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Episode 133 Show Notes –

The Nevada caucuses are this week but it seems the race for the Democratic nominee is between only two people. Trump should just be dancing into his next four years. But, like most who are way ahead, he is working to lose it.

Let’s take a look at the Democratic field and how Trump can beat them.


The Front Runner

So far, the front runner for the nomination looks like it is going to be Bernie Sanders.

He tied in Iowa, won in New Hampshire and has a 7 point lead in the nation including a lead in Nevada. He is followed by Biden (who could be done if he doesn’t have a great showing), Warren, Steyer, Buttigieg and Klobachar.

Bernie is looking more and more like he is going to be the nominee which is scaring the Democrats. His message od socialism combined with no apparent plan for any of his policies is going to be a feast for Donald Trump.

Yeah, Trump will eat his lunch if he tries to pull that crap during a debate. All Bernie offers when he is questions are platitudes. He has no idea how he’s going to pay for any of this. Well, he does. Through 65-90% tax rates on all Americans. That’s how he’s going to do it.

But Bernie has another problem. His supporters. They’re crazy, as you saw last week.

In Carson City, Nevada, Bernie’s speech was interrupted by topless dairy industry protesters. It was embarrassing for Bernie. : Listen:

This is the problem Bernie Sanders has. His core support is so radical, so out in left field, that when he gets into a general election, regular America is not going to want anything to do with this. It’s just too crazy.

And, what’s worse, this garbage isn’t going to stop when he wins the nomination.




The True Competition

The only one who stands a chance against Bernie, and might actually give Donald Trump a run in 2020, is Michael Bloomberg.

He has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on campaign ads and is showing up everywhere for rallies. He is flooding the media with his face.

But he’s running into problems with all the other candidates. This is an old white guy, worth $60 billions, who is really short, that is buying his way into the nomination. This message is completely different from what the other candidates are saying. They are demonizing billionaires. And that’s why I think Bloomberg will fade into the dust eventually. Especially when he gets attacked on some of the things he was caught saying.

Listen to this he said about the stop-and-frisk policy in New York while he was a mayor. He supported stop-and-frisk as I think any normal person should have. Because it worked.

This week, he’s been nailed with two more “scandals” and I think they are more serious. One is where he apparently told a pregnant newly wed to kill the baby so she could keep working. She sued, he settled. And, apparently, this wasn’t the only incident. If there are a bunch more, this is going to come out. And it will not help him.

And then, Monday, a video was released of him at a presser saying that farming was so easy anyone could learn it. Just dig a hole, put a seed in the hole, cover, water and, wallah, corn!

Oh, God. Not a smart thing to say. Also, not true. I am pretty sure Mike Bloomberg would go broke if he became a farmer. I know I would.

All this crap was in the last week. I’m pretty sure we’re going to hear more. Bloomberg doesn’t have a chance.




The False Competition

These are the dead that just refuse to die. They actually think they have a chance still. Well, they don’t.

  • Pete Buttigieg – Trying to mix moderation with radicalism. Just said the illegal aliens should have health insurance. And, the Bible belt just found out he’s gay and married to a man. That doesn’t even touch on the fact the people of his own city hate him. Good for him with Iowa and New Hampshire. Reality will hit in Nevada and South Caroline. Super Tuesday will do him in.
  • Amy Klobachar – The real moderate of the group. Which is why the Left base hates her. Talks funny, looks funny and combs her hair with a comb. Not a chance though she is the most moderate in the group.
  • Tom Steyer – Projected to do well in Nevada but the climate change debate only goes so far. He might get a delegate though.
  • Tulsi Gabbard – Really hot but only holding 0% of the vote. Ciao!


I’m sure I’m missing someone but who cares.


Good Night, My Prince and Princesses

There were two candidate left in the Democratic race that really had a chance. Then, the public realized one is a stone cold liar and the other died eighteen months ago.

Elizabeth Warren is the best and she’s done. She lies so much, it’s just funny.I would have loved to see her go against Trump. He would have destroyed and it would have been hysterical.

Well, we have a couple of weeks left. And she is the epitome of the Pander Bear. Don’t be shocked if she calls herself a Native America, transgender Muslim lesbian woman from Somalia. It’s going to happen.

As I said before: Rest in Peace Joe Biden. I’m pretty sure Biden’s campaign is a Weekend at Bernie’s. Right now, he has the dumbest supported putting his hand up Biden’s butt and making him say things. The problem is Biden’s dentures keep slipping.

Listen to this:

My God. Why?

Listen to this:

Nothing more to say. RIP Sleepy Creepy Joe.












Socialism Sucks!

The cat is out of the bag! Let’s talk about socialism.


Thank Goodness She’s Dumb!














Episode 136 Show Notes – When the World is Against You, Don’t Give Them Ammo!

The intelligence community announced that Russia is going to affect our elections…again. It’s not the Russians Donald Trump has to worry about. There is now a four-pronged attack on Donald Trump as the 2020 election approaches. Trump does something that could have waited until after the election. And Barrack Obama finally decides to weigh in on his Presidency and get lambasted over it.


Here We Go!

The intelligence community announced last week that Russia is going to attempt to undermine the elections in November. This is the garbage we are going to have to go through from now until the election in November. Donald Trump is going to be accused of everything and it’s all going to be the Russian’s fault.

Let’s review:

  • The Russians were accused of interfering with the election in 2015 and 2016. Under Barrack Obama’s watch.
  • Trump was accused of colluding with the Russians to throw the election.
  • An investigation was started by the FBI based on a dossier funded by the DNC which was funded by Hilary Clinton. The information came from a British spy named Daniel Steele who got in salacious and unverified information from…wait for it…Russians.
  • The FBI was given permission by the courts to spy on American citizens including Donald Trump.
  • Robert Mueller spent two years and $35 million with a cadre or pro-Hilary lawyers to find no wrong doing against Donald Trump.
  • A week later. literally, Donald Trump has a less than perfect phone call with the President of Ukraine.
  • Congress decides to impeach without naming a crime. Trump gets acquitted…for life.
  • Now, Russia is reportedly messing with the US again Trump is going to get blamed for it.


There are a couple of problems with this that the media, or anyone else, are not talking about.

  • The Russians have always tried to influence the election since they were the Soviet Union. This is nothing new and shouldn’t be a surprise.
  • All the big Russian hacking in favor of Donald Trump happened during the Obama administration. He did nothing about it until Hilary Clinton lost.
  • The Russians campaign was very weak, spending a couple of hundred thousand dollars on Facebook ads that actually were meant to create discord, no influence the election.


This has been a BS scam job from day one and it’s going to get worse. The problem the Democrats are having is they have nothing else. Trump has the country in the best position its been in for decades. Every Democrat effort has failed:

  • The Russian collusion thing has failed. In fact, we might be seeing some of Obama’s boys going to prison soon.
  • Stormy Daniels thing has failed.
  • The tax records thing is a no go.
  • The war-monger thing with Iran has failed and actually made him look better.
  • The Ukraine thing never took hold with the public.
  • Impeachment was a complete failure.


Right now, Trump is going to have to deal with salvos from four fronts:

  1. The Democrats.
  2. The media including social media.
  3. The bureaucracy better known as the “swamp.”
  4. Hollywood and the never-Trumpers..


This latest little tidbit from the Intelligence community is just the start. But they are lying. The Russians don’t care about Donald Trump. They’re main goal is to create discord within the United States. And they have done that for the last three years. Even the Mueller Report stated that the Russians just wanted to create conflict.

In fact, the Steele Dossier is believed to be nothing but Russian lies to create discord. This is a theory that looks more true considering the salacious, uncorroborated stories.

Here’s the good news for Trump supporters. Most people don’t believe Trump’s enemies. Trump did a great job of exposing the “swamp,” a term I hate but seems to be more accurate with every leaked story.



Don’t Give Them Ammo

Donald Trump has decided to pardon or commute the sentences of several convicted felons. Those people might sound familiar. Here’s the list:

  • Michael Milken – Sentenced to 10 years for racketeering, securities fraud and other charges. Fined $600 million but is worth $3.8 billion.
  • Rod Blagojevich – Served in the Illinois House of Representatives. Conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud. Set to serve 14 years. If you don’t remember him, he tried selling a seat in the Senate opened from the newly elected President Barrack Obama. Not sure of this one.


Angela Stanton, who was sentenced to home confinement for a role in a stolen vehicle ring.

Trump commuted the sentences of Tynice Nichole Hall, who was sentenced to 18 years in prison for allowing her apartment to be used in drug distribution; Crystal Munoz, who has spent 12 years in prison for a role she played in a marijuana smuggling ring; and Judith Negron, who was convicted for a role in a scheme to defraud the federal government.

Were these good releases. Yeah, if you look at the crime versus the judgement.

Let’s look at each.

  • There’s a reason why Presidents wait until the end of their terms to release people. But I think this is a prelude to Trump letting Roger Stone go. I don’t think it’s a good look.




Ugh, Barrack





Episode 129 Show Notes

President Trump has been acquitted this week. And he goes on his victory tour. All the legitimacy he got during the State of the Union speech has just been balanced out. It may not matter because Trumps keeps winning! And I think we should have news updates on the squad because it is so funny.


It’s Finally Over!

President Trump has been acquitted from impeachment. Completely acquitted. Acquitted forever. No matter what bitter Nancy Pelosi says.

The votes for the articles went right along party lines. Only one Republican, Mitt Romney, who hates Trump, voted guilty on the first article. He voted not guilty one the second.

The world went on fire when Romney voted guilty on the first article. The media went nuts and showed Romney nothing but love. That one vote made this into a bipartisan impeachment according to the media. Listen to the montage from Grabien. I love Grabien:

I find this funny because they hated Romney in 2012 when he ran against St. Obama. They said:

  • VP Biden told a Black audience that Romney was going to put them back in chains.
  • The media went nuts because he tied his dog’s crate on the roof of his car during a trip.
  • He only hired white men, which made him a sexist and racist (not true).
  • He was responsible for people losing their jobs.
  • He gave people cancer (no kidding).


It is not a secret that Romney doesn’t like Trump. And Trump’s phone call was not “perfect.” He voted his conscience and I believe him. He’s wrong, but I believe he thinks he’s doing the right thing. I don’t think he’s going to be put in a Republican “dog house” like many of the press are saying. In fact, the only people he will have problems with is President Trump (who already doesn’t like him) and his constituents (the impeachment was not popular in Utah.


The first article went: 48-Guilty, 52-Not Guilty.

The second article went: 47-Guilty, 53-Not Guilty.


Now, are we going to be a unified country? Doubt it.

Listen to this little montage from Grabien about the Democrat meltdown:

Both Jerry Nadler and Adam Schiff have said they want to subpoena John Bolton. But when Jerry Nadlar was asked if he got Nancy Pelosi’s approval, he waffled.

That’s because Nancy Pelosi took the real loss here. She is going to probably lose the House and her speakership and may never get it back.

And they will continue investigating and get nothing done. And that will be Trump’s selling point when the election comes around. It’s going to be bad for the Democrats.

Now, if Trump could just shut up.




The Day After


He Just Keeps Winning

The new jobs report came out on Friday and, once again, far exceeded expectations.

  • 225,000 jobs created exceeding estimates of 158,000.
  • Unemployment ticked up to 3.6%.
  • Labor participation moved up .02%.
  • Hourly wages went up 3.1% to $28.44 an hour.


Combine this news that the stock market is breaking records means that the economy is humming along.





The Dumb Squad Comment of the Week

Well, there are two.






Episode 128 Show Notes – What a Great Week!

On Monday, Iowa held their caucuses and it turned out to be a disaster. Trump holds the State of the Union and some Democrats are having a temper tantrum. President Trump gets acquitted in the  Senate, ending this impeachment sham. At least until the next impeachment.


DNC Blows It!

Iowa held its first caucus in Iowa. It didn’t go well.

The process is really weird and it got very confusing.

Communications and the use of a new phone app (that didn’t work) made it impossible to get their votes in or be counted.

Listen to this as a caucus captain in on CNN with Wold Blitzer is waiting on hold for over an hour gets hung up on because he did not answer fast enough.


I love it. In fact, CNN was melting down at the fact they had 62 people on their panel and absolutely no information to report. In fact, it’s been 24 hours and we still only have 62% of the vote.

This is really bad.

The returns relevant to delegate count show Buttigieg with 26.9 percent and Sanders with 25.1 percent. Warren trailed with 18.3 percent and Biden was hovering in fourth with 15.6 percent, just ahead of Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar.

Now, this is bad for the candidates, especially for Buttigieg and Bernie. One of the reasons they want to win the first caucus is so they can make a huge victory speech that will give them momentem as they go to New Hampshire. No one really got to make this speech. Or did they?

This is where the idiocy of the Democrats comes into play.

They all declared victory.

Amy Klobachar started it by jumping up and claiming a great win (There were no results).

Mayor Pete jumped in and said he actually won the caucus. This was bad for two reasons: There were no results (so Twitter thought he cheated) and he had to find some black people to be behind him during his victory speech. And he did. And it got out.

Bernie was Bernie. He didn’t claim victory but said he thought he did fine. There’s your Democratic nominee.

Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren both had speeches at the same time. That ended up being a split screen on CNN. Warren exclaimed they did great and were ready for the next caucus. Biden said they did fine and fell asleep. He’s all but done.

But, the big take away, is that we can’t trust these people. The DNC screwed this up for a bunch of candidates who want to take control of all aspects of our lives. That can’t run a caucus without screwing it up.

Also, Dems are in trouble. Turn out was very low. People just not interested. Why? Because their candidates suck.



State of the Union Speech

I hate the State of the Union because…well…it’s boring. But I watched it anyway. Trump did some good things. And there were things he could have done differently. But, I tell you, Trump is an awesome reality television show guy. It actually made the speech entertaining.

The first thing Trump did in his speech is tout his accomplishments. And there were plenty of them:

  • The economy.
  • The jobless rate for all races and genders.
  • The rate of those on food stamps and welfare.
  • The tax cuts.
  • Overall income increases.
  • Suicide and drug related deaths are down.
  • Illegal immigration is down.
  • The killing of three terrorists.
  • Criminal reform.
  • The USMCA and the China Trade Agreement.
  • Respect from other countries like Iran and North Korea.


He also pushed for more things he wanted to accomplish:

  • Space force.
  • School choice.
  • No hidden healthcare fees.
  • Drug education.
  • The need to end illegal immigration and building of the wall.
  • Calls for more cancer research and vowed to end AIDS by the end of the decade.
  • Develop extending Family Leave bill.
  • Extend funding for child care so less children have to be on waiting lists.


His guests and surprises:

  • Rush Limbaugh, who he awarded the Medal of Freedom.
  • President Guido of Venezuela.
  • One of the remaining Tuskegee Airmen who he promoted to General.
  • He reunited a a soldier with his family.
  • He announced a scholarship to a charter school for a little girl,

Things I wish he had done but don’t blame him for:

  • He uses”me,” “my,” and “I” a lot. He seems self-aggrandized.
  • This  was not a real come-together speech. I thought he would reach out to the Democrats a bit more.
  • He could have spread the accomplishments a bit more. Not all the laws were just by him (though they were his ideas).
  • She should have shook Nancy Pelosi’s hand though this might have been an accident. He didn’t shake Mike Pence’s hand either.


He never mentioned impeachment, but one could tell he was ticked.

The Democrats acted like…well…Democrats.

  • A bunch of people did not show up including AOC. It was pretty smart that she didn’t go.
  • The Democrats looked bad.
  • The Democrats did not applause for anything including: Unemployment being at record lows for all races, circumstances and ages, incomes going up, dead terrorists, a strong military, the the Tesegee airman or his belief that the country is exceptional and great even though we have made mistakes.
  • A bunch of Democrats walked out of the speech.
  • Tliab and Omar were on their phone Tweeting during the speech.
  • Sometime, in the middle of the speech, some stood up raised their arms and started chanting something. I have no idea what they said.


But Nancy Pelosi was the worst.

  • Yes, Trump did not shake her hand. He also did not shake Mike Pence’s hand and seemed to be turning away when she stuck her hand out. Even if he did, who cares.
  • She never stood up, even for things she should have like the Tesegee Airman. She seemed to figure out what was happening later and started standing.
  • She was making faces the whole time. Maybe she was angry, maybe her dentures were bothering her, who knows.
  • She seemed to keep communicating with someone on her side of the aisle. It was very disrespectful.
  • At the end of the speech, obviously very angry, she tore up her copy of the speech. Stood up tall, grabbed some of the speech and tore it up. She then took the pieces and laid them by the gavel so Trump could see it if he turned around.


This is the Democratic party: small, petty, mean, disrespectful and incompetent.

All this time they have been talking about how Donald Trump was all these things. Well, the mask is off. Not only did Donald Trump give a powerful speech, the Democrats made him look better by their behavior.

Now, if Trump could just shut up.


Sad News

Rush Limbaugh, father of Conservative radio and podcasts, made the following announcement on his radio show:

I never got into Rush though I listened to him when I was younger because my dad loved him.

During the State of the Union address, the President awarded him the Medal of Freedom. It was given to him by Ivanka Trump because he was in the First Lady’s box. He was touched.

We’ll pray for youRush. God bless.




Episode 127 – Get That Out Of You Mouth!

Today was a big day. President Trump is one more step from acquittal. Brexit happens and Nigel Farage gives the middle finger to the European Union council. And avoiding the Coronal Virus is racist.



On Friday, the House managers and Trump’s defense team finished their closing statements.

The Democrats need four Senators to request witnesses. They only got two. No witnesses. Case done. Trump acquitted.

Lisa Murkowski from Alaska was going to vote for witnesses. But Elizabeth Warren, such the meanie she is, decided to take a swat at, not only the Republican senators, but also the Chief Justice John Roberts.

Yep, that did it. She changed her mind. She saw how partisan this was and had enough. She voted not to have the witnesses. It was voted down 51-49 and, essentially, acquitting the President.

You might be absolutely surprised by the Democrats and main stream media’s reaction to this. Here’s a little montage from Grabien:

Yeah, no. If the vote in the Senate votes to acquit, Trump is acquitted. Period.

The Senate followed the rules. They saw the witnesses during the inquiry. They weren’t impressed.

I wasn’t impressed with the House’s arguments and do not even believe the articles are actual broken laws. So, would be be right to say, “Trump was never impeached?” Very stupid argument.

The problem for the Democrats is they got embarrassed in this whole thing. This was a devastating loss. I know Maxine Waters wants to continue investigations but, trying to impeach him again could be political suicide. They have spent five months on this and looked terrible. They:

  • Rushed the impeachment inquiry.
  • Couldn’t come up with any laws broken.
  • Didn’t subpoena any important witnesses because they were in a rush.
  • Impeached Trump.
  • Then held the articles for 30 days.
  • The House managers put on a crappy case.
  • Trump is acquitted.
  • Story over.


I worry about not calling witnesses. Not for Trump, but for the senators.

Trump did do something wrong.

I think taking a week would not have hurt. Trump was always going to be acquitted.

Closing arguments will be on Monday. The acquittal vote will be on Wednesday.

My question is why?


Finally Free!

In 2016, Great Britain voted to leave the globalist, socialist organization known as the European Union.

It took four years but it finally happened. And the Brits were thrilled about it.

Nigel Farage made a statement in his last meeting with the EU. He has always been against being part of the EU. Waving British flags and talking over the leader, who ended up cutting off Farage’s mic.

Boris Johnson finally did what no one was able to do in the last four years: separate from the European Union and become a sovereign country.

Great Britain, one of the richest countries in the Union, had to support the other less well off countries such as Spain and Greece. They also had to accept all of the rules and regulations of the European Union including their immigration rules. This is one of the reasons most people in Great Britain wanted to separate. They didn’t like they were forced to take in a certain number of immigrants, most from the Middle East, and they had no say about it.

The European Union is the end result of globalism. It strips countries of their identity and history. It eliminates borders.

What trips me out is it is a term that is embraced unlike nationalism (which is the opposite of globalism). Nationalism is treated like a racist term. It is commonly confused with white nationalism.



As of now, the corona virus has killed 250 people and 8 are infected in the United States.

And the media and Left are stupid.

Brandon Tensley from CNN wrote an article called Coronavirus Task Force Another Example of Trump Administration’s Lack of Diversity. 

I’m pretty sure Trump picked his council based on the quality of the people and their expertise. Not because one is a transgender Native American.

Tensley says:

“Who are these experts? They’re largely the same sorts of white men (and a couple women on the sidelines) who’ve dominated the Trump administration from the very beginning.

“By contrast, former President Barack Obama’s circle of advisers in the face of the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa was hardly so monochromatic. Neither was it so abysmal in terms of gender diversity. (Of course, to contextualize, Obama’s administration, on the whole, was far more diverse than Trump’s.)”

Is this joker kidding. This is infuriating.

Has he ever thought that the reason Obama’s administration was because he needed a transgender little person on his staff and councils?

This is not a political situation. This is an emergency that could affect millions of Americans. I’m pretty sure the country wants people on the council who are the best scientists and doctors. That’s what Trump wants and that’s what he has. And that’s why he is going to get re-elected.

So keep going , CNN. Keep publishing these stupid articles. Keep telling the world how bad those Trump supporters are. All 70 million of them. On a nightly basis, you guys are running nightly Trump election ads.

Listen to this guy. He was trending all over Twitter. He’s smart because he’s wearing glasses and has his top button buttoned. I pulled the audio from the Daily Wire.

What he is basically complaining about is that there might be some form of racism because we may look at the diets of these countries (especially China, which caused SARS)


Episode 125 Show Notes – He Keeps on Winning!

Trump makes history again…twice! The impeachment keeps being…predictable. And Don Lemon and CNN just don’t get it.



Another Accomplishment He Won’t Get Credit For

A major announcement by President Trump introducing the new Arab/Israeli peace plan. The plan was supported by both heads of the opposing Israeli political parties Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz.

Listen to the speech:

The details of the plans include:

  • The Palestinians will relieve a swath of contiguous land and must condemn terrorism.
  • Israel will maintain their security.
  • Jerusalem will not be split and will remain the capital.
  • No people from either side will be uprooted from their homes.
  • The Temple Mount will be open to both Israelis and Palestinians and Jordan will monitor for any conflicts.
  • Many countries will assist in aiding Palestine while the country grows including Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Oman and the United States among others.


The deal is eighty pages long so there are a lot of demands and benefits. It is suppose to be a good deal. It gets them land.

You know it has to be a good deal because Ayanna Pressley, the Ringo Starr of the squad said:







She hates Israel and the Jews and that’s OK. But she offers absolutely no solution. And, considering this plan has been supported by both parties of the Israeli government and several Arab countries, I kind of doubt she would ever accept this plan.

Ilhan Omar, the real anti-Semite said:

Weird statement. Also shows she really doesn’t understand Middle East politics. Or she does and just hates Jews. Which she does.

But it won’t be taken because the terrorist government, Hamas, will not accept any offer that does not allow them to kill Jews.

The government declared a day of rage. Another word is Tuesday. These guys are always pissed off. They are already protesting.

The only way the Palestinian people are going to be free and be able to create their own sovereign country will be to get rid of the Hamas government.



Impeachment Update

I told you so.

This week, the defense rested their case. And it was a pretty strong one. I would have made it far shorter with far less “evidence.”

I would have only said a few things and ended this crap:

  1. “Abuse of power” is not a statute.
  2. “Contempt of Congress” is not a statute.
  3. Ukraine did not think there was a deal.
  4. Ukraine aid was held up but released on time.
  5. This is a partisan hit job and has been since election night. NY Times talked of impeachment 18 minutes after Trump was elected.
  6. The President is allowed to determine policy no matter who doesn’t like it.


I also would have addressed the surprises that, amazingly, popped up:

  1. The OAB report is law but is not impeachable and might not be Constitutional when it comes to foreign policy which is up to the President.
  2. Lev Parness has been indicted and his testimony about the ambassador is irrelevant and doesn’t make sense since the President can fire ambassadors for any reason.


Now, John Bolton, Trump’s former security adviser, has written a book that may say something about the investigations and a quid pro quo. What a shock! Another leak!

No one in the public know what is in the book but This is going to make a bit of a mess of the trial. But here’s what we know:

  • The House’s case is weak and this will encourage them to push for witnesses.
  • Bolton probably doesn’t have much new. But he can be used to win the vote for witnesses.
  • Parts of the book have been deemed classified by the White House.


The reality is this is going no where. All the Democrats want to do is smear Trump and make him look bad for the election.

Trump could also learn something from this. Be nicer to people and stop ripping them, even if they deserve it. Throwing people under the bus will always come back to bite you. And John Bolton has a stellar record of service.

Now, the Senators are asking the two sides questions. This will go through Wednesday and Thursday. On Friday, they will vote to see if witnesses will be called. If not, they will vote to keep Trump in office.

If witnesses are to be called, this thing can go for months.



Will They Ever Learn?

Just listen to the new Trump campaign ad courtesy of Don Lemon and CNN:

I want to point out a few things:

  • This crap didn’t work with Hilary and her deplorable comment.
  • They admit they are elites.
  • All Trump supporters don’t know nuthin?
  • Isn’t this a form of prejudice and bigotry? From the people who are sooo diverse?


I don’t care. Don Lemon has always been like this. I don’t care how non-partisan he says he is. He’s a gay, black man from New York. There is no way he is non-partisan.

Lemon offered an apology on Wednesday, saying the initial joke made him laugh and he didn’t hear the rest. I believe that like I believe that it was Chris Matthews’ mug scraping across the table and not Eric Swalwell farting on live television.

This is what we can expect from the media who always claims to be attacked by Trump and the Right. They’re garbage and can’t be trusted.

Oh, by the way, Lemon is being sued for sexual assault while he was drunk and married.





Episode 124 Show Notes – RIP Mamba

It’s going to be a somber week.


The End of the Holocaust

Today, Monday, is the day that ended the holocaust. This was day that Auschwitz was closed and the prisoners freed.

And I’m a bad person for not paying enough attention to this.

Rest in Peace

On Sunday, at about 10 AM, a helicopter carrying Kobe Bryant, the Los Angeles Laker great, his daughter Gianni or Gigi and seven others ran into dense fog in the north Los Angeles town of Calabasas.

The others killed were kids and parents for the team that Gigi played on.

I think it is important we include those people. We can get caught into Kobe passing but I do not think his death was the most tragic. I think Gigi, Alyssa, Sarah and Payton, all teenagers, was the most tragic. There’s just something about the loss of a child

It is one thing to lose a husband or wife, but to lose a child also, I just can’t imagine it. It pulls at my heart just thinking about it. I pray for Vanessa Bryant and her kids. I just can’t conceive.

The response from the NBA, their players, coaches and fans has been plentiful. One of the most hard is when the Raptors and Spurs traded 24 second violations. Twenty-four was Kobe’s number.

But the hardest to watch was Clipper’s coach, Doc Rivers responding to Kobe’s passing.

Other responses include:

  • Kobe will be inducted into the Hall of Fame immediately.
  • The Lakers and Clippers game has been postponed.
  • Calls for changing the NBA insignia for the rest of the year have been called for.
  • Crowds gathered at the Staples Center even though the Grammy’s were being held.
  • Kobe’s retired numbers were lit during the Garmmy’s.
  • Crowds gathered and stayed at the crash site.


He was a pretty well-liked guy. And there was good reason.


Why Do I Care

Notice how I knew Kobe’s wife’s name? I never met Kobe but I was a Lakers fan (I’m from Los Angeles) and have been following them since the 70s.

Kobe came from Charlotte in a trade for Vlad Divac which no one thought was a bad trade. Vlad was a lug and, when Magic Johnson retired, he was worthless.

Here comes Kobe, great name. Skinny eighteen year old, not great. Awesome afro.

When you watched him play, one could see he was different. The slithered down the court and had unsuspecting speed. And he could stay in the air for a year. He looked like Michael Jordan. And he had no fear. This little kid would go right down the lane, against the biggest guys to get his shots up. And, the ones he made were amazing.

The ones his missed made one sigh and shake his head.

He was eighteen, arrogant (which means he had no fear) and would miss more than he hit. He was also the most talented on a really weak and small team.

Enter Shaqhille  O’Neil.

O’Neil set him straight. And Kobe hated that. Kobe was no longer the big man on the team. Shaq was.

But the Lakers started to win. With Shaq, the Lakers won back-to-back-to-back championships (2000-2002). They were so good, no one really was surprised on the third championship.

But the people were excited. Everyone, including me, had a Lakers flag on their car. We had parties during the final games (yeah, there was booze). It was a great time.

But the soap opera continued. And it was a soap opera. Shaq and Kobe hated each other (they made up after a while).

Shaq went to Miami with another guy named Dwayne Wade. With him, Shaq won another championship.

Kobe had some lean years after Shaq left. He was awesome, but the team sucked. I didn’t think they would win again.

The Lakers made some trades. They got Pao Gasol, Derek Fisher, Metta World Peace (Ron Artest), Shannon Brown and Lamar Odom. They became a competitor.

They won back-to-back championships from 2009-2010. But, this time, Kobe was the leader. He was the MVP.

In his last game, on a team that sucked and after recovering from a torn Achilles, he scored 61 points. He was amazing.

See, that’s why Kobe is mourned. He brought joy to people. He wasn’t a god or anything. He was just a good looking kid that loved what he did, had a drive and competitiveness everyone want and loved Los Angeles.

And Los Angeles loved him.

When he retired, I didn’t see the purpose of watching basketball. I haven’t watched a full game since he retired.

Here’s some irony: upon Kobe’s retirement, he flew from Staples Center on the same helicopter that crashed into that Calabasas mountain.

If that doesn’t give one goose bumps, I don’t know what will.


Very Tacky

Of course, there are always people that want to politicize even the worst of tragedies.

A Washington Post reporter was suspended for pointing out, an hour after he died, that he was accused of rape. She’s suspended and there are calls for her to lose her job.

Not me. We heard this and the results. Why this needed to be brought up, I don’t know. I know Vanessa and Kobe had three more kids after that incident.

Ok, Kobe wasn’t perfect. But he grew up. He made up for his sins (that we know of). He loved his kids. And kids change a person. Give him a break. Sometimes #MeToo has no place.

Remember the Biblical saying by Christ: “Ye who have no stone cast the first stone.”

The Bryants were Catholics. Kobe and his daughter went to Church before their ill-fated flight. He was a man which means he flawed. He and Vanessa worked through it. They stayed together.

And, though Kobe was guilty, I don’t think he was that guilty.

Then there was the gal from MSNBC who was accused of calling Kobe the N-word in a flub.

I think it’s crap. But all the Conservative sites are screaming about it. Get over it.




One Final Tribute

This is a reverent night. You know where you can listen to, you know where you can see me. Let’s just celebrate Kobe’s greatest plays. Good night all.

















Episode 123 Show Notes – Does This Gal EVER Go to School?

The impeachment continues and no one cares. Hillary has a legal situation. And does Greta Thunberg EVER go to school?



Impeachment Update

Here’s whats New:

  • Trial went on well passed midnight. That’s when the fireworks started.
  • Jerry Nadler accused The Republicans of covering up Trump’s crimes.
  • Chief Justice Roberts admonished both sides.
  • All eleven amendments to the rules submitted by were tabled.
  • All in all, it was really boring and nothing new came out


Things they lost include voting for witnesses before the opening statements and calling witnesses like Mick Mulvaney. Cocaine Mitch set this up just like the Clinton impeachment. Even Richard Romney thought the requests were unreasonable.


Updates today:

  • Opening statement by the prosecution.
  • Adam Schiff speaks first. Bring nothing new up.
  • Again, really boring.


Adam Schiff, who is speaking now, must have been at the podium for six hours. He’s just brutal.

And Democrats are being the same drum when outside the chambers. Republicans are covering this up in the Senate, that the evidence is overwhelming and orange man bad.

Question: if the evidence is so good, why are the Dems complaining that they need more witnesses? Sounds to me like they don’t have enough evidence and they know it.

But Adam Schiff, late last night, told us what he though of a democracy.


Finally Being Called Out

Here’s a little fun one. Remember when Hillary Clinton suggested that Tulsi Gabbard was a Russian asset being groomed to be a third party candidate to throw the elections to Donald Trump?

At first, Gabbard got mad and just tore into her. Gabbard is an officer in the National Guard and even missed a debate because she had to do a tour in Iraq. She does not strike me as a Russian plant.

Well, he candidacy is beginning to wane. She’s at 3%. So she decided to sue Hillary Clinton for slander to the tune of $50 million. That should be an interesting trial.

I honestly like this idea. I think these people that go in and ruin lives should be held. accountable. I Nick Sandman’s lawsuit against the media, where he actually won against CNN, is a good thing.

I hate that people’s reputations are ruined by politics. Examples? Robert Bork, Brett Kavanaugh, Mike Pence, Donald Trump George Bush, Clarence Thomas just to name a few.

Tulsi won’t win. She’s a celebrity and the rules are different. But she should.

But there are two questions here. First, why are people still listening to Hillary Clinton. She looks like Jabba the Hut without the sexy tongue. And why aren’t Democrats rooting for Tulsi Gabbard? If she went up against Trump in November, she would win.



Does She Ever Go to School?

We seem to forget, because of the BS of impeachment, that Donald Trump still has a job to do. He is in Davos, Sweden (or Switzerland, whatever). for an economic conference. Of course, he rocked. He gave a great speech. He’s just promoting us.

But, like a puppy chasing a car, the climate activist, Greta Thunburg, decided to show up and give a speech at the conference.

It was the same thing. Capitalism bad. She doesn’t say that because her mental disability prevents her from being able to pronounce it. Don’t give me crap. She’s autistic and has obsessive compulsive disorder so she does have mental problems. I also find her very off-putting. Every time she speaks, he words drip of disdain against Western Civilization.


This little girl has problems and we now know she doesn’t come up with that garbage on her own.

  • Her parents are both in the entertainment industry.
  • If she’s asked questions and has to ad lib answers, she can’t.
  • It was found that her father was doing all her social media. Not her.


Why isn’t she in school learning to deal with life?

Why, at 16, is she so worried about dying because of the client? She would not come up with this on her own.

Where are her parents and why are they not being dragged in front of a magistrate on charges of child abuse.

I do believe this little girl thinks what she thinks. But isn’t a parent suppose to calm the fears of a child? Like if she sees a monster in the closet?

And is this really changing minds like mine?



Letting the Cat Out of the Bag

I think Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in a great spokesman for the Left. The reason I think this is because she is really stupid and says things that she realizes later she should have never said.

People should listen to her because the things she says are actually truisms and show the real agenda of “Democratic” Socialists.









Episode 121 Show Notes – Do You See the Difference?

The Women’s March was this weekend and know seemed to have known about it. Pro-Second Amendment protesters showed up in Virginia, with guns and all, to protest Gov. Northam’s new laws banning guns in certain areas. The media and celebrities spread lies. And Cocaine Mitch has released the impeachment rules.


What If You Held a Protest and No One Showed?

Carmen Perez, the only Women’s March “co-founder” left at the group after a purge of organizers earlier this year stemming from allegations of anti-Semitism within the Women’s March’s ranks, told USA Today that she hoped to see a re-energized group of marchers, but it doesn’t seem her hopes materialized.

The main march happened in Washington D.C., Chicago and Los Angeles. But the crowds didn’t materialize.

The Women’s March was organized to deal with three main issue areas: immigration, climate, and reproductive justice. But the message has been muddled. In Chicago, the issues seem to include fair wages for women and housing. But events also protested the imaginary war with Iran.

Perez says she believes that the country has “protest burnout.” Competing organization like MoveOn.org see to be taking their thunder.

But it seems that anti-Semitism has stained the organization.

That’s, apparently, by design. Perez is the only original Women’s March organizer that’s left after three top Women’s March officials — Linda Sarsour, Tamika Mallory, and Bob Bland — departed the organization following a pair of blockbuster reports revealing that Sarsour, Mallory, and Bland tolerated anti-Semitism in the organization’s highest ranks, and that Sarsour and Mallory actively aligned the Women’s March with the virulently anti-Semitic Nation of Islam.

Why I cover them is because they do some stupid things. Look at this clip when organizers in Washington D.C. tried to lead a dance and song (both in Spanish and English, of course). This performance was started with a kazoo (yeah, a kazoo) and initiated by a whistle.

Ugh, watch:




The Ruthless Violence That Never Happened

Gov. Ralph Northam, a Democrat, had declared a state of emergency late last week and beefed up security around the Capitol.

Pro-Second Amendment activist showed up, all legally carrying their firearms, in protest of the law.

Guess what happened? Absolutely nothing.

Well not nothing. They did carry American flags, the racists. The did carry the “Don’t Tread on Me” flag, the racists. They did say the Pledge of Allegiance, the racists. The sang the Star Spangled Banner, the racists. They carried their guns, the terrorists.

NBC reported this rally as a White Supremacist rally when Tweeting:

He wasn’t the only one.There were White Supremacists there. But they were few and quickly sent away. In fact, a groups was prevented from attending.

Intellectual actress, Alyssa Milano sounded out on Twitter:


Our politicians of the Left said the same thing. Listen to the lies coming out of her mouth in this diatribe in front of people who completely agree with her:

Couple of problems with what the intellectual AOC said:

  • Very few Confederate flags. 20:1 American flags over Confederate flags. When I was watching the videos, I didn’t see one Confederate flag.
  • Martin Luther King never wanted to overturn the Second Amendment. Or the Constitution at all. He just wanted people of color to be included.
  • Also on the race thing, the crowd was diverse. There were White, Blacks and Hispanics. This had nothing to do with race.
  • Freddie Gray died because the police were following the laws that Democrats put into law. Regulations are bad.
  • There’s no police officers at the protest? Yes, there were. They were supporting the protesters. And, if someone is going to do something bad, everyone is armed and can handle it. Compare that to a protest in a gun controlled state when Antifa is involved.


Listen, the Second Amendment was made to protect the First Amendment.

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

In other words, to protect us from tyranny, we need to be able to fight.


Do You See the Difference Between Protests on the Left and Right?






