Episode 155 Show Notes – Happy Easter!

Easter is a very special time for Christians like me. This is a special time because of the Wuhan flu. And I don’t think it is a bad thing.

Let’s talk about Easter in the middle of a global pandemic.


An Easter Message

I’m a big fan of Easter. The reason is it is very difficult for the secular commercial industry to put their spin on it that makes it a Hallmark card holiday like they did with other holidays.

I know they tried to make it about bunnies and chocolate eggs. I think that failed because the thought of a rabbit giving kids a chocolate egg is kind of disgusting. It just doesn’t work.

I start my Easter week as I have since I was a kid. I just think of what happened and how it has affected the world. It starts on Good Friday when Jesus was crucified. I get a visual every year by watching Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ. That’s a movie that puts me in my place every year. It forces me to realize the suffering Jesus went through. It’s hard to disconnect the celebration of Easter with the suffering of Jesus. And I don’t want that disconnect. Holy Week, heck, all of Lent, is connected.

Suddenly, when seen this way, the whole bunny and Easter basket thing seems kind of irrelevant and petty. And the greatness that is Jesus really breaks out of the commercialism.

But this Easter is special. Very special.

We are all stuck at home, unable to join our families.

But this is not a bad thing. On this holiday, I think we appreciate what we have and what we are missing. Here’s the thing: though we cannot be with our families today, things could be a lot worse. Think of the families that lost a member and were not able to see that person because of this disease. They die in a hospital, alone. That is happening.

Here’s what I think: Easter could not have come at a better time. I think Easter is the holiday of hope and promise, not of bunnies or colored eggs.

I think Pope Francis in his Easter message said it best. The audio has sound bleed from music and another translator but the point at the end of the minute long clip is what I want to talk about:

His message is clear and powerful. I’m going to ad-lib here. the corona virus is a contagion of the lungs and body. But Jesus is the contagion of the heart. The holidays of Holy Week; Holy Thurday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter are contagions of the heart. We, Christians, are reminded of what Jesus sacrificed to save us.

Suddenly, not spending time with family and eating honey-glazed ham is not so important. A Zoom meeting with my parents, my kids and my grandkids was enough. They’re all health and that should be enough to make me happy.


President Trump’s Easter Message

President Trump had an Easter message for us. Listen:

I won’t lie: President Trump is clumsy with his words. But he said pretty much what I said in only 48 seconds. Have hope. We’re going to get through this and things will get better.


Dr. Anthony Fauci’s Christmas Message

Another strong message came from Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is a realist and not the most positive guy in the world.

He said:

“I think faith means different things to different people. People with a strong foundation in faith, I think it’s very, very important when you go through serious, really terrible ordeals that the country is going through, I think faith helps people through this.”

Fauci’s father was a man who had a lot of faith in God.

“His faith was just extraordinary. I was always in awe of him. I think that there are many, many people that way. So, faith is a good thing.”

Fauci also showed hope for this virus going the way of the Dodo. Though he might have let his optimism take the better of him. We still have to think of second waves and things like that. But I appreciate it.

“It’s started to turn a corner… it’s cautious optimism that we are seeing that decrease. Once you turn that corner, hopefully we will see a very sharp decline. Then you can start thinking about how we can keep it that way and prevent it from re-surging.

“I think it could probably start at least in some ways maybe next month. We are hoping by the end of the month we can look around and say, ‘OK, is there any element here that we can safely and cautiously start pulling back on.’ If so, do it. If not, then just continue to hunker down.”

Don’t know if we’re there yet but one can, and should, hope.



Queen Elizabeth’s Easter Message During the Pandemic

Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain has also been taken out of her element because of the virus. She had to make a State of England speech, which she has only done once before. She is feeling the need to calm her country. And she should.

Boris Johnson is the leader of the country but when he was put in the hospital because of the Wuhan flu and had to put the second in command in charge of the country, the person who could control the country most is Queen Elizabeth.

Her leadership in Great Britain may be ceremonial, but her words have meaning. She also released a powerful Easter message.


That was a beautiful speech and I have more respect for the Queen of England now more than ever.

With Trump could talk like that.



Andrea Bocelli Live from Duomo di Milano


