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Episode 149 Show Notes – Crazy!

The Left goes insane because, apparently, $2 trillion isn’t enough. That two week thing doesn’t seem to be getting steam as Trump decides to quarantine parts of the country. The Kennedy Center gets a $25 million stimulus and and does the unthinkable.  Good job Nancy.

And what things are going to change when this whole thing is over? I posed this question to my girlfriend and she came up with some interesting answers.


Remember: You Voted for These Guys

The $2 trillion, bipartisan wasn’t loved by all. Some on the Left thought that it didn’t go far enough. And those who didn’t like it pitched an absolute fit when the bill was changed, removing all the regulation crap that Nancy Pelosi put in it.

One person that through an absolute fit is AOC. She became really ticked off when all the Green New Deal crap was pulled out of the bill. This includes the guarantee by the airline industry be at zero carbon emissions by 2025 if they take bailout loans. How this has anything to do with the Wuhan flu. I have no idea.

Listen to her insanity. If you get the chance, go to my website and look at the video. Her arms are flailing around like a mad person.

Never let a crisis go to waste. I find it amazing that the government shuts down the economy and then the government wants to put conditions on loans to keep these businesses moving during the stopped economy.

But the insane rant of the week came from congresswoman Haley Stevens (D, Michigan). I added the entire video clip. The reason I did that is because I honestly have no idea what she is talking about or what she is trying to say. She just walked up there and started screaming for two minutes. Listen:

Any wonder why Congress hasn’t had approval rating over 20% for the last ten to fifteen years? These people are crazy and are actors, doing anything they can to get attention and power. This gal said nothing. She makes no sense. She just walked up there and started screaming.

I would have gotten the Sargent at Arms to walk up there and drag her ass out of the chamber.

President Trump has been getting a lot of crap for saying that we could be getting back to work in some parts of the country in the next two weeks and we all might be back to work by Easter, which is April 12.  I even heard that from some in my own family.

But Trump, on Saturday, said that the states of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut should be quarantined. No one really knows what that means. The restrictions have already been met, especially by Gov. Cuomo in New York. In fact, this seems to be nothing more than an agreement by Trump by what Cuomo is doing.

In fact, no one is really sure what could be done if someone decided to break the quarantine. That little thing called the Constitution might get in the way. But this is an indication that Trump is listening to his advisers and is flexible enough to go against his statements for the betterment of the country.

On Sunday, Trump continued to prove that he will listen to the experts and do what needs to be done even if it means going against what he said. On Sunday, Trump said that we will not hit the peak of infection for another two weeks. We must keep being shut down for, at least, another month, throwing out the whole Easter-thing.

I guess this means I’m spending Easter with Josie.

Everyone thinks this is a bad thing. That Trump being overly positive made him lose credibility. They’re wrong. Trump needs to be positive.

Here’s to thing: we are going to get through this. But, the way Democrats and the media talk, we never will. Trump is setting way points. He’s giving us hope that this thing is going to end and it is in sight. Dr. Fauchi, his lead doctor, is the one who bring us back to reality. Trump isn’t fighting him. He’s not going to fire Dr. Fauchi. But Trump is responsible for making the people stop panicking.

The democrats want us panicking. They want the economy to stop and remain stopped until the election. They don’t care about the people. They care about power. That’s it.

Good Job, Nancy

According to the DailyWire.com, The John F. Kennedy Center for the performing arts received $25 million dollars for financial assistance. This was demanded by Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats.

Well, the Kennedy center took that $25 million, donated $5 million to the Democratic National Committee and then laid all their musicians.

That was a great use of $25 million. Good job, Nancy!


How Are Our Lives Going to Change?

How are things going to change in our lives when this crap ends? I have some thoughts. I’m thinking of gathering a panel to discuss this. Just hope I can get enough people. So let’s start with me:

  • Restaurants.
  • Shaking of hands
  • Staying at home when sick.
  • Stocking up for emergencies.
  • Washing one’s hands correctly.
  • Maybe, we’ll also take a little care of each other.



Another Fun Wuhan Virus Song






Episode 148 Show Notes – Just Weird

I am on my tenth day of being at home and I think I am going to do something different on Periscope and YouTube. I guess I have way too much time on my hands.

Trump hits it big. Great Britain loses its Prime Minister for two weeks. Sleepy, Creepy Biden trips himself up while trying to get some attention.

And China, once again, proves it’s a crappy country.

But we’re not going to spend a lot of time talking about the flu. There are more stories out there. And this one is weird.

Wuhan Virus Update

On Friday, the President signed into law a $2 trillion bill that is to help people and the economy get through this disaster. This was a bipartisan bill that should have been passed last week except Pelosi want $300 billion to help illegals.

England’s Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has been diagnosed with the Wuhan flu. That’s not good.

And Joe Biden continues to try to get attention. And, every time he does, he keeps screwing up. Listen to this.

Finally, China has another problem they may have to worry about. They say, I don’t believe it, that they cleared the Wuhan virus. Well, they just had someone die of the Hanta virus. What a wonderful country.




This has got to be one of the most bizarre stories I have heard in a long time. And though this website and podcast are news and politics based, I think throwing in a little crime every once in a while is a good idea.I first heard of this story from Fox Nation and decided to research it further. And it did not disappoint.

The story is about a woman named Lori Vallow. She is married to a guy named Chad Daybell and has two children from a previous marriage. A 17-year-old daughter name Tylee and a 7-year-old named JJ. One day (well, that’s not completely correct) her kids just disappeared. No one, to this day, knows what happened to them. Vallow hid herself from the police and immediately became a suspect. She won’t tell the courts or police what happened to the kids and is not enjoying a stay in jail.

Now, I’m a big true crime guy. I love it. With that, hearing a woman who may have harmed her kids is not really weird. That’s what I thought when I first heard the story. It’s always tragic when kids are killed but, unfortunately, this isn’t something that rare.

But, then I saw Nancy Grace’s show on Fox Nation and heard the whole story and…wow. It has everything. A horrible mystery that is still not solved, a string of dead bodies whose demise was under strange circumstances, missing children, a love triangle and a doomsday cult.

This story started with two missing kids named Tylee (age 17) and JJ Vallow (age 7) Their mother Lori Vallow never reported the children missing for several months. Now she sits in an Idaho jail, the children still missing and neither she nor her current husband will tell the courts where the children are or in what condition they are in.

Let’s go over the timeline for this bazaar story.

  • In February, 2019, Lori Vallow was married to Charles Vallow. He files for divorce citing the fact that his wife believes she is “a god assigned to carry out the work of the 144,000 at Christ’s second coming in July 2020.” In fact, she has done work for an end-of-times cult known as Preparing the People ad she believed that the second coming of Christ is scheduled for July 2020. The two are currently living in Arizona.
  • March 7, 2019 Lori pulls JJ out of his special education school. Charles says it’s “she went crazy.” Charles says he’s going to take JJ and Tylee to Texas back to his family.
  • In June, 2019 – Lori puts JJ back into the special ed school with no explanation.
  • July 11, 2019, Charles Vallows is shot by Lori’s brother, Alex Cox. Cox said it was in self-defense and no further investigation was done. Later that day, Lori threw a pool party.
  • JJ saw Tylee for the last time on August 30 after a Facetime conversation. When asked by JJ, Lori would make up excuses as to why his sister was missing.
  • On August 30, JJ service dog is returned.
  • On September 5, 2019, JJ is pulled out of school with the excuse that Lori was going to California for a job.
  • Sometime between August and September, the family moves to Idaho.
  • September 23 is the last day JJ is seen. He was last seen in school.
  • September 24, 2019, Lori pulls JJ from school.
  • On October 1, 2019, Lori rents a storage unit. A video shows her and her brother, Alex Cox, putting things in the locker. It turns out that most of the stuff belonged to the children including clothing and bikes.
  • October 2, 2019 – Brandon Boudreaux, ex-husband of Lori Vallow’s niece, Melani Boudreaux, says he was shot at in a drive-by shooting. Brandon says the shooter was Alex Cox, and he was driving Charles Vallow’s Jeep.


Weird enough for you? It gets weirder.

  • October 19, 2019 – Tammy Daybell, wife of Chad Daybell, dies in Idaho. The coroner originally declares the cause of death as natural causes and she is buried a few days later. We haven’t talked about Chad Daybell yet. He’s a fantasy writer and speaker for a doomsday cult called Preparing the People. The cult is based on the Church of the Latter Day Saints “religion” (I thinks Mormons belong to a cult too) that thinks the world is going to end in July of 2020.
  • November 1, 2019 – Police begin surveillance of Lori Vallow. Detectives report never seeing Joshua ‘JJ’ Vallow once during the month of November.
  • November 5, 2019 – Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow get married in Hawaii.
  • November 26, 2019 – Rexburg police say they receive a request for a welfare check on Joshua ‘JJ’ Vallow at a home in Rexburg. After arriving at the home, officers say Lori and Chad tell officers the children are with a family friend in Arizona.
  • November 27, 2019 – After the children are not located in Arizona, police return to the townhome with a search warrant to find Joshua ‘JJ’ Vallow. Officers say they find the house empty, and learn after further investigation that Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell had left Rexburg, possibly without the children. Police also search other homes in Rexburg looking for the children and the storage unit that Lori had rented.
  • December 1, 2019 – Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell fly from Los Angeles to the island of Kauai. Joshua ‘JJ’ Vallow and Tylee Ryan do not fly with them.
  • December 6, 2019 – The family friend in Arizona tells police that both Lori and Chad had asked her to lie and tell officers Joshua ‘JJ’ Vallow was with her. The friend says she declined the request.
  • December 11, 2019 – Tammy Daybell’s body is exhumed so investigators can conduct an autopsy and tests to determine cause of death.
  • December 12, 2019 – Alex Cox, Lori Vallow’s brother, dies at a home in Gilbert, Arizona . The cause of death has not been released to the public.


At this point, the police realize weird crap is happening. And they have no information about anything. So they decide not to screw around anymore.

  • December, 2019 – The police go public. Rexburg police update the public on Facebook with details from the case. Police believe Lori knows the location of the children or what happened to them, but say she refused to work with officers.
  • January 2, 2020 – The credit card Lori Vallow used to rent the storage facility is declined when the business tries to bill her.
  • January 3, 2020 – Deputies execute a search warrant at Chad Daybell’s home in Fremont County, Idaho.
  • January 16, 2020 – The State of Idaho files a protection order in Madison County on behalf of the children, ordering Lori Vallow to produce them.
  • January 25, 2020 – Police on the island of Kauai in the Hawaiian Islands give Lori Vallow the Idaho court order to produce the children to the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare within five days.
  • January 26, 2020 – Police on the island of Kauai in the Hawaiian Islands give Lori Vallow the Idaho court order to produce the children to the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare within five days.
  • January 30, 2020 – The deadline to produce the children to Idaho authorities is missed by Lori. No charges or warrants are filed at the time.
  • February 16, 2020 – Maui police say they have been advised that Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell traveled to the island of Maui from Kauai, but also say that they are not involved in any investigation of the couple.
  • February 20, 2020 – Lori Vallow is arrested by Kauai police on multiple charges, including desertion and nonsupport of dependent children.
  • February 21, 2020 – Lori Vallow makes her first court appearance in Hawaii. Her attorney asks for her bond to be lowered from $5 million to $10,000. The judge refuses.
  • February 26, 2020 – At a court hearing, a judge denies Lori Vallow’s request to reduce her bond amount from $5 million. It is also announced that Vallow has agreed to be returned to Idaho to face the charges filed against her.
  • March 5, 2020 – Lori Vallow is booked into the Madison County Jail in Rexburg, Idaho. With a stupid smile on her face during her mugshot.


And today, she sits in jail, looking at a 14 year sentence for child abandonment and not caring for a dependent.

She did get her bailed lowered from $5 million to $1 million. Her husband is rich and can afford the $100,000 bond but no bail bondsman will give her a bond because she is so unstable and they do not believe she won’t try to run again. So she is still in jail awaiting trial.

If you did not think this story is weird enough, it has gotten weirder just a couple of days ago.

There were court document released that said she thought the devil stole the souls of her children and that the children were zombies. Like Night of the Living Dead zombies.

This new report has made investigator suspicious that the kids are dead.

Worse, it made lawyers believe that she now has an excuse as to why she may have killed her kids and could plead insanity.

This story interested me from day 1 and it is ongoing. I’ll keep you up-to-date as the news comes.



Just for Fun

Here’s a fun song by Andy Eversole about the Wuhan flu. It’s a happy little tune. Enjoy!



Episode 147 Show Notes – Keys to Survival

Couple of stories concerning the Wuhan virus. But this is not going to be about that tonight. And how to survive self-containment.


Wuhan Virus News: Some Good, Some Bad, Some Stupid

Here is the news:

  • Democrats have packed so much pork in the recovery bill, set to be $6 trillion. That pork includes
    • Implementing Green New Deal regulations on any company getting bail out money.
    • Funding the John F. Kennedy Center.
    • Funding for Planned Parenthood and government paid abortion.
    • Making paid leave permenant.
  • Needless to say the Senate Republicans blocked this stupid bill that Pelosi came up with. Something better should be voted on tonight.
  • President Trump says he believes we should all be able to go back to work by Easter. Don’t know if that’s true or not but it is an attempt at a timeline. He says the cure for this mess cannot be worse than the mess.
  • With the coming stimulas package and the hope of the President to this thing being over soon, the stock market went nuts on Tuesday, crawling up 2100 point, a record.
  • The Presidents approval rating is also met his highest approval rating. He is holding at 49%. He is at 60% approval for his handling of the Wuhan virus including with independants.


That’s bad news for sleepy creepy Joe, who just can’t stay out of his own way.

Now, this wasn’t his fault, per say. The teleprompter didn’t work. But he still looks really old and really incompetant. The problem for Biden is that he has been hiding. Either for fear of the virus or because his advisors are afraid of him talking. Well, I bet it’s the latter. And the more he says, the more incompetant he looks.

An Arizona couple was sent to the hospital after they ingested chloroquine phosphate — a chemical compound used to clean fish aquariums — because they suspected it could help prevent coronavirus infections.

In an interview later that day, the woman told NBC News journalist Vaughn Hillyard that they each took 1 teaspoon of the chemical, mixed with soda, after finding it in their cabinet and coming to believe that it was “the stuff they’re talking about on TV.”

“It feels like, like my heart is broken and it’ll never mend,” said the woman, who blamed President Trump for their believing that chloroquine phosphate was safe to consume.

“Don’t take anything — be so careful and call your doctor. This is a heart ache I’ll never get over,” said the woman.

That’s right! It was Trump who told these people to eat fish bowl cleaner. God, I hope those two didn’t breed.




How to Survive Confinement

I’ve been stuck inside for seven days now. Considering I have a cold, not the flu, I’m probably going to stuck here another two weeks. There are two things I have learned to do to get through my working from home and keeping my sanity.

I need to develop routines and find things to amuse myself as the days come to a close.

A routine brings focus. I hate working from home because there are just so many things I would rather be doing. But if I start my morning the same way every day, sitting down at my computer to work for eight hours doesn’t seem so bad.

So, here’s my routine:

  • I get up at 5:30 AM.
  • I make my bed.
  • I clean my dishes and counter.
  • I get dressed and brush my teeth.
  • I log into my computer and clock in.
  • I say good morning to Josie.
  • I do my security checks, which is the same thing every morning.
  • I review my Emails and check my calendar.
  • I then go make a cup of coffee.
  • We have a meeting every morning at 9:15 AM.
  • I make a second cup of coffee and take a shower.
  • I take my lunch at 11:00 AM.
  • In the afternoon, I work on a project and try to get a part of my project complete before I clock out.


That’s my routine and I do it every day. I find I get my work done and have little trouble focusing. It took a week for me to figure that part out but it works for me.

But I also need a way to unwind and keep my mind occupied. So I decided I would take seriously my favorite hobbies:

  • This podcast and my blogging.
  • Watching movies: Netflix and Amazon Prime. Stop with the news.
  • My wood carving. I am actually working from a book now to master it.
  • And when none of the above is in my wheel house, do some light reading.


I can’t tell you how relaxing writing this is.

Something I have also started doing is doing push-ups and squats every hour of my work day. I’m getting fat so I thought this would be a perfect way to get some exercise. Eventually, I am going to leave this place and get some running in. I will do that during the work day because it will shorten the day.



Episode 146 Show Notes – It is a Chinese Virus

The news is saturated with the Wuhan Virus. I am not going to bite on it anymore. I’ve been stuck in my place for a week. I’ve heard all the statistics and news. Let’s just talk about it from a real life perspective. And, since we’re all stuck inside, waiting for everyone to die a terrible plague-like death, lets talk about what is happening in the human terms. Not like what we hear on the news. Because what we are hearing on the news and from the government is stupid.

Then, lets talk about what we should be hearing. What we need as a society. What we need to hear from our government. What we regular people may need to do.to get through this.


No More News

Well, it seems that life has stopped. There isn’t any news except for this damn virus. I decided it was time to change some of the content of this podcast because there is nothing really in the news. No debates or news outside of this pandemic. Even the Presidential campaign has been put on hold. But is that a surprise? All the candidates are well in the age range for mortality for this virus. Not to mention I’m sure the campaigns don’t want their candidates saying anything because they are so dumb.

I love the politicizing of this virus though. My girlfriend came over one day and called Trump ma racist because he called the virus the Chinese flu. I asked if she was kidding. I then pointed out the different viruses that were named after where the started. That included:

  • Spanish flu
  • Asian Flu
  • Russian flu
  • Hong Kong flu
  • MERS (Middle East)
  • Lyme disease
  • Ebola


All of these are named after the place they started. COVID-19 started in Wuhan, China. It’s actually known as the Wuhan virus but got its name because the Chinese government is responsible for causing this pandemic and President Trump doesn’t want you to forget it. I’ll talk about that more a little later.

Here’s the thing, and it’s so simple I won’t waste a lot of time on it: this virus started in Wuhan, China. The Chinese government hid the virus as not to embarrass themselves, which is true of any communist dictatorship. If they had alerted the world of the virus and prevented their people from just doing their thing, including traveling to other countries, this thing would be done already. The virus did start in Wuhan but it is the Chinese government nthat aided in the spread of the disease. Seriously, folks, they killed the doctor who discovered and tried to alert the people about it.

So, it is the Chinese virus.

The second thing I keep hearing is how Trump messed this whole thing up. And, in the beginning, he did. He didn’t take this seriously, didn’t think of the impact and brushed it off.But he’s recovered. He has the best doctors in the country advising him, he place Vice President Pence in charge, distancing himself to allow others to control yet showing the government is involved and taking it seriously.

This is an unprecedented event. Nothing like this has happened since the Spanish Flu in 1918. No one today knows how to deal with this. Denmark decided to perform something called Herd Immunization. What that means is people would go out and do their thing while those who are susceptible to the virus would hide out. The virus would spread, people who can weather it would get sick, develop an immunity and they would live happily ever after.

Nope. Didn’t work out that way. Denmark is now doing what we’re doing. Best laid plans of mice and men, I guess.

The reality is, no one really knows how to deal with this.


What Can The Government and Trump Do

Why is the stock market flipping out? Why are there no rolls of toilet paper anywhere? Why are there lines of people wrapped around the Costco parking lot? Why can’t I find a loaf of bread for my tuna fish salad sandwich?

Because we are all in a panic.

There have been over one billion references to the Wuhan virus in the news media. That is 10 times more than there was for SARS, MERS, Ebola or H1N1. And those were more serious viruses (that we know of).

The fact is, we don’t know much about this virus. So the government must walk the fine line between we’re all going to die and everything is going to be fine. That’s easier said than done.

The media went far to one direction and told us we are all going to die. Statistics show that is not the case. The virus is more dangerous than the flu and it is showing that young people are susceptible. Italy has shown that.

Trump went the other direction. He minimized the virus. He told us we were all going to be fine, this is no big deal, nothing to see here. That wasn’t true either. This virus does suck. It is more dangerous and contagious than we thought. People will die. And the administration decided this was a serious thing and adjusted. Now, they are doing well.

What do I think? It’s probably kind of in the middle. This is a dangerous virus and I should stay away from my parents and others who are susceptible. But I am not sure it is as bad as the media plays it out. I think the government should overreact because this thing is scaring people and the government needs to take their fear seriously. And we don’t know anything about this virus. So we should think the worst of it and deal with it. If it ends up not being as bad as we thought, no big deal.

We also need to realize what we are doing. We are, justifiably, shutting down the economy. Stores and businesses are shutting down, people are losing the jobs and can’t pay their bills. We’re all stuck at home. This could kill our economy. Everything the government is doing, from ordering businesses to close to giving us a couple of grand a month, is meant to suspend the economy so that it doesn’t crash completely.

Here’s the problem: I don’t trust the government. You’ve heard me say this before. The government sucks at everuything. And I am afraid they are going to do things that help make the government bigger. This week, the Senate refused to pass a $1 trillion package, supported by the President, because some of the provisions would be made permenant. That’s scary. Business cannot support paid sick leave all the time and Universal Basic Income (which is what the Democrats want) is unsustainable. We can’t afford it. And this is not a time to allow a single payer health care system sneak into our lives. This is not the time to implement the Green New Deal, which a lot of Democrats are pushing with this $1 trillion deal.

The only thing the government is suppose to do is suspend the economy for a month, maybe two. Not make the government bigger.

Finally, The last thing the government can do is give us a timeline. I have been stuck in my house for a week and I am going nuts. My girlfriend is going nuts. Her kids are going nuts. My parents are going nuts. My friends are going nuts. We are all going nuts. And if the government thinks we are all going to sit in our homes for two months, they’re stupid.

The American people are too used to freedom. They are not going to last long imprisoned in their homes. We need to know there is light at the end of the tunnel. And we need to be given an idea when we might see that light. I know that the government may not know. That’s fine but tell us what they are thinking. Not just the doom and gloom. Because people are not going to do this forever. Hell, they’re not going to do this for three weeks.

China did not have a problem controlling their population. Anyone did what they did not say, they were killed or imprisoned. This is not that country.

Please, President Trump, come up with a plan and let us know what is going on. We know this is not going to last forever. Tell us how long we are going to have to go through even if it means the bad news of a second wave of an infection.

We are Americans. We can handle it.


Week On in Captivity

I have been stuck in my place for six days. and this sucks.

Good news is, after five days of not knowing what to do with myself, I developed a routine. That really helped today. I do work from home and this was the first time I was actually productive from home. I am not going to talk about my routine yet. We’ll save that for tomorrow’s podcast.

But I am watching a lot of Netflix and Amazon Prime. Not much news because the news is the same. So here’s some things you might enjoy too:

  • Read Loserthink by Scott Adams.
  • Watched Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.
  • Watch 1917.
  • Watched The Platform on Netflix. Reminds me of The Cube.
  • Binge-watched BloodRide on Netflix.
  • Am binge-watching Frasier from Amazon Prime


This week, I’m going to start a new book called You Can’t Lie to Me by Janine Driver. I read this book before but I never annotated it. It is an awesome book so I want to spend sometime with it.



Episode 144 Show Notes – Never Let an Emergency Go to Waste

The Wuhan virus is carving its way through the United States, giving President Trump the biggest challenge of his Presidency. Comrade Bernie got his ass kicked in Super Tuesday Part 2 but he makes a surprise announcement.


Wuhan Virus Update

We have gone into overdrive with the Wuhan Virus. Here are the latest statistics:

  • 135,000 have been infected that we know about.
  • 4972 have died.
  • 69,000 have recovered (that is a 7% death rate).
  • The United States has 1716 cases (+415)
  • The United States has had 41 deaths.
  • The WHO has declared this a global pandemic.
  • The NBA, NHL, MLB and MLS have all suspended their seasons.
  • The NCAA has cancelled March Madness and all other college sports national championships.
  • Disneyland has closed.
  • All plays on Broadway have been suspended.
  • New York and California have put limits on public gatherings.
  • New York has set up a containment area of a mile in radius and called in the National Guard. Not sure what this means but, OK.
  • California and Washington State have declared a State of Emergency.


President Trump held an Oval Office address to the nation on Wednesday. And there was only one thing he said that seemed to have any impact on people on the Left:

I can’t lie to you: this is a crappy speech. He looked robotic. He stumbled. He was also cussing on a live mic because he had a spot on his suit. What made this worse was the fact that there were mistakes in the speech that had to be walked back minutes after the speech.

Was this Trump’s fault. Well, yeah. The buck stops with him. He should be firing someone tonight.

Good news! You can count on the Left to be stupid and they didn’t disappoint.

Ayanna Pressley of the Squad, bald head and all, summed it up in a speech to Congress. And the media and other Democrats just repeated the same narrative:

Yep, racism. Against a government that started this pandemic. And, now, China is blaming us.

This is infuriating because this is Russia tried to do. Spread misinformation and propaganda to cause discord in the United States. Now China is doing it. Before an election. Against a President they don’t like!

Are these people THIS stupid? Apparently so. Because Sleepy, Creepy Joe and Comrade Bernie had press conferences and said the same thing. Per the narrative.

Trump needs to be more than an American. He needs to be Presidential.

  • He needs to take this virus seriously and let the professionals speak.
  • There is no way he knows where the economy is going. This is an unprecedented, black swan event.
  • This is the first time I say this: he needs to appeal to emotion. Panic is emotion. He needs to deal with the panic.
  • Stop falling for the Democratic trap of partisanship. Nancy, Chucky, Comrade Bernie and Sleepy Creepy Joe want to be partisan, ignore them.
  • He needs to fire the speech writer who wrote that crappy speech. It was a disaster.






A Very Disturbing Story





Is This the Beginning of the End

Bernie Sanders got wasted on Super Tuesday Part 2.

He lost all states except for Washington and North Dakota. But he lost the big state of the night Michigan.

On Wednesday, Bernie held a press conference. I thought he was going to resign and even his initial commentsmade it sound like he was done.

Not really sure where Bernie is going with this. My guess is he is going all the way to either gain more influence or wait Biden out to steal the election. Remember, Biden is showing signs of old age and dementia. Maybe Bernie thinks Biden will gaffe his way out of the election.

I can’t wait for the debate on Sunday. I hate to say it but I think Bernie is going to wipe the floor with him.

And this is why it is important for Trump to be smart about this Wuhan Virus thing. He can come out of all of this looking like a hero in a month. He just to make sure he takes the lead on this and forgets the partisanship by the Democrats.

He’ll do just fine in November.







Episode 126

China is driving everyone batty. And the Left is destroying law and order.


Frigging Bats are Making Us All Batty

The coronavirus from Wuhan, China has killed 132 so far and those found with the virus are closing in on 10,000.

The city has been quarantined and the United States and other countries are contemplating stopping traveling to and from China.

So far, there have been five reported cases in the United States. All those infected were traveling in China. They have all be quarantined. No deaths have occurred.

A plane filled with Americans trying to escape the disease in China arrived in Riverside, California today. None tested positive for the disease but they will be held in quarantine for, at least, two weeks.

San Francisco has created a quarantine center at their airport for those who come here. They want to be able to handle anyone who is infected with the virus.

There is a shortage of surgical masks throughout the United States and China. Heck, I work in a free clinic and all the medical personnel are wearing them. When I asked if they knew those things didn’t really do anything, they nodded and kept doing their thing.

So, what is the coronavirus? Is it something we should worry about?

From wikipedia.com:

Coronavirusesare a group of viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans, the viruses cause respiratory infections which are typically mild including the common cold but rarer forms like SARS and MERS can be lethal. In cows and pigs they may cause diarrhea, while in chickens they can cause an upper respiratory disease. There are no vaccines or antiviral drugs that are approved for prevention or treatment.

The name “coronavirus” is derived from the Latincorona, meaning crown o rhalo, which refers to the characteristic appearance of the virus particles (virions): they have a fringe reminiscent of a royal crown or of the solar corona.

Do we have something worry about?

We panicked with bird flu. We panicked with SARS. But nobody in the United States died from those diseases. They got sick. And it sucked. But no one died.

My answer is we have nothing to worry about.



Just Sick!

A convicted child molester Joseph Matthew Smith (23) will be released from prison despite sexually abusing up to 15 children, including a 1-year-old. It seems that Smith — now Josie, he calls himself — has begun the process of “transitioning” into a “woman.”

Attorney general spokesman Lynn Hicks informs us that Smith’s hormone treatment render him less of a threat to offend again, thus justifying his release.

“A preliminary report prepared by the state’s expert, Dr. Jeffrey Davis, says Smith molested as many as 15 victims, ranging from ages 1 to 13, before being sentenced to prison in December 2015. The report found the likelihood of re-offending within five years of release exceeded 20% because victims were of both genders, and because Smith was under age 25 and never had a long-term relationship.

“Mr. Smith has not had an intimate relationship. His sexual encounters appear to have primarily involved molestation, including his own molestation by multiple perpetrators, or his victimization of others.”

Smith received transgender treatment for the last two years at Newton Correctional Facility and started using female pronouns.

Iowa AG spokesman Lynn Hicks says:

“We don’t believe we have evidence sufficient to prove Josie Smith has a significant chance of re-offending. Josie Smith will be subject to strict sex-offender reporting required of those who commit the crimes [they] did. [They’ll] be subject to supervision for the rest of [their] life.”

The report recommended Smith be confined at the Cherokee Civil Commitment Unit for Sex Offenders (CCUSO) in Cherokee for an indefinite period.

The question I have is: Has he served his time? Isn’t he in prison to, not only rehabilitate, but to be punished for his crimes?

What about the victims? Isn’t Iowa re-victimizing the victims by releasing him?

Finally, who the hell said that hormone treatment cures someone of being a deviant? This piece of filth molested boys and girls. Chemical castration has proven not to work.

I will take one more step. The fact that this guy wants to go from being a man to a woman just proves that he is still a deviant.

The Left in this country is beginning to dismantle law and order in this country. Let’s look at what they are doing:

  • Open borders and sanctuary cities.
  • Drug legalization.
  • Abortion even after the baby has been born (murder).
  • No more cash bail.
  • The demonetization of the police and the elimination of ICE.
  • The embrace of terrorist groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter.


There is also this embrace of intersectionality and wokeness push this crap. Basically, this Hicks chick believes that he is a victim because he is a person of color and transsexual. Not because he victimized people.

In the past few weeks, I have heard some very scary statements by the Left. We are going to talk about socialism and communism, true tyranny. And I’m going to play those video clips. I’m also going to bring up some books, especially Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. This is a very important book. I am actually thinking of modernizing this book though I don’t think it needs any modernization.

We are heading in that direction. And it’s scaring the hell out of me.




Episode 143

The primaries are today and this could be Bernie’s death knell. I’ll be watching the primaries as I record and give you updates as they come in. The stock market is going off the rails and Trump has a plan to keep the economy on track. The corona virus is keeping everyone on their toes while the media continues to blame the President. And Alabama does the right thing!


The Primaries

This is being called Super Tuesday 2.0. There are 352 delegates up for grabs from states including Michigan. Washington, North Dakota, Mississippi, Missouri, Idaho,

Bernie is way down. He is down by 25 points in Michigan which has the majority of the delegates. This is the end of Bernie.

And Bernie can’t stay out of his own way. He is still promoting socialism. He still is promoting these hugely expensive programs without providing any way to pay for them and he is still defending tyrants like the President of China and Cuba’s Castro.

And he did this on a Town Hall hosted by Fox News. Incredible. He’s done and can expect to get thoroughly defeated tonight paving the way for a Biden nomination.

Biden will win because he’s decided to run on a moderate position. He’s going to bring sanity and calm to the White House.

Here’s the problem with that: Biden isn’t sane or calm. He got into a fight with a Michigan auto worker in Michigan, in a state he needs to win, over the Second Amendment. It’s hard to hear but, let’s just say, there was a lot of cussing. Listen:

There are a couple of problems with this:

  • This is a union worker and you’re challenging and cussing at him. Does that sound like a good idea?
  • You’re telling your staff, who is trying to protect you, to shush. Good idea?
  • He is against the Second Amendment. He is going to have Beto O’Rourke run the gun control program. Robert said he wanted police to smash in doors to take away our guns.
  • It is illegal to have a magazine that hold 100 rounds.That leads to:
  • The Second Amendment is NOT ABOUT hunting. It’s about protecting out rights from a tyrannical government. And that type of government is growing in this country.
  • There is no such thing as an AR-14.
  • And AR-15s are not machine guns!


This guy is dangerous for Trump. I can see Trump losing which is why it is important for Trump to shut up.


How the President is Dealing with It






Corona Virus Update





Episode 137 Show Notes

Joe Biden blows out the competition on Saturday paving the way to a hot Super Tuesday. Last week, Senate Democrats proved they are what we knew they were. Bernie Sanders is, not only be a communist, but kind of a perv. Pretty much proving my previous statement. And the coronavirus hits the United States hard.


Sleepy, Creepy Joe Finds Gold

Joe Biden has destroyed the field in the South Carolina, beating Bernie Sanders by 30%.

These numbers are soft numbers since everything isn’t in but the results are pretty solid:

  1. Sleepy, Creepy Joe – 48.4%
  2. Comrade Sanders – 19.9%
  3. Tom Steyer – 11.3%
  4. Mayor Pete – 8.2%
  5. Chief Elizabeth – 7.1%
  6. Amy Klobachar – 3.1%
  7. And who cares about everyone else?


So this was a big deal for Biden. He needed to win and win big and will end up with close to all of the 54 delegates.

This also makes the contest interesting. Candidates are going to have to make some decisions, or just be the sociopaths they really are and continue doing their thing, though it will go nowhere, and stay in the race.

So here are some things that may really affect the race.

  • Michael Bloomberg doesn’t have any fire. He’s not going anywhere. Bloomberg is a moderate. So is Biden. If Bloomberg wants Biden to have any chance and doesn’t want Bernie to win the nomination, Then he should pull out now and put his full backing on Joe Biden. Bloomberg will be on the ballot for Super Tuesday, but if he fully backs Biden, his voting base should switch over to Biden.
  • Steyer has already given up after the South Carolina primary. I think his base will move to Biden since Steyer is no fan of socialism.
  • Amy Klobachar should also give up the ghost. She has no traction. Her supporters will easily move to Biden.
  • Elizabeth Warren is done. In fact, the longer she stays in the race the more of a liar she looks. If she resigns, her supporters will fall into Comrade Bernie’s camp and he may look well on her. Chief Warren wants to be Bernie’s VP.
  • Mayor Pete, who is a closet radical, still purports to be a moderate. And I think he has fooled his supporters. If he drops out, his supporters will probably go to Biden.


So far, none of this has happened. Only Steyer has dropped out. And that’s because all the Democratic candidates are narcissistic sociopaths. These guys are all going to stay in through Super Tuesday.

Biden and Bloomberg will split votes and Bernie will make a bee-line right up the middle. Bernie will make out like a bandit on Super Tuesday taking a ton of delegates including over 400 from California.

At that point, the Democratic primary will be over and Comrade Bernie will be the Democratic Presidential candidate.




The is the Definition of Evil

On Tuesday, Democrats in the U.S. Senate blocked a bill that would have required clinics and hospitals to provide basic medical treatment to infants born alive after failed abortions. Democrats tried to position the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act as a radical assault on the bodily autonomy of women and an intrusion of the government into medical decisions, but it was nothing of the sort. This is a bill authored by Ben Sasse.

Congress finds the following:


Speaking of Evil

Now that Bernie Sanders is about to take the Democratic nomination, people are going to start looking at past statements he has made. He has been in politics for 40 years so why he wasn’t vetted before remains a mystery. Well, not really.

In 1972, Sanders, who was about 106 years old then wrote:

“A man goes home and masturbates his typical fantasy. A woman on her knees, a woman tied up, a woman abused. A woman enjoys intercourse with her man — as she fantasizes being raped by 3 men simultaneously.”

He added later: “Do you know why the newspapers with the articles like ‘Girl 12 raped by 14 men’ sell so well? To what in us are they appealing?”

When confronted about it by Chuck Todd of MSNBC, Sanders said:

“This is a piece of fiction that I wrote in 1972, I think. That was 43 years ago. It was very poorly written,” Sanders told Todd.

“If you read it, it was dealing with gender stereotypes. Why some men like to oppress women. Why other women like to be submissive. You know, something like ‘Fifty Shades of Grey.’ Very poorly written. Forty-three years ago,” he added.

In another essay, called “The Revolution Is Life Versus Death,” Sanders repeatedly criticizes traditional modes of sexual “decency” and morality, including when it comes to children:

“In Vermont, at a state beach, a mother is reprimanded by Authority for allowing her 6-month-old daughter to go about without her diapers on. Now, if children go around naked, they are liable to see each other’s sexual organs, and maybe even touch them. Terrible thing! If we bring children up like this it will probably ruin the whole pornography business, not to mention the large segment of the general economy which makes its money by playing on people’s sexual frustrations.”

This essay, which is short and available below, is the ridding of norms so the people can revolt against the “hum-drum” life of the working class citizen. It not only talks about sexual freedom, but the oppression of the government and moral values, the evils of war and the virtues of the commune and collectivism.

This is sick stuff. And since the Democrats do not like Bernie, expect this stuff is going to come up. Also expect Bernie to come out unapologetic.



Coronavirus Update

Here are the updates for the corona virus:

  • There are 85,000 confirmed world wide.
  • 2900 people have died.
  • The United States has had 1 confirmed death (Washington State)  and 2 cases that have unknown origins. That means that these people did not travel and no one knows how these two got infected.
  • Deaths have also hit Thailand and Australia.
  • Flights have been suspended to and from Italy and President Trump has ordered travel bans.
  • The World Health Organization says the outbreak has reached the “highest level” of risk for the world, with the director-general warning it can go in “any direction.”
  • The Dow Jones has lost about 4000 points this week mainly due to concerns about supply lines and all the unknowns of the virus.
  • The CDC and the government are dealing with medical supply shortages, including masks.
  • The United States government is voting on a bill that would allow between $2.4 billion (Trump administration) and $8 billion (the House).



On a funnier note,




Episode 141 –

The waters are calming after Super Tuesday. We still don’t know everything thanks to the incompetence of California. But we do know that Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders are neck-in-neck.

So what do you think? Bernie or Joe? Grabien has an opinion and the Huffington Post is kicking off the new Democratic narrative.

Finally, Chuck Schumer sticks his foot in it.


Bernie Gets Burned

Super Tuesday was not good for Bernie.

Joe Biden won all but four states taking a 627-551 delegate lead. That will change because the tally in California isn’t complete.

This is going to be a contested convention because neither will reach the 1991 delegates needed.












Episode 134 Show Notes

President Trump uses his power to free some friends in a move that might signal future moves. President Obama touts all his “successes” while he was President and gets lit up. We could be seeing the beginning of the end for the Boy Scouts of America. And I saw all four XFL games this weekend. Eh….


Not Sure This Was a Good Move

Donald Trump has decided to pardon or commute the sentences of several convicted felons. Those people might sound familiar. Here’s the list:

  • Michael Milken – Sentenced to 10 years for racketeering, securities fraud and other charges. Fined $600 million but is worth $3.8 billion.
  • Rod Blagojevich – Served in the Illinois House of Representatives. Conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud. Set to serve 14 years. If you don’t remember him, he tried selling a seat in the Senate opened from the newly elected President Barrack Obama. Not sure of this one.

Were these good releases. Yeah, if you look at the crime versus the judgement.

Let’s look at each.

  • There’s a reason why Presidents wait until the end of their terms to release people. But I think this is a prelude to Trump letting Roger Stone go. I don’t think it’s a good look.




Face Moded

So Barrack Obama made a Trump-style claim on Twitter this week saying:

James Woods, one of my favorite Tweeters and back from some time off of Twitter, blasted Obama’s Tweet. The former actor said:


Of course, Trump reacted immediately. He posted this on Twitter:

Then, I think Trump had a little time to think about it and he released a far more detailed statement:

He’s absolutely correct.



Doesn’t Really Sound Like a Conspiracy



















