
Episode 143

The primaries are today and this could be Bernie’s death knell. I’ll be watching the primaries as I record and give you updates as they come in. The stock market is going off the rails and Trump has a plan to keep the economy on track. The corona virus is keeping everyone on their toes while the media continues to blame the President. And Alabama does the right thing!


The Primaries

This is being called Super Tuesday 2.0. There are 352 delegates up for grabs from states including Michigan. Washington, North Dakota, Mississippi, Missouri, Idaho,

Bernie is way down. He is down by 25 points in Michigan which has the majority of the delegates. This is the end of Bernie.

And Bernie can’t stay out of his own way. He is still promoting socialism. He still is promoting these hugely expensive programs without providing any way to pay for them and he is still defending tyrants like the President of China and Cuba’s Castro.

And he did this on a Town Hall hosted by Fox News. Incredible. He’s done and can expect to get thoroughly defeated tonight paving the way for a Biden nomination.

Biden will win because he’s decided to run on a moderate position. He’s going to bring sanity and calm to the White House.

Here’s the problem with that: Biden isn’t sane or calm. He got into a fight with a Michigan auto worker in Michigan, in a state he needs to win, over the Second Amendment. It’s hard to hear but, let’s just say, there was a lot of cussing. Listen:

There are a couple of problems with this:

  • This is a union worker and you’re challenging and cussing at him. Does that sound like a good idea?
  • You’re telling your staff, who is trying to protect you, to shush. Good idea?
  • He is against the Second Amendment. He is going to have Beto O’Rourke run the gun control program. Robert said he wanted police to smash in doors to take away our guns.
  • It is illegal to have a magazine that hold 100 rounds.That leads to:
  • The Second Amendment is NOT ABOUT hunting. It’s about protecting out rights from a tyrannical government. And that type of government is growing in this country.
  • There is no such thing as an AR-14.
  • And AR-15s are not machine guns!


This guy is dangerous for Trump. I can see Trump losing which is why it is important for Trump to shut up.


How the President is Dealing with It






Corona Virus Update





Episode 137 Show Notes

Joe Biden blows out the competition on Saturday paving the way to a hot Super Tuesday. Last week, Senate Democrats proved they are what we knew they were. Bernie Sanders is, not only be a communist, but kind of a perv. Pretty much proving my previous statement. And the coronavirus hits the United States hard.


Sleepy, Creepy Joe Finds Gold

Joe Biden has destroyed the field in the South Carolina, beating Bernie Sanders by 30%.

These numbers are soft numbers since everything isn’t in but the results are pretty solid:

  1. Sleepy, Creepy Joe – 48.4%
  2. Comrade Sanders – 19.9%
  3. Tom Steyer – 11.3%
  4. Mayor Pete – 8.2%
  5. Chief Elizabeth – 7.1%
  6. Amy Klobachar – 3.1%
  7. And who cares about everyone else?


So this was a big deal for Biden. He needed to win and win big and will end up with close to all of the 54 delegates.

This also makes the contest interesting. Candidates are going to have to make some decisions, or just be the sociopaths they really are and continue doing their thing, though it will go nowhere, and stay in the race.

So here are some things that may really affect the race.

  • Michael Bloomberg doesn’t have any fire. He’s not going anywhere. Bloomberg is a moderate. So is Biden. If Bloomberg wants Biden to have any chance and doesn’t want Bernie to win the nomination, Then he should pull out now and put his full backing on Joe Biden. Bloomberg will be on the ballot for Super Tuesday, but if he fully backs Biden, his voting base should switch over to Biden.
  • Steyer has already given up after the South Carolina primary. I think his base will move to Biden since Steyer is no fan of socialism.
  • Amy Klobachar should also give up the ghost. She has no traction. Her supporters will easily move to Biden.
  • Elizabeth Warren is done. In fact, the longer she stays in the race the more of a liar she looks. If she resigns, her supporters will fall into Comrade Bernie’s camp and he may look well on her. Chief Warren wants to be Bernie’s VP.
  • Mayor Pete, who is a closet radical, still purports to be a moderate. And I think he has fooled his supporters. If he drops out, his supporters will probably go to Biden.


So far, none of this has happened. Only Steyer has dropped out. And that’s because all the Democratic candidates are narcissistic sociopaths. These guys are all going to stay in through Super Tuesday.

Biden and Bloomberg will split votes and Bernie will make a bee-line right up the middle. Bernie will make out like a bandit on Super Tuesday taking a ton of delegates including over 400 from California.

At that point, the Democratic primary will be over and Comrade Bernie will be the Democratic Presidential candidate.




The is the Definition of Evil

On Tuesday, Democrats in the U.S. Senate blocked a bill that would have required clinics and hospitals to provide basic medical treatment to infants born alive after failed abortions. Democrats tried to position the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act as a radical assault on the bodily autonomy of women and an intrusion of the government into medical decisions, but it was nothing of the sort. This is a bill authored by Ben Sasse.

Congress finds the following:


Speaking of Evil

Now that Bernie Sanders is about to take the Democratic nomination, people are going to start looking at past statements he has made. He has been in politics for 40 years so why he wasn’t vetted before remains a mystery. Well, not really.

In 1972, Sanders, who was about 106 years old then wrote:

“A man goes home and masturbates his typical fantasy. A woman on her knees, a woman tied up, a woman abused. A woman enjoys intercourse with her man — as she fantasizes being raped by 3 men simultaneously.”

He added later: “Do you know why the newspapers with the articles like ‘Girl 12 raped by 14 men’ sell so well? To what in us are they appealing?”

When confronted about it by Chuck Todd of MSNBC, Sanders said:

“This is a piece of fiction that I wrote in 1972, I think. That was 43 years ago. It was very poorly written,” Sanders told Todd.

“If you read it, it was dealing with gender stereotypes. Why some men like to oppress women. Why other women like to be submissive. You know, something like ‘Fifty Shades of Grey.’ Very poorly written. Forty-three years ago,” he added.

In another essay, called “The Revolution Is Life Versus Death,” Sanders repeatedly criticizes traditional modes of sexual “decency” and morality, including when it comes to children:

“In Vermont, at a state beach, a mother is reprimanded by Authority for allowing her 6-month-old daughter to go about without her diapers on. Now, if children go around naked, they are liable to see each other’s sexual organs, and maybe even touch them. Terrible thing! If we bring children up like this it will probably ruin the whole pornography business, not to mention the large segment of the general economy which makes its money by playing on people’s sexual frustrations.”

This essay, which is short and available below, is the ridding of norms so the people can revolt against the “hum-drum” life of the working class citizen. It not only talks about sexual freedom, but the oppression of the government and moral values, the evils of war and the virtues of the commune and collectivism.

This is sick stuff. And since the Democrats do not like Bernie, expect this stuff is going to come up. Also expect Bernie to come out unapologetic.



Coronavirus Update

Here are the updates for the corona virus:

  • There are 85,000 confirmed world wide.
  • 2900 people have died.
  • The United States has had 1 confirmed death (Washington State)  and 2 cases that have unknown origins. That means that these people did not travel and no one knows how these two got infected.
  • Deaths have also hit Thailand and Australia.
  • Flights have been suspended to and from Italy and President Trump has ordered travel bans.
  • The World Health Organization says the outbreak has reached the “highest level” of risk for the world, with the director-general warning it can go in “any direction.”
  • The Dow Jones has lost about 4000 points this week mainly due to concerns about supply lines and all the unknowns of the virus.
  • The CDC and the government are dealing with medical supply shortages, including masks.
  • The United States government is voting on a bill that would allow between $2.4 billion (Trump administration) and $8 billion (the House).



On a funnier note,




Episode 141 –

The waters are calming after Super Tuesday. We still don’t know everything thanks to the incompetence of California. But we do know that Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders are neck-in-neck.

So what do you think? Bernie or Joe? Grabien has an opinion and the Huffington Post is kicking off the new Democratic narrative.

Finally, Chuck Schumer sticks his foot in it.


Bernie Gets Burned

Super Tuesday was not good for Bernie.

Joe Biden won all but four states taking a 627-551 delegate lead. That will change because the tally in California isn’t complete.

This is going to be a contested convention because neither will reach the 1991 delegates needed.












Episode 134 Show Notes

President Trump uses his power to free some friends in a move that might signal future moves. President Obama touts all his “successes” while he was President and gets lit up. We could be seeing the beginning of the end for the Boy Scouts of America. And I saw all four XFL games this weekend. Eh….


Not Sure This Was a Good Move

Donald Trump has decided to pardon or commute the sentences of several convicted felons. Those people might sound familiar. Here’s the list:

  • Michael Milken – Sentenced to 10 years for racketeering, securities fraud and other charges. Fined $600 million but is worth $3.8 billion.
  • Rod Blagojevich – Served in the Illinois House of Representatives. Conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud. Set to serve 14 years. If you don’t remember him, he tried selling a seat in the Senate opened from the newly elected President Barrack Obama. Not sure of this one.

Were these good releases. Yeah, if you look at the crime versus the judgement.

Let’s look at each.

  • There’s a reason why Presidents wait until the end of their terms to release people. But I think this is a prelude to Trump letting Roger Stone go. I don’t think it’s a good look.




Face Moded

So Barrack Obama made a Trump-style claim on Twitter this week saying:

James Woods, one of my favorite Tweeters and back from some time off of Twitter, blasted Obama’s Tweet. The former actor said:


Of course, Trump reacted immediately. He posted this on Twitter:

Then, I think Trump had a little time to think about it and he released a far more detailed statement:

He’s absolutely correct.



Doesn’t Really Sound Like a Conspiracy





















Episode 133 Show Notes –

The Nevada caucuses are this week but it seems the race for the Democratic nominee is between only two people. Trump should just be dancing into his next four years. But, like most who are way ahead, he is working to lose it.

Let’s take a look at the Democratic field and how Trump can beat them.


The Front Runner

So far, the front runner for the nomination looks like it is going to be Bernie Sanders.

He tied in Iowa, won in New Hampshire and has a 7 point lead in the nation including a lead in Nevada. He is followed by Biden (who could be done if he doesn’t have a great showing), Warren, Steyer, Buttigieg and Klobachar.

Bernie is looking more and more like he is going to be the nominee which is scaring the Democrats. His message od socialism combined with no apparent plan for any of his policies is going to be a feast for Donald Trump.

Yeah, Trump will eat his lunch if he tries to pull that crap during a debate. All Bernie offers when he is questions are platitudes. He has no idea how he’s going to pay for any of this. Well, he does. Through 65-90% tax rates on all Americans. That’s how he’s going to do it.

But Bernie has another problem. His supporters. They’re crazy, as you saw last week.

In Carson City, Nevada, Bernie’s speech was interrupted by topless dairy industry protesters. It was embarrassing for Bernie. : Listen:

This is the problem Bernie Sanders has. His core support is so radical, so out in left field, that when he gets into a general election, regular America is not going to want anything to do with this. It’s just too crazy.

And, what’s worse, this garbage isn’t going to stop when he wins the nomination.




The True Competition

The only one who stands a chance against Bernie, and might actually give Donald Trump a run in 2020, is Michael Bloomberg.

He has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on campaign ads and is showing up everywhere for rallies. He is flooding the media with his face.

But he’s running into problems with all the other candidates. This is an old white guy, worth $60 billions, who is really short, that is buying his way into the nomination. This message is completely different from what the other candidates are saying. They are demonizing billionaires. And that’s why I think Bloomberg will fade into the dust eventually. Especially when he gets attacked on some of the things he was caught saying.

Listen to this he said about the stop-and-frisk policy in New York while he was a mayor. He supported stop-and-frisk as I think any normal person should have. Because it worked.

This week, he’s been nailed with two more “scandals” and I think they are more serious. One is where he apparently told a pregnant newly wed to kill the baby so she could keep working. She sued, he settled. And, apparently, this wasn’t the only incident. If there are a bunch more, this is going to come out. And it will not help him.

And then, Monday, a video was released of him at a presser saying that farming was so easy anyone could learn it. Just dig a hole, put a seed in the hole, cover, water and, wallah, corn!

Oh, God. Not a smart thing to say. Also, not true. I am pretty sure Mike Bloomberg would go broke if he became a farmer. I know I would.

All this crap was in the last week. I’m pretty sure we’re going to hear more. Bloomberg doesn’t have a chance.




The False Competition

These are the dead that just refuse to die. They actually think they have a chance still. Well, they don’t.

  • Pete Buttigieg – Trying to mix moderation with radicalism. Just said the illegal aliens should have health insurance. And, the Bible belt just found out he’s gay and married to a man. That doesn’t even touch on the fact the people of his own city hate him. Good for him with Iowa and New Hampshire. Reality will hit in Nevada and South Caroline. Super Tuesday will do him in.
  • Amy Klobachar – The real moderate of the group. Which is why the Left base hates her. Talks funny, looks funny and combs her hair with a comb. Not a chance though she is the most moderate in the group.
  • Tom Steyer – Projected to do well in Nevada but the climate change debate only goes so far. He might get a delegate though.
  • Tulsi Gabbard – Really hot but only holding 0% of the vote. Ciao!


I’m sure I’m missing someone but who cares.


Good Night, My Prince and Princesses

There were two candidate left in the Democratic race that really had a chance. Then, the public realized one is a stone cold liar and the other died eighteen months ago.

Elizabeth Warren is the best and she’s done. She lies so much, it’s just funny.I would have loved to see her go against Trump. He would have destroyed and it would have been hysterical.

Well, we have a couple of weeks left. And she is the epitome of the Pander Bear. Don’t be shocked if she calls herself a Native America, transgender Muslim lesbian woman from Somalia. It’s going to happen.

As I said before: Rest in Peace Joe Biden. I’m pretty sure Biden’s campaign is a Weekend at Bernie’s. Right now, he has the dumbest supported putting his hand up Biden’s butt and making him say things. The problem is Biden’s dentures keep slipping.

Listen to this:

My God. Why?

Listen to this:

Nothing more to say. RIP Sleepy Creepy Joe.












Socialism Sucks!

The cat is out of the bag! Let’s talk about socialism.


Thank Goodness She’s Dumb!














Episode 121 Show Notes – Do You See the Difference?

The Women’s March was this weekend and know seemed to have known about it. Pro-Second Amendment protesters showed up in Virginia, with guns and all, to protest Gov. Northam’s new laws banning guns in certain areas. The media and celebrities spread lies. And Cocaine Mitch has released the impeachment rules.


What If You Held a Protest and No One Showed?

Carmen Perez, the only Women’s March “co-founder” left at the group after a purge of organizers earlier this year stemming from allegations of anti-Semitism within the Women’s March’s ranks, told USA Today that she hoped to see a re-energized group of marchers, but it doesn’t seem her hopes materialized.

The main march happened in Washington D.C., Chicago and Los Angeles. But the crowds didn’t materialize.

The Women’s March was organized to deal with three main issue areas: immigration, climate, and reproductive justice. But the message has been muddled. In Chicago, the issues seem to include fair wages for women and housing. But events also protested the imaginary war with Iran.

Perez says she believes that the country has “protest burnout.” Competing organization like MoveOn.org see to be taking their thunder.

But it seems that anti-Semitism has stained the organization.

That’s, apparently, by design. Perez is the only original Women’s March organizer that’s left after three top Women’s March officials — Linda Sarsour, Tamika Mallory, and Bob Bland — departed the organization following a pair of blockbuster reports revealing that Sarsour, Mallory, and Bland tolerated anti-Semitism in the organization’s highest ranks, and that Sarsour and Mallory actively aligned the Women’s March with the virulently anti-Semitic Nation of Islam.

Why I cover them is because they do some stupid things. Look at this clip when organizers in Washington D.C. tried to lead a dance and song (both in Spanish and English, of course). This performance was started with a kazoo (yeah, a kazoo) and initiated by a whistle.

Ugh, watch:




The Ruthless Violence That Never Happened

Gov. Ralph Northam, a Democrat, had declared a state of emergency late last week and beefed up security around the Capitol.

Pro-Second Amendment activist showed up, all legally carrying their firearms, in protest of the law.

Guess what happened? Absolutely nothing.

Well not nothing. They did carry American flags, the racists. The did carry the “Don’t Tread on Me” flag, the racists. They did say the Pledge of Allegiance, the racists. The sang the Star Spangled Banner, the racists. They carried their guns, the terrorists.

NBC reported this rally as a White Supremacist rally when Tweeting:

He wasn’t the only one.There were White Supremacists there. But they were few and quickly sent away. In fact, a groups was prevented from attending.

Intellectual actress, Alyssa Milano sounded out on Twitter:


Our politicians of the Left said the same thing. Listen to the lies coming out of her mouth in this diatribe in front of people who completely agree with her:

Couple of problems with what the intellectual AOC said:

  • Very few Confederate flags. 20:1 American flags over Confederate flags. When I was watching the videos, I didn’t see one Confederate flag.
  • Martin Luther King never wanted to overturn the Second Amendment. Or the Constitution at all. He just wanted people of color to be included.
  • Also on the race thing, the crowd was diverse. There were White, Blacks and Hispanics. This had nothing to do with race.
  • Freddie Gray died because the police were following the laws that Democrats put into law. Regulations are bad.
  • There’s no police officers at the protest? Yes, there were. They were supporting the protesters. And, if someone is going to do something bad, everyone is armed and can handle it. Compare that to a protest in a gun controlled state when Antifa is involved.


Listen, the Second Amendment was made to protect the First Amendment.

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

In other words, to protect us from tyranny, we need to be able to fight.


Do You See the Difference Between Protests on the Left and Right?








Episode 120 Show Notes – The Gloves are Off!

Impeachment is getting real as Trump gets some high profile names on his legal team. Right before the impeachment trial, Trump gets some more bad news. I guess it’s bad news. A jerk from the NFL acts like a jerk at the NCAA Men’s Football Championship and gets an arrest warrant for his jerkiness. And the Dodger got screwed…twice.


He Knows How to Pick a Dream Team

Trump added some major players to his legal staff. They include:

  • Kenneth Starr – Was the independant investigator during the Clinton impeachment.
  • Robert Ray – Replaced Kenneth Starr during the Clinton impeachment and wrote the final report on Clinton.
  • Alan Dershowitz – Harvard Law professor specializing in Constitutional law and defense attorney for OJ Simpson


Dershowitz is a liberal and voted for Hillary Clinton. He has also been implicated with Jeffry Epstein. Expect to hear his name being trashed by the media.

The three will join White House Counsel Pat Cipollone and Trump’s personal lawyer Jay Sekulow to represent Trump in the trial.

On Thursday, the Government Accountability Office issued its report on the White House temporarily freezing U.S. security aid allocated for Ukraine, concluding that President Trump violated the Impoundment Control Act by “substitut[ing] his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law.” Trump responded Friday morning by tweeting out a quote from Harvard Law’s Alan Dershowitz, who argues that the GAO has it “exactly backwards.”

Trump responded on Twitter:

Essentially, when Congress approves funds, the President must alert Congress and explain why he is withholding those funds. This act was passed in 1974 during the Nixon administration. Nixon was withholding funds that were approved by Congress that did not require the President’s signature. The law is meant to remove the President’s ability to impound funds for programs he did not approve.

Though the Democrats will point this out during the impeachment hearings, this is not an impeachable offense. If Congress discovered that funds they approved were withheld, they would take the President to court to force him to explain why the funds were withheld. So it is not considered a high crime or misdemeanor.

There is thought that, since the President did release the funds to Ukraine, the law does not apply.

There is also a question as to the law’s Constitutionality. It basically removes oversight from the President, especially if it goes against his policy, either foreign or domestic. And example would be if Congress approves from Iran and the President wants to stop it. That’s a loose example but that is the oversight a lot of scholars question and it has not been directly answered by the Supreme Court.

Finally, the “evidence” of Trump’s corruption comes from a guy named Lev Parness. Parness is a Ukrainian with a very checked history. He says that he has evidence, including text messages using WhatsApp with Republican Congressional candidate Robert Hyde

Parness says he worked with Rudy Giuliani and followed U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch because, he says, Trump didn’t like or trust her.

Democrats love him. He has been cruising MSNBC, CNN and other news outlets saying that he should testify in the impeachment hearings because he knows everything. Nancy Pelosi said he could be a very important witness.

Yeah. I think we’ve seen this movie before. This guy has some issues:

  • He’s under indictment in New York for corruption including forging paperwork.
  • Ukrainian officials said he is corrupt and no one should trust him.
  • Robert Hyde said he thought the text messages were a joke and doesn’t understand why they are being take seriously.
  • President Trump never met or spoke to him and the picture with him and Parness was a photo op.
  • Parness admits he never talked to Trump. He said he got messages from Giuliani.
  • His evidence are his own notes and the text messages. That’s it. No phone records or metadata or recordings. Just his notes.


The Democrats seem to always do this. They get the dregs of society like Michael Cohen and Michael Avenatti and parade them around like they have any legitimacy.

And it’s just getting started. Mark my words, this is going to get ugly.




Give the Kid a Break

LSU defeated Clemson on Monday to win the NCAA National Championship in football. And how do champions celebrate their victory? The light up cigars. That’s what they did. Most of them did it.

It’s odd but, OK, I’d do it.


You can imagine with everyone smoking cigars, there going to be a heck of a haze in the locker room.

Well, it’s illegal to smoke indoors in Georgia. The police gently warned the players to stop but the players thought the cops were joking.

It took the police threatening to arrest the players if they did not stop smoking. Odell Beckham Jr. smack a cop in the butt because he thought he was kidding.

Come on, man. Give the kids a break. They’re not shooting meth.



Dodgers Got Screwed!

Heads are rolling in Major League Baseball. There is a huge cheating scandal that involves the Houston Astros and Boston Red Sox.

These teams even cheated in the world series. Here’s a clip from Jomboy Media on YouTube showing how the Astros cheated.

Apparently what these teams did is use a camera in the outfield to steal the signs.There was a small monitor in the dugout. A player would then hit a trash can whenever the pitch was an off-speed pitch, which are harder to hit because of the speed change.

· Manager A.J. Hinch suspended for one year. Hinch was then fired by the Astros.
· GM Jeff Luhnow suspended for one year. Luhnow was then fired by the Astros.
· Former assistant GM Brandon Taubman suspended one year.
· Astros forfeit their first- and second- round draft picks the next two years.
· Astros fined $5 million, the maximum allowed under MLB‘s constitution.
– Alex Cora of the Red Sox has been fired
– Carlos Beltran of the Mets has been fired.

The Dodgers lost to both the Astros and Red Sox in the middle of this scandal.

The MLB has not decided what it is going to do with their world titles.



There’s Dialog?




Episode 119 – Let’s Get Ready to Rumble!

Who won, who lost and who does CNN like. The Articles of Impeachment are delivered to the Senate and they are wasting no time getting this thing on the road.


So, Who Won?

There were no big winners in last night’s debate and there were not the fireworks I was hoping to see three weeks before the Iowa caucuses.

The winners:

  1. Joe Biden – He still looks old but he didn’t gaff and should not lose any support.
  2. Amy Klobachar – She had strong points and looked like the real moderate.
  3. Bernie Sanders – The old commie just stuck to his guns. He won’t lose any supporters to Warren.
  4. Donald Trump – These guys all look terrible.
  5. Anyone who didn’t watch it – Pretty boring. Not as many fireworks that I hoped there would be.


The losers:

  1. Elizabeth Warren – She really needs to lay the pipe on Sanders and Biden but she always hold back. Probably the Indian thing.
  2. Pete Buttigieg – He failed to answer a few question and was forgettable. I think we might be seeing the beginning of the end for him. Klobachar also exposed his lack of experience.
  3. Tom Steyer – I can’t believe he spent so much money to have 1% and he sounded crazy.


Grag Gutfeld Tweeted right after the debate and it summed it all up:

There were some funny things that happened. Grabian released a montage of Joe Biden stumbling around. It’s pretty funny.

Yep, that’s the leading Democratic Presidential candidate. Trump will eat his lunch for him.

Bernie Sanders turned out to be CNN’s punching bag. Story of the leaked statement.

There was also a comical moment when Bernie and Warren. Warren, during a private meeting, said that Bernie Sanders told her a woman cannot win the Presidency.







Here We Go!

Nancy Pelosi has chosen her managers for the impeachment trial. They include

What a rambling speech. Notice she had to puts in the “impeachment last forever.” That’s because it’s going to lose in the Senate. The only victory she has is the impeachment.

There will be seven managers including Jerry Nadler and Adam Schiff. Adam Schiff will be the lead manager.

But the funniest moment was the Democrats walking the articles to the Senate and the reaction by the media. Grabian has a great montage.

Chances are high that there will be a trial. Republicans just don’t have enough votes to reach an immediate acquittal and I’m happy about that. I want to have a trial and let the dice roll. In fact I think it would be a shame if we never have one.

This is going to be a real hardship for Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobachar because they will need to stay during the trial when they should be on the campaign trail. I real don’t think it is going to make any difference.



More News






Episode 115 Show Notes – Looking Like a Genius

Iran has finally struck back against The United States for the killing of Qessem Soleimani. Sort of. Trump confirms that World War III has ended in about 72 hours, but it this really the end? Democrats continue to doom-say. And the media is doing yeoman’s work covering this and for making Iran and Soleimani look like heroes. .



Last night, Iran launched 22 ballistic missiles aimed at Iraqi bases holding American soldiers. Trump gathered his security council and watched for reports. He said he would address the nation after reports came in.

What was different about this attack was the missiles originated from Iran and they weren’t just rockets.

In total, eighteen missiles landed, four never detonated and there were casualties reported.

As the hours passed, there were no American casualties and reports stated there may not be any Iraqi casualties. Trump cancels his address to the nation. Instead, he Tweeted:

The Iranian ambassador also made announcement, again, via Twitter:

Then there was the Ayatollah:

This is why I wait 24 hours.

The next morning, we find that there were no casualties and the missiles did not hit any populated bases.

We also find out the Iran contacted Iraq and warned them that there was going to be an attack. Iraq contacted the United States and cleared the bases under attack.

Iran reported that 30 people were killed. The United States and reported that there were no casualties.




Trump made the following ten minute speech on Wednesday. Everyone could not wait:

There are a few things to look at with this speech.

We will remain strong and retaliate if Iran or any of its proxies kill Americans. This is huge.

The United States will place more sanctions on Iran for their attacks.

He has offered an olive branch and hopes for their success.

Trump did not tear Iran up or say how this was a set up or they were incompetent. This is big because Trump will give Iran the chance to save face.

Trump wants the rest of the world to realize that Iran is a menace.

Finally, World War III is over and Trump will deescalate.

This was one of his most important speeches in his Presidency and he hit it out of the park.

But is Iran now the eunuch we have always wanted them? Not at all. Here are some issues:

  • This could be a head-fake by Iran as pointed out by Dan Bongino. This could be to give Iran time to plan something big.
  • Iran will continue to poke at the United States with attacks. Trump has drawn a red line and he must make sure there will be consequences.
  • We need to monitor their nuclear program. It could be they are waiting to develop a nuclear bomb, creating a mutual assured destruction scenario (Dan Bongino).


I think the second scenario is most likely. I think this was an effort to save face. I also don’t think we’ve heard the end of them. I’m sure they will continue with their activities but distance themselves. These activities will avoid Americans and be smash-and-grab operations.

Iran has way too much to lose:

  • Iran’s army and revolutionary guard are huge. But that matters only in a ground war. Trump does not want a ground war.
  • Iran’s air force and navy are almost non-existent. It won’t take much to knock their military into the stone age.
  • Iran’s ballistic missiles are mobile and hard to hit, but their air defenses are way out of date.
  • Iran’s nuclear program may be a target. Our bunker buster bombs including the MOAB (Massive Ordinance Air Blast bomb) have proven extremely effective.
  • If we hit only a couple of Iran’s oil refineries, Iran’s economy would be toast.


Iran cannot have a relationship with the United States. I love Trump’s reaching out but it won’t happen.


Who’s Side Are You On, Anyway?

The press has been a disaster in this whole thing. Listen to this montage by Grabian actually mourning the loss of Qessem Soleimani:

When Soleimani was killed, we heard what kind of hero was killed and how Trump destabilized the Middle East and how they now hate us. Please.

When Iran made threats, they said that Trump is starting World War III. No, he was setting a precedence of deterrence.

Now that World War III is not happening, after a day, they are saying it was because of the reasonable leadership in Iran that countered our insane orange man.

Ugh. These guys are pushing propaganda.

