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Episode 94 Show Notes

A terrible story in Mexico.I hate politicizing it but I’m really pissed. Could Jeffrey Epstein’s horrid, disgusting crimes been brought to light earlier. How about three years earlier. Like 2016. Hmm.

I dare say one thing: if you listened to CNN or MSNBC, you didn’t hear any of this.


No Wall, Huh?

A terrible massacre happened in Sonora Mexico that left at least 9 Americans dead including six children. The group which lived in a Mormon settlement in Mexico. The family was traveling to a wedding in three SUVs. That’s when they were attacked by the Sinoloa drug cartel.

There is no motive yet as to why they were attacked. There’s talk of mistaken identity or that the group did not pay protection money to the cartel. It is very hard to believe that this group was mistaken for a rival cartel after hearing how these people died.

Children were burned alive in one car. A woman, holding up her hands in surrender was shot in the chest. A child running away from the scene was shot in the back. There are reports of rape, kidnapping and missing people. The death toll may rise. Sure sounds intentional.

There were survivors. A baby was found in one car, shielded by her mother. Another child whisked away some of his brothers and sisters into brush along the side of the road and survived. Another child was found miles away, running from the scene. The survivors were picked up and sent to a hospital in Tuscon Arizona.

This is the second time in a month that the cartels have laid siege to cities in Mexico. Last month, El Chapo’s son was arrested and a hundred cartel soldiers attacked the security forces and their families until he was released.

Today, someone was arrested at the U.S.-Mexican border with two bound hostages and several assault rifle. It is unclear whether this guy had anything to do with the attack.

President Trump responded to the incident via Tweet:

The Mexican president, who believes in “hugs not bullets” no solve this problem, rejected Trumps offer. But he has some serious issues.

Mexico’s main, legal income comes from tourism. That doesn’t bode well for a country that is considered the most violent country in the world only trailing Syria. That’s right; Afghanistan and Iraq are considered safer countries. There are, on average 100 murder a day.

If this doesn’t call for a wall nothing will.

Because it is so close to the border, we may not have a choice but treat these cartels like terrorists.

Let us not forget Mexico is the leading importer of black tar heroin and meth.

Notice the media is not talking too much about this?



The Epstein Thing Ain’t Going Away

The conspiracy theories about Jeffrey Epstein death just keep flowing especially since it continually seems to be ignored by the media and the government doesn’t appear to be doing anything about it.

But some things just lit the story back up.

Amy Robach, a reporter from ABC News, actually was prepared to release the story three years ago. She had interviews with witnesses and victims. She had pictures, including of Prince Andrew. But ABC News squashed it.

Do the math. Three years ago was when? 2016. Who was known to accompany Jeffrey Epstein? Bill Clinton. Who was running for President around 2016? Hillary Clinton. Hmm. Seems kind of weird, huh?

Also seems kind of sick. Did ABC News quash a story of a serial pedophile and human trafficker because…well, who knows? Might be politics, power, money, connections. Might be he knew things and had dirt on important people. We don’t know. That’s the problem and that’s why you’ve got all those conspiracy theories.

In a statement after the video was released, Robach said:

“As a journalist, as the Epstein story continued to unfold last summer, I was caught in a private moment of frustration. I was upset that an important interview I had conducted with [Epstein accuser] Virginia Roberts didn’t air because we could not obtain sufficient corroborating evidence to meet ABC’s editorial standards about her allegations.”

Uh, no. She had evidence. That included pictures and witness interviews. She’s trying to save her job.

ABC News stated:

“At the time, not all of our reporting met our standards to air, but we have never stopped investigating the story. Ever since, we’ve had a team on this investigation and substantial resources dedicated to it. That work has led to a two-hour documentary and 6-part podcast that will air in the new year.”

Whatever. This smells like crap. The same ABC News’ “standards” completely convicted Brett Kavanaugh last year with no evidence whatsoever. So it wasn’t “journalistic standards” that suppressed this story. Because, if it was, they would have just continued to investigate. They didn’t.

Oh, by the way, Robach already had witnesses and pictures!

But that wasn’t the only thing that lit the Epstein story up. The independent medical examiner had an interview with Fox News. His story is a little different than what has been dumped on us by the state appointed medical examiner:

So what is this guy saying? The wrong bones were broken in Epstein’s neck that is consistent with hanging. With hanging, bones at the base of the neck and base of the jaw should be broken. With strangulation, bones at the middle of the neck experience trauma. Weird.

More questions.




Let’s talk about conspiracy. That’s kind of a big deal today with this political climate.

Let me ask you some rhetorical questions:

  • Was there a governmental conspiracy to kill Abraham Lincoln or was John Wilkes Booth just really clever?
  • Did the United States know of the Japanese plans for Pearl Harbor and ignore them so we could have a reason to join World War II?
  • Did Lee Harvey Oswald kill John F. Kennedy or did the CIA kill him because he was going to limit their power?
  • Did Jack Ruby kill Oswald because he liked Kennedy or because he wanted to silence Oswald?
  • Did we really land on the moon or was it on a sound stage in Burbank?
  • Was it airplanes that slammed into the World Trade Center and Pentagon or was it missiles from our own military?
  • Was Jeffrey Epstein murdered or Did he kill himself?

Are you a conspiracy theorist or do you believe that it is possible that conspiracy can happen? There is a difference.

A conspiracy theorist creates a narrative that tries to create a narrative that explains a tragedy. The bigger the tragedy, the more people feel the need to create a narrative that makes an unbelievable more reasonable.




Episode 93 Show Notes – Not All That Glitters Is Gold

California is burning to the ground. Those not caught in the conflagration are stepping on drug needles, breathing in diseased feces and urine, getting bit by eight pound rats or are dropping their last cent on gas. Must be because of those evil corporations or global warming.

I follow two rules: The Dave Rule and the Bongino Rule. The Dave Rule defines that I keep this podcast to thirty minutes so all you ADHD folks can keep their attention. The Bongino Rule tells me to wait 24 hours before reporting on something. So, when I found out that Katie Hill (D,CA) was a whore, I waited 24 hours and pictures came out, confirming she is a whore and likes drugs. I reported it. Now, 72 hours later, we find she makes Mother Teresa look like a whore. So she’s quitting because Pelosi told her too and it will be a month before anyone can be using her office. That’s because it will take the DNC three weeks to scrape her lady-parts, who she had been throwing at every staffer she employed, off the walls of her office.

But she decided to blame sexism and the right-wing media for her departure.

Pop culture is having it tough time staying woke.

Math is racist and the Dems finally decide to vote on impeachment. Well, Trump and Republicans can only hope.


Dude, Really?

There are several damaging fires in California. Of course, Governor Gavin Newsom blames corporate greed.

I love this because the thought the PG&E is a private company is insane. It is heavily regulated by the state. The state controls what they can charge. The state controls where they get their energy, really pushing renewable energy from wind and solar. Every year, PG&E must send their financials to the state where is is publicly debated in Sacramento. They spend a substantial portion of their income on just being compliant.

It is the state that is causing PG&E to fail. But California wants this. They want to control the utilities.

Newsom said the same thing about gasoline, deflecting blame from the government.

Hello! Gas prices are because of the state. The average gas price at the pump in the country is $2.60. In California, it’s $4.00. Why? Because they have a $1 is taxes and gas companies are required blend the gas so that it burns cleaner. That raised gas prices another $.40.

There’s nothing to investigate.

Back to the fires. At least Newsom didn’t blame the fires on climate change. We’ll leave that to the former governor in California, Jerry Brown.

“California’s burning while the deniers make a joke out of the standards that protect us all. The blood is on your soul here and I hope you wake up. Because this is not politics, this is life, this is morality. … This is real.”

Hey, Jerry, was the Oroville Dam burst because of climate change?

What this video doesn’t say (because it’s a state sponsored video) is that the state already approved a budget to fix the Oroville Dam but used that money for other things. Probably that mismanaged high speed train project that billions were allocated for through a vote earlier in the decade but needed to be stopped.

Why are there fires? Because of infrastructure mismanagement (forest clearance). If you don’t clear the trees, they over gown and fire is nature’s way of fixing the problem.

Leave PG&E alone. Stop with the regulations that are wasting their time and money. Let them fix the problems.

Ninety-nine laws were passed in California. Almost half dealt with gun control, implicit bias training, sex education in schools (including LGBT and trans history), benefits for illegal aliens and regulations to “protect” the climate.

No real worries about:

  • The homeless problem.
  • The drug problem.
  • The infestation of rats.
  • The  outbreak of diseases such as typhus, hepatitis, leprosy and plague.
  • The high cost of housing.
  • The high cost of gasoline.
  • And, the decaying infrastructure.


This state is stupid.



Over The Hill

Katie Hill (D,CA) has resigned because Nancy Pelosi told her to. She needed to save face. Listen

So, let’s go through this:

  • She slept with several staffers, men and women, per her staffers.
  • She was in a throuple relationship with her ex-husband and bi-sexual female staffer.
  • Pictures were released of her naked combing her girlfriend’s hair.
  • Pictures were released of her naked and smoking a bong.
  • She had a Nazi cross on her poon.

She violated ethics rules put in by Congress. But she’s getting pushed out by sexism and a vicious Right-wing media. OK



Could It Be That Pop Culture Isn’t Woke?

The creative team for Game of Thrones was hired to help Disney with a bunch of future Star Wars films. Disney has been having a really hard time grabbing the old time Star Wars  fans so they decided to hire people with creativity that do not care about being woke or politically correct.

Well, that didn’t last long.

The GoT group dropped out. Why? Because they weren’t given the time to create a Star Wars film.

Disney is the Empire and they have destroyed the Star Wars franchise. They are chasing the buck so hard they won’t even let creative geniuses create a good film.

No one talks about this though. Because Disney is woke.


Ever see a dancing monkey? Here’s a compilation:


Well, that’s Sean Spicer on Dancing with the Stars. He’s terrible.

Could this be a real poll?



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Episode 91 Show Notes – Good Riddance

A big victory for the United States, Donald Trump and the war on terrorism.


What Happen?

On Saturday night, sixty members of the U.S. military including Army Rangers and Delta Force swooped in on a compound in Syria based on the tip from a Kurdish spy. The target was the leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The plan was in the works for weeks and al-Baghdadi was under surveillance. The military knew he was there.

Six helicopters stormed the compound. al-Baghdadi, with his two wives and some of his kids, tried to escape through a tunnel. He was with three of his children. Seeing that he was not going to escape and not wanting to be captured, al-Baghdadi set off a suicide vest he was wearing, killing himself and the three children he was with (who were also wearing suicide vests). It’s rumored that the explosion was caught on camera and can be seen in the video below but it has not been confirmed.

There wasn’t much left of al-Baghdadi, as you can imagine, and the tunnel collapsed from the explosion, but DNA did identify him. President Trump made the following statement and it was a strong one.

This is a guy they have been hunting for a few years. Good riddance to bad rubbish.



Who is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

Abū Bakr al-Baghdadi was born in 1973 in Iraq. He was a quiet kid, non-threatening and quiet with few friends. He did not do particularly well in school. He had to take his high school exams twice in order to retrieve his certificate. His high school grades were not good enough to study science and law in college. Instead, he studies the Koran and Islamist law. Many saw him as non violent.

It is rumored that he became radicalized while serving as a cleric in Iraq under Saddam Hussein. The United States invaded after the 9/11 attacks and he was arrested. He was held for a time but was eventually released because the United States did not see him as a threat.

In 2010, al-Baghdadi was announced as the leader of ISI (Islamic State of Iraq) after the death of  Abu Omar al-Baghdadi. ISI was a sub-group of Osama Bin Laden’s Al Qaeda. Upon the death of Bin Laden, al-Baghdadi started a series of attacks. There are way too many to go over. Look at the wikipedia article. In all, al-Baghdadi was responsible for ordering terrorist attacks that caused more than 2000 deaths.

When the United States left Iraq under Obama and the lack of leadership and weakening of Al Qaeda due to Bin Laden’s death, ISI expanded it’s grip on Iraq and spread to Syria. That brought to life the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). That was 2013.

The rest is history.



The Reaction

So you know that this can’t be a celebrated accomplishment by everyone in the United States. You know, kind of like it was when Obama authorized the killing of Osama Bin Laden. I hated Obama but thought he did a great job authorizing bin Laden’s death. The problem the Left is having is finding something to be pissed about.

Oh, here’s one. Trump didn’t alert Congress. He kept the operation close to the vest. Here’s what Adam “i don’t give a” Schiff said:

“In terms of notifying the Gang of Eight, that wasn’t done. Look, the reason to notify the Gang of Eight is frankly more important when things go wrong. If — the president said it was dangerous flying in. The Russians could have shot down American planes. Had this escalated, had something gone wrong, had we gotten into a firefight with the Russians, it’s to the administration’s advantage to be able to say, ‘We informed Congress we were going in, they were aware of the risks. We at least gave them the chance to provide feedback.’ That wasn’t done here. I think that’s a mistake.”


Trump didn’t alert Congress because of the leaking that has been going on. He didn’t want this operation getting to the ears of the enemy and then having dead soldiers because the ISIS leader knew it was coming. This is the leakiest administration in U.S. history. Adam Schiff is the greatest culprit. He’s like a badly manufactured Depends diaper. He leaks all over the place.

And these people don’t care if military people die as long as it makes Trump look bad. You think if this escalated, Schiff would have defended Trump? Come on, man!

Not to mention, Trump doesn’t need to report this to Congress. Congress already authorized a $25 million reward for this guy, dead or alive. Trump just saved us $25 million (no, he didn’t in reality).

But that wasn’t the biggest screw up.

The Washington Post Initially posted the headline:

“Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Islamic State’s ‘terrorist-in-chief,’ dies at 48.”

Mind you, this is bad. It makes it sound like he died of a peanut allergy not a coordinated attack by the U.S. military, taking Trump and the military completely out of it.

When Obama had Bin Laden killed, it was made out that Obama went to Pakistan and killed Bin Laden himself with a butter knife. No, he did exactly what Trump did. He approved the operation and the military, the real heroes, killed this sack of trash.

But I digress.

The point is that the description of a radical Islamist terrorist is racist. So they change the headline describing him as an “austere religious scholar at the helm of the Islamic State.”

This is a man who ran a terror organization that killed thousands. He has kidnapped am American woman, tortured and raped her before she died under unknown circumstances and he blew himself up along with three of his kids.

This is not a good guy. I’m surprised that the Washington Post gives a damn about what they are going to call this filthy animal or any of the animals he controls.

Finally, serial liar and former Obama adviser, Susan Rice, complained that Trump never attempted to contact the former president before the attack. She said that it was customary that a President contact his predecessor when an operation of this magnitude is going to take place. I say so what? Obama had a shot to kill this guy and rescue some of the hostages he was holding. He decided to wait seven weeks before attacking an empty compound and letting those hostages continue to be tortured and, eventually, killed. He doesn’t deserve a thing.







Episode 85 Show Notes – What a Mess in Syria!

Here are the links and full videos from the podcast. I did not have a script so all there is in this post is references.








Philosophy Corner: Socrates and Plato

I was reading Ben Shapiro’s newest book, The Right Side of History, and found that it was time to educate myself on the most important philosophers in history. The same philosophers that influenced the rise of Western Civilization and shaped our Founding Fathers as they created one of the greatest documents in human history. That document laid the path for the most exceptional political, economic and social experiment in history, the United States. The country that is responsible for creating great wealth a spurring technology beyond our wildest dreams. The document is the Constitution of the United States.

Shapiro points out that the philosophies that formed western thought came from the merging of two philosophies from Greece and Jerusalem. I have read the Bible a couple of times and was raised with a Catholic education. I am currently reading the Bible again, just a little per day. But I have very little knowledge of Greek philosophy. I thought that was a shame. So I started with Plato’s work, The Republic, even though it is not, as you will see later, not the base of Western Philosophy.

Today will be an introduction and, once a week, I will go over a book which is a chapter today.


Plato and Socrates

Plato (427-347 BC) is kind of an enigma in the philosophical world as far as scholars are concerned. I consider him one of the greatest philosophers to have ever walked the earth with Socrates as his teacher. But the scholars have questions.

Plato wrote thirty-five dialogues and wrote thirteen letters. The letters could not be validated as hit writings so they have been dismissed and not really studied. The thirty-five dialogues were not presented as Plato’s own words and he has not taken true credit for any of them. Most were in the words of Socrates (470-399 BC). Scholars believe Plato may have never used his own quotes because of Socratic Ignorance.

Socratic Ignorance is a paradox: One acknowledges what he doesn’t know. Socrates believed that that the only way one can learn is to acknowledge that he knows nothing. Socrates expressed this belief with his famous quote, “I only know one thing- That I know nothing.” The irony is that Socratic Ignorance is referred to as Socratic Wisdom.

Plato, a student of Socrates, also may have believed in this and that might explain why he wrote in the way he did. It is in the acknowledgement that he knows nothing and the ideas published were not worthy to come from him. But that’s just a theory.

Plato should have taken credit (though he was already rich and founded the first institution of higher learning in Western Civilization) because Socrates was a little lite on the literature. If you search Socrates on Amazon, all that will come up is Plato. That’s because Socrates never wrote a darn thing. But Socrates was important. He influenced his student Plato and Plato influenced his student Aristotle (384-322 BC).


Greek Reason and Judaeo/Christian Moral Purpose

Aristotle is considered the Father of Western Civilization. In his writing, Ethics, he defined “telos” which states that each human being has a purpose in life, a means to an end. Each person is an individual with purpose and capacity. Purpose is the reason one exists and capacity is the limit we all have. I have the capacity to be a great father but I do not have the capacity to be a great guitarist.

Aristotle’s philosophy has influenced science, mathematics, physics and is the base of Western Civilization. It is also one of the main influences for the Founding Fathers in the United States. It was one of the main themes, focusing on the individual’s God given rights. It led to that little paper called the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Of course, it wasn’t just Greek philosophy that influenced our Founding Fathers. To the dismay of the Freedom from Religion Foundation and the other atheists, the Founding Fathers were also influenced by the need for moral purpose which was developed through Judaeo/Christian philosophy. Moral purpose is the drive for us to be better and moral people through faith. Judaeo/Christian philosophy believes that we have a greater calling; in this case, to be with God, and doing immoral acts makes us worse individuals.

There was just one problem: The two philosophies ran parallel to each other. Greek reason and Judaeo/Christian moral purpose were competing philosophies and this was bad. Both civilization were decaying.


Tying the Knot

This is where an Italian friar and philosopher came into play. His name was St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274).

Aquinas was heavily influenced by Aristotle. Unlike many of the philosophers of the time, Aquinas believed that reason could be found in God (and, for that matter, the Bible). He was able to combine scripture with Aristotle’s works. St Aquinas was able to marry Greek reason with Judaeo/Christian moral purpose.

Western Civilization was born.


Why Do It?

I have given you a very simplistic history of the political philosophy of the United States and Western Civilization. I have ignored the other major philosophers that, whether it be good or bad, have made us who we are today including Machiavelli, Luther, Hobbes, Descartes, Locke, Hume, Smith, Paine, Marx and Nietzsche just to name a few. Again, if you are interested in a brief look at how political philosophy was built and where it is going, read The Right Side of History by Ben Shapiro. I know the title makes it sound like it is a conservative manuscript but it is actually pretty politically neutral. It is a very good read and may spur interest. It did for me.

Let’s get back to my little project.

You might be asking yourself: If Aristotle is the Father of Western Philosophy, why am I starting with Plato? By the way, the reason I am concentrating on Greek philosophy instead of the Judaeo/Christian philosophy is because I have read the Bible twice nd was raised with a Catholic education. I am actually reading the Bible again. Got a great version recommended for me and have been reading it since my son passed away.

I am starting with Plato because everything that Aristotle developed came from Plato and, indirectly, Socrates. And I know very little about any of them.So I figured it would be a good exercise to read Plato.

The Republic is the first of three volumes that go over Socrates political philosophy. The other two volumes are entitled The Statesman and The Law. The Republic focuses on the meaning of justice and injustice. What is it? Who has it? Who deserves it and who doesn’t? It is made up of ten books or chapters. The discussions about justice that Socrates involve men (not women) from different economic statuses, different classes and different ages. This was done on purpose because people of different walks of life have different opinions.

I have already gotten through the first two books (chapters) before I decided to dedicate




Episode 89 Show Notes: What the F*** is a Throuple?

There’s an update from Texas on the Younger sexual transition case and I think we need to make sure this never happens again. We are all looking forward to the John Durham report but we will have to wait a lot longer. The reason why is good news for the Trump Administration.  A sex scandal is rocking congress and I think my reaction is probably going to surprise you. and, away we go, cancel culture targets Halloween.

I just finished a great book. If I have time, I’ll try to give you a quick review.


Good News, We’re Not Completely Insane

Great news!

Jeffrey Younger will have joint conservatorship of his son and will have a say over his son’s gender transition which, basically, means the chemical castration of his son will not happen. We talked about this on Wednesday when I said it sounded like he was going to lose the case.

Judge Kim Cooks ruled, “the parents will have joint conservatorship over James, which includes making joint medical decisions for the child.”

Cooks also placed a gag order on Younger. That means he cannot go on anymore podcasts, can’t say anything on television, can’t release anymore home videos or release pictures on social media and must take down his “Save James” website. This bothers me but that’s not it. She did not put a gag order on Georgulas who actually is using her child, in a dress, on her website.

Conservative media was kicked out of the courtroom including the Daily Mail, LifeSiteNews and The Texan. The judge allowed CBS, NBC and ABC to stay in the courtroom. Needless to say, those press outlets threw a fit. I don’t really care since these sites are overtly partisan.

Could this be part of a plan? Make a temporary order, silence Younger, who is quite vocal and then change the ruling next year? II can’t be sure that’s not the plan.

According to Georgulas’ attorneys, Georgulas was not preparing to have the child castrated but, after social and psychological preparation, she was open to it.

You know, this whole thing can be resolved if Congress and the states would just create laws that banned hormone therapy for children under 18. But what do I know.



The Grip Tightens

People are beginning to sweat.

John Durham, who is the U.S. Attorney who is investigating misconduct by the DOJ and FBI during the 2016 election has changed the status of the probe to an official criminal investigation. That means that he will be able to issue subpoenas, file charges and call for grand juries.

Word has it the Inspector General Michael Horowitz has completed his report and will be releasing it very soon with few redactions. That report is said to shed light on why Durham’s investigation has turned the corner and gone criminal.

All this happened after a trip to Rome by Durham and Attorney General William Barr. Apparently, after interviewing several Italian security officials, Barr required a a secure conference room so no one could leak anything and the interviews continues.

Mind you, this is rumor. But it is interesting. Can’t wait for the Horowitz report to come out.



OK, So What

There is a congresswoman named Katie Hill (D,CA) who is in some trouble. Hill, who is openly bisexual, started an affair with one of her younger staffers. Eventually, Hill’s estranged husband joined the pair creating a throuple. The three had been in the relationship for a couple of years, had gone on vacations together and celebrated holidays together.

At first, Hill denied the relationship, which she ended when she was elected to Congress. But pictures and text messages were given to the website Red State and this started an investigation by the Congressional Ethics Committee. Especially since the former staffer began to complain about feeling used and thrown away and appears, through text messages, to still love Hill.

Normally, I would not care about this. As Hill said herself in these text messages, this was not one’s business. And I think it isn’t. But an ethics panel should be convened. Not because a superior had an affair with a staffer or even the immoral throuple thing. These reason Congress looks into things like this is because it is a compromise.

What’s amazing is not the story itself. But how no one is reporting it. The left wing media just seems to be ignoring it.



The Grinch Doesn’t Just Come During Christmas

It was getting close and I thought, for a moment, that the Left forgot that that there was a favorite American tradition coming up. There just hasn’t been that much bitching about insulting costumes and cultural appropriation and crap like that. Until now.

A school district in Chicago has decided to cancel Halloween because it does not foster inclusivity.

The Evanston/Skokie School District 65 in the Chicago suburb of Evanston, Illinois made the following statement:

“As part of our school and district-wide commitment to equity, we are focused on building community and creating inclusive, welcoming environments for all. While we recognize that Halloween is a fun tradition for many, it is not a holiday that is celebrated by everyone for various reasons and we want to honor that.

“We are also aware of the range of inequities that are embedded in Halloween celebrations that take place as part of the school day and the unintended negative impact that it can have on some students, families, and staff. As a result, we are moving away from Halloween celebrations that include costumes and similar traditions during the school day. We are confident our school communities will find new and engaging ways to build community within their schools.

“In District 65, we remain committed to equity and discontinuing current and past practices that are not in alignment with our goals,” it concluded. “Our schools are special because of the people who are a part of them and our commitment to serving the educational needs of our students. Many of our schools have already moved away from the traditional Halloween activities during the school day and have scheduled Halloween or other seasonal activities outside of the school day.”

Other districts, not surprisingly in Massachusetts and California also feel the same way. Those districts are also weighing options on what they are going to do with Halloween.

Do you notice something about the Left? They’re killjoys. They hate people having fun. They are trying to ban meat (which most people love), ban travel (which started with Barrack Obama), cars, the right to protect yourself, free speech, freedom religion, family values, nature and science (that’s the trans and climate change thing), individuality, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. All in the name of diversity, identity politics and intersectionality.

Here’s the one hope to escape this Utopian totalitarianism. It’s a Star Wars quote. Princess Leia said it to Grand Moff Tarkin right before the Death Star blow up Alderean.

“The tighter your grip the more systems will slip through your fingers.”

I think that’s the quote. I’m not going to watch the movie again to verify it.



Follow me on Twitter @RunninFewl
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Episode 87 Show Notes – Give a Mouse a Cookie

Trans activists want more diversity when it comes to the packaging of feminine products. A man wins the women’s masters sprint cycling world championships…again. A terrible story from Texas that is nothing more than state-sponsored child abuse. And Bed, Bath and Beyond gets woke and pulls racist jack o’ lanterns.

What a crazy world we live in.


Dude, You Don’t Use Those

There seems to be this insane contravesy around feminine such as tampons and mentral pads. I don’t know what mestral pads are called but they’re pads that women wear when they are on their mentral period. Apparently, a trans group decided to boycott Procter and Gamble because they had a female symbol on their packaging for menstral products. No kidding. Procter and Gamble complied.

When are men, who want to be women and get surgery to make a fake vagina going to realize they are still men? The reason feminine hygeine products have a female symbol on them is because no man, even one’s that have mutilated their penises, have periods. That’s because they’re men. Period.

What trips me out is these men who think they are women say that they don’t feel like the sex they were assigned. How in the hell would they know? They were never never women. They will never be women. Period! (Yeah, I’m saying that as word play).

I don’t care what Julian Castro says:

Yeah, that was from a debate from three months ago, but he doubled down on it in the last debate. Hey, Julian, that’s why you have less than one percent at the polls. Because you’re an idiot!

Men who want to be women cannot have periods. Because they don’t menstrate! Men who want to be women cannot have abortions. Because men can’t get pregnant! Women who think they are men and get pregnant doesn’t prove that men can get pregnant. It proves that they are women! Period!



She (He) Wins Again!

Rachel McKinnon won the women’s Masters Track Cycling World Championships sprint title for the second year in a row. She set the world record for the 500m sprint this year for the 35-39 age group. Good for her.

Oh, I forgot. She’s a he!!! 

He stands six feet tall and weighs 200 pounds. Compare that to the second place woman (and she’s actually a woman) who stands 5’5″ and weighs 135 pounds! Why is he so tall? Because he a man of average height. Why does he weight so much? Because he’s a man and he has far more muscle mass than any other woman!

McKinnon posted on Instagram:

“This jersey, these medals, and this world record mean a whole lot more to me than my first. There were many more barriers this year, a much bigger spotlight, truly incessant hate and people doing everything in their power to have me banned, make me fail, and make me quit. But I didn’t. And I won’t. I will be back next year. I will be stronger and faster than ever. You can count on it.”

Of course you will. Because you’ll win. This guy would not even qualify if he competed with the men. I suggest that this guy, maybe while he’s shaving off his 5 o’clock shadow before the race, think about the advantage he has.

What’s more: where are feminists? Nowhere to be seen. That’s because women are lower on the intersectionality scale. We’re going to have to talk about intersectionality one day. It is a real thing.



Not Good

All of the above is kind of funny. But all of the above leads to this.

In Plano, Texas, a man, James Younger and his estranged wife, Anne Georgulas, are having a custody fight. Not a shock. But this fight is over whether their son is a boy or a girl. Georgulas says that the little boy, three at the time, actually identifies as a girl. She’s fighting to be allowed to start hormone therapy for his transition. In other words, she wants to chemically castrate her three-year-old child.

Younger is desperate to stop this insane, “woke” woman from ruining his child’s life. He says the boy, when he’s with his father, acts like a boy. He wears boy clothes, acts like a boy, plays like a boy and complains that he is treated like a girl. Well, don’t trust me or Younger. Let’s listen to the little boy:


This is sick and heartbreaking. This woman, who calls her son Luna, is sick and is abusing a child. What is the difference between this and me telling my child she is worthless over and over again? Isn’t that considered abuse?

I can’t confirm this yet, but, word has it, Younger lost his case. That means that, not only can this child’s mother chemically castrate her son, but he must treat his son as a girl or be accused of child abuse.

This is so wrong. It’s an overstepping of government. It’s state sponsored child abuse.



Getting Woke!

Bed Bath and Beyond is in some trouble.

They had the audacity to sell black Jack O’ Lanterns, which look really cool. You stick a candle in them and they look evil. Which is why I think they’re kind of bitchen. But cool and fun isn’t “woke” so we have to ban it.

Wilbur Aldridge, a local Director for the NAACP said:

“By now I would believe everyone [would] know that anything in Black face is offensive.”

So, in order to avoid problems, Bed Bath and Beyond pulled the pumpkins forty-eight hours after they placed them on the shelves. Way to go, Bed Bath and Beyond. There’s another store I’m not going to frequent. We still have eight days to bitch about “inappropriate” costumes.

I know what I’m going to wear for Halloween. I’m going to be dressed as a Native American princess, wearing a kimono and a surrape. Oh, yeah, in black face.

So, so, so dumb. And dangerous.



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The International Stage is on Fire

A civil war is brewing in Mexico between the Mexican government and the Sinola drug cartel. And the violence is insane. Syria is becoming a mess and I have had a little time to figure out what is going on. What a mess. I can see why we are pulling out. But I can also understand why we should stay in.

With the world in such a mess, all our politicians are doing is whining about impeaching the bad orange man. There is so much going on with the two conflicts, I am going to talk about the trouble is Mexico first. It’s a lot less complicated.


Big Trouble in Mexico

With Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán convicted of various crime while the boss of the Sinaloa drug cartel in Mexico and him serving life at ADX Florence federal prison, the worst and most isolated prison arguably in the world, you’d think that life in Mexico would have gotten a little quieter. You would be wrong.

Guzman’s son, Ovidio Guzman, along with his brother, has taken over the organization and is, apparently, just as sought after as his father. When the police found him, they arrested him and released an unredacted mug shot of him.

Doesn’t he look like a delight? I’m guess his brother, Ivan Archivaldo Guzman Salazar and co-leader of the cartel, did not appreciate the police arresting his brother. He sent out the most vicious cartel soldiers with the orders to harm the family members of the soldiers and police who were responsible for the arrest of the drug kingpin. Take a look.

These guys came at government forces with automatic weapons, 50 caliber anti-aircraft guns and 50 caliber sniper rifles. The police force was outgunned. Civilians were forced indoors, no matter where they happen to be and were stranded for hours. In order to stave off the violence, the police force let Guzman go.

If anyone thought, on the left, that Mexico was filled with those innocents that were looking for a better life, this is why we cannot just allow any Tom, Dick and Harry into this country. Mexico is considered to be the most violent country in the world. Worse than Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. They had 66,000 murders last, twice what the United States had. It is a country filled with criminals.

Their criminal reach already extends into the United States. Sinaola and Nayarit, are directly responsible, through illegal immigration, for the black tar heroin, fentanyl and, now, meth epidemic in the United States. Though Perdue Pharma really was the big boy in starting the epidemic, illegal aliens sent here by the drug cartels exasperated the problem by offering black tar heroin at a much more affordable price.

We can’t depend on the Mexican government or Mexican military, most of whom are on the payroll of the cartels. The corruption in the Mexican government is incredible. Would something like that ever happen in the United States? I wonder, after something like this, the left still thinks we are the crappiest country in the world?  Probably. Because nobody reported on this. It doesn’t go along with their narrative. Instead everyone bitches about Syria. That’s because Trump did something unpopular and that goes with the media’s narrative.

Mexico is not our friend. They don’t care about us. We need to protect ourselves. We need to improve border security including a big, beautiful border wall, better technology and laws that send someone crossing illegally right back without the due process they don’t deserve. Due process is a legal definition that all citizens and residents are entitled to. An illegal alien is not entitled to due process because they broke our laws and are not residents. They are not legal residents or citizens. They have not proven they deserve to be here. They have not proven they will give our country anything and I don’t think it’s a heavy assumption they will take through our government programs. Illegal aliens are costing the United States between $140 to $200 billion a year. And that’s just what we know of.

Remember when Trump called some country, either Haiti or Nigeria or Somalia a “shithole” country? That’s because Haiti, Nigeria and Somalia are “shithole” countries. Need proof of that (besides the statistics that prove it)? Haitians, Nigerians and Somalis want to come to this country. Here’s a news flash for the left: Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are “shithole” countries. Need proof of that (besides the statistics that prove it)? Because Mexicans, Guatemalans, Hondurans and El Salvadorans want to come to this country. Non of the last four countries qualifies for asylum. Let’s kill that stupid argument right off the bat.

This is the greatest country in human history. The greatest civilization ever conceived. We need to protect it.


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Bow Down to Our Chinese Overlords!

I hate when the news media, both conservative and liberal, get tunnel-visioned on one subject. But leftist still make things entertaining. The NBA and a major video game creator get woke on China and it’s going to cost people their livelyhood.

No, I still haven’t see Joker.

Tunnel Vision

Thanks to Sean Hannity and Fox News for this impeachment montage. It just shows how long the leftist media has been talking about impeachment.

Guess what? I still don’t care.


Our Overlords, China

The general manager for the NBA’s Houston Rockets has started an international incident that could launch us into the next cold war with China. And it was through a seven word Tweet:

“Fight for Freedom. Stand with Hong Kong.”

The Houston Rockets management stated that the opinions of their employees do not reflect the opinions of the organization and apologized.

CCTV, the state sponsored television station in China that would have played two preseason NBA games, were not happy. They stated:

“We’re strongly dissatisfied and oppose Adam Silver’s claim to support Morey’s right to freedom of expression. We believe that any remarks that challenge national sovereignty and social stability are not within the scope of freedom of speech.”

They cancelled both NBA preseason games. Now, Adam Silver, the commissioner of the NBA, is heading to China to bend the knee and save the $1 billion they spend per year. He had a little more guts. He said:

“Daryl Morey, as general manager of the Houston Rockets, enjoys that right as one of our employees. What I also tried to suggest is that I understand there are consequences from his freedom of speech and we will have to live with those consequences.”

So, we don’t know what’s going to happen.

I find this disturbing. But what I find more disturbing is the reaction of the NBA players and coaches. Nothing. Listen to Steve Kerr when asked about the China controversy:

What is ironic about Steve Kerr being so outspoken is that he can’t shut his mouth about anything that he thinks is wrong with this country or what is wrong with the Trump administration. When this guy won the NBA title, he and his team refused to visit the White House. Listen to him below.


This is the problem with the left.All the talk of these guys being for justice and equality is complete crap. They follow the money. The NBA could lose $1.4 billion in revenue from China. They don’t care about the human rights abuses including forced abortions, the jailing of dissidents, censorship and sweatshop labor conditions. Hell, our companies participate in this. Nike and Apple have been condemned for having manufacturing in China, making the people work long hours for hardly any pay in dangerous conditions. But no one says anything because Apple and Nike tout the leftist narrative.

The hypocrisy would be bad enough but these people have no problem talk about how bad our country is. How we are the major polluters (we’re not, China is). How we have so many guns on the streets (but they don’t address crime). How there is so much income inequality (the areas that have the worst disparity are heavily democratically controlled such as New York, San Francisco and Chicago). How we are racists, sexists, bigots and homophobes and xenophobes  (in fact, we are the most open, giving and diverse country in the world). This country was never great and never exceptional. Unlike China.

These people make me sick and I’ll continue speaking out against them. I’ll also not patronize any of their services. I don’t watch the NBA because it has turned into sports entertainment much in the same way pro wrestling. That’s right, I think it’s fixed, for the most part, especially in the playoffs. I still don’t care much about the NFL. I’ll watch it but I won’t change my schedule to watch and I definitely won’t go to a game thanks to Kaepernick (I don’t care if I spelled his name right). I’ll never wear Nikes and I will never own anything that is Apple. This isn’t a boycott. I’m just not going to give them any money. That’s how businesses get hurt.









Bring in the Clowns!

The Presidential Impeachment inquiry is heating up. Apparently there is a second whistleblower. President Trump might be making a huge mistake in Syria. Rashida Tlaib continues to be an idiot showing her racism and her lack of knowledge of the law. AoC gets trolled at her town hall.

And I am never going to get to the Joker movie. But I’m going to see it so I’ll wait till then.


The Impeachment Drum Keeps Plodding On

So, today, a second whistleblower complaint has been released. This time, this guy has first hand knowledge of the conversation between Trump and the President of Ukraine. Oooooo (I say in a menacing tone). I don’t care if there are twenty whistleblower complaints, Trump released the complaint and the transcripts of the conversation. Secretary of State Pompeo was on the call and said there was no quid pro quo. The President of Ukraine said there was no quid pro quo. The ambassador to Ukraine said there was not quid pro quo.

Guess what? I’m not interested in this story and it’s falling apart. Apparently, this guy not only had no direct knowledge but he also approached an Adam Schiff minion. He also is from the CIA (probably John Brennan fan) and is a registered democrat. He is represented by Mark Zaid, a whisteblower protection attorney and is representing the second whistleblower, does not have his political affiliation public but he is a commentator for CNN and MSNBC so go figure.

President Trump is being President Trump. He is trolling the media by declaring that China should investigate Hunter Biden during and impromptu press conference. The media is flipping out that he is asking for favors from China. But that’s not the big thing. President Trump sent a letter to Nancy “Chmpers” Pelosi stating that he would not turn over anymore documentation unless she holds a vote on the impeachment inquiry. Needless to say, Chompers doesn’t want to do this because a vote of yes on an unpopular impeachment inquiry could expose vulnerable democrats in red districts. In other words, she may not have the votes. The democrats keep saying that this is unprecedented but they’re lying. There have been two impeachment inquiries (one in the 1860s which was a very different time): Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton. Both inquiries were voted on. Nancy Pelosi decided to unilaterally declare an impeachment inquiry. So there is precedent.

Good for Trump there.


Bad Trump

President Trump has decided to pull U.S. troops out of Northern Syria. Not good. Obama did the same thing in Iraq and along came ISIS. This is a bad call. And he’s going to have a fight from both democrats and republicans. Even Lindsey Graham cautiously warned that this was a bad idea.

Why is it a bad idea? We were in northern Syria to protect the Kurds. The Kurds are a liberal sect of Islam that rejects the extremest Islam beliefs or even conservative Islam. They have bands of female fighters in their military. And they win fights! They are the only group that has been able to beat down Al Quiada, ISIS and the Syrian military. They are feared. But it is a very small group. They will be overwhelmed and eliminated. Turkey has been wanting to invade northern Syria since the Syrian civil war started. They hate the Kurds. The didn’t because of the United States presence.

We will lose our foothold in the Middle East. Right now, Russia and Iran on are the side of the evil Syrian government. Iran is also financing Al Queda. Iran is the Joker of the Middle East; trying to create chaos. The United States does not need to keep ten thousand troops in Syria. Only enough, even less than five hundred, to influence things. We have a pretty powerful military. Other countries fear us.

We weaken allies such as Israel and Saudi Arabia. If Iran is fighting in Syria, they ain’t looking at Israel or Saudi Arabia. War is expensive and Iran is struggling because of the U.S. sanctions. We need to not make it easy for them. They hate the Kurds too.

Trump is an isolationist. He doesn’t want troops abroad. I get that. But it is necessary sometimes. I have a feeling he threw that out there. I have a feeling Benjamin Netanyahu and other republicans like Lindsey Graham will teach him a thing or two. Let’s just see what happens.


Her Response Is Worth More Than The Deed











Guys, It’s Just A Comic Book

Joker is coming out. And it looks awesome. Joaquin Phoenix looks creepy, scary and awesome! He’s probably the best actor of our generation. Watch the trailer.

The movie Joker is being released this weekend and there has been a lot of controversy. The movie is a prequel covering the rise of the Joker from the Batman series. The movie is suppose to be very violent which makes it stand out from the other comic book movies. But this is not unheard of. The Dark Night trilogy, also involving Batman and the Joker, were also violent, disturbing and very dark. But this movie was different because the film led the viewers to have empathy for the Joker. The viewer is suppose to feel sorry for him. He was bullied, socially awkward and rejected by the institutions that he wanted to be embraced by.

The fear of this movie is that

The director of Joker, Todd Phillips, said that the woke scolds are destroying movies. If you don’t know who Todd Phillips is, he’s my hero. He was directly involved in irreverent comedies such as Old School and the Hangover series. He said about the controversy:

“Go try to be funny nowadays with this woke culture. There were articles written about why comedies don’t work anymore — I’ll tell you why, because all the f—ing funny guys are like, ‘F— this s—, because I don’t want to offend you. It’s hard to argue with 30 million people on Twitter. You just can’t do it, right? So you just go, ‘I’m out.’ I’m out, and you know what? With all my comedies – I think that what comedies in general all have in common – is they’re irreverent.”

Things I thought about:

The attack on art in the name of political correctness.

The reason art is here in the first place. It makes us think. This is the problem of the woke scolds: They don’t want a conversation.

Entertainment is getting really bad.

I will be seeing this movie.

