Episode 117 – Representative Cardi?

Iran is falling apart. Democrats, searching for a new narrative, are being called out for supporting the despotic regime. This leads us to the big question: How stable is Iran and what does that mean to us? Supposedly, the articles of impeachment should be heading to the Senate but the House still wants to interview John Bolton. Is this garbage ever going to end? And, try this on for size: Rep. Cardi B.

Oh, by the way, Cory Booker just dropped out of the Democratic Presidential race.


It’s Falling Apart in Iran

Let’s see, what has been happening in Iran:

  • Their economy has been trashed because of sanctions and the proxy wars they are participating in.
  • They shut off all social media.
  • They are jailing women who refuse to wear a hijab.
  • They have killed between 1500-2000 protesters.
  • There was an earthquake on top of their nuclear facility (which they can’t afford).
  • The second in charge of the government, Soleimani, was killed in the middle of a terrorist attack against the United States.
  • They had a weak response against the United States after Soleimani was killed, making them look weak.
  • More sanctions have been placed on them by the United States.
  • And they accidentally shoot down a Ukrainian passenger plane with 176 people, mostly Iranian students.


Is it a wonder that the Iranian citizens are getting ticked.

Thousands of protesters, mostly students have taken to the streets. Their messages are not to the liking of the Mullahs. They including:

  • Shouting “Death to Islamic Republic dictatorship”
  • Calls for the Ayatollah to resign.
  • Tearing the pictures honoring Soleimani off the walls.
  • Women refuse to wear their hijabs
  • The refusal of Iranians to trample over giant flags of the United States and Israel and booing those who do.


The Iranian government did its best to try to get its unhappy citizens to love them again. By shooting them with tear gas and, allegedly, live rounds. Once again, am Iranian protest will lead to the deaths of its citizens by a brutal dictatorship.

President Trump, who openly supports the protesters, released the following Tweet after it was reported that the conflicts had turned violent:

Then, just to add oil to the fire, the lone female Olympic medalist, Kimia Alizadeh, decided to defect to Europe, protesting the treatment of women by the government.

The 2016 bronze medalist in tae kwon do stated that she hopes to find herself in the United States one day. Ouch!

The Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) are struggling to find a new narrative to make Trump the villain in all this. It’s not going well for them.

Nancy Pelosi, this weekend was asked a simple question about whether or not it was a good thing that protesters were calling for the end of the Mullahs in Iran. She tip-toed around the question like a ballerina. Listen:

Of course, she never answered the question. If she said, “yes,” that would go against the appeasement that the Iranian Nuclear Deal the Obama administration still say is working.

If she said, “no,” she would look like she was supporting a terrorist, oppressive, dictatorial regime. Talk about being between a rock and a hard place.

But noticed she almost said what she was thinking: if Soleimani wouldn’t have been killed, tensions wouldn’t have escalated, Iran wouldn’t have needed air defense and that plane wouldn’t have been shot down.

In other words: Orange Man Bad.

Democrats are struggling to find a narrative that makes this a loss for Trump even if it means defending a tyrannical, terrorist regime.

I’m finishing an audio book now calledĀ Debunking Howard ZinnĀ by Mary Graber. The book talking about revisionist history and how it is used to change the way people see the United States. We’ll spend a Sunday on that book and how we see history in day-to-day life.



Is This Thing Ever Going to Go Away




Congresswoman Cardi?

So, last week, after Qessem Soleimani was killed, Cardi B, the former stripper and prostitute, decided to leave this country for Nigeria because Trump is a bad man. They were willing to take her.

She must have heard that Nigeria has high crime, poverty, oppresses women, high pollution and constant war (in other words, it’s a crap hole) decided to step back from leaving the United States.

Instead, she decided that with her vast experience as a stripper, hooker and rapper, she should consider a run for Congress. She Tweeted:

But she does have one problem that she needs to resolve before her run. She Tweeted:

She may be lacking an edu-ma-cation and, like, don’t speak no good, like, but she knows how to ax questions good.

She supports Bernie Sander (what a shock such a mental giant supports him). Of course, Bernie embraced it so much, he held an interview with it:

Unfortunately, she is acting like a typical politician and flip-flopping. Listen to her go off on the government and where her taxes are going:

Genius. And she’s voting for Bernie Sanders who wants to raise taxes from 60% to 90%.

You know what’s sad? After she gets her 8th grade diploma, she’ll run and probably win. She still will be smarter than AOC.
