Episode 172 Show Notes – An Election Narrative Has Been Found

You know what a Haiku is? It’s a Japanese poem that is made up of three lines. The first and third line has five syllables and the second line has seven syllables. I started experimenting with them on Twitter a little. I thought this would be the perfect introduction for my podcasts. Let’s start today.

Murder caught on film.
Protests turn to wild mobs.
New narrative found.

Take it easy. I’ll get better.


A Tragic Death

A black man named George Floyd was arrested for handing out a fake $20 bill in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

He was arrested by four Minneapolis police officers.

Supposedly, though there is no video of it, Floyd resisted and he was taken to the ground by a couple of officers. One of those officers was Derek Chauvin.

Video was taken of Chauvin with his knee on Floyd’s throat for close to eight minutes. What was very disturbing is Floyd was complaining he could not breathe, blood was coming out of his nose and it appeared that Chauvin had his entire body weight on Floyd’s throat.


When Chauvin got off of Floyd, Floyd was unconscious and died a few hours later.

This video is horrid and what Chauvin did was terrible. I protect the police as much as I can but this was as bad as that cop in Chicago shooting an unarmed black kid in the back for being stoned.

The four officers were immediately fire. It was found that Chauvin had eighteen prior complaints placed on him during his nineteen year career.

Four days later, On Friday, Chauvin was arrested and charged with 3rd degree murder and manslaughter.

But people were not satisfied that it took so long. I hate to say this, but I don’t blame them.



The reaction was as expected. Protests started rising up. At first, the protests were loud but peaceful. They showed up at the 3rd Precinct Minneapolis Police department.

As the night fell, the protesters became more aggressive, threatening the police station and setting off fireworks. But they were still peaceful.

Later that night, all Hell broke loose.

The protests turned into a riot. Stores were destroyed and all the products were stolen. This happened for three nights and reminded me of the L.A. riots in 1992 over the Rodney King arrest.

On Friday, Protests have broken loose in Minneapolis, Atlanta, Los Angeles, San Jose, New York and Washington D.C. by the White House. Secret Service is guarding the White House. The protests started quietly but have become violent as the sun went down.,

These protests prove Democrats have no leadership. When the protests turned to riots, they pulled the police back, letting businesses fend for themselves. As far as I’m concerned, this really justifies the Second Amendment. We obviously can’t trust the government to protect us from thugs.



The Response: How Typical

Of course, President Trump weighed in on Twitter saying:

Twitter, under pressure from the Left and having an election that will probably re-elect Trump because Sleepy, Creepy Joe is incoherent, has decided to flag that Tweet as “glorifying violence:. Though it was a clumsily worded Tweet, which is a Trump thing, I hardly think it is “glorifying violence”.

But that’s another story I’m not going to get into tonight, though it is a huge story.

The Minneapolis mayor, Lefty Jacob Frey, made a speech and it was the typical Leftist speech. Blacks are dying every day et cetra.

But the real speech came from Andrea Jenkins, the transgender vice president of the Minneapolis City Council. And her/his start of his speech:

How…moving? The only thing I thought of was this is a man, not a woman. That and that he was 6’7″ and had an Adam’s apple the size of a bowling ball.

But let’s us get to the meat of her speech:

He’s a supporter of Jeremiah Wright, huh? If you don’t know who that guy is, he’s the “pastor” who Barrack Obama followed who is hugely antisemitic and was famous for saying, “It’s not God bless America. It’s God damn America.” Yeah, he’s a sweet guy.

So you can see where this guy is going.

This clip is a little long but you will get the idea where he’s coming from:

You get that? “We’ve been racist for four hundred years”? Really? I guess she forgot about the 500,000 people who died in the Civil War to end slavery.

“We feel there is a knee on out collective necks.” A telling statement.

We are a country of institutional racism? Really? I haven’t heard one person justify this killing. In fact, the white officer was arrested and charged with murder, The Department of Justice is investigating and the FBI is investigating. That doesn’t sound like institutional racism.

You can watch the entire press conference below:

Of course the media is doing their usual nang up job. Totally unbiased. Here’s Brooke Baldwin from CNN interviewing Andrea Jenkins and crying after hearing Jenkins singing Amazing Grace.

Hey, Brooke, the song wasn’t that moving.

Here’s Don Lemon from CNN, earning a couple hundred thousand a year and wearing a $2000 suit he didn’t have to pay for, bitching about how much danger he’s in because he’s black. Oh, yeah and he’s with blockhead, Chis Cuomo:

Do you know why I know everything he has said is absolute bullcrap?

  • He is a gay black man on a prime time show on CNN.
  • He has a six figure salary.
  • He’s worth $10 million dollars.


The Kaepernick thing is just stupid. Kapernick was protesting how terrible the United States is. He wore socks with pigs dressed like police. He is also worth about $100 million dollars. How afraid do you think he is to leave the house. I bet not very.

What people don’t understand is that Kapernick and Lemon are examples of why there is no systemic racism in the United States. They have profited from the system Just like Barrack Obama has.

Finally, blacks are not under siege. Blacks being killed by police is very rare. The fact that people can name the victims prove this. Shooting of blacks has gone down consistently since the Civil Acts bill was signed into law.

Do you know what race kills blacks more than cops? Other blacks. Look at Chicago.

Do you know what race gets killed by police shootings? White people. Do you know how Daniel Shaver is? Probably not because his shooting was never really reported. He was killed by police in a hotel while on the ground and begging not to be shot. And it was all recorded. He was white. Look it up.




Of course, the Left wants to use this crisis to their advantage. And the news media just takes the ride and pushed their new (and old) agenda.

Let’s listen to Maxine Waters, the horrid member of congress from one of the poorest, black districts in Los Angeles:

If this woman could not drum up outrage, she wouldn’t have a job because her district, which she does not live in, would have voted her out decades ago. Now, she’ll run around, have speeches, blame Trump for everything, say how evil white people are and get elected for another twenty years.

She’s the woman who called the Los Angeles riots in 1992 an uprising. She’s just terrible.

Then there’s Sleepy Creepy Joe. Listen to his message. I mean, really listen:

Joe initially ran as a moderate. And looking at the other candidates, he was. But now, to get Bernie supporters and the rest of the Left, he feels he needs to pander further to the Left. And their goal is to change the United States socially and economically. They want to rid us of our rights and economy.

The only thing I like about his push to the Left is that he is alienating most of the country. I do believe the Left is a small population. It is growing but let’s just make sure that Trump wins the next election and hope that the younger generations figure things out.




Final Thoughts

Here are my thoughts over this whole thing.

  • What happened to George Floyd is horrid and the cop got what he deserved.
  • Though I don’t agree, I agree with the protests. If you’re pissed off, peaceful protest is a good thing.
  • The riots are not protests. These are not protesters. They are thugs and criminals and should not be celebrated.
  • The media is trying to create a new narrative and Leftist politicians are pushing it. That’s because Joe Biden is a garbage candidate. He’s now pandering like Hilary did in 2016. We saw how that worked out for her.
  • There is no institutional racism. Those that are screaming there is actually prove there isn’t.
  • There are bad people in the world and the United States has had its dark periods. But I don’t think this time is one of them.
  • Collectivism is evil.
  • We need the Second Amendment. The government will not protect you.


There IS Other News

Unfortunately, I have not covered all the news. And it was a big week. I will talk about it tomorrow. But I should, at least, mention it:

  • SpaceX combined with NASA launched the first people into space in ten years. A major accomplishment.
  • President Trump signs an Executive Order removing the protections given to social media because of the censorship of conservative voices on their platforms.
  • And President Trump drops the hammer on China.