Is mental illness striking our children or is it something else.
Randy Newman may have been right when he sang about short people.
And everything is racist.
Where All This Leads
Before we get to some of the fun stuff, let’s go through something really scary.
According to the Christian Post:
Nearly 70% of Generation Z, people born between 1997 and 2012, say their mental health was adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, with 42% of adult members of the cohort reporting that they have been diagnosed with a mental health condition and many of them say they are worried about the future, a new study from data management firm Harmony Healthcare IT shows.
The study, which is based on a survey of 1,055 Gen Z members from the age of 18 to 24 in September, included 47% men, 45% women, 6% who identify as nonbinary, and 2% trans-identified individuals.
According to the report, some 57% of Gen Z adults struggling with their mental health reported taking medication to alleviate their condition and paying an average of $44 monthly.
The most frequently cited conditions were anxiety and depression which were reported by 90% and 78% of respondents, respectively.
The conditions that our latest, productive generation was broken down:
- ADHD, 27%.
- PTSD, 20%.
- OCD, 17%.
- Eating disorder 14%.
- Insomnia 12%.
- Less than 10% reported more diagnoses of bipolar disorder, addiction and substance abuse, and borderline personality disorder.
Researchers said:
“Nearly a third (31%) of Gen Zers said they would rate their overall mental health in 2022 as bad. When asked to describe their mental health over the period of one month, one out of four reported having more bad days than good. On average, Gen Z reported about 10 tough mental health days in the span of one month.”
So why do these people continue to vote and support the people that keep promoting these lockdowns that are hurting them?
The report continues:
“More than half (52%) said they feel uncomfortable discussing mental health with their boss. More than one in 10 Gen Zers admitted they have had a conversation with their boss about it, and while 91% of bosses were supportive, about one out of 10 (9%) were not.
“With the recent increase of quiet quitting (refusing to do more than what your job description requires), Gen Z are making sure to take care of their mental health on the job. More than three in five (62%) have taken a mental health day off school or work. In the first eight months of 2022, Gen Z has taken an average of three mental health days to recuperate.”
Do you really wonder why Gen Z of quitting? Are they lazy? No, they are victims.
The article continues:
According to the report, Gen Z also spends an average of four hours daily on social media, particularly YouTube and many have made a connection to their poor mental health and social media. More than half, 57%, said they had to take a break from social media for their mental health while another 36% reported that they deleted their social media to protect their mental health.
They are also afraid for their future. The report continues:
“Gen Z is worried about the future. Nearly 90% of Gen Z does not feel like their generation has been set up for success, and 75% feel they have a disadvantage compared to other generations.”
I do want to point one thing out before I analyze this article. The average Gen Z-er pays $200 a month on drugs and therapy.
I have some thoughts about this:
- We, as a society, are filling our children with despair. When I say we, I mean parents and society.
- The death of the nuclear family.
- The loss of religion.
- Our children have no moral foundation, no one to look up to look up to because there is no family and an inability to learn how to work within a community.
- Because of the “everyone gets a trophy” world we live in right now, all our kids think they are special and become depressed when they realize they might not be as they grow up.
- Society s adding to the problem. They are pushing some pretty terrible things.
- Climate change.
- Pandemics.
- The country is terrible.
- Oppressor versus victimhood.
- Our kids are told they can never accomplish anything because everything is against them and all our institutions tell them this.
- Schools.
- Legacy media.
- Hollywood.
- Politics.
- There’s nothing to be happy about. Even our holidays are terrible and evil.
- Social media.
- Every human needs contact with other humans. Social media fakes that and people are surprised when our kids feel lonely.
- It has become the parents of the children. They “learn” to be social through social media instead of parents.
- A lot of this has to do with the medical and big pharma.
- There is big money in psychological treatment.
- There is big money in drug.
- There isn’t a dime in proclaiming that someone is fine and just should get some exercise and get off the phone.
- There is a ton of over diagnoses.
- PTSD, really? I thought only people who were in war or suffered form extreme traumatic events suffered PTSD. Now to suffer this, we just need to be bullied.
- OCD and ADHD could be simply a child or young adult with tons of energy.
- Insomnia? When have kids ever slept. I never did but wasn’t diagnosed with anything. But this also might have a lot to do with the despair created from out schools, the media, Hollywood and social media.
- Things like addiction and identity disorders seem like they should be far more prevalent since every boy wants to be a girl. But this is considered normal.
Our children are suffering from a mental health crisis. But the roots of the crisis are not going to be fixed by drugs of a greedy medical and pharma corporations. They are going to be fixed by fixing our society and institutions. Fixing the family. Finding religion. That’s what is going to fix it.
Running Out of Things That Are Racist
‘Shark Week’ lacks diversity, overrepresents men named Mike, scientists say by Danial Wu.
Let’s start:
“Why would I know I could do that?” Whitenack said. “I don’t come from a family of scientists. I didn’t see very many people that looked like me on television.”
I usually say, “Look at the size of that thing!” but to each his own.
Whitenack, now a biology professor at Allegheny College in Meadville, Pa., found her way into shark research anyway. When the pandemic lockdowns came in 2020, she saw an opportunity to study the source of her old misconceptions. Was “Shark Week” feeding audiences the wrong messages about sharks — and who studies them?
Whitenack led a team of researchers to examine hundreds of “Shark Week” episodes that aired between 1988 and 2020. In a study published last month by the Public Library of Science, their research claims that Discovery’s programming emphasized negative messages about sharks, lacked useful messaging about shark conservation and overwhelmingly featured White men as experts — including several with the same name.
The programming featured more White experts and commentators named “Mike” than women, said David Shiffman, a conservationist at Arizona State University who was a co-author of the study.
“When there are hundreds of people of color interested who work in this field, [and] when my field is more than half women, maybe it’s not an accident anymore that they’re only featuring White men,” Shiffman said.
So, let me get this straight:
- This broad likes sharks.
- The only thing she got out of Shark Week is there are a lot of white men.
- She goes to college and gets a degree in biology.
- She uses her degree to do a sociological study?
- What happened to the sharks?
Here’s the problem, because this gal is a scientist, Wu fooled into believing her study is also scientific when, in fact, there’s nothing scientific about her study.
Later in the article:
Whitenack’s study found that the trend persisted throughout almost all of the television event’s history. Over 90 percent of the 229 experts featured in 201 “Shark Week” episodes were White, the study found, and about 78 percent were men.
Carlee Bohannon, a marine biologist and co-founder of Minorities in Shark Sciences, praised the study for putting numbers to her and her colleagues’ long-standing concerns about diversity in both the media and shark science. When Bohannon founded her organization with three other Black scientists in 2020, it was the first time any of them had met other Black women in their field.
You know what never comes up in this article? What is the percentage of black marine biologists studying sharks? I would bet my left arm it is less than 10%. For some reason, Leftists feel the need to have every occupation be made up of mostly women and blacks. I won’t even say people of color. It’s blacks. You never see one of these articles complaining that there aren’t enough Mexican researchers.
According to a separate diversity study co-written by Shiffman, more than half of the members of the American Elasmobranch Society, an academic group supporting the study of sharks and other fish, are women, but over 70 percent of the group’s leadership positions have been held by men. Women in marine sciences can also face a misogynistic culture, marine biologist Catherine Macdonald wrote in Scientific American in 2020.
Alright, why? Why is the leadership made up of 70%? Are those men unqualified? Are the women within the group qualified?
“Misogynistic culture”? Give e an example of all the misogyny in marine biology.
I want to point out there are three female marine biologists mention in this article. All we know is most studying sharks are white men named Mike. None of these biologists have done any studies on sharks. Lisa Whitnack has spent her entire career, so far, writing about diversity in marine biology. That’s not science and has nothing to do with studying sharks. It’s sociology, which isn’t a science. These people doing these stupid studies wonder why they don’t have a leadership position in the scientific community?
“‘Shark Week’ further concentrates power (in the form of publicity and media attention) in the hands of white male ‘featured scientists,’ exacerbating academic power imbalances,” Macdonald wrote.
In the latest study, Whitenack and the other researchers also found that more “Shark Week” episodes included stories of attacks and other fearmongering messaging than positive language describing sharks as “awe-inspiring” or ecologically important, which the study called a missed opportunity.
Here’s a news flash: Shark Week is a series of televisions shows about sharks. You know why you’ll never see Whitnack or any of these other broads on the show? Because none of them study sharks. This is all stupid.
Short People Got No Reason
This is great.
According to the Daily Mail:
With #ShortKingSpring trending on social media earlier this year, it would seem the trope of ‘tall, dark and handsome’ for the perfect man has had its day.
Heartthrobs Joe Jonas and Tom Holland, both 5’8″, are often seen proudly walking on the red carpet with their taller significant others Sophie Turner and Zendaya.
But scientists say those looking for a vertically-challenged partner may need to proceed with caution.
It gets better, I promise:
Its lead author Monika Kozłowska, from the University of Wrocław in Poland, said: ‘When people cannot be physically formidable, they may become psychologically formidable instead.
‘Shorter people with traits such as psychopathy can use them to demand respect, impose costs on others and impress romantic partners.
‘Appearing more powerful may in turn make other people perceive them as taller than they really are.’
So far, all this seems like kind of a reach. Short people have a tendency to be psychotic?
She continues with an example:
This is a domineering or aggressive attitude displayed by shorter people compensating for their lack of height.
It is named after the French leader Napoleon Bonaparte, who was reported to be either 5’2″ or 5’7″ in different historical accounts and mocked by British newspapers for his height during the French Revolution.
He was also portrayed by his enemies to be an angry man who sought power and war, and his alleged smaller stature was linked to these characteristics.
Ms Kozłowska wanted to see if there was a connection between men deemed shorter than average, and displaying the ‘dark triad’ personality traits.
These are psychopathy — defined by lack of empathy and antisocial behaviour; narcissism — a self-centred personality style; and Machiavellianism — demonstrating manipulation and indifference towards morality.
Isn’t this a type of Ablism? Not very woke.
So, here’s how she did the study:
Researchers surveyed 367 men and women using the ‘dirty dozen’ dark triad questionnaire, where participants were asked how strongly they agree with phrases such as ‘I tend to manipulate others to get my way’.
From the responses, they were given a score that indicated how strongly they demonstrated psychopathy, narcissism and Machiavellianism.
Each participant also had to disclose their height, as well as indicate how satisfied they were with their height and how frequently they felt this way about it.
The results showed shorter participants of both sexes who wished to be taller tended to score more highly for all three dark triad traits.
However, narcissism was particularly strong with male participants in this category, while this trend was non-existent for women.
Study has some holes in it. She is going to determine psychopathy and narcissism with a questionnaire?
And narcissism among women is non-existent? Really? What about Imelda Marcos, Hilary Clinton, Megan Markle and, hell, me ex-wife? Those people seem a tad narcissistic and sociopathic to me.
Let’s take a look at some sociopaths throughout history and their heights:
- Hitler – 5’9″
- Lenin – 5’5″
- Mussolini – 5’7″
- Stalin – 5’5″
- Mao – 5’11”
- Xi – 5’11”
- Fidel Castro – 6’3″
- Donald Trump – 6’4″
- Barrack Obama – 6’2″
- Ted Bundy – 5’10”
- John Wayne Gacy – 5’9″
I don’t the narcissism, desire for power and psychopathy is determined by height. Looks like anyone is susceptible to it.
By the way, I’m 5’7″.