  • Propaganda spread through the United Nations and the World Health Organization.
  • Infiltration of the United States government, entertainment, sports and education with spy and propaganda machines. This is not a conspiracy, we know this.


This is China and we’ve known it for many years. There are three things that disturb me about Biden’s statement here.

The first is that he is excusing genocide, which is the killing of people based on race, religion or beliefs. Question for you: What if we just looked at the genocide in Nazi Germany as a “cultural difference” that we had to ignore because that’s what Hitler had to do to be the leader of Nazi Germany?

The second is that it is looking like Biden is going to go easy on China. We shouldn’t be surprised about this considering his families’ financial dealings in China, including money Joe Biden probably got.

Finally, what does it say that our President is so easily willing to dismiss genocide as no big deal? Does old Joe or any of his minions think it might be a good idea to implement here? Don’t be too sure that is not a thing. Let’s see how many people are arrested during the Biden administration because they said something dangerous to the regime. Don’t think it’s a thing in this country? Ask Dinesh Dizouza, Roger Stone and George Papadopoulos if it is a thing.


Really? Now?

Ted Cruz, the Senator from Texas, took a vacation to Cancun with his family. So what? He took it in the middle of the worst winter storm in Texas in over 100 years. People did not have power and 24 people die.


This is not a great thing. Maybe he should have waited a few weeks before he decided to do this. It shows him as rather callous, taking a, “not my problem tone”. I see it. That sucked. It looked bad. This is going to be used against him in the next election and it will hurt him.

But here’s the question: Is this hypocrisy? No, better yet, is this the worst example of hypocrisy of an American history in the last four years?

Yeah, no.

So why is the media focusing everything on Ted Cruz? Cause he’s a Conservative Senator, that’s why.

The news has covered this “scandal” at a rate of 6 to 1 when it comes to the real scandal of Andrew Cuomo hiding deaths for his idiotic policies involving sticking COVID patients back into retirement homes. This amazes me. By the way, Cuomo’s lie has gone from 50% to 60% according to the investigation. So his lie seems to be going bigger by the second.

There are some distinct differences between Cuomo and Cruz:

Cruz made a bad optic decision. His policies had nothing to do with the storm or the power going out in Texas. In fact, Cruz is a federal employee (a Senator) not a state employee. He has no say. That doesn’t mean there won’t be consequences but he didn’t have anything to do with it. Cuomo’s policies led directly to 6400 more COVID deaths in his state. Then he hid the numbers.

There is no hypocrisy here. Cruz never said we shouldn’t travel. Unlike Cuomo, Newsom, Lightfoot and Pelosi who want to shut the entire country down than do whatever they want like eat at a posh restaurant with a crowd or get their hair done.

Cruz didn’t gain anything from his travel by lying about his situation except maybe a headache for his next election. Cuomo had a bad policy, killed people, wrote a book about how great his leadership was, designed a poster to show how great his leadership was and won an Emmy.

Not the same thing. It was a bad look and tone deaf. But he didn’t cause any of this and didn’t kill anyone. Cruz apologized and I think that was a mistake. No one will forgive him except Conservatives that like his policies. I personally think it was a mistake and we all make mistakes. But his apology will be used by Leftists to crucify him in the future. Seems to me he should have just taken the heat.


Gorilla Girl Saga Continues

The Gorilla Glue Girl Saga continues. It’s stupid but too deliciously funny to ignore. I bet you my left arm that this gal is going to get her own reality television show before this is all said and done.

Good news! She had her surgery and her hair is fixed. It will grow back and she can’t gussie herself up for a few month. Some had to be removed so she’ll have to wear a hat for a while but it will all come in normally.

Bad news: Her GoFundMe account has been suspended because the company is investigating her for fraud. There are several bloggers who say she is full of shit. She has $28,000 waiting for her once this whole thing is done. If her surgery only cost her $17,000 she, in theory, is going to make a $10,000 profit. Not sure how GoFundMe works with extra money but good for her. If people are stupid enough to donate to her, they should lose their money.

There was a rumor that she was going to sue the company that makes Gorilla Glue for $10 million because the company did not put any warnings on the bottle (actually they do have warnings on the bottle but nothing specifically about hair). She said that was untrue. She’s not suing anybody. It would make sense if she did because that’s the world we live in and we, as a society, seem to embrace stupidity.

The company that makes Gorilla Glue can afford it if she does sue. Apparently their sales have gone through the roof since this gal’s video went viral.

Finally, the Washington Post informed us why she put Gorilla Glue in her hair. It wasn’t because she’s an idiot. It’s because of that old bug-a-boo, systemic racism. Here’s what they said:

Neal Lester said he initially thought Brown’s problem was a prank, but as he continued to follow the story, he said it reminded him of all the ways Black Americans have used unusual hair products to manipulate or style their hair.

“I thought of Malcolm X and his experience with the conk,” said the Foundation Professor of English and founding director of Project Humanities at Arizona State University, referring to the hair straightener made of lye, eggs and potatoes used by many Black people in the earlier and middle part of the 20th century. “That stringing started with enslaved people using axle wheel grease and dirty dishwasher with oil.”

Enslaved men used axle wheel grease as a means to dye their hair or temporarily straighten it, and the women would use butter, fat from bacon or grease from geese to care for their hair, according to “Hair Story: Untangling the Roots of Black Hair in America.”

“Sometimes a piece of cloth warmed over a flame would be pulled across the head and worn for a short while to stretch the curls out,” authors Ayana Byrd and Lori Tharps wrote.

Conversations about hair, especially Black hair, continue to evolve, Lester said, pointing to how Olympian Gabby Douglas was talked about when her edges weren’t slick enough for some or the criticism lodged at superstar Beyoncé for allowing her oldest daughter’s curls and kinks to do their own thing.

The story stopped with the racism thing. Gorilla Glue Girl talked about her surgery and how she was dealing with it. She talked about how things would go back to normal and how she would not stop. She said she wasn’t going to sue anyone. Bitched about not getting her money from GoFundMe. Really mundane shit you would expect to hear from a simpleton. I thought the commentary was over.

But the Washington Post decided to keep beating that dead horse. They concluded the article:

Black women’s hair choices are often labeled as self-hate or Afrocentric with no in between, said Kristin Denise Rowe, professor of American studies at California State University at Fullerton.

“Many of us have not been in that particular predicament, but we know what it’s like to do something crazy … to get it to lay a certain way, such as toothbrushes for our baby hair,” she said.

Black women’s hair care has long been discussed like it’s a freak show, with comments about how much they spend on straightening treatments or hair extensions, Rowe said. That’s missing a lot of nuance about how these things come to be cultural practices, Rowe said.

“In reality, what’s crazy is anti-Black notions of beauty and professionalism and notions of what’s appropriate,” she said.

Grooming standards in the U.S. Army and the U.S. Navy have recently been updated to include the styles many Black women wear to protect their natural hair, and just seven states have passed the Crown Act, a law that seeks to put an end to hair discrimination.

“We know we exist in a society where we’re constantly being told it’s not right now,” Rowe said of the sector of support for Brown.

A couple of things about this article. When I write, I try to avoid doing what this writer did. Of course, I believe in perfectionism so I’m a white supremacist and the writer is more woke than I am. What Lateshia Beachum did was use facts about a really stupid story (facts are what I was looking for here) than try to mix deep intellectual societal commentary. Do I really need to know the reasons a Cal State Fullerton professor thinks why this gal stuck super glue in her hair?

I also question what our university professors are doing all day. They seem to always seem to have some social, historical and political opinions on some of the most mundane crap. I could be a professor or a columnist for the Washington Post. I bet I could come up with a thousand word article on why shoe laces are racist and promote the patriarchy. I swear it, just give me enough time.

We are in a culture of idiots.

‘Gorilla Glue Girl’: Will her lawsuit stick?


But She’s a Marxist? God She’s Dumb!

Finally, dumb story of the day:

Marxist, socialist Alexandria Ocasio Cortez has given up meat for Lent.

Why is this dumb?

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is so stupid she doesn’t realize Marxist socialists don’t believe in God and, therefore, don’t celebrate Lent. Pretty sad that a Democratic Republican Capitalist knows more about Marxism that a Marxist. I guess she was too busy making Pina Coladas in her last job to read the Communist Manifesto.



Episode 281 – Prepare to Hunker Down!

Could be a long weekend in Washington DC.

The media continues to “unify”.

Big Tech comes clean.

And I thing Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is a Republican plant.


Could Be a Long Weekend

With a lot of online chatter and the disaster of the attack on Congress last week, police officials are afraid that there may be attacks in Washington DC this weekend all the way to the Inauguration on Wednesday.

Tourist spots like the Washington Monument have been closed due to the threat. There have also been 20,000 – that’s right, 20,000 – National Guard troops. Fencing that is eight feet high is around the White House and the area where the Inauguration will be held.

President Trump, who has been rather quiet lately, released a Twitter video on the Presidential account. Trump said:

“My fellow Americans, I want to speak to you tonight about the troubling events of the past week. As I have said, the incursion of the U.S. Capitol struck at the very heart of our Republic. It angered and appalled millions of Americans across the political spectrum. I want to be very clear: I unequivocally condemn the violence that we saw last week,” Trump began. “Violence and vandalism have absolutely no place in our country and no place in our movement. Making America Great Again has always been about defending the rule of law, supporting the men and women of law enforcement, and upholding our nation’s most sacred traditions and values. Mob violence goes against everything I believe in and everything our movement stands for.”

“No true supporter of mine could ever endorse political violence. No true supporter of mine could ever disrespect law enforcement or our great American flag. No true supporter of mine could ever threaten or harass their fellow Americans. If you do any of these things, you are not supporting our movement. You’re attacking it, and you are attacking our country. We cannot tolerate it,” he continued. “Tragically, over the course of the past year, made so difficult because of COVID-19, we have seen political violence spiral out of control. We have seen too many riots, too many mobs, too many acts of intimidation and destruction. It must stop. Whether you are on the Right, or on the Left, a Democrat or a Republican, there is never a justification for violence. No excuses, no exceptions.”

“America is a nation of laws. Those who engaged in the attacks last week will be brought to justice. Now I am asking everyone who has ever believed in our agenda to be thinking of ways to ease tensions, calm tempers, and help to promote peace in our country,” he continued. “There has been reporting that additional demonstrations are being planned in the coming days, both here in Washington and across the country. I have been briefed by the U.S. Secret Service on the potential threats. Every American deserves to have their voice heard in a respectful and peaceful way. That is your First Amendment right.”

“But I cannot emphasize that there must be no violence, no law-breaking, and no vandalism of any kind. Everyone must follow our laws and obey the instructions of law enforcement. I have directed federal agencies to use all necessary resources to maintain order. In Washington, D.C., we are bringing in thousands of National Guard members to secure the city and ensure that a transition can occur safely and without incident,” he continued. “Like all of you, I was shocked and deeply saddened by the calamity at the Capitol last week. I want to thank the hundreds of millions of incredible American citizens who have responded to this moment with calm, moderation, and grace.”

The president also used the opportunity to address the recent efforts by the political Left and tech companies to censor and cancel people, saying that it was “wrong” and “dangerous” to do so.

“What is needed now is for us to listen to one another, not to silence one another,” he said. “All of us can choose by our actions to rise above the rancor and find common ground and shared purpose. We must focus on advancing the interests of the whole nation, delivering the miracle vaccines, defeating the pandemic, rebuilding the economy, protecting our national security, and upholding the rule of law.”

“Today I am calling on all Americans to overcome the passions of the moment, and join together as one American people,” he concluded. “Let us choose to move forward united, for the good of our families, our communities, and our country. Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America.”

I wish Trump would have made that statement earlier.

More to come. I find it amazing that the Democrats see this as more of a threat than the $2 billion in damage Antifa and BLM did this summer. But now it’s a Democrat that is being threatened and they are way more important than some loser who owns a shoe store.


The Unifying Media

Biden uses that famous “dog whistle” thing they always say Trump uses. You know, he says we should unify but that is code for we are going to do what we want and you should shut the f- up. Well, the media isn’t hiding it. Nor are the hiding the hatred they have for the Conservatives.

CNN, who no longer will be played in airports, by the way, said that anyone who voted for Donald Trump was a Nazi and a KKK member. It did not matter that people like me and you liked Trump’s policies. It is because we are bigoted, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynists, racists who belong to the KKK, Nazis and Proud Boys all at once.

It’s hard to believe the Chris Cuomo is the one trying to calm Don Lemon down here but it’s true. That doesn’t make a Chris Cuomo a hero of Conservatives or anything, but he knows that Lemon is making severely grandiose statement that are very divisive. Listen:

There is so much wrong with what Don Lemon said:

  • People who voted for Trump are not on the side of the Klan. This is a generalization we are going to hear later.
  • People who voted for Trump are not on the side of the Nazis. In fact, the Nazis were fascists and Nazi stands for National Socialist German Workers Party in German. Nazis were Left wingers.
  • Conservatives are principled. We believe in freedom of speech, religion, free press and the ability to protect themselves. We also believe that a baby is a life and don’t want to kill babies.
  • Conservatives don’t believe in concentration camps or slavery. Conservatives ended slavery. because it was wrong. Where were there concentration camps? Germany, the Soviet Union (called Gulags), Cuba and China.
  • Because you like Trump’s policies doesn’t mean you like Trump personally. If someone votes for Trump because they are a KKK member doesn’t mean I voted for Trump because I sympathize with the KKK. I just hate Hilary.
  • I also want to point out.
  • Finally, Richard Spencer, alt-right loon, voted for Joe Biden because Trump wasn’t hard enough on the Jews. Don’t believe me? Look at the link I post.
  • Finally, every Conservative I talked to do not panic about Biden being President and did not support the riots in Congress. We thought it was disgusting just like we saw the BLM and Antifa riots (that caused #2 billion in damage and were encouraged by the Left.


One thing here, I also hate, is the embrace of intersectionality. I want you to remember this because this has happened before and it is dangerous. The Left believes that there is no individual. We are all made up in groups. The break people up into race, sexual orientation, gender (which isn’t a thing), sex, class and, to some extent religion. But anyone on the right has been classified simply as evil, Nazis  white supremacists.

This is the new narrative. All Conservatives are evil, Nazi, racists, white supremacist because they like Trump and there were some mama’s basement dwellers who decided to storm the capital.

We are all evil. So we must be purged. Comforting thought, huh?


At Least They Admit It


Here is the hypocrisy of the week.

There is a Presidential election in Uganda. The government of Uganda is afraid of bad information through social media and that it might effect the election. So they decided to block all social media traffic into the country until after the election. One of the companies was…surprise….Twitter.

Twitter Public Policy account posted a tweet:

“Ahead of the Ugandan election, we’re hearing reports that Internet service providers are being ordered to block social media and messaging apps. We strongly condemn internet shutdowns – they are hugely harmful, violate basic human rights and the principles of the #OpenInternet.”

They ran another tweet a few minutes later:

“Access to information and freedom of expression, including the public conversation on Twitter, is never more important than during democratic processes, particularly elections #UgandaDecides2021 #KeepItOn”

See the irony? This is a company censors material, including an article about a true story about Hunter Biden and closed the President’s account.

Twitter exploded.

What’s good for me is not for thee.

Then Why Did You Do It?

Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter, said that he didn’t want to ban Trump and even thinks it might be dangerous to do so.

In his statement:

“I do not celebrate or feel pride in our having to ban @realDonaldTrump from Twitter, or how we got here. After a clear warning we’d take this action, we made a decision with the best information we had based on threats to physical safety both on and off Twitter. Was this correct? I believe this was the right decision for Twitter. We faced an extraordinary and untenable circumstance, forcing us to focus all of our actions on public safety. Offline harm as a result of online speech is demonstrably real, and what drives our policy and enforcement above all.”

“That said, having to ban an account has real and significant ramifications. While there are clear and obvious exceptions, I feel a ban is a failure of ours ultimately to promote healthy conversation. And a time for us to reflect on our operations and the environment around us. Having to take these actions fragment the public conversation. They divide us. They limit the potential for clarification, redemption, and learning. And sets a precedent I feel is dangerous: the power an individual or corporation has over a part of the global public conversation.”

So what is he saying? He’s saying that they ware responsible for the “healthy conversation” on Twitter. That “health conversation” is that of the Left and nothing else. That’s not really the issue. He said this because the stock for Twitter is dropping like a rock.

This is going to get worse. You know why I know this. Jack Dorsey said it in a private phone conversation obtained by Project Veritas. Listen:

So, there you have it. I am not even going to bother asking you folks to follow me on Twitter anymore. I have lost 300 subscribers in the last week. That doesn’t sound like a lot but I only had a little over 600.

At Least He’s Honest

Head of Instagram Adam Mosseri said what we all knew: there is bias at Facebook. Instagram is owned by Facebook.

Mosseri said:

“We’re not neutral. No platform is neutral, we all have values and those values influence the decisions we make.”

“We try and be apolitical, but that’s increasingly difficult, particularly in the US where people are more and more polarized.”

The Instagram head was responding to a comment from tech writer Will Oremus regarding Facebook’s announcement of Roy Austin, formerly of the Obama administration, to serve as Facebook’s “VP of Civil Rights.”

“Roy Austin Jr. has been named vice president of civil rights with the mandate to oversee Facebook’s accountability on racial hatred and discrimination on its platform,” reported NPR. “He’s slated to start Jan. 19.”

Will Oremus pointed out on Twitter:

“This feels like the kind of move that Facebook could have made 5+ years ago if it hadn’t been so intent at the time on portraying itself as a neutral platform and promoting online connection as an absolute good.”

Though I don’t think it will happen again in the near future, when the tech bros are called in front of Congress, they better not be telling anyone how neutral they are. It could lead to a perjury charge for them.


AOC Always Says What the Left Thinks

You know, I love AOC. I should put her words on more often or subscribe to her Instagram account because she is where the Democratic Left and gives us an indication of what they are thinking. Believe it or not, AOC is the perfect spy for the Republicans. If I was a politician, I would quote her every word from her.

A council for media literacy? Really? What is the purpose of that, I wonder?

No I don’t wonder. It’s exactly what it sounds like. Democrats are toying with an idea to create a council to determine which news agencies are relevant and which are telling “lies”. “Lies” being defined as anything the Alexandria Ocasio Cortez doesn’t agree with. This is extremely dangerous.

  • First create a council.
  • Next, call people to testify and brow beat them. No debate, mind you.
  • Hopefully catch someone in a lie so the can persecute them for perjury.
  • Finally, find cause to condemn and jail people.


Here’s the thing, the government is not allowed to create any laws that abridge or restrict the press. I didn’t make that up, it’s the first amendment of the Constitution (which Democrats see to keep forgetting). A council like this is made to actually restrict the legitimacy of the press. It would be unconstitutional.

Here’s another genius moment from AOC:

There are a bunch of problems with this but the main one is to vilify anyone who supported Donald Trump. Period.

Supporting Donald Trump was not “drinking the poison of white supremacy”. There is absolutely zero evidence that Donald Trump is a white supremacist and a ton of evidence he actually cares about Americans, no matter their color. His policies helped all Americans, not just white people. That is the poison that has been ingested by AOC, Democrats and the younger generation. The lies of the schools, the media, Hollywood and other institutions corrupted by socialism and it’s ideals. I don’t blame her for being poisoned and being dumb, but I do blame her for not having the courage to actually debate someone who knows what he/she is talking about. She is so arrogant and power hungry she cannot risk have her little world rocked by someone like Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Steven Crowder or Laura Ingram that she would rather suppress those ideas than actually deal with them.

Also, notice that she says, “…you have a lot of work to do. Or maybe we have a lot of work to do”? She’s basically saying that I, who is a Trump supporter, needs to change myself or, maybe, she needs to change me. It has to be by force (curtailing right-wing media, censorship, cancel culture or, dare I say it, prosecution). She could change people’s minds on the right by debating her position and proving that her position is superior. Of course, she won’t be able to do that because her position has never actually succeeded in human history.

Yes, AOC, we’ve had socialism and it has failed every time.




Bring in the Clowns!

The Presidential Impeachment inquiry is heating up. Apparently there is a second whistleblower. President Trump might be making a huge mistake in Syria. Rashida Tlaib continues to be an idiot showing her racism and her lack of knowledge of the law. AoC gets trolled at her town hall.

And I am never going to get to the Joker movie. But I’m going to see it so I’ll wait till then.


The Impeachment Drum Keeps Plodding On

So, today, a second whistleblower complaint has been released. This time, this guy has first hand knowledge of the conversation between Trump and the President of Ukraine. Oooooo (I say in a menacing tone). I don’t care if there are twenty whistleblower complaints, Trump released the complaint and the transcripts of the conversation. Secretary of State Pompeo was on the call and said there was no quid pro quo. The President of Ukraine said there was no quid pro quo. The ambassador to Ukraine said there was not quid pro quo.

Guess what? I’m not interested in this story and it’s falling apart. Apparently, this guy not only had no direct knowledge but he also approached an Adam Schiff minion. He also is from the CIA (probably John Brennan fan) and is a registered democrat. He is represented by Mark Zaid, a whisteblower protection attorney and is representing the second whistleblower, does not have his political affiliation public but he is a commentator for CNN and MSNBC so go figure.

President Trump is being President Trump. He is trolling the media by declaring that China should investigate Hunter Biden during and impromptu press conference. The media is flipping out that he is asking for favors from China. But that’s not the big thing. President Trump sent a letter to Nancy “Chmpers” Pelosi stating that he would not turn over anymore documentation unless she holds a vote on the impeachment inquiry. Needless to say, Chompers doesn’t want to do this because a vote of yes on an unpopular impeachment inquiry could expose vulnerable democrats in red districts. In other words, she may not have the votes. The democrats keep saying that this is unprecedented but they’re lying. There have been two impeachment inquiries (one in the 1860s which was a very different time): Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton. Both inquiries were voted on. Nancy Pelosi decided to unilaterally declare an impeachment inquiry. So there is precedent.

Good for Trump there.


Bad Trump

President Trump has decided to pull U.S. troops out of Northern Syria. Not good. Obama did the same thing in Iraq and along came ISIS. This is a bad call. And he’s going to have a fight from both democrats and republicans. Even Lindsey Graham cautiously warned that this was a bad idea.

Why is it a bad idea? We were in northern Syria to protect the Kurds. The Kurds are a liberal sect of Islam that rejects the extremest Islam beliefs or even conservative Islam. They have bands of female fighters in their military. And they win fights! They are the only group that has been able to beat down Al Quiada, ISIS and the Syrian military. They are feared. But it is a very small group. They will be overwhelmed and eliminated. Turkey has been wanting to invade northern Syria since the Syrian civil war started. They hate the Kurds. The didn’t because of the United States presence.

We will lose our foothold in the Middle East. Right now, Russia and Iran on are the side of the evil Syrian government. Iran is also financing Al Queda. Iran is the Joker of the Middle East; trying to create chaos. The United States does not need to keep ten thousand troops in Syria. Only enough, even less than five hundred, to influence things. We have a pretty powerful military. Other countries fear us.

We weaken allies such as Israel and Saudi Arabia. If Iran is fighting in Syria, they ain’t looking at Israel or Saudi Arabia. War is expensive and Iran is struggling because of the U.S. sanctions. We need to not make it easy for them. They hate the Kurds too.

Trump is an isolationist. He doesn’t want troops abroad. I get that. But it is necessary sometimes. I have a feeling he threw that out there. I have a feeling Benjamin Netanyahu and other republicans like Lindsey Graham will teach him a thing or two. Let’s just see what happens.


Her Response Is Worth More Than The Deed




Guys, It’s Just A Comic Book

Joker is coming out. And it looks awesome. Joaquin Phoenix looks creepy, scary and awesome! He’s probably the best actor of our generation. Watch the trailer.

The movie Joker is being released this weekend and there has been a lot of controversy. The movie is a prequel covering the rise of the Joker from the Batman series. The movie is suppose to be very violent which makes it stand out from the other comic book movies. But this is not unheard of. The Dark Night trilogy, also involving Batman and the Joker, were also violent, disturbing and very dark. But this movie was different because the film led the viewers to have empathy for the Joker. The viewer is suppose to feel sorry for him. He was bullied, socially awkward and rejected by the institutions that he wanted to be embraced by.

The fear of this movie is that

The director of Joker, Todd Phillips, said that the woke scolds are destroying movies. If you don’t know who Todd Phillips is, he’s my hero. He was directly involved in irreverent comedies such as Old School and the Hangover series. He said about the controversy:

“Go try to be funny nowadays with this woke culture. There were articles written about why comedies don’t work anymore — I’ll tell you why, because all the f—ing funny guys are like, ‘F— this s—, because I don’t want to offend you. It’s hard to argue with 30 million people on Twitter. You just can’t do it, right? So you just go, ‘I’m out.’ I’m out, and you know what? With all my comedies – I think that what comedies in general all have in common – is they’re irreverent.”

Things I thought about:

The attack on art in the name of political correctness.

The reason art is here in the first place. It makes us think. This is the problem of the woke scolds: They don’t want a conversation.

Entertainment is getting really bad.

I will be seeing this movie.


It’s Mueller Time (I Know It’s A Cliche)

The news media is all excited about Robert Mueller testifying about the report but it doesn’t work out well. New York City police are humiliated and the guy in charge want to be President. A trans-female lesbian wants his balls waxed by a female stranger in Canada and, surprise, she won’t do it. And he files a human rights complaint. Ilhan Omar and AOC continue to stay stupid crap. And something fun!

And I’m not even going to talk about the fake hate crime.

It’s Mueller Time

I’m not going to pollute this blog with that garbage that was the Mueller hearing in front of Congress. All I’ll say that it was bad. Mueller looked old, confused, non-cooperative and not the author of his report. Let’s take a look at the problems.

First, Mueller did not see to know what was in his report. This could have been because it’s a 448 page report and he didn’t remember anything from it. Half the time, he seemed surprised by the questions. I am thinking he didn’t answer some of his questions because he didn’t know the answers. He was asked one question about Glen Simpson and Fusion GPS, the company the created the Steele Dossier. He said he did not know what that was. It was in the report! How can he not know?

Then there was Mueller not being able to exonerate Trump. This was a bad moment for Mueller,

Absolutely correct. A defendant is innocent until proven guilty. A prosecutor is there to determine if there is evidence to convict. If there is, that person is indicted and will stand trial. If not, that person is innocent. End of story. Mueller didn’t have the evidence so- wait for it- Trump is innocent.

This was really bad for democrats. It’s over. No impeachment. Let’s move on. You might think I didn’t spend enough time on this but I think I spent too much time on it. I watched three hours of this debacle and I felt my IQ drop. Terrible. Over.


In Brooklyn and Harlem, police officers were assaulted with water. One actually got hit in the head with a bucket. And what did the cops do? Well watch:

This is shameful and it has been coming. All these people should be arrested and charged with felony assault on a police officer. I am sick and tired of hearing about how awful the police are (or any law enforcement for that matter) when we see crap like this. The reality is cops take this garbage on a daily basis. They are not appreciated and their job sucks. I used to teach computer networking at a vocational school and you should have seen the number of cops that took my classes. When I asked why they quit the police force they told me that the politics were terrible and they got tired of of getting crap from everyone.

The situation is New York is a top down problem. The mayor, Bill de Blasio (the groundhog killer), has been demonizing the NYPD for years. He has said that his son, being half black, will need to learn how to deal with the police so he doesn’t get shot. Hey, here’s how not to get shot by police: Don’t commit crimes where getting shot is a possibility! The NYPD condemns his comments, even turning their backs on him during a funeral procession for an officer that was killed.

De Blasio is a disaster. Violent crime is up (laws have been changed so what was a crime isn’t anymore so don’t be fooled), the homeless problem has exploded (highest in the country), cost of living is through the roof, the rat population (therefore disease) and the quality of life is in the toilet. And this guy, for some reason, continues to have a job. But, hey, they banned straws!


And They Keep Talking

Like I said, these “fresh faces” of the democratic party are such idiots we could talk about them every day. And they continue to prove me right. Here. Ilhan Omar tells Al Jazeera it is not radical Islam that the United States should worry about, it’s white men.

Can you imagine if I said that it isn’t white people you need to worry about it’s Muslims? Yeah, I would be rightly called a racist. Good news is most of the country is already calling her a racist even though the media holds her on a pedestal. Also, when I say we need to worry about radical Islam and and not white men, I am closer to the truth. I guess she forgot about 9/11, the massacre at the Pulse Nightclub or the killings at Fort Hood. Listen, white nationalists are bad and need to be rid of but there are very few of them. Radical Islam, and I’m not talking about the average Muslim, is far more prevalent and far more aggressive than white nationalists.

And then there is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Seriously, does she actually write down what she’s going to say before she says it or does she wing this stuff. Because if she is winging it, she really needs to stop. Because she just sounds so stupid. She does not sound philosophical or like a deep thinker. Listen to this word vomit.

I’m not sure but I think Aristotle said the same thing in Ethics. I didn’t actually read that yet so I can’t be sure.

Migration is “liberation?” The “freedom to be?” WTF is she talking about? Hey, illegal aliens can be “free to be” in their own crap-hole countries. God, she’s dumb and completely illiterate. I think she needs to go back to that crappy college she went to and get her money back.


Dude, Make Up Your Mind!

This is a great story because it shows two problems. But first, the story.

There is this trans-female named Jessica Yaniv up in Canada. Now for those who do not keep notes, a trans-female is a guy who thinks he’s a chick. He walks into a beauty salon and asks for a Brazilian bikini wax. Here’s the thing: Yaniv still has his junk. The gal in the shop said that she can’t do that because: a. She’s not trained in waxing men and b. She’s grossed out by it. Well, Yaniv decided to take this to Canada’s Human Rights division and file a complaint. Now it looks like that beautician will be out of business.

Yaniv is a piece of work. And when I say that I mean he’s a piece of shit. He calls himself a transsexual lesbian. There’s a problem here: he still has his twig and berries. Seeing this, doesn’t that mean he’s a straight guy who likes to wear women’s clothes? He’s just a transvestite? We are also finding out he’s a bit of a pervert. Apparently, he not only likes women but he likes really young women. He was going to host a Youth All-Bodies Swim pool party. What is that? Apparently if is a skinny dipping event for LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ for girls 12-24 years of age.

Oh, I forgot. No parents allowed. Yeah, nothing can go wrong with that. Needless to say, this little event was shut down.

What is disgusting here is how women’s rights are not that important when someone who is in a higher victim class wants something. This gal doesn’t want to touch some guy’s junk. I bet if I walked into a place and demanded the same thing, I would be refused and called a pervert. This is the pitfall of intersectionality. The other problem this shows is that we need to lie about what this guy really is. He’s a pervert. He’s sick. He’s not a transsexual woman. He’s a man who wears dresses and likes pre-pubescent girls. When we lie about who people really are, we have stories like this and people’s lives get ruined. The Canadian government should look at who this guy really is and reject this guy’s claim.


Just for Fun

This story is just funny. This is a video of a bunch of con control fanatics being taken to a gun range. There, the shoot hand guns, rifles and shot guns. Their reactions are hysterical. Watch:

Priceless. Well, the good news is if we ever have a civil war with the left, it won’t last long because all they’ll be able to do is throw their tofu at us. I love the Second Amendment.




